wewinyoulose · 6 years
I don’t think I’ll be able to tag anything here until the weekend. I’m going to have super busy Friday and IDK about Wednesday/Thursday but I’ll try. 
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bewitchingsculs · 6 years
OutOfEvil;; rewatching descendants 2, ugh i love mal and evie so much. replies are slowly going out <3
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acaministry · 4 years
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#acaministry #FaithfulGod #Faith #OutofEvil #Evil #Stablish అయితే ప్రభువు నమ్మదగినవాడు; ఆయన మిమ్మును స్థిరపరచి దుష్టత్వమునుండి(దుష్టునినుండి) కాపాడును. 2 Thessalonians 3: 3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. Follow Us: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @acaministry #DailyVerse #DailyPromise #TodayPromise #TodaysVerse #ChristianVerses #GodDay #GodGift #DailyBibleVerse #BibleVerse #Bible #acaministry #acachurch #aca ministry https://www.instagram.com/p/B89daQaFlXH/?igshid=1acg7qp6vjli8
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allforsensei · 3 years
Gentle reminder: Read my rules or I’ll steal your kneecaps.
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evilcalled-a · 3 years
gonna get some posts up here after i sleep but hi yes since se.ssion/box is working, i’m making some of my blogs into main blogs so i can actually follow people (back) don’t mind me.
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akunokao-blog · 7 years
This blog is now archived
I have moved the muses to their respective series blogs at @sentainokyodo and @kamenherouniverse
I will be reblogging some things from here, and the page will remain up as an archive, but I will not be on this blog any longer. Thank you for your time.
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PSA - Mental Illness is no excuse for being an asshole
Mental Illness is horrible to have to live with, but the world is not going to change to suit you, you need to find ways to cope and function without lashing out at those around you.  Congratulations to those who are trying to find ways to not let their mental illness dictate their lives, but mental illness is not a crutch or a shield to hide behind every time you screw up.
If you want to abuse me, have the stones to own it, don’t throw your mental illness up like a shield to protect you from having to accept you were wrong.
Mental Illness isn’t a ‘get out of jail free’ card to play when the situation doesn’t play in your favour. Mental Illness isn‘t a blanket statement to excuse your horrible behaviour. Mental Illness isn’t an excuse to go through life being an abominable person.
Mentail Illness does not excuse bad behaviour. If you want to abuse me, that’s not your ‘mental illness’ talking, that’s just you being an asshole.
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wewinyoulose · 6 years
1, 6, 10, 15!
Mun Related Shipping Questions!
1. OTP(s) for your muse? 
Praxina - Praxaniel or Praxiana or Praxalia
Mephisto - Iristo (it’s like my LR fandom Flag ship I ain’t gonna lie). 
There are also ships I actually don’t mind/like seeing around but are not really my OTPs but these above - heck yes. 
6. Do you have an OT3 for your muse? Are you open to polyshipping? 
Hmmm. I wouldn’t say that I have but I actually don’t mind Nathiristo or Talia-Praxina-Auriana. I feel like I could enjoy that. And polyshipping in rps? That depends on the other muns. But I don’t think I’d say no if I could see potential/was comfortable with both muns.
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)? 
Taliana or Lynissa. Taliana was basically the first ship in the fandom. 
15. Is there a ship or type of ship that you will never write, no matter what the circumstances are? 
I wouldn’t say that I have one….. Like RP wise if I see characters clicking then I am pretty open to them? Like I am fine with Canon x OC and such.
If I had to chose then maybe… I’d prefer not to write is txlisto I guess? 
A type of ship I would prefer to not write is an abusive ship. I like my stuff consensual. I know I’m boring but heck. 
Thank you for asking!
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Christmas Eve Movie Tradition
Chad: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Audrey: Miracle on 34th Street
Doug: The Santa Clause
Jane: The Polar Express
Lonnie: The Nightmare Before Christmas
Ben: The Muppet Christmas Carol
Carlos: Home Alone
Evie: Love Actually
Jay: Die Hard
Mal: Krampus
Gil: Elf
Harry: Bad Santa
Uma: Gremlins
Fairy Godmother: It's a Wonderful Life
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So it’s come to my attention that one particular RPer is posting IMs and attemtping to influence people and make them hate me
They’ve even gone so far as to screenshot IMs DISPLAYING MY URL and cut-and-paste them to paint me in a highly negative light while showing themselves as the victim.
Now, unlike them, I actually have class and I refuse to openly ‘Name and Shame’ people in an attempt to perpetuate and direct hatred towards another RPer, but that doesn’t mean I can’t share my story.
It started with a drabble. I tagged this RPer in a drabble because I misread the tags on our thread to incinuate that they shipped a certain pairing, obviously I was wrong because said RPer IMed me to tell me they didn’t like the drabble and they didn’t ship the pairing. I informed them of my obvious misinterpretation and deleted the post.
Said RPer than received an anon message they believed was me (it was NOT me) and replied with a rather scathing and implicating response. This was promptly followed with a screenshot of our IMs (my URL thankfully hidden) and a vague attack on me that, when I IMed them, they claimed was ‘just a request for feedback’. Still, I let the matter drop.
Then I wake up to see my IMs full of contempt for DARING to share MY DRABBLE with another RPer. First of all, my drabbles are MY WORK, no one owns them but me, and no one gets to dictate who I share them with, especially when they decide to throw them back in my face and tell me they don’t like them.
The next argument was that I ‘@’d’ them specifically. I explained that yes, I @’d them and only them because a lot of RPers have anxiety and don’t like being tagged in the same thing as others who RP the same muse.
We then went around in circles with said RPer refusing to admit that they had NO RIGHT to come into my IMs and dictate who I share MY WORK with. I could post the IMs showing you the ‘petulant child’ responses about ‘but you @’d ME not this other person’ but unlike said RPer, I’m not going to shame them more than they’ve already shamed themselves.
And when it became clear that I had a logical reason for doing things, they suddenly remembered they have ‘Mental Illness’ which was supposed to somehow excuse the fact that they came into my IMs and abused me for daring to have Intellectual Copyright over MY OWN WORK.
Now they’ve publicly posted cropped, selective IMs from me, from when I finally grew tired of them using ‘but I have mental illness’ as a reason to aggressively attack me and abuse me, to generate hate and encourage their followers to send hate to me, and our mututal followers to hate and block me.
On top of that, not only did they attack me, they’ve also abused one of my RP partners for posting the drabble I shared with them.
If you see said posts about me, displaying IMs and my URL, please also consider this. Also I have the complete, UNEDITED IM log showing both sides, I just refuse to be a petulant, vindictive, hateful child and post them.
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@bonumetmalum @lacertxsus @underxworlder @firstmateandgil @gastonsson @gilsonofgaston
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I have had two separate RPers today tell me that they’ve had people try to coerce/guilt them into RPing a ship they don’t want to. People ship what they want and it is NOT OKAY to make another RPer feel LESS about themselves or their muses because they don’t ship what you want them to.
If someone’s muse is straight it is not okay to force/hate on them for not wanting to RP a gay relationship.
If someone’s muse is gay it is not okay to force/hate on them for not wanting to RP a straight relationship.
If someone’s muse is somewhere in between it is still not okay to force an RP relationship on them.
If someone doesn’t want to RP smut it is not okay to try to coerce/guilt/force them to RP it.
A lot of RPers want a relationship, they want chemistry, and if that leads to more than that’s great if both of you wish to RP that. If not, discuss it and know each other’s boundaries.
RP is meant to be fun, it’s an escapism, it’s a way to meet a really amazing bunch of people. But it’s also, unfortunately, a place where toxic assholes linger and try to manipulate others. If someone says they’re not okay with something, don’t push them, don’t try to coerce, manipulate or guilt them into it, and certainly don’t hate them for not shipping the same things you do.
It’s okay for muns/muses to be LGBTQ+ but it’s also okay for them to be straight. Don’t be the dick who tells someone they/their muse isn’t perfect...because they are perfect just they way they are.
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Can we just get every single director to just cast Thomas Doherty for any role that requires a young Sebastian Stan?
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@lacertxsus @gillygosh @gilsonofgaston @firstmateandgil @gastonsson @underxworlder
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Sorry Gil @bonumetmalum @firstmateandgil @gilsonofgaston @gastonsson
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I culled 400 people from my ‘follow’ list and now Tumblr’s messing up thinking people I’m following are people I’m not. It keeps suggesting people and I’m like ‘but they’re not blogs I unfollowed’ so if you follow me and I’m not following you but we RP together I’m so sorry, I really do want to see your stuff but Tumblr’s being really screwy right now.
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