#please i want it so bad
queerpiratebrainrot · 3 months
I'm sure I'm not the first one to think about this, but i don't care.
The absolute chaos of a full extended family dinner at mordred manor would be absolutely amazing.
I would be pay to see that shit happen. Like, even thinking about it for a few short minutes, you've got:
Sandra Lynn and her new partner Jawbone
Jawbones niece, Tracker (and possibly her new gf, Elven Princess whose name i cannot remember rn)
Fig Faeth, and her paramour Ayda Aguefort.
If going full extended family, Ayda's father and Fig's sorta father-in-law AND principal of the school Arthur Aguefort
Adaine, Jawbone's adopted kid AND her sister Aelwynn, both of whom KNOW the Elven Princess from their childhood
Kristen Applebees, sorta foster kid to Jawbone (and I guess Sandra lynn?)
Lydia and Ragh Barkrock
Now, of course Fig invites Gilear, who brings Halladriel and Fabian(and honestly, they would invate all the bad kids anyways)
Gortholax the ex-devil of the bottomless pit
Whatever happened to Gortholax and Sklonda, btw? Anyways, again, all bad kids are invited, so that would include Riz and Sklonda
And then ofcourse, the Thistlesprings AND Gorguk's bio parents.
Maybe Bill Seacaster can even temporarily portal in? I'm not sure what the rules are about spirits visiting the material plane?
And of course we can't forget Zayn Darkshadow, who lives at Mordred Manor
If it's during junior year, Agent Clark is 100% infiltrating, cuz these kids are suspicious
And then I'm not even thinking about any possible redemption/invitations towards Kristens siblings. Could you imagine?
Massive potluck, there's a bunch of awkward tension, a lot of bad jokes, and a fuckton of shenanigens
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h1234yt · 16 days
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I want someone to put their arm under my head as a pillow tooo warrghhhhh😭😭😭 and bring my head closer to him, protecting mee??
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sa9vva · 8 months
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Just kaito kid inspired outfits that I'd like to wear
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kizaco · 7 months
Where are all the geminitay fanart of her in the pumpkin?
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legendaryrooftopscene · 9 months
“Why do you hate Top?” “He stole my ex” THIS IS HOW FIRSTMIX CAN STILL WIN
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drag-tacos-redbull · 2 years
Can someone please write a sandman fic where they caught Desire instead? Imagine a world with insatiable want and unfulfilled longing, a century of it. Imagine the threshold rotting, ageing without its pulse. Imagine how they would steal Desire's heart, rendering them powerless. Would desire remain the same? What happens to Desire when you remove the heart that dictates every impulse? And what about the guards? How can you find guards that don't want anything? Will their captors tint the glass of their prison to prevent Desire from feeding on the desire, or will the dome be completely sealed shut and covered, no light not sound, for the entire century?
If you ever write it please tag me, I want to read it so bad.
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queen-of-nothing12 · 5 months
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I would love to do this 🥵🥵 go on a date or something and try to act all normal while you play around with the toy that's inside me and I'm slowly starting to lose control but you just keep going until I'm a wet and needy mess that's begging to be fucked 🤤🤤
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allonzy · 2 years
i don't ask for much i just need a silly lighthearted byler moment in season 5 where they address each other by their full names.
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ohmuqueen · 1 year
it’ll be a crime if SM doesn’t give us a poster of that map of SHINee World in the Hard album
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ashiiplier · 2 years
i am on my hands and knees begging for darkiplier vs antisepticeye part 2
please i NEED more of these edgy emo idiots interacting and roasting each other
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ragingsagittarius · 3 months
manifesting disloyal order of water buffalos at the fob concert in april
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h1234yt · 15 days
"I want rice cake spirit plushie too.. so i can eat them i mean hug them" - chu wanning
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jewishsuperfam · 2 years
JUST realized that sam’s hinting about other cast members singing in s2 might mean that we get vex’s limerick in song form
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I want polls so bad for no fucking reason I just want to make people vote about silly goofy things
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spacebickering · 1 year
colourpop, when will you come out with a Princess Leia and/or Captain Solo palette. I can’t do eye makeup but I will learn
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fceriestcrdst · 1 year
me abt the b-rbie movie right now
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