#paul urkijo alijo
dijeh · 6 months
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Irati, Paul Urkijo Alijo (2022)
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neovallense · 1 year
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Irati (id., 2022)
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cinemedios · 8 months
10 películas y series de terror en Netflix que debes ver este octubre
Octubre es el mes del terror y aquí te damos algunas recomendaciones de películas y series que no te pueden faltar en tu lista para ver.
Ya llegamos a octubre, el mes designado como el mes de lo terrorífico y espeluznante, y si tu eres de aquellos que no les basta con ver películas apropiadas para la temática en los días festivos, pues aquí te tenemos diez recomendaciones de películas y series de terror y suspenso que puedes ver en Netflix a lo largo de este mes. Errementari Dir. Paul Urkijo Alijo Un relato vasco sobre un…
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aiastelamonian · 1 year
"This child is a saint. They threw her out of hell. Don't send her back there again or I will eat your thumbs while you sleep."
Errementari (The Blacksmith and the Devil) dir. Paul Urkijo Alijo, 2017
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cinelandia · 1 year
Tráiler (V.O.S.E.) de “Irati” (2022), de Paul Urkijo Alijo. Siglo VIII. El cristianismo se extiende por Europa mientras las creencias paganas desaparecen. Ante el ataque del ejército de Carlomagno atravesando los Pirineos, el líder del valle pide ayuda a una diosa ancestral. Mediante un pacto de sangre, derrota al enemigo dando su vida a cambio, pero antes, hace prometer a su hijo Eneko que protegerá y liderará a su pueblo en la nueva era. Años más tarde, Eneko afronta esa promesa con una misión: recuperar el cuerpo de su padre enterrado de forma pagana junto al tesoro de Carlomagno. Pese a su fe cristiana, necesitará la ayuda de Irati, una enigmática pagana de la zona. Los dos jóvenes se adentrarán en un extraño e inhóspito bosque donde “todo lo que tiene nombre existe”. ESTRENO: 24 FEBRERO 2023.
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A 17-year-old, Ivy, who was adopted as an infant into a wealthy and notable Aspen family, is navigating the fallout of her parent's bitter divorce.
Nearly all coming-of-age stories are identical, with the teen learning to cope with their life and self in a self-discovering fashion. So I was surprised to see Year of the Fox take a much darker approach to the classic story. Though the story implementing Eyes Wide Shut Aspen addition may not have worked due to its predictability and unbelievability, I still respect it for taking a different approach. Sarah Jeffery shines in her performance of perfectly capturing a teen coming of age, with all the hormones and emotions that come with it. Overall, I enjoyed this movie for what it was, and I respect it for taking a different approach to its story.
My Rating: B
Chef Ciro Oliva wants nothing more than his Neapolitan pizzeria Concettina ai Tre Santi to be the first of its kind to earn the converted Michelin Star, but that's easier said than done with the notoriously secretive organization.
If you are not craving pizza by the end of this documentary, then you have no soul. Stella is a mouthwatering documentary of the quest for a pizzeria to attain a Michelin Star. It masterfully showcases the art of pizza making like no one has before. It truly honors the chefs behind the pizza making, where you wonder how haven't they earned a Michelin Star. Overall, if you have some pizza cravings, their movie is perfect for you.
My Rating: A-
941, the Warsaw ghetto. Filip, a young Polish Jew, with his beloved Sarah, are getting ready to perform in a cabaret to earn a living. During the premiere, a shootout takes place, during which Sara, as well as Philip’s relatives sitting in the audience, are killed. Two years later, the man works as a waiter in the restaurant of an upscale hotel in Frankfurt.
As for Holocaust and WW2 movies, the era has been pushed to all the boundaries you think they could. However, 80 years after the war, the era can still reveal some unique stories. Filip gives up a glimpse of a Jew hiding in plain sight in Frankfurt, Germany, as he struggles with his race and his sexual desires in a country that wants to see him hang. It's a fascinating character study into the psychological trauma and strength needed to survive Nazi Germany. Eryk Kulm is the heart of this film with his powerful and heartbreaking performance. If you have a chance to see this, definitely go watch it.
My Rating: A-
Western Pyrenees, year 778. When his land is threatened by the ruthless armies of the Frankish emperor, a Basque warlord asks for help from his ancestral gods.
When the official program was released for SIFF, the moment I saw the picture for Irati, I knew I was done with it, and it did not disappoint. Irati is a fun fantasy adventure that highlights an underrated mythology. The story is fascinating as it's filled with great characters and stunning character design. The story masterfully weaves Spain's pagan mythology that highlights its unique nature. Furthermore, the battle sequences are spectacular, given its limited budget. Overall, Irati is a lot of fun and definitely worth a theater experience.
My rating: B
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freshmoviequotes · 6 years
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Errementari (2017)
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jaspahh · 5 years
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eigabaka · 5 years
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Errementari (Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil) (2017; Paul Urkijo Alijo) 
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dijeh · 6 months
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Irati, Paul Urkijo Alijo (2022)
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docpiplup · 2 years
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Irati -> Posters @asongofstarkandtargaryen
Release date: February 24, 2023
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fungussymbiote · 6 years
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Errementari: The blacksmith and the devil (2017) - Paul Urkijo Alijo
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isaac-not-a-bot · 6 years
Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil
Watched in Basque with English subtitles
This movie is absolutely fantastic. A lot of Medieval folklore centers around regular people being tempted by demons, and ultimately outsmarting them in some way. Errementari harkens back to those tales and brings them to life. The story is formulaic, you can easily see some plot turns a mile off there aren’t any Shyamalan twists. Instead of detracting from the enjoyment, it adds to the sense of feeling like an old world European folktale. The acting is adequate, no one’s really winning an Oscar, but it’s not shitty. It was entertaining enough to be fully engrossed in the story without anyone’s performance taking me out of it. The kids were brats though.
The crowning achievements of this movie were the sets, props, costumes and practical makeup and effects. These elements were where the money went to build this medieval world and it made the film for me. Things that were made to look like wrought iron, looked sharp and authentic, even though I’m sure they were made from foam or rubber latex. The props people did an incredible job making metal and wood look weathered and natural, it really looks amazing. The demon is an achievement all on its own. They took such an archetypical demon design and gave it such a polished execution, along with fitting to an incredible actor, that it worked.
I think the crowning achievement of this film is it treads so many familiar paths in terms of storytelling, setting, and imagery but polishes those elements to a brilliant shine. This movie could’ve fallen into so many pitfalls of feeling hokey, and cliché (or worse a treatment like Hansel and Grettle:Witch Hunters or The Brother’s Grimm). But instead we got some incredible movie approaching Guillermo del Torro levels of atmosphere and quality.
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Errementari (Paul Urkijo Alijo, 2017) Puente de La Carcava Korres, Basque Country (Spain) Bridge over La Carcava creek. Type: arch bridge.
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cinelandia · 1 year
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