#phanfic awards 2019
phanficawards · 4 years
Phanfic Awards: Results and Winners- Best Miscellaneous
We tried to keep this as fair as possible, but unfortunately we cannot help if some bias’ did come through during voting.
We also wanted to say that no matter the results, every fic that was nominated is considered a winner in our books and we want everyone to know that their fics, whether or not they were nominated, are always going to be amazing.
Thanks for another successful year of the Phanfic Awards!
Most Unique Storyline
First Place: monochrome by @intoapuddle
Second Place: in another world by @waveydnp
Third Place: too high (can't come down) by @danfanciesphil
Most Unique Writing Style
First Place: Monochrome by intoapuddle
Second Place: Lost the map by @queerofcups
Third Place: The Magic of You by @capriciouscrab
Best Fic to Make You Smile
First place: bruising the sun by waveydnp
Second Place: home for christmas by @alittledizzy
Third Place: we're getting married by @counting2fifteen
Best Fic to Make You Laugh
First Place: in any world by @jestbee
Second Place: can't breathe when you touch my sleeve by @dayevsphil
Third Place: (Not) on-Fireboy and amazing-watergirl by @itsmyusualphannie
Best Fic to Make You Cry
First Place: still the best, more or less by dayevsphil
Second Place: ivy by waveydnp
Third Place: i love you, please don't go by @flymetomanchester
Most Memorable 
First Place: bruising the sun by waveydnp
Second Place: the sun rises and sets with you by @fondestphan
Third Place: friday night placebo by kishere
Best Characterization
First Place: strangers by waveydnp
Second Place: The Magic of You by capriciouscrab
Third Place: sail away with me by @yiffandquiff
Favorite Friend to add in Fics
First Place: Cornelia
Second Place: Louise
Third Place: Bryony
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phanfictionawards · 5 years
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The Phanfiction Awards: 2019
Hello and welcome to the Phanfiction Awards!
What is this?
This is an awards ceremony for the what you think are the best Phanfictions of 2019! You can nominate people/fics in the Google Form linked in each header for each set of categories. You can nominate as many or as few on that form, but please only nominate one person/fic per category! Then, on December 30, the nominations will close. On January 1, we’ll release a list of nominations (the top five for each category) with each fic linked. You’ll have one week to read them, and then voting will open on January 7 and remain open until January 31st. Then, on February 1, we’ll announce the top three winners from each category. If you’re still confused, check out our faq!
Essentially, this is the same as our awards last year, just that we’ve added some new unique categories and we’re much better prepared (hopefully, fingers crossed)! 
Disclaimer: Due to past concerns and negativity regarding rating fics, we’d like to reiterate that we do not mean to pit authors against each other by doing these awards. These awards are meant to be a fun way for people to vote and nominate their favorite works. We’d like to remind people that if their fic doesn’t get nominated to please do not take it as your writing is not good! Your fics are good without “us” telling you they are! So please don’t let these stop you from writing! 
What am I allowed to nominate?
You can only nominate one fic per category, and it must have been started in 2019, which will hopefully prevent a fic from winning for multiple years. The ‘best fic completed in 2019′ category is the only exception!
What efforts are you making to make this a fair contest?
You’re only allowed to nominate and/or vote once for each category, and the voting will be done on Google Forms to help keep us out of it as much as possible. Each fic is only eligible to win first place in one award. Nominations will remain the same, but if the same fic places first in multiple votes, it will only win first place in the one it won by the highest margin in. In the others, the second place winner will be bumped to first. Secondly, we are discouraging any form of self-promotion if you have been nominated as this can easily sway voting. A simple ‘hey guys! I was nominated for the phanfiction awards!’ will be fine, but a ‘hey guys! I was nominated for these awards on these fics and if you like those fics, maybe you can vote!’ can lead to a disqualification of those fics in the final results. To keep the voting fair, we’ll be checking to see if authors are swaying voting in any way. 
To nominate for each category, tap/click the bold/italic header and you’ll be led to the Google Form! NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN NOW!!
Best By Genre: 
Best Angst
Best Fluff
Best Smut 
Best Combination 
Best Au 
Best Reality 
Best Slowburn 
Best Crack Fic 
Best Horror Fic 
Best Hardcore Smut (fic where it’s PWP--porn without plot)
Best Historical 
Best Sci-Fi 
Favorite Genre of 2019 
Best By Trope:
Best Parent!phan
Best Punk x Pastel 
Best Coffee Shop!Au
Best Songfic 
Best 2009!Phan 
Best Polyamorous Fic (Fic that features Dan and Phil romantically or sexually involved with a third person)
Best Teenage!phan 
Best Present!phan 
Best Fem!phan (genderswap fic)
Best Omegaverse
Favorite Fanfic Trope of 2019
Best By Length/Status:
Best Drabble
Best Oneshot 
Best Chaptered Fic 
Best Long Fic (Fic with 50k+ words)
Best WIP (Work in Progress)
Best Abandoned Fic (Fic that an author no longer is working on but still deserves recognition)
Best Undiscovered Fic
Best Series (Series as in it’s a fic with more than one part--but not chaptered!!) 
Best Miscellaneous:
Most Unique Storyline
Most Unique Writing Style 
Best Fic to Make You Smile 
Best Fic to Make You Cry 
Best Fic to Make You Laugh 
Most Cliche Fic 
Most Memorable 
Best Characterization 
Best Fic to Have You on the Edge of Your Seat
Best Original Character (Fic that used an original character best)
Favorite friend of Dan and Phil to add to a fic
Best Overall:
Best Author of 2019 (The author you think rocked 2019)
Best Author 
Best Up and Coming Author (author who began writing fics within the last year)
Best Beta Reader 
Best Ao3 Fic (Fic only posted on Ao3)
Best Tumblr Fic (Fic only posted on Tumblr)
Best Wattpad Fic (Fic only posted on Wattpad)
Best Collaboration (Fic with 2 or more authors)
Best Fic of 2019 (Fic written AND finished in 2019)
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ahappydnp · 4 years
congrats on winning 'favorite blogger' on the 2019 phanfic awards!! you 100% deserve it
Okay I think I missed something here lol
I have a lot of mixed feelings about awards and I know they end up in hurt feelings when you’re ranked amongst your peers in something you enjoy, but I don’t want to seem ungrateful to those who (for some ungodly reason) like what I say. Thank you, but also I know that determining the worthiness of someone’s passion and hobbies in a ranked system is impossible.
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kae-karo · 4 years
☕️ phandom and phanfiction awards
oo starting spicy up in here (send me ☕ and a topic and i’ll tell u my thots)
phandom: i think it’s more or less just like any other fandom out there? like. there are parts of it/people in it that are going to be toxic, who are looking to start drama, or who want to be a pain in the ass and they’ll do that no matter the fandom they’re in. but i also believe in the 1%/99% rule (idk which it’s called lmao) which is that like. regardless of the fandom, about 1% are gonna be the Bad ones. so the larger the fandom, the more assholes, but the vast majority is Good. and it can sometimes be hard to avoid, but for the most part, it’s possible? i’ve honestly had nothing but a great time in the phandom, i’ve met some really awesome people, and really only experienced any sort of ‘drama’ via hearsay and not like. in any kind of direct way. so i apologize if you were hoping for a Really Spicy opinion on the phandom but i don’t really have one lmao. i do think it’s inherently going to invite specific kinds of toxicity based on the fact that it’s rpf but there are also things it avoids by being rpf or by being about just two people, etc (bnha fandom i’m lookin at u lmao)
phanfic awards: quick preface by saying i was apparently nominated (thank you to whoever did that lmao) so there may be some inherent bias that i want to address up front (that said, there are plenty of things i haven’t been nominated for, so i’m sort of pulling on that as well in the hopes that i can mitigate that bias as much as possible) 
very plainly, i think the awards mostly amount to a popularity contest. not to say that the people who were nominated aren’t good or haven’t worked for their popularity, but i also think that it isn’t a direct reflection of talent. and i don’t mean to say that everyone on there is a big blog or has a ton of followers, but i would guess that the people on there (and i recognize several names) have worked hard to make sure their fics are seen by as many people as possible 
and for those who didn’t make the nominations/etc, that has nothing inherently to do with how hard they did or didn’t work to get their fics noticed, nor does it have to do with their talents as writers, but it has more to do with the who-knows-who nepotism - are you friends with a popular blog? a friend of a friend? did a popular blog notice your fic and mention it in a post or recommend it? i think it’s a combination of luck and popularity (with actual writing talent as the base)
the point here being that fics that didn’t make this particular list aren’t necessarily bad, but they may not have gained the same popularity as ones that got Noticed™ or were reblogged by already-popular writers
the net-net of it is i don’t think awards are necessarily a reflection of good or bad fics, just representative of people whose fics got noticed. so a lot of it does come down to popularity, or luck and good writing, but i don’t think it’s some kind of end-all-be-all for whose fics are the best
that said, those who did make the list, that’s awesome! like i don’t think it necessarily invalidates any kind of pride you’re allowed to feel at being nominated/being on the list, just keep in mind it isn’t some kind of ‘you were the absolute best, period’ thing
plus!!!!! fic is so so so subjective!!!!! imagine if someone said ‘oh this book is the best book to ever be written’ but ur standing over to the side like ‘uh i don’t even like that genre???? or that particular writer writes in a way i’m not a fan of???? so it can’t be the best’ like i know fic awards are categorized and all but some of the ones that are like ‘best of 2019′ or w.e are also going to inherently be biased toward the popular genres, tags, tropes, and writers by virtue of the fact that they’re, well, popular. like. if you wrote a fic that is extremely niche, it could be an incredible fic, but you may not get the recognition for it simply cause it doesn’t cater to the majority. it doesn’t mean it’s a bad fic!!!!!!
generally my opinion is that the awards are awesome, but not something i’m thoroughly invested in. and i hope that nobody gets so invested or hurt by it, too, y’know? i also hope it ends up highlighting some fics that maybe didn’t get as much recognition, though i acknowledge it’s not exactly the best method to find some underground writers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s a double-edged sword, unfortunately
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jestbee · 4 years
congrats on your fic 'as the smoke clears' winning best fantasy in the 2019 phanfic awards! i love it so much, it definitely deserves the award!
Thank you for sending me a message, I'm glad you like the fic.
I'm publishing this so people know I acknowledged it and because I know some people like the awards and I don't want to appear ungrateful.
However, I also know the awards make some people upset and so I'm conflicted about this to be honest. The last thing I would want is to make any fellow writers feel bad in any way!!
Thank you to people who were nice enough to think about nominating/voting for me though, you're all really nice.
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phanficawards · 4 years
Phanfic Awards: Results and Winners- Best Overall
We tried to keep this as fair as possible, but unfortunately we cannot help if some bias’ did come through during voting.
We also wanted to say that no matter the results, every fic that was nominated is considered a winner in our books and we want everyone to know that their fics, whether or not they were nominated, are always going to be amazing.
Thanks for another successful year of the Phanfic Awards!
Best Author of 2019
First Place: @intoapuddle
Second Place: @waveydnp
Third Place: @yiffandquiff
Best Author Overall
First Place: @waveydnp
Second Place: @intoapuddle
Third Place: @iihappydaysii
Best Up and Coming Author
TIE - First Place: 
Second Place: @ahappyphil
Third Place: @itsmyusualphannie
Best Beta Reader 
First Place: @insectbah
Second Place: @queerdaniel
Third Place: Patchworklove / @sudden-sky
Best Collaboration
First Place: berlin by waveydnp and @alittledizzy
TIE- Second Place: 
the basics of human anatomy by waveydnp and dizzy
Dan vs Phil: Capitalist Edition by @counting2fifteen , @itsmyusualphannie , @yiffandquiff , patchworklove, @candanandphilnot , @filisaceaf
Third Place: From Up Here you can't Beat the View (just watch me now) by @filisaceaf and @maybeformepersonally
Best Ao3 Fic 
First Place: coffee at midnight by waveydnp 
Second Place: can't breathe when you touch my sleeve by somerdaye
TIE - Third Place 
And the rain drips down as the world sinks by @deathlytireddan
Strike a Pose by @ahappyphil
Best Fic of 2019
First Place: Coffee at Midnight by waveydnp
Second Place: bruising the sun by waveydnp
Third Place: I Want It, I Got It by yiffandquiff
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phanficawards · 4 years
Phanfic Awards: Results and Winners- Best by Length/Status
We tried to keep this as fair as possible, but unfortunately we cannot help if some bias’ did come through during voting.
We also wanted to say that no matter the results, every fic that was nominated is considered a winner in our books and we want everyone to know that their fics, whether or not they were nominated, are always going to be amazing.
Thanks for another successful year of the Phanfic Awards!
Best Drabble
First Place: Dan and Phil Go Outside (A Lot) by @counting2fifteen
Second Place: Silver Hoop by @ahappyphil
Third Place: Freebies at Sea by @capriciouscrab
Best Oneshot 
First Place: Basically He’s Gay by @waveydnp
Second Place: Before the Night is Through by waveydnp and dizzy 
Third Place: Unveiled by @intoapuddle
Best Chaptered
First Place: coffee at midnight by waveydnp
TIE - Second Place: 
Bruising the Sun by waveydnp
I Want It, I Got It by @yiffandquiff
Third Place: Too High (Can’t Come Down) by @danfanciesphil 
Best Long Fic 
First Place: Monochrome by intoapuddle
Second Place: coffee at midnight by waveydnp
Third Place: too high (can't come down) by danfanciesphil 
Best WIP
First Place: monochrome by intoapuddle
Second Place: clean the kitchen by @watergator
Third Place: lover dearest by @dayevsphil 
Best Undiscovered Fic
First Place: Phil's Road Trip Playlist by @blissedoutphil
Second Place: Take a breath and dance with me by lemonheadlester and writtennotsung
Third Place: finally // beautiful stranger by @sudden-sky 
Best Series
First Place: lover dearest by somerdaye
Second Place: Accidentally by intoapuddle
Third Place: smutty thursday by @wekingsandprettythings
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phanficawards · 4 years
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A lot of people have been asking if the phanfic awards are happening this year, and they are happening! @phanfictionawards and phanficawards have decided to come together. We’re very excited for what we have planned for the phanfic awards and we hope that you are too.
That’s all we have for now! Keep checking back over the next few days for more information about nominations and voting! We hope you’re excited as we are!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us an ask!
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phanficawards · 4 years
Phanfic Awards: Results and Winners- The Lost Categories
We tried to keep this as fair as possible, but unfortunately we cannot help if some bias’ did come through during voting.
We also wanted to say that no matter the results, every fic that was nominated is considered a winner in our books and we want everyone to know that their fics, whether or not they were nominated, are always going to be amazing.
Thanks for another successful year of the Phanfic Awards!
*the links aren’t staying for some reason so we weren’t able to link the fics at this time
Fic That Had You on the Edge of Your Seat 
First Place: Monochrome by @intoapuddle
Second Place: Red Snow by @watergator
Third Place: A Stolen Ring by bluejazzberrys
Best Use of an Original Character 
First Place: can’t breathe when you touch my sleeve by @dayevsphil
Second Place: What’s Dead Doesn’t Always Stay by @death-by-toast-bitch, @echo-of-words ,and @anotheregofanficblog
Best Alternative Work
First Place: we could disappear for a while by @sudden-sky
Second Place: can’t take my eyes off you by @dnplegs
Pure Fluff Award 
First Place: bargain day at the supermarket by @templeofshame
Second Place: childish by glitterandtears6
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phanficawards · 4 years
Phanfic Awards: Results and Winners- Best by Genre
We tried to keep this as fair as possible, but unfortunately we cannot help if some bias’ did come through during voting.
We also wanted to say that no matter the results, every fic that was nominated is considered a winner in our books and we want everyone to know that their fics, whether or not they were nominated, are always going to be amazing.
Thanks for another successful year of the Phanfic Awards!
Best Angst
First Place: Monochrome by @intoapuddle
Second Place: Coffee at Midnight by @waveydnp
Third Place: clean the kitchen by @watergator
Best Fluff
First Place: after all these years by @jestbee
Second Place: Can’t breathe when you touch my sleeve by @dayevsphil
Third Place: memories by @intoapuddle
Best Smut 
First Place: ask for it by @intoapuddle
Second Place: Too High (Can’t Come Down) by @danfanciesphil
Third Place: the second tetris block by @alittledizzy
Best Combination 
First Place: Coffee at Midnight by @waveydnp
Second Place:  I Want It, I Got It by @yiffandquiff 
Third Place: Bruising the Sun by @waveydnp
Best AU (Alternative Universe)
First Place: monochrome by @intoapuddle
Second Place: I Want It, I Got It by @yiffandquiff
Third Place: Coffee at Midnight by @waveydnp
Best Reality
First Place: the second tetris block by @alittledizzy
Second Place: Do You Trust Me? by @thrivinghowell
Third Place: like me by @calvinahobbes
Best Slowburn 
First Place: monochrome by intoapuddle
Second Place: bruising the sun by waveydnp
Third Place: can't breathe when you touch my sleeve by somerdaye
Best Crack Fic 
First Place: secret handshakes by intoapuddle
Second Place: Can dan and Phil nut by @itsmyusualphannie
Third Place: hey now, you're an all-star by itsmyusualphannie
Best Horror Fic 
First Place: Red Snow by watergator
Second Place: The Bear by waveydnp and dizzy
Third Place: Date With Death by watergator
Best Hardcore Smut 
First Place: bad dog by intoapuddle
Second Place: A seedy place by intoapuddle
Third Place: air by intoapuddle
Best Historical
First Place: serendipity on a train platform by @yikesola
Second Place: Where the orchids grow by capriciouscrab
Third Place: Thought of You Often by jestbee
Best Sci-fi
First Place: Comet me, bro by @counting2fifteen
Second Place: you're always busy being make-believe by the_blonde
Third Place: Your Immortal by yikesola
Best Genre
First Place: Combination 
Second Place: Slowburn 
Third Place: Magical Realism 
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phanficawards · 4 years
Phanfic Awards: Results and Winners- Best by Trope
We tried to keep this as fair as possible, but unfortunately we cannot help if some bias’ did come through during voting.
We also wanted to say that no matter the results, every fic that was nominated is considered a winner in our books and we want everyone to know that their fics, whether or not they were nominated, are always going to be amazing.
Thanks for another successful year of the Phanfic Awards!
Best Parent!phan
First Place: mistletoe kisses by @flymetomanchester
Second Place: just nail polish by @counting2fifteen
Third Place: take a breath and dance by lemonheadlester and writtennotsung
Best Punk x Pastel 
First Place: Drama Queen by marriedphan1234
Second Place: they owned the night - @unorthodoxsavvy
Best Songfic
First Place: Be Alright by @yiffandquiff
Second Place: Be Still My Foolish Heart (Move Me,Baby) by @starboydjh
TIE- Third Place: 
once I have you (never let you go) by @i-am-my-opheliac
Finally // Beautiful Stranger by @sudden-sky
Best 2009!Phan 
First Place: the second tetris block by alittledizzy
Second Place: An Act of Infinite Optimism by @phloridas
Third Place: like me by @calvinahobbes
Best present!phan 
First Place: Falling Away (Generations) by @capriciouscrab
TIE - Second Place: 
Space inside by @quercussp
Prism by realeyesrealize
Best Fem!Dnp
First Place: the basics of human anatomy by dizzy & waveydnp
Second Place: Finally // Beautiful Stranger by patchworklove
Third Place: Rawr Means I Love You In Dinosaur by @candanandphilnot
Favorite Fanfic Trope of 2019
First Place: slowburn/au
Second Place: friends with benefits 
Third Place: coffee shop!au
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phanficawards · 4 years
Phanfic Awards: Results and Winners- Original Categories
We tried to keep this as fair as possible, but unfortunately we cannot help if some bias’ did come through during voting.
We also wanted to say that no matter the results, every fic that was nominated is considered a winner in our books and we want everyone to know that their fics, whether or not they were nominated, are always going to be amazing.
Thanks for another successful year of the Phanfic Awards!
Favorite Blogger
First Place: @ahappydnp
Second Place: @alittledizzy
Third Place: @goldenpinof
Favorite 2019 Dan Moment
First Place: Coming Out
Second Place: Dan’s First Pride Event
Third Place: Dan’s appearance as Benvolio on PhilosophyTube’s Charity Livestream
Favorite Phil Video of 2019
First Place: Coming Out to You
Second Place: Trying to Do a Make Up Tutorial Inspired by my Fish
Third Place: Following a Bob Ross Painting Tutorial
Favorite Phan Moment of 2019
First Place: Japhan 2.0
Second Place: Coming Out
Third Place: The short segment in Phil’s “buying wish ad’s” video where he ran towards Dan behind the camera
Favorite Dan Tweet of 2019
First Place: No Context Japan
Second Place: Vaguely Sexual Election Tweet
Third Place: Halloween Jump Scare- Straight Dan
Favorite Phil Tweet of 2019 
First Place: "Congrats on the baby making"  
Second Place: Twitching Nose Paradox
Third Place: Unsuspecting 'M'
Favorite Dan Instastory of 2019
First Place: Pride Nip Slip
Second Place: Phil is Thiccer than the Kardashian’s
Third Place: Legalize Catboys
Favorite Phil Instastory of 2019
TIE - First Place: 
Phil Attempting to Feed Deer
Deer Chasing Phil in Japan 
Best Platonic Fic
First Place: Life is a Journey (Not a Race) by Krissyxlove
Second Place: Distraction by NelindeA
Best Fantasy Fic 
First Place: As the Smoke Clears by @jestbee
Second Place: The Magic of You by @capriciouscrab
Third Place: three cheers for tyranny by @filisaceaf
Best LGBTQ+ Fic 
First Place: they don’t know (about us) by @calvinahobbes
Second Place: With the Words I Can't Say by @watergator
Third Place: truth ran wild by jodlewhitaker
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phanficawards · 4 years
Phanfic Awards Voting: The Lost Categories
We noticed after a message came to our attention that unfortunately our voting form wasn’t entirely accurate. In an attempt to fix this mistake, we added the categories we noticed that were missing onto a new form for voting. These categories will be up for voting until January 31st at Midnight like the original form. 
We are also aware that we have some fics missing from some categories that is 100% our admin error and we’re looking at how to correct that in time for a fair voting. We apologize deeply to anyone who was looking for their fic and couldn’t find it on the form. We are honestly as upset as you must be noticing we never caught these mistakes. 
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phanficawards · 4 years
Change to the Awards
We initially stated with the awards that we were only going to let a fic only win the one category that they got voted on in the highest margin, however, that has since had to be changed to accommodate the way voting has turned out. 
Unfortunately, our initial system to keep the awards fair is not going to work so we’re allowing the voting form to be the final decider for what fics are winning what categories. We apologize if this upsets anyone but it was the only way we could give you guys the results, and attempt to keep the awards fair. 
Voting is now closed and the video reveals will be out later today with the posts with the official results to follow! 
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phanficawards · 4 years
We are all really excited to have the final voting results released to everyone and we hope everyone is able to wish a congratulations to all of authors and send their appreciation to all of their favorite Phanfic writers or fics (even those not listed).
We are content with how the results turned out and we are glad for another successful awards! As always, none of the categories are meant to project a fic as one way or the other, nor should these categories be taken seriously. And we apologize if any category (although we’ve been using the same or similar categories since 2014) has upset you in any way since that’s not our intention by any means.
The awards are for fun and should be taken with a grain of salt.
We hope you all have a great rest of the year and we’ll see you all next year!
Continue to write, comment, and support your favorite phanfics and authors!
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phanficawards · 4 years
Original Categories Winners
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