#ot3 scenario
hanafubukki · 3 months
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“He’s so cute! Silver! Silver! Look!”
You and Silver were studying at a local cafè for your university exams.
Silver took a glance to the right, “That’s my dad.”
“There’s no way! He doesn’t look old at all!”
“Mhm, he gets that a lot.”
“The one next to him is cute too.”
“That’s my father.”
“Oh come on! You’re going to say the toaster is your mother next!”
Silver tapped you on the head with his pencil.
“So they are together?”
“They are not.”
You gaped at him.
Silver continued writing in his workbook.
You sighed, knowing you wouldn’t get anything beyond that with him so focused on his work.
You focused on your own.
“Soooo…do you think I still have a chance?”
You dodged the eraser sent your way, laughing at the look Silver gave you.
“Fiiinnnee~ I’ll focus.”
Silver watched as you zoned into your studies before looking at the counter where his father and dad are; you weren’t any wiser to the looks they gave you.
He sighed.
He’ll let you three handle whatever it was in the making. You were all adults.
…but he wasn’t going to call you a parent.
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@coraldelusiondaze always says I have a thing for Silver’s dads and this came to mind 😂
Her video also influenced this 🤣🤣
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lunar-years · 11 months
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Also I find it interesting that Keeley says Jamie would be upset by the picture of her and Ted hitting the papers NOT because he might think she’s cheating on him or whatever but because he’s going to be mad at reporters for invading their relationship…. There’s never once a fear that he might be mad at her
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mirensiart · 8 months
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*jazz hands* ephlyonnes
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kujakumai · 11 months
Everyone is always resurrecting Atem to ship him with Kaiba or Yugi but I think it would be fun if Atem came back to life and then rivalshipping happened anyway. Falling in love with your mad scientist bf while necromancy-ing the bestie so he can third wheel you forever <3
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sgt-dignam · 2 years
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i just think i understand what he’s been through. he lost everything he loves. he’s a deeply hurt man whose judgment has been clouded by his past experiences. i lost someone too.
1899 (2022-) created by Baran Bo Odar & Jantje Friese
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bulletbilltime · 8 months
Someone mentioned the idea of the main trio from Nerdy Prudes Must Die as an OT3 and initially I resisted because "yeah I doubt Grace Chastity would want to actually date anyone, let alone another woman already in a relationship" but I could see a reality where Steph helps Grace work through her repressed feelings & religious trauma and then accept that she might also like girls
But oops when she has a breakthrough and starts to have feelings for Steph it turns out she's started dating Pete, and she begins to grow angry and resentful towards him, culminating in a confrontation where Grace lets slip how she feels about Steph, only for the two to be like "wait so what's the problem", because they genuinely never thought it would be wrong for Steph to also date Grace
It could even be part of a plot that follows up on NPMD's ending where Steph and Pete find out about Grace using the book to eat pervert's souls, and try to get her to stop... y'know, killing people. And it turns out that she's been doubling down on her violent prudishness because she hates herself for having lost her virginity to Ghost!Max
And when she begins to realize she might like Steph too, she at first tries to repress it, then begins thinking of ways to destroy the object of her affections like she did with Max. Then she gets mad at Pete for being with Steph, and wants to eat his soul for "corrupting" Steph. Basically latching on to anything except admitting she loves Steph. This leads to a confrontation where she tries to cast the spell on the both of them, blaming them for how she feels. Steph cuts in to tell her to stop. Grace blurts out that she can't handle being in love with her anymore, and then catching what she said, she runs off.
Then they have a heart-to-heart where Steph tells Grace that she doesn't mind that Grace has feelings for her; Steph herself admits that she likes how driven Grace is. Grace tries to deflect, but she can't hide the fact that she does want to be with Steph. Still, she has a hard time feeling comfortable with intimacy. Steph tells her that she doesn't mind waiting; in fact if Grace wants to wait until marriage she's more than okay with it.
"I wanna do what you're most comfortable with."
At these words, at the acknowledgement of her feelings being important, something breaks in Grace and she starts sobbing. Nobody in her life had ever taken the time to value how she felt; they always either imposed their doctrines, or laughed/got mad at her for her principles. This was the first time she was told she mattered too.
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pendarling · 1 year
Love Them Twice
Both of them.
They wanted both of them.
One would bring roses and the other would recite poetry.
One would make them laugh and the other would make them flustered.
So when Character A decided to confess their feelings they wanted them both there.
The sun was setting and their lovers were sitting patiently on the bench as they handed each a rose.
“Both of you.”
And Character B and C would glance at each other.
“I want both of you.”
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taniushka12 · 18 days
*guy who is wrapped up in blankets and is soooo so sleepy voice* I want to write :/
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artemx746 · 2 months
Do you all also have a favourite duo in your ot3
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wulfhalls · 1 year
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visually they were onto something here
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
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This is the correct solution to that shipping problem, of course!
(Although an aroace Kris would definitely make me very happy, since goodness knows that we're starved for that particular representation in media in general!)
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direwombat · 10 months
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r: free animals (aka. jacob seed / sybille la roux / eli palmer) | far cry 5
You get what you came for, what you stayed for I only know how to satisfy your craving This is what you crave Know what you're made of, what you're made of Flesh and bones won't lie They won't lie Free animal, free animal My heart beats in patters to the broken sound Free animal, free animal You're the only one that can calm me down
made using @marissources template here!
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whats your favorite ff trope for the full score trio specifically? your least favorite?
I’m blanking on specific tropes and extremes because the content curation I do for myself mostly avoids this, but I relate to what @officersnickers mentioned in this post a lot:
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: Ray being constantly annoyed with Emma and Norman; listen, he‘s sarcastic and sometimes loses his temper, but overall, Ray always takes time to explain things that annoy him, without too much scolding. In some stories, I get the feeling he doesn’t even like Emma and Norman, the way he acts, or he drank too much edgy juice™ this morning. Also Norman being all bashful around Emma. He‘s certainly not a casanova, but I like to imagine he cooled down over his crush for her and is just as happy as Emma herself to experience new feelings alongside her. That being said, I don‘t really see Emma being either too shy around either of them or drifting into turbo mode when she‘s in the mood. I like her as a complex, more differentiated character and not a child in a teenager’s or adult body. She’s not dumb and she‘s not over the top 24/7.
So I guess it’s the flanderization of their characters for least favorite?
In an effort to incorporate Ray’s cheekiness/playful teasing that’s most prominent during his time at Grace Field (which I do enjoy and feel like circumstances lead him to refrain from doing this more post-Goldy Pond, both in-universe and metawise), some writers will go overboard and have it descend into almost sketch comedy levels of antagonistic hijinks. Which is fine if people want to write it since it’s all in good fun and they’re exploring things with these characters that appeal to them, but I don’t vibe with it very much.
I do like to think that side of him would resurface more once he’s in the safety of the human world, especially among those he’s closest to.
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(Chapter 161; whenever I look at this too quickly I think Ray’s lightly yet exasperatedly slapping Norman instead of Norman being so excited and invigorated by Emma’s speech that he accidentally bonks into Ray and Ray’s reflexively shielding himself djfkdjs)
Norman’s love for Emma being misconstrued into extremes ranging from being embarrassingly and uncharacteristically nebbish to a yandere is also annoying (covered in this post by @princesscringe with some additional tags I also felt were relevant). Again chalking this up as more of a balance thing because young love can be intoxicating and overwhelming, and when you’re specifically writing fic where the focus is the ship, greater emphasis on those feelings naturally happens. But to the point where it’s all-encompassing and Norman neglects other people who are important in his life or seems to lack any ambition outside of the relationship is so off-putting. That’s part of the significance of his first exchange with Emma upon their reunion in the final chapter:
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He starts off by emphasizing how, through mutual effort and support, the cattle children have been able to finally start thriving in life instead of merely surviving, and stressing how they’ve all been well, because Emma would hate if out of worry and fear for her they weren’t able to create some new happy memories and appreciate the freedom she sacrificed so much for.
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While also showing he’s taken to heart what she said about being honest and vulnerable around others by openly acknowledging how even with all the good that came from this and the fulfillment he found in other pursuits and interactions, he still missed her terribly and wanted her as a part of his life. (If this arc was longer I would have liked to see the children struggling with conflicting feelings of bitterness over Emma’s choice to do this without consulting anyone after how the narrative repeatedly stressed against this level of individual self-sacrifice, but with the amount of pages Shirai had left I’m happy with what he chose to focus on.)
I do enjoy him being briefly stunlocked/flustered by something Emma or Ray say or do because that’s more in tune with how they’re all dynamic characters who are constantly changing and challenging each other as they grow older, tying into the emblematic “I’ll show you something cool, so shut up and follow” line infused with an infectious optimism for the future.
Emma being shy for a prolonged period of time is also off for me with the amount of self-confidence she displays. When there’s something she wants and believes it’s correct to do so, she just goes for it. (It’s why I always maintain she’s the last one to consciously realize and articulate her feelings in a relationship because once she does it’s like, “wait, why aren’t we together? We should fix that,” and the progress on it dramatically picks up lfjldj I love her respectful tenacity and ambition.) Yet pigeon-holing her as a genki girl is also dishonest to her character, even if she is incredibly exuberant and plucky in her default, unstressed state; she’s energetic but it’s with an acute awareness. (This is something I give more leeway to in individual short comics with the hyperbole being used to quickly and clearly deliver a punchline with a limited amount of time and space).
For favorite…does hurt/comfort count as a trope or a genre? I like them taking turns with that for each other. 🖤🧡🤍
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sapphicmumrik · 6 months
Usagi should get to dress in women’s clothing more. as a treat
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mxanigel · 4 months
random modern AU thought of Hange on a motorcycle speeding down an empty two-lane desert road near sunset with Shion riding behind them, her arms around their waist, wind blowing through Hange's hair which tickles Shion's nose
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hetagrammy · 1 year
Deciding between PruHunLiet on the Wall or some wlw PolHun and separate PruLiet on the Wall for the Asoiaf AU right now. Either way, Erzsebet escapes her betrothal to Vlad that neither of them wants lmao
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