#portland row is my home
peachymaryobrien · 7 months
"Lockwood & Co" is something I wish I'd read when I was going through teenage years, bc it has some of the best representation of young people who are struggling with feelings, self-esteem and trying to find their place in such cruel world, I think that's something everyone has felt at least once in a lifetime. And maybe we are not fighting Types III with rapiers, but irl we do have ghosts. They just have different forms.
Even though this story touched my heart at the right time, and i would recommend it to everyone every age, no doubt, i just wish I'd known this little 35 Portland Row family a little earlier💫💚
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bookwyrm35 · 22 days
I can't belive it's been a year.
It's been an entire year since I woke up to the awful news that my favorite show ever had been canceled after only one season, eight episodes of pure mystery, action, tension and comfort. And entire year since I texted my friend in tears and spent the whole morning mourning the loss of a treasure I had only just begun to know. An entire year since they said this show wasn't good enough, and we said yes.
We have accomplished so much in just one year. The campaigns and the petitions and cons yes, but also all the new fans, new family members, and new memories made within our shared home of 35 Portland Row. I've never been so fond of and so proud to be in a fandom than in this one. We're not perfect, sometimes we slip up or go too far or receded into ourselves a little too far. But that's just proof that we're human, and being human is a truly wonderful thing.
I'm so glad I could find this family when I did and that you've stayed with me as I moved across the world and seen it shatter into a million pieces. Wouldn't be the same person without Lockwood and Lucy and Geroge and Flo and Holly and Kipps and the Skull and all of you.
So an enormous, mountain full of thank yous to the wonderful Jonathan Stroud for first creating this world we all hold so dear, and then thank you to everyone at Complete Fiction for bringing those words into form and light. And finally thank you to all of LockNation. You've made this year since the cancelation not only bearable, but fun. Joyous, even in times of grief and hopelessness and stagnation. You have always been there, and I thank you so much for that. You are the world to me.
Let's keep being just reckless enough together 💙🖤🧡
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sixinchesdeepinmud · 1 year
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Oh well... Do you think we will see this one day on the screen?
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mirroringdust · 1 year
Scenes in the Lockwood & Co Universe
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One scene I wrote for a Twitter activity a while ago, based on the prompt "lotus" the emoji, inspired by the symbolic meaning.
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tanya-veldenmir · 1 year
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I came here to post a sketch, but then saw the news.
So I dedicate this post to Netflix being slashed by Lockwood’s rapier, to Netflix being ghosted by everyone, to Netflix burning in a cold fire of the Other side.
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radishwizard · 1 year
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yearning pining lamenting et cetera because of extremely domestic found family teen ghost series
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personinthepalace · 1 year
two places I desperately want to visit if I ever go to London: 221B Baker Street and 35 Portland Row
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monsterbananatv · 4 months
Happy lockwood and co 1 year anniversary!
I’m about to get very sappy cause in such a short time Lockwood and co changed my life and the fact that it’s been a year of the show is wild to me.
So let’s go back to the first time I ever saw Lockwood and co. It was before the show came out and I was looking though the up and coming shows on Netflix and I stumbled across this show called Lockwood and co. Now I can’t tell you what drew me to the show, I only watched like 5 seconds of the trailer, but something about those five seconds made me think that yes, this is the show for me. So I took a picture of my tv and was excited for it to be released.
A few weeks after the release I watched it for the first time. When I tell you I loved it, I mean I loved it. I combined some of my favourite things: ghosts, found family, a cute romance, mysterys of sorts and more.
I was only able to watch the show three times all the way through before the person whose Netflix I was using canceled their Netflix plan. When I say I watched it three times I mean I watched it three times in the span of like two weeks, with the third time being me going through and making notes of very thing I loved or found interesting. That was only the beginning for me.
I ordered the books immediately. It took me one week to finish them all, each book taking me about a day and a bit. I loved them every bit as much as I had loved the show. Lockwood and co became everything I talked about for months.
And then I did something I had never really done for any other thing I liked before. I started reading fanfiction. They were all so good and I just devoured them like I had everything else. Then I started writing my own. Which I’ve been a writer for forever but there was something about these characters that made me want to continue and expand on their stories, so that’s what I did.
In April I did something else I had never done before. I joined a discord server for Lockwood fanfic writers/readers. Best decision I’d ever made. I’ve met some of the best people because of it. People who love and support me and my writing and just me in general. It went from my first time having online friends to having an online family, and I love those guys to pieces. I don’t know what I’d do without them.
I think I’ve improved greatly with my writing and thank you to everyone who continues to read the things I write. There’s more to come from me, I promise.
I’m rereading the books and now that I have Netflix again (thanks to my bestie lol) I think a rewatch of the show is in order.
There’s just something about this series, both books and show, I swear. They mean the absolute world to me.
Lockwood and co is my home <3
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tiredofthehumanlife · 6 months
I want to bite Lockwood. And Lucy. And George.
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kallezandra · 1 year
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Portland Row is my home. You and George.
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wellgoslowly · 1 year
hc that lockwood was out running an errand earlier on the morning of Lucy's interview and saw a pretty girl looking into a shop window and was taken aback by how pretty she was and ran home to tell george. george could honestly care less but lockwood is so happy because he noticed that she had a rapier case on her back and rants to george about how she must be an agent and that means that he has a shot of seeing her again/talking to her.
and then a couple of hours later lucy carlyle, the pretty girl that lockwood had seen while he was running his errands, walks into 35 Portland Row and asks about getting a job and lockwood has to fight the urge to give it to her before even giving her an interview. george immediately knows what's going on and that's one of the reasons that he doesn't want lockwood to hire her- bc he can see that lockwood is all but jumping for joy when he sees her again and he knows that lockwood is already falling for her. george teases him relentlessly while lucy unpacks later that night.
EDIT: if yall wanna see some funny stuff and additive headcannons pls check the reblogs !!! they're fucking hilarious and there's a lot of memes
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kestisvrse · 7 months
bad for business
pairing ⋆ anthony lockwood x gn!reader. fluff with a bit of angst. fake dating.
synopsis ⋆ the three times you found yourself fake dating anthony lockwood.
warnings ⋆ swearing, reader is implied to be shorter than lockwood, being followed, kissing (written by someone without their first kiss send help). | wc: 1.4k
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♫ - bad for business by sabrina carpenter
1. a walk home
“ladies first.” you snort at lockwoods comment as he holds the door for you to exit arif’s, a box of donuts secured in your hands.
“wow what a gentleman.” you joke making lockwood laugh a little as you begin your walk towards home, a comfortable silence falling between you two, a minute or so passes.
“someone’s following us.” lockwood says nonchalantly, you furrow your eyebrows looking at him, “he was standing outside arif’s when we went in, he was staring at you the whole time and now he is getting closer.” lockwood says looking over his shoulder, shuffling slightly closer towards you.
“well what do we do?” you ask slightly panicked.
“hold my hand.”
“i’m sorry?” you say, he failed to answer as he grabs the box of donuts out of your hands, using his free hand to intertwine your fingers.
“just trust me okay? maybe if he thinks we are together he will leave us alone.” lockwood clarified.
“o-okay, i guess” you mutter, a light blush painting your cheeks at the feeling of his thumb lightly rubbing your hand.
you were nearing portland row, you and lockwood standing closer together, you freeze up as he places a kiss on the top of your head to nonchalantly glance behind you two, “i see him, he is walking away. just… keeping holding on until we get home… just incase.” you nod, silently agreeing with him.
he didn’t let go of your hand until he placed the box of donuts on the kitchen table.
2. too close for comfort
lockwood had convinced you, lucy and george to go to this ‘ball’, you honestly didn’t know what to call it. it was a fancy building filled with agents dressed up and the adults that exploit their talents for money, celebrating nothing in particular and somehow, lockwood and co. got invites.
lockwood looked like he was at home, while george uncomfortably tugged at the collar of his button up and wandered off with lucy, leaving you and lockwood, standing in the middle of the ballroom.
“why are we here, lockwood?” you pried.
“why not? every agent in london is here.” he responds.
“that doesn’t mean we have to be.” you shot back, annoyed by a man who pushed past you, causing you to knock shoulders with anthony.
“it’s a good opportunity, to meet new people and get our name out there.”
“with our competition? yeah alright. i need something to drink.” you wandered off.
some time had passed, it included you leaning against the wall observing everyone that passed by, you had found george and lucy at one point where george had gave up and went home while lucy decided to investigate around for god knows what. you decided it was time to find lockwood again.
wandering around aimlessly you spotted him in the sea of tuxes, talking to a blonde girl, in a blue 90s like prom dress, inching closer and closer to lockwood.
you rolled your eyes at the sight, lockwoods charming smile seemingly working again, but it didn’t look like he used it on purpose this time.
“there you are, i’ve been looking for you everywhere!” you smoothly entered the conversation, linking your arm with his and his whole face seemed to light up.
“oh.” the blonde commented, squinting her eyes, “who’s this?”
“i’m-“ he cut you off, taking the lead.
“this is my partner.” lockwood replied, you smiled at the girl as she realized she misread the situation, quickly saying goodbyes and walking off.
“i couldn’t tell if you needed saving or not.” you explained, a hidden apology heard beneath your words just incase he was enjoying the girls company.
“no i did, thank you.” he said, making eye contact, “maybe we should head home now?”
“let’s find lucy first.” you suggested, and he sent you a grin.
that damn grin.
3. distraction
you had warned him.
you had told him there had to be a better way to get information that didn’t involve breaking and entering. but as per usual he used his charisma and webbed you into the whole plan.
and now, you two were running down alleyways, after being caught. ‘i told you so’ repeating over and over again in your head as you focused on running, and of course you reached another problem.
“shit!” you whispered, lockwood dragging you back behind a wall, your only escape had multiple body guards roaming the area.
“how the hell did they even get there.” lockwood said to himself.
“what do we do?? there are two other body guards about to block off the way we came from!” you panted out, catching your breath from running.
“i have a crazy idea.” lockwood made eye contact with you, he seemed nervous as he ran his hand through his hair.
“all your ideas are crazy, anthony.” you countered.
“just listen okay?” he whispers, you slowly nod, “if we can make it seem like, we have no idea what’s going on around us and that we accidentally stumbled up here maybe they won’t think it’s us.” you gave him a blank stare.
“what are you even suggesting right now lockwood?!” you grumbled, faintly you heard footsteps approaching.
“we do not have time for this, do you trust me?”
“do i have a choice?” you quipped, but suddenly the conversation was over as he cupped your cheeks and suddenly his lips were on yours. you froze up, you expected his plan to be anything but this, but then you heard the footsteps turn the corner and you needed to act just like him, quickly kissing back.
his lips were chapped, rough against your soft ones. as you brought your hands up to his face, his hands moved down to your waist, pulling you closer. it felt eager, like you had been waiting to do this forever, and it felt right.
“HEY!” you two snapped apart from the loud yell, breathless as you stare at the taller man infront of you “this is private property, you kids can’t be here.” his tone was threatening, making you tense up.
“we are so sorry sir.” you replied sweetly, “we didn’t know, we will leave right away!” you grab lockwood’s hand and hurried towards the exit before the man could question you anymore.
you held hands all the way home, but didn’t mutter a word to each other.
4. overdue confession
it had been around a week since lockwood had kissed you. you hadn’t spoken. the house having an awkward atmosphere as you avoided lockwood like the plague.
you couldn’t avoid the knock on your door, unfortunately.
“come in.” you called out from your spot on the bed, expecting lucy to walk in but were met with lockwood.
he was wearing his usual suit but he looked disheveled, his tie loose, his hair slightly messy and he looked so tired, even more tired than usual, he was a mess.
“hey.” he spoke just above a whisper, scared any louder you would run away from him again.
“oh. hi.” you sat up in your bed, suddenly looking anywhere but him, fiddling with your hands.
“i want to apologize, i shouldn’t have kissed yo-“ he began.
“we wouldn’t have gotten out of there if you hadn’t, it’s okay.” you stated, sniffling slightly. your bed dipped as he sat down.
“then why won’t you talk to me?” you looked up to his eyes, “please talk to me.” he begged, you looked into each others eyes for a moment.
“i was avoiding you because of the fact that i.. i didn’t want the kiss to end.” you confessed, “i like you, lockwood, and i didn’t want to ruin anything so i thought avoiding you would be better..” you trailed off, the air was tense as he stared at you.
“oh thank god.” he laughed out.
“what?” your anxiety kicked in, as you stared at him.
“i was scared to confess, i’m glad you did first.” your eyebrows furrow at his response, “i really like you, i have since i met you. i didn’t want the kiss to end either.”
your eyes widened slightly, studying his voice for any sound of sarcasm.
“can i kiss you again?” he whispered, scared of your rejection, you just slowly nodded looking down at his lips, he lent in.
his lips weren’t chapped this time, they were soft and you took notice of just how well they fit against yours. this kiss was softer than the first, it washed your anxiety away, and the tense air disappeared. he pulled away and laid his forehead against yours.
“i thought i was being dreadfully obvious about my feelings.”
“you were not.” you laughed at him
“oh no i was, you are just oblivious.” he responded
“shut up.” you said, and he did as his lips met yours yet again.
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bookwyrm35 · 5 months
Lockwood and Co. Christmas Headcannons (Part 3)
The first year Holly joins Lockwood and Co. for Christmas, Lockwood makes sure to have lots of sprigs of holly to decorate Portland Row with.
He thinks he's funny.
Holly does not.
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sixinchesdeepinmud · 1 year
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Couple therapy Locklyle style: standing on the Other Side under Spirit Capes surrounded by ghosts.
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mirroringdust · 1 year
Open the door for Lockwood & co
Needed to cope with the news around Lockwood and Co and get some hope. Portland Row is my home.
They were locked out of their house. The key was lost, lying somewhere else in the deep grass. It had never been lost before and it belonged into that wooden door behind the iron chains that protected it. You could see a glimmer of sunlight peaking from between the green wood and the grey stone, raising above the door matt. It was just a slight shimmer but it was everything they needed to know that everything was well inside. The kitchen would be waiting for them with the thinking cloth and their doodles on it. It would smell like biscuits and tea. They would hear the birds and smell the garden flowers from outside. There would be the library inside with the smell of old books heavily resting on the shelves. And there would be their rooms, one for each of them, their individual sanctuary and and a sanctuary for all of them together. The rapiers would be resting where they belonged just ready for a fight. They were ready for a fight, a fight for their home, whatever they needed to do. Portland Row was their home. Lucy gazed at the sunlight underneath the door, looked at the sign that said their name, the name of their agency. Lockwood & co. That was their name, that was what they were. Lucy sensed Lockwood right beside her, smiling his assuring smile. Lucy’s face brightened, then she glanced to the other side. There was George with his cheeky grin, his stubborness all struck deep into his bones. And Lucy knew. She felt the warmth in her soul and she knew they would make it. Together. She left her place between her two friends for a short while and picked up the key. It was cold in her hand, but ready, ready to open the door.
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little-boyyyy-blog · 28 days
back to america
jessie fleming x reader
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when jessie makes the to move to portland, you were the only thing on her mind. yet still somehow. you make the biggest move of your relationship.
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“i missed you.” the brunette girl you had missed so passionately whispered against the soft skin of your neck. your arms going and wrapping over jessie’s shoulders as you kept the door open with your foot.
“i missed you more jay”
there was a few bags behind the girl; knowing the the rest were getting flown out later in time. jessie and you had spent months (years) going back and forth over the idea of her making the move back to the states from west london. she had always fallen homesick, missing being so close to her parents and longtime girlfriend.
even while at ucla; jessie causally saw her family and friends. either making the trip up to london, ontario on school breaks or her family flying down on their long weekends to spend time with their girl. jessie and her family were thick as thieves. and she’d been telling anyone who asked that, that very reason was why she wanted to come back.
but she had also missed you. and she had just started subconsciously thinking of you as family.
but long distance had been extremely hard on you as a pair. and after you secured a job that was somewhere you felt like settling down at; at least for a while. you started not being able to take off nearly as much time as you could while finishing your masters and working a small restaurant job.
so once she did decide on coming back to the states, she wasted no time in coming home. and by that she meant you. and your high rise apartment that she loved dearly.
“there’s never been a longer plane ride a day in my life.”
jessie and you had met in a shared 3rd year kinetics and transport in material engineering class. it was one of the hardest classes you both had to face in the first 3 years at ucla. that was until you both had ended up in a group of 6 for your midterm final.
you had obviously known who jessie was, everyone did at ucla. but you also knew you had no chance at the gorgeous girl; subsequently leading to never letting you set yourself up for failure by even starting a conversation.
keeping your head down and your eyes away from the soccer stars vicinity allowed you to miraculously never end up in a position to gain a further crush on her. for three years at that! but once you were placed in the same group as her for your midterm, there was absolutely no point in trying.
���do you think anyone else is actually going to show up for this?” presley asked, is hands on his hips as he looked out the door. “it’s only 5:51, just sit down and relax”
he turned and squinted his eyes, causing you to crack a laugh from your friend. “i hate you.”
“no you don’t.”
“i showed up?” presley’s friend piped off; looking up from his computer to now watch the door. “we knew you would canonn, thank you for being early.” presley rolled his eyes before looking back out into the hall. “oo! jenny is here!”
“jenny?” you questioned.
“short blonde who sits front row? always has a question no matter the situation or subject?”
“ah jenny..” you mumbled. well let’s hope she’s useful. or at least more useful than you and some good ole google.
as the time ticked on further until 6’o clock; you found yourself letting out a small sigh of relief. as frustrating as it may be to have to carry the weight of one person in a group you couldn’t help but find a positive of jessie not being there. you didn’t have to face her. that gorgeous gorgeous face.
it was a matter of time. you knew you’d have to come face to face with the brunette who didn’t even know you existed; but you had felt a small amount of relief at it not being today.
but even without the girl your group started hitting the ground running; you working on your computer as the others gave you the information to type down onto the shared slides. the group had been mostly focused on creating an easily accessible but slightly complex introduction to a prototype for the project.
“-i am so sorry! is this group 3 for dr. kimmich’s class?” your eyes shot up from your computer, only to lock with your forever-far away crush. you knew your lips parted, no words coming out but parted as you stared at the beautiful girl. “yes it is! glad you could join us!” presley shot up from his seat, is coffee in hand as he quickly made his way to the brunette.
the last open seat was placed directly infront of you, so as presley ushered the girl in. you were shitting bricks.
the group picked up right where it left off. and jessie ended up being more useful than anyone else. she was insanely good at any engineering class it seemed; but you had never seen it first hand until now.
you could have caught many flies with the way your lips stayed parted and your eyes fixated on the soccer player. her hair was in a messy bun, wearing a ucla soccer shirt an a pair of grey sweats. she looked other-worldly.
you loved how bright her smile was and how her eyebrows furrowed inwards when she didn’t completely understand something. presley has landed multiple kicks to your shin, giving you the crazy eyes and mumbling under his breath everytime for you to stop staring.
you never really could.
“come on, let’s get your stuff inside” you pulled away from her embrace, stealing a peck from her lips and pushing her off to the side. stuggling but managing to pick up the few (four) duffle bags off of the ground and bringing them into your apartment.
“you say let’s and then bring them all in yourself”
“don’t want my pretty girl to hurt herself”
pushing through your bedroom door and placing them on the foot of your bed. jessie found her way behind you; wrapping her arms around your torso as you quickly unzipped one of her bags.
you were prepared to unpack her things, wanting to set up home base for her to make her feel more peaceful with the big change. and you shamelessly knew she’d find a way to wrap her arms around you as you did such. you both had spent 100’s of trips doing the small motions; and this one felt better as you knew it would one of the last.
pulling out all of her shirts and shorts as she laid kisses on the inside of your neck; whispering her ‘i miss you’s’ on the soft skin. having to resist your girlfriend as she continued even through your groans and teasing comments about her being a horny boy.
actually; that probably was one of the traits of jessie’s. she could easily be found herself getting lost in your neck any second possible; even in very public settings or terrible timed events.
“mm jess, get some hangers please” you pushed her away from you, you hand pressing against her hip and tapping for her to move. “fine.” she placed another soft kiss to your neck before scurrying off.
a small smile coming across your face as you continued pulling out her clothes. laying out the shirts flat on the bed and unfolding her pants/sweats only to refold them in a way that would make hanging them up on the hangers easier.
“where did your clothes go?” jessie questioned as she came out of the closet, arms filled with hangers.
of course she noticed right away.
“they are packed up” you rolled your eyes at your girlfriend, she had never been known for her abilities to pick up on subtle details. but she had to pick on this one?
“going on a trip? for what? a month?” she joked; sighing deeply as you grabbed the hangers out of her hands and started hanging up her shirts. a small smile coming across your lips as you caught the end of a portland jersey inbetween your fingertips. “more so months.”
portland has always loved their canadians; and jessie was absolutely no exception to that. so when she got the offer, there was absolutely no way she was going to decline it.
and trust, you understood why portland loved canadians so much. just look at yours?!
“baby what’s going on? there’s a lot of things missing?”
you swallowed your heartbeat down, feeling the anxiety of the impending implications coming faster than expected. you had secretly prayed that she wouldn’t have started questioning things until maybe a few days in.
you had cleared out space in your shower caddie for her own products, a little space on your bedside table for her things to take up. you had even set up an extra key ring by your door for her to be able to hang her keys up on; a brand new key to your apartment occupied it currently. one that she didn’t even know existed.
you watched as her head started looking through the room, her eyes going from the closet to you, to the bathroom door, the nightstand, under the bed, and moving to go to your armoire.
you placed your hand on the soft skin of her forearm, drawing her attention back to you; stopping her from moving around the room to see what else is missing.
taking a deep breath before you even looked at the brunette-girl eyes. “i love you jess, i have since our first group project junior year..” her right arm going around your waist, holding you as your hand gripped on the other girls forearm.
“..you’ve chased ever dream you’ve ever wanted and truthfully got them. making them more and your own in the process. you’ve shown me incredible elegance and composure in some of the hardest times of our relationship and i truly don’t see myself living this life with anyone else..” jessie’s grip found its way to somehow thighten; holding you almost flush against her as you stared up into her eyes.
your eyes watered at the look of complete awe she happened to hold in her beautiful face, incomparable to any 7 wonder or model you’ve ever seen. “..you’ve made the biggest move; the riskiest move of your career to come and make us work. and i would hate myself for not at least asking. so. will you move in with me?”
her smile reflected the same one you given her the day you said yes to her when she asked you on your first date. her hands now both coming up to hold your face as she looked at you; as if she was completely infatuated with you now.
“no way did you just ask me that?”
growing slightly shy at her gaze , you feel your own cheeks heat up in the hold of the girls rough palms. one of your own hands coming up and lightly clasping around her left wrist. a small nod coming from you as you felt embarrassment start to creep up. the lack of anwser made your brain run wild. “if you feel like it’s too soon or too much change at one time i completely un-“
“too soon? i tried countless times to have you move to england with me. i had hoped to quietly make myself at home but this is even better.” she shook her head at your self doubt. almost in amazement that you could even imagine something of the sort. “yes y/n. id love to move in with you.”
“i can’t believe you’re re asking me that. im absolutely fucking sure.” her lips coming down to silence any response you could think of. and let’s just say those clothes did get folded and hung up. just happened to be the next morning.
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