#pregnant reader x steve harrington
mother-harrington · 2 years
I just want to see a scene or scenes of Steve being obsessed with your bump once you start showing, can’t take his eyes or hands off of you
I might have to write a fic where this happens because it would be so damn cute, wouldn't it?
like he is so protective of it too?
when you're out in public he'll stand in front of you for literally nothing, like a bus passes and he's jumping in front to shield your belly, making you roll your eyes at how dramatic he is
but he's just like "nothing is gonna happen to you or the baby, I'm gonna make sure of that"
the first time the baby kicks, he goes completely wild. he brings out the video camera and has to feel it happening too. he also makes you let him know everytime it happens, so he can feel it. each time is just as amazing as the one before.
when you're at home, in private, he'll rub his hands over the bump and like talk to it a LOT? and this helps when the baby kicks, too, his voice calms it down and just seems to soothe it
he can't keep his hands off it when you're out to dinner or driving in the car either, at least one of his hands will always find its way onto that gorgeous bump of yours
the few times that he ISN'T touching it, his eyes are glued to it. this man is completely obsessed with the bump and will tell you over and over again how beautiful you are, and what a miracle the two of you have created
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
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Summary: You met Eddie on a night out at the Hideout and maybe it was his big brown eyes, the way he kept telling you how pretty you look or the tequila shots but one thing led to another and you two hooked up in the back of his van. Now in a perfect world that would’ve been the end of it because that’s the thing with one night stands you normally don’t have to see them ever again. Well expect in your case you’ll be seeing a lot more of Eddie, because just three weeks after your little late night meeting in his van you find out you’re pregnant. So this series is all about how you and Eddie navigate being soon to be parents and also getting to know each other…let the fun begin!✨
A/N: This is going to be a twist on an enemies to lovers type thing! Also if you’d like on the tag list for this series let me know.
Status: Completed🖤
Conversations: Here
Instagrams: Here
Fics: Here
Extras: Here
*This is mainly a texting series and you’ll find everything in order below*
Part 1: Not In Love bonus fic of night you met here
Part 2: Stress Eater
Part 3: Mean It
Part 4: Kids bonus text with Steve here
Part 5: What’s Wrong? bonus convo with Wayne here
Part 6: Seven Up instagram extras here
Part 7: Baby Shit Eddie talking to the baby here
Part 8: Backseat Eddie texting Steve here bonus convo with Eddie here
Part 9: Curly Hair convo with Eddie when he picks you up here
Part 10: Nuggets bonus convo here
Part 11: Apartments bonus convo with you and Wayne here
Part 12: Halloween bonus convo with Eddie and Wayne here
Part 13: Friends bonus convos with Eddie here
Part 14: I’m Trying bonus convo with Eddie here
Part 15: Shoes
Part 16: Soothing
Part 17: Moment bonus convo with Eddie here
Part 18: Peach Rings bonus convo with Wayne and Eddie here
Part 19: The Chair
Part 20: Bestfriend
Part 21: Max
Part 22: Sagittarius bonus texts with Steve here
Part 23: Coming Home
Part 24: Lair
Part 25: Time Flies
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urhoneycombwitch · 1 month
On dad!Steve !! I would love if you could write something about him coming to terms with becoming a dad/pregnancy and labour/just first time dad!Steve in general makes me melt (especially if he's a girl dad 😔)
kay I’ll speak on it bc I have thoughts for SURE
cw: dad!steve, pregnant!R, light emetephobia ment, childbirth desc (no smut but my page is +18 only)
canon-wise, I feel like Steve’s only gotten smarter. obviously he’s still got a goofy himbo side. but he’s getting cleaner with fighting. sharper with his observations. lighter on his feet that’s only come with lots of protective practice.
but the part of him that really cares goes into overdrive after s4, in the canon I’m building in my head 😇 I think he might get a little obsessive about safety for awhile, in the wake of their heroic, underground-world-defeating victory. that kicks into high gear when he finds out you’re pregnant.
(see more of my to-be-named world building here)
for the first few months of your pregnancy he’s never been more grateful to be working in the same building as you. he takes every opportunity to to visit you at your library posting, between teaching his classes (under the pretense of grading papers. Professor Harrington can generally be found at a one-elbow lean on your front desk any time he isn’t in his office.)
he just loves you so much and wants to make sure you’re doing okay. he brings you ginger soda, the fancy brand you like- kept stocked in the staff fridge when your stomach is roiling with nausea, passed with an apologetic kiss to the back of your hand. 
bleeding heart Steve feels so bad he can’t take all the pain away, does his best to alleviate your new and growing discomforts. rubs your shoulders and puffy ankles down with lotion each night. gives up coffee in the mornings (even tho he used to RUN on caffeine) so you can kiss him without aversion 💖. he’s with you for every shaky night-sweat throw up session on the bathroom floor, kneeling to hold you hair back from getting sick in it. warm palm on your lower back in assurance and comfort. 
he calls it at 6 months. begs and cajoles and patiently argues (sweetheart, you’re wakin’ up so early with work. you should really rest, anyways- find a nice horizontal hobby to keep you off your feet. treat it like vacation 🫶) which turn into not so patient arguments (practically in your third trimester, goddammit, you want me to go crazy with worry? gonna have premature greys at this rate. let me keep you safe, angel, please. for my sake.) until finally you agree to take the damn maternity leave early.
and u know Steve’s reading all the books. how to be a good first-time dad. 101 lessons for the new parent. mother’s health and wellness magazines. childbirthing books. by the end of your third trimester, he’s gained enough knowledge to be an honorary midwife. could deliver the baby himself, if the situation really called for it. better to be prepared 🫡
and that spring , you’re both lounging on the couch. there’s a sunny spot under the big window, and you’re warming like cats, you feet propped in Steve’s lap. moon of a stomach peeking out from underneath a stolen one of Steve’s soft tees. his eyes are fixed on his library book on gentle parenting until you take a sharp inhale.
there’s a spasming band just under your navel that you press your hands into, and Steve pauses in rubbing absentminded at your ankle. looks up at you in concern and then at his watch and says “whoa, that’s like, 4 contractions in the last 5 minutes. are these for real or what?”
and you’re like “uhmmmm. don’t b mad but my water kind of broke this afternoon.”
and Steve looks at you with this very poorly concealed bewilderment that’s quickly morphing into shock and so you start talking before he can like “no no it’s chill. it’s cool!! 😎 doesn’t even hurt that bad and I knew you’d be home at 4 anyways….”
and you quiet when Steve rips his glasses off and pinches his nose between two fingers and says in a Very strangled voice “yeah. okay. well it’s 5 PM traffic right now which means rush hour which means we need to go to plan C right off the bat…”
and you watch this man unravel in the most efficient way possible. tugging at the roots of his hair until it stands overly-tall but managing to pack all your bags in the car in under 3 minutes. a record. and he gets to the hospital using all the mapped-out backroads so you’re there in a tight 15.
but as it turns out, a speedy arrival to the L&D ward of Hawkins Memorial wasn’t even necessary, because you spend the next 21 hours in the most intense, soul-crushing pain Steve’s ever seen you go thru in his life and it almost breaks him. for real. 
he’s so soft for you and no amount of reading about other people giving birth could have prepared him for the heartache and helplessness of seeing you ride the wave of a contraction. or go thru the brutal process of getting an epidural, your hands digging into his forearms hard enough to leave bruises as you leaned on him thru it all. 
and Steve did not know he could fall more in love w you but he does, the second you become a parent alongside him, wet and wriggling baby girl placed on your chest. spend two nights in the hospital healing up and fumbling through feedings and giggling over your new tiny daughter. counting her fingers and toes every time you unwrap her. cooing over those big brown eyes that look just like Steve’s.
and with his first baby, Steve is overprotective to the max. only Robin can babysit at first, and that’s only after she’s checked off a rigorous amount of reading material from Steve’s comprehensive required book list. he’s fussy about her routine (truly puts so much of the postnatal stress in himself so you can focus on bonding w/ your babe and resting), is fiercely protective over u and the new baby, like mama bear to the maxxx.
he’s actually GREAT at multitasking and the all consuming constant buzz of listening for certain types of crying and feedings and baby hand-offs thru the night really solidify the fact that he can do this. he’s already a million times better than his own parents at it, a fact of which you constantly remind and encourage him with. 
and I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, best thing to ever happen to Steve Harrington is having a second kid bc it chills him way the hell out. for reasons chalked up simply to It's the way the world works, Steve falls into a natural rhythm w your second kid. finds his stride as they say. he’s just as excited and caretaking and protective during your second pregnancy as with your first, but this time without all of the panic and wire-thin nerves. coasts thru calmly.
perhaps a touch too calm, because when you go into labor with your second kid, it’s the middle of a snowstorm in Hawkins, and since u and Steve went thru such a long hard birth with your eldest, you both take your sweet time getting ready to go. saying goodbye to your 3 year-old while aunt Robin comes to stay. even stopping for a snack on the way to the hospital because last time they didn’t let you eat and you were fucking ravenous the whole time.
but then Steve has to drive so slow and safe bc of the snowy roads and you’re still a good 20 mins out when things progress so rapidly and so unlike the first time around; Steve is so level-headed and  lets you crush all the bones in his right hand while he drives with his left, coaching you through breathing exercises, trying to keep calm but oh shit, you’re making the same sounds you made three years ago when you brought your first baby into the world, all low groans and gritted teeth and Steve’s pleading with you to hold on, just a few more minutes as he coasts into the emergency bay of L&D. doesn’t give a fuck about parking in a tow zone, they can take the damn car, Steve’s already launching himself out of the drivers seat to scoop you up and hike it indoors. 
in the nick of time. 10 minutes and a few pushes later and your second baby is there, all scrunched and tiny, so much smaller than her sister, got the slope of your nose and Steve’s pretty cupids bow. she arrived so fast it feels like a joke, you and Steve cuddling a bit cramped (the way you all like it) in the hospital bed, laughing a little, marveling at the fact that you’re a family of four now, how different it’s all been the second time around. how neither of you realized how much your hearts could expand to engulf your two kids with so much love, it feels like you’re both bursting at the seams 💖
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sadslay · 22 days
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- NIGHT CLASS ⋆☆ 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings — fluff because steve deserves happiness, light nsfw content, reader is a single mother?
an — i neeeeeded this out of my drafts, it has been here for MONTHS
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steve had been attending the hawkins community collage for a few weeks, taking a business class his father had insisted he take to ‘better his future at the family company’. steve had also been watching you from afar since the very first class, his eyes always drawn towards you when they should have been focused on the blackboard. he remembered you from high-school, and since then you had only gotten more beautiful, more matured, something about you had changed.
it was coming to the one month mark since steve had joined the class and he was trying to think of all the ways to talk to you. from what steve could gather, you were far too invested in the class to be paying attention to him. steve had been admiring you for some time now and tonight was finally the night he was going to talk to you, strike up conversation and finally get over his nerves.
you always sat in the second row, the closest seat to the door, and you were always the last to arrive and the first to leave. steve had always found you mysterious, even back in high-school, but now, you were all the more intriguing. steve had it all figured out, for today was the day he’d finally talk to you. he was going to stop you before you had disappeared into the hallway and he’d strike up some sort of conversation that he was one hundred percent certain would come naturally.
but as the teacher gave his final words for the lesson, you were already packing up your things and before steve could even rise to his feet you had disappeared into the hallway. as quickly as he could, steve shoved his notes and paperwork into his backpack and walked - very quickly, almost ran - into the hallway to find you rushing towards the door to the main street. steve walked outside to find you running towards the bus stop, only for the bus to be flying down the road, completely ignoring your calls.
steve wasn’t quite sure what had come over him but before he knew it, he was calling out to you. “did you need a ride?” as you spun around to face the voice that had just called out to you, your eyebrows pinched together. “da-did you need a ride?” steve repeated, rubbing the back of his neck as he stayed in his place.
there were meters between you and steve, meters of empty space as you stood in silence. “it’s okay.” you shrugged, looking back at the dimly lit bus stop. the next bus wasn’t for another hour, but you had waited for it before, it was no big deal. “the next bus shouldn’t take long.” you lied, unable to entirely see who was calling out to you.
“are you sure?” steve asked, stepping into the yellow glow of the street light.
“steve?” you queried, stepping a little further as you finally recognized his voice and face. “holy shit.” you giggled, stepping forward a few more feet to offer him a friendly smile. “you’re takin’ business?” you asked, now finally a few feet away from steve as he stood completely dumbfounded.
“ye-yeah.” he stammered, a weak laugh escaping his lips in hopes to avoid an awkward silence, but a silence ensued as steves laugh faded. “hey, did uh- did you still need that ride?” steve asked, vaguely pointing in the general direction of his car.
you smiled, weakly nodding, “i live on the other-side of town is that alright?” you asked, your eyebrows slightly pinching together as you realized it might be out of his way.
it was totally okay. “yeah,” steve scoffed, “s’fine.” he shrugged, a friendly smile ghosting over his lips as he began to search for his car keys in his pocket. “where abouts?”
“uh,” you hesitated for a moment almost embarrassed to tell him where you lived. “in the trailer park.” you spoke quietly, following steve to the car park.
steve had been watching the classroom door like a hawk. you had been on his mind for weeks now, but more so now then ever. as of the moment, you were two minutes late and the professor was beginning to start the class, and steve was beginning to get worried. maybe you had missed the bus? maybe you we-
“sorry im late.” you apologized, walking into the class - looking tired and unprepared- before talking a seat beside steve. “did i miss much?” you asked in a hushed whisper as you began to pull out your notes from previous classes.
“no.” steve replied, warmly smiling as he watched you frantically pull out books and pages of work. “hey are yo-”
“mr. harrington do i need to remind you that this class is for people who actually intend on paying attention and being present.” the professor spoke, causing at least a dozen pair of eyes to look in steves directly.
steve nodded, giving the teacher an enthusiastic thumbs up before turning his attention to the notes. you smiled as you watched steve tap his fingers on his desk. you took a pen out of your bag and began to write a note on your pad of paper.
‘sorry i got you in trouble :)’
you handed him the note then turned you attention to the professor as he wrote the class plan on the blackboard. steve smiled as he read your note before shoving it into his pocket. as he turned his attention back to the professor, listening to their boring dull voice drone on, steve began to think of all the ways he could talk to you again and before he knew it, the class was almost over. he had wasted the entire class daydreaming about you, and all the ways he could ask you out. with five minutes left until the end of the class, steve began to construct his question, putting all of his thought and creativity into it.
steve tore the corner of his page before resting the small triangle of paper on the corner of your desk. you looked at steve as a smile began to creep onto your lips before taking the note, unfolding the delicate paper to read, ‘did you want to grab something to eat afterwards?’
shit. your smile quickly faded into a frown as you turned the small piece of paper over before you began to write a response. steve saw you place the paper on his desk, causing his breath to hitch. he unfolded the paper and saw one word.
steve weakly, no, pathetically smiled before turning back to the professor. you had rejected him, by now steve has gotten used to the rejection of the people he often sought out romantically but this one was different, this rejection hurt. it also was not the last rejection. over the coming weeks steve had asked you a number of times to go out for dinner, a movie, even a study session but you always had an excuse. more often then not they sounded genuine, but it didn’t help the fact that every time you asked for a rain check, it felt like a kick in the guts for steve.
it was getting close to the end of the first semester, in fact it was halloween night and steve was still having little luck in wooing you. everyone within the class had gotten dressed up in celebration, most of the people were in fact attending a variety of parties after the class had finished, which left everyone in a good mood. steve had been watching you all class. he couldn’t quite figure out what your costume was meant to be, but that didn’t matter, you were utterly gorgeous.
you were wearing a cream silk dress matched with fishnet stockings and an old pair of doc martins. you and steve hadn’t spoken for a few weeks now, your interactions becoming increasingly awkward with the growing amount of rejections but that didn’t stop steve from trying think of a creative way to compliment your costume but he had gotten lost in his own world and before he knew it, the professor had dismissed everyone.
shoving his things into his bag, steve made his way outside. you were most likely already gone and far out of steves reach so he headed towards the parking lot with his head hung low, but as he reached his car, he heard your voice, causing his head to bounce up.
“fuck!” you cursed, watching the bus drive down the poorly lit street. “fuck!” you repeated, kicking a few loose stone that innocently laid on the pavement.
steve stood by his car, watching you closely as you kicked the ground and cursed. “need a ride?” steve yelled out, his arm resting on the top of his car as he opened his driver door.
turning around, you saw steve looking at you helplessly. you felt terrible using him for a ride but yet again you had missed the bus, and you were desperate. “are you sure?” you asked, beginning to walk closer to steve to avoid shouting across the parking lot.
“i wouldn’t be askin’ if i wasn’t.” steve joked weakly, his soul still admittedly a little defeated after your repeated rejections.
you offer steve a warm smile before wandering towards his car. steve got into the drivers seat and started the car as you pulled open the front passenger door, throwing your bag in the backseat before sitting in the front seat by his side.
“thank you.” you hummed, beginning to buckle in your seatbelt as steve pulled out of his parking spot.
“anytime.” steve grinned, hoping that things no longer had to be awkward between the two of you. he looked across at you briefly, noticing your dressed had hiked up, exposing most of your thighs before focusing back on the road. “neat costume.” he complimented.
letting out a soft laugh you asked, “you know who i am?”
“uh,” steve awkwardly laughed before bluntly replying, “no. but, you still look hot.” he smirked, turning out of the parking lot and onto the main street which led right into the centre of town.
a laugh erupted from your stomach before you began to evaluate steves costume, finding some familiarity in its design. “and who are you meant to be? hans solo?” you giggled.
“yes.” he answered immediately, almost excited you had correctly guessed his costume. “a few years back me and dustin,” he paused for a moment, realising you might not know who dustin henderson was before continuing, “some kid i used to baby sit went as hans solo and luke skywalker.” steve chuckled, remembering the night fondly.
for a brief moment you laughed along together, almost like none of that awkward tension had ever existed, but at your laughter faded you found yourself staring a steve a little longer then you should have which led you to blurt out, “did you wanna grab something to eat?”
steve wasn’t entirely sure he had heard you correctly. “dinner?” he repeated, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked across at you before focusing back on the road.
“ya-yeah.” you shrugged.
“sure, yeah totally.” he replied enthusiastically, ecstatic that you were finally asking him.
“something low key though.” you quickly added. “no enzo’s or uh-” you paused for a moment, trying to think of any other nice restaurants in town but nothing came to mind.
“no enzo’s.” steve repeated sarcastically, making you smile before he took a right turn. “low key, i promise.”
“i really needed this.” you hummed, picking up a few fries from the brown paper bag sitting between you and steve. “m’thank you.” you mumbled, your mouth full of food as you let out a soft giggle.
“anytime.” steve smiled, watching you as you grabbed another handful of shoe string fries. “so what finally changed your mind?” he asked, taking a sip of a brown bubbly soda from the red and white styrofoam cup. your eyebrows pinched together, confused by what steve meant. “s’just you’ve said no to getting dinner with me for ‘bout a week now.” steve weakly joked, trying not to sound too hurt by your previous rejections.
“uhm.” you frowned, finishing your mouthful of food before looking at steve with your full attention. “i was worried i’d scare you away.”
“scare me away?” he nervously laughed, knowing that there was nothing in this world that would scare him away. “trust me, if anyone were to do the scarin’ it’d be me.”
you let out a weak chuckle, amused by steves attempts to try make you feel better. “no.” you spoke softly, combing a piece of hair behind your ear as you whispered, “i’ve got a kid.” steve remained silent, completely and utterly dumbfounded by this minuscule piece of information. news like that had often spread like wildfire in hawkins, so to see steve sitting in front of you like a deer in head lights had told you that he was one of the few people that didn’t know. “please say something.” you spoke quietly.
“a kid.” steve repeated, his brain desperately trying to process the new information. “a kid?” he repeated, this time sounding more like a question.
you nodded, “some guy knocked me up the end of senior year, he skipped town once he found out ‘nd i’ve been on my own ever since.” you explained, weakly shrugging your shoulders as you continued to watch steve.
“wow.” he breathed. you wiped your greasy fingers on a brown napkin before noticing steved furrowed eyebrows. “why’d you think that would scare me?” he asked.
you shrugged, most guys you had mentioned this little piece of information to would bolt at the first opportunity. “most guys get freaked out.” you explained, now preparing yourself for an unbelievable amount of questions about your situation.
“whats their name?” he asked.
you were a little startled at steve unerving calmness, but you cautiously answered. “ashley. after my grandmother.” you paused for a moment to look at steve who was patiently waiting for you to continue. “she actually helped me throughout my pregnancy.”
steve put his styrofoam cup in his cup holder. “i bet shes adorable.” he smiled.
“she is!” you grinned, grabbing your purse from your bag and showing steve the small polaroid of you and your daughter on her first birthday. “i need to get a new photo, shes grown up so much.” you thought out loud.
a silence fell between you and steve as you shoved your purse into your backpack. there was something about steve that made you so comfortable around him, it wasn’t often that you found a guy from hawkins that was this genuine and accepting.
“so what happened to that guy?” steve asked quietly, very clearly asking with caution.
“he ran off.” you shrugged. “haven’t been with anyone since.” you giggled, taking a sip from your drink. steve just about choked on air making your giggle turn into a belly laugh. “shit sorry. to much information.”
he shook his head, managing to cough out, “no, no.” once steve had composed himself and your laugh as simmered down he looked over at you.
“sorry, i haven’t really done this since high school.” you added shyly.
“done what?”
“gone on a date? or whatever we’re calling this.” you spoke slowly, trying to avoid more embarrassment.
steve smiled, now realizing you were just nervous. “we can call it whatever you want.” he spoke barely above a whisper.
the air was thick and the corners of the windows were slowly beginning to fog. you and steve stared at each other, the tension between you was undeniable as your body instinctively moved in a little closer.
“i really want to kiss you.” you whispered, trying to hide your smiled as you blushed profusely.
steve moved in a little closer, his lips hovering over yours. he didn’t intend on teasing, or keep you waiting, but he wasn’t sure he’d ever be this close to you again and he needed a moment to admire and memorize every little detail about your face. but after what felt like a dreaded eternity, his lips finally connected with yours. at first he was soft, not going too fast but when your hands grasped onto his chest, he just about died.
and seconds later, kissing you with every fibre in his body, steve had one hand planted on your waist while the other held onto your cheek, pulling you closer. everything had happened so quickly, you almost didn’t realize when steve had pulled you onto his lap. feeling more and more desperate with every passing second, steve leant upwards, kissing you like it was his only purpose on this earth. you fumbled against steve as your fingers entangled themselves in his - perfect - hair.
steves hands inched their way up your thighs, his hands rubbing against the rough denim covering your warm skin. “this is moving so fast.” you moaned into his lips, your heavy breathing filling the small space of the car.
“muh- mah-maybe yeah.” steve breathed, his forehead resting against yours as your chests heaved.
you let out a soft giggle, your eyes wandering down to steves lips. “yeah, but fuck it anyways right?” you breathed, your hips wriggling with impatience.
your lips almost instantly reconnected, hungrier and more passionate then the last kiss you had exchanged. soft moans and whimpers left your lips as steves hands attached themselves to your hips, guiding them. steve was hot to the touch. as his fingers slid beneath the thin cotton of your shirt, they warmed your skin instantly. slowly, your hands slid down from steves hair to grasp onto his belt, the very action causing a whimper to erupt from his throat. smiling into the kiss, your hands began to fiddle with the cool metal belt clasp. the windows of the car began to fog up, you we’re almost certain you could feel the car moving.
“ah,” a whiny moan fell from your lips as you continued grinding down onto steves lap. “are we rea-uh really doin’ this?” you asked, slowing your movements to create a euphoric sensation in your stomach.
“oh god-” steve whimpered, his head falling back as your hands grasped onto steves neck, your thumb gently rubbing his warm skin. “pla-uh i really hope so.” he breathed, his breath erratic like a panting dog as his hands slide down from your torso to the meat of your ass.
your mouth dropped open as your head fell back, the sensation of steves lips sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck driving you insane. “why, uh,” your hands slid up into steves hair, bunching it in your fists and your senses became overwhelmed. “why don’t we-uh go inside?” you giggled.
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luveline · 1 year
For your kisses before dinner au, can I request a late night moment, not nsfw or anything just what their evenings are like? ty🧡
ty for ur request!! kisses before dinner ♡ pregnant!reader
You and Steve lie shoulder to shoulder in the dark. 
"You think they're sleeping?" you whisper. 
"I have no clue." 
You're both too terrified to move. Any noise at all risks waking up the girls. If you can avoid waking them up, there's a possibility that you and Steve might get some time alone. 
You have as many little ones as you do because you love them, everything about them, at all times of day. And sure, they exhaust you, but you wouldn't have had them if you couldn't handle it. If you couldn't manage the bad with the good.
You want to curl into a ball on top of him but the distension of your stomach makes it difficult. Baby bumps are made for homing and protection, they aren't super super fragile, but you've always been cautious and that isn't gonna change anytime soon. 
"I miss being able to lie on top of you," you confess. 
"You still could. Back to my chest," he offers. 
"Not the same." 
"If you loved me, you'd use me like a mattress topper." 
You fit together well when you're on top. Cheek to cheek, legs between his legs. Sometimes you hook a thigh up over one of his hips. It can't be comfortable for him and he's never complained, not once in all the years you've loved him. 
It's super Steve of him. He whines about all the wrong things. 
Case in point. "Are you gonna lie on me or am I dragging you?" 
"Can you? I'm too heavy." 
Steve scoffs. No matter what weight you are, pregnant or not, he insists that you're never 'too' anything. "Would you quit it?" 
"I don't want to lie on you like that. I miss being able to-" You shrug, tracing the barely illuminate line of his nose with loving eyes. "To cuddle like we're the same person." 
It's corny. Steve knows exactly what you mean. 
"We are the same person," he insists. He starts trying to turn your names into one, creating a hodgepodge of poorly strung syllables.
He has the unique ability to make you laugh at just about anything. He can get you giggling in the delivery room if he tries hard enough. 
You shift your arm where it's sandwiched so close to his and go searching for his outermost wrist, pulling it to your face for lazy kisses. His palm resting at your lips, you close your eyes and picture the face he's making. He's definitely turned his head to yours, giving you that "you're so crazy" expression he does, like he's startled you'd dote on him. 
"Wanna make out?" he asks. 
You're about to say yes when footsteps sound.
Steve eases up onto his elbow to kiss you sweetly, too quickly, before he takes the end of the blankets into his hand and pulls them over your heads. 
You know exactly who it is from the footsteps alone. Avery pushes open the door, and she sounds almost shy as she whispers, "Are you still awake?" 
"We're sleeping," Steve says back. You laugh as quietly as you're able to, tummy trembling under his hand with the motion. 
"I want to talk to you." 
That's not so funny. Steve moves the blankets back down. "About what, Avey-bear?" 
She's hard to make out in the dark, not with the light from the hallway at her back. You can see her hair, it's bed head frizz, and the ruffles of her nightie at her knees. 
"About anything." 
You snort. All your worry turns to amusement, and affection, and you make space between you and Steve immediately. You move too fast. 
"Be careful," Steve says to you softly, prompted by your little breathless sigh. Lately, your back has felt super sore, like somebody's taken to it with a meat tenderiser. 
"Come and sit with us," you tell Avery. 
She races around to your side and waits for you to pick her up. You would, of course, and you'd hug her to death as soon as she was in your arms, but you'd really hurt yourself somehow and you don't want to make it worse. 
"Come round to my side," Steve says. 
You smile at her unimpressed expression, "I can't move too much. Baby's kicking my spine." 
She gawps at you, tiny white teeth shining like pearls. "She's what?" 
It's important to note that you don't know the baby's gender. Avery says 'she' because her dad does. That, and it must make sense to her — Avery has felt the little kicking feet of two sisters before. It's sad, and silly, but for a split second you feel sorry that the only people who'd ever felt her kick were you and Steve. It had been one of the best (and then quickly one of the most agitating) feelings in the world. 
Avery, big sister extraordinaire, and biggest, bestest eldest daughter they ever made, climbs up onto the bed by herself and positions her face carefully over the hill of your baby bump. "You have to be nice," she whisper passionately, "you're hurting mom." 
You stroke her forehead. "Baby can't help it. She's growing." 
"You said 'she,'" Steve coos. 
"It's easier." You're not sure at all what the baby is. You have no premonitions. No inkling of one guess or another. 
"She," Steve says, "really can't help it Avery, but you're a good girl for trying to protect mom." 
"Thank you," you say, cupping her cheek. 
"You're welcome," she says. 
You're the kind of mom that some little kids can't abide — all you want, all the time, are hugs. You steal them at breakfast and lunch and dinner, in the car, in the garden, in the supermarket. You love to move in behind them and cuddle their unsuspecting shoulders. Lucky for you, they've all grown to return the same affection. Avery, amazingly careful of your stomach, crawls the rest of the way up the bed to the pillows and lays down curled toward you, pulling your arm to her chest for a hug. 
Steve moves onto his side and sidles up behind her. He moves his arm over your two bodies, his hand over your shoulder, his eyes glued to your face. 
"We've done this before," he murmurs. 
You and Steve and Avery and an unnamed baby. 
"Do you think your sisters are sleeping?" you ask. 
"Mm, Beth is snoring again," she complains. 
"Dove isn't this quiet when she's awake," Steve says. 
"Guess it's just you with us tonight, beautiful," you say, pulling the covers over Avery's shoulder. Swimming in bed sheets, she beams at you, really smiles, and her face seems like it's nearly too small to hold a happy that big. 
"What did you want to talk about?" you ask. 
Steve closes his eyes and pushes his face into the back of her head. You wrap your arm over Avery to bracelet his arm with your fingers. If you're clinging too tight, he doesn't complain. 
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glassbxttless · 1 year
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L&D Baby
Nurse!Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Summary: Steve and his wife are having their first baby— and it happens to be at the hospital he works at.
Word Count: 2.3k+
Warnings: 18+ (editing to add: no sexual themes, but I am literally an adult and do not want minors interacting with my content whatsoever), marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, mentions of a stillbirth, dad!steve, labor and delivery nurse!steve, blood/blood loss, swearing— as always let me know if there’s any tags i missed!
Notes: This is posted over on my ST blog ( @hellfirestxnes ). Once all of my content is moved over here— that blog will be inactive as my main objective is to have one space for myself!
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Steve is tired. His bones are aching and his eyes are sore, but it’s just another Friday really. He has about half of his shift left and he’s off again, thankfully, until Monday. Leaning on the counter at the nurses station, listening to the other nurses gossip and share stories about their kids. And he’s thinking about you at home, sitting pretty and waiting for him to come home— belly swollen with his child. Any other day, he might tuck himself away and use the phone to call and check in, but today… he couldn’t face it. The first delivery he was on that morning, he watched a new mother wish with every fiber of her being that what the doctor was telling her wasn’t true. He cleaned up that baby, took their weight and height, made out the card for the parents that would never get to hear a cry. He bundled up gray, cold skin and hoped that the couple would be able to find peace. Somewhere deep down, he wishes he wouldn’t have heard them ask how did this happen? Everything was just fine this morning. But, now here he sits. Thinking about that delivery, thinking about his wife at home. His very pregnant wife. Your pregnancy has gone by so quickly, been such a breeze. He’s been to as many appointments as he could, especially the ones you were so worried about. But there’s always a reassuring answer of your baby being strong and healthy. A perfect little Harrington. And now, Steve’s never found himself more terrified. If everything can be fine and perfect one second and terribly tragic the next, he doesn’t know where to find his peace. He hangs his head against his hands for a few moments— taking a deep breath. He’s gotta get himself straight, take a few moments. But there’s hellos being exchanged a few feet away and after what seems like a millisecond, a hand is settling on his lower back. He snaps around, prepared to give the whole I’m married spiel he’s done a thousand times, he’s met with the beautiful eyes of his adoring wife. And that softens his features, he’s visibly relaxing.
You smile at him, as he tugs you into his grip. The hug lasts longer than usual and Steve loves hugging you. You rub his back and kiss his shoulder, “you forgot your lunch.” You whisper to him quietly, the bag in your left hand adorning a beautiful band that Steve had so carefully picked out himself. At your words, Steve’s grip just tightens a bit and he kisses your head, sighing out. “Do you wanna eat together?”
“Yeah, angel. Just about to take my break. come on.” he says quietly, leading you down to the cafeteria. He pulls out your chair and you can tell something is distracting him as he sits. He’s busying himself by passing out the food, but he’s quiet and normally— he isn’t. He asks about your day, tells you about his, has told you he loves you a dozen times by now. And he knows you’ve noticed, by the way his eyes flick up to yours and back down again. “I’m okay.” he says after catching the look on your face.
“You’re not.” you reply, matter-of-factly. “What’s going on, Steve? Can talk to me.” you reach over for his hand, thumb brushing over his own gold wedding band. “You’re not acting like yourself.”
Steve sighs heavily, flipping his hand over to take yours gently. “The first birth I was on this morning was a stillbirth and I dunno… just had me thinking a lot.” He explains, his eyes dropping down to your belly across the table. You nod slightly, the hand that wasn’t entwined in his moves to your belly. You’re almost due and neither you nor Steve have ever had to worry about this. Never had it been a thought in your head.
“Just want you guys safe, is all.” Steve says softly and gives your hand a squeeze before he’s pulling it away to eat his lunch with you. And when it’s time for him to get back to work, you stand. There’s a dull ache that starts in your back and wraps around to your tummy, it lasts about 30 seconds as you clean up from lunch. You ignore it as he hugs you tightly, pressing a kiss against your forehead. “I’ll see you at home, okay? Take it easy, rest.” He reminds you, rubbing up and down your arms.
“Yeah, okay.” You acknowledge him with a nod, before you feel another aching pain. But this time it’s accompanied by a slow trickle of fluid down your thighs. And when Steve notices where your eyes are falling, all of the hair on the back of his neck stands up.
“Oh.” Is all he can manage. He’s done this a thousand and ten times over the past few years. He’s consoled laboring mothers, he’s held their hands and cleaned them up, he’s been their support system. It’s his job. But here he is, with his own wife, frozen in his tracks. Your water broke and he can tell with the uncomfortable face you’re making the contractions have started as well. “Okay, angel… let’s… let’s get you checked in.” he says softly and suddenly, you’re more than thankful for the pre-registry packet Steve made you fill out last week. He holds your hand the entire time they check you in and get you into a room. He can hear his pager going off and he’d check it, every now and again, hoping one of the other nurses could pick up his patients, since he still technically was on his shift. But when he can’t put it off any longer, he kisses your head. “Listen, I’ll be right back okay? I’m not leaving you alone for this. I’ll be really quick.” he says softly.
You just nod, munching on the ice chips he had brought you not too long ago. You still feel like you have time. The contractions aren’t that close together yet. But Steve would throw a fit if they even tried to send you home and you know it. Steve smiles nervously when he wheels a cart into another expectant parent’s room. He introduces himself and shakes her husband’s hand when he extends it to him introducing themselves as, “Caleb and Connie Bear.” He's trying to keep the small talk up and keep himself calm— and not to think of his wife four rooms down. “Is this your first?” he asks softly, administering her medication.
“Oh no.” Connie laughs softly and shakes her head, “It’s baby number seven.” She pats her belly gently. Steve nods, a little lost in his own head. A mix of thoughts of the young couple a floor up with no baby to show, his wife laboring without him, and these friendly people working on their seventh baby. “It’s not as bad as you think.” she laughs, catching Steve’s face.
Steve laughs nervously and shakes his head, “oh no. it’s not that.” He smiles softly, “my wife and I wanted around six.” He shrugs, giving her a glass of water.
“You’ve got kids?” She smiles at him and gives his forearm a gentle squeeze as he adjusts her monitors. “You’re so young.”
“Uh… not yet.” He laughs softly and pulls her blanket back up over her. “My wife’s in labor now, actually. Not very far along yet and It’s our first, might have a while to go.” He rambled off nervously.
She smiles at him, a warm and comforting smile, and so does her husband. They remember those days. And Steve does find comfort in that smile. “These things take time.” She says softly, nodding at Steve. “but she’ll know what to do and I know you’ve seen a lot of babies being born but the minute you see yours, everything’s gonna change.” And Steve knows she’s right.
“Thank you.” he says softly. “I’ll be back in to check on you in a little while.” he dims her lights a bit, sighing softly as he steps out of the room and walks over to his station to chart his notes quickly. When he looks up and sees his mother-in-law, that’s when his panic starts to set in. He’s hurrying around the counter, biting the inside of his cheek. “What are you doing here?”
“Y/N called asking me to come, Steve.” She laughs, a sound that reminds him of you. “She knows you’re busy.” She gives his arm a pat and smiles at him. “She’s getting close, from what they’ve told her.”
“And she didn’t say anything to me?” Steve frowns, leading her over to your room. His face is knotted up in confusion when he looks over you. Your feet are planted on the floor, leaning over your bed. He sighs softly, knowing he should have been in here. He walks over, standing behind you to rub circles into your lower back.
“This is how we got into this situation.” You joke, face pressed against your sheets.
The response makes Steve chuckle, rolling his eyes, “oh hush. your mother is here.” He mumbles softly, rubbing your hips gently. “Where did they say you’re at, angel?” he asks softly.
“Eight.” You mumble back, letting yourself melt into Steve’s hands. They slide around to your belly, lifting gently and trying to keep the pressure off of your back in between contractions. “What do you think it’s gonna be?” You ask him, turning your head to catch a glimpse of him. You can see the worry etched into his features. But once he sees the way your hair is sticking to your forehead and how flushed and clammy your skin is— he softens.
“A girl.” He says softly. “Gonna be just as pretty as you.” He whispers softly, helping you switch positions and lie back on the bed quietly. Steve’s head perks up as he sees one of his co-workers take a quick peek in. “What’s up?” he mouths over to her. He watches her point down to her belt, signaling to the pager Steve has forgotten.
He sighs and kisses your head once more, rubbing soothing circles onto your arm. “I’ll be right back again, okay sweetheart? Your mama’s here. gonna take care of you while I’m gone.” He says softly and squeezes your hand before he’s ducking out and heading down to the Bear’s room, pushing the cot along quietly.
Connie smiles tiredly, having opted for an epidural at the last stage of her labor. Steve’s ready at her thighs, ready to pop the baby up onto her chest. His own head is occupied with the thought of missing the birth of his own child while he welcomes another into the world. His shift would be over soon and then he’ll be sitting at your bedside, holding your hand and keeping you healthy and happy. Supporting you throughout the entire transition of your labor. Caleb rubs soothing circles on Connie’s arm as she pushes, and Steve takes note of the love in the room. How much the two of them lean on one another.
And Steve’s breath hitches in his throat when he’s reaching over her thighs, with their newborn boy laying on her stomach. He’s helping rub the baby dry, eyes flicking up to the delivering doctor when no one hears any cries for just a few more moments. And Steve whispers, panicked, but full of hope, “oh come on, kid.” No one hears him, but Connie— and her eyes are on him as Steve tries his fucking best to coax a cry out of the baby. Even after suctioning his nose and mouth. He remembers the heartbroken looks on that young couple this morning and he couldn’t take it again.
And finally there’s a sigh of relief when the little one lets out their first big wail. Steve smiles watching as Connie holds their baby to her chest, tears welling up in her eyes. She gives Steve’s hand a squeeze, her face silently thanking him. And then as he’s walking away to fill out a stats card for their baby, Steve hears his name followed by someone shouting time to push. And he’s running. He’ll check back in later, but he’s not missing his baby’s birth. You’ve got the rails of the bed in your hands, gripping tightly as you push— and he’s finding your side and brushing back your hair. “I'm here, angel.” He’s whispering through your tears. “I’m here. Look at you. You’re doing so good, mama.”
And it’s a whole new feeling when Steve hears a cry before he even sees the baby. He can see the blood on your thighs as they lift the baby up to place against your chest. The tears in your eyes are falling as you look up at Steve. And he just presses a kiss against your forehead, sniffling back his own years. “You did it, angel.” he mumbles softly.
“Congratulations.” You hear through your OB’s big smile. “It’s a boy.” And then Steve laughs, his smile pressed against your hair.
“It's a boy.” you repeat, fingers brushing against the back of your baby's fresh soft skin. The quiet grunts coming from him fill the room as he roots around trying to latch onto your breast quietly. “Joseph.” You whisper and turn to look up at Steve, remembering the perfect name the two of you had spent the last eight months curating. “Joseph Steven Harrington.” You announce to your mother quietly. And Steve feels himself tear up a bit.
Nothing has ever felt like this before in his life. And once you’re squared away, he makes sure to thank his coworkers quietly. Appreciating every second of them covering his ass tonight. They all congratulate him for the beautiful baby, passing out hugs and offering advice. And Steve soaks it in, every single word of it. Soaks it in like his life depends on it.
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tags ;; @peachyproserpina @eeopxlt
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katsu28 · 1 year
🍭 lollipop -26. “Just breathe. Like that. That’s it” from List 4 with steve pls?? ty<3
i combined this one with another request—"relax, i've got you." because i thought they went pretty hand in hand with each other, i hope that's okay! ty for requesting! <3
dad!steve harrington x pregnant!reader, mentions of pain and pregnancy symptoms, 1.3k
Being pregnant was proving to be one of the hardest things in your life. You’d had enough dizziness and nausea in your first trimester to last you a lifetime, enough achiness and swollen feet in your second than anyone should ever have, and now in your third, you’d discovered something brand new to put on your list of pregnancy woes.
False labor pains, otherwise known as Braxton-Hicks contractions (as Steve had very quickly informed you after a trip to the library that resulted in a pile of what to expect when you’re expecting-esque books residing next to his side of the bed). Paired with an extremely active baby girl with a horse strength kick who loved to make it known 24/7, this home stretch was your toughest one yet.
The telltale open and shut of the front door signaled Steve’s arrival, even before his voice. “Honey, I’m home!!!” He sang.
You made a vague noise of acknowledgement from your sprawled out position on the couch, waving your hand over your head haphazardly. You’d been stuck in the same spot for almost the whole day, seeing as every time you tried to get up, either another well placed kick or a false contraction dragged you right back down.
“How’re my girls doing?”
“Your daughter’s doing her daily karate routine against my organs, but other than that we’re great.”
“Oh so she’s gonna do karate now? I thought she was gonna be a tap dancer? Or a soccer player?” Steve teased gently, tossing his keys into the bowl on the table near the front door. He kicked his shoes off too, hanging his jacket on the hook next to yours before crossing the room to rub your shoulders with a kiss pressed to the top of your head.
“She can be all of them when she grows up, but I wish she’d stop it right now.”
He let out a snort of laughter, rounding the couch and kneeling in front of you. One hand came to rub your belly gently, the other coming to land on your knee. “Anything I can do for you?”
“Tell her to cut it out.” Another laugh from him. “How was work?”
“Pretty uneventful. Robin says hi though, wanted me to ask if you two were still on for lunch on Tuesday?”
“Oh my god, I totally forgot to call her back!” You gasped, hands scrabbling for purchase on the couch cushions as if you wanted to push yourself up.
“Hey, hey, slow your roll, sweetheart. Take it easy, I’ll give her a call later.” Steve eased you back down, shooting you a pointed look when you pouted up at him. “I promise, ‘mkay?”
“‘Mkay.” You sighed, slumping back into your previous position. Then, barely even taking a beat, you shot up straight again, this time moving to grab Steve’s shoulders as leverage.
His brows furrowed in instant concern. “What? What’s happening now? Are you okay?”
“Gotta pee.”
“Jesus, you really scared me for a second there,” He breathed, pressing a hand against his chest but going to help you up anyways.
The second you made it to your feet, you were hit with another Braxton-Hicks, this one so big that you would’ve keeled over at the strength of it if not for Steve still holding on to you. You squeezed your eyes shut, sinking back down on the couch yet again with a choked whimper. For something called false labor, the pain sure was really goddamn real. “Whoa, okay. Relax, I’ve got you. You’re alright, sweetheart, you’re doing great. Just relax.”
“Tell me to relax one more time and I’m gonna wring your neck, Harrington.” You said through gritted teeth, fisting his shirt in your hand as if it would help you ride out the pain.
Steve ignored your threat, because he knew you didn’t actually mean it. You’d been growing a whole tiny human inside you for the past eight months, the least he could do was stomach a few gripes here and there. “Squeeze my hands. Just squeeze my hands, it’ll help.”
You gladly took him up on the offer, borderline crushing his hands with a strength neither you nor him knew you had, but he’d never complain about it. A popped knuckle and temporary loss of blood flow was nothing compared to what you’d been having to endure nonstop.
Tears welled up in your eyes at the worsening spasm in your back and abdomen, like someone had taken your insides and was twisting them around in their grip.
“Just breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth.” Steve soothed, mimicking the deep breaths he wanted you to take. “Like that, that’s it. There you go. Just like that, baby.”
“This is the cramp from hell, Steve, deep breathing isn’t helping anything.”
“Okay, alright, let’s try something else then. Didn’t the doctor say moving around would help lessen the pain?” He suggested, trying his best to rack his brain despite the numbness creeping through his hands. “Or maybe drink some water? I can get you a glass of—”
“Can you just shut up for a minute?” The sharpness in your words shocked you, and should’ve shocked Steve too, but he didn’t seem phased at all, instead just nodding, gazing up at you with wide honey eyes currently filled with concern.
Guilt pooled in you as soon as the contraction finally subsided, and somehow, the guilt felt worse. Steve had been nothing less than the perfect partner this entire pregnancy, and here you were snapping at him for being supportive. Again.
You inhaled a shaky breath, bringing his hands up and pressing a kiss to each of his palms. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Stevie, I don’t mean to be mean to you, I just—”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, okay? You can do and say anything you want to me, sweetheart, and you never have to apologize. You’re carrying our kid, you’ve got every right to be as mean as you want.” He assured you, cupping your face. His thumbs stroked across your cheeks featherlight despite the firmness in his grip. “I’m a big boy, I can take it. Never be sorry. You don’t have to be.”
“I love you,” You sighed miserably, melting against him like a popsicle on a hot summer day.
“I love you most, sweetheart.” He replied softly, leaning down to press his lips against your belly before adding something. “And I love you most too, baby girl, even though you’re giving your mom a tough time right now.”
“I swear, she’s bullying me more and more everyday.”
He chuckled softly, smoothing a hand down your back in light circles. “I’m sure that’s just her way of saying she’s excited to meet us.”
“I know. I’m so excited to meet her and I know she’s already everything we’ve ever dreamed of, but I’d kill to be able to sleep on my stomach again.”
“One more month, baby. Just one more month and then you can sleep on your stomach all you want.” He murmured, breath ghosting across your skin with each word.
“One more month.” You echoed, curling your hand around the back of his neck. One more month of discomfort for a lifetime of anything and everything with your baby girl. That, you were excited for. Slightly terrified, but definitely more excited. “I’m nervous. Are you?”
“Oh yeah. Nearly-shitting-my-pants nervous. All the time. I don’t think that feeling is ever gonna go away, honestly.” He snorted, nodding sharply. He pressed one more kiss to your belly. “But it’s worth it. As long as I have my two girls, anything is worth it.”
“I hate how perfect you’re being right now.”
“Just right now? I think you mean always.”
You pressed your lips together suddenly, scrunching your nose at him. “Stevie, you’re about to hate me.”
“I could never, but good try.”
“I still need to pee.”
Steve barked out a laugh, heaving himself to his feet and gearing up to help you in your endless attempts at standing up. “C’mon, preggers, let’s get you to the bathroom before karate kid in there decides to try out for a new belt.”
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stvharrngton · 1 year
Dad!Steve being a dad of one child, and having reader pregnant with their second and heavily so, and his obsession with their tits during pregnancy makes him WILD. Like the sensitivity and how perky and round they are? That man will absolutely deliver a nipple orgasm with NO issue whatsoever due to the sensitivity and i stand by that. I need it. I can’t.
fuckfhdjkd okay
guy is already obsessed with your tits anyway but when you’re pregnant and they’re bigger? perkier? and super sensitive? BOY he will go insane
and one day you’re super horny because your hormones are driving you up the wall but you’re so heavily pregnant doing anything is just difficult and maybe you’re wearing a strappy top or something and the neckline is a little low so your cleavage is on show and steve is just like full on staring at your tits across the dining table or something lmao and he just goes nuts for it and he’s pressing himself against your side as he kisses up your neck and gropes your tits over your top and you arch into his chest and moan so loudly it just sends him into overdrive so he’s pulling your top and bra off and rolling your nipples in his finger and thumb and sucking and kissing over the soft skin of your chest and he sucks so harshly on one of your nipples and he can see you rubbing your thighs together at the sensation because it’s so hot and electric and very overwhelming and he’s cooing at you like ‘oh sweet girl, you need’ta cum huh?’ and ‘such a good girl, so pretty, love your tits, fuck’
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flohamilton · 2 years
Can you do one with Steve Harrington x female reader and the reader has a bad pregnancy and faints or has panic attacks?
Thank you so much for this request!! I am SO SO SO sorry it took me this long to get to it, I had a bit of a rough month haha. But please enjoy <3
paring: Steve Harrington x pregnant!reader
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, anxiety and panic attacks, mentions of blacking out
category: hurt/comfort
word count: 1.3k
Our Girl - Steve Harrington x pregnant!reader
All you needed to do was pee. The baby perfectly positioned herself on your bladder and despite you just having peed only an hour ago, it was dire. There wasn’t much stopping you from staying in your comfortable spot in bed, but you worried you would accidentally pee the bed and waking Steve to help change the sheets was the last thing you wanted to do. That had just happened two weekends ago and even though Steve, being the saint he was, sent you to the couch to lay down while he cleaned up, you couldn’t help but feel extreme guilt for waking him up so often to help deal with you and your pregnancy issues.
You tried to quickly get out of bed, emphasis on tried. At seven months your bump had become big enough to obstruct you from most of your daily activities.
Your shared bedroom with Steve was dark and you stumbled your way to the bathroom, feeling the wall for the light switch. It wasn’t until the bright white lights illuminated the bathroom that you were suddenly hit with a strong bout of dizziness. You groaned, leaning forward onto the sink hoping that would help steady you.
For the past few months of your pregnancy you had been blacking out. It didn’t happen often, but when it did it scared the hell out of you. You rested your head against the edge of the sink, trying to ward away the panic that was rising inside of you. The dizziness was only getting worse and you were beginning to feel more faint by the minute.
“Steve,” you called out, feeling as though your voice was coming out barely above a whisper. You feared he wouldn’t be able to hear you from the bedroom. You started to feel the edges of you vision go dark and your heart was pounding rapidly now. You were beginning to get scared.
“Steve!” you called out with all the strength you could muster, hoping it would be enough for him to hear you. Leaning against the bathroom sink, wrapping your arm protectively around your bump, a small attempt to protect your baby.
You knew you had dropped to the floor and in an instant everything was black. Your brain felt fuzzy and muffled, but you were brought out of it by the sound of Steve’s voice.
“Y/n, I’m right here. Come back to me. You’re okay, come back now,” you hear Steve’s voice, calm, for your sake, but still undeniably shaky.
You began to come out of your unconscious state and moaned slightly as you came to, the bathroom lights seeming all too bright now.
“There’s my girl,” Steve whispered looking down at you from his hovering position above you, relief was painted on his face but you noticed how pale he looked.
“Steve, it happened again,” you whimpered, feeling tears begin to prick your eyes, frustration and defeat building up in you now.
“I know, but it’s okay, you’re okay now - you do feel okay, right? You don’t feel like you’re gonna black out again do you?” His soft brown eyes flashed with worry over your face and body, checking for any signs injury.
“No,” you interjected, feeling slightly flushed at his panicked questions. “I’m just overwhelmed and shaky still.” You paused. “… that was really scary,” you muttered, chest beginning to constrict with anxiety.
Steve took notice immediately, “Here,” he said sitting flat on the floor against the base of the bathroom sink, separating his legs. “Come sit in front of me, babe.” You did your best to crawl closer to him, settling your back against his chest. He wrapped one hand protectively against your bump and grabbed your hand with the other.
“The baby -“ you reached for your bump, desperate to feel any sign of her stirring around, you just wanted to know that she was okay. “I can’t feel her yet.”
At once all of the fears you had for your baby began to invade your mind. You were constantly on pins and needles with anxiety for her, and after this incident, you could swear the pins felt like daggers. Was she okay? Did you hurt her by blacking out? Was your anxiety causing stress for her? The questions swirled in your mind, threatening to take your over completely. You felt your self starting to lose control a bit, your breathing was growing more rapid and your heart was pounding in your chest again. You tried to center yourself with a deep breath but the air felt as if it was caught in your throat, unable to go up or down like you were choking.
“She’s okay, baby, she’s okay. Just breathe y/n, breathe,” he cooed, gently stoking your bump softly. “She’s probably sleeping, she’s should be tried for how much she was kicking you after dinner,” Steve said, an obvious attempt at lightening the mood, but you couldn’t bring yourself to smile, you were too consumed with worry.
Steve leaned looked down at you now, “Y/n,” he sighed, this time in a more serious tone. “I know that was scary, but she’s okay, she’s safe,” he said gesturing to your bump. “You have to try to be calm, honey, I know it’s hell when you can’t feel her moving, but you have to try.”
“I’m trying,” you said, tears had begun to leak from your eyes now. In part from fear of what had just happened but also out of frustration. You wished you could still yourself and be calm but it felt impossible.
“I hate this so much,” you said, fully putting your weight into Steve, leaning back as you broke out into harsh sobs.
“I know… shh, just breathe,” Steve said as he carefully wrapped his arms around you holding you protectively, as if guarding you from all of harms way. You let out another sob, your body wracking with each cry you let out. “Hey baby, no,” Steve said. “Don’t cry, you’re okay now, and so is our little girl, she’s just fine.”
“I’m so scared, Steve,” you angled your body a bit and turned into his chest, crying into his sleep shirt. “I keep blacking out, what if I hurt her?”
“You won’t,” Steve said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and stoking you softly. “Your body is doing everything it’s supposed to, honey. You’re keeping her safe in there,” he said, putting his large hand on your bump, holding it there encasing you both in comfort.
Somehow you were more at peace being in Steve’s embrace. He made everything better. Truly. You didn’t understand how you got so lucky to have him as your partner through all of this. Your pregnancy had not been an easy one so far but Steve was always at your side and would quite literally do anything to make you feel better.
You placed an tentative hand on your bump, immediately sighing in relief when you felt her begging to stir, sure enough kicking you in the ribs.
“Oh thank God,” you cried out, your body melting back into Steve now, the tension leaving your body all at once. Tears streamed down your face and you choked out a small laugh. “Feel her, Steve,” you said, grabbing his hand and placing it on your bump.
“There’s our girl,” Steve gleamed, obviously relieved as well. “See, she’s just fine in there.” You looked over at Steve to see his eyes gleaming and misty, rapidly blinked a few times and let out a deep exhale. “She’s okay, honey.”
At once your emotions got the best of you, thinking of how good Steve had been to you. He was so attentive to you, always easing your fears and worries. He was your biggest advocate and always took the time to make sure you and your daughter were okay. Always you before him. He was so amazing now you could hardly fathom what he would be like once she was actually born. Tears began to leak from you eyes again.
Steve took notice immediately. “Hey don’t cry, please honey, don’t cry,” he wiped a few tears from your face.
“I’m just so lucky to have you Steve,” you looked at each other for a few moment before Steve leaned forward, closing the gap between you with a gentle kiss.
“I’m lucky to have you,” Steve looked down to your bump then back to. “Both of you,” he said.
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steddie x afab!reader with a newborn headcanons
summary: steve and eddie’s baby girl is born and they won’t let her out of their sight
warnings: mentions of pregnancy and labor/birth, their daughter is named sophia (sophie) because that’s what me and my gf want to name our future daughter if we have one so i’m sorry if that’s your name, mentions of smut
part one | part three
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you live in hawkins in the 80s, so poly relationships are pretty uncommon and frowned upon. to make things easier usually only one of them goes to your appointments with you
before you found out the baby’s gender, everyone started making bets (it started by steve saying he knew it was a girl because of something he read in a parenting book about the way you were carrying)
(yes, steve buys parenting books. although a lot of the time he disagrees with what the books say to do so,, what’s the point of buying them?)
it was eddie’s turn to go to your appointment with you and he got so excited when he found out you were having a girl !!!
“i’m gonna be a girl dad!”
he’s so happy about it that you let him tell steve, and that conversation is actually the cutest thing ever, seeing them both smiling so widely and eddie bouncing up and down as he shares the news :((
surprisingly, labor was fairly easy for you and luckily there were no complications
(cue your two overprotective boyfriends panicking, while you have to be the calm one even though you’re the one in labor)
ten hours later and your little girl was born <33
it was obvious that she was eddie’s biologically because she was born with a full head of dark curls and his features mixed with yours, but steve didn’t care
she was still just as much his daughter as yours and eddie’s
everyone comes to the hospital to meet baby sophia munson <333
only dustin actually gets to hold her since mike and lucas and robin are all freaked out at the idea of holding a baby
steve already has pretty bad insomnia, so he’s always awake when sophie wakes up crying
she loves eddie playing guitar and singing for her, and you joke that she remembers it from during your pregnancy
eddie brings home this baby onesie
that starts his obsession with finding metal clothes for her. he gets her a leather jacket to match with him, cute little clothes with skull patterns, and even makes her a mini hellfire shirt
waking up in the morning surprised that you woke up naturally and not from sophie crying, and walking into her room to see steve talking to her and she’s giggling :(((
if you get postpartum body dysmorphia, they will not stop complementing you. “obviously your body looks different, you gave birth to a living, breathing human” and “you’re so strong and beautiful and amazing” and “we’re so lucky to have you, love” and “you’re so gorgeous”
calling sophie their princess and you their queen/king
she adores when eddie tells her stories. even if she doesn’t understand what he’s saying, he’s dramatic and makes funny voices and big gestures that make her smile so wide
the “mom steve” jokes triple now that he actually has a kid
steve starts to learn now to do different types of braids and long hair hairdos. he practices on you (if you have long enough hair) and eddie
“i have to be ready for when she’s older! who else will do it? clearly i’m the only one who should be in charge of teaching her proper hair care”
for the first two months after giving birth you refrain from having sex at doctor’s recommendation (you still enjoy watching them tho)
having your first date night since giving birth and leaving sophie with max (who wont admit that she likes the responsibility) and having the house to yourselves
they eat you out until your thighs shake from overstimulation, then take turns fucking you
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Sarah I’d love you a millions times more than I already do if you could show us Eddie texting Steve asking if he flirted with his baby momma😂😘😘😘
Hiii lovey!! Well I mean I’m a sucker for lover so here you go😂 I hope you enjoy💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
*Eddie just wants to see if Steve met you or not*
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tbmunson · 2 years
Little Harrington - Steve x Pregnant!Reader
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Summary: You tell Steve you're pregnant with your guys' first child.
Warnings: Pregnancy, fluff
WC: 1K
Check out the Little Harrington Masterlist for more from this series!
Check out my Masterlist for more from me!
You walked into Family Video with your hair curled and pinned back, dressed in a fancy blue blouse and black skirt. Your small heels clicked the floor as you looked around for him. Steve.
"Hey baby! How was work?" He called, peeking over the shelf he was stocking.
"Boring. Same shit, different day." You answered as you stepped towards him.
"Isn't it always?" He chuckled, opening his arms for you.
What Steve didn't know was that today was not any other day. Today you had an appointment with your doctor to confirm your suspected pregnancy. You hadn't said anything to Steve in case you were wrong. You knew he hoped for a family and you didn't want to get him excited for something that may not be true. With the confirmation and the ultrasound of your little nugget tucked away in your purse, you needed a plan.
"Yeah, is Robin here?" You asked, not seeing your short haired best friend.
He nodded and pointed to the 'EMPLOYEE ONLY' room that Keith never allowed you in. However, Keith wasn't here.
"Gotta go talk to her. I'll be right back" You kissed his cheek and turned to walk away. You were trying so hard to hide your excitement until the door closed behind you.
"Did you find out?" She asked, eyes wide and sandwich halfway to her mouth.
You nodded.
"There's going to be a little Harrington running around in eight months." You could feel the tears welling in your eyes from excitement.
Robing squealed and dropped her sandwich on the table before jumping up and running to you. "How are you going to tell him?" She asked, wrapping her arms around you.
You laughed to keep the tears at bay. "I don't know. I think tonight I'll do something for him and this weekend maybe do a dinner party. Tell the rest of the crew. You're the first person so keep it secret." You warned, pointing a finger at her.
"The one you're going to have to warn is Steve. You know he can't keep secrets for shit." She laughed, finally going back to her sandwich.
You sighed and nodded. "Yeah I know." You shook your head as you walked towards the door. "I'll see you later." You pushed the door and hit something.
"Ouch, shit." Steve stumbled backwards holding his head where the door had hit him.
"Were you listening to us?" Your furrowed your brows and crossed your arms over your chest.
"No, no... I was. But! I didn't hear anything."
You rolled your eyes and pursed your lips. "Sometimes I think Eddie is more behaved than you, you know." You said, walking back towards the main floor.
"I just wanna know why you have a secret that I don't know." He said, reaching for your hips and pulling you into him.
You laughed and turned your head to look at him. "What do I tell the kids?" You asked, referring to the 6 kids you'd ended up befriending while saving the world, multiple times.
"In due time." Steve drones, rolling his eyes.
"Soon, baby. I promise. And leave Robin alone. She won't tell you." You leaned up to press a kiss to his lips, making him smile.
"Okay fine. Only because I love you." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you.
"I love you too. I'll see you at home."
Rather than cook, you'd picked up from Steve' favorite restaurant.
"Oh, wow. This must be some big secret." He laughed, coming up to hug you from behind.
You nodded and rested into him. "Yeah. I got you a present. Do you want it before or after dinner?" You rubbed his arm that was wrapped around you.
"Now please, now." He was immediate in his answer, no hesitation.
You laughed and stepped away from him. "Okay, fine." You walked to the living room and grabbed the box that held a single white newborn onesie and the ultrasound photos. When you turned to walk back to Steve you ran right into his chest.
"Sorry. I thought you wanted me to follow you." He chuckled, reaching out to steady you.
You smiled and handed him the box. "Sit." You instructed, pointing to the recliner the two of you would sit in regularly.
He did and looked up at you, waiting for you to tell him to open the box. Once he saw your nod of approval he dove in, snatching the lid off and tearing through the paper. Once his eyes landed on the contents he froze for a moment before looking up at you. "Are you serious?" He asked lowly, watching you hard.
You nodded and rested a hand on your belly.
Steve jumped up so fast, to wrap you in his arms as tears formed in his eyes. "I love you so much. Oh wow." He then dropped to his knees and pressed a kiss to your barely there, easily hidden pregnancy belly. "And I love you."
Tears flowed freely from your eyes as you watched Steve. "We love you too." You whispered, unable to choke out a higher volume.
"We have to tell everyone! I'm going to be a dad! Munson and Henderson can be uncles. Robin and Nance, aunts. We have to pick godparents. When is she due?" He hadn't noticed the tears that flowed from his eyes yet, not with the excitement he was feeling.
"She?" You asked, tucking his hair behind his ears as he looked up at you, still on his knees in front of you.
He nodded and rubbed your belly. "Yeah, it's gonna be a girl. My sweet angel." He cooed, pressing his lips to your belly again.
You giggled and watched him. "She should be here in February or March, depending on when she decides to come out." You watched him listen to you intently.
"We need names. We need to paint the nursery. We need-"
"Steve. Let's just enjoy this for a few days before you start home renovations, huh?" You pulled him gently up and wrapped your arms around him.
"I love you." He mumbled into your hair, pressing your body firmly against his.
"I love you too, but Dustin will not be the godfather." You laughed, causing Steve to do the same.
Making this a series. Tell me what you want to see here, or in my asks!
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patheticdarling · 2 years
One of Six
     Summary: Reader finds out some pretty big news before the final battle against Vecna. Breaking the news to anyone is going to be challenging, how will everyone take it? How will Steve in particular take it? (conversation between Steve & Nancy but between Steve & Y/N instead)
  Warnings: mentions of sort of teen pregnancy/ fluff & angst/ mentions of violence/ cussing/ mentions of marriage
  Word Count: 1931
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   “No! No! Shit! Fucking,” you swore, trying to keep quiet in the bathroom of the stolen trailer while all of your friends stood just feet outside of it. 
  “Y/N?” a soft knock on the door, the voice belonging to your best friend, “You alright in there?”
  You cracked the door open slightly, “I need you to come in here but be discreet.”
  Robin raised her eyebrow slightly, “Everything ok?” she asked as she entered the bathroom, “God, it’s so cramped in here. Why can’t we just go back out there?”
  You stopped her as she tried to reach for the doorknob, “Because I don’t want anyone else to hear what I’m about to tell you.” 
  “You’re not possessed too, are you?” Robin’s voice thick with worry. 
  “Hell no. Thank God, I can’t imagine what Max is going through right now,” you answered. 
  “Then what is it? Something happen between you and Steve? Because, honestly, right now a couple fight about who didn’t do the dishes or you stealing his hair spray isn’t all that important, meaning no offense-” 
   “I’m pregnant.” 
   Robin’s rambling came to a screeching halt, “What?” 
     You sighed heavily before handing over the pregnancy test that presented quite possibly the brightest little plus sign you’d ever seen. 
   “Holy shit,” she muttered, “Holy shit!”
   Your hand slapped over her mouth, “Robin!” you lowered your own voice, “What part of ‘I don’t want anyone else to hear’ wasn’t clear to you?”
  “Sorry,” her apology muffled by your hand. 
  You pulled away, “What the hell am I gonna do, Robin? This couldn’t have come at the worst possible fucking time. I mean Max might die, who am I kidding? We all might die and what is Steve gonna say?” you sniffled a bit, the tears pooling your eyes, “We just turned 20, I mean he works at a video store and I work at the school paper with Nancy. We are not ready for a goddamn baby. Fucking-” 
  “Y/N,” Robin cut you off this time, “We all understand that there’s a lot going on right now, really. But you have to tell at least Steve. Look, he’s a dingus and all but the guy is a real softy. I mean complete goo,” you chuckled a bit as you wiped your tears, “And he is literal silly putty in your hands. Whatever you choose, he’s gonna be there for you. And if for some reason he’s not, I’ll knock some sense into him.” 
  You sniffled again, “Thanks, Robin,” you pulled her in for a hug, “You’re the best.”
  “I know,” she sighed, you pinched her arm playfully, “Joking. I’m always gonna be here for you, Y/N.” You both held one another for a moment, “Now can we please get out of this closet of a bathroom? I’m getting a little claustrophobic.” 
  The two of you laughed, you stuck the pregnancy test into your pocket before you followed Robin out of the bathroom. 
  “Everything ok?” Nancy asked as she was the first to take note of the two of you returning. 
  “Yeah, just jitters or whatever,” Robin answered for the both of you. 
  “Oh ok,” Nancy smiled, “I think Steve was asking for you, Y/N.” 
  “Thanks, Nance,” you nodded before making your way to the front of the stolen trailer. 
  Steve took note of your presence as you sat in the passenger seat, “There’s my girl. Everything alright?” 
  “Yeah, just was talking to Robin about some girl stuff,” you answered, buckling yourself in, “So, how’s it handle?” 
  “Not so bad. Considering that this is a house,” he answered, you chuckled in agreeance. “Yeah, it’s silly I’ve actually..um..” he sort of hesitated for a moment, “I always had this dream that I’d have this really big family. I’m talking like a full brood of Harringtons. Like five, six kids.” 
  “Six?” you raised a brow, laughing slightly. 
  “Yeah. Six little nuggets. Three girls, three boys,” Steve continued, “And every summer, I figured all of us Harringtons, we would pack into something like this and just see the country.” Your eyes soft as you listened to him, “You know, the Rockies, Grand Canyon, maybe Yellowstone. End up in some beachside town in California. Spend a week parked in the sand. Learn how to surf or something.”
  “That sounds nice,” a slight relief in your voice that you tried hard not to make obvious. 
  “Yeah?” he questioned, there was a hidden need for reassurance in his voice. 
  Your smile tender, “Yeah.” Both of your eyes soft before you shook your head, “Well, uh, except for the six-kid part. That sounds like a total nightmare.”
  “If only I had some practice,” he gestured to the back of the trailer. 
  You nodded, “All right. Fair. That’s fair.” 
  You should’ve been relieved by Steve’s words, that you might make his dreams come true. But just because he had this realization didn’t necessarily mean he wanted that right now or anytime soon. Hence, why you were iterating all of those thoughts to Robin as you trekked through the woods of the Upside Down along with Nancy and Steve who were trailing just a bit behind the two of you.
  “If I had gotten pregnant at a better time then maybe I’d be a bit more relieved. But look at us Robin, we are using a 15-year-old girl as bait and hiking through the Hell version of Hawkins!”
  “You’re pregnant?” a voice came from behind the two of you. You turned to see Nancy, her eyes wide as she looked at you. 
  “Maybe we shouldn’t have been talking so loud,” Robin bit her inner cheek. 
  You marched up to her and kept your volume low, “Nancy, where’s Steve?” 
  “He went to go pee really fast so I said I’d catch up to you guys. But back to my question, you’re pregnant, Y/N?” 
  You let out a heavy sigh, “Yeah, Nance. I’m pregnant.”
  “Oh my God. Does Steve know?” 
  “No, and you have to swear not to tell him or anyone else. This is the least of our problems right now,” you explained. 
  “Y/N, it is a pretty big fucking problem. I mean you shouldn’t be here, you should be somewhere safe and not in the Upside Down!” Nancy lectured.
  “Nance, I was not going to let any of you do this on your own. The safest place for me is with you guys. Besides, too many questions would have been asked if I backed out randomly.”
  “Wait is this what you guys were dealing with in the bathroom of the trailer?” 
  “Yup,” Robin answered, “She went and stole a pregnancy test while we were in the army surplus store.” 
  “Oh my God. I mean, what now? Should we-”
  “Am I interrupting girl time?” Steve’s voice cut off the conversation. You all straightened up, guilt-ridden faces. “Or gossip time,” he glared, “Why do you all look so suspicious?” 
  All of you recomposed yourself, “What’re you talking about, dingus?” 
  “Yeah, shouldn’t we get going? We’re running out of time,” Nancy urged us on before she and Robin sped off, leaving you and Steve. 
  “Well that was weird,” Steve noted.
  You attempted to shrug it off, “Not like anything is normal right now.”
  “You could say that again,” Steve chuckled as you both followed suit.
  There was an unusual silence between the two of you. Usually in a situation like this, as if anything was comparable to it, the two of you would try your best to keep one another’s spirits up. 
  Steve took note of it too, “Is everything ok, Y/N? I mean I know we’re heading into a literal death trap but you still seem uneasy. What’s going on?”
  You tried to push past it, “What’re you talking about? Everything is fine.”
  Steve stopped the two of you, “Look, I know you and I know when everything is really fine and it’s clearly not. Plus you’ve been sneaking around talking to the girls all day. I wanna know what’s going on.” 
  “Nothing is going on, Steve. You’re being ridiculous-”
  “Ridiculous? No, what’s ridiculous, Y/N, is me feeling like I can confide in you when you obviously don’t feel the same way.” Nancy and Robin were now completely out of earshot, “Do you not trust me?”
  “What?” you took note of the pain in his tone, “Of course I trust you, Steve,” you took his hand. 
  “Then tell me what’s really going on with you. Please.”
  You let out a shaky sigh, “Fine.” you turned to look at Robin and Nancy who tried to give you reassuring looks, “I’m pregnant, Steve. I didn’t get a period last month so while you guys were getting supplies, I got a pregnancy test from the pharmacy next door. So that’s what’s really going on with me. And I didn’t want to tell you or anyone for that matter because it should be the least of all of our problems and I didn’t want to give you another reason to be worried or upset. Which you have every right to be with me and I’m sorry I’m doing this to you-”
  Before you knew it your rambling was cut off by Steve’s lips on yours followed by a loving embrace, “It’s alright,” his voice stuff as he stroked over your hair. 
  “I-I’m so sorry, Steve-”
  He pulled you back, holding your face in his hands, “Look at me,” your teary eyes hesitantly lifted from the floor, “Remember the dream I told you about?” You just looked up at him, “About the Winnebago. About seeing the country with my six lil’ nuggets?”
  You smiled a bit, nodding as you recalled the sweet moment, “Yeah, I do.” 
  He nodded, “It’s all true. Every last word.” A small moment passed, “But I left one part out. It’s the most important part. You’re there.” A tear fell from your eye, “You’ve always been there.” 
  “Steve,” your voice trembling. 
  “And if, no, when we live through this, I want it to start right away. I want that life with you or whatever life we might have. I just want you, Y/N.”
  A soft smile spread over your face, “I want that too. I want you, Steve.”
 “I love you,” he smiled. 
 “I love you too,” he pulled your face in for a soft kiss but it was one of the most meaningful ones the two of you had ever exchanged. 
 “Though we might have to talk about that whole six-kid thing. Don’t know if I can handle that stress all over again,” you teased. 
  “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, we can just say one of six? Keep our options open.”
  You laughed, “Sure, Harrington. We’ll keep our options open.” Steve moved in for another kiss. 
  “Guys!” Robin’s voice pulled you from the moment, “We found- oh shit. Are we interrupting something?”
 “Sort of,” you chuckled. 
 “Not sort of, totally and completely,” Steve rolled his eyes. 
 “You told him I take it?” Nancy smirked. You nodded as Steve intertwined your fingers.
 “How’s it feel that you’re gonna be someone’s old man, dingus?” Robin teased, “That poor kid.” 
  “Well, they’ll have Y/N and us so they just might make it,” Nancy smiled.
  “That’s fair,” Robin laughed, “Now come on Mom and Dad. We’ve got something to show you.”
  The two gave you both genuine smiles before turning and leading you off. 
 “Mom and Dad,” Steve repeated, “I really like the sound of that.”
  “Oh really?” you smiled. 
  “Almost as much as I like the sound of Mr. and Mrs. Harrington.” 
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luveline · 1 year
can we see more of the kisses before dinner au please? i love dad!steve sm
me too! TY for ur request, this is inspired by a video on ladbible where the kids hugs and it’s adorable <;3 kisses before dinner | pregnant!reader
You and Steve are so tired you're basically watching the girls self destruct. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do. 
Avery is sitting in her bean bag chair with a picture book. It's a wonder she can read at all in the noise. Dove is babbling loudly with a Teddy bear in one hand and Beth's baby blanket in the other. Beth is not happy about this at all. 
"Dove," she says, "it's my blankie." 
One of you should play mediator, but Steve's wiped from a full day of similar arguments and you're super pregnant. 
Steve rubs his cheek into the top of your shoulder, your arm against his chest as he tickles soft, sweet lines down the length of your naked skin. If the girls weren't as loud as they are, you'd be sleeping by now. 
"Why does Dove have Beth's blanket?" Steve whispers to you in defeat. 
"I don't know. Where's Dove's?" 
He whines like a kid and buries his face in your shoulder. "I don't know." 
You and Steve are good parents. Kind, loving, attentive. And you're human, too: one of you should go get Dove's blanket and separate the two youngest from each other before there's ructions, but you don't. 
You're both exhausted. 
Steve tries to save the day with as little effort required as possible. "Bethie, come and cuddle with me," he says, dropping your arm in favour of holding his own out to Beth. 
"I want my blankie," she says, lip wobbly. You wish she'd be petulant rather than heartbreaking, but Beth's never been one for attitude or outrage. 
"Dove, give blankie back to your sister," you say gently. 
Dove scowls. "No." 
"C'mon, be a good girl. Beth shares all her things with you, and she's only asking for her blankie. You have Teddy right there."
"No," she says, pulling the blanket and Teddy upward into her chest. 
Steve sits up and rubs your thigh as he does. "Do you want me to go get your blankie from the car?" 
"So many no's," Avery says.
Steve has to raise his voice to be heard over your laughing. "Dove, you're not being nice to Beth, you know? That's not your blankie, sweetheart." 
Dove's face starts to change. Slowly, so slowly, her tiny features crumple, and her eyebrows pull together in indignation. She drops both Teddy and Beth's blankie and starts sobbing, the tantrum kind, little foot ready to stomp the floor. 
You and Steve are slow responders when it comes to stuff like this. You want to give her the room to come to grips with her big feelings before you try to fix it.
Beth takes her blankie cautiously, and Steve holds his arms out again to try and garner Dove's attention, maybe cuddle her through the meltdown. 
Beth beats him to it. 
"Dove," she says, putting blankie down on the floor. She tries to wrap her arms around Dove and gets pushed away. 
"Dove, don't cry, we will share," she says, trying for another hug. 
"No!" Dove says, her cries amping up into roughness. 
Beth takes a confused step backwards. 
You sit up beside Steve, his hand quick to press to the small of your back. 
Dove's crying pauses suddenly, quietening to a sniffle, and she turns to Beth. She opens her arms, and Beth immediately hugs her sister back, head slotting over her shoulder. 
"Don't cry," Beth says, sounding exactly like Steve does, "it's okay, Dove. You can have blankie if you want." 
Dove cries into Beth's shoulder. 
You and Steve are in similar states of awe, turning to share a slack-jawed look. 
Avery stands up from her bean bag and treks to Steve's side, patting his thigh until he pulls her up into her lap. 
"Did Dove get body-snatched?" she whispers in his ear. 
"No, and you don't know what that word means, because we told your uncle Eddie you aren't allowed to watch it," he says quietly, scared to disrupt Beth and Dove's cuddle. 
Avery beams at him. "We didn't watch it, dad, he just told me what happens." 
"Yeah? Great." He leans toward you. "Remind me that I'm mad at him the next time we see him." 
"Sure thing, baby." 
Your voice sounds far away, and when he looks at you properly you've a tear dripping down your cheek. 
He wraps his arm around you and tugs you toward his side, frowning. Pregnancy-brain makes you cry a lot, all the time, and as soon as he's touched you, you start to sob. Quietly, barely a sigh, but shoulder shaking sobs all the same. 
He can understand why you're crying — your girls love each other. It's amazing. But he wishes you wouldn't. 
"Holy heck," Avery says. "Everybody's crying." 
"Don't worry, Avey-baby," he says, infusing his tone with a bubbliness he doesn't feel, "mom's full of baby hormones and Dove's just tired. We'll all be much happier tomorrow." 
Beth's saying the same thing. "We can sit on the couch and watch the frame rabbit." 
"'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?'" Avery corrects. 
"Yeah, and dad will make the popcorn on top of the oven," Beth continues. 
She sounds exactly like Steve. That's his favourite trick, making stovetop popcorn to distract whoever it is that's upset. There's something magic to them about the popping. 
"Aw, Beth," he says, in time with your sobbing getting more intense. 
"Why did you do this to them?" you ask pleadingly, enough wits about you to sound at least somewhat joking. "They're so lovely." 
You sound like you're in physical pain. 
"Calm down," he says to you softly, hand rubbing your shoulder in a soothing back and forth. "Take a deep breath, honey." 
You take a deep breath, another. 
"Mom, do you want a hug too?" Avery asks. 
You nod and Avery climbs over Steve's legs into your lap. She curls her arms behind your head protectively. 
Steve watches as Beth peels away from Dove, four tiny hands interlocked. 
"So… who's gonna hug me?" he asks. 
"You have to make the popcorn, dad." 
"I have to make the popcorn." He laughs to himself. "Popcorn servant doesn't get any hugs. Typical." 
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cherubkeery · 1 year
You can feel yourself almost floating away, Robin is looking at you. But you’re having trouble reading her face. The stick is in your hand, and you can’t believe there’s a plus sign.
“Oh my gosh, you’re-.” Robin tries to say but the words don’t come out.
“Pregnant.” You say, finishing off her words for her. You sit down on the tile floor, feeling a bit numb. It’s not that you didn’t want a baby. But this was—too soon.
“What are you going to say to Steve? He should know—“
“No I agree. I just, I just need to process this first.” You say, trying to ground yourself. Trying to breath because you were still too young to have a baby. And your parents— what were they going to say?
It took you two weeks to finally tell Steve. You could see the way Robin had been fighting with herself to not say anything. And you were thankful she was doing a good job. But you were ready, you had a tiny human growing inside of you. One, you and Steve had created.
When you had found him, he was busy eating his lunch. Reading pieces of paper, probably having something to do with work. You approach him slowly but like always, he could hear the sound of your footsteps and know it was yours.
“Baby?” His face turning to see you. A smile grew on his face and he instantly dropped the pages back on the table. “What are you doing here?”
“I have to talk to you. It’s important.” His face scans you from head to toe. A small panic look reaches his face but he swallows and nods.
“Yeah, baby sure. It’s not—it’s not bad is it? I’ve been a good boyfriend? Right?”
“Of course you have. Steve, it’s about something else. And it’s nothing bad.”
He lets out a breath of relief and lets you talk.
“Well, remember the night I spend at your house. When we uh-.”
A small grin finally seeps onto his face and he nods again.
“Yeah I do, I had you scream-“ You hit him lightly on the shoulder and he lets out a little chuckle.
“What about it? You want another roun-.”
“Steve! Oh my god!” You say, he lets out a laugh and is staring at you with so much love. You feel like you can become one with it.
“So, I was feeling nauseous a couple of days after. Well a week or so, and at first I chalked it up to nothing. Then I missed my period and obviously that’s not normal.” He’s following everything you’re saying and his brows crinkle. But still he doesn’t seem to catch on.
“I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Plus I saw a doctor to make sure. I’m—pregnant.”
Steve’s face goes through so many emotions and finally it lands onto excitement. One minute you’re on the chair next to his. The next he’s spinning you around in his arms.
“You’re pregnant! Oh my- I’m going to be a dad?” Tears are falling from your eyes but not because of sadness. Or fear. You simply nod and he plants a rough kiss on your lips.
“I’m going to be a dad! And you’re going to a mom. Baby, I love you.”
“I love you too, Stevie.”
He gives you another kiss, this one more gentler. His big hand wrapped around the back of your neck. A big smile upon his face. You were going to be parents. And you couldn’t have asked for anyone better to be parents with.
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h4rring1on · 2 years
warnings: none! just fluff! but if i missed something please tell me!
pairing: steve harrington x pregnant!reader
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
ever since you and steve moved in together, all he could talk about was what it would be like if you two ever had a baby together.
he was fully worshipping the idea of you being pregnant and full of his child. his child. and that child was gonna have many siblings.
one day, you two might have forgotten the condom and one thing lead to another, you were pregnant.
it was a little early, considering you two just graduated from school, but nonetheless steve was over the moon.
he never let you do anything by yourself, he made sure you eat and sleep well, never get tired, and absolutely never do any work.
you were so grateful to have a boyfriend like him, but sometimes, it got a little overwhelming.
like now, here you were, sitting and watching tv with him, with your hand on your cute little bump as you were being entertained by the show you two were watching while having some lunch that steve made earlier
you suddenly felt the urge to pee, it was more and more now, all because your little baby wouldn’t stop pushing on your uterus.
you sat up and began to get up, you were quite slow at it now, since it was getting harder to walk at a normal pace with the baby getting bigger, so steve was fast enough.
he quickly got up and held your hand with his other on your back, “what is it baby?” he asked
“just need to pee” you muttered as you slowly went to the bathroom, it was basically a miracle how much patience steve had to still stand there with you
after you were done with your business, you walked out and saw steve standing there, ready to help you walk back to the couch, you went back to eating your lunch, once you two were finished, you grabbed the plates and piled them up only for them to be grabbed by steve
“whoa whoa, what are you doing, baby? i got it” he said as he got up
“it’s just a few plates steve”
“no no, stay here” he said as he went to the kitchen to put them in the sink so he can wash them later, he walked back only to find you watching tv with tears brimming at the corner of your eyes
“peach? what is it?” he said as he walked back to the couch and knelt in front of you, “is it the baby?” he asked worryingly
you shook your head and just continued watching, “then what is it?” he asked, his hand gently holding yours
you hated when people asked if you were okay when you were on the verge of sobbing, it was like your breaking point.
suddenly, your tears spilled out of your eyes, small whimpers coming from your mouth as you sobbed, steve was very much alerted by this
he was now sat beside you, rubbing your back as you cried in his arms, “what…what is it, love?” he asked
“i don’t need your help all the time!” you snapped as you let go of him
“i don’t need your help for every little thing! i can walk normally and i can hold a few plates just fine! it’s bad enough i’m pregnant so i can’t work, you do everything and i don’t understand how you’re not tired of it. i don’t wanna be completely useless!”
“useless?” steve said as he held your hand again, “baby you can never be useless. ever. i’m working enough for the two of us, you don’t have to worry about a job. i do it because you—you’re growing a little miracle, and it’s my miracle. so the reason you’re in pain and pee every five seconds and are always uncomfortable is because of me. so i want to make sure i can lessen it by doing stuff for you” steve explained
how was steve so sweet to you when you just basically yelled at him? how could he feel such guilt? how was he so—perfect?
“stevie…this wasn’t your fault” you reassured, “this happened because of us together, and it’s not so bad, i mean, in the end, we’re gonna have a little you running around the house and that’s better than anything i could ever ask for, please don’t think it’s your fault because it’s not. and—i can do things just fine, love. if i need help, i promise i will ask you.”
“okay…okay, you’re right.” he smiled at you, “for the record, i will never get tired of taking care of you”
“i can see that” you two chuckled, “i need to pee” you said and were feeling content with steve not getting up to help, but the thing is…you were kind of struggling to get up
“you okay?” he asked, noticing you still sitting there
“um…can you help me get up?” you shyly smiled and he chuckled, getting up and helping you get to the bathroom
maybe him helping wasn’t so bad
aaaa first fic how do we feel??
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