#post s3 hehehe
enginire · 1 year
@nightcars: i need your help like i need a third boob.
it's right to say they have a history — one more tumultuous than the first nail-biting stretch of the bering strait that meI is sure she barely breathed through seven years ago. like all things, time makes it a little easier; the constant hum of the engine draws life in each compartment, settles an uneasy stirring down-train and keeps them twisting languidly between caverns and valleys of the swiss alps.
time halts her neuroses with each successful rotation, but with audrey, each meeting is just like unpicking your own sutures. one of them is more than likely to come away from it hurting.
"audrey..." she sighs through it, folding arms across the boiler suit. (they used to joke that teals don't suit her — the blue offsets the colours of her eyes and lends itself to the airhostess quality of hospitality in first. with empty palms and dutiful kisses plastered down her shoulder and up the curve of her throat, you're better than being first's bitch seems to be one of the many, buried unspokens between them.)
"i'm not asking as a friend." as an engineer, as the brake oil, as the blood and sweat that jars metal cogs together from blueprints stacked in her quarters — as wiIford. the train needs its switzerland, and the nightcar needs its audrey.
she leans now, presses the small of her back into the verge of the bar behind them. civility is no small feat when all they can do is stare daggers into each other and hope that the next four weeks are filled with apt distractions, but she extends whatever brittle morsel of an olive branch that she can find and hopes it doesn't rot between her fingers.
"— you know, when we first spoke about the nightcar, i didn't think it would work. that... exposing people like that was just a weakness that wiIford's order couldn't survive with. i backed you because it was either this or a brothel, and that energy burden was unacceptable. but you stuck with it — you gave people hope, a way to work through their grief in a productive way that... i could never have found an equation for. you proved me wrong — you always prove me wrong. the train needs you. i... need you. and it looks like you could use a bit of your own medicine. so before you throw this all out because you're punishing yourself, let me help you. we used to know each other, once."
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corffee · 5 months
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“Just to save you, I give all of me
I can hear you screamin’ out callin’ me
It’s my fault, made you fall for me
So it save you, I give my all…”
-“Calling,” Metro Boomin
Without trail vers under the cut
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paper-anons-posts · 2 years
something they can never take away
The world has ended. That doesn't mean they can't begin it again. (otterverse fic! @pacificseaotter )
In the ruins of a civilization once grand, the survivors must learn to rebuild.
It starts with the simple things: taking the remains of the fallen and bringing them to a field. Graves are dug, goodbyes are said, and bodies buried. The conditions of the dead vary; the monsters that caused them their doom were rabid beasts. Despite this, they try anyway. It's the least they can do. 4 graves are laid there, marked with symbols made of small rocks. (I may not live to see our glory)
Then begins the first problem: the monsters aren't gone. They may not ever truly disappear, but they'll adapt. Slowly, the survivors kill the demons. Grand beasts that vary in features, but are always white, with huge eyes thirsty for blood. Maybe, in another world, they might've been cute. But this is not a happier world. Even so, they'll make it one. (But I will gladly join the fight)
Secondly, they need resources. A mostly-intact building is chosen as their base. Groups go out searching for any leftover cans, wood, or other useful materials. It's tough work, but they're determined. Stray survivors are found and collected. Food is cooked, beds are made, and in the face of disaster, happiness is found. (And when our children tell our stories)
Time passes. People are saved, and the group grows. The monsters are contained, and plans are made to fight them. The constant storm stops, and grows less and less bloody until it is back to mostly water. The world begins to return to normal. (They'll tell the story of tonight)
One day, the apocalypse will be nothing more than a memory. Then, the world will remember the brave people who stood against it. The builders of the new world. For now though, they'll work towards that goal. They won't give up. They have each other, after all. (They'll tell the story of tonight.)
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adenthemage · 2 years
3: Mattholomule! (Because you're a fellow fan of the criminal boy)
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: He is my SON he's so cringe and dastardly and I love that for him. Hits that perfect sweet spot for me with a character, one that can be pathetic and is introduced as someone to laugh at, but proves to have hidden depths that can make them sympathetic, later, yknow?
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: none lol. When it comes to characters who have "doesn't have lots of friends" as a plot point, I prefer they be allowed to develop friendships rather than jumping to romance. This is true for Mattholomule, too
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: OOOH tough. I'm a sucker for sibling dynamics, so Steve and Matt would be a big fav, but since we haven't seen them interact yet the obvious pick is Gus and Matt! I love their enemies-to-friends relationship, and I think their dynamic post-Looking Glass Ruins could be really fun and interesting!! I mean, the whole "friends that can be a little antagonistic with one another" and trying to navigate the new comraderie is just really fun to think about. Having the ruins as a mutual project is also a great backdrop for developing their relationship, as well as the unresolved(-ish) power struggle over the Human Fan Club
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hmmm I guess the obvious pick would be that I don't ship Gustholomule lol. But that's not as interesting so here's a headcanon: my man has some artistic interests! Considering he presumably made his fake human artifacts himself, and he was editing books in ASiaS I think it's a fair assumption.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Let him join the main friend group!! He fits the pattern established between Amity and Hunter, of being introduced as an antagonistic person towards one of the main trio, and then later being redeemed and befriended. And I also think his dynamic in the group could be really fun, because unlike the previous two, I could see him staying just as cringe and antagonistic as ever. He seems like he doesn't have a good grasp on how to navigate healthy friendships, so he might feel out-of-place if Gus isn't around, and since his older brother was in the EC there's potential for a funny dynamic with Hunter if he ever finds out he was the GG
Favorite friendship for this character: Gus, of course. Frenemy superiority.
My crossover ship: Hmmm a platonic crossover. I'm just gonna go completely left-field. Make him TFP Ultra Magnus' human companion for a bit. No particular reason except I think their dynamic would be really funny (Ratchet or Starscream would also be really funny lmao)
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lostcauses-noregrets · 2 months
Why is the answer always "Levi said this Levi did this" whenever one asks about the signs of Eruri in canon? Levi's side is pretty clear, but every time I talk to an Eruri and I ask "but why do you think Erwin loved Levi" the answer is very long but it's mostly empty and just "I am sure he did" or "but Levi loved him so Eruri is canon". Sorry this isn't a "hehehe your ship is one sided it's not canon" type of question. It's more of a writing-wise question, since you are a writer yourself I thought you'd give the best answer to this.
I am wondering, is this because of lack of Erwin's pov in aot manga or anime? I know Erwin is important and plays an important role and story revolves around him in s3 p2 and all that but when you look at the bigger picture he's mostly just there. He's in the story but you don't see his pov. We don't get to see the inside of his head until the end. Is this why "does Erwin love Levi" question is a hot topic in aot fandom always? Or are there any side stories like smartpass aus that suggest Erwin had feelings for Levi? I'm sorry I don't know those very well I only know the manga and the anime.
Lastly, I am sure you answered this before but my question is very specific, do you actually believe it was mutual? After all it's fiction and you don't need their love to be mutual to ship them. People ship characters who barely interact. It's what fandom is and that's totally normal and valid. I guess I am wondering if you ever doubted, th ship or even yourself which I do a lot (in a "oh I love this so much and I read so much fics I made myself believe" way) Thanks I hope this doesn't sound rude or offensive, my English isn't very good so if I sound rude that must be it it's not my intention :)
Ooof there’s  a lot of different questions here but I think they boil down to the following: 
Are Erwin and Levi’s feelings for each other mutual? / Does Erwin reciprocate Levi’s feelings?
Why do people question Erwin’s relationship to Levi? 
Do I personally believe their relationship was mutual, and have ever “doubted the ship”?
I’ve answered the first question many, many times over the years. You can read all my various answers here.  In short I do think that Erwin reciprocated Levi’s feelings and I think the evidence is there in the manga, the official guidebooks, the Smartpass stories, and the side content for anyone who cares to see it. I’m not going to list all the side content here, but there’s a very old post by @erbeansandravioli that links to a lot of it: Eruri receipts.
As to why people question Erwin’s relationship to Levi, well that’s an interesting one.  Some people clearly just don’t get Erwin’s character (see the previous ask I just answered), they don’t understand his role in the plot or the significance of his relationship to Levi.  For example I’ve seen people arguing passionately that Levi’s vow had nothing to do with Erwin, which is just mind boggling to me. It’s certainly true that Erwin is a much harder character to read than Levi who very much wears his heart on his sleeve.  Erwin is more reserved, and holds his cards closer to his chest.  However the fact that Levi is the only one who he reveals his true self to is significant. Daisuke Ono put it beautifully when he said in an interview that the amplitude of Erwin’s feelings is so great that it can be hard to see.  
It could also be that some, perhaps younger, readers just don’t recognise their relationship for what it is. It’s certainly not a typical shounen romance, but it is a deeply believable adult relationship; one that is based on mutual trust, respect and understanding. This is from a previous ask I answered on the subject:
It frustrates me enormously when people deny their canon relationship, despite Yams being at paints to explain it repeatedly in the guidebooks. I want to shake them and ask what the hell they think a relationship looks like when you’re an exhausted 30 + year old war veteran who has spent their entire life fighting for survival.  It looks like this; finding someone who you can trust with your life. If you were to ask me what characterizes a successful adult relationship I would say it’s exactly this; mutual trust, respect and understanding, and when push comes to shove, the willingness to do everything in your power to help the person you hold most dear, even if that means letting them go. 
And as to whether I’ve ever doubted the ship, the answer to that would be no, never.  Sure we’ve never seen them swear undying love in canon (though some would argue with that and point to Erwin’s "Arigatō Levi".) I wrote this in response to an ask about Eruri canonicity: 
Do you mean that you don’t believe they’re canon because we never see them kiss? Because they never marry?  Because the main focus of the story isn’t romance?  All those things are true, but in my opinion, they’re also not the only things that make a relationship canon.  Particularly when that relationship is between two war-weary 30 year old men who have been fighting for survival almost their entire lives. The irony is that, in some ways, Erwin and Levi’s relationship is actually quite conventional. They really do behave a bit like an old married couple.  They have a long standing relationship that has matured over many years, they have their own weird sense of humour, they’re not afraid to challenge each other, but they care about one another deeply, and they also trust each other unconditionally.  That’s all the canon evidence I need tbh.
Having said that, you are absolutely right that you don’t need any canon evidence to ship a couple.  Hell, I’ve had great fun written Hanji and Petra as a side ship and I don’t think they ever even interacted in canon.  In Erwin and Levi’s case though there is more than enough evidence in canon to attest to the significance of their relationship. 
Hope this answers your questions.
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kalisseo · 2 months
list of some clone high aus i have
-"clone high: re do": basically my silly au where I re write s2 and s3
-"the red means i love you": fem tophabe au where tina is a vampire and uuh they're girlfriends!!
-"I've been thinking about you": this was first a college au but it evolved, basically Topher and Abe date at the start of college, but abe just can't forget joan and joan feels the same, so he leaves topher for joan and never talk again, until years later abe after a hang out sees a poster of a singer and it's Topher!! and he goes to the little concert and they meet up again....maybe they kiss....
-gen swap au: yeah the clones just swap generations
-my ocs au: basically everything's the same but my ocs exists hehehe
i have fics of the second and third ones but idk if I should post them
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sa2-astral · 1 month
I have sooooo many ideas for a hypothetical new skillset for ashe in s3. Like
ive been cooking like crazy n rambling to my friends. Like the only thing they could do is give ashe cool tech stuff. He'd either be the guy in the chair or have cool tech like cantrip. I think story wise it makes since for her to be the guy in the chair but playing wise if yakko did return i feel like thatd get boring after a while, like if he was staying in the show longterm eventually the whole guy in the chair setup would probably get very limiting roleplay wise
so i just. Went crazy thinking about cool tech stuff they'd have
-big mechanical arm. mechanical equivalent of the big demon arm bcuz it was cool
-short distance teleport to easily withdraw from combat / switch between inperson and guy in the chair. professor cross already had the temporary long term teleport machine im sure he could figure out something like this especially given williams literal dimension crossing new ability they can research that a bit im sure they could figure it out
-more guy in the chair abilities. he has hologram panels and does cool stuff hehehe
-bonus! With the hc of her using mobility aids i thought of a super cool way to like. Build them into the tech. so i was doing forearm crutches before but like what if it was like those mechanical spider legs some characters have they just attach to the wall and hover there you know. so its kinda like that but more like a crutch without the hand usage so they can still mess with the panels n do things whatever they need to do. its like an extra mechanical limb that specifically is like strong enough to support her without putting too much stress on his body if that makes sense ? and then they move it around with a controller. Like. Like gaming.
Its literally just motion controls. and then the buttons are for like controlling slash messing with all the panels n things whatever he can do mechanic wise with that. as well as just movement. idk does that make sense. But i am so normal about the idea of it literally just being gaming its literally gaming its just motion controls and i love that LMAO
-another bonus. this ones more self indulgent but as you may know. i am the #1 water fairy enthusiast so i say. that post i made of will finding water fairy in spirit world and giving them back to ashe is canon and so water fairy helps ashe in combat too :)
-ice spears, can do stuff with water a bit, and ice, maybe they can make like a sorta fog slash mist like a rlly cold mist like with the ice ability ? maybe steam?? Idk the fog aesthetic with ashe is so cool
-ashe still has his heelies she has great movement. bonus heelies can switch to ice skates to skate on ice water fairy creates >:)
-maybe water fairy can make like an ice spear but an ice SCYTHE??? or some other cool ice weapon for ashe to use
-also ashe has wings! Idk if they would or wouldnt be able to fly but if they could then thats a whole nother thing she can do thats movement based >:))
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starrysymphonies · 1 year
Posting these before I go to sleep bcs I’m tired but I couldn’t stop thinking of this, D-GANG REDESIGNS GRAHHH
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Ok so I have my own thoughts and little tidbits about the designs soooo hehehe!!
I LOVEEE designing jester outfits I had to give him the whole fit
Spades motif because spades represent rebellion, transformation, and acceptance. Since he was the first d-gang member we saw be redeemed-ish I thought it’d fit
Trident from s3 :)
Adapted his s1 design, slicked his hair back bcs Nick would wear his down/forward. I didn’t want to give him the cowboy design he had in s3 because although it’s cool I also don’t think he’d want to continue being like Nick when by then he’s come into his own identity as a person
Diamonds motif for hard-working, growth, and hidden depths, but also diamonds are one of the lower classes and Richard was a grunt man for Duni
Similar to Richard where I adapted her s1 fit, I think she’d experiment more with fashion though and end up with a more alternative style compared to Ashlie’s preppier one
Clubs motif for hotheaded, recklessness, and strength. Like diamonds it’s lower in the ranking
She has a scar through her right eye, mainly due to the 100th episode, she has a mechanical eye and you’d sooner catch her DEAD for the hundredth time than going near an eyepatch and end up being compared to Duni
Tried to give him a warmer, cozier look. I have a good amount of headcanons about Duni, one of which being he isn’t actually a clone of Uni but was just so obsessed with him he kept resetting the world, doing whatever it would take for him to fall in love with him, and slowly became more and more like him in an attempt to have him love him more
Mostly based on his s3 design but take off the eyepatch and give him his regular eyes and it’s just what I imagine for his s1 design
Hearts motif for romance, dependance, and passion
Very fancy man, his design doesn’t change much from season to season other than him getting more banged up so this is a s1 design and then in later seasons his clothes are more torn and his screen cracked
Instead of a card suit he gets the “A” for ace, the most powerful card in any suit. This is mostly to represent how he planned to kill Duni and take the wish for his own, he was the last living D-Gang member
Ngl, accidentally Squip inspired with the circuit pattern
All of them have a “D” emblazoned somewhere on their outfits
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caramelpenguin · 19 hours
What do you think Wille and Simon fight / disagree about the most post-s3? Of course assuming they always talk it out after <3
woahhh okkk sooo
class differences. like in s3 ep 2, wille still needs to learn how to exist outside of royalty, and i imagine therell be arguments over this. but a part of me also thinks, as wille plans to abdicate, simon might be softer on him? as he's no longer a prince? if that makes sense?
linking to that, maybe the usage of money
im not entirely sure how abdication works and what exactly happens to wille afterwards, but there might be disagreements about work/ jobs
disagreements abt how social media is handled (but this gets better with time)
probably disagreements abt kristina - ik she apologised at the end but that doesnt mean she wont continue to fuck up. but as wille chose something for himself at the end, i dont think these disagreements will be as bad as they could have been.
theyd disagree over small stuff like who fell for the other first, or when theyre first official date was, and when their anniversary is. the general coupley stuff hehehe !
thanks for the ask anon <3
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misfithive · 3 months
People I want to get to know better
thank you @hergrandplan and @mostlypisces-blog for the tag :)
Last Song: Same Place by Jade LeMac (i never heard it before but i love Spotify Daylist to hear tons of new music)
Favorite color: i love the color coral 🪸 like reddish orange
Last film/show: Ink Masters - i love tattoos and tattoo shows. I’m getting a new tattoo friday heheh
Sweet/spicy/savory: i actually prefer sour. I loveeeee itttt i used to eat lemons like oranges and love sour candy eheheheheh but out our of the options sweet
Relationship status : married basically my whole “adult” life. we met right after school💜
Current obsession: besides young royals and omar rudberg? Mmm always Jellycats
Last thing I googled : 7:00pm cet to est lmfao i’m horrible st time zones so whenever netflix noridics posts something i have to look up what time it is for me
Last book: the last book i finished was this audio book i loved it. I’m currently listening to Care Work about disability and reading A love Song for Ricki Wilde which is by my favorite author Tia Williams (my blog name and my name Misfit comes from one of her other books, Seven Days in June. Which would make a great Wilmonized fic im just saying)
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Looking forward to: getting a new tattoo, maybe my brithday but it’s right after s3 airs so hopefully wilmon endgame is my birthday gift. Idk if im looking forward to s3 right now i’m more terrified tbh but i’m looking forward to edmar interviews and Omar being cutie
No pressure tags idk who has done it before and if u see this and i havent tagged u pls do it if u wanna!! @glimmeringdreams @k-pepp @phaniji @bigalockwood @stygianirondiangelo @anonfromtheflight @boyfriendswilmon @p4nicaker @lolcari @skibasyndrome
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inevitably-johnlocked · 11 months
Hello Steph! I was wondering if you have some Johnlock song fics? It doesn't matter what kind of song heheh
thanks and remember to take care of yourself, Hug! 💖
Hey Nonny!
Ahhh, I get asked this a few times! I never have anything really significant though, LOL, at least not in the "classic song fic" sense from MY early fandom days ("song fics" used to be fics written with the lyrics to the song inspiring each section of a fic, now I think it just means "fics inspired by whole songs"). Here are the ones I know of, from my knowledge and from the above linked tag :)
EDIT: I did a tag search on my offline lists, because I should stop being so lazy, so here you are, now I have a list! :D Thank you!!
As usual, feel free to add your own, friends!
And thank you for your kind words :)
See Also:
Moulin Rouge AU (Mine)
Song Fics (Alexx's List)
Evermore by SosoHolmesWatson (G, 2,068 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, 5-Year-Old Rosie, Love Confessions, Song Fic, Parentlock, Oblivious John, Pining Sherlock, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Disney Songs, Beauty and the Beast) – For the past years, John and Sherlock have lived at Baker Street again, raising Rosie together--as friends and nothing more. Ever since the little girl has watched her first Disney movie, she is obsessed with princesses. When John comes home one day, he finds his friend and his daughter in the middle of a reenactment of her current favourite. Part 1 of Made of Music
Engaged by lifeonmars��(NR, 3,146 w., 1 Ch. || Marriage Proposal, Fluff, Holmes Family, Song Fic) – Sherlock did not believe in marriage, but he wanted to be married. He found this something of a surprise. Part 2 of Damage
Living Musical by VeeTheRee (G, 4,149 w. 1 Ch. || Est. Rel., Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Hobbies, Summer, Song Fic, POV Sherlock, Painting, Play Fighting, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Love Declarations, Hair Petting, Promise of Forever) – A one-shot of John and Sherlock being domestic during summer. There is paint, fluff, and music from Imagine Dragons, namely from the album 'Speak To Me', specific song in this one-shot is 'Living Musical'. Part 1 of the Happy Fluffy Johnlock Time series
Sunday Evening 6 p.m. by Silvergirl (E, 30,712 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF / TEH Divergence, Grief / Mourning / Stages of Grief, Mutual Pining, Dreams, Reunion, Love Confessions, First Kiss / Time, Alternating First Person POV, Smart John, BAMF Boys, Emotional Love Making, Song Fic, Referenced Suicide, First Kiss / Time, Touching, Sleepy Sherlock, Blow Job, Villain Mary) – Six months after Sherlock jumped, he learns that John is dedicating songs to him on a requests-only radio programme. Is John just working through grief? Or is he—communicating? Fixes the hell out of S3 by pre-empting it altogether. Remember, as TAB told us, John is Pretty Damn Smart.
The Baker Street Nativity by SwissMiss (E, 99,662 w., 23 Ch. || Nativity! AU || Teacher Sherlock / TA John, Pining, Sherlock POV, UST, Angst, Christmas, Music/Song Fic, Anal / BJ’s, First Kiss / Time) –Fusion between Sherlock (BBC) and Nativity! (2009 movie starring Martin Freeman). Sherlock is a primary school teacher and John is assigned to be his classroom assistant. Together, they are charged with putting on the school's Nativity play. What could possibly go wrong? Part 1 of The Baker Street Nativity Verse
To John - love SH , how me met by Tha_shipper_Burning_void (NR, 315 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Angst, Song Fic) – John nor Sherlock knew of each other – Sherlock rich and John poor – but John believe someone was out there for him.
Satisfied by VTsuion (G, 1,067 w., 1 Ch. || ACD Canon || Watson’s Wedding, Toasting, Song Fic, Past Relationship, POV Sherlock) – Watson is getting married, but he will never be satisfied. Holmes will never be satisfied.
All Along There Was Some Invisible String (Tying You To Me) by Biana_Amberly_Vacker (G, 1,145 w., 1 Ch.. || Fantasy AU || Bullying, Holmes Family, Autistic Mycroft, Family Dynamics, Angst, Song Fic) – Mycroft is alone. He decides to make himself a brother. Out of wood.
Clarity by tea_and_violins (M, 1,606 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TRF, Angst, Reunion, Song Fic, Slash) – A one shot/song fic inspired by Clarity by Zedd ft. Foxes. Have a listen before or during :)
(They Tell You) Wake Up, Go Put On Your Makeup, This Is Just A Phase You’re Gonna Outgrow by Biana_Amberly_Vacker (T, 1,738 w., 1 Ch. || Trans Sherlock, Song Fic, Transphobia, Self-Harm, Hurt No Comfort) – Sherlock was always a boy. Even in his traitorous body. This is a story, throughout a childhood, of a boy who everyone thought was a girl.
Take me to Baker Street by MorganeUK (G, 2,087 w., 1 Ch. || Adult Ballet AU || Ballet Dancer Sherlock, Doctor John, Song Fic, Pre-Slash) – I always loved Sergei Polunin interpretation of Take me to the church so I decided to write a version where Sherlock is a ballet dancer in serious need of a doctor…
The Very Thought of You by reveling_in_mayhem (T, 2,386 w., 1 Ch. || Canon Divergence, Song Fic, Kitchen Dancing, First Kiss, Fluff) – John and Sherlock have danced before. For a case and for a wedding. But they've never danced like this. So why is John reaching out his hand for Sherlock's now?
Body Language by CeruleanDarkangelis (T, 2,706 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Dancing, Song Fic, POV First Person John, Voyeurism, Dirty Dancing, Clubbing) – There is a language to dancing; a call-and-response from one body to another. Even with the poncy kind of dancing I knew he was versed in, the kind that requires classes and counting and rules, there is communication between bodies. Watching him now, I’m more than pleased to discover that he understands my dialect as well. Part 1 of the Without Words series
Jukebox by standbygo (T, 3,990 w., 1 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Music, Singing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Humour) – After the music halls of Sherlock's mind palace get damaged by accident, John learns that Sherlock never forgets a song. Even the ones he'd rather forget. But the random singalong brings some unexpected benefits.
Blame it on My Youth by standbygo (M, 4,151 w., 1 Ch. || Retirement, First Kiss, Declarations of Love, Song Fic) – “Courage doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. It’s knowing that you’re afraid, and doing what you need to do anyway.” Sherlock and John are retired, but receive an unexpected client. Part 10 of the November 2014 Song Challenge series
Lights On by SosoHolmesWatson (T, 4,396 w., 1 Ch || Post-S4, First Kiss, Pining Idiots, Angst with Happy Ending, Song Fic, Love Confessions, Dev. Rel., Emotional Repression, Bed Sharing) – Sherlock and John are living together again but things between them are far from okay. John is out of his depth until a song brings the needed epiphany. Part 2 of the Made of Music
Rumbos Secretos by Ceibos (T, 5,991 w., 1 Ch. || Unilock || Argentinian Spanish, First Kiss, POV John, Internalized Homophobia, Song Fic, Military, Autism Spectrum) – AU en el que Sherlock y John son dos jovenes alumnos de la UBA en los 90´s o Sherlock ayuda a John a estudiar para su parcial de anatomía y pasan cosas.
Dirty by standbygo (E, 5,093 w., 1 Ch. || Established Relationship, PWP, Dirty Dancing, Romance, Smut and Fluff) – “Yeah, I actually learned how to dance like that, like in the film. I was quite the hit at parties while the craze lasted. Some of Harry’s friends called me Johnny Castle, after the character. Or Swayze.” “Swayze? What kind of word is that?” John did not reply, but gazed at Sherlock, his lips pressed together but still smiling. After a moment, he stood and held out his hand to Sherlock. “Dance with me,” John said.
Take Me To Church by Daziechane (M, 6,370 w., 1 Ch. || Ballet, Song Fic, First Kiss / Time) – John’s days blurred. It didn’t even bother him anymore, that he wasn’t onstage. At least, that’s what he told himself every time he clocked in for another shift. Sherlock’s days blurred. It didn’t even bother him anymore, that he wasn’t onstage. At least, that’s what he told himself every time he stepped into 221B.
Burn by EmilyisSOgay (T, 7,481 w., 1 Ch. || Alternate Universe || Jazz Singer John, Alternate First Meeting, First Kiss, Everyone is Gay, Love at First Sight, Falling in Love, Flirty John, Song Fic, Romance, Sexual Tension, Sherlock POV, Sherlock in Love, Jealous Sherlock, Fluff) – John is a seductive jazz singer at small London club. And Sherlock gets a special birthday performance that sets his Mind Palace ablaze.
You Are The Reason by ICanDoThisAllDayy (G, 9,432 w. || Post-TSo3, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Letters, Bisexual John, Song Fic, Heavy Angst) – When Sherlock leaves the envelope for John and Mary at their wedding, he forgets to take out another piece of paper from it - the paper on which he poured his heart out while preparing the Best Man's Speech at 221B Baker Street. He intended to burn the piece right after he finished writing, but he was too exhausted from the emotions and accidentally slipped it amongst his composition for the Waltz. As things work out, somebody reads his letter. That somebody is John Watson. Part 2 of Songs-inspired fic(let)s
A Very Sherlock Musical by flawedamythyst (T, 11,980 w., 1 Ch. || Musical AU || No S3 Compliant {more tags to be added after reading}) – So, you know how musicals are set in a world where people just burst into song every five minutes, and everyone around them automatically knows to join in with the tune and choreography? This fic is set in that world. John finds it extremely frustrating that Sherlock won't sing their theme song with him.
This Is Your Song by agirlsname (E, 79,990 w., 19 Ch. || Moulin Rouge Fusion || Prostitute Sherlock, Poet John, Acting, Singing, Dancing, Writing, Poetry, Musical, Song Fic, Heavy Angst, Unreliable Narrator, Sherlock is French, Love at First Sight, UST, First Kiss/Time, Frottage, Coming in Pants, Anal Sex, Switchlock, Clothed Sex, Crossdressing, Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Jealousy, Terminal Illnesses, Grief/Mourning, Breakup/Makeup Sex, Past Drug Use, Attempted Rape, Canon-Typical Violence)– When John Watson is invalided home from the army in 1895, he moves to Paris to rediscover his writing and find a new meaning in life. His old friend Stamford invites him into a group of artist friends, and suddenly John finds himself auditioning to write a show for the famous brothel across the street. There, he meets the most beautiful man he’s ever seen - Sherlock, the star of the Moulin Rouge. But Sherlock is already promised to the investor of the show, the rich Duke Moriarty.
A Case of Identity – The Musical by shamelessmash (E, 83,147 w., 15 Ch. || 1950′s Hollywood AU || Musical, Case Fic, Undercover as an Actor, Dancing, Happy Ending, Kidnapping, Drugs, Fluff and Angst, Humour, Writer/Director John, Slow Burn / Romance) – A mysterious death on set causes chaos in Stamford productions latest movie. With the premiere date left unchanged, they must find a new lead actor and reshoot an entire movie in two months. Sherlock Holmes goes undercover as a lead actor in a Musical: a juggling act to solve a murder while singing, dancing and charming his way through 1950s Hollywood. The last thing he expected was to fall in love with the screenwriter along the way. Or as I like to call it: the case where Sherlock finally gets to dance. Based off this prompt.
To the Sticking Place by blueink3 (E, 121,973 w., 20 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Musical Theatre AU || Showmance, Friends to Lovers, Bickering, UST / RST, Fluff, Virgin Sherlock, BAMF John, New York City / Broadway) – Renowned Shakespearean actor Sherlock Holmes has finally burned all of his bridges in the theatre industry save for his constant director, Greg Lestrade. John Watson has made a name for himself in the musical theatre circuit, but age and injury are working against him. Can they reinvent themselves for an all-male Macbeth without killing one another? Part 1 of the Screw Your Courage series
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egg-emperor · 5 months
Spoiler! for Sonic Prime S3!
If you didn't know yet, Dr. Eggman is back for a short moment in the last episode at the end! :)
I read your other post about the Eggmen of Sonic Prime and I doubt that you'd even have watched whole S3 or maybe even anything, but I put a spoiler warning just in case (and for anyone else of course)
YES!!! thanks for checking to see if I'd seen, I just posted a gif set hehehe I'm so happy he's there even for a moment 🥰💜
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redhead1180 · 3 months
Okay this may be weird and also idk if you know but anyway …. Okay so I’ve been watching some TikTok edits of interviews of the obx cast and especially Rudy and Madison Bailey and they seemed on and off camera great friend with potential for more . Yes I know they have significant others ( I don’t name Rudy’s partner in denial lol) but it got me thinking that maybe they were close to being more but then they both got with other people . It just seems so odd to me that they were so close in season one and maybe even2 and 3 (haven’t really seen bts stuff from that) but and I saw another anon say that they thought Elaine might have pushed him to distance himself cause now when you see bts video or pics their ( Rudy and Maddy) seem to be off . I know it’s speculation and it’s their own personal business but it just is interesting that such a great friendship ended . Anyway curious about your thoughts .
Hehehe. Well this is of course all speculation because we only see a snippet of there lives.
Watching BTS videos and interviews of s1, honestly, it really felt there was an attraction and vibe going on between Rudy and Madison. There are so many videos where one or both are just making heart or bedroom eyes. Now I, honestly don't know if they acted on it before they got with their SO. I am leaning in the they did not category, but we will never know for sure.
I see between S2 and s3 their friendship took a hit, there was words said by each's SO and it effected their relationship. There were multiple times they unfollowed each's SO on IG, then followed again, Rudy removed comments or posts pertaining to Madison and vice versa. It got kinda childish at one point. You can really see in interviews for s3 the difference in their friendship. Rudy is really stiff and standoffish to Madison.
Then last year Madison unfollowed Elaine, sometime around the start of filming s4, and since then will post weird sayings about lost friendships or wishing things were like in s1. Most assume it is about Rudy, but honestly could be about anyone. In recent BTS videos, unless filming, Rudy is off with just Elaine. He doesn't seem to hang out with the rest of the cast anymore. Not to say he doesn't, cause like I said we only see a snippet of their lives.
I don't want to start anymore rumors than there already are about them, that is just what we see from the outside. I try to be neutral and not read too much into things, but some of it is really hard not to. I do think there was some heated words and maybe more, but to say it was all Elaine, I am not so sure. I think it was all of them.
Just my thoughts.
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bradbradleyart · 2 years
this isn't even an ask I just had to sit here and casually find out that a half-life ai enjoyer also animated a scene in carmen sandiego. crazy. (cool art, I just. world so inconceivably large yet so small)
Hehehe yes its funny being in fandoms and then getting on shows. I worked on Carmen s3 and 4, and ninjago s14 (nya season) as an animator, and s15 (crystalized) onwards as a board artist. Also worked on the new proud family opening. I hope one day i get to post a reel of all my work on them its sad i still havent gotten the ok to do that😭
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flame-cat · 7 months
ur literally so silly omg i love ur posts it’s like watching someone lose their mind. YES their ship name is jupeter and YES big bad mayor is a they/them. looking forward to ur S3 posts
hehehe im losing my silly little mind over this silly little podcast <3
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henrysglock · 1 year
8, 12, 21, 25 (i am just as bored)
hehehe a powerful duo...what crimes will we commit...
8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about: You've opened Pandora's box. It's gotta be Henry. Mmmmmm it drives me up a wall that everyone is so fucking dead set in him having been this evil little kid (and even evil as an orderly!) when if you just take a second to actually look at his face and body language, if you take time to think (a big request for tumblr, I know) about his behavior, you'll realize that none of it makes any damn sense! Look at his face! Look at his actions and the scenarios surrounding them! Open you mind up a little bit and stop judging him as if he's already Vecna! Eliminate your bias! Put Vecna out of your mind and just fucking watch the scenes and the inconsistencies stand out like sore thumbs it's not that fucking hard. You can't retroactively judge a child for something he does 25 years down the road after unimaginable circumstances. Henry at 12 =/= Henry at 32 =/= Vecna, and they have to be judged with this in mind.
12. An unpopular character that I actually like and why more people should like them: This depends on our definition of "like". I hate hate hate Brenner, Billy, etc, but from an analysis POV their storylines are incredibly fascinating, and I like them in that respect. If we're talking "like" as in "I like them as people"...I've talked about Victor before in an earlier post from this ask game because he's so...god. I do love that man. It's not that he's necessarily disliked, he's just not popular. Everyone who loves Joyce should love Victor, because he's like if Joyce had been arrested in conjunction with Will's disappearance. He's about as in tune with Henry as he can be without Henry opening up to him. He tried so hard to fix things in his home, he just wasn't on the right path. He loved his son so, so much. He was so broken up when he told Nancy and Robin about Henry. He did his best and got screwed over by Brenner.
21. Part of canon that I think is overhyped: Nancy and her "girlboss" behavior. You all know I'm not a Nancy fan. Like...really not a Nancy fan. her and her guns are overhyped as fuck. She's inconsiderate often (I haven't forgotten the Oliver Twist bit she pulled with Jonathan). She has no regard for struggles she doesn't experience herself (see: Jonathan in S3, Mike in S1). She's not a good sister (I also haven't forgotten her girlboss feminist moment of...dismissing the invasion of Mike's privacy). It's not girlboss behavior, she's just plain mean, and she can't think past the end of her pistol when it comes to the UD. I don't like her, and I think she's overhyped.
25. Common fandom complaint that I'm sick of hearing: oh boy. Don't get me started on the whole "the Duffers aren't smart enough for xyz" or "you're looking too deep into minutiae" when you all know damn well that most of the shit Henry analysts pull from is clear as day and requires extra work from the ST team to accomplish. And we all know if it were byler evidence of that magnitude you would all be eating it up like starved dogs. But yes, I, an average viewer, am so much smarter than the Duffers and their award winning production team. And I'm looking too hard. Be fucking serious.
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