#partial KK post
relaxxattack · 1 year
boys when they cant read some of the most popular and interesting looking fics of their ship because the author who wrote them supports incest shipping and that feels genuinely uncomfortable/unsafe
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necromancy-enthusiast · 11 months
Traditional Chinese Translation of Homestuck Analysis-Beta Troll Typing Quirks
That's right, there's a full traditional Chinese translation of Homestuck. You can find it, along with links to other translations, here. If you want to jump to Hivebent when all the beta trolls are officially introduced so you can see this for yourself, here's a link to the first page.
But first, I'll give as succinct of a rundown of the elements of the Chinese language that are relevant as I can. The Chinese writing system doesn't have an alphabet, instead words all have unique characters. So a lot of the trolls' quirks just can't be 'transliterated', because they have something to do with spelling. Similarly, Chinese characters don't have upper or lower cases.
There are multiple ways to type Chinese on an electronic device, but the most common is using a Latin script keyboard. You type out the pinyin of a Chinese character (which is the system mostly commonly used to romanize Mandarin Chinese nowadays) and some suggestions for characters with pinyin romanizations spelled that way pop up in a little window, and then you pick the one that you want.
Chinese also has A LOT of homophones because instead of making a wider variety of noises like English, Chinese opted to differentiate words partially based on the tone they're spoken in. This is absolutely fantastic for puns and wordplay, English could never hope to be anywhere near Chinese's level in that regard. This comes into play with some of the trolls' typing quirks.
And just to clarify, sometimes I say 'Chinese' and sometimes I say 'Mandarin', that's because Mandarin is the official dialect in both mainland China and Taiwan and now the mostly widely spoken one in the world. It isn't mutually intelligible with most other Chinese dialects (this is part of why some people argue that Chinese isn't a single language but a language family). However, written Chinese can generally be understood regardless of the dialect you speak, even if people speaking in different dialects often have different ways of saying the same thing, like greetings and whatnot. When I say Chinese I mean things that broadly apply to written Chinese or the Chinese language/language family as a whole, when I say Mandarin I mean things specific to the Mandarin dialect. I think that about covers it. This post is already getting a bit long so I'll put everything else under a cut. Here's the breakdown:
Aradia: Replaces characters with the Arabic numeral for zero 0. I looked it up and apparently the Chinese character for zero also carry connotations of negation or mean things like 'nought' or 'no', which seems to fit with at least most of the instances she uses it in. Apparently this character can also have some link to death and dead spirits, which would fit given how she's a ghost at the beginning of the story.
Tavros: Uses the character 呃 a lot, which can be used like 'uh' or 'eh'. Uses 嗯 which can be used like 'hmm' or 'uh' as well, or like a general mumbling/light groaning sound, but with less frequency. Still, types haltingly, and uses commas, a lot, like in English, without any periods, Since Chinese doesn't have upper or lower cases, Tavros cANT DO THAT THING HE DOES IN ENGLISH, WHERE HE TYPES IN ALL CAPS OTHER THAN, THE FIRST LETTER OF SENTENCES, sO UNFORTUNATELY, there isn't a lot else to say here.
Sollux: Still refers to the others by their nicknames like KK and AA. He uses reduplication more often than most of the others, which is when you repeat part of a word or even a whole word for various reasons, often to stress your point. He also replaces characters that are pronounced as 'shi' in Mandarin with the Chinese character for 4, which is pronounced as 'si' and written as 四. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be reminiscent of his lisp. EDIT: AS @autumntides reminded me, in at least Mandarin and Cantonese four is a homophone with death, and thus it carries the stigma of death and unluckiness. This fits in well with Sollux's mage of doom class and everything related to it, like Vriska mind controlling him to kill Aradia and him dying during the vast glub because he didn't make it into the game in time before Feferi revived him. I still think it's also the lisp, though.
Karkat: He doesn't type in a larger font size then the others so he doesn't really have any typing quirks, at least none I've been able to ascertain, but he's just as imaginative with his cursing. It can be pretty rough for me to parse and equally rough to translate into English in a way that doesn't sound really awkward, but one of my favorites is 'Rotten bloated corpse of God Almighty! Goddammit, what the fuck does your pockmarked think stem want?'
Nepeta: Uses onomatopoeias that equate to 'cat sounds' like meow and roar, as well as a good bit of reduplication. Still uses asterisk marks and speaks in the third person to indicate when she's role-playing.
Kanaya: Doesn't use punctuation. That's it, since she can't capitalize things like she does in English. I really wish I could say more but that's all I can see. She's still verbose, though.
Terezi: Replaces words that are homophones or near homophones with the numbers 1, 3, and 4 in Mandarin with their Arabic numerals, presumably to resemble how she types in leetspeak in English.
Vriska: Still types out characters 8 times occasionally, but rather than letters (since the Chinese writing system doesn't have an alphabet) it's the whole 'word' like 月月月月月月月月. Replaces words that are homophones (or almost homophones) with 'eight' in Mandarin with the Chinese character for 8 八. I'm pretty sure it's meant to signify that she's dragging the word out rather than repeating it, like when she does thiiiiiiiis in English.
Equius: Still uses % like X's, but he just types it and then types out the word. Again, I don't know exactly what kind of keyboard he's using, but if he's using a Latin script keyboard, he's just typing things like %xuan but when he's finished typing it looks like this %選.
Gamzee: Types out every other character in a slightly smaller font size then the default, he's the only one that changes his font size to resemble his English typing quirk. I'm guessing/hoping they have a set up where he can just as easily change font size as Latin script keyboards can change between lower and uppercase by hitting a certain button, but who knows. He uses ta ma de 他媽的 a lot, which is pretty much the Chinese equivalent of 'motherfucker/motherfucking', and cao 操, which is just 'fuck' but the verb.
Eridan: Still refers to the others by their nicknames like Fef and Kan. A lot of reduplication. A LOT of it, way more than Sollux or Nepeta even. I think this is supposed to be reminiscent of how he doubles his Vs and Ws in English rather then symbolizing true grammatical reduplication, though. It also seems to be that his specific flavor of reduplication is like Vriska's, it's meant to signify he's dragging the sound of a word out rather than repeating it. He also types ~ right after reduplication, seemingly to resemble the waves on the ocean and that he's sort of saying it in a 'wavy' manner, like how in English the comic remarks that he has a 'really weird kinda wavy sounding accent'. Honestly it's annoying to look at, and other Chinese speakers have told me the same thing when they saw how he types. Maybe that was intentional?...
Feferi: She does the same thing as Equius does with X but uses ) ( in front of words whose pinyin romanization starts with H. Uses 'gulu' in the place of 'glub' as transliteration. Replaces characters like those for 'is' 是 and 'have' 有 for characters that have that character in it but also have the character for fish 魚 like 鯷 and 鮪. Also occasionally uses ------ before characters, I think it's meant to symbolize that she's saying something excitedly.
And there you have it. This was rough and took a lot of time, but it was fun if at times deeply frustrating. I may do more of these posts comparing the Chinese translation to the original English, I'm particularly interested in the alpha trolls, but who knows. If you enjoyed this I'd greatly appreciate you sharing it :)
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herohikara-wol · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2k23 - Day 4
Off the Hook (Modern Day Streamer AU)
“Welcome back Scions!” Hero beamed as he waved at his camera set up, the stream was live and his mod team was ready for the chaos. Hero was usually a cozy game streamer- if he wasn’t doing his baking streams, known for things like Animal Crossing or Stardew Challenge Runs. However, he could be convinced to do other styles of games- and one of his friends had talked him into trying something new. “No we are not taking a trip back to the farm today, we’re doing something special!” He already had the capture set up for the switch anyway.
So a few games of the new Splatoon wouldn’t hurt. “Alright chat, I want you to guess while I set up my switch. Mods, give ten thousand channel points to- let’s say- the first three correct guesses! I’ll help narrow the field though, it’s not an indie title and it’s got online multiplayer.” He actually was just waiting for the game to finish downloading, while keeping an eye on chat to see if his friend would show. Granted, he could just yell down the hall- but chat didn’t need to know they were living together now. It’d lead to rumors and unneeded speculation.
Especially since Zenos was supposed to be dating his lead moderator- Asahi.
Not that Hero wasn’t also dating Asahi, but there was this whole royal wedding fiasco that they had to resolve first and he didn’t want to make it public that they were a triad until it was resolved. Partially by suggestion of Zenos’ fathers. Specifically Regula, the biggest advocate for online safety and anonymity he knew. Partially because the pair of them have managed to keep their relationship out of the spotlight for years- hell, no one could even tell Varis had transitioned after having Zenos. The royal family knew how to keep secrets- even in an online era.
Finally Asahi posted a message in his mod chat.
[GildedSAM: Zenos forgot your Splatoon Debut stream was today.]
[GildedSAM: So I’m moderating his stream right now.]
Oh, that would explain a lot. Okay, Hero could work with that. He’d watch Zenos’ VOD later just to see whatever he did. Hero wasn’t one for games like League or whatever competitive fighting game of the week Zenos was punishing people in, but he liked to watch Zenos play anyway. He never got tilted, even when losing, he just got excited for a challenge. Watching his smile spread when he found someone who made playing interesting was Hero’s favorite part of his streams.
[CensorshipNutkin: thx for the intel]
[CensorshipNutkin: u n fordola got it covered?]
[GildedSAM: Between me, Tsuyu, and Fordola we should have Zenos’ stream under control.]
[CensorshipNutkin: kk]
Hero sighed a bit, that meant his team would just be Thancred and Raha today. That was fine, his streams usually didn’t get crazy so two would be enough. “Alright bets are off, let’s get this started!” He switched to the game screen to show off the Splatoon logo, “I played the WiiU version way back when so I’m not totally clueless, but I wonder how it’s changed for the switch. I think I’ll miss Marina though, I loved her outfit. Maybe I'll cosplay her sometime.” He winked at his chat and grinned as the heart emojis poured in. “Also, fair warning, I was a splat roller guy before so prepare for me to make a lot of mess.”
Honestly the stream was going great for a while- until he wound up in one specific lobby. “Who the flip is this sniper? He’s stupid accurate and-” Hero paused for a moment, long viera ears turning to ear Zenos talking to his own stream. He could barely pick up the words, “effective on rollers- can’t have that,” before he quickly pulled up Zenos’ stream on his other monitor. “Chat I’m going to have to pause after this game.” He was going to beat Zenos within an inch of his life over this. It couldn’t be intentional, he knew they weren’t trying to get into each other’s games.
Shame someone in chat realized why he was angry before he had the chance to elaborate.
[WarriorOLight and GarlicPrince are in the same lobby. GP just sniped WoL from half the map!!!]
Fuck, whelp that cat was already out of the bag.
Suddenly his chat lit up with messages of support. Calls to kick his ass and run him down were rampant.
“Guys I’m not going to chase him down specifically, that’s unsporting of me.” He laughed a little, calming down for the moment. “I am, however, going to turn this whole flippin’ map pink and send him a clip when I win.” Not if.
Time to do what he did best, be a nuisance. Don’t get cooked, stay off the hook indeed.
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solarsavoy · 8 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
That's so hard, I've so many! But I think I've figured it out, my top 5.
Assassin Skills Required
By far my favorite fic I've written, even now. It was based off a dream and includes characters from Krystar while focusing on the AC characters. I didn't know where I was going with it until I was halfway done, so it was written and posted live, consistently. It went from Saturdays only to Saturdays and Wednesdays and somehow I kept up the whole time thru 3 works of it. As a debut for fanfiction, it's simply the best, and I haven't been able to recreate my experience with it since. Writing live was just so... I can't believe I did it. Not once did I miss an update and it wasn't even prewritten. In fact, I outpaced my posting schedule, even after starting to post a second day each week. I'd never been so inspired than when writing ASR. Picking the top 5 is hard, but picking number 1 is easy. Link to ASR teaser.
Kristmas Karma
This one wasn't quite written live, but it wasn't written that far ahead either, and it includes a ridiculous amount of art all drawn the week before it was posted. I can't believe it was more or less posted on time. It was also partially an experiment. While ASR included all the AC characters, I still didn't know them that well individually outside of Karmagisa. Kristmas Karma changed that. I was able to write and understand nearly every single student's POV convincingly, and still reference the fic to this day when trying to feel them out. It still makes me cry and Christmas Day, despite being the single most longest chapter I've ever written, so long it was split into 2 chapters (23k words btw), still flies right by every time I reread it. Link to KK prelude.
Magic Shuu
Speaking of getting to learn about the other characters in AC, this one focuses on Shuu and the five virtuosos. What I love most about this one is how fluidly I've crossed these boys into the Sailor Moon universe. I love how I turn this very minor character and his even more invisible friends into the main stars and make them relatable. In fact, my friend who has a similarly overbearing father relates to Shuu deeply. This story just has so much heart in it. Currently unfinished, but I'll finish it someday, even if it takes me years. Link to first chapter.
A Karushuu one-shot. It's playful and fun and both of them are such loveable dorks in this. XD I've reread it so many times I've lost count. My favorite part for Karma is when he stumbles out the door in the morning, tripping and nearly breaking his phone on the way. My favorite part for Shuu is how awkward his attempt to be a better kisser is. I love them so much in this. Link to Ubisoft.
Cuddles and Kisses
A Karmagisa one-shot that I'd planned to write for the longest time. It was based on an idea that someone else had, but it's surprisingly sweet and wholesome despite it being about Karma summoning an incubus. XD My favorite part for Nagisa is when he attempts to "seduce" Karma. My favorite part for Karma is when he rushes home because he's worried about Nagisa disappearing, frantically searching the house until he calls out Nagisa's name, and then hugging him in relief when he appears before him. It's just so sweet for a one-shot, and I'm strongly considering writing more for this AU. Link to Cuddles and Kisses.
Honorable mention:
An original story set in the Krystar universe but separate from the main story. It's actually my favorite of anything on AO3, but it's technically not a fanfiction. It centers around a neurodivergent named Gerit who was abused in many ways as a child while training to be an assassin. I wrote this in the midst of writing ASR as Gerit was in the story and I hadn't fleshed him out as a Krystar character yet. It's finished, but not all posted on AO3 as I've decided the tiny Krystar spoilers at the end aren't something I should spoil until at least after book 1 or 2 of the Fragment series is out. Still, feel free to check it out. Not for the faint of heart, rated MA. Link to Gerit.
Thank you Anon, for sending me this ask. I hope my favorite reads can get some views from this. 💙
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chickawah23 · 2 years
You missed the entirety of my point. Privacy is not about “locating” the baby or the person. It's also about control of your own image. You can support Karlie and still point out the many inconsistencies in her actions. That doesn't make her a bad person nor you or anyone else a whiner.
I didn’t miss your point. The inconsistency you see, I don’t see. That’s the point. If you think kk’s concept or mantra of privacy or control over the baby’s image is diminished because she didn’t put an emoji over the baby’s already partially covered eyes-closed face then that’s your opinion to have. There are plenty of pics of the baby’s side profile that she posts with no emoji that people can use just like this one. And I never called anyone a “whiner” you can feel however you want to feel about it, just like I will feel how I want to about it on my page.
Please feel free to unfollow or block me if you don’t agree with my approach to this issue. I promise I won’t be offended. I do not feel like having a back and forth about this.
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strdstwmn · 1 year
(In an effort to make more friends because I really need more)
Hello! My name is Mikaela! But you can call me Mik, Mike, Mikey, Kaela, Kk or whatever nickname you can think of really! (Personally I’m partial to Mik and Mike cause that’s what most people call me but I digress)
My Pronouns are She/They!
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I prefer an even mix of the two but if you’re only going to call me one I’d like it to be They/Them.
If you need help with what gendered terms to use for me use this reference!
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I’ve switched pronouns quite a bit. I’ve had a really hard time trying to sort out my gender and what I identify as but I found a label I like and makes me feel comfortable! So if you’re struggling don’t worry you’ll find something that fits you even if that something is remaining Unlabled forever.
As for me! I’m a Demigirl!!
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A Demigirl is a gender expression under the Trans/Non-binary umbrella. (I prefer the term non-binary personally because I am AFAB and don’t feel comfortable using the term trans because it doesn’t feel like that term is for me)
Demigirls are people who identify as only partially a girl. This can be on a spectrum that changes from day to day or it can be a fixed percentage. (I would consider myself about 40% girl 60% agender/non-binary)
I’m also Bisexual!
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Bisexual is a lot more common of a term so forgive me for not explaining it here.
My attraction is an even 50/50 split between masc and fem people.
Gender doesn’t matter to me, but I’ve been using the label Bisexual since I was 13 and it’s more comfortable to me than Pansexual.
I’ve been out to my immediate family and friends since I was 13. I’m very lucky to have them and their support!
My roommate is Asexual/Panromantic and one of my absolute favorite people in the whole wide world!!
I have Agoraphobia and Panic Disorders. I recently started medication to help control these things.
I have ADHD and I’ve been on medication for that for a couple years now.
I have self-diagnosed autism that I spent the past three year researching and comparing to be able to come to that conclusion. I would like to get a formal diagnosis but with it being so expensive and time consuming I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do that.
I have two cats! Named Mars and Kota and they are my favorite boys in the whole world.
I play D&D and love talking about it.
I’m pagan and practice witchcraft which I also love to talk about!!
There are a lot of other things about me I would love to share but this post is getting long and I want to keep it a little simpler.
If you need friends and think we’d get along please message me! I’m especially looking for other Demigirl friends as nobody else in my life shares those same experiences with me and I’d love to have people to talk to about it!
Thank you if you made it this far!
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sagarg889 · 2 years
Subsea Multiphase Flowmeter Market - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2031
Substantial increase in the focus on developing integrated flow metering solutions with automation and digitalization technologies, suitable for various applications are expected to drive the global subsea multiphase flowmeter market. As per Future Market Insights (FMI), the global subsea multiphase flowmeter market is projected to be valued at ~US$ 616.6 Mn in 2021.
The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has caused severe impact on the global economy. It has resulted in partial to complete shutdown of the supply chain networks and manufacturing activities across certain regions. Subsequently affected the subsea multiphase flowmeter market, adversely affecting growth. However, subsea multiphase flowmeter market is expected to recover sharply as the economic activity resumes post the containment of pandemic.
The production measurement segment is gaining prominence owing to its functionality of measuring the inflow and outflow of oil & gas such. Moreover, in the near future, it is expected that the scope of production measurement can be extended to enhancing inflow profiling in deepwater reserves, which will further augment demand for subsea multiphase flowmeter.
Key Takeaways of Subsea Multiphase Flowmeter Market Study
Subsea flowmeter market is expected to register 8.5% CAGR between 2021 and 2031
The U.S. is expected to have highest market share the global subsea multiphase flowmeter market. Within North America, it is expected to account for over 66% of sales
The U.K. will emerge as a key market within Europe, exhibiting 5.6% y-o-y growth in 2021
Expansion of oil and gas production will continue supporting growth in Germany and France
China will continue driving sales in East Asia, backed by rising demand for energy
“Key industry participants are investing in strategic alliances, partnerships and product innovations to gain a competitive advantage in the evolving global market. These partnerships allow companies to improve their production capacity and strengthen their technical expertise.” says Future Market Insights analyst.
The subsea multiphase flowmeter market is gradually growing at a strong trend in due to increasing integration of technologies with automation and digitalization in subsea multiphase flowmeters for challenging flow metering solutions for regular production monitoring and measurement. Rise in oil and gas investments and increase in oil and gas projects provide extensive opportunities for the subsea multiphase flowmeter market.
Competitive Landscape
The subsea multiphase flowmeter market witness moderate consolidation, in which the leading players account for more than 70% of the market share. The penetration of small regional players makes this market more competitive. 
Some of the key players in the market are Weatherford, Baker Hughes, AMETEK Inc., Schlumberger Limited, ABB Ltd, TechnipFMC PLC, Emerson, KROHNE Japan KK, Peitro Fiorentini S.p.a., Haimo Technologies Group Corp., and Tokico System Solutions Ltd among others. These players have higher shares in the global market, and have longstanding relationships with a number of end users, giving them an upper hand among their peers.
Find More Valuable Insights
The research report analyzes the market demand trends of subsea multiphase flowmeter. The global market estimation and growth projection is based on factors like end use industries development, COVID-19 crisis impact, replacement ratio, and adoption rate of subsea multiphase flowmeter. As per Future Market Insights research scope, the subsea multiphase flowmeter market has been studied and segmented on the basis of pipe size, application, construction material and region. The report provides qualitative and quantitative information on various players in this market. This report also tracks the market by both, supply side and demand side.
For More Info - https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/subsea-multiphase-flowmeter-market
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stevenbasic · 2 years
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GITJ Post 244: Monday Staff Meeting, p2
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Omg do I look chubby in that one haha i wonder what he’s thinking is he thinking about me seeing me today? I know this meetings importnt i know there listening watching haha its going to be so funnnn...
KLCTV File 67:PHP30000.9
Transcript, Partial: Staff Meeting EP_Site_004 
23.10.20¥¥ 05:59:10 “BREAKROOM”
:: see also accompanying video file 844:CAM003.0988 ::
Agent KLCTVxxбвкоуы/0FHMA003 | Subj F000013a-KK aka “Kathy/Kathe Klix”
Agent KLCTVxxбвгджз/0FHMA005 | Subj F000018a-MH aka “Morgan Horvath, APRN”
Agent KLCTVxxбвклмн/0FHMA006 | Subj F000021a-KV aka “Katarina Vacek”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч/0FHMA007 | Subj F000025a-KK aka “Karen/Karina Katasova, APRN, CANS”
Agent 0FHMA004 | Subj F000009a-VM aka Vida Mendes, APRN
Agent 0FHMA008 | Subj F000023a-EE aka Emily Emerson
Agent 0FHMA009 | Subj F000026a-NA aka Nadia Asisi
Agent 0FHMA010 | Subj F000017a-BB aka Bianca Beres
Agent 0FHMA011 | Subj F000024a-AS aka Alexis Samuels
Agent 0FHMA012 | Subj F000022a-MM aka Mallory Martens
Agent 0FHMA013 | Subj F000023a-NO aka Nicolle Otero
Agent 0FHMA014 | Subj F000020a-SH aka Samantha Hanes
Agent 0FHMA015 | Subj F000027a-SB aka Silvia Braccio
Subj MM1-A aka Melissa Monroe
Subj F000001a-AE aka Amelia Ekland
Subj F000002a-LV aka Lakshmi Vallurupalli 
Subj F000003a-MV-*V VARIANT* aka Marisela Vazquez
Subj F000004a-RM-*B VARIANT* aka Randi Mongillo
Subj F000005a-AH aka Aubrey Henson
Subj F000006a-CC-*ANOM* aka Cynthia Carlisle 
Subj F000007a-BJ aka Brittni Jackson 
Subj F000008a-BJ aka Bobbi Johnson 
Subj F000010a-JJ aka Josephine Jensen
Subj F000011a-SW aka Stephanie Wojcik 
Subj F000012a-JB aka Julia Blair 
Subj F000014a-SS aka Shanette Stevens 
Subj F000015a-AW-*ANOM* aka Angie Wade 
Subj F000016a-KO aka Kathleen O’Rourke
Subj F000019a-BB aka Bessie Bensen 
Subj F000028a-KK aka Korinne Kleinman
::excerpts from File *level 8 classified* PHP30000.10
Subj MM1-A aka Melissa Monroe: “So first I wanted to really update everyone on the construction. It’s going so well! Atrium is coming along, exam rooms, pool, new offices. Might be done well enough in the next few weeks for us to move in and do our grand opening!”
Subj F000001a-AE aka Amelia Ekland:“Good this place is getting too small.”
Subj F000003a-MV-*V VARIANT* aka Marisela Vazquez: “Yeah there’s more than 30 of us here.” 
Subj F000012a-JB aka Julia Blair:”Will we have a bigger meeting room in the new office?”
Subj F000010a-JJ aka Josephine Jensen: “Haha we’re going to need a bigger everything!”
Subj F000004a-RM-*B VARIANT* aka Randi Mongillo:“Yeah did anyone hear some of the things that giant Russian girl at the party was saying? ‘Long term growth’? ‘Goddess Event’...?” 
F000001a-AE: “...‘Attack of the 50-ft Woman’?”
F000010a-JJ: “Haha I heard about that. She was joking of course but omigod so hot right?”
F000010a-JJ: “...she was joking right?”
F000004a-RM: “Joking? Did you see the size of her? Or…just Look at Cici. I don’t think she was fucking joking.”
Subj F000006a-CC-*ANOM* aka Cynthia Carlisle: ”…ummm…”
Agent KLCTVxx0038цч aka “Karen Katasova”: “Haha totally joking! Don’t worry girls no one’s going to be, like, breaking out of their bedrooms anytime soon! But If anyone has any concerns I’m here to help...”
Subj F000002a-LV aka Lakshmi Vallurupalli: “Hey so has anyone seen that the building next door, where the, like, insurance office was, is vacant?”
Agent 0FHMA010 | Subj F000017a-BB aka Bianca Beres: ”Yes yes Evolution knows about it. I know they’re looking at new property and sending someone to check it out.”
Subj F000015a-AW-*ANOM* aka Angie Wade:”huh really? Would the new building be for us? What for..?”
MM1-A:”Okay so I’m supposed to tell you guys that now that, like, the…what do we call it?”
F000003a-MV: “The clinical trials?”
MM1-A: “Right yeah. The clinical trial’s been officially approved, and we start seeing their patients on Thursday.”
Agent 0FHMA004-VM aka Vida Mendes: “Oh, right, Missy. I spoke to Gianna yesterday. That’s been moved up to today.”
F000004a-RM: “Today?!? Haha he’s going to freak.”
F000003a-MV: “Yeah he doesn’t like surprises.”
Agt 0FHMA004-VM:”Someone’s going to have to clear his regular schedule for this afternoon.”
F000004a-RM: ”On it. I’ll have Cici do it.”
F000006a-CC: :”uh, okay…”
F000002a-LV: “Um, so I know - who did they want on the study team for his MA’s again..?”
MM1-A: “Okay what’s next…? Hmmm…Oh yeah! Everyone order their outfits for next week?”
Subj F000016a-KO aka Kathleen O’Rourke: ”I have the link if anyone still needs it.”
Subj F000014a-SS aka Shanette Stevens: “I love Halloween!”
F000001a-AE: “I have a feeling he’s going to feel the same way.”
MM1-A: “Omigod I’m so excited! Are you two still good handling the catering..?”
Subj F000011a-SW aka Stephanie Wojcik:“So are we going to talk about what happened on Saturday? I was at the gym…”
Subj F000008a-BJ aka Bobbi Johnson: “Oh the surge-y thing? Me and Brittni were, like, freaked?”
F000001a-AE: “Yeah haha I think it made me ovulate.” 
F000003a-MV: “It did a hell of a lot more than that to me.”
F000011a-SW: “Seriously you guys do realize how all our cycles have aligned?”
F000002a-LV: “That’s kinda normal, right? Us all working together?”
F000011a-SW: “Yeah but the way we’re doing it?”
F000001a-AE: “Face it girls. We’re becoming sex objects for him.” 
MM1-A: “If we want to succeed, to continue to grow as a group, we have to protect Dr. J, care for him. We have to, like…”
Agt 0FHMA004-VM: “We have to insulate him.”
MM1-A: “Yes exactly! So it’s more than just sex objects. I heard what happened at the gym, Steph. Or what you were able to do, Marisela, with the new software. We’re becoming…a lot more than that.” 
F000010a-JJ: “Can I, uh, ask then - what’s happening to him?”
Agt 0FHMA004-VM:“Yes, yes, right - he’s getting smaller…”
F000001a-AE: “Fucking twerp…”
Agent KLCTVxxбвгджз/0FHMA005 aka “Morgan Horvath, APRN”: “But ladies I have seen it in the before. His needs they are the growing. He needs Melissa. He needs the all of us.”
MM1-A:”Omigod yes girls. His needs are growing, so let’s indulge them. He needs us.”
F000003a-MV: “He neeeeeds us…”
F000010a-JJ: “neeeeed…”
F000002a-LV: “oh my god he neeeeeeds…”
MM1-A: “…thank you!”
Agt 0FHMA004-VM: “Okay…okay thanks Melissa. Okay haha is everyone back? Let’s get down to real business…Melissa?
MM1-A: “Yes right. Um. Kathy, you had some things to share..?”
much more GITJ and tangent stuff, if you're into that sorta thing, at my Patreonnnnn
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spade-riddles · 3 years
Taylor and Karlie may not even let their son get close to Jk but they still allow everyone to believe he is the baby's father. I don't understand why! This is frustrating and even revolting but I think they're making lemonade out of lemons. See what Taylor did on National Cats Day. She posted a video in the morning about BB's cute paws and in the afternoon KK has their son dressed as a lion with cute paws. Obvious that this was Taylor's nod about her son being dressed as a cat on NCD no less.
No no no. The lion 🦁 pics were the only Halloween where she completely hid the child. We saw no partial face, no skin whatsoever. In real time I posted that I wondered if this was her actual child. Jerk was never pictured with the lion 🦁 baby. We have no idea the gender of the lion 🦁 baby.
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cyberaxolotl · 2 years
Going on a ramble about scc headcanons and shit again. and frosting . this is a mixed post between robot scc and cyborg scc um hm ❤️
I think I’ve made it very clear but I see them as all being of different backgrounds! Sweet is British English, Cap’n is Mexican, and K_K is Colombian. Cap’n and K_K both speak Spanish fluently while Sweet. Does not. so he just sits there like “this is fine” while the two talk about most likely some stupid shit. Frosting is Irish so she also fits in with Sweet on the “what the fuck are those two saying”
As for Frosting. I know she’s a ship child (technically) but I really cannot see them as actually having kids on their own accord- yes they have Frosting, and yes they love Frosting as their daughter, but she was a special occurrence and she fit in with them. The idea of them having kids and wanting kids doesn’t appeal to me- I think they’re just. A little musical family with their littol equalizer daughter.
Cyborg! Designs! Ive said it before but my human designs of the scc are more like cyborgs but they used to be fully human! During the rebellion there was. A big ol incident of which they got partially mutilated and then had robot parts added to their human forms. They had human names before that and the whole sweet Cap’n and kk things were supposed to just be code names, but they stuck. As for Frosting I cannot say what happened to make her also be included in being partially a cyborg given she wasn’t exactly part of the rebellion but she. Just is. All of their human names in order of SCC and then Frosting are Kai, André, Ebony, and then Chloe. Sweet, Cap’n, and Frosting will all respond to and accept being called their real names, but K_K will only respond to Cakes and K_K.
K_K has an older brother! His name is J.J., Cakes says it’s short for Jackass, it’s short for Jacques. And also they hate each other. Sibling hatred!
As for the other two, Sweet doesn’t talk about his family, and Cap’n’s family was mostly step siblings and half siblings. Frosting doesn’t talk about her family because she didn’t have a “family” before them, she was in a captive situation with her “caretakers.”
They have a room in their house it’s called the cuddle room and it’s just covered in pillows. They cuddle in there. Who woulda thunk it!!! But also they cuddle in very particular ways, generally being in the order of K_K > Cap’n > Sweet. Examples being K_K laying against a wall, Cap’n laying in her lap, Sweet laying on his torso, as well as big spoon K_K holding both of them, middle spoon Cap’n holding Sweet, Sweet being held but not holding anything.
They’re also very touchy-feely with each other! I know a popular headcanon with these three is aspec (which I respect) but I personally think they enjoy each other’s touch- to their own varying degrees. Sweet has very high particulars with how they’re touched, generally preferring being held/carried over most other things, and they’re also just. Generally not the greatest at accepting affection. They don’t like being touched that much. Cap’n is the most feely of the three since he’s not the greatest with words, he likes giving hugs n cuddles n kisses, as well as other things when they’re needed, his love language is just generally physical affection. He’s very sensitive about his body type though (I believe in fat fuck Cap’n supremacy) so he’s mostly a giver and not a taker, but if he is receiving, he prefers to not be touched in certain places and instead be overall hugged/cuddled and hates being squeezed. K_K is also very touch centric, as most of her language is motion and signing, and she’s also not the best at words since she tends to jumble stuff up and get anxious. She was raised in a way that she prefers giving far more than taking, giving very tight hugs and very plentiful kisses, but when she does receive affection I will not exaggerate she MELTS. Human K_K specifically likes having her face held.
Wow that was a long paragraph! Um.
THE MENTAL ILLNESS. K_K is an ADHD + anxiety combo meal (projecting) with some major oversleeping issues. Cap’n’s just fucking depressed I guess idk he’s sad though. Sweet’s really insecure and has insomnia-like issues and has a strong habit of trying to be alone when they’re sad which is. Not the right coping mechanism for them. I can’t assign any specific illnesses to Frosting but she has some very severe childhood trauma !!!
Cap’n’s lungs are shit too btw I might as well mention that. he smoked as a teenager and also does weed sometimes normally (they’re rebels and they’re also. hippies who hate the government) so his lungs are like destroyed!!!! it’s bad for him he knows it’s bad for him but he doesn’t smoke around frosting at least. He doesn’t wanna hurt his daughter.
That’s uh that’s it that’s everything! I have very headcanons ok goodnight
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industryhearts · 3 years
That anon about Karlie hate sounds fed up. As someone who has been in this fandom for a long time, I somewhat agree.
Note: The “you” I used in this is collective not aimed directly at you IH.
The Karlie hate is getting ridiculous. For me it’s the fact that she literally can’t do anything without someone in this fandom assuming it’s somehow related to Taylor. People repeatedly defend Karlie when swifties claim that Karlie used taylor to boost her career. They always remind swifties that she was already one of the top models in the industry but the minute KK continues to do that modeling or business work on her public social media platform that she’s repeatedly said is used mainly for work yall think it’s somehow a personal attack on the kaylor fandom.
The entertainment industry has always been shitty and elitist. Rich people buying models is not new. Yachting is not new. None of this is new. But people in every part of this fandom hold Karlie to a higher standard because she’s tied to taylor. Regardless of how much more she does publicly for real people the only thing everyone sees is her ties to both taylor and jk.
You don’t have to torture yourself here. No one is forcing anyone to stay here. But I hate seeing the vitriol spewed at Karlie for literally anything she posts. It’s her freaking job. If you don’t like her references to taylor then stop looking for them. If you don’t like her ties to that family and you’re from the US then stop following her.
The amount of energy so many people expel on anything Karlie does is seriously ridiculous. You’re not saying anything new. You’re not proving a point to Karlie. You’re not telling it like it is. You’re being a bully. One of the clearest instances of this was when she was showing her body journey after giving birth (which is still partially for work). Yes there were people in this fandom somehow getting mad at that post of her showing her abs coming back. And making fun of her spraying water on herself.
The point is. You literally don’t have to follow these people. You don’t have to focus on them if they bother you. But this fandom is just becoming so toxic. You’re getting worked up over people who you don’t even know and who most definitely don’t know you. At a certain point it’s no longer venting if it’s after every single post. The script has been the same since the show started so stop watching if you’re sick of it. No one is going to think you support the kushklan if you stop bashing Karlie every two days. Just like no one is going to think you like that Karlie is still bearding with him.
Someone said on another blog that it was weird that baby posts get a lot of notes even though no one talks about it. And I think it’s because of the hate that comes with it within this fandom more than anything. You preach about Karlie exploiting her own child and is somehow hurting an innocent baby. Even though she has literally never shown the baby’s face and is essentially showing off baby clothing and accessory brands when she shows him. It’s all work because she’s a celebrity who is also a mother.
Just leave her alone. If you really wanted to make her team notice then stop talking about her. Every negative post that mentions her by name keeps her name valuable. Stop talking about her all together and maybe you’ll see a change in strategy.
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pt-disconnected · 2 years
Anonymous Ask Responses #13
As expected, not too long after the new part, a bunch of asks came up! And as usual, I'll be replying to them here! At this point even if they're not all Anonymous, they all get put in here for the sake of making it a single post. Most of them are Anons so I guess the name sticks? Either way, here's the questions- along with another bit of art by @athenwrench at the end (thank you for the art!)
First, a little segment of people who are happy to see Gaster getting completely destroyed.
"Pt gaster is pissed"
Pretty much, yeah. How unfortunate that Player had to pull a Jevil and go for chaos- since chaos is unpredictable. (Insert 'The World Revolving' here, alongside PT!Gaster screaming.)
"Peck you gaster lol"
Yup. Just a big peck neck right there. Bigger than DJ Grooves if I can say so- although the Conductor may disagree. And yes, I am a fan of A Hat In Time.
"Pfft 'slot face' perfect name for pt gaster lol" (This ask was delayed for a bit, so to whoever sent this, sorry I ended up missing it for so long.)
I mean, it's kinda a given. And also it makes him more akin to a bishop rather than a knight in terms of the shapes of chess pieces.
And now, back to our regular programming.
"I live to see kris smiling"
Can 100% relate. I think seeing Gaster get completely one-upped and then just ragequit would make most anyone who hates him smile. Which probably includes most of us.
"I think Susie’s reaction was pretty much everyone’s reaction to Gaster being a Lightner lol"
Yeah, pretty much! Nobody really expected that- we probably all expected Gaster from Undertale, but no- he's human. Lynx really pulled a fast one on us there!
"Who is your favorite Deltarune character from chapters 1 and 2"
From the games? I'll have to be honest, that's a pretty good question. I kinda have a tie between a few of them.
Firstly there's good ol' Spamton G. Spamton. I really think he'd have been a nice character to know had we seen him before... well, whatever happened to him. But the strings that held him up, and yet dragged him down, made him someone else entirely. I kinda feel bad for the guy.
Then, we have Ralsei. Wholesome goat boi- need I say more? Though some people speculate there's more to him than that, I think that the reason he talks with Kris while we're watching the others is because of Kris being concerned about what we might do. They're insecure- they wanted to talk with Ralsei on his own, so that nobody else would know what might be going on. Perhaps there's more than just us controlling Kris- after all Kris is always asleep before doing... well, whatever happens at night during the games. And lastly, while Noelle is also very high on the list, the character who snags the third spot is...
Yes, I know. It's insane. But dammit I relate to the guy. Partially because of the stress put on him because he's seen as being so smart (though the reasons for my end are different), and partly because...
Well, let's just say I have probably well over 5k Pokémon TCG cards. If not more.
So yeah. I'm a bit of a geek in some ways myself.
...Oh yeah, KK is also a fun character. He actually would let us buy 400 bagels if we had the room in our inventory. Great guy.
"Was that a chess pun? Nice. So out of curiosity, did Susie see any defining features that the Player might identify? Since I know you believe the player didn't see the Ralsei and the others against Gaster, so they wouldn't know the backstory, could they maybe put 2 and 2 together with his appearance being similar to Gaster?" Yes, that was in fact a chess pun. I wanted to do something creative with the ACT menu, and the moment I saw that the one consistent option was 'Check', I knew right then what I wanted to do. Because that one option is what is consistent throughout both Undertale and Deltarune- so the opportunity to make something unique from it was perfect. (And I mean, come on, with PT!Gaster, it was bound to make for a good scene. Especially with how much board game referencing he does... that made it so much better, throwing him off with the same thing he does.)
As for your question, Susie probably would have seen the scars, but the Player may not fully put the pieces together since they didn't see Gaster themselves- at least, not after his helmet broke. But during the next encounter, well... I can only give you a simple reply.
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And now for the bit of art by @athenwrench... it may not be the best, but nobody is perfect right off the bat. And even after a while, nobody is perfect. So I'm still quite impressed regardless!
"Yup, he's pissed. I went for a sort of pasty white appearance because he hasn't seen the sun in who knows how long."
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I definitely like the detail of how the slot in the helmet is still seen- although the question remains, how the heck does he see through it?! Does he have a camera on the outside and screens inside or something stupid like that? It's really kinda baffling.
But yeah, he definitely hasn't seen the sun for... what was it again? 66.5 years?
That's gotta be a lot of lost vitamin D. Stunned that they're still going- the bunker must've had supplies of the stuff.
And with that, we have reached the baker's dozen of Anon Ask segments! Hopefully the next part of the story won't take nearly as long- though I can't say that it'll be out this month, for which I apologize. I'm gonna be taking a small vacation at the later end of the month, during which I'll likely not be online much. So I'm most likely replying early-mid March.
But when I get back, trust me I'm going to be writing the next part for you all. I really appreciate how much you all enjoy the story, and I hope that I can keep it enjoyable!
Until then, see you all!
Oh yeah, before I forget:
LynxGriffin has been reposting a new project, I don't know for sure whether or not it's him working on it (I think it is, but if it is, he seems to be keeping it quiet. Probably for a good reason.)
However, whether he's the one making it or not, I still really like how it looks and works, and it's only just about to start the real story. So if you haven't checked it out, you should do that now!
I'm going to be adding this to the pinned post as well, alongside a link to DemoPhone's Chronology story! So if you ever want to check those out, you can always find the links there!
For real this time: see you all later!
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st-louis · 3 years
the fact that i read so much habs coverage and specifically that i’ve read an entire like... four+ years’ worth of nick-specific coverage has really had me feeling a little bitter about it. some of this is like long post thoughts that i’m gonna have to flesh out at some point but i am stewing after every game.
you can see, early on, the way journalists would try to ask him specific questions. in the beginning, they were constantly questioning him about his size and whether he thought he was gonna be able to play in the nhl as a “small” player (nevermind that he was bigger than brendan gallagher at the time, a guy who had an a and an established career). then the narrative switched to “why do you feel like you deserve to play center rather than winger,” like trying to get him to say either that he felt he deserved to play c, or that he wasn’t good enough to play c and would be okay with wing.
his first year his nhl time didn’t overlap a ton with kk’s, because kk was injured and spent all of that time in laval, but now that they’re playing together it’s like fans cannot acknowledge that both of them might be good (and at the same time). nick had a very hot start to the season; kk not as much, but that was partially due to deployment. they’ve both played with a rotating cast of wingers, although nick had more time on a stable line with jo and josh. although to be honest jo has not really been producing this season so it’s not like that necessarily helped him. kk had a chance to play with all of those same wingers. nick had a little “slump” although tbh i don’t even think you can argue he was playing badly. he was still outproducing kk points-wise during that time. 
so kk’s game has seen a little resurgence since ducharme took over. he’s still had some rotating wingers, but he’s definitely more confident and strong on the puck, starting to showcase his ice vision more (like the beautiful pass to lehky for the goal last night), playing more physically (the check on archibald last night). he’s gotten a little more ice time in some games, and he and nick have the same spot on different power play units. he spent some time on the officially listed second line with more ice time than nick, and now on the third line with less ice time than nick.
during this time nick has been coming out of the slump. honestly he is the first person to admit when he’s not playing well. i’m thinking specifically of a few media availabilities where i really thought he was about to cry (the one after that ot loss where jt miller deked him). but the last few availabilities recently he’s been happy with his play, even if he hasn’t been getting on the scoresheet. and honestly i agree! i’ve thought his play has been really solid, especially defensively, although it hasn’t always shown on the scoreboard. as jason paul on twitter noted a lot of his time on the ice is against other teams’ top lines. like 42% this year vs. 28% last year, which would definitely account for a little scoring slump. but playing well.
and like sidenote: both of them are so young for this position. kk is 20 and nick is eleven months older at 21. i think the stat is something like no pair of centers under 22 have won a cup in the modern era besides malkin and crosby? they’re both still learning and growing.
but it’s like fans and journalists both don’t want both of them to succeed. when nick was having his AMAZING season start it could not be denied that he was fantastic. now that he’s slowed down, though, it’s almost insane how both the subreddit and journalists ignore his play and contributions? i am constantly seeing knocks on his effort (lazy, doesn’t try) his conditioning (literally saw someone call him fat!) etc.
kk had an amazing game last night! i thought nick also had a great game, there were a few plays specifically that were like :O! (the takeaway on draisaitl for one). and yet you ONLY read about kk, or even worse, on twitter, it’s just all replies like “kk future 1c, so much better than suzuki.” or on this one site dan meagher puts kk in the good column this way:
There is a raging debate in the Habs fan base about what they have in Kotkaniemi, but it’s impossible to ignore what he can bring to the table when he’s on. And consistency isn’t even that big a problem for him when you factor in that he is the 838th oldest NHLer.
and nick in the bad column this way:
I wouldn’t say he was bad at all in this one, but Nick Suzuki does not look like a quality offensive player right now and he has to get some of that swagger back.
a) what does that even mean? b) shut up.
i am honestly wracking my brains as to why none of the montreal fanbase seems to want both of their future 1a/1b to be good at the same time, or even to give their players credit for the things they do well. literally all i can come up with is that kk is bigger and whiter.
and the worst part is they’re friends!!! they’re literally planning to win a cup together!!!!!!! they support each other! why can’t YOU
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iwanthermidnightz · 3 years
How curious these reminders. Among so many thousands of other points in their friendships, why speak of those who appear MH and TH, who were supposedly doing shades to KK? (Even though I have seen them enjoying posts that are just reporting the public's view. I didn't realize any partiality on the part of those who wrote the posts).
"Kloss sided with her model friends Martha Hunt, ..."; "Best friends celebrated with choreographer Todrick Hall at Coachella Music ..."; "Rest assured, Kaylor fans" (I don't know what all these reminders mean, but just in case, in this one... Annotated, Tree! 😉); “After releasing two bonus tracks for her ninth album Evermore, Swift's fans were quick to speculate that she cast Kloss a shadow between the lines... Swift later detailed the meaning behind the song, writing in a post by Instagram".
How many days have passed between these two Kaylor reports from US Weekly? They're definitely up to something. God help us!
It’s been 3 days since this article: Taylor Swift Shuts Down Speculation New ‘Evermore’ Song Is About Karlie Kloss
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theprologues · 4 years
A more in depth analysis of my theory that Peace is from both Taylor and Karlie’s perspective. The bold is Taylor speaking, the normal text is Karlie and the italicized is my own interpretation. :) Hope you like it! I’ll maybe add pictures to another post later. 
Our coming-of-age has come and gone
In reference to the golden Kaylor age of glass closeting in the public eye 2014 - 2016 (I say 2016 but you could tell she was starting to want to hide then, Taylor) 
Suddenly this summer, it's clear
Cruel Summer reference for me like the summer her gives her clarity it’s been cruel. 
I never had the courage of my convictions
and she never leaves well enough alone think of kissgate aftermath and 2016 another cruel summer mess
As long as danger is near
And it's just around the corner, darlin'
Taylor sings “darlin’” alot on Lover so that is partially why I think she’s speaking this part. 
'Cause it lives in me
Taylor always thinks “who could live with this” the drama of her life and the danger of not being safe to live in the closet or out of it. Dual meaning. 
No, I could never give you peace
This is what they are both saying to each other throughout the song. 
- Taylor
“But I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm
Call it what you want ‘(s)he built a fire to keep me warm. So kk builds the fires. 
If your cascade, ocean wave blues come
Taylor speaks alot about her blues from reputation to folklore that she suffers from depression or sadness waves. Karlie is saying if your blues come again I will build the fire with my heart. I think they both suffer from this as most people do but I picture Karlie the one saying no matter what I will take care of you in sadness. 
All these people think love's for show
But I would die for you in secret
I think this is reference to Taylor’s fans. If Karlie, God Forbid, were to die right now no one would know she’s the love of Taylors life unless Taylor said something. She would sacrifice herself in secret for Taylor. This is the deepest line to me. She (Karlie) is referencing Taylor’s fanbase they freak out over a like from a man on Instagram everyone thinks it’s for show but she would die for her in secret.
The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me
The details being the Easter Eggs to Kaylors and the drudgery of stunting. The devil is in the details of her public persona and Taylor’s public persona. ‘you got a friend in me’ is my favorite line! I think about Karlie’s tweet that she will always have Taylor’s back and then the line from ‘It’s Nice to Have a Friend’ - ‘have my back, yeah, everyday, it’s nice to have a friend’. Then Karlie is saying ‘you have a friend in me!’ in Peace. 
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?”
They both are vowing this to each other it’s beautiful.
- Karlie
Your integrity makes me seem small - T
I think this line could either be T or K. Taylor in the 2015 era of Calvin and Karlie maybe wanting to be free. The opposite goes for Karlie now and Taylor. Karlie seems to be the one to feel like her ‘integrity’ is compromised because she is associated with a K*shner in America right now. Taylor can’t and won’t associate with Karlie right now in the public sphere because of this. 
You paint dreamscapes on the wall - K
Taylor has been painting dreamscapes since rep era. I think this line is like them musing about their habits when they were together in Taylor’s pre-rep phase. Taylor even painted the dreamscapes in the cardigan music video. Also Taylor is saying “you” then the next line is “I”. 
I talk shit with my friends, it's like I'm wasting your honor -T
I think this line could apply to either of them again. They both feel like they are wasting away the other’s promise to each other because they are closeted. In the public sphere they both worry they are wasting the others honor.
And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences - K
Baseball reference Karlie loves Baseball (me too girl). 
Sit with you in the trenches - T
Ok, I think this is T because she references her grandfather in epiphany in the trenches. She is her grandfather’s granddaughter. A James to her Betty reference if you will. She would sit in the trenches with K. Which is essentially what’s happening right now. They are in the trenches. 
Give you my wild -K
This line reminds me of ‘maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down’ is definitely about Karlie!!! Also the atticus book that the anon told me about, 
give you a child -T
I think this one could be either of them again. It’s a suggestion. As the song goes on I see it as they are starting to both cut to the chase and talking directly to each other like their fears are coming out one on top of the other.
Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other - T
Taylor sings about silence on YAIL ‘you can hear it in the silence’ the silence on Cornelia Street when you can hear it literally at the end of the song. Taylor is saying the silence is comfortable they completely understand each other and their love in the silence.
Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brother
Is it enough? - K
Taylor in that one instagram post where she says ‘when your friends feel like family’ is with her Austin and Karlie. I’ll post it if I find it. This one line has really helped I think us see the whole song from Karlie’s perspective too. 
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But there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west - T
But the people who come for us will be coming for us and I can’t guarantee the peace of all the drama. That comes with her public brand.
I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best - K
Sunshine is Karlie. Periodt. She will try her best always for T. 
But the rain is always gonna come if you're standin' with me - T
I like that it ends with this line before the chorus again. It started with Taylor and ended with her. It’s always a fear of hers that the rain is going to come and scare away her true love she’s so scared of it being a ‘dealbreaker’ in her relationships. At the end though it feels like they are both standing in the rain staring up. Like as long as you know the rain is going to come when you’re standing with me and you choose that for yourself, then we will be fine. I think it ends on a positive note. That is generally is a happy beautiful song sounds like vows to me. 
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theorynexus · 4 years
This would seem to bring us to Post Number 60, the 62nd post of this series, if you count the decimalized ones.
LAST TIME ON MEAT EPILOGUE It would seem we are returning to John and Terezi, this time--- wooo!~   Apparently, he looks pretty bad. This is unfortunate. On the other hand:  YES, MEAT EPILOGUE CHAPTER/SECTION 6!!!
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Hey, don’t try to shame John for being the sub in this situation. It’s not like he has experience with that kind of thing (not that it’s something generally to be ashamed of: I’m just saying that it is something he seems to be somewhat embarrassed about, and his inexperience meant that it wasn’t exactly by choice on his part--- which is not to suggest that Terezi molested him in any way).  Aaaannnd Trolls (especially highbloods) are supposed to be particularly vicious in nature, generally, right? It makes a whole lot of sense that that would extend to the bedroom, as well.
... But yeah, that doesn’t help with his health. He was already doing pretty badly, just after the surgery. He didn’t really need that sort of mess tacked on afterward.     Oh, and... why “mysteriously” sticky, you derp? XD
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And I am glad you were kidding.   (That slapping was very interesting to hear. Hmmm.)      Yeah, him being confused and uncertain about it also feels just about right~ ~~~ On a random note, I am reading this just after going through the memo where Karkat, John, and Dave were talking about romance/the propagation of the species, and KK insisted that John and Dave stay away from troll women.    That makes this all wonderfully hilarious, in retrospect. 
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Huh. I’ve never seen “cuckold” used in that sort of context before.  Indeed, this is quite the question, though.  Could John Egbert handle a blackrom? A caligionous one, at that?   A very hard question, that is.   I’m not sure he’s emotionally capable of giving himself into the kinds of hate and playful ribbing that would be constantly involved in that kind of relationship, if healthy.  I suspect it might have been just a particularly violent flushed thing, though.  We’ll see.
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Pffft. Slithers.   That said:  Huh. I was not expecting that turn. Let’s see where this goes~
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Oh my gosh, Dirk, would you stop being such a downer? XD I think this is indeed very, very cute~     Soul-shattering is a weird sort of term to use there, for a normal person. Seems right for Dirk, though. He understands the nuances of how shattering can be more or less than a whole break.
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That is practically the definition of a subjective judgment.  I know you’re being ironic and all, but come on, man, that’s just base as heck. But yeah, I think he might have it bad, indeed. 
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The question here is, “Does he mean to suggest that Andrew Hussie is God to him, or does he mistakenly [in the context of Homestuck, which has given no distinct evidence for it] believe that there was a God that he actually usurped?”   “replaced” is a very interesting and useful word, here, given the working interpretation that I have is indeed that he is interpreting AH as God and likely believes him to have abandoned Homestuck, thus removed himself from his directorial capacity over its narrative, until he managed to take over.
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WHY ARE NEITHER OF YOU THINKING OF RETCON-PORTING IN TO RESCUE HER FROM HER DEMISE BEFORE IT HAPPENS?!?!?!? But yeah, you really should get home and recover first, if it is possible.
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Whoops. Not a good sign. Noooot a good sign.
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The Power of Three is a very strong thing.
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Here we gooooooo!!!~    The first time (I think) that I’ve continued a post beyond one page!!!
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No.  Also, probably Jake English. He has strange effects on people.
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Wow, someone’s a bit miffed.  That said: Hooray, acknowledgement by the narrative! :’D
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I do not appreciate your repeated suggestions that Jake is dumb! That said: No. No, I do not want to engage in wanton promiscuity with such a man.  I am, to put it quite simply, not interested in meaningless sexual encounters with people I am not deeply connected with. Even if I had such a bond with Jake English, I would not be inclined to engage in such activities. Quite frankly, I am not exactly partial to the type of equipment he sports. As for the political side of things... well, that’s complicated. Yeah, people can indeed become far too energized by the attractiveness of candidates and those associated with them, rather than their substance.  Maybe that’s the case, here.   I’d like to think that the actual results of the election will in fact prove people wrong. Maybe there will be exit polls that we can see excerpts of to judge things for certain.   I don’t know~
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Eh?  I mean, I guess even Dave and Karkat were acknowledging the possibility of a misstep. We’ll see what happens.
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Heee’s probably gonna try to sabotage this, isn’t he?   Also, I wish I were more familiar with human muscle anatomy.
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“The Kibosh” is a good phrase to use.  That said:  ***snerk***    It’s like Karkat has wedding day jitters. XD
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Man, it is annoying how spiteful you are toward him, Dirk. Can you give him a break for just a second?   I mean, you probably caused the sweating to begin with.
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Wow. Such dudebroism, which I just suddenly realized/-membered Dirk was supposed to slightly embody, somewhat.  (I blame Gamebro Magazine, and the sharp contrast between the diction there and Dirk’s writing style.) That is a funny description, though, the brain-tonguing.  Also, gosh, Jake is nervous.
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Oh, hey, I think Dave’s going to finally get a feel for the Narrative, and maybe end up confronting Dirk.  That will be incredibly interesting.
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Wow, this is getting to him.  It’s like he’s made of sugar, and someone’s just begun to drizzle water on him.  Or maybe made of witch.
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***lip curls up in a snarl***    Dave better make this quick.  I am somehow edging on more angry at this Unreliable Narrator than I was before Alt!Calliope took over...!
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Well, that’s, umm... interesting. Particularly, the cultivated Obfuscating Stupidity bit. But moreso the fact that Dirk will acknowledge he’s smarter than he seems.
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Yes... I think I most definitely am more furious than ever at this piece of garbage, now.  After the sweet taste of freedom that Jake was finally able to feel, and the burst of confidence he’d found in it, you pour all of this blithering waste on him?   Jane was trying to use him!   I’m sure she hasn’t loved him for a long time, and even then, I Jake never toyed with her heart intentionally, I’m sure!   Grrrrr...!
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Honestly, though, he brings up a complicated and intriguing question.  Jake has definitely been used and abused throughout his history, and at least part of his recent activity to exploit his Hope-y Assets must have been Dirk’s doing, but how much of his sexually promiscuous revelry has actually been something that he would not and did not choose, say, as a result of his drinking problem, rather than him reveling in his identity as a   
 just as your pre-Scratch self was?  Regardless of the level of culpability he actually has in the matters of his life, he is nowhere near deserving of this kind of shaming, and Dirk should be ashamed of himself for this kind of disgusting behavior which he is almost certainly engaging in specifically to throw Jake off.
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Oh, also, victim blaming is BS, and the answer is an unequivocal, “You, you insincere, megalomaniacal, self-justifying dirtbag.”
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***is so fricking ANGRY that it is taking a great deal of willpower not to release a roar of primal fury and break my hand on my computer screen*** THIS IS NOT HOW HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS WORK!!! THAT IS NOT HOW SOMEONE WHO IS ACTUALLY WILLING TO SUBMIT TO YOU LIKE THAT WILL BEHAVE, YOU FFF---     ***RRRRRGH!!!***
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YOU HAD BETTER NOT FRICKING LISTEN TO THIS GARBAGE, JAKE!!! RESIST HIS INFLUENCE, AND---         Huh. The thought just occurred to me that both Dave and Jake could be interpreted as stand-ins for Simon, if Dirk were Kamina (despite how different Kamina’s personality is from Dirk’s), because Simon really seems like he could be interpreted as a Page of Hope too, for some reason (but curse my ADHD! XwX)   ---AND DEFEAT HIM WITH YOUR HOPE BUBBLE!!!
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...  At least he apologized. For what that is worth.    This is going to seem so obvious to Dave, though.  Obviously, he isn’t going to kill his Bro, but... well, let’s see how things turn out. Hmm. Also, this is hilarious insofar as it derailed the press conference and probably took away much of the steam that could have been generated for the Karkat/Vantas ticket by Jake’s endorsement, but it doesn’t exactly do all that much for Jane Crocker’s side, either.  It was a very sickening and weird spectacle, but I am not sure how it will actually play out in their favor?   Seems like it might cause Jane’s side trouble, and might cause tensions between them.
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I still can never consistently remember what “smh” means. But yes, “HICCUP???” is right.   STOP HIM, DAVE!!!  
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Realistically, he should have no problem with speed at all. Time power shown a la cheating with Jade in games should let him get there instantly, and even his flash step that he has shown since before entering the Game should allow him to get there on time.      Man, Dirk is a prick about manipulating things. Especially since we are going to see things derailed and shift to another setting, right when Jake is supposedly going to make the biggest contribution he’ll ever make.  WHICH DOESN’T EVEN FRICKING MAKE SENSE!!!
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