#pet death cw in the tags
jamescarstairs · 21 days
you know there's something wrong with me when i'm grateful work is getting me out of the house 😭
#lex waffles#pet death cw in the tags#being at home it's just so empty & quiet & there's just so many reminders of her#at least at work i'm distracted for a good few hours focusing on the task at hand#whereas when i'm at home i'll get distracted for some time and then my mind is like 'you haven't seen the dog in a while go see her'#and then i'm like 'oh i can't' 😭#it's why going to the living room is just so much worse now because she should be there!#coming home from work for the first time since she's gone was literally nothing i could've prepared for#i didn't expect that to effect me so much#i though the 'how was your easter/holiday?' questions would've hit harder but no#idk if i would've prefered being at work last week#so i didn't have to sit at home for a whole week not leaving the house and just having to come to terms with the fact she's gone#or if it was better because then i didn't have to face anyone and pretend to be fine#(like i'm still not fine about it but i can put more of a brave face on now than i probably could've done last week)#i had to hide away one of her toys that i used to play with her a lot just in case my mum decided to rehome / throw away her toys#idk if she would but she was already ripping the bandaid off with other things way quicker than i would've liked... but yeah#i think it's hit me harder than i originally thought it would because it was unexpected and i really did have hope that she would come home#(from the vet)#and then i woke up the next morning....#anyways....
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bogcreacher · 2 months
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guy who’s about to go John Wick on his ex
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grollow · 3 months
RS update will come late this evening, sorry for the delay.
Star started acting off on Friday; I knew something was wrong. We had a vet appointment for today, but he passed away yesterday before I could get him in. I imagine it probably was the heart condition his entire litter had (every single one of them had it), but I bottle raised him so uhhh
I was a complete wreck yesterday. Sorry for anyone I was strange to.
I'm doing better today, but spoons still very low.
Thanks for patience.
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lover-of-skellies · 4 days
I need,, some advice (once again)
@ anyone who's owned a gerbil or rodent in general: how do you help them get better from a super bad ear infection? Like... to the extent that there's pus and it makes the entire room smell like the bowels of hell itself
It's my room that's being stunk up, and it smells worse than my cat's litter box after I've given him wet food. My sibling doesn't want the gerbil upstairs in their room because they have health concerns about the gerbil (the gerbil herself is super old), but she's been in my room for more than a year now
I feel like an ass for wanting the gerbil out of my room because she's very old and sick and might die soon, but the smell is so bad that it's starting to make me feel unwell, I stg
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autisticaradiamegido · 11 months
no art again today. after losing my grandma last week i have just lost my dog and i am not really sure what is gonna be my best coping mechanism atm. basically just expect art to be maybe a little sparse and unpredictable in the coming days while I am readjusting to uhhh. all of this. or maybe i will wake up tomorrow and be suddenly caught by the desire to draw for hours and hours without stopping! i really can't say for sure.
but you're all very compassionate and understanding about this shit every time i have to go awol for a bit and i would like you to know i appreciate the hell out of that.
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beanswithbones · 5 months
To my little old lady,
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Pookie, you got me through so much in highschool and I'm sorry after I moved I didn't come home to visit you more often. I will cherish these last 4 days with you. I will sit by you as I play videogames on my crappy little Chromebook.
I wish I could spend more time with you. I wish you weren't slipping from me so quickly. You've gotten so skinny, your strong loud meow has mellowed, your purr is weak and we have to carry you to your food and litter. Yet you cuddle so lovingly, you butt your head against our hands the best you can muster. You may be weak but you're happy. And I hope you'll be happy still when I hold you in my arms for the last time.
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pitruli · 7 months
How I had the oddest shittiest day in so fucking long today
Trigger warning for pet death if you don't have this blocked, but I have to vent for a bit.
I had to put my Epsilon to sleep tonight, my "little brother", the cat I lived with since I was 9. He was barely reacting to his surroundings and kept crying out loud because of his failing kidneys. We knew he was probably his last year but we didn't want to have to bring him to the vet ER for that. He was just 14 years old and I hate how angry I am right away. Angry as I'm scared he was depressed because of the stray cat stealing what's left of his food for months and now sneaking in our house to sleep on places Epsi likes, because his owner doesn't seem to even feed that cat, and that now we can't bear to take that cat in. Angry because of how I talked of my cat just this evening saying an older cat was doing better than him health wise without knowing it was even his last evening. I'm so sorry Chachou.
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the-casbah-way · 15 days
cw for pet loss but i think the saddest thing in the world is that when your cat dies you still find their fur around the house for quite a while after. and then one day you notice that you haven’t found any in a while and it’s completely earth shattering
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pocket-lin · 28 days
my dog died on march 8th. i only talked about her and her cancer a few times on tumblr but it's been very hard and i just wanted to post about it, i guess. i was just starting to maybe make some friends on here and i was doing a few fic recs and ask games and i had ideas for some more fun fandom stuff. and then she died! and i lost all momentum! i'm sorry if i stopped responding to you or never sent a message back in the first place or some other genre of ghosting! so many people followed me and then i just kinda dipped out of existence. whoops!
we knew her death was coming and had time to prepare, but i don't know if that will ever make it "easier" or not. she was my best friend and i miss her a lot but also i feel so relieved that its over. i felt guilty for that at first but now that its been a few weeks, i'm just letting myself feel that relief. october - march were some incredibly difficult months!! she had several surgeries and i had my own health issues and had to go to the hospital (again). she was doing a lot better and then a new tumor popped up so fucking quickly and we just made sure that the rest of her life was going to be as happy and as pain-free as possible. and it actually was!! still fucking sucked for me to make that happen though!
anyway. hello again!
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gillianthecat · 1 day
I had the vet put down my older cat today, the one I call Big Fat Tuxedo cat on here, though he had gotten very skinny. He was 18. I got to hold him as he passed.
A month or so ago he had blood tests that indicated heart problems and hyperthyroidism. And then he and Gillian the Actual Cat picked up a cold, probably from the boarding place, and while Gillian is fine, just sneezing a lot, I guess Big Fat Tuxedo cat's inmune system couldn't cope. He stopped eating and drinking, got very lethargic and started hiding himself away, including not coming home for 36 hours. He was scheduled to have an x-ray for his heart today anyways, but when I took him in the vet said he had developed pneumonia and was very concerned. She said I could put him on IV and antibiotics, but he was unlikely to get better in the long term, and she recommended putting him down.
It was a hard decision. I don't like having the power to decide life and death. And there were so many what-ifs running through my head: what if I had cleaned my place enough that I could have the cat sitter come instead of taking them to boarding. What if I'd taken him to the vet right away when I started getting sick last week, or at least on Saturday. What if the treatment would have worked, and he would have had a reasonably healthy 5+ years left in him?
I may have made a different decision if he'd gotten sick in three weeks, once my semester was over. Does that mean I just let him go for my convenience? Because I didn't know how I would manage taking care of him and taking him to the vet while finishing up classes and exams? I do feel some guilt over that choice. And guilt over the relief of not having to fit in his already scheduled vet appointments into all the studying I needed to do.
But perhaps the vet was right, and any treatment would just have prolonged his suffering. Eighteen years is a good long run for a cat, even if he could have lived longer.
They let me spend time with him in the exam room, and I held him for a little bit, then he wanted to go back in his carrier and lay there. He was clearly so weak and unhappy. They put in an IV port, then let me hold him in my arms as they gave him the sedative and the euthanasia drug. It was very fast acting, died almost immediately. They let me stay with his body for a while before they took him away to be cremated. I elected to have him as part of the communal cremation, rather than I private one where I could get his ashes. He'll be comingled with other pets I'm sure he would have hated in life, but maybe he'll make friends after death.
I'm back home and Gillian the Actual Cat has been cuddling on my lap.
Here's the Big Fat Tuxedo cat as a young lad of 15:
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And here is my green-eyed boy at 13. I don't have that many pictures him; I tend to take very few pictures in general. He's much cuter in real life.
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blacktofade · 1 year
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We lost our darling boy Harry yesterday and it never gets easier to say goodbye, even when you know it's the right time. I got him when I was 14 and he made it to 19 (probably because he was so spoilt, bless) so it'll be an adjustment to not have him around. Please hug your babies for me and savor every moment you have with them 💖
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iihavenomouth · 8 months
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Thank you for sharing your time with me, pumpkin.
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
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I don’t know if I ever mentioned it on here but almost every time I posted anything on Tumblr, Florence was on my lap, trying to sit on my laptop.
She was a lover but she was also a pushy ass cat who didn’t care if you didn’t want her on your lap, she’d turn around and back her ass up until she found a reasonable spot on my lap. She was such a good girl, I love her so fucking much.
Florence crossed the rainbow bridge tonight, completely unexpected. This feels like a nightmare. I’m trying hard to hold on to the fact that we moved quickly so she did not suffer. I’m trying to hold on to the fact that we got 6 wonderful years with her, that we rescued her and we gave her a life full of love and happiness.
I just needed to type that out. I don’t know if I’ll be around — I probably will because I have to keep myself busy.
Please kiss your pets tonight for me.
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timelordsandkittens · 11 days
anxiety is crazy. "here help me take care of this dead dog" ok no prob. "ok now take these clipboards up to the front desk" ummm.... you want me to what? talk to people? are you sure??
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the-commonplace-book · 2 months
it’s a go home from work early because i burst into tears on the job kind of day
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
genuinely cannot fathom that I hugged and kissed my puppy for the last time and laid him to rest with my very own hands
it’s just. i’m not a dog owner anymore. how is that possible. how fucking stupid is that. i’ve been a dog mom for eleven years. 11. how can it be that he’s not just a room away or that jiggling noise isn’t his collar?
it’s really fucking me up & for some reason I’m so fixated on the shape of his head and little eyebrows. how the curve fit right into my hands, how I pet him and kissed him right there so many times. how I cant again.
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