#remix 3 (ds)
dullahandyke · 6 months
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puppys-rhythm-heaven · 7 months
ds' remixes are great but they're also really funny to me when it comes to their themes like. remix 2, 3, 4 and 7 all have consistent, identifiable themes (tropical, whatever "spaghetti western" is, love/romance/however you describe it, and clouds respectively). remix 1, 5, 6 and 9 retexture most of their games but i have no idea what their themes are. and remix 8 doesn't bother at all-
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afklancelot · 10 months
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Watch the male lizard practice his new rhythms.
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retro-system · 1 year
oh the next wave comes out next week yippeeee!!!!
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giant-goldfish · 2 years
genuinely nothing can fix my mood like watch the male lizard practice his new rhythms
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bpgpfesyi · 3 months
The Stepswitchers have been confirmed to be 3 different colors, red/pink (Lockstep), green (DS Remix 6) and blue (Lockstep 2). Using these three colors, you could theoretically have them gather in such a way that you could display just about anything when zoomed out.
Lockstep can run Doom, I rest my case.
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moltengarnet · 4 months
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The World Ends With You & The World Ends With You: Final Remix (aka TWEWY)
TWEWY for Nintendo DS is my favorite JRPG. It’s not super long, it has really unique controls and mechanics, the music and art are fantastic, and I loved the story. It got an okay rerelease for the Switch in Final Remix, and later got a sequel called Neo: The World Ends With You.
I haven’t beaten Neo yet but it’s also good, just maybe not as fun to play. I beat the original at least 3 times though.
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greetings-inferiors · 2 months
What game do you think most deserves a remake?
Any game ever? Kingdom hearts 358/2 days. That game is on the ds and it's still the best non numbered (i.e. 1,2,3, I get it is technically numbered but shut up) kingdom hearts game. It's a CRIME that only the cutscenes were added to HD 1.5 ReMix, especially since one of the things that made the narrative so compelling is that the cutscenes were the reward after a hard day of working missions. The cutscene collection is just the reward without any of the buildup, it sucks. It's fine I guess if you want to just experience days, but the actual game is SO FUCKING GOOD. I'd kill for a days remake. Giving it kh3-ish combat would solve one of the only problems with the game, the boring combat. I don't want them to add mission mode or the non-roxas playable characters, because I want them to focus on the main story, and the consequence of having about 20 playable characters is that every weapon has exactly one combo and it gets boring fast. KEEP THE PANEL SYSTEM THOUGH IT'S SO GOOD.
The only downside to a days remake is that there are certain scenes where Roxas visits places Sora had once been, and on the bottom screen you control Sora at the same time as controlling Roxas on the top screen, and like yeah I guess you could just cut to Sora but it's way less immersive. Still very much worth losing that one thing and getting a remake of one of the best kingdom hearts games, but still.
The only other kingdom hearts games that I'd want remakes for is kh2 (just to fix the disney worlds mainly. They're so distractingly awful compared to the rest of the game and the rest of the series) and Union cross (it's a bloody mobile game that no one's ever played with possibly the most important story in the series. At least the damo279 fandub is PHENOMENAL.)
Other games I want remakes for...
Persona 4, Persona 3 reload is absolutely phenomenal and I think that fixing persona 4's combat (every dungeon is a palace???) as well as all the other small things they could add could very well make it the best game of all time. Also you could call it Persona 4 Rewind and that's really funny
I'd love to see an omega ruby alpha sapphire level remake for pokemon Black and White, maybe even including black 2 and white 2. They've definitely got the best story of a mainline pokemon game (scarlet and violet's gets better, but it's only really the last few hours that are good) and I'd love to see them get a proper loving remake.
Last thing: Chibi Robo. I've never played it, but I've heard nothing but good things and the concept is FANTASTIC. Having a open world (but in reality it's just the whole house) Chibi robo game would be incredible. It's the most unlikely (okay maybe kh2 is more unlikely) one but I just think it'd be really good.
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superthatguy62 · 3 months
top 5 ffs?
Oh, hello.
Just as a warning, I have yet to go through the post 5 FF games to a significant degree, so I'll be including some spinoffs:
5: Final Fantasy Explorers
I haven't played... well, any Monster Hunter-type games, so FFE was my first taste of it, and you know what? I enjoyed it. I played it on single-player, so it was essentially "Beastmaster: The Game" and the bosses were still fun enough. Also it probably has one of my top 5 favorite Big Bridge remixes and some of the music (particularly the general boss theme and Odin's theme) are highlights for me.
4: Final Fantasy Tactics
It clears the 'higher-than-you'd-expect' hurdle of me being able to actually play a decent amount of a strategy game and is generally fun to boot. I got up to Chapter 3 before the random encounters started kicking my ass enough to discourage me from continuing (though the fights towards the end of chapter 2 really tested my patience), though said encounters didn't help by me playing the PSP version with its magic/animation slowdown. By all accounts, I should probably go for the GBA/DS games since those lack permadeath (albeit with a very different tone plotwise), but I still intend to try out the PS1 version of the first game and hopefully not grind myself into a corner.
3: Final Fantasy 2
Yes, this. FF2's 'quirky' and 'complicated', but I dig the story, the gameplay once your characters actually get built up and just general setting. It's also to read the supplementry material and other notes on what could have been: It really shows that the devs were putting some thought into the story and its a shame how some elements didn't translate properly. It's the type of game where it gets better the more you know of how it works. That said the dungeon design alone holds this back fiercely, especially in the PSP's Arcane Labyrinth (Darkness floor, my beloathed). Speaking of which, the bonus content for this game is probably some of the better such content of these re-releases.
2: Final Fantasy 3
Wow, what a surprise.
FF3 is basically the video game equivalent of "it could be that deep" in my eyes. Because you don't have any of those fancy "Materias", "GFs", Magicites" or even abilities to carry over like in FFV and FFT, you need to team build your way through whatever the game throws at you. Again, FF3 is one of those games that gets better when you have more an idea of what to expect: Getting thrown into a mini-dungeon early on is annoying, but its less so when you have mages prepared ahead of time to either magic their way through or play "pass the Fire Rod that the devs conveniently added". The world isn't fully developed, but the nuggets you can find are interesting, especially the whole duality concept and the existence of the World of Darkness.
But this is also the same guy who has spent however many years obsessing over this game, so you know. Feel free to add some salt to this opinion.
As for why this isn't higher, it's because my image of this game has been ruined by my obsession, and there I feel there is no "definitive" version. All three versions are playable (yes, even the remake) and enjoyable (yes, even the remake), but all have enough pros and cons that I can't fully say one is better than the others. It's the kind of game that feels like it has yet to reach its full potential and I unfortunately don't think there are many people, at least in the west, who would care even if it did. 3's always been the overshadowed game. After all, FF5 is right there. And, oh hey, speaking of...
1: Final Fantasy 5:
Not quite a basic answer, but still a not-uncommon one, I feel. I was very late to the FF5 party, only playing it when the PR came out and not even experiencing it through osmosis like I did with FF6, and while my obsession with 3 means that it will never overcome that bias, I can easily see why people consider it to be the gameplay peak of the Nintendo-era, if not 6. It builds on what 1 and 3 started and the job combos can be fun to play with. That said, I'll admit that part of my ranking it so high is a particularly impressive mod known as "Custom Classes", which allows you to swap out basically all of the commands, meaning that you can carry over more than one skill between jobs. I haven't finished a full playthrough of CC yet, but between that and the reasons I gave for FF3, I'll be willing to give the edge to 5 over it.
Also, 5 gave us Gilgamesh and ExDeath (and indirectly eScape, and therefore The Twinning).
Honorable Mentions:
Dissidia (012): I don't know how to feel about this game. Settingwise: I love the ways it expands the FF1 mythos, but I hate how WoL is a manikin and what that implies for the rest of the FF1 party. It gave me my favorite portrayal of Garland, but it also gave me Onion Knight, whom I resent for sidelining Luneth's party in later crossovers. Even gameplaywise, I like the general gameplay, at least on paper, but I think I get far frustrated with it more than I would with a normal fighting game. Yet, I keep playing or get the urge to keep playing. Maybe it deserves to be on the list? Maybe it doesn't?
Final Fantasy VIII: I haven't gotten far in FFVIII (I finished the Dollet mission) but what I've played so far feels promising as far as my first PS1-era FF goes (some perfectionism on my part aside). Junctioning is an 'interesting' mechanic, but I think I like it. I need to get the hang of Triple Triad, but I can understand how people get hooked on it.
Final Fantasy Dimensions: Albeit with the mother of all asterisks: This is here mostly for the 'idea' than the execution right now. Like the other FFT games, I do have it ready for play, I just haven't gotten around to it, because when I play games on my phone, it's usually the gatchas that I'm stockholm syndrome'd to playing right now and it's rare for me to not be playing at least 2 at a time. At some point I do want to get around to actually playing it, but until it gets like a steam release or something, it'll be one of those "get to it eventually" type games.
Final Fantasy: Admittedly, it has been ages since I played through FF1 (relatively speaking) compared to every other game on this list aside from FFE, so I don't know how much mention it merits. But I'll put it here anyway.
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game-boy-pocket · 4 months
Happy New Year.
It was a pretty good year for my gaming hobby and being a Nintendo fan. As usual, I did spend a majority of the year just replaying games I loved, but there were a few new, and new-to-me games that I played this year.
Around this time last the year I was on a Rare kick, playing through all the Donkey Kong Country trilogy, DK64, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, and Conker. and Mark Kurko's Snowglow Village remake, and this spilled into January.
The Rare stuff also lead to a N64 kick in general, as I found a few decent Mario 64 hacks that worked on real hardware, and I also finished a run of Kirby 64 I started a few years ago and abandoned close to the end.
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I managed to make it through a short and easy but very charming Fievel Goes West platformer on SNES. I've got a lot of nostalgia for Fievel so, no regrets there.
I started going back and fourth between The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, and Banjo Kazooie - the Jiggies of Time, and it was interesting to visit areas of the game as Link only to come back to them as Banjo, this also marked the first time I ever replayed a full length romhack from start to finish.
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I picked up several Super Mario World romhacks. Some of them worked out, others didn't, either because of romhack difficulty or hardware incompatibility, but it really was kind of a Mario year for me.
Smash Remix got some amazing updates adding Marina, King Dedede, and Goemon, among other things. I can't wait to see where else that game goes. But speaking of Smash Bros, I also discovered the Akenia build for Super Smash Bros Melee, and I was thrilled to play that game with some characters that came later in the series like Lucas, Diddy Kong, Charizard, Sonic, and Wolf.
And I cleared two Gameboy games for the first time, Donkey Kong Land, and Final Fantasy Adventure, hopefully I can get to their sequels in 2024.
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From there I marathonned a ton of Mario games... the SNES version of Super Mario RPG ( little did I know a Switch remake would get announced later this year ), New Super Mario Bros U, Mario Kart 8, which I managed to get 3 stars on every cup and every difficulty rating, Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros DS, and Super Mario Odyssey, all in preperation to hype myself up for the Super Mario Movie which, against all odds, was fun as hell and filled my little Mario fanboy heart with joy.
Also found mods for Wario Land and Donkey Kong Country returns that made both games far more enjoyable to me. Wario's default walking speed was increased, and Donkey Kong Country's motion controls were mapped to buttons.
Revisited Sonic Riders again, and sadly kind of realized it was not as good as I remembered, having only two grand prix that are largely copy pastes of each other with different lighting. Still prefer the concept of those games than sticking Sonic in a car though.
I discovered a pretty amazing Ocarina of Time hack called the Sealed Palace, which is a it obtuse, but still very good, and I really need to get back to it, I had nearly finished it but went on a hiatus when other things caught my attention. Will finish it in 2024 hopefully.
And one of the big highlights, I finally became the proud owner of an NES. My family had one as a child but it was more for my parents than for me. I mostly played NES games via Nintendo's re-releases or emulation.
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Among the games I played for NES, the whole Mario trilogy, Zelda, Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Final Fantasy 1, Dragon Quest 1, Metroid MOTHER, Kid Icarus, Super Mario Bros 3+, Mega Man 2, Kid Icarus, Duck Hunt, and I started up Final Fantasy 2, but have yet to finish it.
And in April I went to Super Nintendo Land. The experience was slightly soured for me but I had fun and got some cool merchandise. The actual ride was a little underwhelming though, and I didn't even get to go to the Toad Cafe.
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In anticipation for the Legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, I replayed Link's Awakening, and Breath of the Wild, had a great time with both of them.
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And then Tears of the Kingdom came along and completely absorbed my life for two months. I still miss playing it. Maybe i'll replay it sometime in 2024? It'll be interesting to see if my opinion changes at all, but so far, this one is in my top 3 Zelda games. It's not perfect, but honestly, mention any Zelda game to me and I can give you a laundry list of flaws for each of them, so a Zelda game not being perfect is old news. But it doesn't make them any less great. I think this one is just contentious because 1. it took 6 years, 2. purists of the old Ocarina Cone style of Zelda games are worried that they'll never enjoy Zelda again. They have my sympathies but honestly I don't ever want to go back to the old style of Zelda unless it's for a 2D game.
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I actually tried to give Skyward Sword another try, I bought the Switch version, but like with every attempt to replay that game since it's launch, I just find myself really irritated by all the exposition that I just quit playing early on.
Against my better judgement I bought Sonic Origins Plus on Steam, and it has some performance issues. I really didn't need it, I love that Amy is playable but I kind of prefer her Sonic Advance move set, which fans had already modded into the genesis games. I think i'd rather just get an actual Sega Genesis to play these games on someday.
I finished raising every single digimon on my Digimon Version 20th v-pet, which is essentially like completing the "pokedex" but for digimon. Sadly not every virtual pet tracks that information, so I won't get to attempt that again.
There was a double dose of Ninja Turtles with TMNT II the Arcade game for NES and Shredder's Revenge on the Switch, I think a certain movie came out around this time of year that put me into a Turtle frenzy because I also started watching the cartoon around that time of year.
I am not mentioning every little NES game or hack I play but I want to higlight two excellent Zelda hacks called the Legend of Banjo and the Legend of Super Mario, which are exaclty what they sound like, Zelda 1 but with a Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario makeover respectively, both are very well designed and arguably a lot more friendly to players that aren't experts at Zelda 1, and do a great job at selling the illusion that they're intended to be Mario and Banjo games.
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One of my big regrets for the year was Nickelodeon Kart Racers 3, Slime Speedway, which I bought because 1. I was done with the Mario Kart DLC and wanted more racing game, and 2, I was on a nickelodeon kick and was hyped up from the pre-release of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2.
Slime Speedway is just not very well made. I am generally accepting of low FPS but two genres of games that shouldn't have them are racing games and fighting games. And it's very sad because I feel like NKR3 could be one of the better Mario Kart clones if it was better optimized and had less annoying sound clips... Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2 was a good game but my hype deflated when I learned it would be cutting ELEVEN characters. Also the Switch version performs like ass but I really wanted to be able to take it to a friends house, so I didn't do the smart thing and buy it on Steam.
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October is usually when I do my month long Halloween celebration of only consuming spooky media. But Nintendo and Sega had the nerve to plan big Mario and Sonic releases that month, interrupting my plans. But I did manage to slip in some spooky gaming, with Luigi's Mansion, an Evil Dead hack of Wanpakku Grafitti: Splatterhouse, and a Super Mario World Halloween hack, as well as a Kirby Halloween romhack. There was also the promising Super Mario 64 hack - Super Mario and the Monstrous Manor, but it seemed to lose it's spooky flavoring half way through, so I put it on pause for now and will come back to it in 2024.
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I don't need to say much about Super Mario Wonder. It was wonderful. Easily the best 2D Mario in decades. It can definitely stand toe-to-toe with the original NES trilogy and Super Mario World. But Sonic Super Stars on the other hand? It's fine, but the bosses suck ass, especially the final boss, who isn't even interesting since it's just the Sonic 3 and Knuckles final boss again but without the Doomsday Zone sequence.
Super Mario RPG came out in November and it was a delight. My second time playing the game that year, I never would have seen it coming in a million years, but i'm so happy that it did. I already want to replay it.
I was put into the mood for Square RPGs, something I always felt like I missed out on growing up. So I started up Final Fantasy IV, which I played before, but never finished. I need to get back to it but I am officially at the point where I stopped playing last time, about to storm some tower in the underworld while the red wings are being distracted by tanks.
In December I started feeling Donkey Kong again and played the first two DKC games, and a few levels of Tropical Freeze, I thought i'd finally try out that new Funky Mode. I then realized that I was playing the exact same games around this time of year last year. Pure coincidence, but I do kind of want to play the rest of the Rare platformers...
I bought my first ever Mario sports game in Mario Tennis Aces, and I had a blast with it, though the adventure mode was surprisingly difficult, I have also bought Kirby and the Forgotten Land but have not really dug into it much. I guess my appetite for Kirby isn't what it used to be, that and my mood lately has been mostly on Mario. Maybe I should finish Yoshi's Crafted World, I got that in 2022 and have not played it at all this year...
Mark Kurko did his annual Christmas Romhack for Banjo Kazooie. I played it on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day, I replayed all his past romhacks. I think I might make that a new tradition, to replay all the christmas BK hacks, and whatever else I have. I found a decent Mario 64 Christmas hack as well, though it's only a single level.
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And to cap off the new year, I started up a run of Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. I've been at it for a week and a half now. I am curious to see how long I can keep it up. But I have already found two NES games, and I kind of want to see if I can get the whole set and build an NES arcade in my basement, just like old times.
There's not much for me to look forward to in 2024 as far as I know, just the Mario vs Donkey Kong and Paper Mario TTYD remakes really, as I'm not too interested in the Peach game. But I hope we get some exciting announcements. I just am not ready for that announcement to be a Switch 2, I'm so tired of buying new machines.
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ds' remixes are usually seen as the worst so i'm definitely curious to see how this'll go.
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elektrontree · 9 months
A Comprehensive List Of Rhythm Heaven Songs You Can Perform CPR To:
All The clappy trio games
Love lab
Pajama Party
All the Fillbot games
Remix 3 DS
Dog ninja
First & second contact
Blue bear
Screwbot factory (1&2)
Toss boys
Remix 8 GBA
DJ school
Night walk Wii
Hole in one
Tangotronic 3000
Remix 1 GBA
Karate man 3DS
Splashdown (1&2)
Tap troupe
Exhibition match
Space dance
Crop Stomp
Freeze Frame
Glee Club (3DS prequel and DS sequel only, NOT the OG one. OG Glee Club one WILL kill your patient)
Samurai Slice Wii
Super Samurai Slice
Remix 2 DS
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lunarpanda · 6 months
Got tagged by @toadstool32 for this meme! (Thank you Tiny love you<333)
Rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people. (I don't really have any on repeat playlists but I do have a general one but split into two because youtube has a limit to how many videos you can have in a set playlist and my jam library is very large so instead of 10 songs you're getting 20. I hope that's OK. First song listed is in the first playlist and second song in the second playlist.)
Smeargle's Art Study - Miki Obata / Battle (Team Flare) - Shota Kageyama, Minako Adachi, Hitomi Sato, Junichi Masuda
Class Trial: Dawn Edition Vol. 3 - Masafumi Takada / Athletic - Asuka Hayazaki, Hajime Wakai and Koji Kondo
Trainer Battle Theme - Go Ichinose and Junichi Masuda / Princess Zelda's Theme - Toru Minegishi and Asuka Hayazaki
Great Fairy's Fountain - Koji Kondo / Taj's Theme - David Wise
Salamence's Air Ace - Kenichi Koyano, Manami Kiyota and Shigerou Yoshida / DS Peach Gardens - Asuka Hayazaki and Ryo Nagamatsu
Hamstarr's Theme - Altissimo / K.K. Waltz (DJ KK Remix) - Totaka Kazumi
Unused Track 6 - Altissimo / Glee Club - Tsunku and Masami Yone
City Rhythm - Shakatak / K.K. Robot Synth - Totaka Kazumi
Great Paradise - Azusa Chiba, Masaharu Iwata and Kimihiro Abe / Kanade - SUKIMA SWITCH
Route 24 - Go Ichinose, Shota Kageyama, Hitomi Sato, Junichi Masuda and Takuto Kisuta / Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoi Ko dake - R3 Music Box
@malscare @grimmshood @cottonplushesplushes @modmonsterra @oh-gh0st @pekodayz @loveimp @moeatsushi @tetedetele @normiematsu (You don't have to do it if you don't want to~)
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56-degrees-fahrenheit · 5 months
i feel like rhythm heaven had a drama/mystery type show remix 3 ds would be its main theme
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pitagain · 11 months
#365DaysOfVGM Day 169:
Tumult ~ Crest of a Violent Wave (Sekaiju no Meikyū III: Seikai no Raihōsha/Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City & Sekaiju no Meikyuu V: Nagaki Shinwa no Hate/Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth, including the FM Synth version [2010/2016])
This is a level of FM synth so good, that it keeps getting remixed! This time around, it’s a lot easier to distinguish the DS & FM versions, with the FM version having a Tubular Bell that’s borderline absent from the in-game DS variant, so with that in mind, more on the wonderful track itself!
How do you make a fast-paced battle track over 3 minutes long? This track has some satisfying answers to that! 1st thing to come to mind is that Elec Bass, you might already know how much I praised it in the Skeleton Boomerang entry from almost 2 months earlier, it’s a similar deal here!
The other Strings manage to be just as action-packed, helped by the perfectly-paced Drums and other generally uplifting FM staples; uplifting is what I can describe this track as, while not going too far in that direction, since most battle themes need to imply at least some form of challenge to overcome. Those wanting a more “serious/grounded” variant will probably prefer the DS version, because the aforementioned Tubular Bells of the FM version only contribute to the track’s uplifting energy. Yet again, I love both versions well enough to consider both favorites!
Gotta thank TheLinkToThePast (Discord) again for informing me of not just the soundtrack of the Etrian Odyssey DS trilogy, but also this day’s featured Etrian Odyssey V FM track, because while it's different enough to be its own entry, it’s worth mentioning here for all fans of the original track, including me!
Based on Etrian Odyssey IV’s “Raging Winds” take on the Etrian Odyssey III classic, V’s own “Raging Waves” leans further on the dramatic side, with a more concise loop too, given how there wasn’t much space left to expand on the original’s uplifting mood. The Bass is also more traditional, with a heavier set of Drum beats and Drum rolls for some much-needed intensity. Some melodies are altered to work more closely with the higher pitch this track uses in comparison to III, while the non-loop beginning and end parts leading up to the loop are completely new, both setting the tone for a familiar composition that’s not as upbeat. It’s almost like the RPG music styles of old have grown up, ready to take on the challenges of the future together with us!
(Length before loop [DS & FM]: 3.5+ minutes, [V FM]: Nearly 4 minutes)
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mythgendered · 4 months
❣️ Favorite Game?
always a tough one!! so i tend to cheat with
Fav 2D: S3K
Fav 3D: Generations
but i have so much love for others like Rush, Colors DS and Advance 3 and Mania and SA1 and-
🧡 Favorite Archie character?
Dr Finitevus my beloved.
I have a soft spot for the Knuckles stories, even if they were kinda mumblemumble — but i adored seeing this dude scheme and plot his way through the B stories of the Flynn era before finally bringing it together some of the coolest stuff those older stories had to offer.
Also shout out to specifically Gemerl as he was written post-reboot, i wish he had that Shard personality in IDW ;0;
🎸 Favorite Stage Theme?
Ough, almost as hard as picking a favorite game…
but I think if i had to pick, it’d be Planet Wisp Act 1 — but only from the original OST, not a single remix since has compared
That or, like, Studiopolis Act 1?? Rooftop Run??? oh god too many choices and values…
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