#reading crack fics is like harmful for me but also therapeutic
sluggishslugcrimes · 23 days
Weird crack fics are my drug, I spent two hours looking for one of these fics because it was horrible, honestly therapy is gonna be half regular trauma and half fic related trauma.
And yes majority of them have Shrek to the point if I watch the movies I just stare in horror of all the shit I read about him.
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lumateranlibrarian · 6 years
I was tagged by @penthesilea1623 to fill out this ask meme. It was fun, thank you!! I tag anyone else who’s interested - if someone wants to run with it, please do!
1. How many works in progress do you have?
Hmm. There’s only one at the moment that’s deep in the works... there are probably five or six ideas I’d like to expand on into actual stories, but there’s just the one I’m actively writing on. Here’s a bit:
In the space between blinks, when her eyes were still closed, it was too easy to imagine the Dasher leaning forward in the chair where Alexius had been sitting.
She ducked and dodged around the thought like an Antivan avoiding questions about tax evasion.
Eh. It’s a work in progress. A WIP, one might say.
2. Do you/would you write fan fiction?
Bruh. That’s all I write these days. I used to be really into original fic, and when I was in high school I actually wrote something that was novel-length. I’ve always had a thing for re-imagined fairytales. OUaT started off strong, but I fell off the wagon around season 3 or so.
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Paperrrrrrrrr. But I don’t read that much these days because of my courseload. When I do buy books, I always plan ahead as much as I can so I know I’m getting something I’ll keep and add to my personal library (which makes it sound much more legit than like the single shelf’s worth of books I carried to grad school with me). I’m working my way through Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett right now, and I love it. 
4. When did you start writing?
Uhhhh. Gosh. First full story was around 12 or 13.
Oh that brings back memories. Ahhhhh, nostalgia :) I was so proud of it. I bet I still have the notebook somewhere.
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
I rarely share works that are in-progress, but I bounce ideas off a lot of people depending on the fandom. Recently, it’s been @penthesilea1623 for Dragon Age stuff, @vaderslocker for The Adventure Zone, and it’s been a while but @godihatethisfreakingcat and I have shared some seriously intense story ideas and headcanons for the Hobbit. We went all-out once on this idea that Fili and Kili (F!Kili) survived Erebor, and Kilis went to reclaim Moria with Ori, and they both died and Gimli found them protecting Balin’s tomb... lol that was super angsty but it was fantastic, I’m so hyped just thinking about it.
6. Where is your favorite place to write?
Home. Curled up on my couch. There is tea on the endtable and on the TV the soundtrack to Skyrim is softly playing. The windows are cracked open, through which the gentle sound of wind and rustling leaves rises and falls.
7. Favorite book as a child?
But I seriously adore The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta. I didn’t read them until high school, which is a good thing because they address some intense topics like cultural diaspora, rape, genocide. I’d honestly advise people don’t read them until they hit sixteen or seventeen years old. But the overall message is the idea that horrible things happen and they can be overcome with love and support and family.
That being said, I (admittedly, a straight person) thought it had some decent representation of gay characters, especially in the second and third books. The breadth of personalities of the female characters was amazing. It talks about the importance of watching what you say, not passing on harmful ideas by saying thoughtless things to children... heck, the first book literally begins with a story about what happens when people stand by and say nothing. It hits close to home, especially these days.
8. Writing for fun or publication?
Fun, for now. But I’m not averse to going back to original fiction one day, and maybe shooting for a published story.
9. Have you taken any writing classes?
Yup. One, in undergrad. I was still knee-deep in Twisted Fairy Tale Town. My final projects for the class were a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood in a nuclear wasteland, and another one about a hermit who accidentally adopts a runaway princess.
10. What inspired you to write?
I loved reading, ever since I was old enough to (I am not joking. When I was a kid, my mom make me get those book fair order forms from the higher grades because I burned through the Junie B Jones in like a week, I was a tiny menace ok). Eventually, writing became a mix of creative outlet and a way for me to cope with stress. There’s something therapeutic about having your characters react like real people who get angry and don’t always say the right thing. It’s this weird mix of writing being an environment where you have total control as the author, but also exploring through your characters how to deal with a lack of control.
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