#patch 1.7 spoilers
anonymocha · 2 months
can i request isolde and kakania doing something yuriful
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[ Based on the painting Romeo and Juliet (1884) by Frank Bernard Dicksee ]
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fishareglorious · 9 days
shitpost idea for when i get home: 37phi yass bitch slay for 1.9
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
I'm not sure if requests are still open since it's early in the morning where I'm from and idk how our timezones work, please delete this if it isn't orz. If it isn't too much trouble, a dainsleif fic mayhaps 🙏😔? I miss him so much and he didn't come home this patch, can be a short drabble ^^.
Not sure if it's leaning on your "things in consideration" list, but the prompt can be:
You've been under his radar for years but now that he's tracked you down, an unknown child who mirrors his blue Khaenriahn eyes guards you with his small and very fragile life. Those eyes... They're eerily familiar.
(side note: Dain isn't the type who thinks children automatically have a heart of gold lolol. He's kinda a hater when it comes to children cept for Yaoyao /jjjj, maybe that's some extra spice to add for the reason why reader is so terrified and left as soon as she had the opportunity?)
yandere!dainsleif x reader
cw(s) : yandere, implied female reader (the narrative is not gender specific but the word 'mother' has been used once)
wc : 1.7 k
this was an interesting challenge for me because this is one theme i've not done before, with a character i've also never written for! i'm extremely sorry for the wait as i got distracted by hsr :') and thank you so much for requesting<3
a delightful illustration by the loveliest person <3 (spoiler alert!)
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Stories are truly spectacular.
They're capable of preserving bygone memories ; changing, adapting and sometimes, becoming far too distant from reality. Like saplings of the tree which extends its roots throughout Teyvat and, their seeds are welcomed by the flighty wind, soon to be cultivated by the torrents of time. The present will one day become history and that history will be archived for posterity to learn and criticize. One such story inspires much intrigue, dressed in charming rhetoric and is thus cataloged among fairy tales : a bittersweet tale of a Knight and an Angel.
And in classic format it goes — once upon a time, a defiled Knight cried out to the heavens, for he could not win against the temptation of seeing the forbidden pearl. This blatant defiance earned him but a curse of eternal agony and soon, he begged the skies for salvation. The clouds softened and sent him a little Angel, who quelled the fires of his pain bit by bit, until it became an infinitesimal dot in the Knight's soul. Brimming with gratitude, the Knight offered his very being to the Angel's service and of course, they lived happily ever after.
Now suppose, fundamentally speaking, if fairy tales are but stories and the retelling of history follows the same pattern — who are the storytellers?
The victors, of course.
The dull thud of pages colliding shut assuages Dainsleif, for the story which now finds itself beside children's bedside tables serves no other purpose than to instigate dulcet fantasies, losing credence before the trials of history. It brews a litany of feelings in his numbed heart until they intertwine and transform into a yarn of befuddling human emotions ; echoing in his ears that this is what his past has become.
Albeit, this hardly astonishes the Bough Keeper. When a war ends and the winners hoist their flags, they'd obviously be privy to recounting their glories — none of them would ever write that the Knight in the story had never begged the heavens for forgiveness and no such Angel was sent. Instead, he'd seen fit to snatch the Messenger that'd implored him to return to his right mind and one would think that Celestia had taken great offense in this act, but no one batted an eye.
That is because the Messenger, too, was forsaken by their home, a fallen angel with no wings and no divinity left. Whose existence became synonymous to that of a firefly and the Knight, became the darkness that allowed it to glow. When two broken individuals unite, they either complete their flaws or destroy one another and sadly, in his case, it was the latter.
But is it such a sin to wish for a normal life? Dainsleif muses as he passes by giggling groups of unassuming humans, desperate vendors trying to sell their wares and many more individuals who might carve their places in the next epics of Teyvat. Often is it said, you only learn to value things after they leave your grasp and while his memory does erode day by day, he'll forever remember that Angel's — your countenance, how the corners of your lips used to curve before they did no longer, how every word of yours bewitched his decaying mind and built it anew.
He was an ant chasing after the fragrance of sugar, a mindless bug blinded by a speck of light, an apophyte clinging desperately to the bough, a sinner. And sinners do not deserve luxuries called normalcy, love or a home. The aftereffects of the Cataclysm that befell his homeland drove uncountable masses to nihility, some embraced their hatred while others rotted in corners of this world. It is testament to Dainsleif's willpower that he'd not been conquered by insanity yet. Indeed, he's always practiced rationale and patience ; which have also aided him in his prolonged search for you.
He investigated till every rock of this wretched world became his acquaintance and he kept on hanging to the last traces of your existence. But, as every expedition led to a dead end, he was forced to accept a lamentable realization, that he missed you. He missed you so much. He'd vowed to never kneel before those who took everything from him, at this point in his life though, he found himself one breath away from begging that floating island — if only it'd bring you back to his side.
Rain. It'd rained before that catastrophic day and on the eve you trespassed in his life as well. Would you laugh if you saw him in this state? Or, would you coax him up from his knees and shield him from the rain? A hoarse chuckle leaves his lips, how shameless does one need to be to still expect comfort from the being they hurt repeatedly? He'd rather not hear the answer.
The sky growled at his misery but he could not differentiate it from a mocking sneer. He blinked upon feeling the absence of raindrops falling on his person and raised his head to stare.
It is as though the stars gazed at him back, “Why are you kneeling on the ground on a rainy day, mister?”
Dainsleif stared owlishly, his mind momentarily ceased to comprehend the present. The boy that'd reach his knees at most if Dainsleif had been standing returned his gaze in equal interest. Though the man failed to decipher those familiar eyes, it seemed that the boy had reached a conclusion.
“Oh, you must be in pain! Here, take one of my apples.”
The Bough Keeper jolted at the fruit that was shoved to his hand, in the blur of his confusion he'd not taken note of the bag full of apples clutched by the boy's other hand.
“My mother said that an apple a day would keep the pain away—ah, or was it the doctor? Anyway, please take it and don't look so sad. I should really be returning now…!”
Dainsleif opened his mouth (To protest, to question or to thank? He didn't know.) as the boy dashed away, the pitter-patters of the rain lulled his footsteps and left the man a great deal dumbfounded. He looked at the apple, now glistening with rainwater and recalled the boy's words. On normal occasions, he'd be tempted to immediately evacuate the vicinity after that mildly embarrassing encounter but, the memory of the starry gaze that rendered him speechless implored him to follow the boy's tracks.
At this point, his mind was operating on instinct, tracing the footprints of an unknown child without purpose would be the farthest thing he'd put on his agenda in his current state. The dense forest swallowed his form until it finally gifted him with a clearing, a small source of light peeked past a half open window and enticed him closer.
The man only came to his senses after hearing muffled voices, standing before what he assumed was the door to the thatched cottage. For a second, he debated whether to continue this rendezvous but resigning that he'd come too far, he decided to take a peek through the window.
The rain lulled just enough to not be an outright nuisance, succinct yet unforgettable — there you were, separated by but a weak wooden structure and Dainsleif's stupefied mind. You are there. Are you really there? Right before his eyes, emerging out of nowhere after he turned Teyvat upside down just to find some reassurance that you're still alive? Your eyes narrowed in that familiar frown and rubbing a towel through a boy's hair—
Wait, what?
Fine strands of blonde clung to Dainsleif's forehead, a few drops of water dripping down to join the small puddle under his feet. He gaped like a fish at the scene and at the boy who led him to this epiphany, completely forgetting vigilance.
“Did you talk to anyone, son?”
Flowers bloomed in his heart at the sound of that familiar lilt and his breath hitched as he processed the contents you uttered. Son. You called that boy son. In the light of your humble abode, he noticed the boy's golden locks of hair that he'd previously foregone and a conclusion crawled its way to his mind. He has a child. He has a child? Dainsleif knew you have a knack for unpredictability but this level of surprise was not what he was expecting upon your first appearance after all these years. He dwelled on the question of how it was even possible for a while, he recalled the boy's eyes ; those characteristic star-shaped pupils would never lie. Voices reached his ear again and he decided to cast aside these questions for a later time.
“I did, but the man looked so sad all alone in the rain! So, I gave him one of the apples because I didn't know what else to do. I promise I didn't talk too much!”
You paused for a while, a cautious query followed, “What did he look like?”
The boy copied your silence this time, finding great interest in your nails before exclaiming, “Pretty ordinary!”
Dainsleif didn't know why but that gave a sting to his heart, he looked back to you to see the unreadable expression on your face slowly shift to a soft smile. You affectionately ruffled the boy—his boy's hair, the action somehow softened the ache in his soul. Until he remembered that he was ignorant of his own son's name. He was one who preferred to form his opinion of everyone from a neutral point of view and while he's not one to excuse children's behavior just because of their age, seeing his own son speak half-truths at this stage raised many more concerns to be dropped in the pile.
You're not someone who'd preach dishonesty to a child but considering the situation you are currently in and the things this child must've seen, he found himself understanding. The skies rumbled and Dainsleif barely pushed back the urge to kick down the door and take his family to where they belonged. But seeing the smile that he'd yearned for so many years, he hesitated. You'd fought hard to earn this little happiness and acting on his impulses now, however justified they might be, would be dishonoring your efforts. And judging by your reactions, he can already sense that you won't just sit idly by for him to pounce on.
So, he'll be patient for bit longer and when the time is right, it'll seem as though his family returned to his arms out of their own volition.
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lakesbian · 11 months
ok Worm Bigotry Breakdown in more detail for @silverflyingpikachu
tl;dr: author is Cishet White Guy From Canada In 2011. he ostensibly thinks he is progressive. this does not change his proclivity for tossing his Cishet White Guy From Canada Biases into the books and then saying even more bigoted things in defense of those writing decisions on forums. wildbow is just some cunt on the forums with bad opinions on wildbow's writing. the book is 1.7 million words long but i believe in my ability 2 categorize this shit with decent accuracy. everyone who has ever said worm's CWs can't be categorized, including wildbow himself, is a lying ass bitch. this will include some vague spoilers, because i can't really go in-depth without a few examples, but i'll stay away from anything too plot-critical.
- worm is fundamentally a book abt systems of power and the ways in which they suck. some of the critiques worm issues--e.g, its depiction of how school systems enable bullying, inspired by wildbow's own experiences w/ the school systems as a deaf kid--are viscerally accurate and incredibly compelling. but wildbow fundamentally doesn't understand how certain systems of oppression work--e.g policing--and subsequently, his attempts at depicting them occasionally fall flat onto their face and land in racist territory. this gets particularly nasty when combined w/ the White Guy Author propensity for racist stereotypes--for example, his chosen face of police brutality is a black girl portrayed as predatory & animalistic.
- who is also one of the only black people in the book overall, alongside--for example--an addict portrayed as having less interiority & being less deserving of empathy than A Literal Fucking Nazi. also, the main characters have to team up with the nazis "for the greater good" (defeating the mean asian villains) at one point. it is a mercy to the readers when this part of the story ends. - there are two black characters in the main cast. for the first, wildbow just Straight Up Forgot to include the most compelling aspect of their background + characterization in the text (it was provided via WoG instead, which i provide to all wormreaders like a fuckin' DLC patch when they get to where it's relevant) & entirely forgets they exist towards where the end of their character arc should have been. the second is introduced w/ the most misogynoiristic description on the planet but blessedly has a largely compelling and well-written arc as the book goes on. - depiction of china is just like. fox news level sinophobic "it's all a brainwashed indistinguishable evil cult" shit. not relevant for very long relatively speaking but insufferable to read. asian characters are also like. we got Brutal Yet Honorable Asian Man. we got Fiery Asian Girl With Blue Eyes. it fucking blows it's not good
- oh yeah forgot this one someone mentioned in the tags. #it's an insignificant paragraph and nobody talks about it but the part where it goes #“yeah literally EVERY cape in South America is with a cartel and the heroes are barely distinguishable from the villains” #fuck you #not that the others aren't bad the fatphobia gets really gross but nobody mentions this and that one got me so yeah typical Insufferable Awful Imperial Core Author Understanding Of What Other Countries Are Like - i could make this section one million bulletpoints long but the gist is summarized i think--wildbow's varied racist biases leak fucking everywhere, into character design, into narrative assumptions about who's deserving of interiority/empathy or not, into attempts at Saying Anything About Society, into which characters he prioritizes, into who he offers validity via the narrative, etc etc etc.
homophobia: - theres a girl named amy dallon in it and she is the worst lesbophobic stereotype ever known to man. no other Problematic Lesbian™ you can think of has anything on this girl. the worst part is that she genuinely has a decently compelling character concept and arc, which her being awful is integral to, so you might accidentally find her interesting anyway and then she'll move into your brain - wildbow kept accidentally writing characters that scan as massive dykes and then got really mad about f/f ships for the book being popular in the fandom. he responded by making a deranged forum post involving the phrase "pandering is pandering" insisting everyone (but the bisexual "hedonist") is straight and writing a scene into the book where one of the characters literally turns to the camera and tells the readers "not to get the wrong idea" about her hugging her friend. - over the course of 1.7 million words he finds excuses to loudly inform you that all of the relevant female characters are straight and it's sooo shoehorned in you can always tell when he's doing it - basically worm is like if naruto was about homoerotic teenage girls who do violent terrible things, in terms of levels of unintentional homoeroticism, and the author responds to ppl going "lmao gay" about the unintentional homoeroticism with poorly restrained seething rage
fatphobia: - generic brand of fatphobia you'll see in p much all mainstream media where only side/bg characters are fat and it's obliquely used as a descriptor to indicate that someone has negative personality traits or should be viewed as sort of gross
anti-addict shit: - wildbow generally likes writing about how social circumstances--i.e neglect from society, oppression, failure on behalf of systems--causes crime. he generally likes demonstrating the ways in which the villainous main characters are traumatized teenagers failed by society fumbling to keep existing & holding each other up through The Horrors. unfortunately all of this intelligent writing flies out the nearest window when addicts are involved. there is a gang comprised entirely of addicts, all of whom are portrayed as disgusting, violent, dangerous, and of course often racially stereotyped. it is a mercy to the readers when they're no longer relevant to the story. - on a more subtle level, characters are every so often just like. a little more anti-drug than they would realistically be and you can tell it's wildbow's opinions leaking into their characterization. this is largely what the anti-addict writing is kept to after The Addict Villains leave the story iirc.
if youre wondering wellwhy does anyone read this book then. to that i would say that unfortunately despite it all it'sa fucking excellent book. so we all carry on reading the parts that suck and thinking about how they suck and then reading the parts that fuck and going "ouuugh my god" and rolling down 20 flights of stairs about how hard they fuck.
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corndasby · 23 days
Patch 1.9 Full Event Summary! (Live Updates)
The 1.9 event summary got posted! I ran the patch notes through google translate and combined them with some translations from the official server. If I find anything else major I will update. Skin/Character previews can be found in my previous post, and I'll post some new character kit rundowns later! I will tag every spoiler post with the version number, so add that to your filters if you don't want to see anything about it.
Things You'll Care About
Full translated list is after this section.
Free Six Star for everyone: Semmelweiss, a mineral support that drains ally health to give them buffs based on their missing health.
First banner: Lucy, an intelligence DPS/support that spends Electricity to give their incantations extra effects, such as hitting more targets or buffing ally afflatus damage.
Second banner: Kakania, a plant support/tank/sub-healer that absorbs a portion of damage taken by allies and uses it to enhance her self-healing and damage.
Lorelei is a star afflatus five star support/sub dps. Her incantations haven't been released but her i1 Passive gives a buff depending on the most common card type in your hand, and her i3 passive gives her moxie when critting with her ult (Just Star Things). She is obtained from the new roguelite mode so may be accessible to players starting after 1.9.
Free Sonetto skin for logging in!
New skins for Mesmer Jr., Desert Flannel, Voyager, Regulus, and Jessica.
Thirty combined free pulls just for logging in. I'm sure clear drops will be showered on you elsewhere in the event.
Special banner for a single 6* rate up selector (If you win the 50/50 on this banner you get to choose ANY six star up until 1.6 excluding JNZ! This is a crazy good deal and you can pick up anyone you missed before the next saga of the story)
New main story chapter of course. Chapter Six is called Vereinsamt. Apparently, 1.7 is not a direct continuation of 1.5, but 1.9 will combine the two for a proper ending.
Brand new roguelite mode. The reception to 1.6's attempt was pretty poor, so I think this is a revised version that will be left in the game permanently.
New story events for Lucy and Kakania.
New anecdotes for Eagle and Semmelweiss.
New maps for Three Doors! I enjoyed the Mesmer storyline so I'm interested.
Reruns of all the skins from 1.1 - 1.4. The London wilderness will now be permanently available in the shop.
All of the standard stuff you can find in events. There's a shop, new wilderness, free items all over the place, and puzzle side events. Uttu is going to be there. You know the drill.
Edit 1: They're finally adding a system to let you seamlessly connect water tiles in the wilderness. No more dumb transition tiles!
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Edit 2: They're adding new animation upgrades to older skins!?!? Confirmed list so far: Jukebox Bkornblume, Halloween Sotheby, Halloween X, Jukebox Matilda, Summer Pickles, Wild West Tennantt.
Full List
Some of these are literally just titles in the patch notes so if I don't elaborate that is why!
Login event: free 6* character: Semmelweiss, a mineral support that drains ally health to give them big damage buffs.
Free Sonetto skin
Login event: free decalog (exclusively for Lucy's banner)
Login event: daily free Unilogs (total 20 Unilogs)
Login event: free Matilda Portray (why did we wait a year for p1 Matilda lol)
Login event: free clear drops and anniversary item
Login event: free Wilderness building
Login event: free golden materials
Shop crystal drop reset (I think this means the "first time buy" bonus is reset?)
Special banner: free single 6* rate up selector (If you win the 50/50 on this banner you get to choose ANY six star up until 1.6 excluding JNZ! This is a crazy good deal and you can pick up anyone you missed before the next saga of the story)
New main story chapter: Vereinsamt
New story event: Lucy
Limited collection: Thoughts Alone in a Tank.
New story event: Kakania
Event: Practice of Phantom starts.
New permanent gamemode: Roguelite
Three Doors: new maps
New function: select BGM on suitcase lobby
Anecdotes: Eagle and Semmelweiss
Mane's Bulletin: Abyss, Opera, and Lord of Dreams
UTTU: Mesmer Jr. skin
New function: event atlas
Limited collection: Promise of the Lake
New Jukebox: Desert Flannel skin
New skins: Regulus, Jessica, Voyager new skins
New Wilderness set: Laplace
New packs
Patch 1.1 skins rerun
Patch 1.2 skins rerun
Patch 1.3 skins rerun
Patch 1.4 skins rerun
Patch 1.1 Wilderness is added to the shop permanently
Event starts: Little Steel Gold Rush
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
oof i've seen some of the 1.5 events leak and if it's what i think it is, i'm gonna do rlly rlly terribly in at least one of those events. i'm not gonna tell you bc i dunno if you even sure want spoilers, and these are only in-beta screenshots, so it may change when 1.5 arrives. i am excited for some of them though, there seems like a lot of stuff, at least through screenshots lol
my friend also apparently said inazuma is gonna be coming out in 2.0? i honestly doubt it since i know higher lvl ar ppl like my friends are getting pretty bored. they basically only log online if i need help with domains or if they need to waste their resin and do commissions. i honestly dunno how mihoyo is gonna keep us interested unless they release smth big
— r. anon
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im looking forward to the future of this game in general. i dont read through leaks much but from the peeks i saw from posts i need to scroll past, they seem to be quite fun! mhy has been doing relatively well w the content they release in each patch. sure, endgame is dry but for the most part, they’ve done good stuff w the details and events to keep us more or less occupied. still, really looking forward to inazuma. i doubt it’s gonna take until 2.0... maybe around 1.6 or 1.7?
i— man i really dont think thats good for your body cycle?? like based on that you seem to only have one meal per day? i dont want mother you or stuff but i hope you take good care of yourself!
... that sounds like a better horror story than hollywood. w..what exactly did you step on? one time i was in the rural areas visiting my relatives and bc i was feeling a tiny bit homesick, i couldnt sleep so i went to get a glass of water but then i saw this... assembly of non-human, multiple legged creatures in our severely underlighted dining room and dipped. i swear i made eye contact w one. i think its the same that crawled up my leg while i was in bed. 0/10 would not be going back there anytime soon.
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RoR Article 2: Get Help
To make things easier on myself, I’m splitting up my thoughts on the Rumors of Rockland second article.  I already gave an overview of this game.  Here, I’ll cover whatever random thoughts and observations I had for the events that occur when you choose to get help.
[Major spoilers below for Rumors of Rockland Article 2]
Well now, this was quite a treat.  I will say this is the first time we really get to genuinely see Avery friendly.  In the Misfits demo he’s the thug from hell.  In Rumors of Rockland Article 1, he’s an absolute mess both raging and sobbing.  So it shouldn’t be too surprising that thus far I haven’t had the most positive view of Avery.  Mostly fear and some sympathy, but this article let him just be a normal dude you can chat with (well, after the fight).
It does sound very logical that the MC would go to try to get Whesker for help.  Whesker’s not only someone they know, but he’s one of the people running the bar so yeah, he might not want a fight breaking out in the alleyway.  But he’s not there this time, so you make due on short notice. You know at least Callum and Avery are buds, so he might be able to help.
 Avery doesn’t hesitate, and the good news is that he’s able to subdue the drunks fast.  It’s not that the drunks didn’t deserve at least a punch in the face, but we know Avery was very much capable of killing them.  In fact, without Callum and the MC there, he likely would have.
Callum at least recognizes right away when Avery’s taking things too far and does make an attempt to get Avery to stop.  He does try to make a little joke of it though to the MC that Avery’s “not letting up.”  I don’t know if he was just trying to calm the very alarmed MC at the moment, or if he just assumed there wasn’t much he could do to stop Avery at this point. Maybe it’s both.  We don’t know yet if Callum’s always able to stop Avery when he’s present or if Callum just can’t read the warning signs before it’s too late sometimes.
Remember, Avery was merciless to the MC in the Misfits demo when he didn’t even know what offense the MC had committed.  You bet that Avery would have murdered the drunks for messing with Callum.
Luckily Callum is able to stop Avery from getting blood on his hands. I’m not entirely sure though if Avery stopped because Callum raised his voice on the second try, or because Callum reminded Avery that the MC was there.  I don’t know if Avery was more interested in not upsetting Callum or not killing in front of the MC.  Took Avery a second to stop looking a little fierce until he noted the MC cowering.
Notice how when Avery calms down, he acts almost like nothing had happened.  There’s no remorse.  First he seems reserved when he joins Callum and the MC, but he then joins in on the conversation and sometimes even takes over a little.  
Overall it was very interesting listening to the two of them.  Rockland’s painted with a nice image at some points, but we’re also still reminded of the danger.  A couple more of my questions got answered.  It’s confirmed that if you know the right people and know how to cover your tracks, you can get away with a lot.  It helps that it sounds like people in Rockland usually take care of their own business rather than running to the police for help.  Usually at least.  Sounds like there are also several people who take charge around Rockland. I suppose if the Irish mafia has a hold on the town, it kind of makes sense why people would conduct themselves this way.
 We also learn that simply being in Rockland doesn’t guarantee you’re going to die.  Avery says you can walk by a really unhinged person every day and have nothing happen to you.  So that calms my nerves a little.  But at the same time, I have to remember that the main games to be released in the future will primarily be horror.  Hard to let my guard down sometimes.  But I’m thinking with those games it’s going to show us what the experience is like for an MC who either offended the wrong person, stuck their nose where it didn’t belong or is just plain unlucky.  Avery said don’t do stupid things that would get you killed in a horror film after all.
In the future I’ll dedicate a post to Avery completely, but that won’t be until after his game “Welcome to Rockland.”  But I will say that from all I’ve seen about him so far, Avery is a completely honest character.  He lets you know EXACTLY how he feels about something or a person (whether it’s good or bad) and won’t mince words.  All the stuff here that he warns the MC about I think is probably on point.  When he says he’s one of the people you shouldn’t mess with in Rockland, we know how dead serious of a statement that is.  
It’s kind of fun when dialogue like that pops up actually.  For the MC in the story, it’s a little unnerving but they could see it as just a joke or someone trying to put up some bravado. Though the MC did witness Avery almost killing two guys, there may still be some doubt if he would REALLY have gone that far.  As the audience playing the game, we know what the truth is though.
I look forward to more morbid or casual warnings from characters in the RoR series that we may get to see are very real in the main line games.
Other fun bits, I absolutely loved the part with Avery shaking Callum after Callum just nonchalantly confesses to getting ecstasy from Tyler. Genuinely laughed out loud at that. Seems Avery can also be a little more sensible than even Callum at times.  Callum seems so carefree about nearly everything.
I’m all for Whesker kissing guys, Callum being a little feminine and AveryxCallum as well~  Also, what the hell Kinley?! XD
Also learning that Tyler is an actual doctor is flat out hilarious. So many jokes you can make with that. Like…does that mean he’d feel obligated to tell you all the side-effects of the drugs when you make a deal with him? Drug dealer and doctor are such opposite positions it really makes the whole situation bizarre.  Not entirely sure what Tyler’s been getting away with currently since it sounds like there are luckily other characters in Rockland there to go, “NO DON’T DO THAT!”
 Oh, I forgot to mention something!  Someone else brought this to my attention, I didn’t figure this out myself. There’s a small edit that was made at least to the very end of Article 1 where Whesker does ask for and gets your name.  You just pick to play article 1 in the 1.7 patch and you’ll find it.  That’s very important because you probably noticed in this article that Callum calls you correctly by your name.  The MC didn’t formally introduce themselves in this article.  This is further emphasizing how much the MC sticks out in town since Callum was able to figure out who you were when even the MC confirmed he hadn’t turned around last week to see you.  This also means that Whesker’s a bit of a gossip, haha. I’m not really surprised since he’s a bartender, and a new person in town would likely be a hot topic.  So if he knows your name, he’s going to pass it around.  Again, that just serves as a reminder that you can’t blend into this town quietly.
It really did feel like at the end that Callum, Avery and the MC were genuinely having a good time together.  Lots of small details thrown out in the ending conversation, but I think the biggest takeaway was just there are people who’ve been around for a long time and getting close with some people gets you inheriting a bunch of stuff.
I can’t confirm if the MC has full friendship status with Avery and Callum here, but it definitely sounds like they could freely ask them any questions they had from this point forward.
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anonymocha · 2 months
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I have Druvis and Six so… I may get Marcus and Vila because… This looks fun as hell…
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anonymocha · 2 months
pattern of skins release after reverse 1999 1.0 patch and the dominant afflatuses bc im going insane
[spoiler for future skins!]
1.1 star
- regulus (star)
- centurion (beast)
- apple (star)
- charlie??? (star)
1.2 plant
- sotheby (plant)
- x (intellect)
- bkorn (plant)
- eagle (plant)
1.3 beast
- tennant (beast)
- pickles (mineral)
- matilda (star)
- leilani (beast)
1.4 plant
- lilya (star)
- diggers (plant)
- sweetheart (beast)
- la source (plant)
1.5 beast
- tooth fairy (star)
- pavia (beast)
- dikke (beast)
- darley clatter (beast)
1.6 plant
- an an lee (plant)
- druvis (plant)
- zima (plant)
- a knight (spirit)
- bp (mineral)
1.7 surprisingly none!
- melania (beast)
- 37 (star)
- satsuki (plant)
- ms moissan (mineral)
so here are the afflatus' points based on the number of patches they dominated in
- beast 2
- plant 3
- star 1
- mineral 0
points based off arcanists with garmens
- beast 8
- plant 9
- star 7
- mineral 3
- spirit and intellect 2
we need more mineral garments tyvm 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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