#powered purely by dopamines
min-play · 1 year
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sysig · 2 months
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VUXisms (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Or if you prefer my very Normal Collection of ZEX stimming lol#I'm not choosing to read alien behaviours through a neurodivergent lense you can't prove anything#Okay you got me yes I am lol - in conjunction with my ADHD Max HC (which I am only more convinced of lol) I went into this with#Really any kind of self-soothing behaviour fascinates me :D And ZEX definitely needs the soothing ;;#But it's not just the stimming! Though I did keep pretty diligent notes about that lol he's deeply interesting to me!#He's a texture person! Part of that is due to being VUX and having very processed food but if it fits it fits!#I'm also a texture person - again I have too many notes relating to ZEX lol#I also find it charming (or sad - whichever is applicable at the time!) when ZEX eats in ''odd'' ways haha ♪#Eating without utensils - you can always just wash your hands you do you <3#The weighted blanket lol so - I had a very normal and measured reaction to ZEX enjoying full-body pressure lol#Solely and purely intellectual! Of course! VUX enjoy swimming! Full-body pressure makes complete sense!#And he's a tactile person on top of that - pressure good for multiple reasons! I really do think he'd sleep better with a weighted blanket ♪#Back to stimming! I really loved the scene of him opening the water bottle and his therapist being So Impatient with him about it lol#Let him figure it out! He's very intelligent! Very skilled at finding weak points and exploiting them hehe <3#But then he runs his finger on the lip of the bottle! Wine-glassing it while he talks hehe <3 I love him#Humming!! Another stim I relate to! Not so much now since it was ''encouraged'' out of me so I may be doubly biased towards him using it hee#Too delighted to focus on utensil lessons and yet he's still clever enough to pay attention to multiple things at once hehehe ♫#And then aside from his actual biggest stim he plays with his hair quite a lot - in various ways and to different ends :D#Running his hands through it to self-soothe or tugging on it to express - I kinda read it as him trying to move his head feelers around haha#Not quite the same but something!#Oh and then his biggest stim - just looking at humans lol it is very dopamine-delivering <3 And he has dopamine now! Very powerful :3c#Hhhhh human chemistry for VUX behaviours <3 It's so interesting to me hehe ♪
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dollsahoy · 9 months
I do not pay much attention to mainstream fashion, but this is something I had noticed--we've all seen the op-eds about how bright colors are disappearing from fashions, but I suspect the average consumer is less aware of the point of this op-ed: how much texture has been disappearing from fashion (let alone how there are so many fewer fibers being used in those fashions)
This also points to how alternative fashion trends like Dopamine Dressing are so appealing to people--it's not only about bright and contrasting color, but also about a riot of textures and fabric weights. I'd say even Dark Academia, with its focus on tweedy wool, and chunky knit sweaters, and heavily textured hosiery, held a lot of appeal purely for the sake of fabric variety (whether people realized that or not)
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rynwritesreid · 7 months
Chemical Love|| Spencer Reid
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Summary: Spencer has feelings for reader but tries to rationalise why he feels that way with logic and science. While reader believes there is no science to love.
Content: GN reader. No warnings, just pure fluff.
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Spencer knew that love was a chemical reaction. He could always rationalise it; he could break it down. He would say that love is just noradrenaline, dopamine and phenylethylamine. Love to him was nothing more than just a chemical reaction happening inside our brains. That’s just the kind of person Spencer was, rational, logical, and smart. He had statistics and facts for everything, he could rationalise almost anything.
But you, he couldn’t rationalise you. You were pretty, caring and loving. You believed in love at first sight and soulmates. If you were someone else, he would argue with you, point out why those things just couldn’t logically happen. If you were someone else, he would ask how such an intelligent person could believe in something so intangible and illogical. But he couldn’t, he couldn’t be the man to ruin love for you.
He couldn’t rationalise how you made him feel. He could have so much to say but he would see you and all thoughts would vanish. If he thought like you, he would say that this is love, that the universe had brought you two together because it had a plan for you, but he wasn’t you. He had no reason to love you, you were in a relationship, you never flirted with him, and you treated him like a friend. But he still wanted to be near you whenever he could be.
If Spencer could step back from logical thinking, he would see that love doesn’t always follow reasoning and logic. He would be able to see that love had no bounds. I mean sure you were already in a relationship, and you would never cheat on anybody but that couldn’t stop love, and it couldn’t stop Spencer from wanting you.
He did try to rationalise it, to find a logical explanation for his feelings, but it was like trying to explain the colour blue to someone who was born blind. Love was irrational, illogical, and yet it was the most powerful emotion in the world. And this was turning his world upside down.
Spencer had always been a man of numbers and facts, but since he met you, he was no longer able to keep his emotions at bay. His heart would skip a beat every time he saw you, and his mind would wander to thoughts of you throughout the day. He knew that he needed to stay away from you, to keep his feelings under control, but he found that he couldn't resist your magnetic pull.
He tried to distract himself by immersing himself in his work, but even that didn’t work. He would find himself staring into space, lost in thought, and his colleagues would often catch him looking at you when he thought they weren't paying attention.
It was torture to be around you, to feel the pull of your energy and your beauty. And yet, he found that he couldn't stay away. He would rationalize his feelings, telling himself that it was just a chemical reaction, a passing infatuation. But the both of you knew that wasn’t true.
Spencer hated how with one mention of your boyfriend he was jealous. He would think to himself that it should be him. He should be the only man to love you, to be there for you, to care for you in that way. He hated your boyfriend and he hated himself for feeling this way.
But he couldn’t help it, it was love after all. I mean he loved everything about you. He loved the way you laughed, the way you spoke, the way you moved. He loved your quirks and your flaws, and he loved the way you looked at him. He loved how he felt when he was around you, how he felt alive and free and happy in a way that he had never felt before.
And if you were to ever admit it, you loved Spencer. Your relationship was coming to end, the both of you had just fallen out of love. But Spencer, you would never be able to fall out of love with Spencer.
You loved the way he was logical and rational, but you also loved the way he looked at you. You loved how he made you feel important and valued. You loved the way his voice softened when he talked to you, and the way he would get lost in thought when he was trying to make sense of something.
You knew that Spencer had feelings for you, but you also knew that he would never act on them. He was too rational, too logical, and too afraid of the consequences. But you couldn't ignore the fact that you had feelings for him too. You tried to push them aside, to rationalise them away, but they persisted.
So, when you had broken up with your boyfriend, you decided it was now or never. You walked over to his desk, to see him lost in his work. He was so attractive like this; I mean he was attractive all the time, but he was especially attractive like this.
You had thought about admitting your feelings to Spencer for a long time, but now you were actually doing it, you had no idea what to say. So, you tapped him on the shoulder, and he looked up, surprised to see you standing there. You took a deep breath and spoke before you lost your nerve.
"Spencer, I need to tell you something," you said, your heart pounding in your chest.
He looked at you expectantly, his expression curious but guarded. He had every right to be. I mean you would be too. But you couldn’t hold back anymore, you couldn’t just not admit your feelings for him, because that’s not who you are.
“Spencer, I, erm.” You paused. You were freaking out. Did you really want to do this. What happens if everything is all in your head and he doesn’t feel the same way about you.
“Spencer, I like you. I broke up with my boyfriend, and it’s not because of you. But it’s you. It’s you who I love and I will always love.” You stopped talking, you couldn’t say anything else. You just stared at him, clueless of what he was going to say. God, what happens if he doesn’t actually have feelings for you.
“You don’t have to say anything, but I just wanted you to know.” You stepped back and walked back to your desk. Your eyes filling with tears. You knew you said he didn’t have to say anything back, but you wished he had.
Spencer was stunned. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He had come to accept his feelings for you, and he was learning how to deal with the fact that you were with someone else. However, he had never expected you to feel the same way he does, let alone express those feelings to him.
Finally, he got up from his desk and walked over to you. He put his hand on your shoulder and turned you around to face him. Your eyes were filled with tears, and his heart ached at the sight of them.
"Hey," he said softly, wiping away a tear from your cheek with his thumb. "You don't know how long I've wanted to hear those words from you."
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hot-astrology · 4 months
Pleasurable Taste of Arousal
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We all love a refreshing bite of a fresh juicy fruit that's been pulled off a tree or from the moist soil waiting on your lips to plant and bite into as it satisfy your craving of its pure essential nutrients. Fruits are very popular throughout the world from their exotic colors, unique shapes, and tantalizing taste. Even though, many people don't eat or take advantage of their healing properties, nutritional qualities, or just fulfilling and great taste while their still accessible. Some fruits are rare or have some other interesting qualities and benefits of their own. There are some fruits that give you more of a blood rush or lets say, "increased libido". These fruits are considered Aphrodisiacs, very potent. Aphrodisiac originated from ancient Greek and given its name from the famous "Aphrodite." Their are other variations of foods that carry these properties as well, its just something about a fresh, plump peach dripping its essence over your lips and down your hand from each bite. When eating these fruits you can expect sexual desire, sexual attraction, increased blood flow, and increase your dopamine pleasures. In the past there were men who had erectile dysfunction and couldn't Impregnant their wives to reproduce or even satisfy them. Also women can fall under this category, its so many factors that can cause a woman to lose interest or even pleasures in intimacy. Its so important for a woman to consume everything fresh, with essential minerals to nourish the body, especially to birth a child one day. Also consuming fresh tasty fruits will have your partners loving your taste all over. These miraculous natural fruits have been passed down from time and time to provide help in sexual intimacy and helping the bond between the woman and man.
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Aphrodisiacs are a wonderful thing, to add-on in the bedroom. They can induce stronger orgasms, and increase the performance in the bedroom. The cucumber is one of these aphrodisiacs, as you can see from the shape of this fruit, this can improve the libido of men, and be a turn- on for women. Cucumber is 90% water, and fluid is important when it comes to the functioning of the sexual organs. “The Wetter The Better”..... Cucumber, Okra (okra water, specifically for the ladies…..)coconut water, honestly all natural fruits are good for sexual health. Listed below are just a few of the great fruits to soak the sheets and certain fruits that are suitable for each zodiac sign. …
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Apples: This fruit delivers a good enhancement for women with a compound called, "phloridzin" which can be found in other fruits, foods and wines. It stimulates the blood flow to the sexual organs to increase arousal, increase wetness, also for men, stimulating their blood flow to a erection while helping their libido rise.Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Capricorn 
Figs: Very high content in beta carotene ( a makeup found in a lot of other fruits as well, it also gives fruits their alluring colors, and crave to the eyes. While by far which influences the making of sexual hormones, while creating even levels of estrogen and promoting outstanding desire.)  Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Saggittarius. 
Strawberries: Just like the others this fruit can boost a partner or your libido through the roof. Especially with its power percentage of vitamin C ( which promotes collagen that makes skin, tendons, and blood vessels flow properly, you know where blood flows so does growth and more alive nerve receptors. ) plus this is one of the most romantic fruits by far once eaten a handful a day your partner would want to eat you next. Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Libra/Leo
Watermelon: Sweet, juicy and loaded with water. This tasty fruit increases blood flow so rapidly since muscles are made of a high percentage of water which helps blood flow properly, while relaxing, dilating blood vessels thanks to an essential mineral Citrulline found in this water loaded fruit. Works just like a male enhancement, but instead of taking those over the counter or shipped pills, you can enjoy a slice of watermelon before bed or while making love in bed. Astrologically, this aphrodisiac can be suitable for Cancer, Saggittarius & Pisces 
Honey: You may have been one to let honey drip all over your tongue, the taste is incredible and every lasting as it stimulates you endorphins and dopamine with mental pleasures or a rush to your brain that shoots down your blood stream to your sexual organs and creates a boost in your testosterone, estrogen levels then to make sure they are balanced. An important property called Boron, this mineral is essential for wound healing, if you may have a damaged vessel, helps boost magnesium absorption. As well I wouldn't think your intimate encounter would matter if you drizzled some warm honey down there............. well that's up to you how you like to lick your HONEY!!! Astrologically, this aphrodisiac can be suitable for Taurus/Leo
Cucumber: As stated above in the opening preface cucumbers are one of the most beneficial for a male's enhancement, growth, shape, size, increase in libido, with the famous vitamin C. No wonder it's shaped like my...... I mean shaped with perfection and loaded with water and essential minerals, magnesium, potassium, zinc etc..... don't leave home without a few slices and ladies you can enjoy as well...... mmmmmm... Astrologically, this aphrodisiac can be suitable for Aquarius/Cancer 
Berries: Also another berry, you can't lose with these little sweet natural treats. Every fruit has loaded minerals and vitamins but some have their own hint of productivity that helps in different ways but gives outstanding results like many. Loaded with vitamin C, E, helps with fertility, promotes better hormones like androgen, estrogen, progesterone, etc... why not drop a couple of these deep down inside..... No not inside there.... but inside the glass of Dom Perignon or Louis Roederer. Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Virgo, cancer, pisces
Pomegranates: Its hypnotic red color can make you intrigued and want to taste it, but you have to take your time to remove the layers, gently remove each savory seed while slowly either sucking away its captivating juices or just taking it whole. Sounds familiar..... hmmmmmm right... some things take time in life, well why we are in this realm.... but since we enjoy this sweet seductive one of a kind fruit to its core. It has everything you need to get back UP, or back on your back for more pleasurable moments. It's said that this fruit was the fruit Hades gave to Persephone after he kidnapped her that put her in a deep lustful trap for him... I'm not saying all that though... use at your own discretion... naw but this one is a real winner. Can eat these all day....mmmmm.Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Scorpio, Capricorn 
Cherries: HMMMMM. This word sounds familiar, nevermind you must have eaten too many sweet aphrodisiacs... working very well in my favor. The color speaks for itself, red promotes sexuality, passion and lust. They carry copper, Iron, vitamin A, also support to the genitalia and circulation system. You want you and your partner to have explosive sex and deep passion, eat some of these while you both 4play to build the spice up and feel the blood flow and curiosity of what's next while you both explore deep cunning orgasms even before you start. Unless you don't want your cherry popped!!! Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Aries/Sagittarius
Peaches: Astrologically, this aphrodisiac is suitable for Taurus/Cancer 
Passion Fruit:  Astrologically, this aphrodisiac aligns with Aquarius' uninhibited sexual nature.
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭
𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔: 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐳 || 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢
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hesbambi · 10 months
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❝ beg for it. ❞
pairing; mark lee x (f) reader
genre/warnings; pure filthy smut, profanity, daddy mark,mark teasing you, you being desperate (the usual), finger sucking, thigh riding, making out, hints of sadism (?), dry humping, mark calling you good girl
summary; mark is not the saint everyone paints him out to be. you’re surprised at his reaction to your need of his affection. 
word count; 980
authors note; i know i said i wouldn’t be writing… i didn’t! this is something i’ve had for a while that just needed some freshening up! hope you all enjoy ;) if i have any misspellings it's bc im editing this at 3 am....
it was a natural thing for you to yearn for. what you didn’t really expect was for you to beg for it. while meeting mark, you underestimated the power he has over you. unintentionally, his charm and charisma lured you in unexpectedly.
mark is sweet, kind, and well-rounded. never would you have assumed that “tease” would be a word to describe him.
you sat on his lap, arms around his neck and teasingly biting his lips. ceasing your makeout session at random times to tease him even further. your knees squeeze closer around his waist while his hand's sliver down from your hips to your thighs. he grunts every time you scoot closer to his crotch, his visible hard-on pressing against your clothed core.
breaking your lips apart from his, you rest your hands on his knees, leaning back to catch air while closing your eyes. slightly panting at the intensity of the contact of lips. mark opens his legs wider, hands back on your waist. squeezing your hips with the desperation to be in you, he sits back more comfortably while he rests back against the couch.
his hand slivers up to your throat, bringing you face to face with him. the last thing you hear is a gravelly “god fucking damn,” before your body buzzes again. mark brings your lips against him, smothering you in his taste. closing your eyes you feel nothing but a dopamine rush throughout your veins and your pussy pulsing to have mark on you. your body seems to be burning every second mark touches you. his hand lays against the back of your neck, somehow pushing your lips even further into his. teeth clash into one another but neither of you pays no mind.
you don’t notice the whimpering noises in your throat– not so subtly made– or your core trying to push against mark’s jean-clad cock. you do though– notice mark's tilting smirk that edges you on further to let him roll his tongue into you. a guttural groan breaks the thin air. “fuck baby,” mark breaks away after noticing the way your hips try to push against his cock even more, almost like you were instinctively searching for him.
“more mark p-please more,” you exclaim while gripping his static hands on your hips. you needed him, and badly, desperately, like your brain or body is unable to function without his dick in you. heat rising from your tummy while waiting for mark to take you to his room.
“beg for it.”
startled at the way he sounded, demanding and absorbed in his own arousal. he doesn’t wait for your response, only moving you onto one of his thighs.
“know how much you like attention baby, better give me a good show.”
you say nothing other than whimper at his command, too desperate to at least feel something, even if it were his thigh. your underwear is nothing but a shield against his rough jeans. huffing at the difficulty to get off– even if you were still being stimulated– it wasn't enough. you needed mark. “please please mark,” you beg, hand scratching against his abs while the other tries to touch his hand.
“you better get off my thigh or you’re not getting anything at all,” mark swats your hands away and settles his hands on your hips once again. tears form from the frustration. mark knew, no matter what you tried to do, you can’t get off without him. he says nothing after, only leaning back and observing you in amusement and need. wetness seeps through your panties and onto his thigh, making the air thicker between you two as you both glance and acknowledge your wetness.
mark was on edge. he loved seeing you this way– desperate, trying to get off with no avail. he was edging himself along with you, palming his achy and leaking cock. groaning, he couldn’t wrap his head at how beautiful you looked. tears dampening your eyelashes, cheeks heated up and legs tense from the frustration.
he says nothing as he tenses up his thigh, enjoying the way you throw your head back in relief he's giving you something. you rock your pussy against him faster, almost bouncing on him, gripping his shoulders as mark traces your lips. spending a few seconds circling, entering his pointer and middle finger into your mouth to make you gag.
becoming breathless from not only the intrusion but the euphoria you feel head to toe. fastening your actions, bubbling in the excitement that you finally get to come. at least, that's what you think until you hear mark utter, “don’t come yet.”
you’d be embarrassed to see yourself in your haze of arousal, begging more than you would ever admit. sucking on mark’s fingers like it was the actual object you longed for, letting him gag you with his fingers and spanking you heavy-handedly.
“say thank you,” mark states, gripping your chin to bring your face closer to his. his fingers still in your mouth, you moan at the heat rampaging throughout your body, tingling all the right nerves for release. impatiently, he lets go of your chin and slaps your behind again, urging you to say the words. you don’t waste any more time, knowing his command is all you need to let go.
“thank you, daddy, th-”
“good girl. let go for me baby,” mark utters breathily, teeth clenching while watching you shake on his lap. moans spilling out, increasing in pitch as you cum. laying flat against his chest, catching your breath, and wiping away the tears from your eyes. mark kisses you on your forehead, resting against you.
“did so well baby, feelin’ okay?” he asks. nodding your head, you slither your hand against his bulge. mark groans out in surprise, giving you a questioning look.
“thought i’m supposed to give you a show, daddy?”
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artistsfuneral · 5 months
Geralt should have known better.
The feeling of suspicion, a peculiar itch in the back of his mind that was only ever caused by the kind of trouble Jaskier created, had been bothering him for hours. If not that, he should have paid attention to the lingering smell in the air, the way a weak wave of Chaos tickled his senses every now and then, or how the bard suddenly seemed to struggle with the weight of his pack. It was almost frightening, how used he had to have gotten to Jaskier's antics to not notice the enormous dark omen following their every step. Either that, or Jaskier got better at hiding things from him. Geralt didn't know which was worse.
When he finally did realize that Jaskier was carrying something with him he definitely wasn't supposed to be carrying, it was due to the muffled sound of a thick eggshell cracking and a rush of dopamine in the air around his bard. Geralt, always two steps ahead of Jaskier, turned around sharply and growled at the man. "What did you do?!"
"Nothing!" Jaskier squeaked aloud, which might as well have been the boldest lie he ever told, as it was accompanied by yet another crack. "I mean- I didn't- Not- It just sat there Geralt! Alone! Orphaned! It's Mama dead because of those horrible creatures you fought. How couldn't I have?"
Realization dawned on Geralt's face, followed by a look of horror. "You didn't. Jaskier- Tell me you didn't." He knew exactly what creature Jaskier was talking about.
"It's a baby, Geralt! A helpless little creature that needs our protection. Who knows if it even would have hatched if I hadn't taken it with us."
"For fuck's sake Jaskier! Get that thing out of your bag right now. They're perfectly able to fight and kill the moment they've hatched and last time I checked you weren't a maiden pure of heart so it will attack you the moment it's head is out!" Already one hand on his silver sword, Geralt stepped towards his bard and the still hidden hatchling. Thankfully Jaskier seemed to take the witcher's orders seriously as he slowly lowered his bag on the ground, just to quickly flip it open and jump a step back.
The egg inside was bigger than a human head, off-white in color with irregular pale pink spots. Chaos radiates off of it in waves that grew stronger each time the creature inside knocked against the cracks in the shell. It did so once, twice, three times in total until the shell of the egg finally gave away and horn first, a small foal-like head peaked out. Immediately after seeing the little creature, Jaskier threw all caution to the wind and knelt down in front of his pack, cooing at the hatchling with big eyes. Ignoring Geralt's hissed out warnings to back away from the creature, Jaskier reached out to help it get rid of a piece of gooey eggshell and softly stroked a thinger over its velvet head. "Geralt," he whispered, voice full of awe, "it's so tiny."
"Jaskier, get back. It will bite your fingers off," the witcher growled, sword drawn and steady as he inched closer towards the hatchling. The creature watched Jaskier wide-eyed and with open interest, copying his cooing noises between quiet huffs and puffs. "Oh, come on, Geralt," the bard said in a hushed voice, "It's just a teeny-tiny unicorn. A little baby. Look, it's so cute, it wouldn't hurt a fly."
The witcher, who was very well aware that a freshly hatched unicorn possessed the powers and capabilities to kill up to three drowners on first sight, was about to grab Jaskier by the collar and yank him back, when the foal fully stepped out of its egg, shook itself and then proceeded to to invade Jaskier's space by gently bumping into him. That... Was not what the witcher had expected. The unicorn liked Jaskier. It was, in fact, bonding with him. Jaskier, who was still cooing over it like it was some defenseless wet kitten. "Oh, look at you. You are so beautiful with your tiny mane and your adorable little horn. And Geralt thinks you're scary. Who's a little pokey unicorn? Who's my little Pokey?"
Oh gods, Jaskier was bonding with it too. "My sweet Pokey, yes you are. Such a sweet unicorn. You will come with us, won't you? We'll introduce you to Roachie and Pegasus and you can learn all the horsie things you need to know and then you will be the bravest, strongest, prettiest, bestestest unicorn ever. Won't you, Pokey?" The unicorn neighed in response and Geralt knew he was fucked.
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tiyoin · 2 months
I see your anxious reader and raise you this. Depressed, anxious, ADHD, mild autistic reader. :)))) my life is a living hell! :))))))))) *shakes and stemming violently*
you get it.
i don’t have autism (i think, gotta get that checked, but it’s highly suspected that i have audhd -from my lovely therapist🫶) so i don’t want to misrepresent it or offend anyone. but you’re literally the strongest soldier out there. like im struggling with just the 3 and my life is already a hellscape.
but as someone with all of the top 3 let me tell you- they were HUGE influences on how twisted anxiety reader acts.
is reader going to have a special fixation? yes! but will it be on an object… possibly no, but IT’S GONNA BE ON PEOPLE.
they’ve already considered grim a ‘safe person cat’ and subconsciously think of him as an emotional support animal (like i did with my late dog) so you can expect more of grim and reader!!
Is reader gonna self destruct as soon as they feel like experienced ‘rejection?’ ABSOLUTELY, they’ll pull away at the slightest chance their vulnerability was seen as ‘too much’ or if the person got uncomfortable
and obviously by the title reader is socially anxious. but because of recent events i’ve found a deeper level of experiences with it and reader is about to hit a new plight of events!!
but imagining reader with the 4 horsemen of the mental illness (that’s what i call them cause everytime i got diagnosed w smthn i swore i heard the trumpets of death) their life would be sooo much harder. just because there’s so many contradictions between them.
reader needs a schedule to feel organized but they can’t keep to the schedule because all their dopamine went into creating said schedule. and they’re procrastinating.
reader wants to talk to someone but they just realized eye contact is too much for them. but they were taught to look at people when talking or it’s rude so they’re just 👁️👁️ staring
reader had a surge of energy, of dopamine and they were out-going, friendly, talkative- everything was going right, but then the next day they’re hit with a huge slump. ofc reader is in despair because see they can do better, be better!
and it frustrates them to no end.
reader at the monstro cringing at the food they were given. you bet it tastes amazing! but the side dish is looking at you weird, and it’s touching the main dish… no! it’s not a problem, not at all! but… there’s an uncomfortable feeling you’re experiencing, and you do everything in your power not to be rude.
ofc reader gets embarrassed by this. they’re acting like they’re 5!! but… the food is contaminated and you can’t eat it ‘pure’ anymore. and don’t get the reader started on the texture of the veggies, it makes them shudder. like it’s good! but there’s smthn about it.
reader who notices everything but forces themselves to have tunnel vision because everything is just too much.
i’m taking this one after myself, but when reader is nervous they have a sign. ofc rook was able to decipher it in a split second, but they’ll always scratch their nose or rub their hands together like they’re plotting smthn
yeah, plotting of to escape!
reader who wants to fit in soo badly, but no matter what they do they always feel like an odd ball. but when they hang out with the odd balls they still don’t fell, quite right. reader is gonna experience a constant limbo of ‘where do i belong? why can’t i fit in anywhere?’.
but don’t worry anon, our lovely twisted anxiety reader is gonna go through it 🙈
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olivianyx · 6 months
Hey you, yes you. Wtf are you doing on here? Looking at 'how I manifested xyz instantly', 'I manifested my dream life entering the void' posts?? For what? So you can ask that person to affirm for you to get into the void? Or affirm for you to manifest your dream life?? BITCH, YOU BETTER BE JOKING. You don't stay true to yourself, you waver and slack, you're so desperate about entering the void but you ain't doing nothing to reprogram your subconscious. NAHH I'M GONNA BE STRAIGHT FORWARD RN. You lil brat, that's your reality. Only you have the power and control over and nobody else, SO GET THAT SHIT INTO YOUR BONEHEAD! ONLY YOU HAVE CONTROL OVER YOUR REALITY AND NO ONE ELSE! STOP TELLING OTHERS TO AFFIRM OR MANIFEST FOR YOU. DON'T FUCKING GIVE OTHERS FREE WILL. Idk who are you, what you do, what state you're in rn, blah blah blah. Tonight go fucking tell yourself that you already have what you want, you're God, you're a master manifester, you're the only one who has control over your reality, you're pure consciousness. You gotta stop slacking off. YOU WAVER AND STILL COME COMPLAIN LIKE A PRO. YOU STUPID ASS, GET YOUR ASS INTO AFFIRMING FOR THE NEXT 3 DAYS. I GUARANTEE YOU, YOU'LL SEE MOVEMENT. Get your ass into meditating so you'll have control over your thoughts. Stop thinking nonsense. STOP TELLING YOURSELF THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU FUCKING WANT. FROM THIS MINUTE, I WANT YOU MF TO AFFIRM THAT YOU ALREADY HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. Thinking and affirming for 5 mins and then slacking off, and come complaining that you didn't get results. BRUHH JUST GIMME A BREAK. JUST FUCKING PICK 3 DAYS, KEEP AFFIRMING, DO WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL FULFILLED, REPROGRAM YOUR MIND, MEDITATE, COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS, EAT WHAT YOU LIKE, PLAN THINGS, ORGANISE, TAKE A SHOWER, LOOK AT MIRROR TELL YOURSELF YOU'RE PRETTY/HANDSOME. CUS YOU ARE. Well that's all for today, take care luvs 💋
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arting-block · 1 year
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 | 11th Doctor x F!Reader
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❝𝘪 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘳𝘦.❞
Summary: The Doctor doesn't need sex, just you
Warnings: Grinding, P in V sex, hints of sub!Doctor
Words: 1K
A/N: HAHAHA I'm back!! I had this scenario rotting in my brain and I needed to get it out. This does take place in Stranger in a Strange Land, but this fic can be read as a stand-alone!
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The Doctor has no need for romance. Eons spent traveling the cosmos trying to save everyone from destruction leaves little room for trivial things. His need for sex is even lower. 
“Please,” a breathy whine, a slight gasp. The Doctor’s hands gripped the cloth of the bedsheets in hopes he could gain control of his erratic heaving. Everything’s too hot, too much. Despite the tops of his shirt being undone and his jacket laying on the floor, his bodily temperature keeps rising, “There’s people in the other room—”
His voice ended with a pitched cry as your fingers went to the zipper of his pants. Light pressure from your fingers sent his mind into a frenzy. A mix of cold dread and pure excitement pools in his chest all the way down. The Doctor could easily stop your hands. One word and you would step back. 
Sex isn’t important, he doesn’t crave it. Plenty of beautiful men and women have thrown themselves at his feet and he spared them no glance. From powerful queens to cheeky immortals. Hell, even his own companions have tried and ultimately failed to garner any carnal desire from him. 
The Doctor tightened his hold on the bed when you moved to hover above his lap. Your perfume invades his nose and your hand cups his burning face. He couldn’t help but stare helplessly at your face. Your beautiful, terrifying face. 
“Yet you don’t want me to stop,” it was a casual statement. No tremors or wavers in your voice; it was the truth. You place the palm of your hand on his flushed chest, sliding up and around the back of his neck, “I can taste your desire.”
He curses your ability to understand his body. How your hands ignite a path of fire wherever they caress. How your searing kiss to the tender spot on his neck makes him emit pathetic noise at the back of throat. How you press your clothed core on his lap and he jumps. His hands find the curve of your waist, pushing downwards for any relief to your cruel torture. He hates how your breathy laugh makes his pants tighter. 
“Please,” another whine.
Your smile shows no mercy, “Please what, Doctor?”
The way his name slips out of your mouth with a hint of cruelty, a dash of need, sends him in a spiral. You hands busy themselves with unbuttoning the rest of his shirt, making sure to trail your hands down his chest to his pelvis. The palms of your hands are cool against his flushed skin. He feels everything from the drumming of his two hearts to the slick accumulating on top of his pants. 
The Doctor doesn't need sex.
“I need you, love. Please—” your hips ground on him once more, nearly jumbling his speech “ —fuck me.”
Who were you to deny your beloved Doctor?
Grabbing his flushed face, you preoccupied his senses with the taste of your lips. The Doctor melted into you, eagerly meeting your kiss with equal vigor. His mind was close to blanking, something he never thought possible. It seemed the longer you indulged him the more dopamine seemed to numb his consciousness. 
You tangle into him until there’s no distinction from your body to his. Every gasp he emits makes you shiver. Every moan you slip makes The Doctor want to flip you over and show you how cruel you’ve been.
Pulling back, you take a look at The Doctor’s disheveled appearance. Pride swells in your chest seeing the almighty Doctor submit to your whims with just a kiss. The air tastes of his need and your spine tingles from The Doctor’s unspoken trust in you. A silent prayer; trust that you will alleviate the ache in his chest and underneath your lap. 
Sex was never something he needed. He can live without the intimacy of another. He’s done it for centuries so why not a century longer?
“Doctor,” your eyes close and brows furrow. The sound of your whine permeates the fog of his mind and zero in on the bliss on your face. 
The tension in your face relaxes and you allow yourself to give into the pleasure. The Doctor can't help but marvel at your expression. 
He can’t go a century longer. Not after meeting you—fucking you until neither of you can choke a sentence. The moment you allowed him to bury himself between your thighs, he knew sex wasn't something he craved. Sex in itself wasn't what he wanted.
No, what he wanted—needed—was you. How could he not? His body craves the love you pour into each drag of your finger. Your lingering kiss on his jaw that tingles for seconds after. A cheeky grin and a promise sealed with a wink. 
The sight of your undoing, all because of him is what he wants. Tossing your head back, screaming his name until you finally stop trembling. How you cling onto him like he’s the only solid thing in the world. 
Selfishly, he only wants your pleasure and nothing else. 
“I love this,” a hushed confession; a bright smile on your face, “I love you.”
Your words send fire into his blood. No matter how many times that phrase has been uttered, it still makes his two hearts stop. 
Air hits The Doctor’s length and you are delighted in the hiss he lets out. You move your soaked underwear to the side and allow The Doctor to buck his hips up. The head of his cock nudges your entrance and you have to bite down a groan.
“How do you want it, hm?” you dip close to his ear to ensure he never misses a word. Lining up his length towards your center, you delight in his stuttered breathing, “Slow and gentle?”
You dropped your hips downward and watched as The Doctor’s head tilted back, baring his throat to you. Your cunt stretches to accommodate the intrusion, but the pleasure it brings lights the fire in your stomach. Reaching for the back of The Doctor’s head, you force his head up.
Wild green eyes stare back at you. You imagined your expression is no different. 
“Or do you prefer I fuck you instead?” 
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poisonousroxstar · 6 months
I haven't seen many writers for Cyberpunk on here! Could I possibly request yandere Meredith Stout hcs, please?
Yandere Meredith Stout
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Contains: yandere themes, abuse of power, a brief sexual mention.
Thanks for sending in this request! There really isn't much content for cyberpunk, so I'm happy to supply some! (Feel free to send in some request for the game!)
Total power abuser, especially if you're male. She'll use every asset she has at her disposal to make sure you're stuck in her clutches; blackmail, threats, manipulation - you name it, she'll use it against you. If you have any loved ones or precious things, Meredith is more than willing to wave their safety above your head to make sure you're compliant.
Meredith will treat a male or masculine darling a bit more harshly than a female or feminine darling, due to her dominant and power-driven nature. As a yandere, it's hard to tell the difference, but it's in the subtle moments that you can pick up on it; the way her touch is softer for a feminine darling then the grip she has on a masculine darling. How her voice is just a bit more gentler.
Rivals aren't a thing with her, she'll make them disappear like a goddman magician. If she even catches a whiff that someone might be interested in you, she's quickly going to act. Torture, maiming, blackmail, the works. No one is allowed to touch you. Only her.
Despite her rough and extremely controlling nature, Meredith does truly care about you. There's always the constant fear of you leaving her or dying in the back of her mind, which is why she's as extreme in keeping you by her side. More likely than not, Meredith keeps you somewhere safe.
It's not always a living hell with Meredith. As long as you listen and obey her, Meredith can be much more tolerable. She'll spoil you with gifts and luxuries, especially after a long time of absence due to her work with Militech. If the relationship is more romantic and you've been especially good and compliant, Meredith will definitely have a lot of sex with you. It serves as a stress relief for her, and watching her magic work on you is pure dopamine.
There's some level of control you have over Meredith due to her infatuation and trust in you. If you play your cards carefully, you can worm out all sorts of intel from her and have certain things go your way. But remember, Meredith is a corpo with an extremely short fuse for everyone - including you. Be very careful with the woman.
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aihoshiino · 5 months
chapter 136 thoughts
before i get into the sad stuff i need to say that ai eating ice cream with her head empty no thoughts expression blasted ten hundred million billion tons of dopamine directly into my brain. thank you.
This chapter is interesting for a lot of reasons but I will say up front that I'm really glad the story is taking the time to humanize Nino and to flesh out the absolute mess that are her feelings towards Ai. I was really excited when she entered the story because I had always wanted to know more about the 45510 narrator (which this chapter basically unambiguously confirms even more strongly than before — we get the 45510 drop again!) but I was worried after meeting the real Nino that she would be painted as a black and white villain. Through Kana's empathy for her and the movie's portrayal of her though, we get to see her as just a normal person.
Because like… I'm gonna be honest, I feel so deeply sorry for Nino! Like, Jesus Christ, don't forget that she was anywhere between twelve and sixteen when all this was happening. She was just a kid being brainpoisoned by the entertainment industry and held to impossible standards. She had no power and the few things she felt she had any control over were being ripped out of her grasp. Is it any wonder she reached a breaking point?
Not just that but… man, B-Komachi gen 1 just seemed like it was an utterly dogshit experience for everybody but especially anyone who wasn't Ai. Both Nino and Kyun have said it explicitly: they did not feel like valued members of the group. Saitou pushed and favoured Ai to the extent that everyone else in B-Komachi felt like backup dancers who were just there to make Ai shine brighter. We see this pattern repeated in B-Komachi gen 2, as well! I've already talked about how in a very real sense, the group only exists for Ruby's sake and Kana and Memcho really are just there as her accessories but Miyako herself is favouring and pushing Ruby for work to the extent that even Ichigo points out that she needs to give the other girls more jobs. No wonder Kana empathizes with Nino so deeply.
Something else really interesting about this chapter is getting to see what dealing with Ai is like from someone else's POV. Understand that I'm saying this as the Internet's Foremost Ai Wife Guy but oh my god!!! I think this is the first time we've gotten a really good understanding for how deeply, deeply frustrating Ai really must have been to deal with as a person only allowed to see the perfect 'Ai of B-Komachi' mask. Nino is all but breaking down in front of someone she considers a friend, begging her for the slightest bit of honesty and authenticity, for Ai to just show that she cares about Nino in the least… and Ai just gives her a bunch of blithe, noncommittal answers. Even knowing Ai as well as I do, I could almost feel a ghost of Nino's desperation and frustration pass over me as I read that exchange.
With that in mind, Nino's outburst at the end of the scene here doesn't feel like pure nastiness - it feels like desperation. It feels like her lashing out with the worst possible thing she can think to say because if she hurts Ai, if Ai actually shows that Nino's words reach her at all, if Ai's human enough for Nino to hurt then…
But, well. We already know how this all turned out. Even so, like Kana said… Ai's smile is suffocating.
Speaking of Kana, this was a damn good chapter for her. A lot of people seem to have interpreted her as getting 'lost' in the role of Nino but going by this chapter's portrayal, Kana seems to have a much healthier distance from her than Ruby does to Ai right now (BUT WE'LL GET TO THAT….), being literally portrayed as viewing the scene as if from a distance. I do think her empathizing with Nino is allowing her to examine and get out some of the hurt and resentment that's been bubbling away since Black Hoshigan Ruby but things are being so infinitely more complicated by everything else going on around this split.
Speaking of which… whoooooooof, Ruby. Her levelling up her understanding of Ai was uh, not quite as good for her as I'd previously thought. It's important to note that this is pretty clearly Ruby's feelings that she is projecting onto Ai: in 45510, Ai herself explicitly says that she never hated the B-Komachi girls and Ruby blurting this out here feels like a very pointed contrast to that. It's pretty clear to me that we're coming back around to something established during the preproduction phase: that this material is quite literally triggering for Ruby and it's damaging for her to be engaging with it.
… which is why it's so, so scummy for Gotanda to be pushing this. I'm holding back on really going into what I'm thinking of Gotanda right now because I want to see if/how the manga addresses this but I'll just say that I'm coming away from this part of the story feeling much more sour about him than I think I'm intended to. It's possible that this is just because I'm fresh off hearing Jeanette McCurdy's horrific account of how damaging this kind of acting was to her as a child but… I find it really hard to like and get behind a director who is purposely letting his actors endure intense psychological suffering for the sake of His Vision lol
After all, like… for all that he talks about wanting to film 'the true Ai', this Ruby freakout is not that! That's Ruby, snapping under the strain of the pressure put on her. Even if you want to argue Ai felt similar strain… is her restraint and her grace and patience in not giving out under it not also 'real'? Why does authenticity necessitate turning Ai's ugly feelings into a spectacle? Why does Gotanda think he has the right to make calls on what is 'authentic' here?
I'd say "who died and made him king" but that's the point, isn't it? Ai died. She's not here anymore to make calls about her identity and the people who are here and who are in a position to do so aren't actually doing it with care and consideration or proper respect for her memory. This movie has been touched by so many people who have their own agendas, who did not know anything about Ai and quite frankly have no right to be making calls about who she really was and what she really felt. 15 Year Lie is an utterly ghoulish production and nobody is coming out of it clean.
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atinystaypixie · 10 months
Pixie. Pixie PLEASEEEEEEE. Can I just get a taste of subby!Fatgum. Girl please, you need new people on that damn BNHA master list and I will give you the heaviest pictures I have of cannon accurate Toji cock, please I beg of you. You know what, I don’t even care if it’s sub or dom, I just want him
WC: 1.2k+, Not proofread (as usual 😭)
CW: Pussy eating, kind of switch of power, mostly Service Top!Taishiro aka Fatgum, sex on the couch, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you tap it)
18+ MDNI!!
When you told him to come give you a kiss, you meant a kiss on the lips of your face not the ones between your thighs. You had been happy to see him after he returned from the gym. The broad shoulder man always loved to work on his physique and spent hours there. His best reward was coming back to you after working hard and you would always greet him so sweetly.
But his favorite sweetness was your sweet pussy. He would convince anyone that your pussy was the healthiest meal for him. Your juices were an energy boost. A natural source of dopamine. You didn't even make it from the living room couch as he pushed you back and took you right there.
"Tai! Baby, aren't mmm aren't you tired?" You were met with a toothy grin.
"Not at all. Gotta eat to stay strong." He placed a kiss to your folds before running his tongue up your slit. Your juices were essential to his survival and he wouldn't waste a drop of them. Coating his tongue in them before wrapping his lips around your throbbing clit. The sucks he gave to your bud causes you to squirm and buck your hips to his face. He places a firm hand on your thighs keeping you spread for him. "Stop squirming. Let me enjoy my meal."
Taishiro always showed his love for eating, so it was no different when it was time for him to eat you out. He was moaning, pure bliss flowing through his veins from your taste. His dick stiffening as he licked another thick stripe up your folds. The roughness of his tongue against you forcing your voice to hum out through the room. The knot in your stomach tightening as he started scissoring his fingers in and out of you.
Your voice gave out before you could tell him you were releasing on his tongue. A high pitch squeal replacing the words you were about to moan out for the muscular man between your legs. He didn't need warning, he knew your body all too well. The fluttering of your walls around his thick fingers, the way your thighs flexed under his hands. He caught every drop that you gave him. He loved the taste of you and refused to lwt any go to waste. Taishiro's eyes rolled back at your juices hitting his tongue. His body felt charged as he tasted your climax.
"So good. My favorite. Good girl." He was speaking through licks as he helped you through your orgasm. He didn't let you calm all the way down before he was pulling off his pants and stroking his heavy cock. His cock was thick just like every other muscle on his body. Your lips were met with his as he slid into you. The taste of your release was still on his tongue as he swirled his with yours.
His dick was sensitive. The man truly loved eating you out, just being between your legs was enough to have him on edge. He was barley fully in when he let out a whine from you wrapping around him.
"Tai, aww my baby. Take it slow." You often would have to guide the beefy man through fucking you. His brain would turn to mush the minute your wet cunt sucked him in. Tai had great stamina, but your pussy did something to him. He could never hold out for long when it came to you. Your nails scratching down his back, the moans that left your mouth, your lips trailing his jaw as he delivered slow deep strokes to you. He couldn't help but always be ready to burst inside of you.
It didn't hell he had wired himself to only focus on your pleasure. He only wanted to fuck you how you wanted to be fucked. There was no pleasure in it if you weren't getting the pleasure you deserved. "Like this, baby?" He ached for your approval. Eyes locking with yours, searching for the answer he already knew but needed to hear.
"Y-yes! Tai, right there!" It was intense. You could never tell who was in control. He whined for you constantly but the way he fucked you always would remind you how big he is. He messed with your brain more than you messed with his. You could tell him anything to do and he would, but the pleasure he gave you by hitting the insides of your walls so perfectly made you clutch and beg for him more. Incoherent sentences flowing from your mouth as a large, veiny hand held your head up so he could stare into your eyes.
He took his free hand and lifted your leg higher, placing it over his shoulder. Your ankle being met with a sweet kiss from him as he watched your face morph into more pleasure. "You like that, pretty girl." It wasn't even a question at this point. More of a statement that he loved seeing you nod your head furiously as your breath caught in your throat every time he thrusted into you. Glossy eyes shined back to him as he released shaky breaths feeling your walls flutter again. He placed a thumb on your clit making a loud moan rise out of your chest.
Leaning closer to you with your leg on his shoulder still, he continues rubbing your clit as his other hand now tweaks your perk nipples. "Gonna cum for me, baby? Come on. Wet this dick up." Tai was playing with your body, working your sensitive spots as he was face to face with you. His hips grinding into you over and over making your eyes go cross. "Let me kiss you properly please? Give you the kiss you asked for early please." The switch between fucking you dumb then giving you the power would never make you tired.
Moaning out a yes to him as you opened your mouth for him. Tai loved getting your approval to love you right. He let spit drip out of his mouth and into yours before he locked lips with you. Pushing his tongue in and out, letting your saliva mix. The kiss heavy and moan broken. Clapping of your skin connecting at the hips and smacks of your lips sounded out as he fucked you into the couch.
It was when he hooked a hand under your hips and lifted you slightly that your back arched up higher and your head fell backwards. Your second orgasm rushed out of you. His tip hit that special spot deep inside you perfectly for the last time. Your moans went straight into his ear as he kissed your exposed neck. The twitches of your body being held in his hands.
When you started whimpering from oversensitivity he finally pulled out and released onto your soaked pussy. His milky white cum covering your cunt as he used his thick dick to spread it around. He loved making a mess of your cunt. Placing one last kiss to your lips, he lowered your hips back to the couch.
"Let me clean you up." Such a gentleman. A wonderful lover. The best you could ask for as he slipped back down between your legs and got to work licking your pussy again.
Taishiro loved eating your pussy.
Thoughts of a Slutty Virgin - 🧚🏽‍♀️
I didn't really know him well so i had fun looking him up! Him so pretty yall!! Thanking my 🍄 nonnie for showing me him😙 thank 🍄 nonnie for being so patient with me too!😙🫶🏽
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Pixie's Masterlist
Taglist: @444ghosty @un-lawliet @witchbybirth @tophamhat-kyo @nobianna
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theprettynosferatu · 1 year
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    She was pure. She was shiny. She was empty. She couldn’t be sure if she had always been a she, or if that, like everything else, like her very mind, had been transformed. She didn’t much care. In fact, she was vaguely aware she had gone beyond “she” quite a while back, settling into her natural place of “it”. And it was beautiful, encased completely in slick, perfect, immaculate latex.
    Latex was perfection. Latex was crafted, an artificial creation just like she was. Latex molded itself, coated whatever it surrounded, made itself a second skin- no, a real skin, a skin that replaced the flawed original. Latex made her look how she felt: a product, a result of someone else’s desires and work. Like latex, she had been molded, shaped, twisted, remade. She was owned by he who had made her: whoever she had been in the past was long, long behind.
    She didn’t have a name. She didn’t need a name. The tight mask over her face made her anonymous, just one among many identically crafted living dolls. That was all she needed to be. Empty, blissful, useful in her latex oblivion.
The air itself was a sweet thing, filtered and modified by the mask that was her true face into something pink, something that made her sensitive, made her shudder, made her always ready to be used should a real person deem her worthy of doing so. There were people around her watching, evaluating, mumbling. She couldn’t hear them. Her suit pumped her mind full of pulsing sounds and words that long ago had lost their meaning but not their power. They wormed deeper and deeper inside her, and she no longer knew or cared what was her and what was the suit. They were one and the same. Artificial. Useful. Pleasing. That was all she needed to be.
Her owner affixed a leash to her suit’s collar, and that act in itself was enough to flood her brain with a tidal wave of dopamine. Any attention from her owner was a privilege, a blessing beyond anything others might ever feel. It was pure, heavenly bliss: the notion of being used, being useful was purpose fulfilled. He didn’t have to tell her what to do. Collar meant crawling, and her body knew it, moving by itself as he paraded her through the gazes of the attendants, up to the stage. Lights, pink and blue, reflected off her flawless black latex skin. Her owner removed her mask, revealing the beautiful face under it. That face was the real mask, she knew: it was a person’s face, a human face. She wasn’t human, wasn’t a person. She was a pleasing, empty object. Part of her felt anxious by the removal of her real, anonymous, latex face; however, she trusted her owner with her life, her mind, her soul. When he presented her with a new face, a new mask, her body was overwhelmed by a lightning bolt of pleasure. New mask, new face, new self, new purpose. Her owner chose who she was, what she was, what her function was. She was a modular doll, her brain adapting to every change instantly. Latex told her who she was. Latex told her what her reason for existence was. This particular face told her everything she needed to know. 
It covered her eyes. That told her she didn’t need to see, she didn’t need to know who might be using her. It had a ring gag, keeping her mouth open. That told her what the new center of her existence was: she was to be a hole, a wet and warm hole for people to use. Nothing more. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else existed. She was Hole. 
Form determined function. Her open mouth told her all she needed to know. Her soaked cunt only confirmed it. She was aware of the men around her, watching her as they drank their wine and talked about important, real people things. Hole couldn’t hear, the mantras in her ears drowning out all sound. It was okay. She didn’t need to hear. Didn’t need to understand. Form determined function, and her purpose was singular. Soon enough, it was fulfilled.
The man didn’t stop his conversation, but the man didn’t matter: only the cock sliding inside her mouth did. She was Hole and Cock was her purpose. Her body shivered, sending waves of perfect peace from the base of her spine, all over her skin, deep inside her bones. Serving was pleasure. Her owner had deemed it so. The cock went deep, using her tongue, her throat. She didn’t need to breathe. Only serving her purpose mattered. She knew she was making her owner happy by letting her slave body be all that existed of her. Whatever remained of her mind felt unfathomable happiness at the idea. It was simple harmony, form and function, obedience and purpose. Anything her owner desired, she was. Anything he commanded, she did. When the cock came deep inside her throat, she swallowed greedily, for she knew that was what she existed for and making cock cum was an act of worship to her master. She didn’t need more pleasure than that, didn’t need more meaning than that. The world was simple, as was she. She was to be used, and cum was a signal of her usefulness. Simple. Clear. Beautiful. 
How many men used Hole that night? She didn’t know. Every cock was a reset, as important as the first one. Time became a fractured jumble of moments and sensations. All she was aware of was her purpose, her perfect, latex-enclosed obedience. She was a shiny object to be used. Nothing more. She was her owner’s plastic plaything, living art, fleshlight with a pulse.
Form determined function. She was a slick, latex doll. That told her her function. She was to be used, posed, watched. She existed for her maker’s pleasure. Had she been a person at some point? Perhaps. Had she been happier than she was as a living doll?
Did you enjoy this story? You can support my work at patreon.com/prettynosferatu
Evey bit helps!
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Tom Lee with Unhinged F!Reader
You meet the biggest of Daddys. (Masterlist for series. Again, dedicated to @the-eclipsed-luna. )
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"You've dispatched all 3 of my children. What am I, as a loving parent, supposed to do?"
Tom Lee approaches you in some gaudy designer outfit. (Money really can't buy taste.)
You've always preferred to operate in the shadows, but you couldn't help if you were becoming a bigger than life character.
After all, it was only fitting to have a reputation to match your skills.
"What's your name, little girl?"
Again with the little girl? You refrain from rolling your eyes. You're used to a patronising tone disguised as pleasantry.
You shrug as you step over Eli Jang's weakened body, noting the way his eyes dart uncertainly between you both. "Call me whatever you want, Daddy."
Tom guffaws at your response, "I usually prefer danglers, but I like you."
"Well lucky for you, I love danglers."
You evade his attacks without effort, willing him to break you, but Tom continues wearing a smile.
It is almost insulting, the way he doesn't take you seriously. That was usually your shtick.
You would have pouted and grown irritable if you didn't easily flip this mountain of a man onto his back. You even managed to break his nose before he threw you off.
Old men and their old biases. The crunch of broken bone is especially satisfying this time. That'll teach him.
You notice the way he staggers in surprise, blood streaming from his nostrils and his eyes watering in pain.
Eyes flashing maliciously, dopamine rushing through your vein. Yes, this was more like it.
Cogs spin frantically in Tom's brain. The physics just doesn't make sense. How does a woman of your size manage to easily throw his body weight around?
And the force as you broke his nose. He felt the way you restrained yourself. You could have just as easily crushed his skull in that one move.
No ultra-instinct, no black eyes, no copy. Just raw, unadulterated, pure power.
He watches as you let out a haunting giggle, mimicking a phallic object with your hand.
You were toying with him as much as he was toying with you.
Has he ever seen such unmatched strength?
How is this even possible?
Where have you been lurking?
"Shh," you lean over and hold your finger to Tom's lips. The sound of him choking and gurgling on his own blood is really off-putting.
You're trying to work on your list damnit.
The flap of paper is in danger of disintegrating into nothing; covered in blood and literal guts, dog-eared and illegible.
Still. Who else, who else. You're running out of names.
You've made yourself comfortable sitting on Tom's chest, deep in thought and tapping your pen against your chin, as he struggles for breath.
Tom watches as you quietly think and ponder. As if you didn't just cause severe internal bleeding and was the reason for his pain and defeat. As if you didn't also wipe the floor with Eli Jang. As if you haven't gone toe to toe with some of the strongest fighters and come out victorious each time.
They were never even a fair match.
The penny drops for him, you're on a fruitless search. You have no equal, no counterpart. He would bet the White Tiger that there isn't anyone even close to you, you're just wasting your time.
"You're wasting your time," he manages to force out.
You pause.
"Maybe," you turn and look at him, your face taking on a fiendish appearance, "But I'm having fun breaking you all."
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hot-astrology · 16 days
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It's something about going to the candy shop! you always see what you like, want, and have a taste for! mmmmmm! your crave and taste buds be out of this world! words cant define the experience you go through. From the drooling of your mouth, to your nipples slowly piercing your blouse! the goose bumps that trickle down your arms. Your eyes drawing in all the sweet goodness from one glance! making your glucose levels sky rocket! you lick your lips! envision her melting on the tip of your tongue while your tongue flicks up and down on her caramelized body until you reach her soft creamy core! taste buds are a thing of the past! you now entered the CANDYSHOP ZONE! where all your sights, stares, glances, envisions, come to TRUE!
I Want you to open your minds, expand your curiosity, think of that person or people that give you that high! that rush! that suga tooth! you can taste them from their sight! and their energy. We are going welcome you into our candy shop where anything goes, all the candy is free! well some of it. This store is open 24/7 and 365 days a year to satisfy your lustful, tasteful desires. Your eyes become so dilated and consumed by the beauty, handsomeness and attractiveness its seeing! your dopamine and serotonin levels are at all time high! you can feel the warmth and melting chocolate sliding down your open mouth! as it coats your esophagus! As you watch her walk away in her sexxy sundress! you take a bite into that warm, glazed honey bun! with a imagination and great fantasies of them clapping all over your snickers!
Its so fascinating how seeing a persons body could give you a high or a rush and have you lusting after them! What is it? is it my walk? my swagg? My defined chest and abs? or her pretty complexion with those juicy thighs? The way she sits? Whatever it is, its appealing and alluring! here are some asteroids that shows you why you are so charismatic, enchanting and pleasant to the eyes! and why you see others as a dessert or piece or sweet delicious candy!
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Candy 3015
Shows how you attract others into your life! What people see attractive about you. You could be eye candy on display!
Bella 695
This is represented by pure beauty! not only exterior but internal as well! When you feel beautiful you attract beauty! very lovely energy!
Aphrodite 1388
blessed with glamour, attractiveness, magnetism and charm! shows your pure allure to pull suiters in.
Glo 3267
where you shine or light up the most! you can be seen from anything you do or who you are! or what you look like that moth under the street light!
Lilith 1181
Your dark, tempting, rebellious nature or energy turns heads and starts flare! you walk in a room to leave it consumed with your unique edge unapologetically!
Erato 62
This energy displays in your poetic nature that still derives from how you speak it, write it, show it! you could be a sexual body artist or turn art into sex!
Adonis 2101
What you idolize in yourself or others! shows what type of allure you have on others. It shows your sexiness, handsomeness and potential to be looked as a great mastepiece!
Medusa 149
Makes you powerful beautiful in all aspects, beauty, knowledge, wisdom, mental strength, tackful, resourceful, clever, sex appeal and winning others over! and extra beautiful!
Ptah 5011
This is where words cant define your appearance! pure essence and enchanting energy! your romantic nature as well as your grace and elegance!
A few more.....
Kallisto 204
Listitsa 672
Gaussia 1001
Circe 34
Sado 118230
its so many, and alot have multiple meanings.
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