#playing with shading styles again. genuinely I really love this style so much
camping-with-monsters · 10 months
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demetris-cocksleeve · 7 months
Hello!! I'm fairly new to the twilight fandom and your blog is one of the bests i've ever seen so far! So, if you're comfortable/not buzy, could you please do the volturi kings (separated or poly, both are fine!!) reacting to the reader being a goth, i imagined since they're ancient beings, the goths that invaded the Roman Empire would be the first thing coming to mind lol
Once again, your blog is definitely a favorite now, so i might just give myself a name for future requests, i think 🦇 would be fine if no one's using it :)
Have a good morning, afternoon or/and evening!
(A/n: Stawppppp you're makin me blushhh🙈 I definitely recommend @kiiwiigii (her kinktober is 🥵 and her fluff fics will literally rot your teeth) and (she doesn't write often, but she has an AMAZING NSFW mini series called Uses of a Secretarial Desk👀:) @alecvolturi)
(A/n: I went with headcanons. I hope that's okay with you!)
(A/n: Also- It's a bit difficult for me to write the kings since I personally don't vibe w/ em, so I hope you like it😭😅)
Word Count: -
Summary: Request above
Warnings: None
Age Rating: None
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Volturi Kings x Gothic! GN! Reader
Firstly, the Volturi are known art lovers so while the Visigoth sacking Rome might be what the word is acquitted to off the top of their heads, they would probably attune it moreso to the gothic art style of the mid 12th - 16th centuries
This being said, gothic makeup is VASTLY different from the painted arches and quatrelobes of the art period
You'll definitely have some explaining to do
You'll have to excuse them. They're not invested in human fads and expressionistic styles
Now on to the individual reactions/thoughts:
He definitely finds your style interesting
Not in a judgmental aunt "interesting...😒" but an intrigued interest
He likes to watch you do your makeup, letting out the occasional amused "hm" when you do something unconventional with your look (grey contour, painting your neck black, extreme eyeliner, thin angled brows, etc.)
As for the music?
Doesn't really get it but at the same time does? Idk how to explain my thought process
He basically vibes with the lyrics and meaning but sometimes the instrumentals are hit or miss
He really enjoys the instrumentals that are more spooky/calm to the ones that go harder
Overall, if you're happy, who's he to say anything?
Do you want fanon or accurate?😅
He might give you a strange look or cock an eyebrow when you go all out with your look but he silently appreciates how much effort it takes to perfect it
If he doesn't like the song playing, he'll either grab your phone and skip it or just leave the room
This man is throwing shade left, right, and center lol
It /is/ all in good fun though
He's a bitch, you knew that from your first meeting
"Are you sure that's how you want to go out today?"
"Interesting attire, dear... *side eye*"
He doesnt hate it, don't get him wrong
He just finds it... odd
Out of all the kings, he's probably the most art geek of them all and is stuck on the name of your style
"Goth? That is not gothic, pet... *cue middle ages art speech*"
Openly criticizes the music
Either bans it from being played around him or loudly complains about it
Is the most vocal about your appearance
Constantly praising how you look that day
He got a second chance at his life partner. He's gonna be damned if he doesn't appreciate everything about you even down to the barely-different-who-is-he-kidding-they're-the-same-as-the-ones-you-already-own shoes that you just bought and are excited about
It's not even him lying either
He GENUINELY loves your look, simoyl for the fact that 1) he has seen you get ready... that takes skill and 2) you clearly enjoy the style and seeing you confident and secure in yourself is enough for him
He can take or leave the music, but he will keep that to himself until he dies (get it? Bc he's immortal?)
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biggie-chcese · 21 days
barok and susato for the bingo!!
ohhh love those guys!!!
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FINALLY got a bingo lol. thanks barok. maybe if i projected id win for once, but alas, i do not really enjoy my fiction in that way (no shade to those who do tho). ANYWAY my second and third favorite ace attorney characters ever <3333 i actually think a lot of barok fans are right about him in the way that they critically acknowledge his flaws and the writing shortcomings around his arc while also appreciating the story being told. but there is a Sector of fandom that is incredibly wrong about him and will read the game text in bad faith so yeag <3 i have many headcanons but for one i know this man has autism you cannot convince me otherwise. he should've gotten bullied more in the game bc id give anything to watch ryu and iris roast his ass in his own office for the first time again. also, every time he does that leg shit i want to eat him alive like a pack of wild dogs on a raw steak. excellent character
as for susato, it's honestly a lot of fans of her that have me like "we have played and read this game in WILDLY different ways" pfff. like sorry that is not ryunosuke's little sister! that is his trusted friend and highly capable assistant!!! like why is fandom so afraid of the simple dynamic of being friends, genuinely. anyway she is so much more than a "weirdgirl" (though she is Weird and i mean this so affectionately) and the way she contends with her perfectionism and imposter syndrome is... oughhh i adore her. also her design fucking SLAYS. kimono + boots combo is a serve, love it. it's a good representation of the meiji era mindset of introducing western styles to japanese fashion culture. i wish her hair was easier to draw tho 😭 also shoutout to her being just as frazzled as ryu when put on the spot as a lawyer, really reminds me of how cool and collected Phoenix seems in AJ when you're not in his POV, but when when you play as him you're like "ahhh i see... we're All struggling here <3" hands down the best assistant character in ace attorney for me and it is not even a contest.
god i love these two.
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vodid · 5 months
I really hope this doesn't come across wrong because I don't mean any shade or criticism, just genuinely curious. Why have you progressively muted color in your artwork over the years? Again, I don't mean anything negative. Your artwork is truly gorgeous, and the softer colors suit your style and make it stand out. I'm just genuinely curious since you've mentioned it yourself several times, and I'm someone who struggles with color theory to begin with. Is it a conscious choice, brighter palettes being overstimulating, some combination, etc.? Thank you for sharing your art, and I apologize profusely if this was a bad question to ask.
you're all good! i love sharing my journey. i get this question a lot and all i can really say is uh my brain took color theory a little too seriously and now it can't stop its subconscious descent
basically, once i learned color theory in 2019/2020, my brain hooked onto that concept and could match a lot of colors to a specific hue in the canvas
unfortunately for me, this extended to clip studio paint's UI (and the gray canvas i'd start out with) and it started to influence my palettes. gradually, as i got better with color, the desaturation/low contrast took over because of it. and it just progressively gets worse lol
my old laptop (used 2015–early 2020) had the WORST display for art with insanely inaccurate colors, so i wasn't able to delve too much into less intense palettes until i had gotten my gaming laptop in june 2020. along with that, the UI of my old laptop's clip studio was much lighter and higher contrast than that of its current one
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here is a great example of how my art's progressed over time
i think a major pivotal point into my current style (which if you asked me at the time, i would've said nah my style was already desaturated oh boy was it not looking at my art now) was doing huevember, where i had created my own prompts with muted colors. the extreme palette of that event just absolutely set my brain on its path and you can tell by the end of that month (done bottom right first, top left last)
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i do find it a lot easier on the eyes, which absolutely is a reason why i still follow it so strongly. i don't do well with bright screens, which is why i ditched the white canvas SO quickly in 2017 when i first started out. funny enough, nowadays i have to turn my brightness up so far just to be able to better see my art ...which absolutely kills my eyes if i switch to my light mode browser or something lol
my art's definitely softened up too since a) switching from pencil to gouache to rectangle brush, and b) colored lineart and then painting over lineart. it's a combination of things, yes but mostly just my brain like to play "match the colors" n all ahaha
that's my ramble 😌 thank you! <3
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ebonysplendor · 5 months
Parasite in Love Review 🦠
TL;DR: You're pretty much in a toxic, nonconsensual relationship with an even more toxic amoeba. Yes, an amoeba. That's it. That's the game
Game Link: https://night-asob u.itch.io/parasite-in-love
Notable Features: She/Her/Hers MC, Named MC, Yandere LI, partial voice acting Spiciness: 0/5 -- No explicit content LI Red Flags: 2/5 -- lack of consent, a lil hands on...but from the inside...?
Want to know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Let me just start off by saying... I genuinely thought this game was going to be wack lol. Like, no lie.
First off, from the synopsis I had read on the page, I initially thought that it was going to be more of the hallucinations that we were experiencing versus the parasite itself.
That being said, when I booted up the game...it was mad boring. I'm not even gonna lie to y'all, I was 2 seconds from clicking that ish out and moving on to another visual novel that I had saved to play later; however, I was like "Well, it just started. Let me give it a fair chance because this is clearly only the intro" because let's be real for a second. An intro is kind've hard to write without making it so plain that the person playing just loses interest nor making it so that shit just starts popping off out of seemingly no where. So, with that in consideration, I pushed through. I got through the first, like, day and 3/4 of the second day. THAT'S when things started getting a little more interesting, and I was like "Okay! Here we go!". After that, it was pleasantly interesting!
It definitely had a slow start with all the "I did this, then I did this, and then after that I did this" blah, blah, blah, but once it truly started? Oh, it was on. With that, I think I've rambled enough about my personal experience. Let's talk about the game (with as little spoilers as possible, as always)
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So, boom, we're -- well, actually Marlowe -- is taking a vacay by...going in the wilderness.
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No shade, no tea to you if this is your style of vacationing. I support, but no way in hell am I partaking. Ain't no way I'm going to get away from indoor struggles by experiencing outdoor struggles, like nu uh. Then again, Marlowe isn't exactly out here roughing it. She has this really nice cabin that she rented out, and she's going to chill the week there.
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Even though this is a horror themed game, she actually has pretty solid reception out here, so we're good! We can call for help should we need it, right? ...Right?
Anyways, she goes to take a swim in this lake, and I honestly get why she did that...but why did she do that? Literally the intro to the game was a news story on this brain-eating bacteria that resides in -- you guessed it -- freshwater lakes.
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What did we just take a swim in? A freshwater lake. Lol you already know where this is headed.
Okay, now that I'm actually trying to type this out, I don't really know how to present this story without spoiling it, but I'm going to try my damnedest, so bear with me.
So, without spoiling it too much, basically what ends up happening is that Marlowe gets really sick, and the friendly neighborhood germ, who's actually a lil toxic sumbetch, falls in love with her.
I know, I know, I said the same thing lol. We -- and by we, I mean Marlowe -- got sick, and the brain-eating bacteria that I mentioned earlier has fallen in love with us. But hear me out! It actually gets super interesting from here, so stay with me!
From this point, it's this odd tug-o-war game of survival. We're trying to survive it, and it is essentially trying to survive us from trying to kill it. To it -- this amoeba that named himself Niall and goes by he/him/his pronouns -- Marlowe isn't a host, but a spouse, and it's trying to build this family with her from inside her. For him, her survival means his death, and for Marlowe, it's the literal opposite.
By the way, this is Niall. Our...husband.
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During this tug-o-war game, Marlowe gets a little feisty with Niall, and Niall literally keeps her in check without physically touching her. Remember, Niall is a literal brain-eating bacteria. He's very real, but he isn't a person like she's hallucinating -- he's a disease. He's a disease that's making her ill, and he makes her symptoms worse whenever he gets pissed at her. Holy. Shit. Now, that's a crazy concept.
In an attempt to not ruin more than I may already have, I'll just say at this point, it's either him or Marlowe. As with a majority of visual novels, how this ends is completely up to the choices you make.
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Like always, I'm not gonna lie to y'all. This game was significantly better than what I was initially expecting.
Like I mentioned before, the beginning was just really mundane to me, and I thought it was going to be the same scenario as another game I'm planning on writing a review about, but thankfully, it did not continue in that manner. Now that I've completed the game, it reads more like a "Everything was going great until it wasn't" type of thing, and it wasn't as "boring" as I initially thought. Still boring, but not "I wish this coworker would stop talking to me about this thing I don't care about" boring.
Now, that what I didn't care for is out of the way, let's talk about what I did care for: the concept of the story.
I could go on and on about how absolutely GENIUS I thought the concept of this VN was. Admittedly, if I did that, this review would turn out way longer than I'd want, and it'd seem like rambling. That being said, I'll just say this: By far, out of all the VNs that I've read so far (and admittedly, I'm relatively new to all of this, but hear me out), this has been the most original and the most interesting one as far as the concept that was chosen, not to mention it was executed well.
During this VN, I actually got a "...Okay, this is actually terrifying if you think about it" feeling. Not to mention, the take of "We're the same but different" premise. Like, Marlowe and Niall wanted the same exact thing as far as lifestyle but from different aspects. Hers was more of a life milestone or value that she had, and his was for the sheer aspect of survival. That was what made him cling to her the way that he had. It wasn't even about her looks or from the typical "You were the only person that was ever nice to me" trope, but a "You have the same will to survive like I do". Like damn. Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn! A deadly bacteria falls in love with you because he sees similarities in the two of you and is under the impression that you understand and consent to what he's doing. That is such an insane concept, and damn do I want to talk about it more, but I won't because I'll start rambling it and ruin it.
Overall, I'd recommend giving this game a go! Honestly, to me, it's not the most interesting reading-wise, but if you stick with it for the concept, it's a pretty solid read! Not to mention there's some partial voice acting which is super cool! Be sure to leave your comments on the dev's page if you feel like they're doing a good job, and you want to give them that extra reassurance. Like mentioned at the top, here is the link to the game if you'd like to try it out yourself! I definitely think that you should if you want to experience something different from the norm.
Anyways! That's all from me! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around! Until next time~!
Parasite in Love Game Link and Page
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freakshowrefugee · 2 years
Spoilers for Bayo 3 ahead!!!
Aight I'm playing Bayonetta 3 rn and I have some thoughts that I HAVE to share for the sake of my mental health. In no particular order:
LUKAON??? Bro the entire Luka plot in this game is almost impressively cringy. Who the fuck plays Bayonetta 1 & 2 and thinks—hmm, this Luka fellow should DEFINITELY become central to the plot for this game to REALLY work. Also, they somehow managed to write out any sort of endearing characteristics of the Luka from previous games?? New Luka's entire personality until now seems to be "uhhhh, me man find woman pretty". I won't even get into the masterclass in bad writing (and bad design tbh) that is "Lukaon" (henceforth named Whiter Luka in this rant). If they were going for a "mysterious stranger" kind of vibe, personally I think they fucking failed miserably. B3Luka is only Luka in name and (arguably) appearance. He has the depth of a blank piece of paper.
I fucking HATE playing as Viola, and this colors my opinion of the character too. No shade to the voice actress, I'm sure she did her best with what she was given, but I have audibly groaned almost every time she appeared on screen. I was okay with the idea of her being an edgy, cringy teen, but she eats up SO much fucking screentime that it becomes jarring. Her gameplay is painfully monotonous, even though I find Cheshire adorable, and her controls are stiffer and very limiting in comparison to Bayonetta herself. Gameplay-wise, Viola is everything a Bayonetta game should NOT be (in my opinion)—LIMITING.
Speaking of limiting, the Jeanne levels. Now, anyone who knows me knows that Jeanne is my queen, but HOLY FUCK those levels. Again, controls do not feel right, level design is atrocious and it all feels like a slog to go through. Why did they think we needed more gimmick levels for the love of fuck?? Why can't I just play Bayonetta in my Bayonetta fucking game? They did my queen dirty, on God...
Why the FUCK are we not exploring the Bayonetta alternative selves more??? There is so much fucking potential, the Egyptian version seems genuinely fascinating to explore, but NOPE!! Why should the Bayonetta game be about Bayonetta when it can be about new character we don't give a shit about and comic-relief-side-character that the writers PROMISE is srs bsns bro, I swear. Ask yourself this, if you were given the choice, would you follow the Viola storyline? I'm genuinely fucking curious.
Ngl, I'm not crazy about the gameplay. It's too much, too fast, nothing seems to matter and nothing is special. They constantly throw enemies at us with no sense of pacing or progression. Same for weapons. Remember the Grace & Glory entrance cutscene from the first game? Remember how memorable that was? Well, hope you DIDN'T like that, cause Bayo 3 will likely never give you that feeling. It's the DEFINITION of too much, too quickly. When everything is meant to be special, nothing is really special. Bayonetta 3 is flashy, for sure, but it feels shallow, at least on the first playthrough. I fucking hate saying this, but I'm genuinely disappointed. I think there are some good bones. I would love to be able to use the new weapons and techniques in a better designed, petter paced game (like Bayonetta 1), but as it stands, playing 3 feels cheap. When I got hit in Bayo 1 I never felt frustration, because most enemies and arenas were designed to allow you to experiment and figure out your own play style. With Bayo 3 I have literally dropped my controller out of frustration (usually when playing Viola). Listen, if be okay with Viola if she was an optional character, like King Zero from the first game or Rosa from the second. As she is, she makes me NOT want to fucking play the game, which is insanely frustrating.
The Crow and Cat umbran tears illustrate the weaknesses of Bayonetta 3's controls VERY fucking well. Why so many fucking gimmicks?? Who plays Bayonetta for the Route 666 and beginning of Isla del Sol, WHO??? Because they would probably love Bayonetta 3.
The world is sadly also quite poorly designed. Everything which shares an aesthetic blends together and orientation without a map of some sorts is a logistical nightmare. Again, it seems like they took the worst parts of Bayo 1 and filled 3 to the brim with them. Gimmicks, backtracking, the fact that you can MISS verses because of the poor map design.
It bears repeating, but this is very personal thing and less of a critique. I don't care about Viola. I don't care about Luka or Whiter Luka. I don't care about the Singularity or Sigurd. I'm. Or even curious about them at this point. Why was Bayonetta relegated to a side character in a game that is NAMED AFTER HER?? I care more about Ed and Edna than I do all previous individuals mentioned. The story of Bayonetta was never great, even in 1, but it was held together by memorable characters. You can't TELL me that a character is memorable, you have to show me. Even the character of Bayo herself has suffered as a result of the poor writing. The depth of her personality is nowhere to be found in 3. And no, it's not the voice change, I love Hale's work and she is doing a great job. We overlooked faults in the story in Bayo 1 (and arguably 2) because the gameplay loop was satisfying. Bayo 3 doesn't have that. And it makes me really fucking sad...
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fainthedcherry · 9 months
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TIIIIME for another new post!! YAY!!! This is a new character of mine, Noodlebeard The Dreaded! I got into Deep Rock Galactic, due to a person IRL, who was obsessed with the game, just like I became so!
This is a coloured in doodle (don't rlly wanna call it shaded, as it was a lazy 2 hr job unlike my actual shading taking me days), it shall be a commission example for this year's revamp of the sheet I'm working on, between some other projects! I've gotten a new paint-skin in the game, so Noodlebeard's gear is purple now but..I STILL am also attached to his Santa-look. 🤣 But yeah, I might follow up my DRG posts with another commission example, but that one's ACTUALLY shaded in like 4 hrs instead LOL, WE GETTING FASTER BOIS.
I was surprised, at the super warm welcome in the official game's server, as the player who got me into the game, was super competitive, toxic, and didn't let me have fun. (We made up lately but agreed to not play the game together anymore as our play styles are vastly different)
The game has so much charm, man. I got it at a discount and thanks to my friend Hart, for commissioning me to get it (ALSO post inbound, that one's also from like..June/July of this year), but this game should've deserved my full money ngl. I plan to buy all the cosmetic DLCs, once I'm financially stable in a good bit. The devs deserve my money. For creating this amazing comfort-game of mine, and the positive and supporting community it created.
The moment I posted my sketch of him in the server, by request of the strangers I was playing with (the drawing was also my Discord pfp at the time btw), I got HELLA recognition some damn how. The thing is- I'm used to my art getting overlapped and drowned. Every time I was in a discord server with an art section, I was usually ignored and basically spat at, if not for one person who'd usually actually pay attention to me and my art, and made my whole day with being so kind to do so. ANYWAY. TANGENTS. GOD. So I've drawn my dwarf (version with my beloved little femboy dwarf peaking out on the right) and added, that I was working on renewing commissions, and- I had an AVALANCHE of interest. Which was WHACK?? Because like I said- I wasn't used to recognition. I'd usually be ignored in communities. So this was really surprising. I cannot thank the community enough, for making June/July a month, where I actually was a happy person for a bit. Like genuinely happy, out of the depression-hole I was dealing with at the time happy, happy I was alive happy. That indescribable happy.
I can't WAIT to draw his family, his teammates and develop the lore in my own universe, to connect to the lore of the game!! He might just be my favourite fandom character now, beside Pierrce,, (might post about Monster High too, don't you worry, the few people who actually wanna see my art LOL)
SO YEAH. HAVE A GOOD EVENING TO THOSE IN MY TIMEZONE AND ENJOY ARTE. I scheduled another post for tomorrow, so you're getting the luxury of 2 posts in a week! Or was it 3? BUT ANYWAY YOU'RE GETTING MY ART!!! I'm starting to get comfy on Tumblr so,, I can't wait to share my art in time in the future, instead of holding off for months due to my mental health! <3, Promise I'll also post eventually on InkBlot again, as mentioned, having several social medias is really hard for someone like me!!
Btw get ready to see him more often, as I loved drawing him LMFAO.
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literalite · 11 months
🌙, 😭, 🌱, 🙉, ⚾️, ✂️, 🎵, 💧, ☁️, 🌠 for nayef 🫵😁 this is a paid advertisement for him
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
he just wants sióar to himself. its as simple and as complicated as that he wants them to just . crave him as he craves them he wants their entire focus to be on him he wants no distraction no distinction no bond that can be severed and above all he wants it to be entirely something they want as well. like voicing all this in words is too. fragile it's vulnerable its asking and nayef is not someone who begs for things. at least not initially
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
i think it's quite difficult to make him cry. he cried when aniq blamed him for his father's death and not when his dad actually died and he cried having to leave skære åben and he cried a bit leaving aniq behind. but truly i think it's incredibly hard to bring him to tears he's too detached to have his body react like that mostly
🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
we havent fleshed this out entirely olli but i think for him it would be meeting sióar. like we know nayef has a photographic impeccable memory but he remembers the slant of the light the shade of the leave he remembers this moment above all
putting the rest below the cut because ahaa long
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
that he's failed at something. he's a perfectionist he holds himself up to insanely high standards anything less than incredible is awful for him. people he cares about refusing his cooking is something he just cannot stand he'll try again and again until his hands bleed he needs that validation of ability and care or he'll crack
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
yknow he's actually quite physically adept for his height and body type like he looks kind of slim but hes genuinely pretty strong. i don't think he plays anything in particular he just hasn't had the time or opportunity for it but if he did play a sport i would think smth like. rockclimbing where its a lot of core and arm strength he'd excel at it. team sports hmmm not sure he's not that good of a team player in all honestly. hes quick with his hands and strong and pretty resilient i would say so its like an all round higher than average.... i dont think he'd ever be able to outrun someone though his strengths lie in outlasting and out thinking as opposed to pure speed
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
this very much depends on the person. nayef can and will put up with a lot without letting go- his like attachment style has emphasis on working through other people's walls and "earning" their love so to speak- hostility and disgust won't phase him if he truly cares about someone. hell it wouldn't even bother him. i think he's just very selective about the people he like... chooses to try to love and make them love him. on a personal level it sort of hinges on what his own inner limits have decided for a specific person if that makes sense?
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
welllll the playlist that is more like a summary of his actual character is here and it's a pretty mixed bag of genres as per usual from me hgjkl i actually havent considered what songs he would personally enjoy listening to, but i do know he likes music. probably not anything too loud or fast- he really doesnt strike me as a rock or rap enjoyer? a song i rlly associate with him is cornflower blue by flower face
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
i think he doesn't like the cold... it's so reminiscent of bad memories. the cold house he lives in with the body of his father, the coldness of his life with aniq, cold is being alone, being in stasis, idle hands. he likes the life of a kitchen and the fire of a stove and warm blood and being in motion and held and understood? it's not just about temperature ultimately but... yeah
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
mentally he files away information in his mind about the people he extends his care for forever. like he'll remember an offhand comment, he'll remember favourite textures and flavours and colours. he'll make assumptions based on prior information but like asking asking asking, he wants answers so he can create that fuller image. he likes understanding. privately there's a fear that he himself will not be examined in that same care, and remain misunderstood and maligned for his methods, but that's never really been able to stop him from caring like this. like he's sort of a paradox to me as an oc i think with how carefully closed he is but also when he loves he LOVES. it's that serious to him it's everything
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
to be bonded with sióar forever... like if he could just dissolve into their body and exist within them forever together inseparable he'd love that. he wants to be in them he wants them in him if they existed as one fused being he'd be satisfied. even if its monstrous he's already really just crossed that already he's so far removed from that like mental state of existence that it crossed back around to humanity. he loves them he wants to be with them that's all there is to it
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bulletholemagazine · 1 year
I'm gonna start the zine off straight to the point, I planned on having an introductory post but I don't really see the reason in making one, so here we go. This is some stuff that got released this month and the month before, maybe even earlier, but it's stuff from this year. The next post will be a follow up to this with a bunch of old stuff I discovered recently that I think is worth talking about.
1. 30round - Pushing Daisies
You press play and that riff hits you like a MOTHERFUCKER. Absolute bulldozer of a song. I love that modern metalcore tropes are sort of starting to seep into hardcore, and this song using the pitchshifter effect is exhibit A of that. Nothing else gets me going like those digitech SCREEs between the chugs. The breakdown at the end was already great, but then you hear the MLG horn sample blare over the guitars and it just makes the song even better. As an aside, from listening to what these guys have done before on Spotify, it seems like this might be their best song yet, both production and writing wise. The track sounds and is played amazingly, the vocals are raw as fuck which I personally appreciate more than clean, mediated screaming like in a lot of modern metalcore. Overall, fat as fuck riffs, slamming drum work, pissed off vocals, weird noises and a great breakdown. What moee do you need? Stoked to see what the guys release next.
2. Surfaced - Sacrifice
Sometimes you just need that caveman, ignorant 90's style of hardcore. And Surfaced provides. It's these guys' first release and they already sound better than 50% of what's on Hardcore Worldwide (no shade thrown on the bands there obviously, but y'know). Surprisingly nasty and catchy riffs, and probably the most perfect vocals for a band like this. Again with the rawness thing, the vocalist actually sounds pissed and earnest. It hits even more when it hits these sort of death metal-y type parts. There's a bree on one of the songs!!! What more could you ask for!!! The arrangements themselves are perfect for getting your inner chimp out in the pit - perfect hooks, perfect breakdown placement, no time wasted, just angry as fuck genuine hardcore. While the production isn't as good as the previous band's, the writing counters it. Go give these guys a listen and follow them they deserve way more than the 500 monthlies they've got.
3. .gif from god - Digital Red
Is it "gif from god" or "DOT gif from god"? Why is mathcore like this? In any case, this band's been on my radar for a while. Their 2019 album is exactly the type of music I wanted to listen to when I first found mathcore - calculated assaults. Like, I'm gonna sledgehammer your ass, but I'll be precise about it. I don't know how to exactly put it, but their riffs sound more modern and not like discordant dillinger worship, which very much sets them apart in a great way from a lot of other bands that do this style now and just default to writing you'd hear from a Relapse metalcore band in the early 2000's. Extremely versatile and tasteful vocals - great, powerful highs, juicy growls and the several variations of those tow that the vocalist does change it up just enouth to where it stays interesting (this release ALSO features pig squeals >:) ). Compared to their previous release, it has a slightly muddier sound, but only very slightly. The dodgeball snare compensates anyway. Godbless drummers that tune their snares absurdly high. Writing wise, I'd say this EP's probably the nastiest thing they've done yet, it's like if The Number Twelve Looks Like You and early Cryptopsy had a baby. Absurdly heavy, catchy, crazy guitar work, cool little electronic interlude, and most importantly, it doesn't take itself too seriously. New school mathcore bands, take notes.
Thanks for reading! Make sure to supoort all the bands I talked abt if you liked them. I'll be posting a part II to this post very soon, featuring Acacia Strain, Drain and Buzzoven, among other things. Gimme a follow so you know what I'm doing!!!
Also, I dropped my first EP yesterday. If you like Darko and Ten56 you'll really like it, give it a listen too.
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gatesmccartney8 · 2 years
hermes mini kelly 26
Shop Hermès Bags Inspired By Kylie Jenner's Mini Kelly I love them so much, for his or her colour, form and heel top. They seem like they're very high, but the comfort was by no means compromised – you may have to trust me on this one. Not only was it love at first sight, but I needed to get them back in July, to guarantee I get them. You understand how this stuff go, if you don’t seize the chance, you will regret it later on. This Hermes Kelly 20 is accentuated with Gold inside. Mightychic presents a guaranteed genuine Hermes Kelly 20 HSS Mini Sellier bag featured in impartial Nata. Authentic Hermès Kelly Twilly The smallest and cutest mini Kelly ever made ! Called "Kelly Twilly" thanks to its silk link tied across the deal with The most incredible is that this ... " as it's extensively and affectionately identified, is the ideal day-to-evening bag for the fashionable girl who travels light. Please note that Pick up service can only be schedule for a next business day. wikipedia handbags As someone whose every day bag is 25 cm, the Mini Kelly seems exponentially smaller. I’ve seen folks use this for journey and again, that’s nice if you’re just carrying your telephone, cash and room card. The weight of what is inside the bag is positioned solely on the turnlock although, so it’s not a fantastic thought to do that regularly if you're carrying a regular-sized Kelly by the handle. Find quite lots of vintage Hermès handbags, day clothes, shoes and more on 1stDibs. It has been designed and processed to mimic the snowy mountain caps and darkish, earthy mountain sides of the world-renowned mountain range. For Fall/Winter 2011, Hermès introduced the Ghillies line, impressed by broguing. The broguing technique native to the classic footwear of the identical name, is used within the Kelly bag line for the trims, giving a dressy look to the bag. The first, of the two baggage on the scene, was the Kelly bag. However, it wasn’t until 1977, that Hermès determined to formally rename the bag. Replica Hermes Handbags Online Store © 2022 Designer Replica Hermes Handbags Store, Hermes Replica Online, Replica Hermes Belts. Christie’s ‘Handbags and Accessories Online’ public sale, 9 June 11am, at Christies.com. As talked about, the Kelly bag was renamed after Grace Kelly. She catapulted the fashion to fame when she was photographed with it – after being introduced to it on the set of Alfred Hitchcock’s To Catch A Thief – for an outing in 1956. Timeless bags, similar to Hermès Kelly bag, are an endless supply of inspiration for styling. Whether the ultimate product is a silk carréin a kaleidoscope of colours, or a chunky lacquer H-bangle, each Hermès object evokes the luxurious of the model. Now, the above is retail pricing … What really blows our mind are the Kelly 20 costs in the secondary market. However steep you might suppose $8000, resellers demand multiples of that. It’s common to see these listed with worth tags of $30,000 – $40,000. Each new version of the bag maintains the identical iconic shape but with fresh color palettes, prints, artist collaborations, and sportier takes to keep up with the times—which means maintaining with the age of the smartphone. This week Hermès debuted the Kelly Mini II, a bag simply big enough in your telephone and cute sufficient to have you mentally justifying the funding. In 2015, Hermès took a subtle twist on the Kelly bag utilizing the resin casing as a point of interest. Often overlooked, the casing on an Hermès purse plays a vital position in colour identification, as well as holding the entire leather in place and giving each bag a top quality completed look. The Contour line, as it is known, is available in Birkin and Kelly silhouettes and pairs a contrasting contour color on a muted body shade. No less, a 6.33 put him back in the mix with three minutes left, solely needing a 6.60 to advance. Sammy paddled for a choppy burger, Caio raised his hand, received priority, and took off late on the subsequent Backdoor wave — a smaller-scale model of Seth’s clutch 9.60 free-fall right into a standup cone. Caio raised his back hand and tickled the lip as he got blown into the channel. Far from your average quarterfinal cast, Caio didn’t even get the decision up till Gabriel Medina took a last-minute depart of absence. Today the wildcard collected his best Pipe outcome ever. The single-sized and extremely adapable Kelly belt evokes the aspect straps of the long-lasting bag. mini kelly ii Maybe Carrie tried to get her a cope with Sellier for another bag and it was too expensive?? She wont go close to Luxury Promise due to Claire and who is aware of with Vestiaire. I really imagine she couldn't afford these two Kellys - we know black is probably the most wanted colour and it appears like the resale bags are going for way more than the price of a new one instore as a end result of rarity. Grace was inaugurated into the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame in 1960 and in 1955, the Custom Tailored Guild of America listed her because the "Best-Tailored Woman". Numerous exhibitions have been held of Kelly's life and clothes.
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salomonsenwatts13 · 2 years
high quality replica handbags
Prime Quality Replica Designer Purses They choose the bag to be copied, select the standard of the leather-based, the buckles and the zippers used. Higher quality enterprise will do their absolute best to copy designer luggage, right down to the stitches used. They will inspect the bag listening to small details. They may even offer you a a refund guarantee or present a one month warranty. Presently, I don’t store on IOffer, Aliexpress, or social media as a outcome of I even have been burned through them and they're actually hit or miss. MAISON MARGIELA mirrored its interest for vintage garments and accessories in its menswear and womenswear collections entitled “Replica”. The model dives into the world of scents and introduces “Replica” masterpieces, a group of fragrances. If you are looking for great backpacks, there is not any higher retailer to go to than this. The first replica designer bag seller on our record is handbagstore888, which has been working its operations on DHGate since 2017. It is considered one of the top sellers on the platform with optimistic feedback of ninety seven.eight percent. wikipedia handbags With a love of all things designer that dates again to her days spent playing dress up in her mother’s closet, Kalina Walther has at all times appreciated the finer issues. That’s the sort of high quality you ought to be capturing for. There are many terms used for purses that simulate designer styles. The Humble Chic Reversible Vegan Leather Tote Bag, which sells round $60.00 or much less, looks so much just like the MICHAEL by Michael Kors Jet Set Tote. Though they're wholesaler, they also supply B2C business. All merchandise in Chinabrands may be retailed or dropshiped. The best part is, they promote fashionable, trend and high quality genuine branded bags, but the price is cheaper than of the reproduction designer luggage. Many women and style buffs would love to get their arms on a highly desired designer purse, but for essentially the most half, a designer model name handbag is out of the question. Simply stick to the rules of the means to spot a quality duplicate, and you will not be disenchanted. Not solely did this limit their choices, but additionally forced them to buy merchandise that they really didn't want from the very beginning. One of the best methods to spruce up your appearance is to accessorize. This could possibly be as easy as putting on a necklace or bracelet. However, if you actually need to praise your type, you'll need to add a new purse to your assortment. Of course, replicas are sold all around the world and also you may have to take care to not fall into the arms of unscrupulous retailers. Then, there are the cheap replica handbags mass produced in China. A replica Balenciaga Motorcycle bag for $19.95 is going to be an actual disappointment. These low cost duplicate handbags have inferior leather-based, or, as in the $19.ninety five bag above are made of simulated leather-based. Some might have uneven stitching and even puckered seams. If you are interested in buying wholesale faux designer luggage you should definitely try the wide range of bags which may be available at discounted costs. These are on par with the unique manufacturer’s high quality, fit, durability and shades of color that you simply won't be able to seek out the difference. phoenet.tw fake designer bags Kamatiti is considered one of our favourites for much cheaper priced Converse shoes. Shoes, shoes, shoes… so many replicas on the web, but we can not determine if they are going to be pretty much as good as the unique. Worry not for we now have discovered some of the greatest replicas for the highest shoe manufacturers on DHgate. But the excessive price of the unique handbags, at all times lets us keep away. Fortunately, the prevalence of reproduction designer purses allow us to have an opportunity to get model handbags at quite a low value. In truth, reproduction purses are cheap in worth however not low cost in quality. Recent surveys show that reproduction product is certainly a pattern. While DHGate does have a very robust competitor in the form of AliExpress, DHGate is known for its high-quality replicas. If you're in search of replicas of well-known designer baggage, there is not a higher place to check out than DHGate.
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hvidhendriksen7 · 2 years
hermes mini kelly 7
Hermes Mini Kelly Outfit The latest model is slightly bigger than the brand’s last tiny bag, the Kelly Micro—a retooling accomplished specifically to accommodate the most important smartphones in the marketplace. The Kelly Mini II makes carrying your telephone and your go-to gloss (it won’t fit a complete lot more) supereasy, with a shoulder strap that's just about made for street-style shots. Taking some inspiration from the mountainous bear of the identical name, the Grizzly Kelly certainly initiatives an untamed look. Mostly accomplished in 2014 by way of 2015, this line of restricted edition kelly bags combine delicate Swift and Togo leathers with Hermès’s high-pile Grizzly suede. Each new model of the bag maintains the identical iconic shape however with fresh colour palettes, prints, artist collaborations, and sportier takes to keep up with the times—which means keeping up with the age of the smartphone. This week Hermès debuted the Kelly Mini II, a bag simply large enough in your telephone and cute sufficient to have you mentally justifying the funding. In 2015, Hermès took a subtle twist on the Kelly bag utilizing the resin casing as a focal point. Often overlooked, the casing on an Hermès handbag plays a vital role in shade identification, as properly as holding the entire leather-based in place and giving each bag a high quality completed look. The Contour line, as it is identified, is available in Birkin and Kelly silhouettes and pairs a contrasting contour color on a muted body color. I love any variant of that green hue and It is more and more difficult to search out purse brands that also provide leathers with that pigmentation. Actually, I was not totally certain simply which bag had arrived; we at the moment are in the midst of the season for Autumn/Winter 2020. She knows my style so I thought this may be a enjoyable method to do it (otherwise I will record each conceivable shade in my color vary, which – let’s be trustworthy – can get really tedious for whomever has to write down all of it down). There is not any occasion that the Hermes Pink Mini Kelly isn’t fit for. Today, vintage Hermès scarves, typically adorned in wealthy colors and elaborate patterns, serve many functions, just as they did again then. I love them so much, for their color, form and heel height. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags/mini-kelly-bag.html They seem like they are very high, but the consolation was by no means compromised – you will have to belief me on this one. Not solely was it love at first sight, however I needed to get them again in July, to guarantee I get them. You know the way this stuff go, when you don’t seize the opportunity, you'll regret it afterward. Here’s your alternative to buy the item at a lower price. Basically, we offer free shipping irrespective of the place you buy, and you can also ask us about our guarantee for prime value objects. Please check out the descriptions and the pictures above to examine the situation of the merchandise earlier than the acquisition. Guaranteed genuine Hermes Kelly 20 Sellier Mini ll bag. That apart, there could be nothing primary about my Saint Laurent boots. wikipedia handbags These are even in my Best Boot Trends for 2020 weblog post. When stacking up the hierarchy of Hermès handbags, the head of luxury is the bags affixed with Diamond hardware. For the Kelly bag, the 32cm version includes a cadena lock that's set in 68.4 grams of 18K White Gold and encrusted with forty VVS F-color white round sensible diamonds, totaling 1.sixty four Carats. The plaques characteristic 182 VVS F-color white spherical sensible diamonds set in 10 grams of 18K White Gold, and the touret options one other 7 VVS F-color white spherical good diamonds. This sensible display is simply ever supplied to the house’s crème de la crème of clientele, surfacing only once in a while on the secondary market. Hermès took a dark turn in their Fall/Winter 2010 ready-to-wear show, evoking the stark silhouettes and smoky mystery of film noir. It is the only of the Flag luggage to be created totally in Epsom leather-based. The Flag Kelly features two contrasting patches of Epsom leather, one appliqued on high of the other to create the distinctive look. One of probably the most adorable variations of the Kelly bag to ever have been produced, the Kelly Doll makes occasional appearances at select Hermès boutiques, usually surrounding store openings. But extra attention-grabbing aspects of her ensembles are her handbags. The actress has a gorgeous assortment of arm candies that each woman will merely need. Though small, the Mini II is made to face out in a spread of vibrant hues, together with electrical blue, rich saffron, perky peach, and a contemporary crimson. Just like the larger variations, getting your palms on one of many iconic baggage won’t come cheap. Despite the eye-bulging value point, the bag has main cool-girl potential. Plus it is on pattern with the newest string of mini bags we’ve seen gracing the hips of street-style stars corresponding to Chiara Ferragni. They pack a bunch of necessities, but Kelly 28 has barely more room. However, Kelly 25 is probably the more versatile of the 2. Because of its petite silhouette, the Hermes Kelly 25 transitions effortlessly from a day to nighttime bag. She was subsequently loaned by MGM to work in several Hitchcock films, which would turn into a few of her most critically acclaimed and recognized work. Kelly started filming scenes for her next film, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, in early 1954, with William Holden, for Paramount Pictures. The story, based on the novel by James Michener, is about American Navy jet fighters stationed to fight in Asia. Famed costume designer Edith Head did her costumes, with whom she had established a pleasant relationship. She was cast as a "young Quaker bride to Gary Cooper's stoic Marshall", and wore a "suitably demure vaguely Victorian dress", alongside Cooper, who was 28 years her senior. High Noon garnered four Academy Awards, and has since been ranked by some reviewers among the greatest movies of all time. It deals in classic objects and antique collections, each new and used.Basically, we offer free transport regardless of the place you purchase, and you can even ask us about our guarantee for high value objects. A step above it’s Birkin counterpart in terms of rarity, the Himalayan Kelly is actually special. The time period “Himalayan” refers back to the distinctive coloration of the bag. Colloquially generally recognized as the Lettre Kellys, the official title of the whole line is Kellygraphie. Named after actress and actual life princess Grace Kelly, this bag is made with some kind of magic. Not only has it managed to remain just a stylish as it was within the Thirties when the fashion made its debut, the Kelly additionally has major covetable cache—even if it’s not your style, you'll find a way to't deny you’d be part of the line to get your hands on one. And due to its latest reboot, that line is about to get longer. Over the many years, Hermès has used a variety of supplies from the mundane to the really spectacular.
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drakesmed3 · 2 years
high quality replica handbags
Top Quality Replica Designer Purses They select the bag to be copied, choose the quality of the leather-based, the buckles and the zippers used. Higher high quality enterprise will do their very best to copy designer luggage, down to the stitches used. They will examine the bag paying attention to small particulars. wikipedia handbags They may even give you a a refund guarantee or present a one month guarantee. Presently, I don’t store on IOffer, Aliexpress, or social media as a end result of I even have been burned via them and they're actually hit and miss. MAISON MARGIELA mirrored its curiosity for vintage clothes and equipment in its menswear and womenswear collections entitled “Replica”. The brand dives into the world of scents and introduces “Replica” masterpieces, a collection of fragrances. If you are looking for great backpacks, there isn't any better store to go to than this. The first replica designer bag vendor on our listing is handbagstore888, which has been running its operations on DHGate since 2017. It is among the high sellers on the platform with constructive feedback of 97.eight p.c. With a love of all things designer that dates again to her days spent playing costume up in her mother’s closet, Kalina Walther has always appreciated the finer things. That’s the sort of quality you ought to be taking pictures for. There are many terms used for purses that simulate designer types. The Humble Chic Reversible Vegan Leather Tote Bag, which sells around $60.00 or much less, appears so much like the MICHAEL by Michael Kors Jet Set Tote. Though they are wholesaler, they also provide B2C business. All products in Chinabrands could be retailed or dropshiped. The better part is, they promote fashionable, trend and prime quality genuine branded bags, however the value is cheaper than of the replica designer luggage. Many women and style buffs would like to get their arms on a extremely desired designer purse, however for the most half, a designer brand name handbag is out of the question. Simply persist with the rules of tips on how to spot a top quality reproduction, and you will not be dissatisfied. Not solely did this restrict their choices, but in addition compelled them to buy products that they honestly did not want from the very starting. One of one of the best ways to spruce up your appearance is to accessorize. This could be as simple as placing on a necklace or bracelet. aaa replica designer handbags However, if you really wish to compliment your style, you will need to add a brand new handbag to your assortment. Of course, replicas are offered all over the world and also you might must take care not to fall into the palms of unscrupulous retailers. Then, there are the cheap replica handbags mass produced in China. A duplicate Balenciaga Motorcycle bag for $19.ninety five is going to be a real disappointment. These low-cost replica purses have inferior leather, or, as in the $19.ninety five bag above are made from simulated leather-based. Some could have uneven stitching and even puckered seams. If you are interested in buying wholesale fake designer baggage you want to undoubtedly take a glance at the big selection of baggage that are out there at discounted prices. These are on par with the unique manufacturer’s high quality, match, sturdiness and shades of color that you will not be able to find the difference. Kamatiti is one of our favourites for less expensive priced Converse shoes. Shoes, sneakers, shoes… so many replicas on the web, but we cannot determine if they are going to be as good as the original. Worry not for we've found a number of the best replicas for the top shoe manufacturers on DHgate. But the high worth of the unique purses, at all times lets us stay away. Fortunately, the prevalence of duplicate designer purses allow us to have an opportunity to get brand purses at quite a low value. In reality, replica handbags are low-cost in worth however not cheap in high quality. Recent surveys show that duplicate product is definitely a pattern. While DHGate does have a very strong competitor within the form of AliExpress, DHGate is understood for its high-quality replicas. If you may be in search of replicas of well-known designer luggage, there isn't a better place to verify out than DHGate.
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chaney90bentley · 2 years
The Gucci Belt
A belt that contains a really simple design – leather belt strap with an interlocking GG buckle in brass hardware, at present the GG belt is an iconic style accent. Gucci belts can be quite costly because they're such a fascinating designer model. Because of this, you need to make positive that the belt you are shopping for is an genuine one, somewhat than a faux. It comes in a wide selection of colors and buckle sizes, which implies you’ll easily find one which suits your taste buds. wikipedia designer belt fake gucci belt The basic and stylish belt adds that luxe high quality to even the simplest of outfits. The belt you select will rely upon the general look you're attempting to create. You can find Gucci belts in almost any shade of the rainbow, including purple, purple, pink, yellow, orange, gold, grey, inexperienced, blue, black, brown, ivory, silver and white. You can actually pair this belt with pants, shorts, a costume, or a excessive waisted skirt. Anyways, I actually have linked this affordable fake GG Belt manymany instances on this submit. 🙂 You can see below a quantity of methods I styled this belt and why I frankly, won't ever put it down. Shocked by the value of the product, the mother then declares that it seems much like the belts worn by students of Delhi Public School , Ranchi. She additionally added that the identical product could’ve been bought for Rs one hundred fifty if the Gucci buckle was replaced with that of the college uniform belt. Designer belts are a few of the most counterfeited objects in the historical past of style, together with designer luggage, sneakers, and doubtless Supreme T-shirts in the meanwhile. Since they usually don’t feature many particulars, recognizing a fake belt may give anyone a tough time. With the emblem craze fading down between 2008 and the early ‘00s, nonetheless, Gucci belts turned much less “visible” and logoed, like different Gucci clothing and footwear gadgets. Inspired by an archival design, this easy Gucci leather-based belt is available in two colors and is literally as classy as it could probably be. You can show it off over a shirt, with blue jean, denim skirts or even elegant clothes and, no matter what, your look will always be on point. For today’s submit, I wished to answer some common questions I get on the ever in style Gucci double G belt and their mules (scroll to backside of the post!). In addition to their soho bag that I put on means too much, that is one other versatile small luxurious. I love how it can elevate a simple outfit with denims, particularly now that I put on more black than ever! It additionally comes in very small waisted sizes that might be exhausting to search out elsewhere. The quite a few options could be confusing, although, so I’ve damaged down width, sizing, and leather-based sorts under. New inventive director Alessandro Michele has played a significant function in redefining luxury for the 21st century. Bringing a luxury-retro fusion to the enduring fashion house. The collection “once again addresses the curious drawing from values of self-discovery and self-expression that define each brands,” according to a Gucci information release. You could have observed on my instagram feed that I lately received a Gucci Belt. Ever since I began posting outfits with my Gucci Belt, I’ve been bombarded with questions on how I made the purchase, discovered sizing and made a Gucci belt work for my physique. The low hip point within the image under signifies the place the final manufacturing facility made gap was for me – the 5th gap. I’m not sure how they’re determining the natural waist point to be past the final hole. Unless, the size chart doesn’t have actual inch measurements in thoughts – who is conscious of, since Gucci is Italian, perhaps their inch measurements aren't exact. Implications - This extraordinarily excessive worth level creates a stage of exclusivity around the product which can appeal to the most showy customers who're enthralled by luxurious and superior quality. S undoubtedly harder to drag off a pink and green accessory, this belt is nicely definitely price the wrestle. The interlocking shapes make for one trendy assertion piece.
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northern-passage · 3 years
I don't want to rehash old news, but I need to say this and others need to hear it. I am so tired of people demanding IFs to be more of the same! This and that choices, this and that characters. It is INTERACTIVE FICTION. nowhere does it say that every game is a self-insert (which is an issue on its own). if you're playing a predetermined person who you can guide... It is STILL interactive fiction!! Driving me crazy. and to end it nicely; One of the best IFs ever! Love love love
yeahhh no i totally agree. no shade towards cog here but they have a very basic formula pretty much every one of their very popular games follow and bc cog sort of has this...iron grip on the IF genre due to being so mainstream, like on the app store and on steam, people think this is like.... the end all be all of interactive fiction and people compare Everything to the same three games over and over again.
and it’s not the end all be all at ALL there is SO much more interactive fiction out there. i actually got into IF on itch.io, and in the beginning i only read visual novels because i’m a child and love looking at pretty pictures. i do think the fact that i found IF this way and not through cog has been what’s influenced my style and the way i approach IF. i didn’t start reading cog until last summer, and honestly i prefer most of the wips i’ve read over actual published content. that’s what pushed me to write my own. and it sucks that cog won’t share choicescript bc it’s SUCH a good starting coding language, it’s so accessible and easy to learn. 
and i’ve said before i’m just not interested in writing a flat, blank slate character. that’s SO boring for me as a writer and i also don’t like it as a reader.
i think seeing how your decisions change a character is so much more interesting than just having a generic, over-powered, essentially faceless character. now, i DO know why people enjoy that - we all love a good self-insert from time to time - but i really wish readers would break out of this mold cog has made.
itch.io can be a little overwhelming at first, but honestly it has a really nice tag and filter system (which is critical bc itch.io DOES have a lot of nsfw, though i’ve never had any issue w the safe filter on) to find stuff you like. also, if there’s an author you follow who has work on itch.io chances are they have favorites themselves listed on their profile, or will give out recs if you ask. in fact, i’ll list some of my recs right now:
we know the devil - one of the first VNs i bought and read. if you enjoy this one, def check out pillowfight’s other work
lookouts - one of my favorite short pieces.
lake of voices - a lot of people are familiar with Our Life, by GBpatch, but i absolutely love lake of voices. voiced characters, a little bit of angsty romance, death, and horror...mwah
love is strange - a CLASSIC. i played this before i even played life is strange. so imo you don’t even need to be that familiar with the original game it’s based on.
ebon light - i watched this game come to life while i followed the author’s process and saw how much love and time was put into it and i just can’t not recommend it. a dark fantasy game w romance and politics
a mortician’s tale - very different. a game about death. i’m a big fan of the order of the good death, and i actually got this game for free at some point, but it made me feel. emotions.
contrition - this one is so good. put on head phones, turn out the lights. great use of sound and music and just really good atmosphere.
cowgirl boots - love love love this one. more of a narrative than IF but it’s short and you should read it anyways. makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
is it that deep, bro? - another one that stuck with me for a while.
what girls do in the dark - this one takes me back to the old school text adventure games, but with a twist. found this one through john wolfe’s HQ residential house game jam and really enjoyed it.
the shadows that run alongside our car - another short conversational story. stuck with me for a while after i played it.
a tale of crowns - a chapter by chapter tale where you are the long awaited crown. really enjoy this one, very refreshing to read fantasy written like this. love the setting and the characters
crosshollow - multiple games, sort of like an anthology, all sharing the same setting. surreal and emotional
heartforge - some of you may already be familiar with heartforge, having started in choicescript then moved to twine. multiple games, all very different, all very good
the eight years revolution - full transparency, i’m friends with this author and we talk frequently. set over a span of eight years, you are starting out as a sheltered and naive royal, a young monarch running from a rebellion...
wayfarer - a fantasy game where you play as a wayfarer, with lots of customization options and a very interesting story
love & friendship - another author i am friends with and talk with often. love the humor in this game and the take on the regency genre.
scout - one of my all time favorites. set in an apocalyptic future, you are a scout from a small community, frequently running missions for supplies and information..
there’s this girl - whew. a short one, but emotional. this creator has quite a few works on itch.io, though some of them tend to lean towards the heavy, emotional side. recommend though if that’s something you’re looking for.
emily is away - again, one of the first IF games i played. it’s been years but it’s one that stuck with me. i think it’s worth mentioning simply to show what IF games can be like
birdland - genuinely think this is the first IF game i ever played. i have a soft spot for it because of that, as well as the story itself, which meant a lot to me when i first read it.
whew! i am certain i am forgetting some games and will curse myself later, but this is getting to be a bit long. i really encourage yall to just click around on itch.io in the interactive fiction/visual novel tag and see if you can find something you like. there is SO much out there...
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thornedrose44 · 3 years
Supercorp prompt-
Lena takes an art class to de-stress and Kara is the nude model. Awkward semi- naked flirting ensues.
(A/N: So, I put my own twist on this (hope that’s okay), I made Lena a teacher just because I liked the idea of Lena having to keep her lack of chill under control and be professional in front of a class funny - though this fic went down just a really light, fluffy route which I hadn’t expected when I started it.)
Read on AO3
It had been going well, the first term had passed with only a few missteps and one trip to the emergency room - though, the Dean had told her that Zach had yet to make it through a single class without some sort of accident and had been preemptively banned from taking Chemistry classes for fear of taking out an entire graduation class. 
Lena had never expected to return to her alma mater as a lecturer but the stars had aligned at just the right time. The youngest Luthor had reached a stage in her career where she had finally proven her adoptive mother wrong about not finding success as an artist and had made enough money that she need never paint another picture in her life again. The lack of necessity and the return to a more Luthor-esque lifestyle - galas, fancy balls and paid talks - had subsequently impacted her inspiration. She needed a change. A return to her roots and some sort of stability without losing her ability to make a personal impact with her work. 
Her mentor - J’onn - was stepping down from the art department and had recommended her as his replacement; National City University had jumped at the chance of the world renowned Lena Luthor taking up a teaching position there. 
She was now a third of the way through the school year, settled comfortably into her new role, and absolutely loving it. Her spark was back, and she was enjoying being in one place surrounded by her old friends. She was reconnecting with skills and techniques she hadn’t touched in years whilst simultaneously giving advice and encouragement to students that reminded her of herself when Lillian had cut her off to force her into attending business school and abandoning her dreams. She was finally able to return the kindness J’onn had given her all those years ago to the next generation of artists. 
It was the second term that Lena experienced her first set of real nerves. 
Lena had an artistic weak spot, an achilles heel that she had been able to keep out of her signature artistic style but she would now be forced to confront. 
Life drawing.
It had been her lowest scoring class by a mile and she had avoided the advanced elective classes like the plague. Lena knew practice made perfect but she’d never had enough interest to develop her skills. Her interest had always lied more in natural landscape beauty - J’onn had said her true inspiration lied with trying to recreate her childhood memories of Ireland: emerald rolling hills, rocky cliffs, dense forests ensconced by a mystical fog that lended her artwork a fantastical element that she was now known for.
The problem lied in Lena’s lack of interest in people. 
She had never really seen the ‘art’ in them.
Kelly, Sam and Andrea had spent hours over evening drinks psycho-analysing just why that might be, their two favourite theories were Lena’s family (the loss of her mother and the general unpleasantness of the Luthors) or Lena’s truly terrible dating history (their favourite topic of conversation due to the sheer number of embarrassing stories it elicited).
Lena refused to acknowledge the accuracy of both theories. 
It was therefore with a sense of dread that Lena prepared for the first Life Model Drawing class that Tuesday afternoon. The one small silver lining was that she didn’t need to arrange a model - she had vague memories of J’onn trying to entice volunteers and grumbling under his breath about some of the less than pleasant eager volunteers. J’onn had a list of regular volunteers that he had accrued over the years that were reliable and just liked to help out - most of them older with an appreciation for the arts and more time on their hands than they knew what to do with. The University admin team had organised everything and simply told her to expect a Kara Danvers at the studio some time before the class.
Lena had finished prepping the studio well in advance, reviewed the relevant techniques for most of the morning and even phoned J’onn for a much needed pep talk over lunch. She had just convinced herself that everything might be okay, that she just might be able to do this, when the most beautiful woman Lena had ever laid eyes on burst into the studio.
A toned body that glinted with a light sheen of sweat barely covered by a white v-neck tucked in at the front of a pair of dark jeans that merely brought all of Lena’s attention to the bronze belt buckle that locked away a thousand dirty thoughts. Glorious golden ringlet curls bounced up and down as the woman stumbled to a sudden stop as the most piercing blue eyes imaginable behind thick glasses locked with Lena’s green ones.
“Hi, I’m Kara!” The goddess announced, swallowing thickly and stumbling forward in her hefty black boots as she extended out a hand for Lena to take.
Lena only reached out due to years of Luthor training that had ingrained politeness into her muscle memory - her brain still not firing on all cylinders at the sight of the woman in front of her. Kara’s warm palm connected with Lena’s, long fingers curling gently yet firmly around the edge of her hand and sending arcs of lightning through Lena’s body and causing her breath to stutter. 
“I hope you haven’t been waiting for me for too long.” Kara continued, a bright apologetic smile lighting up her entire face and grinding whatever gears were still turning Lena’s mind to a dead - permanent - halt. “I try to always get here early to help set-up but the interview I was conducting overran - I’m a journalist, by the way - and then my bike - motorbike that is -” Lena’s mind caught on the motorbike and turned it round over and over and over again, “didn’t start and… I’m rambling. Oh, golly! I mean heck, I mean sorry.” Kara huffed, cheeks filling with air before releasing into an adorable pout. “Sorry.”
It was then that Lena realised two things.
One, it was her turn to say something and there had now been at least ten  prolonged seconds of silence as they stared into each other’s eyes.
And two, they were still holding hands because that’s what it was now, it most definitely could not be considered a handshake.
“Umm… hi…” Lena choked out whilst simultaneously jerking her hand back to her side, hoping the somewhat stifling heat of the studio would hide the red blush perfusing her cheeks.  “Lena. I’m Lena, that is…”
“Hi.” Kara murmured, smiling soft and sweet at her causing Lena’s heart to flip and melt and dance and do a million impossible things all at once.
“Hi.” Lena repeated dumbly - so dumbly.
“I should…” Kara chuckled, hands miming grabbing the edge of her t-shirt and lifting it up, “You know?”
Oh, god the goddess is going to undress, Lena’s brain screamed in gay at herself.
“Yeah, definitely do that.” Lena encouraged with a flap of her hand towards the centre of the studio where a solitary illuminated stool awaited. “Do you need anything? Is the lighting okay? Stool… umm… sturdy?”
Kara grinned at her, blue eyes barely sparing a glance at the studio’s set-up, “Looks perfect.”
“Great.” Lena cheered, jerking her thumb over at her desk in the corner where she had prepped her teaching materials, “I’ll… uh… be over there.”
“And I’ll be right here.” Kara shot back with a cheeky wink as she walked over to the stool, a towel awaiting her to provide suitable covering until the class had settled, shucking her white shirt over her head and revealing back muscles that would star in Lena’s fantasies for the foreseeable future.
“Yep.” Lena popped, taking a deep breath and trying to work out if she should be murmuring a thank you to God or screaming a desperate why me.
The class had gone well - except for the long periods where her brain shutdown whenever she studied the play of shadows across Kara’s defined musculature. She managed to cover it quite well by making it seem like she was just assessing her students’ work closely, analysing their line work and shading rather than going through an extended gay crisis that eclipsed seeing boobs for the first time in college.
Kara, on the other hand, was a consummate professional, holding a steady pose throughout and utterly unfazed by the concentrated gazes on her - though, Lena could have sworn that she caught deep blue eyes tracking her movements round the half-circle every now and again. 
“So, you’re experienced doing this?” Lena asked, once the last student had departed and Kara was finishing re-tying her sturdy boots back up.
“Taking my clothes off?” Kara chuckled, shooting the teacher an amused smirk, getting to her feet and strolling easily over to where Lena was examining the product of her class’ efforts. 
Lena faltered, “I meant-”
“I’m just teasing.” Kara reassured, reaching out to squeeze Lena’s forearm in a half-apology that Lena could have sworn burnt Kara’s hand print into her skin, “I’ve done this for a while now. I did an interview with J’onn a few years ago and his model bailed at the last minute and I was here already and…” Kara shrugged casually like stepping in was the obvious thing to do, like kindness was the only option - which Lena didn’t doubt for a second was something Kara genuinely believed. “I like helping out where I can. And I just kept coming back…” Kara explained, clasping her hands behind her back as she took a tentative step closer to Lena, “I was never really sure why until-”
“Hey, babe, you ready to go?” 
Lena’s head snapped round to see Andrea strolling through the doorway, eyes fixed on her phone utterly oblivious to the moment she had just trampled all over. Lena wasn’t sure whether Andrea was naturally such a good cockblock or if she practiced at it - regardless of either option Lena’s sexlife had vanished into thin air since she’d returned to living in the same city as Andrea. (Not that Lena thought that her and Kara were heading that way but Lena had been enjoying the hope of it at least).
“Andrea, you’re early for the first time in.... well, ever…” Lena snarked, rolling her eyes before glancing over to Kara, only to find the blonde had taken a large step away from her and her expression was far more neutral and guarded than it had been only moments before.
“Wait, we weren’t meeting at 4?” Andrea frowned, still not bothering to look up.
“Ah, so you’re not early, you’re over an hour late.” Lena remarked.
“God, you’re such a drama queen…” Andrea sighed, finally lifting her gaze from her phone, her eyes immediately alighting on Kara with undisguised interest. “And who is this?”
“Andrea, this is Kara the model for our life drawing classes.” Lena introduced taking a protective step in front of the blonde, an action that did not go unnoticed by the other two occupants in the room. “Kara, this is my supposed best friend who is regularly trying to lose that title.”
“Oh, best friend?” Kara repeated; the familiar brightness from before returning to her expression as she looked excitedly between the two friends.
“Yes.” Lena answered, smiling shyly at Kara and immediately forgetting Andrea’s existence, let alone presence in the room.
“That’s great.” Kara grinned, blushing a light pink a second later as her hands fidgeted with her keys, “I mean… ummm…. That you have a best friend. My sister is my best friend, though I have other friends. I just mean that… friends are cool.” 
Lena laughed lightly at Kara’s ramble, leaning closer towards the blonde without realising until Andrea appeared at her shoulder looking far too pleased with herself.
“Kara,” Andrea greeted, holding out a hand for the blonde to shake (Lena was comforted to see their handshake was quick, almost professional in comparison to the lingering touch Kara and Lena had shared earlier). “The pleasure is all mine.” Andrea declared, winking surreptitiously at the teacher - Lena instantly dreaded the upcoming girl’s night.
“Nice to meet you.” Kara replied friendly and sincere, before smiling softly at Lena and muttering a hopeful, “I’ll see you next week?” 
“I’ll be here.” Lena reassured, watching as Kara nodded farewell to Andrea and departed, waving on her way out.
“Well…” Andrea murmured mischievously.
“Don’t.” Lena said sharply, holding up a finger to deter whatever torment Andrea had brewing. “Not a word. Not a single word.”
“Ooookay.” Andrea lied.
“You okay?” Lena asked tentatively, watching as Kara sluggishly slung her bag over her shoulder the pep to her step nowhere near as present as it had been last week. 
They hadn’t had a chance to talk before the class even though Kara arrived much earlier to help set-up - Lena had been helping a student struggling with deadlines and a sudden crisis of confidence which prevented them from interacting. Despite being occupied, Lena had seen the fatigue weighing heavily on the reporter, saw how her impeccable posture dropped and how her students added weary lines to her expression in their artwork. 
“I think you fell asleep on that stool for ten minutes at some point.” Lena murmured, brow creasing in concern.
“Pfft… what?” Kara reassured with a light-hearted wave of her hand. “Impossible.”
Lena arched an unimpressed eyebrow, “You snore. Quite loudly.”
“Oh…” Kara pouted guiltily, rubbing at the back of her neck, “My sister is going through a rough patch and I stayed up late with her last night.”
Lena’s amusement drained away to be replaced with soft, supportive care, “Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s doing better.” Kara replied, blue eyes twinkling at Lena’s inquiry that had them both ducking their heads coyly and sharing furtive glances. “I should get going.” Kara coughed out, though she made no move to leave.
“Or…” Lena began hesitantly, heart fluttering in her chest, “we could go for coffee? You should probably have a coffee before driving,” Lena rationalised, nervously stepping back from the blatant romantic line she was toeing, “you know for safety…”
“For safety.” Kara repeated carefully, blue eyes glowing with warmth, “That sounds wonderful.”
It didn’t take them long at all to settle into a comfortable routine.
Kara came early to the life model classes, helping set-up the room as they talked about the students' progress and what Lena was going to make the focus of the class. During the class itself, Lena no longer needed to flit as regularly between her students, they had learned the basic techniques enough to practise for themselves, now only requiring light guidance which allowed Lena time to either do some marking or her own art. Kara posed perfectly throughout, though Lena was becoming more and more aware of Kara’s still gaze on her as the weeks passed by. 
After class, it was now custom for them to grab a coffee and go for a long walk around the university campus as they talked about everything and nothing. They would have been building towards a strong friendship if it wasn’t for the lingering touches, blatant flirts, blushes and wandering gazes. 
Lena wasn’t overly sure why they hadn’t crossed that line, made that final move, but she found she didn’t particularly mind the wait. She was convinced that they had both decided that the journey was making the destination all the more desirable.
It became abundantly apparent, though, that Kara thought differently if their conversation after the class midway through the term was anything to go by.
“So do you not like my body?” Kara asked, quick and fearful, eyes looking down at the sketch Lena had done during class of a vase of flowers in the corner rather than of the readily available model.
“What?” Lena muttered in disbelief looking up sharply from her desk to see Kara paling considerably having clearly not intended to ask the question that she had blurted out.
“I… uh…” Kara squeaked, mouth opening and closing rapidly, before lifting her bare wrist up with a jerky motion and whistling in exaggerated surprise, “Wow, look at the time. I’m late for… uh… this thing. Work thing. Interview! That’s a work thing.”
And just like that she was gone - Lena wouldn’t have been surprised if there was a Kara shaped hole in the studio wall with how fast she disappeared - leaving Lena with a sinking, twisty feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her she might have lost more than her regular coffee with Kara over that one interaction.
Lena had Kara’s phone number and they had taken to texting throughout the day; however, since Kara’s panicked question - which probably revealed some deep vulnerability in the blonde - there had been complete and total radio silence. No memes, no cute animal pics, no sweet check ins… Lena’s phone remained silent when it once vibrated with life. 
Lena wanted to text or call Kara the second she had left the studio but Lena didn’t feel like this was a conversation they could have over text, so she waited impatiently for them to be face to face again, counting down the days until the next class. 
Lena even took to repeatedly checking in with the admin office to confirm that Kara hadn’t pulled out of modelling; reaching the stage where Jess, the most senior admin in the team, had taken to emailing her every couple of hours to reassure her that Kara still hadn’t cancelled. 
When Kara appeared, nervously stepping into the art room, fingers playing with the hem of her shirt, it was like Lena could finally breathe easy again. The fear and loss eeking away in an instant, giving Lena the necessary courage to stride forward and bare herself in a way that Kara had been doing every week without Lena fully realising.  
“I don’t like drawing people.” Lena announced, shoving her hands into her pockets to resist the temptation to reach out to the other woman as the blonde blinked at her in surprise, listening intently. “It’s kind of a thing with me.” Lena winced, pushing down all the reasons for why that is. “When I draw something I… kind of let whatever it is into me, let it consume me and it… stays with me for a long time after that. It’s why I draw what I draw. I draw my home because it's a part of me already. Drawing someone means carrying them with me and… that’s scary for me.” Lena breathed, glancing at the blonde to see soft understanding in blue eyes. “I just wanted you to know it’s not you.”
Kara nodded, shuffling closer and dipping her head so that she could whisper into the still space between them, “Thank you.” 
“Right,” Lena murmured, swallowing thickly before jerking a thumb over her shoulder, “I should-”
“Do you want to get dinner?” Kara inquired earnestly causing Lena to freeze in hopeful surprise. “After class, that is?”
“Um… Yes.” Lena replied, nodding her head eagerly.
“Awesome.” Kara grinned brightly.
Kara took her to a tucked away italian restaurant that was one of National City’s hidden gems. The food was outstanding and the company was even better.
It wasn’t a date, but it wasn’t just friends going out for dinner either. 
Lena would call it a test-run but that would imply that Lena wasn't already one hundred percent certain that she wanted an actual date with Kara. It was more of a date-appetiser if Lena was going to call it anything, a taste to build interest before the real thing. 
Once they had finished their food, Kara didn’t hesitate to interlace their fingers as they went for an evening stroll around a nearby park, both wishing to prolong their time together.
“Can I see your art?” Kara requested; they had been sitting on a bench in front of a lit-up fountain for the last twenty minutes or so in comfortable silence. Lena had expressed an interest in sketching the fountain and Kara hadn’t hesitated to find them a seat and encourage Lena’s desire without complaint, occupying herself with people-watching in the meantime. 
“I’m pretty sure the images are all over the internet.” Lena replied drolly.
“Yeah, I know it’s just…” Lena’s pencil froze in it’s movements finally noticing how hard Kara was trying to act casual, “what you said about it being a part of you, I thought-”
“You want me to show it to you…” Lena inferred, setting her pencil down and closing her handy sketchbook in an instant. 
“It’s stupid, I’ll-” Kara laughed awkwardly, shaking her head in an attempt to brush over the request like it wasn’t a big deal
“I don’t have many pieces here in National City,” Lena said thoughtfully, getting to her feet and holding out a hand for Kara, “but I have some works in progress that I can show you… if you want that is?”  
“I would love that.” Kara beamed, jumping to her feet as Lena tugged her back towards her campus studio, already picking out her favourite pieces in her mind that she wanted to share with the blonde.
Lena and Kara’s ‘friendship’ continued to blossom into something neither could have anticipated that day Kara sprinted into the studio all those weeks ago. The weekly class they shared was now always followed by dinner, taking it in turns to share their favourite cuisines and restaurants. They had also grown beyond only seeing each other on their allotted class day, sharing lunches and movie nights and spontaneous coffees as they learned each other's schedule and needs. 
Lena read all of Kara’s articles and spent many an evening asking countless questions about the background to each of them. Likewise, Kara would appear for coffee with one of Lena’s artworks saved in her phone, burning with curiosity about what had inspired it.
Time spent with Kara flew by and, before Lena knew it, it was the final class prior to spring break. Her last class with Kara until the next school year and Lena was finally ready.
She had finally figured it out.
Why she had waited.
Why she had yet to seize the numerous opportunities to transition her relationship with Kara into a romantic one.
It was because she knew. 
She knew from the second that she had taken Kara’s hand in hers when they first met that this was it. That Kara was it.
And that was, and still is, terrifying. 
When they had first met, Lena hadn’t been ready for Kara. Hadn’t been ready for everything that Kara represented and would come to mean. She had needed the time, the time to lower her guard, to trust and hope. 
And now, she was ready and she knew exactly how to let Kara know.
The class came to an end with Lena giving her students a quick speech on how proud of their progress she was and wishing them a good spring break. Kara lingered behind as was now custom, helping Lena tidy up the area before they headed out together.  
“Kara?” Lena called out nervously, sweaty palms rubbing against her black denim covered thighs as her heart beat thunderously in her chest. “I was wondering…” Lena began, clearing her throat as Kara stopped what she was doing to give Lena her undivided attention. “Can I… can I draw you?”
Kara’s brow instantly furrowed in confusion, “I thought-”
“Yeah…” Lena laughed shyly, staring into deep blue eyes, practically begging for Kara to understand what she was really saying. “Can I?” Lena repeated.
Kara pursed her lips thoughtfully as she studied Lena’s expression - it was then Lena realised that Kara understood exactly why they had been waiting. Kara wasn’t replying because she wanted to check that Lena was sure, was giving Lena a chance to delay, was saying - without really saying it - that she could wait longer.
Lena didn’t take the escape Kara offered, instead she lifted her head higher and arched an eyebrow at the blonde.
A thousand-watt smile of excitement took up residence on Kara’s face as she nodded eagerly, “Of course.” 
“Clothes on.” Lena clarified - she had promised herself that the first time she truly studied Kara’s body it would be in a setting where touching would not break any professional standards. 
Lena had Kara sit opposite her in her private studio, their knees pressed tightly against one another providing a warm point of contact to keep them grounded. Lena’s gaze flickered from her sketchpad to Kara’s features; occasionally, she would reach out to adjust a lock of golden hair so it caught the light. Kara, meanwhile, had an ever constant soft smile that didn’t diminish for the entirety of the session even as she was forced to rein in her boundless curiosity to stop herself from sneaking a peek at Lena’s sketch until it was ready to be revealed.
Lena only drew Kara’s head because, though, she had spent countless hours in the presence of Kara’s naked body over the course of the last few weeks - when Lena thought of Kara (really thought about her in the way that made her heart skip), it wasn’t her abs or her biceps that Lena pictured (though she did think about them regularly when she was in her bed alone at night). 
It was Kara’s eyes that Lena thought about most. 
How they were so bright and hopeful whilst simultaneously melancholic and lost.
There were whole galaxies in those blue eyes and Lena knew that she could spend the rest of her life drawing them and never get bored, nor get them exactly right.
“What do you think?” Lena asked, slowly turning her sketchbook round for Kara to see.
It wasn’t finished. It was mere line work that would require further detailing but it was a good start and she hoped Kara could see its potential like she did with everything else in the world - like she did with Lena.
“It’s…” Kara began, licking her lips as she pulled the sketchbook closer to her chest like it was something treasured and infinitely rare. “It's incredible.” Kara breathed, the sincerity of her words undeniable due to how they were accompanied by a watery film to her blue eyes.
“I like your body.” Lena whispered, shattering the companionable silence they had drifted into as Kara admired Lena’s artistry.
“W-w-what?” Kara stammered, head jerking up at the out-of-the-blue declaration.
Lena reached out for the sketchbook, lifting it out of Kara’s hand and placing it on the nearby table so that she could take Kara’s hands in hers. 
“You asked if I liked your body a while ago,” Lena reminded the blonde, “and I just thought you should know that I do. I really, really do. I mean really.” Lena emphasised, glancing appreciatively down at Kara’s body prompting the blonde to blush a pleased pink. “But it's more than just that. It’s become more than that. Talking after class, getting coffee, going for dinner… it's the best part of my week. You’re the best part of my week.”
“Lena-” Kara began, her mouth suddenly snapping shut as her jaw clenched and her chin lifted in determination. Blue eyes studied Lena for a long moment and all Lena could do was hold her breath and wait. 
Lena made Kara wait weeks, she could therefore wait the stretched seconds that Kara needed in return without complaint
Kara got confidently to her feet, tugging Lena up with her, squeezing their hands once before releasing her so that she could reach up to tenderly cup Lena’s face. “I’m going to kiss you now.” Kara declared, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Thank fu-” Lena sighed gratefully, cut off from offering up her thanks by Kara’s perfect lips sliding over hers.
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