ponett · 2 years
Hi serious question, could you pitch me on chainsaw man? I want to know things about it that ARENT “Makima’s Hot, I hope that teenager gets with her.” But thats all Normie Anime Fans say and I know its more than that.
i'll avoid explicit spoilers here, but it's hard to fully explain why it's so good without explaining where exactly it's going. right now the anime is still very early in the series, so your average anime watcher who hasn't read the manga and just saw that this was the big series of the year is probably just going "oh, this is a show about denji wanting to get laid." people often hear that and jump to comparisons to the Horny Guy in every other shonen jump series
but in reality chainsaw man is worlds apart from that, even early on. denji's typical teenage horniness is played for laughs sometimes, sure, but it's not a series of tired cartoon gags where he tries to grope the girls and then gets bonked on the head. it's a story about a teenage boy who longs for human connections, but he doesn't understand them because he's had just about the most fucked up life imaginable, having to raise himself in extreme poverty and fight tooth and nail to survive. it's about denji learning to navigate meaningful human relationships and explore actual intimacy after a childhood where he was never shown even the most basic kindness, as well as the many ways in which those desires can be used against him by others. instead of just relying on wacky anime tropes, the story explores both very heartfelt and very dark and traumatic shit in a nuanced and earnest way. because of this (and the extreme gore) it's ABSOLUTELY not a series for everyone, but with the right people it really resonates
again, it's hard to give specifics on how compelling denji's arc is without giving away WHERE this story goes, but trust me when i say i would not love chainsaw man as much as i do if it was just another flavor of the month borderline-ecchi show about a guy trying to score with some girls that people on myanimelist convince themselves is high art
also the fight scenes whip ass and in the manga especially they're some of the most visually creative i've ever seen. so there's that too
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biomic · 2 years
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smashhole · 2 years
Before finding exactly this blog, every smash post I saw on tumblr was just random people saying the same 3 anti-melee player jokes. Its so weird that this website in particular is so hostile toward… people who like a video game they dont?
i swear there used to be more melee blogs here but i guess they all went inactive or left
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kimberlyannharts · 2 years
Im still not caught up (just started Shattered Grid the other night) but why is GGPR so much… BETTER than all the solo MMPR content in the main comics? Like, in issues 1-10 or so of MMPR, nobody had any time to breathe and everything sucked all the time. Are these supposed to take place within the same continuity? Like, does GGPR lead up to Tommy joining the team?
Yes, GGPR and MMPR are in the same continuity - GGPR is a prequel series to MMPR; meant to showcase smaller-stakes stories that focused on the characters' personal lives and relationships to balance out MMPR's bigger, more universal lore-heavy stories. So in a way it's "better" MMPR content because its entire purpose is to flesh out the MMPR characters.
GGPR doesn't show Tommy joining the team, but it does eventually catch up to the beginning of MMPR with him arriving to Angel Grove. This was originally going to be the finale for GGPR as a whole until they decided to keep it going with Necessary Evil (which is where they throw out the smaller-stakes and self-contained storylines strategy and the quality immediately drops as a result, imo.)
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People talk about Future Connected like it was SUPPOSED to be a home run. And it really wasnt. Its just kinda a small extra story that didnt NEED to add much. Its ok for what it is.
they couldve just not made it tho
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skajador · 2 years
Ok the bit has run its course. I’ll leave the blog up for archival purposes but I’ve told the joke now
*un-eternities your skajadors*
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aliencatart · 2 years
I havent watched Donbros this week (doing it tomorrow with a friend) but I saw the episode preview and was like “I know what piece of art will be on my dash this sunday.”
lmaoo honestly i was about of srb it last week bc of the preview but i held back since the betrayel of ep 31 😔
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yardsards · 2 years
note: partway through the episode one of my friends asked to watch it with me over discord. and during a commercial break my friend was like "put your cat on the call". so i went into the other room where my cat was sleeping and petted her head and woke her up. and then she followed me back to my bedroom. and then she noticed i was eating so she climbed up on my bed to try to beg for food/steal my food. so for a chunk of that episode my cat was screaming at me, climbing on my guts, and slapping my man tits cuz i wouldn't share my special little popcorn snack with her (the popcorn had garlic in it which makes cats ill)
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shittytokudetails · 1 year
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I posted 1,019 times in 2022
785 posts created (77%)
234 posts reblogged (23%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 491 of my posts in 2022
#asked in a zubat answered in a zubat - 197 posts
#shitty toku details - 79 posts
#kamen rider - 62 posts
#super sentai - 43 posts
#ultraman - 43 posts
#my video - 19 posts
#avataro sentai donbrothers - 16 posts
#submission - 11 posts
#recommendations - 10 posts
#kikai sentai zenkaiger - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#a parody of shitty movie details would require to further exaggerate the concept or take a turn back to post regular movie details
My Top Posts in 2022:
Today we brazilians go to vote in the general election, wish us luck to rider kick the facist out of the office
328 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
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412 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Hi twitter refugees, please don't bring the horrible discourse from that dying platform, just block the ppl you don't like, they'll never know
476 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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In the final episode of Kamen Rider Super-1 (1980) the protagonist is seen leaving earth on a rocket, which is a small nod to the fact that his actor is a fugitive of the law and hasn't been seen since 2017
533 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
1,258 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
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elecmon · 2 years
Ok so I’m playing Hacker’s Memory and I decided to use Zero Main Partners from the anime. I also named an Elecmon Lismet Jr because I was strapped for names and thought it’d be neat.
Lets just say Elecmon’s evolution options in Cyber Sleuth are a bit limited when you remove Garurumon from the equation.
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t4tails · 2 years
I love tails. I was saying the other day that Tails being 8 and Amy being 12 instead of them both being like, teenagers is definitely a weird holdover they’re too scared to change and its really funny because they are written like they ARE supposed to be like 14.
tails and how hes written in accordance to his age is an interesting subject considering he really does feel like a child in the 90s to sonic heroes. around the time they started letting adults voice him is when hes been reeled back into more of a preteen, maybe because of complaints of him being annoying lol. his writing in the games i think has gotten more mediocre in joint with this change, and while they may not be directly connected i do think leaning into tails' immaturity and eccentricity was what one of the things that made him interesting in the first place and taking away one of his defining characteristics (his status as a really, really young prodigy) is a factor in his so-so modern characterization. personally id like future games to take a page from the movies book and take their canon age into account when writing them instead of just retconning it all
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bubblekind · 7 years
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little kiddo Greeeds from an AU that @honeycombheadphones and I made for fun??? basically the Putotyra Greeed and Burakawani Greeed are mentally little kids and then their bodies also took that form. since they are pretty much harmless now, Eiji sort of adopted them and looks after them and they love their “Aunty” Hina and “Ankhle” who babysit them sometimes (Terra calls Eiji “Mom”). THIS IS JUST A REALLY SOFT SLICE OF LIFE OOO AU THAT IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL.
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biomic · 2 years
Did they ever name drop Momo’s bike? What’s it called?
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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kimberlyannharts · 2 years
I started reading the Boom comics because I wanted to see what they could do with Power Rangers having an ongoing canon. I finished Shattered Grid and Beyond the Grid has been just dragging on and on FOREVER for me. It’s so LONG. Does it pick up?
I mean I can't say for sure because I don't know what part of the story you're on kdjlfksj but Beyond the Grid only lasts from issues 31 to 39, because it was basically served to fill in the time before Necessary Evil was ready. It's definitely a slower-paced story but it's something I've grown to appreciate more as the years have gone by
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jade-lop · 5 years
What these Riders had in common?
Kamen Rider Ouja.
Kamen Rider Sasword.
Kamen Rider Den-O Gun Form.
Kamen Rider OOO Putotyrannosaurus Combo.
Kamen Rider Chaser.
Kamen Rider Genm.
Kamen Rider Rogue.
Kamen Rider Shinobi.
Kamen Rider Horobi.
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