#queerplatonic relationships are criminally underrated in fandom
xx0yeet-everything0xx · 10 months
something something qpr valgrace and yk im right abt this one too
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🫐 doing 2 because I’m at work slacking off 😂🤔
What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Hmm... I'm a sucker for fake dating and that's not suuuper common in the fandoms im in? Also, I know people are split about it but I do like when characters text or email in fic. I’m simply a sucker for epistolary stuff.
I also, apparently, am a sucker for rarepairs!
For Code Lyoko, I wrote the first Jim/Jean-Pierre fic on AO3, which is criminal since its a ship that makes so much sense when you think about it.
For Avatar, tbh I've been very into Zuko/Aang lately - not within the confines of the show, to be clear, but as their rship develops when they're adults. I also like Smellerbee/Longshot.
For Star Trek I rather like Spock/Sulu! Not really as an endgame ship, but a nice "we had a relationship in our 20s that ended amicably" sort of way, like a stepping stone in finding their respective Life Partners. I also really like Jim&Bones as queerplatonic life partners, or who have a relationship that doesn't strictly fit the definitions of romance or friendship.
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iturbide · 3 years
Platonic supports are my weakness. There is nothing I love more then characters being extremely close without the need to make it romantic. I really love it when people refer to a romatic relationship as “different” rather than “more” than a platonic one. It’s through your blog that I actually discovered what the term “queerplatonic relationship” actually means, so thanks for that!
Yes yes this exactly!  Platonic relationships are almost criminally underrated in fandom, it feels like there’s a reason my Claude and Dimitri fic is affectionately dubbed my spite project, but they’re so good and hands down one of my favorite things to write.  Even in my stories that do feature romantic relationships, I don’t skimp on the platonic ones: whether it’s stuff like Sully and Chrom being partners in crime or Robin and Sumia as book buddies, the friendships aren’t secondary to the romance, but equally important (which is why Robin sends scrolls along with his letters to Chrom in Affectionately Yours: his friendship with her isn’t less meaningful than his budding romance, but simply a different kind of relationship with just as much meaning). 
Also I’m so glad that my blog could help put a meaning to that term it’s become one of my favorites at this point and I have several character relationships that have no other descriptor.  From Lissa and Robin, who have shared secrets with each other that they might never share with anyone else; to Claude and Dimitri who won’t hesitate to rush to the other’s side when one is in need; there’s something about queerplatonic relationships that moves me like nothing else does.  Love is not a term exclusive to romance, and there’s no doubt that these people love each other in ways that are second to none and I am going to write it and be the change I want to see in fandom.
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