#ramen is supposed to be college food!
rapmonkive · 6 months
A letter with some pictures she's sneakily taken of her and the rest of the members and him and more pocket money for snacks it's not a joke any more she wants to make sure he can treat himself.
It's been 84 years since I've last seen you. How are you? Any gray hairs? You're probably full of them. I know I am. Joking aside I hope you are doing well. I miss you big brother everyday you are away. I wonder if you're warm and if they are treating you harshly. It feels like you've gone to jail or something from the texts you sent so I worry about you alot. I hope this pictures make you smile there is some of the other members too because I know it's your first time without them in a long time you must miss them. I don't have much to say my day to day hasn't changed except for not seeing you. Ah but the price of ramen has went up a dollar! A whole dollar! Isn't this the sign of the times? Ugh how will we live now? Okay. Now I really have nothing to say. You got this joon keep your head up. -Dani
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He looked at the photos that he hadn't known had even been taken and smiled. Oh, he had grey hairs before the enlistment. Army had made sure to point those out. Having grey hairs before 30 was unfortunately family genetics.
Going to jail? Ha, to him it was a lot like being a trainee again. In a small room with a bunch of other guys, no privacy. A communal shower and terrible coffee. A curfew and tight schedule. It was like when he was 15 and trying to pass classes and sneak food into the dorms.
in some ways that made it easier. It was because he'd been through it, he already knew how to cope. He saw it was harder for a lot of the younger guys who had never been away from home before now. He'd lived away from his parents since he signed a contract at 15, so he had advice and he knew he could make it easier on these young kids that has never made ramen or saw a coffee pot before.
But it was really part of what turned boys into men in the military. It was teaching you to rely on yourself and your squad. It was teaching you that you couldn't run to your parents for help anymore. You had to pull up y our boot straps and be a man. Be an adult.
He had already done this and so in a way he had an edge. He had more discipline in himself. He thrived in routine and he had been steadily working out. A lot of the new recruits had never stepped foot in a gym. Therefore he found himself in a mentor position again, only this time not in BTS but just the older soldier with experiences in life helping out the younger who it was their first time away from home.
And Goddamn! Ramen up a dollar! What the hell is this world coming to? That crosses a line. A line!
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muchosbesitos · 9 months
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pairing: college!miguel x fem reader
warnings: miguel being a bit of an ass, face-sitting, oral (i probably forgot smth 🧍🏻)
author’s note: thank you for all the support for friends with benefits 🥹 anyways i got this idea from c.ai miguel using me as a bet LMAOO (he was supposed to be my roommate only 😖)
word count: 3037
You were the bane of his existence. He hated everything about you, from the way you smiled at everybody but him, to the way that you carried yourself, with kindness and respect even if it wasn't reciprocated. He hated the determination you had towards beating him at everything academically, putting in late hours at the library and studying for tests weeks in advance. What he really hated the most about you, though, was the way he could never find himself to truly hate you.
Which is how he found himself agreeing to a stupid bet that Peter B. Parker had brought up mid smoke sesh. Miguel had spent the last thirty minutes ranting about how you annoyed him today, about your test score and how he was so sure you cheated, and mostly about how you faked being nice with everybody when Peter interrupted him with the proposition. "What if we made a bet?" he started off, getting Miguel's attention as he passed him the blunt. "Let's say you can make her fall in love with you in two months for a hundred bucks," Peter added when Miguel took a hit from the blunt, a cocky smirk on his face. "Let's do a month for two hundred, yeah?"
The next Monday, Miguel found his gaze going to you during biology, the wheels in his head turning to figure out how to win you over. Would you like flowers? Grand gestures? Just the thought was starting to make his head hurt. He decided to start off slow, choosing to sit next to you before the class started. "Good morning," he offered with a small wave, which you returned with a smile on your face. He spent the class period looking at you through his peripheral, handing you a pen when he saw you digging your bag and giving you his notes when the professor moved through the slides too quickly.
"Go to lunch with me," he said after the class ended, watching your eyes flicker with surprise, a bit surprised himself by the offer. He wasn't one to go on casual lunch dates or even pursue someone, people usually pursued him and he didn't do much to find someone to sleep with him. "Well my daily ramen budget thanks you," you replied with a small chuckle, walking next to him after the class ended to the cafeteria. He found himself willingly laughing at your remarks, asking more questions about you, before reminding himself that this was all part of the bet. he refused to be a cliché and be the idiot to fall in love.
"Pickles and mustard? We might have to end this lunch date right now," you remarked, watching as he now added hot sauce to the mixture. It was odd, having lunch with Miguel O'Hara since you were pretty certain he hated you and he only had lunch with his close friends, but you still enjoyed his company and hearing his point of view of how he saw the world. "Oh c'mon, you can't say anything until you try it out," he protested you, handing you a pickle slice, the look on his face practically daring you to eat it. You took a tentative bite, your face morphing into a grimace as you spat it out, taking a sip from your water bottle. You looked up to see Miguel fighting back a laugh, tossing the pickles to the side as he looked over at you. "I can't believe you actually thought I eat that," he remarked with a smirk on his face, laughing as you hit his arm playfully.
The next week had been spent like that day, from trying out new food combinations, exchanging class notes, to spending time in his dorm room and studying. He had taken a break from studying, looking over at you reading the biology textbook and biting down on the pen in your hand, the small action emphasizing how pretty your lips were. He pushed a strand of hair away from your face, an easy smile on his face as you looked up at him. "It's such a shame that the test won't be covering me," you teased, seeing his closed textbook on the floor. "Such a shame indeed, I'm sure I'd be getting top grades," he replied with a smirk of his own, his fingers trailing the back of your neck. He watched you for a little bit, taking in how pretty you looked when you were concentrated and how much he seemed to enjoy your company without giving much thought to the bet. "Go on a date with me," he blurted out after a couple minutes of silence, watching you carefully for your reaction.
He found himself Googling best date ideas and even going as to making a Pinterest board full of things he deemed would be fun for both of you. He ended up going with a classic picnic date, buying sandwich making materials and a small Lego set. He arrived at your dorm room a couple hours after he confirmed you were free, fighting back a smile as he saw you open the door. You were wearing a yellow sundress that complimented your curves perfectly, pairing it with white flats. He stumbled over his words as he took you in, spitting out something that resembled, "Te ves hermosa." Your laughter was like a soft melody that reverberated through his ears, unable to keep his gaze off you. You closed your dorm door, walking next to him to his car. (you look beautiful)
He stopped in front of City Hall Park, claiming that it was underrated by Central Park's attraction. He set down a checkered blanket on the grass, sitting down as he took out the contents of the basket. You two fell into easy conversation, talking about your friends, school assignments, and just personal details. You two started to make your sandwiches as you took sips of the cheap wine he'd picked up, your past suspicions about his intentions dissipating with every passing moment. He pulled out the Lego set, a Star Wars battle ship, and felt himself grow even more comfortable in your presence when he discovered that you were also a fan.
The date had ended with Miguel dropping you off at your dorm room, his hands wrapped around your waist as he tried to prolong your leaving. You looked up at him, a small smile on your lips as you pushed a strand of hair away from his forehead. He leaned down, his hands practically moving you closer as his lips gently brushed yours. "Is this okay?" he murmured, his hands gently brushing the back of your neck before you leaned in, your lips enveloping his. The kiss started off tentative and gentle but soon, your hands were wrapped around Miguel's neck as you pulled him closer to you and your lips moved in tandem with his, the taste of him and the wine dizzying. Both of you pulled away a couple seconds later, just taking a moment to take in the moment before he kissed your forehead. "Buenas noches." (good night)
Most of the month had passed by with you two continuing to go on dates, making out in his room, and studying for your biology tests together. The fair had come to town recently and Miguel had gotten you two tickets for today after some relentless begging from your part. He took out the two tickets after he picked you up from your last class, a small grin on his face as he saw the way your eyes sparkled from excitement. "I'll pick you up at eight, chula," he said, leaving you at your dorm as he gave you a kiss on the cheek before walking away. (pretty)
Your jaw dropped when you opened the door, seeing Miguel ditch his usual hoodie and sweatpants apparel for a button down tee with some jeans. He gave you a lopsided smile, leaning down to kiss your cheek as he smelled the crook of your neck. "What if we ditch the fair and stay home?" he murmured, his lips ghosting over your neck before he kissed it. "Very funny, but I did not spend two hours looking at youtube makeup tutorials to stay home," you said, laughing a bit before walking off to your closet to finish getting dressed. You and Miguel had changed in front of each other, made out, and cuddled but you never had sex together. Partly because you were a virgin and you were worried he'd be turned off by your lack of experience given his past and another part being to just general fear of how big he was, how much it would hurt.
You and Miguel walk into the carnival a couple minutes later, looking around at some of the rides before your eyes settled on a My Melody plushie by the ball toss. You ran over, blindsighted by how cute it was and paid the attendant before tossing the balls at the bottles. Miguel walked over, his arms folded as he watched you, the look of determination on your face to get the stupid plushie. He couldn't help but feel bad as he saw the small pout on your lips when you'd missed one of the bottles, deciding to try it out for himself.
"Thank you!" your face practically lit up as he handed you the plushie, a smile forming on his face as he looked at you. He would be willing to do a hundred more of those ball tosses if it meant he got to see you smile like that again. He wrapped his arm around your neck, guiding you towards some rides he'd thought you'd enjoy. He took in every single one of your expressions, basking in how excited you seemed to be even with the most boring rides.
The last ride of the evening had been the ferris wheel, he realized it was a little corny, but he wanted a couple minutes just to have you to himself. He found himself looking at you rather than the view of the city, grabbing your chin so you'd look at him and he dipped his head down, meeting you in a kiss. "Te amo, hermosa," he whispered, his lips moving towards your earlobe as he nibbled slightly. You took a minute to let the words process, and even though you had never really experienced what being in love was like, you found yourself coming to the realization that you were in love with Miguel O'Hara. "I love you," you said, your hand on his cheek as you looked at him before meeting him for another kiss.
You and Miguel had ended up at his dorm after the carnival ended, tongues and mouths clashing as he pinned you against the wall. He took off his shirt and you finally snapped back to it, looking up at him nervously. "Miguel. I'm a virgin," you said, breaking the silence in the room and you saw his eyes flicker into something.. darker. "We don't have to anything you don't want to, chula," he assured you, taking in note of your reaction as he rested his hand on your waist. You took a moment to think about this, really think about this, before looking up at him with a ghost of a smile on your lips. "Can we just try oral for tonight?" you asked, rubbing the back of your neck.
He swore he could've came right then and there with the way you asked him, nodding mindlessly as he went to his bed. He cleared some of his biology books off it, laying down as he looked over you at you. "Sit on my face, princesa," he said, nonchalantly, as he saw the redness start to creep up on your cheeks. You started taking your clothes off, looking at him from the edge of the bed as you nibbled down on your bottom lip. "Are you sure I won't crush your face?" You asked, letting out a little yelp as Miguel pulled you onto the bed. You rested on his lap, his hands settled on your hips as he looked up at you. "You won't hurt me," he reassured you, drawing small circles on your thighs with his fingers.
You slightly hovered above his face as he began to lick a stripe down your pussy, letting out a muffled moan as his hands pressed down on your thighs. “I thought I told you to sit on my face, not hover,” he said, slapping your ass before he pushed your hips down. You fell down to his expecting face, your hands immediately gripping the headboard as you felt his tongue plunge into you. His hands grip on your thighs as he continued to lick and suck on your pussy, your juices coating his lips in the most delicious way possible. Your hands tangled in his hair, tugging on the strands gently and he let out a moan, the vibrations making you grind against his face.
He encouraged you to grind on his face, moving your hips against his face as his tongue continued to lick in your pussy, plunging in the most delicious angle possible. He replaced his tongue with his fingers, scissoring them to work his way in as his mouth closed around your engorged clit. His tongue ran small circles around your clit, his fingers working in tandem as he curled them, hitting that spot inside of you. You moved your hips against his fingers, moaning out incoherent strings of his name as you felt something building up in your lower stomach. "Miguel, I feel like I have to pee," you moaned out, but he continued with his ministrations, only intensifying them after you said that. Your back arched as you released into his mouth, looking down to see him licking his lips and the side of his mouth. "Que deliciosa," he said with a small chuckle, getting you off of him. (how delicious)
You looked down at the obvious bulge in his pants, seeing his almost pained expression and he was about to reassure you that you didn't need to return anything, but you got down on your knees rendering him speechless. You slid off his boxers, picking up some of the precum with your finger and licking it off. "Tell me if you want me to something different, okay?" You told him before you brought your mouth closer to his reddening tip. You started off sucking it slowly, his hands making their way to your hair while one of your hands started to pump his length. You took more of him in your mouth, getting adjusted to how big he was before you started to bob your head. He let out soft moans and whispers of your name as you continued, feeling in complete bliss as you did so. You looked up at him, your doe eyes almost making him come right then and there as his hand worked on guiding your head, never forcing you.
He felt himself coming closer to that edge as you licked on a vein, feeling goosebumps forming on his skin. You took all of his cock in your mouth, feeling your eyes water as you adjusted to having him in so deep. You looked up at him and he let out a raggedy moan as he came in your mouth, maintaining eye contact with you. He helped you get up from the floor, dipping his head down to meet you for a kiss.
He cleaned in between your thighs with a warm washcloth, cleaning himself off as well before walking over to his dresser. He took out a shirt, handing it to you with a small smile. "Stay the night," he offered, looking at you expectantly. You nodded, taking the shirt from him and putting it on, the material falling over you like a dress. You both laid down on his bed, your breathing in tandem as you laid on his chest. "You're not pissed off we didn't have sex right?" You asked out of the blue, not wanting this thing you had going on with Miguel to end. He let out a small laugh, his hand stroking your hair as he answered, "Claro que no, mi amor. Even if it's not with me, don't let anyone pressure you into something you're not ready for." You couldn't help but feel your heart melt a bit as he spoke, your legs tangling with his. "When I do feel ready.. I'd like for it to be with you," you whispered, kissing his cheek. (of course not)
Peter had seen the events at the fair, shocked to say the least, at how obvious Miguel was being with his feelings towards you. He decided to give Miguel a wake up call tomorrow, remind him that this was all part of the deal, that he wasn't meant to be going out and falling in love with you. He knew how it ended with his last girlfriend, Xina, and how detached he had been from everything, a shell of his former self.
You walked over to Miguel's dorm, about to knock on the door when you heard him talking with Peter about something. You didn't mean to eavesdrop, obviously, but you were also curious to know what his friend's opinion was about you. "Dude, don't lose track of what we're doing here. you're not supposed to actually fall in love with her," you heard Peter say, your eyes widening a bit as Miguel let out a chuckle. "As if I could actually fall in love with her. she's nothing but just another bet, man."
The words rung through your ears, but you blinked back the tears that were threatening to come out as you forced yourself to knock on Miguel's door. you saw the surprise flash across his face for a split second, exchanging a look with Peter before looking back at you stoically. You wanted to cry, you wanted to beat yourself up for being so stupid and falling for his charms the same you'd reprimanded your friends, but you swallowed that all back and simply said,
"I left my biology textbook in here."
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wonily · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🎀﹕butterflies, butterflies!
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♡ — giving enhypen butterflies
warnings : mentions of food & metaphorically passing out (ni-ki's part)
[ lily’s rambles : another repost from my old blog <3 this was one of my favorites and... i wrote it during my first period class ]
other members under the cut!
heeseung !
when heeseung put up an ad for a roommate (to split costs because he’s a broke college student :<) he did not expect a very, very cute person to see the ad. when he opened the door the day you were supposed to take a tour of the apartment, he did not expect to see a very, very cute person in front of him.
except he did :D and he forgot how to breathe. you were so cute !! and you were just smiling at him from his doorway with the biggest, kindest, brightest smile ever and he had to shake himself out of his trance to welcome you into his apartment. and that’s when he saw the steam rising and he could’ve sworn that his heart exploded.
you were holding a tray of ramen :( the same one he said he really liked on the ad he had posted. he had to stop himself from dramatically falling to his knees and clutching his heart because butterflies just exploded inside of him because wowie he thinks he just met the one, the only love of his life.
jay !
GAHH!!! you’ve broken him from the moment he laid eyes on you but he’s never going to let you know that. you were a new employee at the cute little dessert cafe he frequented and the moment he walked in, you took his breath away and replaced it with butterflies.
considering it was your first day, you didn’t know his usual coffee order so he took it as an opportunity to talk to you and when you told him it was your first day, he even asked you what your favorite dessert was !!
you shyly handed him his order and he retreated to the table that he always sat at (that was seemingly reserved just for him at this point) and his coffee tasted even better today because you had made it.
before he left, he bought the dessert that you had said was your favorite, smiled kindly, and handed it to you, now effectively leaving you flustered and, because he comes in everyday, him buying you a dessert became a tradition because he was still a little too scared to ask you out :< but it’s all worth it because the butterflies in his stomach go crazy around you.
jake !
he met you at the dog park while he was with layla :( layla was so happy to be running out and about, especially with her other friends that she had met the other times she’d come to this dog park.
but !! she spotted a new little dog shyly hiding behind someone (your) leg and immediately ran up to it and barked happily. the dog whimpered, still scared of its new surroundings and jake, seeing this, ran to tell layla to relax a little and he did, but he immediately closed his mouth after because he saw you and you were so cute :(
you giggled and assured him that it was okay and your dog would eventually warm up to layla and he just nodded because he was too scared to open his mouth, because he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from blurting out “YOU’RE CUTE”.
but he eventually started conversing with you because your dog was now besties with layla and they were practically attached to each other and then, he regained his confidence and asked you to go to the park again because layla would miss your dog :(((
sunghoon !
there’s no specific thing that you do that gives sunghoon butterflies… it’s more like your whole existence just makes his heart flutter. for example, when he first saw you outside the ice rink.
it was just a passing glance, he was just scoping out the area to make sure that he didn’t have to hide and the moment his eyes fell on you, he actually thought he was part of a kdrama where they play excessive music during an intense staring scene except he was the only one staring.
but of course, life is not a kdrama and he entered the ice skating rink. but, it turns out, he was absolutely positively wrong because his life is a kdrama !! he was just minding his own business, doing a little twirl in the air when he felt himself collide with someone and he immediately turned around to see you on the ice.
he helped you up, stammering apologies profusely and he was absolutely mortified when he realized that you were the very, very cute person he had seen outside. he was kind of frozen for a couple seconds as you assured him that you were fine and :DDD sunghoon’s back !! so what does he do? he takes on his ice prince duties and offers to buy you a hot chocolate (and when he doesn’t buy one for himself, he says it’s because he doesn’t like hot chocolate but that’s a lie !! he’s just feeling all warm and fluffy inside because you give him butterflies !!)
sunoo !
sunoo didn’t even realize he had a crush on you :< he’s always assumed that the fluttering feeling in his stomach when he saw you were simply friendly feelings because he’s always had such a bright outlook on life.
but oh, did he forget how to breathe when one day, you walked into class and gave him the brightest smile he’s ever seen. it was like fresh flowers were blooming out of his chest and butterflies were fluttering around in his heart and that was when he decided your smile was his happiness.
and from that day on, he tried his best to make you smile because the only thing that made him happier than your smile was the fact that he was the reason for your precious smile.
he literally lives for your smile :> if the two of you weren’t close before, you certainly are now because bit by bit you became friends and you, of course, have no problem with it because he’s literal sunshine !! and you smile whenever he smiles so :3 it’s a win-win for both of you– you smile and his heart goes boom boom !!
jungwon !
jungwonnie was just walking home one day from school when he felt raindrops starting to fall from the sky :( and he didn’t want to get wet so he zoomed into the nearest flower shop only to find himself face to face with the cutest person he had ever seen in his life (you, who quite coincidentally goes to his school & whom he’s had the biggest crush on for a good part of high school)
his cheeks went all pink, which is saying something because his cheeks are naturally rosy, and he stammered an apology. your smile made him so flustered and he was so scared that you’d think he was weird :( and he just zoomed right back out of there.
but then !! then !! he heard a tiny voice shouting back at him, “jungwon, jungwon, wait!!” and he turned around to see you running after him, with an umbrella over your head. you handed him the umbrella, flashed a smile, and ran back into the flower shop with your hands over your head.
jungwon just stood there stunned for the longest time before he realized he was soaked in rainwater because the umbrella you had given him was held loosely by his side. he ended up running home that day with your umbrella with the biggest smile on his face and that night, as he laid in bed, he couldn’t get your smile or your kindness or the way your hand brushed his out of his mind.
ni-ki !
it was a cold and windy day when he first felt the butterflies but it was a very welcome feeling because he felt like he was going to freeze into a popsicle while waiting in line for bungeoppang.
but when he walks up to the bungeoppang stall, he’s internally freaking out because oh my gosh !! the person working (you, a high school student in need of money) is so cute !!
his throat felt all dry when he tried to ask for one bungeoppang and when he finally did, you laughed and he nearly passed out from how pretty your laugh sounded. and then your hand brushed against his when you handed him his bungeoppang, which was bundled warmly in a napkin and he only managed to splutter a little ‘thank you!’ before practically zooming away, cheeks burning.
he came back every single day after that without a fail. he eventually got to the point of holding cute little conversations with you but it took some time because he was so shy :&lt;
he always managed to slip in a little joke in your conversations just to hear you laugh and warm happiness would bubble in his chest whenever you did. and don’t tell anyone but he was so glad you never really questioned him.
of course, you just thought he really, really liked bungeoppang and don’t get him wrong, of course he loves bungeoppang (especially now because it brought him to meet you) but he likes you so much more.
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saetoru · 1 year
Rich boy reo in college sounds so cute!!! Because you're probably his first real love (and maybe even his first partner), and he would literally buy the world from you,(also, he probs doesn't have an idea how normal, healthy relationships work bc all of his sources come from like, super stereotyped and cliche media about how girls love expensive things, jewelry and money and shoes). And I picture his first real date with you is not at a fancy five star restaurant , but rather something like instant fire noodles ramen outside a conbini, so he's a little bit unsure, y'know this man has a personal chef at home cooking all kinds of extravagant food, until he actually tastes it and now he's addicted to the "broken collage student" diet. He's just so glad to experience new thing with you, even if they might seem mundane to you.
✩ — contents ⋮ introducing to you all: college au! rich boy! reo as your boyfriend—this time in your adventures, he tries a powdered donut for the first time
✩ — note ⋮ if you’ve been around for rb! gojo, you know the drill ;) also nonnie ty for the ask it was so cute
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“what is that?” he asks, unsure. you look at him like he’s grown two heads.
“it’s a powdered donut, reo,” you raise a brow, “have you never seen one?”
“who powders donuts?” he tilts his head. it’s a bit cute, the slight pout on his face as he tries to decipher your odd little snack, the crinkle of his brow as he thinks deeply. “what’s it filled with?”
“nothing. i don’t like jelly donuts.”
“jelly?” he gapes, “just what do they feed you?”
“what do they feed you?” you ask incredulously. he shrugs, thinking about it deeply like it’s something he can’t hope to list all in one go.
“whatever my pastry chef makes, i guess,” he hums, “my dad had this one come from france once, and he made these—”
“eat this,” you hand him the donut, cutting him off as you purse your lips. “you’re not normal until you do.”
“my mom says those are bad for you,” he says like some kind of know-it-all kid—you suppose in a way, he is. “she says processed foods are not good for—”
“reo,” you say with a roll of your eyes, “your mom doesn’t love you if she doesn’t want you to have a powdered donut.”
“hey,” he pouts, “that’s not true. she’s just looking out for me—”
“just a bite,” you insist, holding it out to him as he eyes it like it’s poison in your hand, “i’ll even feed you,” you tease, reaching to pinch his cheek.
he grumbles, swats your hand away as he blushes and huffs a little at your smug grin—but ultimately, he caves, leaning forward and taking a small, hesitant bite of the confectionery in your hand.
the reaction is just what you expect: he chews, then he furrows his brows, and then he looks at you incredulously. you smile at him with a knowing look on your face as he snatches the last few bites of your donut from your hand—you can’t even be mad that he’s stolen your snack.
“why did my mother never let me have these?” he whines, “i’ve been missing out my whole childhood.”
“i’m sure you were doing just fine with private pastry chefs from france, baby,” you snort, reaching to thread your fingers through his hair as his head rests on your shoulder.
“nuh uh, they’re not like these,” he holds up his (your) nearly gone donut for emphasis, “these taste like pure sugar. i love it.”
“yeah they’re great,” you chuckle, “welcome to the lower class.”
“shut up,” he huffs, shuffling closer to you as press a kiss to his forehead, “you’re not lower class to me. you’re the classiest, most elegant, most priceless—”
“even in my coffee stained sweats?”
“especially in those,” he nods, “i’d never seen such artistically placed stains before. i was mesmerized.”
“oh good,” you giggle, hearing his quiet laugh ring next to you as he looks up and gives you a soft grin. you lean in, pressing another gentle kiss to his forehead as he closes his eyes and hums.
“thanks,” he mumbles, making you raise a brow in question.
“for letting me experience that,” he shrugs, a bit shy as he stares down at his lap.
reo’s always been a bit out of place. he’s always been the kid with the twisty crayons and mechanical pencils that the other kids stared at jealously. he’s always worn the brands no one can even pronounce as everyone around him went shopping together. he’s always eaten freshly packed lunch with a balanced nutrition while everyone else got soda from the vending machines.
a part of you feels bad for reo, feels a small bit of sympathy for the way he never really knows what to say or what to add in a conversation he can’t really relate to. you always watch him trip over his words when people complain about insane gas prices and the way eggs do not need to be that much per dozen.
so you smile warmly, grab his hand and lace your fingers as you grin, “experience a powdered donut?” you tease, making him huff, “oh, baby, wait till you hear about cupcakes.”
“i’ve had cupcakes,” he says indignantly, turning away from you with a pout.
“not the kind with cheap sprinkles,” you hum. “you’ll love them.”
something tells him he will, that here—with his head on your shoulder and your fingers in his hair, with store brought sweets that his mother would have heart failure seeing—here he’s just a guy, a normal guy who’s in love and that’s all there is to it.
“i love you,” he says quietly.
you smile, lean down and press a kiss to his mouth as you teasingly lick off the small bit of powdered sugar on his lips. “yeah, i love you too,” you hum, “but i would love it more if you didn’t steal my snacks next time.”
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i lub him :( *holds reo in one arm and satoru in the other* these are my rich and spoiled lil pumpkins :(
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evilminji · 4 months
Back on my DpxNaruto ideas cause there's room for SHENANIGANS~!
You ever go on a BIT of a road trip? To a Really Good Restaurant you've heard exsists waaaaay that away? And it's far... but not Unreasonably Far(TM)? You could make it a day trip! Maybe check out the surrounding area! Buy some other stuff or see the sights.
You got a long weekend.
And you heard it's REAL good.
Imagine~! If you will! Broke ass, scruffy, Built Like His Father, Feral Like His Mother, "just here for the snacks, man" type College Student type Danny! A GIANT. Perpetually reeks of engineering oils and the unplace-able yet universally familiar scent of Ectoplasm. And? Probably whatever high-end self care products Sam's mom sends her, since Tucker can't use um.
He eats like a bottomless VOID because somehow he's STILL growing. Will be for centuries. Long after his HUMAN half stops? His ghost half is gonna keep going.
Sucks, man. :/
He hungy.
But he already SPENT his monthly budget on that part he desperately needed. And cheap ramen sucks after the fifth meal in a row. And it's not like he can go fishing or anything. So what to do???
Visit... lunch lady? Maybe? He considers?
He figures "Why Not?". Makes a portal and lazily floats towards the Box-Lady Lair. But? So deep in though is he? He doesn't look where he's GOING and *gentle bonk* oop! Oh man! He's so sorry!
Some giant dude in armor with a HUGE mane of hair. The guy just laughs good naturedly, says it's fine. And turns out? They're going the same way! He's part of Lunch Lady's Cooking Club. Oh, sweet! Danny's heard she started one of those...
But wait! If he's heading over? Is the club NOW?
No, no! He's assured. The guy also watchs Lunch Box for them. He's good with kids, comes with being part of a big clan.
They get talking. Danny fascinated. Ninjas, huh? Cool. And that's when? The guy drops, with no small amount of pride, the little tidbit.... that oh by the way~ no big DEAL~☆
But WE produced some of the BEST cooks in the ENTIRE known world.
Okay now he HAS to try this food. This guy is waxing poetic about it. Descriptions that make him actively drool. Mentioning how this aunt ran THIS stall and that nephew was learning at THAT restaurant. And Danny just? W... Where did you say this was?
Hell yeah! Direction? Achieved!
Danny gonna get him some FANCY BBQ! \( ^ - ^ )/
Smash cut to him making a day of it. Finding the right area. Asking around. Trading some stuff from the Speeder to a dude for not only the location body but permission to take his wallet. Guy says he can have it in return for a travel chess set and a proper grave. Nice!
So he locks up the Speeder, squeezes past the weird "Summon Realms" bubbles, dodges the SUPER cranky Shinigami, aaaaand? We're in! BBQ here we come! It's takes like? Basically nothing to find the guy's body. He's supposed to burn it, put it in an urn, and deliver it to one of some Deer clan near the BBQ shop. Along with his stuff.
Hope they don't mind ice urns.
Just? Imagine A Void. Like Vanta Black. A hole in the world in the shape of where a man SHOULD be. Where ANYTHING should be. You can see through it, the color of simple existence fighting to make your eyes overlook What Is Not. Were it 2D, you know you would be able to see it clearly, but in the presence of a third dimension?
It's Not There.
You are LOOKING at it... and everything it is, is Empty. Void. A perfect Nothing.
Not hot or cold, neither light nor dark, just... Not There. With Chakra being present in all life. Air, the soil beneath you, all of it. This is? A perfect shadow upon the world. No suppressed Chakra, no hidden bloodline trick.
It's like the Patron Spirit(s) of the Ino-Shika-Cho decided to come and visit.
Or, more accurately, the SON of one such spirit decided to sneak off and visit. He has the height, the hunger, and the gregarious nature. The perfect shadow, the black hair, and the incredible intelligence. And those blue eyes? The ability to dive into bodies and take them over? (He wanted to see if he could do it WHILE his "new friend" was doing it to someone)
Most terrifying, though? APPARENTLY his mother? Was some Uzumaki Spirit. Red hair, purple eyes, his dad fell in love with her at first ass-kicking defeat. Terrifying women and Nara's, man. Good to know it even transcends biology. Even their GAURDIAN SPIRITS fall to it.
Now the question?
What sort is THIS one? And can they, POLITELY, make it leave?
@babbling-babull @lolottes @ailithnight @nerdpoe @hdgnj @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter
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wonwooslibrary · 11 months
in other words, i love you | ksy
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member: soonyoung x gn!reader genre: fluff, light angst, roommates!au, 4+1 things, dance student!soonyoung, student!reader, technically college!au but it's not mentioned word count: 2009 summary: four times you jokingly confess to soonyoung, and the one time he seriously confesses to you. warnings: swearing, an argument, a couple loving shoulder smacks bc i think they're cute, mentions of food/eating, y/n bullies soonyoung but it's all loving don't worry! author's note: i finished this after months instead of writing the wonwoo birthday thing that i'm supposed to post in like ten days lmao oops but a big shout out to @kthpurplesyou for beta reading this for me!! bee, i love u sm you've become such a good friend of mine over the past couple months !! i love all your writing and aaaa ur just amazing thank you !!! i am now on my way to work so have a wonderful day everyone & enjoy some short soonyoung fluff <3
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The First. 
What is one thing that everyone wishes was free all the time? Of course, it’s food, and you were definitely someone who loved free food. So, when you saw the new ramen and boba place in the local mall was open, you were convinced. Your goal for today: get Soonyoung to pay for your lunch..
“Soonie, you love me, don’t you?” you questioned your best friend, tugging a bit on his sleeve. 
“I cannot believe you even had to ask that! Of course I do!” He wrapped his arms around your shoulders in a quick, but meaningful hug. 
“Okay so, if you love me like you say you do…” your voice droned on. “You should totally take me to the new boba shop. Please!” you held out the end of the word, begging the man.
Soonyoung looked away from you and moved his gaze to the ceiling of the store before he sighed. 
Exhaling loudly, he grabbed your hand and walked with you towards the restaurant. You quickly cheered with the hand that wasn’t in Soonyoung's. 
After arriving and ordering, you picked an empty booth to sit in as you both waited for your order number to be called.
"Thanks for paying, Soonie." 
Soonyoung smiled, his teeth showing. "You're welcome, I-" He was interrupted by the sound of their order number being called. 
Soonyoung stood up. "I'll grab them." 
“Are you sure? It might be a lot for you to carry by yourself,” you tried to stand up to help. “Let me help you.” 
Soonyoung put his hand on your right shoulder and lightly pushed you to sit down again. “It’s fine, I got it.” 
Coming back to the table from the second (and last) trip to get their food, Soonyoung sat back down across from you, making quick work of taking his wooden chopsticks apart. 
Immediately picking up your boba, you began swinging your legs a bit before speaking with a bright smile. 
Lifting his head up from his rice to look at you, Soonyoung smiled brightly. "Yeah?" 
"I love you," you took another sip of your tea. "And boba. I think I love boba more though." 
Soonyoung laughed. "I'm starting to think that you like the boba more than my friendship."
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The Second. 
“Hey Y/N, do you want to do something today?” 
Looking up from your novel, you focused your gaze on Soonyoung. “It depends. Where do you want to go?” 
“They opened a new arcade down the street from that bookstore you really like. I wanted to check it out sometime, so I was just thinking that you could  join me.” 
You smiled. “Of course I’ll go with you Soon! Give me like ten minutes to get ready?” You gestured to the pajamas that you were currently lounging in. 
“Of course! I’m so excited!” Soonyoung sprinted off back to his room, most likely preparing the most ridiculous outfit imaginable. 
You shook your head and got up from the couch after placing the receipt-bookmark on the page before closing the novel. 
After getting dressed and grabbing a quick snack from the kitchen, you sat and waited patiently for Soonyoung, who sprinted down the stairs and stumbled about half way through, tripping a bit and catching himself on the wall. 
Of course, as one does when their best friend almost faceplants, you laugh. “Good going. You should do that again so I can record it.” 
Soonyoung, peeling himself from the wall, gave you an exasperated look. “Ha ha ha,” he walked into the kitchen. “Very funny.” 
You looked up at him. “You’re right. It was.” 
Soonyoung smacked your shoulder lightly before grabbing his keys off the counter. “You ready to go?” 
“Yeah, I’m good. Let’s go.” 
About twenty minutes later, you learned that you should never agree to going to an arcade with Soonyoung. You watched from the sidelines, sweating, as he absolutely demolished the DDR machine he found in the corner of the small inner-city arcade. 
Winning another round (and yet again breaking the highest score), Soonyoung got off the arrow-covered platform and walked to where you were sitting. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to challenge me again? I can go easy on you!” Soonyoung smiled, his gums showing. 
Laughing loudly, you argued with the man. “If you think I’m getting back on that,” you looked at the platform in disgust. “Thing, you’re absolutely insane. I love you so damn much Soonyoung, but you can’t pay me to get back on that.” 
Soonyoung scoffed. “It’s not that hard!”  “I’m sure you don’t think it is!”
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The Third. 
The first thing you noticed after the countless minutes of sitting in this brightly lit room was that it was hot. You were leaning against the wall, phone on a tripod focused on Soonyoung’s movements in the wall-length mirror. 
“Soonyoung!” you whined. Across the large room, Soonyoung looked up from the ground, his thoughts interrupted. 
“Is there no air conditioning here? Like come on, it’s a dance practice room! Do they expect their dancers to die from heat every day?” 
Soonyoung smiled, “They’re working on fixing it right now. Something broke somewhere in the building so now the whole floor is not getting AC.” 
“That’s awful. Terrible. A crime to humanity!”
“Yeah, tell me about it. I'm here every day. Though, they said it should be done within the next couple of days, so don’t worry about it.” 
Soonyoung begins the music again, and he begins dancing his routine, movements sharp and well crafted. But, as Soonyoung dances, the temperature of the room increases, and there is only so much a couple of revolving fans can do. 
When Soonyoung is done dancing, he turns to face you. “How was that?” 
You nodded and clapped. “It was amazing! Though, I’m dying. You’re lucky I love you, otherwise I would have left an hour ago.” 
Soonyoung smiled. “But you like the dance? I’ve been working on it for a while and I really just want to be done with it.” 
“Yeah! It’s amazing. You know that every dance you do is going to be perfect by the end of it! You’re incredibly talented!” 
“Thanks, Y/N. Let’s go back before you melt into a puddle that I have to mop up off the floor.” 
“We both know if that happened, you’d be making Chan mop the floor. There’s no way you’d do it yourself.”
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The Fourth. 
The movie that was playing at full volume on Soonyoung’s TV was not your first choice, and you made that extremely clear to Soonyoung as you both sat next to each other on the couch for your weekly movie night. 
“I just don’t understand why you’d want to watch a horror movie when you know that you’re going to be more scared than the characters on the damn TV!” you argued to your best friend. 
“Oh, come on you scaredy cat! It’s not going to be too bad! Jihoon said this one wasn’t that bad!” 
Wrapping yourself in the blanket Soonyoung kept on the couch, you refuted the statement. “There is a 99 percent chance that Jihoon was saying that just to fuck with you in hopes you get so scared you call him crying so he can laugh at you.” 
Soonyoung thought about your statement for a second before wrapping his arm around you. “Okay, while you do have a point there,” he began, “I don’t think Jihoon hates me that much!” 
“While he might not hate you that much, he doesn’t love you like I do---of course he’d pull a useless prank on you like that.” Once the words came out of your mouth, you could feel your heart start beating faster at the words you just said. It feels…different, somehow. 
“Of course! He can’t love me nearly as much as you do!” Soonyoung yays, hugging you and rubbing his hair into your cheek.
Grimacing, you complain, “Okay, okay, please get your greasy hair off of my face.” Placing one of your hands on Soonyoung’s hairline, you push him away. 
Soonyoung lets go of the hug and leans to the other direction, pouting. “Y/N doesn’t love me anymore!”
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The One. 
“Soonyoung! Did you seriously?” you mutter to yourself. After a long day in classes and stressing about the endless amount of assignments you have to do, the last thing you wanted was to come home to the shared apartment and see piles of dirty dishes by the sink. Of course, it wasn’t only the dishes that upset you: the living room was a mess of snack wrappers and empty water bottles and the TV was still on, the sleep screen lighting up the living room. The couch and coffee table were both pushed out of the way to create Soonyoung’s mini dance studio in the living room. 
“Kwon Soonyoung! Where are you?” you yelled up the stairs. 
Soonyoung peeked his head out of his bedroom door to see you halfway up the stairs. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Did you forget to do something?” Soonyoung tilted his head, thinking. 
“I don’t think I forgot to do anything? Why?”
“The sink is filled with dishes! Didn’t you say you were going to stop doing that? And the living room is a mess! None of the furniture is put back and there are wrappers everywhere! You promised that you wouldn’t leave stuff around all the time!” you angrily tell your best friend off. 
“I’m sorry! I forgot about it, I’ll go clean everything right now!” Soonyoung came out of his room and headed towards the stairs. 
“No, it's fine. I got it, just-” you sighed heavily. “Actually remember to do your chores next time, and put the living room back together.” With that, you walked back down the stairs to the kitchen, but Soonyoung was hot on your tail. 
“It’s not fine! The dishes were my chore and it’s my mess in the living room, just- move and I’ll do it.” Soonyoung began cleaning the dishes out of the sink in order to fill it with water. 
You tilted your head down to the floor, eyes watering. The angry reaction you had was finally hitting you, making you feel terrible about yelling at your best friend. 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you, Soon.” You wiped a tear off your face. “I really d-didn’t mean to. I've just had an awful day and I didn’t think about what I was doing or saying.” 
Soonyoung turned to face you, hands covered in suds. “Y/N, it’s fine. Please don’t cry,” he wiped his hands on the closest towel to him before wrapping his hands around your upper arms and making eye contact. 
“I promise everything is fine -- you were right to yell at me, because I did promise you I would stop doing these things. I love you, Y/N, more than anything, and that doesn’t stop just because you told me off for something.” 
Your eyes widened as Soonyoung kept talking. This action led Soonyoung to make a similar face, finally realizing what he said. 
“You…love me? That much?” you questioned in a meek voice, still wide-eyed. 
Soonyoung’s cheeks turned red and he looked away before whispering a small, “Yeah, I do.” 
When he finally looked back at you, he smiled. “Yeah,” he spoke louder. “I didn’t mean to say it in this context,” He looked around quickly. “But I guess now is better than never.” 
The dried tears on your cheeks begin to stiffen, but it doesn’t stop you from smiling as widely as physically possible. “I love you too, Soonie.” 
You wrapped your arms around your best friend newfound lover, tightly squeezing. Of course, Soonyoung hugged you back. 
You both quickly pulled apart when two voices scared you. 
“Soonyoung? Are you guys done making out in the middle of the kitchen?” 
“Hi, Y/N!” 
Turning around, you saw Soonyoung’s friends, Seungkwan and Seokmin. 
“Hi guys,” you began. “I guess that explains the living room being a mess?” you ask Soonyoung. 
He nods, laughing a bit. “Yeah.”
You smile. Of course. 
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puer-aurea · 6 months
On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
Sick/Injury for Mounders "You've had worse. You'll live." College Life AU CW: Mentions of alcohol/hangover
Bdubs had the worst hangover of his life. And, to make it worse, he got the flu from his roommate, Joel. In an attempt to help, Joel texted their mounders group chat to bring some stuff for him. It took a lot of snot filled begging, but Bdubs convinced him to not mention the hangover so Pearl wouldn't scold him. "If you hadn't let Scar convince you to go to that party, you wouldn't be hungover right now." Joel said from his spot by Bdubs' bedroom door. "I KNOW!!" Bdubs groaned and rolled over so he didn't have to face him. "He didn't even have to convince you, did he?" "NO! He asked one time and said Impulse was going too so I agreed! I didn't even try to say no. Gah, that Scar. He's too charismatic." "You don't seem to think very highly of your brother." "No, I do! It's just- every time I go to a party with him, I get the worst hang over. He's bad luck!" "You just can't handle your alcohol." A feminine voice came from outside the door. "Pearl! You weren't supposed to knoooow." Bdubs groaned agained. "Hey Pearl." Joel greeted her after opening Bdubs' bedroom door for her to come in. "Hi Joel, Hi Bdubs. Mumbo's coming with some stuff that should help. If we had known you were hungover too, he could've brought Tylenol." Pearl walked over to the bed to check Bdubs' forehead. "He'll probably bring some anyway. You know how he is about health." Joel said right as there was a knock at the door. "I got it." He went to the dorm door and opened it to reveal their mustached friend, though a mask was covering his lower face. "Hey Mumbo, how many times do we have to tell you you don't have to knock?" He opened the door fully to let him in. "I'm being polite! I brought a lot of stuff that I thought could be useful." Mumbo showed the grocery bags of stuff in his hand. They walked down to Bdubs' room and waited as Pearl finished lecturing him about drinking too much. "How do you feel, BdoubleO?" Mumbo stayed just outside the door. "AWFUL! I feel dead!" "You've had worse. You'll live." Pearl told him as she looked through the bags of stuff Mumbo brought. She grabbed the Tylenol (Joel was right, of course Mumbo would bring some) and poured two in her hand before giving them to Bdubs. He took them with the cup of water on his nightstand and laid back down with a groan. "This sucks." "I think you two should put a mask on, I brought extra." Mumbo held out a pack of facemasks for Joel and Pearl. "Yeah, why not." Joel took one while Pearl declined. "What foods did you bring?" She asked. "Oh, yes, I'm so hungry." Bdubs made a motion of rubbing his stomach. "Some different soups, ramen, rice. Easy things, basically." Mumbo answered. "Well, Bdubs, what sounds good?" Pearl turned her attention back to him. "Chicken ramen?" "I brought that, yeah. I'll go make it." Mumbo left Pearl and Joel to keep Bdubs company. Joel had to help Bdubs eat a bit but he was mostly fine on his own. With his friends taking good care of him, it only took a couple days before he was feeling better. But, they wouldn't get a rest because a couple days after that, Pearl would tell the groupchat that she was sick now (to which Mumbo said she should've used a mask).
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thru-the-grapevine · 2 years
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No meet cutes in this household. Only meet stupids.
Pairing: Wooyoung x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1883
Genre: Stupid. Also fluff.
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Wooyoung’s entrance into your life was about as dramatic as the rest of him. You were intending to have a completely normal Tuesday afternoon, eagerly looking forward to stocking up on ice cream and ramen to treat yourself at home. 
However, the grocery store had other ideas. Inside was crowded, noisy, and far too chaotic for your taste. But the ice cream was calling. Steeling your nerves, you dashed inside, and the battle began. 
Shoving aside high schoolers and elderly folks alike, you made a beeline for the freezer section in the back of the store. There, to your dismay, the section supposed to be containing your favorite ice cream was painfully empty. All the other sections were full to bursting, but yours was gone. Abandoned by your sweet treat, you then jostled your way over to the ramen section. Surely your luck couldn’t be so bad as to find your favorite ramen out of stock too, right? 
As if the heavens themselves wanted to brag about how kind they were to you, a single ray of sunshine fell gently upon the last box of your ramen. Tears in your eyes, you shoved some college kids away and reached a trembling hand out to grab the food. 
Only for it to be snatched away by another hand. 
Horrified, you looked up at your new sworn enemy. A man around your age grinned cheekily at you. “Oops, did you want this?” he asked, his tone not the least bit apologetic.
You huffed. “Yes, actually. I was in the middle of taking it off the shelf when you took it from me,” you said, holding your hand out for him to return your precious goods.
The man had the audacity to instead shake your hand cheerfully. “Oh, guess you were too slow!” he practically sang. 
Something inside you snapped. You grabbed the box and tried yanking it out of the man’s hand. 
“Hey!” he cried, indignant. 
When his grip wouldn’t loosen, you stomped your foot down on his toes. With a yelp of pain, he let go of the box. You snatched it and dashed away. Throwing money at the cashier with a, “You can keep the change!” 
Then you made a clean getaway down the street where your apartment building stood, waiting to welcome you into its air-conditioned arms. Without bothering to see if the man was following you or not, you flung yourself inside and jammed the elevator button, all the while keeping your ramen cradled close to you. 
Turns out, you probably should’ve been paying attention to see if anyone was following you. The elevator doors didn’t even have the chance to close when the obnoxious man from the store hurled himself inside next to you. 
Fear flooded through you. Was he really that serious about a box of ramen? Was he here for revenge on you for stomping on his toes? What if he was actually a serial killer?! 
“You better make some damn good ramen,” he said. 
“Huh?” You stared at him. 
“I’m pretty sure you broke at least one of my toes, so you’re compensating me by making me ramen,” he said, a very annoying grin sliding onto his stupid, handsome face. 
“Absolutely not,” you deadpanned. 
And to your shock, the man pouted. “Aw, why not?” he whined. “I’m hungry! And you took my ramen!” 
“It was never your ramen to begin with! And if you’re hungry, go to a restaurant! Not my apartment!” you shrieked as the elevator doors slid open on your floor. 
“Your apartment is closer,” he said, trailing after you like a lost puppy. “Plus no one there will be as cute as you.” 
You froze. Is he… flirting?! You whirled around, eyes narrowed. “Whatever you want from me, you can’t have it! Now leave before I call apartment security on you!” 
Sulking, the man made his way back to the elevator, dragging his feet. The last thing you saw of him was his pouty face. 
Letting out a sigh of relief, you hurried to your apartment, unlocking it, and dashing inside. Now safe, you looked at the slightly tattered box of ramen in your hands. “You better be worth it,” you mumbled. 
Over a week passed, and the event soon became a silly memory, something you could giggle about to yourself when it crossed your mind. You almost felt bad for the man. Maybe he really did just want some ramen… 
Pushing that ridiculous thought out of your mind, you brought your focus back to the matter at hand. You and your friends were out for a night at your favorite bar, celebrating a friend’s birthday. 
You watched as the birthday girl did four shots in a row, laughing as she stumbled onto the dance floor to make an absolute fool of herself. You were glad she was having fun. 
Sipping your drink, your eyes wandered the bar. Stopping at the person sitting next to you.  A man you didn’t know was staring very intently at you. Chills ran down your spine, but you kept up a polite facade, giving him a nod and looking away. 
The strange man did not get the hint. They never do. Instead, he scooted closer to you and started trying to hit on you. You wondered if he’d ever done such a thing before in his entire life. 
“Hey baby, did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” 
No. No, he’s definitely new to this. 
You smiled politely and said, “I’m not interested in dating right now, thanks.” 
The man, as men are wont to do, decided that was an insult to him personally. “You slut, who says I wanted to date you?” 
You resisted the urge to sass him back, and called the bartender for your tab. Enough was enough. The birthday girl was in the laps of three men and two women (good for her). You wouldn’t be missed. 
Grumbling, the man watched you pay through narrowed eyes. You spared him no extra glance as you made your way out of the bar. 
The cool night air felt amazing after the drinks and the heat of the bar. You sighed happily. Tomorrow was Saturday, which meant no work, which meant you could sleep in as long as you felt. 
A swing in your step, you decided to walk home since the weather was nice, and your shoes weren’t killing your feet for once. 
People passed by you in a blur, laughing or talking on their phones, each with their own lives, their own stories. You paid them no mind as you hummed to yourself, admiring the new streetlights the city put in recently. 
Perhaps, if you’d been paying better attention, you would have noticed the man stalking carefully behind you.  Maybe you would have noticed the way his eyes held only malice. 
But you didn’t. 
Instead you noticed the cute couples on their way home from dinner. And the street vendors trying to pawn their wares off on anyone who would spare them a glance. 
You made the turn, just a block away from home, down a quiet residential street. A hand reached out and grabbed your arm, yanking you backwards. You yelped and tried not to fall over, turning around to come face to face with your “admirer” from the bar. 
Fear pushed through you in an instant. The man’s grab was strong, though he himself seemed a bit wobbly. Still, you tried pulling away from him, only to receive a snarl. “Don’t think so,” he sneered. 
You wanted to scream, call out for help, cry, do something, but instead your throat closed up on itself. Feeling helpless you let yourself go limp, becoming a deadweight. 
The man grunted, trying to pull you up. As he bent over, you watched, absolutely flabbergasted, as a foot came flying out of nowhere. It kicked the man square in the jaw, definitely breaking something, and knocked him over. 
His grip gone, you scrambled up. Your jaw all but dropped when you faced your savior. The Ramen Man. 
“Don’t touch her,” he snarled. “She owes me ramen.” 
“Oh my god, would you drop that,” you said, all the fear leaving you to be replaced by annoyance. 
“What? But I just saved you! You’re welcome, by the way,” the Ramen Man winked at you. 
“Which I appreciate. That doesn’t mean I owe you anything,” you said, turning around and marching off. 
Ramen Man quickly caught up. “Ok, yes, you don’t owe me anything, fine. But I still left a man lying on the road for you,” he said, hope in his pretty brown eyes. 
“That you did,” you said simply. 
“Wow, you’re stubborn.” 
“So are you.” 
“. . . Fair point.” 
The two of you reached your apartment building. You punched in the code and walked inside, holding the door open. Ramen Man stared at you. You stared back. 
With a sigh, you said, “Fine. At least tell me your name before I invite you inside to make you ramen as a thank you for saving me.” 
“Wooyoung. Are you really gonna make me ramen?” 
“Yes, Wooyoung,” you emphasized every syllable of his name, “now hurry up before bugs get in, and the apartment manager yells at me.” 
He scuttled inside after you, the biggest, dumbest grin on his face. “What about you?” 
You told him your name and he repeated it. You pointedly ignored the thrill that went through you at the way he said your name. It was absolutely nothing at all. 
Arriving at your apartment, you apologized for the mess, but Wooyoung almost didn’t seem to hear you. He bounced around, commenting happily on the art you hung on your walls and the cute stuffed animals you kept on your couch. 
Blushing at the attention, you waved him off and hurried to the kitchen to put the water on the stove. Wooyoung joined you, rummaging through your fridge to find some veggies. Without a word to you, he began expertly chopping them up with the knife he found. 
Absolutely befuddled that he was good at chopping vegetables, you turned your attention to the ramen you now plopped in the boiling water. You would have preferred he be utterly useless. Now your stomach had butterflies, and it was quickly growing more difficult to ignore your silly brain and its silly emotions. 
The two of you made small talk, learning small things about each other while the ramen and veggies cooked. Wooyoung leaned against the counter, looking weirdly like a model or something. It was very distracting. 
When the ramen was ready, Wooyoung spooned everything into two bowls, and you grabbed a bottle of soju from the cabinet. Popping the bottle open, you poured a glass for each of you. 
Wooyoung grinned. “Cheers to ramen!” he yelled, downing the soju in one shot. 
You couldn’t help but laugh and follow suit. 
The ramen tasted yummier than usual. You swore it was because Wooyoung chopped veggies for it, something you were usually too lazy to attempt. Wooyoung swore it was because “an absolute cutie made it special for me!”. 
Either way, as you saw Wooyoung out, he slipped you a piece of paper with his number. “Wanna do this again next week? My place? I’ll even get you flowers for our second date.”
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halliescomut · 9 months
No Subs watch of My Personal Weatherman Ep 5
There will likely be spoilers but not about any of the dialogue because I don't understand what's being said.
-Talking to....editor I guess?? Not good news 😟😟😟
-Opening credits. God these men are so pretty!!!!
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-Being depressed on your living room floor- relatable.
-Being depressed on the floor in front of your washing machine- slightly less relatable.
-The lighting in this scene is gorgeous though. Reminds me of the aquarium.
-Daddy's home!!! I mean....nah that's kinda what I meant. 😁
-As much as he adores Yoh, I know this silence is bothering him. Were Segasaki a lesser man he would get (visibly) frustrated, but he stays very gentle. 🥺🥺
-Now Daddy's cooking .... the feelings. The hand close ups. 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 (Sometimes I worry I'm a little too honest on this site.)
-Ooooohhhh. Yummy 😋😋😋
-Anyone else feel like Yoh was like a little bit pissed that Segasaki's food is so good? 🤣 That look just felt a little bit like "Goddammit! You got to be good at this too?!"
-Ooohhhh what did Segasaki say to get that response?? (Edit after continuing- I'm going to assume he was 'asking' Yoh about taking a bath.)
-That smirk 😏😏😏😏
-Segasaki's hand on Yoh's cheek. *Swoon* That deserves its own compilation I think.
-Now we're in the tub 🛀 and Segasaki wants to know why Yoh is so sad. (Remember these are guesses, I can't understand unless it's one of about 15 Japanese words I know...or their names.)
-Yes more affection via hair drying!!! One of my favorite things!!! (Surprised it's not a Dyson blow dryer. I keep seeing them in so many shows, even ones where characters are poor and it makes no sense.)
-We've never seen Segasaki's room have we??
-Yoh instigating kisses 🤭🤭🤭🤭 And more than just kisses??🫣🫣🫣~~~Okay I did have to at least Google translate that interaction, because the vibes were very odd to me. Totally makes sense with the internal monologue Yoh had going. He wants to forget....and that would help him forget. But Segasaki knows what his game is and he's not going to let him hide, literally and metaphorically.
-Yoh the sad little homemaker is depressing me.
-There's something so weird to me about drying a shirt on a hanger. I live in a clothesline household, & line dry clothes all the time, but this is just odd to me. It arguably makes more sense, since clothespins will mess up your clothes sometimes, it's just a bit jarring.
-That is why we have clothespins.
-Yummy ramen. I had that for lunch yesterday. Homemade is yummy, but instant hits different sometimes.
-I think I hate the newscaster lady just bc Yoh does 🤣. (sub solidarity)
-Man-san...Yes I still adore her. Her fashion is a VIBE!! Also her eyebrows are so dynamic. I love it.
-OMG she drew them!!! That's so cute!!!
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-IDK what she said, but I imagine it's something along the lines of "See, you make a perfect couple."
-Yoh is so cute. There's a plan for something, though I don't know what?
-They put Segasaki in all of these softly cuddly sweaters at home and I just don't know how anyone is supposed to resist cuddling him.... ykwim?
-I don't know what this conversation is about, but it feels a lot like Segasaki is saying "I can tell when you're lying to me my guy." 😬😬😬
-Did this man just bite him???🤣🤣Well I certainly saw that one, bite confirmed, and it was not a gentle nibble.
-The way Segasaki rubs his head on Yoh like a cat. 🥺😭
-Ope.....well that ended... violently.
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-I have mixed feelings about the keychain 🫤 (attempting to minimize spoilers). I understand it, & based on the dynamic of the relationship, I'm okay with it, but I fear it may cause more trouble in the future....😬
-Segasaki looks so sad. 😢😢😢
-Well the preview for next ep includes more Man-san and Mr. Man-san, which I like. According to the Twitters, we're getting complete backstory of the college stuff, which looks very interesting. Also it looks like next ep. will be two weeks away instead of one 😩😩😩😩
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bignfatpookies · 6 months
this is a story... about you. pt. 1
you were always a thin girl. Weren't you? you grew up with parents who wanted you to stay thin your entire life. so they dictated everything. they made your meals, scheduled your workouts, and dictated your friends. you were already mindless, and dependent on someone else to do things for you, weren't you? and they didn't properly prepare you to do those things alone.
and then you went to college. and lucky you... I was your roommate. Of course, I agreed to help you with meal plans, and your workout routines... so you wouldn't have to worry about anything except for graduating. I thought you needed... a little more meat on your bones.
and so... you didn't know I was feeding you... so much more. sure, your stomach feeling tight after a meal was a new feeling... but you didn't think much of it. in a passing thought, you did wonder if this was a normal amount of food to be eating... but you shrugged it off. you were already exactly how I wanted you to be. letting me do the thinking for you.
so you ate 4 meals a day. and thought nothing of it. one day I tried to push the limits of how much I could get you to eat. so for breakfast, you had scrambled eggs, 3 slices of toast, two doughnuts, and a large serving of biscuits and gravy. and you gobbled it up so fast.. telling me all about how you had never had a doughnut before. and how good my cooking was compared to your parents.
lunch was Chinese food. I ordered chicken fried rice, orange chicken, egg rolls, buttery rolls, and crab rangoons. all of this food was supposed to be shared between me and you. but you got to it before I could get any... and you ate it all, without a thought. I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to relieve myself.
mid-afternoon "snack" as you called it, but was really just a mid-afternoon meal. it was Ramen. Of course, these meals were a bit smaller, to keep you thinking they were just snacks. so you had a small plate of dumplings and some top ramen.
Dinner was Pizza. normally, I would give you around 3 or 4 slices.. but today I pushed it a little. I gave you almost half of the pizza and 4 garlic breadsticks. and watched you scarf it all down. and for dessert, I let you wash it all down with a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. god, you were so stuffed... I watched your already tight-fitting shirt hug your bloated gut, as you burped and groaned, slowly falling into a food coma on the couch.
and this is only the beginning, sweetheart. keep your eye out for Pt. 2 :)
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feedpartysubs · 4 days
“Where the fuck did it go?”
Allie searched frantically around her desk for her gym bag. She knew it was futile though, the bag was hard to miss: it was purple with pink stripes and a patch that said “bad bitch.” Still it had to be somewhere, she left it at her desk when she left work last night.
Eventually the search ended, she had to admit it was gone. Where did it go though? Would someone steal it? There wasn’t anything valuable in it except for her running shoes and workout clothes.
Maybe the cleaning crew threw it away by mistake? No, that’s be crazy.
Despite the long shot, she sent an email that morning and asked around. No one knew where it went.
It was unfortunate because those were her only workout clothes... That fit. She hated to admit the time between jobs forced her membership to lapse, and ramen while cheap caused her to gain a few. Her biggest workout clothes were the only thing that fit her now.
She didn’t get paid for another month, so buying new clothes was out of the question, and her regular wardrobe didn’t lend itself to the gym. She spent the last of her extra money on starting the gym membership again.
What was she supposed to do? She couldn’t workout in her bra and panties with bare feet. Although that creep Derek at the front desk wouldn’t mind, even if she was fatter than the last time he saw her.
The gym would have to wait until pay day when she could buy new shoes and clothes. Unless by some miracle her bag showed up again.
In the back of her mind, she worried about skipping the gym for a month. She was already the fattest she’s been since college. Sure a size 4 is hardly fat, and shape wear works wonders.
However, working in an office was new for her. The sedentary job was a change. She spent most of her life after college working retail where she stood for hours and walked miles around a store.
If being out of work and broke for a month brought on this many pounds then what then what would the sudden change in lifestyle do and not working out do?
She heard horror stories about what an office job does to the figure.
Flashbacks to her sister’s first job out of college poured in suddenly. Mercedes was rail thin all her life. She even avoided the freshman 15, but when she started working for a CPA firm upon graduating, the pounds piled on. She went from a size 0 to a size 20 by the following Christmas.
Allie asked her what happened and Mercedes told her it wasn’t any one thing. It was gradual. She said it was “Like slowly drowning in heavy cream and having to drink your way out.”
The stress certainly triggered it. Mercedes lived relatively easy until then even with deadlines in college, but the pressure of work revealed her penchant for stress eating.
When you’re at a desk it is super easy to snack, especially if you’re under pressure. There was always a bag of candy, chips or anything else that she could easy pop in her mouth as she worked nearby. That is only part of it though.
The lack of time hurts too. You don’t ever have time to cook after a long night or quite frankly the energy for it. So you eat out when you get home. Then you eat out at work because someone is always doing a lunch run. And the last thing you want to do is go to the gym after a long, stressful day.
No one ever tells you about the free food either for holidays, birthdays, Monday Motivation, Thirsty Thursdays, Taco Tuesdays, Ice Cream Wednesdays, and Flashback Fridays. Mercedes told her she was surprised she wasn’t fatter.
If Allie was honest, she was surprised too after watching Mercedes demolish food during their family Christmas dinner. It was like a black hole devouring ham, mashed potatoes, buttery green beans, yams with marshmallows, and rolls. Mercedes ate fourths of everything including a whole pie for dessert.
Her parents were just happy she was eating being from Italian and Puerto Rican families they though their daughters were always too thin, but Allie thought she’d have to cut her out of her too tight dress. She was in awe. Mercedes giant gut pushed her a foot away from the table slowly rise and fall threatening the fabric of her stretch dress as she struggled to breathe.
The once jiggly belly was rock hard and she moaned softly as she massaged the thick band of fat that used to be her taut midsection. Still struggling to breathe she asked Allie to bring her some ice cream because there were still cracks to fill...
Allie shuddered at the memory trying to push her sister’s gluttony and ecstasy from her mind. That wouldn’t be her fate. She couldn’t go to the gym, but she could still make sure to walk, do yoga at home, and eat sensibly at work. Most importantly, no snacking...
“JFC! Why won’t these go up?”
Allie found herself struggling to get the shorts over her thighs, but she managed to pull them up difficult as it may be. She didn’t want to recognize the cellulite forming at the top of them. Getting them past her butt was tougher. She had form a bit of a donk.
Bubble butts we’re in fashion so she wasn’t mad at it, but she couldn’t ignore her growing pooch. It formed a thick doughy roll over the band of the pants the next size up. She gave up on the other pair and had to admit she gotten fatter.
It had been over a month since Allie lost her gym bag and just as long since she exercised. Her resolution to walk around and do yoga after work was harder than she thought.
Sure she did it for the first few days, but after training ended and the rigors of her job began to make themselves clear. The last thing she wanted to do after a tough day was walk a few miles around her block or pull out her yoga mat.
Though loathed to admit it, Mercedes was right about that. While exercise eluded her in favor of binge watching TV to veg out, she did stick to eating sensible for a bit longer.
Salads with light dressing, high protein food and a lack of carbs comprised her diet. It didn’t last the entire month, but it wasn’t for a lack of trying. A valiant effort alone doesn’t mean much though.
Her cubie was a villain in her mind, subconsciously, at least. Katrina was her height a little south of 5’5”, gorgeous, vivacious, and funny. More importantly she was chubby. Easily as big as Mercedes when she saw her at Christmas after she graduated.
While Allie loved Katrina and they vibed well as cubies, she was a notorious snacked. There was never a time when her desk wasn’t adorned with mini chocolates, chips, peanuts or any other goodies she could find.
It was a minefield of empty calories that Allie managed to avoid. For a while, at least, but Katrina was charming and persistent. A classic pusher, and she wanted to inject Allie with pure uncut lard, as far as she was concerned.
She consistently told Allie she should have a snack. “You’re always so high strung, have a chocolate and it’ll help take your mind off work...”
Her resolve was strong for a few weeks, but a few days of tough customers and she had to admit she deserved to treat herself. Katrina with a grin a wider than her expanding behind, happily gave Allie a bowl full of assorted snacks to keep on her desk, “for emergencies...”
Scientifically, an object in motion stays in motion. Allie wasn’t one for science having majored in English and philosophy, but if she was able to have perspective she would call this the inciting incident for her Bildungsroman. The little push she needed to fulfill her destiny.
At the moment, there was no perspective and hindsight wouldn’t be an option. All Allie knew was she needed relief from her bad thoughts and chocolate was her drug of choice.
It was like that first piece of chocolate after weeks of abstaining opened the flood gates. Slowly, Allie began eating out during her lunch break. A burrito bowl at the Chipotle up the street then a burrito before a standing burrito, taco and chips.
Her after work eating habits didn’t help either, she began eating out after particularly stressful days. She thought what would make a shit day better? Ice cream!
If she ever wondered why she couldn’t fit into her old size before she started her new job then she could blame the nightly pints of ice cream.
What would truly shock her is this would be the last time she ever fit into these new stretch workout pants.
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parkjaysprada · 2 years
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013 ... i know.
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Sunoo and Jungwon arrived at Luna’s studio apartment past five in the afternoon bearing foods.
Rabokki. Ramen and tteokbokki.
It was suggested by Sunoo to buy rabokki since it is one of Luna’s favorite foods. And of course, Jungwon did not complain. Sunoo’s a friend of Luna’s so why bother? Obviously, he knows her more.
As they arrived at Luna’s place, Jungwon never felt out of place. Luna’s too welcoming and heart-warming towards him to feel indifferent. Her place is pretty and a perfect size for a college student living alone.
“Thank you for the food, guys, I really appreciate it.” Luna spoke, smiling from ear to ear. The three of them is currently in the dining/study table enjoying their food.
“Hey! You told me you didn’t prepare for anything!”
Jungwon giggles at Sunoo’s remark while Luna ignored him, focusing on her food. “Jungwon! It is nice to meet you, finally!” Luna chuckled, putting her bowl of rabokki in the center table, “This is the first time Sunoo introduces a friend from his dance team, and also Riki.” She mentioned.
The eldest in the room flashes a smile, while her thoughts were asking why did Sunoo and Riki never introduces their friend group in their co-members in their dance team. Was it because of her one-sided beef with Jay?
Jungwon’s lips curled into a smile glancing at the man beside him then back to Luna, “Really? You’ve never met someone from our dance team—except Sunoo and Riki?” His eyes widened in pure of surprised?”
“Yep. I don’t know what’s Yeonjun’s deal not introducing his friend to me, to be honest. There were times the team would visit our house but I never interacted with any of them because Yeonjun used to tell me to lock myself in my room. I guess he’s afraid of his friends hitting on me but then, we see each other at school, so there is no point with what he is doing anyway.”
Luna doesn’t know if Yeonjun is aware but, there is this one tall pale guy asked her out once and she didn’t reply. She feels bad at first, but then she saw the same man approaching other girls at school so, she never bothered to talk to him again after that incident.
Their chat continued for a few hours. Their topic shifted from Yeonjun, to school activities, to getting to know each other—especially Jungwon to Luna and vice versa—then from being all serious topics to silly ones. The three of them wasn’t aware that the sun has already set and Jungwon hasn’t mention anything about the one thing he was supposed to tell Luna. Like, the sole reason he indirectly urged Sunoo to visit Luna and for him to accompany him.
Jungwon insisted on cleaning up their mess from eating the rabokki and the macaroni and cheese Luna prepared for them. It was surely one of the best mac and cheese he had in his whole life—so close to Jay’s version on his list. And that is lot for him since Jay’s a good cook.
As Jungwon is in the kitchen sink, washing the dishes, Sunoo was cleaning up the table while Luna is living like a princess, watching her juniors taking good care of her. ‘Their future partners must be so lucky to have them’ she thought.
“Noona?” Jungwon calls out Luna while Sunoo’s already done from cleaning, sitting across the table. “There is something I would like to tell you.” He stated, before wiping his wet hands on a cloth, then he pulls his phone out of his pocket and sat at the vacant chair between Sunoo and Luna.
Jungwon opens his Twitter application and search for the username of the alleged Luna hater then he passes his phone to her, “I saw this yesterday while I was scrolling on Twitter. I just feel like you need to know about this, because your name is in it…” Sunoo stands up from his seat to peak at what Jungwon was talking about. It was a private twitter account with a mean user with a Jungwon icon.
Luna’s cold sweat drips on her back, looking at her private Twitter account. Now, she is regrets using Jungwon’s face. How will she tell the poor kid that no one is hating on her and that is her private dump account?
“You look cute here though.”
“Thank you but, I’m telling you, that isn’t mine.”
“I know,”
Luna flashes a smile, giving back the phone to the rightful owner as Sunoo sat back on his seat, while she arises from her seat, took laptop on the coffee table, opening it and her Twitter account flashed on the screen. She turns her laptop, facing the two young lad with a pursed lip.
“Edit profile…? Why does it say...”
“This account is yours?!”
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TAGLIST: @urfaveuserlana
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graceisprettygreat · 2 years
I am always thinking about characters food preferences what do you think is vlr cast favourite foods (include that characters that can't eat. pretend they can)
sorry this took a bit! wanted to do some research to get the best possible answers bc i simply can not do off the top of my head assignments, i must be correct!!! oh also i decided to go with meals even though you said food? idk it is what my brain demanded Akane - This may be an utterly freak answer but like. Gaspacho. Cold tomato soup dish idk i think she likes tomato soup a lot. The vibes. It being served cold is a nice touch, and they have tomato on the moon. Certainly not a fave from her childhood i think but became one late into life Alice - I'm not too awfully confident, but I think she'd like green pepper mahshi. Though she wouldn't have likely actually eaten it before moving to the states, I think it was made very often at home and the smell alone is a comfort. With, afaik, the ingredients all being easy to find in the US, I'm sure she had it plenty in her childhood, and it takes her back to comforting times with her father. Clover - I’m starting to regret saying meals bc. look at her. How can I answer anything but nutella crepe with strawberries. The answer is nutella crepe with strawberries Dio - Microwaved can of ravioli but left out until it's room temperature. It is the favorite food of everyone clone and i think they eat it in troughs Ellen - Human flesh. GOLM - BEANS ON TOAST INNIT? Kyle - I think out of spite it would became the same as Akane’s. Sigma does not like it at all so Kyle is making it his mission to enjoy it even though he. Doesn’t lmao. THIS WASNT MEANT TO BE SAD IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY BUT ITS KINDA FUCKED UP SORRY. I think he’d honestly like a hot tomato soup but he has to stick it to Sigma. Lagomorph - Carrots but only the orange part, which is not accurate to how rabbits actually eat, but Lagomorph does on purpose to piss you off. Lord Hoppington - Only the most distinguished of flies Luna - She would adore an ethically sourced chicken salad. Nothing fancy at all, she likes plain simple food and this certainly fits the profile. Phi - Inscrutable fucking vibes. Just something absolutely bizarre I think. Like I think it’s normal but then an addition that is the worst. Twice cooked pork but topped with broken up ketchup potato chips. sorry if this is slander i only seek the truth none of this is personal Sigma - Something he could make fast and easy to do while working. Whether it’s his college studies or his preparing to kill 9 people. Honestly maybe still fucking instant ramen. Oh also, a frog. Tenmyouji and Quark - I think both share a favorite, and it's the stews Tenmyouji makes. It's a staple of their household, something easy to make that doesn't take too many resources and warms them in the winters. It's so incredibly comforting to the both of them. It of course wasn't always Tenmyouji's favorite, but it became a necessity early into the apocalypse. And once he saw Quark's love for it, he couldn't not love it himself.
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minamoto-misaki · 2 years
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Misaki is a Chinese soloist under JYP and YG and a member of the South Korean Co-Ed group GOT7. She made her solo debut with an album called "Rise to Stardom" on July 20, 2016.
Misaki Fandom Name: Faes and Fairies
Misaki Fandom Color: —
Minato Misaki Official Media:
Instagram: @book_misaki
Twitter:@misakiofficial and @misakispeaks
YouTube: Misaki Minamoto
Facebook: Minamoto_Misaki
TikTok: bored_misaki
Stage Name: Misaki
English Name: Ophelia Raven
Birth Name: Ren Manyin (任满银)
Korean Name: Hyun Ae-ra (현애라)
Birthday: July 20, 2000
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Chinese zodiac sign:
Height: 175 cm (5'8".9)
Weight: 40 kg (88 lbs)
Blood type: O
Specialty: Acrobats and ballet
Favorite Food: Ramen
Hobbies: Listening to music while reading, watching anime, baking, journaling, knitting and crochet.
Misaki Facts:
She was born in Mentougou District, Beijing but grew up in Sha Tin District, Hong Kong, China.
Family: One brother and considers Wang's family her own.
Her father passed away when she was 5, her mother passed away when she was 1 and her elder brother passed away when she was 15. Currently, the only living blood-related family member is her second brother who is 5 years older than her.
She is studying at the University of Toronto.
Her personality: Serious, shy, introverted, and passionate.
She is the most introverted and disciplined in Got7.
She was in the cheerleading, acrobatics, and ballet teams of her school and college. She still attends college competitions.
Misaki understands Thai, and French, and can read Roman, and Latin but can't speak these.
She is fluent in Mandarin, Shanghainese, Cantonese, English, Japanese, German, Spanish, and Korean.
Her favorite color is black.
She likes to dress in dark clothes.
She prefers the clothes which do not reveal her skin.
She wears old books and fresh parchment perfume.
Misaki is an atheist but is knowledgeable about all the religions.
She is the daughter of the clan leader and handles the Chinese side of the clan.
Misaki has arachnophobia, androphobia (fear of men), agoraphobia (fear of crowds), and claustrophobia.
Misaki is currently dealing with insomnia, social anxiety issues, and depression.
She is close with the Thai group due to Bambam and 97' liners due to Yugyeom and Bambam.
She is also close to Mamamoo, Shinee, Exo-china line, Wayv, Straykids, Yeonjun (TXT), Wooyoung and Yeosang from Ateez, Jisung and Chenle from NCT.
She knows sword fighting.
She has a Chinese and global license and owns 3 cars.
Misaki owns 2 cafes in Canada,1 ice cream parlor, and 2 restaurants in China.
She lives alone with 3 dogs and 2 cats.
She is half-Chinese and half-Japanese but is supposed to be called full-Chinese due to clan rules.
She prefers keeping her personal life and work life different and apart from each other.
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ace-angel-judas · 1 year
Pairing: Jungkook/Arabella ft Yoongi and Estelle
Series: BTS Girlfriends
Genre: FLUFF
Synopsis: Jungkook and Arabella go on their second date.. to Japan.
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Estelle furrowed her brows together as she looked at Jungkook, who had sat down next to her with an innocent look on his face. Even Yoongi was suspicious, leaning forward and looking at the maknae.
“Why are you sitting next to my wife?” Yoongi asked.
“You’re not even married yet,” Jungkook stated, “Estelle, hello, I have a question,”
Yoongi glared at the maknae while Estelle nodded gently, “What is it?”
“What’s Belle’s favorite food?”
Eyebrows raised, Estelle stared at him, “Jungkook, Grace will kill you before you get a chance,”
“We’ve already been on a date,” Jungkook smirked.
“Oh..,” Estelle mumbled, “Well, she likes ramen, she always asks Grace to take her for ramen whenever they go out to eat,”
“Okay.., does Belle have a passport?”
Giggling softly, Arabella tapped her feet on the floor as they sat in the ramen shop. There were some okay places in America but nothing could be better than actual Japanese ramen.
Jungkook watched her, smiling to himself as she watched Arabella look around in awe.
“I feel like I’m going to get in trouble,” Arabella laughed.
“Why?” He asked.
“We just suddenly came to Japan?” Arabella explained, “I’ve never just left and not told anyone where I’m going,”
Jungkook laughed, “You’re an adult, they can’t do anything,”
Arabella nodded, he did have a point. She was an adult, she could do anything as long as it was within the law.
“Okay but why Japan?” Arabella asked, “Do you take all the girls you date to Japan?”
He shook his head, “Actually, I don’t usually go anywhere without one of the other members, this is new to me too,”
A soft look appeared on her face, “That’s really sweet..,”
“So, do you go with Grace everywhere?” Jungkook asked, “You two seem really close,”
“I guess?” Arabella answered, “I mean, since coming to Korea, yeah but, I suppose I was always closest to my dad,”
“Your dad?”
Arabella nodded, a distant look on her face, “But I don’t where we stand now, he sent me to Korea because I didn’t get into college,”
“Asshole,” Jungkook stated, “What, why would he do that?”
“I don’t know,” Arabella shrugged, “I’m sure he meant well or something, he’s not an easy person to read,”
“Yeah, I don’t like him,” Jungkook pursed his lips.
“You haven’t met him,”
“I’ve made up my mind,”
She blew a raspberry at him and scrunched her nose, something Jungkook couldn’t but find utterly adorable. Even as her eyes lit up when the food was placed in front of them, Jungkook just stared at her.
“It smells so good,” Arabella whispered, “I almost don’t want to eat it,” 
Before he could respond, Arabella was already shoving a chop stick full of noodles into her mouth, cheeks puffed out at the fullneess. He laughed again, picking up his own chopsticks.
“Most girls are scared to eat during dates because it doesn’t make them look pretty,” Jungkook stated.
Arabella rolled her eyes, “Food is food, everyone eats it, no man or woman will stop me from enjoying a meal,”
The words had Jungkook grinning. What wasn’t to love about this woman?
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socialc1imb · 2 years
Grocery shopping yyyyaaaaayyyyy 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I have to do that too actually 🤔
May I make some college budget friendly suggestions? This is the stuff I lived off in college (and granted there was one time I was so hungry I cried when I smelled someone else’s food but just ignore that college is so freaking unhealthy for you I swear):
Ramen (an absolute staple for dinner and you can buy a big box of them for super cheap)
soup (sounds like you’re already doing that which is great!!)
microwave Mac and cheese (quick and easy! But eat two at a time they’re not very filling)
Also if you don’t have one please get a water bottle ❤️
I’ll stop fussing now 😅
Lofty beloved youre so sweet I will actually start crying thank you for the suggestions 🧡
I actually have a hell of a lot of ramen but my mom prepares it a really specific way so it’s like. Actually good. And all of the ingredients I own are at family’s house an hour away. But as soon as I get the chance I’m gonna go get those!
Also like. I’m really craving Mac n cheese now. Which is something I suppose!
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