#original photographers on tu
victormalonso · 9 months
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sueño con tu piel | victor m. alonso
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Hyperloop (Prototype Vacuum Train) Spoorwegmuseum (Railway Museum) Utrecht, Netherlands
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nothingexistsnever · 8 months
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algunavezviste · 3 months
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tus hijos te imitan.
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kristo-flowers · 1 year
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Winter nature detailsmblr
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herzensschoene · 2 years
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Just do it, love it, enjoy it
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I see you
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Sitting stoned on my couch, with the blanket we were gifted yesterday and Marian protected so dearly, he was his gift for his new flat. It’s so cozy I’m so happy like wtf how do I deserve this.
I meet so many beautiful people everyday. I just came from the museum with Emily and Ellie
they have so much in commmin and we have so much in common within each other. Ellie and I are born on the exact same day same year, emily and Ellie both come from uk both have this love and desire for the east and get it other immediately. It’s all so smooth as if we were friends forever, we go to this exhibition
it’s so good it’s so full but it’s still so easy everyone is appreciative. Everyone is beautiful the art is so amazing her book is sold out for ages I guy three postcards I knew immediately which ones I wanted. It’s all intuitively. We share so many interests
I learn so much from you Emily your so wise. You inspire me to the max.! So I sit here writing down all the beautiful things I have witnessed today I had ah amazing breakfast with Marian after an amazing weekend with him it’s like we’re glued together hahahaha when u don’t see u enough I’m going crazy like when I was waiting for u in the park with my friends haha u know what I am talking about, yes the night before was indescribable it just all came together then we met Joshua again the second night he joined us later again like the first night to then go to the spontaneous second house party with us. Joshua who is actually my bzw. Marians neighbor hahahahahah se everyone is my neighbor literally. He is very good looking and has a beautiful special spirit he loves to go the movies and we talked about Saint Omer and Wolfpack. Then we danced and smiled at each other like we’ve been friends forever. It’s insane. everyone is sweet everyone is welcoming this cooooool photographer just welcones a big group of young bobo kids and allows them to use their space to just put up some techno and get naked and get into ahh group make out so sexyyyy everyone is just sex I dance with Marian pole dance I dance with myself I dance with Mattia mattia is doing the most insane stunts
I meet another guuy from ifm Fabio is so kind, Pierre is so sweet Joshua and I dance to turn me on from Kevin lyttle, Mattia is yelling I wear TuS beautiful latex tip from Marie and everyone loves it Vittoria is straight ok kian is a seeethrart in a bike who loves nosferatu, pascaline has a million wigs. They’re all Italians and then there is Andrea and the sweet boy from
ifm who introduce himself with is IG handle iconic ?!! I sit here and think about the art I just saw when I met emotion and Ellie
this artist RINEKE dijkstra made very sensitive comments or quotations of different aspects and perspectives on art and society. She manage to capture very honest but conscious relevant moments of society. The perception of these young children who not only think about art in a very elaborated and reflected way because it is about perspective and perception two things everyone learns at a very young age is it through sound distance falling standing up touching things tasting, testing out we all know what I am talking about now.
this is literally all it takes to understand art and then contextualize it. And here jr comes what do we need to cintextualize and he’s true knowledge deffo helps. But ahhhh chicken. Egg chicken eggg chili en egg. What is knowledge.
anwhoo Emily said: ah this could be art critical so it wasn’t even me and we agreed in that point.
so basically this children analyze in a very elaborated way how the origin of this painting could be laying at. They name very emotional intelligent options for where the well-being or not existing well-being/ crying of this women can be originated. It goes from trauma, financial suffering, violence, loss, abuse, spirits, souls and health. Money power, loneliness togetherness
to just the fact that Picasso might have been liking the colors or maybe also he just wanted to do sth different. It’s plane but it’s smart and it’s honest and it’s diverse.
They remainders me of how I would imagine a Greek discussion instead of their school uniforms they would wear those toras? Is that the name those beautifully draped clothes going to finish this now and show some pics because I could keep going for ages sorryyy
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vickapinto · 6 months
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¿Buscas decorar tu espacio con piezas originales? ¿Buscas un regalo ideal para tus seres queridos? Echa un vistazo a mi tienda de Society6, donde encontrarás piezas fotográficas adaptadas a distintos productos, desde cuadros hasta tazas.
Are you looking for original pieces to decor your space? Are you looking for the ideal gift for your loved ones? Take a look to my Society6 shop, where you can find photographic pieces adapted to different items, from art prints to mugs.
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snackpointcharlie · 8 months
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Snackpoint Charlie: music from old places long gone, new places not yet discovered, and a few spots in between. 10pm EST Wednesday September 20 on WGXC, 90.7FM, streaming at WGXC.org, and podcast afterwards at all those old familiar places. In fact this week’s Snackpoint Charlie is already here and yours to keep at the link below, grab it and you’ll be glad you did
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 123 - 2023.09.20 https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/mr28yk [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) El Fjer (Tangier) - “Early Morning Calls to Prayer” from MUSIC OF MOROCCO: RECORDED BY PAUL BOWLES, 1959 https://dust-digital.com/products/music-of-morocco-recorded-by-paul-bowles-1959
2) Hassan Wargui - “Ar Allakh” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycajSvKY_ro
3) Bixiga 70 - “Malungu (feat. Simone Sou)” from VAPOR https://bixiga70.bandcamp.com/album/vapor
4) Sapan Jagmohan (vocal: Salma Agha) - “Sote Sote Adhi Rat” from SISKEYAN https://www.discogs.com/release/3190185-Sapan-Jagmohan-Siskeyan
5) Sinn Sisamouth - “Angkalimea” from CHLANGDEN VOL. 115 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/09/obituaries/overlooked-sinn-sisamouth.html
(underbed throughout:) Pinchas Gurevich - “17yrickz”
6) Ahouach Abrakad - “Ahouach Side 1” from VOLUIM 10 https://www.gofundme.com/f/psjn9p-morocco-earthquake-relief https://sudestmaroc.com/ahwach-the-amazigh-tradition-in-morocco/ https://hivemindrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ahouach-rare-recordings-from-the-atlas-mountains-in-aid-of-moroccan-earthquake-relief
7) Abdellah el Magana - “Kassidat el Hakka (The Poem of the Truth)” from KASSIDAT: RAW 45S FROM MOROCCO https://dust-digital.com/products/kassidat-raw-45s-from-morocco?_pos=1&_sid=428a3f6a9&_ss=r
8) Omar Souleyman - “Li Raja Behawakom (I Beg You, Baby)” from JAZEERA NIGHTS: FOLK & POP SOUNDS OF SYRIA https://sublimefrequencies.bandcamp.com/album/jazeera-nights-folk-pop-sounds-of-syria
9) Boussouar El Maghnaoui Et Belemou - “Tu Es Belle, Fidèle” from CHEB GERO’S BELLEVILLE HABIBI MIX #2 https://soundcloud.com/cheb-gero/belleville-habibi-mix-2
10) Ariel Kalma - “Chase Me Now” from AN EVOLUTIONARY MUSIC (ORIGINAL RECORDINGS: 1972 - 1979) https://arielkalma.bandcamp.com
11) Oskar & His Orchestra - “4” from THE APOLLO VOL. 38 https://madrotter-treasure-hunt.blogspot.com/2023/08/unknown-taiwanese-artists.html
12) สุริยา ฟ้าปทุม [Suriya Fahpathum] - “เผลอจูบ [Accidental Kiss]” from หนุ่ม น.ป.ข. [YOUNG N.P.K.] https://www.discogs.com/release/12123132-%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%B2-%E0%B8%9F%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%A3%E0%B8%B0%E0%B8%97%E0%B8%A1-%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%A1-%E0%B8%99%E0%B8%9B%E0%B8%82
13) Ho Lan - “Echo from Deep Valley 幽谷傳聲” from ECHO FROM DEEP VALLEY https://daily.bandcamp.com/features/ho-lan-echo-from-deep-valley-interview https://holan.bandcamp.com/album/echo-from-deep-valley-2
14) Maria Elena Silva - “Jasper” from DULCE https://astralmariaelenasilva.bandcamp.com/album/dulce
15) Senso di Voce and Henry Birdsey - “Tierceron II” from TIERCERON https://othermindsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/tierceron
16) Mort Garson - “Moon Journey” from JOURNEY TO THE MOON AND BEYOND https://mortgarson.bandcamp.com/album/journey-to-the-moon-and-beyond
17) Antonio Russolo - “Serenata” from FUTURISM & DADA REVIEWED https://www.discogs.com/release/370353-Various-Futurism-Dada-Reviewed
18) Akanssa Sikirou - “Sakara (Benin)” from THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHARLES DUVELLE 19) Musicians of Benin - “Cengumé” from THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHARLES DUVELLE https://www.sublimefrequencies.com/products/590766-the-photographs-of-charles-duvelle-disques-ocora-and-collection-prophet
20) Deben Bhattacharya - “Jai Chand Bhagat and Babu - Bhajan (devotional song)” from PARIS TO CALCUTTA: MEN AND MUSIC ON THE DESERT ROAD https://www.sublimefrequencies.com/products/625798-deben-bhattacharya-paris-to-calcutta-men-and-music-on-the-desert-road
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Mesdames et messieurs, comme je le disais donc ce matin : je suis à Sidney ! (C'est bon Dr Rathatton, tu peux venir me chercher, je suis laaaaaaa)
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Anecdote rigolote : j'étais sur le vol d'inauguration de la ligne Ho Chi Minh - Sydney de la compagnie aérienne que j'ai prise, donc on a eu le droit à des photographes, une peluche de kangourou de la taille de mon avant bras, une casquette (je n'ai pas pris tout ça, avec le sac c'est compliqué, mais l'ambiance était sympa !),... Bon, par contre, vu que c'était le vol le moins cher que j'aie pu trouver, pas d'oreiller/couverture, pas de repas inclus, même l'eau était payante :') le confort étant assez minimal, j'ai donc du dormir à peu près trois heures cette nuit !
D'un côté, c'est bien, ça a fait une légère transition entre le coût de la vie en Asie et celui en Australie : je multiplie littéralement par 5 à 10 le budget nourriture et logement. Pour vous donner un exemple, cette délicieuse glace était à... 7$ la boule. Et je dors ce soir dans un lit de dortoir, sans serviette incluse, pour la modique somme de ... 40$ (vs 3 ou 4 en Asie, 6 quand c'était vraiment cher). Ce qui est le moins cher que j'ai trouvé, "trou à rat et à puces de lit" (commentaires Google des deux auberges à 20€ la nuit trouvées sur internet) exclus.
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J'ai profité d'un tour gratuit pour faire 3h de balade dans la ville, où on a appris plein d'anecdotes sur l'histoire de Sydney et de l'Australie !
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Par exemple, on a appris que les animaux symboles du pays, c'est le kangourou (vous ne vous en seriez jamais douté) et l'émeu. Non, pas De Rathatton en PLS dans un fauteuil, un vrai émeu. Et pourquoi ? Parceque ces deux animaux ne peuvent pas reculer, c'est donc le symbole que l'Australie ira toujours de l'avant ! Notre guide nous glisse en passant que c'est aussi un des seuls pays où on dévore allégrement les animaux qui le représentent, et qu'ils ont même une pizza "coat of arms" moitié viande de l'un, moitié de l'autre ... Quelle idée.
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En tout cas, c'est assez marrant comme ville, on trouve côte à côte des bâtiment qui ont 120 ans et des buildings en acier et en verre, c'est assez original. Ils ont aussi un sens de l'humour tres British : on nous a montré une horloge qui remet en scène la décapitation de je ne sais quel roi, et dont la tête tombe donc toutes les heures. Miam.
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A la base, Sydney était constituée quasiment exclusivement de prisonniers, pour la grande majorité des voleurs. En lieu de sentence, on les condamnait à 7 ou 14 and d'exil/travail forcé en Australie, sans billet de retour. Enfin, techniquement, ils avaient le droit de rentrer une fois libre, mais entre payer son billet pour faire 9 mois de bateau, risquer d'y passer, et rentrer dans un pays miséreux, ou rester sur place et obtenir un commerce ou une ferme, le choix était vite fait. Du coup, la ville n'a pas super bien débuté : entre le niveau d'éthique de la population locale, les rixes incessantes avec les indigènes, le fait que la monnaie d'échange était le rhum et que 75% des gens étaient alcooliques, les autres étant corrompus, c'était un peu difficile ... Depuis, la monnaie en plastique presque indestructible et 100% recyclable (ils en font des bancs!) a été inventée, c'est quand même moins biaisé qu'une bouteille de rhum.
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Il y a une certaine rivalité entre Melbourne et Sydney (la fameuse histoire de la capitale Canberra, construire pile au milieu des deux villes parcequ'on n'arrivait pas à se décider), désormais plutôt amicale. Les deux villes se comparent notamment sur le plan de l'art, où Melbourne serait plus développée ; notre guide nous a amenés à une des expositions installée à Sydney qui fait fureur : 50 cages d'oiseaux désormais disparus du centre ville, alors qu'ils étaient autrefois tous sur l'endroit où la ville s'est construite, et les pépiements correspondant transmis par des hauts parleurs.
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Ils ont aussi leur propre version du bout du pied à frotter pour se porter chance : ici, c'est le museau du sanglier ! On met une petite pièce en don dans le fontaine devant (ils font pas mal ça, il y en avait une autre avec le chien préféré de la reine Victoria... Mais celle là parlait et aboyait pour remercier !), c'est donné à diverses associations en fonction de la fontaine.
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Bref, après ces trois heures de visites très intéressantes (mais j'ai mal aux pieeeeeds) ma glace dans l'estomac (ça me servira et de petit dej et de déjeuner, on mangera tôt ce soir mais je n'assume vraiment pas le burger à 25$ du centre ville !), je pars vers le jardin botanique qui est magnifique, où j'arrive à faire une heure de sieste sans me faire mouiller (je suis passée entre les averses !).
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J'ai par contre violemment pris la pluie au retour à l'auberge, bienvenue à Sydney \o/
Note : je retouche à une casserole pour la première fois depuis 3 mois, le kg de tomate a beau être à 7$, ça reste moins cher que de manger en extérieur !
Ps : Dr Rathatton, revieeeeeeeeeeens
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victormalonso · 2 months
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sueño con tu piel | victor m. alonso
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Pentagon stops F-35 deliveries after discovery of engine part manufactured in China
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/07/2022 - 17:00in Military
The Pentagon stopped accepting new F-35 jets after discovering that a magnet used in the stealth engine was made with unauthorized material from China, a U.S. official said on Wednesday.
An investigation in mid-August found that an alloy in the engine lubrication pump did not comply with U.S. purchasing laws that prohibit unauthorized Chinese content, Pentagon spokesman Russell Goemaere said.
"We confirm that the magnet does not transmit information or harm the integrity of the aircraft and there are no risks of performance, quality, safety or protection associated with this problem and flight operations for the fleet in service of the F-35 will continue normally," Goemaere said.
Lockheed Martin, which manufactures the jets, said that "the problem is related to a magnet in the F-35 Turbomachine manufactured by Honeywell that includes cobalt and samarium alloy".
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At the end of August, Honeywell was notified by one of its 3rd level suppliers for the turbomachine that they were using an alloy from China that was then magnetized in the United States, according to a statement from Lockheed.
"With great caution, there is a temporary pause in deliveries," the statement said, noting that the magnet does not provide visibility or access to confidential information of the program and there are no security problems for the F-35 currently in use.
Honeywell International, which manufactures the part, said it “continues to be committed to providing high-quality products that meet or exceed all the requirements of the customer's contract”.
An alternative source for the league will be used in the future, the Joint Program Office said in its statement.
There are other magnets of Chinese origin on the jet that received exemptions from former Pentagon officials.
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IILockheed Martin
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IMAGES: FAB aircraft brighten the September 7 parade in Brasilia
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
Brazilian Air Force
Cavok Brazil - Digital Tchê Web Creation
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est-ce · 2 years
Extraction\ : Loin des buissons
 Cuire sombre rouge bleu blanc rha my pen my dream is running water l'art de la limitation cadrer le monde whoop de woo loin des buissons il fait trop noir maintenant  i dextérité de chicago saisir ce qui est révélateur le passé c'est de la poussière voici mon empreinte wu xia pian de l'âge des tulipes crochet rouge california love rmx espaces travaillés II IO echolalia batho bathocolore de mal en pis ils espèrent reprendre corps l'eau figure d’attente boîtes particulières attention musiciens mon île hiers var. glenn gould aussi notre ami et le plus important pianiste virtuose du siècle terrain rugueux ou papier photo d'une nouvelle littérature jeff koons tu nous fais perdre notre temps et comment d'être lucide console l'homme sensible un photographe le non-flou j'ai entendu dire poèmes d'amour c'est à dire je après être passé à la télé pour raconter des conneries vous allez partager le fric avec votre banquier cri silence original castor repeint silence radio quetschungen there is a balm in gilead répète un peu pour voir une terre griffée comme une feuille jaunie au gré du vent sorte de dialogue la phynance va au mieux cours et allées un dernier recours autre part de beuf d'autres paar traversée française savoir vivre autres traversées françaises tcha lalala laa~a copain copine on est des anges feist vie palestinienne vie israélienne chaque jour fais-le et casse-le fabrique-le et tue-le tirés par les je veux cauchemars de chaland feelin' right comme un couple encore comme un couple seule bon pour l'esprit romantique c'est la dernière de toutes les guerres simples noirs de loupes ce soir je préfère écouter wu radio vivre dans le monde d'aujourd'hui des baisers toujours des baisers dirty plotte chatte portée sur la chose recherche chose portée par un chat le bàl beau blog photographier être photographié tricky face ironique vers le vide rive lointaine du fleuve ōi.
(idem, 2008)
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jenferguson · 3 months
Mountain Eagle/Scholarie News Review for "Forgotten Spaces" at Roxbury Arts!
Rob Brune of The Mountain Eagle (an accomplished photographer in his own right, check out his work on Instagram @rob.brune ) was kind enough to review the “Forgotten Spaces” show at Roxbury Arts and feature my painting “Last Sighting”- what an honor! He interviewed me about my work; you read it below, and I've transcribed the full interview below as well. Many thanks to all the nice people and artists in the Delaware County community who came out to support the show- it really was a fabulous, fun opening. The exhibition is at the Walter Meade Gallery, Roxbury Arts Center; 5025 Vega Mountain Road, Roxbury, NY 12474
The Walt Meade Gallery is open Tu – Sa, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, and during scheduled events at the Roxbury Arts Center. The gallery is also open by appointment. To request an appointment in advance please call 607.326.7908.
And a reminder that “Last Sighting” is available for sale through the gallery; It’s framed in a beautiful dark walnut floater frame and available for the very alluring price of $875. If you are interested in this piece or know someone who might be, please contact Ursula Hudak at the gallery: [email protected] or call Roxbury Arts during business hours at 607-326-7908.
Is this the first time showing in Roxbury?
 This my first time showing In Roxbury. I’d been to the gallery before, and thought it was a beautiful space to show art. I love the theme of “Forgotten Spaces”, so I was thrilled to have my painting included in their exhibition.
 In your bio section you describe ‘Last Sighting’ as “…suggestive rather than defined or detailed.” Would you also describe it as impressionism?
 In a way, my work is impressionist, but also influenced by the Barbizon School of painting, in which there’s an emphasis on subtle variations of light, atmosphere and depth- with a more subdued color palette than the Impressionists favored.
 If so, who would you say were influencers of this style for you?
Some of the painters whose work I admire working in this way are Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Jean-François Millet and even Gustave Courbet (although technically, he was considered a realist).
 Over the past 2 - 3 years Delaware County has seen more and more highly talented artists showing their work and living out here. What drew you to this area?
 I’m originally from rural Duchess County and have spent a lot of time in my early youth exploring the Catskills area, so I’ve always had an intense fondness for these mountainous landscapes. The most striking thing to me about Delaware County is the sense of community, warmth, and openness to culture that I experience every time I’m here. I’m always uplifted and inspired.
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2dalexia · 10 months
High Note (1960)
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High Note is a no dialogue 6-minute-long Loonie Tunes short written by Michael Maltese and directed by Chuck Jones originally released in December 1960.  
Being told through animation and music only, the story follows various music notes setting up a sheet of music to perform The Blue Danube Waltz but something goes wrong along the way as a drunk note appears and starts causing trouble and messing up the music sheet more and more.  
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The short was well received by the public and in 1961 it got nominated for an Academy Award for Best Short Film but ended up losing. According to animation historian Jerry Beck “In today's world, where vintage cartoons are typically mistaken for children's fare, masterpieces like High Note set the record straight — with a healthy dose of classically adult booze humor." 
Animation during the 60s was still done using the traditional method as computer animation would only become popular later on, meaning that once again all the frames were hand drawn to then be photographed and put together. 
High Note is a really fun short to watch. The combination of music and animation adds a lot to the story making it interesting and pleasing to any public. 
Here is the link to watch the whole short film as well as the link to the research.
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manjeeth-salian · 1 year
The Benefits of Automotive Visualization for Marketing and Advertising
Automotive visualization has developed into a crucial tool for marketing and advertising. With the use of this technology, businesses can present their goods in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and educational. Automobile manufacturers may produce interactive, interesting content that encourages customers to learn more about their goods by employing 3D modeling and animation. 
Automotive visualization enables businesses to present their products in a way that is not possible with conventional marketing techniques, which is one of its key advantages. Companies can only use static photos and films in traditional advertising, which do not give a complete picture of their products. With automotive visualization, however, businesses can produce dynamic material that enables buyers to experience their products from various perspectives and in various settings. 
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The ability to employ extremely realistic graphics and animations in marketing materials is another advantage of automobile visualization. Companies can produce photographs-like images that can be used in brochures, websites, and other marketing materials by utilizing sophisticated rendering techniques. This can assist businesses in developing a distinctive brand identity and setting themselves out from rivals. 
The creation of interactive content that enables clients to customize their purchases can also be done through automotive visualization. Companies can construct interactive configurators that let clients choose numerous options for their automobiles, such as paint colors, interior materials, and accessories, by employing 3D modeling and animation. This can enhance the overall customer experience by assisting clients in visualizing their automobile before they make a purchase. 
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In addition to these advantages, automotive visualization can help businesses cut expenses and increase productivity. Companies can test various designs and configurations using virtual prototypes before putting them into production, which can help catch and fix design issues early in the development process. Because there is no longer a need for tangible prototypes and revisions, businesses can save time and money. 
In conclusion, the automobile industry now relies heavily on automotive visualization as a tool for marketing and advertising. Businesses may produce dynamic and interesting material that encourages buyers to learn more about their products by utilizing sophisticated 3D modeling and animation techniques. Through the use of virtual prototypes to test various designs and configurations, this technology can also assist businesses in lowering costs and increasing productivity.
The following hyperlink exhibits computer-generated imagery (CGI) of the Lotus Eletre SUV, intended for dissemination on various social media platforms and outdoor advertising (OOH) venues worldwide.
Source: Reference:
www.fovotec.com. (2021). The role of 3D Visualisation in the Automotive Industry. [online] Available at: https://www.fovotec.com/the-role-of-3d-visualisation-in-the-automotive-industry.
‌www.linkedin.com. (n.d.). High-end 3D Automotive Visualization. [online] Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/high-end-3d-automotive-visualization-will-tu [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
audibusinessinnovation.com. (n.d.). Automotive Visualization Platform. [online] Available at: https://origin-cms3-www.audi.com/abi/en/what-we-do/automotive-visualization-platform.html [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
‌Gibbons, W. (2022). Which is Better? Rendering or Photography. [online] WillGibbons.com. Available at: https://www.willgibbons.com/rendering-or-photography/ [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
Team, A. (2020). Unreal Journey: Automotive Visualization. [online] ArtStation Magazine. Available at: https://magazine.artstation.com/2020/09/unreal-journey-automative-visualization/.
‌ Behance (n.d.). Lotus Eletre: CMF Choices. [online] Behance. Available at: https://www.behance.net/gallery/166611779/Lotus-Eletre-CMF-Choices?tracking_source=search_projects_recommended%7CLotus [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
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