#order of the lotus karma
talonabraxas · 27 days
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Celestial Buddha Space Lotus Talon Abraxas
Celestial bodhisattvas
Mahāyāna Buddhists believe that celestial bodhisattvas are advanced beings who are no longer bound by the suffering of birth and death, but are not yet fully enlightened Buddhas. The most popular ones are considered to be mahasattva (great truth) bodhisattvas such as Avalokiteshvara (Tib. Chenrizig, Chinese Quan Yin, Jap. Kannon), Tara, and Vajrasattva. These beings can be prayed to for particular needs, such as protection (Tara), and are often portrayed as the attendants of Buddhas.
Devotionalism directed towards bodhisattvas remains the most common form of practice in the Mahāyāna tradition, and it is common for laity to offer incense, food and prayers to these figures. Buddhists believe that bodhisattvas are able to help ordinary beings by transferring their good karma to them. This act creates a feedback loop, because giving selflessly of ones own merit in turn creates more merit, so that they are able to continuously offer their aid. While the worship of bodhisattvas may seem odd to some Westerners who see Buddhism as a religion of pure reason devoid of any “religious” features, it is extremely common and is encouraged by the monastic community as a way for the laity to generate good karma, and to bring about the qualities represented by the bodhisattvas into their minds. For instance, in praying to Avalokiteshvara, bodhisattva of compassion, this quality automatically arises in the mind of the devotee, thius helping to generate what is for Buddhists the most important of traits.
This last feature is also particularly important in the meditative practices of Buddhist tantra, where bodhisattva's are visualized in order to bring their qualities into practicioners' minds. As Powers points out, "such bodhisattvas are not creating a delusional system in order to hide from the harsher aspects of reality. Rather, they are transforming reality, making it conform to an ideal archetype" Celestial bodhisattvas are also credited with starting various tantric lineages, appearing to advanced meditiators in their sambhogakaya (“enjoyment body”) form and initiating them into new practices (such as in the Kagyü school of Tibetan Buddhism).
Mahāyāna Buddhists also believe that these beings can create numerous emanation bodies, which may take any form that they choose. Famous saints are often posthumously said to have been emanations. The most renowned example of this is the Dalai Lama, who is simultaneously the reincarnation of the first Dalai Lama, Gendun Drup (1391-1474 C.E.), and a nirmanakaya of Avalokiteshvara.
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ven8s · 10 months
maleficent and saturn's dichotomy ☆
a continuation of my "notes on saturn in 10H"
disclaimer: i will be using tropical and sidereal (vedic) astrology, but i am very much a beginner in vedic astrology. i believe that the two systems can co-exist and do work together! (that view is subject to change though)
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donna murphy (voice actress): aquarius moon
🪐 as explained in my previous post, saturn not only restricts and deprives but also rewards whoever works hard enough to earn its blessings.
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cate blanchett: moon conjunct saturn
🪐 as explored in claire nakti's video, the cinderella fairytale is littered with saturn symbolism. she describes the "evil stepmother" archetype as symbolising the restrictions of saturn and the "fairy godmother" archetype as saturn's rewards. cinderella's stepmother is notoriously cruel towards her, turning her into a servant and constantly belittling her.
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eleanor audley (voice actress): anuradha sun
🔮 a twitter user (hxtgirlb) pointed out that several maleficent actresses have saturn placements and so i wanted to explore maleficent as the embodiment of saturn.
🔮 maleficent is left out of the invitations to aurora's christening and, in turn, curses her to prick her finger on a spindle and sleep forever unless she is kissed by her true love.
🔮 she symbolises the fairy godmother trope through offering a solution to the curse (true love's kiss). she is also a literal fairy!
🔮 maleficent's name also includes malefic and saturn is described as the great malefic in astrology.
the evil stepmother ☆
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angelina jolie: pushya ascendant + moon conjunct jupiter
🪐 in the live action remake of sleeping beauty, saturn's influences become much clearer. maleficent is burned by iron due to her being a fairy, and iron is ruled by saturn.
🪐 stefan starts as a young peasant boy and falls in love with maleficent. he betrays her and uses iron chains to cut off her wings in order to gain favour with the king. he later becomes the king. this demonstrates saturn's power to raise status, as maleficent's wings led to stefan's ascension to the throne.
🪐 maleficent, as the embodiment of saturn, enacts karma on stefan by cursing his daughter, aurora.
more synchronicities with saturn's rulership:
• crows and maleficent's partner is a crow
• black and this is the colour we see her wear predominantly
• the father and it was aurora's father who caused the curse
• life-restoring remedies and maleficent improves the curse by offering the solution of true love's kiss
the fairy godmother ☆
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🪄 this tumblr post on saturn worship (please check it out!) retells roman saturn mythology. interestingly, saturn was seen as the ruler of the golden age and the deity of abundance.
🪄 claire nakti assigns the fairy godmother archetype to juno, jupiter's wife. this is why we see fairy godmothers with prominent jupiter AND saturn placements. one of juno's symbols is the lotus, which is associated with all saturn nakshatras in vedic astrology.
🪄 they also embody saturn's wife, ops, who was seen as the protector of abundance and the "mother of all."
🪄 maleficent's role in the movie is the protector of the moors, the land she is from, and she is seen as a mother by all the mystical creatures that live there. she also becomes a mother-like figure to aurora and aims to reverse the curse she put on her as a baby.
🪄 the oppressive saturn that is more widely known in astrological circles reflects his greek counterpart, cronos. he ate all his children, but zeus, to prevent them from overthrowing him due to a prophecy.
🪄 the rewarding saturn reflects the roman god that rules over the golden age and promises abundance and a life devoid of suffering. in the film, maleficent turns out to be aurora's true love and saves her via a kiss.
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sidenote: cinderella and aurora both wear blue, which is ruled over by saturn. they also go through hardships put on them by their evil stepmother/godmother before being saved by their fairy godmothers.
🪄 both princesses are also lifted up to a queen status through the actions of their fairy godmothers. cinderella becomes the king's wife and therefore queen, while aurora becomes queen of the moors.
more fairy godmother examples in media:
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whitney houston: saturn atmakaraka + moon conjunct jupiter
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verna felton (voice actress): pushya sun and moon conjunct saturn. pushya's deity is brihaspati, aka jupiter.
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jennifer saunders (voice actress): moon in purva bhadrapada (aquarius) and sun in punarvasu
thank you so much if you read all the way up to this point! i have always been enamoured with saturn as it is conjunct my midheaven, and i have anuradha moon and saturn atmakaraka in vedic astrology. discovering jupiter's connection to this dichotomy was also amazing as i am jupiter dominant in both systems! this post format was inspired by @vindelllas (an amazing blog, please check her out). i hope you enjoyed this post <3
— ven8s
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spiralhouseshop · 1 year
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New in the catalog!
Scavenged Rituals Zine V1 N1
Introducing the first issue of Scavenged Ritual zine - a collection of diverse perspectives on ritual practices, shared through captivating words and imagery on paper. The Scavenger has curated this issue, featuring contributions from generous individuals who have graciously shared their personal rituals.
This zine covers an array of topics including
The Lotus Wand of Isis-Sothis by M Isadora Forrest
Divination by Dreams by Rev. Erik L Arneson
A Very Different Drawing Down the Moon by Anna Finnin
Energy Works as a Form of Seduction by Anna
They Never Get Enough of My Magical Crescent Cookies! by Amandine Evergreen
The Arte of the Veiled Mirror by Daniel Yeates
Leveraging Karma for Spiritual Protection by Domonic Maskelli
The Field Ritual by Scott Stenwick and Frater AAA
The Prospectre Ritual Hauntomancy by Rev Keats Rosz.
Immerse yourself in these rituals and gain insight into the diverse ways individuals practice and connect with the divine.
56 color pages with cardstock cover
This is is available by it self or with a limited edition 5" vinyl recording of the The Prospectre Ritual Hauntomancy by Rev Keats Rosz
From the Scavenger:
“Has your ritual gotten a little habitual? Want to peek on how other occultists are getting their freak on? Then you should be reading “Scavenged Rituals”, the quarterly journal that highlights the methods practitioners use to construct and perform rituals. Whether you’re gleaning the enigmas of gematria or summoning Gozer the Gozerian, “Scavenged Rituals” will give you those comparative tradition insights you’ve always wanted but were afraid to ask your religion prof about. Visit ScavengedRituals.com to learn more.” 
Order at Spiral House Shop!
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p-artsypants · 5 months
Paint it Black (13) Diagnosing
Ao3 | FF.net
The Titans, Batman, and Alfred sat on the couch in a circle, as Black assumed the lotus position over by the window. For once, he wasn’t singing. 
“Let’s review,” Batman began. “Richard Grayson was volunteering at the Jump City hospital when he learned about Project: Duality, a rehabilitation project run by Dr. Jack White. He joined the project, and quickly found out there was much more to it than he anticipated.” 
“Richard recorded a series of videos on a Slade bot that shows the condition of the environment he was kept, as well as messages for us,” Raven added. 
“So you know who’s behind this?” Cyborg asked. 
“I’m fairly certain. I found it shocking at first, because the pair do not get along, and are rather hostile towards each other.” Batman threw down a pair of files on the table. “This is the work of Joker and Two-Face. That much I gleaned from the final video recorded. Two-Face works in duality. When Harvey Dent had his accident that left half of his body burned, he developed a dual personality. One of order, and one of chaos. In the video, one of the men is called ‘Harv,’ no doubt short for Harvey. I believe he hired Joker to create a toxin that would cause a similar effect so that he could create an apprentice.” 
“How did you know it was the Joker?” Beast Boy asked, fascinated. 
“As I said earlier, I recognized the alias Jack White, but more importantly, Robin said so in the video.” 
“He did?” Asked Cyborg. “I’ve watched it several times and I never—” 
“In his code.” 
Beast Boy thought for a moment. “But he sings Cotton-Eyed Joe and Karma Police. How does that—?”
“Joe-karma. Joe-kar. Joker.” 
The team stared in awe. 
“You’re good,” said Cyborg.
“I’m Batman.” 
“Why were they all the way out here?” Raven asked, “You said so yourself that it didn’t make sense that they were across the country.” 
“It didn’t. Not at first. But then I realized they came out here for the same reasons Robin did. 1.) Jump City has the second highest psychiatric hospitalizations in the country, right behind Gotham, and 2.) It's far away from me. I was actively looking for both of them. If this experiment was a three month long ordeal, they needed somewhere they wouldn’t be interrupted.”
“Somewhere where they wouldn’t be on anyone’s radar,” Raven frowned.  
“Well, let’s find them and beat them up!” Said Beast Boy, punching his palm, an action he had picked up from Robin. 
“I’d love to, but we still need to focus on Robin. I have an idea, but it may take a while to work. Joker’s venom is never the same concoction twice, but he does use similar components. These, I’m familiar with. I may be able to synthesize an antidote for the toxin, but I have to have a clean blood sample. No opioids, no sedatives, just the toxin.” 
“But…won’t that…?” Cyborg began to ask, remembering the trickle of dark fluid Robin coughed up. 
“It’s not ideal, no,” Batman agreed. “And I don’t know if we can truly get a clean sample with how long Oxycodone stays in the blood. But we need to try.” 
“So,” Beast Boy began, optimistic, “if we give him this antidote, Robin will be back?” 
“Yes and no. The opiates stabilize whatever concoction the Joker made which suppresses Robin’s Ego. The result is this persona that was created out of trauma. I clearly see a lot of age regression in him as well, so it’s compounded on the childhood trauma he had. If we cure the toxin, we’ll probably see Robin a lot more, but there’s no guarantee he won’t just switch into Black at a moment’s notice.” 
“How do we fix that?” Raven asked. 
“We convince him that being Robin is ideal and that Black is the part he should suppress. Besides that…we might not be able to fix him completely.” He leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees and folding his hands under his chin. “Are you all going to be able to handle that?” 
“Whatever it takes,” Starfire said. “I am prepared.”  
“Ditto,” said Beast Boy. “I can handle the occasional crazy Robin.” 
“I’m in,” said Cyborg. “He was always a little crazy.” 
“Let’s do it,” said Raven. 
“Where shall we start, Sir?” 
“First,” Batman smirked. “We need to wear him out.” He turned to the corner. “Hey Black!”
"Yes Sir Hops A lot!" Black saluted.
"Would you join us for a workout this afternoon?”
"Psh, do bears ride motorcycles?"
There was a long pause before Starfire whispered. "Do they?"
Out on their course on the beach, Batman prepared a set of skill tests to measure Black's abilities. He was curious to see what the dynamic change was, if there was at all. Cyborg supplied him with the most recent charts Robin had filled out.
Black came out, his hair slicked back from hair gel, sunglasses, and Robin's work out pants. His many scars were visible on his torso, despite the red beater he wore. He could care less though. Walking through the doors, he walked with a slouched posture and exaggerated shoulder movement. “Awright,” he spoke with a terrible, thick Jersey accent. “Who’s ass am I kickin’? Where’s the gabagool?” 
Batman narrowed his eyes as he observed the scars. Once Black was tired, he’d try to get a better medical assessment. For now, he wanted to see how Robin was recovering from his ordeal, and if he could go back into the field. 
“What is a gabagool?” Starfire asked him, indulging his stupidity.
“What? You don’t know gabagool? That’s a load of gaaawbage!” 
Batman didn’t look back up from his charts. “Gotham is in New Jersey, and many people there have that accent.” Then he tacked on, “Gabagool is a type of deli meat, like capicola.”
“I did not think Black ate processed meat?”
“It’s just a fun word to say.” 
“Gabagool…gabagoooool,” Beast Boy chuckled in the corner. 
“Alright, children." Batman said, louder. "Let's get started. Black, front and center."
The delusional boy skipped up and stood rim rod straight, his hand in an 'L' shape on his forehead.
"I want to see what you're capable of, so we have some tests to run. Cyborg, if you please..."
Cyborg spoke up from the control panel. "We'll start you out on our obstacle course. Starfire will do it first to show how it's done." Then he called over to her. "Remember Star, no flying!"
"Comprehended!" She called back.
A red light by Cyborg told her to get into position. Yellow, she crouched. Green, she was gone.
Black watched in admiration as she slipped through the obstacles, no problem. Lasers grazed past her hair, sharp claws swiped and missed her skin. At the end, she landed perfectly and elegantly on her toes, not a hair out of place.
"How did I do?" She asked Cyborg.
"Almost matched your best time, by two seconds."
She snapped her fingers. "Flortoga!"
“Alright Black, it’s your turn.” 
The boy scratched his chin, then while keeping in his Jersey character, he asked "Do I gotta do it like that?”
Batman considered. "No...I guess you can do it anyway you want."
"Great!" He happily tottered over to the starting point.
"You ready?" Cyborg called.
"Whenever you are, you delicious chocolate man!"
Giggling came from the rest of the Titans as Cyborg shook his head and reset the test. “He’s not sane, Cyborg. He doesn’t know any better.” 
"BumbumbumbumbumBUM. BUM. BUM. BUM. BUM." Black started singing. 
The green light signaled and Black started. Right from the start, he started showing a hidden cleverness and intelligence. He took a separate route, still through the course, but the less dangerous way. Each move he made was calculated, and didn’t waste any energy. There was little running, mostly acrobatics to get big air from spot to spot. Lasers were guided so they aimed at him, but he moved so that he not only avoided them, but they took out each other. Then he surprised everyone as he sang while he moved. "The sun is shining in the sky, There ain't a cloud in sight. It's stopped raining, everybody's in the play and don't you know it's a beautiful new day?” He even threw in a few dance moves. 
Batman frowned, though not in disappointment. “Interesting song choice.”
“Mr. Blue Sky?” Beast Boy asked. “It’s a classic, and a personal fav. What’s so interesting about it?” 
“It doesn’t fit his theme.” 
“You mean the Radiohead theme? I think that was Robin’s doing. I think this is just Black goofing around.” 
“Running down the avenue, see how the sun shines brightly in the city, on the streets where once was pity, Mr. Blue Sky is living here today.” Black took an unnecessary risk by leaping sideways and cartwheeled through the air. He was almost nicked with a blade, but managed to twist himself out of the way at the last second. 
Batman scowled harder. “It’s a routine.” 
“I have never seen him perform such a routine,” said Starfire. “It is not in our battle plans.” 
“It’s not a training routine,” he clarified. “It’s…it’s an acrobatics routine.” 
“I do not understand,” Starfire apologized. 
“I don’t get it either,” said Beast Boy. “Was Robin really into gymnastics or something?” 
Batman huffed, not thrilled that he had to divulge such things. “I’ll tell you later. All of you. It’s…not a short topic.” 
“Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why you had to hide away for so long. Where did we go wrong?”
The team watched in fascination as Black seemed to bend the rules of physics to weave through this course. And he did it effortlessly. 
Like he had done it a hundred times before. 
“Hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race. A celebration, Mr. Blue Sky's up there waiting and today is the day we've waited for!”
He came to the end, landing like a gymnast would dismount, up on his toes with his arms up. Then he lost all feigned composure. "Whoo! Didja see that, son?! Bang! Pow! Whoosh! Zing!" He laughed wildly to himself as he ran to Batman, grabbed his hands and danced around. "I did it! I did it! Are you proud of me, Bunny Man?” 
“Unhand me," Batman spoke stoically.
"What's next huh? Huh!? Huh?! Uh-huh?! Huh!"
Batman placed a heavy hand on his head, to still him. "Calm your tits, kid." He looked over his chart, his mouth ticking to the side. "Matched Robin’s best time."
“Yay! I'm a match! Just rub my butt, and I'm on fire!"
Batman narrowed his eyes as he stared at his old partner, his adopted son, this insane stranger. 
He was completely unrecognizable. 
They spent the day out there. Every variation of the course they could conceive, they made Black run it. Any information they left over from Robin’s charts, they compared with Black. 
He either matched them, or squeaked just beyond. 
“I’m impressed,” Cyborg admitted, looking over Batman’s shoulder. 
“I’m not,” said Batman. “Training courses are good and helpful, but I would like to see him in a fight, hopped up on adrenaline.” 
“I have some footage of him during the few fights we saw him in.”
Batman handed the clipboard over. “Actually, I think I’d like to see it in person.” He stood in the middle of the brawl ring. “Black!” 
“Aye aye Captain!” 
“I’d like to brawl with you. No holds barred. Give it your all.” 
“Are you sure?” Beast Boy asked. 
Batman gave him a flat look. 
“Fair enough.” 
“You wanna wrassle?” Black beamed. “Let’s tussle!” He ran into the ring, getting into a fighting stance. 
Batman didn’t wait for a countdown or anything, but lunged forward to throw a punch. 
Black easily dodged, and launched an attack of his own, throwing a jab to the side that Batman left open. 
Batman grabbed his wrist and attempted to twist it backwards, but Black did a standing backflip to go with the twist, then spun on his heel and nearly kicked Batman in the face. 
“Wow Bunny Man! You’ve got the groove!” 
Batman didn’t say anything, just attempted to kick Black in the ribs. 
Black blocked the kick with his arm, then trapped his leg against his body. He smiled widely at Batman before punching Batman in the thigh with the side of his fist. 
Batman cried out as a searing pain dug into his leg. He reached forward and grabbed Black by the face, and shoved him away. 
Blood was trickling down his thigh. “Who gave you a knife?” Batman snarled. 
“I’m a man of many secrets,” Black grinned again. Then his smile faded as he saw the rage on Bat’s face. “You said no holds barred. I thought I was allowed to stab you.” 
“You wanna play dirty?” He growled. 
Black’s eyes flashed in delight as he darted towards Batman, ready to strike again, but Batman simply grabbed the front of his shirt, turned, and used the momentum to guide Black over and onto the ground. 
Batman reeled up to punch him, but Black somersaulted backwards, getting to his feet, before leaning back and nailing Batman in the jaw with his foot. He twisted, landing on his other foot, and then kicked Bat’s in the face again. 
While Batman reeled backwards, Black darted forward and attempted to jab him in the stomach. 
The fight would have taken a horrible turn if Batman hadn’t grabbed his wrist at the last second. 
Black had the knife again, and almost stabbed his father in the stomach. 
“We’re done,” Batman stated sternly. 
The smile on Black’s face was malicious and sinister. “What’s wrong, old man? Don’t like losing?” 
With the grip Batman had on his wrist, it took no effort to lock it and throw it out of joint. 
Black swore a tirade of foul curses against him, his family, and friends.  
“Not so fun being in pain, is it?” Batman hoisted him to his feet. 
Black’s anger dissolved into tears, as he started throwing a tantrum like a toddler. 
Batman just shook his head. 
Cyborg picked Black up and threw him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Back to the med bay with you.” 
Black attempted to hug Cyborg around the waist as he was carried away. 
Starfire sidled up to Batman and lifted him around the shoulders. “Pardon me if I am assuming too much, but you are injured. There should be no reason for you to walk on your injured leg.”
Batman didn’t argue. He couldn’t afford an injury right now, and Starfire carrying him would prevent it from getting worse. “Thank you, Starfire.” 
She smiled at him and rushed after Cyborg. 
In the med bay, Alfred got to work patching Batman up while Raven and Cyborg put Black’s arm back into place.
“Of all the times you’ve been stabbed, I did not think Master Dick would be one of them.” 
“Makes me wonder how many criminals he has stabbed,” Batman winced as another suture went in the wound. 
“Johnny Rancid got it in the leg too,” said Beast Boy. “Made him lose control of his bike and crash into a wall.” 
Black laid back on the bed, his arm in a sling while Raven did her best to knit the muscles back into place. He pouted as he stared at Batman. “You cheated,” he grumbled.
“I cheated?” Batman frowned back. 
“You called the fight off, and then you dislocated my arm. That was cheating!” 
Batman shifted his jaw and then answered, shortly, “fine. I cheated.” 
Alfred finished up, and gave him some Tylenol. 
Black perked up. “Can I have some of those?”
He pouted again. “This is cruel and unusual punishment.” 
Batman simply took a sucker out of his belt and tossed it to him. That shut Black right up.
“You don’t argue with him,” Cyborg noted. “Why are you indulging him?”
“Not indulging,” Batman insisted. “Compromising. I’ve worked with the insane for 20 plus years, and I always have better results if I compromise on the small things. Especially if they aren’t committing a crime. I’ve gotten Mr. Freeze to stay complacent in Arkham because I have Wayne Enterprises working on a cure for his sick wife, with his input. Poison Ivy gets rare and exotic plants for her cell that she couldn’t get anywhere else if she behaves. And Robin decides to trust whatever I tell him to do because I ‘get’ him.”
Black scooted back on the bed to lay down. The exercising worked, and he was tired. 
“So what next?” Asked Cyborg. 
“Now, we wait. He hasn’t had any opioids since last night, correct?” 
“Yes sir.” 
“Then we keep him hydrated and wait until they move out of his system.”
“How long will that take?” Asked Beast Boy. 
“Probably another day at least. We’ll just have to keep an eye on him. No matter how much he whines, we can’t give him anything.” 
Black ‘hrmph’ed from his place on the bed. 
“Alfred, why don’t you make these kids some food? In the meantime, I’m going downtown to conduct my own investigation.” Without so much as a ‘goodbye’ he turned and left. 
Once he was gone, Black let out a long whimper and pouted. “Mr. Bunnyman is mad at me…” 
“Well, you stabbed him, what did you expect would happen?” Beast Boy snipped. 
Black started sniveling. “He told me to fight hard! I thought it was okay!” 
“It’s never okay to stab someone,” Raven told him, bewildered that she even had to. “Where did you put that knife?”
He put his finger to his lips. “Izza secret.” 
“Hand it over,” she said sternly. “You don’t want me to find it on my own.” 
He blew her a raspberry and took the knife out of his pocket. “Fine, Mrs. Killjoy.” 
“It is for your safety, Black,” Starfire insisted. 
Black started bobbing his head, grooving, one might say, then sang, “You got some nerve, coming here.”
“And we lost him again,” Cyborg rolled his eyes. 
“You got some nerve coming here. You stole it all, give it back.” 
Raven ignored him and stowed the knife. “Let’s all move to the ops room and help Alfred with dinner.” 
“You stole it all, give it back,” Black sang. 
“Uh…I don’t think Robin liked that you took his knife.” Beast Boy pointed out. 
“Well,” Raven poked Black in the chest. “Robin can get over it. If he cares about our safety, he’s not going to let Black have a knife.” She huffed, then looked at Starfire. “Keep an eye on him, would you? When he decides he wants to join us, he can.”
She went to the hall, with a bit more anger in her step than she intended. 
Black’s voice followed her.“Good morning, Mrs. Magpie. How are we today? Now you've stolen all the magic. You turn your back, walk away.”
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djeterg19 · 5 months
Chapter 22 a mix of the case and some other very interesting things
The next day the team heads back out to the forest for their investigation. The Captain and Singh blended with the reporters. Khem, Chart, Yai, and Phaya secretly infiltrated the mine area. Chart leads the way since he's familiar with the territory. They find an abandoned building that they think belongs to the mining operation. They sweep the building but there's no one there. There are large oil barrels they start moving. Phaya and Yai check the upstairs and find the kidnapped children. They evacuate the children and call an ambulance.
Chart finds a weird lump of branches and asks for help moving them. There's a blue tarp that emits a rotten smell. Chart wants to look but Phaya says they need to wait for CSI. Yai says they will be there any moment. They don't know why they would murder someone and leave the body right there. Chart recognizes him as Mr. Morti's secretary.
Tharn stayed home as ordered and means to ask Chalotorn what he was arguing with Phaya about. Tharn asks where Chalotorn is but his mom wants him to eat first. He's not hungry and wants to go meet the doctor. She acts suspicious and asks how she knows the doctor. Tharn remembers the first time they met. He was in the monks cell crying and Chalotorn tries to convince him to come back to Chiang Mai with them. The mom explained Chalotorn is the son of an acquaintance. Tharn asks if she left anything out but she doesn't answer. He says he'll just ask the doctor. The grandmother says it's time to explain. The mom says he's come to reclaim a past commitment. She tells him to go talk to the doctor. Tharn says he will but when they are done he wants her to explain why she separated from his father.
Tharn finds Chalotorn by the lotus pond. He says that shaman meddled in things that are not his. Tharn is suddenly very cold and can't breathe. He's about to pass out when the doctor grabs him. Chalotorn says in the old days Tharn wouldn't be so weak but he's not the same. Tharn says you aren't human are you? The doctor says he's not. He's here to follow Tharn back. Back to where Tharn asks. Back to stay with him by the commitment that Tharn gave in a past life but the family refused. They were willing to do everything for Tharn. Tharn is shocked that Chalotorn is responsible for everything that happened with his parents. He's extremely angry. He clenches both fists so hard they shake and asks why he did this? Just to take him back with him?
Chalotorn says they did it to repay Tharn for karma in a previous life. He cannot interfere with others karma only those interwoven in his karma. Tharn asks if Phaya is involved too and the doctor coldly says yes him and three others. Tharn flashes to the doctor who gave him stitches. Chalotorn says because of them he wants to take Tharn back with him because Tharn is too good for this world. Tharn says he has no right to decide that for him. This angers Chalotorn and everything gets very cold. Tharn softens his tone and says he's sorry that he can't honor the commitment he made but could he let go of the past and stay in the present instead?
Chalotorn says it's easy for Tharn who doesn't remember the past to say that. But Chalotorn was released from confinement thinking Tharn would be living a blissful life because of his beautiful soul but he's not because he has to protect and die for Phaya. That he's watched Tharn die over and over again and he can't stand it anymore. That's why he wants to bring him back. That he won't allow it to repeat again. And then he transforms into his Naga form. Tharn realizes this is the creature Phaya saw in the river. The doctor confirms it was him and that if Tharn hadn't interfered they would already be together.
Tharn doesn't completely understand but can't stop crying. He feels overwhelming sorrow and can hardly breathe. Chalotorn transforms into his golden form and asks if Tharn remembers a necklace from their former life. Tharn tries to get away because it makes him feel terror. Chalotorn says Tharn can only return with him three more times. Tharn realizes he's trying to transform him back into a Naga. Tharn tries to escape but he can't move. Suddenly there's a gust of wind and a Garuda appears and knocks him off his feet. It's Dr. Ticharuj. He tells Tharn to go back to the house. That his mother can save him. Tharn watches as they fight until Ticharuj yells at him to go.
He runs but thinks he's dreaming because he sees Darawan until he realizes she came with Ticharuj. His mom hugs him apologizing because she didn't think Chalotorn would hurt him. He tells her to not be so hard on herself. He asks Darawan why they are here. Phaya sent a photo of the mark from Tharn's back. As soon as Ticharuj saw it they left immediately. Darawan has other news as well.
The case has hit a dead end. The full autopsy hasn't been done yet but the secretary was strangled. Motri insists he's innocent. Chart is disbelieving. They do explore the possibility that the secretary was murdered to make Motri more suspicious. The Captain assigns each person a suspect to look into. Yai asks Thongthai to look into the gunman with tattoos that was in the tent who killed Tharn's dad. Thongthai asks for all the info and then wants to know why he should find this man. He explains and asks Thongthai to keep it hush hush.
Chart is angry again. Khem asked what's up and Chart says he just wants the case to end quickly. Khem asks what happened to his arm which looks scratched. Chart says it was a tree scrape. The Captain isn't sure about Chart. Singh mentions that Chart does meet the criteria for a behavioral issue. The Captain thinks he may have killed the secretary to frame Motri.
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Sai Sushuri
In Telluria there has been an unfortunate tendency to associate the principle of Venus solely with sexual love. In fact, Sai Sushuri rules every kind of love, as well as beauty. We have spoken of the fundamental importance of beauty in the preceding piece on Sai Thamë. Love is equally fundamental.
At its root, all love is Divine Love, just as all beauty is Divine Beauty. It is the love of Dea for Her creation, the love of the soul for Dea and of Her creatures for one another. Just as beauty is the beauty of Dea, so love is the love of Dea. When we love Her, we do so with Her own love; hence the prayer to Dea to "Come into us as a perfect love for Thee".
The Sushuric principle is often taken as the opposite of the Vikhelic. From another perspective, however, the true opposite of the Vikhelic principle is the Sushuri-Thamic. Love, beauty, order and harmony are closely woven together. Under normal circumstances, vikhë too is part of this harmony. Only in the Age of Iron, when the Vikhelic influence becomes disproportionate, is opposition between the principles noticeable (this is natural, since opposition itself is Vikhelic).
In Telluria, the polarity of femininity and masculinity is a polarity between the Sushuric and Vikhelic principles. In Aristasia the polarity between blonde and brunette is between the Sushuric and Thamic principles, which may be seen as a polarity between love and duty or between mercy and severity. However, the true principle of severity is that of Sai Rhavë, and we may see (to borrow a Quabbalistic expression) Sai Sushuri as the Pillar of Mercy and Sai Rhavë as the Pillar of Severity, with Sai Thamë as the central pillar, holding the two in balance.
In terms of spiritual paths, Sai Sushuri rules the Path of Love (or bhakti marga), and thus has a special significance for the Age of Iron. It is not a coincidence that bhakti is recommended as the most natural path for the Age of Iron and that the Sushuric principle is the opposite of the Vikhelic.
Correspondingly, Sai Mati governs the Path of Wisdom (jnana marga) and Sai Thamë the Path of Works (karma marga), which should be understood as the path of ritual action, including the initiatic paths offered by the traditional crafts in Sattwic societies. Of the remaining non-luminary Janyati, Sai Vikhë governs the Way of the Warrior and Sai Rhavë the via negativa or the path of pure austerity. These however are not separate from the three fundamental paths, but are, as it were, subdivisions of the karma marga and the jnana marga respectively.
Many Aristasians associate Sai Sushuri with Sri Lakshmi, whose day is also Friday, and Her lotus the Eastern equivalent of the rose of Sai Sushuri, and who, for many, epitomises Our Lady of the Path of Love, showering Her devotees with gifts and bringing the liberation offered by the austere paths together with worldly enjoyment.
The elephants that usually support Sri Lakshmi are Thamic and royal symbols, as are other of her features, thus Sri Lakshmi combines the Sushuric and the Thamic and is especially appropriate to Aristasia-in-Telluria with its special relationship to Sai Thamë and Sai Sushuri.
Sai Sushuri governs love at every level, from individual love and the love of family to a society bound together by concord and goodwill rather than by competition and the clash of parties and interests. Ultimately all these loves flow from and depend upon the love of the Mother. That love is the spiritual foundation of Aristasia.
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crumbingmask · 8 months
Honey & Glass (Yullen, Rated T)
Chapter 2; I don't think you owe me much at all.
The days bleed into each other down here. Central sends in someone new everyday but they all ask the same things.
Where is Kanda Yu?
Allen will never tell them, he’s hidden them far out of the Order reach. It’s all he can do for them now, and it’s a secret that will die with him.
What did you do with Alma Karma?
Freed them; hopefully.
Allen has seen the tortured souls of the Akuma for six years now. He had sworn his life to fight them, to serve the Order.
The Black Order dedicated to stopping the Earl and eradicating the Akuma.
Kanda isn’t an Akuma but his creation was so much like one. A tragedy, a soul forcefully given new life.
It’s dark and musty in the cell he’s placed in. He hadn't even known the Order had jail cells.
With his sense of direction and the size of the new Headquarters maybe he would’ve found them under different circumstances.
His arms ache, bound together for days now with the seals from the Crows. He leans heavily against Timcanpy’s large form. Allen remembers when he was younger and slept against Tim like this all the time.
He’s glad that with the golem here, he isn’t alone.
Especially since Tim has tried to bite anyone attempting to move the golem out.
They bring in meals. His stomach aches and howls loudly for food, but Allen still refuses to eat.
He doesn’t trust what measures they’ll take to get him to talk.
Where is Kanda Yu?
He doesn’t know. He really doesn’t know.
Sometimes when Allen dreams, when Mana isn’t cheerfully tugging him along a long narrow road, calling him by a name he can never remember. Though Allen is certain it is not his own.
He doesn’t like those dreams.
No, sometimes he sees Alma and a woman whose name he doesn’t know.
They sit in a pond, the calm water spanning with of infinite reach. He stands at the edge of water. Lotus blooms swaying as they call for him to join them while they wait, their beckoning is so welcoming.
Whenever he wakes, he always wants to cry. He doesn’t understand.
Where is Kanda Yu?
He’s gone. I’m so sorry. —
He never stays in one place long, Allen can't risk getting detected. Not by the Akuma or The Order.
He’s so fucking exhausted, his feet have been numb for an hour. He wonders if it’s sweat in his shoes or blood this time.
Too many innocent people will get hurt if they get too close to him, Apocryphos will do anything to get to him.
He has to keep walking. —
The moment Allen’s eyes landed on Kanda, several thoughts and confusing emotions occurred simultaneously.
First, the disbelief. The heart-stopping shock, paralyzing him.
Which is then followed by one of the most intensely nauseating floods of butterflies that begin fluttering in his stomach.
Because Kanda was right there! He was okay, as surly and beautiful as always.
Then following quickly behind that was anger.
Why the fuck is Kanda wearing that uniform? He’d survived, and went back?! Is he stupid?
Scratch that, Allen knows Kanda is stupid. He’d just thought he would’ve at least had more sense than this.
He had been free, he had the love of his lives returned to him. Yet, there he stood just mere feet away. It made no sense at all.
And fuck, he definitely can’t let Kanda know it’s him if he’s with the Order. He is a “fucking Noah” now, as Kanda had so eloquently stated during their last battle.
“What did I just say about being too rough!!” Johnny shouts at him and Walker yelps in discomfort, Kanda just tunes them out as he forcefully scrubs away the chalky white face paint. He doesn’t want to dare to hope. That it’s really Allen and not the imposter daring to wear his skin.
Until Walker swings his leg up, cracking Kanda in the back of the head with it. The impact of it is strong, but he remains above the brat, and keeps him pinned against the cobblestone.
“Are you trying to rub my face off, Kanda, you jerk!!” Stupid beansprout’s stupid fucking flexible legs. Pain spider-webs out from where Allen’s knee connected against his skull. It exacerbates that hangover that is slowly chipping away his brain.
Kanda stares down at Allen. His eyes are a brilliant silver, and so clearly irritated. Smeared paint covering his face. His mouth is stained red.
And all Kanda can think is. It’s you. It’s really you.
When Allen wakes up next the moon is high in the sky, the room he’s in is dark and quiet. The only sound is the slow sleeping breath of his two unexpected companions.
Johnny is in the bed across from his own, he has fallen asleep with his glasses on just like Allen used to see him do when he’d stop by the science division sometimes. He snores every once and while.
Kanda is on the couch, his elbow propped on the armrest, his head resting against his hand. Mugen is placed across his lap, like he’s in a position to be alert quickly.
He’s happy Kanda’s alive, but looking at him..hurts. Allen is used to looking at Kanda and feeling conflicted to say the least, but now seeing him here is extra bittersweet.
Because Kanda is fragile now. Allen knows he can die, realizes that fact and feels it in a visceral way.
So, Allen takes this moment to look at Kanda. Like really look at him while he’s got the opportunity.
Kanda’s hair has been returned to its original inky black, now neatly tied back into a low ponytail.
There’s no trace of the cracks that once made him look like a dilapidated statue.
Allen has always held a begrudging respect, even admiration for him. Though he’d never admit that to the bastard’s face. Kanda has always been a person Allen has seen as not needing his protection, he was more than capable of taking care of himself.
Allen remembers when Kanda had been teaching him to sword fight, after he’d first learned to summon the ark. Kanda had seemed so untouchable to him back then.
He always sneered in the face of danger, absolutely fearless and always came out on top. Strong and prideful, ready for a fight at any moment.
But those parts of Kanda no longer seem like a strength that he feels he should aspire towards.
Not when he knows exactly how Kanda even came to be the person he is now. When he knows intimately the pain and countless guilty, blood stained hands that made up Kanda Yu's very existence.
How many times has Kanda fought himself into the grave, just to piece himself back together than get up to do it all over again?
He had been curious once, just how Kanda could heal so quickly. Thinking about it now makes him feel sick. He hates knowing that a place he once thought of as home could be capable of such horrid things. Though Allen supposes that it was always the people that had felt like home, not the place.
Not like that matters anymore. It’s not like he'll be going back there. He’s not even sure he’d want to.
“It’s creepy to stare at people while they're sleeping, Walker.” Kanda says, “Shouldn’t you be asleep anyways?”
He jolts at the unexpected voice, “Motherfuc-“ Allen catches himself before he can finish the curse. Flicking his eyes over Johnny first to make sure he hadn’t woken him with his outburst.
He hears the huff of breath through Kanda’s nose, the closest approximation to amusement he ever gets to hear from him.
Then he looks back to meet Kanda’s now open eyes this time.
Allen doesn’t think he’s ever heard Kanda laugh, like actually laugh. At least, not this Kanda, he doesn’t want to count the younger Kanda he saw in Rhode’s trap. Those memories with Alma were never his to touch in the first place.
“Shut up..” Allen grumbled, embarrassed to be caught mooning over his apparently not actually sleeping companion. He flops backward onto the inn bed, but tilts his head to continue to look at Kanda sitting across from him.
“Is there a reason why you look like you were thinking so hard you were going to pop a blood vessel?” Kanda pauses for a moment, considering. “Either burst a vein or start crying like a baby.”
“I wasn’t going to cry!” Allen says affronted. Because he definitely can not tell this jerk how just looking at his stupid pretty face tore his heart up into bits.
“Well, you do have a history of being a crybaby.” Kanda says, looking unimpressed.
He feels familiar irritation flaring up at the comment. “I do not!” Allen says in a harsh whisper.
Because he’s not! Allen cries when it is reasonable! And when you deal with such tragedies as an exorcist, of course he's going to cry!
“God...I can’t believe I almost actually missed your shitty attitude.” Allen muttered. It’s the closest admission he can ever give to how much it had hurt to think he’d never see Kanda again. It would’ve been worth it, for him and Alma to have been happy together finally. That didn’t mean it hadn’t made him sad.
Kanda scoffs at him, "You're still too soft, you know.” but he isn’t scowling.
Instead when Kanda says it this time, it doesn’t feel so mean-spirited. Not like it was that first time in Mater. Now, it’s almost fond. Like when he’d said he was glad Allen had been there, when everything went to shit with Alma. It catches him off guard, and Allen tries and fails to not let that mean too much to him.
Allen Walker hasn’t ever loved anything in a way that didn’t hurt. Why should this be any different?
Allen is too silent, yet his misery is still an oppressive presence. He doesn’t cry. He stares forward, empty and hollowed out. At least back in Mater he’d cried over that stupid broken doll.
Kanda wishes he would react. Wants him to scream, lash out, and blame him. It’s partly his fault the golem is dust now anyways, right? Since it intervened with Apocryphos because of him.
Kanda wants to say something to comfort him, anything.
But because he’s Allen goddamn Walker, the single most infuriating and stupid fucking idiot martyr to have ever existed.
He pulls shit like this.
Walker finally looks up at him as the ark gate summons below him. Allen sounds truly apologetic when says he couldn’t tell him anything, and then he smiles, that pathetic fake smile with his sad silver eyes.
A fury flares explosive under his skin, because no fucking way Walker.
The Black Order, death and Alma had not been able to stop Kanda from following Allen Walker into hell.
You’re not weaseling away that easily, you little clown bastard.
Kanda doesn’t even like him. Why can’t he just make this one thing easy for Allen, and get away from him.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” Allen doesn’t understand why he’s being so persistent.
If he won’t leave, then Allen will make him.
They have done this before, strike for strike, barb for barb. He may not be in the best condition to match Kanda in combat but Allen can be just as venomous as Kanda in words.
Kanda has always had a way of getting a rise out of him. Dragging out an unwilling and ugly honesty in him that he can’t stand.
And Allen is more than well versed in getting under Kanda’s skin in return.
“What’s it matter to you?! I’m just a fucking Noah, anyway right?! It’s not like you care!”
“You’re not a fucking—“ Kanda had been near shouting until he pauses and Allen is almost certain Mugen was about to make an appearance. But instead, Kanda closed his eyes briefly, breathing deep and pressed the heel of palm to his temple.
When Kanda opened his eyes again, his gaze was intense. But he didn’t seem angry at him, per say. Which was surprising, Kanda could always find a reason to be mad at him.
“You’re Allen Walker, an exorcist no matter what, that’s what you told Lenalee.” As he speaks Kanda takes a step towards him, and Allen steps back. “And you told me that you wanted to be a destroyer who could save.”
Kanda takes another step toward but before Allen can back away this time, Kanda snitches the lapel of his coat and drags him in close.
Kanda's eyes were burning as he glared hard at Allen. His breath is warm where it brushes his face. Allen glares right back, there’s nothing Kanda could do to intimidate him.
The thing about Kanda is that his eyes are the most expressive part of him.
And right now, he looks so fucking sad. Allen hates it. When people look at him like that.
“You’ve never given up on a fight before.” Kanda says, “Why should the Fourteenth be any different?” He almost sounds disappointed in him.
If Kanda hadn’t had a grip on him, Allen feels like he would’ve physically recoiled at that.
”You were the one who said—“
”I know what I fucking said, Walker! And I was wrong, okay!?” The hands that grip Allen’s lapels are shaking. “Cut the shit, sprout. I know what you’re trying to do, and it’s not gonna work.” His breathing is quick, panicking. Why is Kanda looking at him like that? It hurts. “Get it through your thick goddamn skull, I’m not leaving just because you love acting like you can handle everything on your own.”
“I don’t even want you here!” Allen’s voice is strangled, the lie dying in his throat. Leaving only the faltering protest behind.
Allen doesn’t know how to let him stay, because that’s just the first step of having to watch him leave for real. Maybe not today or even next month but Kanda will leave. Either in death or once he realizes that there’s no saving Allen.
“And you expect me to believe that?” Kanda tsked, “Usually you’re a better liar, Allen.”
He is stunned silent when Kanda calls him out so blatantly. Even more surprising though, is when Kanda uses the back of his semi-gloved hand to swipe under his eyes. Wiping the tears away with a gentleness Allen hadn’t conceived that Kanda was capable of.
Or at least, capable of showing to Allen. But in retrospect of everything he’s learned he doesn’t know about Kanda, maybe he should start preparing to continue to be surprised by him.
“Wow, even Bakanda can be sweet sometimes. It’s shocking, really.” He says. Mostly because he doesn’t know how else to respond to the way Kanda is looking at him. Allen averts his eyes, unsure of this unfamiliar kindness. He feels far warmer than the weather around should allow. This is terrible.
“Who the fuck are you calling sweet, crybaby.” Kanda scoffed, still more amused than truly annoyed.
“Am not!” Allen insisted, crossing his arms. “You just gave me a motivational speech about not giving up and you’re not even going to let me enjoy it, are you?”
Kanda steps away from him, ”You not giving up will literally help stop the hostile takeover of whatever brain you’ve got left.” He says, reaching out enough to flick the star that scars Allen’s forehead.
Allen reaches up to touch the cursed mark, frowning at Kanda. “See, that’s exactly what I meant. You’re no fun.”
“Shut the fuck up, Walker.”
“Aw, c’mon! At least call me Allen again. That’s much nicer.”
“I can stab you again at any time, you know.”
“Of course, you could. But BaKanda wouldn’t that be the opposite of helping protect me? And when we find him again, I’ll tell Johnny you’ve been bullying me.”
“God, you’re so annoying.” Kanda grumbled at him. “..Might be worth it, if it means you’ll stop talking, you brat.”
“Let it be known, most people find me incredibly charming.” Then obviously, to prove his point, Allen sticks tongue out at him.
Kanda looks at him, seeming very unimpressed and raises an eyebrow at him. “Right, and that’s definitely helping your case.”
Alma, would it be wrong to want to stay with him just a little longer?
Allen doesn’t want to be selfish but he just doesn’t think he can take it alone any longer. Alma would understand that better than anyone, wouldn’t he? Would understand all the love Allen keeps trying to smother before it can blossom out of his tender heart.
Please, Alma. Don’t hate me for this, Allen prays.
The train platform is crowded. He’s terrified to look anyone in the face too long. His eye hasn’t picked up any Akuma yet. That’s just making the anticipation worse. Allen knows they’ll come. The Akuma, the Noah.
Inhale. It hurts to breathe. Exhale. Is he blacking out? Oh fuck. He’s so overwhelmed with everything that’s happened.
Apocryphos, The Order, The Earl...Mana. Not to forget the demon clawing its way out from inside.
And then, someone grabs his hand. “Allen. Look at me.”
Inhale. It hurts.
Allen feels like he’s going to be sick.
Exhale. Allen looks at him.
“Take another breath, sprout.” Kanda says, squeezing tightly once. "You're going to pass out like that.”
Everything closing in to snuff Allen Walker out. Yet, Kanda Yu has remained.
This is the closest extended contact he’s had with someone that wasn’t trying to kill him lately. He doesn’t know what to do with his arms. He remembers when Kanda refused to shake hands with a cursed person like him.
Should he move away? He should let his hand go.
“Just breathe like me.” Another squeeze.
Allen is touched and also continuously confused by this softer side Kanda keeps showing to him. Before Alma, Allen wouldn’t have thought Kanda was capable of such things but now...it’s something.
He can’t say it to his face but he does need Kanda to know how much this means to him. Allen rests his forehead on Kanda's shoulder. Kanda tenses for a moment, his posture rigid and Allen is almost certain he was going to move away. But he relaxes instead, allowing Allen to cling to him.
His hair is soft against his cheek, and it smells clean. Maybe a little like flowers. He feels his heart beat a little harder in his chest.
“I’m really glad that you’re here.” Allen mutters from his hiding place against Kanda’s chest.
He sometimes wishes Timcanpy or Johnny were here too, then at least he could’ve pretended that this was just another mission. Missions with Kanda had been normal, not...whatever this is.
Running away together to..save him?
Allen’s eyes trace over the black lines down Kanda's arm from his own curse mark. He had removed the Order's coat once they’d settled on the train. Does he know that Allen despises seeing him in that uniform?
Kanda isn’t turned toward him, his gaze is following the scenery flying past. Kanda is still gently holding his clawed hand.
Exhausted, he finally shuts his eyes. Kanda will take care of him.
Awareness comes back to him slowly, creeping in gradually like the morning sun.
He’s so warm. It’s nice, after all the time he’d spent sleeping in alleyways dodging Apocryphos.
He hadn’t dreamt at all. Allen doesn’t even recall the last time that happened because even in his sleep he’s pursued by the Fourteenth’s fractured memories.
It really feels like the first time he’s truly slept in years.
Beside him, Kanda is still asleep. He has one arm propped on the train seat arm, like he had at the inn the other night. Which feels like a lifetime ago now.
His other arm is tucked behind Allen’s back. Kanda’s hand rests upon the place he had stabbed Allen in his rampage to fight Alma. The heat of his palm soothes the sharp ache of the healing wound on his hip.
Allen is somewhat surprised that he’s awake before Kanda. But then again, in between Allen’s consciousness being..inconsistent and Johnny definitely hadn’t been a fighter. It had been Kanda’s job alone to be on the defensive. He’d probably been just as exhausted as Allen himself.
Kanda’s face is relaxed in a way it never is when he’s awake. His breathing is slow and rhythmic, reminiscent of how he breathes when he’s meditating. Or guiding Allen though another panic attack.
Allen reaches up to brush the hair away from Kanda’s face, tucking the stray hair behind his ear.
Kanda catches Allen’s cursed hand before he can pull it away pressing it to his cheek, and when Allen looks up to meet his gaze, Kanda’s eyes seem unfocused like he’s still half asleep. Still dreaming.
“You’re still Allen..that’s good.” His voice is rough from disuse, but gentle in tone nonetheless.
“Y-yeah, I’m..still me.” Allen can feel his face heating up fast against his will, he will not blush just because of Kanda using his name like a person should. Absolutely not.
The grip on his hand slackens after that, and the heat that sweetly hums under Allen’s skin fills him with the urge to run, run away right now. Away from Kanda and whatever trouble this feeling is bound to get them into.
He’s already tried that though, and thus far has failed to shake Kanda off. Devoted as Kanda seems to be to making sure Allen is always in his line of sight these days.
Allen knows exactly how that feels. He's not exactly eager to let Kanda go again either. So instead, Allen tightens his grasp in return.
Running away together to save each other, maybe.
That’s how Allen likes to think of it anyway.
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blrowanducks-blog · 11 months
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Guhyasamaja Tantra (52)
An introduction to blessing the mind of the emanation body.
The only place of becoming divine that is accessible to us is the human heart, where we will place a blue hum syllable as a true part of this transcendent process itself.
THE VISIONARY apparitions from the limbic state with which awareness is confronted are often of a fascinating and terrifying, unattractive form. As numinous figures they contain within themselves the most extreme antinomies of meaning and seem to be unbridgeable manifestations of polarity (duality) itself. Yet in this extreme polar opposition they are only various manifestations of the same phenomenon, namely, human awareness. They appear with such a forceful and convincing effect in psychic reality that it is impossible to overlook them or to rationalize them away.
We must always bear in mind that in all phenomenological reality the deities are not gods in the traditional sense. They are not to be relegated to any heavenly or underworldly realms of spatial dimensions, nor are they mythological figures that are supposed to fulfill a mythological or soteriological purpose. Morever, these visions are not to be understood as the forms of emanation of a god or of his/her hierarchical order. They are also not a theophany (God Manifest) but a psychic reality, a primordial imaginal manifestation of 'numinous' powers, which occur as images in the inner space of human awareness and also out from these mental states as projections unto sensory experiences. Therefore they are called "illusory images of one's own mind," or "illusory" figures, or even "visions." Even as such, visionary deities of one's own mind, they yet have the character of a psychic reality. The deities of these visions are an intrapsychic occurrence, represented by archetypal symbols within religious traditions, which were practically proven as spiritual realities. Within Buddhism in particular, the five Tathāgatas (Dhyana Buddhas) are primordial images of the corresponding wisdoms, of Buddhist virtues, of cosmological and psychological relationships which were brought together in the five skandhas of the human personality.
The deities of the collective also appear as a reply to karma, the self-perpetuated and personal fate of the individual, and so they become in the image of the personal situation of awareness on the path towards karmically conditioned becoming. To make connections with mythology would from this point of view miss the true point. The deities are not mythological and therefore occupy a special place in the pantheon of the deities of Buddhism, since they are attributed no reality for earthly existence. This is specifically true of the wrathful deities, who are hardly shown in representations of the pantheon.
All deities are manifestations of a "combination of radiance and emptiness"; they come "from the realm of pure self-nature" and appear "in the sphere of the precious mind," the experience of 'death' 'turning around in the root of the mind' in which the clear primordial light has first been illuminated "in the boundless mind." is found in the Tibetan meditation texts as a map to this realm.
All visionary deities appear on a lotus in a posture (S. asana) of sitting, standing, or moving. The lotus (S. padma) is a symbol of heavenly ecstasy, an unearthly throne, a symbol of unfolding from the cakras and from the center of awareness, and its purpose is to establish in the mind a heavenly throne for the deities. The lotus signifies that the deities have overcome the cycle of suffering in samsara and are far from the world of suffering. The peaceful buddhas and bodhisattvas appear on a lotus-moon throne of the heart mandala, and the wrathful deities appear on a lotus-sun throne of the forehead mandala. The peaceful deities radiate in the five elemental colors, and the wrathful deities stand in a blazing aureole of flames. Two ancient symbolic relationships with Indian Yoga are evident in this, namely the cosmologically related sun-and-moon significance of the deities and of the psychic powers in man himself. This doctrine plays an important role in the practice of Kundalini Yoga and in the Tantras for the representation of esoteric polarity-symbolism.
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ideas-of-immortality · 10 months
"...however, once the student has attained enlightenment, he will be in an order where the time distinctions between past, present, and future are unknown. Indeed, the ordinary man's mind is like a lotus flower yet to open and the Enlightened One's Mind, like the full moon.
When this meditation is perfected, visible to the devotee are the pure lands and the impure lands in the ten directions, all sentient beings in the Six Transmigratory Paths, the followers of the Three Vehicles, the creation and destruction of the worlds in the three periods of time, the distinctions of karma of all sentient beings, the acts of the bodhisattvas in their pre-enlightened stages, and the Buddhas in the three periods of time. Realizing the Body of the most sacred One, he will fulfill all the vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra. It is therefore said in the Mahāvairocana Sutra that 'it is on such a true Mind that the former Buddhas have preached."
—Kūkai: Major Works, translated by Yoshita S. Hakeda
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santmat · 2 years
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The Following is Excerpted from, "Simran Is The Most Important Step That The Masters Prescribe", a January, 2022 Satsang Discourse by Baba Ram Singh
In order to cut our mind’s pull outside in this physical world, the Masters require us to use a physical help, and that is in the form of these Holy Names which we repeat. Because it is only by a physical intrusion that we will be able get the mind out of its outward pull in this world.
So, therefore, to get our attention away from everything outside and focused within, it is very important for us to do the repetition of the Holy Names.
That is why the Masters keep repeating again and again and encouraging us to do our Simran. Time and again, They tell us that we have to keep on doing our Simran. Because it is this which is the first step of the ladder to go within. It is only with the help of Simran that we will be able to get the attention of the soul focused again at the Eye Center.
When we do Simran, we focus our attention at the Eye Center and the entire body becomes numb and that is when the Third Eye opens and we are able to go within and realize ourselves. So, by doing this Simran, we are able to withdraw our attention from the nine doors and go to the Tenth Door. It is only by Simran that we will be able to achieve all this. And that is why more importance is given for doing Simran, rather than listening to the Sound Current initially…
Swami Ji Maharaj says, “The whole world is unhappy and they are all outwardly focused. So, He questions the satsangi, “Those people have not had the benefit of Satsang, nor a Master, they have not understood the Path. So, they are going about their routine lives in whatever beliefs they have and they are unhappy as a result. But you are a satsangi. You have listened to Satsang. You have understood the Path. You know what is right, what is wrong, but yet, you are also going on the same path like them and you are also unhappy.” So, He questions the satsangi why he is also unhappy like the worldly person?
So, Masters say, “If you should remain detached in this world, since you are also subject to your karmas, you also have to face the world, you have to go about your worldly duties. But then, unlike getting completely swayed by them, you should be detached. The example is given by Nanak Sahib.
He gives the example of a lotus. So, that lotus grows in a swamp. It is in all filth and dirt that it grows, but it keeps itself afloat and it doesn’t allow the water also to spoil its petals.
And it maintains its independence. Like that, even there are these birds which dive into the water, and they keep diving into the water, coming out, and when they fly back, they fly with dry wings. So, you have to, as a satsangi, also stay in this world like that. You have to have your attention focused within….
So, Swami Ji Maharaj says, “The only person who is happy is one who has moved his attention away from this world and focused his attention on his Master, at the feet of his Master, and who has manifested that Sound Current within. Only he is truly happy.”
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blood-starved-beast · 2 years
(Leak spoilers) Pretty sure the reason why Irelia and Karma aren’t getting Spirit Blossom skins is cause they’ve got the Order of the Lotus skins. I know similar skinlines hasn’t stopped Riot from giving characters similar looking skins (hello Lucian) but Riot seems to be really into the Mecha skinline thing. They don’t have that same passion for Asian-inspired skinlines (hello Immortal Journey and its single run skinline like half a decade ago).
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live4evil · 6 days
How to Summon Azazel
Azazel, a fallen angel or demon, was historically appeased by the Jewish people through sacrificial offerings, commonly in the form of a goat or lamb. This act was believed to cleanse individuals of their sins and protect them from any resulting harm.
Known for both punishing sins and purifying individuals of their wrongdoing, Azazel was regarded as a figure capable of absolving bad karma. Similar to deities and spirits in other cultures, Azazel held the power to wash away sins and negative energies.
Magicians have the ability to summon Azazel in order to rid themselves of karmic impurities. By seeking Azazel's assistance, individuals can address blockages that may be hindering their physical well-being or external interactions. This purification process has the potential to bring about positive transformations in various aspects of life.
Summoning Azazel involves a detailed process that must be followed diligently. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to summon Azazel:
Step 1: Offer a sacrifice
The ritual begins with presenting a sacrifice to Azazel. This sacrifice should hold personal or symbolic value to you. It could be a material possession, an act of service, or a creative work dedicated to Azazel. This sacrifice is meant to symbolize the cleansing of sins and wrongdoing.
Step 2: Create a magic circle
Using salt, create a protective magic circle on the ground. This circle acts as a barrier against negative energies and evil spirits during the ritual. Salt is traditionally used for spiritual protection and is commonly employed in magic circles.
Step 3: Evoke Azazel with an ancient incantation
Standing within the magic circle, offer your sacrifice to Azazel and recite the following incantation three times:
"I sacrifice to you, Azazel
A representation of my past
To free me from sin
To cleanse my transgressions
That have burdened me thus far
I seek purity and enlightenment in body, spirit, and mind."
Step 4: Engage in the microcosmic orbit meditation
Assume the lotus position, a simple seated meditation pose, at the center of the magic circle. This meditation technique helps align and circulate energy throughout the body, fostering a deeper connection to the spiritual realm.
By following these steps carefully, you can successfully summon Azazel and seek purification and spiritual enlightenment.
Close your eyes and imagine bright light moving from the base of your spine, climbing up through the spine to the top of your head, then descending through the front of your face, your tongue and all the way down to your navel. From there it moves through the pelvic region and back to the base of the spine. Then moves up again to the head and the circle repeats in the same fashion.
To harness the power of light, it is essential to guide it gently instead of forcing it. Relax and visualize the light moving according to your intention, flowing where it is needed without overpowering. Pushing the light too forcefully can result in an excess of energy, potentially causing harm to specific energetic points within the body.
Take 5 to 10 minutes to perform this cleansing exercise, keeping your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth throughout the meditation. Position the tip of your tongue near your upper front teeth, as if you were about to say the word “Larry”.
As you conclude the ritual, having summoned Azazel and practiced the appropriate meditation techniques, you have cleansed yourself of past wrongdoings. By ridding yourself of negativity, you will no longer attract negative influences. Express gratitude to Azazel for his guidance and step outside the boundaries of the magic circle.
The pathworking of Azazel offers a deeper exploration of summoning this powerful demon. Through an initiation system focused on Azazel, one can attain power and eternal glory. To delve further into this transformative journey, consider enrolling in the Azazel Pathworking Course and Grimoire.
This is the main source of information on Azazel, containing dozens of high quality rituals, mythological explanations and lifestyle requirements that this ancient spirit requires of its initiates.
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kailash-parikrama · 17 days
Mount Kailash Yatra – Centre of Earth and Many Spiritual Mysteries
If you name Mount Kailash as the Gem of Nature, you will be belittling its importance. This symmetrical peak stands majestically at the height of 21778 feet in the southwest corner of Tibet. Its azure sky reflects through the water of Mansarovar and Rakshastal lakes. These water-bodies are gracing the feet of this diamond-shaped mountain. The Hindus regard the peak of this mountain as the Lingam of Lord Shiva and the Mansarovar Lake to be the yoni of God’s love. The holy trinity of Mount Kailash, Mansarovar Lake and Rakshastal forms the epicenter of religious believes for Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Bons.
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Resting Place for Lord Shiva
This significance of this peak is immeasurable in Hinduism. In all Hindu Mythologies, this place is regarded as the home of Lord Shiva, the transformer of universal cosmic functions.
This mountain is believed to have four faces as per Hindu Puranas. Each face symbolizes one particular gem – ruby, gold, crystal and lapis lazuli. You will find this mountain to be resting in the center of six different mountain ranges. This arrangement forms the symbol of lotus. This lotus is representative of purity and divine beauty in Hinduism.
Fortress of Buddha Shakyamuni
The Buddha Shakyamuni is the deity with four faces and twelve hands. She is also known as Chakrasamvara, the deity of supreme bliss. The tantric practitioners of Buddhism regard Mount Kailash as the fortress of this deity. This peak is also their symbol of pride. The Tantric Buddhism is believed to have conquered indigenous Bon religion in this place.
Legends say that champions of these two faiths, Milarepa and Naro-Bon-Chung, raced to this peak to prove the superiority of their respective faiths. Milarepa won through his acquired meditational powers and established Tantric Buddhism in this place.
Pearls of Spiritual Knowledge
The devotees of Bon religion regard this mountain as the Nine-Story Swastika. They regard this entire mystical region to be the Seat of Spiritual Power.
Thonpa Shenrab Miwo is regarded as the founder of Bon religion. According to Bon mythology, he descended from heaven on this peak and scattered his pearls of spiritual knowledge. Nine orders of Bon schools were established near this peak. The Bons believe that Thonpa Shenrab Miwo made prediction of this establishment.
Rishabhadeva’s Enlightenment
In Jainism, Rishabhadeva is regarded as the first of its 24 tirthankaras. Jains believe that Rishabhadeva attained liberation from Cycle of Karma on Kailash Parvat. This mountain is regarded sacred in Jainism due to this reason. Sadhguru has described the experience of this Jain savior.
Rishabhadeva is believed to have come here to attain knowledge. He was intending to preach this wisdom. His decision seemed to have changed after his arrival. He was bemused by the greatness of this mountain, and decided to merge with this sacred elevation.
These legends show that Kailash Mountain has tied four different religions on the single string of spiritualism. On Kailash Manasarovar Yatra, thousands of people visit this mountain either to attain spiritual enlightening or to avail peace. The magical 108 trips round the peak are believed to wash the sins of mortal souls away. The Hindus and Buddhists circulate this mountain clockwise. Jains and Bons circulate this mountain anti-clockwise.
Are you planning for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra? Here is Nidhi Tours and Travels schedule for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra 2024.
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boychaos108 · 3 months
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This is Vinti. The Lotus Miasma. ----TW: trypophobia, blood, body horror ---- Vinti is not a single species, entity, or genus but an adaptive and virulent abstract superorganism. Though she often projects the avatar of a sickly four armed girl, she is actually an intelligent conceptual ecosystem spanning entire realities. An anomalous hivemind agent of karma.
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The form you see is just a physical projection or avatar as the real Vinti is an idea, an intangible and formless concept. Her physical body is nothing more than a shadow cast by a much larger source. She's a conceptual virus that infects entire realities and weakens the integrity of the physical world through a variety of means in order to fully manifest. She haunts not only the astral/spiritual planes but digital and material planes as well, a virus capable of infecting all dimensions. Infection is simple, the more you know about Vinti the sicker you get, and at the peak of mutation you join the Vinti hivemind. Those completely infected become shapeshifting plantoid mutants able to spread the virus through physical vectors rather than entirely memetic, spreading mutagenic toxins through a variety of means depending on their mutations.
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Vinti is one yet she is many. Able to multiply ad nauseum throughout the multiverse to spread her will. However she does so out of (potentially misguided) benevolence, aiming to spread karmic balance and make people by assimilating those who fail her tests into her hive. Her tests being tests of ego and will, challenging the infected individual to face their inner demons, insecurities, and sins. Should they come out of the test absolved of sin and their egos and demons mastered and tamed, Vinti will not absorb them for they have been "fixed". Each personal hell is tailored towards the individual and no punishment is the same. Some might even be lucky enough to be completely innocent. This is because Vinti feeds on evil, curses, and sin. While an objective evil is difficult to pinpoint, to Vinti it's ignorance that primarily is classified as such. Vinti is arguably a cosmic good rather than a cosmic evil, though her methods are potentially invasive and harmful. She is a highly efficient and logical creature, unswayed by emotion despite her apparent sadism. She is dutiful in her role as a facilitator of cosmic rebirth.
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Not all individuals see Vinti the same way. She is revered by some as a goddess, feared by others as the devil. A goddess to those who welcome her wisdom and change, loved by those who aren't afraid of the inexorable end. A devil to those who have things to hide, who have an ego to be crushed. For her venomous silver tongue is sharp witted and knows you more than you know yourself, her words can cut deep.
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She says it's nice to meet you. Say hi.
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templardom · 11 months
The Commiseration of Souls
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Resume of the Templar of Shirō
Welcome to Templardom: Home of the Order of the Fixed Cross (Scorpius), a.k.a. Kotai Jujika (Sasoriza); Original Practitioners of Yoga in Christ. Our Mantra is: Jesus En Ti Confio (Jesus, I Trust You). Romans 12:1-2 (ESV) Matthew 6:6 (ESV) 1 Thessalonians 4:4 (BSB) 1 Timothy 5:2 (NLT) James 4:7 (ESV) Ephesians 6:11-18 (ESV) 1 John 4:1 (ESV)
The following is my current spiritual resume:
Jan. 1988 - July 2018: Oracle reader, expert in the use of the I Ching coin oracle (Taoism), the Golden Dawn Tarot of S.L. MacGregor Mathers (Hermeticism), the Great Oracle of Tehuti (Egyptian Mysticism) and the Esoteric Astrology of Alice A. Bailey (The Order of the Fixed Cross: Scorpius).
Jan. 1988 - July 2018: Practitioner and student of the science of Yoga which consists of the study and use of mantras, mudras, pranayama and Hatha Yoga via the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar (Light on Yoga). Other studies include Karma Yoga via the Bhagavad Gita, as translated by Juan Mascaro, Tantrism as explained by Arthur Avalon (The Serpent Power) and Julius Evola (The Yoga of Power).
April 2004 - July 2018: Independent practitioner of Dharani (Spells) in the 26th chapter of the Lotus Sutra (Mahayana Buddhism).
July 2018 - Present: Creator and practitioner of 'Yoga in Christ’. Matthew 6:6 (ESV)
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onemindzen · 11 months
There are five lay, ten major, and forty-eight minor Bodhisattva Precepts.
The first Five Precepts are known as the “Lay Precepts,” as anyone, planning to be ordained or not, can receive them. Taking them indicates a desire to follow the Buddhadharma and be involved in the Sangha (community of practitioners) as best as one is able. The Ten Bodhisattva Precepts are for more advanced practitioners who may or may not be considering ordination. While all Precepts are largely aspirational, they are likewise to be taken seriously. We don’t just give them lip service, reciting them and then going back to our worldly ways of violating one or more on a daily basis.
The Lay Precepts:
1) The First Precept;
I vow to support all living creatures, and refrain from killing.
2)The Second .Precept;
 I vow to respect the property of others, and refrain from stealing.
3) The Third Precept
I vow to regard all beings with respect and dignity, and refrain from objectifying others.
4)The Fourth Precept;
I vow to be truthful, and refrain from lying.
5) The Fifth Precept:
I vow to maintain a clear mind and refrain from harming myself or others with intoxication.
The First states what proper action is—“Support all living creatures,” and then what not to do in order to accomplish that. But there are many ways to support all living creatures that don’t involve not just killing them! 
The Second means refraining from not taking credit for someone else’s work to not using a Chat AI to write a term paper.
The Third could mean that we don’t objectify or separate ourselves by defining someone solely based on sexual orientation.
The Fourth would include spreading rumors, gossip, and conspiracy theories in addition to not telling outright falsehoods.
The Fifth means to keep a clear mind, the mind of the Buddhadharma, the mind of the Middle Path. There are many things that can cloud our minds, not just getting drunk or high! 
The Bodhisattva Precepts:
The Sixth Precept: 
I vow to be kind and to encourage others, and to refrain from discouraging others including myself.
The Seventh Precept:
I vow to be kind to others and refrain from being boastful and self-centered. 
The Eighth Precept:
I vow to be generous, to be grateful for what I have, and refrain from yearning for things that do not belong to me.
The Ninth Precept:
I vow to promote harmony and refrain from acting in anger or hatred.
The Tenth Precept:
I vow to affirm and uphold the three jewels (the Buddha, the Sangha and the Dharma).
You may notice that these ten Precepts are basically the same as all other versions taken from the Bhramajala Sutra. Our Sangha’s are slightly different from some Orders in that we state the aspiration of the Precept. In addition to what not to do; they also include what to do. 
Prior to taking new precepts, reflect on how each one might express itself in your own life. In what ways, for example, do your actions harm other living creatures. Use each precept as a mindfulness exercise that enables you to minimize harm to others and to reduce your tendencies toward greed, hatred, and delusion.
It’s also important to note that these are vows we are taking to demonstrate our desire to live an honorable life. They are not Commandments in the Judeo-Christian sense—there’s no soul burning in hell for all eternity. There is however an acknowledgement that our actions do have consequences—karma good or bad—which may not manifest itself immediately or even in an obvious way. Our individual and collective actions leave a wake and a legacy. We should bear in mind what the possible outcomes to our actions may be, and whether we’re willing to accept them. 
Likewise important that there may be times when correct action actually means breaking a Precept is a given situation. In the Lotus Sutra the Buddha himself lied in order to lure children out of a burning building. An important factor to consider in these situations is whether we are breaking a Precept in order to benefit others, not just ourselves. 
That is the bottom line of these Precepts. We receive them as individuals, but we practice them for the sake of all beings, not just ourselves.
Myeong Jin Eunsahn
Won Yung Sunmin
July 9, 2023
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