#predator and prey animal but not for each other <3
lemonbrows · 3 months
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p0nyr0ni · 4 months
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dante-mightdie · 7 days
I’m sorry but I must share—what would you think of Cult-leader! Price who finds a distraught, bruised and bloodied reader who ran away from home and takes her to his warm lodge to nurse her back to health and feed her. The poor thing looked like a frightened doe as he found her and he merely wanted to help her but the longer she stayed with the tight-knit community in the depths of the woods the more harder it is to leave. After reader feels more better and wants to take off, she tries to phone her family/friends yet there is no service. Price tells her that unfortunately the service cables were destroyed by a Wilde moose or something and that it would take three weeks or so til the repairmen come. He still offers her to stay longer in his lodge—of course sooner expecting her to help out. Afterall, he provided her with shelter and food, it’s the least she could do. Days pass in a blur and the longer reader stays the lodge the more she starts to forget why she even was stuck here in the first place. What seemed at first as unusual, like the weird nightly feasts that Price and his people make, becomes a familiar tradition of sorts. It’s tradition—he assures. It’s status quo and all the other weirdly hunts that they make at every full moon are only a friendly little game—nothing serious. Or so Reader is fed to belief. It’s not until reader herself gets caught up in all the festivities and rituals that she becomes the very prey that Price hunts each full moon. Only that this time the sacrifice won’t be small pesky rodents but reader herself. As reader is the perfect fit to Price’s family. The mother of his loyal cult. Soft and pliant and perfectly ripe for such role.
Anyways—these worms have been wringling in my mind all day. Ty for letting me get this off of my chest.
Ps: Love your writing, ty for your previous brainrot <3.
no but just imagine him chasing you through the woods <3333
c/w: kidnapping, cult dynamics, predator/prey, dub-con, non-con, p-in-v sex, no prep penetration, dacryphilia, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy and childbirth
gets you all prettied up in a long red dress, telling you it’s all part of the tradition but you seem to be the only one wearing red. he keeps you sat besides him the whole night, ignoring your worried complaints about the uncanny smiles every one is sending your way
he keeps a hand planted on your thigh the entire time, thumb soothing over your skin as he offers you slow-cooked meats and sweet wine. and when the full moon rolls around and john drags you to the edge of the forest with an excited grin on his face, it finally clicks what his plans are
he keeps you locked in his arms whilst his hands feel up and down your waist, over your hips and ass. grunts and heavy groans filling your ears as his lips brush over the skin. “don’t worry, sweetheart. we won’t be apart for long.”
he nuzzles his face into the side of your neck, breathing in your scent. “I’ll find ya nice and easy then we can get to work on continuing my legacy. have ya knocked up in no time, baby…”
he gives his people some long speech about family and responsibility, bloodlines and destiny. about how it’s time he settled down and had a brood of children of his own to carry on everything he has built. the whole time he has you pinned against him, your back to his chest. no one notices the way he pulls his cock out just enough to tap the tip against your puffy folds before tucking himself away
he gives you a 15 minute headstart, you spend the first few minutes still stood at the tree line. you begged and pleaded with him not to do this but he just laughed and began putting on some form of tac-gear. you eventually took off running after 5 minutes, your vision blurred by the darkness of the night
if your heavy breathing and panting didn’t give away your location, then your constant stumbling over would. you could hear twigs breaking and animals rustling around in every direction but you couldn’t see more than a few centimetres in front of your face
you clutch the lace fabric of your skirt, your feet dredging through the mud until you hear and feel them splash against the tide of some body of water. you squeak loudly when your feel the icy cold temperature frost your skin
you crouch down, collecting some of the water and splashing it on your face in an attempt to calm your breathing. the adrenaline courses through your veins as your eyes dart around, unable to make anything out in the night
you spend the next few hours wandering around blindly, an impending sense of doom building up under your skin with each passing hour in which the sun doesn’t rise. you stop to catch your breath, kneeling in the earth below you. your nails dig into your thighs over the material of your dress, your eyes still struggling to make out your nearby surroundings
your breath still when you hear a twig crunch a few feet to your left, muscles freezing when you try and listen out for your surroundings. your heart thumps loudly in your chest whilst your nails dig into the earth below you. there’s nothing but a few seconds of silence before you hear footsteps rushing towards you in quick succession
there’s no time for you to scream when a large hand, wrapped in a tactical glove, covers your mouth and squeezes your jaw closed. the darkness impairing your vision meant you were forced to only be able to feel as you are manhandled into a crude position
his mean grip entangled with your hair keeps you pinned to the ground, your cheek smushed into the cold surface of the earth. you feel rocks and gravel digging into the skin of your knees, engraving their shape into your flesh. you thrash and kick in his grip but he keeps you firmly pinned, his crotch pressed against your bare cunt when he takes his hand off of your mouth to tear the flimsy fabric of your dress off
the bitter chill of the night attacks your skin instantly, making you whine out when you feel goosebumps begin to prickle all over your body
“quit yer squirmin’, woman. only makes me ‘arder when you grind against my cock like that.” he grunts in your ear, bucking his hips against your ass. you sob and squirm, trying to break free except you only end up pushing yourself further back against his throbbing erection
he wastes no time unzipping his cargos, the smell of smoky sweet tobacco filling your nostrils. a pleasant change from the dry dirt you were smelling before. he doesn’t bother undoing the top button of his pants, reaching into the open zip and pulling his cock out. he lets it fall against your wet cunt with a small plap
he wraps one arm around your hips from behind, using his other to pull your upper body up to slot right against the uncomfortable feeling of his tactical gear. he does this just so he can plant his hand right back over your mouth before bending you back over onto your hands and knees
“yer gonna make such a beautiful mother to my family. aren’t ya, darlin’?” his words drown out your muffled protests, his hips sloppily grinding against your ass. his cock slipping between your folds, nudging against your clenching hole each time
“gonna keep yer belly round ‘nd yer tits leaking for at least the next 5 years, dovie…” he groans, jumping you from behind like a feral dog in heat. his lips whispering filthy things in your ear, promises of knocking you up and talks of twins
he lets out the human equivalent to a howl when his hips finally manage to angle his cock right enough to breach past your slippery hole, sliding all the way to the hilt with one easy thrust. the bush of curls decorating the base of his cock tickle your folds when he grinds into you, adjusting your hole to the stretch
his hands switch positions, one tangling itself into your hair and the other pinning both of your wrists to the small of your back. your upper body is suspended in mid-air as he begins a brutal pace of thrusts, leaving your mouth uncovered so he can listen to your pleasured wails
the quiet forest is filled with the sound of wild nightlife and the rhythmic pap pap pap of johns ballsack colliding with your clit. your tits bounce with the force of each thrust as you sob out, “please, john! please…!”
he shushes you, yanking on your hair slightly like tugging on the reins of a wild horse. he lets out a deep chuckles, looking down to watch his meaty cock slide in and out of your drooling pussy. “don’t worry, dolly. been preparing for this ever since you landed on my doorstep. wanked my cock every night thinkin’ about filling you up.”
he stops his words to let out a deep growl when he feels your walls clamp down tight against him, “didn’t cum once. saved it all for you, darlin’. nothing more important to me than giving you a few of my brats to take care of…”
you can feel his precum spilling into your womb, the warm feeling beginning to spread throughout your gut. he takes his hand out of your hair only to deliver a sharp slap to your ass before returning it to its former place
“gonna spend the rest of this full moon splitting you open on my cock, little lamb. then once yer good and bred, I’ll take you home and treat you exactly how my wife deserves to be treated…”
cut to nine months later, you’re sat up in bed on a warm summer’s night. two healthy, chubby babies asleep against your chest whilst your husband, john, brushes your sweaty hair back from your forehead
there’s a content smile on your face as you coo slightly down at your newborn twins, your voice still hoarse from your recent labour :(
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jpitha · 1 year
It is unlikely that humans are the only predator species to achieve sapience in the galaxy.
In order to be a successful predator one has to be intelligent enough to learn your prey's movements and be able to think ahead to what they're going to do next but also be flexible enough in your thinking that you can improvise if the situation chances. If you don't have this elasticity, you won't be a very successful predator.
Humans are very successful predators.
Greg bent down low and spoke as quietly as he could to the worried Sefigan next to him. "I need you to stay as still as you can. I'm going to go around, and try and surprise the Gren guarding the exit."
The three Sefigans, caught between wanting to obey Greg and staying silent but also trying to communicate that they thought it was suicide to do so started shaking.
"No, no, it'll be fine. I've been watching him. He's not really paying attention." Greg stood silently and put one finger to his lips, then smiled.
Moving much quieter than one would think given his mass, Greg crept away, hunched down just a little to keep motion out of the tops of the bushes they used to hide. The Sefigans watched in horrified fascination as Greg would take a few steps and then freeze, not even breathing while he watched the Gren.
As he walked, he made no noise at all over the soft sand, his feet finding purchase slowly. The Sefigans, a small furry prey species from a rocky mountainous world felt very old fears from the most early parts of their brains while watching him hunt the Gren.
The Gren guard was panning slowly as he guarded the exit, his fur flat, his eyes dull and his mouthparts drooping. If one knew a bit about Gren physiology one could easily see that he was bored and tired. His shift wasn't due to end for another 3 demi-cycles and nothing usually ever happened on this exit.
When Greg was no more than 2 meters away, he reached down and picked up a stone, no larger than a comm badge. He raised his arm and in one silent fluid motion, tossed the stone high and far over his head, to hide its origin. It clattered against the wall on the far side of the pen, opposite to where Greg was standing. The noise and motion caught the Gren's eye and his whole body swung over to where the stone landed.
His back was turned to Greg.
Greg bent his legs low building energy and took two steps and lept onto the Gren's back. His higher mass bowled the taller but much lighter Gren over and the Gren's head hit the stone with a hollow thwack.
Greg jumped up off the Gren and checked him quickly. He was dead. Trotting quickly over to where the Sefigans were still hiding he motioned for them to follow.
Still terrified, they followed this... ambush predator they were scared of and by the time they reached him, he had gotten the comm out of the Gren's pack and was fiddling with a ring that had complicated studs all around it, fitting them against the door until one clicked and the door hissed open.
Minutes later they were all running across the desert to the canal below where they had hoped to cling to the side of a barge and float to the spaceport.
"Human Greg! Human Greg!" The smallest Sefigan called as they jogged down the sandy hill towards the canal.
"What is it Li? Can it wait?"
"That was amazing! I've never seen a human hunt before! Is that how they all do it?"
"Not really? Humans developed as persistence hunters, not ambush hunters, but as you well know, skills can be taught."
"Persistence hunter?"
"Yeah, my ancestors would pick an animal out of a herd and run after it. As long as we didn't overexert ourselves we could just... run until it died."
The three Sefigans looked at each other as they jogged. Greg wasn't breathing heavily as they went towards the canal, but all three of them were nearly at their limit and would need a long time to rest when they were safe.
"Human Greg, you scare us." The tallest Sefigan looked back at the holding compound and then back at Greg. "But, not as much as we were scared of what the Gren would have done to us."
Greg smiled showing his wide, large, white teeth. "In this world, sometimes you need to be scary." He looked at the canal. "Come on, the water isn't too cold, let's get in and swim towards that barge. It's not too far."
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taxidermycanine · 4 months
- please note that most of these are focused mainly on being a wolf therian, but i'll try my best to make it more inclusive to others.
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my personal favorite, wolf quest! this one does cost money, so this isn't for those who don't have the money/don't already have the game. it really helps me feel more connected to who i am. you find a mate, raise pups, hunt prey, defend your den and pack from predators, and there's even a multiplayer option for you to play with your friends. :o)
(and yes, you can customize what your wolf looks like. all NPC wolves in the game have different personalities for immersion, including you, your pups, and your mate)
please note that the game is still in development! they plan to add a saga where you can live constantly with your pack and continue with new generations each year (and no, you don't HAVE to pass away). you can toggle whether your mate dies or not, if you play on easy you can avoid your pups getting sick by reloading saves if you're sensitive to that, there are constantly new updates being brought out that make the game feel more realistic each time and the development team are incredibly sweet. if you have the money i highly recommend this game, wolf therian or otherwise.
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documentaries. a wonderful way to not only feel more connected to your theriotype(s), but to also learn more information about them! my favorite thing to do when i'm stressed is to wrap myself in warm blankets, turn off my lights and put on a documentary to calm myself down. bonus points if you DO have gear to wear during this, if not that's okay too.
i also like to have my plush friends join me so i can act like they're my pack :o) it's a nice way to feel less lonely as i watch. this also works if you're a domestic cat therian, have your plushies be your clouder! no matter what animal you are though, never feel less valid for wanting your stuffies with you during this. it doesn't matter if your theriotype isn't a social animal in the wild.
if you're an aquatic therian of some kind, i think a good idea would be taking your phone in the bathroom with you and setting it up outside of the tub to watch whilst you're in the water! (or shower if you don't have one, you can also use a kiddie pool outside in the warmer months). PLEASE remember to be safe during this though, if you worry about getting your phone wet then instead find some blue blankets and pretend it's the ocean!
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going outside to where your theriotype resides in naturally. of course this won't be for everyone, since a lot of the time trips can end up being quite costly. something that i like to do is go to my local forest whenever i have the time to do so! i find it refreshing to sit by the stream and play in the water with my mate.
if you're a domestic dog therian, ask to go on a walk around the neighborhood with your friend! (or hell, go by yourself if it's safe enough, you're a free dog, you can do what you want). even as a wild animal i still enjoy this, so don't feel ashamed if you're ALSO a wild animal who wants to do things that domestic dogs do. it doesn't make you any less undomesticated.
if you're an animal that's used to deserts, i recommend going to where you can access sand (e.g. a sandbox at a playground, asking for a small sand tray to play in as a gift, a day out to the beach if you live near one). i also find that dried dirt that's very damaged can feel sort of similar to sand!
if you can't go outside for whatever reason, then there's always ways to make your bedroom feel similar to where you would be more comfortable. if your theriotype lives in dens like caves and underneath trees, make a blanket fort and pretend it's your home! if your theriotype rests in a burrow, make a tunnel with some blankets from the top of your bed all the way down to under it (if that doesn't work, pretend that anything below your bed is underground, and anything above your bed is the surface).
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dressing in clothes that are the same color as your theriotype. i have this fluffy hat with ears that feels very affirming for my species dysphoria, paired with my favorite dark sweaters, warm pants and my tail. if you don't have any gear, don't worry! you don't need to have any to complete an outfit. sometimes clothing textures can also be affirming. for example if you have smooth skin like a whale, a bathing suit can feel similar to blubber. (if you have gender dysphoria, i recommend either full body bathing suits, or wearing pants on top of it and a jacket to help yourself feel more affirmed). i wear fluffy clothes because my fur is fluffy :o) it helps me, personally, but this might not be the same for everyone!
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studying the behavior of your theriotype and trying your best to imitate it to the best of your abilities with the body you have. this can be as simple as copying how they act around each other as a family (for example wolves who are mates will rest their chins on each other to display affection), and as difficult as trying to vocalize what sounds your theriotype makes.
if you wanted to try the latter, i recommend looking at vocal exercises online before as a lot of creature sounds can and will strain your voice, i promise you that warming up your chords will not only help you sound clearer, it'll ensure that it won't take as much effort to do!
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bonefall · 2 months
what are the main prey animals that Shadowclan eat in better bones? because in my rewrite, i can only find like 5 british marshland birds, the frogs like canon, and a common lizard, while the other clans have dozens of prey species. I don't think 7 prey species can feed 50 cats for the generations i need them to, yknow?
This is hard to find out because of the unfortunate reality that wetlands are an "unpopular" natural biome. It's hell out there. No one appreciates their local swamps and marshes </3
But I'M here, NUMBER 1 GOO FAN. Quickie on some of the most common species ShadowClan will be hunting, in an English wetland. 5 for your convenience.
Small intro/recap to BB!ShadowClan's food culture; For a mixture of several reasons, including early collaboration and trade with WindClan, living in an area heavily affected by seasonal changes, and cultural pride in being able to eat anything, ShadowClan has one of the most varied diets of any Clan. Mammals, fish, birds, if they can get their mouth on it, they will eat it.
(Yes. This means predators as well. Other Clans will avoid eating predators for culture and taste reasons. ShadowClan finds it offensive to just let good meat rot.)
The most important reason in that list must be stressed; winter is CRUEL to ShadowClan. The RiverClan river is a moving source of water which rarely completely ices over, most animals in ThunderClan don't hibernate, WindClan's rabbits are active in the snow. For most Clans, they will not feel the "bite" of winter until towards the end, when the prey populations crash. ShadowClan feels it immediately.
That's a problem because Prey Item Number 1 Will Surprise you. The most popular prey in ShadowClan is...
1: Ducks.
And with the most common species, mallards, at about 2 pounds on average (with males being slightly larger) you're looking at 5,442 calories each. Enough to feed 15 warriors for a day.
(Note: This estimate is low; actual value would probably be higher. This measurement is taken from this chart which measured whole carcasses and caloric value rounded from 5.9 to 6, and this particular duck was "dressed"-- so its organs, the most valuable part of the animal, were already removed.)
Ducks are SO valuable as prey it's hard to oversell them. They're huge, they're highly nutritious (thiamin, vitamin a, vitamin b, iron), and they're PACKED with fats. They also lay eggs, TONS of them, which ShadowClan will happily snatch from inattentive hens.
The problem with ducks is, they don't stick around in the winter. Mallards might stay if the weather is mild, but if the water starts freezing, they're a-leaving.
That means that right when ShadowClan needs them the most, they'll vanish. If the marsh freezes, which is VERY likely because it's stillwater, they can't access ANYTHING under the ice. So Prey Animal Number 2 ALSO becomes an issue;
2: Carp
Their size and weight varies immensely, but the european carp is a species that AVERAGES 6 - 15 pounds. Using our rough estimation numbers and only a 6 pound fish, that's 10,884 calories. That's a whole Clan fed, if it's rationed perfectly.
Many carp are larger and heavier than cats. Here is a picture of a human fisher with two 5-pound bass so you can get a feel for just how big fish are
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The biggest problem with carp, aside from the fact that icy winter conditions will block access to catching them, is that their gallbladders are poisonous. Carp bile is the only dangerous type of bile Clan cats encounter (that I know about so far). When being eaten, Clan cats must take care to gut them gently and remove the organ without spilling toxic green slime everywhere.
(ShadowClan actually collects and uses this bile for other purposes. Dried and diluted, it can be used as a medicine for treating parasites, and wet and mixed into a poultice it can be used to dress wounds. If gargled, it can also dissolve and loosen stuck bones in the throat, VERY important for unknowing kittens who tried to eat cooked bird bones.)
These two are the most common animals in the highly varied ShadowClan diet. Hunt in the shallow marsh, and you're bound to bump into either a duck or a carp at some point.
But when winter rolls in, they start to rely on mammalian prey.
3: Rats
While some rats can breach 2 pounds (SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY NEW YORKERS) most of them only clock in at about half a pound-- 250 grams. That's 1,250 calories. About 3 cats fed.
(NOTE: These estimations of how MANY cats they feed assumes that these bites are being distributed evenly, such as if the animal was being put into a soup or meticulously portioned. It's more likely that a single rat is eaten alone or only shared between two warriors who then bulk up. The sensation of "fullness" is determined by weight rather than caloric value.)
Rats are highly adaptable omnivores, but most of their diet is actually plants! Humans associate them with garbage and filth, and yes, the rats from carrionplace would certainly taste awful. But most of the rats ShadowClan catches would be living in natural conditions, eating nuts, fruits, and smaller animals. So it doesn't make sense that canon sees ALL rats as dirty-- they should actually be a HUGE part of a warrior's diet!
Especially in ShadowClan, where the invasive brown rat has all but eliminated the native black rat population. Brown rats are huge, thick-tailed, excellent swimmers who stick around in the winter and find themselves right at home in a marsh or swamp.
In fact, ShadowClan thinks hunting them is a two-way blessing. A cat stays fed through the winter, and more resources are freed up for the rarer, but more delicious water vole. ThunderClan isn't the only Clan that understands population management.
And speaking of...
4: Squirrels
Significantly smaller than carp and ducks, gray squirrels are usually about 500 grams. I've heard it said that they triple in mass over the winter, but since I'm not sure if that means they triple in weight, I'll simply rule that a wintertime gray squirrel is 1000 grams. Which means about 5,000 calories, enough to feed 14 cats.
...but also. don't underestimate how big a squirrel is. You are a 200-pound bipedal ape, these are 10 pound cats. They are also eating all the organs you, a human, would usually toss.
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The general term, wetland, refers to all land that is... take a guess... wet. The difference between a marsh and a swamp is that a swamp is wooded land, which means squirrels can live there!
ShadowClan often finds itself in conflict with ThunderClan over squirrels. The native, endangered red squirrel is a cultural icon to ThunderClan and they believe it's important to protect it at all costs by killing gray squirrels whenever possible. ShadowClan, meanwhile, agrees red squirrels are beautiful, but isn't willing to be aggressive with gray squirrel populations to protect them.
5: Cheating
In true ShadowClan fashion I do what I want and use number 5 to babble about several animals they turn into grub
And SPEAKING of grubs, they love to forage for larval treats. They regularly make snacks out of chafer grubs, stag beetle larvae, cutworms, and if they can manage it, baby honeybees. Chafer grubs are their absolute favorite, which is another reason why WindClan is so passionate about maintaining their moorland; when it turns into grassland, ShadowClan is energized to fight for grub foraging space.
The "problem" with the meat of predators is that it's said to be tough and taste strong and unpalatable. ShadowClan doesn't entirely mind it, but if they end up with a predator in spring and summer, they like to use the seasonal stream (called a syke) that cuts across ThunderClan to soak the meat in running water for a few days.
Not to mention that they really will just grab at any animal, in addition to those lizards and frogs they're notorious for. Hedgehogs, crayfish, waterbirds, snails. There's all sorts of spices they'll use to try to season a strange meat, between mushrooms, pellitory, juniper, rosemary, so on.
It's harder to find something they WON'T eat.
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lichpassing · 2 months
Let's talk about spring hounds!
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Spring hounds are the analog for dogs on Aurum, occupying a similar niche to wolves. They became domesticated a lot later than ours did, having become genetically distinct from their ancestors about 20,000 years ago. Because of this, along with other factors, they aren’t as physically diverse as our dogs are, but they fill many different niches and do have distinct breeds.
Remains of their ancestor species were found in singer burial grounds as far back as around 48,000 years ago! That’s around 20,000 years before Aurum’s last mass extinction event! The working theory for why it took them so long to become their own species is that bands of C singers would kidnap pups and raise them as their own on occasion. Since that was uncommon at the time, domestication just didn’t have the chance to come about until later.
Later on, because of an asteroid impact, populations of most species dropped drastically or completely disappeared. Spring hounds ancestors had a hard time coping with the post-impact world, and taking more scraps from the species who can hunt large game seemed very alluring. Over the next few thousand years, as the two singer species started to get more and more intertwined, spring hounds changed a lot. Close proximity to C singers made them much more sociable, trainable, and visually appealing (yay neoteny).
The reason why working with this species specifically was so appealing to Cs was the difference in their hunting methods. Cs are ambush predators, they can reach extremely high speeds, but not for very long. Spring hounds are endurance predators, they can pursue prey for much longer. When whatever is being hunted tries to escape, spring hounds are there to cut them off or herd them back to the hunting party. It's a system that benefits both, and that forged a deep bond between the two species.
Spring hounds still exist in the modern day, they're a very common working animal and even more common companions. It's common practice for Cs who give birth to only one child to get their child a spring hound pup to play and socialize with.
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E singers also keep them as pets, but their relationship with them is similar to our relationship with cats. Spring Hounds are slightly intimidated by Es size, and Es have a harder time forming bonds with them because of this. However, they are still pretty popular pets, and the two can form close bonds with each other like Cs can. Es just need to approach them with more patience and understanding.
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With strong legs, stocky bodies, and mouths full of sharp teeth, spring hounds make formidable predators. Their body plan is similar to that of a kangaroo because of their shared need for endurance. They can hop at a stable speed for miles, pursuing prey until the exhaustion overcomes them.
Their tail has the same 3 segments most members of their class do, and it's used as a leg when they aren’t moving. The only exception to this is the awkward shuffle they do to move very short distances.
Their feet have one large claw to hook onto prey while they hold them down. Since they hunt in packs, they use their collective weight to hold down whatever they catch.
Large ears give them great hearing, allowing them to be alerted to things moving a considerable distance away from them. The long, thin feathers on their head are connected to recessive ears, which evolved to be used for communication and courtship.
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Spring pups are much fluffier, lacking the tusks and open ears of an adult hound. Their young are more altricial than Cs, and are unable to walk or hear for a few weeks after they are born. The two parents of the pups will take turns watching over the litter while the other one hunts. They can start eating meat after a couple of days but cannot crack through shells and bones until they're older.
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On average an adult spring hound is about 2-3 feet tall, but some breeds get closer to 1 or 4 feet.
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Their mouths are a bit overcomplicated, again like most animals in their class. One thing that sets them and the species closely related to them apart is the fact they are both carnivorous and have external tusks. The external tusks are not really for hunting, but for manipulating and holding onto carrion, and for building nests. Unlike their internal tusks, the external ones can move slightly up and down. They'll hold objects between their external tusks and tongue, and while they don't have the strongest grip, it makes up for their lack of forelegs or arms. The internal ones are used for hunting, so they’re are more firmly set in the jaw and are much sharper. Their beak is the real star of the show, however, it's the strongest part of their mouth and can bite through a lot of the harder parts of the animals they eat. In households, they have a bad habit of biting chair legs in half that are too thin if they don't get trained to use a designated chew toy. The “tongue” inside is a radula, and it's covered in thousands of teeth.
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Their eye color ranges from yellow to red, but their sclera is usually the same shade of very dark blue. Similarly to c singers, their eyes are not round, and are instead eye stalks similar to a mantis shrimps underneath skin, fat, and muscle. Their eyes rotation is limited, and they often will rotate their heads or bodies to get a good look at something. The “pull apart” style pupil is common amongst more nocturnal or crepuscular predators, with spring hounds falling into the latter category.
Coat genetics
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There are 12 categories of spring hound base coat colors, with 4 major color categories. Brown and tan are the most common, with black being a bit more uncommon and red being the rarest. The dilute gene is self explanatory, it lightens the color and patterning of the coat to varying degrees, nothing too flashy. The blush dilute is somewhat similar, but it impacts the pheomelanin less than the eumelanin, therefore it leaves a bit more of a rosy tone. The gene for dilute and blush dilute are both recessive, but it might show up again if the same type of dilute gene exists in both parents.
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There are some other colors that are the result of genetic mutations. All white coats don't exist in spring hounds standard coat colors, but leucistic spring hounds are not uncommon, so it was assumed they were part of the standard array. Albinism and melanism are both rather rare, but melanism doesn't come with health issues like albinism does, outside of being more vulnerable to heat stroke in some regions. Spring hounds with albinism tend to be visually impaired or blind, and it also weakens their tusks enough to require a diet with less hard bones and shells.
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The most common coat pattern is the colorpoint pattern. On earth, colorpoint cats have pigment in the warmest parts of their bodies. Spring hounds get pigment on the parts of their body that get the most sun exposure. This coat pattern comes about with age, and the amount of sun exposure they get in their early years has an impact on how dark their fur gets, along with genetics. Pigment shows up on the feet and under the tail because body heat does have some influence over where pigment shows up. This patterning frequently shows up along with other coat patterns, and most spring hounds will at least have a faint version of it under their stripes or splotches.
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The other common coat pattern for spring hounds is stripes, but some patterns are less common than others.
The most common stripe pattern, feral populations would often revert back to this pattern after a few generations.
The same as above but with more intense striping.
The equivalent of a blotched tabby, it’s less common but not rare.
The same as above but with more intense striping, this is a very popular stripe pattern.
A much more rare version of the common striped pattern, with less striping and larger light patches.
A similarly uncommon version of the “blotched” stripe pattern with larger light patches.
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The primary multicolored gene has a lot of color variety within it, with the gene causing specific pigments in the fur to either be greatly reduced or absent entirely. This exists in all fur coat genetics, but shows up a bit differently in all of them. Pigment loss tends to be concentrated on the underside of the body. Above are some examples of how this gene can change a spring hounds coat.
A lack of eumelanin, causing the affected fur to have a red to orange hue.
A complete lack of melanin, causing the effected fur to have a white hue.
A partial lack of melanin, causing the affected area to be a diluted tone, it can have a “blush” tone if the spring hound carries the gene for it.
An example of how the first version of the multicolor gene would look on a brown fur tone, the genes do not add pigment, so they change in accordance to the melanin ratios in each fur tone.
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There can also be white spotting that goes along with this gene, here are a few examples of what that looks like on different variations of the multicolor gene.
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Finally, here are some examples of different coat lengths. While these exist on a wide spectrum, they usually fall between 1 and 2. 3 is only really seen in breeds from polar regions and occasionally in mutts with the genetics for it. Short fur is seen as the most aesthetically pleasing, as it is easier to maintain and keep neat.
There are many, many combinations of all of these genes, giving spring hounds a wide variety of coats.
As for other physical features, the genetics are less clearly understood for a few reasons. Namely the fact they have not put much effort into recording the lineages of breeds.
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While there are no agreed upon breed standards, spring hounds have still changed in accordance to their jobs. Differences in appearance are either practical or purely incidental, breeding for specific traits for aesthetic reasons is more common in domestic fungi or plants. The image above is just a few examples of the variety of appearances.
Fun facts
They clack their beaks when they're content, it sounds a bit like this, but muffled.
A common play behavior is to nudge their companion with their tusks, which hurts BAD if they’re being rough or are running up to you before doing it. This is discouraged at a young age as to not cause any actual damage when they’re larger and stronger.
They’re mesocarnivores, with about 60% of their diet being meat.
Their favorite places to be pet are usually behind their ears, their cheeks, and the top of their back and tail.
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Open Your Home to the Common House Centipede
A common sight in homes throughout Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Australia the common house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) is a medium-sized species of centipede originally from the Mediterranean. In the wild, they prefer grasslands and deciduous forests where they can hide under rocks, logs, or leaf litter. These insects have also adapted well to urban development, and are frequently found in basements, bathrooms, and garages,  as well as gardens and compost piles.
Like other centipedes, the common house centipede has less than 100 legs; in fact, they only have 15 pairs, with the front pair used only for holding prey or fending off threats. All those legs let the common house centipede move up to 0.4 meters per second (1.3 ft/s) over a variety of surfaces, including walls and ceilings. The actual body of S. coleoptrata is only 25 to 35 mm (1.0 to 1.4 in) long, but the antennae are often as long as the body which can give this insect a much larger appearance. However, they can be hard to spot, especially in their natural environments; their tan and dark brown coloration allows them to blend in seamlessly to surrounding vegetation.
Though they pose little threat to humans, house centipedes are predatory. Their primary food source is other arthropods, including cockroaches, silverfish, bed bugs, ticks, ants, and insect larvae. S. coleoptrata is a nocturnal hunter, and uses its long antennae to track scents and tactile information. Their compound eyes, unusual for centipede species, can distinguish daylight and ultraviolet light but is generally used as a secondary sensory organ. When they do find prey, house centipedes inject a venom which can be lethal in smaller organisms, but is largely harmless to larger animals. This makes them important pest controllers. In the wild, house centipedes are the common prey of rodents, amphibians, birds, and other insects.
The mating season for S. coleoptrata begins in the spring, when males and females release pheromones that they can use to find each other. Once located, the male spins a silk pad in which he places his sperm for the female to collect. She then lays fertilized eggs in warm, moist soil in clutches of 60-150. These eggs incubate for about a month, and the young emerge with only four pairs of legs. Over the next three years, juvenile house centipedes molt 7 times, each time gaining new pairs of legs. After they grow their last pair of legs, immature house centipedes molt an additional 3 times, at which time they become sexually mature. If they can avoid predation, individuals can live up to 7 years in the wild.
Conservation status: The common house centipede has not been evaluated by the IUCN, as it is relatively common both in the wild and in urban areas. Although they have been introduced to areas outside their native range, no detrimental environmental effects have been associated with their spread.
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Joseph Berger
David Paul
Conrad Altman via iNaturalist
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kadextra · 7 months
team soulfire’s lore rp today was incredible so I gotta summarize it
q!rivers, coming in happily and suddenly ending up directly in a tense hostage situation. she pulled off lying to the three enemies surrounding her for a good while before making an escape attempt, and later helped the team a lot
q!pac having to watch his “roommate” q!fit be killed in front of his eyes, sitting there apologizing, crying while holding the lifeless body. making a grave- didn’t he make like 4 today???
him and the team got a lot of progress done on their secret base along with Trousers the eye creature, but throughout the whole day he was also the solo target of the entire red team. his pov never stopped feeling like a bbc earth documentary where you watch a prey animal run through the snow being stalked by a predator. and the message from q!cellbit happened, which shook q!pac up so bad he disassociated and started having a panic attack, called himself a person who isn’t strong… but then q!bad interrupted and gently assured pac that he was strong, they were together, he took pac’s mind off the fear and calmed him down.
q!bad today was the solo target of the entire green team, his pov felt like he was constantly one step away from disaster at any moment. but q!bad still had the guts to trashtalk people left and right as him & q!pac ran, hid, tried to stay alive and protect one another- their trust deepened so much today.
by the end, they were certain of not being able to win, so q!bad engaged in some devilish deal-making so they could at least die on their own terms and help out another team. q!forever approached him, leading to a 1-hour intense rp discussion where they agreed on a deal. 4halo had a heartwarming reunion hugging in a boat mid-disaster and then consensually killed each other :3
honestly a banger day for team soulfire even if they didn’t win, they had fun and I had soooo much fun
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x-hyzenthlay-x · 13 days
Hello I was looking at your "humans are space orcs" master list and I thought it would be interesting to add that not only we can lie, but also the animals on our planet and I think that could be something very interesting to exploit. Other intelligent species also lie, it's normal, but for an animal that acts on instinct to lie directly to someone's face is great. Like for example when you are latching and your dog just started latching too or just pretending he is hurt when he is extremely fine.
ASDFGH this is actually really interesting because lying is also a survival mechanism! Many species “lie” especially birds and insects and humans do it without even realizing.
The atlas moth has evolved to make its wings look like snake heads to scare off birds from watching them :)
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Many birds (and animals like cats) will poof up their feathers/fur to make themselves look bigger than they really are.
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Humans are interesting though, one of our evolved tricks is standing on two legs and being able to raise our arms directly above us thanks to brachiation/having our arms placed outside of our body barely attached to our skeletons. This is how we are able to hang from our arms and swing on branches ;3 however this makes us look a lot bigger than we really are thus making us look much more powerful to things like other predators and pray who might wish to harm us. Tigers and other cats have fake eyes on the back of their ears to make it look like they’re facing the wrong direction to protect them from attacks from behind!
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A lot of survival experts will say that making yourself look bigger is a good thing and making lots of noise. Many animals can’t tell the difference and assume that tall/loud = powerful/dangerous.
Loud noises are often associate to danger, ex: animals attacking, a falling tree or land slide would be an environmental danger, storms ect. Loud noises generally just mean “dangerous” so humans having loud voices helps!
Then you get into the more complex lies. The ones that can be used for malicious intent. I would say that these have their roots in self preservation/satisfaction. Animals trick each other quite often for food and attention and such. Humans aren’t really any different, we might do it out of perceived necessity or in more rare cases joy of watching the suffering of others which is only really found in the more “intelligent” species. Orcas will torture an animal/prey species for fun. Humans have done this too. It’s pretty barbaric.
I like to imagine there’s a certain point where this goes away. Like more advanced beings who travel literal galaxies have kind of evolved past basic instincts. They’re probably still there but not nearly as prominent. They probably know about lies and there’s probably species who have no use for it or never really did. Like purely telepathic species would be able to detect it much easier but they also likely have much less miscommunication issues. I feel like false info in general is so deeply integrated into evolution it’s almost impossible to avoid and possibly even necessary all to some extent.
I think lying is pretty well established in the universe but it would be fascinating to see a species who has no concept of it. They would probably look a lot like the dogs who get fooled by the disappearing blanket trick
It would actually be funny to try this on an alien tbh, sorry this took so long I had no clue I had something in my ask box 😭 it never told me?
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thankeywa · 1 year
Star-Crossed pt.4/? | Lo'ak x human!fem!reader (NSFW)
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Warnings: once again, both Lo'ak and the reader are 20y/o, , MINORS DO NOT INTERACT with this or anything on my accounts. NSFW!!! this is the smut chapter. Nothing else. you can still skip this without losing any plot of the story.
words: 2.3k
summary: the reader is a human left behind on pandora, she grew up with the remaining humans who'd been allowed to stay on the planet after the war and has been friends with the Sully clan her entire life. She and Lo'ak were best friends until he began to pull away from her in their teen years for seemingly no reason. This story is about them reconnecting on the day of her twentieth birthday, and dealing with the feelings they have for each other and the obstacles that come with them being from two different worlds.
part 1 part 2 part 3
tag list: @aleromania , @ghostjoohoney, @cherry-blossom34, @stephenandfiveswhore , @neteyamforlife, @mochi-yu , @halibanana @notquitehero @vanillacoffeeaddict @kitsune0077 @mara-brekker @sully-stick-together @luthien-naenderthal @phantomalex14 @vanillawhale @omiivr @barbii04 @grierpilots @itszzmoon @wavyteals @punkrockrogers @fanboyluvr @Iwesodra @roguesimagination @kathrynlupin @anxietydrogz @b0rednb1tchy @xkaykay
Lo'ak was aware of the 'fight or flight' response that was said to be experienced by humans and other animals on Earth. Grace, Kiri's biological mother, had written entire journals about how, amazingly, Pandora's inhabitants went through something slightly different . It seemed that the entirety of the 'flora' and 'fauna' of Pandora was so interconnected, a prey knew whether it was time to run to live another day or give in and die, and predators also could sense whether or not a life should be spared once in a while. It was all to due with the balance of life, that Eywa so dutifully protected.
That didn't mean that the non-Na'vi dwellers of the planet did not feel fear or a basic strive for survival. Simply, that Eywa would sometimes intervene to give the two parties a way to reach an understanding.
Lo'ak was more than certain his human side was keeping him in a state of paralysis at that moment. But he didn't think that being intimate with his human better half was the sort of situation Eywa could give him insight on.
Nothing could have prepared him for this moment. He'd never even once considered the possibility that y/n reciprocated his feelings. Over the years he'd done his best to steer clear of any sort of... compromising thoughts he may have had of her — though he wasn't always successful.
Fortunately, she'd always seemed to prefer to wear significantly more clothes than Spider, but that had also left Lo'ak with a seemingly infinite number of questions.
"It's okay if you've changed your mind, Lo'ak..." y/n said softly, snapping him out of his reverie. She covered her chest and turned to look for her shirt again, suddenly feeling rather self conscious about the way she looked. She'd taken Lo'ak's silence and stillness as rejection.
The Na'vi quickly chased her lips for another kiss, whispering a thousand apologies to her in his native language. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. How could she not see it herself?
Lo'ak tentatively let one of his large hands leave y/n's cheek. It caressed her flushed neck, the dip of her shoulder until it finally came to cup the weight of her breast. Y/n could still feel him hesitate with every step, even shaking a little from how much he was afraid of hurting her. "Like this..." She guided Lo'ak's fingers, showing him all the different ways he could tease and tug at her nipple. "D-doesn't... doesn't that hurt?" Lo'ak attempted to recreate the motion on her other breast, now playing with both.
Y/n shook her head, desperately getting rid of the rest of her clothes so she could take care of the throbbing ache between her legs. Lo'ak had gotten surprisingly good at fondling her breasts in record time, and she wanted to show him exactly what he was doing to her. In between the middle of moaning his name and taking care of her aching cunt, she got a glimpse of the almost feral way he was staring down at her.
Lo'ak was drinking in every single detail of y/n's tiny body, dwarfed even more now that she was writhing in his lap. The second he saw her glistening pussy, an almost shameful wave of jealousy overcame him. He wanted to be the only one to ever see y/n that way, to get to pet her sweet little cunt. It was all his, and y/n could read it in his extremely dilated pupils.
"Everything okay, yawne?" Y/n panted sweetly, searching for another kiss. "You know I like it when you talk to me..." Lo'ak immediately showered her with more kisses, hating himself for stalling yet again. "No--yes... you just... you have a very pretty... syulang..." He said, his ears bending down in embarrassment. It took y/n a few beats to understand what Lo'ak meant by 'flower', and her cheeks felt quite warm at the realisation.
"I mean... all of you is... perfect. You're perfect." Lo'ak said with slightly more determination in his voice, hoisting y/n up in his arms so he could leave a kiss above where her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She let out a keening sound when he took her left nipple in his mouth, still incredibly attent to being as gentle as he could. Y/n let him take his time exploring her, and Lo'ak worshipped her body until she was a trembling, moaning mess in his arms.
Y/n wanted to do the same. She wanted to run her hands over every single part of him. But it was kind of difficult when Lo'ak had her laid out on her back while he kissed and licked his way between her folds, seemingly unaware that he was going at a torturously slow place. Y/n begged and whined, but she was too far gone to even know what she was asking for anymore. Meanwhile, Lo'ak was completely intoxicated by her taste, keeping one of his large hands on her stomach so she wouldn't jump while he used his tongue to toy with her clit, always making sure to not as much as graze her with his teeth.
"Lo'ak, please..." Y/n let out a small sob, and Lo'ak looked up, sheepishly pulling away from the literal paradise he'd discovered between her thighs. "Did I hurt you?" He asked, but she furiously shook her head. "No... not that, yawne. Just, please... want to touch you..." It didn't matter that she'd been edged for so long, she suddenly didn't know how to ask Lo'ak to use his fingers. Or something more, which he wouldn't do anyway.
"But I like making you feel good..." Lo'ak didn't know how to say he'd been painfully hard and leaking just from eating her out, but now that y/n was sitting back up, there was no way she couldn't see his arousal. His loincloth was doing a rather poor job of hiding how much he wanted her. "I can't get enough of the way you taste..." He said in a shaky breath, cupping y/n's sex to feel the wetness there. She instinctively squeezed her thighs around his hand and he understood.
Lo'ak knew y/n used her fingers to play with herself, but his own were considerably larger and longer. How could she possibly take them inside of her? "Please, yawne, I need you..." She coaxed him to relax once again with her words, getting rid of the last clothes that were separating them. Y/n took in the sight of Lo'ak's large cock standing proudly, and curiously began to touch him with both hands.
Then sight of y/n's smaller hands tentatively trying to work his erection almost made Lo'ak go cross-eyed. "W-what are you..." He cursed, burying his head in y/n's neck when she began to play with his head, using her thumb to put the exact right amount of pressure as she teased the sensitive tip in quick circles.
Y/n bit her lip and giggled at the deep purring sound that came out of him. Almost as if to get back at her, Lo'ak slid one of his fingers deep inside of her, following the warm curves of her inner walls. Only when y/n let out a loud moan of relief, did he fully realise what he was doing. "Fuck, Lo'ak--" She reprimanded him softly for giving her no warning, but quickly began to rut herself down onto his digit, finding a rhythm at was good for her while squeezing down on the base of his shaft with both her hands. The pressure almost made Lo'ak see nothing but white.
What had he been so afraid of? The two of them were clearly attuned to each other's needs, and he never wanted to stop giving y/n pleasure like the one he could hear in her voice at that moment. Lo'ak began to curl his finger inside of y/n, before tentatively pumping it in and out of her while she held onto his neck for dear life.
It didn't take him long to understand where most of her pleasure was coming from, so he took matters into his own hands. Literally.
"N-no, no..." She whined when he took his finger out, but he kissed her, silently telling her not to worry. Lo'ak got them back in their original position, with him lying on his back and y/n sprawled out across his stomach. He ran his hand down her spine, and she lifted her hips up a little when she understood, letting him hook his fingers into her cunt from behind while he kept a firm grip on her ass.
Fingers. Because she was now taking two of them. And beautifully too, if Lo'ak had anything to say about it. He'd never seen her so completely lost in herself; and there she was now, giving in to the white heat of the fire he could feel inside of her. It was almost too much. Every desperate cry, every languid rotation of her hips, every scratch she left on his body, wanted to make him take y/n for himself. He wanted to see if she could sing just as beautifully while bouncing on his cock. But he knew exactly how dangerous those thoughts were.
He held y/n impossibly closer to him and pumped in a third finger along with the rest. Y/n's face contorted in something Lo'ak could not explain, but before he could stop himself, she was stilling in his arms. Her walls clamped down on his fingers, gushing around them. Y/n's body went as still as a rock as she tried to ground herself through her orgasm, suddenly feeling very cold and high on adrenaline at the same time. She needed Lo'ak to hold her tight.
The last thing she would have ever expected was for her lover to give out a horrified wail that she herself felt tear through his chest.
Y/n was bleeding. He'd made her bleed. "I hurt you." He panted, unable to look away from the blood on his fingers. "I knew it, I should never have-- "
"Yawne, calm down." Y/n tried to reassure him, touching his face gently. "I did not hurt me, I didn't even realize..."She sighed, feeling guilty for not having warned him sooner. "It's completely normal."
"Normal?" Lo'ak asked, bewildered. "You are bleeding." How could he have thought for a single second he could have trusted himself to hold y/n without causing her harm?
"It can happen sometimes to humans... more often than not during their first time... "She explained. "Something inside me just ripped, is all. It burns a little now, but you were making me feel so good I barely even felt the pain..." The thought of three of Lo'ak's fingers being more than enough to break her hymen made the possibility of taking his cock slightly more daunting than she'd previously imagined. But that didn't mean y/n no longer wanted him with every fiber of her being. "It won't happen again, if that makes you feel any better..."
Lo'ak pulled her close and kissed her. "You are so strong." He whispered, thinking about how lucky he was to have someone who had so willingly given themselves to him. Who trusted him with every part of their being. He hoisted y/n in his arms and took her to the bathroom, cleaning them both off with warm water and a soft towel. Even after all those years, he still remembered where everything was in her home.
As he did so, he knelt down in the small room that was clearly not built to accommodate someone of his stature and began to leave delicate kisses over y/n's mound and between her folds. It was his way of apologizing for the discomfort he'd caused her. "Are you trying to 'kiss it better'?" She giggled softly, running her hands through his braids. "Lo'ak, I promise you I'm okay..."
"Yes..." Lo'ak answered her question. "But I also just love kissing you here..." He admitted, looking up at y/n with nothing but reverence in his eyes.
It was hard to keep their hands off of each other for the rest of the night. Y/n desperately wanted to worship Lo'ak's body in the same way he'd done with her, and she wasn't going to rest until he finally let go and let someone else take care of him for once.
After a passionate make-out session against her bathroom sink, they'd stumbled back into the warmth of their bed and Lo'ak was once again aching for her. Y/n took in every single one of his reactions as her hands worked their magic over his cock: his grunts, his soft growls, his furrowed brow, and his hooded lids. Although nothing got to her quite in the same way as when he would bare his teeth, giving her a little glimpse of his sharp canines. Lo'ak was incredibly vulnerable at that moment, and he was all hers.
"Fuck, fuck y/n... " He unwillingly bucked his hips into her touch, almost throwing y/n off him by accident. "Oh shit--- sorry baby, come back here." Lo'ak reached for her and manhandled her back into his lap, unable to bite back a smile when she laughed a little. He enveloped himself around her completely, making sure the incident wouldn't happen a second time, as y/n brought him closer and closer to the edge.
Lo'ak exploded between them without much of a warning, surprising y/n with the heaviness of his load. She let out a soft moan as most of it painted her stomach, working Lo'ak's cock with her hand until he'd given her every last drop. The Na'vi was ready to apologize, embarrassed even in a state of afterglow, when he saw her bring her own finger to her lips to get a taste of his essence.
Lo'ak felt unable to breathe as he took in the debauched sight of y/n, her belly and lips covered with his seed while she looked up at him innocently.
It was going to be a long night.
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q1ngqve · 3 months
omg saw u mention lamb girls in the tags.. and my head instantly buzzed not even joking. wolf blade and lamb girl reader... my thoughts are thoughting (not even a word i know BUT HEAR ME OUT). i guess lamb girls can be mistaken as bunnies due to similar personality traits but ig they aren’t as fidgety/energetic and can be put in a trance more easily. lamb girlies are so much more timid and less provocative but they get dumbed down just as much!! for the shy and sleepy girlies <33 who don’t like putting too much of a fight and get scared and obedient easily
AND something about the wolf and lamb dynamic <333 big bad wolf blade who isn’t sweet or caring with you :(( doesn’t care if it hurts when he bites your neck to mark you or that his touch is always too harsh for you, who needs to be handled a little more gently. infact it always makes him so much more hard when he sees your teary and hazed out expression. he bets you don’t even know if the tears in your eyes were out of the pleasure or pain that he’s giving you. oh you were such a dumb little lamb.
he always looms over you, shows you your place without even saying a word, his presence alone is daunting enough. and he loves it when your breath hitches whenever he grins (at your pathetic state, under him) and you catch a glimpse his canines. he knows you’re so scared of him, he knows how you’re aware of the power that he holds over you. but when he sees you always crawl back to him, he can’t help but feel satisfied. you’re such a dumb lamb. don’t know what’s good for you :(( he won’t admit it, but he likes it that way.
sometimes he thinks back to when you both first met. you being the sweet lamb helping the injured wolf. you didn’t even know he was a wolf hybrid till he had you pinned down when you were least expecting it. he was ready to ravage you then and there, but something clicked. something more obsessive came over him when he saw you there, eyes wide and scared. yet you weren’t doing anything to run or have him loosen his grip on you. like you were ready to be devoured, so accepting of it. even though he was the predator and you, his prey - you still couldn’t help but be drawn towards him.
eventually you both sticked around each other. something always draws you both together. you gave each other something neither of you knew you needed. some sense of security, someone to care about, someone to protect. and just the thought of knowing that he has such power over you and can take you anytime, but he chooses not to makes you go crazy. maybe he’s letting you live because you saved him. maybe you amuse him to no end. maybe you both are just stupid animals finding solace in the wrong places. you should go back to your herd, he should go back to his pack. but you both don’t have any of that, now do you? — ⭐
(sorry if this was long ahahaha i’m not even a lamb girlie (i think ?? thought¿??!) but this!! this dynamic is too good to pass up i can’t +_82('(39&&!!! ngl i have absolutely no idea which hybrid i would be so i’m here for it all LMFAOO anyway hope you’re having a good day (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠))
he’s literally obsessed with you <3
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obscure-entity · 1 year
14 species to look at (i worked hard)
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Drelym are dexterous bipeds in spite of having 3-digits on each limb. They are the bold successors to humans, "inheriting" their use of technology and written-language. 
Drelym were the first to investigate a visiting spacecraft (under the knowledge that other hospitable planets were already found, and that this planet was a mere side-voyage for humans). After quickly learning how to use humans’ technology, Drelym began implementing it in to their own civilizations and wiped the group out. In short: this thing can use a computer!
Presently, they build dome-like structures and travel in groups to kill larger creatures.
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Teppets are quilled creatures with a dietary-preference for fruit, insects, and unattended eggs. They either burrow or reside in dense forests to keep themselves hidden. 
Their quills are specialized to stun attackers. Not only are they packed with minor shocks, but the microscopic barbs on the tips flake off similarly to fiberglass. Teppets that bide their time correctly escape often.
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Tervines are massive, disc-shaped, grazing animals that roam in the open. The rocky masses on their backs are both crucial to their protection as well as natural. Plant growth and rock formations can indicate age.
Their offspring retract in to their “shells” to appear like rocks, and they often hitch rides on their mothers’ backs. In more pressing situations, their mothers even allow them to hide beneath them.
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Arthrids are skittish hooved mammals. Their split jaws move independently as mandibles. They eat plants and extract nectar with their thin tongues, sometimes using their jaws to tear in to tree trunks for hints of sap. 
Arthrids cover distances in lengthy jumps, and they even bounce around each other to play! The drelym usually tame them as steeds, using them for speedy travels across more difficult terrain. 
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As some of the most common predators, baleons are dreaded for their lengthy claws. Baleons tolerate each other in unorganized social groups, but they remain alone when raising offspring. 
Their body variations are hereditary, but traits of them can combine. “Masked” baleons have thick, dulled claws and a hard facial surface. “Bald” baleons have furred faces and hook-like, sharpened claws. 
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Leoriens are extremely solitary predators feared for their presence in trees, crushing bite force, and ambush-hunting nature. They are direct rivals to baleons and capable of killing any lone ones they can find.
They are rarely found in open daylight unless traveling, and they stick to the canopies or denser foliage. Leoriens steer clear of each other, as they are very conscious of territorial spaces.
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Bushvens are fully-aquatic sentient flora that can be found in swarms.
While feeding, they can appear to the unaware like flowers floating along the surface of the water. This is because they flare the leaves from their bodies and point upward to photosynthesize, only letting their flower-shaped snouts break the surface. They have no mouths. 
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The mayskits are tiny, photosynthetic tree-dwellers that skitter along branches to evade threats, being one of the fastest terrestrial animals.
They rely on signifying dangers to each other through their antennae. In confrontations, mayskits can whip their lengthy tails with sharp speed.
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An alamoth is a rare and devastating sight, being the most significant threat to all other species including their own. If an alamoth spots another of its kind, it will urgently knock it out of the skies or kill it on sight. 
Their extra pair of eyes are angled downward to improve their range of vision in flight. While they can use their thick jaws and massive talons, their favored method of hunting is quite literally beating their prey in to the dirt with their wings.
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Piboas are long, lightly-furred nocturnal predators from the trees.
Their limbs are nearly vestigial, but they still utilize them for both leverage and a grip in climbing.
Piboas have a sticky tongue for hunting insects, but for more moderately-sized prey, they use a drop-and-constrict method. 
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Blade-Beasts were constructed by the drelym and employed to kill predators in the immediate surroundings of their towns.
They are able to run unlimited distances and draw out built-in razors for attacking sensed movement. Their bodies are also encased in hologram-like “force-fields” that keep them essentially waterproof.
In spite of their lethality, Blade-Beasts are easily dismantled, as their protective field can be torn with enough force.
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The mavies are among the largest herbivores. Their necks enable them to reach fruit and leaves from the trees, while their front limbs give them the extra leverage on branches to stand further upright for a better reach.
Their thickly layered fur and sheer force in a stomp makes them an unfavorable target to attackers.
Mavies tend to migrate to less-populated and colder regions for the sake of having offspring.
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Tivids are small flying omnivores that roost on trees in swarms.
They fly actively at dawn and dusk to search for fruit, insects, larvae, and carcasses.
Their wings each have a single hooked claw for gripping surfaces and reaching in to narrow spaces.
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An urcan is a large, mostly-aquatic carnivore. They can be found basking on the shores, but they never stray far from the water where they have more mobility.
It relies on ambushing whatever crosses or drinks the water, veiled by the surface.
Even with a sharp vision, urcans are compelled by motion.
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Chart in order of silhouettes:
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malspinningyarns · 3 days
Random thoughts during Bridgerton season 3 rewatch, episode 3
The dream is so Mr. Darcy walking across the foggy field in the 2005 P&P
There is a editing mistake where Violet walks to Francesca twice pre and post Benedict’s comment to Gregory
Colin at Breakfast:
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Love Charlotte’s heart wig
Phillippa is so dumb. But this is why sex ed is important
Varley is so happy Penelope has a visitor and it’s Eloise
Another wrap to hide Claudia’s broken arm
No one really is going to notice Colin and Penelope unchaperoned again, aren’t they?
Colin’s coat looks dark purple in the light and Pen’s wrap has purple in it.
This is the most awkward Colin has ever been
Those are some massive antlers on that one taxidermy buck
Speaking as someone who is around a lot of taxidermy at work, you kinda just get used to it. But I see that look on Debling’s face very regularly
Debling’s WTF look the Cressida’s comment about rather being a predator than prey. 😂
There are some judgy faces from the Cowpers when Lord Cutbill talks to Francesca
Colin is in yellow, Penelope is in blue
Debling, don’t compare a woman to a dead animal (even I think their conversation is kinda cute otherwise)
The ballon is yellow and blue! (Of course it is)
I love that Dankworth is smart enough to make a double entendre and the Finches don’t get it
Colin is so down bad watching Penelope lick her fingers
Cressida is so lost at the beginning of the conversation with Debling
Penelope’s confusion at Eloise reluctantly bringing up the Great Auk and Eloise responding look of “Don’t ask” is a great moment
Penelope trying to get in on this bird conversation is me at work
I think this look is the best Colin look
Poor Colin is being bullied by these two guys
I do love Will and Alice even if I don’t fully know the purpose of their plot
I literally can’t figure out how old Lady Tilly is supposed to be
Business bitch in a sparkly suit
If I was Eloise, I also would not want to be a witness to this conversation
I love that it was the Dankworths getting interrupted that caused the balloon problem
Way to go everyone leaving Pen behind
Colin is so angry that Hawkins just gets on the balloon (and probably that Debling “saved” Pen)
Portia straight up denies Lord Hawkins in the cuntiest way. 😂
Love the suspenseful music for Cressida and Penelope’s chase to Debling
Francesca hearing he wants 8 children just smothered that relationship
Violet’s face crack realizing Marcus is Lady Danbury’s brother
The way Fran and John keeping looking at each other is very cute
Penelope using Colin’s comments about bravery to talk to Debling 😭
Debling just gave Cressida’s lemonade to Penelope, which is kinda a dick move. This man is fickle
Colin absolutely is not subtle around his mom
Colin’s head turn at that music chord is just *chef’s kiss*
I’m obsessed with the cellist’s crazy wig
So much gold in the foreground with the blue night in the background.
Colin’s going to cry watching this dance
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crimsonbubble · 2 years
cw. nsfw, afab!reader, predator vs prey, forest sex, threesome, size kink, tummy bulge, strength kink, manhandling, oral (m receiving), cum eating, military kink (yes, that's a thing apparently), voice kink, finger sucking, mention of a knife, nipple play, thigh fucking, one ass slap, praise, degradation, brief pet play *not proofread, just pure horny
[based off a dream i had- everything was consented to beforehand but oh lord their eyes are so pretty,, listened to animals by maroon 5 nightcore]
reblogs and comment are appreciated <33 ao3 link <3
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the hunt is on.
each second you run is one second closer to them catching you. of course you want them to catch you but the thrill of the chase is exhilarating. you slow your steps, carefully maneuvering around the trees. you hold your breath as each environmental noise has your head on a swivel. you crouch down behind a rock, listening to the faint noises of crunching leaves.
the sound of movement stops, alerting you to inhale sharply. your blood is pumping in your ears, the feeling of your thumping heart echoing in your mouth. you carefully stand up, looking around you before quickly and quietly making your way through the forest. you instinctively reach for the knife in your thigh holster, only to silently curse because Keegan decided it would be more fun if you were empty-handed; going out on your own with your own survival and self-preservation skills.
you would curse out the fucker but he's just one step ahead, or behind you rather. a hand is wrapped around your waist, holding you to his chest, while the other is pressed to your mouth. "trying to run away, little bunny?" You wriggle and twist in his hold, only to wince when his grip tightens. you let out a few pitiful whines while struggling in his hold.
you bring your foot up and slam your heel down onto his foot, causing enough pain to tear yourself away and run. you can hear Keegan swearing behind you, catching up to you rather quickly. yet you can't seem to find Ghost.
you can't find Ghost.
your eyes widened as you nearly ran into a tree. narrowly avoiding the tree your head is constantly moving to find any sort of clue about where the lieutenant was. but alas, as his name suggests, it's near impossible to locate a ghost. so when you turn to see how close Keegan is, you crash into something or someone.
but when you tried to step away, a hand grabbed your wrists, jostling you around like a ragdoll. Keegan pressed up against your back, his hands on your hips keeping you steady. being squished between them only now made you realize how small you were in comparison, reaching shoulder height. the adrenaline is pumping wildly, your thighs clenching together as they both touch and grope your body.
Ghost swiftly turned you around, pulling your hips back to press your ass against the tent in his pants. a soft whimper leaves your lips as Keegan quickly cuts open your shirt and bra, making your nipples pebble in the cold forest air. Ghost shoves your jeans and panties down your thighs, cupping a hand over your cunt. the pressure makes you rub your thighs together, yearning for any friction to your throbbing clit.
Keegan delivers a quick slap to your face grabbing your chin to tilt it up to him. "the chase made you this wet, huh?" the pale moonlight highlights the shine of your slick on his fingers, making Keegan press his thumb to your lips. parting your lips, Keegan slips his thumb across your tongue, swearing under his breath as his cock presses insistently against the fabric of his pants.
your eyes flutter, peeking up at Keegan through your eyelashes. wrapping your lips around his finger, your tongue swirls around the digit. you can hear the faint sound of a belt unbuckling, making your thighs sticky with your own mess. "you don't deserve my cock stuffed in your cunt yet." Ghost lands a harsh slap on your ass, holding your thighs apart enough to slip his cock between. he presses your thighs together and you whine, pushing back against him.
Ghost ignores your cries and slowly rocks his hips. Each forward push has his tip bumping into your clit. your vision is blurry as tears well in your eyes with each nerve-wracking bump to your swollen clit. you're brought back down to earth momentarily as Keegan pries your mouth open. your mouth falls open, giving way for Keegan to lodge his cock down your throat. "there we go, sweet girl." the sound of your gagging covers most of the squelch each time Ghost ruts against your wet pussy.
Ghost slipped himself out, smirking under his mask as he spread your thighs open. with a quick thrust, his tip was damn near touching your cervix. you lurched forward, taking Keegan's length to the base. muffled moans left your lips as Ghost started with a fast pace from the start. the man using your mouth held your hair in a makeshift ponytail, guiding your head along his dick.
Ghost leaned down, pressing a hand to your stomach, and nearly cumming when he felt the small bump near your stomach. he pressed his hand against your stomach, feeling how his tip poked against his palm. the other hand slithered up to your chest. he pinched and rolled your nipples, squeezing your chest as he angled his hips to rock into your sweet spot with each thrust.
"such a filthy whore, taking cock like you were made for it." tears were rolling down your cheeks, the pleasure becoming all too much. Keegan groaned loudly, his cock twitching in your mouth. "mmm fuck, just like that." the mix of praise and harsh words had you creaming around Ghost's cock, making a mess of your thighs. Keegan seems too lost in his own world, burying himself deep in your throat and listening to you splutter and choke around him.
Keegan presses his hand to your throat feeling how his tip is pressed to the back of your mouth. your tongue and jaw are growing tired but Keegan's cock twitches in your mouth. his moans are a little more high-pitched and breathy; only a little further and he'll spill his load down your throat. Ghost only grunts, his dick throbbing within pulsing walls. Ghost makes the most of his pending orgasm, standing straight and holding your wrists behind your back.
his pace turns to a punishing one, one that has you choking around Keegan even more. they both groan lowly, eyes half lidded and glazed over with hunger. with one and two more thrusts, you're gushing and creaming around Ghost’s cock, making the final mess even worse. Keegan reaches his limit holding your head down his cock, spilling his sticky seed in your mouth. Ghost curses quietly, feeling his orgasm creep up. with a hand pressed to your stomach and the other smoothing down your spine, he presses as deeply as his body allows.
Keegan pulls out of your mouth, his cock still increasingly hard. Ghost stills his hips and that's when you feel that he's still hard too.
"don't think this was gonna be over that fast bunny. we've still got a whole lot to try."
♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡ — ♡
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bowandbrush · 5 months
guys. I’m so freaking excited for heaven. It’s described as perfect so I don’t even have to worry about it not being nice. The animals won’t have a predator/prey system anymore, meaning lions will literally chill next to zebras, maybe even groom each other. And there won’t be race or gender. Just a bunch of blorbos chilling. (Galatians 3:28) No homework, no taxes, no jobs, no need of a job. And we can sit down around Jesus and he can tell us stories that weren’t recorded in the Bible. Go stroll around in beautiful nature. See our friends and family and be with them forever. Guys. It’s going to be so awesome
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