#pico’s cousin 2
asherashedwings · 2 days
@sunnystr1 ask and you shall receive!
Pride Month Day 5: Cassandra and Damien
I decided to include Damien as well cuz they’re just a trans alien duo in my brain.
(Ima just copy/paste this from now on) I am open to requests for these. I’d prefer if the characters were from fandoms I’m actually in (which are listed in my intro), but I’m really fine with anything.
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vanhollow2b2 · 7 months
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Cousins <3
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pikafaawork · 1 year
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the gang getting wild on the last party of the year 🔥✌💥✨
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dracomeir · 7 months
I don't think I'd actually put this into the story, so here you go. (I say that, but I know I'm going to put stupid shit in anyway. lol)
Otis and Gibbons learned that the sheriff and deputy knows who is cousin is, and was surprised that they knew Pico was a bandit leader. After confirming they wasn't going to go off to claim the bounty of the ginger, Boyfriend said,
"Don't worry, Otis. We can fix him. Girlfriend and I will make him love us so much that he'll have no choice but to give up his life of crime."
Otis was confused that a sheriff would think that way. "I don't... There's no way my cousin would do such a thing."
Gibbons replied, "I don't know. Love can make people act outside the norm."
"What? You really think they can make that hotheaded ginger into a good person?"
"Well... Look at yourself. You're way more assertive, and confident in your abilities after meeting me."
Girlfriend said as the two men stared at each other, "So... Are you two going to make out or..."
They shouted at the same time, "No!"
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New hyperfixation character just dropped
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Hell yeah!!! :D
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chipsoapart · 1 year
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I forgot about this art--
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animutate · 11 months
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you mean... gay? jumpscare
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edgydadster · 2 years
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jus a little guy........
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ps-incorrect-quotes · 2 years
//I think they're home of sexuals 🤢
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trancegnder · 27 days
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did you guys hear they remade pico 2 from scratch but this time it has a lesbian biker gang
herez their names and concept doodles incase youre curious:
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they r all named after moons of jupiter ^_^ & yes "megaclit" was extremely intended ... praxidike is cassandra's cousin, and the three of them were sent a few years after the original events of PS to take down pico, nene and darnell as revenge. i dont have the ability to make games i dont know how to use flash in capacity but if this was a real game you'd be able to swap who you're playing as for each boss fight, as each has their own target (megaclite's being darnell, amalthea's being nene, & praxidike's being pico), and each of them have two phases (one minigame segment, i.e. a bike chase for praxidike, and one segment where they take on their penilian form).
dats enough yapping though. Enjoy Them... Heart emoji
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asherashedwings · 21 days
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So, I decided that my previous designs for a lot of these characters are going to be more-so their designs during the events of the Pico’s School games. So when they were kids. Like, some will be a bit different, but for the most part, that’s how it is. So then these new designs are them as adults.
When trying to figure out Pico’s design, I didn’t know how I wanted his outfit in this new design to differ from his previous. Cuz like, that’s already the perfect Pico fit. But then I realized “omg, it’d be so much funnier if I DIDN’T change it.” Cuz he is definitely the type of mf to be wearing the same clothes he’s had since middle school.
Like, Cass or Nin come back for a rematch, and they both look super different, and then they look at Pico and he looks NO DIFFERENT than last time they saw him.
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I immediately broke my rule with the previous designs with Darnell, cuz I just really liked the previous design’s outfit and was like “eh, imma use that for his adult design, and just change the kid design.”
I imagine he got that varsity jacket like, custom made, and it was like super fuckin expensive. But like, when he got it, he decided “wait, I don’t want the sleeves” and just ripped them off 💀
Can’t have long sleeves when you’re always working with fire ig.
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I think Nene is the one I’ve drawn in alt. outfits the most. What can I say, I just really like drawing her and messing around with her clothes. So I had a lot of previous pieces of mine I could look back on for reference.
The main change that isn’t outfit related is her hair. I just decided to dick around and see what looked good, and landed on that. I think it looks pretty good, idk.
Also, gave her a WWJD bracelet cuz sometimes I forget she’s Christian and I thought it was funny.
Reminded me of this one stupid idea I had, featuring my very headcanoned version of the G-Squad:
Like, the G-Squad are doing their whole cult thing, worshipping the Peniliens, when the Pico trio burst in, and Nene says something like “THERE IS ONLY ONE LORD AND SAVIOR, AND HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST.”
And then they kick their asses, idk.
Also, here, them as kids. Pico just got spikier as he got older
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Okay, time for some antags 💥💥💥
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She was actually the first redesign I made in this batch.
Main change: Beard. I just sorta wanted to make the Penilien duo more androgynous. I imagine that they don’t really care about transitioning that much, since they don’t have the same gender roles and stereotypes as humans. Just “I’m [insert gender here], that’s it.” Also, I just think Cass slayed with a beard.
I also wanted to incorporate shapes from their alien forms more into their human disguises. So I gave Cass these big sleeve things to sorta emulate the big bulky arms she has in her true form.
One of her pincers is also chipped. This comes from the fact that in Pico’s School, one of her horn-hair things is shorter than the other, and I wanted to find a way to incorporate that.
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I don’t think there’s much to say here that I have already said while talking about Cassandra.
I imagine Damien does less to hide his alien features, since he has a huge superiority complex and thinks Peniliens are superior anyways, so like, why hide his true colors? Why hide what makes him greater than everyone around him?
So yeah, that’s why he keeps his tail out.
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So Nin differs with the whole “previous design is them as a kid” thing, cuz he doesn’t really age past his age in Pico’s School. Cuz bro dies.
(Also, quick HC timeline: Pico 1 and “Pico 2” (the conflict with the robo-kids) both take place in middle school, while what I call “Pico 3” (the conflict with the G-Squad) happens in high school. So that’s why Nin appears less child-like; he’s a high schooler)
So like, I hc that when Pico killed Nin, Nin pulled some necromancy bullshit and revived HIMSELF. Cuz idk, that feels like some bullshit Pico’s School would pull.
So now he’s undead. His hair also sorta resembles horns cuz it’s sorta to symbolize his devotion to the Peniliens. If y’all are interested in hearing all the HCs I have for the G-Squad (or just PS in general), I might share more at a later date.
That’s all for now tho.
My color palettes for these fuckers. They’re all named after the MSI songs I associate with each of them. I do not support MSI, I just really like the music and it reminds me of Pico’s School for some reason, so I always listen to a lot of it whenever I get sucked back into this fandom
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pikafaawork · 2 years
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Gothic people on the beach✨🌴🌊 &  The "warrior genes" cousins ✨🔫☀️
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hellishgayliath · 3 days
….on a side note tho I hope your ideo for Pico’s mom is going along well (mainly because I just had a 2 am stroke of genius that involved Todd lol) and I hope you’re doing well too ofc
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the sibling/cousin energy these two emanate I swear
And I am doing well thank you for asking uwu his mom is fully drawn out and what I hope to make is a lil comic of pico reacting to her mutation and THEN show her in all her glory, it’s just uh taking long cuz this heat really messes with my motivation and I have been trying to find brushes that I vibe with cuz I’m not entirely satisfied with procreates brushes yet :U
I’d also love to know your Todd idea cuz maybe it’ll help with developing my gal OwO What I can tell you tho is that she does love foraging and gardening and flowers most of all (petunias would be her favourite).
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bobcatmoran · 2 years
Against my better judgement, I'm watching the GBBO Mexican Week since the following week's episode will be coming out here in the US tomorrow. Disclaimer that I have zero Mexican heritage. I just like me a pan dulce and am an award-winning baker for non-Mexican bakes.
We start off on a "high" note, with Noel and Matt in eye searingly bright ponchos and sombreros, saying, "I don't think we should make Mexican jokes, people will get upset."
"What, no Mexican jokes at all?"
"I don't think so."
"What, not even Juan?"
This seems to be setting the tone for the episode quite nicely.
Or something.
More beyond the cut for the sake of everyone's dashes who haven't turned on the annoying thing where it cuts off long posts. This is gonna be LONG. And very spoilery. Fair warning.
Signature: Pan Dulce
After 2 bakers being off for "illness" (covid?) last week, everyone's back in the tent.
The little clips from the bakers as they walk in do nothing to instill confidence that anyone is coming to this from a perspective where they actually know anything about Mexican baking or that they've done much in the way of research to prepare themselves.
"I don't really know much about Mexican cuisine, so this is an absolute adventure."
"When someone says Mexican food, my mind goes only to fajitas."
"Mexican food's fun, but Mexican baking? What do the Mexicans bake?"
Carole at least acknowledges that she did do research, because she wasn't familiar with Mexican sweet bakes. I salute her for choosing pan de anise, something other than the conchas most other poeple are doing, even though she can't pronounce it to save her life.
Abdul straight off the bat says he's never had any sort of pan dulce before, so he's not sure what they're supposed to be like. I can't entirely blame him because I don't think Panaderias are as common in the UK as they are here (even in suburban Minnesota I have at least two within a 5 mile radius). I do salute him for doing as much research as he could for his besos, though Paul is like, "No, your research is wrong, they're supposed to be a completely different texture, I have just been to Mexico."
Prue decides that it's a good idea to correct Janusz, who was born in Poland, that "cacti" is the correct plural of "cactus," not "cactuses." Because that's what's important.
I'm quietly dying inside at how the scriptwriters clearly decided that craquelin was the best term for the topping on conchas. (later addition: oh gods, the judges are calling it that, too)
Sandro, I love you, but that's PUSHING the definition of conchas, having a filling and a salted caramel base.
Break while the hosts decide that Mexico is definitely a real place. Like Oz.
I'll admit that I've never made conchas, but I've made the close Japanese cousin, melon pan (got a couple awards for them yay), and much sympathy for all the bakers going that route because getting the tops rolled out to the right thickness and scored nicely is sooooo fiddly. Not all of them manage it. Sandro, I love you again, but those "conchas" are. Tall. My dude, did you look at any photos of what those are supposed to look like? (later addition: given all of Paul's comments on shapes, apparently this is what Paul thinks they're supposed to look like? Taller than they are wide??)
Paul complains that Carole's pan de anise "aren't Chelsea bun shape."
Techinical: Tacos
Tacos, which as everyone knows, require baking.
Oh, wait. No they don't. What the heck, Paul Hollywood. Why did you set that as the technical.
Corn tortillas made from scratch, steak, "spicy refried beans," guacamole, and pico de gallo. So many baking skills involved in this. Wow.
Paul: It's Mexican Week, Prue. It has to be tacos.
He then goes on to mispronounce pico de gallo, which Matt somehow managed to get mostly right.
I am dying over how everyone, especially Paul, is pronouncing "taco."
Instructions are brutal, including steps that are "Make the Pico de Gallo." [capitalization as though it's a proper noun] "Make the refried beans." "Make the guacamole." It looks a bit more involved for the tortillas, so there's a bit of mercy there.
Oh gods, at least 3 of the bakers have never even heard of pico de gallo.
Oh noooooo, Janusz has the "cilantro tastes like soap" gene. Nonetheless, he goes ahead and adds it to his pico de gallo mixture since it was on the ingredients list for it. "Spicy, soapy, salty, and sour. Great," he says, tasting it.
Carole, bless her heart, is peeling the avocado for her guacamole like it's a potato. Her tortillas are. Uh. Well, she tried. In her defense, how could she know that Mexican Week would have a technical that involved ZERO baking.
Syabira, who seems to be the only one in the tent who's made Mexican food before, is unimpressed that they are not provided with a tortilla press and are instead asked to flatten the dough with a casserole lid.
Kevin says the most true thing ever, "Everyone's got an opinion on steak, and everyone thinks you've done it wrong."
As the judges approach, Matt mentions that the bakers have been asked to make a taco that include, among other things, "a tangy guacamole," which is not an adjective I'd have thought to apply to guacamole.
Paul complains that there's some color on some of the tortillas, and that's a garbage statement right there.
Prue states that one of the tacos has too much salt "in the taco." She clearly means "in the tortilla," but. Y'know.
Showstopper: Tres Leches Cake
Ok, first of all, the bakers are required to make a cake that has at least 4 layers, which is not something I've ever seen any one do with a tres leches cake. Its very form lends itself to a single layer cake, since it's so moist. I'm getting shades of Jürgen, Actual German from last season, who pointed out to the judges that they'd assigned a traditional German cake to be made in layers which is never ever made in more than a single layer.
At least this requires baking.
Dangit Sandro, you were my favorite coming in, and here you are, being like, "Oh, Mexican? Ok, I will put a GIANT MOUSTACHE on my cake." My dude, did you do your research for this week by watching Speedy Gonzales cartoons? Like, I know he has serious baking chops, knowing why certain things work the way they do. But. Yiiiikes.
Matt suggests to Abdul that since he's making a Dia de los Muertos themed cake that he'll get him some poison. Abdul points out that the holiday is about honoring the dead, not making more of them. Noel is excited for this theming.
Paul is BEWILDERED by the very concept of Syabira incorporating sweetcorn into her cake. Corn??? In a baked good?????? (my Midwestern soul wants to crawl into the TV and punch him)
Quietly dying at how everyone pronouncing "tres leches." Like it has a "z" at the end of the first word.
Kevin, quite sensibly, points out that tres leches sponge is not made for stacking. He is right. He loses points when he says he's making an Aztec temple for his cake, Paul asks him if it's Mayan or Aztec, and he then replies, "There's a bit of overlap, isn't there?" (no, no there is not. Not geographically, and not temporally).
I do wonder now, seeing which types of chili peppers the bakers are choosing (a lot of birds-eye chilis, which I personally associate more with Thai food than Mexican), what sort of availability you get in the UK. Like, they're all developing these recipes at home with the ingredients they can get. And I'm fully aware that Mexican ingredients are lot less available there than they are in the US.
Carole is using an angel food cake as her base to be soaked in the tres leches, and oh boy. She's another baker who, going in, I loved, but she's really struggling this week.
Further discussion amongst the hosts as to whether Mexico is a real place, and omg can we please stop doing this bit.
Janusz says what we're all thinking. "It's a four hour bake. You're not gonna make it perfect, will you?"
The judges are stunned and bewildered at how Syabira managed to have sweetcorn in her cake and make it taste like sweetcorn. Inner Midwesterner continues to scream. Especially after Paul says, "it's not for me."
Ready to shove both Prue and Paul off one of those Aztec pyramids where they used to do human sacrifices after all their complaints about uneven soaking for making a layer cake out of a cake that, by definition, includes a saturated crumb, which is not a thing that is structurally sturdy.
Paul continues his theme of being unable to stand anything much spicier than ketchup. For Mexican Week. Prue is in the same boat.
Two bakers eliminated this week to make up for last week, apparently. Ugh.
Anyway, even with German Week last year, they effed up some stuff, according to the Actual German in the tent. For the love of little green apples, they need to bring in someone who's actually from that country or at the very least someone who's deeply studied that country's baking tradition for these Ethnic Weeks. No, sending Paul Hollywood to the country for, like, a week does not count.
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bl00dspaghetti · 4 months
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metal hanzo, because i hate cyborg hanzo's design from picos cousin 2
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picoday2006 · 11 months
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Pico's Cousin 2 by Magna and Poxpower (2005)
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