addamsology · 8 months
Now Hang From my Lips (Like the Gardens of Babylon)
alternative universe, the bright side of things.
A squeal interrupted Wednesday's train of thought.
She stood up straight from crouching next to her DVD player, her head turning in the direction of the ear-piercing noise. "Enid? Why are you-"
Wednesday was cut off by Enid rushing into the room, a dumb grin on her face, and two black cowboy hats in her hand. Wednesday blinks, looking between Enid and the hats. She was sure she had thrown those away a while ago. 
"Why did I find these gems in your closet, Wednesday?" 
"You were supposed to be looking for a sweater, not this."
Enid hushed Wednesday, holding the hats out to her. They were a little dusty, it had been at least six or seven years since she had last worn one. They were a stupid joke between her and Bianca during high school, she wasn't sure why she never threw them away. "Why do you have these, hm? Are you a secret cowboy?"
"No. No, I am not." Wednesday sighed. "They were a gift from a friend, that's all." She attempted to take them from Enid but the blonde was faster, swiping them away. "Well, ex-girlfriend but that doesn't matter." 
Enid's socked feet slid across the wooden floor until her toes hit the edge of the rug, pushing the hat onto Wednesday's head. She took a step back to admire her work, lips pursed and brows furrowed. "It's missing something."
Before Wednesday could even voice her opinion, Enid was out of the room, dashing back soon enough. She grabbed Wednesday's chin, positioning her face right, and sticking a fake mustache on her face. Firstly, why did Enid just have those at her disposal, and secondly, why wasn't Wednesday piercing a dagger into her heart? 
"Why do you have those, Enid?" Wednesday asked with her face scrunched up. "Actually - I don't want to know."
Enid giggled. She slipped a hat onto her own head, alongside a fluffy fake mustache on her face. "You look cute, Partner." Enid put on a fake (and horrible) Southern accent with a wink.
"We're supposed to be watching The Shining, Enid. You finally agreed."
"We can another time." Enid smiled and suddenly Wednesday didn't really care too much about it. "I get the gist, with the Johnny dude and stuff."
"Johnny dude?" Wednesday made a face and it looked like a part of her had died inside - Enid just laughed. "Then what is your plan for-" Her jaw shut abruptly as the sound of Taylor Swift started playing in her apartment.
And the tennis court was covered up
With some tent-like thing
And you asked me to dance
But I said, "Dancing is a dangerous game"
Oh, I thought
This is gonna be one of those things
Now I know
I'm never gonna love again
Enid sang dramatically and off-key in Wednesday's direction, grabbing the other girl's hands with a big grin on her face. "C'monn, Weds!" 
Wednesday scoffs but she can't help but notice the weird feeling in her chest as Enid giggles and sings along. "I'd rather not sing to this monstrosity. And I thought I told you not to call me that." Wednesday complains, Enid faking a gasp in return. 
I've got some tricks up my sleeve
Takes one to know one
You're a cowboy like me
Never wanted love
Just a fancy car
Now I'm waiting by the phone
Like I'm sitting in an airport bar
You had some tricks up your sleeve
Takes one to know one 
"I never said you had to sing." Enid loosely wrung her arms around Wednesday's shoulders, swaying side to side. "Now dance with me, Partner."
You're a cowboy like me
Perched in the dark
Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear
Like it could be love
I could be the way forward
Only if they pay for it
"Fine, but if you tell anyone about this I'll-"
"Murder me or something that you'll never actually do?" Enid moved Wednesday's hands to her waist. "Your life would be boring without me."
"Maybe you're right-" Wednesday nods. "-Sherriff." That gets a giggle from the taller girl.   
You're a bandit like me
Eyes full of stars
Hustling for the good life
Never thought I'd meet you here
It could be love
We could be the way forward
And I know I'll pay for it
"I can't believe you don't like Taylor Swift, she's basically my mother," Enid says, not noticing just how Wednesday was looking at her. Well, until she does. Enid takes a double take, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Why're you-"
Wednesday was the one to cut Enid off this time. She leaned up slightly, cupping Enid's face, and closing the gap between them. It's short, sweet, the tips of their hats tipping each other upwards, and Wednesday pulls away first. 
Enid was blushing and if Wednesday could, she would be. "I can't believe you like this ear torture."
You're a cowboy like me
Perched in the dark
Telling all the rich folks anything they wanna hear
Like it could be love
I could be the way forward
Only if they pay for it
Enid kissed Wednesday this time, it was just as short as the first. Wednesday looked a little dumbfounded as if she didn't just do the same thing to Enid. "Oh, are we not doing that now?" The blonde asks, a short laugh escaping her lips as she finished her sentence.
"Touché indeed."
Cowboy Like Me, Taylor Swift
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addamsology · 6 months
Sometimes I really don't like how Enid is written in fanfiction, especially things to do with Wenclair.
I feel as if they really minimalise her character into the very 'obvious' aspects of her character (e.g her bubbly personality + all around friendliness).
I do think people forget that she is extremely smart, emotionally especially. She's also not afraid to stand up for herself and speak her mind - she's not scared of Wednesday.
People do tend to make the mistake of using her ability to show her emotions openly as a weakness when the whole point is that it's not. As, if you really think about it, one of Wednesday's weaknesses is that she bottles up her emotions, causing her to feel somewhat ashamed of herself when she does show any.
Also, Enid isn't helpless. She's actually a very strong-willed person. From the get go, she's not afraid to stand up to Wednesday or speak out when she thinks Wednesday is being weird. We've seen other characters beat around the bush when it comes to talking to Wednesday, scared to say the wrong thing, but Enid has never done that.
This is just my opinion.
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addamsology · 5 months
can we give Enid a gun in season 2? I don't care what kind I just want her to have one! She doesn't even have to shoot anyone but I feel like in the heat of the moment she'd grab a gun if it's near by
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addamsology · 4 months
I feel like so many people forget that Enid is probably rich too. Like Wednesday is definitely loaded but to get into a school like Nevermore you probably need money. Wenclair are rich girlfriends (real)
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addamsology · 4 months
Why is Wednesday always a dominant, mafia boss in wenclair fics... HAVE YOU SEEN HER?! She's literally a loser!
Okay, but in all seriousness why is Wednesday so mischaracterised?? Honestly, she is quite different from herself in Wednesday than she is in other Addams Family media but c'mon now... Ya'll took her stoicism, ran with it, and water down her personality to a horny brick wall
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addamsology · 3 months
I need people to stop mischaracterising Enid and Wednesday before I insane
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addamsology · 4 months
i love most wednesday ships!
except for wavier. i don't fw that shit
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addamsology · 4 months
As far as I'm aware there's no wenclair month 2024... perhaps I can change that
lmk what you think
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addamsology · 4 months
I feel like people write Esther Sinclair as what Gabrielle Barclay(?) actually is. Esther is only ever portrayed as an overbearing and judgmental mother - who thinks she's doing what's best for Enid. Gabrielle was so terrible Bianca had to RUN AWAY. I'm not saying that Enid doesn't have issues with her mother but people find out a character has a bad parent and makes it what it's not. I see a lot of fanfiction when Esther is physically abusive and Murray is a Saint, which isn't the case at all. I don't think people should paint either of Enid's parents as good people because Murray is just as bad for letting Esther penalise Enid like that. But again, she's not meant to be portrayed as a PHYSICALLY abusive person. Emotionally abusive, yes.
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addamsology · 5 months
clayclair defender first, human second
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addamsology · 3 months
enid and bianca kissed once actually
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addamsology · 5 months
wednesday addams in a cowboy hat
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addamsology · 3 months
wednesday is just a silly guy and I will never stop writing him as a big 'ol loser
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addamsology · 4 months
rowan and xavier kissed btw
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addamsology · 4 months
60s Gomez Addams is me! I love him so much actually
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addamsology · 4 months
starting the ajax petropolus being a djo fan agenda
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