#pidge playlist dump
bosspigeon · 5 months
anybody wanna listen to my Durge playlist
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.6
When Keith and Shiro left, Lance breathed a sigh of relief. Hunk’s father had to order parts from Platt city, leaving the two brother to spend the night at one of towns inns. Dropping them off, with Hunk, at Hunk’s family garage had been the first relief, the second was dropping Pidge and all her crap off at her house, and third returning home to Blue and a nice bag of blood. Stressed from his lack of sleep and house guests, Lance had drained a whole bag without thinking, something he had done since the time his Mami had had a fall at the home. She scolded him for fussing over her far too much, Lance not wanting to leave her all alone, despite the fact she was only in hospital overnight with a sprained wrist. All his Mami’s friends at her home had been jealous when he’d returned the next day with the biggest bouquet of roses he could buy. Taught to share, each little old lady was given a rose and a kiss on the cheek, more than one aiming for a cheeky kiss on the mouth. His mother all smiles and laughter over the attention he’d received. His Mami had such a great support network there, and he’d really lucked out on her care.
With his hunger quenched, next came cleaning through the house. Shiro and Keith had left their room neat, beds remade and everything else in order too, like they’d never been there to begin with. Not that he was looking, but Lance didn’t find a single strand of stray hair on their pillows. Almost as if he’d housed two ghosts for a evening. Letting his room dry out, and actively avoiding the mess, Lance cleaned through the whole first floor before finally admitting to himself he was procrastinating far too much. Stupid blood. His fatigue had melted away, now he had far too much energy, having already walked into the wall, kitchen table, kitchen counter, accidentally lifted the whole sofa in on go instead of just the end to sweep, and tripped face first over his coffee table. All his movements and actions were amplified by the blood coursing through his system, kind of like how he imagined popping Ecstasy. It was like some cosmic joke really. The worst he could expect was severe flu like symptoms if he accidentally drank bad blood, maybe a day or two of cramping then right back to being stupidly healthy. Bruises, grazes, cuts and scrapes all healed within a day or two, depending on how much blood he’d consumed. His dumb arse had fallen down the stairs before, broken his leg, and taken three whole bags of blood to heal the damn thing. He couldn’t win with his glasses on, and he couldn’t win with them off.
Doing a quick tidy through of the top floor, Lance finally faced his trashed bedroom. What he really needed was a maid... except he didn’t want a stranger in his house, and he didn’t want a stranger in his how’d he touching his things. All his bedding needed to be washed, his mattress needed to be stripped of its waterproof cover then aired once the rain stopped. Blue had had a few “accidents” on his bed, his mattress protector was an idea he could proudly claim as his own. Waking up to entrails between his sheets and seeping into his mattress wasn’t his idea of a good morning, no matter how happy Blue was over her caught mouse. He simply couldn’t find it in his heart to be mad at her, she was only doing what came naturally, and he definitely preferred the mice dead to running around messing up his stuff. Shit, maybe he should just join a coven and make a nuisance of at some other vampires lair... only, he didn’t get along with other vampires for the most part, and shacking up with a werewolf was asking for trouble. He was 44, it was well past time to put his big pants on and deal with things like an adult.
Wednesday was supposed to be a good day. He’d finished one of the family cases he was working on, his new window was installed with a nice new latch, he’d spoiled himself with a rather expensive bottle of red, and he’d assured Hunk that’d contacted Shay to confirm dinner was still on. He’d forgotten until that morning, almost spamming her to explain and apologise. Thankfully Shay was the awesome soul she was, understanding after he’d explained about his broken window.
Then it all went to shit.
Stuck on an “urgent” call, Lance had made a mistake. He’d been talking with a mother trying to get sole custody of her three children, online, offering her his business number so she could call and get some free advice. Not even five minutes in, he could already see why she was finding it difficult. No judge was grant her custody when she was more concerned about the next needle in her arm than she was about her children. On his personal phone he’d already called the police to request a wellness check after he’d explained the situation, but as he waited for a response there, he was stuck with a raving lunatic yelling in his ear about how meth didn’t make her a bad mother. She hadn’t even noticed he’d put himself on silent as he’d made the call. It wasn’t something that left him warm and fuzzy inside, he genuinely wanted to help keep families happy, with an emphasis on what was best for the children involved. This wasn’t his first making this kind of call, but it never got any easier. The mother needed help, she needed someone to reach out their hand and help her, but the system could only do what it had the budget for. He’d had a similar case nearly a decade ago where the mother had attempted to murder her children rather than share custody with the remarried father. She wound up commuting suicide, something that weighed heavily on his mind each time this kind of situation came up. It was nearly an hour later that the police showed up, Lance listening to the whole thing until it finally got too much, and he had to hang up. Snuggling up for some serious cuddles with Blue, the TV played in the background just so he didn’t feel that prang of pain... until it finally became too much. Spurring an unplanned trip over to Platt for some serious hang time with his Mami.
As always, his Mami was happy to see him. She could tell immediately something was weighing heavily on his mind, unable to even fake a smile or politeness to the other residents. Feigning exhaustion, he’d “helped” his Mami back to her room, crawling into bed with her and settling himself with his head on her chest. Sometimes he wondered if he hadn’t developed properly after being turned so young. He didn’t fit the stereotype for his age bracket, nor did he fit the stereotype for a typical 26 year old. His Mami didn’t push for an explanation, instead she stroked his hair and held him tightly. After being turned, he’d suffered screaming nightmares for months. His Mami would climb into bed with him, holding him just like she was now.
Whether she’d forgotten, because as much as Lance was loathe to admit she’d been doing that much more often of late, or whether his brother also felt the need for a spur of a moment visit, but when Luis entered the room, his brother wasn’t pleased at all to see him there. Luis had been the first to cut him off. Maybe because he was the oldest, he headed our first to carve out a life for him and his wife Lisa. Luis knew he had above normal hearing, mumbling about how he was a money draining blood sucker. A bit rich coming from a man who chucked a sook over his inheritance from their papi. For the sake of their mother, Lance just wanted to get along, Luis ultra polite in front of Mami as he fussed over her, making Lance feel he didn’t have a place by her side.
The drive back was depressing, not even his usual playlist managed to make it bearable. Rax was working at Balmeria’s, meaning he had to go in and ask for the pump to be turned on, the little shit further pissing him off as he mocked him for his down mood.
The goddamn cherry on his shit-tastic day was arriving home to find his front door wide open, with none of the lights left on. This was how people ended up murdered. He was going to end up murdered... but after the day he’d had, maybe a little bit of murder would be the best thing for everyone. At least his house was in order if he was to meet his demise... his only regret would be leaving Blue... and Hunk and Pidge... and his Mami. For a dead man, he harboured a lot of regrets over his imminent death. Saying a prayer, he wasn’t sure if God had time for his type, but he hoped that maybe he did. He’d been a good vampire, never drank human blood, never attacked a human, went to church and loved his Mami... now he was off to be murdered and his body dumped in a rolled up carpet somewhere in the back lands of Garrison. What a depressing thought. Fuck it, if he was going to die, his glasses weren’t going down with him.
Leaving his glasses beside the front door mat, Lance stepped into his doom.
“Hello?! Can you please not murder me, I’ve had a shit day!”
Someone was in his house. He could tell from the smell alone there were two somebodies. His skin has prickled with goosebumps at the first sniffs of the scent.
“Look, I already know you’re here!”
Because talking to his murderers was just how he rolled. Following the scent to the living room, he found his room trashed. Great. Just. Fucking. Great. No power to the house meant no security alarm and no security alarm meant no alarmed Pidge, meaning no forthcoming rescue. No forthcoming rescue meant at least his friends would be safe, which was one small mercy.
“We’ve got you, bloodsucker”
Lance raised an eyebrow. A fucking hunter was on his doorstep, well, not literally but he’d been good, he should have had a few more years of safety with his alias. What really made his eyebrow raise was that despite being decked head to toe in black, that voice very clearly belonged to the “Emo Edgelord” himself, sir “I’m too much of a douche to drink your coffee without protest”, Keith. Behind him clad in an equally depressing outfit was Shiro. Talk about bad fucking karma.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”
“You’re blood sucking scum, and we’ve come to bring your reign of terror to an end”
Holy fuck, Keith must have pop-cultured hard. The kid sounded like he was straight out the lowest budget slasher movie known to man kind. Ignorance was bliss?
“I’m not quite sure I know what you’re on about...”
“Shut up!”
“Look, dude. Take a chill pill. How about we talk? Look, the names Lance. I’m a lawyer, specialising in family law”
“You mean you rip innocent families apart! You gain access to their children and bleed them dry!”
“Um, no?”
“Don’t lie to me! I know you’re kind. What happened to your friends? What did you do to Hunk and Pidge?!”
What was he supposed to have done with them...?... right. Vampire. Dah... murderer, yep, right... pffft... He could laugh at how serious Keith was being if it wasn’t for the fact that they were indeed there to murder him
“They’re at home? I dropped Hunk off with, so maybe I should be asking what you did to him?”
“Don’t you turn this back on me, you abomination”
Lance crossed his arms in offence. He’d made them breakfast, they should be a little more appreciative
“I didn’t ask to be like this”
“So you admit it!”
Shiro obviously hadn’t trained Keith about how adults used their inside voices
“Stop yelling at me! Inside voice is just fine”
“Shiro, he knows us. He’s admitted what he is. It doesn’t deserve to walk this earth!”
“Fuck this!”
Again with the yelling. Poor Blue was going to be scared with all the yelling
“So we can’t sit down and discuss this?”
“As Blades of Marmora, hunters of unwanted trash, our sworn duty is to destroy beasts like you! The holiest hunters of the Vatican, your blood will stain our blades!”
“My what now?”
“We saw your fridge of blood!”
Lance was starting to feel second hand embarrassment for Keith. He took stupid to a whole other level. He had the disadvantage when it came to the house layout, he had the disadvantage of being human, and he had the disadvantage of thinking with his anger and not his head
“Hurrah. I get blood packs from Platt”
Keith let out an angry snarl, lip raised... as if that could possibly be threatening?
“I’m going to kill you, before you take more victims!”
Keith threw himself towards Lance, twin blades sliding from his from his suit into his hands, silver glinting as Keith’s hands wrapped around the handles
“Whoa! Man, wait!”
Leaping back, Lance leapt too far, snacking his back hard against the hallway wall
“Scum sucker!”
“Time out!”
Lance had time to think “Oh, shit!”, as he ducked and rolled, wincing as the blades were embedded into the plasterboard wall
“Dude! My house!”
Leaping backwards into the living room, Shiro seemed pretty damn content watching Keith attempt to murder him
“Shut up!”
“Or we could talk?”
Keith snarled at him again, Lance really didn’t want to hurt the idiot. He was human... with a flick of Lance’s wrist he could snap Keith’s neck by accident. Holding his hands up, he backed up
“Would you just calm down before you destroy more of my house?”
The backs of his legs hit something, Lance tripping backwards like a moron
Keith lunged forward, blades coming down at Lance’s face. With the most manliness of screams, Lance flinched at his impending death
Called by the man formally known as his brother, Shiro, Keith paused. Lance laying there like a moron
“Let me do this!”
“Wait a second, he’s not fighting back”
“Because he knows it’s pointless!”
Well, if it was that pointless, Keith didn’t need his blades. Wrapping his hands around the blade, he pulled both from him Keith’s grip, throwing them blindly behind him
“Excuse me, I am right here! Why...”
“Oh, shut the fuck up!”
Dumb with anger, Keith swung at his face, hitting him fairly in his open mouth.
Lance didn’t know who was more horrified. Him for being punched in the mouth, or Keith who’d cut his damn hand on Lance’s fangs. As the blood on his teeth touched his tongue, Lance’s eyes widened in horror. He’d never... he’d never drank from a human before... he... it was... so fresh... and... god, what was that fucking awful after taste?
“What the fuck?! He bit me!”
“Me?! You punched me in the mouth!”
And chipped his goddamn tooth by the feel of it. Stumbling back, Keith fell back onto his arse, hand clamped around the wrist of his bleeding left hand. Shiro rushed to his brother
“Keith! Hold on, you’re going to be okay”
“He bit me! I can’t... I can’t turn... I can’t be one of those”
“You’re going to be okay...”
Panicked enough to vomit, Keith threw up next to himself
“I don’t feel too well”
Keith’s eyes rolled back, Lance spitting out the blood in his mouth in disgust
“Yuck. What the hell is that?!”
God... it tasted... like metal? But not the taste of blood... it was like he’d sucked on a fishing weight, his nose firmly wrinkled in disgust
“What did you do to him?”
“Nothing! He punched me in the mouth”
Tapping Keith’s face, Shiro tried to rouse his brother... that wasn’t his brother...?
“Keith? Keith, come on, it’s Shiro...”
So this wasn’t an act? Keith wasn’t faking everything to lure him close?
“Is... is he okay?”
“Does he fucking look okay?”
Shiro was panicked. Ripping his mask off, the man’s face was ashen. For fuck’s sake
“Take his mask off properly, let him get some air”
Shiro did as Lance said, Lance cautiously climbing off the ruins of his coffee table and edging closer. With the mask off, he could smell sickness on Keith
“Somethings wrong with him”
“You fucking bit him!”
It was hardly Lance’s fault that the Vatican couldn’t design a suit that withstood his teeth
“No... wait, his blood tasted strange. What breed is he?”
“What do you mean, “what breed?”, he’s human!”
“If he’s human, his blood wouldn’t have tasted like shit”
Shiro let out a groan, Lance shying back as Shiro started rifling through Keith’s pockets before drawing out a spent syringe
“That idiot!”
“What? What is it?”
“Silver concentrate... with mercury. He must have injected himself”
What a fucking tool. Normal, smart, people didn’t go around injecting themselves with silver! Let alone fucking mercury! The idiot had gone and poisoned himself
“Well do something!”
“I can’t! It’s in his bloodstream!”
Holy fucking shit. Nope. No way. He wasn’t having a damn hunter die in his living room
“Get out the way”
“Jesus Christ, fucking move”
Taking just a smidge or revenge, Lance tore Keith’s suit open, looking for the damn injection point. Shiro’s fingers moved to his own blade, at which Lance cast him a very disappointed look. He was obviously about to do something very goddamn stupid for sake of this dumbarse dead beat. Letting his eyes roam Keith’s body, he found the pinprick on his neck, able to see the slight amount of residue built up around the marking
“Go get me a bucket!”
“Or a bowl! Just hurry up!”
Shiro scampered off, Lance closing his eyes and saying a prayer. He’d never fed off a living human before, and thanks to Keith, he was going to for the first time in 36 years. 44 years if he was being technical. Shit. He was nervous as hell. The one taboo he’d never broken. For this... Lance’s stomach clenched, he’d been nervous about plenty of things, but this was whole other level nerves. Every cruel thing ever directed at him for being what he was... but Keith had gone and poisoned himself. Cringing, Lance sank his teeth into Keith’s neck, the taste in his mouth was rancid, he wanted to throw it back up and his damn mouth felt tingly. Pulling back, cheeks bludging, Lance tried not to spit out the disgusting sludge in his mouth. When Shiro finally came running back in, Lance ended up spitting blood all over him and not the bowl
“You drank his blood?!”
Ignoring Shiro, Lance forced himself to bite back into Keith’s neck, he couldn’t take another mouthful after this, his mouth would burn and blister, opening sores. Drinking quickly, he pulled back, spitting into the bowl this time
“What are you doing?!”
Letting himself drop back onto his arse, Lance wiped his lips with the back of his hand. His body didn’t know what to do. Blood was supposed to be good... it was good. It was fresh... soooo fucking fresh... but revolting... and the way Keith’s flesh slid up his teeth... Clenching his fists, Lance forced a breath down to calm himself down, before spitting again. Yuck
“What did you do to my brother?!”
Shiro sounded like the worlds most disappointed father. No wonder Keith was such an arsehole, that tone went right through Lance’s heart. Being punched in the face would be kinder
“I sucked out what I could... I think I did it right... I’ve never... I’ve never even drunk from a human before in my life... I couldn’t... he... he could have died... why couldn’t we talk?”
Shiro’s expression shifted to something Lance couldn’t read... No, more like he didn’t want to read the surprise and pain all over Shiro’s face at his shocked babbling
Lance was getting teary now, disgusted with himself. He was covered in Keith’s blood. Human blood...
“Take him to the bedroom, use whatever you need... I... can’t do this”
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bosspigeon · 7 months
been slowly putting together a playlist for my Tav, Pyre <3
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bosspigeon · 2 years
hey who wants a 12 hour playlist for my D&D character?
jk it's not optional
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bosspigeon · 1 year
First one is from Raike's playlist! There's a TON of Will Wood on Raie's playlist for a number of reasons, but I'm glad this one came up bc it's a recent addition. The whole song has some great Raike gut-punches, but the bridge in particular really nailed it for me:
And if looks could kill I'd be staring in the mirror
Yeah, if looks could kill I'd be staring in the mirror
Yeah, if looks could kill I'd be staring in the mirror
Even more than I already would
'Cause man, I'm looking good
just the perfect combination of Massive Ego and Incredible Self-Loathing *chef's kiss*
Next up is Stygmata~ Another one that has a Big Presence on this playlist. Kittie just has some GREAT Stygmata vibes that work really well for the kind of character she is, and how she's essentially the physical manifestation of everything Arlo's tried to push down his entire life breaking free and screaming.
I look at her in that paper dress
I wonder why she won't burn
She's just a paper doll, that's all
Just a paper doll
I dress her up, she knocks me down
Aaand finally my Worst Boy, Coyote!
I feel like this one speaks for itself, especially with the Impending Dog Thievery Adoption <3
Send me a 👾 and I’ll give you a random song off of an OC playlist with an explanation!
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bosspigeon · 1 year
📯 - A song featuring instruments that my muse would play
🎻 - A song featuring classical stringed instruments that I associate with my muse
🔀 - A song that is outside of the mun’s usual taste, but still associated with the muse
💀 - A song that would be played to portray my muse’s death or passing
The last one is especially optional! I just know you have a few oc's who would pass but not die dsfgsdf
📯 A song featuring an instrument my muse would play
🎻A song featuring a classical stringed instrument that I associate with my muse
🔁 A song that is outside the mun's usual taste, but still associated with the muse
💀 A song that would be played to portray my muse's death or passing
(Raike died in like session 2 but was saved by divine intervention/his dad being a priest and this is actually the first song I put on his playlist as a result agdhhf)
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bosspigeon · 1 year
veering off the subject to post an incredibly solid Angel/180 jam
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bosspigeon · 2 years
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bosspigeon · 2 years
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bosspigeon · 2 years
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bosspigeon · 2 years
i made a playlist for my oc's drag persona bc that's where im at i guess
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bosspigeon · 2 years
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bosspigeon · 2 years
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bosspigeon · 2 years
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bosspigeon · 2 years
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bosspigeon · 2 years
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