#our randomizers landed on valentine TWICE IN A ROW
tenkox · 4 months
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my sister and i have decided to ruin our lives by redrawing the full-bodies of every single jjba character we deem important enough, along with their stands if they have one (or more). valentine's up first!!!
if i give up halfway ill be so mad
1/107(?) completed
31 notes · View notes
cutaepatootie · 7 years
Notorious - 01
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Pairing: Taehyung | Reader Genre: Angst, future Smut & a bit of Fluff... Word Count: 8k
Summary: Kim fucking Taehyung was notorious for being a pranker, a player and an asshole, and you hated him for it.
A/N: hey guys! So this is the story I’ve been writing this past week. Let me know what you think of it and if you liked it :)
01 | 02 | 03 | 04
"Okay, guys!" Lana, your drama teacher, shouted through the theatre, walking down the aisle in between the two rows of seats. "Listen, please."
She was a middle aged woman, with curly long hair and baggie hippie clothes. But you loved her because she was the sweetest woman you had ever met, a smile always drawn in her lips and her eyes shining under the lights of the theatre.
You closed your script and sat down next to your friends in the middle of the stage.
"She looks happier today" Hobi murmured.
"She's always happy, Hobs." you said laughing a bit.
"But last week she seemed... I don't know." Elizabeth said, her blue eyes fixed in the boy that was entering the theatre. You rolled your eyes when you saw who it was: Im Jaebum.
"Stressed?" You said, your voice louder than before, snapping your best friend our of her trance. Her eyes left Jaebum and stared at you.
"Yeah, stressed." she smiled softly, knowing that she had been caught red handed.
"No wonder, her main character broke his leg last week in his basketball training." Hobi said, his eyes fixed in Jaebum too.
Since you joined the drama group four years ago you had been best friends with Hoseok and Liz. They were everything you didn't have at school. They were funny, crazy, freaks and they accepted you for who you were: funny, crazy and a freak. Being in the drama group on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons had really helped you. In fact, you had become friends with nearly everyone in the group, Jaebum included. Or at least he was included until he broke Liz's heart that summer.
He broke their one year relationship in July so he could fuck some random girl during summer holidays. Two months later, your friend wasn't still over it.
Your last year at high school had started the previous week, and the new drama season too. That meant you had to prepare a new play. As Lana had announced, you would be playing Grease that year. The roles had been distributed randomly, and when you took your hand out of the bag that contained the papers with the different characters and you looked at the small paper you wanted to die. Sandy was written on it. You had never been a main character before, but you could deal with it. What you couldn't deal with was with Im Jaebum - as you and Hobi called him - being the other main character: Danny.
But you got lucky a couple of days after the distribution of the characters, because Jaebum appeared with a broken leg and a wheelchair, which meant that he couldn't play Danny's character. Lana started to panic because all the characters were already distributed and she had lost his main character and one of her best actors.
Jaebum stopped his wheelchair just next to Lana, in front of the scenario where all of you were sitting.
"I've found a substitute for Jaebum to play Danny's character," she announced, clapping her hands before her.
You and your teammates started to whisper about who could it be. Would it be that boy that quitted a couple of years ago? Would it be a new boy?
"But..." she started speaking again, looking at her watch. "He's a little bit late, he should have already been he-"
A loud noise spread through the theatre, the acoustic of the room making the noise reverberate again and again. You snapped your head up to find a boy rushing into the room. The back of the theatre was dark and you couldn't really recognise him.
"What a way of making a good impression..." Hobi whispered in your ear.
"He must be one of those assholes that think they're the centre of the World." Liz said, supporting Hobi's theory about the new boy.
"Maybe he's not like that. I'm always running late to everywhere and I'm not that bad..." you murmured, making your friends laugh a bit.
When you looked again at the front of the theatre, the boy was already next to Lana, apologising to her for being late - you supposed. But you didn't think about that twice, because the only thing you were thinking of in that moment was that you wanted Im Jaebum playing Danny again.
"Oh fucking hell," you cursed under your breath, making Hobi's head turn to look at you.
"What's wrong?" he whispered back, tapping your knee to catch your attention. "Do you know him?"
You had run out of words as you saw the red mop of hair, the boxy smile and those arrogant eyes. Kim fucking Taehyung.
"I can't fucking believe it. Is there a place in this world where I can run away from him?" you said, sounding a bit desperate. Hobi and Liz frowned, confused because of your weird behaviour. You hide your face behind your hands, wanting to disappear. You prayed in that moment, you prayed so that asshole wouldn't recognise you.
"Oh. My. Fucking. God," you heard Liz's voice then. She had recognised him too. Even though she didn't go to your same high school, you had told her and Hobi about Kim fucking Taehyung and his stupid gang. Assholes... "Is Kim fucking Taehyung, isn't he?"
"What?!" Hobi snapped then, realising too who the boy with red hair was.
"This must be a joke," you kept saying, still not believing what was going on.
"Well guys, this is Taehyung. He'll replace Jin as Danny," Lana said with her usual smile wider than ever. Her kind eyes looked at each one of you, but she was so happy she didn't noticed your angry and desperate face at the same time.
"Hi!" everyone said to greet the red haired boy.
His boxy smile widened until his big dark eyes landed on someone. You.
His smile disappeared from his face as your eyes locked, all the colour draining from his face all of the sudden. No one noticed it but you were as pale as he was. It was just for a brief moment, because the smile quickly reappeared on his face and he readjusted himself. His eyes remained on yours, challenging you. You tried not to divert your gaze away from his first, but you couldn't stand it anymore.
"What is he doing here?" Hobi asked you, providing you the best excuse to stop looking at Taehyung without losing the stare contest.
"I don't fucking know, Hobs," you sighed, as Taehyung kept introducing himself. You looked everywhere, avoiding him.
"Y/N," you suddenly heard your name coming from Lana's mouth. "Why don't you introduce yourself to Taehyung since you'll be playing the main characters?"
Your eyes landed on the boy again, his smile still drawn on his lips but not reaching his eyes.
"Sure," you shrugged. "I'm Y/N." You simply said, making Taehyung's smile grow wider. Bastard.
He and his stupid friends had been your classmates since you were six. When you went to primary school, they went with you, and when you started high school, they went with you too. In fact, they hadn't always been assholes, when you were younger you even played with them sometimes. But they were always boys, and when you are a nine year old girl, boys are gross to you. It all went down during your first year of high school, when a new boy arrived. His name was Jungkook. At first you though he simply was quiet and distant, but when the teacher seated him next to you and told you he was autistic you understood everything. He was a bit weird, and he sometimes did really weird things like looking at you for an entire class, not even looking away once or trotting around the classroom waving his ruler in the air as if he was brandishing a sword; but you grew fond of him. He felt comfortable around you and you felt comfortable around him, because you could finally be yourself without worrying about him finding you weird like the rest of your "friends" did.
When you started spending your breaks with Jungkook and going out with him instead of your group of friends, the rest of the class started making fun of you both - that group of "friends" included. But above all, Taehyung and his friends. They would laugh at you each time you walked through the corridors with Jungkook, they would put little hearts with Jungkook's name on them in your locker. On Valentine's Day, they would even buy you a present, putting Jungkook's name on it and leaving it on your table. That day Jungkook got so angry, his mom had to pick him up from school and he didn't attend class for the rest of the week. Taehyung's group - him being the leader of it all - would always tease him about being in love with you and they would tease you, saying you were his girlfriend and that you were a bitch for taking advantage of someone like Jungkook.
With time, you both learned to ignore them, turning blind eye against the comments and pranks. Of course they didn't stop picking on you, but it stopped bothering you. That's why you joined the drama group in the centre of town, to have a place where it all would stop, where you could have a moment away from the laughs and comments.
It was a small town, but you didn't think that he had joined that same drama group on purpose. Or at least, his reaction when he saw you had told you that he didn't expect you there either.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N," the bastard said, his boxy smile wider than ever.
"He looks like the Devil himself, with that awful red hair," Hobi said, trying to make you laugh. It worked a little until you heard Liz.
"He looks like God himself," she murmured, looking at Taehyung with her mouth hanging open.
If looks could kill, she surely would have been lying dead on the floor, because you could swear you saw flames coming from your eyes.
"I mean, he's really hot and handsome, but that doesn't mean he's less asshole," she started babbling. "Asshole. Son of a bitch." She murmured looking at the boy, trying to make you feel better.
You weren't mad at her, the boy was handsome, breathtaking even. Well, not him, his physical appearance was. He was ugly. He was always laughing at others, specially Jungkook and you. He played with people, not giving a shit about the consequences of his actions. He hurt people and he didn't care. You hated him, and now he was going to play the main character with you.
When Lana finished talking, all of you stood up. You climbed down the stage to pick up your things.
"Hey Y/N," Mike, one of the other actors said from behind you. "Do you wanna go for a few drinks with Yeri and I? Rox, Liz and Hobi are coming too, since it's Friday."
"Oh," you said turning around with your bag in your hands. "I'd love to, but I can't. I've already made plans sorry. But have fun and a couple of drinks for me, yeah?"
"Of course, have fun too," he smiled at you and the disappeared with the rest.
"I told him you had plans already," Hobi murmured, picking up his things too and looking at you while wiggling his brows sugestively.
“C’mon Hobs, don’t start... The boy probably forgot or something,” you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, sure...” you friend laughed.
You both listened to Liz as she had one of her usual arguments with her sister over the phone while you walked out of the theatre.
"See you on Monday!" You said goodbye to Lana.
When you were out of the theatre, you spotted your best friend waiting for you, sitting on his usual bench playing to his Nintendo DS, probably Pokemon or The Legend of Zelda.
"Have fun, guys," you said approaching the bench in which Jungkook was sitting. "Don't drink too much Hobi, you know what happens to you."
"Yes ma'am," he laughed.
"I'll take care of him, don't you worry," Liz smiled, grabbing Hobi by the arm. "Have fun you too. Bye Jungkook!"
Jungkook finally raised his head to look at you and your friends. Even though he only spoke to you, he smiled at Liz. He had told you before he liked your drama friends.
"Bye pal!" Hobi said, waving towards Jungkook and disappearing with Liz.
"Hey, have you been waiting here for long?" You asked him, hanging your bag over your shoulders.
"No, not really," he said, putting his Nintendo in his Iron Man's bag.
"Are you ready to go watch the last movie of The Avengers?!" you said, clapping and cheering him up a bit as you grabbed him by the shoulders and started jumping around him.
"If you keep doing that I'll resell my ticket and you'll go on your own," he said. He sounded serious but you knew him, and you knew it was his way of joking with you.
"I'm just so excited!" you squealed, being the crazy Marvel fan you were.
A scoff coming from behind you made you stop jumping and squealing. You turned around and when your eyes met his, you tensed up.
Taehyung put a cigarette between his lips and just smirked at you.
"I see you're both going on a date?" he laughed.
Jaebum was with him, looking at you with a frown on his face.
"C'mon, Kookster, we'll be late if-" you began saying.
"What is he doing here?" Jungkook whispered to you as you gently grabbed his Iron Man's bag and started walking away.
"I'll tell you on the way to the cinema, c'mon," you kept urging Jungkook as you heard Jaebum asking Taehyung if he knew you.
You didn't give time to the red haired asshole to answer before you turned around again and disappeared with Jungkook down the street.
"I'll be there at six, Liz," you said trough the phone. You had to take Jungkook to his Monday art lesson since his mother had texted you that morning saying she couldn't take him.
"Okay, I'll let Lana know it," she said before saying goodbye and hanging up.
"What are you playing today?" you asked Jungkook, looking at the screen on his red Nintendo DS.
"Mario Kart," he simply answered, focused on the race.
You hummed and lied back on your usual bench. You usually had lunch with Jungkook there, taking advantage of the good weather. The further you were from the school cafeteria, the better.
You put your headphones on and turned on the music as you looked up the sky. You had seen Taehyung that morning ever since he was in the same class you were, but unlike other days he hadn't teased you, nor had he even looked at you. You guessed you knew why: he didn't want you to fire back like you usually did and bring up the drama topic.
He was one of the "coolest" boys at school, and being in a drama group wasn't cool at all. You supposed either was a weird hobby of his, or he joined the drama group because his parents made him, which you highly doubted. He wasn't the kind of boy to follow his parents orders, but then again, he wasn't the kind of boy to join a drama group.
Either way, he didn't want anyone to know about him joining the drama club.
You joined that drama club because it wasn't part of your school and barely no one knew about it in town. You wanted to be away from the constant drama and gossip of your high school. Maybe Taehyung joined it because of that too.
What the fuck? Y/N, why are you wasting your lunch break thinking about someone like Taehyung?
Loud laughs made you open your eyes and you took one of your headphones off. You turned your head to look where the laughs were coming from. Usually you and Jungkook where on your own in that part of the field that surrounded your school.
You saw Taehyung and his friends. They were playing football in the field with some of your old girl friends.
"Let's go inside, Kookster," you said, not wanting them to notice you and disturb Jungkook.
"Okay," he simply said.
As you picked up all your stuff, you heard what you thought was that obnoxious boy called Jimin shouting: "Hey! Look who's here!"
"Looks like we've found someone's secret place!" Namjoon shouted.
"Someone's secret love place!" Yoongi said following the taller boy, making all the girls laugh.
You waited Taehyung's snarky remark as always, but it didn't come. You didn't look back as you picked yours and Jungkook's bags, the boy still playing with his Nintendo as he followed you.
"Hey, Jungkookie!" you heard Taehyung's deep voice. "Grab it, pal!"
You saw the ball approaching Jungkook's head from the corner of your eye, so you grabbed him by the arm and placed yourself next to him, making the ball hit your side as everyone bursted out laughing.
Your blood boiled in your veins. You had been wrong about Taehyung, he hadn't been quieter than usual, he had been the same. He had just been waiting for the right moment to laugh at you again.
You picked up the ball, throwing it to him again as you ignored the pain in your left arm, where the ball had hit you. "Hey, asshole! Grab it!" you shouted, kicking the ball with your right foot. "See you later at the theatre!" You said, making Taehyung's eyes go wide.
But just for a couple of seconds, because when his friends looked back at him, he seemed as composed as usual, grabbing the ball you had threw to him without any difficulty.
When you looked at Jungkook, his eyes were fixed in Taehyung, his lips forming a thin line.
"I'm okay Kookster, c'mon, let's go to the library, you have a book to return." You said, dragging him with you.
"I lost the race. Ninth place..." he complained.
After you left Jungkook in his art class, you rushed towards the theatre. Since all the characters were already distributed, that day would be your first practice. You were dreading it, because that meant you would actually have to face Kim fucking Taehyung. Despite that, you didn't want to arrive half an hour late to the first rehearsal.
The bus stopped just a few streets away from the theatre and when you arrived, everyone was already doing Lana's relaxation exercises.
"Sorry..." you murmured as you left your bag on one of the seats.
"Don't worry Y/N, Liz told me you'd be late. Take a seat and follow the breathing exercises," she told you with her usual smile on her face. You could tell she was super excited because it'd be the first day you'd rehearse.
You climbed the stairs to the scenario and laid next to Liz. She was already lying on the floor with her eyes closed and her hands over her stomach, controlling her breathing. You mimicked her position, doing the same with your breathings.
Lana started playing his relaxing playlist through the theatre's speakers.
You had been so worried about being late and not bothering anyone that was already relaxing that you didn't realise you were lying in between Liz and a boy... A boy that wasn't Hobi.
You opened your eyes to find the red haired asshole lying there, by your side, his big, bony hands resting over his stomach, his pink lips slightly parted. You lowly grunted and closed your eyes again. When the relaxation exercises finished, all of you stood up. You stood up quicker than ever, making black dots appear in your field of vision, but you didn't care. All you wanted to do was being the furthest away from Taehyung that you could.
"How was your weekend then?" You asked Liz as she picked her hair up in a ponytail.
"I got wasted with Hobi on Friday night. I swear I hadn’t gotten that wasted in months..." she massaged her temples with her hands. "And I spent the rest of the weekend sleeping."
You laughed a bit. "I told you not to drink too much."
"No, you told Hobi not to drink too much," she smiled, happy that she had shut you down.
"And he got wasted too, didn't he?" you laughed again. Hobi had such a low alcohol endurance.
"Who got wasted?" the energetic voice of Hobi said from behind you.
"An asshole that sticks his nose in other people's conversations," you said, without even turning around to look at him.
"Well, then that's not me," he simply answered, smiling again. That was when you heard a scoff coming from behind you.
You rolled your eyes knowing that it was Taehyung.
"Well, it looks like he's not the only nosy one here," you said, loud enough for him to hear you. And he did.
"Okay, today we'll be starting with the first act. These will be the appearances..." Lana started assigning the positions on the scenario.
An hour later, she had already explained the first act.
"Mike, Hobi, you'll be the first to make an appearance," Lana said, looking at the script in his hands. "You'll go there Hobi, and you there Mike. You'll enter from here and approach Hobi..."
You sat in one of the seats looking at the scenario. Your character, Sandy, didn't appear until later in the act, so you waited for them to finish their scene. Liz, that played as Betty Rizzo, was already on the stage because she was next to come in.
You were sitting on your own until a deep voice came from the round of seats just behind yours.
"Didn't expect you here, Wallflower," Taehyung said, too close to you for your liking. You tried not to flinch at his words - or worst, at his voice - so you remained quiet.
You didn't like getting into fights, so each time someone would pick on Jungkook or you, you'd only answer with a witty remark and ignore them. Sometimes, when you knew you wouldn't be able to control yourself, you just shut your mouth and walked away. You couldn't walk away in that moment, but you could shut up, and that's what you did.
"Aren't you gonna answer me with one of your snarky comments?" the boy repeated, making you roll your eyes.
"Believe me, you don't want me to," you answered, surprising yourself when you sounded more composed than you really were. After your answer, you moved a couple of seats away, seeing Taehyung's side smile from the corner of your eyes.
You huffed when the boy moved so he was sitting right next to you.
"So, you like acting?" he asked with a mocking tone. Even when no one was around, he still made fun of you.
"So, can't you shut up?" you asked back, not even looking at him. Your eyes were fixed on your best friends on the scenario, but your mind was far from there.
You heard Taehyung's soft laugh next to you. "That's the Wallflower I know," he said again.
Grunting, you turned around so you were facing him. "So, the Asshole likes acting, huh?"
Taehyung's face changed a bit and it wasn't as mocking as before, but his smile remained untouched. "One of my many hobbies..." he said, as if he was John Travolta himself.
"Do you enjoy it more than you enjoy your hobby of being an asshole or more than your hobby of having no neurons?" You asked, drawing a fake smile on your lips afterwards.
Taehyung let out a laugh as fake as your smile. "Yeah, but not more than I enjoy conversing with you, Wallflower."
You rolled your eyes. He and his friends had been calling you that ever since the start of High School. Weren't they tired of it? It was so unoriginal. Wallflower, pff.
"So you actually know how to proper converse? Wow, what a surprise," you said, avoiding his eyes again, trying to ignore him and that stupid conversation.
Taehyung let out a laugh again, this time it didn't seem fake. But then again, he was The King of Fake-Land. "I'm a box full of surprises, you should get to know me better."
"Ugh. No thanks, I have plenty more interesting things to do," you answered, happy with how you were dealing with the situation.
"Like, what?" that mocking tone was back again, and you knew what he was going to say next. "Going on a date with your little boyfriend?" He then laughed, as if he had said the wittiest comment in the world. What a shame he repeated himself so often.
You didn't even bother answering, since he had teased you with that same thing again and again.
"Ha, seems like I hit the bullseye," he laughed again. Asshole.
"Do your friends know acting is one of your many hobbies?" you asked then, leaving Taehyung speechless.
The boy remained quiet, and this time he was the one who avoided your gaze when you looked at him. The smile was far gone from his face and his eyes were hidden behind his red bangs.
"Thought so," you said, standing up from your seat as your character had to make an appearance in the scene your mates where rehearsing. "Seems like I hit the bullseye, Asshole." You said before approaching the scenario and leaving him there by himself.
It was really difficult trying to ignore Taehyung.
He was one of those persons you can't ignore even if you are blind or deaf. He liked - no, he loved - attention, always making jokes in class, making up new nicknames for people or coming up with new pranks.
But that specific day, the task of avoiding Kim fucking Taehyung at all costs, became even more difficult.
"Wait, wait," your Biology teacher said, clapping to catch everyone's attention. "Since it's Thursday, we won't have class till next Monday. I want you to do a geology project in groups."
You immediately looked at Jungkook, knowing that you would work with him. But the teacher had said groups, not pairs...
"To change things up a bit and ever since it's the first project of this year, the distribution of the groups will be made based on your last names."
"Shit," you murmured, knowing that your last name was in the middle of the alphabet, near Jungkook's, but when the teacher distributed you in alphabetical order you were never in the same group.
"I'll leave the paper with the groups on the headboard and each group will have to work on the different types of rocks and minerals. Each group has a type of rock and mineral assigned," the teacher carried on speaking , explaining the task, but all you kept thinking of was the fact that your last name was really close to...
"Woah, it seems we'll be working together in this project, Wallflower," Taehyung said while you were looking at the list, hoping you were wrong. You had always loved your last name... Until that moment. Why life had to be so unfair.
You turned your head to look at him, smiling at you as he stepped out of the room, following his friends while they laughed, probably planning how to make your life a living hell one more time.
"Aren't you happy with your group?" Jungkook asked you.
You looked at him. Since he couldn't work in group, he would be doing the project by himself. Even though you saw his facial expression as impassible as always, you knew he was worried about you. He had enough to deal with, so you simply just shook your head and smiled at him.
"I'm going to the library to read," he told you.
"You are not going to eat lunch today?" you asked, this time you were the one being worried.
"No, I have a medical check-up this afternoon and I can't eat in the previous twelve hours," he shrugged, grabbing the straps of his Iron Man's bag, walking out of the class followed by you.
"Is everything okay Jungkook?" you asked again, starting to get on Jungkook's nerves. He loved being on his own, and he loved even more being on his own in the library, but he never missed out lunch time with you, at your special place.
"Yes," he simply said with a robotic voice.
"And why are you doing medical check-up again? You know you can tell me everything, right Jungkook? I'm not going to get sad or anything like that," you reassured him.
"I know," he said again, letting you know that he wouldn't articulate another word.
"What do you know? You know why you are doing another medical check-up or that you can tell me anything?" you pressed him, but he grunted and you stopped. "Sorry, I don't want to upset you Kookster, I'm just worried."
"I don't want you to worry about me, Y/N," he uttered, raising his voice a bit. "I have to go, Mrs. Pods is waiting for me."
You nodded, stopping in front of the lockers. You mouthed a quiet "okay" and then you observed your best friend disappearing as he turned left. Mrs. Pods was the librarian, the only person besides you that Jungkook spoke to at school, you knew she would take good care of him, but you couldn't help but worry even more.
There was nothing Jungkook didn't tell you, and if he didn't, then his mother would. You knew everything from him, from his favourite episode of The Big Bang Theory to his medical appointments. He was hiding something from you, you were sure about it.
You were thinking about the last time Jungkook had one of his attacks while you ate your watermelon in the school's cafeteria, when someone sat next to you, making the small table tremble. A bright red back pack was placed on the table next to your lunch box.  
"Hey, what's up Wallflower?" Taehyung said, looking directly at you, who were avoiding his eyes at all costs. You kept eating, as if he wasn't even there.
As if he knew how uncomfortable his presence made you, he leaned closer to you, making you stop breathing. When you thought he was going to touch you, he just grabbed a piece of your watermelon and ate it.
"Hmm... I love watermelon," he said, still chewing the fruit.
You tore your bowl with watermelon away from him. "What do you want, Asshole? Aren't you afraid of your popularity dangerously dropping since you're here speaking to me?"
You heard his laugh as you ate another piece of watermelon, wanting to finish it as soon as possible so you could escape from the cafeteria, so you could escape from Taehyung.
"Nah, we're just teammates in Biology's project," he said raising his voice and hovering his arm over the back of your chair. "Let's talk about it. Where's Jungkookie?"
You snapped, closing the bowl that contained the watermelon and pushing Taehyung's arm away from you and your chair. "One, don't call him that, you know he hates it," your voice was laced with venom, and so were your eyes as you fixed them on Taehyung's. "Two, this has nothing to do with Biology's project."
Your words made nothing but help the red haired boy's smile grow even wider. "And three, you didn't answer my question, how rude."
"Four, that's none of your business," you stubbornly said, starting to pick up your things.
"Five, can we stop this stupid 'number thing'?" he said, making quotation marks with his fingers in the air.
"I started it, but you were the one who kept doing it," you said.
"I've made a group chat with the rest of the group for the project, but you're the only one that's not in it," Taehyung said, following your every move with his eyes.
"What a shame," you murmured, standing up from your chair, rolling you eyes when you noticed the boy doing the same.
"I need your number so I can put you in the group chat," he said as you open the door of the cafeteria, not holding it out for him. You heard him struggle with the door for a moment, not bothering with supressing your devilish smile.
"I'm not giving you my number," you said.
"Then you're not going to find out when we'll meet to arrange the project," he answered, still walking next to you. Was he really that annoying? Yes.
"Then I'll ask someone of our group about it."
"Then they won't tell you. Plus, don't you think it’s a bit weird that all of us are in the group except you?" he asked. He was used to getting everything he wanted.
"I'm weird, nothing new," you shrugged.
"Right, but I thought at least you were interested in school projects," he pressed.
"Ugh! Fine, I'll give you my number, but don't you dare use it to prank me or worst; to speak to me," you said, watching his smile appear again.
He lent you his phone and you started typing your number in it.
"Don't you get excited, Wallflower, as soon as the project is done I'll delete it," he said, watching your every move. You finished saving your number and handed his phone back to him. "Thanks, Wallflower."
When you stopped by your locker he kept walking. You thought you had finally gotten rid of him when you heard his voice again.
"Hey! Wallflower!" he shouted, and you were so used to the nickname that you immediately turned your head and looked at him. "I can't guarantee anything about the pranks, but if I were you I wouldn't open your locker."
You squinted your eyes to him while you opened your locker, ignoring him. As soon as the locker was open, confetti flew all over you, getting stuck in your overalls. You clenched your teeth as you saw a note in between the confetti. It said "Congratulations for being my teammate in Biology's project. TAE."
You heard laughs from behind you and when you turned around, you saw Taehyung The Asshole laughing with his group of friends, some of them doing high fives.
Emma: sorry guys, but my brother is coming home this weekend and we won't be able to meet at my house :(   17:05 PM
Charlie: we can't meet at my house either...   17:11 PM
Yuna: if you want to meet at a tiny frat room...  17:11 PM
Unknown number: we'll find another place    17:13 PM
Yuna: and what about yours, Tae?  17:14 PM
Unknown number: Nope 17:15 PM
You sighed, sitting in the bus. You had planned to meet at Emma's house on Saturday, and now it was Friday and they were rearranging plans. You hated that.
Unknown number: and yours Wallflower???  17:15 PM
Oh, shit. Your parents would be visiting your grandparents on Saturday, so you'd have the house all for yourself. But you didn't want to let people you hated into your house.
After avoiding Taehyung at Friday's rehearsal, you told everything to your mom. You had a really close relationship with your parents.
"You can invite your friends," your dad told you as he cooked Friday's dinner: fajitas.
"Yeah, we won't be here until late so you'll have the house all for yourselves," you mom said, supporting your father's idea.
"Ugh, no, you don't get it. They're not my friends and because of that I don't want to invite them to my house," you said, eating some of the tomatoes and peppers that were already cooked.
"Stop young lady, or we won't have any ingredients left," your mom told you, putting the bowl with the food away from you. "Where are you going to do the project then?"
"I don't know," you said, but there was something that was pissing you off. "Emma told us why her house wasn't available, Yuna and Charlie too, but another boy called Taehyung just said 'Nope'. How unfair is that?"
"Maybe he has a reason why his house isn't available but he can't tell you," your father said.
"Maybe you can go to the library down the street?" your mom asked, mixing the chicken with spices.
"Yeah, sure, and work on a project with other four people," you said rolling your eyes, thinking it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Maybe we can communicate by telekinesis so the librarian doesn't kick us out."
"And you can't go to any other place?" your mom asked again.
"No, the school is closed on weekends. We need wifi, but a cafeteria would be too crowded and we wouldn't be able to focus on the project," you sighed, knowing that you were beating yourself up for nothing. At the end you would end up being persuaded and giving in as always.
"Well, Y/N, maybe you have to give in for once," your mom said.
"For once?! I've been giving in for the past eighteen years of my life. And they're not only classmates, they are people that have been laughing and picking on me for years, and if they haven't they have been laughing at the jokes the others made of Jungkook and me. So no, I don't want to let them into my house," you stubbornly said. But you were right.
Emma wasn't that bad in fact. You have never been close friends but you sometimes spoke with her in between classes. Charlie was just Charlie. And Yuna... She wasn't bad either, a little bit of a bitch sometimes but never with you. The only one that was left and the only one that was holding black yourself from inviting them to your house was Taehyung.
"It's only a project, you work on it and then they leave," your father said.
"I know but... It's fucking unfair," you sighed, hearing your parents laugh at your choice of words. You used those words frequently, and they were used to hearing them - mostly because they said them too - but they always laughed when you got angry.
"Invite them here to work on the project and if something happens you call us and I'll be here with a hammer," your father joked, making you laugh.
You petted your black cat - Kiwi - as you typed on your phone.
You: hey, my house is available tomorrow   21:05 PM
You: how about meeting here at five pm?  21:05 PM
"Do we wait for him some more?" Yuna asked, typing the password of her laptop.
You were all sitting around the big table of your living room, waiting for Kim fucking Taehyung... What a surprise.
"It's already half past five, we won't be able to even do half of the project if we wait some more," you said, placing on the table a jar of water.
"Right," Charlie agreed with you.
You knew Taehyung was a notorious pranker, player and asshole, and that afternoon you learned that he was anything but timely too.
When the doorbell rang through the house, you stood up from your chair and walked towards the door. You opened it without even looking through the peephole, already knowing who it'd be.
"You're late," you said as you opened the door and stepped aside so he could step in.
As said before, you knew that Taehyung was a notorious pranker, player, asshole and unpunctual, but apparently he was indiscreet and nosy too.
He stepped into your hall looking everywhere, taking off his Dr. Martens and throwing them onto the floor without any care.
"I like your house... It's cozy," he said, smiling widely.
You rolled your eyes and stepped into the living room where the rest of your classmates were, ignoring him.
Moments after, when Taehyung decided he had nosed around your hall enough, he entered into your living room and took a seat next to Charlie at the table.
"Haven't you started yet?" Taehyung asked as if he was disappointed.
You observed as Emma, Charlie and Yuna stayed quiet. Of course they wouldn't dare open their mouths against Kim fucking Taehyung.
"We were waiting for you," you spat. "Because, in case you forgot, we had planned to meet here nearly an hour ago."
"Oh, right. I didn't forgot it's just... Look, I get it's difficult for someone like you to understand that people go out on Friday night and sleep until late the next day, but I'm sure the rest of you guys," - he spoke to Emma, Charlie and Yuna - "understand me."
The rest of them nodded, making you blush under Taehyung's stare. You wanted to die and you were sure you were going to kill someone that night, but the best way to hide it was changing the topic. So you started to work on the project.
To your surprise Taehyung had actually done some research and helped the rest of you. You expected him to just stand there, sitting on his chair watching the rest of you work. You had always thought of him as someone so closed minded and uncultured, but you were wrong too. You got surprised by his imagination, his never-ending ideas and his intelligent opinion in different topics.
By eight PM you had already done more than half of the project. You said goodbye to everyone and watched them step out of your house.
"Bye," you waved at them.
When you entered in the living room, Taehyung was still there, sitting on his chair.
"Why are you still here?" you said a bit roughly.
He tore his gaze away from his phone and his eyes found yours. You felt a shiver run down your spine, as you did every time he looked at you like that. Well, in fact he had only looked at you like that once, and it was at the theatre while he was playing Danny Zuko's character.
"I'm waiting for a friend, he's going to pick me up," he simply said.
You frowned and nodded slowly. "Okay... So you're waiting for him in here?" you asked and he nodded. "And why don't you wait for your friend outside?" you asked again, this time harsher than before.
But it only made Taehyung's smile go wider.
"Because out there I'd be alone and here I'm with you," he said, his smile so wide you could even hear it in his voice.
You started gathering the things from the table, closing your laptop and notebooks, picking your pencils up.
"Since when do you enjoy my company?" you asked, gathering a couple more things and stepping out of the living room and into the hall, praying for Taehyung not to follow you.
"I've always enjoyed your company, Wallflower," you heard his voice in the stairs, right behind you.
You laughed sarcastically. "Let me disagree with you, Asshole," you said, opening the door to your room. "Woah, woah, where do you think you're going?"
"To your room?" he asked, raising his brows.
You laughed sarcastically again. "Listen, letting you into my house was one thing, but letting you in my room is other completely different."
"Oh, c'mon!" he protested, leaning closer to you so he could peep through the space that was left in between the door and your body.
"No, Taehyung!" you said, immediately closing your mouth when you realised you had called him by his real name and not by "Asshole" as you used to call him. The red haired boy just smiled, trying to act as if he hadn't heard anything.
"OMG!" he said in a high pitched tone. "Is that a Kurt Cobain's poster?!"
"What?" you said, turning around. He took advantage of your distraction and he stepped into your room.
It was your sacred place, so you immediately composed yourself, left the laptop and notebooks on the bed and grabbed him by the t-shirt. He gasped and, ever since you had caught him distracted too, you could drag him out of the room again.
"Hey!" he protested when you pushed him and closed the door behind your back.
"You can't step into my room, understood?" you said, a bit breathless because of the effort of dragging him and because of the mini heart attack you had had when Taehyung entered in your room.
"Do you like Nirvana?" he asked, avoiding your question.
"Who doesn't?" you shrugged.
"But do you really like them or you just have a Kurt Cobain's poster in your room because it's cool?" he asked again, looking really interested in knowing that.
"Why do you even care?" you said, climbing down the stairs so you could finish cleaning the living room.
You heard Taehyung letting out a frustrated grunt. "Just answer me."
"Okay, I really like Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, so what?" you answered, defiantly looking at him.
"Favourite song from them?" he asked again.
"I know it is such a cliché, but my favourite one is Smells Like Teen Spirit. You could say In Bloom is my second favourite," you said, awkwardly staring at Taehyung, that was resting against the doorframe of the living room with his hands on his pockets.
"It's a cliché, but a good one since that's my favourite one from them too," he said, his tone calmer than ever before, making you blush. "So do you like alternative rock?"
"Yeah... Even though I love Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, I must admit Green Day is my favourite alternative rock group," you shyly said.
"Green Day? Let me guess... Boulevard of Broken Dreams?" he asked, a sudden spark illuminating his dark eyes.
You blushed even more when he guessed it. "Touché. Let me guess yours... Basket Case?" you got surprised when he said shook his head no. "Hmm... When I Come Around. I'm sure," When you saw Taehyung's boxy smile appear again you knew you were right. "For being an asshole your taste in music isn't that bad."
Taehyung was going to answer when you heard a loud bang in your kitchen.
"What the fuck?" Taehyung asked when a black dot appeared into the living room, running and climbing into your sofa.
You laughed, seeing Taehyung crouched next to the living room door, hand on his chest.
"You have a cat?" he asked, a bit breathless because of the fright.
"Yeah, his name is Kiwi," you said, still laughing.
"What's so funny? Your cat nearly killed me," he said, standing up and approaching your cat.
"Careful he scratch- " you began to say, but you shouted your mouth when you saw your cat letting Taehyung pet his tummy. "He scratches..."
"Hey, kitten," Taehyung said in a nearly-cute voice. "You like me, don't you? Just like your owner."
"What the fuck?" you said. "Kiwi, attack."
Your cat looked at you and then, when he found you as bland as always, closed his eyes. Taehyung laughed when he heard you protesting. You were going to say something about how weird it was that Kiwi was letting an unknown person pet him when Taehyung's phone started ringing. Kiwi got scared and run away, climbing up the stairs to your room you supposed. Not to cuddle him - mental note.
"Yeah? Okay mate, I'll be there in a minute. See ya’," Taehyung said, hanging up and putting his phone into his back pocket. "My friend's here, I gotta go. It was funny hanging out with you, Wallflower."
You nearly smiled at his words, but opted for a blank face as you accompanied him to the front door.
"Maybe we can continue our conversation about rock bands another day," he asked, stepping into the front porch. You saw the car waiting for him outside and you could distinguish a figure in it. It definitely wasn't a male figure.
Your nearly smile vanished from your face. It was Kim fucking Taehyung.
"Let's be honest, It'll probably be best if we don't," you said, breaking the atmosphere.
You saw no change in Taehyung's expression. "Hey, Wallflower, I was just trying to be polite there, we both know that wouldn't be possible."
"Yeah, sure. See you on Monday. Well, you know what? It'd be better if I don't see you, Asshole." you said, closing the door as you saw Taehyung's boxy smile grow wider.
"Bye, Wallflower, see you on Monday," he waved goodbye and disappeared from your field of vision when you closed the door.
You rested your head on the wood of the door and closed your eyes. Your heart was beating wildly against your rib cage and your hands were nearly trembling. What's wrong with you Y/N? He is Kim fucking Taehyung.
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evenifyoudontfic · 7 years
Even If You Don’t: Chapter 8
Previous Chapter
Calum’s POV
As we boarded the plane, the boys and I got to our seats before the girls. We were all pretty spread out, not able to talk to each other without talking loudly – and we didn’t want to do that.
The girls were coming down the aisle – all of them separated from each other as well. The only difference was that Kaylynn, Kenzie, and Vanessa were sitting with random people, and Mari had been seated next to me.
Once she found her seat, her eyes locked on mine and I saw her swallow thickly. She still scooted past me and sat down though, staring aimlessly at the tarmac outside so she didn’t have to look at me again. I couldn’t help but sigh softly, but I didn’t say anything.
Not until we were in the air, that is.
The plane was quiet – despite being a full flight, everyone was either asleep or minding their own business. I could hear a few soft voices here and there, but they were clearly people who knew each other and weren’t those making mindless small talk with the stranger next to them.
I then looked over at Mari. She wasn’t asleep yet, but she did have her elbow resting in the window and her chin in her hand, obviously drifting in and out. And as much as I didn’t really want to disturb her, I knew this was probably the only time we’d be as alone as we could get for a while.
“Mari,” I whispered, leaning on the armrest between our seats.
“Hmm?” she hummed, probably forgetting it was me she was sitting by.
“Mari,” I repeated just as lowly, putting my hand on her knee and rubbing her skin gently, “I know you’re tired, but we need to talk.”
Mari swallowed again as she opened her eyes, looking at me but not moving away from the window. I took a deep breath and just started talking.
“Kaylynn said you’ve been kind of out of it since after your set and I just wanted to say I’m sorry for pushing you the way I did,” I sighed, “I get that we’re friends – well… I like to think we are, anyway – but I shouldn’t have just assumed that meant you’d tell me what was bothering you. So… I just want you to know that I’m not mad or anything for the way you reacted, and I’m sorry if I made you feel like I was.”
She stared at me for a moment before surprising me by quickly leaning toward me. She couldn’t exactly hug me, but she did the best she could – her head on my shoulder and her arms around my waist – holding onto me tightly. She didn’t say anything – not that she needed to – and my arm snaked in between her and her seat so I could hug her back the best I could. I rubbed her back lightly, just until I felt her grip loosen.
I thought she was going to sit back in her seat, but when I heard soft snores being muffled by my jacket, I couldn’t help but grin. I moved my hand from her back, bringing it up so I could run my fingers through her hair. I heard her sigh in content, her arm falling onto my lap in her unconscious state. I laid my head on hers and closed my eyes. I didn’t fall asleep though, knowing there were only about 30 minutes left in our flight and I just wanted to enjoy this moment without anyone else teasing me about it.
Half an hour later, Mari was still asleep on me. I didn’t know whether or not she would have fallen asleep on one of the other boys had she been sitting with them, but to be honest, I didn’t want to think about it. I knew it would just bring back the ache in my chest and she was already with me, so I figured it was best not to let my mind wander.
But unfortunately, when the flight attendant announced that we’d be landing in 5 minutes, I had to wake Mari up.
“Mari,” I whispered – just as I had done before – shaking her leg gently. She didn’t wake up right away, so I gradually shook her a little harder until she finally started stirring.
Mari whined softly, the sound still muffled by my jacket. I couldn’t help the grin on my face – she was about as easy to wake up as Michael was now that I thought about it.
“I know you’re tired, but the plane lands in 5 minutes,” I told her, “And as much as I want to, I can’t carry you until we get to the hotel.”
“But you want to, so why not do it anyway?” she murmured, burying her face further into my shoulder, her arms wrapping back around my waist.
“Because I don’t think I could get you down the hallway without running into everything,” I chuckled, “But you can hop on my back instead if you want – you just have to wake up now though.” She sighed, her breath tickling the hair on my neck, before sitting up.
“Bribing isn’t nice,” she said softly, rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands.
“Sorry, Mar,” I grinned, patting her thigh before bringing my hand back to my lap.
“No, you’re not,” she pouted.
“I am!” I insisted quietly so I didn’t disturb anyone, “I enjoyed being your travel pillow.”
“At least I’m guaranteed the same travel pillow every time if you actually were one,” she sassed, “There’s no way I’m napping on some random ass dude on every other flight.”
“Well, if that’s ever the case, I’ll just beg the random ass dude to switch seats with me.”
“My hero,” she rolled her eyes, leaning over so she could look out the window. I saw her eyes widen slightly, a small smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. It was close to one in the morning, but the lights of the city were on and it was obvious Mari was mesmerized by them.
“You ever been here before?” I asked.
“Of course not,” she giggled, “I’d never be able to afford something like this. It took me three years just to save up enough to move to a crappy apartment in London. I thought after I was finally able to move into the place I have now, I’d start saving up for trips to other countries. Then the music thing happened and I was putting all my time into that when I wasn’t at work. But I like to think it all worked itself out.”
“Yeah,” I said under my breath, watching her in awe, “Yeah, it did.”
“Attention, passengers,” one of the flight attendants announced over the intercom, “We are about to begin our descent in just a few short moments, so please buckle your seat belts, return your tray tables to their upright positions, and enjoy your stays in Italy.”
We all did as instructed and a couple minutes later, we were touching the ground. It took a few more minutes before the door opened and we were allowed to exit the plane. We hadn’t brought anything onto the plane that we put in the overhead compartments, so we just waited for everyone else to get what they needed and head to the door.
“Hey,” I said, grabbing Mari’s arm before she got too far away from me after we made it into the hallway, “I believe you and I had a deal.”
Mari giggled softly, moving her bag to rest more on her back before jumping up onto mine. I hooked my elbows under her knees and she wrapped her arms around my neck as I carried her toward the terminal to find the rest of our bands. She laid her head on my shoulder and I heard her yawn – though it sounded like she was really trying not to. I grinned – feeling my heart skip a beat as her breath tickled my ear – and just held her tighter.
When I got into the terminal, I started looking for our friends. I found them at the baggage claim, but not before they already saw me. I noticed Michael nudge Kaylynn and she looked over her shoulder. She said something I couldn’t hear, but it made everyone else turn to look as well.
“Glad to see you two made up,” Michael snickered when I was finally in hearing range.
“Well, she was mad I woke her up before we landed,” I said, “This is my punishment.”
Mari let out a breath of amusement, letting me feel her smile against my skin. She didn’t do anything else though, not letting anyone know she was still awake.
“You know you’re gonna have to wake her up again so she can get in the car, right?” Kenzie laughed, “Then who knows what your punishment will be for doing it twice in a row.”
“Maybe she’ll go easier on me the second time around,” I mentioned.
I felt one corner of Mari’s mouth curl up, giving me my answer: She wasn’t. I sighed slightly, but smiled as well, looking at the conveyor belt behind everyone.
“If you guys could not miss our bags, that would be great,” I stated. Their heads snapped over, immediately rushing to get their bags as well as mine and Mari’s.
Luckily, with it being nearly 1:30 in the morning, there weren’t too many fans waiting outside. But since I knew they’d be asking for autographs and photos, I had to have Mari get off of my back sooner than I wanted. She, of course, whined softly, but did it anyway, sliding down until her feet hit the tacky airport carpet.
“Hate you,” she mumbled.
“At least you’re talking to me again,” I smiled, going to take our bags from Ashton and Kenzie. When I returned to her side, I noticed Mari’s expression had fallen slightly. I was about to ask her what was wrong, but she beat me to speaking.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier,” she whispered so quietly that, in the business of the airport, I almost didn’t hear it.
“Mar, that wasn’t your fault,” I assured her, “I was the one who pushed you to talk about something you clearly didn’t want to talk about. I don’t blame you for getting mad at me.”
“I didn’t have to yell at you,” she mumbled.
“But you did,” I shrugged, “And I’m not blaming you, so you shouldn’t either.” She didn’t say anything else, but I couldn’t tell if she understood that it wasn’t her fault or if she just felt like arguing about it with me would be pointless.
Instead, we all just went outside, talked with fans for a few minutes, and got in the cars that were taking us to our hotel. We were with our own bands, so I didn’t get to talk to Mari again that night. And all I could do at this point was hope she wasn’t still beating herself up over what happened at the venue.  
i hate this ending too, it’s okay
also happy valentines day even tho this has nothing to do with that!!!!!!
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