sacachorch0vo · 4 months
Kai: Tú destruiste mi legado
Oogway: ¿De qué legado estás hablando, "Fabricador de viudas"?
Kai: Es un título genial y lo sabes
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Me gustaría ver una interacción donde sale a a luz este apodoxd
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
I think jimin is for sure gonna go to yoongi's concert though I wonder why he didn't go to Paris even after he was invited. I really wanna know why because there's no way it's for yoongi's concert right? It couldn't be that imp for jm especially when he already attended once.
What I was saying is that there's a chance that jk could be going too. And there's a chance that tae is going too.
Now I hope I'm not coming off as insecure but we all know that jkk are laying low and trying to be as subtle as possible. So I'm afraid that what if they continue to lay low in yg's concert too? I really would feel sad if they won't be sitting together. Because I think there's a high possibility that in order to not be too obvious they're gonna be sitting separately and if tae is going he's definitely gonna try to sit next to jk for whatever reason only he knows. I'm afraid we won't get any jkk moments because of them trying to be subtle and on top of that we will have to listen to the stupid breed talking shit about jkk's bond. Even though I know that jkk is a couple but still as a jkk supporter my heart aches that we're seeing so less of them together. Is it wrong to crave for some jkk moments during the concert? But it's most likely that our hopes will be crushed.
I'm sorry if this was negative. You don't have to post it. But I'm kinda scared about the lack of jkk there's gonna be in yoongi's concert and needed to vent. Though it's very likely that I'm just being stupid and overthinking. But I'm kinda losing hope in seeing jkk together physically till enlistment ends. God I'm gonna go cry now. I'm sorry.
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2023 has been Jikook interacting online and that would be fine if the vermin weren't the pieces of sh!t that they are. We believe they're together and we're happy for them and we know its ridiculous for anyone to accuse the members or not seeing eo. Leave alone Jikook, but BH would it kill u to lay off just a tiny bit!?!?!?!?!
I used to look forward to those special RUN episodes because Jikook cannot for the life of them stay away from eo and i knew getting moments was inevitable but now.... we are a people starved honestly. Help!
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We need something to quench this Jikook thirst. Especially if its gonna be as juicy as the last one.
But thats the thing innit? When Jikook are together its just chemistry ontop of chemistry because they are lovers and they can't fake that they're not. The affection will seep through, satellite Jeon must satellite no matter what, and they will end up doing something. Even last ot7 content we got where lets face it all the Tannies were off, we still got Jikookery as little as it was. JK has always paid attention to Jimin and that won't change just because they've been told to behave. You can tell them to lay low but there are things that u can't take away because no one can control muscle memory.
So yes. I'm with you. I need some Jikookery to come my way plisssssssssss
You know what's worse? I think Jikook might not even go to the concert on the same damn day 😭😭😭 i wanna be proved wrong so bad but I have a feeling this is what's going to happen. But it makes me feel better a little bit knowing tkk won't be sitting together. Maybe in each other's vicinity but not together. I'm going by the recent HS concert where JK was behind V and co and they barely interacted. So if they sit around eo I think we will have a repeat of that. Y'all don't understand how much JK hates creating tkk moments ESPECIALLY when Jikook one's aren't allowed.
I stand corrected. Oh shait
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I wonder if we will ever find out why he didn't go
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mlcklttt · 1 year
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l-ii-zz · 3 years
Bendy x cuphead. . Plisssssssssss♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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dannalove-blog2 · 4 years
Acabo de llegar aquí! y creo que  ya me gusto todo esto sin aun tener un pinche me gusta  jsjs,porque no le das menkanta a mis publicaciones? llevo tres, vamos plisssssssssss,escríbeme jajajaja.
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mickey-candy · 5 years
me dibujas plisssssssssss:) si no sabes el color no importa:3
no me odies princesa pero no hago request qvq 
de hecho esto lo quería decir hace mucho pero no  me nacía decirlo, las razones por las que no hago request es porque vendría mucha gente y no se de donde sacaría tanto tiempo en hacer bastantes dibujos a personas que ni conozco, esto lo diré para todos de una vez, no hago request, amenos que me pidan crear un combo nuevo de tal personaje (que no sean de oc’s o fc’s propios) ya que no saben la cantidad de gente que me pide que les dibuje y a mi muchas veces me cuesta rechazarlos porque no me gusta que piensen que soy mala onda o creída ya que yo cobro por mi trabajo.
y espero que comprendan porque aparte de que el arte es lo que mas me gusta también es mi trabajo y lo único que tengo a mano porque no puedo encontrar un trabajo convencional ya que no tengo experiencia y no contratan a gente sin tener experiencia o no pagan lo que esperaba (es decir trabajar mas para ganar menos)  digo todo esto porque no faltara el que se venga a quejar de que cobro por mi trabajo diciéndome “se supone que lo haces por pasión” “ni que fueras la gran cosa” etc... así que espero que puedas y los demás puedan entender el porque no hago request   
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ismirahmayanti · 4 years
Kebayang sih gimana hectic dan paniknya seorang ibu ketika melihat anaknya sakit. Yaapp, beberapa hari ini adek gua sakit, panas demam lemas muntah mual diare dan sesak. Sekhawatir itu, pengen marah rasanya ama diri sendiri ko biaa gabisa jagain adek dengn baik. Bukan, bukan di sana letak kesalahannya entah rasanya pgn banget nyalahin diri sendiri.
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Mulai dijenguk di pondok awalnya g ngeluh sakit, dijenguk lagi pas sore karena ada barang ketinggalan ternyata doi sakit. "Terus kenapa gabilang" rasanya pengen marah banget. Besoknya dijenguk doi ga sekolah badannya lemes banget akhirnya dikerok sampai badan merah2 lanjut dibawa ke klinik. Yapp namanya klinik pake Bpjs jgn harap pelayanannya akan seperti apa? Yah sebisanya yah sewajarnya yah sekilat mungkin dilayani. Okee setelah itu dibawa lagi ke pondok, karena ga tega karena doi muntah2 trs diare ampe ganti baju celana berapa kali gada yg urus di pondok, sebel rasanya pgn marah sama pengasuhnya tapi yah gimana karena emg doi nya ga bilang ga ngeluh apa2. Akhirnya dibawa ke kos, dan di kos baru makan bentar muntah2, malem2 bulak balik toilet diare arghhhhh rasanya sebel bgt ama diri sendiri entah. Ditambah lagi biaya ke RS bayar umum itu MAHAL. Biasanya di RS sari Asih biasa pake BPJS klo ugd meski ga darurat, di Rs hermina udah diakalin ternyata gbisa. Yaudahlah terulang lagi biaya RS bayar umum :( sad sedih rasanya campur aduk gini. Berasa belum siap dibebani hal hal kek gini, berat rasanya. Tapi dipikir2 umur udah mau 24 hal kaya gini aja masih aja ngeluh gimana nanti kalau sudah nikah arghh :(
Sekarang adek gua masih tergeletak lemah di kasur, dengan badan lemas dan gamau makan rasanya pgn marah. Iyasih sakit itu ga napsu makan tapi coba paksain lah plisssssssssss paksain pengen marah2 tapi gada salah. G harus marah sih cmn yah sebel aja gtu sebel ya allah help asstagfirullahaladzimmm :( jgn jadikan hamba orang yg selalu mengeluh :)
Tadinya mau dibikin lama adek gua di kosan tapi karena masih ada temen kos yg entah kapan pindahnya, ini juga untung doi masih bisa di nego untuk ga dtg ke kosan dulu :"( huh drama bgt hidup gua tuh :(
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siganla plisssssssssss
es una amiga hace musical.lys bonitos 
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sakinarsofyan · 7 years
Sumpah ini pusing mencekik kepalanya ndak nyantai banget, apa maumu kepalaaku :( plisssssssssss
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l-ii-zz · 3 years
Y’know I was kind of hoping that one ask’s “Plisssssssssss” when uncapitalised would be piisssssssssss but no. No funny joke to people that looked too deep into it. How disappointing/lh
w e l p
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colorful-impetus · 12 years
estou fazendo uma fic...
caso alguém quiser ler, vem até a minha ask e vamos conversar
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worstnight · 12 years
Jenna: “Você acredita em destino?”
Jake: “Não sei, mas considerando que você está aqui comigo e agora, significa que o universo está ao meu favor”
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