#original hikaru
guideaus · 2 months
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i think this scene is funny, too, bc hikaru says this like they're at a place they can split up. together they went two hours from home to have fun, hikaru almost right away doesnt have fun, and then tries to break off from yoshiki. like what would have happened here if tanaka didnt show up, would hikaru have just left yoshiki at the beach? would they have gone back sad together lol?? he really did just spur of the moment do that.
its interesting to contrast to yoshiki trying to end things with hikaru earlier
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Yoshiki originally did his best to ignore the potential problem and is stunned when something bad does happen, while hikaru repeatedly wants to talk about problems (even to multiple people) and thinks about things for a while. Hikaru suddenly announces he wants to go to the beach, while yoshiki planned to spend all day letting hikaru enjoy himself. hikaru is unable to let himself have fun at the beach, while yoshiki has hikaru do multiple of his favorite activities. hikaru expresses himself a lot about what he's thinking and feeling, while yoshiki wordlessly cut to the chase. yoshiki gives up after things dont go as planned, and hikaru is insistent upon self-sacrificing despite yoshiki's disapproval.
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the boys are not in sync atm, but they'll eventually get there. probably
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possumtion · 3 months
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Kinda cracky Animal crossing! AU
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kyurochurro · 5 months
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and now i bring to you my concept art for my imaginary tos episode: the crew go to the beach planet (the beach episode) 🏝️
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abbycadoodle · 1 month
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the other bridge crew sillies :)))
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fioleespring · 4 months
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the man trap really made hikaru sulu and janice rand besties
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your-own-scifi-nerd · 8 months
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Star Trek TOS + Headlines!
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pyjamacryptid · 8 months
Sulu, under his breath: any minute now
Kirk: *stands from his chair*
Kirk: *cursorily checks Uhura’s station for all of 5 seconds*
Kirk: *’casually’ saunters over to the science station*
🌹💕🥰✨💘Mister Spock💘✨🥰💕🌹
Chekov: Hikaru, remind me again why we cannot swap seats
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palpunte · 1 month
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artfulacrostic · 1 year
the original series of star trek is absolutely my favorite thing bc every episode is like:
-kirk manhandles a penis shaped rock prop for a very long time
-spock dances flamenco
-sulu fences down the hallway shirtless
-episode plot is kirk v massive sentient lump
-kirk tries to explain spock's ears as a childhood accident where he got his head caught in a mechanical rice picker
-on an unrelated note, spock starts wearing a beanie
-redshirts get turned into like. cubes of salt
-uhura defeats a giant green hand by hotwiring the entire comms console
-spock and kirk hold hands
-scotty stops chekov from starting a bar fight with klingons only to immediately start one himself bc the love of his life (the enterprise) gets insulted
-mccoy's fantasies involve meeting characters from alice in wonderland, including a giant anthropomorphic rabbit
-spock's alien sex drive episode
-kirk gets bodyswapped
-gladiator fight episode (1)
-gladiator fight episode (2)
-gladiator fight episode (3)
AND YET, every episode is ALSO like:
-war cannot be reduced to numbers from an outside perspective, because that makes it easier to stomach without change; the horror that is war must be acknowledged in order to make room for peace
-more types of life can be extant than we can conceive, and just because they are different forms of life doesn't make them incapable of prospering
-love cannot be programmed or controlled, and discriminatory hatred is a tool only for death and pain
-cultures that are different than our own are valuable and can be vibrantly rich with history, and judging them before we try to understand and empathize is not only reductive but contemptible
-happiness is something that we have to allow ourselves, and actively seek out, because it can't come to us without work and acknowledgement of our own state of being
-genocide can never be justified, and certainly not even to supposedly save the people that are more "valuable" by any given metric over those who are not, because all lives have worth
anyway the balance of absurdity and meaningfulness gives me life, and we haven't even gotten started on the whale movie lmao
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m0rbs · 1 year
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It’s all about positive thinking
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holodeck-enthusiast · 3 months
Star trek TOS gives us the hope that everything in the medical industry will be shiny and glittery as fuck in the future. Knowing this I can sleep well tonight.
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tomatette · 3 months
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Comic Edit BALANCE OF TERROR (Star Trek TOS, Season 1, Episode 14)
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lagomoz · 10 months
it's a wonder the summer hikaru died isn't more popular with the tumblr crowd considering it uses shoving your arm into the abdomen of an eldritch horror, complete with descriptions of the squishy pulsating insides, as an allegory for gay sex and no I am not being hyperbolic
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kyurochurro · 5 months
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star trek iii review: 10/10 perfect no notes but it needed a big reunion hug for spock at the end 😔
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abbycadoodle · 20 days
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to boldly serve !!!!!!!!!!!
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astralbondpro · 11 months
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Star Trek: The Original Series // S02E11: The Deadly Years
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