#radical agenda
plumadot 3 months
not to be gay and yearning but. more soft scarian would be so cute... maybe them cuddling specifically... if u want...
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it's only blood; i have plenty left
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manicmoonworld 17 days
Would you take me out tonight lovelies?
It's another gorgeous night here today. Feeling amazing and hoping I can pass some of that to you 馃挊馃槜馃
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alwaysbewoke 18 days
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tangible-fortitude 5 months
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natp20 2 years
i love the idea of guest lecturer caleb widogast upgrading to associate professor at the soltryce academy and constantly stepping on other professor鈥檚 toes with his lessons
and of course this upsets at least someone with political influence in the empire (headmaster, volstruckers, the assembly, king dwendal). nobody expects a single mage from blumenthal to put up any trouble - he doesn鈥檛 have anybody backing him, not in any truly important sense, they can silence him without causing too much fuss.
except caleb widogast is one of the most popular professors in the academy, by a considerable margin. he鈥檚 a fair grader and even when he鈥檚 proselytizing about the dangers of blind nationalism and the importance of critical thinking, his lessons are really interesting. he鈥檚 one of the few professors who actually seems invested in the wellbeing of his students, and if you鈥檙e having a hard time, he鈥檒l take the time to sit down with you and figure out a solution
(also sometimes he brings his cat to class and that鈥檚 the perfect balm for stressed-out students prepping for exams)
and that鈥檚 how caleb鈥檚 enemies find out the hard way that he has a surprisingly large following of radicalized students devoted to keeping him around as long as posible
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spocks-kaathyra 8 months
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lecture doodle #5. I feel like this HAS to be accompanied by the song Doubt by Radical Face so like go listen to it or smth
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dollsome-does-tumblr 4 months
i am experiencing firsthand the power of twitter to rot your brain because back when i first started looking at it, it kept flinging meryl streep content at me for a reason i can't fathom (the algorithm thinks she's gerri kellman-adjacent, perhaps?) and i was like 'i will never care if meryl streep and martin short are secretly dating, leave me alone'
but i just saw those pics of them out to dinner together and my reaction was more akin, somehow, to 'aw! meryl streep/martin short, 2024's otp!!!!'
the brainrot. IT'S HAPPENING.
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At this point, the MAGA Republicans have an agenda on education. It's focused on defunding and destroying higher education (since the college educated don't vote MAGA Republican, they are in a sense the focal enemy) and destroying confidence in and defunding primary and secondary education. All funding from primary and secondary education would then be shifted to institutions which in fact engage in political indoctrination to support MAGA Republican through, these are Catholic schools and white Evangelical schools. Hillsdale College in Michigan, a fundamentalist church-affiliated academy for production of the Stepford Wives or the Republic of Gilead, provides the model for the small quantum of higher education that can be tolerated.
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aflamethatneverdies 8 months
saw someone tell people to read decolonisation academia in a post with a bad take that i don't wish to engage with, but it's funny telling people to learn about decolonisation from universities. Academia ime so far has been 'vague gestures that this land belongs to so and so people' or adding a text or two in the course from some not white author. would not recommend learning decolonisation from academia.
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Ok so I think I figured something out, bear with me here. The core of the reason why the new Star Wars films fell so flat was because they forgot that it was a loss of innocence story. It starts out in the beginning as Rey ripping the band aid off of her life and thus beginning her loss of innocence. But because they forgot that in the second movie, the thread gets dropped completely and they're directionless, and they have no idea where they're going story-wise. This is why by the third movie, nothing fucking makes sense anymore and everything feels like a wild stab in the dark. The story is no longer about rey's loss of innocence because they've completely forgotten the theme that was supposed to happen here. By the third movie, the story has swerved so far away from what we were supposed to be talking about that of course at the end when she's standing exactly where she fucking started saying "her" name, the entire thing is incomprehensible because this was supposed to be a loss of innocence journey and instead they just plopped her exactly back where she fucking started having literally spun their wheels and gone nowhere for three fucking films.
Sorry if the formatting is a mess, I used speech to text bc its late and im tired but do you get what I mean here?? About why and how this whole trilogy failed now??
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kingjasnah 1 year
maybe i have to reread final empire cause whenever everyone is like "kelsier, you know, the guy who killed people for sport" im like. damn did he? not to be rude but did he?
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patientmakt 6 months
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oompaloompawawawa 9 days
Potato miku.
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walpu 24 days
at this point going x aeon good y aeon bad is useless, like, from what I've seen all aeons have done supper fucking messed up shit
everyone's gotta chill no one needs to die cause they like a certain aeon
yes this is xianzhou slander don't come at me, like I can see why they kill the abominations of the abundance, but taking it out on every follower of yaoshi is seriously a stretch
I don't think they're going after every follower of Yaoshi though. They were pretty chill about the unshackled, even if they didn't like them that much.
Speaking of Xianzhou, I find them and Lan to be a very interesting case because Lan's whole thing is them wanting to kill Yaoshi and their creations. So without the Abundance, the Hunt can't really exist
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kosheraspirations 2 months
so, to add to my last longpost about how pro-palestinian gentiles dont actually center palestinians in their activism, thus being insanely disrespectful, bigoted, and generally harmful to both the pro-pal cause AND jews across the globe... they're doing it to iranians now, too? really? israel, palestine, and iran are all being lumped together in a group of "controversial places to be from, because leftists in america will call for your death at the hands of terrorists in the name of being anti-western, all while calling themselves 'peace activists' who say they want a 'ceasefire.'" cool, cool
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firstenchanterorsino 5 months
pro vs. anti shipping discourse has ruined a lot of discussions about media because in a twist of irony, a lot of people deep into that discourse take black/white approaches to analysis and criticisms of media so you end up with takes like
'this tv show that shows the long-term effects of abuse on a victim is objectively bad because there is an abusive character existing as part of the active cast' on one side and
'these criticisms of the portrayal and depiction of this romantic relationship in a top-seller are a personal attack on me because i am into dark ships so i don't care if the relationship is or isn't abusive regardless of intent in portrayal' on the other side
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