#red dwarf! for people who wish doctor who had more cursing!
nat-20s · 5 months
Pitching Red Dwarf to people as "it's like if Doctor Who was exclusively about roughly the same four people all of whom fucking suck. It is one of the best sci-fi shows in existence. So much of it is so so bad."
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Dashing Rose: A Finding You Always Vignette
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 9: Return of the Queen
Rose rested her head against her husband's back, listening to his heartbeat, as their horse galloped along the forest path. She wasn't even sure how long it had been since they returned and she didn't care.
They made it to a clearing and spotted Zorro awaiting them. Fandral brought the horse to a halt and dismounted, before reaching up and lifting Rose down.
"It does my heart good to see that you're both okay," he said, as he bowed to Rose out of respect. But she surprised him by giving him a hug.
"Thank you...thank you for helping Fandral get through that portal. We may have never been reunited otherwise," she said tearfully.
"It was my honor, my Queen," Zorro replied, as he and Fandral shared a handshake.
"The people have renewed hope now that the news of your return has spread. King John is livid and has mobilized his army. But he has been caught off guard. We think the time to strike is near," he reported.
"Then that's what we shall do," Fandral agreed.
"I thought so...our army is preparing to move on the palace at dawn with the both of you there to lead us," Zorro replied.
"This could be it then…" Rose said.
"Yes...but until dawn, the people took the liberty of setting up a campsite for the both of you for tonight," Zorro said, as they saw the tent waiting for them, along with some food and water awaiting.
"Thank you, we'll see you in a few hours and we will take back this Kingdom," Fandral said. Zorro nodded and left, leaving them alone.
Fandral put his arms around her and kissed her forehead.
"Come...I'll build us a fire and we can eat, while you tell me all about this Land of Untold Stories," he said, as he began to get the fire going.
"Well...when I first was deposited in that land, I kept trying to get help, but the moment I mentioned a portal, the people shied away from me," she replied.
"How peculiar," he mentioned.
"Mmm…I thought so too, but then I met Dr. Jekyll. He was kind at first and told me that this strange land was a place where people came to pause their lives and none had any interest in a portal of any kind," she explained.
"I have been to many lands...but never imagined one where time was stagnant," he said. She nodded.
"It was very odd. Anyway, the doctor said he would help me, but that finding a portal would not be easy. Then he warned me about the warden," she said.
"The Warden? The Hyde fellow that helped you?" he asked. She nodded again.
"Jekyll insisted he was extremely dangerous and that I had to avoid him at all costs. But it was really Hyde that was the kind one," she replied, as she shuddered.
"My love...what did this Jekyll do to you?" he asked.
"He didn't get that far if that's what you're asking. He almost did...but Hyde stopped him," she replied.
"Then I owe him a debt that I shall never be able to repay. He protected you when I could not," Fandral said.
"Yes...and I will always be grateful to him. But I have you back now and I don't wish to talk about that mad doctor anymore," she replied. He smiled and kissed her tenderly.
"Then we will not. That is now the past and I have a feeling we have a very bright future," he said, as the fire now roared before them.
"Me too...and I want nothing more than to be in your arms now," Rose pleaded. He smiled.
"Then that's what you shall have," he said, as he pulled her flush against him and gazed at her with so much love that it made her knees go weak. He kissed her passionately and she slipped her arms around his neck.
"There was a time when I feared I may never feel your arms around me again," she confessed.
"My dreams were haunted with images of you being slain and those nights were cold and empty," she added.
"I know, my love...but know that I vow that we will never be separated again," he promised.
"Yes...and now we have some time to make up for," she said sultrily, as she led him to their tent by the hand.
"Fear not, Rose Red. You will find your beloved Fandral and break his curse with true love's kiss. Your destiny has decreed it so," a ethereal voice echoed in her mind.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"I am Hermes...the messenger Goddess and goddess of knowledge. I cannot come to the Land of Untold Stories, for I am forbidden in lands where time does not move. But I can give you hope," she said.
"Hope?" she asked.
"Yes...you and your beloved are my champions. I have championed your family for generations and in return, they have always maintained my vast library of story, knowledge, and all the realms. But I am afraid your Uncle has been a grave disappointment," she replied.
"He is evil and has driven my people to the brink of starvation. And now…" she choked.
"Now he has cursed the man I love," she cried.
"Yes...but you will find him. Be wary of Dr. Jekyll, but Mr. Hyde is an ally. You will find Fandral, you both will defeat your Uncle, and then you will restore and protect my library," Hermes said.
"I love the library...I've longed to have the time to maintain it properly," she sniffed.
"And you will. We will meet soon. Take heart...you will fulfill all I have said," Hermes said, as the glow in the sky faded. She sniffed.
"I will find you, my love...I will always find you," she promised to the stars, hoping that somehow, he would hear her.
"Incredible…I did hear you, by the way. Even in that form, I had a bit of awareness, at least when it came to you, my angel," Fandral said, as he held her in his arms. They were cuddled together beneath several blankets, and their skin still glowed in the aftermath of a bout of powerful lovemaking. She rested her head against his chest, their bodies blissfully entwined, and she kissed his chest, as she looked up at him.
"It gave me hope that I would find you and I have always felt that my true purpose was to maintain the library. I knew it was important, but no idea how important until now," she said.
"Can you imagine? A library that contains all the stories from infinite realms?" she asked.
"It is quite extraordinary, though it really comes as no surprise to me that an actual Goddess would want to champion someone so incredible such as you, my beautiful Rose," he said, making her smile shyly.
"She is championing us, my love. I could do none of this without you," she replied.
"And you will never have to," he promised, as their lips met again and passion consumed them once more.
That morning, at dawn, Rose and Fandral arrived at the nearest village and were met with cheers by their small, yet mighty resistance.
"As you can see, hope has returned," Zorro said.
"Yes...and the time has finally come," Fandral agreed, as he stepped forward.
"King John has abused our land and the people for too long. His latest strike against our rightful Queen cannot go unpunished. It is time we take back this Kingdom!" Fandral called, rallying everyone to the fight with cheers. He turned and smiled at his beloved, who was definitely feeling shy from all the attention.
"My darling Rose Red is the Queen we deserve. Only under her rule can we prosper," he said, further rallying their warriors.
"The time now...King John's reign ends today when we take back our Kingdom!" Fandral shouted, which was met with vigorous cheering. Rose gazed up at him with love and admiration in her eyes.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"With you by my side...I am ready for anything," she replied, as they mounted his horse and they began the ride to the palace.
King John sat in the chair, fidgeting uncomfortably, as he wore a red velvet robe, his most heavy and elaborate crown and various other jewels. The painter responsible for trying to paint his portrait didn't dare say a word to the King about his movement though and tried to continue his work.
"Ugh...how much longer is this going to take! I'm getting hungry," John complained, as Sir Hiss slithered into the room.
"Sire…" he said nervously.
"What is it?" he asked impatiently.
"We have received word from your Generals on the front line," he replied.
"Is she dead yet? Did they bring me her and that brute's heads?" he asked with anticipation.
"Uh no Sire...I'm afraid not," Hiss replied.
"Well, then why did you interrupt me!?" John shouted.
"Because Sire...our defenses have fallen to Rose Red's band of misfit soldiers, led by Fandral," Hiss said and winced for what was coming.
"WHAT!?" John exclaimed in rage.
"I'm sorry Sire, but I am afraid they are headed for the palace as we speak," Hiss said with a quiver in his voice.
"Then stop them! Get our defenses ready!" John demanded.
"We have Sire, but the majority of our army was either killed or has surrendered," Hiss reported.
"That's impossible! There is no way my retch of a niece and her pathetic band of villagers stands any chance against my mighty army!" he ranted.
"Sire…I'm afraid the villagers are more adept and skilled than our soldiers anticipated. It would seem that Zorro at the behest of Fandral has trained them well. And Fandral's might alone is...too much for even our greatest warriors," Hiss said regrettably.
"Your praise and admiration for Fandral are noted, Sir Hiss!" John snapped angrily.
"Dwarf! Dwarf! Where are you!?" he shouted, as the evil little minion appeared.
"I have told you...I am not a dwarf! I am a gnome!" he said irritably.
"Like it matters!" John snapped back.
"You promised me that your curse would work! You promised me I would be rid of Rose Red and her Asgardian brute forever!" John complained.
"It would seem I did not anticipate her receiving help from someone in the Land of Untold Stories...a man called Hyde is responsible for seeing to their reunion and ultimately true love's kiss breaking the curse," the gnome said.
"I don't care about your excuses!" John shouted, as he literally stomped up and down like a child throwing a tantrum.
"This is my Kingdom! Do something with your magic!" he demanded.
"Very well, Sire...but I expect a mountain of gold in return! And not that paltry reward I received the last time I helped you!" the dwarf replied.
"If you kill Rose Red and bring Fandral to his knees...you will have your gold," John promised.
"Then it will be done," the gnome promised, as he disappeared.
Their army, along with new members, once belonging to John's army, arrived on the hill overlooking the castle. Rose was stunned to see that it had fallen into such disarray and how her beloved garden was dead and full of weeds.
"He will pay for this, my love. We shall make it right," Fandral promised. She nodded and turned to their army.
"This is the final stand. We will win this and take back what belongs to us," Rose announced, easily rallying them on the adrenaline from their earlier victory alone. More than half of John's army had sworn allegiance to Rose and Fandral in exchange for their lives. It wasn't a hard decision for most of them, for they were poorly treated and paid in John's service.
"The time is now...we begin our final march on the castle!" Fandral called, as they continued on their path toward the liberation of the entire Kingdom...
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Naive: Part 3
A/N: I’m so freaking happy you guys seemed to like the story so far!, I wrote this and a few other chapters up in one night! Hopefully I can get you guys as hyped as I am for this story. Oh and if you couldn’t already tell, the reader IS mixed race. Because there’s a serious lack of mixed race reader inserts. If this offends you or deters you just skim over it I guess??
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Just cursing in this chapter because I have the mouth of a sailor. Get ready for it to get smutttayyyyy next chapter tho, my home dogs!
Summary: As the goddaughter of Tony Stark you were no stranger to the Avengers, but when you meet the newest member- you’re a little more then intrigued. Unfortunately for him, Bucky Barnes has caught your eye.
It’s honestly insane what a little bit of sleep can do to improve your life.
Well okay, a lot of sleep. You’d slept for like thirty hours straight, thank the mother fuckin’ lord and you felt like a brand new woman.
Especially after you take a couple bong rips.
Wake and baking was a way of life for you, had been since you we’re fifteen years old. There was just nothing like it.
You take a shower, deciding against getting dressed in real clothes and instead you wiggle into a pair of black lace trimmed lounge shorts, and then slip on a wireless bralette. It gives you no support of course, your supple breast sit comfortably and unrestrained. Just the way you liked them to be.
As you sit at your vanity and stare at your reflection in the mirror, your brain cloudy and happy; your eyes slightly red rimmed and low, you feel …numb. But a good numb. The numb you wished you can be forever. You rip the tie from your hair and it tumbles down from the bun it had been in and falls around your shoulders, the silky strands tickling your bare, fresh skin.
Do you think you’re pretty? Fuck yes. Do you think you’re fat? Also, fuck yes.
It was a concept that most people couldn’t seem to understand. How could you admit that you we’re fat and yet still sit and check yourself out in the mirror? Well because to you, fat was just a descriptive word. Not the heinous insult other people thought it was. Yes, you we’re fat. Just like you we’re smart. And fucking hilarious if you do say so yourself… and at the moment, extremely stoned.
Your confidence hadn’t appeared out of thin air, it was something that had been ingrained in you.
Because your mother had never made you question your worth. She didn’t give a shit about the numbers on a scale or cellulite. She didn’t care if your hair was wild and curly, curlier then her, a white woman had known how to handle for years. No- she cared if you we’re kind to others. If you we’re brave enough to go after you wanted and speak up for yourself.
So you had.
You broke away from that fat girls should wear baggy clothes and stay quiet and try to shrink themselves. Nah, fuck that. This fat girl was going to do whatever she wanted.
Did have negative thoughts about yourself sometimes? Duh, you’re a human being. Everyone has ugly thoughts sometimes, but mostly you we’re a little full of yourself.
Like now, as you blend on warm, smoky eyeshadow, carve your brows and contour your face. Drowning yourself in highlighter. Acentuating and defining all of the parts of your face that you loved. You liked primping and pampering yourself, loved all things beauty, really. Eyelash extensions, going for manicures, facials. They we’re all your jam.
When you’re satisfied with yourself, tossing and musing your hair until it falls around your head in a messy way that looks more sexy then homeless you rise, intent on going and finding Wanda or something.
Not wanting to be alone anymore.
You almost walk out of your living room in a bralette- because of comfort reasons but think twice as you pass the mirror by the door.
You really didn’t want to give Tony a coronary on this fine Thursday.
Why couldn’t we all just walk around naked? Everyone would be a lot more comfortable. It would probably bring world peace.
So after throwing on a loose shirt and a cape like McQueen floral kimono you slip into a fluffy pair of slides and start your epic journey to find sustenance, thinking about how human beings greatest down fall was when we made it a systematic norm to have to be clothed… what kind of crazy weed had Jessica sold you?
You don’t think it’s attention you like, and you’ve thought about it a lot.
No, it’s affection.
You’d always been a…touchy person, and it had tended to get you into trouble. You understood boundaries, you just hated them. You didn’t know why it was such a taboo to show the people you cared about that you cared. Why was intimacy in friendships so frowned upon? Why couldn’t you wrap your arms around your friends. Kiss them on the cheek? Cuddle with them?
It just had never been a big deal to you. You liked touching, and fuck, did you liked to be touched.
When you walk into the kitchen, you’re surprised to find the gathering there.
Nat, Wanda and Clint stand at the island, cutting up veggies and talking between themselves. Thor and Bruce sit at a table with Steve and Bucky. It all seems so…pleasant. One of those rare quaint, normal moments in the tower. It would make anyone smile.
“Goodmorning, sunshines” You greet them as you walk in.
You steal a piece of tomato from Natasha’s cutting board and plop it into you mouth.
“Y/N you are aware that it’s almost one, right?” She informs you with a smile to which you just shrug.
“Technicalities. It’s still noon-ish so it’s morning…pretty much”
“Flawed way of thinking you got there, squirt” Clint criticized. His eleven year old had better sleeping habits then you.
“Flawed or brilliant?”
“You sound just like Tony” Bruce calls from his place across the room and you pull your head from the fridge.
“Why thanks”
When you cant find anything that catches your eye in the massive fridge, even though its brightly lit with an array of food, you call for FRIDAY and ask her if she could have the chef cook you up some Nutella crepes, “please and thank you!”
“How high are you right now?” Wanda reaches over to whisper to you knowingly and you lean forward to rest your chin on her shoulder, her long dark hair tickling your face pleasantly.
“Super. You have to try this shit that I got from Jessica, it’s crazy” You reply, your breath hot on her ear so that she’s the only one who can hear you.
The both of you break out in to giggles, girlish and young sounding. Wanda missed this, the having a connection like this with someone. Welcoming and relishing another’s touch in a way that was both intimate and utterly innocent.
She’d had it with Pietro…and then he’d gone and left her alone and she thought that was the end of it.
But then you’d gotten close to her, befriended her, and there it was again. Being able to just, melt with someone was something that should be cherished. She cherished her friendship with you. The way you let her lean into you with no resistance. You and your bright eyes and contagious laugh. She felt…she felt more like Wanda when she was with you. Less like Scarlett Witch.
Bucky hadn’t meant to watch you for as long as he had. He’d turned to you when you’d entered the room and hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away, for more then mere moments, since. It was a mixture of the tiny shorts you had on, the way the black lacy material rode up your sumptuous thighs…but mostly it was your interaction with Wanda. He wasn’t particularly close to her(he wasn’t particularly close to anyone except for Steve and Sam…although he’d never admit it) but he’d never seen the girl like this. Like you’d somehow lit her up from the inside.
The two of you we’re whispering and laughing like school girls, carefree and light and it stirred something in his stomach.
His eyes snap away as you approach the table.
“Hello sirs” you salute as you come up and take the seat in between Steve and Thor. It’s comical how intensely the two men dwarf you.
“Hello little woman” Thor squeezes your shoulder, his big palm encompassing the flesh “How was your sleep? It seems like it’s been days since you graced us with your presence”
You cant help bite your lips together to hide a grin. Would you ever get over the regal manner in which Thor talked?
Probably not.
“Yeah, Y/N. How are you feeling today? Less drowsy?” It’s the tone in Bruce’s voice you don’t like, not his words. He’s using his doctor’s voice on you.
Yes, Bruce knew about your…situation. Tony had told him, with your permission, so that he could help monitor the process. You didn’t mind him knowing, you just didn’t want him blowing it and everyone finding out about it. It was a sensitive subject for you and you’d rather keep it quiet. It’s not that you didn’t trust the others its just…you weren’t ready for it to be public knowledge.
You didn’t want to be looked at differently.
“I’m fine” You play it off “My sleeping schedule’s just been off. I just had to reset my internal clock to the eastern time zone. No biggie’”
Bruce wants to ask you more but he’s a smart man, and decides he’d press the issue later in the privacy of the lab. He knew what it was like to want to keep a secret, and he wasn’t about to go making you uncomfortable by blowing yours.
You reach over to steal one of the fries off of Steve’s plate, sticking you tongue out at him “How has you guy’s day been so far? No alien invasions yet?”
You had a way of setting the atmosphere, keeping it light.
You talk with the guys until Bruce leaves, needing to go run some labs or smash some things…okay that was an asshole joke, you chastise yourself. You didn’t like teasing him about his little green problem, Thor follows him. Talking about some meeting he was being “forced unwillingly to attend”
“Good luck, big guy” You kiss his cheek before he leaves.
“So really, what have you guys been up to today” You ask the two men you’re left with as you cut into your crepes.
“Nothin’ much, it’s been a quiet one so far. Just training. I was thinking about going for a walk later on, maybe Central Park? Get some sketching in while I can” Steve answers.
“You drawing more, Steve? That’s amazing! You’ll have to show me some of your stuff sometime! I remember they were always so good” You urge him excitedly. Since you’d known him, you’d tried to push him to take his art seriously. Fuck knows it was his only release. You had a feeling even Steve Rogers had a breaking point, you also had no desire to ever see it.
Only Steve’s ears turn red, which is actually progress for him “Yeah, I can do that”
“Really? So a pretty girl asks to see your sketchbook and your game, but I, your best friend cant?” Bucky sees an opening and cant help but take it “Whatta’ Jerk”
Okay, where did that come from? You fight to keep the shock off of your face. Pretty girl? Really?
“Well she’s not a crap critic like you are” Steve justifies himself “Last time I showed you somethin’ you told me that I couldn’t draw dog paws for shit”
“Hey, I was just kidding. That was about a year ago, too!” Bucky sounds truly apologetic and you break out into a squawk of laughter.
“You guys are so married, oh my god” You shake your head at the two of them. It’s cute… seeing them together. Both of their guards way down.
“Don’t encourage his behavior, Y/N” Steve’s trying not to chuckle.
You turn your attention to Bucky then, your body literally angling towards him as you focus in. “What about you, Bucky? Any big plans?”
Why? Why does his brain turn off when you look at him like that? Your gleaming eyes looking at nothing but his face.
“Uh- nothing yet, doll”
“Awe if I didn’t have to go shopping I’d say lets have our marathon!”
“Marathon?” Steve wonders, his eyes flashing between the two of you.
“Yeah, I’m going to force Bucky to watch Harry Potter with me. You know, bring his life great enlightenment and fulfilment” You answer him nonchalantly, taking a bite of your food. Letting out a little moan and crossing your eyes “Oh my gosh this is amazing”
Did you mean to look so sexual? The way your pretty lipstick coated lips wrapped around that fork had Bucky tensing.
“No really you guys, who even is this new chef? Is he the second coming of Christ? Taste this!” You encourage as you cut another piece and hold it out to Bucky, your hand under it incase it falls.
He doesn’t know what to do. Does he turn you down? Would that be rude? Would it hurt your feelings?
So he just opens his mouth and allows you to feed him the sweet pastry.
“Amazing, huh?”
“Mmhmm, really good” is all Bucky mumbles, trying to keep the heat from his face.
“Steve try it!” You urge, pouting a little when he doesn’t let you shove your fork in his mouth.
As tempting as the offer was- Nutella and the look on your face- Steve had learned his lesson. What if Tony came in and saw you spoon feeding him? Nope.
“I just ate a burger, I gotta’ watch my physique” He teases and your eyebrows knit together.
“Really, take a bite. I’m sure your physique can handle it. Here” You give him the fork so that he can feed himself.
Since when was Steve weird with you like that? You used to be able to…flow with him. Without even thinking about it?
You shrug it off as pot linked paranoia. Just because he didn’t let you spoon feed him didn’t mean you guys weren’t still close. Right?
“Hey are we still going shopping?” Wanda asks as she comes up “If so I’m going to go change?”
“Yeah! Definitely. I need to find a new backpack before I start school again next week. And yeah, I need to change too, you can come get ready with me in my room if you want” You stand quickly, scooting away from the table “You guys can have the rest of that. See ya’ later, gentleman"
And with that your sashaying out of the room with Wanda.
Steve notices Bucky staring at the sway of your hips.
“Shut up, Steve”
“I told you. Y/N- She’s- Something else” Steve searches for the words “But the kid’s Tony’s pride and joy and we’re still on thin ice with the guy”
“How old is she anyway?” Bucky completely ignores the Tony part of Steve’s sentence. Why’d everyone call her kid? She looked a little young, with that dimpled smile but she was in college so she couldn’t be AS young as they treated her.
“Twenty three” Steve’s response is curt. Matter of fact.
Twenty three, huh? Bucky thinks. That is a little young…a lot younger then his near century. Not young enough for it to deter him, though.
Bucky doesn’t know what to say for a moment. Neither of them do really. It’s quiet as Steve eats the reminder of the crepes because holy shit you hadn’t been lying they were sent from heaven.
Then, Bucky’s handsome face stretches into a devilish smile. One Steve had seen many a’ time.
“She’s got a nice pair of gams on her, doesn’t she?”
Steve tries to purse his lips, but fails in hiding his own wolfish expression.
“That she does”
Because even though Steve is Captain America we all know he’s still that little shit from Brooklyn at heart right? Especially when Bucky’s around. Lesbi-honest here I have the major hots for Wanda and it’s taking all of my will power not to write her as a love interest but I really want to focus on a close, strong female friendship…even though I’m dying to have Y/N get her some Wanda😩
As usual give me some feedback! Going to slow? Too fast? Is Y/N too…touchy? What do you think the pills are for and do you want to be tagged? Tellllll me ya’ll
@devenrenee @skeletoresinthebasement @kendallefire @mellifluousbabe @toniinhere @agentmstark @purplekitten30 @bellaballanda @yslbucky @arabellaaurorabarnes @prinxessofspace @supernaturally-lucky @sngforme @kyritha  @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @peaceloveancolor @gabwinchester-dixon
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sehsunshine · 7 years
a mafia!sehun scenario pt.1 
(a combination of angst, smut and fluff. You have been warned.)
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Your red tartan shirt bristles behind you as you march, furious, towards the dancing neon lights that adulterate the street ahead of them. Kyungsoo had gone out. Again. Barley a week after promising to become less involved in mafia business and he’d slipped away from your shared apartment the second your back had been turned. Your brother’s lack of sincerity hurt, but what really fuelled your rage was the greater, heart-rendering betrayal you’d stumbled upon not an hour ago. Your boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend, with his face buried between another’s woman legs. For weeks you’d suspected him of an affair, but to have it materialized in front of you had been too much to handle. You’d cried angry, shameful tears and stumbled home, in hopes of finding your older brother’s comfort and warmth. Instead, the house was cold and empty, and the nearest trace of your beloved big brother was a scrawled apology on a ripped piece of paper.
So yeah, you were pissed. And you weren’t about to let Kyungsoo get away with it. You knew how often he frequented this club, though you’d never actually visited it in person before, and that it was a place his gang would often strike deals with neighbouring groups.
You knew very little about Kyungsoo’s group, mostly because he refused to tell you anything or ever let you meet with any of the members. Not that you were exactly pleading for him to let you. He knew how much you hated that part of his life – the gangs, the money, the fights. You had no idea in what the hell he was involved in, but you knew it wasn’t even a little bit legal. He’d come home bloodied and bruised so many times that you were coming to be pretty handy with the makeshift doctor’s kit you kept underneath the kitchen sink. But no matter how many times you would complain about how this life was hurting him, he’d always simply reaffirm the same, undeniable truth – you needed the money. At which point, your yelling would abruptly cease, as you could offer no worthy response – he was right, you really, really needed the money.
You think however, slamming through the club’s dingy doors, that you’re not completely clueless about this part of Kyungsoo’s life. He’ll occasionally let slip some crucial piece of information that you’ve built up a fairly solid background. His gang – exo – run your area. They’re a group of 9 men and you think perhaps the leader was.. Suho, was it? Something like that. But you know that while they’re in control of the local area, they are not the absolute power at the front of it. They’re one of many gangs that help control the whole of Seoul for the big boss. That’s what you’ve taken to calling them, since Kyungsoo absolutely refuses to disclose any clues about their identity. You’re not aware of much else, other than that exo has had to regularly defend their territory lately, so Kyungsoo had been coming home more bloodied and bruised than ever. It worried you to no extent, but you knew that he would never leave his gang. Because as much as you were his sister, they were all his brothers, and his level of devotion to them ran deep. But he had swore he would spend less time out on these jobs, and the clear disregard for your wishes stung deep.
The club seems so busy that the walls themselves vibrate. Everywhere you turn, people slam against one another with shuddering fervour, and more than once you are jostled violently to the side. Craning your neck, you hope to catch a glimpse of Kyungsoo’s dark hair in the crowd, but with this many people and the twitching purple lights, it’s impossible to see. Your fists clench as you attempt to  reign in your growing anger and, thinking you see an opening in the middle of the floor, you push towards it.
It takes a considerable time, but eventually you manage to squirm your way to the forefront of the crowd. In the middle of the floor, two boys dance opposite each other, mirroring the other’s moves in a routine like motion. Around them, the partygoers cheer ferociously and stomp their feet to the beat of the mismatched song. You sigh irritably and scan around the room. From this angle, you realize there is a seating area above the floor. It trails around the room with a number of plush purple comforters at different points, tables situated between them. You growl, realizing this is Kyungsoo’s likely location.
Your attention is drawn back to the boys for a moment as the audience’s approval rears up once again in thunderous applause. You cringe slightly, and then realize it is because the floor beneath them has opened up and is now sprouting water, soaking their clothes.
And yes, you’re angry, very much so, but, well you know how to appreciate a nice view, alright? You’re so lost in the fluidity of the dance for a moment, the stark contrast of the boy’s physiques and their opposing blonde and black hair that you fail to realize everyone around you has moved back, and that you are a definite two paces in front of the crowd with water sloshing at your ankles, impatient shouts ringing at your ears.
Cursing at your own mindless ogling, you try to take advantage of the situation and glance up to see if you can better see Kyungsoo. However, as your eyes drift upwards, they connect with the blonde boy in front of you. His movements have paused, realizing your stance, and he seems to be assessing you, almost. His hair, wet and tousled, bats impatiently around his forehead, only lightly obscuring his dark eyes. The water drips untroubled down the long bridge of his nose and puckering over his full lips, before leading a dangerous path towards his lean and open chest. His attire, you note, leads very little to imagine, with his white shirt soaked through and ripped open, and his dark jeans equally distressed, clinging tight to his skin.
You snap out of your undignified gawking and clear your throat awkwardly, realizing he is smirking at you.
You’ve never been very good at holding the gaze of people so attractive they make your eyes hurt, so you look down immediately, blushing darkly. You hurry to stumble back into the safety of the crowd, but just as you begin to move, so does he. Suddenly, he seems to barrel towards you, as in, literally right towards you so that he is practically running at the crowd. Your eyes widen in considerable shock and you’re hurrying to distance yourself when he leaps into the air, twisting his limbs in a stance that frankly seems both unnatural and dangerous when-
He lands at your feet, on his knees, with his head hanging in front of you. The crowd roars their approval and, running his hands through his hair, he turns to look up at you, grinning this time. His boldness shocks you, though you can’t deny how attractive the sudden confidence is. You’re on the verge of grinning back when your eyes flick south again and realize the red ink on his shirt. Your eyes darken as you take it in, recognizing the same mark on Kyungsoo’s jacket at home. You know exactly what type of mark that is.
Of course. A man lands literally on his knees in front of you and he too, is involved in the mafia. What a blessed, blessed day.
Your interest evaporates instantly and you sigh audibly as he stands, especially when you realize his frame dwarfs your own. He blinks down at you, body still very, very close to your own and quirks an eyebrow at your admittedly not very club like attire.
“Enjoy the show?” He asks, eyes crinkled in a half smile as he leans down slightly.
You match his eyebrow quirk with your own and reaching your hand up, flick some of the water from his performance at his face.
“I’ve seen better.”
Over his shoulder you finally catch a glimpse of your traitorous brother, laughing loudly in a booth with a red haired man in front of him. Your earlier feelings of anger are quickly recalled at the sight, and glowering at the image, you shoulder roughly past the still-smirking man in front of you and slosh loudly through the water stage. You catch the grin of his dark haired partner as you do so, but make no effort to return such niceties – you are much, much too angry for that.
You land in front of your brother will a dull thud, water dripping from your jeans. He and the men around him turn to look at you in interest, but this quickly turns into panic as Kyungsoo realizes who it is standing, glowering in front of him.
“What the actual fuck Kyungsoo?”
He stumbles around to exit the booth and the members around him seem shocked at your tone. If you were perhaps calmer, more in control of your rational sense, you would perhaps note that these people around him are the infamous exo gang and have absolutely no clue as to who or what you are, or what you are doing.
“Y/n, calm down-“
“Don’t you dare!” You growl, snatching away from him as he attempts to placate your flailing limbs. In the process, your hand reaches up and strikes against his cheek, and though the men behind him make small sounds of outcry, he only stares at you.  
“You promised me, you promised-“ Your voice continues to raise as your hysteria does, and now not only him, but the men around him reach forward to steady you.
“Little sister, you’re making a scene.” He mutters quietly, latching onto your wrist, a slight red blossoming on his cheek.
“Little sister? D.O, what’s going on?” From behind him a tall man asks, taking you in quietly. You glare at him in response, and his gaze hardens.
“D.O? D.O? Is that what they call you here?” You hiss. “Is this who you are, D.O?” You question sarcastically and his grip on your wrist tightens.
He leans toward you darkly, ignoring the questioning shouts of the men behind him.
“This is not a place for you, y/n. Go. Home.” He punctuates his last two words harshly, though you see the quick scan he does behind you and realize faintly, that a small crowd has gathered to spectate. Still, unwilling to back down, your matching dark eyes challenge his.
“Go with me.”
You realize that you have laid out a very clear and obvious choice in front of him, and so does he. His eyes widen slightly at what you appear to be asking of him, but you refuse to submit to the hurt that blossoms there. He watches you for a few moments longer before sighing angrily and releasing your wrist so abruptly that it seems to fling across the small space between you. He backs away from you and stands in front of the men in front of him, closer to them than he is to you.
“Who’s the girl, D.O?” Someone asks from behind you and turning slightly, you realize a much larger crowd has gathered than you originally expected. You turn back to your brother, your palms clenched tightly together. He’s turned his back on you, leaning close to the tall man from earlier, who continues to stare at you tensely.
“She’s nothing.” Kyungsoo replies simply and, looking out across the crowd, smiles sardonically, rolling his eyes.
“As if I would associate with the likes of her.”
The crowd titters in cruel excitement behind you and hot, angry tears spring to your eyes. You scoff in disbelief and wonder how the situation escalated from bad, to worse.
He looks back at you once more and there’s a regretful understanding in his eyes, an almost tug in his limbs that make it seem as though he wants to approach you, but confirmed with a certainty that he won’t.
Overwhelmed with hurt, you turn on him and weave through the crowd who, having just witnessed your utter humiliation seem willing to leave room for your escape. This, small mercy you suppose you can appreciate.
Bursting out the doors of the club, you let out a sudden, feral scream. The hinges of the doors trickle shut behind you, but you ignore it, squatting to your knees and taking your head in your palms, willing the tears to stop.
You can’t believe Kyungsoo would willingly treat you this way. For a long time you’d regarded your brother as the one person in the world you felt you could rely wholly upon, who you were sure would never break or abuse your trust the way he had only moments ago. Your anger, while still present, is overwhelmed by the hurt of your brother’s disloyalty and your own humiliation at his hands.
Your inner monologue is interrupted as the doors once again swing open behind you. Initially, you take no interest in the likely drunk trespasser, expecting them to perhaps vomit in the muddy patch across from you before then stumbling back inside. Instead, slow, careful steps click against the pavement next to you and, spreading your fingers slightly, you realize a group of 3 men or so have come to gather around you.
You stop crying, and raise your head slightly. One directly ahead of you, one at each side. Your breath comes in quick, sudden gasps but you figure this is probably a good thing. They will not expect much of a girl who looks afraid.
(Though, you figure it’s probably important to note that you are very, very afraid anyway.)
A man with a dark suit, dark hair and darker eyes grins sardonically down at you. A cigarette dangles precariously from his lips and after a moment, he draws in a breath that seems almost laborious and crushes it under the heel of his shoe. He makes the sudden twist of his foot seem intimidating, and though he seems keen to maintain a supposed easy going stance, every inch of him stands firm and calculating.
After a moment’s pause, he squats down in front of you and pulls your hands away from your face, keeping them still in his palms. His hands are cold.
“And who might you be?” His words are smooth and clear, ringing out across the suddenly empty street.
Fighting hard to maintain a facade that doesn’t show how intimidated you have become, you raise your head higher, looking him dead in the eye.
“No one to you.” Your response is casual, cool, the opposite of what you feel in the moment.
He hums, the pressure on your wrists increasing slightly.
“No one to D.O either, apparently.”
You lose your composure for half a second, anger slipping through your eyes and he clicks his tongue, smiling.
“Ah, so sorry. Too soon?” His head tilts to side, mocking arrogance dripping from his every feature – the twist of his lips, the slight crinkle of his crescent eyes. Your fear is evident, but quickly overwhelmed by the irritation this man’s presence inspires.
“Is there a point to you speaking, or is it just that no one else wants to listen?”
The men to the side of you let out little chuckles, and he himself seems delighted by your notable indignation.
“Awfully brave thing to say of a girl who’s hands won’t stop shaking.” He holds up your trembling fingers as though to prove his point, loosely combining them with his for a second.
“It’s because I don’t find you attractive. I tend to get uncomfortable when ugly men insist of touching me.”
The men next to you really are laughing now, and though the man in front of you smiles still, he squeezes his fingers into your own harshly, so much so that you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from yelping in pain.
“But you didn’t mind when Kyungsoo touched you, did you? I bet you were loving it, his hands on you.” You attempt to back up slightly, disgusted by what he appears to be suggesting, but he doesn’t let you, snatching your body closer to his.
“That’s what you are isn’t it? I saw you on the floor too, standing closer so that little brat would come grind on you or some shit. I gotta say, you’re not very subtle about what you do, or what you are. But hey,” He pauses, reaching his hand to roughly tug your chin up to meet his, before letting his eyes travel slowly, leeching over your every curve and dip. He flicks his eyes up once more, settling on the disgust that screams in yours.
“I’m certainly not complaining. I respect a girl who knows exactly what she is – a dirty, little who-“
He doesn’t get to finish his monologue because, having heard enough of just exactly what he perceives you to be, you lurch forward bite harshly into the soft skin of his cheek. He yells in pain but you grind your teeth until you feel the blood spurt up in between them. He slams his palms against your face and the two men at your side rear you up and away from him. Breathing heavily, you spit out the blood in your mouth onto the street.
“Bitch.” He hisses, pressing his fingers to the blood trailing down the side of his face.
You hum in agreement and lean forward in your captors grip slightly. “And one that would never fuck you.”
His smiles and laughs are gone now. He takes two steps toward you before pushing open his jacket slightly to reveal a glint of metal against his hip.
“Maybe I ought to teach you a little les-“
The doors behind you slam open as Kyungsoo launches himself at one of the men holding up your arms. Beside you, the tall man from earlier does the same. And then, all at once the men you had seen sitting in the club seem to trickle out on the street beside you, taking up equally defensive positions.
Your arms now free, Kyungsoo takes a moment to look up from his attacker and shift his head frantically down the side of the street.
“Y/n, go!”
You nod back quickly, but, turning back to the bleeding man in front of you as he faces off with the red haired man you’d seen your brother laughing with earlier, you can’t resist pulling the pepper spray Kyungsoo had insisted you carry from your pocket, and unloading the contents of it on his face. He shouts in pain as it sprays into his eyes and, satisfied, you drop the empty can and sprint off down the street.
“Dick!” And really, as you shout it, you’re unsure who it is you’re shouting it at.
As it turns out, you are even less athletic than you previously thought, and that was already pretty bad. So you’re not running for long when you slip into a small, decrepit alleyway and lean down in an attempt to catch your breath.
Your hand is spread over your stomach and your hair bats impatiently around your eyes when you jump at the intrusion of a rich voice ahead of you.
“Is this how you usually spend your Friday nights?”
You turn your head slightly and notice him, still damp from his performance as he leans against a wall and takes you in.
“Well, this is more of a Saturday night thing but, well I’ve had a rough week.”
The corners of his lips tug in a half moon smile and he takes a few more, easy steps toward you. You lift up your palm suddenly in an attempt to maintain a barricade.
“Listen, I’ve really had my fill of all and any of the male species tonight, so if you’re planning on intimidating me, d’you think we could, you know, move it to tomorrow night or something?” You huff and he’s really smiling now, eyes crinkling.
“But don’t you already have Saturday plans?” He asks, his head tilting to the side.
Despite yourself, despite the overall shitty nature of today and despite that little red inking on his shirt, you feel the laughter bubble in your chest.
It expands until you’re heaving through the chuckles, ignoring the tears that stream down your cheeks. You sigh, leaning back on your heels and sliding against the wall until you’re sitting, legs propped out in front of you. You hear him as he walks towards you and, as he comes closer, you loll your head to the side to look up at him. He blinks down at you, smiling gently, before he sighs loudly and slumps down next to you.
He nudges his knee against yours slightly and though you know you should probably attempt to create some space between you, remind yourself that not only is he a stranger, he is the worst kind of stranger, you can’t seem to muster the energy to pull away.
“What happened?” You sigh, drawing up your knees to rest your head on them.
“What didn’t?”
You lapse into a comfortable silence for a moment before he mimics your position, resting his head so that you both blink at one another, each taking the other in.
“I have a serious question.”
You steel yourself, nodding.
“Why’d you flick water in my face?”
You snort.
“Maybe I was displeased with your performance.”
“No, that’s not it.” His eyes twinkle with a childish mischief. “I saw you looking.”
You scoff, raising your head. “Looking at what?”
He raises his eyebrows, again repeating your motions. He gestures down to himself, over his still open shirt and dark jeans. “All. Of. This.”
You roll your eyes, but your grin does not falter.
“I was looking at the other one.”
“Yeah, that.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
You pause, feigning shock.
“You don’t know. I could be a terrible truth teller.”
“That’s not a thing.”
“100% a thing.”
“Doesn’t sound like a thing.”
“It’s a thing!”
His grin widens and he tilts his head further, regarding your now ruffled exterior. After a moment’s pause, he sticks out his hand towards you.
You hesitate, eyes flickering between his hand and loopy red handwriting barely visible in the light of the dumpster. After an awkward pause, you figure your night can’t really get much worse than it already has and well, he did make you laugh. You slip your hand into his gently, noticing that it is surprisingly warm and immediately worrying that your palms are sweaty.
“Y/n.” You respond, sighing.
Dropping your hand, he leans his head back against the wall again, closing his eyes briefly. You study him as he does so, your eyes canvassing along the general slump of his arms as they rest against his knees, the slack in his strong jaw.
“You look tired.” You observe meekly, and his eyes flicker open, familiar smile finding his lips once more.
“I am exhausted.” He grunts slightly, twisting his body to face you.
“You uh, I mean, you don’t have to stay here with me, if you’re tired.” You stumble over your words, suddenly embarrassed. “Actually, why are you here?” You enquire, gesturing around the dimly lit alleyway.
He shrugs, and his eyes cloud over for a second.
“My friends got in a fight.” He mutters. You regard him quietly, with not a small ounce of curiosity.
“You’re not gonna fight with them?” You enquire, and if on cue, his phone buzzes loudly in his pocket. He barley glances over at it before, reaching into his jacket, he flings it across the space and it lands with a dull smack against the wall, crumbling on the cracked pavement. You do not flinch.
Turning to look at you, his gaze seems much more intense, much more sudden than his previous teasing looks. You think that you should probably look away, that this interaction has become much more serious than either of you intended for it to be but, always curious, you do not.
“I’m tired of fighting with them.” He mumbles, almost meekly, as though he is ashamed of what he is saying.
“Do they know that?” You approach carefully and when his gaze finds yours, it is light again, infused with teasing.
“They would, but unfortunately I’m a terrible truth teller.”
You snigger slightly and he responds as such, blinking at you still.
You exhale loudly, eyes wondering over the starless night above you.
“My brother hurt my feelings.”
You grunt the words out forcefully, tasting them like bile in the back of your throat. He responds gently, carefully as you had done only moments ago.
“What happened?” He tries again, and you blink the tears out of your eyes, your breath catching slightly.
“I just-“ You break away, squeezing your eyes shut tightly. “It’s just been a shitty night.”
You feel his eyes on you as you struggle to regain your composure, and furiously blink away the tears that so desperately want to fall.  You hear the slight shift as movement as slowly, he leans closer to you. When you don’t pull away, he continues to shift, until his head rests carefully on your shoulder.
The gesture is a little strange and made awkward by how much taller he is than you. He has to shift quite far down the wall for his head to reach your shoulder, so he is practically lying beside you. He doesn’t seem to quite know how the rest of his body should face, because his long limbs hang nervously by his sides, as though you will jump away at any moment.
Despite this, and all the circumstances around the uneasy embrace, you appreciate it, and the hesitant warmth that scatters from his body to yours. You smile gently and rest your head against his, wanting somewhat to place your hand over his, but worrying that this will perhaps be too much. So instead, you inch your pinkie finger towards his, until they brush gently against the other. For a while, you both sit like this, leeching onto the other in the bristling of the slight spring chill and each enjoying the comfort of one another’s company.
“Thank you.” You murmur, and though he doesn’t respond, he turns your hand over slightly so that he is tracing small, nonsensical patterns on your palm, humming quietly as he does so.
You spend a while there with each other, until eventually the dark night gets darker, and the chill around you becomes too insistently bitter to ignore. You raise your head slightly and his movements on your hand cease. He raises his head to look up at you earnestly and in that moment, in that one, gullible moment, you make a decision.
“You wanna go get a drink?” You blurt out suddenly and he lifts his head from your shoulder, surprised.
“A... drink?” He draws out and you nod, perhaps a little too furiously, in an attempt to dispel some of your nervousness.  It doesn’t work and a slow, easy grin slips onto his lips.
“I mean – I’m just- not that you have to or anything like that – I just thought maybe you would uh- right, yeah, so I’m just gonna leave now.“ You stand up, your cheeks flaming as you stumble over your words. A drink? Really? Why not just scream that you want to do him right here in this alleyway? You groan internally, and his playful laughter bubbles up beneath you.
You go to walk away and quickly you realize he is lumbering beside you.
“So, where we going?” He asks. You turn to him, surprised, and slow your scurrying pace to a standstill in front of him.
“Uh- what?”
“You know, to drink?” He teases, mimicking drinking from a glass. You scoff slightly, surprised, and pleasantly so.
“Uh well-“
“Have you ever noticed people seem to make really rash, dumb choices when they’re drunk?” He interrupts, eyes skimming briefly over yours.
With a surge of confidence, you gnaw on your lip slightly, and follow his dark eyes with your own brazenly.  
“Oh, I’m counting on it.”
Things progress very quickly after that. As it is, it turns out you and Sehun do not require many drinks at all to make thoughtless, impulsive choices, and you’re barely tipsy as you stumble through the door of his apartment, his lips connected to yours.
It’s a decision you know you’ll regret in the morning, a very, very silly decision that neither of you should be making. Still, as his long fingers press gently against your ribcage, his leg pushing between the two of yours, it’s not one you can seem to pull yourself away from.
His movements are tender as he touches you, careful in a way that drives you to the brink of insanity as you just want more and more of him. He presses you against a wall, arms caging either side of you as his mouth works languidly against yours, peppering your lips with gentle kisses until your mouth slips open against his and his tongue slips against yours. You groan slightly, and you reach out your hands to brush over his cheeks, before smoothing down the sharp angles of his body until you reach his waist, at which you pull him flush against you.
He chuckles slightly, as the movement nudges his mouth away from yours so that he instead breaths hotly on your neck. You both take a moment to breathe, before he reaches down and tugs meekly on your thighs. You twine your calves easily around his waist as his lean fingers spread across your legs, moving his right hand up to your neck to brush away loose strands of hair and the collar of your shirt, sucking lightly on the skin there. You bite back a moan and your back curls against the wall, pushing your breasts against him.  He lets out a ragged breath and pulls away from you suddenly.
“We can still... stop if you want.” He hums slightly, hands suddenly hesitant against your thighs. You frame his face with your hands and press your lips firmly against his, much harsher than he had done. He grunts slightly in surprise and fists his hand in your hair as he returns the kiss with just as much fervour. You take the chance to stretch your arms out slightly behind you, peeling away your tartan shirt and letting it drop to the floor, leaving you in a loose tank top. You pull away, and skirt a thumb over his swelled bottom lip, before pressing insistent kisses against his jaw.
“I don’t... wanna stop.” You mumble and you think you hear him curse slightly under his breath. He tilts your chin up and reclaims your mouth, pressing against the sliver of skin exposed where your tank top has ridden up.
He readjusts his grip and pushes away from the wall. Surprised at the action, you press your head into the space between his shoulder and neck and, as he walks, push at the jacket on his shoulders. It slips from him easily and you lean back up to kiss him again, your hands resting at the nape of his neck.
You’re unaware you’ve reached a bedroom until he settles beneath you, bringing you down so that you’re sitting on top of him. You shift slightly so that your legs are on either side of him, and press against his crotch. He pulls away from you, moaning out your name quietly and you smirk, pleased at your apparently significant effect on him. You tilt your head down to nip at his neck before reaching down to pull on the ruffled white shirt he wears, pushing it over his head. It lands with a wet thump against the floor and as you turn to laugh slightly, Sehun takes the opportunity to flip you over, so that he hovers, shirtless above you. You press your hands against his back and his own palm flattens against your stomach. Instead of removing your flimsy top, his fingers crawl beneath it, reaching up over your stomach and fluttering over your ribcage before falling on top of your bra.
You grunt and flop beneath him, throwing your fist against the bed sheet.
“Don’t tease.” You huff and he chuckles at your frustration, before helping you remove the top. He pushes you further against the bed and crawls over you, until your head rests carefully on the navy blue pillow and he marvels down at you, smiling gently.
“Are you sure?” He whispers against your collarbone and you almost whine at him to hurry up already. He seems to sense your exasperation though, because he makes quick work of removing his own jeans before then pulling off yours, kissing along your legs as he does so. When he pulls down your underwear, his fingers press into you slowly, and he appears about to add his mouth too when you shake your head, pulling his face up to yours.
“Later.” You gasp and he nods, settling over you once more, fingers curling inside you. Again you slam your fist against the bed sheets and let out a loud groan, roughly pulling his head down against your own. He removes his fingers and you shudder at the loss of contact, but then his hands are slipping underneath you to unclasp your bra (and really, you have to take a moment to appreciate how quickly he does remove it, because you’ve been wearing one for years and it still takes you some time in the morning). Immediately his hand is on your chest, rubbing slowly against your breast. You throw your head back against the pillows but it smacks against the headboard instead, and you groan at the sharp gasp of pain.
Sehun stills, gasping before moving his hand to cradle the back of your head gently, lust quickly overcome with concern.
“Ah, y/n, are you alright?” He whispers and you wince slightly, but nod. You stare at him for a moment, his knuckles running softly against the back of your head. The concern in his face surprises you, but makes you feel good in a way you cannot explain. You skim your hand over his jaw and his gaze is drawn back to yours, wherein he blinks down at you with a firm sense of tenderness. You smile, and lean up to press a chaste kiss against his lips, hand still smoothing down his jaw. When you pull away, his eyes are soft, face settled in a small grin as he runs his hand through your hair.
“Do it now.” You whisper, wracked by a sudden eagerness to have him thrusting into you. He nods slightly, and leans down to kiss you again, before reaching into a draw and rolling a condom onto himself. You place your head back on the pillows as he braces above you. After a moment, he pushes into you, and you emit a high pitched gasp, your walls settling around him. He waits a moment too long to move, and you have to kick his shin slightly to signal that you’re ready. He huffs out a laugh and slowly begins to press into you, hands fisted in the sheets next to your head as he builds up a steady rhythm. Of all the boys you’d ever had sex with (which, admittedly, was really not that many) you’d always been pretty quiet in bed– sure, it’d felt good when they’d moved inside you, but it hadn’t exactly been earth shattering. But Sehun. The way he thrusts into you is, frankly, ridiculous. With every smooth roll of his hips he seems to find a different sweet spot and when you’re a moaning mess beneath him, he adds two fingers. You yelp, body twisting unnaturally beneath him, but he just keeps going, a thin layer of sweat forming on his chest. You lean up, trying to match his rhythm and he kisses you roughly, lips slanting over yours, your moans meeting in a mismatched choir.
It’s not long before the familiar pleasure begins to build, and by his sudden alternating change in pace you sense he’s close too. His hand gropes your chest and he leans down, taking your nipple in his mouth and just like that, you’re a goner. You’re on the verge of a scream as you come around him and he all about collapses on top of you, thrusting out his own orgasm. Your hands link as you both ride out your highs, Sehun sucking on your chest.
Spent, he pulls out of you slowly and tosses the condom into a bin beside him, his body flopping down next to yours. You throw your arm over your eyes, trying to calm your ragged breath as he does the same.
Silence settles around the two of you, panting, sweaty and naked in his dark sheets. Embarrassed, you wonder if, now that you’re finished, he expects you to leave. You shift away from him slightly, moving to the edge of the bed when he rolls over to his side and gets out the bed. You rush to do the same, shuffling awkwardly on the wooden floors.
You watch his figure retreat to a small wooden closet in the corner of the room and bite your lip, shifting your hands to cover your exposed breasts.
“Uh, should I-“ You begin, but are halted as, after having pulled on a set of loose tracksuit bottoms, he begins toward you, a shirt in his grasp. You raise your eyebrows questioningly, but he just gestures for you to hold your arms to the side. You do so, a little reluctantly, and he pulls the shirt onto your shoulders, humming.
He kneels to do up the buttons and as he finishes, pulls you toward him to place a soft kiss on your clothed stomach. Unsure of how to react, your hands simply hover above his tousled blonde hair.
He stands once more and intertwines his hand with yours, pulling you back toward the still–warm bed. He pushes you onto the sheets gently before then following suit. You turn on your side and he carefully places his hand on your waist, shifting a little closer.
“Is this... is this okay?” He mumbles and turning your head to face him, you nod slightly. Reassured, he smiles and moves closer, arms pressing more firmly around you.
“Don’t go.” He says and you face him once more, tilting your head in confusion. “In the morning, don’t go.” He elaborates and you smile softly. Instead of answering, you lean forward to press a tender kiss on his lips, and then his cheek. His eyes closed, he lets out a small contented sigh and you turn back around, closing your eyes.
He presses a soft kiss onto your head and, choosing not to think of what will happen in the morning, you clear your mind, and drift into a tranquil sleep.
 ((pls forgive any spelling/grammar errors as it is 1am and I cannot find the energy to check this. Also, I am a holy untouched virgin so idk how accurate the smut is but???? enjoy??? if you’d like a part 2, lemme know!))
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lupin-bun · 7 years
Whatever. I’m bored.
200: My crush’s name is: Des ( @thezombiewithglasses will understand this one) 199: I was born in: 1991 198: I am really: .......???? Tired!?......A VAMPIRE!?!? What is this question asking????? 197: My cellphone company is: Vodaphone 196: My eye color is: Hazel (Green with brown flecks) 195: My shoe size is: 8 (yes, I’m a kangaroo) 194: My ring size is: Fuck knows 193: My height is: 5′8″ 192: I am allergic to: Certain cleaning fluids (and literally almost suffocated at work once. That was fun) 191: My 1st car was: PAH HA HA HA!!!! ME BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A VEHICLE!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! GOOD ONE!!!
190: My 1st job was: Waitress 189: Last book you read: The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett 188: My bed is: Wonderful 187: My pet: A tuxedo cat called Thomas <3 186: My best friend: Char-char!!! <3 <3 <3  185: My favorite shampoo is: Anything by Fortune Cookie Soap 184: Xbox or ps3: Neither. PC 183: Piggy banks are: For people who are better with money 182: In my pockets: Fluff 181: On my calendar: Dentist on Tuesday and Doctors (AGAIN!!) on Thursday 180: Marriage is: *Non-committal noise* 179: Spongebob can: ??? 178: My mom: Is amazing and beautiful! 177: The last three songs I bought were? HAHAHA!! “Bought” HAHAHAHA!!! 176: Last YouTube video watched: Making Art with Ketchup by Fun2Draw 175: How many cousins do you have? 7 174: Do you have any siblings? 2 brothers 173: Are your parents divorced? .... Technically yeah but I call my stepdad “dad” so... 172: Are you taller than your mom? No! My mum’s a freaking giant at 5′11″ 171: Do you play an instrument? Piano 170: What did you do yesterday? Worked and got stressed out [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: Honestly.... I don’t know. I think so. 168: Luck: Yeah 167: Fate: Definitely! Fo sho! 166: Yourself: ....Pass 165: Aliens: Yup! 164: Heaven: No and... 163: Hell: ...no. Afterlife, yes. 162: God: I’m a Pagan so GodSSSS!!!! 161: Horoscopes: Yyyyyeah. I think there’s some truth there. 160: Soul mates: Yup! 159: Ghosts: Yes. We live with one 158: Gay Marriage: YYYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 157: War: Fuck off. No. 156: Orbs: *Gropes chest* .... Er.... yes? 155: Magic: Yeah. I’d like to think so [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs 153: Drunk or High: Neither. I’ve only been both of these once in my life and hated both 152: Phone or Online: Honestly, neither. Both scare me. 151: Red heads or Black haired: Redheads 150: Blondes or Brunettes: I don’t have a preference 149: Hot or cold: Cold 148: Summer or winter: Both my least favourite 147: Autumn or Spring: Both my MOST favourite 146: Chocolate or vanilla: Depends what it is. Chocolate CAKE but vanilla ICE-CREAM 145: Night or Day: Night 144: Oranges or Apples: Apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: What even...!? 142: McDonalds or Burger King: Eew 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk chocolate 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: So I’m choosing between “annoying as hell” and “ouch”... I choose ouch 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: We talking about looks or personality here?? Because if they’re a nice person, I don’t care what they look like 137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: Set adrift on a flaming boat into the sea 134: Singing or Dancing: Dancing 133: Coach or Chanel: ??? 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ????? 131: Small town or Big city: ????????? 130: Wal-Mart or Target: I’m a Brit 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller 128: Manicure or Pedicure: 127: East Coast or West Coast: 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas (I’m mentally 7) 125: Chocolate or Flowers: I’d say chocolates but I WAS given an amazing rainbow rose once <3 124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney (what’s the other one???) 123: Yankees or Red Sox: [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: It’s a waste of time, money and lives 121: George Bush: Twat 120: Gay Marriage: 100% for it!! 119: The presidential election: You had 1 job, America.. 118: Abortion: If it’s necessary for whatever reason, who is ANYONE to judge? 117: MySpace: Dead 116: Reality TV: Trash 115: Parents: Mine are pretty cool :)  114: Back stabbers: Can suck my ass 113: Ebay: Good for a lot of stuff but tread carefully 112: Facebook: A curse 111: Work: Long hours for little pay and way more stress than it’s worth 110: My Neighbors: Awesome 109: Gas Prices: Thanks but I’m not 80 yet. I don’t really have an opinion 108: Designer Clothes: If you want to pay £200 for a pair of sunglasses, you go for it. I’m cool with my holographic skull Halloween shades I got on Ebay for 99p 107: College: Nyeehhh.... NYEEEHHHH. Bad time in my life so let’s not go there. 106: Sports: *SNORE!* 105: My family: Supportive and cool 104: The future: Honestly... bleak [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: About 3 minutes ago 102: Last time you ate: Am currently eating 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Like... 4 months ago or something 100: Cried in front of someone: Yesterday 99: Went to a movie theater: Last Friday 98: Took a vacation: May 97: Swam in a pool: Last Tuesday 96: Changed a diaper: NEVER AND WILL NEVER 95: Got my nails done: Also never 94: Went to a wedding: Bleh. I dunno. 8-ish years ago 93: Broke a bone: Does breaking my tooth on a humbug in April count? 92: Got a peircing: Never 91: Broke the law: I stole a monkey nut from a health food shop when I was 6... 90: Texted: About 6 hours ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: CHAR! 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Already left home and I really miss my old bedroom and also my cat 87: The last movie I saw: Hotel Transylvania 2.... what? I told you I’m mentally 7 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Holiday to Cornwall in September 85: The thing im not looking forward to: Dentist on Tuesday  84: People call me: “Oi... thingy!” 83: The most difficult thing to do is: Pretend to be happy. WHOOPS!! That’s literally in my job description!!! HAHAHA!!! *Cries inside* 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Don’t own a car so... 81: My zodiac sign is: ...Wait. Zodiac or Starsign? My zodiac is the sheep and my starsign is Pisces 80: The first person i talked to today was: The lady who runs the canteen at work... that’s depressing 79: First time you had a crush: When I was 5 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: My mate Brandon!! I swear that guy’s psychic!! I’ll THINK my face is neutral but I’ll suddenly hear “What’s wrong? I’m getting negative vibes here.” 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Craig asked me for a coffee just as I’d opened my mouth to ask if he wanted a coffee about half an hour ago. Does that count 76: Right now I am talking to: The internet, like a fucking loser 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I WANT to work as a concept artist in films 74: I have/will get a job:.... Again, what are you asking me? 73: Tomorrow: ...Saturday 72: Today:..........??????????????????? Ok, I’m lost 71: Next Summer: WHAT!? 70: Next Weekend: ...-_- 69: I have these pets: I TOOOOOLLLLLLLD YOU THIS ONE!!! 68: The worst sound in the world: Open-mouth eating 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: *Coughs* 66: People that make you happy: My friends and my family xx 65: Last time I cried: Last night 64: My friends are: Awesome 63: My computer is: A pain in the butt 62: My School: [Sings] My house... in the middle of my street... my house... (I was home-schooled by the way) 61: My Car: Uuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! 60: I lose all respect for people who: Need a list..? 59: The movie I cried at was: GotG2 58: Your hair color is: Currently mousie but I’m gonna dye it blue 57: TV shows you watch: Not connected. I don’t watch TV 56: Favorite web site: Youtube, I guess...? 55: Your dream vacation: Anywhere I can see cool animals and go swimming.... so, Australia! XD 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Physical or psychological? 53: How do you like your steak cooked: Medium 52: My room is: A rubbish dump 51: My favorite celebrity is: Danny Elfman for reasons 50: Where would you like to be: Part of your wooooorrrrrllllllllld! 49: Do you want children: NO! 48: Ever been in love: Yes 47: Who’s your best friend: You’ve asked me this... -_- 46: More guy friends or girl friends: Actually, now I think about it, the majority of my friends don’t identify as EITHER! XD 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Finishing an art piece 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My mum. I didn’t get to see her on her birthday 2 days ago 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: The only thing on it is “Buy a house”... 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Yes. Including “swim with sharks” 41: Have you pre-named your children: Yup. “Invisible” if it’s a girl and “Non-existent” if it’s a boy (Of course, they’re welcome to change it to whatever they wish if they grow up to realise they’re a different gender) 40: Last person I got mad at: A customer who fucking WHISTLED AT ME to get my attention 39: I would like to move to: The country but that will never happen 38: I wish I was a professional: Concept artist [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: Mini eggs 36: Vehicle: Pirate ship! 35: President: Brit 34: State visited: Brit 33: Cellphone provider: Ugh! 32: Athlete: Andy Murray 31: Actor: Don’t! I have no idea! I have so many! 30: Actress: Ditto 29: Singer: Danny Elfman, David Bowie or Michael Jackson 28: Band: Oingo Boingo 27: Clothing store: Thrift stores 26: Grocery store: Sainbury’s (but only because it’s closest) 25: TV show: Red Dwarf (I have the DVDs) 24: Movie: Can’t choose! 23: Website: See question 56 22: Animal: Birds (I don’t know WHAT bird. That’s too specific) 21: Theme park: Uh uh 20: Holiday: Newquay Cornwall with my family in 2013 <3  19: Sport to watch: None 18: Sport to play: HAHAHA! Ok... 17: Magazine: Nope 16: Book: Harry Potter (any) 15: Day of the week: Whatever day I have off that week 14: Beach: What?? The one near my parents’ then I guess 13: Concert attended: Stiff Little Fingers at The Waterfront in Norwich 12: Thing to cook: Pancakes. They’re fun, even if I do end up with floppy quesadillas most of the time 11: Food: Depends on my mood 10: Restaurant: Bella Italia 9: Radio station: Again... not 80 8: Yankee candle scent: I don’t know if it was technically a Yankee candle but I recently bought one that smelt of pomade that was pretty nice 7: Perfume: The Captain by Fortune Cookie Soap 6: Flower: Sweet peas 5: Color: Aqua blue followed closely by purple 4: Talk show host: They’re all tossers these days 3: Comedian: Billy Connelly 2: Dog breed: Labrador 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Mostly.... ¬w¬
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readbookywooks · 7 years
A LITTLE before two o'clock Trumpkin and the Badger sat with the rest of the creatures at the wood's edge looking across at the gleaming line of Miraz's army which was about two arrow-shots away. In between, a square space of level grass had been staked for the combat. At the two far corners stood Glozelle and Sopespian with drawn swords. At the near corners were Giant Wimbleweather and the Bulgy Bear, who in spite of all their warnings was sucking his paws and looking, to tell the truth, uncommonly silly. To make up for this, Glenstorm on the right of the lists, stock-still except when he stamped a hind hoof occasionally on the turf, looked much more imposing than the Telmarine baron who faced him on the left. Peter had just shaken hands with Edmund and the Doctor, and was now walking down to the combat. It was like the moment before the pistol goes at an important race, but very much worse. "I wish Aslan had turned up before it came to this," said Trumpkin. "So do I," said Trufflehunter. "But look behind you." "Crows and crockery!" muttered the Dwarf as soon as he had done so. "What are they? Huge people - beautiful people - like gods and goddesses and giants. Hundreds and thousands of them, closing in behind us. What are they?" "It's the Dryads and Hamadryads and Silvans," said Trufflehunter. "Aslan has waked them." "Humph!" said the Dwarf. "That'll be very useful if the enemy try any treachery. But it won't help the High King very much if Miraz proves handier with his sword." The Badger said nothing, for now Peter and Miraz were entering the lists from opposite ends, both on foot, both in chain shirts, with helmets and shields. They advanced till they were close together. Both bowed and seemed to speak,, but it was impossible to hear what they said. Next moment, the two swords flashed in the sunlight. For a second the clash could be heard but it was immediately drowned because both armies began shouting like crowds at a football match. "Well done, Peter, oh, well done!" shouted Edmund as he saw Miraz reel back a whole pace and a half. "Follow it up, quick!" And Peter did, and for a few seconds it looked as if the fight might be won. But then Miraz pulled himself together - began to make real use of his height and weight "Miraz! Miraz! The King! The King!" came the roar of the Telmarines. Caspian and Edmund grew white with sickening anxiety. "Peter is taking some dreadful knocks," said Edmund. "Hullo!" said Caspian. "What's happening now?" "Both falling apart," said Edmund. "A bit blown, expect. Watch. Ah, now they're beginning again, more scientifically this time. Circling round and round, feeling each other's defences." "I'm afraid this Miraz knows his work," muttered the Doctor. But hardly had he said this when there was such a clapping and baying and throwing up of hoods among the Old Narnians that it was nearly deafening. "What was it? What was it?" asked the Doctor. "My old eyes missed it." "The High King has pricked him in the arm-pit," said Caspian, still clapping. "Just where the arm-hole of the hauberk let the point through. First blood.' "It's looking ugly again now, though," said Edmund. "Peter's not using his shield properly. He must be hurt in the left arm." It was only too true. Everyone could see that Peter's shield hung limp. The shouting of the Telmarines redoubled. "You've seen more battles than I," said Caspian. "Is there any chance now?" "Precious little," said Edmund. "I suppose he might just do it. With luck." "Oh, why did we let it happen at all?" said Caspian. Suddenly all the shouting on both sides died down. Edmund was puzzled for a moment. Then he said, "Oh, I see. They've both agreed to a rest. Come on, Doctor. You and I may be able to do something for the High King.' They ran down to the lists and Peter came outside the ropes to meet them, his face red and sweaty, his chest heaving. "Is your left arm wounded?" asked Edmund. "It's not exactly a wound," Peter said. "I got the weight of his shoulder on my shield - like a load of bricks and the rim of the shield drove into my wrist. I don't think it's broken, but it might be a sprain. If you could tie it up very tight I think I could manage." While they were doing this, Edmund asked anxiously. "What do you think of him, Peter?" "Tough," said Peter. "Very tough. I have a chance if can keep him on the hop till his weight and short wind come against him - in this hot sun too. To tell the truth, I haven't much chance else. Give my love to - to everyone at home, Ed, if he gets me. Here he comes into the lists again So long, old chap. Good-bye, Doctor. And I say, Ed, say something specially nice to Trumpkin. He's been a brick." Edmund couldn't speak. He walked back with the Doctor to his own lines with a sick feeling in his stomach. But the new bout went well. Peter now seemed to be able to make some use of his shield, and he certainly made good use of his feet. He was almost playing Tig with Miraz now, keeping out of range, shifting his ground, making the enemy work. "Coward!" booed the Telmarines. "Why don't you stand up to him? Don't you like it, eh? Thought you'd come to fight, not dance. Yah!" "Oh, I do hope he won't listen to them," said Caspian. "Not he," said Edmund. "You don't know him - Oh!" for Miraz had got in a blow at last, on Peter's helmet. Peter staggered, slipped sideways, and fell on one knee. The roar of the Telmarines rose like the noise of the sea. "Now, Miraz," they yelled. "Now. Quick! Quick! Kill him." But indeed there was no need to egg the usurper on. He was on top of Peter already. Edmund bit his lips till the blood came, as the sword flashed down on Peter. It looked as if it would slash off his head. Thank heavens! It had glanced down his right shoulder. The Dwarf-wrought mail was sound and did not break. "Great Scott!" cried Edmund. "He's up again. Peter, go it, Peter." "I couldn't see what happened," said the Doctor. "How did he do it?" "Grabbed Miraz's arm as it came down," said Trumpkin, dancing with delight. "There's a man for you! Uses his enemy's arm as a ladder. The High King! The High King! Up, Old Narnia!" "Look," said Trufflehunter. "Miraz is angry. It is good." They were certainly at it hammer and tongs now: such a flurry of blows that it seemed impossible for either not to be killed. As the excitement grew, the shouting almost died away. The spectators were holding their breath. It was most horrible and most magnificent. A great shout arose from the Old Narnians. Miraz was a down - not struck by Peter, but face downwards, having tripped on a tussock. Peter stepped back, waiting for him to rise. "Oh bother, bother, bother," said Edmund to himself. "Need he be as gentlemanly as all that? I suppose he must. Comes of being a Knight and a High King. I suppose it is what Aslan would like. But that brute will be up again in a minute and then - " But "that brute" never rose. The Lords Glozelle and Sopespian had their own plans ready. As soon as they saw their King down they leaped into the lists crying, "Treachery! Treachery! The Narnian traitor has stabbed him in the back while he lay helpless. To arms! To arms, Telmar!" Peter hardly understood what was happening. He saw two big men running towards him with drawn swords. Then the third Telmarine had leaped over the ropes on his; left. "To arms, Narnia! Treachery!" Peter shouted. If all three had set upon him at once he would never have spoken again. But Glozelle stopped to stab his own King dead where he lay: "That's for your insult, this morning," he whispered as the blade went home. Peter swung to face Sopespian, slashed his legs from under him and, with the back-cut of the same stroke, walloped off his head Edmund was now at his side crying, "Narnia, Narnia! The Lion!" The whole Telmarine army was rushing toward them. But now the Giant was stamping forward, stooping low and swinging his club. The Centaurs charged. Twang, twang behind and hiss, hiss overhead came the archery of Dwarfs. Trumpkin was fighting at his left. Full battle was joined. "Come back, Reepicheep, you little ass!" shouted Peter. "You'll only be killed. This is no place for mice." But the ridiculous little creatures were dancing in and out among the feet of both armies, jabbing with their swords. Many a Telmarine warrior that day felt his foot suddenly pierced as if by a dozen skewers, hopped on one leg cursing the pain, and fell as often as not. If he fell, the mice finished him off; if he did not, someone else did. But almost before the Old Narnians were really warmed to their work they found the enemy giving way. Toughlooking warriors turned white, gazed in terror not on the Old Narnians but on something behind them, and then flung down their weapons, shrieking, "The Wood! The Wood! The end of the world!" But soon neither their cries nor the sound of weapons could be heard any more, for both were drowned in the ocean-like roar of the Awakened Trees as they plunged through the ranks of Peter's army, and then on, in pursuit of the Telmarines. Have you ever stood at the edge of a great wood on a high ridge when a wild south-wester broke over it in full fury on an autumn evening? Imagine that sound. And then imagine that the wood, instead of being fixed to one place, was rushing at you; and was no longer trees but huge people; yet still like trees because their long arms waved like branches and their heads tossed and leaves fell round them in showers. It was like that for the Telmarines. It was a little alarming even for the Narnians. In a few minutes all Miraz's followers were running down to the Great River in the hope of crossing the bridge to the town of Beruna and there defending themselves behind ramparts and closed gates. They reached the river, but there was no bridge. It had disappeared since yesterday. Then utter panic and horror fell upon them and they all surrendered. But what had happened to the bridge? Early that morning, after a few hours' sleep, the girls had waked, to see Aslan standing over them and to hear his voice saying, "We will make holiday." They rubbed their eyes and looked round them. The trees had all gone but could still be seen moving away towards Aslan's How in a dark mass. Bacchus and the Maenads - his fierce, madcap girls - and Silenus were still with them. Lucy, fully rested, jumped up. Everyone was awake, everyone was laughing, flutes were playing, cymbals clashing. Animals, not Talking Animals, were crowding in upon them from every direction. "What is it, Aslan?" said Lucy, her eyes dancing and her feet wanting to dance. "Come, children," said he. "Ride on my back again today." "Oh, lovely!" cried Lucy, and both girls climbed on to the warm golden back as they had done no one knew how many years before. Then the whole party moved off Aslan leading, Bacchus and his Maenads leaping, rushing, and turning somersaults, the beasts frisking round them, and Silenus and his donkey bringing up the rear. They turned a little to the right, raced down a steep hill, and found the long Bridge of Beruna in front of them. Before they had begun to cross it, however, up out of the water came a great wet, bearded head, larger than a man's, crowned with rushes. It looked at Aslan and out of its mouth a deep voice came. "Hail, Lord," it said. "Loose my chains." "Who on earth is that?" whispered Susan. "I think it's the river-god, but hush," said Lucy. "Bacchus," said Aslan. "Deliver him from his chains." "That means the bridge, I expect," thought Lucy. And so it did. Bacchus and his people splashed forward into the shallow water, and a minute later the most curious things began happening. Great, strong trunks of ivy came curling up all the piers of the bridge, growing as quickly as a fire grows, wrapping the stones round, splitting, breaking, separating them. The walls of the bridge turned into hedges gay with hawthorn for a moment and then disappeared as the whole thing with a rush and a rumble collapsed into the swirling water. With much splashing, screaming, and laughter the revellers waded or swam or danced across the ford ("Hurrah! It's the Ford of Beruna again now!" cried the girls) and up the bank on the far side and into the town. Everyone in the streets fled before their faces. The first house they came to was a school: a girls' school, where lot of Narnian girls, with their hair done very tight and ugly tight collars round their necks and thick tickly stockings on their legs, were having a history lesson. The sort of "History" that was taught in Narnia under Miraz's rule was duller than the truest history you ever read and less true than the most exciting adventure story. "If you don't attend, Gwendolen," said the mistress, and stop looking out of the window, I shall have to give you an order-mark." "But please, Miss Prizzle - " began Gwendolen. "Did you hear what I said, Gwendolen?" asked Miss Prizzle. "But please, Miss Prizzle," said Gwendolen, "there's a LION!" "Take two order-marks for talking nonsense," said Miss Prizzle. "And now - " A roar interrupted her. Ivy came curling in at the windows of the classroom. The walls became a mass of shimmering green, and leafy branches arched overhead where the ceiling had been. Miss Prizzle found she was standing on grass in a forest glade. She clutched at her desk to steady herself, and found that the desk was a rose-bush. Wild people such as she had never even imagined were crowding round her. Then she saw the Lion, screamed and fled, and with her fled her class, who were mostly dumpy, prim little girls with fat legs. Gwendolen hesitated. "You'll stay with us, sweetheart?" said Aslan. "Oh, may I? Thank you, thank you," said Gwendolen. Instantly she joined hands with two of the Maenads, who whirled her round in a merry dance and helped her take off some of the unnecessary and uncomfortable clothes that she was wearing. Wherever they went in the little town of Beruna it was the same. Most of the people fled, a few joined them. When they left the town they were a larger and a merrier company. They swept on across the level fields on the north bank, or left bank, of the river. At every farm animals came out to join them. Sad old donkeys who had never known joy grew suddenly young again; chained dogs broke their chains; horses kicked their carts to pieces and came trotting along with them - clop-clop - kicking up the mud and whinnying. At a well in a yard they met a man who was beating a boy. The stick burst into flower in the man's hand. He tried to drop it, but it stuck to his hand. His arm became a branch, his body the trunk of a tree, his feet took root. The boy, who had been crying a moment before, burst out laughing and joined them. At a little town half-way to Beaversdam, where two rivers met, they came to another school, where a tiredlooking girl was teaching arithmetic to a number of boys who looked very like pigs. She looked out of the window and saw the divine revellers singing up the street and a stab of joy went through her heart. Aslan stopped right under the window and looked up at her. "Oh, don't, don't," she said. "I'd love to. But I mustn't. I must stick to my work. And the children would be frightened if they saw you." "Frightened?" said the most pig-like of the boys. "Who's she talking to out of the window? Let's tell the inspector she talks to people out of the window when she ought to be teaching us." "Let's go and see who it is," said another boy, and they all came crowding to the window. But as soon as their mean little faces looked out, Bacchus gave a great cry of Euan, euoi-oi-oi-of and the boys all began howling with fright and trampling one another down to get out of the door and jumping out of the windows. And it was said afterwards (whether truly or not) that those particular little boys were never seen again, but that there were a lot of very fine little pigs in that part of the country which had never been there before. "Now, Dear Heart," said Aslan to the Mistress, and she jumped down and joined them. At Beaversdam they re-crossed the river and came east again along the southern bank. They came to a little cottage where a child stood in the doorway crying. "Why are you crying, my love?" asked Aslan. The child, who had never seen a picture of a lion, was not afraid of him. "Auntie's very ill," she said. "She's going to die." Then Aslan went to go in at the door of the cottage, but it was too small for him. So, when he had got his head through, he pushed with his shoulders (Lucy and Susan fell off when he did this) and lifted the whole house up and it fell backwards and apart. And there, still in her bed, though the bed was now in the open air, lay a little old woman who looked as if she had Dwarf blood in her. She was at death's door, but when she opened her eyes and saw the bright, hairy head of the lion staring into her face, she did not scream or faint. She said, "Oh, Aslan! I knew it was true. I've been waiting for this all my life. Have you come to take me away?" "Yes, Dearest," said Aslan. "But not the long journey yet." And as he spoke, like the flush creeping along the underside of a cloud at sunrise, the colour came back to her white face and her eyes grew bright and she sat up and said, "Why, I do declare I feel that better. I think I could take a little breakfast this morning." "Here you are, mother," said Bacchus, dipping a pitcher in the cottage well and handing it to her. But what was in it now was not water but the richest wine, red as red-currant jelly, smooth as oil, strong as beef, warming as tea, cool as dew. "Eh, you've done something to our well," said the old woman. "That makes a nice change, that does." And she jumped out of bed. "Ride on me," said Aslan, and added to Susan and Lucy, "You two queens will have to run now." "But we'd like that just as well," said Susan. And off they went again. And so at last, with leaping and dancing and singing, with music and laughter and roaring and barking and neighing, they all came to the place where Miraz's army stood flinging down their swords and holding up their hands, and Peter's army, still holding their weapons and breathing hard, stood round them with stern and glad faces. And the first thing that happened was that the old woman slipped off Aslan's back and ran across to Caspian and they embraced one another; for she was his old nurse.
0 notes