#pandi mack
secretly-of-course · 1 year
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We don’t call her Pandi Mack for nothing!!!
But for real pan Andi was/is the most popular headcanon for her, especially because of the flag she had in Andi Shack. I never noticed about Bex and Bowie but that’s very cool!! I always headcanoned both as either bi or pan so that fits :)
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jonahsbuffy · 5 years
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“no matter where we go, no matter what we do, we’re always gonna be in each other’s lives.
we’ll be at your first gallery show.
i can see buffy right now. a coach in the WBNA. ‘why not the NBA?’
and we’ll all be at sundance for cyrus’ first indie feature.
and front row at jonah’s concerts.”
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salneedscoffee · 4 years
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Andiversary Week! Day 4- Favorite Characters (Part 2) ✨
Part 2! Andi is another one of my favourite character's because i relate a lot to her.
I hate when people say she is too dramatic or annoying, because i think her reactions are perfectly normal for her age. And we also have to remember she basically owns the show 😌👑
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gay culture
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imaginekippen · 5 years
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pandi mack
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icons of the lovely andi mack
(pls appreciate this took so long bc i used a different program lmao but they’re SO MUCH CLEANER LOOK)
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stephadoodles · 5 years
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Pandi Mack
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vestsfriends · 5 years
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There are many things about this AM gif that I personally enjoy-
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isabelisfun · 5 years
Alright so andi mack fans what are your headcanon sexualities/gender orientations for the andi mack characters
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dociousunderdog · 5 years
Sunflower eyeliner (ambi)
Send me one or two word prompts! (P.S. I’ll assume it’s Tyrus unless otherwise stated and the only ships I’m doing this with are Tyrus, Muffy, Ambi, and Wonah)
Amber, like most, had a happy place. A place where she would go and be by herself. A place where she can reflect on her day or her week and where she plans on going from there. This place was a sunflower filed near their local park. It was always empty, as not many people knew it was there, but even for those who did the novelty wore off pretty quickly for them, not Amber though. She had been going there for years, and probably would for years to come. She almost never brought other people to her happy place, that is until today. Andi called her in a panic, crying about how she three projects all due on the same day and she was overwhelmed. At first Andi suggested they go to the Rage Cage for to release her frustrations, but Amber had a better, more calming idea.
So she took her to her happy place. A place where Amber had spent many a late night or early morning angsting over her feelings for the younger girl. Amber imagined that if the sunflowers could talk they’d whisper to Andi about Amber’s not-so hidden feelings for her. “A sunflower field?” Andi asked inquisitively once they reached the location. Amber had told Andi she was taking her to her happy place, but not where that was.
“Yup! Isn’t it beautiful?” Amber smiled, eyes fondly lingering on the side of Andi’s face. Andi nodded eagerly before finding a nice place to sit and talk.
The girls sat and talked for what felt like hours and might have been for when they finally realised they had been talking for so long, the sun was about to set. Andi let out a loud sneeze, which was likely her 20th in the last few minutes alone. “I think I might be allergic to your happy place, Amber.” Andi joked. Upon her last sneeze, a tear rolled down her cheek, messing up a bit of her eyeliner as it went. Her makeup was then smudged even more when Andi carelessly reached up yo swipe the tear away.
“Your makeup is a little messed up...” Amber said quietly, almost to the point where she wasn’t sure if she said it out loud or not. Her hand already reaching for her bag.
“Is it bad?” Andi asked, eyes widened.
“Not too bad, I think it can be saved.” Amber said in a tone some might call flirty. She reached into her bag and pulled out some eyeliner before turning so she was fully facing Andi. Her heart thumped against her chest as she reached up to apply some eyeliner to Andi’s eye. It felt like she couldn’t breathe, because if she did she’d risk blowing away this moment. Amber had to take a deep breathe in order to keep her hand from shaking wildly as she moved into apply it. She had applied makeup to Andi before, why was now so different? Probably because now Amber knew her feelings for Andi and how deep they ran, or maybe because they were in one of the most beautiful locations in Shady Side, or maybe a combination of both. Amber finished with Andi’s makeup and told her to open her eyes so she could see how it looked. Once Andi opened her eyes, Amber was made fully aware of how close they were, only an inch or two separate them and if Amber was braver, she’d have closed the gap.
But Amber was not brave. She was a coward, a coward who had a crush on a very brave girl.
A girl who was brave enough to close the gap and kiss the older girl. The kiss only lasted a few second but once they pulled away Amber had tears streaming down her face, “This really is my happy place.” She sighed happily.
“Look at you, now your makeup is all ruined” Andi joked before leaning in for another kiss as the sunset behind them.
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Most underrated detail in andi mack is the girls being lowkey bookworms
-buffy was in the school library reading and when tj tried to talk to her she kept reading
-amber accidently spoiled a book andi was reading which means she has also read it
-i dont remember the context but when the ghc was discussing another character at the spoon buffy said "its the plot of every ya novel ever"
Imagine them joining/ starting book clubs at their schools or reading cyrus's screenplays
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jonahsbuffy · 5 years
316 was genuinely such a good episode i love my girl andi with my whole entire soul and i am SO excited to see what the future has in store for her!!
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scaregutz · 5 years
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bumper-boi · 5 years
Pride Month Exchange!
I created my gift for @alittletooliteralleah! You said you liked different eras, so i made moodboards that combined some of the andi mack girls with 70s aesthetics!
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Buffy-Sports/Roller Skating
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here’s a pretty open-ended prompt: trick or treating 🦇👻🎃
((I’ve had this in my inbox for forever [haha musicals] and I’m finally getting around to writing it! School’s been crazy, but here we go!))
Of all the days that Cyrus had to be sick, Halloween sure didn’t need to be one of them. Besides it being his favorite holiday, this was the first year that he was going with TJ, as well as the GHC.
But of course, Cyrus being the lucky guy that he is, turned up with a terrible cold the day before Halloween. And it only got worse from there.
“I’m sorry, Cy,” Andi frowned from the other side of the screen. He could make out a few flashes of her Mulan costume.
“I’ll bring you candy, I promise! Twix, right?” Buffy offered, adjusting her basketball jersey. Although she wasn’t really one for dressing up, who was she to pass up free candy and a long walk? It was like a mini workout with a sweet treat at the end.
“Mhm,” he croaked from his couch, blowing his nose for what felt like the millionth time that evening.
“It’s not going to be the same without you, Cy-Guy. What are we going to do without your map of which houses to hit when to get the best possible amount of candy?” Jonah complained, his plastic fangs slipping a little as he talked. ( “They look docious vampirocious!” Jonah had said earlier).
“Start with Elms Road, they usually stop giving out candy pretty early,” he croaked, breaking into a coughing fit before continuing, “Just…yeah. Is TJ with you guys?”
“Haven’t seen him. Probably bailed because you’re not coming,” Buffy joked, much to the displeasure of Cyrus.
“What did I say about making flirty jokes about us? We’re just…friends,” he sighed.  As much as it pained him to say that, it was true. They were just friends.
“I’m just saying, after we told him you were sick and couldn’t come, he-”
“What?” He cut Buffy off with a garbled squeal, “you-you told him I was sick?”
“Well…yeah. He asked why you weren’t coming so,” she shrugged, “why are so concerned?”
“Because,” he drawled, coughing through his words, “he always panics when I’m sick or I get hurt and makes a big deal out of it. Which, don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely adorable, but still,” he huffed, pushing his greasy hair up with his hands.
“That sounds like boyfriend material,” Jonah joked from off screen, “Guys it’s almost seven, should we get going?”
“Probably. I don’t want it to get too dark, or else Bex and Cece are gonna worry,” Andi agreed, picking up her bag for candy (which she had made herself, by the way).
“We’ll bring you candy tomorrow, Cyrus, promise!” Buffy told him, the screen lagging for a moment as pixels darted around.
“Have fun you guys!” he cheered as joyfully as he could. As soon as they hung up, he relaxed his face muscles and he leaned his head back on the couch.
“Mom?” he called, before groaning again. Of course his parents were out at some Halloween party tonight. Granted, it was just a bunch of therapists in costumes talking about nightmares, but still.
The doorbell rang, and Cyrus pulled the blanket over his head. “I you’re a murderer, kindly leave because I’m sick!” he croaked from underneath.
“You think a murderer wouldn’t kill you because you’re sick, Underdog?”
At that, Cyrus yanked the covers from over his head. TJ? TJ was at his door on Halloween night?
“Just a second,” he mumbled, dragging himself to the door, his head feeling like it was made of lead. He took a look at himself in the mirror by the door and sighed; he did look like a mess. A hot mess.
“Trick or treat,” TJ grinned when Cyrus opened the door. The fact that this heartthrob of a boy was standing on Cyrus’ porch on Halloween night wasn’t even the best part, no. Of course, TJ was also in costume. A knight in shining armor.
Apparently Cyrus’ poker face was a little lacking as TJ chuckled, letting himself in.
“Let me explain,” he started, “I was going to go with you guys, but I found out that you were sick, so…I figured I could just hang out here with you? We can watch movies and,” he moved his hands from behind his back to reveal a bag, “eat candy all night long?”
Cyrus was grinning from ear to ear, his red nose crinkling up from his joy. “Might I advise you to stay away from me because I’m sick?”
“I’ll take my chances,” the taller boy chuckled, taking off his helmet and shoes, “do you mind if I take off the armor? It’s heavy, and I’m wearing sweats underneath,”
“Do go ahead, o mighty knight,” Cyrus joked, tossing his blanket up like the cape of a king. As TJ changed, Cyrus grabbed some more blankets from the corner of the couch, and fixed the furniture so that both boys could extend their legs.
“Much better,” he sighed, taking a blanket and wrapping it around himself. “What should we watch?”
“I know it’s not Halloween-y, per se, but…Love Simon?” he offered sheepishly, fumbling with the remote and selecting the movie.
“What if I had said no? And what about the trick or treaters?” TJ pestered knowingly, smirking.
“Then I would have kicked you out,” he joked, “and my parents left a bowl out for the kids.”
The movie began, and although Cyrus had several coughing fits throughout, it was still lovely. As the film progressed, TJ found himself ending up closer and closer to Cyrus. Nothing jarring, just little by little every few minutes. So by the time that Simon’s coming out scene was playing, their shoulders were nearly touching.
“You get to exhale now, Simon,” Cyrus repeated weakly, a few tears slipping down his face. He looked down at his hand; it was only a few inches away from TJ’s. If only he just reached his pinky out a little, he could be touching it.
With extreme caution, Cyrus outstretched his pinky finger and swallowed thickly when he felt it touch the other boy’s. He waited for TJ to tear his hand away, but, to his surprise, TJ linked his pinky with Cyrus’. They were almost holding hands. Almost.
The movie went on, and Cyrus found himself getting a little sleepy. Maybe it was his cold medicine or maybe it was Halloween magic, but he allowed himself to rest his head on TJ’s shoulder. It felt like home; everything felt perfectly in place.
TJ prayed that Cyrus couldn’t hear his heart screaming with joy. “Hey Cyrus?”
“Mhm?” he hummed, half-awake.
“Do you ever feel weird?”
Groaning, Cyrus turned so he could see TJ’s face. Damn, with the milky glow from the screen, and lips slightly parted, he looked like an angel. “I mean, I’m a nerd so weird goes along with that,”
“No, like…not weird like ‘nerd weird’, but like…weird weird.” His words were failing him at the moment.
“Oh…yeah,” he mumbled, “I-yeah,”
“Can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me anything, Teej,”
TJ took a deep breath, taking in the scent of the blankets. They smelled like…well they smelled like Cyrus. There wasn’t a particular note of vanilla or lemon, but just…Cyrus.
“I-I’m gay,” he sputtered, holding his breath. He couldn’t even look at Cyrus when he said it, he was so worried, “and-and it makes me feel weird…different,”
“TJ,” he whispered, taking the boy’s hands in his, “you’ve always been weird. But you’re no different,” he assured him, pulling his hands back to cough into his elbow.
“I’m gay too,” he said with a shrug. TJ’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, and Cyrus couldn’t help but giggle. “Wow, am I that good of an actor that you thought I was straight?”
The boy felt himself blush, chewing on his bottom lip. “Guess I’m just a little clueless. Since we’re on this topic, I, uh, I need to tell you something else,”
“Anything,” Cyrus smiled, turning down the volume of the movie.
“I-Underdog, I-I like you,” he stammered, “and I know that sounds really cheesy and lame but…I really like you,”
Cyrus blinked once. Twice. Was his cold medicine really making him hallucinate that badly? “You-you like me too?”
“I-too? Does that mean that-”
“I am completely, one hundred percent gay for you,” he affirmed with a smile, lacing TJ’s hands for him.
Cyrus had never seen TJ smile so genuinely. The taller boy started to lean in when Cyrus stopped him.
“I’m sick remember?” he sighed, pouting.
TJ shrugged. “Worth it,” he whispered, leaning in and connecting their lips. And in that moment, it didn’t matter that Cyrus wasn’t walking around with his friends from door to door. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t dressed as Flynn Rider. All that mattered was that he was here with TJ, safe and happy.
Cyrus was the first to pull away for a breath of air and a few sneezes. “You’re going to regret doing that,” he warned.
TJ smirked, slinking his arm around Cyrus waist and pulling him closer. “Never,”
The next Saturday, Cyrus got a FaceTime request from TJ. Putting his homework down, he picked up the request.
“Hi, Teej!”
“I’m sick,” he groaned from the other side of the phone.
Cyrus smirked knowingly. “I told you you were going to regret that kiss,”
“I don’t regret it one bit, Underdog,”
tag list: @shortstackofpeaches || @seanna313 || @geekingbeautytx || @heavenlybyers || @ghostswasp || @wlwandimack || @giocondasstuff || @lemonboytyrus || @adorejrizzle || @swingsetboys || @ifellintotyrushell || @idk-dude-17 || @rbf-lesbian ||​ @marianara-sauce || @kaptainjinxz || @alex-poster-pizz
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