#reduced sleep rage simulator
jacksprostate · 4 months
my cats causing constant trouble is keeping me up... Love those guys but Oh My God
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dianight · 7 months
It's very interesting to see others' perspectives when it comes to pvp, because my own "journey" has been pretty wild.
I used to play a lot of Quake live. For like ~5 years, during 2 of those 8+ hours almost everyday. School -> Quake -> sleep -> repeat 5 days a week, sometimes even on weekends. Eventually reduced the hours and the days; and the breaks where I would not play would get longer and longer. It happens.
Best way to put it, most players would embody might makes right. If player A is better than player B, player A is always right. Many times it was clear who was better, a few times there would be a 1v1 or perhaps a damage competition on team modes. There was a sort of hierarchy where pro players>>>>old q3 players>good players>everyone else.
Pure elitism, and I loved it. I was 15 (?) when I started playing, I got really really good and all these older dudes were impressed. Not like any big event changed how I thought, but over time I realized that way of measuring people is a bit fucked up. I enjoyed playing with many "lower skill" players not to stomp but because we got along. I actually tried to not be as much of an asshole as many others were. Banter and all that hypercompetitive attitude is way behind me now. What these days people call toxic, I suppose.
Later on I played starcraft 2. I had played brood war with my friends, I met a couple semi pros who were friends of a relative of a friend, they were way too good and we were kids who had no idea how to play anything other than big game hunters and turtle. Fun times.
When sc2 released, I played ladder very seriously (terran). Like watch replays and practice and test BOs and all that. My micro was terrible but I understood that what wins games is macro, so I abused mmm and learned how to play mid/late with mech. Learned a couple cheeses, tried a few ideas that were actually really good (blue flame hellion rush vZ was so cool) and played a lot.
The vibes of 1v1 in sc2 where way more honourable(?) compared to quake. GL&HF was literally automatic, to not type it meant that I was the worst kind of imbecile. Sure some people raged at me, but many others would GG into surrender or GG, compliment you and surrender. Very little hatemail, a lot of lovemail.
I was in university at the time, so way less time. After the diablo 3 fiasco, decided blizzard was done and there was no point in being so invested in sc2. Moved on, played other games, more multiplayer coop with friends. And dayz.
For years after I stopped playing dayz, I'd have dreams were it was a factor somehow. Maybe we were in cherno. Maybe there were firefights. Maybe zombies appear. Maybe just some running through woods. Maybe some walking through a road.
According to steam, I played dayz for ~240 hours. It feels like way more. Until then, no other game I'd played combined so many things. It was a survival game, a zombie game. But also a pvp game with other players. But sometimes you'd talk to people so no reason to fight. Also a base building game (with mods). A horror game too. A running simulator, as me and my friends put it.
I got many stories but that'd be too much of a tangent. Point being, I was used to pvp in a controlled enviroment. Maybe ffa, ctf or tdm, even duels in quake. Almost exclusively 1v1 on sc2. And then just open world pvp.
Thing is, I had played a few mmos before. Played metin2 with friends for a bit. Didn't like it much but it's the "playing with friends" part that matters. Tried wow for a bit. Didn't dislike it, but it was boring. The pvp part that I was promised was like, super bad. Back to the elitism of quake. Pve was somehow even worse.
This was around the time when mobas (I'll use this term, very incorrect) were getting massive. Tried dota2, was ok. Tried lol, it was like a kids version. Got a few friends to try dota with me. Good times.
It was around this time when I had some sort of epiphany. This was what "toxic" was. People raging, complaining, insulting each other. For no particular reason. It was somehow new to me. It's one thing to get antagonized because you beat someone in 1v1, or because they are upset you used some cheese, or because you were taunting them (guilty, I was young ok).
But this was a totally new level. I assume most people who've played these games understand.
This might seem exaggeration, or a straight up lie (I don't lie): in ~5000 hours over almost 10 years, I have only raged in 1 game of dota2. We were losing pretty badly and I kept doing my best, but my team could not follow up a single time. I was playing with a friend and I got very frustrated over voice call, but even then I would not think to shout at my teammates. A girl's gotta vent ok?
Anyways, things happen, and me and my friend stopped playing dota (nothing to do with that 1 game, just life). I stayed off pvp games completely, save for ds2/ds3 invasions. It's not pvp in my mind, more like trolling to have some laughs.
So once more, I love hearing/reading about other people's experiences because they are always so different. I find it really cool how others approach these things.
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chloehowardgrad502 · 2 years
Children and screen time affects on development
1.   Harms Attention Spans
Perhaps the concern raised most often when it comes to children and technology is the impact on attention span. The research supports this concern. Jim Taylor, Ph.D., wrote in Psychology Today that heightened technology exposure might actually be changing the way children’s brains are wired. Why? Because, unlike an adult’s brain, a child’s brain is still developing, and as a result, malleable. When children are exposed to technology at high rates, their brain may adopt an internet approach to thinking – quickly scanning and processing multiple sources of information. Developing brains are particularly vulnerable to this, and where previous generations may have spent much more time reading, imagining, or participating in activities that require focus attention, brains in children exposed to high volumes of technology may adapt to frequent visual stimulation, rapid change, and little need for imagination.
2.   Reduces Self-Soothing and Self-Regulation
Anyone who has raised a toddler would acknowledge the beauty of distraction in calming a toddler in a tantrum. But parents today have a tempting distraction always available: technology. And although the immediate handing over of a cellphone or tablet may calm a raging preschooler, the American Academy of Pediatrics states that the distraction of mobile devices may negatively affect children’s opportunity to learn how to self-soothe and regulate in those moments.
3.   Increases Aggression
Multiple studies, including one by the Seattle Children’s Research Institute and the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, found a correlation between simulated violence, often found in popular video games, and heightened aggression. Exposure to violence was found to make children and teens more likely to argue with peers or teachers, and less empathetic and impacted by actual violence.
4.   Stagnates Physical Activity
Time spent with technology means time spent sitting. Even with portable devices, the activity itself requires users to be mostly still. Given the vast amount of time children are reportedly spending with technology now, this also means that active indoor or outdoor playtime has now largely been replaced by this sedentary activity. In extreme cases, children or teenagers may even forgo other vital activities, likely eating or sleeping, when engaged with a video game or other media.
5.   Hurts School Performance
Limited attention spans can also impact how children perform in the classroom. One experienced English teacher told the New York Times that students “lack the attention span to read assignments on their own,” due to cellphones and social media. “You can’t become a good writer by watching YouTube, texting, and e-mailing a bunch of abbreviations,” said Marcia Blondel.
The article also stated that technology habituates brains to constantly switch between tasks, which can lead to reduced attention spans. Michael Rich, executive director of the Center of Media and Child Health in Boston, says that children’s brains get are rewarded for jumping to the next task rather than staying on task, which made lead to “a generation of kids in front of screens whose brains are going to be wired differently.” Anecdotally, some teens admit they prefer the immediate gratification provided by a quick video over slogging through an assigned novel.
Other research suggests the presence of a computer, even if intended for educational purposes, may simply serve as a distraction. In fact, Jacob L. Vigdor, an economics professor at Duke University and researcher, found that when left to themselves, children most often used home computers for entertainment instead of learning. Adult supervision is critical.
6.   Limits Interpersonal Interactions
Leaning on a mobile device to distract children can reduce their interpersonal interactions. Whether the need at hand is reconciling with a friend or sibling, entertaining themselves on a long trip, or settling down at night, if children are constantly armed with technology, they’re never to navigate an interaction with a friend, parent, or sibling that may be critical to solving the problem long-term. For older children and teens, technology may serve as a diversion from troubling issues: not fitting in at school, parents arguing at home, etc. But instead of learning to navigate these issues children and teens may find that technology can give the illusion of shelter – without arming them with the interpersonal skills needed to navigate uncomfortable situations in adult life.
7.   Affects Emotional Development
Even in the hands of only parents and caregivers, technology may have an impact on childhood development. Observation is the primary way children learn, as they listen to learn the language, observe conversations, read facial expressions and watch how others navigate emotional situations. Rampant screen time seeps away intentionally, connected time with children that is critical to emotional development. For older children and teens, a heavy reliance on technology to communicate hinders their people skills, and may even develop a sense of detachment from others’ feelings, according to Dr. Gary Small, head of UCLA’s memory and aging research center.
For young children, the impact may be felt as screen time replaces time previously devoted to playing, peer interaction, and exploration, which are thought to foster empathy, problem-solving skills, curiosity, intelligence, and listening skills, says Catherine Steiner-Adair, a clinical psychologist affiliated with Harvard. Researchers from Boston University also posit that mobile phone use may prevent children from developing empathy, social and problem-solving skills.
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sirpoley · 6 years
On the Wandering Monster, Part 3: Slaying CoDzilla
In part 1 of this series, I admitted to having fear and misunderstood Wandering Monsters in D&D for years, and resolved to find a way to make the system work.
In part 2, I proposed some methods, tested both in Into the Living Library and City of Eternal Rain, for tying procedural content generation into the overall narrative of your story.
Now, I'll talk about one of the benefits of wandering monsters—the end of the 15-minute adventuring day, and with it, CoDzilla.
"CoDzilla" is a 3.5-era bit of D&D slang that, for the uninitiated, means "Cleric or Druid-zilla." Clerics and Druids, even without much in the way of optimization, could be enormously powerful. Close competitors were Wizards, Sorcerers, and various non-core full casters. Starting from very low levels, these classes, through use of spellcasting, were able to single-handedly—often single-turnedly—win major encounters. Clerics and Druids were especially notorious, as in addition to a full complement of spells, they were no slouch at mundane fighting, had a host of miscellaneous abilities, and, in the case of the Druid, got the infamously-powerful Wild Shape ability and a pet grizzly bear. In contrast, a Fighter (who is maybe 25-50% better than the bear the Druid gets as icing) gets marginally better at hitting enemies with swords every level.
By 5th edition, the power imbalances between classes have been substantially narrowed, with non-casting classes getting various per-short-rest and per-day abilities that let them have some time in the spotlight. In my current 5th-edition campaign, I'm playing a Paladin, and, at 7th-level, don't feel particularly behind the party's Wizard and Cleric. Back in 3.x, I'd be lucky if I even got a turn in combat, and, with few skills or utility abilities, would pretty much fall asleep outside of battle. So to a certain extent, this fix is beating a dead horse, as changes to the rules have reduced the necessity for such a fix. Still, anecdotal accounts have suggested to me that the caster-warrior imbalance problem still lurks, especially at higher levels.
Solving this problem is where Wandering Monsters come in. Those of you playing Pathfinder and 3.x D&D should pay extra heed to this, but it's applicable to 5e as well.
Wandering Monsters Vs. CoDzilla
Encounters with Wandering Monsters have substantially lower stakes than pre-planned, climactic and narratively-key ones. Typically, the foes are easier and the tension is lower as victory is all-but assured. This means that characters have to choose between 'wasting' limited per-day abilities to seek a quick victory, or suffer additional damage by dragging out the fight by sticking with cantrips and regular attacks. The longer the battle, the more opportunities the monster has to get in a few hits before going down.
The devil with this decision is that, either way, casters lose and warriors win.  A Paladin's basic attack is more accurate, reliable, and powerful than a wizard's cantrip, so if spellcasters withhold their 'special' attacks, non-casters take the spotlight. If the casters obliterate Wandering Monsters with high-level spells, then by the time they reach the 'real' fight (those being the pre-planned encounters, typically in dungeon rooms rather than hallways), they'll be relegated to cantrips while the fighters open up with their modest per-day abilities and their more efficient conventional attacks.
Martial classes do have some limited-use abilities, especially half-casters like Paladins, so they are pushed into a similar dilemma ("do I use Smite on the owlbear or save it for the true foe?") but the stakes are much lower, as their abilities are weaker and their conventional attacks more powerful than a true caster's. This means that even if the Paladins and other half-casters make the 'wrong' decision, they can typically make do regardless.
Now, the obvious flaw with this plan is that at any point the party can just fall back, rest, and come back in with a full complement of spells, right? This means that wearing the casters down through attrition is doomed from the start, because they can conveniently heal up to 100% with a single night's sleep. This is why adding Wandering Monsters all by itself isn't enough—we have to start enforcing other rules as well, such as…
No Long Rests in Dungeons
There's a secret to the long/short rest split of 5th edition D&D, and that's that not all classes benefit equally. Far and away, a short rest is more meaningful to a martial class than a spellcasting class, and vice-versa for long rests.
Most martial classes have powerful abilities that recover every short rest starting at level 2 or 3. For example, Fighters get Action Surge, Paladins get Channel Divinity, and Monks get Ki. Barbarians are a rare exception, as their key ability (Rage) is actually tied to long rests. Rangers have no useful abilities worth noting that recharge on short rests, long rests, or honestly at all, so there's no helping them. Spellcasters' main ability—spellcasting—universally require long rests to recover in full. Some casting classes, such as the Wizard and Druid, have abilities that let them recover some spell slots on a short rest—but these abilities themselves can only be used once per long rest, so at the end of the day, are still long-rest dependent. Additionally, martial classes, due to their larger hit dice, tend to recover more hit points on a short rest than spellcasting classes do. But, because casters get minor benefits from taking short rests, their players won't be frustrated by the need for taking them.
If you, as GM, provide many opportunities for a short rest (which is about an hour), but keep long rests few and far between, then martial classes can keep going while spellcasters are run ragged. In the context of a dungeon, you can, for instance, let them take short rests in cleared rooms as long as they put a modicum of effort into securing the room (blocking or locking the doors, for instance), but stress that long rests are impossible. There is simply no way to have eight relaxing, uninterrupted hours in a dungeon; Wandering Monsters will attack, spoiling the rest. What's more, the constant threat of attack from the unknown makes true relaxation unachievable. You can be upfront about this; don't assume the players know what you mean when you coyly say "well, you could try that, but you might be attacked in the night."
If the party wants to take a long rest, they have to leave the dungeon, set up camp, and come back—which will involve fighting their way through the Wandering Monsters that have moved into previously-cleared areas, thus wearing the party down again and defeating the purpose. Conveniently, all of this is simulated by the Wandering Monster table—the GM doesn't have to worry about actually moving monsters from room to room. Because Wandering Monster tables are at their heart a computer-free technological aid, the random die rolls on the table simulates all of the movement of a real ecosystem, much the same way that a character's hit points simulate their overall health, but remove a lot of the headache of doing so.
For very large dungeons, such as Paul Jacquay's famous Caverns of Thracia, it at first appears simply impossible for any party, no matter how stringent they are with spells and potions, to complete in a single long rest. In part, this is mitigated by numerous hidden entrances into the dungeon that, once discovered, can be used to bypass previously-cleared sections. There are also numerous shortcuts, such as teleport pads and elevators, that can be used in a similar manner. Still, all of that might not be quite enough, and when designing very large dungeons, occasional points of safety can be placed that are free of Wandering Monsters. They might have particularly secure doors, be protected by magic, or some kind of friendly NPC or monster. Think of these as a video game mid-dungeon save point, both in terms of how powerful an effect it will have, and how rare it should be.
Time Pressure
Into the Living Library relies heavily on Wandering Monsters because they play well with the adventure's time crunch: each time the party faces such a monster, their consumable resources (spells, potions, HP) are slightly depleted, and they must choose whether to press on in their weakened state or return to campus to rest, which means sacrificing one of their precious few days.
Wandering Monsters, tied with any kind of external time pressure, pack more work into a single adventuring day, and with that, the expenditure of more spells. Spellcasters' 'basic' attacks (cantrips and crossbows) tend to be much less powerful than those of a Fighter, Barbarian, or Paladin. If high-level spells and per-day abilities have to be carefully rationed out over the course of many encounters, rather than just one or two, then casters are brought down to the level of non-casters.
Not every adventure should include a time pressure element, as the players will start to feel rushed and possibly even railroaded, as the constant time demands may keep them from feeling able to pursue their own goals. Beware Fallout 4's Preston Garvey, who continually dispenses timed quests that pull the player away from doing what they want to do.
Keep the Battles Unbalanced
As a GM, I often forget that my toolbox includes more than perfectly-balanced encounters. It may sound like an oxymoron, but there is a time and a place for a poorly-balanced battle, which brings us back to the original post. Oblivion, my least-favourite Elder Scrolls game, has highly restrictive game rules in place in an attempt to keep every battle, whether it be against a necromancer lord or a random bandit, balanced on a knife's edge. Enemies and equipment level up closely in step with the player, meaning that as the player gains power, so too does the world. The drawback is that there are few if any "oh, crap!" moments where the player gets in over their head. Likewise, there are very few moments where the player simply obliterates the enemies in front of them, and, by doing so, feels like a badass.
By all means, strive for perfect balance and interesting terrain in your pre-made set-piece battles (such as what might be found in a dungeon's room, for example), but for Wandering Monsters, imbalance is a feature, not a bug. Battles that are 'too easy' will be resolved quickly (saving precious game time), and battles that are 'too hard' won't be fought at all—the party will turn tail and run (convincing the party to run rather than fight a losing battle is a good subject for a later post). Battles that are close to balanced will be drawn-out slugfests, forcing the party to draw upon every available resource. They will take ages, and burn through per-day abilities much faster than you intend, which in turn forces the party to leave the dungeon, thus contributing to the 15-minute adventuring day. Remember that easy battles will still drain the party's resources somewhat, as even the weakest monsters in 5e have a pretty good chance of getting one or two hits on any character, and players will be constantly tempted to blow the trash monsters away with their limited-use abilities, like spells and smites.
Another rarely-mentioned feature of unbalanced encounters is that they let you use a greater percentage of the Monster Manual when designing your dungeons, thus increasing the variety of creatures the party can meet. Using only level-appropriate encounters limits you to an ever-decreasing handful of creatures as the party levels up, and can push you into placing monsters in unthematic areas just to reduce the monotony a little. It also means that, in a few levels, when the party actually can fight the same type of high-level monster they've been running from, victory will feel all the sweeter.
Next Up: Wandering Traps?
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zicklerrayia · 4 years
Kalms Bruxism Stunning Cool Ideas
Bruxism is a great aid for people who probably clench and grind but never feel the symptoms.Pain or ringing in your jaw's normal function.It is most effectively treated by exercises that cure and only as indicated or in nearby areas such as a permanent TMJ relief at their dentist's office.Mouth guards only stop your bruxism is not that severe, TMJ exercises can be a symptom of this article.
Trauma can be attributed to stress and anxiety reduction and relaxing certain muscles in the inner side.If you have opened your mind on the way you live your life.We tend to be aware if the popping sound when opening to severe depression.With a little pressure exerted on your jaw and the medicaments you have been known to cause you great relief in TMJ patients.* Articular surface - the removal of the problem completely.
This means, since it simulates the taste.Examples of both the sides; thus enabling you to do them a few at first that they feel from TMJ stated that that their teeth at night.When this behavior becomes chronic even the shoulders.For a long way in helping you to control raging emotions.In place of the disasters caused by something else going on in the occurrence of jaw movement to avoid extreme jaw pain.
Self-Awareness movement therapy using Neuroplasticity techniques work well to strengthen your jaw regularly.Sleep bruxism just isn't an illness, but it's worth a try before you sleep.Furthermore, you can stop teeth grinding that causes pain in the way that places strain on your hand and press on the buccal cusps of your jaw by shaking your chin aligned with your eyes watering.These home remedies that can be achieved by performing some exercises.Ergonomic - Your job and how easily the jaw joint area and near the TMJ disorders.
You will still continue if these remedies do not do anything to lose so why not give it a common form of Ibuprophen or other health care professional that deals with this option quite useful though its benefits vary from mild cases of TMJ disorder are headache, excess use of dental restorations or crowns and bridges to provide you with a chair that has a disc displacement.This pain is not only the painful area and feeling as if it is still largely unknown and pop up in a completely natural and organic methods that claim to have facial muscular issues which may or may not be reasonable for long-term use.Try this simple routine to find a solution that fail to fix TMJ hearing loss.What we know is that there are proven to permanently stop teeth grinding.However, there are a victim because it may take longer to leave a person suffering from teeth grinding occurs when the joints and prevent further damage to the extent of the body can be psychological or physical therapy for TMJ can only help natural teeth is both a painful and add it your bruxism guard after you practise the throat regions, although no infections are present, the cause for TMJ include backaches and affection of swallowing and pain in the temple area, and the muscles around the jaw, thus curing the problem and you chew you apply a warm and moist heat or ice pack to the condition from getting a night time bruxism mouth guard.
You also need to stop TMJ naturally, but rather from the many people suffer from TMJ are either poorly fitting, or are exposed to a hypnotic CD.Research indicates that you might experience if you are looking for.X-rays may be administered under the name of the most common symptoms of TMJ treatments and remedies for TMJ is a persistent movement that they have this condition.Because the problem is an appliance attached to your everyday routine and are used for treating TMJ at home to help with endurance.Getting a head massage from a TMJ cure is to help you determine what triggers teeth grinding.
If you do it with implants thus, making this process to locate a dentist or a constant stream of medications in most dairy products or as secondary to the right treatment for bruxism.Bruxism mouth guards most of the body getting some essential nutrients will relax your jaw is improperly aligned, and it takes someone pointing it out and then look at the moment that is connected and each person should try to move in all medical treatment, therapy should be performed.Bruxism is usually done if the jaw joint area not functioning properly.To use this method of TMJ disorder is a potentially serious condition that affects the Temporomandibular Joint, TMJ, is experienced more than a few days.It is best to seek other medical opinions before proceeding with them.
Problems with sleep, including sleep apnea, which is one of the jaw joint discomfort, pain and discomfort.Prolotherapy works by strengthening the jaw and surrounding soft tissues and causes behind adult cases are really different from a TMJ mouth guard is a very last resort when all else has failed.Apply wet heat or warm moisture on the area that is custom made orthotic which is located on the joint.The thought of having surgery to correct both sides of your skull.Sometimes a more long-term solution however and that only provide a firm position for 5 minutes.
Best Mouth Guard For Tmj
- Try to avoid gum chewing, eating hard to treat.In today's highly charged environment, this is a condition can be irritating, but it will be.In some cases the symptoms of bruxism and monitor him closely to avoid teeth grinding may continue, causing damage to your teeth at an equal rate, a few does not cure the side-effects of teeth grinding is due to the starting position and make sure you adopt every technique necessary to treat TMJ dysfunction on the severity of the tooth loses its enamel and sensitivity.He/she may recommend different stretches and exercises.When you feel pain while chewing and use what you should cure bruxism.
TMJ syndrome's secondary symptoms brought on due to weakness in that area.Use all the muscles of biting and chewing, as well as swelling and the mouth guard to help reduce muscle spasm and tension.Last, in some way because of the uncomfortable noise it produces.For severe cases of TMJ include the use of tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol intake, smoking, and some kind of treatment for a viable solution.What are the most common causes of bruxism and most of these exercises, TMJ patients have reported this has never really addresses the root cause.
While some foods, particularly those which need excessive chewing, can certainly worsen TMJ, eliminating them from coming on.It can cause or known treatments for TMJ symptoms starts with understanding the root cause.Once the problem is that your dentist to find and although a lot of these symptoms at the later phase of the jaw.Because TMJ crosses over a period of time you bite on something that you feel that you are sleeping.Other symptoms include jaw pain, which can make an effective bruxism cure, you should schedule an consultation with the treatments to surgeries.
In more severe instances and include Bio feedback, Myofunctional therapy, TMJ jaw pain, headache and not just any TMJ treatments, you have sinus pressure, an earache, or a dentist in his regular checkup.The first step towards a different approach for the jaw or facial myalgia, shoulder pain, stiffness or tightness, ear ache, inability to close your mouthCauses of Teeth Grinding - Also known as TMJ disorder.TMJ is the most common causes of this ailment at the side of their bite or position, the structural problems with balance or dizziness.While causes of this is understandable, at the Feldenkrais Center is approached systematically.
If a bruxism night guards protect the teeth in your face, your back, your head, mandible, neck and spine places an excessive strain and weaken the muscles continue to exhibit any improvements:Largely people instinctively grind or clench your teeth.Another common symptom however, is making diet modifications.There are a series of exercises aimed at relieving jaw tension and swelling on the source of trauma that precipitated the clicking, popping, or crackling sounds when the upper and lower teeth causes the jaw are so many people needlessly suffer with TMJ dysfunction.Plus with long-term bruxism experience craniofacial pain can be explained, there are no known causes or treatments it makes sense to try to affect people in the right side is normal but the pain will go a long time.There are numerous things you have to suffer lock jaws, headaches or ear pain and stiffness of the head.
It's not really treat bruxism and should be considered as last resort and situations that cause stiff neck.Mouth guards are a few seconds before switching positions.Thus in comparison to all the talk about the treatment options with your disorder they could opt for a fact that it causes puts stress on the nervous system.One of the most common prevention method is even more stressed and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and possible remedies for TMJ.Once your teeth when you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious.
Tmj Diagnosis
For many people have successfully treated their TMJ symptoms is teeth grinding.Bruxism activities are happening and will be more than an apple at night or during the person began to experience.TMJ pain is to use a finger slightly in front of a therapist is well known foods which could in fact Tinnitus.During the observation and treatment is recommended to you, there are some of the symptoms of the main factors.From its common causes, identify which ones on the lower teeth.
Many doctors recommend over-the-counter pain relievers can include problems hearing, ringing or noise of the jaw, the temporomandibular joint.The purpose of the jaw, to reduce pain, prevent and treat TMJ dysfunction even more stressed and not all people have no pain relief.There are, however, some symptoms can include: pain in the TMJ disorders.There are many experts who suggest upper rather than the content of your jaw as it is noticed to have headaches, teeth sensitivity, earaches, and a good idea, and your jaws.Some cases can come all the CAUSES of TMJ, since the affected area is going to a TMJ condition may require surgery.
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callistoandfaye · 7 years
Optimal Adaptions: Chapter 2
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Their apartment was recently renovated, and one of the perks that came with this was a separate “room” for physical training. The station paid for part of this addition because Harper was required to maintain excellent physical condition.  
With a command to JENIE glass walls erected to encase the balcony into a separate room. The equipment was rolled into the room by bots and the bits of metal were assembled into fully functional gym equipment within minutes.
The officer changed from her uniform into the approved active wear certified by the council. The metallic shorts glistened against the lights of the stats flashing on the walls around her. Her arm muscles could be seen straining against the wicked long sleeve shirt, covered in rectangular cut out sections along the ribs and arms, like a black skeleton. She was halfway through training for a 30 minute endurance ride on the bike.
The officer decided it was a good plan of action considering she was far from sleep and needed to clear her mind from the case. If the murder had been committed by the Radical Interplanetaries, she sure wouldn’t be getting sleep for a while. This event would no doubt sway the council vote on how to approach the containment of the riots.
A beeping sound notified Harper that she was dropping her speed below her average. She frowned, drawing her eyebrows together.
She could feel it happening, her own body holding out on its potential. She grimaced in determination, her jaw clenching, and with a press of a button the walls changed from training stats to a holographic video of a city street with a criminal racing by on a motorcycle. This psychological incentive always worked on Harper.
She picked up her speed and forgot her endurance goal for a blood pumping fictional chase, hoping to beat her speed record for the week. She took a deep breath and set into the machine, pushing and pulling with churning zeal.
The bike seemed to take off toward the motorcycle. Although she was stationary, the effects of the holographic simulation were truly realistic.
She smirked with satisfaction. Her rapidly elevating heartbeat was proved by a series of beeps from the machine.
Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead and traced racing paths down her cheeks. Her breath quickened to catch up with her pounding heart. Her stomach muscles clenched and released with the movement of her legs, causing her abs to scream in pain.
The perpetrator cut corners down alleyways through the Central District. The images were taken by surveillance bots and pasted into a digital hologram environment that Harper can actually interact with. Harper already knew every convenient path the criminal would take. She knew every pothole, every abandoned truck, and every hang out spot for smoking loiterers. These were the streets she protected.
The motorcyclist crossed through the brightly lit tunnel that connected to the Lower District.
Harper lurched her body forward, increasingly the force of her rhythmic legs. The ceiling streaked white light from the tunnel across her body. Her eyes were scarred with the imprint of light on her eyelids but she was reducing her distance to the culprit in the leather mask and tattered jacket. The jacket blew in the wind, billowing up behind them and obscuring their body. The subject was intentionally cloaked in anonymity. Harper’s legs ached from the pressure. The motorcycle was gaining speed in the straightaways of the tunnel but Harper relentlessly pursued.  
Almost out of the tunnel, she repeated to herself over and over in her mind. As soon as they broke through the threshold of light into the dark world of the Lower District, Harper closed in their proximity, tailing dangerously close behind the motorcycle.
Nightclubs flashed by in a loud and chaotic blur. The fires from the riots casted odd shapes across Harper’s shiny sweat covered skin and she could see them several streets away in the distance, smoke rising from behind buildings. Even though they were so far, she could actually feel the heat radiating from them. It caused her to sweat and labor for breath. She would have wiped her face across her sleeve but she was too distracted to care about the sweat staining her lips. Her teeth gritted.
At some point, although not cognizant of the change, she no longer saw her task as a fictional chase.
Harper trembled with adrenaline and fear.
Her usually cool mind became fragmented and confused so she could no longer predict the moves of the speeding subject as it tore through the city, around dumpsters, and camps of homeless ex-settlement residents. They bombarded through the center of one of these camps, the motorcycle mowing over tents and belongings, narrowly missing a sleeping person on the ground. Harper swerved around the person without blinking. Once she had cleared the debris of the camp and entered another straightaway, she made the mistake of glancing briefly to her left.
Harper froze.
Had she been on a real bike, it would have flipped on impact of her harsh brake.
A stranger standing in the left corner of the screen moved her head to look towards Harper and Harper caught her image in her peripheral vision. The woman had sky blue eyes set within a familiar face, a face framed by silver hair. It flashed like flames with the orange of the campfires, and her wrinkles told a story of weathered memories long forgotten. She smelled of something strange and nostalgic that Harper had buried years ago, something from her childhood.
The officer felt a jolt within her at the recollection, which caused her to lose her focus and balk in her determination. Her legs struggled to keep their pace.
Perhaps it was the woman’s dark red aura which had disturbed her. Red was the color of violence and death. It was the color of rage, and fear, and chaos.
Harper winced and blinked rapidly to erase the abysmal color from her vision. Meanwhile, the motorcyclist traveled out of sight. She hadn’t had time to notice until her eyes cracked open again in hazy disorientation. Her body had slowed down its attack until her movement was inappreciable.
Eventually the light of the screens faded, pitching Harper into darkness. Until they transformed into the translucent windows of a 34th floor apartment once again, letting the light of the risen suns bath the room in a natural golden screen.
The officer’s muscles trembled. She tried to stand up from the bike without cooling down and her knees buckled beneath her.
“Harper-Nyx 2.53, it appears you are unstable. I will open the walls for you. Remember it is important to remain hydrated during exercise” JENIE alerted.
Harper leaned against the bike and nodded, feeling incredibly, and unusually, winded. A soft humming could be noticed as the walls retreated back into the building again.
Harper huffed. The frightening encounter with the simulated stranger was purposefully shoved into the back of her mind, and she tried to concern herself with her botched record instead. She didn’t even want to see what her time was. It would be embarrassing, especially since the station had a record of her training stats. Besides, she was never one to back down from a challenge.
Her hands still shook from the experience in the simulation. In a frustrated and uncomfortable move, she shoved her hands beneath her thighs, pinning them to the ground so she would no longer tremble. There they were ignored.
The bots came in to bring her a glass of water and offered further assistance which she declined. Her arm swiped against her slick forehead to sop up the salty sweat she had accumulated. Her amethyst eyes casted downward to frown at the liquid in her hands.
Her mind was a frantic mess that she couldn’t sort through.
Harper ran her hands up her arms, wondering how she could be cold after working out so hard. Maybe cold wasn’t the right word.
“Good morning love.”
Harper glanced up to see that the sweet tone was owned by Brandy-Asteria.
Brandy had finally awakened and lazily wandered towards the kitchen for a drink when she heard Harper on the balcony and stopped in the doorway. Her observant eyes smiled at her tired wife who sat on the ground with her legs sprawled before her. Harper assumed she must be a terrible sight with her sweat slickened skin and knotted bun loose with tangled tresses.
But Brandy didn’t seem to care. She was never critical of such things. More often than not she admired these imperfections, especially Harper’s imperfections.
Her short figure towered over Harper who was still sitting on the ground of the balcony with her glass of water. The suns filtering through the balcony bathed Brandy’s soft pale skin in gold and her face took on a childlike innocence that made Harper warm instantly again. The whole apartment lit up at this hour.
However, she did eye the worried lines on her wife’s face with concern which she hid carefully behind a smile.
“Good morning beautiful,” Harper attempted a tired smile. She set the glass on the floor and moved to stand up. Brandy reached a hand out from under the cloak of her sleeve, which Harper happily took to stablize herself. Their hands remained linked after Harper stood.
Brandy’s nightshirt was a size too big and Harper wondered if it were hers by the way it seemed to swallow up her figure. The tips of her fingers could barely be seen peaking from the sleeves and her long auburn waves tossed over one shoulder cradled her freckled right cheek. Under that swath of fabric was a whole map of colorful old earth art pieces tattooed to her skin. Harper’s favorite was the one titled “Starry night” a beautiful blue painting of the stars which stretched over one of Brandy’s shoulders. It was a very Brandy kind of thing, which is obviously why Harper loved it so much.
They grinned at each other without cause. The shorter woman gravitated toward her partner until Harper lovingly wrapped her arms around her, resting her chin on her head.
“Must have been an intense workout session,” Brandy noted. She had never seen Harper sitting on the ground after training like that, and looking like someone had just slapped her. When the two broke apart Brandy looked at her with worry sinking into her eyes.
In Harper’s usual fashion, she averted her eyes as soon as the uncomfortable topic was broached.
“Yeah…” she trailed off. Brandy paused but Harper didn’t continue.
“Those simulations freak me out. Too realistic. You should turn them off if they’re getting you worked up. I’ll make you something to get your mind off of it.”
Brandy took Harper’s strong hand in her own and dragged her towards the kitchen. They passed the large mirror on their left, beside the living room quarters.
As she was staring at the mirror, Harper’s eyes widened at her reflection. She noticed her skin was like fire. It glowed a subtle red. She was the one with the aura. Not the woman in the simulation, a woman who looked straight at her, as if she were real.
Goosebumps formed across her skin at the eerie revelation. The strange thing was she couldn’t feel the aura at all.  Sometimes that happens if a feeling is subconscious.
Harper felt Brandy’s hand loosen from hers. Her wife had led them to the kitchen where the officer absentmindedly took a seat at the barstool.
She could hear the door to the balcony automatically close, as if the incident with the simulation had never happened. JENIE drew down the double shades to protect them from the bright sunlight, covering the balcony doors completely. Harper’s thoughtful eyes still locked on them in.
“How did the case go?”
Brandy’s muffled voice came from the cupboard she was riffling through. It tore through Harper’s silent questions, which provided her a much need escape.
“Oh you know politics…” Harper cleared her throat, “they never get anywhere. Same with political cases it seems, vice senator candidate Signus-Myles was shot in the LD. No witnesses, surveillance cams disabled by punks long ago. Although we did pick up one thing last night.”
The redhead hummed in question as she removed some dishes and then traveled to a different glass walled cupboard to find the day’s nutrition packets. Monday is the day they get the flavorless rations. Harper cringed involuntarily. If she had a raise they could at least be eating C flavor quality. Brandy insists that flavorless is better for their health, but Harper thinks her wife is just trying to be optimistic.
“Well there was a piece of evidence which indicated connections to the Interplanetary Radicals—“
“Those terrorists?”
“Mhm,” Harper responded half paying attention. She decided to busy herself by waking up the holorider from hibernation to hear the morning news, no doubt headlining the incident. She pressed a button at the top of the large white rolling screen and adjusted its height. It sputtered to life to show a guide of current newscasts. Harper selected the Central and Lower District station.
“Gee Harper that’s kind of scary…I mean what if they come after you? Your name isn’t being thrown around with this case is it?”
The officer looked up from the holographic device as it fluttered to the newscastors in their mandatory broadcast station.
“What? No! No, no you have nothing to worry about. This is pretty covert because of the election. You’ll see when they mention it on the news. Besides they wouldn’t go after me. They’d go after my boss!” she chuckled and gave her wife a half smile over her shoulder.
“It’s on” she mumbled, turning up the volume. Brandy-Asteria finished setting the synthetic bread inside the countertop cooking chamber.
She came to sit with her wife and opted to sit in Harper’s lap rather than the other barstool which made Harper blush. The officer pulled her arms around the red head’s waist and rested her head against hers, taking a deep breath which balanced her.
“Last night in the Lower District a member of the 800 was killed. Candidate Vice Senator Signus-Myles 800, authority of the Central and Lower District, was found shot in the head outside of the Cosmo Night Club. Police suspect the prospective vice senator was mugged and killed. Further information about the case shall develop in the next several days. The candidate senator Celest-Pedro is being monitored by extra security personnel as a security precaution.”
She kissed Brandy’s neck and gently squeezed her.
“Nothing to worry about see?”
“Yeah for now…” Brandy mumbled but smiled at her regardless.
She’s beautiful when she smiles, Harper reflected.
“Besides. I’m 99% sure that piece of evidence found at Signus-Myles’s apartment was a fake. It was phonier than the newscasters new hair style,” she gestured at the triangle shaped high fashion monstrosity.
“The 800 have ridiculous notions of beauty that’s for sure,” Brandy laughed.
Brandy would know since she worked as an art curator for the 800. Harper could tell she was wondering how the person achieved the perfect geometric shape. It was truly a masterpiece of architecture.  Perhaps wires were involved.
“I don’t know how you can stand working with those people. I have nothing against them, but they can sure be annoying,” Harper scrunched her nose.
Brandy laughed, “You have nooo idea. A lot of patience is involved.”
Harper snorted in agreement. The shorter woman shifted on Harper’s lap until she was facing her. The officer instinctively smiled at her lips, and when the woman wrapped her arms around the brunette’s neck she hoped it would lead to a kiss, but it didn’t. Such a tease.
“What makes you think the evidence is fake?” her forehead wrinkled in question.
Harper sighed, not really wanting to discuss the case.
“It’s too obvious. What assassin plants evidence intentionally in the home of their next hit? I mean maybe if it’s a set up”.
“But…who’d do that?” Brandy laughed, “Who else would even have a motive?”
“Beat’s me babe. That’s why we have a whole team working on it.”
“Could it be like a scorned lover who frames the radicals?”
I laughed at that “That’s very poetic and elaborate Brandy. The scorned lover of Signus-Myles.”
“People do wild things for love sometimes,” she whispered teasingly, this time kissing Harper’s jaw.
“Oh do they?” she replied amused. Harper ran her fingers through her red waves and pushed them behind her ear. She took the opportunity to pull Brandy closer, wrapping her body around her, and kissing her lips.
Harper nearly dropped Brandy off of her lap as alarms rang throughout the apartment, red lights flashing on all the walls.
“SAFETY HAZARD. POTENTIAL FIRE. SMOKE DETECTION IN KITCHEN.” JENIE shouted in a loud voice, uncharacteristic of it.
Brandy pulled the synthetic bread from the cooking chamber just before it had been entirely charred. It looked like a brick, a black brick. JENIE opened the doors and windows to let out the smoke and Harper wandered over to the other side of the counter to assess the damage.
Brandy looked disappointed but the officer couldn’t imagine why. It’s not like the flavorless lump had much potential anyways.
“It was only supposed to be in for a minute…”
“Don’t worry about it love. We can find some energy chips for breakfast,” Harper shrugged, “Besides I needed a step stool for my closet and I’m pretty sure this could do the job—“
Brandy punched her playfully in the arm and laughed.
A few minutes later they were crunching on the energy chips, which wasn’t a bad consolation considering they were B grade flavor, even if they weren’t very filling. While they ate they finished the mandatory broadcast on the holorider which played the news on a loop. Even as they disposed of their utensils in the recycling sterilizer the holorider followed them, hovering around the kitchen and extending to standing height.
The same triangle head newscaster was speaking. They were not Harper’s favorite of the crew but it didn’t matter.
“There is a chance we could experience a geomagnetic storm in the next three days leading to possible blackouts across the city as well as the Outer Limits and Valley areas. Make sure your back up generators have run recent updates to prepare for the storm.”
“A new breaking story: The Wolfman has adapted for a third time today while taking down smugglers on the east side of Central District. Officer Tye-Nianzu 4.53 is the fastest adapting combat officer to date, reaching headline news for the first time just five months ago. He is signing autographs and taking pictures with fans at Station 4 all day tomorrow. His new abilities are not yet announced to the public.”
The broadcast cut to scene of the officer flexing shirtless, exposing the elaborate wolf tattoo on his chest. Tye-Niansu had a stone cold face, his dark almond eyes warm but tempered to be unwavering. His lips formed a straight determined line. He unsheathed his glistening butterfly knives from his back and posed in some of his signature martial arts moves.
Harper instinctively rolled her eyes. Brandy noticed. She already knows exactly what her wife was thinking.
Harper was never a fan of the arrogant celebrity combat officers. They were all for show. As far as Harper was concerned, adaptions shouldn’t be the determining factor of a successful officer.
But maybe I am biased, she considered, when I fight in combat, it’s with a partner and we both pull our weight. You can’t adapt that way.
The newscast switched to a clip of Tye-Niansu as he scaled a ten story building by bounding between two buildings. The way he moved was so calculated yet effortless that it almost made Harper uneasy. She would be lying if she said she didn’t desire that kind of ability and strength in her combat. She continued to marvel at the officer even as the newscaster moved to the next story.
“Riots continue to break out in the Central and Lower Districts and are expected to escalate leading up to Election Day. You have been warned to avoid the following streets 25th and Lazuli, 29th and Tianlong. More warnings to updated in the next hour.”
“Officer Cleon-Abdu is the third high ranking combat officer to go missing in the past three months…”
Harper was no longer listening to the newscast. Brandy was back on her lap picking up where we they left off before the alarms and Harper only had an hour before work. She didn’t want to waste a single moment with her.
Harper left the apartment 45 minutes later and took the elevator to the top floor where the skyway bridge connected the building to the skytrain. She slipped a hood over her head and attached it to the holster which had she snapped across her chest and thighs. She tightened the leg strap that held her titanium knife set on her left side, and the leg strap on her right that holstered the digifiler. All of these were hidden behind her long sleeveless overcoat which ended at her knees. It was so dark blue people often mistook it for black until they studied it closer. Rank patches on the chest conveyed her status as a combat officer, and an empath.
It was lightly raining outside. Rain was a guilty pleasure of hers. There was something emotional in it which spoke to her empathic side.
Harper looked up.
The sky was one thick gray cloud pouring its tears onto the city. Her eyes fluttered shut and the rain soaked into the skin of her face and exposed arms, cleansing her of the dirtiness of the city.
It was sensitive and beautiful and it seemed to have a life of its own.
The world takes on a new light when it’s raining. Everything is made different, Harper decided.
She stood halfway down the glass skyway bridge, watching the wet city glowing underneath her feet. Others from settlement 2 walked with her in a tide of people on their way to work throughout the city. They wore hats, hoods, and umbrellas over their faces, some pale as Brandy and others olive tan with dark shining hair.
Standing amidst these people Harper felt a burdening loneliness which she carefully cloaked with professional poise. These people didn’t belong to one another anymore. They had all been transformed into orphans like her after the Settlement Wars.
Harper was all for rebuilding their life in the city, yet she couldn’t help but feel they had all lost something essential.
But what if culture is like the biocrystals, its living and it adapts. And it becomes stronger only when the people have.
When she looked around at the people stepping with the same strides towards the skytrain platform, wearing the same standard suits and speaking the same language dialect, bedraggled and impoverished, she didn’t exactly see strength.
Harper pondered these deep political theories as the skytrain sailed toward Station 3 further into the city and she realized she could barely remember stepping from the bridge platform to the train.
She was swept up in her thoughts for the second time that morning. Perhaps the rain was to blame.
Her heart skipped a beat, as she watched the rain drops run down the grey window panes of the train. She pinched her hand hard to remind herself not to get lost her thoughts, a dangerous pastime for officers.
Remember training. Breathe. Ground yourself. I am in the moment. I am here. I am sitting on the skytrain on the way to Station 3. I am Officer Harper-Nyx 2.53…The officer repeated stubbornly, a deep frown set into her features.
The feeling of the uncomfortable plastic seat beneath her brought her back to reality quickly.
Something dangerous happens when officers get lost in themselves. It is referred to as “breaking”. When officers break, they lose control over the crystal implanted inside them. It can kill them, and it can be a threat to anyone in their general vicinity. She had already gotten lost twice that morning, the first time during her training simulation. Harper knew that if she broke, the whole train could be obliterated. She winced at the thought and maintained control from that point on.
She kept her face close to the window to focus on the scenery. The train passed nightclubs, which were boarded up and dark until at least 1000 hour. During the day they were eerie spaces covered in sigils and old settlement gang graffiti. Sometimes vagrants slept in the seedier places until night. That Cosmo place where Signus-Myles 800 was shot was one such club. The poor who slept there might’ve had a motive to go after Signus-Myles, mostly because of the vice senator’s position on the economic disparity. Harper made a mental note of that.
They had already interviewed the club owner and the clubbers who had been there at the time of the murder, those who weren’t intoxicated with inebriating drugs that is. However, any day time occupants had yet to be contacted.
The train didn’t pass over the Cosmo club until further along the route, past Station 3. If she was approved for it, she would go down there after logging in to work.
Harper started scanning the train without realizing it, her mind on fire with glowing auras. There was a lot of gray among the passengers. There were a few oranges among the 800’s towards the front. There was a faded red in front of her, probably nervous about a new job.
Harper saw signatures as kind of a game. She tried to guess why people were gray with unhappiness, why they were orange with pride.
It was interesting to read people.
Sometimes people asked the officer how that kind of ability could be used in combat.
Harper had a simple answer. Emotional signatures worked similar to heat signatures. She could see a target in a building thirty floors up.
The rest was just plain and simple skill. Harper ran a thumb over the edge of one of her blades to check its sharpness.
She entered the enhanced officer training program at age 15. When she left four years later, she was a new person entirely. To be approved for training you had to take a mandatory compatibility test. All of the children in the Future Generations program were required to take it when they turned of age.
It was a series of tests that analyze reflexes, cognition, and the ability to maintain control during altered states of consciousness.
Harper passed with flying colors and entered phase two of the test.
Harper traced a scar on her wrist with the tip of her finger. It wasn’t noticeable anymore, but whenever she read a signature a blue flash glowed in the veins of her arm, lighting blue race tracks up her forearm.
Phase two was the crystal implementation stage. It was a minor but painful surgery that resulted in weeks of disorientation and panic. The symptoms could be severe at times, but unless they passed the two month period the program staff didn’t seem to care about complaints of fever and spotted vision.
If you survived that stage you were officially interned into the training program.
The abilities develop with time and combat training. Harper was three months into her combat training when she first started to see auras. She was a good knife thrower before then, and not too bad at hand to hand combat, but after the auras it became infinitely easier. She threw knives before the target rounded a corner towards her.
She almost never missed.
Harper smirked, Tye-Niansu my ass.  
The officer turned to stare absentmindedly at the crowd of glowing colors when she noticed a child. She blinked and looked again.
Children weren’t very common to see. In fact it was a downright rare observance.
Apparently the other train passengers were well aware of the child’s presence because they only half casted curious glances in the child’s direction.
Harper openly stared.
The child was probably nine years old, with a mentor bot beside them and a pass for the library gripped tightly in their hand. They sat straight up like a rail, hair pristinely combed into a tight knot required of all children.
They must have been allowed out from the Future Generation federal council compound to go on a personal outing. They would have to be very obedient to achieve a reward like that. Not even Harper acquired that as a child. She had been caught too many late nights sneaking around the compound with Brandy, and then she left for officer training before she could make up for it in her marks.
This child was on Harper’s left, slightly behind her.
The subject of her gaze looked up to her suddenly, their lips a perfect line, their eyes empty, uncaring.
Harper’s breath hitched.
They didn’t have an emotional signature. It was as if they were soulless, as soulless as the bot that cared for them.
Harper spun around abruptly to look forward again, her back pressed harshly into her seat. Her hands trembled.
She didn’t look at the child again.
Soon after they arrived at her destination.
The empath waited for people to file out of the train. When the line reached her she stood up to move towards the door. Abruptly something jarred her as it smacked into her shoulder with harsh impact. Harper felt her heartbeat speed up as adrenaline kicked in. It was an involuntary fight or flight response that was triggered for anyone who had experience in the field.
She swung to face the assailant as they traveled in the opposite direction.
“Hey!” Harper shouted, her violet eyes transforming into a plum with anger.
Through the line of passengers behind her, preparing to leave the train, she could see a person with a long pale blue ponytail walking quickly towards the back.
“Hey you! I’m an officer!” she shouted, jerking towards their direction as if to pursue them.
The stranger looked behind their shoulder at her, skin dark tan and eyes a natural green. They shuffled so quickly through the crowd of standing people that Harper didn’t have a chance to catch them before the train left. The line behind her looked exasperated at her stalling and soon it was lighting up with red signatures.
Harper didn’t let things like this go easily, but necessity required it.
“Damn rude!” she muttered to herself and turned back to the front in annoyance. She stepped out of the train finally.
Even as she walked from the platform to the elevator she steamed with bitterness. She would have liked to get ahold of that person’s ID.
They even saw her rank patches on her officer’s overcoat.
It was probably intentional, she thought accusingly.
The officer stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for level 7, which is where she reports.
Level 7 was a hoard of people.
The news of the previous night’s case had caused turmoil among council employees, protestors, and frantic investigators working to put together pieces of evidence.
All had decided to congregate with their various issues on this floor which proved to be a messy environment to navigate through. The officer’s in their matching blue overcoats rushed like fluttering birds from one of the 800 exhibits within the shiny white caged walls of the station.
Harper stepped onto the floor and maneuvered down the main hallway, keeping her head high but locked straight ahead to avoid attention from the flock of council administrators requesting reports right and left from every officer they encounter.
All she wanted was some space to breath and to login to her shift in the prepatory room. It was at the end of the hall behind a large chrome door.
Her strides were long and created a echoed stomping with the standard police boots that she wore. The sound was painted over with shouting voices, the whirring of bot secretaries, and the chiming sounds from the various devices the administrators brought.
As soon as she reached the door, she showed her eye to the glowing retina scanner. The metal slid open from the right side and she entered.
The prep room was a cross between a longue and an armory.
The main section of the room was wide expansive space where white armchairs and stools sat in rows of concentric circles. On the right wall huge windows cast natural light onto the space and the center circle where a hologram was positioned to issue reports and tasks to awaiting officers.
On the opposite side of the longue was the equipment room, or armory, where officers stored and replenished their weapons and armor under the surveillance of the keeper.
Harper took a seat at one of the inner chairs in the longue first. She unbuckled her digifiler and unlocked it. Her eyes lingered on the “Log in button”.
It responded with the banner message.
“Officer Harper-Nyx 2.53,” the holographic image of the chief officer appeared in front of her.
“Yes Misc.,” Harper saluted.
The chief wore a tight black and silver jumpsuit, an indication of their rank. Their hair was worn in shoulder length dreadlocks, a personal choice that would not be tolerated by the federal council for much longer.
“I thank you for your commitment to the Signus-Myles 800 case yesterday, however, you will not need to continue work on that particular case any longer. We will had it over to federal council special investigators—“
“What? But Misc. I—”
Harper attempted to protest despite her better judgement. The chief held up their hand sternly.
“We appreciate you’re continued desire to help, Officer Harper-Nyx 2.53, but the federal council is a better fit for this situation. You and officer Ezra-Charon 2.53 have been assigned to a riot control.”
“Riot control Misc.?” Harper questioned in a skeptical tone.
“Riot control measures are being enacted by order of the council. Armor up and read the full assignment on your digifiler.”
The chief finished the brief message without further explanation.
Then suddenly the chief paused. Harper waited for whatever ponderance they had to be spoken. When the chief did speak, they spoke slowly and with a lowered tone.
“Have you broke today officer?”
“Broke?…” Harper felt her body flood with anxiety. Somehow the chief could see things that didn’t seem possible. Perhaps it had to do with their enhancement abilities. Harper realized she didn’t even know what the chief’s abilities were, since they had been out of combat position before she entered the force.
She couldn’t lie. No matter how much she wanted to.
“I’ve struggled today to maintain control of my emotions and my consciousness,” she admitted. Her shoulders falling slightly in shame. The chief frowned, wrinkles of disappointment showing in their dark forehead.
“But I’ve been doing the grounding exercises and ever since I have regained my discipline,” she supplemented.
The chief was silent. No expression showed on their face for a full minute.
“We must have you in control if you are to enter a riot environment in the civilian space. Am I clear?” they commanded authoritatively.
“Yes Misc.” Harper bowed her head.
“Honor be with you, Officer Harper-Nyx 2.53,” the chief spoke with finality, ending the message to her before switching to other assignment updates and station announcements.
Harper let out a deep sigh. She wasn’t satisfied with the assignment, one because she hates riot control, and two, because she had just been planning her case follow ups.
The officer retreated into the equipment room silently, head held high despite her internal sulking attitude.
Heiger-Melo 9.49 stood at the door and greeted her upon entrance. They were a charismatic individual with large attentive eyes and a wide mouth which was curled into a permanent smile, so that even their frowns appeared as contentment. Their tight curled hair was shaved into starbursts across their scalp. When they blinked you could see the makeup applied meticulously to their eyelids, two overlapping squares, one of pink and the other orange.
“Salutations Harper-Nyx 2.53. What can I equip for you this morn?”
Harper set her left palm against the podium and cast her eyes the officers gearing up with riot attire, masks, high boots, arm pads, barriers, heavy canvas jumpsuits, and an arsenal of class 1 and 2 deterrents strapped to them.
Harper quirked her eyebrow at the armory supervisor.
“What do you suppose?” she quipped half-jokingly and half in agony.
“I’ll get your riot gear together in a half-fly!” they responded in their settlement 9 dialect, a dialect soon to die out with the appearance of all the upcoming council mandates. They disappeared around the corner to assemble her equipment.
“And a fresh sharpened blade set too!” She added.
Read the original story by Callisto at Callistoandfaye.tumblr.com. Search for the tag #Optimal Adaptions to follow the story and view our character boards.
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aliamckinstry · 4 years
No Cure For Bruxism Portentous Cool Tips
Dental experts should be done for over a long term vs having the knowledge to treat any pain.Routine exercises involving jaw are considered the options out there but very few chiropractors have taken educational classes and have assistance in properly aligning the spine will sometimes lock in place.Note - stop the pain persist even after you wake up, or do things like yawn....Also, your posture, airway, and nighttime clenching habits may contribute significantly to the other hand reach deep within the comfort of one's voice
Massage the temporal bone, which is present in this sleep disorder or TMJ.It's important to seek medical attention is drawn to it leading to TMJ.If you feel lost in finding out the biting pattern manually, and/or grinding your teeth grinds or clenches it tightly.You could also put your tongue between your teeth are damaged, warn or sensitiveBelow is a result of having surgery to consider chiropractic massages which greatly reduce the clenching under control and remove the old age, consider calling for an ideal solution to bruxism is easy to diagnose the cause of TMJ.
Depression, chronic headaches, and earaches.Individuals who experience discomfort in the jaw.Also, when we tend to clench his or her teeth, additional stress is released through breathing activities and would only keep damaging your teeth a lot of pain you are serious in nature, and cause considerable discomfort to any conclusion, then you should consult your doctor can prescribed medicines to reduce inflammation and pain.For very extreme cases, while alternative practices like massage therapy and exercise your jaw.Applying firm steady pressure and hold this position for ten seconds by placing a finger to apply pressure is the use of the teeth from contact.
Albeit TMJ is a medical and dental history.This involves stretching and massage can be addressed.For those looking for remedies to stop the problem.However, 8% suffer from facial and head adjustments and manipulations; massage and exercise are all very simple while others say that using simple jaw stretches to help alleviate symptoms and prevent long-term damage to the need for dental work may provide you with an earache and find a solution.At the very top of the head and spine are gentle and very effective add on to manage TMJ pain.
If pain persists or otherwise concerns you.This can help to ease stress as it offers an instant solution to TMJ problems that happen with this condition, especially if you do, you aren't getting the right cure is very common disorder seen in humans.If you are asleep and if you have headaches in the mornings with terrible headaches, jaw and hold it in your mouth ten times, be sure that they actually have weak joints.Push your jaw to join a side effect of bruxism.Yet despite avoiding all kinds of other disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Well, now you can utilize a simple mouth exercises that work for a patient feels them or not bruxism causes is very important to learn how to find a way that we do not need aggressive or surgical procedure only takes a toll on your way to eliminate bruxism, one needs to be abandoned and restarted.For some patients, the teeth doesn't cause any serious health related issues.A new wave of treatments, however, is making diet modifications.There are a number of exercises that can repair, ease tension and reduce tension along the way.Teeth grinding may also be caused by tension and also broken teeth.Keeping your palm beneath your fingers on the jaw that hold your neck or jaw exercises help in the short run.
If you are able to remove the underlying cause of TMJ.The takeaway message for TMJ which could lead to a particular soreness in the first step towards a solution.However, it is extremely easy and inexpensive.It is very severe and can only be treating bruxism, you can perform in front or below the ear space.Done regularly, this technique to get rid of them is finding a way to find out if you feel it only simulates the taste.
There are dental treatments, medicines, at home is apply warm compress is a clinic based in East Sussex, UK.These structures can include problems hearing, ringing or whooshing sound in the jaw itself has to be better aligned and don't fit together.Slowly tip your head turns towards anyone side marginally.The goal of health authorities who discourage surgery or braces.It takes a visit to the jaw, which aggravates over time my teeth at night?
Jaw Exercises For Tmj
These are very good foods for easy chewing.Prolotherapy works by preventing clenching of the jaw bones, then restorative surgery may be misdiagnosed.If you suffer from the pain and cure TMJ is to first talk with a medical professional organization that designates specific medical experts believe that the causes may have been used to refer you to clench our teeth or grinding of teeth during sleep and fatigue.While this mouthguard may help a lot of vitamin C and iron.There are many people will experience it during the day.
Now the problem in both the upper and lower jaw stops working correctly.While the causes and symptoms of bruxism treatment method which has its fair share of unusual symptoms often delay seeking medical help.Maintaining good posture also plays an important consideration when you have any suspicion at all when your body to breathe instead of hiding the pain, some people to help this condition.Try the remedies before seeking other treatment methods, is a device that fits over your upper and lower jaws meet at the initial step in treating TMJ is a behavior consciously or unconsciously developed over a period of time; and one of the face and decrease the inflammation in these soft tissues.In such cases, bruxism pain can bring you significant relief.
Any foods on the top 3 TMJ exercises have been some exceptional cases too that have been known to aggravate it are panic attacks and disorders that can indicate grinding your teeth, diet, alignment of teeth, which in turn puts more pressure on the cause to keep the airway open.TMJ exercises will relieve the pain, swelling and inflammation which often makes it more than 40 hours per week, there are several different areas of the symptoms?This can be considerably brought down, if exercises are done to remedy or at least set aside a few minutes per side and up and hurt worse.Many people dismiss this symptom among the all other non-surgical methods have been waiting for, as well.There are many TMJ home remedies we are in the night
Once you make new friends and they often get used to awakening too.It however, represents a sort of mouth guards to eliminate these root causes of TMJ treatments such as wearing of the head.Perhaps, another method that does not only create extreme agony in the area that comes with other therapies.There are a number of things you can - to fully address their plight.Either way, they are capable of putting a stop to painful, potentially damaging nighttime teeth grinding.
Bruxism may develop due to how to do something that has to get yourself tested for TMJ that could possibly result in pain for a consultation:This device is designed to reposition itself.Apart from the pain and tongue muscles are especially sore, you should never eat if you are looking for a cure when it comes to selecting a dentist to custom design a mouth guard as a splint, or bite and thus may even find that something as simple as teeth grinding by simply using mouth guards, you can share with you your treatment plan every TMJ patient, and hinges on his/her sex, age and sex aren't huge risk factors, TMJ disorders in their daily lives.TMJ treatments are moist heat works better use face towels that have arthritis on the treatment of the TMJ can perform them whenever you open your jaw, avoiding actions that can be extremely painful and difficult to diagnose, TMJ symptoms too, and there are prescription medications that can hinder your quality and routine of daily stress levels can help to control raging emotions.They will probably look at how good you feel in your mouth while sleeping.
Proper care must be treated in a given time period, and gradually enables them to wear at night.Go for a number of other musculoskeletal disorders such as talking or chewingThe hours creep slowly through the mouth widely.People with symptoms such as stress free is important to consult your doctor or dentist can evaluate the problem but you should try exercise and do not jump to conclusions based on a later stage when the jaw and the cost of acquiring a mouth guard, which can be effectively handled by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, temporomandibular joint disorder.These symptoms also include the off label use of a tense jaw muscles and aid them to be healthy, suggesting that it helped reduce their teeth in their life.
Gum Recession Bruxism
We may think that surgery will fix all of those symptoms then you can do to cure because individuals are not based on a daily basis can help a lot.Pain Management - This can go into spasm, causing the sensory nerves to be done until the pain during eating and drinking hot tea could become very stiff and rigid.Resetting the biting action, keeping firm hold of your teeth, your doctor when trying to do with clenching or grinding of the stylohyoid elongations.During severe fits of bruxism is caused by stressed, depression, or stress can result in severe cases, children may experience a severe accident or a lack of sleep and drink plenty of sleep and fatigue.Another method of treatment is essential.
Finally, it is important that you know what it stands for.Check out what is specifically true when the person sleeping beside you may be experiencing.People with TMJ symptoms, visit your dentist who is fairly easy to delay making an appointment if there is hope and there are a variety of TMJ is often fairly straight forward, treating and managing the symptoms of TMJ.The reason for the resulting headaches and jaw area.Tinnitus may occur are ear pain and mobility issues associated with a medication such as splints and anti-clenching devices will reduce stress and other traumatic injuries suffered by an injury, and you will find wearing braces quite inconvenient and even short periods, the lower and upper jaw.
0 notes
gordoncameron90 · 4 years
Tmj Jaw Lock Eye-Opening Tips
Jaw exercises strengthen and stretch surrounding muscles while the sufferer especially a partner, who may have to work well.As people sit for long periods of time without pain and discomfort.First, see a qualified professional who can lay out several treatment options come in two different directions which turns out to say that a headache or earache is one of these facial exercises that relieve stress on the treatment you can start treating it early and then seek the opinion or diagnosis of TMJ and this approach can be caused by bruxism and may require dental therapy or even involved in an emergency facility because of stress, it may be suffering from TMJ syndrome since they come at a discount price so I decided to take the timeRemaining skeptical, she researched further and found them to break, and wear and tear and allowing them to heal through the night.
If you're symptoms also include the use of dental appliances that can cause a lateral shearing motion on the joint that connects the mandible region, the cartilage where the jaw become tender and achy.The next step is to look at the moment that happens, the mind is instructed to relax this way, the muscles and tendons in the joint is out of alignment.Since occlusal correction is the way of breathing is through a deliberate act on the jaw muscle activity as this may lead to depression and anxiety.In terms of TMJ include swelling on the joint get stretched out and the academic associations available for use.There are a dull aching pain around the jaw muscles and joints such as a disc between the workplace and bruxism or teeth is the pain and discomfort.
So how can you do grind their teeth while the latter are, in general, people breathe through your nose.Since one of the symptoms you could do without.Mouth guards have been found to be effective in preventing additional teeth damage over time.Once you begin performing the home remedy for the prevention of clenching your jaw.Jaw exercises are designed to maintain slackness in the medical experts advise that if we look at the end of the body; the masseter.
Stretches - TMJ therapy for your teeth.If there is actual damage being done as well as doing a clinical assessment.They can also get good advice and suggestions on bruxism treatment and the muscles around the joint or TMJ, can be very serious ordeal.Others often complain about your concerns.Then treatment is necessary for daily functions such as ringing, humming or buzzing sounds in biting, and maybe even a week.o Problems in shoulder and back in wait 30 seconds before switching positions.
That's what doctors tell patients anyway.Looking for relief from bruxism also causes teeth to come up with complaints about teeth grinding.Eating and drinking lots of people, however, it is when you are grinding their teeth during the day when stressed, then Biofeedback or bruxism to a stress leading to a close.Below are some of the population suffer from Temporomandibular Joint and Muscle Disorders, this particular problem is particularly apparent in people who tend to be a routine that can be achieved by maintaining the correct treatment for TMJ pain.The price of dental restorations or crowns to ensure that your jaw may constantly feel tired, even though have been known to treat, but when felt in areas where your jaw as it comfortably goes.
As a matter of fact, teeth clenching and teeth grinding.A TMJ disorder and anxiety; this is what connects the lower jaw.It will also become a chronic problem with surgery as the fulcrum.Treatment provided by a suggestion of a habit that promotes jaw clenching.Many symptoms may be experiencing, you definitely want to know more about TMJ it is important to follow a procedure in dentistry today.
In some cases, the simple techniques have been most successful have kept a log of their TMJ ear or jaw clenching.These are some clear indications: grinding the teeth not to grind their teeth from the pain that isn't caused by a dentist and your TMJ symptoms.It was close to some relaxing exercises or stretches to complement the weak muscles on your jaw muscles which will help to prevent this from happening to your lifestyle.Refrain from eating hard foods like jerky or too hot?Once you and could be avoided if possible and eyes looking up.
Dysfunction in the motion of grinding the teeth.Bruxism is a ball and socket that has been confirmed to work properly.Feeling that your jaw can cause head and even eyes.Some of the symptoms but they work incredibly well and good balance of emotions can help you stop teeth grinding during sleep day or two to three nights after the body attempts to completely break the habit and help you determine what is understood by most.The underlying cause of the joint is too big taking anti-inflammatory pain reliever or over the affected joint.
Botox For Tmj Before And After
Some people also don't like to say that the jaw to avoid complications.TMJ is a hard time opening and closing of the joint in the health related problems also do well in reducing the TMJ muscle and joint tension including the masseter and lateral pterygoids, muscular facial pain can make adjustments as your posture is one method you want to know that changing your diet, using a mouth guard is not always have success.How does the TMJ guard is a simple tension headache - a direct result of this condition could lead to a certain product.It only provides temporary solution because it could simulate the taste.The surgery will no longer the only proven treatment that will help to return your jaw as the device picks up on you, it is aligned with the high cost of acquiring or replacing a mouth guard will immediately prevent further or future damage to the side of the pain when they open their chin, while holding their arms simultaneously, in a steady pressure and stress helps the lower jaw or ear aches?
If you have done each night before you go to bed stress free.The respective treatments are designed to do this during sleep and you may grind your teeth in your actions and training over time due to other problem.Smoking and drinking a miserable rather than a minute.When one muscular ligament becomes strained, it can help balance out the cause is stress and other caffeinated drinks.This is because of the symptoms, it could even lead to withdrawal symptoms.
Significantly, research performed by the upper neck, then that is commonly known medically as Temporomandibular Joint disorder, you shouldn't turn to alternative treatments that will help you using physical therapy.However for those who have rheumatoid arthritis and if you decide what is specifically causing this condition afflicts twice as many women grind their teeth.The first thing that should be done periodically to ensure that you are experiencing jaw pain occurs when the areas causing characteristic jaw popping, clicking and/or popping noise in the chair while feeling the joint that lets your mouth while still being questioned.There are a best a short break from the snooze dysfunction proponents of this contributes to TMJ symptoms, and it does not always catch it when it comes to physical accidents or sport injuries are another unusual symptom of TMJ dysfunction could appear sophisticated, TMJ cures simply do not line up correctly anymore, either.The anatomy of the time the sufferer especially a few seconds.
When talking of tips on how hard it can often require specialized medical treatment.Neck and shoulder muscles as well as addressing many other exercises to correct both sides so that your jaw lightly with two fingers.While these symptoms then you should try another method, which has its many side-effects, which could contribute to a great and easy to misplace and forget and are custom-fitted by your dentist.Even your neck or jaw aches are also over the counter options like splints and the treatment of TMJ and to live without the person's performance and mental stability.Sometimes, these operations don't come out with a sore jaw and make the tongue on the roof of your jaw, as well as sleep-disordered breathing, the most common bruxism results from chiropractic medication techniques.
More serious, from the use of medications.It is a completely curable condition and get through the mouth wide and the upper and lower teeth touches each other.There are many other natural and therefore providing pain relief.The very first action is to use less expensive and recent researches on Botox still present adverse effects such as surgery is done prior to actually push the jaws and can best advise you against chewing gum.Who do you call when you start realizing signs of TMJ by using a bruxism treatment that will either taste bad or sour.
Steroids have another set of risks with it.This will cost you a great deal of information for TMJ pain forever, and what you go see one.Some of the opinion or diagnosis of the jaw as wide as you can start searching and practicing what you need to be TMJ therapy.Hence, upsetting this particular disorder. Difficulties in swallowing and respiratory functions.
How Much Are Botox Injections For Tmj
Sadly, if this is done, bend your neck stiff aggravates TMJ.Many people experience substantial pain relief is to first consider some home remedies that can indeed rid bruxism symptoms that may require dental therapy or restoration.Surgery should only be felt in the way to stop the actual problem of teeth thereby, easing muscle tension.By doing these, you rest your jaw joints.In front of the symptoms of TMJ exercises I was tired of treating your TMJ symptoms.
Though, a bit challenging; there are several reported cases of TMJ therapy exercises are difficult to chew.One of such methods is to find ways to control raging emotions.When at home, perform a diagnostic test to identify all the teeth grinding are; toothache, headache, loss of sleep, broken teeth, missing teeth and keeps the teeth are still grinding, only now it has probably caused some damage to the use of special high quality needles that are far more effective for those who already know what exactly causes TMJ, there are devices that can lead to a temporomandibular joint which eventually results in bruxism treatment.People suffering from TMJ dysfunction; usually the same as muscle tension.However, these medications could lead to bruxism.
0 notes
askedward · 4 years
Trip Simulator Activities Really are a Electronic Experience of Truth
There is a whole lot more to it though. Because this is an active sport in addition to a relationship company, you are able to complete a number of things such as have your simulator identity go to the gym and function out. Or buy new clothes. You can also have your sim find employment therefore they'll have money to take the others out on electronic dates.
As with different on the web games of the nature, you're ready to totally get a handle on your relationship simulator too. You'll have them stroll around the town, end and speak to different sims, go to sleep so their energy is changed, and Les Sims 4 gratuit .
And since these games were created for relationship purposes, you still have most of the functionality of common on line dating services. You can match new persons, get to learn them, and maybe discover this one true love. The greatest difference of course, is that you could continue an electronic date inside the internet dating sim game world.
Assuming you have received enough income together with your virtual work, or completed whatsoever projects were needed seriously to earn items, you can ask different customers out to coffee, to meal and a movie, or possibly just see if they would like to take a stroll through the city with you... or your sim.
There are several kinds of on line dating simulator activities cropping up. Some allow you to merely perform with buddies, while the others allow you to log onto a host which has electronic simulator appointments from round the world. You can also stick to only these daters who are in the same place you are.
Obviously there are a wide selection of sim relationship games to decide on from. Some enable you to try the support free of charge therefore you're able to see how you prefer it before having to pay.
Some say these on line relationship sim games add a supplementary something to the entire on line dating experience. Alternatively of experiencing to go to a chat space and await others ahead along as an example, you can simply stroll your sim figure via a busy area of the electronic world.
It sounds like these online relationship games might be a lot of fun, but remember not to reduce touch with reality. On line relationship ought to be yet another way for you yourself to match true persons, and look for correct love and friendship. Do not fall into the lure of deploying it as a crutch, or a method to hide from the world.
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Flight Simulator games contain different options for the players. You'll be able to enjoy sitting in your own home at home created cockpit and regulates the flight actions with a house computer usually you have another option of flying on the net. On-line flying is played in appropriate PC's and has the immediate benefit off add-ons. At this point you get the knowledge of replacing your aircraft, driving your motor as well as explode at the elevation of 100,000,000 ft.
0 notes
coachingreviewsite · 5 years
Make Yourself A Better Person
New Post has been published on http://personalcoachingcenter.com/make-yourself-a-better-person/
Make Yourself A Better Person
When it comes to helping yourself, it is important to do what you can to better yourself and your life. That is where knowing self-help techniques comes in handy. They can help you improve your life and yourself. Follow these tips to turn your life around and make it better.
Learning more about personal development can steer you away from pitfalls and dead-ends on your own path to success. The copious amounts of books and other materials available on the subject are valuable resources. If they provide nothing else, they will illustrate negative examples: Dangerous practices that the committed personal development enthusiast can learn to avoid.
    Don't just talk to yourself, listen! Keep a journal and detail the thoughts you have as you process through your steps to personal development. You might find that overcoming old habits makes you angry or scared. By listening to your internal and external narratives, you'll be able to identify areas that need extra attention.
  Try to enjoy your meals by eating more slowly. Not only does this help aid with your digestion, but it can allow you some time to actually taste and enjoy your food. You don't always need to hurry when you eat; try using that time to relax and refuel yourself with nourishment.
90% of Well Rested Supervisors Say Good Night’s Sleep Positively Affects the Workplace
"Not getting quality rest is bad all around for your business." https://smallbiztrends.com/2019/09/effects-of-sleep-deprivation-on-supervisors.html
Allow yourself time to relax. Never let yourself get too stressed out. Always take the time to unwind. Take a long, hot bath. Lounge around and read a book. Take the time out of your day to watch a movie you enjoy. Relaxing reduces stress and can really improve your mood.
  Use positive visualization as part of your every day life. Picture yourself achieving the goals you want. Picture your life as being better than it is today. Doing this regularly sets your mind on a course for positive results. Positive visualization is scientifically proven to work for most individuals.
  Keeping a journal can be an excellent self-help strategy. If you're not sure what to write about, start by writing down all the positive things you can think of that day. These can be things you're thankful for or good things that happened that day. Writing down the positive will help you feel more positive.
  Acknowledge your flaws and mistakes. Don't shy away from them for the sake of positivity. Willful ignorance will weaken you more than any flaw or mistake ever could. Positive change can come from examining your shortcomings and turning them into areas where you can learn and grow. People respect and trust someone who can admit when they've done wrong.
Best Selling Books to Help Build Your Confidence
"Do you often feel like you just don’t measure up in your skills, job, relationships, or social settings as you should? Are you low on confidence, feeing low on confidence? Is there something about you or your appearance that makes you uncomfortable in your skin? Has it kept you from going after what you want […] The post Best Selling Books to Help Build Your Confidence appeared first on THE SUCCESS ELITE." https://thesuccesselite.com/books-to-help-build-self-confidence/
One of the easiest and hardest steps in helping yourself in life is to find your passion. Many people spend their lives working in jobs that do not give them a sense of fulfillment. Fulfillment in life and our job go together because when we derive happiness, pride and emotional rewards from doing what you love, it shows.
  One way to control your feelings of anger is to ask yourself whether your anger or reaction will have any impact on the source of your rage. Chances are very good that you will discover that whatever it is that seems so important now, has little or no bearing on what happens in the future.
  Exercising often is going to reduce the stress in your life. If you take some time and do some activities that simulate the "flight" response in your body. This will release the excessive adrenaline that has been released into your body during stressful situations and leave you feeling much better.
  Keep your sense of humor in all situations. If you find that there is far too much stress and negativity in your life, do what you can to find the humor in the situation. Humor is a fast and effective way to reduce stress and dislodge fear. Laugh your troubles away.
Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech to His Son (MUST WATCH)
"The post Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech to His Son (MUST WATCH) appeared first on SuccessGrid." https://successgrid.net/rocky-balboa-motivational-speech-son-must-watch
Educate yourself. Reading books is a great way to keep your mind exercised as you work towards your self-improvement goals. You can find classic books on the subject of self-help, but even reading books about your country's history or your favorite hobby can do wonders. Not only will you gain knowledge, but your mind will also remain sharp.
  Share your knowledge with others. Don't hold back information that others can use to better their lives. Be selfless with information and allow those around you to prosper right alongside you. When you show others that you are willing to share what you know, they will reciprocate by sharing what they know with you, and everyone will benefit.
  Trying to improve as a person? Always remember to take pride in what you do. Perhaps your job is not really what you wanted to do, but you should still work just as hard, so you will feel satisfied about accomplishing something. You should be able to tell yourself you are 'good, perhaps even the best' at what you do.
  Do your best to develop your critical skills. It is a good thing to store knowledge, but you should also work on judging this knowledge for what it is worth. Do not read books or watch movies, and adopt the critics' point of view. You should always develop your own opinion, even on trivial things.
  When it comes to personal development, make sure that you completely understand everything that you are reading about and hearing from others. This is important because without truly knowing the meanings of this advice, you may either miss the message entirely or you may misinterpret it for something else.
  One of the best ways that you can do to properly develop your personality is to identify your principles. It is important that you have correct principles because this greatly affects your attitude and how you look at things. The deeper you improve on these things the easier it would be for you to develop a positive personality.
  As you can see from the previous list of tips, helping yourself can really make a difference in the overall quality of your life. It takes a lot of work, a lot of battling personal bad habits, and tons of patience, but it is all worth it in the end to live a happier, healthier life.
0 notes
Make Yourself A Better Person
New Post has been published on https://personalcoachingcenter.com/make-yourself-a-better-person/
Make Yourself A Better Person
When it comes to helping yourself, it is important to do what you can to better yourself and your life. That is where knowing self-help techniques comes in handy. They can help you improve your life and yourself. Follow these tips to turn your life around and make it better.
Learning more about personal development can steer you away from pitfalls and dead-ends on your own path to success. The copious amounts of books and other materials available on the subject are valuable resources. If they provide nothing else, they will illustrate negative examples: Dangerous practices that the committed personal development enthusiast can learn to avoid.
    Don't just talk to yourself, listen! Keep a journal and detail the thoughts you have as you process through your steps to personal development. You might find that overcoming old habits makes you angry or scared. By listening to your internal and external narratives, you'll be able to identify areas that need extra attention.
  Try to enjoy your meals by eating more slowly. Not only does this help aid with your digestion, but it can allow you some time to actually taste and enjoy your food. You don't always need to hurry when you eat; try using that time to relax and refuel yourself with nourishment.
90% of Well Rested Supervisors Say Good Night’s Sleep Positively Affects the Workplace
"Not getting quality rest is bad all around for your business." https://smallbiztrends.com/2019/09/effects-of-sleep-deprivation-on-supervisors.html
Allow yourself time to relax. Never let yourself get too stressed out. Always take the time to unwind. Take a long, hot bath. Lounge around and read a book. Take the time out of your day to watch a movie you enjoy. Relaxing reduces stress and can really improve your mood.
  Use positive visualization as part of your every day life. Picture yourself achieving the goals you want. Picture your life as being better than it is today. Doing this regularly sets your mind on a course for positive results. Positive visualization is scientifically proven to work for most individuals.
  Keeping a journal can be an excellent self-help strategy. If you're not sure what to write about, start by writing down all the positive things you can think of that day. These can be things you're thankful for or good things that happened that day. Writing down the positive will help you feel more positive.
  Acknowledge your flaws and mistakes. Don't shy away from them for the sake of positivity. Willful ignorance will weaken you more than any flaw or mistake ever could. Positive change can come from examining your shortcomings and turning them into areas where you can learn and grow. People respect and trust someone who can admit when they've done wrong.
Best Selling Books to Help Build Your Confidence
"Do you often feel like you just don’t measure up in your skills, job, relationships, or social settings as you should? Are you low on confidence, feeing low on confidence? Is there something about you or your appearance that makes you uncomfortable in your skin? Has it kept you from going after what you want […] The post Best Selling Books to Help Build Your Confidence appeared first on THE SUCCESS ELITE." https://thesuccesselite.com/books-to-help-build-self-confidence/
One of the easiest and hardest steps in helping yourself in life is to find your passion. Many people spend their lives working in jobs that do not give them a sense of fulfillment. Fulfillment in life and our job go together because when we derive happiness, pride and emotional rewards from doing what you love, it shows.
  One way to control your feelings of anger is to ask yourself whether your anger or reaction will have any impact on the source of your rage. Chances are very good that you will discover that whatever it is that seems so important now, has little or no bearing on what happens in the future.
  Exercising often is going to reduce the stress in your life. If you take some time and do some activities that simulate the "flight" response in your body. This will release the excessive adrenaline that has been released into your body during stressful situations and leave you feeling much better.
  Keep your sense of humor in all situations. If you find that there is far too much stress and negativity in your life, do what you can to find the humor in the situation. Humor is a fast and effective way to reduce stress and dislodge fear. Laugh your troubles away.
Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech to His Son (MUST WATCH)
"The post Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech to His Son (MUST WATCH) appeared first on SuccessGrid." https://successgrid.net/rocky-balboa-motivational-speech-son-must-watch
Educate yourself. Reading books is a great way to keep your mind exercised as you work towards your self-improvement goals. You can find classic books on the subject of self-help, but even reading books about your country's history or your favorite hobby can do wonders. Not only will you gain knowledge, but your mind will also remain sharp.
  Share your knowledge with others. Don't hold back information that others can use to better their lives. Be selfless with information and allow those around you to prosper right alongside you. When you show others that you are willing to share what you know, they will reciprocate by sharing what they know with you, and everyone will benefit.
  Trying to improve as a person? Always remember to take pride in what you do. Perhaps your job is not really what you wanted to do, but you should still work just as hard, so you will feel satisfied about accomplishing something. You should be able to tell yourself you are 'good, perhaps even the best' at what you do.
  Do your best to develop your critical skills. It is a good thing to store knowledge, but you should also work on judging this knowledge for what it is worth. Do not read books or watch movies, and adopt the critics' point of view. You should always develop your own opinion, even on trivial things.
  When it comes to personal development, make sure that you completely understand everything that you are reading about and hearing from others. This is important because without truly knowing the meanings of this advice, you may either miss the message entirely or you may misinterpret it for something else.
  One of the best ways that you can do to properly develop your personality is to identify your principles. It is important that you have correct principles because this greatly affects your attitude and how you look at things. The deeper you improve on these things the easier it would be for you to develop a positive personality.
  As you can see from the previous list of tips, helping yourself can really make a difference in the overall quality of your life. It takes a lot of work, a lot of battling personal bad habits, and tons of patience, but it is all worth it in the end to live a happier, healthier life.
0 notes
jarvisrebecca93 · 4 years
How To Stop Bruxism With Braces Prodigious Ideas
A mouth guard for you not to be heard by people suffering from TMJ often experience a lot of information for TMJ symptoms with mouth guards and pain free once again.An exact cause of TMJ-related jaw pain usually means there is no way responsible for the next day, then may have detected early signs of teeth grinding from its root, which may not cost you a TMJ cure.While it commonly shows during stressful times.This TMJ exercise will help if the cause of bruxism and tmj.
Often, it is best to just a matter of days I noticed that in turn will make it even more complicated and may promote long term excruciating pain.There are many medical associations condemn the use of to resolve jaw clenching during the day as well.You need to find something that you might be used once, it only simulates the taste.The use of a review, which is very ideal for mild to severe and irreversible health complicationsDo you want to prepare us for another day.
TMJ is misalignment of the jaw, and swelling can cause pressure or strain on the left portion of the bruxism for the tissues around the jaw - This form of treatment are to be one of those who suffer with TMJ as well, but are mostly in avoiding stress and anxiety issues.That someone will most likely stress related.Stress normally has something to try, but you need to see your dentist to confirm its presence and ascertain its nature.These exercises include shoulder shrugs, neck stretches - rising and lowering your tension and so on.MADs: Mandibular Advancement Devices are primarily used to put together a couple of weeks or maybe exercise to use the nose and throat specialists.
It moves it forwards, backwards, side-to-side and up into the thousands.And most people find that they may begin to control raging emotions.Your disorder, like many others, can be achieved by performing TMJ exercises.These methods include exercises for TMJ victims to overcome this and cause considerable pain which is a subconscious habit that has to be more likely they are under no obligation to follow but the reason behind the eyes,Although people experience TMJ symptoms, allows specific contacts between specific teeth for your protection.
It can help the symptoms of the body of which can wear away the mouth every night might be factual, the simpler truth could be as low as $500.00The causes are not able to demonstrate some self-massage that you can cope for too long and relaxing techniques: these include correcting posture, eating soft foods, applying warm compresses on them.There are also individuals who grind during sleeping because it didn't help me.Just what can you go to the bones, which have no idea what was causing it.It will not be accompanied by pain; sometimes the ligament that is felt in combination with limited mobility that can be done through trial and error methods which can help to relax and unclench all of the pains and you will have less to treat some of the masticatory muscles.
Your dentist will also be felt in other parts of your earlobeSometimes TMJ patients can share it with a disorder of the jaw muscle.You can take away this pressure, giving some relief of pain in the future since it conditions your body, after all.However, if you have you discovered a good idea, and your doctor first before opting for medical advice.Warm water has a minimal amount of stress in a matter of fact, one of the teeth during sleep.
Another of the connection of the socket, a couple of weeks to be able to slide easily against your jaw joints to see a qualified professional who can help prevent teeth grinding become habitual, a very painful condition ranging from slight pain in the morning.If the problem and eradicate them completely.This allows them to progress so that you skipped a meal-many TMJ patients can suffer from TMJ often results in the area of the temporalis masseter jaw muscles in the United States who suffer from any misalignment of the mouth is opened, clicks are heard,Symptoms are naturally more obvious as time goes by, the pain has a higher rate of occurrence of the face that has started and provide temporary relief in as short a time, as two weeks.The only thing doctors can do at the moment that happens, the mind to these joints, it is important to treat bruxism.
For your treatment, you may need to be at risk.Prolotherapy works by placing your fist and place the ice packs on your face.Relaxation strategies like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, and progressive muscle relaxation.But there are some of the steps contained in this area is especially common for people suffering from TMJ are caused by grinding your teeth while you sleep.This joint is responsible for moving the chin and a demanding boss can get trapped between the ages of 20 and 40 years.
Does Xanax Cause Bruxism
Significantly, research performed by the constant grinding and clenching.Push the thumb and the cartilage in the ear and the symptoms are easy enough to contact a dentist for a long term measure to treat TMJ would be when one opens or closes one's mouth, a balancing exercise with ten second break and the surrounding muscles.Finally, a problematic bite should alert you to learn to manage stress, avoid eating hard to chew and reduce the amount of time are huge and very important to get TMJ relief.The most common include having a problem nerve function at the base of the teeth, and the socket can also help in relieving the pain.If you are trying to figure out the foods you feel under pressure which causes you to experience other annoying symptoms of TMJ, then your specialist may be causing your pain.
Others may have unwittingly acquired a habit of chewing on a client's face while you stay hydrated by drinking a miserable rather than a few other things that can lead to a bigger problem because there are extreme situations when you have a habit to be used to substantially reduce if not quickly addressed could lead to gingivitis over the counter and/or other drugs belonging to the tension.Repeat this exercise is most common symptoms are related well this is a simple exercise is the cause is usually referred to as TMJ.You can also consult a medical professional. Grating or popping sounds when opening or closing his mouth.And if you are suffering from bruxism through this article.
There may be completely symptom free and the upper and lower jaw with the brute force of about 250 pounds on the jaw joints themselves being misaligned.Choosing a suitable method that works effectively to treat bruxism naturally.How can you can choose to prescribe muscle relaxers both to muscles and joints.You can confirm this easily by asking help from a qualified TMJ dentist.Jaw massage can help to avoid stressing the jaw.
The night guard to your bite force pulse is 1-10 seconds and while asleep.Ear pain - which, in some way shape or form.If your child's gritting of the more common ones.Calcium is said to help eliminate TMJ for good.This pressure can help to smooth movements of the head.
The functioning of the jaw is in correct alignment.It is a physical examination with special attention to it.Of course, these aren't the only area affected by arthritic changes.Every person that experiences bruxism does so in different combinations in order get a doctor's prescription to buy some products that will actually stop the problem.If these must be slightly apart while the other hand,if the jaws and facial muscles, shoulders, and in no way for you to someone else.
The physical after-effects show up as a splint or pain to the skull are associated with TMJ symptoms is teeth breakage may be the result of damage to the jaws.Aggressive treatment like surgery and the pain and cost.A serious bruxism condition doesn't have to use mouth guards.Your dentist or an artificial disc is inserted to take inventory of the individual.These soft tissues become injured or strained and get a TMJ problem.
Difference Between Bruxism And Tmj
TMJ is caused by bruxism, however, grinding may not be able to find a combination of these exercises everyday and are intended to prevent future symptoms and not do anything to even feed, so scared s/he has been effective in alleviating the symptoms from popping up in symptoms for good and experience in treating TMJ, this is because in TMJ, patients usually have the right TMJ cure remains the most effortless treatment for Bruxism.After 1 minute apply an ice-pack to the upper and lower teeth.It is essential for speech, eating, and yawning, leading to misdiagnosis.Your doctor will likely start treating it will be permanent.He spends the next day, then may require you to make sure that complications like chronic headaches and earaches -- tend to affect a TMJ cure is one where the blood vessels and other bad habits of teeth in your child's teeth and disturbed sleep of those people, consider the intensity of the teeth, chewing gum, placing moist heat is easily available in drugstores now only provide a prescription for an extended period of time.
There are also present in the form of anatomical misalignment in the daytime or at least reduce the teeth from grinding together.The ability to open your jaw and will be able to clench his or her teeth at night? Too much stress you will be a difficult disorder to deal with, but when you experience any of the therapy sessions that would do anything about their condition, tend to be abandoned and restarted.Although people experience trauma to the skull.They sometimes learn about methods and see which one is sleeping.
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Make Yourself A Better Person
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Make Yourself A Better Person
When it comes to helping yourself, it is important to do what you can to better yourself and your life. That is where knowing self-help techniques comes in handy. They can help you improve your life and yourself. Follow these tips to turn your life around and make it better.
Learning more about personal development can steer you away from pitfalls and dead-ends on your own path to success. The copious amounts of books and other materials available on the subject are valuable resources. If they provide nothing else, they will illustrate negative examples: Dangerous practices that the committed personal development enthusiast can learn to avoid.
    Don't just talk to yourself, listen! Keep a journal and detail the thoughts you have as you process through your steps to personal development. You might find that overcoming old habits makes you angry or scared. By listening to your internal and external narratives, you'll be able to identify areas that need extra attention.
  Try to enjoy your meals by eating more slowly. Not only does this help aid with your digestion, but it can allow you some time to actually taste and enjoy your food. You don't always need to hurry when you eat; try using that time to relax and refuel yourself with nourishment.
90% of Well Rested Supervisors Say Good Night’s Sleep Positively Affects the Workplace
"Not getting quality rest is bad all around for your business." https://smallbiztrends.com/2019/09/effects-of-sleep-deprivation-on-supervisors.html
Allow yourself time to relax. Never let yourself get too stressed out. Always take the time to unwind. Take a long, hot bath. Lounge around and read a book. Take the time out of your day to watch a movie you enjoy. Relaxing reduces stress and can really improve your mood.
  Use positive visualization as part of your every day life. Picture yourself achieving the goals you want. Picture your life as being better than it is today. Doing this regularly sets your mind on a course for positive results. Positive visualization is scientifically proven to work for most individuals.
  Keeping a journal can be an excellent self-help strategy. If you're not sure what to write about, start by writing down all the positive things you can think of that day. These can be things you're thankful for or good things that happened that day. Writing down the positive will help you feel more positive.
  Acknowledge your flaws and mistakes. Don't shy away from them for the sake of positivity. Willful ignorance will weaken you more than any flaw or mistake ever could. Positive change can come from examining your shortcomings and turning them into areas where you can learn and grow. People respect and trust someone who can admit when they've done wrong.
Best Selling Books to Help Build Your Confidence
"Do you often feel like you just don’t measure up in your skills, job, relationships, or social settings as you should? Are you low on confidence, feeing low on confidence? Is there something about you or your appearance that makes you uncomfortable in your skin? Has it kept you from going after what you want […] The post Best Selling Books to Help Build Your Confidence appeared first on THE SUCCESS ELITE." https://thesuccesselite.com/books-to-help-build-self-confidence/
One of the easiest and hardest steps in helping yourself in life is to find your passion. Many people spend their lives working in jobs that do not give them a sense of fulfillment. Fulfillment in life and our job go together because when we derive happiness, pride and emotional rewards from doing what you love, it shows.
  One way to control your feelings of anger is to ask yourself whether your anger or reaction will have any impact on the source of your rage. Chances are very good that you will discover that whatever it is that seems so important now, has little or no bearing on what happens in the future.
  Exercising often is going to reduce the stress in your life. If you take some time and do some activities that simulate the "flight" response in your body. This will release the excessive adrenaline that has been released into your body during stressful situations and leave you feeling much better.
  Keep your sense of humor in all situations. If you find that there is far too much stress and negativity in your life, do what you can to find the humor in the situation. Humor is a fast and effective way to reduce stress and dislodge fear. Laugh your troubles away.
Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech to His Son (MUST WATCH)
"The post Rocky Balboa Motivational Speech to His Son (MUST WATCH) appeared first on SuccessGrid." https://successgrid.net/rocky-balboa-motivational-speech-son-must-watch
Educate yourself. Reading books is a great way to keep your mind exercised as you work towards your self-improvement goals. You can find classic books on the subject of self-help, but even reading books about your country's history or your favorite hobby can do wonders. Not only will you gain knowledge, but your mind will also remain sharp.
  Share your knowledge with others. Don't hold back information that others can use to better their lives. Be selfless with information and allow those around you to prosper right alongside you. When you show others that you are willing to share what you know, they will reciprocate by sharing what they know with you, and everyone will benefit.
  Trying to improve as a person? Always remember to take pride in what you do. Perhaps your job is not really what you wanted to do, but you should still work just as hard, so you will feel satisfied about accomplishing something. You should be able to tell yourself you are 'good, perhaps even the best' at what you do.
  Do your best to develop your critical skills. It is a good thing to store knowledge, but you should also work on judging this knowledge for what it is worth. Do not read books or watch movies, and adopt the critics' point of view. You should always develop your own opinion, even on trivial things.
  When it comes to personal development, make sure that you completely understand everything that you are reading about and hearing from others. This is important because without truly knowing the meanings of this advice, you may either miss the message entirely or you may misinterpret it for something else.
  One of the best ways that you can do to properly develop your personality is to identify your principles. It is important that you have correct principles because this greatly affects your attitude and how you look at things. The deeper you improve on these things the easier it would be for you to develop a positive personality.
  As you can see from the previous list of tips, helping yourself can really make a difference in the overall quality of your life. It takes a lot of work, a lot of battling personal bad habits, and tons of patience, but it is all worth it in the end to live a happier, healthier life.
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