randommusesmadness · 9 months
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lazywonderpsychic · 4 years
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spootiliousrps · 5 years
Suspicious Nature Part 12
[Beginning] // [Previous] // [Next]
WARNING: Talk of Rape... Noncon... blood, violence, and a lot of smut...
Dean opened the door to Gabriel, holding a tray of food for them both. “Come on in,” he whispered, stepping to one side, “Cas is still asleep.”
Gabriel wrinkled his nose at the scent of the room but nodded, silently, moving into the room to set the tray down, collecting the dishes from the breakfast the day before.
Dean smiled softly. “I’m sure Cas would want to speak with you? Do you want to wait? You can go into the office if you like.” He offered softly.
Gabriel shook his head as he collected the clothes that were scattered about as well. “No… I need to get back to the kitchens.” He explained. “I’m sure Cas would prefer to sleep. He gets so little of it without his heats.” He admitted softly.
Dean nodded, “he’s saying he’s not sleeping well. And he’s still incredibly pale. I don’t know if he’s ill and just hiding it or if it’s his heat.” He admitted.
Gabriel paused at that, glancing towards his brother’s sleeping form before moving to Dean’s side. “The paleness is probably from the mix of infection, exercise and loss of blood.” He admitted. “All of which should make him exhausted. So I don’t know why he’s not sleeping well.” He added, thinking aloud. “It shouldn’t be his heat… Then again… I’ve heard that some Omega’s who have experience… some abuse in the past, have a hard time sleeping during heat.” He shrugged. “He seems like he’s not having much trouble now.” He pointed out as he watched the Omega. “I brought up some pretty hearty food that should help him feel a bit better. Beyond that, I would just make sure his bandages are being changed regularly. I don’t think there is much we can do about the sleeping issue.”
Dean nodded, “I- has he ever been abused?” He asked softly. “We tried a... position which affected him badly.” He said softly. “He’s only been sleeping well when I’ve basically scented him to sleep. I changed the bandages as he fell asleep and when he wakes I’ll do it again. I might let him bathe with the bandages off to let the wounds soak in just warm water.”
Gabriel gave a small scoff at the question. “I’m surprised he didn’t tell you about when he let you share his heat with you.” He pointed out before hesitating. He wasn’t sure Cas would be okay with Gabriel telling Dean about his past. Still… it was obvious Cas trusted the Alpha, even if he would never admit it. “Why don’t we move to the office and I’ll tell you about it?” He offered, not wanting to risk Cas overhearing the conversation.
Dean looked over at Cas one more time before leading Gabriel into the office. “He’s only told me that he’s had one heat.” He said softly. “I’m just trying to help him through it. He seems so overwhelmed.”
The smaller Omega nodded, taking a deep relieved breath now that they weren’t in the room. He gave a small nod moving to sink down into a chair. “One real one, anyways.” He acknowledged. “Our Father wasn’t the greatest person…” He sighed. “After Mother died giving birth to Cas he grew worse. He always hated Cas… I think he felt like he was to blame for her death.” He admitted before shrugging. “When Cas presented as an Omega, it was an excuse to finally be rid of him. Father sold Cas to the first person who would have him. A traveling merchant looking for cheap labor and a good fuck. We were both very young… I wasn’t really aware of the details behind Cas leaving but I knew something was up, so I went after him, got hired on by the Merchant’s wife.” He explained. “It wasn’t long after that Cas went into his first heat. The Merchant had sent his wife away the moment he started noticing the signs which meant I went with her. I didn’t know what to look for… I was the youngest before Cas came along. He never really told me the details of what happened…” He admitted, his own scent shifting to anger, bitter hate, sorrow, and a lot of shame. Gabriel was very good at hiding his scent for the most part but there were times that his emotions seeped through, usually when they were far too strong to contain. He lowered his gaze, but continued. “We came back about a week later and Cas was nowhere to be found, but I could smell him… The Alpha reeked of him. His wife didn’t say anything… didn’t /do/ anything… But she knew… she knew! He refused to say anything until I threatened him with a knife… I wasn’t much of a threat back then but… I got my point across. He finally told me, when he got his hands on me… taunted me with it. Apparently he had had his way with Cassie until he couldn’t move, couldn’t make a sound… Then when his heat was over he dumped him on the side of a road somewhere and never looked back.” Gabriel explained, voice cracking as he stared down at his hands. “When I was able to walk again I back tracked, searching for my brother but… It had been a few days… For all I knew he was dead… I started asking everyone I could find but… no one knew anything… Or they didn’t care enough. That kind of thing happens to Omegas all the time… What was another one?” He shrugged. “That’s when I found Hannah. A Beta who took in injured or abused Omegas. She had found Cas after two days of him abandoned in a ditch. She had managed to nurse him back to health… At least as much as she could.” He explained. “She took me to him… but…” He had to pause, fighting back tears as he shook his head. “It was bad Dean…” He admitted, glancing up at the Alpha and using his actual name for the first time. “I’ve never seen someone like that…” He sighed before continuing. “Hannah let us stay with her for a few months… I had to practically force Cas to eat and when he did he usually threw it all back up… There were a few suicide attempts as well but he was pretty weak physically so none of them actually worked, luckily.” He sighed. “Thats when Hannah suggested suppressants. She warned they could have some pretty bad side effects but they’d almost completely rid him of his heats and most would think him an Alpha. She said she didn’t recommend it to most because they could usually recover but Cas… Well… It was bad and thats putting it lightly.” He sighed. “So we started him on a regiment and things turned around pretty quickly… Soon enough we ended up here and Cas became a knight in your father’s army and I became his Omega… He… hasn’t had a heat since.” He finished, falling silent, gaze a bit glazed at the memories, lost in his own head.
Dean sighed and looked down at his lap. What has he done? He’d forced Cas into being off the suppressants, into having a heat. “I’m sorry.” Dean whispered after a long time. “I can’t change the past, and I know whatever I say about it will never be good enough.” He whispered. “I’m sorry I made him come off the suppressants. I should be making him go through his heat.” He kept his gaze low, not wanting to show how upset he was with himself to Gabriel. “I- is there any chance of him... regressing into the state of mind?” He asked softly. “Is there anything I can do to help him? Or would it be best if I... keep my distance?” He asked, finally looking up at Gabriel. “What I did was wrong, but... is there a way I can fix it?”
Gabriel gave a snort at the questions, shaking his head. “I don’t know.” He shrugged honestly. “I’ve looked for others who have gone through that sort of thing but… Well.. it’s a toss up… Some regress some don’t but… none of them are like Cas... None of them have done the things he has.” He offered, obviously extremely proud of his brother. “Helping him… I doubt it… I’ve been trying for years and get shut down faster than I can blink… As for keeping your distance… It’s too late for that. The damage is done. You back off now and you’re going to hurt him worse than if you didn’t… and I won’t hesitate to kill you, King or not.” Gabriel warned, giving him an even look. “There’s no ‘fixing’ anything… No fixing Cas, no fixing what you did… There’s only working with what you have now to try and make life less shitty.”
Dean nodded. “I don’t want to hurt him.” He said softly. “I just want to try and make his life... less shitty, as you say. We just need to let him know we’re there for him, so if he needs us, we’re there to help.” Dean said softly. “I know you don’t like me or trust me, but wouldn’t you prefer him to turn to an Alpha like me who he knows, than an old Alpha he doesn’t know.” Dean said softly. “We can try to help him not to regress, but we need to at least work together to be there for him.”
Gabriel arched a brow at that. “/We/ don’t need to let him know anything.” He pointed out. “He knows I’m here for him, leans on me to help when he needs it, knows I’m there for him because I have been his whole life.” He pointed out. “I’d prefer him to do what he’s comfortable with, which /was/ not turning to an Alpha at all, outside of his work.” He added, obviously blaming Dean for all the trouble. “As for the regression…” He hesitated. “I’m not opposed to working with you as long as Cas wants to put up with you.” He mumbled begrudgingly. “I never said I didn’t like you… but you’re right, I don’t trust you as far as I can through you and I’m a lot weaker than I look.” He huffed. “I’d do anything for Cas though…I owe him that and so much more.”
“As far as I’ve heard Gabriel, you don’t owe Cas anything. You’ve been helping him for years. With injuries or his... mini heats. You’ve protected him just as much as he’s protected you.” Dean said softly. “We can talk about it more once Cas’ heats finished and he... doesn’t /need/ me any longer. But until then, we should keep a close eye on him, is there anything I should be looking for, to see if he is starting to regress?” Dean asked softly. “I’m with him most of the day, I can look for signs.” He offered. “You can see I’m helping with his wounds, allow me to help with this.l
“I dunno.” Gabriel admitted with a shrug. “From what I understand there isn’t any sure signs of regression to look out for… I think everyone might be different and Cas… he’s definitely unique.” He sighed in defeat. “I would just keep an eye out for any odd behaviors.” He offered. “Aside from that I’m at as much of a loss as you are.”
Dean nodded. “If I see any odd behaviours I’ll make sure I call for you and tell you as soon as possible.” He promised. “Should we tell him about the regression possibilities? I don’t want to add to worries. But he does have a right to know, he could look out for it in himself.” Dean said softly. “We’ll help Cas, and if that means stepping away from him, I will.”
Gabriel considered it a moment. “I don’t think thats a good idea. Cas is… well he’s very prideful.” Gabriel sighed. “I’m sure if we brought it up his reaction would be pretty fierce.” He admitted. “Maybe it’s best we don’t let him know we talked about his at all?” He offered. “The last thing I need his him mad at me again.”
Dean nodded, “of course Gabriel. Whatever you believe is best for him. You know him better than I.” He said softly. “I trust your opinion on what would be best for him.”
Gabriel arched a brow in surprise at that. “Wow… You’ve change a bit since I met you in the barracks.” He mused. “No threats or anything.” He teased.
“I’m just trying to be a better Alpha.” Dean said softly. “Stop using my power and position to get what I want. I want to be a good, fair King, and that starts with being good and fair to the people around me.” Dean explained.
Gabriel eyed him suspiciously for a moment before he seemed he was about to say something in return. “Dean?” Cas’ groggy voice came from where he stood, blanket wrapped around him, gaze still half closed with sleep. “Where did you-” Cas began to ask before his eyes caught on the other Omega. “Oh… Hi Gabriel.” He mumbled. “Is it time for breakfast already?” He hummed, obviously still out of it as he leaned on the door frame. “Hey Cassie.” Gabe greeted with a soft smile, suspicion fading from his features quickly at the sight of his brother. “Yeah… You hungry?” “Mmm… Maybe after drills.” Cas replied, making Gabriel’s smile fade with worry. The Omega obviously was out of it enough to forget he wasn’t in command of his soldiers anymore. “You should get him back to bed.” Gabriel mumbled toward the King as he collected the dishes from dinner the night before.
Dean nodded and held his hand out to Gabriel. “Thank you for speaking with me.” He said softly. “Cas, why don’t we take another five minutes in bed? Drills can wait for the moment.” He smiled at the Omega. “We need to change your bandages first though, before you start trying to drill others.” He said softly.
Gabriel nodded, shaking the Alpha’s hand before heading out. Cas gave a disappointed hum at Dean’s words until he drew close and the Omega returned the smile, a hand going to rest on Dean’s chest. “How about I drill you instead?” He teased, softly, leaning against him with a yawn. “So gross…” Gabriel grumbled under his voice before shutting the door behind him.
“After we have break and a bathe.” Dean said softly, leading Cas into the bedroom. “Shall we have a bath, and we can eat breakfast in there.” He offered, kissing Cas softly.
Cas gave a small yawn. “I rather go back to sleep.” He admitted softly, looking about as tired as he felt.
Dean frowned. “You’ve been asleep all night. We need to change your bandages.” He said softly. “Let’s have a bath together then we can go back asleep. How are you feeling in your heat?” Dean asked softly.
Cas gave a small shrug before hissing a breath at the pain it caused. “Fine.” He mumbled softly, hand going to his shoulder. He was healing quickly enough that he occasionally forgot about the wound but it was still there, reminding him when need be. “Another wave hasn’t hit yet.” He offered, turning to head towards the bathroom.
Dean nodded softly. “Do you know where you are, Cas? Do you know what job you have?” He asked as he led Cas into the bathroom.
Cas scoffed at that, such a stupid question. "I am Knight Com-" He blinked and frowned, disappointment suddenly strong in his scent. "Right... sorry. Yes... Royal Aide." He nodded. "Still waking up a bit... sorry."He offered with what he hoped was a reassuring smile.
Dean frowned but gave Cas a kiss on his forehead. “It’s okay, it’s probably just your heat.” He said softly, trying to sound convincing. He started to run the bath before wrapping his arms back around Cas. “What can you remember from last night?”
“Everything, I think.” He replied, leaning into the touch. “The wave… your office… then…” He flushed a bit. “How are you feeling? Are you sore? Was I too rough?” He asked, pulling back to study him, brows furrowed in worry.
“No no I’m fine. It was great.” Dean said softly. “Did you like it? You almost seemed overwhelmed.”
“It was… a lot.” He acknowledged. “But yes. It was incredible I never… I never realized sex could feel that way.” He admitted, flushing deeply with embarrassment.
Dean smiled “it was incredible.” He turned off the bath and held his hand to help Cas in. “If you climb in, I’ll take off your bandages and let your wounds soak.” He said softly. “How are you feeling today?”
Cas nodded moving to sink into the warm water with a pleased sigh, head falling back against the rim. “Fine.” He replied. “Should still hurts when I move it, but the other wounds have stopped aching quite so badly.” He offered, glancing at the Alpha. “I’m just tired. I feel like I’m more tired now that I’ve gotten a bit of sleep then I was before.” He shifted to allow his arms to sink into the water. “What about you? Have you slept?”
“I slept all night.” Dean nodded as he started to take off Cas’ bandages. “I’ll go fetch our breakfast will you get warm in there.” He hummed. “You’re probably tired because it’s all catching up on you. You can sleep more once we’re out of the bath.” He promised.
Cas gave a hum, nodding along with the words as Dean worked, letting his eyes close once more. “Not really hungry.” He admitted softly, with another yawn.
“Come on Cas, just eat something for me and Gabriel.” Dean said softly. “I know you’re tired but you still need to eat something.”
The Omega gave a huff but nodded. “Fine.” He grumbled before pausing. “Is that why he was here? To check up on me?” He asked curiously, obviously concerned that he was worrying his brother.
“No no, he was bringing us breakfast.” Dean said softly. He kissed Cas’ cheek before going to fetch their tray of breakfast. He brought it back into the bathroom and sat it on the side.
“Dean…” Cas sighed as he watched the Alpha move about, trying to care for him. “You don’t have to wait on me hand and foot, I’m sure I can manage.” He reassured.  
“But what if I want to do this?” Dean asked softly. “I know you can manage, I don’t dispute that, but I want to help you Cas. Will you allow me?” Cas gave a small chuckle at that. "Spoiling me is not 'helping' me." He teased. "But I wont stop you I'd you enjoy it." “I definitely enjoy it.” Dean smiled. “Do you want some fruit or pastry?” He asked softly, before putting a strawberry in his mouth. "Fruit." Cas nodded, shifting to hold out his hand for one. "Are you going to join me in here?" He asked, leaning his chin on his arm, lazily. Dean hummed, “would you like me to join you in the bath?” He asked, placing a strawberry in Cas’ hand. "Only if you want to." Castiel offered with a small smile as he popped the berry into his mouth. Dean chuckled. “I would never pass up the opportunity.” He said softly, taking off his clothes. He carefully climbed in behind Cas and held him close. “I love you.” He said softly. “And I know you don’t feel the same, but I just thought you should know.” He added on quickly. Cas smile faltered only briefly at the words before returning, his scent dripping with affection. "I know." He offered with a hum. "You reminded me quite a lot last night." He teased lightly. shifting to reach for the bowl of fruit and setting it in the water, watching it float between them with amusement. Dean chuckled. “That’s because you’re the first Omega I’ve been with that’s wanted to do something for me, rather than just take.” He said softly, taking another slice of fruit. “I’ve always seen sex as a... responsibility, not something you could enjoy. It’s always just been something I’ve provided rather than enjoyed, but you’re... making me think that sex can be... recreational.” He hummed. Cas scoffed at the idea, the sound a mix of amusement and disbelief. "I don't think you realize the irony of those words." He counted lightly picking a blueberry for himself and seeming to lose himself in his thoughts. “I know you don’t believe me Cas.” Dean said softly. “But the way I’ve always seen it, I’ve got the best medical team in the Kingdom, I know I am clean of diseases, so if an Omega is in heat and I help, then they’re being safe. And as you can see, there isn’t dozens of little Dean’s running around the Kingdom, so Omegas clearly trust me not to take advantage.” Dean explained. “How many other Alphas can you say will do that?” It took a moment for the Omega to realize the misunderstanding and gave a small chuckle. "Thats not what I meant, Cas." He mused lightly. "I understand all that. I meant the irony of who you're talking to." He explained before shaking his head, with another chuckle. "Never mind, don't worry about it. I told you I didn't want to use you Dean. I meant it." Dean nodded. “I know you don’t. I’ve just never met an Omega before whose wanted to... top whilst in heat. I don’t know whether it’s because you were on suppressants?” He asked softly. "Well, to be honest I hadn't planned on topping..." He admitted. "When I said I wanted to have my way with you, I still meant letting you top but when you mentioned it... I... Well I quite like the image of you lost in pleasure." He admitted, embarrassment ebbing from him. "I was /not/ disappointed." Dean blushed and nuzzled into Cas’ neck. “I’ve always wondered what it felt like to have someone inside you. You were the only person I trusted to ask of that.” He cupped some water in his hands and gently poured it over Cas’ good shoulder. “Can I ask something of you though?” He asked softly. "Of course, Dean." Cas offered as if the he were confused that the Alpha even bothered with asking. “When I go into my rut... could I ask you for the same level of help as I’m giving you?” Dean asked softly, “if not, then I’ll find an Omega in heat, and share my rut with them.” Jealousy suddenly flashed in Cas' scent before he could manage to reel it back in; though his expression was still soft as he offered another soft smile. "Of course, Dean. I would be happy to help. Besides, as far as we know we might be stuck together because of this whole thing with Azra'il anyways." He offered. "Going to another Omega could be... problematic." “As you keep reminding me Cas, I am the Slut King.” Dean said with a small smile. “It will not be unthinkable for me to continue in that vein even after I settle down.” He said softly. "Oh... Right." Cas mumbled, suddenly looking a bit disappointed, his scent overwhelmingly so. "My mistake." He offered. “That doesn’t mean I will.” Dean said softly, wrapping his arms around Cas’s chest and kissing him softly. “If you don’t want me to, I won’t.”
Cas nodded along with the words though his scent was almost hurt... "No..  no... it's fine Dean... whatever youd like." He reassured.
“It’s fine though is it?” Dean asked softly. “I can smell that it’s not alright.” He splayed his fingers over Cas’ heart feeling it beet. “I what to stay monogamous, to you.”
"Dean..." cas sighed, sounding exasperated but smelling a bit hopeful. "I'm not asking for that. I'm not even asking for a relationship. I'm just your Royal Aide... you dont have to reassure me. Its fine. It's your life."
“I hear you Cas, I honestly do. But I can also smell you.” Dean said softly, “at the moment we have to pretend to be together, and as such, I’m going to stay monogamous to you.” He explained.
The hurt returned and Cas nodded. Right... they had to pretend... Cas was the one who had decided that... this was his doing. "Right.  Yeah... sounds good." He reassured before shifting. "I think... I think I'm done now." He offered, moving to try and get out.
Dean nodded, “you’ve not had much breakfast.” He said softly, as he moved the bowl of fruit back onto the side. He held Cas’ hips as he helped him to stand and climb out of the water.
Cas waved him off as he collected s towel to dry off with. "Like I said. I'm not really that hungry." He reminded softly
“I know Cas, but it’s just that you’re in heat. You need to keep your energy up.” Dean said softly. He climbed out of the bath and dried himself off with a towel.
Cas sighed before collecting a pastry and biting into it to satisfy the other man. Already heading into the bedroom, not bothering to dress.
Dean sighed and grabbed their clothes and the tray of breakfast before following Cas into the bedroom. “Cas, you know I’m only trying to help.” He said softly.
“I know, Dean.” He reassured. “And I appreciate it.” He added, meaning every word. He was simply starting to become confused on where he stood with the Alpha… and where he /wanted/ to stand. It was all a bit overwhelming.
Dean hummed softly, he laid down in bed and held his arms open, “come here Cas. Tell me what’s on your mind.” He said softly. “I can see you’re thinking.”
Cas glanced at him, obviously hesitating a bit. “I rather not.” He admitted softly but moved to lay in his arms with a contented sigh. “There are certain things I will need to figure out on my own, unfortunately.”
Dean hummed, “well I’m here for when you need to speak.” He said softly. “I’ll always be here for you to vent to.” He linked their fingers under the blankets, holding Cas close. “Your  brother is always happy to listen and talk with you.”
“I know, Dean.” He reassured, giving a yawn as he snuggled closer for warmth.
Dean smiled and held Cas close. “Go to sleep Cas. I’ll get up in a little bit and continue my work.” He said softly.
Cas nodded, closing his eyes as he got comfortable. “Thanks Dean…” He mumbled softly, breathing in his scent deeply.
Dean hummed and scented Cas softly. “Dream of something nice.” He whispered, kissing Cas’ cheek.
Cas hummed softly at the words already starting to drift off. “Sorry… I shouldn’t keep you from your work.” He slurred softly.
“But I want to be here rather than work. I prefer you.” Dean said softly, holding Cas closer.
“Mm… prefer you too.” Cas managed softly before he began to snore lightly .
Dean chuckled. He stayed were he was in bed, Cas in his arms, for about an hour. After an hour, he gently got up and dressed, going into his office, keeping the door open.
Cas shifted, mumbling under his breath as Dean moved, shifting to curl the blanket closer around them.
Dean kissed Cas’ head and scented him heavily before leaving to continue his work.
Cas seemed to relax as Dean rubbed his scent on the man. The action would no doubt allow Cas a few more hours of sleep.
Dean worked on his appointing of new Aides as he kept one eye on Cas, smelling his scent occasionally to make sure he was happy.
Cas seemed perfectly content for the most part with the occasional spike of this or that.  
Dean sighed and went into the bedroom after a long while, sitting on the bed. “Cas,” he cooed softly. “Cas, love, how are you feeling?”
Cas hummed, brows furrowing before cracking his eyes open. “Dean?” He mumbled softly. “Warm.” He admitted, his fever having spiked while he slept. .
Dean frowned and gently pulled the blankets off Cas. “It’s okay. Why don’t you sit up, and we can have a drink of water?” He offered as he poured a glass of water out for Cas.
Cas didnt protest, shifting to sit up silently and starting to shiver a bit as the cool air hit him. He accepted the glass, taking a small silver before offering it back.
Dean sighed. “Cas... I...” he bit his lip and started again. “Are you okay? You’re not eating or drinking, you’re shivering in a room that isn’t that cold. Should we bring in Gabriel to give you a check over?” He asked softly.
Cas shook his head, the action measured as to not make him dizzy. “I’m sure I’m fine Dean…” He offered though the words were still a bit slurred. “I’m sure its just the heat… No reason to worr…” He paused, almost falling over. “Worry him.” He managed as he caught himself.
Dean frowned and held Cas close. “Come here. I know you want to always be strong, but sometimes you have to let people help.” He said softly. He kissed Cas’ cheek softly. “Let me go fetch Gabriel. He wants to help and so do I.”
“Its not about help…” Cas protested, trying to worm his way out of Dean’s arms, but was far to weak to manage it. “Don’t want to worry him…” He huffed giving up. “Just tired.” He repeated, nuzzling closer to obviously try and get some more sleep.
Dean sighed, and pulled away slightly so Cas couldn’t get comfortable. “I need you to stay awake, baby. Just until Gabriel comes and speaks with you.” He said softly, climbing out of bed and going to the guards outside to go fetch Gabriel. Cas nodded before Dean pulled away and he curled up on the bed already starting to fall asleep once more. Dean sat back down on the edge of the bed. “Come on Cas. Stay awake for me please. It’s not like you to be this sleepy. Where are those drills you were going to get me doing?” He asked. "In the morning Gabriel. Drills are in the morning." He huffed, pulling thr pillows over his face. “Come on Cassie.” Dean said softly. “Look at me, do you know who I am?” Dean asked as he tugged on the pillow lightly. Cas grunted before tugging the pillow back and rolling up tighten in the blankets. Dean sighed and kissed his temple. A moment later, there was a knock at the door. Dean went to answer it and allowed Gabriel inside. “He’s getting worse.” He whispered as he allowed Gabriel in. “He’s just called me your name. He’s been asleep most of the day, only awake for a bathe. I can’t get him to eat or drink anything.” Dean whispered, chewing his bottom lip softly.
Gabriel brushed past him with barely a word, hurrying to his brother’s side. “It could just be exhaustion.” He reassured before sinking down onto the bed. He pulled the pillow back, earning a growl from the Omega but took no mind. He placed a hand on his forehead and frowned. “He’s burning up… A lot worse than if it were just his heat.” He mumbled before tugging down the blankets to look at the wound on his shoulder. “The infection is getting worse.” He commented with a huff.
“I’ve been cleaning it regularly. We’ve bathed it this morning.” Dean frowned. “Is there anything you want me to do?” He asked. “Do you want me to run him a bath?” He offered.
“Sometimes no matter how much we do it gets worse, Dean. Its not your fault.” He reassured. “You said you have doctors?” He asked. “You should probably call for them.”
Dean nodded and rested a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. He went to his guards and ordered for them to bring the Royal Omega Doctor immediately. “He will be okay though, won’t he?” Dean asked softly.
“I’d tell you he’d be fine but we both know I’d be lying.” Gabriel sighed, wrapping his brother up a bit tighter. “Honestly… I don’t know. Infections can be tricky. I’ve done all I know how to do. It usually works… I’ve been tending to Cas almost his whole life… This isn’t the worse he’s ever gotten.” He mumbled, obviously rambling with worry. “But… We both know he’s a fighter. I doubt this does him in.”
Dean nodded, his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. “Before he curled up like this... he told me not to get you.” He said softly. “He said that I shouldn’t make you worry. Even when he’s ill and delirious, he’s caring for you Gabriel. I’ve never seen anyone care for someone as much as he cares for you.” He whispered.
Gabriels scent spiked with annoyance. “Of course he did.” He grumbled before pushing to his feet. “The man’s a moron.” He huffed moving to dampen a rag and returning to place it on his forehead. “Always has been.”
“He loves you Gabriel. You’re his everything.” Dean said softly. “Don’t be annoyed at him, he’s just trying to protect you.” He said gently.
Gabriel shoot the Alpha a glare. “See! Thats the problem! Thats what he ALWAYS does! He tries to protect /me/, He tries to protect the /Kingdom/ and he tries to protect /you/! Thats what got him in this position in the first place! He took a fucking arrow trying to protect someone! I guarantee he didn’t even see you as King in that moment… He would have done the same for anyone… even some street urchin he didn’t know from John.” He scoffed. “He’s an idiot, trying to save the world and is going to kill himself in the process.”
Dean frowned, that wasn’t the reaction he expected from the Omega. “That’s why he has you. To patch him up. And that’s what I want to do. I want to protect him. I want to protect everyone is this Kingdom, and I need someone as wise as Cas to help me. Not fighting on the front lines but working out strategy and how to win and when to push.” Dean said softly.
Gabriel shook his head, pushing to his feet in aggrivation and starting to pace as they waited for the Doctor. “That’s just it isn’t it?! I’m always there to patch him up and he always gets hurt worse the next time! I’m not going to be here forever, and he doesn’t stop to think about that, does he? Or the fact that one day I’ll have to watch him die from his own stupidity! Sure, he’s selfless.” Gabriel shrugged. “But that also makes the moron more selfish then you could possibly realize. And I’m.. what?... Suppose to just accept that?” He growled, wrapping his arms around himself.
Dean frowned and poured a fresh glass of water for Gabriel. “Drink this Gabriel. And then go grab something to eat, get some fresh air. He won’t die on us, he won’t die on you. He’ll always be around to moronically protect us all.”
Gabriel paused, staring at the glass of water as if it were going to jump at him before he relaxed a small huff of amusement, escaping him. “I’d rather stay.” He mumbled, pushing away the offered glass gently. “Thanks though… Not really use to having someone with me when he does this crap.” He admitted. “He might not die this time… but what about next?” He sighed, sinking down into one of the chairs.
“I know Gabriel. But he’s got a 100% running rate of pulling through. He won’t die just to spite everyone around him and God himself.” Dean chuckled. There was a knock at the door and Dean opened it, dagger in had. “Come on in Doctor Shepard, it’s great for you to come so quickly.”
“Of course, Your Majesty.” The Doctor replied with a shallow bow before moving towards Cas. “I assume this is the Omega in question?” He asked already setting his bag down next to the bed. Gabriel didn’t give Dean a chance to answer as he moved to the opposite side of the bed. “Yes.” He rushed. “He has a number of lacerations but the wound in his shoulder is the worse. It became infected about 48 hours ago. We’ve been applying anti inflammatory salve on a regular basis but its persistent.” The doctor eyed the elder brother evenly, obviously not really accepting his words as he pulled the blankets down to reveal the angry red wound. “And you tried to sweat out the fever?” He asked, though it was more of a statement, making Gabriel just give a nod as the Doctor began his own examination.  
“He’s been asleep for most of the day.” Dean explained, “he’s not really drank anything, nor has he eaten much. He should be in the middle of his heat, but no wave has come today.” He added, “you can trust Gabriel’s assessment of Aide Novak’s injuries, he tended to Novak before.”
“Ah… So, this is the ex-Knight Commander and you must be his brother.” The Doctor nodded but said no more on the subject. “The heat is most likely being suppressed by the infection’s fever.” He advised. “There will no doubt be a wave coming.” He reassured, inspecting the rest of the man’s body before pulling the blanket around him once more. “Though it might be best to keep his movements to a minimum. He needs rest, a lot of it. He also needs water, He will most likely protest but if you can get him to drink it will help. As for food… For now, broth will be your best option. I can send some herbs to kitchen.” He paused. “From what I’ve heard, you are currently assigned there?” The Doctor asked Gabriel who simply nodded. “I can show you how to prepare them. The tea will be bitter but it will help. Add it to his broth as well. It won’t be the very palatable but it is necessary.” He reassured before glancing at Dean. “The infection has had time to settle. His fever should get worse before it gets better. I would warn against bedding in general if he weren’t already in heat. At this point it might do more damage than good. Just keep… activities as gentle as possible while satisfying his impulses.” He advised. “The high temperature can cause delusional tendencies, I advise you to go along with them, to avoid any unnecessary stress on the Omega. I’m afraid, beyond that and attempting to keep him hydrated, there is not much more I can do, Your Majesty.” He admitted.
Dean nodded. “That’s fine. Can you do a general checkup on him as well whilst you’re here. I’m sure you know he’s been on suppressants, we don’t want him to have any detrimental side effects especially whilst he’s got an infection and in heat.” Dean explained.
“Of course, Your Grace.” Shepard nodded, turning back to the Omega. His hands went to the man’s neck, pressing here and there before moving lower, pressing at his abdomen carefully, avoiding his wounds. He opened the man’s mouth, before checking his eyes. It was a few moments before he spoke again. “Well, I will admit, there are a few worrisome areas.” He sighed. “He seems to have damaged a few of his reproduction organs, though I can’t be sure how much or if they are simply under developed until I can get him to my office.” He admitted. “It could be nothing but it is something to be aware of. He also has some older scars that I would like to ask about.” He added. “Other than that he is as healthy as an Omega… More so even… Though thats probably due to living a soldier’s life.” He shrugged as he stood. “When he’s feeling better, and after his heat has subsided, perhaps you could convince him to pay me a visit?” He asked the King.
Dean nodded. “We’ll try our best. Even if I have to carry him.” He chuckled softly. “As for the scars, Gabriel is the best person to speak to about those.”
Shepard nodded as he glanced at the elder Novak. “Very well.” He acknowledged. “Would you mind walking with me, Novak?” He asked motioning for the door. “We can discussing a few things before I show you how to prep the herbs.” He offered earning an eager nod from Gabriel who pushed to his feet and hurried after him.
Dean smiled softly as he watched Gabriel go with Doctor Shepard. He sighed as he sat beside Cas on the bed and stroked his hair softly. “I love you.”
Cas leaned into the touch with a soft hum, obviously breathing in the man’s scent deeply and visibly relaxing. Dean scented Cas softly. “I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have taken the arrow for me.”
The Omega gave no indication that he heard the words, though he reacted to the scenting by curling towards the Alpha, and giving something akin to both a whine and a sigh; obviously taking comfort in the action.
“It’s okay, Cas. We’ll both be okay, I promise.” Dean said softly. “You’re so brave.”
There was no response as Cas continued to sleep in his fevered state, pressing a far too warm cheek against the other man’s arm.
Dean sighed and stroked Cas’ hair softly.
It was only about an hour before Gabriel returned with a small pot of tea. He helped Dean coax the sleeping man to drink a small cup before giving a small break and attempting again. When the Omega had finished off about two cups Gabriel left him to sleep, urging Dean to get some work done. It wasn’t until just before lunch that Cas began to stir, sitting up slowly and glancing about the room. “Dean?” He mumbled softly, obviously still groggy.
Dean was in his office, his door open to listen for and see Cas. He continued to work, waiting to hear Cas call him or to see him coming out of the room.
When the Alpha didn’t suddenly appear Cas moved to swing his legs over the side of the bed and attempted to stand. He wavered a moment before falling back onto the edge of the bed. He gave a frustrated huff before trying again, this time managing it and taking a few shaky steps towards the office, where he assumed the Alpha was.
Dean saw Cas moving slowly and shot up. “You should be in bed Cas.” He frowned, wrapping an arm around his waist and taking most of the Omega’s weight. “Let’s get you back in there, and we can talk about what you want.” He offered.
For once, the Omega didn’t protest as he was pulled into the man’s arms for support. “M’fine.” He reassured though he leaned heavily on the Alpha, scenting /him/ this time. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Dean chuckled. “Stop scenting me Cas. I don’t need it and you need your energy more.” He said softly. “We’re got some of that delicious tea I know you love.” . Cas gave a small grunt in response, but didn’t comply. He did pause, however, glancing about the room for a moment. “Did… Did I hear Gabriel here earlier?” He mumbled curiously.
“Hmm.” Cas responded as if considering the words before immediately dismissing them. “Come to bed, Dean.” He practically purred, tugging at him weakly, towards the large four poster. “Its cold without you.”
Dean chuckled. “You’ve been burning up for the last few days. We can get you warm when you have a drink.” He said softly, picking up the cup of tea and holding it out to Cas.
Cas stared out it with an annoyed huff before pressing closer so that he was still leaning against the Alpha, accepting the cup and giving a small sip before his features turned to disgust. “Ugh… Thats really really bad.”
“I know Cas. But it will make your infection go away.” Dean said softly. “If you drink up, I’ll make you nice and happy.”
The Omega only hesitated briefly before giving a sly smile and leaned in close to press a small kiss to Dean’s lips. “Promise, Alpha?” He purred softly.
“I promise, cheeky. Now drink up, before I revoke my promise.” Dean winked, as he held Cas close. He kissed Cas’s hair and murmured into it, “I love you.”
Cas had spent enough time with his men to know how to down something as disgusting as the tea… though it tended to be liquor and not herbs. So, he lifted the small cup to his lips and tossed it back, downing the liquid in just a few gulps before handing back the empty cup and giving a small cough. “That… was disgusting.” He huffed with displeasure.
“I know.” Dean hummed. “I had to have a sip the other day to get you to drink it. Now lay in bed, and let me make you feel good.”
“You did?” Cas asked, brows furrowing, obviously confused. The sensation was forgotten, however, as Dean lead him towards the bed earning a pleased hum as Cas pressed closer instead of doing as he was told; the current wave of his heat obviously about to set in.
“Lay down Cas. You need to not move, it will hurt your infection more if you move.” Dean said softly. He kissed Cas softly, pushing him into the pillow.
Cas allowed himself to be coaxed downwards as he returned the kiss a bit hungrily.
Dean pulled away and placed a finger on Cas’ lips. “Tell me what you want me to do.” He whispered.
The Omega’s breathing was already becoming a bit uneven with the Alpha so close to him. “Everything… Anything… Please, Alpha.” He pleaded.
“Cas,” Dean said softly. “I’m going to go slow and gentle and pull of love.” He explained, “I want you to feel good.”
Cas gave a frustrated huff as he lifted his hips to press against the Alpha. “I will feel good, Dean… I just need my Alpha.” He argued headily, using the possessive endearment for the first time.
“Your Alpha, huh?” Dean asked as he slowly undressed them both, pressing his bare skin against Cas’ bare skin, being careful of his wounds. “You think I belong to you?”
Embarrassment flooded the Omega’s scent, obviously worrying him as he moved to sit up. “Oh, No! I didn’t mean to imply…. I… Its just… You’re a King… You belong to no one… I…” He rushed, obviously panicking a bit.
“But I want to be yours.” Dean growled softly. “Let me show you how much I want it.” He growled as he rolled his bare hips against Cas’ thigh.
Cas cut himself off immediately at the man’s words; the flush of embarrassment still mixing with his fevered tone. The feel of Dean’s cock press against his thigh had the Omega unable to refrain from the small shiver that ran the length of his spine. “D-Dean…” He breathed almost in a moan as he leaned forward to kiss the man once more.
“Can I be your Alpha?” Dean asked. He shuffled his hips to one side and rolled his hips against the Omega’s cock. “I want to wake up with you in my arms everyday. I want to fall asleep with you by my side. I want to go out in public arm in arm.” He whispered.
“Ah…” Cas gasped arching into the touch in turn. He bit his bottom lip to try to refrain from moaning to no avail. “D-Dean please…. Just… I need you.” He groaned softly. He could already feel the sheets beneath him dampening once more as he sank back onto the desperate and needy.
Dean hummed and brought the blankets up around his shoulders before nuzzling his cock against Cas’ wet hole. “I love you.”
Cas shifted so that his legs fell open a bit wider, lifting his hips to rub against the Alpha’s cock in return, teasing it. He wrapped his good arm around the other man’s shoulders dragging him into another desperate kiss.
Dean kissed Cas back and gently pushed into him, immediately started to slowly rock his hips. “
Cas gasped as he was stretched lifting his back from the mattress with a relieved moan as his need subsided a bit. "Yes, Alpha! My Alpha!" He groaned nails digging into Dean's back as he arched. "More..." he encouraged softly.
Dean groaned and pushed down on Cas’ hips before settling into long, slow thrusts. “You’re so beautiful.”
He gave a small whine as he was pressed back into the mattress, obviously wanting to move. Still, he didnt fight Dean's hold as the Alpha kept his pace. Cas' breathing was still a low pant quickening slowly as he allowed his hands to slide against Dean's body, over his shoulders and across his chest affectionately. "So good Dean... please..." He gasped softly, legs locking around his waist.
Dean smiled and kissed Cas softly. “Just relax. I’ve got you.” He promised as he sped up slowly.
"Ah... ah..." Cas gasped softly as Dean began to pick up the pace, the new position allowing him to hit his prostate easily. "Oh, fuck Dean! Yes Alpha! My Alpha!"
Dean hummed as he aimed for Cas’ prostate. “Good boy, Omega. That’s it. You can come.”
Cas was practically a moaning whining mess  as Dean continued his rhythmic thrusts. The  Omega lifted his hands to cup his Alphas face as he kissed him again, this time a bit more slowly, far more affectionate than before.... He was so close. "Love you too Alpha..." He offered against the Mans lips. "Never felt like this..." He gasped softly as he grew closer to his climax.
“I love you too Omega.” Dean said softly. “I’ll make you feel this good all the time.” He promised. He thrusted hard into Cas, aiming straight for his prostate.
Cas' whole body shook at the final thrust, cumming hard between them as he clung to the other man desperately crying out his name as wave after wave of pleasure washed through him.
Dean moaned as Cas’ came between them. He pulled out quickly and came over the Omega, adding his own cries to Cas’. He laid down beside Cas, wrapping his arms around him tightly.
Cas allowed himself to be pulled into the embrace as he tried to catch his breath, burying his face in the other mans chest. Embarrassment and fear filling his scent as hs realized what he had said to the Alpha.
Dean hummed and kissed Cas’ hair softly. “What you said, do you want me to forget about it?” He asked softly. “I can pretend you never said it if you’d prefer.”
For a moment it seemed as if Cas wouldnt reply but slowly, as he seemed to relax a bit into Dean's hold he sighed. "No." He mumbled softly. He had meant the words... He simply didnt want to admit them.
“Really?” Dean asked softly, he tilted Cas’ chin up and kissed him slowly. “I love you.” He whispered.
Cas flushed, the embarrassment intensifying. "I love you too." He grumble softly, glancing away.
Dean chuckled and kissed his hair again. “Is this just you’re heat speaking?” He asked softly.
Cas tensed at the question, fear spiking. "I..." He began to argue before hesitating. "I dont know." He answered honestly. "I dont think so." He admitted his gaze glued to where his hands were pressed against Dean's chest.
“Cas it’s okay.” Dean said gently. “I just want to know where we both stand.” He explained, stroking Cas’ hair.
"I know, Dean." He reassured. "But I'm not sure if it's the heat. I dont think it is, but I've never had a heat like this." He explained, still not looking him in the eye.
Dean slowly linked their fingers together, over his chest. “I can wait. I can wait for you to think it through.” He said softly. “I don’t want to rush you.”
Cas seemed to relax even more at the words pressing closer once more. "Thank you." He whispered softly, snuggling close.
Dean smiled softly and held Cas close. “We should tell Gabriel you’re awake. He’ll want to speak with you.” He said softly.
Cas gave a small hum at that. "Can it wait?" He mumbled softly. "If I've been out as long as you say I rather not listen to the lecture he will no doubt have prepared."
“Of course. I think I got the most of it.” Dean smiled. “Do you need anything? Food? A nicer drink?”
"A nicer drink would be appreciated but it can wait. I'm good with just laying here with you." He offered.
Dean smiled softly, “I like laying here with you too.” He drew soft circles into Cas’ shoulder blades. “How does your shoulder feel?”
Cas moved it a bit as if testing it. "Still hurts a little but not as much as it was." He admitted. The would was still red and obviously infected but not quite as angry as when Cas' fever had started.
Dean nodded and held Cas close. “I’ll change your bandages in a bit, when you’re feeling a bit warmer.”
Cas gave a small snort of amusement at the words. "I was never really cold." He admitted softly. "I just wanted you."
Dean hummed softly. “You’re fever was through the roof. Even when I was beside you.” He said softly. “Shall I change your bandages and then you can go back to sleep if you wish?”
Cas' brows furrowed at the words, obviously becoming a bit distressed. "I didnt mean to worry anyone. I'm sure it would have gone away on it's own. " He reassured softly.
“Hey, we care about you Cas. You had an infection, even if it was a little infection we would have worried because we care.” Dean said softly, scenting the Omega softly.
Cas hummed in Approval as Dean scented him. "Doesnt mean I have to like it." He countered, pushing closer. "Though there are a few thing I can think of that I /would/ like." He teased lightly.
Dean smirked and kissed Cas softly. “What /would/ you like?” He asked, rubbing Cas’ shoulder softly.
"I want you to fuck me until I have trouble standing, then carry me to the bath and bathe with me." He admitted with a sly grin. It seemed that just the short time the two had spent together had caused him to come out of his shell a bit. In fact, the shy embarrassed Omega that reluctantly shared his heat was no where to be seen at the moment.
“Is that true?” Dean asked, walking his fingers up Cas’ chest. “Where is the Omega who didn’t want to share his heat, because he thought he could handle it?”
Cas shot him an even look before seeming to pout. At least as close to a pout as he could manage. "Are you denying your Omega, Alpha? While hes in heat? How could you be so cruel?"
“I’m never going to deny you, Cas.” Dean smiled. “I just want to know where my shy, reserved Omega who doesn’t like me got to.”
Cas arched a brow at that. "Would you prefer I go back to hating you?" He teased lightly.
“Do I want someone I love you hate me? Hm let me get back to you on that.” Dean smiled as he kissed Cas softly.
Cas hummed into the kiss, nipping at the Alpha's bottom lip playfully. "I think you get off on it. Why else would you have wanted me so badly?" He countered, hands moving down the other mans chest
“Because you’re beautiful, and sexy, and so so clever.” Dean smiled as he cupped Cas’ cheek, his thumb rubbing softly over his cheekbone.
"No I'm pretty sure it's the hatred thing." He countered, voice dripping with amusement.
“Of course, that’s my mistake.” Dean chuckled.
Cas pressed closer to the Alpha. "So...?" He asked softly. "Sex, bath, bandage?" He asked. "Or are you going to make me beg? Just a heads up... I don't beg..." He paused before shrugging. "Often."
Dean hummed. “You’ve begged plenty of times to me.” He smirked rolling them both over, so Cas was on his back and Dean was on top.
Cas gave a small grunt as they shifted positions, moving beneath him a bit so that his shoulder didnt ache too terribly. "Play your cards right and I might again."
Dean laughed and kissed Cas passionately, pinning his uninjured arm above his head.
Cas arched into the touch, rubbing his already hardening length against the Alpha. He returned the kiss without hesitation, humming at the familiar and comforting taste of his lips.
Dean hummed into the kiss his free hand coming up to cup Cas’ cheek. He gently tilted Cas’ chin up, biting at his neck softly.
A soft studdering sigh escaped the Omega at the feel of Dean’s mouth on him, causing goosebumps to drift across his skin. ‘Dean…” He whined softly, rutting against him again.
“Is that a beg?” He asked. Dean wrapped his lips around Cas’ good collar bone and sucked it softly.
Cas began to chuckle, the sound cutting off as Dean began to suck a mark into his skin, turning it into a moan. "N-not a chance." He managed breathlessly.
Dean smirked and bit gently, leaving a bruise on his collar bone. “I will get you to beg.0
“Mm… Is that so?” Cas mused with a hum, allowing his hands to slide lower until the were curling around Dean’s length. “And if you beg first?”
Dean hummed, he went down Cas’ body, licking and nipping at the Omega’s nipple. ] Cas gave another small hum, shifting beneath the Alpha's large body. "Is that all you've got, Alpha? I thought you knew how to please an Omega."
“Baby, I’ve only just got started.” Dean hummed as he moved down Cas’ body, kissing and licking his skin. As he got to Cas’ naval he stopped and pushed his tongue into it, moaning loudly.
The shiver that raked over Cas' body was strong enough to leave him gasp at the strange sensation. He would have argued that it wasnt exactly pleasant but the slick that suddenly began to pool beneath him would have called him on the fib. Then again it was probably more due to the sound of his Alpha's moans than the actual feel of his mouth.
Dean smiled as he moved lower biting the soft skin just beneath his naval. “Is someone wanting me?” He asked.
"As if you didnt know." Cas scoffed. "Of course I want you but I'm not begging... yet." He countered with amusement.
Dean chuckled. “I won’t let you come until you do beg.” He smirked, going lower and running his tongue and nose down the Omega’s shaft.
“Mm… Is that a promise or a threat?” Cas teased lightly, a hand moving to tangle in the Alpha’s hair. “It depends when you start to beg, little Omega.” Dean teased. He moved down lower, biting and sucking a large hicky into Cas’ inner thigh.
A whine escaped him before he could catch himself, lifting his hips a bit at the pleasure-pain. “Another.” He demanded a bit breathlessly one Dean pulled away.
Dean turned to the other leg, biting and sucking a larger hickey onto his inner thigh. “Was that a beg?”
His whine turned into a moan as he sucked another mark on him. There was something about the action that had Cas aching inside and out for his Alpha. “No…” He managed a bit breathlessly. “An order.” He offered playfully.
Dean smiled as he continued to mark his Omega. “No one else will touch you when they know you’re claimed like this.” He almost growled at the thought. “Everyone will know you’re mine.”
"Is that so, Alpha?" Cas purred, trying to hide the effect the sound of Dean's protective growl had on him. "You want me to be yours? Want the world to know I belong to you?"
Dean growled, “you’re mine, Omega. The entire world will know, you’re my Queen.” He tilted his head up and took Cas’ balls into his mouth.
Cas jerked slightly at the sudden sensation. Whatever retort he had in mind was suddenly forgotten... though he doubted it would be wise to anger the other man in their current position.
Dean moaned and rolled Cas’ balls around in his mouth, rubbing his tongue all over them.
The Omega's breathing became shallow and uneven as Dean Teased him. "Dean... it's not going to work." He managed in a breathless whine, losing the meaning of the words.
Dean hummed and pulled off Cas’ balls with a pop, letting them go cold in the air. “No, then what’s that whine?” He asked.
"F-fuck you." He stuttered unconvincingly, shifting his hips slightly as the cool air hit his damp skin.
Dean hummed, “do you /want/ me to fuck you?” He asked. “Nice and slow? You know what you have to do to get me to do that.”
"I could refuse you too, you know." He grumbled though he was obviously needy. "You wouldnt dare leave me in my heat..."
“Are you prepared to bet on that?” Dean asked, as he stood up out of bed to show Cas that he meant what he had said.
Cas offered an amused smile a hand sliding down his own chest to stroke himself slowly. "I'd say so."
Dean hummed and began to dress, hiding his erect from Cas’ movements. “All you have to do is beg, my Omega.”
"I'll pass." He huffed moved onto his stomach    and brought his knees up so that he was presenting to the Alpha. He didnt hesitate to reach between his legs however, and rub against his hole with a soft moaning gasp for the Alpha's benefit.
Dean hummed. “When you are ready to change your mind, I shall be in my office, working.” He smiled before kissing Cas’ forehead and heading into the office.
"Cant handle it? Coward." Cas accused playfully as He rutted against the sheets. "Cant even please his Omega properly."
Dean laughed out loud. “Do you want me to please you Cas? Because at the moment, you seem adamant not to like it.” He replied as he leaned in the doorway of the office. “Do you want me to please you?”
“I’m adamant not to beg, Alpha.” Cas corrected, shifting again to face him. “No… I want you to stay and watch me please myself until you can’t handle it anymore… Unless you feel like you’re not up for the challenge?”
[Beginning] // [Previous] // [Next]
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rule46redrex · 7 years
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Grand opening of Fionas shop. @psyk323 and fiona the founder. @quackenburt and @abysskiwi was there too.
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purse-full-of-frogs · 5 years
open rp (i dont know what im doing. not serious at all)
hello mr scary forest cryptid can i have one of your horns, o’ ancient diety? i need it for a school project
0 notes
☏ Gilded Crest (a lower ranking female guard)
Send in ☏ for my muse’s reaction to getting sexted by yours
[2026] This is highly inappropriate. Will B reporting this to your superiors.
[2027] Since when do we have phones?
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Masterlist of: Luke Pasqualino gifs
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Below you will find them in certain categories such as gif icons, downloads, Skins, himself etc. Some gif hunts don’t specify how many there are as sometimes they just put all the gifs in one place. The further down you go, the older the gif hunts are except if there are gif hunts from the same blog or I went in different tags etc.
If any links are broken please let me know. Please like or reblog if this is useful to you or others.
1,500 gifs thanks to ahgifhunters
105 gifs thanks to 27writes
Gif Icons
hayleytwell - 450
ventimigrillo - The Musketeers - 60
ddlovatosrps - 100
silvcrxrrow - 36
mutantem-archive - 13
As himself or characters
blueshelp - Snatch - 300
roleplaytipsandadvice - Our Girl S2 - 112
heroicfictions - 197
amblingalps - Unspecified
hqgifhunting - 218
malikmanips - 77
silvcrxrrow - 350
sluthunts - 110
ninadobrevas - 64
thegifgarden - 161
teresarph -  Unspecified
kylie-rph-blog - Love Bite - 84
mirandarph - 40
mirandarph - 50
mirandarph - 114
randomrp-stuff - 201
sqxeenz - 90
lengiesofrps - 52
gifhuntsandsuch - 100
auntietana-help - Unspecified
giffss-blog - Unspecifed
littlemuffin-gifshunt - 90
torie-rph - 115
forevergifs - 49
gifs4roleplayaz - Unspecified
rping-gifs-for-you - Unspecified
loadsofgifs - Unspecified
claryifrays - 100
rphelper - 38
rphelper - 34
The Musketeers
lieslmakesthings - Unspecified
mattirph - 340
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shinjuku-izaya · 11 years
"...N-no..." Flicks eyes away, gradually closing your button up to cover my exposed chest, hiding my face with a very obvious blush. 
"I know that Shizu-chan quite likes when I wear his clothes~ Heh~"
36 notes · View notes
lazywonderpsychic · 4 years
Anyone wanna rp
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spootiliousrps · 5 years
Suspicious Nature Part 16 [End]
[Start] // [Previous] // 
Dean sobbed as he lent against the mantelpiece. He had ruined his relationship with his mother all those years ago, and now he had ruined his relationship with Cas. After a long while he stood headed out of his office towards Sam’s quarters.
Cas tried to blink away tears before facing the guards outsides but without much luck. He held his head up high however, until he managed to get to Gabriel’s quarters, Celeste completely forgotten as he practically collapsed onto the other Omega’s bed sobbing uncontrollably.
Dean knocked are Sam’s door ignoring his bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. 
Gabriel frowned as he came into his room, for his lunch hour. “Cassie?” He asked softly. He sat on the bed and rested a hand on Cas’ shoulders.
It took a few minutes before Sam pulled open the door and paused at the sight of his brother. It took him a minute before he stepped forward and gave the King a large hug and pat on the back. “Come on, I’ll pour you a drink.” He offered, leading him into the room. 
“I’m okay Gabe.” Cas mumbled softly, burying his face in his pillow. “I just need a little bit.” 
Dean nodded, following Sam into the room. “How’s Meg? How’s Emma?” He asked, his heart not in it. 
“Of course you’re okay.” Gabriel tutted, “you’ll say that on your deathbed. What’s wrong?”
“Meg is great… Emma is bigger than ever.” He replied simply, moving to sit his brother down in a chair before pressing a glass of whiskey in his hand. “What happen?” He asked without hesitation.
“Probably.” Cas chuckled weakly. He hesitated a moment before giving a shaky breath. “Dean and I… ended it.” 
“I’m going to resign. You’ll be King. You’ll be better, kinder, fairer.” Dean whispered as he downed the whiskey. 
“He wasn’t good for you. You’re better off without him.” Gabriel said, gently.
Sam arched a brow at that, pouring himself his own glass. “Is that so?” He asked simply before moving to sink into the chair across him. “And if I refuse?” 
“Maybe.” He mumbled softly. “Then again, I’m pretty sure he’s better off without me as well.” He sighed. 
“Then it goes to Emma.” Dean shrugged. “That’s not my problem.”
“Precisely, come on Cassie, no Omega finds their /one/ on the first go round.” Gabriel smiled. “There’s plenty more Alphas and Betas out there.”
Sam pinned him with another flat stare. “Dean…” Sam sighed. “What is this really about? I know its not about the throne.” He pointed out before pausing. “Its that Omega isn’t it… Castiel?” He asked. “Gabriel…” Cas grumbled. “I didn’t want an Alpha before and I don’t want one now. Dean was an exception.”
Dean shrugged. “100 percent of the Omegas I get close to. I hurt. Cas, mom.” He shrugged as tears welled in his eyes. “If that’s the failure rate then how am I suppose to care for a whole Kingdom’s worth of Omegas?” Dean asked.
“Then there you go, everything’s fine.” Gabriel smiled. “You didn’t want an Alpha, and you don’t have one. Come on, let’s have lunch and forget all about him.”
Sam set his drink down, watching his brother carefully. “Mom wasn’t your fault Dean.” He pointed out. “And I don’t know what happened with Cas but… Just because you having dating problems doesn’t make you any less of a good ruler.” He pointed out. “You don’t need an Omega to take care of others. You didn’t have one when you practically raised me on your own and you started a hell of a lot younger than you are now.” He pointed out.
“I’ve had lunch. I’m not hungry.” Cas mumbled, the teasing comforting a bit but far outweighed by his self loathing. 
Dean sighed and shook his head. “I still hurt mom Sam. You’ve heard the stories. No one who treats their family like that should be King.” He shrugged as he stared down into his empty glass. “But I thought I would be better now I’m an adult, but I’m not. I still wasn’t the best when I brought you up, I hurt you, I probably forgot so many things.” 
“Well then you’re grand. Why don’t you go down to the training yard? Help out a bit.” Gabriel suggested. “The fresh air will do you good as well as teaching.”
 "So you made some mistakes... we all do, Dean." Sam shrugged. "Its part of being human. Dad made you do those things to her. It wasnt you. And I'd say you did pretty damn good with me..." He pointer out. "The best thing we can do is learn from our mistakes and move on, better ourselves. Whatever happened with Cas... He's one Omega Dean... Hes not the Kingdom." 
"Why? So they can treat me like the fragile Omega they see me as now? Call Dean as soon as they see me out alone like he's suppose to be my keeper?" Cas scoffed. "I dont understand how they can treat me so different, like some sort of flower, just because I wasnt born a certain way. I'm still the same man who has commanded them for all these years."
 “Sam, all the Omegas I’ve got close to, I’ve hurt. What does that say about me?” Dean shook his head. “How can I lead a Kingdom when I have a track record of hurting half the populous?” Dean asked. 
“They treated yourself like that because you had torn open the wound on your shoulder. That little new soldier, did he treat you like you were weak?” Gabriel asked. “And when have you ever stopped and let the other person win? Go and show them your not fragile.” Gabriel tutted as he started to eat.
 "Dean... you're hurt... its understandable. But in all honesty, you're being a little over dramatic." He admitted. "You havent hurt every Omega. What about the ones you end up sharing heat with? Or the ones that work for you? Or Meg?" He pointed out. 
Cas rolled his eyes turning over to curl into the blankets fully. "Just leave me be. I'm just need some rest and time to think. I'm probably out of job now." He sighed.
“Those Omegas I never learnt the names of? Meg, who I’ve never been in the same room with, without you or Emma there? The ones I work with, that it nothing but professional?” Dean asked. “Ask Cas, I’m a fuck up, Sam. I’m not good enough to be King.”
 “You’re in my bed, that’s going to be quite hard to do, especially when you’ve taken all the blankets.” Gabriel chuckled.
Sam considered it a moment. “Maybe I should.” He offered with a shrug. “Ask Cas I mean. See what he has to say.” Sam challenged. 
 Cas gave a grunt obviously not willing to budge. “You can have my quarters. I don’t like them anyways.” He grumbled, obviously sulking like a child.
“By all means. Go for it.” Dean huffed, as he stood and went to get another drink. “It’s not like he likes me.”
Gabriel shook his head. “By the time I’ve finished work, you’d better have budged up.” He huffed as he finished his food and carried his tray out, going back to work.
Sam arched a brow at that. “The guy has been locked in a room with you for a full week and is still willing to talk to you… Meg and I get on each others nerves after just a few hours and she doesn’t talk to me for days. You must have done something right.” He pointed out. “Will it make you feel better if I do?” He asked already standing up as if to do just that.
“You can’t make me.” Cas grumbled childishly.
“He had no choice, he would have left if he wasn’t in the middle of a massive heat, and infected.” Dean huffed. “You can talk to him, but it won’t make any difference. And just to warn you, if you do speak with him, he jokes. A lot.” Dean said, rubbing his scarred ribs.
Gabriel tutted and shook his head as he left.
 Sam gave a small snort at that. “I’m sure he can’t be any worse than his brother.” He mused likely before his smile faded. “Dean… Dad’s gone… and despite what he taught us… Its okay to be happy… It’s okay to joke and laugh… It really can be a good thing.” He offered, moving to his brother’s side and placing a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I’ll pay Cas a visit… Will you be here when I get back?” He asked softly.
“You know it’s not like that Sammy. You know that things aren’t just instantly better once our father died. I can’t just be happy and have fun.” Dean shrugged and sighed, “but yes, I’ll still be here. Is Meg and Emma here too? Can I say hello to my niece?”
“I know Dean.” Sam sighed, looking torn. “But its something to work towards.” He offered before nodding. “Emma should be waking from her nap soon. Meg is in the nursery with her if you want to stop in. I’ll be back shortly.”
Dean nodded. He downed his drink before knocking gently on the nursery door, as to not wake Emma.
It was a moment before Meg pulled open the door, the glare she had softening almost immediately at the sight of the elder Winchester. “Dean.” She greeted with a small smile, voice a hushed whisper. “What are you doing here? Come in. I was just about to wake Emma.” 
“It’s good to see you too.” Dean whispered. “I was just speaking with Sammy, I thought maybe I could meet my favourite niece.” He smiled softly. He stepped into the room, trying to wipe away the puffiness of his eyes. 
Sammy knocked on Gabriel’s door, hoping that it would just be Cas alone.
“Sure. I’m sure she’d be excited to see you. Would you like to wake her, or should I?” Meg asked.
Cas lay there for a moment after the knock sounded, debating on whether or not to get up. When the second knock sounded he gave a huff and pushed to his feet, storming to yank open the door. “Whatever it is-” He began before his gaze caught on the taller man and he tensed, eyes wide before falling into a deep bow. “Prince Sam.” He greeted respectfully. “I apologize I hadn’t realized…” He rushed, trailing off a bit.
Dean hummed, “do you mind if I do? Is there anything you do to help her wake up?” He asked softly as he stepped over to the cot. 
Sam pushed into the room. “You hadn’t realised we needed to talk? About my brother?” He asked, as he sat on a stool. “You hadn’t realised that whatever’s happened between the two of you, has made him threaten to quit?”
“I usually rub her back gently, she likes that.” Meg reassured.
“I hadn’t realized it was you.” Cas clarified, briefly wondering if aggression and lack of manner was a family trait or if Cas was just a magnet for assholes. He moved to sit on the bed. “Forgive me, Your Majesty, I mean no disrespect but Dean and I came to a mutual agreement that our courtship should end. I don’t understand.” He admitted, worried that Sam was going to try and force him back into the relationship ‘for the good of the kingdom’. Cas was emotionally and physically exhausted. He was tired of being /forced/ into everything as if he were supposed to sacrifice every single shred of dignity or hope or pride to bend to the will of the King. Well he refused! He would not be told what to do any longer! If it got him killed so be it! He was tired of playing this game! He would not be forced into submission just because Dean thought it was necessary. He deserved to be happy as well and would not be the equivalent to a slave. 
Dean smiled as he gently rubbed Emma’s back. He slowly picked her up, and held her close to his chest as he continued to rub her back. “Hey Princess Emma. Wake up for uncle Dean.” He cooed softly. 
“It doesn’t look very mutual.” Sam hummed. “My brother doesn’t come to me often but when he does I know it’s something serious. He told me that the two Omega that he’s been close to in his life, you and his mother, he hurt. He’s hurt badly. He’s saying that that is justification for him to resign from being our King. He’s extrapolating it out to meaning that he won’t be able to care for half the populous.” Sam explained.
Emma gave a hum at the touch before blinking her eyes open slowly. At the sound of her uncle’s voice however she pulled back into a large grin before wrapping her arms around the King. “DD!” She cried excitedly, using the man’s nickname. 
Cas pinched the bridge of his nose at the words, trying to calm himself. “That is not my fault.” He pointed out. “And just because it doesn’t look like it was mutual. It was. He’s not the only one hurting.” He pointed out. “He is the only Alpha I have ever loved or chosen to share a heat with. I understand that his feelings, his problems are important I want to help. I love him. But I will not allow my own to be ignored just because he has a title and I do not.” He offered calmly. “He hates my sense of humor. A large part of my personality that I cannot change. I can’t help that. He basically told me that if I can’t change /who I am/ then we can not be together.” He clarified. “So… we can’t be together.” Cas shrugged, though the pain and tears were obvious. “I don’t understand why he thinks that that makes him a bad King. Dean is one of the most caring people I have ever met. He wants to do good in this Kingdom and for some reason, he thinks I have to marry him for that to happen. The truth is, he doesn’t need me. He doesn’t need any Omega. He is a brave and courageous man. He will change the world if he would just let himself. He is the best man I’ve ever known which will make him a fantastic King.” Cas praised before shaking his head and giving a small sad laugh. “Of course he tells me I’m a know it all and need to remember my place.” He mumbled. “So, perhaps I should clarify. This is all my opinion. I don’t know anything about ruling a Kingdom so maybe I’m wrong…. According to him thats usually the case.” He mused before pausing. “And that was a joke to try and hide how much it hurts. He also says I hide behind humor too much.” 
“Emma.” Dean smiled happily, hugging her back. “Did you have a good sleep? Did you dream?” He asked softly. 
“In certain psychological circles, there’s a thing called a ‘trigger’. These triggers bring back awful, awful memories. For some a certain food is the trigger, for others it’s the mention of rape. For my brother it’s jokes. I’m sure you saw those scars on his ribs. That’s not just five jokes he’s made in his lifetime. Each scar represents twenty or even thirty times he made a joke and was beaten.” Sam explained. “You say that jokes are apart of who you are, but not having jokes is apart of Dean. Every time you tell a joke or tease or do something funny, you are triggering him. This goes for everyone. From you and your brother, to my daughter. But he tries to put up with it for love. Because he loves.” Sam explained. “He thinks that you should marry him, because you make him a better person, a better King. He knows that the two of you are compatible and will lift each other up to even more greatness. To use something that Dean loves; Dean is like the pastry of a pie, nice on its own, but you are like the filling, you make everything taste better. You make him better.” Sam shrugged. “If you want to mope around here, then be my guest, but I expect you to call me King next time we meet, for I can’t get Dean to stay being the King without you.” Sam explained.
“I think so…” Emma mumbled but didn’t give details. “Where have you been DD? You’ve been gone for so long! You never play with me anymore.” She pouted. 
Cas set his jaw at that. “I love Dean… and I want to make him a better person. I know about the scars.” He sighed. “Don’t you see though… Thats why we can’t work. The reaction is engrained in him, its part of who he is I would never ask him to change a fundamental part of his personality if he didn’t want to. My sense of humor is a part of me, its fundamental. My very existance triggers him and causes him pain. I can’t be blamed for existing, shouldn’t feel guilty for it. I don’t blame Dean. I’m not angry with him or hate him. No one should force him to change just as no one should force me. I want to help, I do… but Dean’s issues… they aren’t my own, I cannot be blamed for them, and as much as I would like to help,  I only make them worse when I am around. And I certainly will /not/ be with him just so that remains King. That is a horrible reason to base a relationship on, much less a marriage.” 
“I’ve been busy, Princess. But soon DD will have more time to play.” Dean smiled softly. “Is Princess Emma hungry?” He asked softly. 
“Aide Novak, do you think relationships are born perfect? Everyone has to change for the ones they love. Dean will have to change for you, you have to change for him. I’ve changed for my wife, she’s changed for me. Every relationship is about compromise. Nothing is born as beautiful as a flower in full bloom, not even the flower. You must work to make your relationship bloom, just like the flower.” Sam explained. “Some days, me and my wife, we don’t speak at all, we’re too angry or upset at each other, but that doesn’t mean we break up. We spend some time apart to relax and to think, before reconciling, and compromising. It can be over little things, such as Emma’s name, or larger things, such as how much time I spend with her and Emma. We compromise and adapt. I’ve told the same thing to my brother. But now you must choose whether you want to comprise and adapt for the person you love or let him slip through your fingers.” Sam explained.
“No.” Emma shook her head, curls bouncing. “Will you do one of the puzzles Daddy made for me?” She asked excitedly.
“/I/ need to compromise?” He scoffed. “I’d say I compromised and changed when I gave up my title as Knight Commander. I compromised when I sent Gabriel to the kitchens instead of having him by my side. I compromised when he threated to /kill/ my brother. I compromised when I agreed to play the role of his partner for the good of the Kingdom. I /compromised/ when I chose to forgive him for the literal Hell he has put me through! I will /not/ compromise my life away because that is not a compromise at all.” He clarified simply. “What has he compromised? Hm? /allowing/ me into his bed? Not killing me or my brother? Well… forgive me if I’m not groveling with gratitude. Don’t talk to me about compromise when you only have one side of the story. And before you threaten me like he does; I’ll save you the time and throw myself in dungeon.” He pointed out as he pushed to his feet. 
“What puzzles does daddy make, sweetheart?” Dean asked softly. 
“What has he compromised? He’s told you his weaknesses, that it took, until I was fifteen to hear. He’s trying to stop being triggered at jokes. He’s happily around you when even if you didn’t realise it, it’s a form of unimaginable pain. He’s given you a whole street, with as many Aides as you need to make a haven. He has given you Eve and Celeste to help you, who are both /Royal/ helpers, when you are not a Royal. He didn’t have to give you his body in your heat. He’s compromised his safety and his health, what more could you possible ask from a man?” Sam asked. “As for going to the dungeons, you’re not going anywhere near there, unless you’re going to speak with my brother.”
“I’ll show you!” She chirped excitedly before climbing down and pulling him towards the small table on the other side of the room. 
“As I have told him mine. It he were trying then why did he tell me that it wouldn’t work and broke it off? Being happy is /not/ a compromise; and I never asked for a street. It is /his/ dream to make a safe haven, not mine! I was happy as Knight Commander! That was /my/ dream. /I/ achieved it. He’s the one that ripped it apart. He can have the street, the aides all of it. As for my heat, I was content to go through it alone I wouldn’t even have had a heat if he didn’t force me into it. What could I ask? What could I ask? How about not forcing me every single fucking step of the way? If he love me, /me/, not this sick twisted idea of me he has in his head then he wouldn’t be expecting me to change EVERYTHING about myself. I sacrificed my dream, my title, my family, my identity, my pride, my respect, my trust, my happiness and my body for him and you and him still expect me to give more. He sacrificed his pride… forgive me if I don’t see that as even. I will not be bled dry so that he can pretend to be happy while I remain miserable; so don’t bother asking again. You want me to speak with your brother, fine. I’ll tell him the same thing I’ve told you; I can’t give any more. I’m sure that will go over well with him.” 
Dean smiled as he followed Emma to the table. He knelt on the floor beside the chair and helped Emma onto it. “You show me, princess. Let’s see if I can do the puzzle you make me.”
“He sacrificed his mental health for you. He sacrificed his work for you. He asked you to stop hurting his mental health, and you said no. Do you want him to go back to when mum died? He wouldn’t eat, he wouldn’t sleep, he wouldn’t do anything, because he had been forced to believe her death was his fault. He’s going that way now. He’s believing that he’s doing everything wrong. He’s already starting to stop work. Then he’ll stop bathing. Then sleeping, then eating. It happened before. He almost died, and he’s going to do it again. Now I’m not going to ask you to help or put it right. I’m just explaining the consequences of your actions. Now you can go to the dungeons if you wish, but it’s of your own free will. Just tell me, what should I say to Dean? That you love him but don’t care for his health? Tell me what I should say when I face him again, with my daughter by his side.” Sam asked.
[In mutual agreement this RP has ended. Sorry guys <3]
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melscreativecreations · 11 years
It's a dark and cold night. Winter time most likely. The perfect setting to expect someone to be working the morgue. It's a ordinary night, well as ordinary as one can expect in this kind of setting. 
Julius is standing over the most recent corpse to come his way. To grace his table this fine evening. Julius thinks to himself as he stares down at the body, a white sheet covering the bottom half of the female found there. Her upper torso exposed to him. A beauty that very well could look like she's simply sleeping though there's no rise and fall to indicate there is still breath in her. "Easy night tonight. Looks like this was a car accident fatality." 
But Julius is good at what he does. No music combats the quiet found here in this solitude. He doesn't complain of his surroundings. In fact preferring the quiet and the dark of the sanctuary of his workplace even if it makes for a lonely existence. He wears a white smock that matches the covering of the woman he is soon to work on. He wears the smock so that the blood his work leaves him won't be carried home. His shift ending when the sun rises. Turning to pick up the recorder that he has left on his gray steel counter.   Pressing the record button on the machine. He begins to speak as if telling a story and not just the simple facts. 
"The victim looks to be in her mid twenties. Dark brown hair to the shoulders. Right shoulder dislocated from the impact of the crash...." 
He continues on in his soothing voice going into detail of how this woman died by the facts  the severity of her injuries tell. As he's talking he walks around the body to make sure he gets the overall picture of why this lady is on his table. Once Julius is done he puts the recorder back where he had it. Moving to put on the latex gloves he wears often when he's examining a body. In this case he wears them to finally take the glass out of the woman's body that has embedded in her torso causing internal bleeding the likely cause that met her demise. 
This was a tame case-somewhat of a bore than what Julius was used to working on. Only to be startled at something as chills go up and down his spine as he leaned closer to the woman's body to get the glass out. He frowns. The man straightens as he looks around. Julius swearing to himself he knows he must have heard something. But there's no noise. In the corner of his eye though? Yes, there's a shadow that looks different than the other shadows that reside here in the morgue. 
"Fine." Julius mutters to himself. "I know what I need to do."  Taking the gloves he had on his hands, off. Walking over to the spot where his tools are laid out. He picks up his scalpel as if it was a weapon. Looking this way and that and talking to no one in particular, "This is for you!" Than there's a stripe of red on his throat as Julius drags the instrument across his throat. Finalizing his time here as a living, breathing, human, being. 
0 notes
thepiratehero-a · 11 years
beanstalksarenothing replied to your post: Her eyes go wide open, not even a slow waking this time around as she heard the sounds of the ocean so close. Looking around the dim light cabin, Jack felt warmth at her side, which her gaze to fall upon the still form of him. Rubbing one of her temples with one hand, while her other lifted the covers to reveal that she was indeed in the nude, she then nudged Killian with elbow. “Hey, what happened last night?” she asked him softly.
She buried her face in the pillow, before looking back up at him, “I would have too” Her eyes roamed his form beside her before going to his eyes catching her bottom lip between her teeth as she smirked. “Had to have been something…interesting..”
Killian chuckled. "Yes I suppose it was, too bad neither of us can remember," he said with an amused grin, eyeing her curiously. "It's a real shame."
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dragongirlpaws · 12 years
Random's NY Adventure: Day 1
((I'm going to pretend I'm actually Random and write down my experiences as he would percive them. Cuz why the hell not. Well, if I get a chance anyways.))
"Ugh... my wings HURT! If I knew the oceanic divide from NY to Unova was so long, I wouldn't have done it... Well... better find my relatives place... and check the city out in the morning" Random monologed to himself.
He walked through the streets of the city that was ravaged not too long ago by a terrible hurricane until he arrived at the house that belonged to his relatives in this region.
They greeted him, feed him, shared a few laughs, and he went to the room they provided for him.
"Hopefully my trip here will be an interesting one..." Random said to himself as he drifted into the dream world.
0 notes
thepiratehero-a · 11 years
beanstalksarenothing replied to your post: The sound of the rain pounding down all around them, brought a smile to her lips, even giggling as they made their way back below the deck. Her footing wasn’t so great givenand she stumbled. Had it not been for him catching, she would have been hurt. She wasn’t sure how it happened, but the moment she felt his lips upon her own, she kissed him back. Slowly her hands moved up slipping into his hair, fisting up in the dark wet locks as her body pressed against his.
She heard the sound of him slamming into the door, yet it didn’t stop what seemed to be happening here. The kiss continued, she only pulled back long enough to nip at his bottom lip at the sound of his groan. Her soft body pressed firmly against his.
Killian took the opportunity to flick his tongue out against her lower lip as he deepened the kiss, tugging lightly at her hair, unsure how this started or where it was going.
26 notes · View notes
thepiratehero-a · 11 years
The sound of the rain pounding down all around them, brought a smile to her lips, even giggling as they made their way back below the deck. Her footing wasn't so great givenand she stumbled. Had it not been for him catching, she would have been hurt. She wasn't sure how it happened, but the moment she felt his lips upon her own, she kissed him back. Slowly her hands moved up slipping into his hair, fisting up in the dark wet locks as her body pressed against his.
Killian moving his good hand behind her neck, stumbling backwards his back hitting the door that led below deck. Not that it stopped him from kissing her, he wrapped his hook arm behind her pulling her closer a soft groan leaving his lips at the feel of her fingers in his hair.
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thepiratehero-a · 11 years
Syrena met his eyes quickly, a sliver of hope shining in them. "Then you know I mean no harm! I only... I only want to belong" she said softly, her words coming out hurried. Without warning her tail stiffened, refusing to move and she cried out in pain, clutching her stomach as waves of agony moved through her. "No..." she whispered, her voice strained.
Killian’s eyes widened at her cry, unsure what was going on. “What’s wrong?” he asked in an almost panicked tone, his hand reaching out for hers.
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