#please watch darkplace
numahachi · 2 years
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jimquisition · 6 months
The fact Alan Wake 2 constantly refers to “The Dark Place” made me laugh a lot. The game’s so comfortably up its own ass, so pleased with its nonsensical storytelling, I couldn’t help but think Garth Marenghi would be proud.
Frankly, I didn’t think any portrayal of the the "Mind Palace" mnemonic technique could make me cringe more than watching Benedict Cumberbatch flap his hands around like an electrocuted clown, but then Alan Wake 2 happened. The BBC Sherlock show has a lot to answer for with its mystification of the Method of Loci, but the way Alan Wake 2 uses it makes me want to chew my own teeth off.
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I finally watched the Shadows season finale and Matt Berry singing reminded me of this old Darkplace clip. It also occurred to me that a lot of you guys have probably never seen it (and also maybe have never seen Darkplace? Please watch Darkplace) so here it is.
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spoilertv · 8 months
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ohboy · 5 years
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juiceboxman · 3 years
Thoughts on the Snyder Cut of Justice League
Watched the Snyder Cut a few days ago, here are my thoughts. SPOLIERS AHEAD:
1) Characters are presented WAY better. Batman is less goofy, Wonder Woman has more kick ass scenes, as does Aquaman. Snyder REALLY got Mera right, woman straight up nearly gave Steppenwolf an aneurism which I applaud Snyder for showing because it shows how much of a BOSS Mera is. Cyborg has an actual story arc which is great. Flash is still quite awkward but he has a good heart so once you get used to his awkwardness he’s pretty good
2) All the footage is original Snyder film plus reshoots he done. You can tell which is reshoots depending on quality of CGI and Green Screen. Martian Manhunter was very obviously one of these editions, which I’ll get to later. Most of Whedon’s scenes are gone, which is good for the most part cause outside of the ethical issues that taints those films with Whedon’s behaviour on set, they just straight up conflict with the tone. So less quippy jokes and weird creepy scenes (like the one where Martha was talking how Clark referred to Lois as “the thirstiest girl he’s ever known” like...have you met Clark Kent? What on gods green earth would make you think he would say ANYTHING like that let alone to his MOTHER??? Also that weird scene where Flash was lying on top of Wonder Woman, cause Whedon is weird) however there was one scene (with Bruce and Diana touching the mouse at the same time) which felt quite Whedony. One scene I would have liked to see that would have gotten kept in was Batman’s whole “save one person” speech to Flash. Think that solidified Batman as a veteran hero and makes him look like a person who actually wants to help people rather than punch people, which a lot of batman writers tend to forget to mark on. Without that, nobody gives Flash any guidance in this film and I was disappointed in that
3) Cyborg was great. His powers are clearly and well defined, honestly the way Zac presented his abilities made this dude look super scary. But he has a good heart and Ray Fisher CRUSHES IT. Honestly when Victor teared up in the car with his mum, I was sold. Like this big charismatic quarterback being brought to tears...you just don’t see that in a lot of films, with men typically being presented so stoic and tough. I’m glad we got to see that. Fisher is a fantastic actor and I’m happy he got way more scenes in this movie. Hope to see his Cyborg show up again some day
4) Movie looks stunning. Snyder really has a great visual style. Like the whole scene where Vic is playing football is just gorgeous. Also the Flash’s powers look really cool, love his running scenes
5) I don’t think Martian Manhunter should have been in the movie. Narratively doesn’t really fit and it creates some serious plot issues within the universe. Questions like “why didn’t he do anything in MoS?” Or “why didn’t he do anything in BvS?” having him in this movie kind of feels off. Like how he imitated Martha to give Lois a pep talk, like thats a very serious moment for Lois- do you not think she’s going to bring that up with the real Martha??? Also, the ending with Martian Manhunter was just so weird. Like just showing up to say “Good job, Bruce. Oh, here’s my superhero name. Call me!” felt quite fan servicey and the CGI for him looked bad imo. Think in future should try full body makeup if they wanna do Manhunter in the future
6) I don’t think the Cut had to be four hours, there was just a lot of pretty shows, a lot of slow motion (seriously, like way too much slow motion. Reminds me of that bit from Garth Mangenari’s Darkplace where they talk about how because episodes were 8 minutes shorter than they should have been they just made everything non dialogue slow motion to drag out the time) and a lot of information is repeated. Think with a good editor this could be cut down to three hours, which I think would make a more concise and better film
7) Villain’s are more compelling. Steppenwolf is more interesting, we actually get to see some Darkseid and I think Snyder does a great job at showing the threat level they pose. Also actually gives a reason why Darkseid is interested in conquering earth, which is pretty neat. All in all the lore in the movie is pretty tight
8) I don’t buy how Superman will turn evil. Like you’re telling me this good little farmer’s boy loses his fiancee and then decides to nuke the world? Nah, I don’t buy it. I would however have bought it if the resurrected Superman showed some emotional development complications. Which I initially thought they were going for as Clark had issues remembering who he was, but after five minutes he was back to normal so crisis averted. Shame cause I think that would have been interesting, see a Clark Kent who on paper is the same guy but now he has no empathy. Would have been really tragic and would have shown the price of ressurection
9) I would have liked an explanation in the movie as to why Superman had a black suit. I know Snyder has said in interviews about how the suit is a call back to his homeworld, because at the time of its destruction everyone was basically dressed in black. However there’s no explanation as to why t is this case in the movie. In the comics, Superman had to wear the black suit because it was part of the ressurection procedure. Not so much in the movie, another case of fan service that didn’t make much sense
10) Epilogue stuff was interesting. At that point in the end I felt like Zac was just pitching movies. We get Ben Affleck’s Batman movie with Deathstroke. We get this super weird apocalypse movie with a rag tag justice league which I would honestly love to see. Also throughout the movie you get a lot of set up for the Flash’s movie, referencing the time stuff so I think that if the Flash movie ever gets out of development hell it’ll be Flashpoint. A lot of it did feel a tad fan servicey. Snyder said he put the joker in there at the end cause Ben and Jared never played off one another, seeing them on screen together I think Jared is definitely the perfect Joker for Affleck’s Batman. Think he could dial it down a little- like don’t be sending used condoms or rats to you co-stars please and then years later denying you ever did that shit
All in all, the movie was too long but I found myself enjoying it quite a lot. Fare better than the Frankenstein movie Whedon and WB cut together four years ago. I really don’t think they should have rushed into Death of Superman story so quick, or try to rush into a shared universe quite like in BvS either. That said if you don’t like Snyder’s style, you’ll probably not like the film. I personally like his style and I really enjoyed it, though I can admit it is a bit flawed.
Its actually quite remarkable that this movie got made in the first place. I think if it wasn’t for the massive fan pushback and the fact that a worldwide pandemic occurred, this movie would have still been a pipe dream. I don’t think we’re getting any of the movies pitched in Snyder’s epilogue. 
Like this movie going to streaming is not going to break even the $70 million dollars pumped into it and the audience that wanted this movie in the first place is too small to justify making more movies like this. There’s also the fact that WB put little to no money in marketing for the movie, so they’re trying to bury it for whatever reason. Like most people had no idea this movie was happening, but they know about all the Star Wars and the Marvel Shows. That’s bad marketing and you can’t help but feel its deliberate
In conclusion, I really liked the movie. I thought Zack did a great job under the circumstances and I’m glad he got to finish it. I know he had to step back because of a family tragedy so I’m really happy he got to finish his movie
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ghostlyheart · 3 years
hi queen same anon from before just finished watching ghosts and tbh us gay people stay winning. loved it. can’t wait for us to get both season 3 of wwdits and ghosts. maybe i’ll watch wellington paranormal too bc i put trust in your taste in silly paranormal shows. have a great day! (:
Yes we really did win!! I want every woman in button house to kiss me please 💕💞💖 Also I have no idea when s3 of ghosts and wwdits are coming out but if they're released at the same time I will become a totally unhinged person. I've never had someone put this much trust in my taste in media before akjdjs I hope I don't let you down when wellington paranormal starts streaming!!
OH also if you're looking for another silly paranormal show recommendation, I'm almost done with Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. It's only 6 episodes long but I think it's hilarious. It's a parody of horrible 1980s sci fi shows that takes place in a spooky hospital (and Matt Berry is in it!)
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please watch garth marenghi’s darkplace
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Vince’s Secret Part 1 (For lack of a better name)
“Would you turn that thing off!” Howard whined, referring to the phone that Vince was holding, “I’m trying to read my jazz magazine!”
Vince’s phone beeped again. “Maybe you should go somewhere else to read that train wreck,” Vince suggested smugly.
“I can’t leave this room. I told you, last week I accidentally stole an 83-year-old woman’s newspaper at the camping store and she’s been waiting for me outside ever since,” Howard explained.
“Well we need groceries soon so you need to get rid of her somehow.”
“Perhaps you could go shopping for once,” Howard proposed, as he did every time grocery shopping was required.
Vince laughed, “When was the last time you saw a mod in Asda?”
“I’ll have you know, I saw a mod in Sainsbury’s last Tuesday,” Howard countered.
“As if, we can’t go anywhere without being swarmed!”
“Swarmed? Why would anyone be ‘swarming’ you, just because you wear clothes that cost an arm and a leg and spend eight hours doing your hair every morning!”
“Have you seen me? I’m highly swarmable. There should be a tag on my back saying ‘highly swarmable, keep away from large crowds and grocery stores. Do not dry clean.” Vince put down his phone to demonstrate the placing of the tag on the back of his Jean-Claude Jaquettie Limited Edition sequined foil jacket. Howard didn’t look up from his magazine and Vince soon gave up and started picking up his phone again, just as Naboo called out from the kitchen, “We’re out of cereal!”
Vince threw his phone down and raced out the door, not even pausing to grab a hat.
Howard finally looked up from his magazine as Naboo entered the room. “We’re not out of cereal are we?” He asked knowingly.
“Nope,” Naboo responded, taking a seat at the end of the couch that Howard was lying on and reaching for his most recent copy of Shaman Weekly that was sitting on the coffee table, but he decided to pick up Vince’s phone from where it had landed nearby instead.
“Who the hell has he been texting?” Howard inquired, seeing that Naboo was unlocking the device.
Naboo scrolled though hundreds of texts as Howard watched, waiting for the shaman to find something worth sharing. Finally he found what – or rather, who – had had Vince addicted to the tiny screen all week.
Howard notices the change in the shaman’s facial expression and he pushed for information,” So? What is it? Candy Crush?”
“Candy Crush hasn’t been a thing for at least four years now...” Naboo began halfheartedly, turning the phone off and placing it down in his lap, trying to make sense of what he had discovered.
“Naboo?” Howard asked, unsure.
“I don’t think I should have looked. What if Vince finds out!” Naboo started panicking, looking around frantically for something to undo his actions. Howard moved closer and put a caring hand on his friend’s arm, calming him down.
“Naboo, what did you find?” He asked gently, prising Vince’s phone from the shaman’s tiny hands.
Naboo watched worriedly as Howard discovered the same series of texts that Naboo had just a few minutes before.
“You think Vince actually-” He began, trailing off as he switched off the device and placed it back on the coffee table where Naboo had originally taken it from.
He was just in time, as the door swung open and Vince strolled into the room, grocery bags on both arms. “I got cereal,” He stated excitedly. He put the bags down on the kitchen bench and walked back to the hat stand to take off his jacket and hang up another hat he had picked up somewhere – Probably Topshop – while he was out.
Naboo and Howard just stared at Vince, trying to work out how they hadn’t realised before.
“Guys…?” Vince asked, worried at his friend’s wordless expressions. He approached them slowly and waved his hands in front of their faces, as if they were hypnotised.
“Vince,” Naboo said eventually, now too scared to meet his friend’s gaze. He looked down in his lap as Vince replied, still on edge, “Yeah, that’s me?”
“I can’t hide this Vince. When you were out, me and Howard -” He was interrupted by Howard finally coming to his senses and punching the small shaman in the arm.
“Yeah, we, uh, no, we didn’t do anything! Naboo was just joking!” Howard interjected, laughing awkwardly. He was saved from questioning by a faint ‘ping’ noise. Three sets of eyes turned to the coffee table, and, more specifically, Vince’s phone.
Vince’s eyes widened in horror as he suddenly realised why his friend’s were acting so strange around him.
Let me know what you guys think and if you would like more + any ideas on where you think it might be going and where you would like it to go. 
Please let me know of any other shows / characters you would like to be added (I want to add some Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace as well as Nathan Barley characters / references if I continue with this fic)
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roxyandelsewhere · 6 years
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this is from a show called Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace and i feel like it deserves a post of its own. the guy is a bigshot doctor called Rick Dagless and the others are Skipper, his dead half-human half-grasshopper son, and Skipper, the Eyechild, his recently adopted son. that’s it. that’s the context. please watch Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace.
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ohboy · 5 years
reanimator darkplace au
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