#otp: he attacc he protecc
punkascas · 2 years
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The second half, and the original prompt image, for Six Months in a Leaky Boat and @codywanreversebang. My original idea was "Mad Max AU but set it in New Zealand" and @ossidae-passeridae took that and everything else that lives in my id to create what is absolutely one of my favourite fics, in any fandom, ever.
We have your politics, your anarchists, your apocalypse, your awesome post-punk music, your historical accuracy, your culturally-diverse representation, your people who love their vehicles to a debatably-unhealthy degree, Cody as the main narrator, Obi-Wan being the sassy ass that he should be, and also: Christmas.
Do yourself a favour and check out the second half to Six Months in a Leaky Boat, almost 50k words of Mad Max meets Pirate Radio excellence.
(also mebbe consider liking and reblogging if you like the art. ♥)
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pinkydude · 2 years
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Valentin & Mitch | 449/??
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dechagnys · 5 years
alternate ending to phantom: raoul gets a cannon and blows erik out the goddamn water
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redvanillabee · 3 years
Daniel and Peggy asks: 14, 16, 50
14. What song fits them perfectly?
Whatcha Gonna Do (it really came up on shuffle just as I started answering this asl;df) (no but seriously not even Glee couples have their original songs. Peggysous supremacy.)
I feel like a few of the older Darren Criss songs really fit them. Not Alone definitely comes to mind. Dress and Tie by Kaye also reminds me of them :)
16. Do they like the same food?
Most of the time, yes. But I think Daniel is generally more adventurous with food; Peggy, on the other hand, has a much milder palate.
50. Who would protect who in a dangerous situation?
*flashback to 2x08/2x10*
...It’s hard to deny that Daniel’s definitely a protector. And this is really not to say that Peggy doesn’t care, it’s just that...their ways of operating aren’t the same. Going off of this meta, Daniel is the one who always has an exit strategy; he wants to see missions through but very rarely is something worth dying or getting maimed over. Peggy, on the other hand...if something has to be done, she charges in guns a-blazin’.
So really, it’s not so much that Peggy doesn’t protecc. It’s just she attacc more often, and as a result she finds herself in a position of danger more often than Daniel would. But in a situation where they are simultaneously and similarly threatened, it’s gonna be 2x08 all over again. They’ll throw themselves over each other.
(This got way more analytical than I initially planned oops)
Asks about your OTP
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akimu-x3 · 7 years
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Adrien and kagami
Alright, let's go!
Adrien first then
How I feel about this character:
He's just surrounded by terrible people and instead of being terrible himself Adrien hangs onto what little positivity he can with all his might and I just- 😢😭 I LOVE HIM, OKAY!? Adrien is pure sunshine. F*** you, fight me.
He's also a petty drama queen and I love him for it.
Marinette, Ladybug aaand... You get the idea. Love Square! They're very supportive of each other (on all sides of the mask) and that's before they're even a couple!
Kagami. She's badass and Adrien likes badass women. She also respects Adrien's decisions which you cannot say about everyone in his life.
Alyadrininette. Adrien deserves all the love he can get.
Adrino. I mean, just look at them! They're adorable!
Lukadrien but only if it meets my highly specific requirements.
Non-romantic OTP:
Are you allowed to do both? Eh, ADRINO! I ship them platonically a lot more than I do romantically.
Adrigami. Tell me Adrien and Kagami wouldn't be friends. Go on... LIES! Of course they'd be friends!
Adrinogami! I want Nino and Kagami interactions. I want platonic OT3.
Alyadrininette! Platonic OT4.
Unpopular opinion:
Adrien did nothing wrong in Syren.
Adrien is allowed to open up to his friend (who has repeatedly denied having any romantic feelings towards him) about his crush.
Adrien isn't "Friend Zoning" anyone. It's called "having friends".
Reflekdoll was Out of Character and I will die on that hill.
Lila is NOT Adrien's fault.
F*** you, fight me.
What I wish had/will happen:
Ooh, lots of things! But if I were to pick one... Not being satisfied with a single conversation with the Guardian. Not taking the Guardian at his word that "it's better this way". Not letting the Guardian treat him the way Gabriel treats him. Adrien deserves better.
How I feel about this character:
She could kick your ass. Bisexual icon. Is unflinchingly honest, love that. Saw a boy she liked and went after him like a boss. She protecc, she attacc, she don't hold bacc.
Adrigami is a great ship. Y'all are just mean. How can you resist two rich jocks being adorably awkward together!?
Lukadrigaminette. OT4 or nada.
Non-romantic OTP:
Adrigami. See above.^
Marinette. They could be amazing friends.
Nino. She barged into the Adrien Protection Squad meeting one day and never left.
Adrinogami. I just want platonic OT3 shenanigans.
Unpopular Opinion:
Kagami did nothing wrong in Animaestro.
Kagami did nothing wrong in Frozer.
Kagami has done nothing to warrant the level of aggression against her. Both in-universe and out.
She's bisexual.
What I wish had/will happen:
Better writing, no boy drama (at least, not with Marinette), being akumatized for something besides jEalOusY. But, really...
I don't want Adrien to break up with her because he's in love with Marinette. I don't want them to break up because they're "not compatible". I don't want their entire relationship to just be so Adrien can run off to Marinette. I want it to be mutual. I want it to be for one of the thousands of reasons teenagers decide "let's go back to being friends". I DEFINITELY don't want it to be "because Adrien is still in love with Ladybug".
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thekingofkeepers · 5 years
Genda and Shirou for the ask!!! 🖤🐧
hell yeah some good boys
favorite thing about them: everything. that’s it. fndhjfsdnhufs ok so I just really love the way he is?? he cares so much for his friends he’s good and he has a sick aesthetic
least favorite thing about them: not making it into ij :(
favorite line: ok I can’t quote exactly here but it’s probably right before he walks into the pitch in ares
brOTP: the whole teikoku bc he’s unwillingly parenting them. also Saginuma. lowkey i hc Aphrodi here too bc of the opening and promo art. they have the ‘fuck off Kageyama’ club
OTP: S-Sakuma... they’re soft and cute and supportive
nOTP: mh. Kidou? I’ve kinda seen that around and I just don’t really get it. Fudou too. idk it’s just odd to me
random headcanon: pro player pro player pro player- he has a motorcycle. Sakuma gifted it to him. he takes very good care of it. too many cats. likes to cook-*gestures at entire ao3 profile* take your pick
unpopular opinion: HE SHOULD’VE BEEN IN IJ. i’m just really sad how shafted he was after s1 teikoku/shin teikoku, he deserved that spot dammnit
song i associate with them: uuuuuh from the top of my head? Point of no return by starset gives me strong shin teikoku Genda vibes. there are way more but I’m not making a whole playlist- maybe
favorite picture of them
i am terrible. bye fhsduihrfseuirhse
favorite thing about them: he soft. he sass. he protecc. he attacc
least favorite thing about them: seeing him shafted in orion damn it
favorite line: uuuh idk if it counts but when he debuts with Atsuya on the field??? a good moment
brOTP: am I allowed to say Atsuya. Atsuya.
OTP: i have no clue honestly
nOTP: still no clue
random headcanon: he’s an evil gremlin that eats ice cream barefoot in shorts and short sleeved shirts in the middle of the winter and then dares to ask everyone else why they’re so cold the weather is fine-
unpopular opinion: not directly about him but as good as it was to see his development in s2 realistically he shouldn’t have nearly died there and had such a bad mental breakdown to get better especially when the ADULTS should’ve helped
song i associate with them: king by lauren aquilina among others. too many others
favorite picture of them
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this honestly always gets me ghdfuihgdfuihdfgui
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hua-lian · 5 years
lbhsqq for the pairing ask, wen ning for the chara ask!
send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did:
honestly? I don’t even know if I ship them or not
I think I shipped them since the beginning because I’m weak for (then) unrequited love
my thoughts:
papapa to save the world...Yikes
What makes me happy about them:
SQQ being in love with LBH back makes me weak
What makes me sad about them:
nothing except maybe the papapa thing
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I haven’t read enough to be annoyed by anything
things I look for in fanfic:
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
SQQ and LQG best ship
LBH and independence probably
My happily ever after for them:
they already have one, don’t they? running off into the sunset and all
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
I’d like to read about them having stupid conversations pls, like the kind you have with your friend that makes both of you burst into giggles
Give me a character & I will tell you: Wen Ning
How I feel about this character:
he protecc
he attacc
but most importantly
his skin cracc
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
doesn’t he ever want to go apeshit?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
idk if this happened or not but WN and WWX hugging
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
he and LWJ team up to defend WWX’s honor
send a ship/1 character/5 characters!
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farklelucas · 6 years
Or Byler for the OTP ask thing
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
mike but he doesn’t tell will, he just does little things like buys him new sketch books and pencils and shit
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
honestly neither??? maybe mike but i don’t think will yells at him just smiles all blushy and shit. so good. so pure.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
will is a morning person and mike is a night owl and you can rip that away from my cold dead hands
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
honestly neither can cook Well and Proper food for shit but will does like baking!!! so i guess mike burns everything and will makes cookies
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
honestly neither bc will would be like ‘oh that’s us!’ and mike would be like ‘true you nailed it baby’ and then kiss him on his lil head
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
honestly will runs the errands and then mike says the thing but mike isn’t being a dick about it and will is like ‘lol yes babe i remembered the thing’ and gives him the thing
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
will drives and mike, a Shitty Bi Driver (bc i can project), gives directions
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
they would never rob a museum. and they would both have the chips let’s be real.
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
honestly mike overdoes it just a tad and will just. gives him a look. he backs off the next day.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
mike legitimately signs checks ‘michael byers.’ by accident and he swears when he realizes it but he does it all the time. he introduces himself like that too. what a dumb ass. will fucking loves it. he loves it so much in fact that he proposes and -
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
neither scream, but mike is less likely to touch a spider unless it’s with his boot. will takes them outside.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
mike gives will his jacket!!!!!!! it’s so long on him bye
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
jonathan tries to scare the shit out of mike (failing miserably) and then leaves. mike turns to nancy and is like “why didn’t you do that to will???” nancy shrugs and goes “i trust will way more than i trust you michael”
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
mike definitely will is too Shy
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
AMAZING. they would be so kind and understanding and loyal and i just… brilliant. love em.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
mike is the Meme Man Mess and will is the perfect letters and grammar.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
will is bullied and michael… he protecc. he attacc. most importantly… he has his boy’s bacc.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
honestly…… both. dustin and lucas make the pained smiles.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
oh mike absolutely gives will piggyback rides but all the time not just when he’s tired
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
BOTH!!!! although it works way better when mike does a show for the local theater and will cheers for him than it does when will does an art showcase and mike cheers for him…. mike does it anyway.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
will takes pics of mike sleeping all the time!!!!
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
will, resident Artiste and flannel lover, would definitely get style, hair, and makeup better than michael argyle wheeler, and therefore would definitely help mike with a makeover if he asks.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
neither tbh they’re both Dog Boys
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
mike bc he’s taller and loves being the chivalrous one
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
they would go to italy!!!! they would do all the dumb touristy shit and will would definitely take all the pictures with jonathan’s old camera on his hip
send me a ship
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punkascas · 2 years
Psst. Turn the sound on.
As part of the @codywanreversebang, I was akwjdklsjd fortunate enough to be chosen by the absolutely wonderful and fabulous @ossidae-passeridae. Who has written a fic that at this point only matches the spirit of the original prompt but is absolutely 100000% better for it. Dae, you made the whole event for me. Please always be my buddy in tired old petrolhead activists-who-also-love-boats land.
Check out the first part of Six Months in a Leaky Boat on AO3.
The year is 1998. Australia is fucked to hell and back, but its neighbour New Zealand is doing surprisingly alright. Well, if it wasn't for the supply shortages, persistent earthquakes, and the government's increasing heavy handed attempts at censorship. Cody, a presenter at Radio Hauraki, is particularly pissed about that last thing. And he knows just what to do about it, too — all they need is a boat. Radio Hauraki started life as pirate radio back in the sixties, what's stopping them from going back on the waves? Also, if his coworker Obi-Wan could stop making his life a living hell that'd be great. But Cody is pretty sure the world will end for real before that happens.
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punkascas · 2 years
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CWBB Promo Graphics
i had the awesome experience of getting to make promo graphics for four different CWBB fics (fine, yes, okay, one of them mine.) starting with the top left, going clockwise: @glimmerglanger‘s upcoming CWBB fic, my CWBB fic, @shadowlight17‘s upcoming CWBB fic, and @bluemaskedkarma‘s CWBB fic. definitely check those out when they post later this month!  
for two of them (glimmer’s and mine), i got to collaborate with the amazingly talented and overall hella cool @mock-speed. check out and reblog mock’s promo art here and here. 
you can also check out the collaboration between mock and i on ao3. 
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punkascas · 3 years
WIP Meme
Rules: 7 sentences of a WIP. Tag 7 people
@cafffine graciously tagged me!!! akadhkajkl thanks, milo!!
have some way more than 7 sentences bc i roll like that pre-codywan sharing a bed shenanigans from That Long Thing i’m accidentally writing. 
"You — have a tattoo."
Cody opened his eyes, arching an eyebrow at Obi-Wan's apparent bafflement. "Yeah."
Many of his brothers had tattoos. It wasn't the first Obi-Wan had seen. Nor, did he think, should Obi-Wan be surprised, given it was one of the few ways for them to express individuality or personal values. Why wouldn’t he also have one?
Cody's tattoo stretched across his right shoulder blade. It dipped from just to the inside of his spine until it met the sloped curve of his ribs. Thick black lines and more delicate shading that sketched out his loyalties and priorities, embedding them in his skin. 
Obi-Wan was staring at his back as if it had invalidated something he took to be a universal truth and offended him by daring to argue.
"I don't generally spend time around you without my shirt on," Cody hedged, desperate to ignore the rapt attention and the shivery prickling it caused to skitter along the skin on the back of his arms and neck. "Or if I am, I'm on my back."
Osik. No. That's not what he meant to say, not when it could imply— 
"I — I mean. Laid up in medical. On my back."
At least now, Obi-Wan wasn't trying to read the mysteries of the universe from his tattoo. Instead that bright gaze had re-focused on Cody's face. That little curve to his cheek that meant Obi-Wan was laughing at Cody's hasty correction, even if he was polite enough not to do it out loud.
"What ever else would I have thought you meant?" Obi-Wan asked, the picture of guileless innocence, and kriff, no.
Groaning, Cody turned his face into the pillow, hugging it tighter, hiding from Obi-Wan and his all too kind and yet all too mischievous, stupidly handsome face. It was cruel, Obi-Wan flirting with him now. When Cody was in his bed. When Cody had his bare chest and vulnerable belly pressed to Obi-Wan sheets. When a shift just a few centimetres toward center and he could have Obi-Wan's kneecap pressed snug against his obliques, only the thin layer of Obi-Wan's leggings separating them skin to skin. He couldn't defend himself from this position.
"Go away," he growled, muffled, into the pillow. "Stop picking on me. Go to sleep."
Tagging: @littledumplingwrites, @valithiri, @amazinmango, @profound-boning, @amirosebooks, @anelegantoffense, @carverly, @saawek
(p.s. i’m executively deciding art counts too) 
(p.p.s. this is mostly me trying to pry out WHACHU WORKIN ON.) 
(p.p.p.s. no pressure tho obvz obvz ignore me)
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