#recipes for coffee liquor
beanbagcoffiee · 2 months
Savor the Blend: Crafting Exquisite Recipes for Coffee Liquor.
Indulge in the delightful fusion of rich coffee essence and the velvety warmth of liquor with our meticulously curated collection of recipes. Elevate your evenings, gatherings, or moments of solitude with these tantalizing concoctions that promise to awaken your senses and tantalize your taste buds. From classic favorites to innovative blends, explore the art of crafting exquisite recipes for coffee liquor beverages that will leave a lasting impression.
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Classic Espresso Martini: Begin your journey into the world of coffee liquor with the timeless elegance of the Espresso Martini. A harmonious marriage of vodka, coffee liquor, and freshly brewed espresso, this cocktail is a sophisticated symphony of flavors. Shake with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass, garnishing with coffee beans for a touch of visual flair.
Mocha White Russian: For a decadent twist on a beloved classic, indulge in the creamy richness of a Mocha White Russian. Combine vodka, coffee liquor, and cream over ice, then add a generous splash of chocolate syrup for a luscious mocha infusion. Stir gently to blend, creating a sumptuous libation that is as indulgent as it is irresistible.
Irish Coffee Delight: Transport yourself to the quaint cafes of Dublin with an Irish Coffee Delight. This comforting blend of Irish whiskey, freshly brewed coffee, brown sugar, and a dollop of whipped cream is the perfect companion for chilly evenings or leisurely brunches. Sip slowly and savor the cozy embrace of this timeless classic.
Coffee Old Fashioned: Rediscover the allure of a bygone era with a modern twist on the iconic Old Fashioned. Infuse bourbon with coffee beans for a rich, aromatic base, then sweeten with a hint of maple syrup and a dash of bitters. Serve over ice with a twist of orange peel, elevating the classic cocktail with a subtle yet satisfying coffee kick.
Café Amaretto Bliss: Delight your palate with the harmonious blend of amaretto and coffee liquor in a Café Amaretto Bliss. Combine equal parts of these luscious liqueurs over ice, then top with a splash of cream for a velvety finish. Garnish with a sprinkle of cocoa powder or shaved chocolate for an extra touch of indulgence.
Espresso Chocolate Martini: For the ultimate indulgence, treat yourself to an Espresso Chocolate Martini. Shake espresso vodka, coffee liquor, and chocolate liqueur with ice until perfectly chilled, then strain into a martini glass rimmed with cocoa powder. This luxurious libation is a decadent delight for chocolate and coffee lovers alike.
Coffee Cream Pie Cocktail: Channel the nostalgic charm of a classic dessert with a Coffee Cream Pie Cocktail. Blend coffee liquor, Irish cream, and vanilla vodka with a splash of milk and a drizzle of caramel syrup. Rim the glass with crushed graham crackers for a whimsical touch, evoking the irresistible allure of homemade pie.
Embark on a journey of sensory delight with our inspired recipes for coffee liquor beverages. Whether you're hosting a soirée, enjoying a quiet evening at home, or simply craving a moment of indulgence, these exquisite concoctions are sure to captivate your palate and leave you craving for more. Cheers to the art of crafting unforgettable libations that celebrate the timeless allure of coffee liquor.
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gutenachtwort · 4 months
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Holiday Coffee Liquor Recipe This vodka, coffee, and vanilla holiday liqueur has been a local favorite for more than 70 years!
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thatwritererinoriordan · 10 months
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veronicalavery · 10 months
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Recipe for Holiday Coffee Liquor This holiday coffee liqueur made with vodka, coffee, and vanilla has been a town favorite for over 70 years!
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seiwas · 4 months
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₊˚⊹。 i'll be good to you | nanami kento
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wc: 1.5k
summary: nanami’s half-hoping you call a fourth time.
contains: implied f!reader but no mention of pronouns, exes, mentions of alcohol, swears, reader wears makeup and heels, drunk calls, a bit angsty and a bit hurt/no comfort but it isn’t all that sad i think
a/n: this ran away from me again! but this is a brainchild from me and @augustinewrites, with song inspos: you were good to me, tequila, bourbon, and already gone
part of the in's and out's new year/birthday event | request prompt: calling your ex drunk at two a.m. with feelings still stuck in your throat
you are here -> part 2
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Nanami moves in numbers. 
It comes with his personality—practical and efficient, forward thinking. 
Predicting deals from 9-to-5 looks a lot different from dealing deaths by a ratio of 7:3, but the tactics remain the same, the stakes still high; every move is precise and calculated, analyzed to be accurate. 
So he’d known—the day he decided to pick up his blade again was the day he’d deal his final blow—at you, and the relationship you built together. 
A strategic takedown of something he deemed doomed from the start. 
That’s what he wants you to think, at least. 
When his phone rings three times—the first in the middle of lecturing Yuuji, the second while going overtime underground, and the third just moments ago, bleeding out on a bathroom counter, Nanami realizes that the probability of him ever speaking to you again, alive and breathing, is a number he can’t predict. 
So he waits, linen pants and a cotton shirt while sporting a drink by his kitchen counter. 
Strangely, he’s full of hope, half-good and half-bad—that you’ll call back; that you won’t. The line between the two blurs. 
It always has with you. 
A friendly face—that’s all you were supposed to be; his work neighbor a few cubicles down his. It started with polite nods, a few casual waves, maybe even small smiles on a good day. Your schedule was terrible, much like his—one of the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave. 
Then, you finally moved past just a friendly hello; something about bread, he recalls, an attempt to exchange recipes on sourdough. It started then, with you leaving a cup of coffee on his desk and he saving an ‘extra’ sub for you. 
(Except, it’s never an ‘extra’ with Nanami; he’d never do anything miscalculated.) 
Suddenly, you’re the first face he looks for in the morning, and he’s the last person you check on before clocking out at night. 
For a while, he didn’t know what to call you—a coworker? Friend? Someone he has dinner with at 12 midnight? 
You set it straight after the seventh ‘date’. 
Now, when his phone rings the fourth time, he picks up.
You’re cursing on the line, the sound of metal clinking on tile muffled in the background. 
He waits for you to talk, half-hopeful and half-nervous at hearing you speak. 
You always used to drop your keys by his door—your haphazard way of looking for his amongst five of yours. 
“Shit,” you grumble, the lock finally clicking open. 
He hears your footsteps, the sound of your heels landing as if they’ve been hastily kicked off. 
A party, perhaps? Or a night out? 
There’s a funny feeling that sits in his stomach when he thinks about you coming home from a date, one he knows he no longer has a right to. 
It should be good, he thinks, you’re moving on.  
He stares at his glass, liquor blurring into ice—brown edges fading into something lighter, near transparent. For a moment, he wonders if this was a mistake, if you hadn’t meant to call him at all. He’s considering putting the phone down to save you the embarrassment. 
“Finally,” you spit out, clumsy and a little too honest. 
To anyone else, you’d sound normal, but Nanami’s known you for years, has loved you for just as much, and this sounds a lot like the version of you that’s lost track of how many you’ve had to drink—the same one he’s had to tuck in bed, with your arms clinging onto his neck while dragging him under the covers with you. 
He takes a sip. 
“Was starting t’think you died or sum’in.” 
It’s impossible for you to know the truth, he’s made sure of that—it’s why he let you go in the first place. 
“Someone offered to buy me a drink t’night,” you mumble, wood scraping against your floorboards. The exhaustion in your voice is palpable. 
He has no idea why you’re telling him this. 
“I asked f’r bourbon,” you breathe, shaky, “on the rocks, because—” 
That’s what he always got, what he introduced to you when you asked him why he likes it so much. 2 ounces of bourbon for a ball of ice, with time as an aid, mellowing its intensity to flavors of smoky caramel, vanilla, and a touch of spice. 
He gives a lowly hum, swirling the drink in front of him. 
“Was it good?” 
(The drink, the date. The potential new guy.) 
There’s silence on the other end of the line, too long to be considered thoughtless. His watch counts the seconds. 
“Not as,” you finally answer. 
Another bout of silence. 
He wonders what you look like, if you’re wearing that lipstick you know is his favorite; if you still smell like the closest thing he’s ever had to a home. Do you still keep an extra handkerchief in your purse? That obnoxious cow print he now uses to remind him of the life he used to know? 
You sniffle. 
“You fucked me up, Kento.” 
He knows. 
“How c’n you say this… is what’s best f’me when it hurts this much?” you hiccup, a sob caught in your throat. 
When Nanami ended things with you, he gave himself 30 minutes. Any less, he would have regretted it, and any more, he would have taken it all back. 
“Y’re so unfair,” you breathe out shakier than the last, broken more than anything, “din’t ev’n ask me what I wanted.”
He knows.
And he supposes he deserves this, aching at the way you fall apart on the line.
He takes another sip, longer and fuller, dragging out his gulp. 
“I still love you,” you weep, voice unsteady, “and I f’cking hate you for that, y’know?” 
Your words burn more than the alcohol down his throat. 
His eyes start to sting, brown glossing over. There was a time when your ‘I love you’s’ gave him reason to wake up in the morning; when they got him through the day and lulled him to sleep at night. 
But this one, this time, he knows, will haunt him for the rest of his life. 
(He’s never wanted anything more than to say it back to you, right now.)  
“I apologize.” the words come out stiff, squeezed out as he puts down his glass. 
“I know,” you scoff, managing a chuckle while sniffling, “like that’ll do ‘nythin though.” 
Nanami clenches his jaw, fingers tightening around his drink. You always were the perfect bite to his snark, acknowledging things straight up, as is. 
And you always had a hunch of how things would end up. 
You know that this call is pointless, that he won’t take you back by the end of it. You also know that each and every one of his decisions comes from a series of calculated predictions, that once he makes up his mind, there’s no changing it. You know how Nanami works, that he moves in numbers. 
Except, you never know his reasons—that the truth of all this is that he’s sworn to himself that he’ll be good to you. There’s no point being with an empty man, and dragging you into the dangers of sorcery would be cruel, even more unfair to you. 
The line is quiet for a while, filled only with your attempts at steadying your breathing. 
“Did you drink enough water?” he asks, a little out of nowhere but completely in place. 
You snort, pushing back your chair, “Shouldn’t say things like that,” your footsteps are picked up by the mic, “makes it sound like y’care.” 
He hears you gulp a glass down on the line, lips curling into a sad smile. 
“D’me a favor?” you slur, followed by a yawn. 
He hums. 
“Stay on ‘til I fall’sleep?” 
And for once, he doesn’t think so hard about it. This small thing can’t possibly skew the damage he’s already caused you. 
A creak sounds from your end, the sofa you both used to spend your weekends on; it’s been thoroughly broken in, love seeping through each crevice and dip. It’s selfish, but he hopes you still feel him through it—giving you a safe place to rest, soft and tender in keeping you close when he can’t. 
You shuffle, pillows muffling the microphone as you move around; then you mumble, sleep-laden, “Don’t forget to turn the lights off.” 
It shouldn’t affect him this much, but the reminder calls back every instance you’ve ever said it to him: whispers over his shoulder, while dragging your feet away from his home office; a peck to the tip of his ear before nuzzling his neck while he reads; a shout from your bed, for him to hear within the echoes of the bathroom walls. 
You both have terrible sleep from odd hours at the office, but nightmares have always persisted with him more. Turning off the lights was a reassurance, a quiet ‘I love you’—a reminder that it was okay to fall asleep, you’d be there when he wakes. 
His eyes zero in on the light switch to his right, humming his response. 
The call runs for 31 minutes.
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a/n: other tidbits i wasn't able to include—reader is able to hold liquor well, and used to drink with nanami often but doesn't understand the appeal of his preferred drinks; reader is able to go head-to-head with nanami's personality but is also a lot more vibrant and loud; reader also doesn't know about the jujutsu world (in case it wasn't obvious). i also envision nanami becoming less himself towards the end of their relationship, which is also when he starts considering going back to sorcery.
thank you notes: big thank you to @augustinewrites for half-mothering this fic 🥺 what would i do without your sad ideas and songs to match!! and to @mysugu and @soumies for ofc!! listening to me talk abt this all the time lol
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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leeknowlover99 · 4 months
Sweet tooth
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pairing: Jake x reader
synopsis: friends (idiots) to lovers - where everyone can see they have feelings for each over except for them - coworkers au, set in cute coffee shop/bakery
word count: 8,7k
warning: fluff, mentions of anxiety and insomnia, swearing, kissing making out, eventual smut (pretty vanilla), slow burn, one bed coach trope, they’re both a bit silly, no mention of protection 🫣
A/N: this was so much fun to write, the way they are both in denial 🙈 hope you enjoy it 🫶🏻
Jake has always smelled sweet, like vanilla and cinnamon. like a hug from comfort person. but ever since he started working at his uncle’s cafe it intensified. now it was more like cake frosting but with a hint of roasted coffee beans. you wondered if you smelled the same after working there with him for over two months. little cafe became your safe space quickly. escape from stressful uni life. Jake and the rest of the cafe workers were always kind and gentle to you. even during the rush hours it felt like time slowed down here. but the thing you loved the most was hours after closing when you cleaned up and tried new recipes with Jake. you were not much of a baker but you always were good with art so your job was taking care of the visual presentation of Jake’s new creations.
however today both of you were too exhausted to stay up. you cleaned up in a hurry and closed up. you were both heading to the nearest bus station as cafe was quite far from your apartments.
“i’m sad that summer is ending. evenings are already so chilly. aren’t you cold y/n?” Jake looked at your sundress concerned.
“a little bit” you admitted. “i didn’t expect for the temperature to drop so much.”
“let’s walk a little bit faster then” he said wrapping his arm around you. “is this okay?”
you nodded and snuggled into him. he emanated pleasant warmth and that sweet scent you loved so much.
“how’s uni?” you asked.
“it’s already starting to be busy. so many assignments, i will probably have to take less shifts at the cafe.” Jake was majoring in
“yeah same for me. i’m so jealous that this is your last year.” you still had two years left.
Jake laughed and his voice sounded so melodic, every time you heard it your mood elevated instantly.
“it will pass fast, you’ll see. look your bus will be here in 1 minute, lucky you” he pointed at the live schedule at the bus stop as you approached it.
“thank god, i actually started shivering” you commented.
“i hope you won’t catch a cold. drink some tea with honey when you get home.” Jake insisted. it was sweet how caring he was.
“i will! when is your next shift?” you asked before getting in the bus.
“Monday! see you Y/N!” Jake screamed and waved through the bus window.
you waved backed as the bus started moving and soon Jake smiley face disappeared from your sight.
you met Jake in your home town - Busan when you were both in middle school. your mums started working together in the office and quickly became close friends. when summer came barbecue parties in your garden became a weekly event. Jake wasn’t always coming by with his parents, usually he would visit every two or three weeks. at first it felt a little bit awkward as you were complete strangers without much in common. Busan was a big city and you attended different schools and hang out in different friend groups. Jake was also one year older than you. but despite all of this you quickly started to get along well, exchanging stories and interests. however you never kept in touch between those parties. when warm summer days ended replaced by cold and dark days your parents started meeting less often and usually Jake wouldn’t come, too busy with studying. your bond always strengthened over the summers. when you were in high school you started your tradition of stealing some beers from the fridge and sneaking out to sit on the beach and talk drinking the liquor. you always cherished this moments, knowing they will soon become the past.
after Jake graduated high school he moved out to Seoul and you haven’t seen him for two years. you graduated next summer and also decided to continue your education in the capital city. you moved out with your best friend and started your major in chemistry. during summer after first year of uni you got a text from Jake asking if you would be interested in part time job in his uncle’s cafe as they needed new people immediately. you were actually in the process of looking for a summer job so you gladly accepted the offer without thinking too much about it. soon you fell in love with the little cafe and rebuild your bond with Jake, spending multiple hours working together. now you could say you went back to being friends, even closer than ever.
it was already 10 pm when you arrived at your dorm, you were sharing a room with your best friend Hari. you both got in the same university and moved to Seoul together. you were glad for having her in your life as she was the only person keeping you sane through all the hardships and stresses.
“hi cupcake” he greeted you using the nickname she gave you in primary school connected to your love for sweet things.
“hey there” you said back with a sigh, you were exhausted and although weekend was starting you knew it won’t bring you any rest, only more work.
“you’re early. you and jake didn’t bake today?” she asked stretching out on her bed.
“nope, we were both too tired.”
“oh and i thought that maybe you had some trouble in your paradise” she giggled. Hari was shipping you and Jake ever since you started working together and getting closer again. as she claimed you two were destined to be together.
“please don’t start” you plopped down on your own bed too tired to even change your clothes.
“i’m not starting. but just saying. i’m waiting until one of you finally will realize that you have feelings for each other!”
“but we don’t, so there’s nothing to realize. we’re just friends.” you and Jake had a sort of special bond but it wasn’t anything romantic. sure you noticed how handsome he was, how his blond hair completed his pretty face and how bright his smile was. you also knew he was a great, kind and gentle person. but that was something everyone could see about him. you were only objectively noticing his good qualities.
“yeah yeah just friends my ass. friends don’t look at each other the way you do or have this dreamy eyes when they think about the other person” she wiggled her eyebrows at you.
“i’m just tired, it’s my tired eyes” you defended yourself a little bit annoyed at this point.
Hari could talk all she wanted. you knew there was nothing between you and Jake besides old good friendship. you cut her blabbering by disappearing in the bathroom to take a shower and putting on loud music. you needed some time to yourself to rest and get ready for tomorrow. you had two assignments and tone of studying to do. and if you’ll be lucky maybe you’ll have enough energy to go to one of the weekly frat parties. you were dying to finally let loose and have some fun.
somehow you managed to get on top of your productivity and complete everything from your Saturday’s to do list. moreover you actually had a lot of energy left, only one last thing was left - get wasted - as you scribbled in your journal. Hari couldn’t hide her enthusiasm when you informed her that you’re going out today.
“it’s been so long! finally the best party duo will be back in town!” she put on taylor swift and insisted on doing your make up. “please y/n i have the greatest idea in my mind, it will look beautiful on you i promise.” you could only agree so now you were patiently waiting for her to be done so you can pick your outfit.
“we’ll go to house party at Kappa” Hari informed you. “sunghoon told me he’s going to be there, i hope we’ll get to talk.” she shared, Sunghoon was Hari’s crush since forever but just recently they finally started talking and things were slowly starting to get serious between them.
“girl we need you in that pink dress tonight! he’ll lose his mind when he sees you in it” you suddenly remembered the dress you bought her as a birthday gift. it complimented her figure perfectly and cool shade of pink was bringing up her features.
“yess, it will be perfect!” she clapped excited. “by the way i heard Jake is hanging out with Sunghoon a lot recently. so there’s a chance he might be there too.” she winked and you rolled your eyes. but your stomach twisted at the possibility of spending time with Jake outside of work. despite you two being pretty close now you rarely texted or talked besides the cafe. you didn’t even follow him on any social media, only have his number saved up.
“it will be nice to see him outside of work.” you commented keeping your face straight.
“sooo what are you going to wear now that i gave you this precious piece of information?” Hari asked.
the final choice was made after the long debate that was also be the reason of your late arrival to the party. but the way white lacy corset and denim skirt you wore was totally worth it.
“girl you’re going to have all the guys falling to your feet” Hari giggled as you entered the frat house. the place was loud and crowded but nothing over the top. you found your usual squad consisting of an odd mix of art and chemistry students occupying one of the large coaches.
“ahh finally you made it!” Jungwon greeted you with a broad smile.
“the queen is never late, everybody else is early” Hari announced loudly.
“she’s not even drunk yet” Ryujin laughed and went for a tight hug with both of you.
“it’s good to see you, i was worried that you’re overworking yourself y/n but here you are looking hotter than hell!” Ryujin definitely had few drinks already. you giggled at her compliments.
“i’m going to check out the kitchen.” you informed them leaving Hari space to say hello to Sunghoon.
you wondered into the large kitchen, where all the counters were cluttered with liquor and snacks. you checked out your option and went for good old ponch. you wondered if Jake is going to show up as it was already pretty late and he was nowhere to be seen. you didn’t know why you even wanted to see him today but you felt bitter taste of disappointment. but you didn’t let yourself grieve too much. you came back to your friends with two drinks, one for you and one for Hari. she was already gossiping with Sunghoon so you just handed her the drink and plopped down between Jay and Yeji. soon alcohol started buzzing in your veins and you got invested with loud conversations with your friends. it was nice to catch up after a long time and hear what’s up in other people’s lifes. however after some time pleasant buzzing in your head turned into a slight headache, the effects of insomnia and being overworked. you excused yourself to the kitchen, but this time only purred yourself a glass of water. you took a sip and felt better immediately. you leaned against the counter with sigh.
“are you alright?” voice startled you. the voice you knew all too well.
“jake? hii” you light up. “yeah i’m alright, just a bit tired after the week, you know how it is” you muttered to stunned by him.
he was wearing simple white shirt but left few upper buttons undone and his firm chest was exposed for your eyes. he fixed his messy hair and looked at you with pink cheeks. he must’ve been pretty drunk you thought.
“you look gorgeous” he whispered and looked down immediately, if you didn’t know him you would think he’s frustrated. but this wasn’t really in Jake’s character.
“thank you” you blushed, deeply happy that he liked your outfit. all that efforts did not go to waste.
“do you want to get some fresh air?” he asked suddenly and you sent him a confused look.
“i don’t mean smoke, just walk around? i’m a bit overwhelmed here” he explained.
“sure let’s go. i’ll join you at the door in a minute” you agreed without hesitation.
you stopped by Hari to whisper to her that you’re leaving with Jake only for her to wiggle her eyebrows furiously at you. “have fun” she screamed at you when you were leaving and you poked your tongue at her.
Jake was waiting for you with his denim jacket in hand.
“wear it, i don’t want you to get a cold” he said while putting it on you.
“but aren’t you going to be cold?” you asked concerned.
“don’t worry, this shirt is pretty thick.” he dismissed you but you weren’t going to give up so easily.
“at least button it up a bit” you scoffed and reach out to help him. you realized what you’re doing when your fingers made contact with hot skin of his chest. it was probably alcohol making you bold as you usually weren’t the type to be touchy with your friends. you buttoned two buttons of his shirt and looked up. Jake was averting his gaze and you could swear his cheeks were more pink than before.
“all done. we can go.” you said and opened the door.
for first couple of minutes you walked around in silence, emptiness and quietness of the streets being the nice contrast to the loud party. sky was clear tonight leaving a perfect view of constellations. here in seoul they weren’t visible as good as in busan but still astonished you with their beauty.
“what are you thinking about?” jake broke the silence first.
“i’m thinking about the stars. do you remember when we used to watch them during summer nights sitting on Songdo beach?” you asked looking up.
“life was easier back then, i felt in peace during those nights. i miss the beach. i like seoul but busan will always be in my heart.” he responded.
“did you ever think about coming back after graduating?” you turned your gaze towards him.
“yeah it crossed my mind, but i don’t think so. at least not just after graduating. maybe in the future.” he kept eye contact with you.
“same for me. i won’t have same opportunities there.” you agreed.
“these are some serious topics for a party night” he laughed out of the sudden and it reminded you that he was way drunker than you.
“sorry, didn’t want to ruin the mood” you reflected yourself.
“no, i didn’t mean it like that” he quickly protested grabbing your arm. “you didn’t ruin anything. i just would rather escape this topics today.” his touch burned you.
“sure, i understand.” you smiled gently at his worried face. “let’s get back to the party.” you proposed.
“i think i’m gonna head home already. it’s late and i need to rest a bit” Jake yawned and stretched out.
“sure, i think i’m gonna get going too, Hari has company and i could use some sleep too.” you decided.
“i’ll walk you home. it’s dangerous to walk alone at night.” Jake said. your dorm was about ten minutes away and you were sure you’re going to be fine but didn’t decline the offer. you liked Jake’s presence more than you wanted to admit. “by the way what’s up with Sunghoon and Hari? are they a thing now?” he asked as you were walking towards your dorm.
“ohhh so Sunghoon didn’t share any details?” you asked surprised. you thought they were close when Hari told you they hang out a lot.
“nah he’s pretty reserved and i didn’t want to push him. but i definitely noticed something is going on.”
“well Hari on the other hand is not secretive at all.” you laughed. “i think they’ll start dating officially soon. Hari liked Sunghoon since forever and well she can be very persistent. i guess her efforts paid off.” you explained.
“oh but Sunghoon definitely had an eye on her too. but good for her that she did not give up.” he commented as you crossed the street getting close to your building.
“oh she never gives up. can you believe she still didn’t stop shipping us?” you blurted out and immediately regretted it. you were grateful that it was night time because your face turned red instantly. you always said too much after drinking. Jake turned towards you surprise evident in his wide eyes.
“she is shipping … us?�� the way his eyes switched between you two made you even more embarrassed.
“yeah, no matter how many times i tell her that we’re friends she keeps insisting” you brushed your hand through your hair nervously.
Jake’s expression was unreadable, but you saw him watch you intently.
“sorry don’t know why i brought it up, she’s being annoying with it.” you started talking to deal with awkward silence between you.
“it’s fine. i was just surprised. i didn’t know that.” Jake reassured you but you could tell by his eyes that he was confused.
“let’s forget about it. we’re here, i’m going to get going. don’t want to stop you anymore.” you quickly blurted out, in a rush to get away from Jake and die out of embarrassment in the comfort of your apartment.
“have a good night y/n and see you on monday” Jake smiled.
“wait your jacket!” you remembered and started to take it off.
“you can keep it, i’m fine. you’re the one who’s always cold.” he said and proceeded to walk away.
“good night!” you shouted back at him after a few seconds of shock.
after he turned around the corner and disappeared from you sight you hidden your face in your hands. you cringed at the whole walk with him, first you started too serious conversations and later you started talking about shipping you together. you seriously needed a ban for alcohol. you hugged his jacket around yourself tighter and his scent hit your nose, the sweet scent you loved so much. you went back home to go to sleep and escape from embarrassment.
you actually managed to get some rest throughout the sunday, you pushed all the thoughts about Jake away and Hari was too busy talking about Sunghoon to keep questioning you. however now as you were on your way to cafe after classes you felt anxiety creep up your spine. you hoped Jake was too drunk to remember and care. at least that was what you wanted to believe in. you opened cafe door with your head high and smile on your lips. „hi!” you greeted Mina, your other coworker, who was just ending her shift.
„hi Y/n! so glad to see you. and you look so pretty today!” she smiled at you from behind the counter.
“thank you” you beamed at compliment. “i’ll go change. is Jake here already?” you asked.
“no, he actually called and said he will be a bit late today. i can stay with you if you want” she proposed but you could tell she was dying to go home.
“no, it’s fine. it’s not busy today” you looked around. not even half of the tables was occupied.
you got ready and started evening shift alone. it felt nice to stop thinking and focus on all the tasks, you didn’t even noticed when an hour passed. you realized when you looked at the clock above the door when Jake run inside with messy hair and pink cheeks.
“i’m sorry, i had to stay some extra at labs” he started explaining immediately but you stopped him.
“hey, it’s okay. no need to be so dramatic. here have some water” you purred him a glass.
“thank you” he said breathing heavy and taking a sip. his adam apple bobbed and you couldn’t help but find it attractive when he was a flushed and sweaty. “i know you’re fine on your own but i just hate being late, it’s all in the head” his voice broke you out of the haze.
“i know. you don’t have to be so hard on yourself you know” you instinctively reached out to rub his shoulder in comforting manner. you were about to withdraw your hand after you realized but he actually leaned into your touch and put his big hand on yours. your eyes met, softness in his gaze making you smile.
“thank you. i’ll go change now.” he said finally.
“how was your sunday? did you get some rest?” he asked later on when you were sorting the cups in dishwasher.
“yes i finally did, felt so good. i can tell i started the week with good energy” you responded. “and you?”
“yeah i got some rest in the morning but then i was out again.” he chuckled.
“ohh our social butterfly” you joked.
“yeah, i had a date” he suddenly admitted.
“oh” you could stop the sound from escaping your lips. “how was it?” you corrected yourself quickly. you were surprised. Jake never mentioned his love life to you before and he didn’t seem like the person who was looking for relationship now.
“it was nice, i had a good time” he said.
“that’s great! so happy for you” you tried to make your enthusiasm sound honest, but your insides twisted a bit.
“well actually i was already on few dates with her” he scratched his head while looking down. you steadied yourself against the counter. “at first i had hope for something but the more we met the more it became obvious that it’s not working out. i couldn’t really feel anything towards her. i think something was stopping me. like i kept thinking that’s not it..”
“excuse me can we get another cinnamon roll?” women’s voice interrupted your conversation.
“sure, coming” Jake responded and went to grab the cinnamon roll from the counter.
your mind was spiraling from all the information he gave you. you didn’t understand why he suddenly shared so many details with you, but maybe he just needed someone to vent to. you gritted your teeth unconsciously and went back to work. when Jake came back from the table he did not continue the conversation and acted like it didn’t happen so you you did the same.
“can we schedule baking for friday? i’m too exhausted today and i think friday is our next shift together.” he asked towards the end of your shift.
“sure, friday sounds good, we won’t have to hurry” you agreed. you were too drained today too.
“perfect! you can go already, i’ll take care of the closing. we’ll be even for my delay today.” he proposed.
normally you wouldn’t agree and stay with him but today you wanted to escape his presence as fast as possible so you just nodded.
“thanks it would be great.”
you felt relief when you walked out of sweet cafe into the fresh air of the night. coldness of the wind wasn’t bothering you this time but bringing much needed refreshment. you didn’t know why lately all your interactions with Jake were so awkward. you blamed Hari for waking up weird ideas in your head and hoped this odd feeling will disappear till Friday.
Friday came suddenly, this week felt like a breeze and you were full of energy. you were looking forward to baking with Jake. it’s been a long time since you’ve done it and new season was just around the corner so you needed to make some preparations. technically this wasn’t part of your job, but the owner being Jake’s uncle made cafe feel like a family business and you both really wanted to help as much as you could. and combining your talents always brought back the best results.
tonight was super busy in the cafe so you decided to close an hour later than usual and were left with ton of cleaning to do but neither of you wanted to cancel your plans, you worked quickly in silence and managed to finish daily tasks around 11 pm.
“okay let’s get to work now, it’s already so late” Jake scratched his head.
you put on some quiet jazz music in the background and put on the apron.
“so what are you doing tonight chef?” you asked with a broad smile.
“we need something new for fall menu. i was thinking about trying something we’ve never made here before- pumpkin cupcakes with dark chocolate and cinnamon.” he started telling you all about his idea while preparing ingredients.
“i’m already hungry at the thought of it.” you licked your lips and you noticed Jake smiled at you. “so what size are they going to be? do you want the decorations to be in fall vibe as well?” you asked him for more details.
“here are the forms” he showed you medium sized forms, cupcakes would be about a size of his fist you thought. “i was thinking that we may even go more for spooky Halloween decor. what do you suggest?” he asked.
“sounds like a plan. let me think for a while” you said already picturing all the possible options. you picked out your journal from black bag and sat down ready to draw. while Jake started working on pumpkin dough you scribbled few ideas down. after giving it a thought you crossed out the ones you didn’t like and went to show Jake some options.
“i did few spooky ones and one with fall vibes.” you explained showing him your doodles. “for spooky ones spiders web is a must, here look at that design, it will look like it’s melting down the cupcake. second one i have are this little ghosts, they are spooky and cute at the same time, i got inspiration from the little ghosts from ghibli movies. and for fall ones i was thinking about white cream and little pumpkins from frosting. here take a look.” you were focusing on describing the drawings while Jake watched you with silent adoration and admired your talent. you only noticed when you finally stopped talking and your gaze met his eyes.
“i love all of them. but will you be able to make that pumpkins out of the frosting? it seems complicated.” he questioned.
“i’ll try but i’m positive about it” you reassured him, you already had a plan in your mind.
“great, always the best ideas in that pretty head of yours” he ruffled your hair but you were too focused on the fact that he called you pretty to care. it never happened before and you felt yourself blush at the sudden compliment. you looked away.
“let’s get to work then. i’ll prepare the cream and frosting!” you smiled and started your job.
you were silent for the next hour, enjoying your company and focusing on the things you loved, there was some kind of comfort in all of that. dim lighting of the cafe and sweet scent of your baked goods making the night even more atmospheric.
when you finally finished baking and decorating you were dying out of the hunger. you took some pictures to capture your creations and then you let yourself get the taste.
“oh. my. god. Jake. that’s so delicious” you complimented him mouth full of delicious cupcakes. sweet taste of pumpkin was perfect with combination of bitter dark chocolate and cinnamon. “that’s the best shit you ever made.”
“i’m glad you like it” he laughed throwing his head back. “i have to admit i love them too” he said taking another bite. “but the decor is what makes them top tier. you’re really so talented y/n. i’m sure they will sell out so fast.” he continued.
you ate way too many cupcakes than you should and lazily cleaned up the kitchen.
“ah i’m exhausted but at the same time i feel so rested after our baking session” you shared.
“it’s like the comfort thing, just like our evenings on the beach in Busan. we found a worthy substitute here in Seoul.” Jake smile warmly at you.
“you’re right. let’s get going, i think we’re done with everything here. what time is it?” you asked collecting for stuff from around the cafe.
“oh shit” you heard Jake whisper.
“what?” you asked concerned.
“it’s past 1 a.m already. i have no idea how it passed so quickly.” he said frowning at his phone.
“fuck. i don’t think we have any buses left.” you cursed out.
“i’ll check kakao taxi.” Jake said and started scrolling on his phone. “you’ve got to be kidding me!” he exclaimed loudly few seconds later. “i’m not paying fucking 400,000 won to go back home.”
“oh my god” you agreed. you were already on the budget and couldn’t afford any unnecessary spendings.
“i’m sorry y/n i didn’t know it’s so late” Jake started apologizing you, guilt painting his eyes.
“hey we both got lost in time.” you reassured him. “let’s think what are our options.”
“hmm i guess we could stay here until the morning buses. when do they start? i think around 4 am. it’s only 3 hours then” he started thinking out loud pacing around the cafe.
“that’s not a bad idea.” you agreed. “we can just crush here. we have the couch and blankets.”
“okay then.” Jake grabbed some blankets from the storage room. “you can take the coach, i’ll settle down for one of the armchairs.” he said. space of the cafe wasn’t big so there was only one big coach.
“i think we can both fit here if you don’t mind, should be enough space” you examined rearranging the pillows. “you’ll be uncomfortable on the armchair.” you didn’t mind sharing the space with Jake and you felt bad that he’s always sacrificing his comfort for you.
“if you are fine with it then sure. coach is definitely better.” he laughed and plopped down. “i’ll set the alarm for 4 o clock, is that okay?” he asked and you nodded in agreement. he fidgeted a bit on the coach and got comfortable. you lied down next to him and threw a blanket over your bodies, there was enough space for both of you on the coach but your limbs were touching. at first you thought it will be awkward but it actually felt good, warmth of Jake’s body was giving for comfort. you didn’t even know when you drifted away to sleep.
Jake was fucked. you were laying next to him asleep and fidgeting, you must be dreaming about something. he tried to fall asleep but your scent and warmth was distracting to say the least. his body burnt in places where your limbs were touching. he shouldn’t agree to sleep with you on the coach. he knew it wasn’t normal for a friend to feel this way towards you but he was also well aware he crossed that line a while ago. he realized when his heart skipped a beat whenever you would smile at him. he tried to deny it, explain it. he justified the ache in his heart, everybody would feel intimidated in the presence of someone as nice and pretty as you right? but deep down he knew. oh and when he saw you in that dress on the frat party. he needed some fresh air immediately to calm himself down. but then you started talking how Hari is shipping both of you. and you were looking so cute with his jacket on, like you were his. he was so embarrassed but at the same time he wanted to ask you “would it be so weird for us to be together?” but of course he never did. he just laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing ever not his dream. he didn’t know why he mentioned his date to you the next day. it’s not like it meant anything to him, it was a failed attempt to forget about you. he wanted to die when you were looking at him with big confused eyes when he was talking nonsense about it. he knew he couldn’t with for you to feel same way about him. you deserved so much better, someone who was brave enough to confess, someone who would always keep in touch with you, not disappear from your life like he did many times. he was always a coward.
now his heart was pounding as you turned to your side your back making contact with his chest. you sighed in your sleep and went still. maybe it was time to finally start acting on his feelings, being someone who’s sure and confident. in a sudden wave of bravery he put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer burying his face in the crook of your neck. he closed his eyes and tried to steady his breath enough to fall asleep.
sharp sound of the alarm woke you up and your body jolted. however you couldn’t get up as there was a weight holding you down. you blinked your eyes open and noticed Jake’s arm holding your waist and you realized that your bodies are curled up together. you stopped the ringing of alarm and turned around in Jake’s embrace to look at him.
“good morning” he muttered slowly waking up.
“hi, did you sleep well” you swallowed and asked in the whisper highly aware of his proximity. his firm and hot body pressed against yours making you feel dry at your throat. he kept his arm around you, caressing your side.
“yeah, i actually slept amazing. and you?” he asked.
“i did too. definitely better than expected.” you responded.
Jake’s fringe was messed up, loose strands covering his pretty brown eyes, you wanted to look at them without distractions. the urge was so strong that you reached out and fixed his hair gently. however after you didn’t withdraw your hand, just kept it tangled in his golden strands. now you kept eye contact, his pupils were dilated and eyes squinting slightly. you felt his breath fasten and saw his eyes flick down, you also averted your gaze towards his plump pink lips. you didn’t even noticed when you got closer to him and tagged at his hair lightly, it was all your bodies doing. now you were breathing heavily too, chest rising and falling visibly, cheeks flushed. tension was high between you two and Jake was the the first one to break it.
“can i kiss you?” he basically moaned.
you didn’t respond verbally just smashed your lips against his and finally tasted him. you started the kiss rather gently, carefully discovering the feeling of his lips. Jake returned the kiss immediately and you felt arousal in your stomach at the simple movement of his lips. they were perfect and the kiss quickly became less shy. Jake licked your lower lip asking for permission and you granted it immediately, your tongues curiously meeting. you felt him groan in your mouth and pull your body closer. you moaned at the sensation, your boobs meeting his hard chest and feeling of his boner pressing against your abdomen. you tagged at his perfect hair and grinded against him, throwing your leg over his hip to gain better access. Jake’s hand travelled to your ass, squeezing the soft flesh and pushing you against his hard on. you moaned and your lips disconnected for the first time, a string of saliva between them.
“what are we doing?” you asked breathless, Jake looked stunning like that, with lips swollen from your kisses and dark eyes filled with lust.
“something i’ve been wanting to do for way too long.” he said, his voice raspy. his words send another wave of arousal straight to your core. you thighs clenched uncontrollably and he definitely noticed, you saw him gulp.
“do you want to keep going baby?” he asked and you melted hearing the nickname. you didn’t know how much you were craving him, both physically and emotionally but now you have realized it, you were in love with Jake. “babe, can you give me an answer?” he asked you for the second time gently caressing your face. you leaned in his touch.
“yes Jakie, i want all of you.” you said and added “please” just to see him fold.
“fuck, you’ll be the death of me” he hissed and kissed you again. this time it was much rougher and full of urgency, you sucked on his tongue and he bit your lip all while trying to get you out of your clothes. when your shirt and bra were gone he moved down and captured your hardened nipple with his mouth, flicking his tongue around it and pinching the other one with his hands. the sensation was making your head spin. you needed him bad. when he moved up to suck on your neck your hand found his belt and unbuckled it to slip underneath his pants and palm him. his length felt thick and hard beneath your fingers. Jake bucked his hips in your hand.
“needy are you?” you giggled.
“you don’t even know.” he whispered. “but you’re no better i’m afraid” he teased slipping his palm into your panties, wetness immediately meeting his fingers. “fuck you’re so wet.”
you moaned when he found your clit and started rubbing circles around it. “Jake i need you” you pleaded too impatient to cherish the moment, you needed him inside now.
“i know baby, i know. i’ll just warm you up a bit okay?” he asked inserting one finger inside your warm pussy. you were starving for anything but finger did not feel enough.
“need more” you urged him.
“be a good girl” he scolded you.
“please” you moaned when he added second finger and fastened his moves. “i’m ready.”
Jake couldn’t resist you anymore, not when you pleaded like that. he was hot and needy for you, his precum leaking in his boxers. you got rid of the rest of your clothes and Jake settled between your legs, his dick so pretty you drooled at the sight, perfect length with red tip and one vein slightly visible. you wanted to taste him, but not now. he started rubbing his leaking tip against your wet core. “are you sure?” he asked one last time and when you nodded he pushed the tip inside. you were so wet it slid right in, you both moaned at the sensation. Jake was so lost in the feeling that he unconsciously started thrusting not giving you anytime to adjust but the slight sting disappeared almost immediately replaced with pleasure. his thrust were fast but not too rough, his tip perfectly abusing your sensitive spot, you knew you’ll cum fast. but it was the same for Jake, seeing your pretty tits moving with every thrust, your lips slightly opened in pleasure and hearing your moans was enough to send him over the edge within minutes. you came in the same time connecting your lips in messy kiss. you clenched around him and your vision darkened, sparks travelling through your body. it was one of the best orgasms of your life. Jake peppered your lips in kissed once you both came down from your highs and caressed your face gently.
“y/n i love you” he whispered eyes wide with adoration. “i’ve loved you since forever.” you melted after hearing his confession.
“i love you too” you responded overwhelmed with the sweet feeling.
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jacky93sims · 1 year
Milk Frother Hot Chocolate Maker Functional for The Sims 2
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Sooo I mixed a bunch of cc to make this one :D Chocolate machine and some of the recipes are from Littlbowhub, other recipes are from Icemunmun, chocolate tray is from Ravasheen, everything is low poly. Machine and tray are recolorable, I add a bunch of recolors (not everyone is showed in the picture). This works like a hot chocolate machine but every recipe has a cost of 5 simoleon. Some of them are not available for children, like the chili one or the ones with liquor in it. Every chocolate increase hunger, energy and comfort, but they have no function relate to the Seasons Ep because I don't have it. Visitors can make and drink the hot chocolate too. After the use sims won't put the empty mugs on the ground but will dispose of them (throwing away, or washing). You can put the tray on my Modern Coffee Cabinet, it looks very nice :)
**NEWS**: I fixed the error that mugs were giving when putting down, adding a non-interruptible options, so please re-download the file and replace the recipes. I also add another version of the recipes, where the autonomous cleaning is disabled. Choose only one.
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oksurethisismyname · 6 months
when Zoro tells Sanji he hates chocolate / desserts, Sanji takes that as a challenge to find recipes that would appeal to him
Once a week, Sanji makes an experimental, new dessert for everyone to try but it’s really part of mission “make Marimo want dessert”
Sanji has a little green notebook he keeps in the drawer with extra matches, bottle openers, etc, tucked in the back of the drawer and filled with ideas and notes after he tries it
Frozen Tangerine Yogurt pie
serves eight
4 ripe tangerines, peeled and chopped try for the ones that are sour, flavor preferred by the sour swordsman
3 tablespoons sugar, divided
1 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup plain yogurt maybe try Greek yogurt to cut the sweetness even more?
graham cracker or shortbread pie crust graham cracker too sweet for that idiot
Note: partial success. Caught feeding crust to Luffy
Chocolate Mousse with Olive Oil and Sea Salt
Makes about 10 small portions or 4 larger portions
2 eggs, thoroughly beaten
3/4 cup whole milk
6 ounces high quality semi-sweet dark chocolate
3 tablespoons freshly brewed strong coffee (optional) not optional! Without this, the chocolate flavor will be one dimensional
1/4 cup finishing-quality olive oil
1 tablespoon maple syrup possibly replace with honey. Try different honeys. maybe I could find one that marimo likes? Possibly buckwheat honey, something dark and strong like him. Maybe fireweed honey for the buttery flavor
Brandy (amount depending on if I plan to let chopper have any)
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch fine salt
Sea salt or grey lavender salt, to serve sea salt preferred
Lightly sweetened whipped cream, to serve
Note: best attempt so far. When he thought I wasn’t looking, he licked the bowl. Had a smidge of chocolate on the tip of his nose for the rest of the day. So fucking CUTE!!! gross
And Nami knows about this hidden recipe book and tells Zoro that Sanji keeps tiny liquor bottles from the various inns they’ve stayed at hidden in that drawer (not even a great lie, but Zoro buys it)
And Zoro finds that little green book one day, and suddenly Zoro is paying more attention to the ways Sanji cares for him and takes care of him
if he starts sticking around after the weekly dessert experiment and helping Sanji clean up, that’s between him and his cook
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 3 months
#canon divergence where they get drunk as hell on hot toddies one night and keep calling each other papa bear and baby bear
.....can i have this? pretty please? how can i get this? what can i do?
one (1) beautiful kiss is my fee
it’s a dark and chilly night. spring is just around the corner, but before it comes, winter’s using its icy clutches to snatch them up one more time.
ian is grumbly (“we’re so close to tomatoes mick 😩 i can practically taste em”) but mickey sees it as an opportunity to trap his husband in for the night and get him good n liquored up.
they’ve been on a bit of a hot toddy kick for a lot of winter, claiming that it’s something they can be overly decadent about because what they’re spending on ingredients, they’re saving on their heating bills - their internal temps and shared body heat rendering their furnace unnecessary.
they’ve tried apple cider toddies, ginger, even a coffee recipe that left them both grimacing at each other after a single sip, never to drink again.
tonight it’s a tried and true favorite - bourbon, honey, a lil cinnamon stick that mickey always ends up puffing on like a cigar to make ian laugh. he’s returning with their third round (it’s very cold, okay?) and ian is a heavy-lidded, slightly swaying angel where he’s waiting for him on the couch, the blanket bunched over his lap.
“thank you, honey,” he grins, amused beyond belief with his own joke as he accepts the warm glass with both hands. it’s only interrupted when his sip leaves him sucking in quickly, cooling his mouth with a breath. “oo…that shit is too hot.”
mickey helps himself to the other end of the couch, “yeah alright, goldilocks,” remembering to at least blow on his first because this has to be their hundredth hot toddy of the season, and his husband is sometimes a simple man, bless his fucking heart.
and speaking of.
the sound of glass hitting their coffee table is mickey’s first warning of the approach. what comes next is the shifting of the couch cushions, ian helping himself to every inch of his personal space. “goldilocks, huh?” he murmurs through a drunken grin, lifting mickey’s glass now too and taking it away with great care. “think i’m more of a papa bear, no?”
mickey blinks. can’t help the smile that tugs at his own mouth. “no.”
but he’ll definitely take ian loving up on him, all that warm, spiced bourbon warming his belly. “mhm…”
“and who’s that make me, huh…?”
ian noses close, sharing his smile with him as their lips brush. “mm…baby bear, of course…”
mickey can taste the honey. the cinnamon. the deep, infectious desire to play as it radiates off his husband. “you callin’ me short?”
a beat… “no, baby…”
“think i’m more of a papa bear outta the two of us.”
ian’s big ol head lists back a little, his heavy-blink unconvinced. “no, baby…”
and really, how is that not an invitation to play?
“oh yeah,” mickey insists, using the space to flip the script and start crowding ian instead, pushing him back to the other end of the couch until he’s made himself sooo fucking comfortable in his lap. “you’re baby bear, on account-a how fuckin’ cute you are.”
ian looks up at him, trapped in now by mickey’s thighs squeezing him on both sides. “whole point of goldilocks is sizes, mick,” he slurs. like he’s really doin somethin with it. his big thesis statement. “papa bear’s biggest.” and of course those big ol arms wrap around mickey to prove it. “like me.”
mickey grins down at him from his seat in his lap. can’t deny that ian being so fucking huge is a very real turn on for him. but. “‘big’ don’t gotta mean size, ya know.”
“that right…?”
“uh uh,” mickey explains. and damn, fucking on the couch could be nice right now, huh? “‘big’… ‘papa bear’… s’all about power.”
ian blinks up at him. processes. and then slowly, his brows furrow in amusement. “mick…you want me to call you daddy, just fuckin’ say so.”
it’s got them both collapsing into a mess of drunken, breathy giggles, the wind whipping away outside as ian gains the upper hand and lowers mickey onto his back on the couch, following him down with a steamy “c’mere, baby bear.”
by the time they make it back to their drinks, they are no longer too hot.
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babmaos-blog · 24 days
I’m so definitely procrastinating on my unrealistic deadline to finish chapters 7-10 so here’s some of my small canons for the book! (All canon in BABMAOS, My AU. This doesn’t apply to Inky Mystery or QFTIM. Feel free to use these as headcanons, though!)
- Boris likes Christmas, Bendy like’s Valentine’s Day
- Felix only ever drinks fruity or sweet liquors, margaritas and wines. Champagne maybe.
- Bendy is always cold, no matter what. He’s constantly freezing even if it’s like, 70°. He cannot handle the winter or fall for the life of him despite how much he loves it. He’s one of those people constantly wearing a coat. (Bonus, he clings to Boris or Felix for warmth at times./platonic)
- Cuphead & Mugman’s hair colors change, just a little, whenever their drinks are changed in their heads. Not exactly a completely different color, but it swirls in there, like multicolor. (Psst! Cuphead often wears chamomile tea, Mugman often has egg nog)
- Felix has a solar system ceiling lamp above his desk, he made it himself
- Felix has a special interest in antiques and ancient artifacts, overall very into history. He collects anything he can find on adventures.
- Cuphead’s current bed formerly belonged to Elder Kettle, he just inherited it from the cottage instead of buying himself one.
- Mugman has a special interest on the color blue. Specifically shades of baby and denim blue.
- Cuphead is dyslexic to an extreme extent, cannot read and never has been able to. Calligraphy is the worst font for him. (Me too, Cuphead :c)
- All of Felix’s books are hand written then copied into print, all of his books are in a handwritten form of calligraphy. He keeps the original inked books stacked neatly under his desk.
- Boris and Bendy cut and trim their own hair, they’d help each other, but unfortunately both of them have opposite hair textures and have no idea how to manage the other’s.
- Boris enjoys thriller/mystery romance books, the types that end with the love interest killing one another.
- Bendy hates coffee of any sort, Boris on the other hand quite enjoys it.
- Felix has a small flower garden in his front yard, as well as potted plants everywhere in his house. though not often around to keep it thriving, he has Sheba watch over his house while he’s working.
- Cuphead & Mugman love bakery sweets and candies, anything with sugar. Felix often can’t even prep desserts without those two getting their fingers in the batter or ingredients.
- Bendy craves rare red meats (steak, beef mainly) and sugars of any kind (fruits, pastries, cookies, etc.). He suffers from low blood sugar and low iron. the demon blood cells feast on the others to thrive. (Causing pale skin and flesh, rapid weight loss, illness, or even death.) without the correct calorie intake, his genetic makeup could end up killing him. (Overall, he would need nearly 3,000 cals a day to survive) (All fiction!!)
- Boris and Felix often catch each other up late night, sometimes they’ll stay up late and talk about whatever’s bothering them until they feel tired again.
- Felix often cooks traditional foods from around the world, from recipes he’s picked up from his adventurers. He likes to give everything a try when it comes to his pallet, at least once.
- Bendy’s tears aren’t clear, they’re a slight tint of red and black.
- Bendy sees red with high contrast, too much red at once can overwhelm him and freak him out a little. He likes the color pink, a soft pink.
- Boris and Felix are both nearsighted and colorblind
- Bendy can’t hold pens and pencils right. He never learned how, he still just holds it in his fist like a kid. Despite the many times Boris has tried to tell him he does it wrong.
- Felix sleeps hugging a pillow or blanket, he had a plush as a kid and just never grew out of the habit even after putting it into storage.
- Felix’s coat is weighted, like a weighted blanket.
- Felix, Bendy, and Boris season the HELL out of their food. Cuphead and Mugman think salt is spicy
- Only Felix and Mugman can legally drive. Cup’s license is provoked, Bendy never got his.
- Felix can play guitar and piano
- Felix can sing and dance. Good. Extremely good. He never does it much anymore, but watch out if him and Bendy are on the dance floor
- Boris likes and can draw very well, rubber-hose cartoon style
- Felix is a mama’s boy (sticks fingers in ears) LALKKA I DONT CARE LALA I’M RIGHT
- Mugman smokes, never on his own or carrying his own pack, but whenever Cuphead lights one they share it.
- Cuphead will sneak Felix cigar packs or whiskey shots during the quest so the bbros don’t look at him any different. in return for favors of course, Cup ain’t that nice
- Felix doesn’t like cats, he prefers dogs. Cuphead mildly thinks he’s a monster because of the preference.
- Boris doesn’t like kids. Anyone under the age of 10 is instantly a snotty nuisance to him. Yet, kids always seem to love him
- Bendy has a big soft spot for children, unfortunately, infants and toddlers cry in his presence.
- Felix’s hair is to his shoulders, he keeps it up in a claw clip so it isn’t in the way. Doesn’t care enough to cut it
- Felix’s fur is very long and curly/wavy everywhere. (Especially on his chest, arms, legs, tail, etc. anywhere a human would grow body hair)
- Bendy has layered fangs, two rows.
- Felix will, at times, force himself to purr when consoling someone. he’s learned it calms people down quicker
- Boris has thick claws and fangs
- Bendy’s tail is very long. It goes over his head if you hold it up straight. (His species of demon normally grow into their tails, unfortunately, he never hit his growth spurt)
- Cuphead has speckles of yellow, brown, and blue in his eyes
- Cuphead wears eyeliner. Not elaborating
- Bendy can purr, has some cat in his genetics
- Felix gets very flirty when drunk, basically just a successful Bendy. Keep an eye on him or else he’s walking out of the bar with a gal. Fortunately, he has a high alcohol tolerance
- Felix has no perception of gender. Gender envy, gender roles, gender identity, or even feeling more comfortable as one or the other. He doesn’t feel or see the connection to it, any shirt’s a shirt and anyone’s a person. Uses ‘women’s’ body washes, perfumes, clothes, doesn’t get why he gets weird looks for it.
- Bendy feels gender envy on both sides, he’d feel happy in his skin in a dress as he would a suit, everything ‘gendered’ makes him happy. He has desperately tried explaining this concept to Felix on multiple occasions, to no avail
- Boris is aroace, doesn’t get crushes and never will. The kind of kid who’s sick of hearing “Aww, you like her don’t you?” From adults. Really, leave him alone!
- one of Bendy’s common nicknames is ‘Darling’. Not in a romantic way, just a title
- Cuphead is very closeted. He’s bi, and heavily refuses the ‘swing the other way’ claims every time. He, honestly, has no idea he’s even bi anyway. (None of them know their sexual and romantic orientations, duh. It’s the 50’s. They just exist and run with it.)
- Boris and Felix drink coffee together and gossip like beige moms (Except instead of kids they talk about studies, discoveries, and history)
- Felix has a cork board in his kitchen, full of pinned photos, news articles, etc. anything he’s kept from his life layered over each other from old to new. Did deep enough, and you might just find some old baby photos. He prefers people to not look through it, though.
- Boris can be very manipulative when he needs to be. After all, who could say no to a kid? Unfortunately, his height can ruin it at times. It was more effective as a little kid.
- Felix has a very hazy memory of anything from childhood to early adulthood. He can’t tell many stories.
- Felix has tattoos on his waist and wrists, no idea where they came from
(Tell me if you want more! :3)
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beanbagcoffiee · 8 months
Recipes for Coffee Liquor
In a heavy-bottomed pot, combine soaked rice and milk. Bring to a boil, and then reduce the heat to low for recipes for coffee liquor. Cook the rice in milk on low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking, until the rice is soft and the mixture thickens (about 25-30 minutes). Add sugar and continue to cook until the sugar dissolves completely.
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hetalia-club · 1 month
Hetalia Stardew Mod Summary Hot Link
Characters (Will be updated as it's posted) America Canada
Mod Details (Note all of this only exist inside my head unfortunately)- All Characters are Romanceable. They have no rival love interest and they will not lose their personality or hobbies after marriage so you don’t feel like you ruined their lives or stole them away from anyone. They will for the most part carry on as usual just with a bit more favor towards you New Events: Firework Festival- Takes place on Summer 4. This event is only attended by The Hetalia characters living in Cindersnap Forest. You Enter Cindersnap Forest at 10PM-12PM on Summer 4 to Trigger the Event. Brew Fest- A mock Octoberfest held at the Café where they all drink coffee instead of beer Enter Cindersnap Forest on Fall 6 at 9AM-3PM to trigger the event. Must be downloaded alongside the: More Crops Mod and Even More Crops Mod to get required ingredients for recipes & Stardew expanded for the space upgrade. The town of Cindersnap can function as your main source of shopping & Conversation Much like how Ridgeside Village & Stardew Valley operate. The characters do converse with the Main Stardew folk but for the most part do their own things. New Buildings: Houses with secret rooms, locked doors and Easter eggs. Maybe you click on a globe in someone’s house and it says “It’s a circle, that’s the earth”.
Cindersnap Coffee House: This is a Café/Bakery that is directly contributed to by each member of the Cindersnap Forest dwellers. Their Role with the bakery will be listed within their bio if they have one. Here you can buy coffees, Latte’s, Matcha, Mochas, and espresso shots along with few new Items like: Croissants, Tiramisu, Pretzel, Apple Pie, Cannoli, Blueberry Scone, Custard, Sugar Pie, Bee Sting Cake, Red Bean,  Buns and Cheesecake that are nods to the Hetalia character’s origins and their recipes can only be obtained from befriending a certain character. The Café/bakery is Owned and Operated by multiple characters.
Brew House- At 7pm all the Characters of Cindersnap disappear into the back room of the Coffee House. Where a Speak Easy is hidden and they will stay there hanging out until 11 and then will all go home. You can only get an invite by getting at least 6 hearts with everyone in town and then you will get an anonymous letter giving you the password saying you have passed the vibe check. Inside you can buy Alcohol from Romano who works the bar because the Coffee House does not have their liquor license and they have to operate this underground.
The Ranch-ery- Owned and Operated by Alfred & Matthew. Matthew runs the counter on Thursdays & Tuesdays and the store will operate as a Nursery and sell only trees, fruit trees and berry, herb bushes (See More crops+ mod) You can buy singular fruit here but the prices are steep you are better off just buying the sapling itself. Alfred operates on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Open from 9am-5pm Monday-Saturday and the shop will operate as a Ranch selling full grown cows, milk, milk buckets, hay, and heaters. The store is closed on Sunday.
Mystic Brews- An oddities shop located inside the wizards tower ran by a shadow creature that you can only gain access to only after befriending England, It focuses on gems, mushrooms, potions and some very rare items like the magic wand for a hefty sum. Seeds n’ Such- a general store with all your seasonal seed needs operated by China. Not much to say about it it’s a pretty straight forward shop.
Paella Stand- in the summer/spring Spain comes to town from Calico dessert to run his street food cart he will live here in town for these two seasons but he doesn’t like the cold so he will go back to Calico in the fall/winter. He sells churros, paella and spiced hot chocolate. All these foods give major speed and energy boosts but the catch is you can’t buy it with money and similar to the trader in Calico to have to trade him for gems.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
CockTails in the Skyy! - Drink Recap
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I made it through eight rounds of drinking, so I could get through Our Skyy 2 with minimal damage. Below are the basic ingredients for each drink, links to the connected post rambling about each episode, and the drinking GIFs I used for each installment. Feel free to take the GIFs and the drink recipes to use as you'd like.
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Bottoms Up!
Rum-Antics - Never Let Me Go (7.5/10)
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spiced rum since I couldn't get Mekhong
smashed blueberries for that purple color that Nueng and Palm always had during their lovey-dovey scenes
ginger ale because I think Nueng was studying abroad in England, but if not . . . it is what it is
brown sugar and lime juice on the rim for class differences
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Sun & Stars - Star in My Mind (7/10)
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gin & tonic to balance the bitter and sweet of Daonuea and Khabkluen's dynamic
pineapple juice for that beach vibe
elder flower syrup and vanilla bean sugar on the rim to add to the sickly sugariness they expell
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Jack Nasty - The Eclipse (8/10)
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Jack Daniel's Honey Whiskey for Akk and Ayan's sweet yet intense dynamic
unfiltered apple cider for the A+ prefect jerk, Akk
lemon juice for the wrench in the system and Sour Patch kid, Ayan
honey and cinnamon on the rim for Kan and Thua
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Purple Pair - Vice Versa (6/10, could've been 9/10)
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Absolut vodka because vodka is my least favorite liquor (just like this show), but Absolut since much like this company, I'm gonna support my fellow queers no matter what
cranberry juice for Puen's pink(ish)
curaçao for Talay's blue
lavender syrup and rock candy on the rim for the wild switcheroo between calm and chaos
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For Goodness' Sake - My School President (9/10)
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sake for Chinzhilla's hot pot adventure
more white wine for all the whining and pining the Gun and Tinn did
lemons, limes, oranges, grapes, and apple slices for the sweetness overload (I was going to comment about the variation of fruits, but I don't know the crowd's feelings on the word, so . . . *takes a big sip directly from the bottle*)
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Deja Brew - A Boss & A Babe (8/10)
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dark coffee for our "tough" boss, Gun
vanilla brandy for the boss's babe, Cher
soy milk and ice for the men holding it together Tubtab and Jack
whipped cream and chocolate shavings for the disgustingly sweet Three and Zo
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Sleigh What? - Bad Buddy (9.5/10 crossover with ATOTS)
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champagne because all I hear is Jessie Ware's "Champagne Kisses" when I see these too
coconut water for episode 11's cake by the ocean (sex on the beach)
mint for that refreshing Pran smell that Pat loves
Christmas glass because it felt like Christmas getting that crossover and never forget Pat was shot on Christmas Eve!
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Par-tea-ing Ways - A Tale of Thousand Stars (9.5/10 crossover with Bad Buddy)
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tequila because I was saving my favorite liquor for my favorite series in this lineup
mango tea for those sachets that saved the village
chimoy and Tajín on the rim for that 🔥🔥🔥 Tian and Phupha bring
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As usual,
Cheers, Queers!
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mariacallous · 5 months
In 2023, Tel Aviv celebrated its first ever Jachnun Festival. Celebrity pastry chefs, jachnun joints and hungry crowds gathered at the hip settings of the city’s harbor, enjoying every possible version of the humble star of the party, the Shabbat Yemenite pastry. Alongside classic jachnun, visitors could try stuffed jachnun, spelt flour jachnun and even gluten-free ones. A stand offered Yemenite spicy sauce (zhug) tastings, and another featured a chili pepper eating competition. And to wash it all down, jachnun lovers were offered spiced black coffee, and fig and date arak liquor.
Jachnun is a slightly sweet rolled pastry, made of very thin layers of dough that are brushed with clarified butter. It is the Shabbat dish of the Jews of Aden, in today’s Yemen, and is baked overnight on Friday at a low temperature then eaten for breakfast on Saturday morning. 
Israeli food writers wondered how Tel Aviv hasn’t had a jachnun festival until now, but my question is quite different: How did this unassuming pastry make its way from Aden to the heart of Israeli culinary consensus in just 75 short years? It stands there in pride alongside other classics like shakshuka, schnitzel, hummus and chicken soup. When and how did that happen?
First, to clarify, the famous Yemenite jachnun is actually from Aden, not Yemen. (Aden, which was the capital of South Yemen, became part of the country now known as Yemen only in 1990 after the unification of North Yemen and South Yemen.) The Adenite and Yemenite (mainly from around Sana’a) Jewish communities were separate and had different traditions.
Adenite and Yemenite Jews met for the first time in the Hashed (or Geula, “redemption” in Hebrew) transit camp arranged by The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in 1949 ahead of Operation Magic Carpet that brought them to Israel. 
“In Hashed, with ingredients brought by The Joint, is where Yemenites first learned from the Adeni how to make jachnun,” said Moshe David, an Israeli of Adanite roots, a jeweler and author of the cookbook “Disappearing Flavors of the South.”
“More Yemenites learned how to make the dish in the camps in Israel,” where Yemenite and Adenite Jews lived together for years, he told me.
For hundreds of years Aden was a cosmopolitan strategic harbor city. It was ruled by the Ottomans and then by the British. Moshe believes that jachnun originated from an Ottoman pastry called gül böreği (rose-shaped borek). The pastry is made with yufka, a thin dough, thicker than phyllo, that’s used for many Turkish pastries, and is stretched to an almost transparent leaf, then spread with fat, just like jachnun. The original gül böreği, though, is stuffed with meat, while jachnun is only brushed with fat and then rolled.
In the past, jachnun was actually served as a sweet dish, topped with honey (and later, in Israel, with sugar).
“They used to serve it with halva or Turkish delight,” said David. “That’s what convinced me the origin is Ottoman. They would also serve it with quince jam,” a testament of the Adenite connection to the Silk Road and Persian cuisine.
In search for the origins of the dish, I found an unusual version of jachnun in two of Molly Bar-David’s books. Bar-David was a Jewish American who emigrated to Israel in the 1940s and documented Jewish dishes of immigrants that arrived in Israel from all across the Jewish Diaspora. She quotes a recipe for ghihinoon (Yemenite Cakes) from her Yemenite housekeeper, Margalit, who used to sprinkle chopped nuts, jam or cottage cheese on the dough before rolling it and baking. 
I should add that the 1964 book is packed with condescending comments toward the many Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews mentioned in the book. Margalit (last name is not provided) was not spared. In general, this was in line with the way many Ashkenazi Jews at the time viewed Jews from Arab and Muslim countries.
Moshe thinks that Bar-David mistakenly mixed g’hin, “dough” in Yemenite, with ghihinoon. But when I asked a Yemenite-Israeli Facebook group about it, one member said she too spreads the dough with jam before baking. Still, most Yemenite Israelis in the group found that idea amusing, and jokingly suggested serving jachnun with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. 
Jachnun evolved into a savory course, and became nationwide phenomena, fairly recently, in the 1980s when a chain of Yemenite restaurants named Nargila (hookah) took Israel by storm. Nargila offered a limited menu, and jachnun and malawach were the stars. The pastries were served with grated tomatoes mixed with zhug, which became the standard for Yemenites and even for some Adenite Jews.
These days, jachnun is available in the freezer aisle at any supermarket in Israel, offering an inferior but easy option for those daunted by the labor-intense process of making the dish at home. On the weekends, fresh jachnun is readily available at pop-up roadside stands, cafes and even as part of the famous Israeli breakfast buffet in many hotels. This modest dish has officially become an Israeli staple.
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iceycube · 5 months
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A no-bake treat. One recipe yields 50-ish balls
175 g Finely rolled oats (the soft oat flakes, you know the ones you could eat straight out of the bag)
100 g Powdered sugar
25 g Cocoa powder
5 g Vanilla sugar
100 g Softened butter *
2 tablespoon liquid (fresh black coffee, juice, water, liquor, whatever you want just make sure it fits chocolate)
Coconut sprinkles/flakes, roasted finely chopped (almost to powder) nuts, sprinkles, freeze dried berries, or whatever you like for rolling them in just make sure it is very fine.
How to:
Mix oats, cocoa, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar
Add butter and knead until combined
Add liquid and knead
Put sprinkle in Tupperware (or the like) container.
Roll small balls. Small is somewhere between an index finger joint and a thumb joint in size. Preferably with warm hands, as that helps the sprinkle stick. If you do not have warm hands, recruit a friend with warm hands to do it for you. Also makes it more fun to work :]
Roll in your preferred sprinkles. You gotta press a little bit on them while rolling to get the sprinkle to stick. Traditional is coconut sprinkles, but you do you. **
Refrigerate in a cookie jar until serving time. Also, they feel wrong if you eat them before they're completely set, so leave them in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
* you could use coconut oil for vegan option. 82 g coconut oil. Find one where the aroma has been removed if you dislike coconut flavor. You may need a bit more liquid if you use oil
** I did powdered hazelnuts and brown sugar that I had roasted at 150 C for 20 minutes the day before.
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chaoticbooklesbian · 1 month
random ask: what is your go-to daily drink? your special occasion drink? detail delightful, recipe spectacular.
∧,,,∧ (  ̳• · • ̳) /    づ♡ I love you drinks [you're pretty cool though]
An excellent set of questions! My day-to-day drink is usually boring old Pepsi for that bit of caffeine that my ADHD brain craves. If I'm going for something alcoholic, I love a sweet hard cider - my absolute favorite is Gumption, which has become impossible to find around here and may be out of production, but I also enjoy Woodchuck (especially the green apple variety - yum!!!) and Doc's Draft (the sour cherry and peach varieties are excellent).
A fun (alcoholic) drink that I've done a time or two is to mix sparkling apple cider with a little bit of Fireball, it's like a bubbly spiced cider, I love it! A hot version could be made with regular apple cider and Fireball or any spiced liquor of choice - I had some at a party once that was made with Captain Morgan, it was lovely!
For a non-alcoholic hot drink on a nice chilly morning, I like a homemade mocha. Make some coffee however you normally would, making sure to leave some room in the mug when you pour it. Add milk, chocolate syrup, and vanilla syrup to taste. If you want to make it a little extra ~cozy~, add a little bit of ground cinnamon. Mix and enjoy!
I also adore hot, spiced, non-alcoholic apple cider - add a gallon (or half, or however much/little you want) to a heating vessel. Slow cookers are great for parties/large batches, you can also use a small pot if you're making just one portion. Add ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, and ground cloves to taste - you'll probably need far less of the cloves than the cinnamon and nutmeg, but you do you. Stir and allow to heat up. Serve hot, preferably while wearing a cozy sweater and staring at pretty fall foliage. Handmade mugs make it taste better, if available.
Also, adding a little cinnamon to hot chocolate kicks it up just that little bit. Or a tiny bit of chili powder. Or both. A little goes a long way for one mug of cocoa.
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