#ranma rewatch
transmortifried · 6 months
girls will be like "i can't be a girl, i like martial arts" but whose relationship to martial arts is years and years of trauma and physical, mental, and emotional abuse at the hands of their father
girls will be like "i'm not a girl, i'm a manly man among men" but have a mother who credibly threatened to kill them and then herself if they weren't a manly man among men
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rio-rakuen · 7 months
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@petz5 this is your fault.
joke aside im actually very happy with out this came out i just might have to do other screencaps when im bored.
like my art? consider commissioning me!
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local-soda-can · 7 months
RANMA 1/2 RANMA 1/2 RANMA 1/2 RANMA 1/2 RANMA 1/2 RANMA 1/2 RANMA 1/2 RANMA 1/2‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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bipirate · 1 year
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his fangs <3
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xbuster · 4 months
I’m sorry for voting 90s it has Oniisama E, Rayearth, and Utena
per your request, my fav 80s anime are Creamy Mami, Kiki’s Delivery Service and either Night on the Galactic Railroad or Angel’s Egg
You should have known 90's would win and voted 80's. It has Macross, Dirty Pair, Project A-ko, Akko-chan 2, and Akira like come on.
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1pcii · 7 months
just had an au idea. nothing for it yet but im rlly exited to work on it!!!
Ranma 1/2 au with Zoro as Ranma (Kuina being the form he obtains from the "Spring of 'Drowned' Girl") and Koushirou as Genma.
This would require rewriting both stories backstories a little to work but the basic jist im going for is that Kuina would have died to the springs before Koushirou adopts Zoro.
Kuina drowns because of a training mishap (similar to ranma/genma in canon and zoro/koushirou will do in this au but, yknow,,, permanent) because she was left unsupervised as koushirou is unsupportive of her trying to become the 'man amongst men'/worlds greatest swordsman, him believing its only worth training a male heir. He thinks she ran away and is left without closure until he and zoro fall themselves.
i don't really like animanga!Koushirou for obvious reasons but i think this could be a very interesting vessel to actually explore those negative traits. his misogynistic world-views and the way the effected his daughter but also his grief around loosing her (Zoro being the recipient towards all this when he just wants to play with swords poor guy) since he is inadvertently partially to blame. or at-least he believes so.
Zoro, not directly knowing her learns about her largely from other people and their reactions to him in her form and that's when/why he decides to become a 'man amongst men'/worlds greatest swordsman for both of them. i think he would be generally fine with having a female form, considering he is written with a 'person first'/genderblind view of gender in canon, stigma moreso pushed onto him by koushirou/others.
i haven't thought much about the other characters (akane I’m completely blanking on for idea) yet but s’ what I’ve got so far XP
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destructix · 1 year
ranma (the character) is so cute to me im so sorry. he was one of the Blueprints
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michameinmicha · 2 years
every now and then i randomly think of the german Ranma 1/2 outro and its nonsensical lyrics and i just smile to myself and sing it quietly for the next half hour
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jeypawlik · 4 months
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A Ranma Redraw
I’ve been doing a rewatch of Ranma 1/2 because it’s on Tubi and I forgot how important it was to me as a young trans person in the 90s. There wasn’t any other shows like this, and how I wished I could just transform into a boy…… hm. Anywho here’s a Ranma redraw, along with the 2013 version.
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valuvi · 4 months
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💜 RanmaRanma! ❤️
I know it’s too early to start drawing valentines art but I’ve been rewatching Ranma and I couldn’t help it!
[commissions are open!]
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transmortifried · 6 months
oof we go from ryoga (yay!) to happosai (boo) within the first minute of this episode and i was NOT prepared for that whiplash
and awww ryoga's trying to ask akane out and i realize that the writing in this show kind of warps the standards for what's cute and what's not but it's genuinely kinda cute
also WOW ranma in girlmode is teasingly flirting with ryoga the rituals are so intricate and include cursed spring water
oh and i get that there's cultural differences in regards to group bathing in japan but going from the scene with the flirting to a scene with the two full nude in the bath together sure is something
huh. it didn't register that ryoga's a high school dropout but yeah i guess he is.
ooh i really don't care for the fact that the plot is ranma and ryoga trying to sneak into the girl's locker room even with my transfem headcanons
like yeah she's not sneaking in there for any nefarious purpose but as soon as she steps foot inside she gets turned back boymode and everyone yells at her and whoa that speaks to some REAL anxieties as a trans woman
LMAO ryoga: "akane shouldn't have to suffer just because ranma's insecure about his manhood" what a chill guy
it really is so nice to see a guymode character on this show who a) has genuine affection for a girl and b) does their best to be respectful and polite to them
ranma is flirting with ryoga again, and ryoga's upset not that it's ranma or that it's a "guy" doing it but that ranma's playing with his emotions.
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jjinggxx101 · 8 months
Rewatch ranma 1/2 and I thought that, if he can turn into a girl then he can get pregnant!
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bipirate · 1 year
Why do i feel like rewatching jjba. Someone save me from this madness
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xbuster · 1 year
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cartoonrival · 5 days
I ALWAYS GET SO SAD WHEN PPL USE THE DECLARATION OF WOMANHOOD EP AS PROOF AKANES CISHET. Like i get that they wanna defend ranma from akane saying transphobic shit throughout and attacking her at the end, but i'm begging them to rewatch and consider her pov: up until that point she had been able to tell herself "i'm not REALLY bi because ranma's not a real girl" and now suddenly that excuse is pulled out from under her and guess what? She's STILL very clearly attracted to ranma and she panics bc she's 16 in japan in the 90s. she'll insist ranma's a boy one minute and then buy her an expensive dress and take her to get ice cream the next. she's literally not even mad at ranma for being a girl when she chases her at the end, the thing that sets her off is ranma dismissing her when she's worried about them not being able to get married as girls. homegirl did not handle it smoothly bc she was also going thru it hardcore
look man. ive talked about this episode before. i know its widely adored but i personally strongly dislike it because ranma acting so wildly out of character really annoys me even though the ice cream shop conversation is objectively revolutionary. because ranma acts so ooc throughout that whole episode i consider it to have very little bearing in terms of tgirl ranma support. but that episode is BIBLICAL for bisexual akane. the staunch refusal by fans to see anything from akane's perspective is fucking nuts. from akane's pov the PLOT of that episode is essentially EXACTLY what you said: ive been using "hes not ACTUALLY a girl as my excuse for being in love with him this whole time but now suddenly it seems like he IS actually a girl and it turns out im still very much in love with him, and im terrified to face what that means". also honestly i think akane was also annoyed that ranma was acting cowardly... bisexual or not it is true that this isnt really the person she fell for. because ranma was acting weird. so i think we should give her a little credit for that reasonable frustration as well. but in that ep she so very clearly thinks girl ranma is really cute and pretty and wants to do stuff that makes her happy and see her in pretty dresses and to be quite honest that bit at the beginning where boytype ranma is trying on her clothes and getting frustrated and dysphoric that they dont fit her right, and akane says "they dont fit me right either" makes me a little craaaazy that solidarity between cis and trans people wrt body image.... anyways everyone wants to hate akane so bad and read her in bad faith but for some reason insists on bending over backwards to read shampoo as gay
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jupiterscythe · 13 days
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Had to draw my favorite, best angy boi since I've been rewatching Ranma. Ryoga's character as a whole is great and fun to watch
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