#queen julie andrews
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nick-nellson · 1 month
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The Princess Diaries (2001) dir. Garry Marshall
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callmeonmyrazr · 1 year
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behind the scenes of the princess diaries (2001) 💖
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momentinparadise · 1 year
Ted Lasso / Julie Andrews
I have so much to say about the episode #3 of Ted Lasso, but I really want to focus on the scene where they discuss their favorite Julie Andrews characters because Julie Andrews is my FIRST LOVE and it all seemed so significant.
So please, come along on this crazy ride with me:
Roy / Maria (Sound of Music): Something that is very symbolic to me is that both Roy and Maria had to take on responsibility and independence at a very young age. Roy playing football away from home and Maria at the convent - both had to grow up quickly, which gave them a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Additionally, both characters have a strong desire for family and connection.
Despite Roy's attempts to appear stoic, he has an extremely loving side to him, and I think he identifies a lot with Captain von Trapp too. Like Roy, Captain von Trapp is also initially depicted as a stern and unyielding character. However, as the story unfolds, we see his softer side emerge as he connects with Maria and his children in new and meaningful ways. This mirrors Roy's journey throughout the show, where we see him gradually open up and become more vulnerable with those around him.
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Coach Beard / Eliza Doolittle (My Fair Lady): A character that is clearly rooted in the lower-class, marginalised portion of British society speaks volumes about Coach Beard's own underground personality. Eliza is a character who defies the expectations placed upon her by society, using her wit and resourcefulness to transcend her lower-class origins and gain acceptance in high society. This resilience and determination are qualities that Coach Beard likely admires, as he himself is known for his unconventional and creative approach to coaching. Additionally, Eliza's story highlights the importance of education and personal growth, as she transforms from a rough and unpolished street vendor to a refined and sophisticated lady. This is something we see every episode with Beard: he is always engrossed in a book, always improving his knowledge.
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Trent Crimm / Queen Clarisse Renaldi (Princess Diaries): Fits him so well! The character's level of sophistication and elegance aligns well with Trent's own refined ways. And both Queen Clarisse and Trent show a willingness to make sacrifices for their beliefs: Queen Clarisse is willing to renounce her position as queen if it means allowing her granddaughter to marry for love, while Trent is willing to sacrifice his job and reputation to stand up for what he believes in. When he is fired from The Independent for revealing his source (Trent admits that he was the one who ratted himself out) it reflects the same values of breaking with tradition and challenging the status quo that are embodied by the Queen.
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Ted / Higgins / Mary Poppins: For Higgins the character of Mary Poppins may represent a loving, nurturing figure who helps guide and care for the children in her charge. This may reflect Higgins' own values as a family man, and the ability to provide a sense of warmth and security to those around him.
But for Ted, the choice of Mary Poppins may have a more personal and emotional significance.
As a coach, Ted is often in a position of leadership and guidance, and he may see himself as a paternal figure to his team. The character of Mary Poppins may represent a sort of idealized father figure to Ted, one who is wise, compassionate, and always there to provide guidance and support.
I tell you, my friends, there is not the case.
Because Mary Poppins is not about the nanny.
When Mary Poppins arrives at the Banks family's home, she finds a gap between the children and their father. He is always at work and worries too much, while the children crave attention, love, and a sense of family. Although the mother is present and is loving towards the children, she is often silenced by the father, despite being a suffragist 😂 .
So, the real transformation really occurs with George Banks. His character serves as a commentary on the pressures of societal expectations. However, through the magical intervention of Mary Poppins, he is able to find a new balance between his work and his family, ultimately leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.
I wonder if this is not something Ted wishes had happened with him, in some level.
And let's not forget that P. L. Travers wrote Mary Poppins based on her own father. In the 2013 biographical film "Saving Mr. Banks", several scenes depict Travers' difficult childhood. Travers idolized her loving and imaginative father, Travers Robert Goff, but his chronic alcoholism resulted in his repeated dismissals, strained her parents' marriage, and caused her distressed mother to attempt suicide. Travers' father died of tuberculosis when she was seven years old.
I mean.
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filministic · 7 months
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The Princess Diaries (2001) dir. Garry Marshall
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themarvelousbunch · 2 years
Gonna tell my kids this was Queen Elisabeth II and her hubby Philippe
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fangirlforeversthings · 3 months
People be like ugh i want what they have😩
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Well i want what they have 🥺
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zipadeea · 1 year
If I were writing the Princess Diaries 3, Mia would be queen (obviously) and Nicholas would be prince consort or whatever, and the main character would be their fifteen-year-old daughter. And instead of a movie it’s a mini-series, and their daughter, Clarisse (obviously), is kind of a spoiled brat, and there’s some incident at the beginning of the show, and Mia’s like shit, this girl needs an attitude adjustment. So, she sends Little Clarisse to San Fransico on the DL to live in the firehouse with Grandma Helen and Grandpa Mr. O’Connell and Uncle Trevor (who is like, twenty, so he’s basically her older brother), and slowly Clarisse learns how to be a Normal Kid. 
And then after a month or two, Mia comes to visit from Genovia, and Little Clarisse takes her out to the bay and the arcade, and they eat corndogs and ride trolleys, and Mia along with the viewers are getting emotional bc look at what she gave up! Was it worth it? 
Because the side plot in Genovia meanwhile is Mia’s approval ratings are down, people across Genovia are questioning the need for a monarchy in the modern world while Mia is trying to reconcile the same feelings within herself. Does Mia abolish the monarchy to give her daughter a normal life? Does she saddle her daughter with the same problems she’s grown to deal with? Does Mia bring democracy to Genovia???? Or does she decide the tradition she’s part of and the legacy her daughter will continue matters more? 
Tune into The Princess Diaries: Escape to SF and see how it all ends!
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multifandominfj · 3 months
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Give it to me now, Disney! 🙏🏻
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thephantomofanastasia · 6 months
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lilyflowerhere · 1 year
In honor of Ted lesso's latest episode
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katnissmellarkkk · 2 years
listen, instead of continuing with the current royal family and instead of abolishing the monarchy altogether, let us just start brand new with a new bloodline.
a proper bloodline.
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my royal family
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alexandrarosa · 2 years
I rewatched The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (after like 10 years or sth) and this time I actually liked Andrew better for Mia and yes, I am going to elaborate:
He has an actual job, he’s a pilot
He has a PhD
He’s older than her and he’s more stable so he can be a great advisor
He cares about her
He has interests and hobbies, his main characteristic isn’t being pretty
He’s an artist
He’s loyal and true to his promises
I feel like he would gracefully accept his role as a husband and not try to be a king instead
They could travel together
He would provide balance for her
I’m not saying she should have married him at the time, I’m all for her independent rule and the feminist speech.
She should have been crowned as a “bachelorette” queen and rule alone and only when she’s ready for the official relationship she and Andrew could have gotten married after dating and getting to know each other for some time.
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meersspace · 8 months
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same energy
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filministic · 1 year
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The Princess Diaries (2001) dir. Garry Marshall
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adamshallperish · 3 months
julie andrews could have been gandalf and ian mckellen could have been clarice renaldi queen of genovia
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