#rcd choices
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The canon queer character of the day is:
Victoria Fontaine from the Red Carpet Diaries series, who is bisexual.
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If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.
—Alfred Tennyson
This incredibly beautiful portrait of Thomas and Alex is by the wonderful ArtbyAinna on Instagram. I can't express how much I love this piece. They are so gorgeous and then BOGART! Bogart is the happiest baby ever and he has my whole heart! These two are my forever OTP and I love them so much! 🐾 💖💕
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [The Bogart Diaries]
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onemore2morrow · 2 years
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I’m sure this has been done before, I just miss old Choices right now.
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lovealexhunt · 6 months
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Happy Holidays to you! I hope you are having a wonderful day!! Thank you for sending me sweet messages, I always appreciate them, so here's a little gift for you <3 I hope I did him justice!
lksdjflkjdf ohmygosh!!! I did not expect this at all!!! LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!! He's perfect!!!
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^^^ actually me right now. Seriously this was so thoughtful and kind and sweet and ohmygosh!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I love this so so much!!!
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I hope you holidays were filled with wonderful memories and good times. You deserve all the lovely things! Thank you again! I am blown away by this!!!
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lilyoffandoms · 7 months
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Thomas x Jackie for @peonyblossom
Day One of the @choicesfandomappreciation Kindness event. Thank you Jay for being so supportive of all us lgbtq creatives in this little fandom! Thank you for hosting events and maintaining the coolest fandom blog around @choicespride. You are incredible!!
Warnings & A/N: None that aren’t canon compliant. Based on this fic of yours.
It had been years since those first words were laid to paper. Thoughts and ideas jotted down as they worked their way slowly to an outline (a few months after their little one arrived) and a draft (a year after that) and finally a script and a movie (years later).
“Are you about ready?” he asked as he walked back in the room, straightening his tie for the umpteenth time.
“Is the sitter-“
“The sitter is all set. Our not so little baby is happily being read to, I am ready, the car is waiting, the red carpet is waiting,” he smirked in the mirror at her scowl. “All that’s missing is you.”
“Everyone waiting on me?” her frown turned into a smile. “Just how I like it.”
He fastened the necklace she had put in place and kissed her bare shoulder before straightening and holding up her jacket.
She stood and let home help her into, buttoning the suit coat as she turned to face him.
“Well,” she paused beaming at him, “you ready?”
“I have been ready for some time, love. The more appropriate question is, are you ready?”
“With you by my side? How can I not be?”
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the-unconquered-queen · 4 months
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yourqueenb · 10 months
Top 5 ugliest MCS
1. It Lives in the Woods - So even though I’ve never played this series, these MCs are without a doubt the worst I’ve ever seen. Even if I liked horror, I don’t think I could play this book because of how bad they are. And I’m sorry, but the white one is especially awful. She looks like she farted and is annoyed with herself because it smells really bad
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2. The Heist: Monaco - I’ve said this before, but these MCs are just really weird looking to me. I remember scrolling through the faces for so long when this book first came out because I was really at a loss about which one to pick
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3. High School Story - These ones look really off to me, and I can’t put my finger on why. And it doesn’t help that none of the hairstyles fit their heads properly. They all look like they just threw $30 synthetic wigs on top of their heads and called it a day
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4. Ride or Die - Ok so I don’t find all of these faces ugly. The middle two are actually pretty cute, but I’ve always hated the ones on the ends. They look sickly for like no reason
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5. These from TPS and ILB - I was trying to keep it to full sets of MCs from the same books, but I had to single these out because they’re far worse than the others in their stories
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And then an honorable mention goes to this MC from Witness
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I know this is just one of the TE faces in lipstick, but that’s why she’s here. They really did her ass dirty with that lipstick. I don’t think it’s her color at all. And she looks kinda clownish due to that in combination with her sharpie eyebrows
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storyofmychoices · 2 years
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SpreadJoy #671: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote in edit by PositivelyPresent
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I honestly kind of forgot I made this magazine cover 🙈😆 I decided to make it so y’all could see Natalia’s dress and hair from chapter 13 of New Beginnings.
Thomas tags: @alleksa16 @alj4890 @kuladekiwi @lxaah11 @lilyoffandoms @moodyvalentinestories
FCs: Emmy Rossum and Jon Hamm
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alj4890 · 11 months
Worth the Wait
(Thomas Hunt x OC) in a what if to A Second Chance AU
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@hopelessromantic1352 @trappedinfanfiction @my-heart-beats-for-ya ​ @aworldoffandoms ​​ @flyawayboo ​​ ​​  @sophxwithers @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @choicesficwriterscreations @peonierose @krsnlove
Part 1
Thomas took the rest of the week off from work. After Amanda's announcement, it had been impossibe to concentrate. He instead spent time alone contemplating the fact that he would be a father in six months or so.
The very notion was so unbelievable that he could hardly wrap his mind around it. For years, he had never planned on marriage or having a family.
He grimaced as he reminded himself how all that had changed when he first started dating Amanda. He had fallen in love with her not only hard but also, at least in his opinion, fast. He had to force himself to keep his feelings in check until he was certain of her reciprocating them.
Then he went out and purchased an engagement ring.
If she had not broken up with him, he knew they would be in the midst of planning a wedding...instead of a nursery.
Perhaps they would be doing both.
He still had the ring tucked away upstairs in his nightstand. He couldn't seem to drum up the will to get rid of it.
It'd been the first time in his life that he willingly bought something that would permanently change his carefully laid plans of a bachelor.
He dropped his head in his hands. The past few nights he'd either had Amanda join him for dinner at a restaurant, her hotel suite, or here in his home. He knew they needed to work on their relationship before their child came into the world.
Thomas though, wanted more.
He honestly didn't know what to make of the feelings she had stirred up within him once again.
Being around her after all that occurred was both wonderful and yet utterly miserable. His heart ached from not touching her...kissing her...simply holding her within his arms.
It also ached with the fact the relationship they once had was destroyed. There was no way, at least that he could detect, in picking up where they'd left off.
They couldn't possibly...could they?
He jumped when he heard the gate buzzer.
Checking the time, he frowned at it being too early for Amanda's arrival.
The last thing he wanted was Addison and Holly poking around in this delicate matter. He knew they had taken these past few days off and spent them with Amanda. He was surprised they waited this long to talk the situation over with him.
"Yes?" He answered.
"We're here!"
His eyes widened at the sound of his brother-in-law's cheery voice.
"Thomas?" His sister Rachel called out. "Aren't you going to open the gate for us?"
He'd completely forgotten they were coming into town this week.
"Of course." He pushed the button for them.
Reluctantly, he slipped his shoes on and stepped outside to greet them.
Addison and Matt's home...
"He's perfect." Amanda cradled the four month old in her arms. "Look at all that hair!"
Addison smiled proudly. "I'm so thankful he took after Matt. I was bald until fifth grade."
"No, you weren't." Matt pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I've seen your baby and childhood photos."
"I might have had hair," she conceded, "but it was such a light blonde that there are pictures where a bright flash was used that make me appear to be bald."
Amanda grinned at the couple before focusing once more on their son. He slept peacefully in her arms as she gently rocked him.
"Feel free to come over everyday to hold Michael." Addison told her. "You'll need the practice and I can always use a nap."
Amanda chuckled softly. "I wish I could, but I'll be leaving at the end of the week."
Addison, Matt, and Holly each exchanged a loaded glance.
"Is Thomas going with you?" Holly asked a little too casually.
"No. He plans on coming in time for my next doctor's appointment."
"Have you two decided how you're going to do this yet?"Addison asked.
"Addi." Matt shook his head at her.
"I just want to see you both happy with each other and your baby." She ignored her husbamd's whispered warnings to not get involved. "You two were so in love that I don't get why you're not already in the magazine's for having eloped in Vegas by now."
Amanda handed the baby over to Holly. "I should probably go. I'm supposed to--"
"No!" Addison reached out to stop her. "I'm sorry. I know I'm being too nosy, but I don't want to see you both miserable."
Amanda gently patted her hand. "I know. But things changed for Thomas when we broke up." She fought back tears. "I don't know if he'll ever want me like he once did." She lifted her chin. "I'm happy he at least is kind to me and wants to know our child."
Holly gave Matt his son when he began to whimper and squirm.
"Yes, but have you felt anything since you've been back?" She prodded.
Amanda gathered her things. "Of course I have." She lowered her eyes. "I never fell out of love with Thomas, and when I found out...I had hoped..." She wiped at the tears beginning to fall. "I'm sorry. I have to go. He's expecting me for dinner tonight."
The trio walked her to the door.
"Don't cry." Addison pleaded, throwing her arms around her. "I shouldn't have asked."
Amanda couldn't stop her tears. "It's okay."
Holly hugged her. "We won't bring it up again."
Amanda could only nod before blubbering a goodbye and slipping into the waiting town car.
"Pregnant?!" Rachel breathed.
Stephen slapped Thomas on the back. "Congratualtions!"
"I'm going to be an aunt?" Rachel began to smile before launching herself at her brother.
He oomphed while accepting her hug. "Yes, you will be. You'll either have a niece or nephew by September."
She punched his arm once she stepped back.
"Rachel!" He snapped at her.
"Why didn't you call me when you found out?" She placed her hands on her hips.
The siblings glared silently at each other.
Stephen, the forever peacemaker between the Hunt's, spoke up.
"He's probably still trying to comprehend it, himself, babe."
Thomas nodded. "It's true. Of all the times I imagined Amanda walking back into my life, I never dreamed it would be because she is pregnant."
"Well, now that I'm here we will plan out everything." Rachel left them for a moment and returned with a pad and pen she found on his desk. "Let's see."
She sat down, tapping the pen on the arm of her chair. "I think a small ceremony should do nicely. Perhaps on the beach..."
"Small ceremony for what?" Thomas asked.
"Your wedding." She grinned at him. "How did Amanda react when she saw the ring you had bought? I bet she was shocked you decided to ask her before the break--"
"There isn't going to be a wedding." Thomas informed her.
"Just because she's pregnant, that doesn't mean you have to have a ceremony in a county clerk's office." Rachel grumbled. "I doubt she's showing yet." She began her list again. "If we have it here, then we can--"
"I didn't propose." Thomas explained.
Stephen plopped down in surprise on the arm of Rachel's chair.
"You didn't propose?" She asked in disbelief. "Why not? You're in love with her. She loves you. You're having a baby!"
Thomas began to pace as he tried to explain his hesitation.
The couple watched him struggle with his reasons.
"I see no need to rush into marriage just yet." Thomas added. "Not until we are certain this is the right decision for both of us. It will save us additional heartache and our child won't suffer in the process."
Stephen placed his arm around his wife's shoulders, gently squeezing her.
She closed her mouth at that subtle sign that she was being pushy again.
With a deep sigh, she slumped in her chair.
Thomas whirled around when his buzzer sounded again.
"Were you expecting anyone?" Rachel asked.
"Only Amanda." Thomas mumbled.
Amanda grimaced once more at her swollen eyes. Thank goodness she had gone with waterproof eye makeup. At least she only looked swollen instead of a puffy eyed racoon.
Her stomach gurgled when Thomas opened the door.
She hid her face in her hands. "I'm sorry. I've not eaten since I threw up a muffin this morning."
He couldn't help but smile at her embarrassment over something he thought was trivial at best. "You don't have to worry about what I think when that happens."
When she lifted her head, his eyes narrowed in concern.
"You've been crying." He gently took her face in his hands.
"Hormones." She wondered how she was able to say such a falsehood so easily.
His hands lingered, thumbs brushing her cheeks, then dropped to his sides. "I should forewarn you. Rachel and Stephen are here."
Amanda stepped back, nearly falling backwards off his front stoop.
Thomas caught her in his arms, turning them both until she was safely between him and the front door.
"Are you all right?" He could feel her heart thumping against his chest.
She nodded. "Just caught off guard." Biting her lip, she lifted her eyes to his. "Did you tell them about," she gestured toward her belly.
"I did." He answered.
"And?" She prodded, worried over his answer.
"And they are thrilled with the knowledge that they will have a niece or nephew before the year is through.” He explained.
Amanda finally asked the question that was really bothering her. 
“Do they, of course they must, but do they hate me too much for my,” she took a deep breath, “for ending things between us?”
If Thomas was to go by how his sister had not only readily jumped into planning a wedding for them as well as becoming angry over his not proposing to Amanda, he seriously doubted she held anything against his ex.
“They don’t hate you at all.” He kept an arm around her waist. “Come inside.”
Leaning a bit closer than necessary to him for comfort, she allowed him to lead her to his living room.
Rachel jumped up and hugged her, pushing her brother out of the way. “I’m so excited!”
Amanda laughed when Stephen thanked her for getting pregnant. 
“Now Rach will stop pestering me about getting a puppy or kitten. All her time will be spent in preparation on becoming an aunt.”
“We will get one of those if my niece or nephew wants one.” Rachel snapped at him. 
She ignored his teasing grin and focused on Amanda. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” She lied.
“She suffers with severe morning sickness.” Thomas corrected.
Rachel’s brow furrowed. “Who is taking care of you?”
“Me.” Amanda said with a laugh that wasn’t quite sincere. “Servants, occasionally my friends, and of course Thomas when we are together.”
Rachel glared at her brother. “She needs help all the time.”
He glared back, knowing she was heavily hinting that they should get married.
“I’ll be fine. Hopefully by my next appointment it will have lessened.” Amanda said, wondering at their sudden irritation.
“And if it doesn’t?” Rachel continued to stare Thomas down.
“Then I’ll do what I have been doing.” Amanda shrugged. “I really don’t have much of a choice in the matter.”
She moved away from them to sit down.
“Some people have a choice.” Rachel muttered where only Thomas could hear.
Ignoring her, he asked Amanda what she felt like eating.
“I’m not sure. This baby and I have very different views on what I should eat." She tried to joke.
He had to stop himself from brushing her hair back from her face. That lopsided grin of hers had a way of making him feel the need to comfort her.
"I was thinking of taking you to The Palm for dinner."
Her surprise made him smile. It used to be one of their favorite places to eat. Thomas hadn't been there since they broke up. For some reason, he'd gone ahead and made a reservation for them.
"The Palm?" Rachel leaned forward. "What kind of food do they have."
"Italian." Amanda smiled at him. "I have had a craving for tomatoes recently."
"Then hopefully you'll be able to enjoy a meal for a change." He responded, smiling more easily around her.
"We'll go to the guest house and get cleaned up." Rachel tugged Stephen up out of his chair. "What time should we be ready?"
"You have thirty minutes." Thomas warned.
"Thirty?!" Rachel dashed out.
Stephen chuckled. "How long do we really have?"
"Forty-five minutes." Thomas replied. "But I know my sister and if i say forty-five, she'll take an hour or more."
Stephen snorted in amusement. "Yes, she will."
Once they were alone, Thomas sat down across from Amanda.
"The Palm." Her smile dimmed some over the memories of romantic evenings spent at that particular establishment. "I can't remember the last time we had dinner there."
"November." Thomas fought squirming when she looked up in surprise once more.
"I'm looking forward to it." Amanda said to break the uncomfortable silence that had fallen between him.
"So am I." He got up to get something to drink. He offered to get her something just to have something to do.
He could feel her eyes following him out of his living room. When he was out of eyesight, he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He still didn't know if he could risk his heart again. He knew she was leaving soon and that things between them were up in the air.
The more he was around her, the more he was wanting to settle into how they once were.
But then that would bring up whether or not they should go ahead and marry.
Should we? If it doesn't work out, how much more will it hurt to walk away from her and our child? To break the life I once dreamed of having with her...should I really jump into it without seeing if it's worth the chance?
He didn't know. He knew his fear was keeping him from so much. Yet...hadn't his fear kept him from horrible decisions in the past?
Or had it kept him from something great?
He prepared her a glass of ginger ale and brought it to her.
He grasped on the topic of what she planned to do once back in Cordonia while he debated on what to do with his own future.
Dinner turned out better than either thought. It seemed almost natural being on a double date of sorts once again with Rachel and Stephen.
It was certainly romantic out on the terrace of the restaurant with the strings of globe lights softly brightening the darkness.
The four laughed and talked over what they had been doing since they were last together. The teasing that Amanda used to do with Thomas had made his frown all but disappear. He couldn't resist doing the same to her.
The roll of her eyes or a laugh had him placing his arm along the back of her chair and gently rubbing her shoulder.
Just like he used to do.
"Are we getting dessert?" Rachel asked. "Please say yes."
"I don't know if I should push it." Amanda leaned back in her chair. Her hands settled over her stomach. "So far it seems that there is approval of the chicken parmesan."
"No nausea?" Thomas asked.
She shook her head. "That's why I don't want to chance it with dessert." Her nose wrinkled. "Though those cinnamon doughnut holes are calling to me."
"We're getting the chocolate cake for two." Rachel told her husband. "And this time, I will leave you more than two bites."
Thomas waved their waiter over and placed their order. He noticed the curious looks they were getting from various tables. He suspected that he would be in tomorrow's gossip pages.
He had never alerted the press of their break up. He knew Amanda hadn't either. He assumed they thought he was too busy for work to meet up with her these past couple of months.
He didn't know if that was a good thing or not.
"I can't believe you didn't order the cake." Rachel said between bites.
"So far, chocolate and I are on the outs." Amanda explained. "Which has nearly killed me."
Thomas pushed the plate of warm doughnuts towards her after making a dramatic show of removing the chocolate dipping sauce.
She laughed and took one.
His eyes riveted upon her when she took a bite. The cinnamon and sugar coated her lips. He knew if they had never ended things that he would have kissed it off.
She licked her lips and stilled when she noticed where his attention was.
Stephen and Rachel pretended not to notice the obivous tension developing and talked amongst themselves while waiting on the couple across from them to make a move.
Thomas raised his hand to Amanda's cheek and brushed his thumb along her bottom lip to remove what her tongue had missed.
He could feel her quick breath over the sensation of his intimate touch. His eyes lifted to hers. He could see the yearning in the hazel depths combined with her uncertainty.
All it would take would be to lean down a mere tweleve inches and kiss her. There wouldn't have to be any words exchanged just yet. No immediate decisions needed to be made. It could be an experiment to see if that spark between them truly existed.
Her eyes closed when he began to inch forward. Her lips parted in readiness for his kiss. She nuzzled into his palm when he cupped her cheek.
Thomas felt his pulse quicken in anticipation.
"Here's the check." Their waiter dropped it down in between the couples. "Let me know when you're ready or if there is anything else I can get you."
Rachel glared at the man who had caused Thomas and Amanda to jerk apart.
Stephen sadly shook his head while reaching for the small folder.
"I'll get that." Amanda and Thomas said at the same time.
"We'll get this one." Rachel said in a no nonsense tone. She forced a smile. "I'll let you get the next one."
"How much of a tip should I leave?" Stephen asked softly for his wife's ear alone.
"None." Rachel hissed. "He lost it when he interupted my niece or nephew having his parents together."
"Where to now?" Stephen asked once they stepped out of the restaurant.
"It is still early." Rachel added, eyeing her brother. "Plenty of time to do something."
Thomas briefly rolled his eyes.
"I think I'll call a car to take me back to my hotel." Amanda replied.
Her smile was a bit strained as she faced the other three.
"I'm sure you all have some catching up to do." She added. "These last couple of weeks, I've been known to nod off during conversations." She laughed with a shrug. "I won't be adding anything stimulating to any, most likely."
Rachel mentally groaned over not finding them another chance to be tempted to be together.
She glared at her brother, hoping he would take the hint.
"I'll take you to the hotel." Thomas ignored his sister's pointed stare.
He could still be a gentleman without any romantic notions.
"That isn't necessary." Amanda countered. "I'm sure Rachel and Stephen would prefer--"
"Actually," Stephen wrapped his arms around his wife, "I was planning on taking Rach dancing." His grin was unrepentant when he heard his wife's surprised gasp. "It's been a long time since we've been to a decent club."
Thomas merely cocked an eyebrow over that announcement.
He didn't believe it for a moment.
He did believe though that Stephen would do anything to help Rachel's plan.
"Enjoy yourselves." He bid his sister and brother-in-law a good night.
"You should go --" Amanda tried to argue.
"You know my feelings about night clubs." Thomas set his hand at the small of her back, gently urging her on toward the parking lot.
She looked up at him. "There were some evenings you didn't mind going."
Thomas met her eyes. He could remember the few times he'd gone to one with Amanda. It wasn't hard to enjoy himself then. He either was able to hold her against his body while they danced or enjoy watching her on the dance floor.
And without him saying a word or even giving a grimace, she'd always known when they should leave before the crowd and noise got to him.
Taking her arm, he cleared his throat. "Those times were different."
When you are with the right person, you can enjoy anything, he thought.
"I do wish you wouldn't trouble yourself." Amanda argued. "I'll be fine getting back to the hotel."
She knew she needed some space from him. Everything about today and this evening made her want to ignore his wishes and try to get back together. He had always been her temptation. She realized she still couldn't resist him.
He was being too kind. Too thoughtful. It hurt worse than if he was cold and cruel. At least then she wouldn't long for him to kiss her. Take her in his arms once more, speak in that deep voice how she made him feel. Seduce her with merely a look.
She loved him so terribly much. She thought she did before coming to tell him about the pregnancy. Spending this time with him only made it worse than before.
Has to be the hormones, she thought. They exacerbate everything as it is. I wish Thomas would simply tell me there is no hope for us. This waiting around on him to decide whether or not to give us a second chance is worse than--
She looked up and realized he held the passenger door open for her.
Cheeks coloring over being so lost in thought, she quickly got in while mumbling her thanks.
"Are you tired?" He asked once he pulled out of the parking lot.
"Hmm? Oh. Not really." She replied. "But it strikes at odd times and I didn't want to intrude any longer on Rachel and Stephen's time with you."
Thomas frowned some over that.
"You're not an intrusion."
"I am." Amanda stated, attempting to keep her voice from wobbling. "We aren't together anymore so," she swallowed, turning to look out her window, "so it doesn't make sense for me to be with you so much."
His frown only deepened. He knew they weren't officially back together. Yet, he felt like they were teetering upon the very brink of that decision. They were in some mystical gray area where they were a couple in a way and yet not at the same time.
It's purgatory, he thought with a grimace.
"We're having a baby." He grumbled. "You are an important part of my life so therefore you are not an intrusion."
Amanda's gaze dropped to her stomach.
That's all I am, the mother of his child. Nothing more. Nothing less.
The two fell into an uncomfortable silence.
It wasn't long before Thomas was handing his keys to a valet and following Amanda up to her room.
"Since you aren't tired," he began when they were alone in the elevator, "why don't we watch a movie?" His lips curved somewhat when she finally looked up at him. "I had initially planned on taking you to one after dinner, but Rachel and Stephen's arrival ruined that."
"You did?" Amanda could hardly believed it.
He nodded.
It almost sounded like a date. It would have been a date if they were a couple.
"Since you're worried about falling asleep, at least if you do so now, you'll already be in your suite." He added.
"I'd like that." Amanda replied with a smile.
Thomas felt those unusual flutters her smile still caused. He followed her out of the elevator, his eyes drifting along her figure.
She pulled out her key card, noticed where his attention seemed to linger, and fumbled her key.
The two bent down to retrieve it, bumping heads.
"I forgot how hard headed you are." Amanda teased, rubbing her forehead.
He chuckled. "You don't have the softest one either."
He tilted her chin up to see if she was bruised.
He felt her slight intake of breath at his touch and being so close to her. When he looked at her face he noticed that her attention was upon his lips.
He didn't fight it this time. He leaned down and captured her lips in a passionate kiss.
Her muffled gasp turned into a soft moan as she sank into his embrace. One arm slid around his waist to urge him closer while the other tangled in his hair.
He felt his skin practically sing under her touch. His entire body responded to each brush of her tongue against his. Thomas groaned when she abruptly broke away.
He then heard people getting off the nearby elevator.
With a quick swipe, they hurried into her suite. The moment the door shut, they were back within the other's arms, lips eagerly meeting while hands began to drift over their bodies.
Thomas guided her back to the sofa, gently pulling her down into his lap. He gloried in her smile he could feel against his lips as he refused to pause their kiss to sit down.
He kissed down her neck when she broke away to catch her breath. His name spoken in her breathless, excited voice made him unable to think of anything, save for being with her.
Picking her up, his lips crashed down upon hers again as he carried her into her room.
The lights were off. The only slight illumination came from the city lights driting in through the sheer curtains. They eagerly began to remove the other's clothes. Lips and tongues tasted the other's newly revealed skin as if doing so for the very first time.
They each were refusing to think about what this meant and whether or not they should have sex. As if by mutual accord, they both seemed almost frenzied to be with one another without demanding a declaration or even a discussion of whether or not this was wise.
All the almost kisses, the touches, seeing the one they had loved again made the need so much stronger than ever before. Neither wanted to fight it any longer. Neither really had the strength or desire to ignore what was between them.
What had always been between them.
Thomas carefully covered her body with his. He worried for a moment if this perhaps would hurt her or possibly the baby. Then he felt Amanda's legs wrap around his waist and he couldn't think at all.
Amanda could feel the gentleness and care he was taking with her. It brought tears to her eyes as she encouraged him on and on and on. Her lips met his again in an attempt to convey just how much she loved him. Each kiss made her heart sing anew in being this intimate with him again.
She'd never held anything back from him. She remembered when Thomas told her that being with her was a whole new experience for him. He himself had admitted to being unable to control his responses to her.
It was never sex between them. It never had been.
They had only been able to make love.
"Thomas!" Her breath caught as the sensations flooded through her.
He held her close as he was knocked speechless from the intense emotions combined with the waves of pleasure he felt.
They held onto the other in the aftermath. Both were afraid of saying something that might ruin the moment. So many words and questions revolved around their minds.
When Amanda yawned, Thomas jumped upon that as a reprieve.
He reached down to cover the two of them up, then gently pulled her back within his arms. His lips brushed over hers when she asked if he wanted to stay.
He knew he could use the excuse of having family in town to go ahead and leave. Yet, there was nothing he wanted more than to stay here with her, holding her close as she slept. A part of him argued he should stay to make certain she and the baby wasn't physically hurt from his rash actions.
Another part prodded that since he was so ready to fall into staying with her that he should go ahead and realize that his love for her was undeniable. They should be together.
But could he go through the possibility of losing her again?
"I want to stay." He said softly. "If you want me to."
"I do." She pressed a lingering kiss to his lips.
"Good." He gently caressed her cheek.
Unable to keep her hope from bubbling up, Amanda asked him what this meant.
Thomas didn't pause in his caress. He too wondered the same.
"I think it means we do want to be together." He replied. "But--"
Amanda felt her heart sink. She began to pull away, only to have him draw her back even closer than before.
"But," he repeated, "I think we should start out dating again before we decide on something more permanent."
"You want to date?" Amanda's brow furrowed. "But not be in a serious relationship?"
"I want us to start again as if it was the beginning of a new relationship." He replied.
"Not to be blunt, but not only am I pregnant by you, I'm literally naked in your arms having thoroughly been seduced by you." Amanda told him. "It's a little late for first date etiquette to apply here."
Thomas knew she was right.
"Perhaps then, not at the very beginning." His forehead dropped to rest against hers. "Amanda, I don't think I can go through another breakup with you."
"I don't think I could either." She closed her eyes right when their lips met. "What are we going to do?"
"Would you be willing to try and see how we feel these next few months?"
Amanda opened her eyes to meet his vulnerable gaze. "And what happens then? Other than our child being born?"
"Then we decide if we want to move on to that next step in our relationship."
"What is that next step in your opinion?" She asked, determined to understand just what he wanted from her.
Thomas brushed her hair out of her eyes, his own tracing her profile lit in the soft light.
"That next step is the last one." He kissed her, unable to resist the need to feel her body once again. "We will decide whether or not we should get married."
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Garden Interlude
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count: ~250 Rating: General: no warnings, just fluff
Synopsis: Alex and Thomas enjoy a quick break in the gardens outside the gala.
A/N: I am literally SCREAMING over this art! Look at how gorgeous they are!!! They are the prettiest of babies! I love them so so much! I can't thank the lovely ArtbyAinna enough for this stunning piece! I couldn't be happier with how beautiful it is!
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A smile grew on her lips as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She breathed in slowly, letting the peaceful scene wash over her.
The warm spring breeze brushed gently across her cheek, carrying with it the sweet scents of the blossoming flowers that filled the quiet gardens behind her. The melodic song of birds chirping in the tree could almost drown out the sound of the lively gala waiting for their return inside. Almost.
"Are you ready to go back?" He questioned, his finger tips dancing gingerly up her leg. 
"Not yet." Her head shook to the sides. "Just a few more minutes." 
"You read my mind."
Her fingers tenderly traced his jaw. "Maybe...we could just stay out here...Let them forget we're here, until we can slip away."
His brow arched, and a subtle smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. "You're starting to sound like me."
Alex's fingers teased through his hair. "You do have a good idea every once and a while."
"Once and a while, huh?" His lips pressed together, his gaze narrowing on her.
"Yup!" She leaned forward, balancing carefully on the ledge to press a fleeting kiss on his forehead. "Just try not to let it go to your beautiful head," she teased, the warmth of her words tickling his skin. 
Thomas cupped her cheek, keeping her close. "Luckily for me, all of my best ideas are inspired by you, my Alex." He brushed a lingering kiss on her lips, keeping the caught in the moment.
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A/N 2: I haven't written anything in 6 weeks and I haven't written Thomas and Alex in five months! FIVE MONTHS! I've never gone this long without writing these two. What am I doing?!!!
I know this isn't the most riveting thing I've written, but It's the first thing I've written since my writer's block started so I'm trying not to be too hard on myself. I hope you can be kind as well!
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moodmusicmonday · 1 year
🎵Playlist for 1/2 Click Here!🎵
It's a short one this week, but that's okay! We're all just getting back into the swing of things, and easing into a post-holiday, 2023 life.
Thank you to our writers for submitting this week! All the info is located below the cut.
And thank you to everyone who follows, likes, and shares our posts week in and week out. We wouldn't be here without all of your love and support. 🥰
"History Hates Lovers" - Oublaire; History Hates Lovers (RCD/DD Crossover; Thomas Hunt x f!MC, Annabelle Parsons x f!MC)
"Bad Habits" - Ed Sheeran; Smoke & Mirrors Chapter 1: Old Habits Die Hard (TRF AU; Liam x MC)
Tags in the Comments: if you would like to be added/removed please let us know; if you have been overlooked, please be gracious and just let us know! We love you guys! Thank you for your support!
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choicesrcd2022 · 2 years
In Just One Week
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Red Carpet Diaries Appreciation Week Begins!!!
Join us for a week-long celebration of the characters from our favorite Hollywood storyline.
Our week begins with Distraction
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See you soon!
Remember to tag @choicesrcd2022 @hopelessromantic1352 and @alj4890 with your posts.
Don't forget to check out the rules.
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lilyoffandoms · 1 year
RCD Drabble - Thomas x Alex
From the prompt stargazing and laying in the grass for the March @choicesmonthlychallenge.
Also a birthday drabble for the loveliest of lovey beans @storyofmychoices. Happy birthday week beautiful!!
Warnings & A/N: None. Not sure where your Alex grew up but for the sake of this drabble we are going with RCDs canon. So please use your imagination if it’s all wrong.
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“What are you doing?” she asked as he slipped into the bed in her parents guest room.
He looked at her, the confusion on her face mirroring his own.
“I am going to read before going to sleep,” he said, part statement part question.
“But you can’t,” she said adamantly. “Not yet.”
“Excuse me,” he chuckled.
“Come on.”
She had walked over to the bed and threw the sheets back and pulled him from the bed. Her hand laced with his and she led him from the room.
“Um, Alex,” he mumbled and drew them both to a stop. “I’m not dressed.”
“What?” she looked at him and then laughed. “You have pajamas on,” she pointed out.
“Let me rephrase. I am not dressed for leaving the bedroom.”
“It’s my parents house. Now come on.”
She tugged on his arm again and he reluctantly followed until she threw open the screen door and led them down off the porch.
“I am-“ Thomas started to protest again.
“It’s Iowa, Thomas,” Alex giggled. “Our closest neighbor is two miles that way, she pointed with her free hand. “Come on.”
She drew to a stop in the middle of the yard. Corn fields surrounding them on every side. He watched in disbelief as she lay back against the grass and crossed her arms under her head.
“Join me.”
He could hear the smile in her voice even if his eyes still had not adjusted to the dark well enough to see them.
He glanced around them. Unsure.
“I feel like I’ve seen this movie before,” he chuckled as he glanced at the cornfields again before shaking himself and joining her in the summer cooled grass.
“Don’t worry. I’ll save the midnight walk through the cornfield for tomorrow,” she teased.
“You can’t be serious?” he asked as he turned toward her.
She only laughed and continued looking up at the sky above them.
“You are teasing?” he asked again.
“Guess you will find out, Mr. Hunt,” she said as she looked at him and then back at the sky. “I do this every time I come back to visit my folks. There is nothing like the night sky out here. No city lights to hide the stars. No cars and crowds to drown out the night. It’s perfect.”
He looked at her with a soft smile on his face before turning to look at the sky with a gasp as the entire Milky Way lay splashed across the sky more brilliant than even the photos and documentaries could ever do justice.
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Sent by anonymous
'In books that happen in the shared universe, it would be great if we could load the others series' changes (such as RoE or RCD) and have these carry on in the series (ex: Liam's brother being named like we named him in RoE, people referencing RCD's MC as a famous actress or being at the heart of a scandal against Viktor Montmartre if we're only on book 2 of RCD, etc)'
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gutsfics · 1 year
Starting the New Year Right
Fandom: Red Carpet Diaries Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Avalon (M!OC) Length: 618 words Rating: Teen Warnings: Mentions of sex (nothing explicit) and smoking
Prompt: "I'm not ready for the new year." "Don't be silly. New year, new you." "I don't want a new me, I want the same me and the same you." @choicesrcd2022 @promptnonny Summary: Thomas and Avalon get ready for the new year together and discuss what comes next
"Are you ready to go?" Avalon asks, checking his outfit in the mirror one last time.
Thomas heaves a sigh, slipping his wallet and a pack of cigarettes into his pocket. "I suppose."
"Oh, now what's that supposed to mean? Do you not want to go to the party? We could always stay home... ring in the new year by ourselves..." To emphasis what he's saying, Avalon pulls Thomas into his arms, his chest to Thomas' back and his hands at his waist.
"That does sound nice..." Thomas leans into Avalon's arms with another sigh, this one softer and more content. "But it's not the part I'm unhappy with."
"It's not? Did something happen?"
"No, it's just..." Thomas frowns and shakes his head.
"I'm not ready for the new year."
Avalon hums quietly, amused. "Don't be silly. New year, new you."
"I don't want a new me," Thomas grumbles. "I want the same me and the same you."
Avalon can't help but let out a laugh.
Thomas turns slightly to look at him, frowning.
"Sorry, sorry! But what "same you" and "same me" are you wanting? You and I have changed so much since we first met, and, honestly, I'm hoping that so long as we keep pushing each other to be better, we won't ever stay the same for too long."
"I suppose that makes sense..." Thomas relaxes back into Avalon's arms again.
"I love you, Darlin, and I love the person you've become, and I love watching you grow into the person you'll be next. No matter what this next year holds for us, I'll always love you."
"I love you, too..." Thomas takes one of Avalon's hands into his own and brings it to his lips, gently kissing his knuckles. "And what do you think the new year will bring?"
Avalon considers this for a moment. "Sex. Plenty of it."
It's Thomas' turn to let out a chuckle, and he turns in place, draping his arms over Avalon's shoulders. "Oh? What makes you say that?"
"Well, I know us, baby, and I know how... excitable you get on T days. And given our track record, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out how much suckin' and fuckin' happens under this roof alone." He pauses, brushing his thumb against Thomas' lower lip. "Plus your immediate response to me saying that was to press your thigh against my dick. So there's that too."
"You've got me there." Thomas adjusts his stance so he's not rubbing up against Avalon so hard. "...What else do you think will happen?"
"Oh... Maybe we'll both stop smoking so much." He lets out a small laugh. "Honestly though I say that I'll stop every year and it never happens."
"If that's what you think, then maybe we should stay home tonight."
"And why is that?"
"You and I both know that once we get to Matt and Macy's house, I will stand in a corner for all of ten minutes before going outside to chainsmoke for the rest of the party, and you'll join me shortly after when you get overwhelmed."
"Yeah, that sounds about right."
"If we stay here and..." Thomas unbuttons the top few button's on Avalon's shirt. "Enjoy each other's company, we'll share a single cigarette afterwards before going to sleep, as opposed to smoking a whole pack in one night."
"Mmm... that does sound nice..."
"Doesn't it?" Thomas slides a hand onto Avalon's chest, under his shirt, and leans up to kiss his jaw. "What do you say? Start the new year off right with me?"
Avalon puts his hand on the back of Thomas' head and pulls him in for a kiss. "I'd love that."
RCD Appreciation Week: @alj4890 @hopelessromantic1352
Fic of the Week: @choicesficwriterscreations
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