#peli moto
secretlyatimelady · 1 year
The mandalorian S3:E3 thoughts
Ok. Grogu is incredibly competent and smart. Like………. He managed to save his dad mULTIPLE times, and when he was unable to he gOT THE ASTROMECH TO FLY HIM TO BO-KATAN.
Bo-Katan is so much better with the darksabre… like srsly. THAT is how you use it.
Why is she being so helpful as well? I genuinely thought she was trying to trick him or something at first. Not because I think she would, but because she’s being extraordinarily generous. If anyone has some thoughts on why she is being like that please feel free to add your thoughts.
Bonus mention: gotta love Peli Moto, running her little scam.
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littlemissskuldart · 1 year
Worlds Apart (cont)
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Things seem to be working out; Tula is going to be a Mechanic with Peli, and Amara is starting to feel better about things....but there still that Murder.... HMM.
Plot heavy because that’s how things are.
Tagging @grogusmum @oonajaeadira  @ezrasbirdie​ @theidiotwhowritesthings​  because you’re awesome
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allclonesneedkisses · 2 years
Chapter 1: The Mandalorian, The Child and The Woman
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General Summary: He doesn't take passengers. Unless they're paying him a small fortune. She's running from everything and willing to foot the bill of a six month long expedition across the galaxy. If that wasn't bad enough he's starting to fall in love. She's a sex loving chef he's a battle hardened Mandalorian, can I make it more obvious.
Chapter Summary: A woman propositions Din to guide her safely across the galaxy. Unfortunately right after they set out it becomes clear that his new passenger is going to be more work than he expected.
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!OC (name revealed later)
Word Count: 2.3K
Tags: hurt/comfort, character introduction, Grogu is the child because they haven't met Ahsoka.
“I don't take passengers.”
She couldn't say she was surprised but right now she needed to get off world and off the grid and the Mandalorian was her best option. They were standing in the shadowy hallway just outside his hanger where she’d been waiting for him to return. She’d heard of Mandalorians, knew they were fierce fighters and known to keep their word. When she’d spotted him leaving the hanger it had felt like fate. Someone who had no ties to the empire nor the new republic. She’d stopped haggling with a twi'lek merchant, much to his frustration, to wait for the Mandalorian to come back.
She knew she looked shady but in this space port everyone did. She needed safe passage and protection and it looked like the Mandalorian would be able to provide both.
“Then don't think of me as a passenger, think of me as an employer.” He didn't move, his helmet eerily still. In the shadows there was little reflection off of his beskar giving him the appearance of a statue. Her eye twitched in annoyance and her headache throbbed but other than that she was as still as him. She gritted her teeth in annoyance. “I’ll pay for all the fuel too but we have to leave now.”
He shifted slightly, readjusting his pulse rifle on his back. “Rations as well and we have a deal.”
She gave a silent sigh of relief. She didn't care what he asked from her, right now she’d give him everything if he’d promise to take her. “You give me your word you’ll get me there alive?”
His helmet gave her no hint at his expression but after a moment he held out his gloved hand. “I give you my word.”
Only after they’d jumped into hyperspace did she relax, letting her fear and relief work their way out of her through shakes. The Mandalorian had retreated to the cockpit, leaving her alone in the hold. She’d found a spot between some cargo containers and curled her knees up to her chin resting her back against the cool hull, her body burning.
She woke with a start to the sound of babbling. She blinked her heavy lidded eyes trying to get them to focus with little luck. Her head ached fiercely and her wounds were throbbing and everything seemed a little fuzzy.
“Eh?” She felt tugging on her sleeve and she blinked again and looked down next to her. Big brown eyes stared back and big green ears twitched at her sharp intake of breath. She had no idea what this tiny creature was and in her confused state of mind she couldn't even begin to guess. It stared at her and she stared back before it pulled on her sleeve again.
“Uh, Mando?” She didn't want to risk upsetting it by moving. It might be cute now but what if it was actually dangerous?
“Mando?” She called louder this time, still not taking her eyes off of it. There was a curse from the cockpit and she could hear heavy boots approaching. He stopped just in front of where she sat but she didn't dare look away. At his arrival the creature looked towards him but its tiny green claws dug into her shirt.
“Eh!” The creature said pulling on her sleeve while still looking up at the Mandalorian.
“She’s a passenger.” She looked at the man, hearing the controlled calm in his voice, but all his focus was on the little green creature. When the Mandalorian didn't say anything else, the creature turned back to her and without warning smacked her on the chest. Somehow it had hit her right on top of her wounds and even though it’s hand was tiny she hissed in pain.
“What have I told you about hitting?” She looked up to ask what was going on and only then did she realized he had his hand on the blaster at his hip. She swallowed and focused on his blank visor; whatever this creature was he was more afraid of her hurting it than the other way around. At least that was a comfort. The little green hand smacked her in the chest again and she winced but made no move to pull away. At that the Mandalorian went down on one knee and she flinched away but his focus was on the small creature.
It was an odd sight, the heavily armored Mandalorian grasping the creature's tiny hands. “No hitting.” The modulator in his helmet made his statement sound flat but it was obvious he was trying to be stern. Carefully he pulled at the claws still attached to her shirt but the thing had punctured the cloth and twisted it tightly in its little fists.
“What do I- can I help?” She hadn't moved yet, and she wasn't about to move without his permission, not with him so close. The visor turned fractionally in her direction and he seemed to be mulling her question over, gauging her threat level. He dipped his head slightly and removed his own hands from the tiny tangled ones. She moved slowly not wanting to startle either of them and worked on untangling the little fingers.
“Bah.” The creature said, craning its head to look into her face. For being so small it sure had a strong grip. As she carefully pulled, she realized what its claws were actually hooked on.
“It’s uh. It’s stuck on my bandages.” She muttered.
“Bah!” The creature nodded vigorously at her, pulling again. After that discovery it didn't take too long to get the little hands free. It would have gone faster if the Mandalorian hadn't been watching her so intently and if her hands hadn't been so shaky. The moment it was free, the Mandalorian scooped the creature up into his arms and retreated back into the cockpit without a word.
She didn't move, too tired to really react to the whole thing. Her chest still stung from the small smacks and she wouldn't be surprised if one of the wounds there had opened back up. She licked her chapped lips and closed her tired eyes finding it almost too much of an effort to keep them open. She was hot under all her layers but she was so tired she couldn't be bothered to take any off.
The next time she woke up it was in a confusing daze, the only thing she was really aware of was someone roughly shaking her. “Hey.” A voice called out but it sounded muffled and she couldn't tell where it was coming from. Her head was roaring and she couldn't seem to open her eyes. Through her muddy sensed she felt something cool placed on her forehead before she passed back out.
When he’d gone to check on her later she’d been in the same spot, except sprawled on the floor unconscious. He’d made sure she was still breathing but when he checked her heart rate with his bare hands he could tell right away something was wrong.
Her skin was burning hot and her heart was racing. He shook her but she didn't respond besides a slight flutter of her eyelids.
“Hey.” She still didn't react and he placed his hand on her forehead trying to figure out how bad her fever was. He sighed and straightened before heading back to the cockpit. He pulled up the lightspeed trajectory map to see if there was a safe place to land and find a doctor. Their best bet would be Mos Eisley, about six hours out. He checked where they currently were and dropped out of hyperspace with a sigh. He turned all the ship sensors as high as they would go as the computer plotted a new route. At the drop in speed a small coo came from the closed pram to his right. Without looking he tapped the control for it to open.
His eyes were fixed on his instruments but he was listening to the child move around beside him. There was a ding from the computer and he quickly punched in the new course and they jumped back into hyperspace. He looked over just in time to see the child slipping out of the pram. Gently he scooped him back up before he got very far.
“I want you to stay up here for now okay?” The brown eyes looked at him blankly as the child tilted his head. “Stay here.” He said firmly. He had no idea what was wrong with the woman but he wasn't going to risk the child catching something from her.
The next six hours weren't fun. The child seemed insistent on going down to the hold with him every time he went and checked on the woman. While this wasn't one of his original reasons for not taking passengers, he was definitely adding it to the list. Here he was playing nurse when she hadn't even paid him yet, let alone told him her name.
As annoying as the situation was, he couldn't really find it in himself to be mad at her. Frustrated yes, mad no. He’d seen how afraid she’d been back in the hanger, though she’d hidden it well. Putting on a fierce facade that would have probably fooled anyone else. She didn't beg him to let her come, she’d bargained with him, even paying the hanger fee to prove she was good for it.
Even if she ended up being trouble he was confident he’d easily be able to deal with her and if worse came to worse he could always put her in carbonite. Although that was a last resort since the trip would take the better part of six months to complete. He didn't like sharing his limited space with a stranger but her offer had been too good to pass up. Fuel was too expensive these days, especially when you were paying to be left off the port records.
If he finished the job he’d have enough money to last them for at least five years. Longer if he was careful with it and that prospect was too tempting. Work wasn't always consistent, sometimes not worth the danger and he knew his savings would continue to dwindle as he searched the galaxy for the jedi. Better to put up with her for half a year and earn big than to deny her and keep struggling to make enough to keep them going.
They were almost to Mos Eisley and he was once again checking on the woman. He’d removed her cloak and hood after seeing how hot she was. But now he wasn't sure what to do. There were blood stains on her shirt. Mostly on her chest that he knew should be looked at but if they were going to be stuck together he didn't want to start their trip with her waking up half naked while he worked on her so he left them for now.
She was only a handful of inches shorter than him. Obviously Pantoran with her blue skin and white hair. Her figure was generous to say the least, all curves and soft edges that had been well hidden under her cloak. She looked to be early to middle aged, with tiny creases at the corners of her mouth from smiling.
His silent observations were interrupted by the sound of small running feet and then the child was clinging to his leg as he looked down. “I told you to stay.” He said, trying to sound firm but without much luck. The child simply gazed at him before motioning towards the woman with one small hand.
“I don't know what's wrong with her.” The brown eyes continued to stare and for the hundredth time he wondered how much the child really understood. He set her cloak and hood down on a storage crate and picked the child up cradling him against his chest plate. The child snuggled closer to his neck as he walked back to the ladder and up into the cockpit. As soon as they dropped out of hyperspace he commed Peli.
“Did you forget something? You were just here.” He ignored her question and waited.
She gave an annoyed sigh. “Yes you're good to land. So what’s up? You don't usually come back so fast.”
He drummed his fingers on his thigh glancing down at the child who was obviously listening. “I’ve got a passenger that needs a doctor.”
There was a beat of silence. “I’m an engineer not a doctor Mando.” More silence on his end and she sighed. “You know you could just ask me if I know a doctor you can go to instead of trying to be all mysterious.”
More silence and then he spoke. “Do you know a doctor that can meet us at the hanger?”
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mikrokosmcs · 1 year
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                           and I know they're gonna HATE                                       but I don't care, I barely can wait               to hit 'em with the snare and the bass                            square in the face, this fuckin' WORLD better prepare to get laced                                                        because they're gonna taste my...
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niobiumao3 · 5 months
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I got tired of there being no Phee options for Lego and hit up Bricklink. I have a couple of other alternative parts on the way but this initial build came out real good!
Parts list below the cut.
Mini Doll, Hair Coiled, Pulled Up with Molded Dark Turquoise Head Wrap Pattern Item No: 79984pb02
Note that hair from 'Friends' minidolls does fit on most minifig heads!
Minifigure, Head Dual Sided Female Black Eyebrows Thick, Single Eyelashes, Dark Brown Lips, Open Mouth Smile with Top Teeth and Red Tongue / Smirk Pattern - Hollow Stud Item No: 3626cpb3015
Torso Coat, Silver Badge with Red and Blue Trim, Dark Bluish Gray Mesh, Reddish Brown Belt Pattern / White Arms / Light Bluish Gray Hands Item No: 973pb4503c01
Hands from :
Torso SW Hooded Shirt over Light Bluish Gray Undershirt and Dark Tan Straight and Diagonal Belts with Pockets Pattern / Tan Arms / Dark Brown Hands Item No: 973pb2205c01
Hips and Black Legs with Dark Brown Belt and Tassel, Dark Blue Coattails Pattern Item No: 970c11pb47
Minifigure, Weapon Sword, Cutlass / Saber (Pearl Gold) Item No: 2530 Alternate Item No: 35744
Minifigure, Weapon Gun, Blaster SW Standard Item No: 58247
Bar 4L (Lightsaber Blade / Wand) - Yellow Item No: 30374 Alternate Item No: 578, 21462, 28697
Minifigure, Weapon Lightsaber Hilt Straight - Metallic Silver Item No: 64567 Alternate Item No: 577, 15556, 23306
I have a Peli Moto torso on the way, which has the rust-red jacket and matching hand color for the heads I purchased, also an alternate legs (which has a holster for the blaster) and some other odds and ends like tools for the Tech minifig and a pair of closer-to-DC17-blaster weapons. We'll see once it all arrives!
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intermundia · 5 months
@ anon with the lovely hospital AU, apologies for the delay i was chewing on this for a couple days haha there's a whole season of grey's anatomy primetime soap worthy material. i love how fully you've filled out the AU with characters and unspooled all the drama. i can see why it would be difficult to write, it does have a big scope of imagination there. thank you for sharing it with meeeeeee
for everyone 700 words of lovely obikin hospital AU worldbuilding, continued beneath the cut!!
Shmi is a renowned heart surgeon. Best there is in the country (not just the state thank you very much) and she did it all while her son was young. Her grandmother (Grandma Mira) and her two cousins (Peli Moto and Beru Whitesun ) both helped her out a ton. She is admired and Skywalker is a name very well known in medical circles.
She decided to became a heart surgeon when her own mother (insert name here) died from a heart issue that no one wanted to touch surgically. Anakin was 9 years old. Anakin has his mom up on a pedestal - she is perfect and smart, the best surgeon, the best mom, she’s done it all. Anakin feels the pressure to be just as good as his mom. People expect him to be just as brilliant and successful as his mother. He expects it from himself. Shmi just wants him to be happy. Anakin is ready to start his residency at 25. His mother is in line to be chief of surgery at the hospital she works at (Twin Suns Medical Center). Its considered the hospital to intern at if you want your specialty to be heart surgery. Anakin isn’t really sure what he wants to specialize in, and he doesn’t want people to say that he got it easy during his internship. So he goes to the next best thing (it’s actually the number one hospital overall in the country but to Anakin is second to the hospital where shmi works because Shmi works there). He goes to Jedi Coruscant General Hospital. Chief Executive officer (in charge of whole hospital) : Breha Organa Chief of Surgery : Bail Organa (general surgeon) Brain Surgeon (top brain guy in the country) : Obi-Wan Kenobi 4th year resident: Padme Amidala (Anakin’s assigned resident) Heart Surgeon: Mace Windu Trauma Surgeon: Shaak Ti Pediatric Surgeon: Plo Koon Neonatal Surgeon: Siri Tachi Plastic Surgeon: Quinlan Vos Orthopedic Surgeon: Qui-Gon Jinn Head of the hospital board: Mon Mothma Cancer surgeon: Jocosta Nu Eye Surgeon: Dooku Vascular Surgeon: Wolffe Yoda - retired chief of surgery and general surgeon Anakin’s cohort: Aayla, Ferus Olin, Rex, Jesse, Echo, Fives 4th Year Residents: Sabe, Clovis, Bly 5th year residents: Depa Billaba, Bultar Swan, Cody Anakin’s running late on his first day, in the parking lot he’s too distracted trying to make sure he has everything in his bag that he bumps into a red head and spills the red head’s hot tea all of his shirt. “shit. Fuck. Sorry. Sorry.” Keeps walking but turns around to walk backwards to meet the really pretty blue eyes of the definitely pissed off red head “I owe you. I’ll bring you a … a coffee? Was it coffee during lunch. Sorry!” Ferus Olin, a childhood nemesis makes his appearance. He’s assigned to be Padme’s intern (the woman who gave him back his engagement ring when he was 22 and 27. He hadn’t realized she was back in town and that maybe it was purposeful that he didn’t know). Its turning out to be a truly shit day and then the pretty red head from the parking lot makes his appearance and anakin wants to sink into the ground. But. The red head picks him to help him with a surgery. … Its pretty much a grey’s anatomy AU. Obi-Wan and anakin start hooking up pretty much immediately. Ferus Olin and Anakin make nice and turn out to be pretty decent friends. Then. Anakin realizes that Padme had kids, with him. The twins. And never told him. 🤯. That’s smoothed over. He’s a dad now. He loves it. Obi-Wan’a supportive. Their secret relationship is starting to not be so secret anymore. Then. obi-wan’s ex wife (Satine Kryze) pop in with a kid. obi-wan’s kid. Obi-Wan never told him that he’d been married or that he had a kid. They break up. Anakin thinks about quitting. Then about transferring. Then gets side tracked because Aunt Beru (his mom’s cousin) got married and her husband’s dad was in a bad car crash. Its all hands on deck to save his life. Shmi makes an appearance at the hospital and Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin is Shmi’s son 🤯 Owen’s dad makes it. Anakin and Obi-Wan make up. Their relationship is outted but everything works out. There’s other small and big dramas but thats pretty much it lol
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polarhoid · 5 months
La machaca mecánica
Ayer o antier leí una nota donde se anunciaba una nueva versión de clockwork orange de Kubrick. Me parece una empresa innecesaria, sin embargo, despertó mi creatividad e imaginé cómo seria el argumento de un machacado mecánico localizado en una ciudad del noreste caliente del país.
Ahí les va a ver qué les parece.
Año 2030. Alejandro, un adolescente de 16 años vive en una familia monoparental: su papá trabaja en la maquila y él pasa la tarde bebiendo y fumando piedra en foco, y escuchando obsesivamente corridos tumbados. En lugar de escuchar a Beethoven positrónico, obvio, escucha a Peso Pluma, Chinito Pacas, y corridos clásicos de Natanael Cano. Esquinea con sus amigos los -alucidrogos- que es una pandilla que gusta vestirse de negro, zapato de charol picudo, cintio pitiado y chaqueta de punks rotos con motivos de Neon Genesis Evangelion, Berserk y Dora la Exploradora [es una explicación larga que se podrá abordar en la pre-cuela].
Y pues Alecs y los alucidrogos salen a las calles a hacer desfiguros y a tirarles rollos a las morritas alucidrogas que van al cibercafé a bajar música y a mirar vídeos de ejecuciones; cibercafé porque es un mundo retro-futurista. Y cómo no, practican un idiolecto estandarizdo para comunicarse que se llama el -narcdast-. Con el que se comunican en código 10 e hiperneologismos. Ejemplo: su bebida predilecta qes una mezcla de leche de almendras, Vive100 y Buchanas, al que llaman PistoLeche.
Todo en su vida va relativamente bien, ya saben, lo usual: dando golpizas a migrantes, a niños de la calle y vagabundos. Días normales pues, hasta que un día a Alejandro y secuaces se le ocurre ir a buscar problemas [a toda velocidad en su moto ibérica] a la colonia Cumbres Élite [que luego de varios desplazamiento por las ampliaciones de la megafábrica TESLA, llegó a convertirse en la real Cumbres-Cumbres]. Los alucidrogos asaltan a una casa en donde vive un youtuber generador de contenido retirado y devenido en micro-motivador en reels, y su esposa una influencer que filma atracones con comida muy picante y asmr para personas con ansiedad al cambio. Ambos acomodados y posburgueses, no ven llegar ni esperan a la pandilla y son salvajemente agredidos por los alucidrogos. Vamos a re-crear la famosa secuencia del falo de mármol, pero sin violencia explícita para no perturbar al público, y, en lugar del pitote, Alejandro empuñará una pieza de arte moderno generada por una IA: un sable láser fluorescente y venudo que proyectará por el ojo de su empuñadura imágenes de Mickey Mouse en blanco y negro [así también hacemos una crítica al post-materialismo pop y testosterónico]. Asesinan al hombre y se creen salir con la suya, pero pronto se dan cuenta que se metieron con la clase [creativa] equivocada.
Y entonces en todos los telediarios y redes sociales se alarman y comienzan a buscar a los alucidrogos. Ya se saben la película, así que no ahondaré más, sólo diré que al final la influencer crea una campaña para doxear a Alejandro y su camarilla.
Sus amigos alucidrogos lo traicionan y publican su ubicación en un live. Y pues lo atrapan. Parece que la vida de nuestro personaje ha llegado a su trágico final, pero no: resulta que lo apresan justo cuando un nuevo partido neopopulista llega al poder:
Movimiento Naranja [mecánica].
Esta “nueva” fuerza utiliza técnicas de suspensión de la voluntad y lavado de cerebro con propaganda y vídeos de niños que cantan canciones pegajosas y, entonces, comienza un lento y doloroso proceso de reconversión ideológica y de anulación de la voluntad. Aquí vamos a replicar escena por escena la peli original como homenaje, pero en lugar de vídeos violentos serán puros vídeos promocionales de campaña.
Y pues sueltan al buen Alejandro y, claro, sus compas alucidrogos se lo encuentran y lo machacan y pues Alecs por su cocowash ya no se puede defender y ni siquiera probar gota de pistoleche o escuchar ninguna nota aguda y gangosa de corrido tumbado cualquiera. Alejandro va a morir y por eso busca refugio de nuevo en su casa paterna a la que llega para darse cuenta que su papá ya se hizo del pueblo bicicletero, animalista y prepper con huertos caseros. Así que el cuarto de Alejandro es ahora un corral y una granja de cucarachas. Alejandro ya no tiene dónde vivir y su futuro es infausto, pero, oh, giro de guion esperado, cuando nuestro héroe está a punto de ser apaleado por una turba de gente sin hogar clamando venganza, un alma caritativa hace un en vivo del ataque.
Hecho viral que desata la furia de las sociedades preocupadas-alarmadas-e-indignadas. Alejandro no muere al final, al contrario, renace como mártir y, cuando descubren, lo que Movimiento Naranja [mecánica] le hizo, se convierte en una celebridad inmediata: lo buscan los medios tradicionales, pero, sobre todo, los generadores de contenidos para sus podcast, lives, reels, twitchs, myspace, etcétera. Al darse cuenta del poder que tiene, Alejandro empieza a monetizar su experiencia y lanza su propia canal-marca y al pronto se vuelve en un youtuber generador de contenido cuasi-multimillonario. Hace shows donde enseña como hablar el -nardasc-, hace colaboraciones con Peso Pluma, vídeos picantes con Karely Ruiz; y hasta tiene un show de cocina donde muestra cómo preparar una pistoleche que brilla en la oscuridad.
En la última secuencia de la película, vamos a mostrar a Alejandro en una fiesta de creadores creativos de arte viral multimedia. A Alejandro lo vemos triunfante, sonriente, pero... antes de irnos a negro, se escuchan los primeros acordes de la más famosa de Peso Pluma y... -a la Ti West- sostendremos un primer plano de 7 minutos y medio en donde veremos el rostro de Alejandro que parece o quiere echarse a llorar.
[no mms pinche Netflix deposítame mis 750 mil dólares ya o me voy con VIX alv fierro el gordo tiene el mando]
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galacticalamari · 1 year
Peli Moto: Hey you need a good exploring droid.
Fallen Order players: BD-99.
Peli: The astromech.
Fallen Order fans: ....
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vividiste · 11 months
In primo piano l'eliminazione dei peli del maiale col fuoco.
Pratica atroce fatta a vivo.
E come in una perfetta catena di montaggio mani veloci e crudeli, prive della più piccola compassione, lavorano su martiri senza peccato.
Ogni vittima è collocata al posto giusto per seguire ogni passaggio, fino alla morte.
La nostra RICHIESTA mette in moto un'intollerabile meccanismo di OFFERTA.
Gabriella Dimastrodonato
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Fonte fb😪
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8kane8 · 2 years
bitter reality
AU de skz
centrado en felix
felix era acosado en la escuela y un dia se defiende, o algo asi
POV de nadie
Felix llegaba tarde
todo por culpa de ese maldito.
yeonjun no lo dejaba ni un día en paz, siempre mandándolo de un lado a otro para que le comprara cosas, hoy fue por un jugo de uva¨ en botella de vidrio¨
llegas tarde -dijo el chico peli azul
Félix agacho la cabeza sin saber que responder
perdón había mucha fila -dijo al fin con su voz temblorosa
excusas, pero tardaste mucho, ya no quiero eso -dijo yeonjun mientras señalaba el jugo- ahora quiero una hamburguesa
era todo, felix ya no aguantaba mas
no- dijo casi en un susurro
que dijiste? -pregunto el mayor
no voy a ir- respondió más fuerte el chico antes de salir del lugar
felix tenía miedo, no sabía por qué había hecho eso, que le pasaría si yeonjun se enojaba.
Al salir de la escuela felix escucho la voz de alguien
así que ahora eres muy valiente -dijo el peli azul apoyado en la pared de un callejón
felix no savia que hacer, estaba asustado, y si lo golpeaban
no yo-logro decir el cho antes de ser interrumpido
no quiero excusas, ven aquí- el mayor le sonrió - creo que alguien te tiene que enseñar tu lugar-
Felix quería huir, pero sin darse cuenta había entrado al callejón y no tenía escapatoria.
no tardó mucho en escucharse el primer grito de felix, luego un segundo y un tercero; felix estaba acostumbrado a que le dieran un golpe o dos, pero en ese momento yeonjun no paraba de golpearlo, al punto en el que felix pensó que iba a morir ay mismo, sus cosas se encontraban rotas en el suelo y él estaba arrinconado contra la pared
me hiciste quedar como un estúpido, no sabes cuanta vergüenza tuve que pasar por tu culpa
Un simple perdón no soluciona nada -dijo el mayor antes de golpearlo de nuevo
Pasaron varios minutos y para ese punto felix ya no podía ni moverse, fue entonces que yeonjun lo soltó, aunque fue solo para dirigirse al objeto que llamo su atención, un juguete que chan le había hecho a Félix para que no se sintiera solo.
Mira esto- dijo recogiéndolo - que bonito; ¿quién lo hizo?
U-un amigo contesto felix
A enserio - dijo el mayor antes de romperlo-lástima que ya no esta
Después de eso se escuchó otro grito, pero esta vez fue de yeonjun -a m mi cara-dijo el mayor entre gritos- como te atreves -y volvió la vista hacia el menor, pero este ya se había escapado.
Felix corrió de regreso a su casa; al llegar su madre no se encontraba así que fue hacia su cuarto y se preparó, ya que tenía que ir al parque con sus amigos.
cuando salió de su casa algo no se sentía bien se sentía extraño, pero lo ignoro
Hola, chicos -saludo al llegar.
Felix ya llegaste- Chan saludo de igual manera.
Tardaste mucho le replico hyunjin, a la par que jeongin le daba un codazo en ese momento felix sintió que alguien los miraba, pero lo ignoro
en fin, ya estamos todos así que al auto -chan dijo, pero por alguna razón la sensación de que algo no estaba bien se negaba a abandonar a felix
-y si esperamos un poco-pregunto el
pero si esperamos llegaremos tarde y ya va a haber cerrado-replico jeongin
vamos he estado esperando esto por años
bueno vamos-se rindió felix.
la sensación de incomodidad no abandono a felix, y este supo porque cuando a medio camino una moto se atravesó en su camino, volando por completo el retrovisor.
frenaron de golpe y chan bajo a hablar con el motociclista
oye no deberías de andar así de decuid -chan fue cortado por una bala que atravesó su pecho
felix estaba perplejo ante la escena que tenía enfrente.
sus amigos y el solo atinaron a salir corriendo cuando y tipo del casco los apunto
corrieron hasta llegar a un parque en el cual se obtuvo la segunda víctima, hyunjin callo de boca al recibir un disparo en la cabeza
felix y jeongin siguieron corriendo, pero en un punto se separaron
el tipo del casco siguió a felix el cual no paraba de correr
así pasaron los minutos y felix creyó haberlo perdido por lo que se paró a descansar un poco
pero repentinamente sintió como una mano lo levantaba por el cuello y lo privaba de todo el aire
cuando el agarre se aflojo un poco felix pudo ver a la persona detrás del casco
y-yeonjun -dijo entre jadeos el joven- porque me haces esto
yeonjun rio, desconcertando al menor- enserio me preguntas eso después de lo que me hiciste
solo te di un golpe -para este punto el menor casi lloraba- no es para que me hicieras esto
yeonjun rio más fuerte-un golpe, enserio? ¿un golpe?, un golpe no hace lo que tú me hiciste
el menor estaba desconcertado - ¿qué te hice? -sollozo el menor
la cara de yeonjun se puso seria- ¿tú? me mataste-
felix palideció, no savia de que hablaba el mayor él no había hecho nada malo, no recordaba haber echo nada malo
el peli azul miro su cara - muy bien te lo recordare - se claro la garganta y hablo - Choi Yeonjun diecisiete años, encontrado muerto en un callejón cerca de la escuela a la que asistía, -felix sintió un fuerte dolor en la cabeza.
felix tranquilízate nada de lo que estás viendo es real
causa de muerte, pérdida de sangre, arma homicida, una botella de vidrio - el no comprendía nada
felix mírame respira conmigo uno dos uno dos
yeonjun miro a felix antes de continuar -culpable, lee felix el cual asistía a su misma escuela
felix mírame si
la cabeza de felix palpitaba, tenía ganas de llorar.
no entendía nada
felix tomaste tus pastillas?
el más alto resoplo - siempre has sido un cobarde, desde la escuela hasta ahora, solo mírate ni siquiera puedes contra mí, una mera alucinación -luego de esto desapareció dejado a felix solo en la nada
cuando abrió los ojos vio a alguien
¿sana? -pregunto en un hilo de voz
¿Felix?, si soy yo -le contesto su amiga
porque esa ropa te queda rara-felix estaba confundido por la bata de su amiga
de que hablas es mi uniforme siempre lo tengo puesto-
uniforme? ese no era el uniforme de su escuela, felix se alteró, - ¿dónde estoy?- no se dio cuenta que esto último lo dijo en voz alta
-tuviste un ataque y te tuvieron que sedar, a y también te cambiaron de cuarto-ella le sonrio
ataque? cuarto? felix estaba confundido no sabía porque estaba ay el no había hecho nada malo no debia estar ay no queria estar ay
-quieres huir si quieres irte me necesitaras-Felix se tenso al escuchar el susurro de Yeonjun-quieras o no soy tu mejor opción
la chica miro su rostro e intento tranquilizarlo -pero ahora estas bie--
la chica fue cortada por un golpe.
deberías ser más fuerte dado tu trabajo-replico Yeonjun.
-porque la golpeas!! yo no quiero irme yo aquí estoy bien-
-eres muy ingenuo para este mundo, mejor mantente cayado-
Yeonjun corrió fuera del lugar -que estúpida quien deja la puerta si llave en un lugar como este-
deslizándose bajo la alcantarilla logro salir del hospital
-deberían mejorar la seguridad fue tan fácil salir-
Lee Felix residente del hospital psiquiátrico Dr. Samsa escapo en la tarde del 18 de octubre
al intentar detenerlo 1 enfermera salió herida y 3 mas perdieron la vida
se recomienda tener espacial cuidado si lo ven ya que sufre de esquizofrenia trastorno de personalidad y psicosis favor de llamar al +52***32***si lo ven
se ingresara una foto para el reconocimiento
es mi primera obra, ojala y les guste
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burnwater13 · 2 years
Grogu and the feast
Grogu had heard about the custom of giving thanks by eating and he was pretty sure it had been invented with him in mind. He was always thankful when food came his way and he pretty much was willing to eat almost anything that was put in front of him. Frogs? Check! Worms? Check! Mystery meat on a stick? Check! He was even willing to eat dark chocolate if it was there, right in front of him. 
But generally speaking he didn’t really eat those things The Mandalorian referred to as ‘vegetables’. First they were funny colors. Second, when they were cooked they changed. A lot. Something might be tough and crunchy and perfect for cleaning his teeth when it was raw (and still living he liked to point out), but when you cooked it... well, it got mushy, or wilted, or even stinky. Nope. That was not for him. 
That is, until Peli Moto invited him and his dad to a feast at her garage on Tatooine. Someone, Peli wouldn’t say who, paid their bill for services in vegetables. Nothing but vegetables and she needed help in getting rid of them. Grogu liked a challenge and he suggested that they take them out to the desert and try to catch a krayt dragon with them. Peli and his dad both laughed at that. Din had said it seemed unlikely that you could catch a Bantha with these veggies. 
Grogu had giggled at that. Veggies was not a word he associated with The Mandalorian. Din asked him what was so funny and to cover for himself Grogu said ice cream. It was the first thing that popped into his head. He thought his dad might just shake his head at him or eat a marrow, but no. He didn’t. 
Instead he said that it was a great idea! What? What idea? 
They could freeze the veggies and eat them all year long! 
Grogu sat down on the ground. Hard. That was the worst idea he’d ever heard. 
“Share,” he grumbled, trying not to feel too bad for himself. 
“Now that’s a great idea! We can share these veggies with everyone else and get them the heck out of my garage. I'd like to have a place for paying customers to show up at again.” Peli chimed in looking at the heaps of veggies that surrounded them.
“This is the Way!” Grogu mimicked The Mandalorian and his dad nodded his head in agreement. 
The pit droids fetched torches and Grogu ran around Mos Eisley telling people they were all invited to a feast. A vegetable feast! 
It was the beginning of a new tradition and it helped Grogu avoid eating any of the vegetables himself. He even managed to catch a frog that had been caught up in one of the piles of leafy green stuff. This really was the Way!
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estefanyailen · 2 years
Cada vez que me sentí atraída por alguien o enamorada, tomé pequeños gestos, pequeños rasgos, hábitos, etc del otro.
- Me gustaban los lentes en otros - Los empecé a usar.
- Me gustaban los expansores, me hice uno.
- Me gustaba y atraía fuertemente la gente inteligente, la que te hablaba por horas de cosas randoms, o leen, empecé a leer, de todo. Se convirtió en una especie de salida satisfactoria ir al parque a leer, tener una cita en una librería.
- Me gustaba la música, la gente que tocaba la guitarra, me compré una.
- Me gustaban los brakets... todavía no me pude poner unos, pero ojalá.
- Es una pelotudez tan indiferente pero yo lo noto... me gusta cuando estiran las mangas hasta las manitos, y se tapan las manitos o la mitad de las manitos con el puño de la manga. Cuando sujetan algo de esa forma 😍.
- Me gustaba pasar cerca de alguien o subir a algun transporte público y notar que alguien al pasar dejaba un precioso aroma a perfume. - Procuré siempre oler dulcemente.
- Me gustaban las mujeres sexys, sin miedos, con lencerías, juegos, audaces. Sexys no vulgares. Me convertí en ellas. 🖤🔥
- Me gustaba la gente que mantenía a su niño interno vivo. Adultos que no tenían miedo de hacer el ridículo, tontear, payasear - Procuré tener el mismo espíritu. Llegarme a conocer puede ser una locura jajaja.
- Me gustaban los aires sexys de los/as oficinistas, sus ropas serias, pero sexys, los trajes, todo el ambiente corporativo - Ni hablar de a donde terminé 🤭
- Me gustaba la gente fresca, que siempre hacía cosas, que nunca se detenía, siempre haciendo, probando cosas nuevas, aprendiendo, saliendo a lugares nuevos - Me convertí en ellos.
- Me gustaba la gente linda que sonreía mucho, ya casi.
- Me gusta la ropa de hombre. Ya me compré trajes y me corté el pelo.
- Me gustaban las cartas, escribí muchas, y guarde y atesoré las que me llegaron a dar.
- Me gustaban las letras, aprendí caligrafía.
- Me gustaban los ojos, los estudié.
- Me gustaba mucho pero mucho la gente tatuada les ❤👅 cada centímetro de tinta sobre su piel. - Todavía no me pude hacer ninguno.
- Me gustaban las motos - Anduve en una y tuve la suerte de inclusive hacer acrobacias con el cuatri.
- Me gustaba como en las pelis siempre bailaban y ponían música, como romantizaban los pequeños momentos. Converti cada espacio y cada momento en algo lindo. Música, ventanas siempre abiertas para ver el cielito, una explosión de muchos aromas agradables.
- Me gustaba el arte, las fotos, los cuadros - Empecé a pintar, dibujar, ir a museos, y tomar mis propias fotos.
- Procuré ser la clase de adulto que hubiera querido que fueran conmigo.
- Procuró ser como pareja o compañía la misma clase de pareja que me gustaría.
- Me gustaban las chicas, salí y me enamoré perdidamente de una.
- Pero hay cosas, millones de cosas que me gustan, pero solo en otros, me gusta apreciar aquella belleza particular de otros, me gustan las cosas, los pequeños rasgos, gestos, las pequeñas costumbres o hábitos, los pequeños detalles que sólo están en los demás.
Como cuando se tocan o acomodan el pelo levemente, cuando miras a alguien y por alguna razón cuando chocan las miradas las corren avergonzados, ver hacía que lado se inclinan sus sonrisas cuando ríen, los repiqueteos con las piernas, las voces a la madrugada cuando recién despiertan, sus cicatrices, sus marcas, pecas, lunares. Las barbas, sus cabellos. Los ojos, que hermoso ver los ojos de los demás. Como caminan, sus posturas, sus paradas, sus formas de vestir, sus tics, sus manías o tocs, y poder llegar a presenciar el lado más lindo; dulce, tierno y vulnerable de alguien aaaaaaaaaay.
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allclonesneedkisses · 2 years
Chapter 2: A Tooka and a Tin Can Walk into a Hangar
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Summary: A doctor looks at the woman and Din decides to stay a couple of days. Introductions are made and both Din and the child are trying to get used to their new crew member. Cute interactions are included.
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!OC
Word Count: 4.7k Rating: T+ for suggested violence
Tags: hurt/comfort, description of injuries, parent child dynamics
“You didn't… kidnap her or something did you?” Din looked at Peli sharply and she gave him a half shrug. “I mean you’ve gotta admit this doesn't look good.” Unfortunately he had to agree. 
Peli had helped him lay the woman on one of his clean capes and once he stepped away she’d carefully opened her shirt to get a better look at her chest and arms. 
As soon as she covered the woman back up Din had returned and was currently hovering behind her. “What’s her name?” She asked, placing a wet cloth on the woman's forehead. Even without the fever the Pantoran woman was probably burning up since her species were more suited for colder climates. When he didn't say anything she looked up at him but he just shook his head.
Peli could guess how the woman had come by some of her injuries, especially the finger shaped bruises and it made her skin crawl. She knew Din almost definitely probably hadn't caused any of them but there was still a tiny part of her that found the whole thing rather suspicious. She stared at him hard, her mouth a thin line of concentration as her instincts and her experience tried to balance each other out.  
Din shifted uncomfortably under the intensity of her silence and it was a tense minute before she finally spoke. “You're lucky I know you.”
There was a sound from out in the hangar and Din whirled, blaster at the ready. In the shimmering heat a hunched old woman was making her way towards the ship. Her white hair was mostly covered by a ratty wide brimmed hat that hid her eyes. She was wearing too many undyed layers for the heat of Mos Eisley and on top of it all she wore a large threadbare backpack that seemed to be on its last legs. The old woman was also using a cane that upon further inspection turned out to be a droid leg. From her overall air of menace and lack of fear Din felt confident that she’d pulled it off of the droid herself. 
Din lowered his blaster as walked down the ramp to intercept her but the old woman ignored him and made her way to Peli who had joined him. 
Only once the old woman stood in front of them did she fix him with a withering gray glare while simultaneously letting out a huff. “Ya called fer a doctor but the Tin can looks fine to me.”
The old woman took a step towards the ship and when Din moved to stop her she swung her cane up. It clashed against his cuirass, the ring of metal on beskar was reminiscent of a predators warning cry. 
“Uh-uh, yer gonna stay right there ‘til I’m good and ready for ya.” Din looked down at her but didn't move even as she continued to glare at him.
“Bu!” All eyes turned to the top of the docking ramp where the child stood looking out. Din shoved the droid leg away from his chest and moved to intercept the child before he could make his way off the ship. He scooped him up and turned, coming face to face with the old woman who had somehow followed him up the ramp silently. Her suspicious eyes were fixed on the child and she tapped her cane thoughtfully.
“Ain’t never seen a tooka that color a’fore.” He turned the child away from her slightly and she scoffed at his reaction. “Don't get yer helmet all banged up. I ain't interested in yer tooka.”
“He’s not-”
She held up a gnarled hand cutting him off. “Less I know the better tin can. Now get so I can work.” She moved past him into the ship and he followed at a distance as Peli crowded behind him. The old woman paused once she caught sight of the woman splayed on the floor. Even from this distance she could see some of the wounds, specifically some of the finger shaped bruises. 
Without turning around she addressed Din stiffly. “You her aliit?”
Din tensed at her use of the mando’a term but tried to keep his reply neutral. “No.”
The doctor pursed her lips but kept her eyes on her new patient. “Then scoot, I ain’t undressing her with you watchin’.” Din hesitated but eventually scooted along with Peli. 
As the docking ramp raised behind them Peli broke the tense mood by grinning at the child. “Well hello again you sweet thing!” She cooed, softly tugging on one of his ears. The child giggled and held his hands out to her. Din hesitated then sighed as he begrudgingly handed the kid over. The previously weary pit droids crowded around Peli to see the child while making sure to give him a wide berth. 
With a tiny nod of approval from him Peli retreated back into the shop talking to the child with her while Din stayed outside. His regulated suit kept him from broiling under the twin suns but he still moved until he was in the shade thrown by the Razor Crest. 
Din wasn’t sure if he could trust the doctor but he was glad she hadn't asked him too many questions, even if she was a little cantankerous. He didn't like leaving the doctor alone in his ship but he also wasn’t about to let Peli wander off with the child. From where he stood he could keep an eye on the hatch and see Peli moving around in her workshop as the child babbled to her. 
“I know, it’s too hot out there huh?” There were a few squeaks from one of the pit droids and a curse from Peli. “Go see if you can find another fan, will you?”
The doctor worked for over an hour and Din stayed exactly where he was, looking for all the world like a beskar statue. The heat was starting to get to him but he ignored it as he watched Peli move around in the deep shadows of her workshop. Eventually the docking ramp hissed open and the old doctor appeared minus her hat and bag. 
He shifted slightly and she glared at him. “Peli!”
“What!” There was a thunk and a curse from inside then Peli appeared with the child in her arms. The old woman gestured for her to come inside and disappeared without looking to see if she was following. Din took the child back since he hadn't been invited inside and the little one leaned against him sleepily. In another time he wouldn't have stayed where he was, after all it was his ship and he was going to be the one paying both women. But he stayed where he was, resigned to waiting rather than dealing with the bitter old doctor.
Although, as the sound of quiet whispers reached him he decided there was no harm in listening in so he turned up his audio sensors and focused.
The old doctors voice was low and clipped. “...he do this?”
“Mando? No, he’s not the type.”
“Peli, I just dug glass outta that girl's arms and she’s gotta whole mess of infections runnin’ through her. Not to mention the obvious bruises that we both recognize. Ya gotta tell me if ya even think he had a part in this.”
Inside the ship Peli placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. “No. All he said was he picked up a passenger and she wasn't doing very good so I called you.”
There was a pause as the old woman glared in Dins direction. “You sure he ain't the type to beat someone if they couldn't pay? Or use them?”
Outside Din gritted his teeth. He knew what she was accusing him of. He knew what this looked like. But he also knew that no matter what he said to her she wouldn't believe him. 
Luckily Peli’s reply was firm as she held the old doctor eyes with her own. “No.”
The old doctor searched Peli’s eyes for a moment then sighed. “Fine, bring him in but I’m watchin’ 'him, an’ if his hands match those bruises he ain’t leavin with her.” Peli raised her hands in defeat and headed back towards the open loading ramp.
Din turned his audio receptors down and watched as Peli appeared at the top of the ramp. “C’mon up Mando!” She said but he was already moving. Careful to keep the child still against him since he’d fallen asleep in his arms. It was cooler inside with the life support running and he closed the ramp behind him to keep it that way causing the ship lights to flicker on.
The old doctor was sitting on the floor next to the woman who now lay under another one of Dins cloaks. Her clothes lay neatly folded next to her and she had a fever patch on her forehead. Both her bare blue arms were bandaged from hand to elbow and rested limply on top of his cloak. Now that more of her skin was exposed Din got a better look at how beat up she was. 
The old woman eyed him cooly, her grey eyes weary. “You do any of this to her?” She asked bluntly.
He didn't move his head, his eyes still on the woman but he made sure his voice was clear. “No.” She watched him closely waiting for any kind of reaction. But he had nothing to hide and apparently she didn't see what she was looking for.
She huffed and turned her attention back to the woman and he felt oddly relived that she didn't try to question him any more. “Yer lucky you got here in time, any longer an’ I wouldn't’ve been able to help.” She rummaged in her bag and held out five stim canisters. Four blue, one yellow.
“For four days give her one of these. Even if she’s actin’ better. They’re to help fight the infections in her blood. If she passes out again, give her the yellow one and find a doctor right away. It’s yer last resort but if you don't get her help after you use it she could die.” He gazed at the canisters before carefully taking them from the old woman's hand.
“You seen all her injuries?” He shook his head and she turned away from him and continued. “She’s got some nasty wounds on her chest. Looks like they're from claws. She’s got rope wounds on her wrists and cuts on her arms.” She paused before continuing. “An she’s been beaten by someone with big hands.” She glared at Din but it didn't hold quite as much suspicion as earlier. “Bigger’n yer’s tin can.”
Din swallowed, at least she didn't think he’d done that to her although he couldn't say how she felt about the rest. “She’s also sufferin’ from exhaustion and dehydration. I’ve got her set up for now but when she wakes, make her drink as much water as ya can and keep her comfortable, no adventurin for her.” He nodded silently.
“Now I gots places to be, Peli’ll give ya my bill.” She stood casting one more glance down at her sleeping patient before shuffling to the ramp and opening it. Din and Peli watched as the old woman pulled her hat on and left the hanger without a backwards glance.
Peli didn't waste any time and turned towards Din with her hands in her pockets. “Alrighty Mando lets get squared up.” Din turned to look at Peli as he mulled over the situation.
“How much to stay for a couple of days?”
Since the woman had paid for the last hanger he wasn't currently short of funds. While the old woman's bill wasn't cheap by any means, he could still afford to pay both it and the hanger fee. But he was adding a hefty convenience charge to the woman's bill whenever she recovered.
He’d asked Peli to go into town to pick up some new clothes for the woman since her old ones were worn and blood stained now. When she’d asked him why he couldn't go himself he’d simply replied, “I don't know what to buy.” After a lot of complaining from her and the promise of extra compensation, she begrudgingly agreed to do it.
The twin suns of Tatooine were starting to set, casting the ground hanger into deeper and deeper shadow. He’d decided to do some work on the nav computer while they were there. Just sorting through everything and finally purging some of the useless data. The child was sitting in his lap totally engrossed in what he was doing though there wasn’t much to see.
“Mando!” He looked up to see Peli standing in front of the ship, a large bag slung onto her back. She raised a hand to him and he nodded before slipping out of the pilot seat and cradling the child to his chest.
“Alright here’s the clothes. We’ve got a dust storm coming tonight, make sure you’ve got everything closed up tight.” He nodded and she turned her focus to the child her face softening. “You ready for dinner little guy? I bet you are.” 
Din couldn't help but give a small smile at her genuine affection. It was nice to have moments like this. And with the extra credits that would be coming in hopefully there’d be more.
Peli was still talking and he focused on her. “I’ve got some fresh Bac Noodles that I was gonna cook up. Does that sound tasty?”
“Eh!” The child squeaked looking between him and Peli, his green ears flopping  with the movement.
Peli let out a little chuckle. “Yeah sure, Mando can have some too.” She grinned at the two of them and he nodded his thanks.
The Bac Noodles were fantastic. Once he’d closed the ship up for the night they’d sat down to eat in the hold. Far enough away from the woman that she couldn't see them but close enough that he could still hear her if she moved. As he ate the kid kept looking back and forth between him and where the woman slept. She hadn't moved all day, at least not since Peli had helped him slip a sleeping mat under her and she’d flinched.
“Are you done?” The child looked at him then down at his bowl. He picked it up with his tiny hands and drained the contents before setting it down with a burp. His attention was quickly focused back towards the woman. Din sighed and replaced his helmet, the locks letting out a quiet hiss as they reengaged. 
As he washed their bowls he thought about the woman. As soon as she woke up he was going to get her name and run her through the system and see what he could scrounge up. Normally he’d have done it as soon as she boarded but that hadn't worked out. 
There was a huge gasp from behind him and panicked breathing. He didn't know what was going on but he dropped the bowls and swiftly moved towards the woman, ready to subdue her if need be. But as he got into view all he saw was the child, who had both his hands on one of her bare shoulders and was shaking her. The woman looked panicked, her gold eyes darting around the space as she apparently tried to catch her breath. 
He knelt beside her as she tried to sit up and firmly pressed down on her other shoulder while trying to sound calm. “Don’t. You're hurt.” Under his bare hand her skin was icy and he couldn't help but notice how soft it was.
“What happened?” She asked, her voice barely louder than a whisper. She tried to clear her throat but her mouth was too dry. He reached over to a water bottle he’d placed by her and opened it. She licked her dry lips and raised a shaky hand to take it from him. Seeing this he hummed in concern and pulled it away from her before setting it down and grabbing an extra pillow. Gently he slipped his hand under her neck and lifted her head. Unlike her shoulder her neck was warm and he felt her subtly relax into his touch. Carefully he slid the pillow under her head and she sighed when he let her go. Neither of them was sure if it was because he’d released her, or because she was elevated. So they both ignored it.
He held the water bottle out to her once more. This time he let her take it from him but he watched carefully as she raised it to her lips. 
“You passed out. A doctor looked at you and gave me some medicine.”
Beside her the child pointed at Din and chimed in with a “Bui!” She looked at the little one and followed his tiny finger until her eyes met Dins. “Bui!” The child repeated, more forcefully this time.
Din looked back down at her waiting for her reaction. “Your name’s Bui?” She asked cautiously.
Din shook his head. “It’s just a sound he makes.” The child seemed indignant at his dismissal and made a few more sounds, this time directed at him. The woman turned her head slightly and seemed to study the child before she smiled and addressed him.
“So what’s your name, little guy?”
The child blinked at her, his brown eyes wide. “Eh.”
She looked to Din and he gave a minute shrug. “He doesn't have one.”
She blinked, her white brows furrowing slightly. “He’s not yours?” Din shook his head but didn't give any other explanation. When she continued to look at him he decided to broach another subject.
“You never told me your name.” He saw her eyes flicker with apprehension but when she answered she sounded truthful.
“It’s Aina.” There were a few seconds of awkward silence as they continued to stare at each other. “And you?” She asked, eyes searching his visor. He didn't reply, just watched her and the child who was looking at him curiously.
She sighed lightly when it became obvious he wasn’t going to answer her. “Okay, Mando it is.” 
Outside the dust storm was picking up speed, showering the Razor Crest in sand and debris. And for the first time since it started they could hear it from inside. The keening was unnerving in the awkward silence but Aina was almost grateful for the distraction even as she looked around in confusion.
Din saw her reaction. “Dust storm.” He said simply.
Fear and weariness rippled though Aina, and she couldn't keep it out of her voice. “Where are we?”
Din didn't respond right away as he studied her face, taking in her obvious distress and making a note of it before simply saying,“Tatooine.” Her face relaxed and she breathed a sigh of relief before finishing the bottle of water off. 
Din hadn't moved from where he’d knelt, his eyes on Aina which was why the child caught him by surprise when he pulled up the edge of the cloak on Aina’s chest and peered under it. Din snatched his mischievous little hand off but not before the edge of a bacta patch and part of a dark purple bruise were revealed. Aina didn't even seem to have noticed but Din didn’t want to push his luck. Without a word he picked the child up who grumbled into his chest at his intrusion and held another bottle of water out.
“Finish this before you fall back asleep.” He didn't wait for her to answer before he stood and returned to the cockpit where he settled the child into the pram. 
“Don’t do that again.” The child simply cocked his head and looked up at him, his round eyes full of innocence that Din was pretty sure was fake.
Aina didn't have enough energy to really process Mando and the childs abrupt exit but she did as he’d instructed before falling back into a heavy sleep.
Aina slipped in and out of consciousness for the rest of the night; sometimes it was because of her dreams, sometimes it was because of thirst. More than once she’d seemingly awoken for no reason, only to blearily look around and see the glint of beskar in the dark before falling back asleep.
Din was trying to make breakfast but he was having a hard time cooking and keeping the child away from where Aina slept. As soon as he looked away from him he was scampering away. After the second time Din had to snatch him up before he got to her he decided to try a firmer approach.
He set the child back down on his stool beside him in the little kitchenette and pointed at the worn seat. “Stay.”
They stared at each other for a moment, deep brown and impenetrable black giving nothing away. Din sighed and turned back to the stove, stirring the contents a couple more times before picking up the pan and scooping the scrambled mess into three bowls.
From behind him he heard Ainas sleepy voice. “No little one don't pull, it hurts.”
Din turned back towards the worn stool to see that it was unsurprisingly empty. He set the pan in the sink and moved around the crates to where Aina was, not sure what he was going to find. The child was touching her white braid, his little green hands tracing the interwoven sections curiously. 
Aina looked up at Din and gave him a crooked smile that made him smile back though she couldn't see it. “Guess it’s time to wake up.” 
Din couldn't deny that he’d been trying to keep the child away from her. Not just because she was injured, but because he still didn't know if he could trust her. However the child had no such inhibitions as proven by his most recent antics. 
Aina moved to sit up and groaned, having to rest on her elbows as her body protested. Din knelt beside her, unsure whether or not she should be moving yet. He watched her closely as she shifted her weight onto one arm and held his cloak to her chest with the other. She glanced at him, silently grateful that he wasn’t trying to stop her as she slowly and painfully sat all the way up. 
Beside her the child tilted his head, his ears twitching as he studied her. As much as she’d hoped her body had recovered it was obvious that she’d need help to move. 
She grimaced but forced herself to look into the blank visor, even as she felt her face heating up. “Can you help me up?” 
Din didn't answer, just held a hand out for her to take. When his other hand rested on her bare back she tensed, very aware of how little she was wearing but she didn't pull away. With Dins help she stood, her legs wobbly beneath her. She’d been worried that her rather generous form would be cumbersome to him but he’d helped her up as if she weighed nothing and she couldn't resist the tiny thrill that gave her. 
Din looked away as she readjusted his cape to cover herself but glanced back when she tried to take a step forwards and her legs gave out. She fell heavily against him, her hands grasping at cold beskar even as his gloved hands caught her and held her up.
She knew her face was almost purple now with how hard she was blushing and gritted her teeth. “Sorry Mando. Just give me a minute.” Din didn't say anything, just waited. He could tell she was uncomfortable with the situation but he was pretty sure she wasn’t going to be able to walk. She tried to pull away from him but her muscles began to tremble as soon as she shifted. 
Din knew she wasn’t going to make it on her own so he made an executive decision and carefully scooped her up into his arms. She let out a little peep of surprise as she scrabbled at his armor. Again he’d impressed her with his strength and even though she was embarrassed by his action it wasn’t all bad. 
On his end Din marveled at how soft she was against him. She was pillowy, giving delightfully under his gloves. He wished he’d removed them just so he could feel her skin against his but he shoved those thoughts away knowing they’d only lead to frustration. It only took a few steps for him to reach the refresher and carefully set her down just inside. He had to quickly look away as the cloak slipped, revealing a large amount of bruised blue skin to him. 
After Aina had used the facilities and rinsed her face off in the sink she spent a couple of minutes staring at her reflection. Now that she wasn’t running for her life or delirious from infection she could take in the damage on her body. There were two large bacta patches that met in a V on her chest. Covering the deep slices and bruises she’d gotten that horrible night. Then there were the many finger shaped bruises on her waist, hips and thighs which she was glad to see were starting to fade. Beyond that there were other bruises and a few cuts but everything seemed to be healing nicely. She wished she could see her arms and wrists but they were bandaged and she wasn't about to remove them.
She sighed. She was a mess, but at least she was away from that force forsaken planet. She pulled the dark gray cloak around her, much like she would with a towel until it fully covered her. Then she leaned hard against the sink as her muscles started to shake again and pressed the button to open the door. Her eyes widened when she was that Din was standing there with his arms crossed, obviously waiting for her.
“Ready?” She didn't need to ask what he was referring to as he held his arms out towards her. This time as he picked her up he inadvertently pressed on one of her deeper bruises and she hissed in pain. Din tensed, unsure of what he’d done and not wanting to make it worse.
Aina winced. “Can you move your hand on my hip, please?” Carefully Din adjusted his grip and the pain eased. Apparently not all the bruises were as healed as she’d thought. After he set her down he moved to stand but she reached out and rested her hand on his. The sudden contact made him freeze and he swore he could feel the heat of her skin even through his glove.
Aina hadn’t really thought before she’d reached out but when he didn't pull away she took it as a good sign.
“Thank you.”
The rest of the day was slow to say the least. Din made a few minor interior repairs, and checked on Aina every once and awhile. Mostly she slept, only waking to drink more water, even though Dins repairs weren't exactly quiet. By the time lunch rolled around he was pleased to see she’d already finished three of the bottles by her mat. 
Peli and her pit droids had work to do most of the day but she checked in around lunch time and Aina was awake. They were all sitting on the floor around Aina. Her, Peli and the child were all eating something Peli had scrounged up while Din watched. After Aina had introduced herself to the woman Peli had instantly warmed to her. Din wasn’t really paying attention to what they were talking about but the kid would sometimes interrupt with his own sounds and they’d nod along with him as if they understood. Din felt a little left out of their casual conversation which wasn’t exactly unusual but irked him all the same. 
Eventually Din took his leave, heading towards the cockpit with his own lunch and the sleepy child. The two women talked a little longer, simply enjoying each others company until Aina started to yawn. 
After that Peli was quick to offer her assistance to Aina so she could use the refresher then made sure she was comfortable and headed back out into the blistering heat. 
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iagoglez · 9 days
Libertadores y libertades
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Hay una serie de diferencias entre estas dos portadas. Por ejemplo, las fechas: una es de 1982, la otra del 86.
En una hay una mujer, en la otra hay una pareja muy masculina.
Una es descaradamente pOp, la otra aparentemente seria.
Pero lo más interesante son las coincidencias: en ambos títulos está la palabra "force", y en ambas imágenes vemos llamativos vehículos que se pueden distinguir con una cierta facilidad: buggys, motos y helicópteros.
Hay otra coincidencia asociada a estas portadas, y es que de un modo u otro se convirtieron en iconografía destacada de las infancias de los 80, aunque de nuevo aquí hay asociada una gran diferencia, tal vez importante.
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Plano y contraculo
En un mundo paralelo existió algo llamado "cultura de videoclub", directamente relacionado con la cinematográfica pero no limitado. Podía suceder, por ejemplo, que aquello que había sido un fracaso en salas se convirtiera, en cierto modo, en un hito de los alquileres.
Esto, más o menos, sucedió con MegaForce.
Hal Needham fue una de esas personas a las que se les puede aplicar aquello de que "tuvo una vida de película". Con un papel innovador en el ámbito de los especialistas de cine, terminó ampliando su campo de acción a la dirección y al diseño técnico dentro de la industria. Un tipo lo suficientemente particular como para llegar a inspirar a Tarantino para Érase Una Vez En Hollywood.
Needham tiene, seguro, una de esas biografías que esperas que algún día sean publicadas con honores. Un tipo capaz de vivir sin expectativas de futuro, jugándosela por costumbre, que probablemente tenía una agenda lo suficientemente poderosa como para no tener que pedir favores para sobrevivir, pero sí para hacer que Sinatra participara en una basura como Los Locos de Cannoball II.
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Needham tuvo suerte con su primera película como director, Los Caraduras, y mantuvo una cierta capacidad de recaudación hasta que convoca a estrellas para esa gran broma que es la primera de Cannonball.
Es también con esta peli cuando aparece en acción la Golden Harvest, productora hongkonesa de éxito que tras la eclosión de Bruce Lee dirige más su mirada al mercado occidental, siendo Los Locos de Cannonball una de sus apuestas.
Y entonces, llega MegaForce.
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Sin hacer una investigación exhaustiva, a estas alturas de la vida sigue sin quedarme claro el origen del desastre, aunque parece claro el hecho de que la peli se había planteado como una serie de televisión, y no como un largometraje. Eso explica cosas como el que figuren tres guionistas para semejante despropósito, pero también para esta interesante cita del propio Needham que recogen en la wikipedia:
Es como ninguna otra película jamás realizada antes. Y las máquinas que hemos construido son extraordinarias. Hay otra cosa. Aunque hay mucha acción, no ves que maten a nadie. Creo que la gente está empezando a cansarse de ese tipo de cosas. Lo que hemos intentado hacer aquí es hacer una película entretenida con algunos héroes creíbles que el público pueda animar. 
Esto puede parecer irrelevante, pero es importante. Desde la difusa perspectiva que provoca el paso del tiempo olvidamos que los 80 no fueron únicamente los años en que el aguerrido héroe de turno masacraba, y con razón, a la gente mala. No. El Equipo A se estrena en el año 83, y otro gran hito de la violencia televisiva, la lucha libre de la WWE, se fundamentaba en subrayar la necesidad de coreografiar cualquier agresión de manera evidente.
Pero hay otra cita de Needham en esa entrada de la Wiki aún más interesante:
Pensé que tenía mejor cogido el pulso al país. Me estaba desviando de que se había elegido a Reagan y otras perspectivas.
O dicho de otra manera, descubrieron demasiado tarde que habían construido una película bienintencionada cuando probablemente la realidad empezaba a no querer esas cosas. Tal vez eso explique que a mitad de metraje se dé este dialogo:
Si se revisan listados de las peores películas de la historia, es costumbre que MegaForce figure entre ellas. ¿Se lo merece? No lo creo, fue una apuesta naif por una aventura militarizada que no ofendiera, capaz de escaparse de la conflictividad política del momento para no generar suspicacias, y, si me apuran, de intentar cosificar la figura masculina al mismo nivel que la femenina.
Obviamente, para mucha gente esto no funcionó, y se convirtió en objeto de burlas y chistes. Pronto de ella solo se recordaron los ejes básicos que tenían que haber servido para generar una franquicia:
Cuerpo de élite que combate el mal
El uso de la palabra "force" para designar al batallón
Vehículos chulísimos, con protagonismo de buggys y motos
Un protagonista barbudo
Cosas de la vida, unos pocos años después se estrena Delta Force.
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La misma cultura de videoclub que permitía recuperar fiascos como MegaForce fue la misma que hizo que Cannon Group se convirtiera en una irreverente máquina de generar dinero.
Creada en los años 60, la productora lo peta con el desembarco de Menahem Golan y Yoram Globus en el año 79, dos caballeros que venían de crear una fructífera filmografía en Israel basada en el cine de explotación.
A Golan y Globus se les quedaba pequeño el territorio, y la quiebra de Cannon en manos de sus fundadores era la oportunidad para dar el salto al mercado (norte)americano, y una vez ahí el empezar a poner en marcha sus mecanismos para generar dinero: vender los títulos en los mercados antes de rodarlos, limitar los gastos de producción, maximizar los ingresos en el ámbito doméstico sin depender de las salas de cine, y, sobre todo, saber explotar cualquier filón de actualidad para estamparle su firma y convertirlo en algo lucrativo.
Teniendo incluso algún éxito de crítica entre su heterodoxa producción, en Cannon sabían que el dinero no vendría de los escrúpulos, y solo eso puede explicar que llegaran a pergeñar atentados a la razón como Superman IV, absoluto fracaso que marcó el inicio de la cuesta abajo para la productora por culpa de no saber salirse de sus parámetros de Serie B (o Z).
Pero yo quería hablar de héroes barbudos.
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Norris y la Cannon habían tenido un feliz encuentro unos pocos años atrás, concretamente en 1983, rodando Desaparecido en Combate 1 & 2, dos películas masacradas por la crítica pero que funcionan increíblemente bien, probablemente por entender los responsables aquello que se le había escapado a Needham: el pulso del país era otro, y había llegado Reagan.
No es que Golan y Globus necesitaran demasiado impulso para radicalizar el subtexto político de sus películas de explotación, pero estos dos éxitos marcan de manera clara una línea de producción de falso belicismo que culmina con Delta Force.
¿Por qué?
Pues porque mientras Mega Force huía de representar la realidad para no caer en el maniqueísmo ni en la simplificación, Golan se apropió de sus orígenes para poder agregar otro tipo de condimentos a la historia del escuadrón paramilitar que debía actuar en situaciones extremas, en este caso liberando un secuestro de un avión israelí por parte de terroristas palestinos. Y visto lo visto, acertó.
En el making of emitido en su momento por Televisión Española, y que alguien tuvo a bien de subir a youtube hace unos años, se hace hincapié de manera insistente en el carácter dramático de la película. Al contrario del espectáculo lúdico de Mega Force, en DeltaForce se quiere convencer al público de que va a asistir a la narración de hechos trágicos extraídos de la pura y dura realidad, algo más que cuestionable más allá de haberse sucedido una serie de secuestros de aviones entre finales de los 70 y principios de los 80.
Pero es fácil cuestionar la veracidad con el paso de los años. Si en 1986 se usaba este contexto para dramatizar una película de Chuck Norris, te lo creías, y punto.
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Lo inquietante de todo esto es por qué con el paso del tiempo lo único que cae sobre este tipo de producciones es la condescendencia y la ironía. Al mismo tiempo que Mega Force sigue siendo calificada de basura, de DeltaForce como mucho se destaca el oportunismo de explotar la figura del héroe a partir de una reinterpretación de la realidad, sin cuestionar de ninguna manera que pasados sucesos históricos pudieran estar dando lugar a nuestro presente.
Dicho de otro modo, la mercantilización por parte de gente como Golan y Globus de lo que se suponía que eran sus dramas no ha provocado todavía una revisión del relato que se construyó durante esos años acerca de la política internacional. Es verdad que en casos como el de Rambo III los cambios en la actualidad marcaron la validez de la película (¿quién contaba con que se hundiera la URSS antes del estreno, eh?), pero en general es muy complicado que tras apelar a sus emociones, el público vaya a tener el menor interés en revisarlas.
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En realidad es improbable que MegaForce se salvara económicamente gracias al mercado doméstico: fue un fracaso absoluto, sin más. En este caso, para lo que sí sirvió la cultura de videoclub fue para generar una corriente de simpatías por parte de quienes a determinadas edades preferíamos disfrutar un espectáculo descaradamente pOp antes que de la pretendida profundidad dramática del enfrentamiento con unos malos que no comprendes.
Mientras que la película de Needham siempre resultó simpática, de la producción de Cannon siempre se hizo esfuerzos por rescatar esa parte de acción con vehículos chulos y desentenderse del resto. Hasta tal punto fue así, que durante años llegaba a confundirse las fechas de estreno, y de manera inconsciente se asumía que MegaForce era una adaptación paródica de Delta Force.
Es curioso porque, a poco que uno lo piense, puede que fuera al revés: Golan y Globus parodiaron MegaForce, pero también la realidad al considerar que un conflicto político discutible lo arreglaba en dos patadas un barbudo montado a lomos de una moto con lanzamisiles.
A lo mejor el presente da la razón a esta posibilidad.
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niobiumao3 · 5 months
Lego minifig Phee: alt parts
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Got some alt parts in today: different hair, torso, and legs! I really like this torso, it's a great jacket option, and the holster is ofc incredibly relevant to the opening scene in Pabu. I love this hair and how you can see her expression, so I'm getting a second one to try modding with a hairband and some gold bands.
Parts list below the cut!
Torso SW Jacket, Pockets, Dark Brown Belt and Dark Green Undershirt Pattern / Reddish Brown Arms / Dark Brown Hands Item No: 973pb4762c01 (Peli Moto minifig)
Hair (first pic):
Minifigure, Hair Female Coiled with Large High Bun Item No: 53126 (Shuri minifig)
Hips and Legs with SW Reddish Brown Belts and Holster Pattern Item No: 970c00pb1030 (Finn minifig)
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months
..hablando de que sevillano IVAN VIVAS [hermano de MIGUEL ANGEL VIVAS director de EXTINCTION que puse en el suelo de la fuente a la que alrededor puse CRISTO VIVE porque me encontré ahí un bote de SPRAY VERDE y pose con la película post_apocaliptica SEGUNDO ORIGEN durante cuya preparación murio BIGAS LUNA y basada en la novela catalana homónima centrada en BARCELONA como Los ULTIMOS DIAS de José CORONADO]..fue guionista de TE VERE EN MIS SUEÑOS [peli de ZOMBIES POST_APOCALIPTICA]..recuerdo que el 1er cd de CATALANES OBK fue LLAMALO SUEÑO seguido de MOMENTOS DE FE..abandonando uno de los dos componentes tras lanzar ULTIMATUM para luego lanzar REVOLUCION y su directo en MEXICO.
Vi a OBK por las FIESTAS DE VIRGEN DE LOS ANGELES de GETAFE en mayo 2018 en mi 1er viaje en MOTO tras visitar adjunto monumento al SAGRADO CORAZON al que se accede desde GETAFE por Avda JOHN LENNON..4 años después les vi en VILLARREAL tras haber ido por VIRGINIA MAESTRO..
..yo a esto más que sueño o pesadilla ..le LLAMO MI PROPIO UNIVERSO
Por cierto..creo q CRIS MENDEZ [telonera fe EL CANTO DEL LOCO, AMIGA DE VIRGINIA MAESTRO que tocaron ambas día de mi año 44 en sala Moby DICK y sala EL SOL yendo yo a sala BUT a un homenaje a QUEEN] que hizo la gira LA VERDAD del cd QUE HAY DE MALO EN DISFRUTARLO..tiene razón con que hoy con las redes se llega a sitios en los que antes NO ERA POSIBLE aunque CASA REAL Y PONTIFEX creen que seguimos en la EDAD MEDIA o incluso en la de los MASS MEDIA..de todas formas a DIOS LE BASTA ALGUNA GRAN CATASTROFE Y QUE BESE A CUALQUIER CERDA_CANTANTE [KISS_SINGER] QUE ME HAGA CANTAR POR ARTE DE MAGIA O MILAGRO O POR LO QUE SERA PURA EN VEZ DE PUTA
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