#regional parties
signode-blog · 27 days
"Political Pundits Predict: Lok Sabha Elections 2024 in India Set to Shake NDA's Majority"
As the anticipation builds for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections in 2024, political analysts and pundits are scrutinizing every indicator, from public sentiment to the betting trends in places like Phalodi Satta Bazar. While the outcome remains uncertain, one prevailing sentiment emerges: the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) might face challenges in securing a resounding victory. Contrary to…
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The Game | 1984 — aka The Cold
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darksilvania · 2 years
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Kroelian DRIFLOON & DRIFLATE (Ghost/Dragon)
They are based in clowns and long balloons/balloon animals
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In retrospect it's very darkly funny that the presidential ticket for 2020 was Old Pervert Man (Red Flavor), Old Pervert Man (Blue Flavor), and Woman (Third Party), and the "it is high time for America to have its first female president!" crowd from 2016 fell all over themselves to vote for Old Pervert Man (Blue Flavor). While loudly complaining about having absolutely no choice in the matter.
Small window of opportunity on that particular glass ceiling getting broken, I guess.
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khlur · 5 days
i should never answer any questions mainlanders have about NE politics
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krisispiss · 4 months
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sgnl---lxst · 28 days
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vv-ispy · 1 month
also also I know everyone likes to talk about how good of an archon Venti is because he left mondstadt to do its own thing and hey look Zhongli's doing the same now with his retirement but I also like how the story shows it isn't without flaws, with so much freedom in the city it's all too easy to take control with power, Mondstadt's people may be free but they also don't have a god to actually uphold the ideal they stand for and how personal freedoms conflict, discrimination(eg. against Eula and her clan) is allowed because the people are free to do whatever they want, the fatui really wormed their way into mondstadt during the webtoon + nearly did with Davalin bc the people of mondstadt do whatever they want so Jean is overworked and the knights are ineffective(according to Diluc), and how mondstadt might have been the least free place for the common people during the Lawrences rule despite being the region governed by the archon of freedom
Zhongli at least first tested his people were ready before retiring, Venti kinda acended, organized a bunch of celebrations for his people, then left them to have fun with their newfound freedom only interveining when things get really bad
#to be fair zhongli's only left his people for a couple of years so who knows maybe if he left them for long enough#despite honing his nation on honesty and contracts things would delve into chaos too#or a capitalistic mess and we all know what it's like to live in one of those#now if liyue didn't have plot-armour-due-to-chinese-region-in-a-chinese-game............#my thoughts on liyue are 'god i wish its story was actually about the common folk common folk#but what i know of the chinese government is the communist party represents the common folk#so in reality it's more like common-folk-party-does-so-good-for-the-common-folk see????'#i really like liyue and its environment too!#wish they explored its flaws too and didn't present it as perfect due to china-chinese-media-relationship!#all of liyue's plots are like 'it's the time of the common folk i want to tell stories about the common people'#'(but also hold on to tradition and respect the traditions which are represented by the adepti)'#can we pls have some actual flaws like the rigidity of contracts and lack of change and rule of tradition#instead of 'contracts are good and honest and also change as the times change for the good of the people'#like yes zhongli at least tested his people before implementing that big change of stepping down#but also if the game didn't have to put china in a positive light tbh idk if he would have done that#as it might be more interesting to explore his archonhood ideal in both its good and its bad#and may have focused more on liyue's difficulting in changing and adapting to the modern tiemes#if venti is the god of freedom and is too free at times then zhongli the god of contracts is too stagnant at times#i have. complicated feelings about liyue due to my complicated feelings about being raised chinese#so mondstadt my fav for representing and giving people freedom#genshin talk
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friendofcars · 1 month
im not going bc mingling with strangers would send me over the edge right now but i do want to document the fact that i was invited to a kentucky derby viewing party that was described to me as "not a rager" with "non-horse people" hosted by "lesbians in their 50s" which was admittedly a pretty convincing pitch.
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neverlandfaerai · 5 months
(asktheisle) Oscar wades into the water, waving down Agatha. He gets close enough that he could be heard over the waves-which weren't too active at this time at least-but still far enough to give a respectable distance as he smiled in her direction.
"Why hello again! It's nice of you to stop by. I hope you weren't planning to spend all evening out here by yourself. I'm sure you spend a lot of time in the water as it is, ahah!"
It was reassuring in a sense to see a Darkrai come from the populated beach, into the water. As Oscar drew closer, Agatha slowly recognized him by his face and the telltale symbol on his worn spikes. The same symbol that was on the invitation?
“Oh, hello! Oh it’s nice seeing you again!”
It’d felt like ages had passed since she talked to Oscar on this beach during the last Magi visit. Honestly she wasn’t entirely sure how much time had passed in this world. Had it been a year? A few years? Decades? What was his name again?
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She smiled and wove an arm under the surface, lighting it up in bioluminescence. She didn’t think that in itself it would be a surprise to him, but the action was moreso to clarify what she enjoyed about it. Agatha was no stranger to bioluminescence in the Deep either, but she appreciated the differences between that and of what they floated in now.
“And what are you up to over there, do you live here? Your marking looks like one from the invitation-“ Agatha gestured towards the center of her coral collar, adjacent to where Oscar’s marking laid. She did recognize the marking from their first meeting, but it’d been her first time seeing it in the context of a larger group or event. “Though I might be mistaken. I forgot to surface before I opened it, so it...”
The elderly mermaid twiddled her claws in the air to simulate dispersing paper, and chuckled.
“I tried to mark my collar when I was younger, but it doesn’t feel good, so I haven’t bothered with that in a long time.”
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newspatron · 8 months
State Assembly Elections in India
If you are interested in learning more about the state assembly elections that are expected to take place in India by the end of 2023, you should read this article. Its a comprehensive and insightful analysis of the expected outcomes of the elections.
India, the world’s largest democracy, is gearing up for another round of state assembly elections in 2023. Five states, namely Mizoram, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Telangana, will go to the polls to elect their representatives and form their governments. These elections are crucial not only for the states themselves, but also for the national political scenario, as they will…
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sir-adamus · 3 months
Tifa getting to reunite with her long lost cat back in Nibelheim is so fucking wholesome
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grangermonarque · 6 months
I wanna hear about your trainer oc :3
My trainer started off in my own fanmade Philippines Region "Hiraya Region". They've grown up in a family who are very superstitious: the more superstitious you are in Hiraya, the more likely you're haunted by ghost types, so most families have atleast one fairy type pokemon as their house companion.
Al (Trainer oc) was considered to be gifted after their Eevee evolved to Sylveon, which Al was confused about. Al was fond of the ghost Pokémon that was haunting them, although having a Sylveon buddy by their side, they were happy to accept Al as their trainer.
Their family despise the thought of Al taking in ghost types for their team because people are thought to be "cursed eternally", "bad luck bringers", and/or witches. But Al still aspired to be a ghost type gym leader, which they did at the age of 17!! But by that time they thought to go further and explore the origins of ghost types, most importantly the Pokémon around the world.
They started travelling around regions, and reached Aital region (Ireland inspired fan region I made :3c) where they permanently resided and became a new ghost type expert with a whole new group of captains from different counties!
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sandpapersnowman · 8 days
can I usurp a throne for someone else. my regional manager has no idea what's going on at any given time but my studio manager could run this entire company blindfolded
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iidsch · 11 days
isnt it crazy that someone can make a completely legal app for ios but if apple doesn't want it in its app store because of lol lmao reasons you have to then go through a gazillion loops just to get this one app and also millions of people buy apple's products because they don't see the problem with an operating system that fully controls what you can or can't have on your device and also has several other major problems. insane
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I love you Dutch “Bible Belt”. I love you shopping bans on Sundays. I love you wearing all black to church. I love you traditional clothes. I love you bibles translated to local dialects. I love you reform schools. I love you pro-lgbt reform Christian movements and orgs. I love you affordable farmers markets. I love you free food boxes outside gates. I love you reform women with like five kids. I love you leftist reform Christians. I love you reform women and girls wearing long skirts and long sleeves. I love you Calvinist influence in architecture. I love you long days lying under the sun and eating asparagus. I love you weddings interrupted by young children crying and giggling and running around.
I hate you urban Dutch leftists who use internal issues in the “Bible Belt” to be classist to us. I hate you urban Dutch Christian men who convert and then fetishise reform women from the Bible Belt. I hate you urban Dutch leftists who remove all autonomy from Dutch reform women and claim that they are all oppressed. I hate you urban Dutch leftists who pink-wash every issue in the Bible Belt to silence our voices. I HATE YOU URBAN DUTCH JOURNALISTS WHO COME TO OUR TOWNS TO TAKE PHOTOS OF US LIKE WE ARE ANIMALS.
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