vs-friendlyyours · 1 year
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Myositis: Many people may not be aware of this disease. But recently this disease has become viral in social media as south Indian actress Samantha Ruth is diagnosed with myositis. Samantha is fighting myositis autoimmune disease confidently. Is there any natural treatment for myositis? What causes this disease? 
How to know that we are having this issue? Are any preventive measures available? When to rush to the doctor immediately to avoid huge complications? Let us see everything in this article.
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henryskat2014 · 2 years
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Sorry for my absence! I have been battling some shiznit which has taken up far more of my time and energy than I was willing to give it. Some of you may be aware that I suffer with multiple auto-immune disorders and two of them are quite closely related; #sjogrenssyndrome and #raynaudssyndrome You may remember that last year I lost my fingernail to a rather aggressive hangnail (#Paronychia) well recently I have been battling multiple digital ulcers on 3 of my fingers at a time alongside an increase in severity of my Raynaud’s attacks. My fingers are constantly cold, often turning white then blue and coupled with intense pain, burning and loss of dexterity. These attacks render my hands practically useless. You completely take for granted how debilitating the loss of use of fingers can be to complete every day tasks like dressing, working, cooking, opening things, lifting things, just generally ALL the things!! So yesterday I was seen by a #Rheumatologist who has prescribed me with a new drug call Sildenafil which is hopefully going to make a vast improvement to my symptoms 🤞🏾 You can imagine my shock and horror when I open the packet and read the leaflet to find out that this medication is mainly used to treat male erectile dysfunction! 🙈🙄 it better work - cos dealing with this pain is not really an option. Wish me luck 🤣 #livingwithraynauds #raynaudsdisease #raynaudsphenomenon #bluefingers #autoimmunedisorder #autoimmunewarrior #lifestory #update #MIA https://www.instagram.com/p/CeDbJ-yObKl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-eloquent-raven · 2 years
Migraines are really excrutiatingly painful, there is no health care here with regards to anything like it, so I suffer alone in silence. Here in Denmark, doctors more often than not will tell me to suck it up and learn to live with it, and still almost 7 years later refuse to give me a referral to a Neuro, and or Headache Specialist Clinic. Anyone out there who suffers direly from these. I am using a concoction of OTC painkillers to help but 7\10 they don’t help. I do not know what to do. I am in so much pain, and I feel so isolated and lonely. It is an educated guess that I cannot possibly be the only one, anyone up for a chat? (Platonically) I genuinely love meeting new people from around the world, I’m quite international myself.
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shoutoutwithlove · 4 years
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Be a #gift to yourself. #SOWL 💙 #Journey 🤺 #WarriorLife 💙 #IVIG 💙 #ChronicIllness 💙 #Advocate 💙 #MCTD 💙 #Spoonie 💙 #Cause 💙 #Porphyria 💙 #Neuropathy 💙 #PeripheralNeuropathy 💙 #MixedConnectiveTissueDisease 💙 #InvisibleIllness 💙 #MeToo 💙 #AutoImmuneWarrior 💙 #RaynaudsDisease 💙 #PTSD 🤺 #ShoutOutWithLove 💙 (at AdventHealth Orlando) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6DpSw3gesnGgOs9Br_V8D6aHNRbJInL99M5SE0/?igshid=mkg0j4hzquu3
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mistykj · 2 years
@lucasthespider is my favorite jumping spider. He stands guard over my TV and bedroom so no other frightening spiders can invade and attack. (that's how I view others) LOL. I am a 45 yr old woman watching a YouTube spider. 😂❤️📺☺️ #InTheMiddleOfALupusFlare😭 #PainWarriorAtLeastTrying🥴 #Lupus/MS #Fibromyalgia #raynaudsdisease #neurothapy #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #StuckInBedItsToCold🥶❄️☃️🌨️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CXUt6xKlcLp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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servicedogforum · 3 years
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October is Raynaud’s Awareness month Raynaud's disease is a rare disorder of the blood vessels, usually in the fingers and toes. It causes the blood vessels to narrow when you are cold or feeling stressed. When this happens, blood can't get to the surface of the skin and the affected areas turn white and blue. When the blood flow returns, the skin turns red and throbs or tingles. In severe cases, loss of blood flow can cause sores or tissue death. Primary Raynaud's happens on its own. The cause is unknown. There is also secondary Raynaud's, which is caused by injuries, other diseases, or certain medicines. People in colder climates are more likely to develop Raynaud's. It is also more common in women, people with a family history, and those over age 30. Treatment for Raynaud's may include drugs to keep the blood vessels open. There are also simple things you can do yourself, such as ▫️Soaking hands in warm water at the first sign of an attack ▫️Keeping your hands and feet warm in cold weather ▫️Avoiding triggers, such as certain medicines and stress Learn more at: https://medlineplus.gov/raynaudsdisease.html #raynauds #raynaudssyndrome #raynaudsdisease #didability #disabilityawareness #disabled #disabilities #dysautonomia #dysautonomiaawareness #dysautonomiaawarenessmonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CVkwgkcBc90/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tammyiho · 3 years
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毎日ビーツ💦  ビーツの金平。  ビーツ 1個 醤油 小さじ1 ダシ粉 小さじ1 水 大さじ2 ごま油 大さじ1/2  下茹でしたビーツを細切りにする。  調味料を水と混ぜておく。  フライパンにごま油を入れて温める。  ビーツを入れて、しばらく炒めたら調味料を入れてからめて、汁がなくなったら出来上がり。 最後にゴマを振りかけて。 ビーツの甘みとご飯が合います。 新しい眼科には緑内障の方向けに松樹皮のサプリのポスターが貼ってありました。 ルテインとピクノジェノールは2年ほど飲み続けてますが、以前の眼科のドクターは「サプリは効きませんよ」とキッパリ笑いながら言っていました。私自身は効果を実感してるので続けてます。 先生によってこの辺も随分と違うから、こういうところにも研究心を持って取り組んでくれるドクターに出会いたい。    #体に優しいごはん #レイノー症 #レイノー症候群 #健康管理 #ウェルネス #マインドフルネス #全身性強皮症 #逆流性食道炎 #緑内障 #膠原病 #qol向上 #口内環境 #ピクノジェノール #ルテイン #ビーツ #beetroot #gerddiet #raynaudsdisease #scleroderma #glaucoma #pycnogenol https://www.instagram.com/p/CKKnKofDMC3/?igshid=1ewwe88lk7xa2
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This is how the raynauds disease is occur.......Tag your friend to give information about this disease...... . For more medical stuff follow @the_medical_study_influencer . . . #raynaudsdisease #raynaudssyndrome #extrmities #doctors #nurses #preventativehealth #prevention #infectioncontrol #unique_medical_programme #nursinginterventions #nursingeducation #nursingstudent @medical.doctors @medical_lovers__ #medicalstudents #medicalcondition #medicallife #medicaltrick #medicalassistant #medicalcasestudy #medicallogo #pharmacologytricks #pharmacology #pharmacystudent #pharmacy #pharmacologynotes #pharmacist https://www.instagram.com/p/CDIfmOhnYGQ/?igshid=18w1ubejn9or9
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jwhitelondon · 4 years
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Raynaud’s disease, causes the extremities of the body to be extra sensitive to changes in temperature and stress, causing these parts to change colour such as blue or red. It’s extremely common in the UK, with over 10 million people having it. Symptoms of Raynaud’s occur when the person is cold or feels stressed or anxious, and affect the extremities e.g. finger tips and toes etc. Raynaud’s symptoms may include: • Skin colour changes to white, blue or red (or all three) • Extremities feeling painful, numb or stiff • Pins and needles • Throbbing feeling • Sensitivity to temperature changes The colour change that often occurs with Raynaud’s is due to blood flow being restricted to the affected areas, which makes the skin turn white usually, then blue because oxygen in that area of the skin is low, then red when blood starts to flow back into the area again. The sensations (such as numbness) and pain symptoms of Raynaud’s occur due to the blood vessels contracting or being in spasm, and the lack of initial blood flow, then the rush of blood back to the area. Trust me, it’s incredibly painful and whilst it may make dramatic pictures, it makes life much harder in winter. I add more spices to my diet to try and bring some much needed heat into the body, but like everything in a Yoga lifestyle, it’s all about balance, too much heat in the body can cause other complications. Swimming outside all year, helps to try and build up tolerance, but the best way is to prepare for the cold weather and wrap up warm, gloves are an absolute necessity even on milder days and the days when I leave them somewhere, I pay the price and my hands suffer. So time for some much needed self care. Made a rich moisturising cream with some Rosemary and Ginger and Orange Oil and then put on cotton gloves for a deep and healing moisturising treatment. #nofilter #raynauds #raynaudsdisease #yoga #aromatherapy #essentialoils #cold #raynaudssyndrome #coldhands #naturalhealing https://www.instagram.com/p/B9xqff-HaFD/?igshid=1ujgncpq5ctpn
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jenicorn88 · 4 years
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No filter - damn raynauds. Went out to check on one of the little hedgehogs we get visiting. I can identify him by the tiny tick by his eye. Too small to remove, but luckily it’s the only one on him. So we have a female and a male that visit. The female visited first tonight and ate a load of wet kitten food, then went off and then the male came a few mins later, he prefers the biscuits 😂 #raynaudsdisease #spoonie #cfsme #fatigue #hedgehog https://www.instagram.com/p/B5lzcqCB2LW/?igshid=108afzxbha7oc
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beauti4soul · 5 years
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😢 I Have This... Reposted from @fibromyalgia_inspirational - How many of you deal with this symptom? #RaynaudsDisease #RaynaudsSyndrome #IAmAFighter🦋 #Warriors+ #fibrowarriors #fibromyalgiaflare #fibromyalgiaawareness #fibromyalgiawarrior #fibromyalgiafighter #fibromyalgiapain #fibromyalgiaproblems #IAm_MsJohnson 💞 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw9I0anAxpw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s14qigyl03rt
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kristamul · 5 years
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I know I'm not the only one but there isn't enough Information about Raynaud disease and today of all days it's (as far as I know) the worst day. I HATE WINTER #raynaudsphenomenon #raynaudssyndrome #raynaudsdisease #raynaudsawareness #raynaudssucks #raynaudsawarenessmonth #raynaudsattack #raynauddisease #Raynaud (bij North Holland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtVhRk1Br5D/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17px2pnoevexo
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chronicallypos-blog · 7 years
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February is Raynaud's Awareness Month! 😱 Read our latest post on it on our blog! • • • Www.invisibleillnessawareness.wordpress.com • • • • #invisibleillness #invisibledisability #invisibleillawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #raynauds #raynaudsdisease #raynaud #chronicillness #chronicpain #chroniclife #chronicallyill #chronicfatigue #spoonie #spoonielife #spooniestrong
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guldarmband · 6 years
Vinterns koppelträning gav jag upp helt och hållet...har en grej som heter Raynauds-nånting som gör att en del fingrar blir helt vita när det är kallt, fuktigt eller blåser...men nu är det varmt och godisfingrarna är på g! 😁 #raynaudsdisease #labrador #pyra #blacklab #kustmarkensgia #koppeltraining
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briskeybaby · 6 years
A trip through the grocery store with Raynaud’s. #autoimmunedisease #raynauds #raynaudsdisease #raynaudssyndrome #raynaudsphenomenon #fold #winter #ac #gloves #european #europeanproblems
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mkatie · 6 years
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So I went to my GP today and told her about how my toes would go blue/purple and she told me that I've got Raynauds Disease. Bolt out the blue but it's okay. Lots of keeping warm from now on though! { #raynauds #keepingwarm #gloves #thermals #raynaudsdisease #cold #outtheblue }
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