#probably not this weekend but the next?
ghostlynimbus · 3 months
I just got the first vote's writing done, which wound up being the start of a new chapter since i apparently already had one done so I will hopefully be able to get the finished one cleaned up and posted soon.
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deep-space-lines · 24 days
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The idea that earthmover plushie was something i could realistically maybe make was beamed into my brain on friday may 10th at exactly 11:23 PM and then proceeded to consume my entire weekend. i did not know if this would work but i did it. i made him. my weird lopsided dog Benjamin
(I'd be happy to write up the pattern/instructions if people are interested- I think it'd be pretty simple to recreate since he's like 90% rectangles- but be warned that I have never tried to draft a plushie pattern from scratch before and it's kinda janky as hell the way the legs are attached feels like one of those illegal lego techniques so you have to promise not to make fun of me ok)
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cryptidkey · 2 months
a sigma doodle maybe?
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So glad someone requested him because I literally draw him all day all night whenever I have the chance
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browngirl-inthering · 6 months
decade accurate marauders era wardrobes - sirius black
hair: black, wavy, and shoulder length.
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while long hair for both women and men was popular in the 70s, the trend carried over from the later years of the 60s.
the 1960s was a decade characterized by youth rebellion and societal revolution. the decade was rife with countercultural movements such as racial equality, women's liberation, and queer rights. pushed largely by baby boomers, the young people of the 60s rejected the conservative values of their parents and the generations before them and instead valued equality, individuality, and self-expression. these values inspired the fashion of the 60s, which is why later 60s fashion trends consist of brighter colors, shorter hemlines, non-western influences, and long hair on men.
i'm not sure if sirius having long hair while he was younger is canon, but even if not it makes sense for his character. sirius practically embodies the larger societal reckonings of the time as he struggles with separating himself from his long, bigoted family history and subverts the expectations for him by actively fighting against it and carving out his own self image free from his familial legacy.
clothes: consist mainly of blacks, purples, reds, and silvers. leather, velvet, furs, and fishnets. ripped tops, colored pants, slogan tees, and a copious amount of band t-shirts.
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glam rock is a british fashion subculture that emerged in the early 70s and was pioneered by various musicians such as marc bolan and david bowie. glam rock fashion allowed participants to play with gender norms with the men wearing typically "flamboyant" feminine clothing made with velvets, silks, furs, and glitter.
punk rock is also a british fashion subculture that came about in the mid 70. although having its roots in glam rock, punk rock visually seems like the exact opposite with its fashion pieces consisting of leather pants and jackets, combat boots, altered t-shirts, and body modifications such as tattoos and piercings.
for the longest time i haven't been able to choose between whether i think sirius would dress glam or punk. i think he'd like certain elements of both so i tried my best to combine them together.
he'd love t-shirts. they seem common today but before the 60s they were worn as underwear. during this decade t-shirt printing became easier and more accessible, and thus began the trend that was the slogan tee. you could get t-shirts with almost anything printed on them, short phrases, crude jokes, and band logos.
shoes: platform shoes, combat boots, and converse.
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platforms platforms platforms
combat boots, specifically doc martens, were a staple in punk fashion
the converse are for casual wear
accessories: motorcycle gloves, star shaped belt buckle, buttons, patches, and sunglasses.
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i couldn't find any good pictures or an actual belt that i liked but i feel sirius would love statement belts with a big buckle that has some sort of design on it
the patches and pins are for his infamous leather jacket™ i'm pretty sure his leather jacket isn't canon but it might as well be anyways 🤷🏿‍♀️
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shoobysims · 2 months
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Look what I made, mom!
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strawberrybyers · 4 months
“might see a familiar face back here very soon”
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cryptocism · 3 months
godddddd i keep hitting roadblocks with this chapter im gonna make up for it by posting some art
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mildmayfoxe · 6 months
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are YOU a cool and sexy weirdo or do you KNOW some cool and sexy weirdos?? do you love presenting yourself as a supporter of the arts?? are you a fan of giving money directly to artists?? do you still have some spaces on your walls that need to be filled or KNOW someone with spaces on their walls that need to be filled?? do you need to buy gifts for someone for whatever kind of potential reason? are you aching for objects to fill the void? I HAVE GOOD NEWS! 🎉❤️‍🔥
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 3 months
I love you winter!
I love you, first snowfall of the season. I love you, powdery snow and frozen grass in the mornings. I love you, pink and purple sunsets. I love you, heavy snowfall. I love you, waking up in the morning to find a thick blanket of untouched white snow. I love you, skiing trips through the woods. I love you, hot berry juice. I love you, making running steps through the untouched snow to see how far you can leap. I love you, frost and snow in the tree branches making everything look glistening and perfect. I love you, grey cloudy days when everything looks monochrome except for the red trunks of the pines. I love you, downhill skiing. I love you, trying out new routes and tricks while downhill skiing and getting out of my comfort zone! I love you, hot chocolate and whipped cream. I love you, great tits and magpies flying about looking for food. I love you, clear days when the sky is blue and you remember how beautiful it really is. I love you, heavy snowfall illuminated by the street lamps at night. I love you, walking on the sea ice and lake ice and accessing places I never could before. I love you, glögi. I love you, snowflakes and inspecting your patterns. I love you, steaming hot saunas. I love you, ice swimming, even though you also frighten me! I love you, fairy lights in the trees. I love you, wind-carved waves and shapes in the snow. I love you, blue hour. I love you, warm blankets. I love you, tiny black streams still staying unfrozen and moving. I love you, icicles and other beautiful ice formations. I love you, crown snow-load and thick snow covering the trees. I love you, northern lights. I love you, fireplaces. I love you, waking up in the middle of the night in your warm bed, finding the house completely quiet as you walk through the hall, and upon looking out the window, all you can see is the calm snow slowly making its way to the ground, illuminated by the colourful fairy lights and the orange street lights. And you get this magical feeling inside of you, that you’re so warm, and calm, and perfectly safe and sound in this very moment. And you feel like you could stand there forever and just… take it all in.
I love you winter!
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dykehayleywilliams · 8 months
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paramourning all the round 3 eliminations. iconic in our hearts, forever and always <3
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peonypyxels · 1 year
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auggie’s camera roll
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Would y'all like me to sort of make a masterlist of all the lore posts?
There's a lot stacking up and I know browsing the tag to find answers might now be getting a bit much. I'd organize it under like specific topics like all of the ones talking about heats, all of the ones talking about institutes, etc.
I'd link it on the fic masterlist so it's easy to find but i think now that things have expanded as much as they have, that might be a good thing to do. I was considering making just one big post with everything, but that sounds like a lot more work than just making a masterlist with all of the links.
I might do both eventually, but at least a masterlist of lore stuff...is that something that would be useful?
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roseworth · 8 months
what a fucking week (it’s 2 pm on a monday)
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joe-mazzello-archive · 10 months
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REGAN'S COUNTDOWN TO QUEEN | week twelve | favorite lyric
'39, lyrics by brian may
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a-s-levynn · 6 months
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Tiny Token 3rd set
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simgerale · 2 months
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In a far corner of the world, there was a continent once torn apart by war and greed, fighting over old grudges and forgotten slights.
With time came new rulers, and against all odds, the neighboring empires built an alliance.
The unexpected love between an empress and an enemy prince brought on peace after decades of strife.
Together, they bravely fought for the future.
For themselves... and then for their children.
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