#quite the pair lol
novuit · 8 months
Here's an absurd amount of drawings I made last week for this year's @hetalia-rarepairweek with my otps <3
(They're all in chronological order ^^)
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There's more under the cut 🫶
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choccy-milky · 4 months
I know there's some parts of your fanfiction where Clora has some passing feelings of jealousy because of a comment or two made by background characters towards Sebastian, but I was wondering how you think Clora and Sebastian would genuinely react to a situation where someone was actively trying to pursue him? I was just curious since the raven and the snake have a good bit of people chasing after Clora and Sebastian being jealous (cough physically violent cough)
BAHAHA seb doesnt get physically violent when he gets jealous, he just gets irritated and petty LOL. gotta defend my boi for a sec, hes only gotten physically violent twice, and once was when clora was being blackmailed/SA'd, and the other was when he was corrupted by the relic, so it wasnt REALLYYYY him.
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BUT to answer the question, this is what happens when clora gets jealous LOOL basically its: she gets jealous > knows that its unfounded and seb wouldn't reciprocate, so she keeps her feelings to herself > but still cant help but feel down about it > seb catches on and makes sure to reassure her. and seb would 1000% be willing to just never talk to the other girl ever again if thats what it took BAHAHA but obvs clora would reject that and tell him thats way too extreme. and altho seb thinks its cute when cloras jealous, he also doesnt like making her feel that way, since he considers it a sort of failure on his part (like, if ur feeling jealous, it means im not proving that i love you enough LMAO) whereas for when seb gets jealous, its: he gets jealous > tells clora of his suspicions / that the dude is trying to get with her > clora tries to reassure him that its nothing, and that its all just platonic (bc it IS from her POV, whether the dude actually likes her or not, bc shes naive af) > seb has no choice but to put up with it LOL bc he's self-aware and knows he gets jealous easily, and accepts that he might be overreacting, but he'll still keep an eye on it regardless. he trusts clora but he doesnt trust the guys, and unlike seb, clora wouldnt stop talking to someone she considered a friend just bc seb THINKS they like her. unless the dude is straight up asking her out/being super bold and obvious about it, clora would just default to 'oh hes just being friendly😇 LMAO. basically seb is too jealous and clora is too naive and they both know this about themselves and each other, so they kinda have to meet in the middle on these things HAHA. for seb its like yeah fine, i might think every guy has nefarious intentions, but YOU also think every guy is completely pure and has absolutely NO romantic intentions ever LOL. but they know this so it works out LMAO (plus even if it is slightly infuriating for each other at times, seb still finds cloras naivety/innocence endearing, and clora also finds sebs possessiveness/jealousy endearing as well🥰) also unrelated but i finally changed my pfp after a year and its cracking me up. that is all
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sysig · 1 month
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An eye for a life, unquestionably worth it (Patreon)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 months
The Great Boopathon
It had honestly been an accident, a truly sincere miscalculation. Sky tried to remember that Wolfie was Twilight. But sometimes, when the fluffy animal trotted into town, panting from exertion or cheer, Sky just immediately knelt in front of him with a sweet greeting and a gentle boop on the nose.
He didn't think it was possible for an animal to look so offended, but somehow Twilight managed it.
This was war.
Twilight huffed as he watched Sky sleep. The teenager was out cold, as per usual, curled into himself and covered in blankets. It was a little more unusual than his usual sleep position, in which literally anything was possible because he could fall asleep literally anywhere, but the boy's head cold had him shivering.
That didn't stop Twilight, though. He still remembered the boop. The completely humiliating and degrading gesture, the cute noise Sky made with it as he bapped Twilight's wolf nose gently with a smile on his face and a flush to his cheeks.
Sky moaned miserably, looking distinctly uncomfortable. Twilight swallowed, grabbing his resolve. He walked forward stealthily before laying on the ground, his canine nose stretching forward until it met Sky's own congested one. Then his tail swished back and forth, dusting leaves off the earth.
Sky scrunched his nose in response, tickled by the wetness of it, before he opened his eyes to see a snout. He yelped, trapped in his blankets, and Twilight pounced on him, bapping him with a paw and pinning him in place as he laughed and tried to fight.
"There's no way you can do it!"
Link glared defiantly in response. He would do this, and there was no stopping him. He would always rise to a challenge. He couldn't afford to fail, he couldn't afford to lose the faith of those who believed in him.
He was stealthier than he'd ever been in his entire life. He could pass for a Sheikah, he was certain. His heart pounded in his chest, anxiety trying but failing to whittle away at his resolve. His naysayer watched with bated breath.
The greatest challenge, of course, were the floorboards. There were some that creaked. It would be absolutely catastrophic if his foe heard his approach. Carefully, Link tried to remember which boards creaked the most, settling his bare feet with such care to distribute his weight properly.
When he finally reached the bed, he nearly failed in his mission. His enemy stirred, almost awakening, but he managed to avoid disaster. Finally, his objective in sight, the Hero of Hyrule leapt, landing on his prey with a mighty hyah.
Abel nearly jumped out of his skin as he was startled awake before getting slammed in the face with a pillow.
"I told you I could do it!" Link yelled at the stairway where his sister, Lyra, was hiding.
The leader of the Gorons had many precious memories to make him smile when he was more contemplative in the evenings. Perhaps his favorite, though, was when the Champions met his child, who had been so delighted to meet them that he'd rolled over Revali's toes and crashed into Link's knees, knocking the Hylian over. It had been a fun day in general, but the little boop his boy had given him when he picked him up had been the most delightful part.
It was usually what Daruk would do for the child before bedtime; to have such a simple gesture reciprocated brought him more joy than he could ever articulate.
Shadow Link
He had nearly succeeded in getting away from the damn gloom hands, but his stamina had run out. When they'd caught up to him, he could practically sense the displeasure radiating off them, and his insides froze at the sight of them.
Then one of the hands leaned over and booped him on the nose, making him yelp, before the others grabbed him and teleported him through the gloom back to Ganondorf's location.
"Was that really necessary?" Link grumbled, holding his nose as if it had been burned.
"Yes," the demon king replied without hesitation as he snatched him by his tunic and plopped him beside him. "Now rest."
Mystery Link
Link wasn't sure how it happened, but being completely smothered by his dog was not how he wanted to start his mornings. Nevertheless, it was how Friend decided to be his new morning alarm, slapping his face with a paw as a warning before laying her whole head over him and asphyxiating him.
By the fifth morning, he started wrestling her in response, and she always got so excited about it that she would spend the next few minutes zooming all over the forest, tail tucked and legs flailing in all directions.
Twilight was acting weird.
Wind was a little worried. After all, he'd only just recovered from his injury recently. Although the sailor had the utmost faith in the elder Hero's abilities, he couldn't help but watch him and see what was up. This was a matter of great importance, and only Wind could truly understand as the others seemed completely oblivious.
He made several observations while the others were pointlessly distracted. Twilight's eyes were wary, looking everywhere as if he were expecting an attack. Wind knew for certain that the rancher hadn't been patrolling because Time and Wild wouldn't allow for it quite yet. But no one else was on edge. It was possible Twilight just felt inadequate or useless, as he was typically the one who tried to shoulder a great deal of responsibility.
Wind moved closer to his dear friend, curious. He was going to ask him outright if he kept this behavior up, but--
Twilight gasped, grabbing Wind around the ribs and holding him like a shield in front of his body, and Wind yelped as Sky poked his nose.
"Hey!" Sky snapped. "No cheating!"
"There are no rules in this war!" Twilight huffed back. Then he gave Wind a squeeze against his torso as a compensatory hug. "Sorry about that, little pirate."
"Ha! Sorry? Let me go, I'll avenge you!" Wind happily offered, already wiggling out of his grip as Sky fled.
"This is getting out of hand," Time said severely, hands on his hips. "And is unbefitting of a Hero."
Twilight looked extremely schooled. If he were in his wolf form, he probably would have his tail between his legs, ears peeled back. Time did not feel guilty in the slightest about it. The camp was in utter disarray, supplies strewn everywhere as Twi's wolf form had utterly destroyed the place and barreled over most of the heroes while he'd tried to escape Sky's little winged mechanical booping machine and Wind's exuberant screams.
Unlike Twilight, Sky looked nearly indifferent, but somehow he managed to convert his expression to apologetic when Time glared at him. Wind, however, was unrepentant.
And giggling.
Time was going to lecture him further when the reason for Wind's laughter dropped out of the nearest tree, landing on Time's shoulders and booping him on the nose.
Sky and Wind cheered as Wild scrambled off Time and fled into the forest, giggling all the way.
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bravano · 7 months
Just a thought I had, but do you think Saiki realizes how big of a part he had in bringing his friends together?
There a few combinations of characters that I can think of that I doubt would have ever mixed if it weren’t for him.
Whether knowingly or unknowingly (it’s definitely the latter) Kusuo brought these people together.
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snz-thoughts · 2 months
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So, Snehan being half-human half-vampire has a ton of allergies that affects them throughout the day and their partner, Squalo finds their sneezes (and al the mess) so attractive one day... unique as much 'cause he's a Shark, they don't sneeze neither (barely) get sick and such. The frequency of Snehan's sneezes started to sound like music to Squalo's big ears eventually so yeah, he's one of us snzfvkers fellas!
thanks a LOT again again and again to @roguesnezblog for making this commission (and one of my fav scenarios w them too) come to life!!! Support her in any way you can too ♡
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haleelah · 2 months
So listen to this!
Have any of you seen the twitter post about the zombie flower rarepair!
I've been contemplating about a similar situation for jaydick. And since we already have an amazing fic of Jay writing Red Hood/Nightwing fics. I had a hard time figuring something until it hit me just now!
Dick and kori spilt up early after Dick leaves his home and base in Gotham.
Just peachy. Exactly what Dick needed after his Dad/mentor "fired" him and had a terrible fall out with him, who didn't hesitate to bring another boy home to take Dick's place and wear his mantle. Bruce carelessly giving him his family legacy.
It's good that Dick made up with Jason. The kid was good and he deserves good things to happen to him.
But Dick now is crestfallen of his break up with Kori. He so pathetically goes on the Internet searching of Nightwing x Starfire stories to read...
Dick discovers that his alias tag is not frequently shipped with Starfire, but rather filled with his other teammates and mostly with speedy... sometimes even with orgies with the whole Titans team.... thats is something for sure.
The fanfiction reading site does cheer him abit, if getting his mind of his horrible break up can count as cheering.
Dick stumbles upon the original characters x Nightwing tag, and there is one recognisable name out in the pages. Prejudice_Against_The_System88, this person has a great fanfiction collection of their original character "Red Cardinal" being romantically shipped with Nightwing. They also have some stories with Robin/Nightwing. Their stories varies but are mostly on in the R rated romantic genre. Their writing is good and promising for someone, who Dick assumes, based on the authors notes, in their high school year.
Dick actually enjoys the Red Cardinal/Nightwing fics mostly on the site. He starts leaving comments for the author. Appreciating their thoughtful writing of his character and their growing maturity of how they are dealing with Red Cardinal's feelings for Nightwing.
To say Dick becomes obsessed with CardinalWing (the ship name, as bestowed by himself upon the author) is an understatement. He becomes Prejudice_Against_The_System88's number one fan. Always commenting and engaging the author in discussion of each story they release, who in turn are so enthusiastic they sometimes slip up information of future chapters or stories they are working on.
Dick lives in a bliss of this hobby for great while. Until the author starts complaining of school tests and how their schedule won't allow them for more posting.
Their posting dwindles gradually until they fully stop for a month.... Dick gets worried that maybe the author is not feeling appreciated enough. ( he had read of that author who held their new chapters hostages In exchange for 50 comment on each chapter or something after all) luckily, his lovely Prejudice are not that kind of person. Still though, Dick miss their presence and making two other accounts to leaves comments just for them won't hurt him in anyway so he does. Maybe the additional engagement would lift them up again.
His two other accounts, does not engage well with the author who had disappeared now for two months.
Dick's real life is not fairing any better too...
He comes back to earth after a long mission in space to find that Jason has been murdered by the Joker and Bruce hadn't even bothered to tell him about that
Dick is devastated by that and his whole team are their by his side trying to comfort him, even poor kori is back by him holding him and being there for him.
Dick is so broken after that he fully immersed himself in his work and completely forgot about his teenage years hobby...
Now I don't know how to continue this?
Maybe Jason suddenly remember his account's password and log in to be blasted with tons of notifications of a time long gone with multiple people engaging all his stories that are left with no reply from him. It would warm his heart a bit but it would also make him so bitter of everything that he had been robbed of.
And would he complete his stories? I think yes!
He'd maybe update his account with a short fic of Red Cardinal coming back from the underworld as gag effect lol, he's not expecting people to interact with his work, especially after all these years. But who knows maybe there is someone out there who awaited his long sought-after return....
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aefensteorrra · 5 hours
I recently got my first pair of glasses that feel perfect for me and I can’t believe how much detail I’ve been missing in the world!! I really didn’t think it was that bad but now when I’m not wearing them I’m like omg I cannot see shit lol
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ananke-xiii · 13 hours
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micamicster · 4 months
okay in the spirit of the previous post we are going to brute force me into sharing random scenes from fics that are either unfinished or never going to be finished! we are going to do this collaboratively (im fair and benevolent) but i don't want to give any information about said wips (im cruel and dictatorial) so this is going to be a blinded poll <3 vote here <3
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f4kef4ngs · 1 month
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new shirt swag
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akkivee · 3 months
examples of Jakurai hsbing foot in mouth syndrome?? 😂 /pos
exhibit a!!!!!! in rhyme anima➕, he was tasked to be a good host in that bb/mtr/bat episode and showed off that jakurai charm to the point she was speechless!!!!! and not in a good way lmao!!!!
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and it can be directly compared to hitoya’s rizz that we see in the next scene, where he also provided consultation services as his attraction point, but not only did he provide good advice, he also poured and mixed her drink for her like whew!!! 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
if the canonicity of rhyme anima bothers you, you also have that scene of the same vibe during kuujaku posse’s drama track (the second one is what my brain tells me lol) where ramuda gets hypmic’s og high functioning disaster gay to pick up women and not only does he fail, he makes her run away from him lmao
exhibit b!!!!!! he got a hot date with hitoya in the block party tracks!!!!! they totally sounded like bfs who didn’t want to hang up the phone on each other until jakurai fumbled it lmao
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exhibit c!!!!!! the most damaging!!!!! who knows what would have happened if jakurai, out of all the things he could have questioned ramuda about in the scene leading to their break up, chose not to pick at ramuda’s ‘realness’ as a being!!!!! but he did!!!! even tho ramuda, caught in the lie, looked to be willing to bare something of himself to jakurai who is on the record of wanting to see the real him btw!!!!!
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i hope this is sufficient evidence of jakurai inability to talk to people without fcking it up in some way lmao thanks for coming to my ted talk LOL
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Since we're nearing the final round of our romantic tournament, I'd like to do a quick plug for the submission form to the second major tournament, which will be focusing on platonic relationships! I'll likely look at running a mini-tournament (femslash ships or ships that are also just words) between the end of tournament 1 and the start of 2, primarily to give everyone time to submit as well as give me time to set things up for our second go-round.
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sysig · 4 months
In the fell! Handplates au what do you think gaster would do to protect the boys? If torial or asgore ever tried to hurt/take away or kill them would he finally snap and fight? I’ve always liked the idea that gaster (despite not being royal) is considerably more powerful then asgore or torial due to how versatile and complex skeleton attacks can be plus he is a boss monster who’s old af.
I would love to see fell! Asgore and torial absolutely get their asses handed to them by a protective gaster. Lol can you imagine their shock? (:
(I absolutely adoreeeee your art)
(Thank you! o/♥)
I think Fell!Gaster would still keep the boys as his secret project to start - Honestly, I really like the idea of him following the same basic beats as Classic Handplates Gaster! Constructing the lab, hole-punching his hands, bringing the boys to life and then experimenting on them in secret, now under the pretense of finding "inherent goodness in Monsters" or inducing it, bringing it forward, however he goes about doing that. So if they did find them, it'd at least be a while
But, I also really like the idea of Gaster still being hopelessly devoted to the Dreemurrs! That raising a hand against them would hurt infinitely worse than whatever they have to dish out against him, and that being why he takes their abuse - if he could only save them! If he could only show them a better way! Then they could all finally be happy, one big family! 💕
As for the boys and what Gaster would be willing to do to protect them, I think it would also be similar to what Classic does - put himself between the brothers and danger to the best of his ability. I do think it would be an interesting turn for him to have to choose between protecting them and his pacifism towards other Monsters if the Dreemurrs got ahold of them somehow - the internal conflict of finally having to face his own darkness! Even if he tried to justify it, I think that'd really be the tipping point for him :)
#UT#Handplates#Fellplates#I like Fell!Gaster being a bit more on the creepy/obsessive side can you tell lol - platonic yandere? Sure pfft#Basically: I do think that he could At Least wrestle back the boys but only in that very moment#And that he wouldn't actually hurt the Dreemurrs if he could help it - just surprise them#But even doing 1DMG would send him into a tailspin#Meanwhile the Dreemurrs would just be smugly satisfied lol#''I knew he could fight! I knew it!'' while Gaster is just like ''WHAT HAVE I DONE'' lol#I do like the idea of his Boss Monster status paired with his intelligence and versatility contributing to his abilities!#In the little we see of his Boss Battle in Handplates - ❤️💕💖💞💝 - he definitely has very impressive patterns!#But move to move I think Asgore is more powerful than him - Toriel is matched - and together he'd stand no chance#Just a matter of whittling him down once he's lost the will to fight them#That's just my reading on him tho lol#There's also something to what he's willing to subject the boys to and what he's willing to do to stop the Dreemurrs#Like even if he doesn't actively physically hurt Papyrus there's no way his experiments are on the up-and-up#He's still a Fell resident is what I'm saying lol even if his public face is one thing-#He can dress it up however he likes but hmm ♪ Something Isn't Right ♫#Also-also I don't actually think Toriel would hurt either of the boys lol#She puts on quite the act but just practically speaking it's more fun to have more subjects to tussle with than more dust
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sammachu · 1 year
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Commission for the lovely Demyx for their fic 'sunshine in the library' which you can read right here!
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seastarlily · 2 years
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The couple that makes rainbows together stays together.✨🌈✨
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