kotdish · 1 year
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I’ve been brainstorming comic ideas for these two…
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pisboy · 8 months
destiny 2 pvp will always have problems by nature of non-separated pve sandbox and the inevitable power creep of a looter shooter
but if you get a full stack of friends all rolling the same bullshit together it's such a blast
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curiooftheheart · 6 months
Imagining the world where the commander rules committee realizes that they should probably actually balance the most popular paper format (besides kitchen table untouchable non-formats) instead of pretending it’s still 1997.
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txttletale · 2 months
also people get really mad about this but its obviously the correct decision for competitive games to chiefly balance around professional and high-level play -- because it's only at the top level of play that the skill differentials in a lobby start to narrow to the point where picking a character with a 1% higher winrate is the difference between winning or losing and because of how marginal the skill differences are, very very small changes at that level can take characters from broken to unplayable. meanwhile in 90% of casual lobbies you can basically play anything, as long as you're good enough at it, and just rely on hard outskilling your opponents because games are way more individually variable. this is why the term 'pubstomper' exists -- "balance" doesn't matter at casual levels like 90% of the time because nobody is consistently good enough at the game itself.
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princess-prettyboy · 6 months
the other day i was pubstomping randoms online and taunting them in voice chat but one of them turned on their mic and started playing Mommy’s Good Girl GFD Hypno Binaural Beats HFO Audio Mix #7 and needless to say it really messed up my game
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goqmir · 4 months
playing fortnite rn at my desk who wants to give me sloppy while i pubstomp
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derangedhunk1 · 6 months
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toro and snoopy on their way to pubstomp
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 11 months
So the Wolves went up against the Thousand Sons in what was really a gorgeous city and therefore not an inherently defensible fortress, so home ground but not as much of an advantage as it might be. The wolves brought the SoS AND the Custodes. Given all that, do you think the Sons gave a good show?
Second part. If you were given a legion of marines and a couple banana ships full of custodians and a couple ships of Sisters of Silence, which legion would you most vs least want to go up against? (I’m assuming least is Perky or Door but hey you never know). And where would the Sons be on that list?
I think they gave a very good showing. The Wolves v Sons thing really isn’t as one-sided heehoo pubstomp as the 40k meme hivemind make it out to be. The sorcerers were sniping sisters at range and doing heavy damage to the forces arrayed against them. They significantly taxed the enemy militarily and psychically while being placed at a disadvantage.
Magnus, for that matter, also fucked Russ up. Yeah, he lost, but he was the one beating the piss out of Russ for much of the fight. He was so torqued up on psychic energy that he was able to match Russ’s swordplay with his bare hands. He punched Russ so hard in the chest that his armour imploded around Magnus’s fist and punctured one of his hearts. Magnus pinned him with one arm after having the other broken and was going to straight up kill him if not for Leman’s pet doggos sacrificing themselves.
I’m not a “Magnus did nothing wrong” person, for the record. Magnus did fuckin’ plenty wrong. He and his sons absolutely fucked shit up on that day, though, and I think it’s fairly undeniable.
As for the last part, I have no idea. Depends on exact numbers tbh.
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OG Painbrush for the outfit challenge c: [if it's already been suggested, go with the Nouveau one instead!]
This is my favourite Brush by an enormous margin, because it is the only one I can play and not feel like I am doing lasting damage to my hands.
Painbrush is fun, though it feels a bit on the weaker side to me at the moment, but it's also a bit of a pubstomper weapon in the sense that the Main Weapon is really strong in low-level lobbies, so it's hard to buff as a result.
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Order Earring Replica / Distressed Vest / Sesame Salt 270s
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futchgunk · 3 months
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went pubstomping last sunday, our group was 2nd 2 finish
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doedipus · 1 year
I am constantly reminded that a lot of people who are really into fps games have very confusing and counterproductive ideas about what an online multiplayer experience should be like. the vibe keeps coming back to "if the game isn't letting me pubstomp freely then it's bad" and it's very jarring
like it's not just an fps thing and these people do exist in other genres of competitive multiplayer games, but coming from FGC circles I'm so used to like, sportsmanship being a factor in how people think about competition. like if you want to just steamroll through a game with little resistance play singleplayer/co-op games or play bots in tf2 or something, but in multiplayer settings, you have to have some level of respect for the other people in a lobby and understand that they're also there to have a good time.
...which is why sbmm is good! when implemented competently it makes sure that everyone in a lobby is of comparable skill and has an equal chance to learn and do something cool! nothing is more demotivating in a competitive game than being on a receiving end of a pubstomp, and games should try to make sure new players don't just get fed repeatedly into meat grinders for better players' amusement! gah!!
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As a medic main, here’s what I think of you from your main:
Scout: let me Uber build or you’re dead to me
Soldier: if you let me pocket you I will kritz you, let us bathe in the blood of casuals together my friend
Pyro: going stock Uber on phlog pyros are my guilty pleasure. I shouldn’t, but… I want to… so badly…
Demoman: ubering a demoknight is really funny, kritzing a sticky spammer is funny AND effective
Heavy: *kisses you on the lips*
Engineer: thank you for your dispenser and teleporter 🫡 if you ask nicely maybe I’ll Uber you with the frontier justice
Medic: don’t worry I’ll medic chain you, stay overhealed king, you dropped this 👑
Sniper: look I’ll leave you be but if there’s more than one of you on my team I will get mad
Spy: stab the sniper. Maybe later we can pubstomp with crit gunspy. I’ll see how I feel.
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rukibur · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about tf2 and genshin impact lately and decided to assign some genshin characters tf2 mains, along with a few tf2 related headcanons
So here are some of my ideas in a pretty lengthy text post
Also note: some of these might be kinda ooc or like me accidentally misinterpreting someone. In which I am very sorry I haven’t touched genshin in a really long time D:
List is organized in who I think is the most accurate to least accurate
- Sniper main
- Would be drawn to sniper’s simple playstyle. For the most part, all you need to play sniper is to be able to click on moving targets.
- No cosmetics, or strange weapons. Just stock and probably F2P.
- Doesn’t have in-game chat or voice chat on.
- Accidentally pubstomps and because he doesn’t talk in chat or have any hats, gets kicked for people believing he’s either a cheater or bot.
- Loadout: full stock
- Scout main
- Would enjoy scout’s simple hit-and-run playstyle. A powerful—albeit fragile—mobile class, which basically allows him to run around the map and pick his fights.
- Probably has a full strange loadout, along with an unusual hat and australium scattergun that he adores. There probably a few taunts in his inventory as well.
- Can absolutely pubstomp games, and plays for a sixes team.
- Uses a minimal hud.
- Loadout: full stock, australium scattergun
- Medic main
- Would join a match, see that the team has zero medics, and decide to be that medic.
- Doesn’t really care for hats. Cyno has probably gifted him a few though.
- Plays the game casually for the most part. Sometimes subs in if Cyno’s medic player can’t play though.
- Uses an improved version of the default hud.
- Loadout: crusader’s crossbow, quick-fix, solemn-vow
- Engineer main
- Would enjoy engineer’s supportive playstyle, along with how he can be more aggressive if he needs to be.
- Has probably bought a hat or two, maybe even a taunt. Not much, but something he likes.
- Everytime his nest gets taken down or just any of his buildings get sapped and destroyed, a small piece of him dies inside.
- Has made his very own hud and uses it.
- Loadout: rescue ranger/panic attack, pistol/wrangler, wrench
- Pyro main
- As much as I wanted to say that she would be a demoman main, I just know deep down she would be a pyro main. Simple and easy to pick up playstyle, along with just me thinking she would really like pyro as a character.
- Had Kaeya buy her a lollichop. Happily wears her gibus and absolutely adores her rainblower that she got from a random drop.
- LOVES the pyroland effect. The first time she played with it she had the most fun, burning her enemies with literal rainbows.
- Like friendlies and joins them most of the time.
- Loadout: rainblower, scorch shot, lollichop
Childe / Tartaglia
- Demoman / Soldier main
- Considering how much he likes fighting, it probably shouldn’t be a surprise that he’d most likely main the classes that can dish out the most damage.
- Doesn’t really care for hats. But he probably had bought strange weapons just to track kills. Could buy an australium but finds them kind of gaudy.
- Plays in both highlander and sixes. Likes to mainly play in casual but sometimes joins on uncletopia.
- The classes he has the most trouble playing besides medic is spy.
- Has optimized has graphics in order to get as much fps as possible. To the point where if you just looked at his gameplay you could mistake him as a spy main.
- Soldier loadout: rocket launcher / original, gunboats, escape plan
- Demoman loadout: full stock
- Scout main
- Itto just found him cool and wanted to main him. That’s just it.
- F2P, and mostly relies on item drops and crafting to get new stuff. But he does get a lot of stuff from his friend (I wonder who that could be…)
- Leader of the Arataki Gang, an amateur sixes team.
- Plays on uncletopia to try and better his gameplay, but also enjoys playing in random community servers
- Loadout: scattergun, winger, holy mackerel
Hu Tao
- Spy main
- Mainly plays spy to do stuff like scaring engineers and backcap points.
- Has only spent money on taunts, like the boxtrot.
- Generally messes around on casual and community servers.
- One of her favorite things to do is spam voicelines around engineers to make them paranoid.
- Loadout: L’Etranger, Clock and dagger, Knife
- Heavy main
- Honestly idk for this one. I wanted a heavy main and Diluc just kinda has the vibe.
- Bought a key and a crate and unboxed a hat. Doesn’t really care much for the economy, just likes playing the game.
- Has the absolute easiest time flanking as heavy. Doesn’t matter which map, apparently everyone he plays against plays the game on silent with no monitor because he can just walk into their backlines.
- Used to play highlander, but eventually lost interest and just plays casually. Can pubstomp if he wants to though.
- Loadout: Tomislav, sandvich, fists
- Spy main
- Doesn’t even really play the game, only there for the economy.
- Has a ton of unusual hats and taunts. Probably has a golden pan or two.
- Has been banned from a few trade servers for “scamming”.
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zamusvstheworld · 2 months
top 3 team fortress 2 players:
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prohaloplayer · 8 months
are you referencing the actual youtube aeries about video game highschool called Video Game Highschool or are you shitting and giggling rn
i want to pubstomp with the law
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3meat · 2 months
such a fuckin problem on tf2 atm cant find a lobby that isnt just bots or pubstompers or both
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