#or test like gio for getting a seat
hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
Did he have a good track record or results? Okay no but he did refer to Mazepin exclusively as "that fucking Haas" and has seemingly blocked the aforementioned former fucking Haas driver as he's the only one left untagged in that unhinged instagram post, and he was cute and he made me laugh so yeah I'm going to miss Nicholas Latifi.
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longlivelevi · 3 months
I spent the whole day with Gio making a bunch of impulsive yet beautiful decisions. While waiting for him, I attended Ruta Sepetys speaking about her work in Fully Booked BGC. Then Gio came and we both sat on the steps because the seats were packed. And just listened. Ruta's vulnerability, and her courage to catalogue the story of survivors of absolutely horrible totalitarian regimes. But also her own creativity to create historical fiction in that context. I could tell by the way she talked that she was special in the sense of unforced empathy - true care.
I'm not going to lie. I cried a few times hearing her talk and after waiting for a literal hour and a half, I finally got her to sign my copy of 'I Must Betray You' and the warmth she gave me... looking straight into my eyes and saying 'maybe the only reason I am here is to meet you' after I told her the universe compelled me to come here and listen. I understood at that moment. Open your heart to the world. It's ready for you.
Then me and Gio walked and talked. Here's a misunderstood soul that been through the fire. The actual fire. I understood then why he was the way he was - and why everybody else didn't really understand. The same way people wouldn't understand me - there is a quality of things you've gone through and never using that as an excuse to act maliciously against others. And being too honest in a world of illusion. There is a lot we talked about I can't disclose in respects of him but I will disclose what I talked about.
I talked about being educated about the Black Panthers when I was 16 years old - understanding the concept of revolution through focusing on your community and doing things like breakfast programs, outreaches, etc. How the words of Fred Hampton has rung around my head for close to a decade. And how talking to Gio has reminded of all of that. What the original mission was before all the bullshit. We talked about God a lot.
We both talked about how God utterly destroys you to test you. Just to see if you can actually handle it because worse is coming - but this time, it's for your purpose and not for illusionary things. Interesting, innit? An unplanned day of attending author book signings, watching an orchestra, and then 4 whole football matches. And a whole lot of visionary shit.
Yes it happened. She managed to cut the chord. I am thankful for everything I have learned throughout the process. It was beautiful when it lasted. And I held out hope that she was holding on. That she would one day message me and we can actually talk instead of leaving things to decay like falling leaves. But I have learned to accept what the universe gives. And lately it's given me so much - so for this to happen is basically the universe saying 'you are ready'. And I'm thankful for that.
Also I knew all this time (:
You won't get a glimpse into my life unless I allow you to anymore - or any of your acquiantances. At the end of the day, don't be pressed. I'm just some random guy. So, we'll see 🩷
impulse, embrace
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vroomvroommbtch · 2 years
Always been you - DRxfem driver!reader
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Summary: She loved the rain, but she hated races with rain. She hated every single thing that happened that cloudy day in Italy, at least until Daniel changed everything in a second.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x fem driver!reader
Warnings: Some angst, swearing and Gio being the coolest BFF in the universe. 
Word count: 4.4k
A/N: I was supposed to be writing charter 18, but this happened in the middle after a happy/sad race for my papaya heart. Couldn't get it outta my head and this happened. Its probably a big mess so bare with me, kiddos. Also I miss Gio, so I had to add him in this. Whatever, I hope you like it, enjoy, and let me know what you think! And I promise to be back with chapter 18 of SIG soon! Okay bye! ✌🏻
Always being you.
There were counted things that she hated almost as much as crushing on races. When anyone of the other nineteen drivers on the grid crushed everyone said it was racing and part of the sport; but when she crushed it was a completely different story. There it wasn’t something that happened; it was because ‘women weren’t as good at driving as men’. It was because she wasn’t made for the sport and didn't deserve that seat. She hated crushing or touching someone else’s car, but when she touched Daniel, it just felt worse. Between the craziness that always came with the start of the race, turn one, the rain and slippery track, it just happened. She couldn’t help it even if she tried, and really tried. That’s how she ended up touching Daniel’s car, which made him end up touching Carlos’ car. It was racing and she knew it, but she couldn’t help but feel awful. The only thing she could do was push it to the back of her head when it happened. She needed to focus on her race, so she did. She managed to get unharmed from the incident, put her full focus on driving the sixty-three laps that she had ahead and get in the points, which was nothing but absolutely wonderful considering the complicated year her team had the previous year. She was happy for her P5 considering it was her best finish since she was in Formula 1. It was the best finish she had since her F2 days when podiums and trophies were her thing, but it got tainted as soon as she found out Daniel finished P18. He finished last because she ruined his race. She wanted to apologize to Daniel as soon as she got out of the car, but she couldn’t because he was talking with Mick and Sebastian. Same thing happened in the pen, but every time she tried, he was in some interview, and then every time he was free, she was the one busy. Even when she couldn’t do it, she made sure to say in front of every single camera that she was absolutely sorry about what happened. She made sure she said she was going to apologize to Carlos too, because she was going to do it, but also because she knew she needed to name him and not just Daniel. She needed to do it because it was the right thing to do, but also because the whole Alfa Romeo press team was gonna kill her if she didn’t do it. Being the only woman on the grid not only included the sexist and misogynist comments but also the rumors. From the first day she stepped into the paddock for the first-time during winter testing four years earlier, the press always somehow found a way to make rumors about her love life. Normally the rumors included her and Antonio, but she understood it happened because they were best friends. They used to laugh their asses off about it because more than once people thought they were more than friends, but one day it stopped being fun. It happened when it seemed like she couldn’t spend more than five minutes talking with another driver because the next day there was gonna be rumors and even questions about her dating, whoever was the new chosen guy, no matter if she was seeing someone or one of the other drivers had a girlfriend. First was Charles, then Pierre, then Lando, and then George, but the only recurrent name besides Antonio’s was Daniel’s.
She knew the fact that they were teammates didn’t help. The fact that they were really good teammates made everything worse and as time passed and they became really good friends, it just made the situation worse. As everyone talked about Carlando, the other super team on the grid was them. It gave the Renault’s press team more than one headache, but they were a couple of mischiefs together. They were always joking and chatting. They were always pushing each other to become better drivers and doing every single thing in their power to push the team forward even when the conditions weren’t the best, for more than one reason. They even went out together to do stuff, and that’s why people and the press ended up placing his name next to hers. It was always Daniel's and for Antonio it was nothing but hilarious. Antonio knew her crush for Daniel, but he kept the secret as a good friend. He only sent her an accomplice look every time they were in the paddock and she and Daniel were too close to each other. Antonio was also the one who asked and insisted that she should say something and try to make a move with Daniel. He was the one who understood when she said she didn’t want to ruin their friendship, make things complicate and jeopardize her career but he was also the one who knew that deep down that wasn’t the only reason. She didn’t need to say anything because Antonio knew and he was the one who hugged her when they saw Daniel and some blonde girl at some party in Monaco. Everyone knew Monaco was a small place and they normally went out to the same places, but she wasn’t expecting to see that scene right in front of her. Antonio was the one who insisted they should leave because they didn’t need a damn party to have fun; they could always go home and find something on Netflix or play some video games or go straight to sleep, but as some kind of masochist she wanted to stay. It took his best friend and favorite Italian a good amount of time and insistence, but then she decided that it was time to leave. She was staying there to convince herself that she could get over him and her crush, that she didn’t need any coming from him, but deep down she was dying to be in the blonde girl’s shoes. She wasn’t drunk for obvious reasons, but after a couple beers, and once they were back at their place, she admitted to Antonio that the exact reason why she didn’t say anything to Daniel was simple. She knew he could have any girl he ever wanted, and she knew he wasn’t going to want the girl who was racing as his teammate. She said between tears she didn’t want to end up with her heart broken like she was, but the plan failed miserably.
Things between her and Daniel didn’t change between them after that night. She didn’t want him to see a change in her attitude towards him and Daniel didn’t have any fault because he was just living his life, so everything stayed the same. The only thing that changed was her attitude on the track. Maybe it was because she was mad at everything and nothing at the same time, but all that was shown on her driving. She ended up being more aggressive and bolder, which took her to get more and more points, but never took her to a podium. Antonio was also the one who held her when she lost her seat on Renault. The team was changing and rebranding, Cyril was leaving, Esteban was coming back in Daniel’s place when he decided to leave for McLaren and then Alonso decided he wanted to come back and the only one left over in the equation was her. She knew how Formula 1 worked; she knew nobody’s place was promised for forever because it was like the musical chairs game, but it hurt to lose her place. It hurt when she was doing everything and more in her power to improve and take the team to a better place than it was. What also hurt was knowing she was going to lose Daniel as her teammate and she didn’t hide it away. After two years of working together there was no need to hide it, but she threw it away in form of jokes and silly comments. She made that every single time someone asked about it, not really caring if a camera was there, and that only made the rumors worse, but she ignored it.
What she couldn’t ignore were Daniel’s eyes one morning after he took her to a side and asked if she was really mad at him about leaving. It happened right after they recorded some interviews and one of the questions was how she was feeling about going to Alfa Romeo with Antonio but not being teammates with Daniel anymore. She made a silly comment, threw a joke; they both laughed, and kept going with the next question, answering again what was their favorite circuit. She knew Daniel enough to know he was really worried when he asked if she was really mad at him, but what she wasn’t expecting was the look on his eyes when she brushed it off with a simple ‘I’m not mad at you, D. We’re friends and that’s not gonna change because we're on different teams’. She wasn’t silly; she could see how his eyes changed when she said the word ‘friends’ but she decided to brush it off, just like the question. She convinced herself that being away from Daniel was going to be good to make her forget her silly crush about him. Besides, being on the same team with her best friend was a dream that came true, so it was good. She repeated that it was going to be okay, and in part it was. The season ended, winter break came and she tried as bad as possible to forget about Daniel, and she almost did. Almost, because as soon as she ran into him on the circuit in Bahrein, it all came back to her. She wanted to punch herself or even ask Antonio to punch her as she felt the butterflies and the knock in her stomach, but seeing Daniel was as good as any punch. They waved at each other, and his ‘Sorry I can’t hug you, Cherry’ was the biggest punch she could ever receive. He had to go and use that silly nickname that he had invented for her. She couldn’t help but remember those first days at Renault when they were trying to get along and Daniel was trying his best to make her feel welcome in her first year on F1. He was trying to make her feel like one more and not a rookie, and he did it. He did it and it all started with one silly cherry lollipop.  
It happened after their first photoshoot they did together for Renault when Daniel spent the day dancing as they took pictures of them. She spent the morning whispering she was insane but laughing her ass off as he moved with the music. To make her get loose, Daniel made her dance with him as if photographers weren't surrounding them, cameras recording and people on the team. It worked; God knew it worked to the point she almost forgot how much she didn’t really like that part of her job. Her favorite photo of that day ended up being one where Daniel was with his arm around her shoulders, trying to get his index finger in her ear as she was holding his face with one hand right on his cheek. It was stupid, but she loved it. Once the day was over, she was eating a lollipop as she was ready to leave the building, but Daniel followed her, asking how she was feeling after all the pictures, videos and dancing. She said she was really happy and that the photoshoots were actually better when they included a dance party. She had no idea how it happened, but she took the lollipop out of her mouth for a second, and the next thing she knew, Daniel was stealing it from her hand and placing it right in his mouth. With the cheekiest grin on his face, he affirmed ‘We’re gonna be good friends, Cherry’ as he winked at her before he walked away, leaving her tongue tied and with her jaw hanging.  
He didn’t stop calling her Cherry after that, but never in public. Only once did she have the courage to ask why he only called her like that in private, and his answer was as simple and short as ‘I’m not letting anyone else use that nickname with you’ and his answer was enough, so she never complained. Once they went their separate ways, she wasn’t expecting Daniel to call her like that, but there he was, throwing her that holy nickname in front of Antonio.
She really thought her friendship with Daniel was going to be over as soon as they went their separate ways, but somehow it didn’t. As soon as the season started again, it also did the texts, comments on pictures on Instagram and the silly little talks any time they could while they were in the paddock. What she wasn’t expecting was their worst year in Formula 1 to bring them closer. Hers and Antonio’s year at Alfa Romeo wasn’t as good as they were expecting, just like Daniel’s year at McLaren. As the races came and went, she used to make jokes trying to make them both feel better. She would say that at least he won seven Grand Prix more than her; that at least his car was actually fast, and that he was able to get points, not like her. Every single time he would smile at her, saying things were going to get better, and she believed him. Heaven knew that she really believed him and any word that came from his mouth. She was ready to believe in anything he said as long as he smiled at her. Just when the rumors about her seemed to disappear or at least calm down, they fucked it up going to have dinner on their own. She wasn’t expecting to find a text from Daniel when she was in United States for summer break, but it happened. She was in Los Angeles too, but she never said a thing to Daniel about it when some weeks earlier he asked her plans. She said she was going to the beach and nothing else, but then she made a post on Instagram while she was on the beach. That’s when, five minutes later, she got a text that said ‘Dinner tonight?’ and she couldn’t say no. She knew it was just a friendly dinner, but they made the wrong decision of going out instead of having dinner at his house or at the place she was renting. Even if they went to a really private place and kept it low-key, someone recognized him and the rumors went back. She was pissed because if the guys on the grid went to have dinner it was just a bunch of boys having a night out, but if she did the same then she was fucking the guy. She was pissed, but she decided to ignore it and just focus on the memory of how happy and handsome Daniel looked that night in the chair right in front of her.
Things eventually got better, at least for him. She couldn’t help but hug the hell out of him when he won Monza. She felt as happy as if she or Antonio had won, hitting Daniel’s helmet as they hugged in the parc fermé, yelling over their helmets how much he deserved it because he really deserved it. On that Italian circuit she decided that if people wanted to invent shit, they could write whatever they wanted, and damn, they did. Speculation after speculation was written down, but she ignored it over the happiness she had for him. But just when she thought things were getting better, at least for one of them, it all went to hell in one single day. Like every single time, she ignored the silly season, but one day she and Antonio found out one of them was going to lose their seat. She didn’t want to believe it; she actually wanted to ignore it, but it was all true. She was thankful to have her best friend by her side, but damn, it was hard to know one of them was going to be out. It was their dream to be there and it was their dream to be teammates, but after the last race it was all going to be over. When it all happened, the last thing she was expecting was Daniel being the one promising her that everything was going to be fine. She also wasn’t expecting him to be her shoulder to cry on when she found out Antonio was leaving. It happened one night when she didn’t want to bother her team and she ended up knocking at his motorhome, not really knowing where else to go. That’s when they reached a level of friendship she wasn’t expecting to reach, but she loved it, even if she wanted to be more than friends with him. When the new season started, Daniel was also the one making her smile every time he could when she felt weird for not seeing Antonio there. She knew Antonio technically was there sometimes, doing his thing in the Ferrari garage, but it wasn’t the same as doing silly interviews and press with him. They would wave to each other, hug fast and tightly as they walked by each other, and promise to catch up later, but once it was all over she felt weird. It wasn’t as funny as before, but Daniel was the one stuck by her side every second he could, talking to her about everything and then some to keep her mind away from things because he knew her mind was everywhere and probably over-worrying about every single possible thing. That’s why she felt nothing but terrible when she was crushed into him. Daniel didn’t deserve to end up P18, but it happened and it was her fault. The first thing she did as soon as she could, and before she went back to the hospitality for the debriefing, was go to the red building in the paddock. She apologized to Carlos for a short moment, and as soon as it was all fixed and settled, she went to the orange building. She felt terrible asking if she could come inside to see Daniel for a second. She felt terrible walking into the Ferrari’s building, but she felt worse going into the McLaren’s one. She felt as if she had a scarlet letter right in her chest, letting everyone know she was the guilty one for what happened. She had to wait by the door as someone obviously asked Daniel if he wanted to talk to her and those seconds felt like an eternity. It was cold, she was tired and she still had hours ahead to work and then a fly back to Monaco, but all she wanted was to do was see Daniel and then sleep.
She was thinking how much she missed her pillow when the glass door opened and someone in an orange uniform told her to come in because Daniel was in his room waiting for her. She tried to keep a straight face, knowing perfectly fine there were cameras everywhere behind her, all of them dying to record the ‘friends fixing things after the fucked up’ encounter. She tried as much as she could, but then she knocked at his door; she was terrified. The seconds waiting for him to answer felt like an eternity, but then she heard a ‘Come in!’ from the other side, which made her open slightly the door, enough to give her room for her head. She was expecting Daniel to be absolutely pissed at her, and he had all the right to be, but it wasn’t the case. He looked like he was tired like always after a race. She was also expecting to be with his team, but he was all alone, which, in part, made her get more scared.
“Hey Dan, you have a minute?” she murmured, her voice being a mix of tiredness, worry, and fear. The last thing she wanted Daniel to get mad at her, so she was even scared to speak too loudly and ruin the silence of the room. “Just come in, kiddo” he affirmed, getting up to open the door enough for her to walk in. “If you stay outside, they’ll film everything, so come in” She knew he was right, so there was no point in arguing about anything, so all she did was walk inside and wait for him to close the door behind them. She knew there was no much time, they both had things to do and she had to leave that hospitality before it was worse and before people started talking again, so she tried to find the perfect way to apologize. “Dan, I’m so fucking sorry. I just-” she breathed, finding impossible to explain what happened even if both of them just knew. “The car just slipped, mate. I knew you were in front of me and couldn't fucking stop it. I couldn’t hit the brakes or it was gonna we worse, but I swear I tried, Dan. I’m so fucking sorry” she apologized.
She was normally good with words, but this time she was a complete disaster. Not only did she feel terrible for what had happened; she also was absolutely nervous to be in front of Daniel. It had been so long since they had been alone in a room that she felt shy. That added to the guilt she was feeling made her an absolute mess, not being able to make a logical phrase. The fact that Daniel was looking nothing but perfectly and absolutely handsome wasn’t really helping. His race suit was half undone and around his waist, his curls were a beautiful mess, and the white fireproof was leaving too little to the imagination. Besides, his stubble was a bit longer than usual and for a second she asked herself again how it would feel against her skin, but she had to stop herself and focus on the important issue. “It's fine, Cherry” he started, and the second her nickname left his lips she felt like a weight leaving her shoulders. “It’s racing, this shit happens. I know it wasn’t on purpose or any of that. I know you and know you wouldn’t do that, so no hard feelings” Daniel smiled tiredly, pinching her cheeks with his fingers as he was sitting at the massage table, right in front of where she was standing. Daniel always did that. Every single time she was feeling bad about something, he would say something to cheer her up and then he would pinch her cheek to make her smile. It always worked because feeling her fingers onto her skin never failed to make her smile, but this time it wasn’t enough. But even when she didn’t smile, the butterflies on her stomach suddenly woke up, but there was also no time for that, so she ignored it. “I know this shit happens, but goddamn, I feel like shit. God knows the last thing I ever wanted to do was fuck up your race. I mean, it’s you, D. I can’t fuck it up with you, mate” she exhaled, scratching the back of her head thanks to the nervousness she was feeling. “What do you mean it's me?” It took her a moment to realize what had happened. It took her a second to realize she had lowered her guard. It took her just one look to realize Daniel knew. She could see in his eyes that he knew she wasn’t just talking about racing. After all those years, after all the times, Antonio insisted that she should say something, and after more than one flirty thing that happened to them, that was her change. It was her change to jump to the pool. If it didn’t have water, then all she had to do was run from there, act like nothing happened, and then avoid Daniel for the rest of her or his career. But she couldn’t risk losing her chance if there was actual water there. She knew there was a small percentage of having a change, so she decided to take a leap of faith for once in her life. “It's you. Since the day we met at the factory in Enstone. It’s always been you, Dan” she finally admitted. And damn, how happy she was that she finally did it. Just like that day when he stole her cherry lollipop, Daniel didn’t ask for permission. He got up from the table, placed one hand on her lower back, the other on the back of her head, their bodies together, and then his lips over hers. The soft moan that left her lips when they kissed was nothing but pathetic, but she couldn’t help it. He kissed her like a man on a mission, almost desperate to make it up for the lost time. In that second, and as their lips and tongues moved together, he couldn’t help but wonder if Daniel had been waiting for as long as she was, but she wasn’t going to waste time on questions. No when his hands had her hair and her race suit in a tight grip. Not when she was finally able to lip and bite his lower lip as she always dreamt about. No when her own hands were holding onto his back for dear life, but especially not when he smiled against her lips as they moved away just enough to catch their breath. “I need to go. Everyone its outside and press and debrief and shit” she murmured out of breath, stealing one last kiss, in part because he was absolutely addictive and in part because she wanted to do it again and prove it wasn’t all a mistake or a dream. “Are you gonna be in Monaco this week?” Daniel asked her in the lowest voice, surely trying to keep it quiet in case someone was near the door. The last thing they needed was more rumors, but as he looked down at her, she wanted to go and scream from the rooftops so everybody would know. She didn’t have the strength to talk again, so she kept looking at him and nodded twice, letting him know that she was gonna spend the week in Monaco. “Dinner?” This time she nodded again, but instead of leaving, she kissed him again.
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ipuckwithhockey · 3 years
Easier Said Than Done- M. Tkachuk
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Part 1
Part 2- Can’t stay away from you
summary: Matt knows this is a bad idea but he can’t help himself when the universe keeps bringing you into his life.
a/n: part 2 is here y’all! i hope you enjoy it. let me know what you think!
warnings: cursing
You’ve been settled into a table at a coffee shop for a couple hours with your “time to study” playlist blaring through your headphones and you don’t notice a tall blue-eyed man approach you. When he taps your shoulder unexpectedly you practically jump out of your chair, causing your hand that was writing your beautifully organized notes to knock your cup of coffee off the table, shattering on impact as it hits the floor. The man has quick reflexes though, and is able to jump back and out of the way of the falling cup. 
“Fuck! Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” The man blurts out as you try to take in what just happened. 
You take your headphones out of your ears so you can hear what he’s saying, “Sorry what? I- I couldn’t hear you.” You stutter a bit when you look up at him and realize who he is. You don’t know him, but you do recognize him. 
He was at the Giordano’s about a week ago for their son’s birthday party. You remember seeing him there, his curly mop of hair and broad shoulders had caught your eye, but you also recognized him from somewhere else. You recognized him from the pictures that Lauren has framed around their home, from the advertisements plastered across the city, and from the TV when you get a chance to watch a Flames game. Matthew Tkachuk just scared the shit out of you and you almost spilt a coffee all over him.  
An employee comes over to help you clean up the mess that has been made and sweeps the broke glass away. You and Matthew do your best to help but end up awkwardly apologizing to the employee and then thanking them when they’ve finished cleaning up. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. Probably would have gone for a different approach had I known that was going to happen,” Matthew says. 
“Oh, it’s fine. I was just taking—” You look down at the table and you notice that your once beautifully crafted notes are now splotched with coffee. You can’t help it, you try to control it, but the tears start to pierce the corners of your eyes without your approval. It’s completely embarrassing but your stress over law school is winning over your pride and composure. Matthew can see your chin start to tremble and even though you’re trying to hide it, the look on your face says it all. 
“Are you okay?” Matthew asks cautiously.
“Y-yeah” you choke out. “mfine. It’s fine.” Your cheeks are lightly stained with tears and you’re sniffling between words, trying to get a grip and steady your breath as you start to gather your notes. You try to make yourself busy without looking up, not wanting to make eye contact, and praying that he might just leave you be. Instead, he gently wraps a hand around your forearm to get you to look at him. 
“Hey hey. It’s okay. I’m sure we can fix it.” He says with concern in his eyes. He’s trying to be gentle with you because the look in your eyes says you might just crack again as you shake your head no, looking at your notes. Matt doesn’t really know what to do in this situation but he does know that he hates seeing you upset and will do anything to try to help. “Here, how about we start by sitting down.” He motions for you to sit in the chair you jumped from moments ago, “And I’ll get you another coffee, okay?” He asks, still looking at you with caution. You can’t say anything because you’re afraid you might cry again so you just shake your head telling him okay before he leaves to go order you another coffee.
While he’s gone, you’re able to calm yourself down, taking some deep breathes as you tell yourself it will be okay. You know it will be and you know that your stress is causing you to over dramatize the events that have unfolded. You also know that you have another set of the same notes at home and that you were just redoing them to help you study. A few minutes later Matthew returns with the coffee cup he held earlier in one hand and a new one in his other. He sits the other cup down in front of you and to your surprise he takes the seat across form yours. 
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” You thank your voice for not giving out on you and for sounding somewhat normal as you speak. Embarrassment doesn’t exactly cover what you’re feeling, and you’re surprised that Matthew has stuck around this long in general, but now he’s sitting down in front of you and doesn’t look like he’s going anywhere any time soon. 
“I think it’s the least I could do considering I scared the hell out of you, broke a glass… and then made you cry...”  He looks down sheepishly as he says the last one. He feels horrible and quite frankly, very out of his league in this situation. Not only did he ignore his promise to Gio to stay away from you, but he’s also managed to get you to hate him in about five seconds. What makes him feel even worse is that you’re still being so nice to him. This is only adding to his growing infatuation with you, and he curses himself for not having the will power to walk away the moment he saw you. 
You blush out of embarrassment, “I’m the one who should be apologizing to you, and they’re just notes, it’s fine. I actually have a copy at home. I’m just stressed, and I freaked out but I promise you it’s totally fine.” You try to reassure him and the concern he’s showing, and instinctively letting your hand rest on top of his. A simple comforting gesture that wouldn’t mean anything to most people, lit a fire in Matthew that he wasn’t prepared for. His eyes are glued to your hand and when you notice you quickly pull it back, but not without noticing how large and warm it was. But before you get a chance to apologize Matt is asking you what you’re studying for and trying to cover up the blush that has settled across his cheeks. 
“It’s for the exam at the end of the semester, so not for a few months but I—“
“You’re already studying for a test that’s months away?” He looks at you like you’re crazy, and you laugh because when you broke down crying a few minutes ago he seemed pretty collected but now he’s downright flabbergasted, “I’m Matt by the way,” he adds quickly, realizing that you might not know who he is and that it would be polite to formally introduce himself. 
You let out a little laugh, “Yeah, most of my grade is based off of the one exam so you have to study for it all semester.” You explain to him as he nods but still looks confused. “…I’m y/n, you were at Gio’s the other day for Jack’s birthday party, right?” you ask him, and Matt is astonished that you even noticed he was there. Every time he looked at you, you were either entertaining the kids around you or having what looked to be very mature conversations with the adults that made Matt feel incredibly of place.
“Yeah I was. I uh- that’s actually why I came over here in the first place. I recognized you.” Matthew says trying not to sound too creepy, and you can’t help but smile because you can’t believe he even noticed you. Being noticed by any cute guy is one thing, but Matthew Tkachuk had that kind of bad boy vibe that made him that much more irresistible. 
“Oh. Well, it’s nice to finally meet you. The kids talk about you all the time.” You say.
The Giordano kids loved Matt and when you babysat on game nights the three of you would sit together on the couch in matching jerseys, all with the number 5 on the back, but whenever number 19 would get into a scrum the kids would go wild. Reese used to get upset every time it would happen, but her brother has taught her to cheer instead now. Jack really admires Matt and sometimes during mini sticks, instead of pretending to be his dad he’ll pretend to be Matt. (You just try to keep the pretend scrums to a minimum.) It was adorable and he is obviously attractive, but you aren’t immune to the rumors that float around town. He’s a playboy who can take a different girl home every time he goes out. Even Mark and Lauren have even made comments about his bachelor lifestyle. 
Despite those rumors and the comments, you’re genuinely surprised by Matt. He stays with you at your table for over an hour as the two of you talk. You expected him to be pompous and cocky and just like all those douche bags that you met in college. He was cocky, but you didn’t expect him to be so nice or sweet, or even funny. You definitely didn’t expect him to flirt with you. It wasn’t anything too over the top, but subtle things in the tone in which he would speak made you think he was trying to flirt.
Over the hour that you spent together he asked you about your relationship with the Giordano’s and he had plenty of questions about law school. It was actually really sweet. Matt hadn’t gone to college, skipping that step, and opting to go to the OHL before signing with the Flames. Most of his knowledge of the university experience came from his brother Brady’s short stint at Boston College, or a few stories he heard from his friends back home. He didn’t know a lick about law school, and he’s fascinated listening to you explain things that are surely going right over his head. 
He gets so caught up in you that he doesn’t realize how much time has passed and when he looks down at his phone, he realizes that he’s going to be late for a meeting and can’t help but feel a little sad. He doesn’t want this conversation to end and if it does, he doesn’t want it to be a singular occurrence, which is what has him asking if he can have your number. 
And despite the little voices in your head telling you no, you end up saying yes. “Yeah. Yeah, sure.” You reply not able to hide your smile. He’s charming and handsome and completely out of your league, but you figure it won’t hurt to give him your number anyway. He might not even use it, right?
A few days later you find yourself sitting in a fancy chair in a boutique that sells $50 scrunchies as you watch Lauren try on a dress that probably costs as much as your rent. She insisted that the two of you go shopping before lunch— on her of course, and no matter how many times you told her that you couldn’t let her do that, she stood her ground and insisted it was her treat. It’s been a couple hours of shopping and you don’t know how Lauren can do this for so long.  If shopping was a sport Lauren would be winning gold at the Olympics, you however wouldn’t even qualify.
You let her buy you a new blouse that you’ll probably get more use out of when you get a job at a law firm and a swanky dress that was probably only appropriate for a fancy party. You’re not sure when you’ll ever get to wear it, and would never have spent that much money on something that you would get so little use out of, but Lauren really hyped you up and when she offered to buy it you couldn’t say no. 
“So,” she says as she sits down in the chair next to yours, “What’s been going on in your life that isn’t school?”
You laugh at that. All you really do is go to class and study right now. It’s pretty hard to keep a job in law school so you’re basically just a full time student. You don’t really have a social life unless it’s studying with your friends or maybe an occasional lunch or dinner out. There’s really nothing new on the ‘not school’ front and you tell her that, getting a lack luster facial expression from her in return. 
“You work too much! You’re young! This is the time in your life to go out and have fun!” She exclaims. Lauren completely admires your work ethic and she’s incredibly proud of you but the mom in her wants to make sure that you’re not missing out on some of the best years of your life because you’re too busy studying. She means well and she has a point, you probably could be a little more active in your social life and this in turn makes you remember who you saw a few days earlier. 
“You’ll never guess who I ran into the other day.” You say as you wait for Lauren to change back into her clothes. 
“Oh!? Who was it? Is he cute?” She asks from behind the curtain of the dressing room, and without even knowing if it was a guy, but not so secretly hoping it is. 
“It was Matthew Tkachuk. And yeah, I guess he is kinda cute.” you joke. 
You can see the surprise on her face as she pops her head out from behind the curtain, “Where in the world did you run into him?” She asks in reply, but you make her finish changing and check out of the store before you answer her. Lauren may be able to shop until she drops but you’re ready for lunch and if you have to hang this over her head to get there, then that’s what you’ll do. 
The two of you leave the store, Lauren with another bag in her hand, and walk around the corner to the restaurant for lunch. “So, where the hell did you run into Chucky” She asks as you settle into your seat and pick up the sleek menu sitting in front of you. 
“Well, if you must know, I was studying at that coffee shop by my apartment, and he came up behind me and scared the shit out of me. I knocked my coffee on the floor and everything.” You tell her in a little bit of a mocking tone, knowing that she’s a sucker for gossip. “He felt really bad though, and bought me another coffee after he made me cry—“
“He did WHAT!?” 
“Well, the coffee got on my notes and I was just really stressed about school so I kind of started crying...” 
“So he wasn’t mean to you? He didn’t do anything rude, did he?” She asks in her best mom voice. It makes you chuckle, and you tell her no, explaining that it was just an accident. You also tell her about how he stayed and talked to you for a while. “He actually surprised me. He’s not as... I don’t know... dick-ish?” That probably wasn’t the best way to describe it, but it probably got the message across but when you look up you can see something brewing on Lauren’s face and it resembles worry. 
“Listen, I’m just going to be straightforward with you. He’s a good guy, but he lacks... Well, he lacks some maturity on the relationship side of his life. I know he can be very charming, but I can’t promise that he won’t hurt you. The stats aren’t good, and I don’t want to see you get hurt by him.” You haven’t even told her about him asking for your number, and because of this, you choose not to. Instead, you tell her not to worry about it, and that you don’t think that door will be opening anytime soon anyway. There might be a very small part of you that is a little let down because he hasn’t called or texted since you gave him your number, but you push that thought to the side. Lauren had a point too, there isn’t any guarantee that you wouldn’t get hurt and right now you need to be focusing on school, and not on a hypothetical relationship. 
The next time that Matt sees you it’s not by his doing. He’s tried his best to keep away from you and has resisted using the number that sits heavy in his cellphone. Instead, he stalks your Instagram and goes through your Twitter likes. He feels like he’s back in middle school again as he begins to pick apart pieces of your life. You apparently read. A lot. And most of your liked tweets are from the Sparknotes account or niche memes that Matt doesn’t understand. He may not understand them, but it doesn’t keep him from reading every single one of them in hopes of gaining some sort of insight into your life. 
On more than one occasion he has sat up at night thinking about texting you, asking what you were up to and hoping you would come over. He never did because he knew that one night wouldn’t be enough. Night after night he could have a different girl come and go from his bed, but for the first time in a long time he didn’t want a girl for just one night. But he couldn’t even let himself pick up the phone to ask you out on a proper date because his captain asked him explicitly to stay away. He couldn’t disobey a direct order. And who knows, maybe he wouldn’t be any good at any of this relationship stuff anyway. Unfortunately, that didn’t keep him from wanting to try. All these factors only added to the list of reasons why he couldn’t let himself pick up the phone and call you. He couldn’t justify it and so he pushed the thought to the side. 
The world works in mysterious ways though, and sometimes it will continue to bring two people together no matter how much they fight it. That’s exactly what happened as Matthew came by to pick up Mark on his way to the arena and you were on your way into the house to babysit for the game. You were just getting out of your car when Matthew pulled up in the driveway beside you. 
You can see that it’s him and you try to rush around his car and into the house before you can experience anymore embarrassment. He asked for your number weeks ago and clearly hasn’t used it.  There wasn’t any obligation to do so, but you figure you can assume that asking for someone’s number implies that they are going to use it, except he never did. So maybe he just asked out of pity or maybe he asked and changed his mind.
“Y/N!” You hear him call out your name following the sound of his car door shutting, stopping you in your tracks as you slowly turn to face him. 
“Matt! Hey!” you say a bit too enthusiastically and like you hadn’t seen it was him in the car.
The two of you are at a standstill, neither one knowing what to say or how to act with the looming fact that Matt has your number in his pocket but hasn’t chosen to use it. He knows that he shouldn’t have even asked for the number in the first place and that he’s gotten himself into this mess but now doesn’t know how to get himself out. 
“Um. So I-“
“It’s totall-“
You both start to talk at the same time but you insist that he finish his statement first, “I’m uh- I’m sorry about not calling. I know that’s a dick move-” 
You cut him off, feeling a twinge of confidence arise, “So why didn’t you?” You ask innocently but knowing that you’ve caught the hotshot off guard. 
“Um- I just I don’t know if this is a good idea.” He replies. 
“Well how can you know if you don’t try? Isn’t that the whole point of going on a date?” You say and then realize that maybe he didn’t want your number to ask you out. Maybe he just wanted to see if you would be willing to crawl into his be one night and out the next morning. 
You don’t get a chance to answer. Gio is coming out the front door and doesn’t seem to even notice that the two of you are in the middle of a conversation. He simply waves goodbye to you and ushers Matt back to his car as he starts to talk about something to do with Johnny. Matt does his best to play it off cool, hoping to god Gio hasn’t noticed, and thankfully he doesn’t mention you at all on the drive to the rink. 
Spending time with the kids was just what you needed as a break from your classes, and you let the kids stay up until Lauren gets home from the game. The Flames won 3-1 and the kids couldn’t have been better for you. You’re in such a great mood that when Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody comes on the radio, you turned it up full blast so that you can sing at the top of your lungs. The earlier encounter with Matthew is long forgotten as you sing and dance to the radio on your way home. With the radio turned up you don’t hear a text come through. You don’t even see until you’re snuggled up in bed, ready to set your alarm for the next morning, and when you click on the unknown number you’re more than surprised when you read what the message says.
Maybe: Matt: Hey it’s Matt. I think you might be right about the dating thing. Are you free Thursday night?
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georgeousrussell · 3 years
Callum should have won f2 last year. It makes me so sad again. I thought I’d get it over by now but ahhh it still breaks my heart. That was his one solid shot. Mick, who i love just as much, will always get a seat anyway. Plus he already has that f3 championship. But with Callum being a runner up and not having won any of the previous lower formula championships, it’s really hard to make a case. The kids he is competing against for a seat in F1 are all so strong and impressive: pourchaire who is a priority because he is a sauber acad driver, piastri who won everything on his rookie year and is now leading f2 again as a rookie, even shwartzman is really strong and has that smp bank russian backing plus I get the feeling that rob is a ferrari favorite. Part of me wants him to move on and kill the competition in indycar. He’ll do good there. I dont want him wasting his time on the sideline hoping something comes up.
OOH hello anon sorry it's taken me a while to gather my thoughts on this
I was originally referring to how every time something looks up for Callum, F1 seems to come back in the picture. For instance in this case he has a drive in an Indycar race and it's awesome and the literal next major news in motorsports after his announcement is Alfa is calling on a reserve driver for a race weekend... and it's like the one time he's not available.
but i have thoughts on your other points so I'm putting this below a cut because I rambled a bit too much
Yeah I hear you on the f2 thing. I was convinced that as long as mick landed in the top three he would have gotten a seat, but I was never too sure about callum. I honestly don't think Callum would have gotten a seat even if he won the freaking championship. Alpha was always going to take Yuki, Ferrari would have gotten Mick in that Haas in a heartbeat and a half, and we all know why egghead is in the seat. Unless Kimi retired last year, Callum was SOL in any case. At least that's my two cents on this.
I would however argue that while pourchaire is def a priority he would need at least 1-2 years more in F2 (unless he wins next year). He's just too young and not up to pace yet in my eyes. Pourchaire just drove an F1 car for the first time last month. He's definitely not ready for a full seat right now.
Piastri is a def strong contender, but he's in the Alpine Academy and I would be more likely to put him in Alonso's seat than a Ferrari-affiliated seat.
Rob has the financial backing from Russia and I agree there was pressure from there with Ferrari. Especially since he went into this season with a SL I'm pretty sure. But it honestly doesn't seem like anyone really looked at him for the seat?
Callum might have just been more visible as the reserve driver for Alfa but throughout the year it really seemed like Vasseur was looking to Callum for the seat since Callum was originally promised like what 7 FP1s? The man's done 1 or 2. Came 17th in FP1 Portugal, even beating Mick's time iirc. He's appeared in a couple of their marketing videos, showing at least some further interest. He's got the talent, Ferrari clearly saw it before to make him ferrari test driver, alfa romeo reserve and give him a ton of fp1s in theory, so what happened now?
It seems like right now his competition for the seat are people like Hulkenberg and Bottas. I'm not a huge fan of Hulk coming back AGAIN and Bottas I understand him wanting to stay in F1 and he's damn good even if I'm not a fan of him (in a "good driver, not a bad guy, just not my cup of tea to stan" kind of way). I'd love a Gio/Callum line-up honestly but I'm not sure if Gio's done enough to keep the seat with the likes of Bottas and Hulk knocking. I'd love for alfa to have one experienced driver in Bottas or Gio who knows the car or hell even Alex (even though I'm looking at him in Williams) and Callum as a rookie.
So don't get me wrong, if Indy is where he ends up, I'm extremely proud of him and I will 100% drive to my nearest GPs (the benefit of living by IMS means romain and him would BOTH fly into the airport near me hehe) and cheer him on as hard as I can. But DAMN do I wish he could have gotten the chance he so rightly deserves.
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un0vian · 4 years
Hear me out, SSS Miraculous Ladybug AU?
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oh man you guys have no idea how much I’ve thought about an au like this before
The anon is new, but this has been in the inbox for a while, I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long! Also this kind of takes a general understanding of the show to make any sense!
This is just a HUGE bundle of ideas lmao I’m sorry it’s so disorganized. I’ll put some of the doodles up here and put in a read more for all of my bullet points (I wrote almost 2K words for this hhhh)
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No Pokémon in this AU, and I’m not clever enough to shape the Miraculous after any of them lol.
I think Lance being the Guardian of the Miraculous fits the most.
Lyra becomes the Ladybug Miraculous holder the same way Marinette does, by showing and acting upon her compassion towards someone in need (not the same exact way, considering Lance isn’t nearly as old as Master Fu; she probably saves an old man and Lance notices).
In this AU’s origins I think it would make sense that Giovanni and Silver just moved to Goldenrod from Kanto. Giovanni (obviously) was a part of the crime-world, but found out about the Miraculous and their power, got ahold of the Cat and Butterfly Miraculous, learned of the Ladybug Miraculous’ general location, then decided moving was a good idea. They move into a place like the Agreste mansion (Silver thinks the move is just random btw).
I would say Giovanni holds Silver to high standards like Gabriel does for Adrien. Giovanni has Silver play the Violin and Cello (READ FVAWA!!!), and was probably homeschooled in Kanto. I’ll also say he probably has basic self defense training.
To blend in, Silver becomes enrolled at the same school that Lyra, Kris, and Ethan attend.
Lyra, Kris, and Ethan always try to yoink the back two tables, and every new seating chart the three play Rock Paper Scissors, loser sits alone. Lyra loses and ends up at the table next to the other two with an empty seat.
Their teacher, Professor Elm (I mean, who else would it be?? There’s Oak ofc but eh), introduces Silver to the class and has him sit with Lyra. 
It’s obvious to Lyra that Silver is more socially reserved, but she introduces herself anyway.
Lyra moved from New Bark Town to Goldenrod City early in her childhood (Her and Ethan were childhood friends, Ethan moved to Goldenrod a little before Silver. Kris grew up in Goldenrod). I think it would be cool to keep the Bakery; Lyra’s mom would work there with Lyra helping out a lot.
I’m thinking Lyra could possibly be a model like Adrien, but wayyy on the DL in comparison. She has the right temperament for being in the spotlight (aka not being a flustered mess all the time), hence why she’s so well suited for the Miraculous.
Her passion is writing! Writing poems, speeches, music, all of it. And she enjoys public speaking. She’ll pull out a notebook (or just type on her phone like a sane person) whenever she gets a new idea.
Lyra sings and plays the synth. She plays songs she writes sometimes!
Tikki helps Lyra a lot with her worries about being a Superhero, and is great at giving suggestions and ideas of what Lyra should write if she has a block. Basically usual Tikki being great.
When the first Akuma appeared, Lyra found her Miraculous the same way Marinette did. The difference is when Tikki appeared she was less fearful, and learned about de-evilizing Akumas from the start.
When Ladybug showsed up to stop the Akuma there was no other support. She was able to defeat the Akuma, but damn, what a workout.
Hear me out here, what if there wasn’t an umbrella scene? I’d rather have their feelings for each other grow over time as Silver begins to doubt his father’s reasons for needing the Ladybug Miraculous and reflects on his actions. Besides, Lyra having feelings for Silver in the beginning would be kinda cringe 😬 (@Marinette in the PV smh)
The first Akuma was Giovanni’s way of testing the waters, and confirms that the Ladybug Miraculous is in Goldenrod. The night afterwards he approaches Silver with the Cat Miraculous. Giovanni explains that he needs the Ladybug Miraculous along with the Cat Miraculous to bring Silver’s mother back (which is total bullshit, all he wants is power), and offers him the Miraculous.
And about Silver’s mother; I know there’s a theory about Ariana being his mom, but in this AU (and in general, really) I HC his mother being kindhearted and not part of the mob ahah. (Also same sitch as Adrien’s mom in this AU)
Silver is apprehensive towards the “offer”, but can he really say no? And he does want to see his mom again. So he accepts. Giovanni barely hides the vile smirk on his face and throws in a “I’m proud of you, son” for good measure :/
From then on, Cat Noir shows up to battle Ladybug after an Akuma is de-evilized.
Plagg is somewhere between neutral and good. He’ll (not-so) subtly suggest that Silver should join Ladybug, and point out how much of a dick Giovanni is… but he won’t actively try to stop him because he can’t really do anything about it anyways. Plagg supposes he’ll just have to be patient. And he teases Silver about anything and everything, and his reactions are priceless.
Already having no partner to rely on during Akuma battles, Ladybug is most definitely tired out and has far too many close calls in her battles with Cat Noir. Lyra vents about this to Tikki, and worries about being unable to contact the guardian and request more help.
Lance realizes his mistake after a particularly nasty fight when a stroke of luck saves Ladybug from de-transforming. He introduces himself right after that fight, and apologizes for his oversight.
At this moment I don’t know if it would make more sense to introduce only one more Miraculous holder or two, and if they should be permanent or temporary. I’ll put down my bare-bones ideas for the Miraculous holders anyways.
Ethan - Fox Miraculous, Kris - Turtle Miraculous. I see Kris suiting the Turtle Miraculous because she waits for the right moment instead of jumping right in. I see her as being a great protector compared to Ethan.
Sheesh this is already super long any I haven’t really gotten to the SSS portion 
Slow burn like the show, but in this case neither has a crush for a whiiiile. That part is quite different from the show, but the context is not the same.
Eventually there’s a semblance of a friendship between Lyra and Silver. They got close through sitting at the same table in class and working on different projects together. They also find they both share a love of music.
Anyways, Lyra gets really excited about their friendship and prattles on about it to Tikki.
“Wow, it almost sounds like you like him!”
“Whaaaaat? No!!! He’s just a friend, Tikki!” (Nice Adrien impression, Lyra 😃)
Along the way Silver begins questioning Giovanni’s reasons more and more, but it’s difficult for him to decide whether to keep fighting Ladybug or not because of all the things that could happen. 
Eventually Plagg sits him down and is like:
“You don’t want to fight Ladybug.”
“You have a friend (Lyra) who has made it clear to you that you are welcome in their home, so you would have somewhere to stay if Gio-bitch kicks you out.”
“Ladybug may not trust you at first, but if you explain yourself she may begin to understand, and the act of switching sides paves the path to redemption.”
Then there’s the ol’ switcheroo. During the worst Akuma yet (with Kris and Ethan helping as heroes), Cat Noir is able to get close to the Akuma and Cataclysms the Akumatized object. He flees immediately, thinking it better to show loyalty in small increments pffff
It’s a HUGE shocker to Giovanni. And Ladybug for that matter. Silver already packed a bag and had his violin ready to go, he grabs his things and doesn’t bother staying. He’s a little pissed Giovanni didn’t even try to stop him.
At this point Lyra and Silver like each other, but neither know how the other feels. Silver feels SO awkward about showing up at the Bakery with his stuff and almost turns around when Lyra’s mom (who had a bad vibe about Giovanni in the first place) spots him.
“Do you need a place to stay?”
“You’re lying. Tell me what happened.”
Silver reluctantly explains that he couldn’t stand staying there anymore, and that he had had enough of his father’s shit. So he left.
Lyra’s mom is a bit iffy on letting him stay. Without enough context it seems like Silver is just angry with Giovanni. Silver can tell she doesn’t understand and tries to explain the situation more.
“I… betrayed him. In a way. I’m sure he doesn’t want to see me around for a while.” “I understand. Feel free to stay the night, but you should talk to your father about whatever’s going on tomorrow. If he doesn’t let you back in you’re welcome to stay.”
Lyra shows up moments after, very confused. Her mom explains the gist to her and leaves them alone to talk.
Tikki overhears Silver explain the situation with a bit more detail and becomes suspicious. If Giovanni was Hawkmoth and Silver was Cat Noir, this situation would make a lot of sense. And Silver has the same hair color as Cat Noir (Lyra is obviously none the wiser because Adrien and Marinette be like that). Tikki doesn’t draw solid conclusions (it’s very easily just a coincidence) but she takes a mental note.
I think that’s where I’ll leave it. I’m already delving into so much plot skdjfbfb Anyways here’s a bunch of bonus drawings for sticking til the end!
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Mudad Adventures: Personality Quiz
“Giorno,” DIO called, “come here. Daddy has a few questions to ask you.” 
Giorno sprinted in, still covered in a little dirt from playing with the worms in the flower beds. “Yes papa?” 
DIO cleared his throat, “DADDY has some very important questions for you,” he waved around a questionnaire, “it’s a bit of a test but everyone in the mansion has to take it.” 
“Ok Papa.” 
DIO glowered, “Da-ddy. My name is Daddy.” 
Giorno fluttered his little eyes and replied, “Ok papa.” 
“Hol Horse get THE FUCK in here! The little brats doing it again pretending he doesn’t know what to call me!” Hol Horse cam sprinting in as DIO sauntered away rubbing his temples softly muttering “Just get him to take the quiz my god. If there were points for being unbearable he’d pass. Fucking Joestar genes too strong…” 
“Uh ok kiddo come here. Your Daddy has some questions he’d like me to ask you.” Hol Horse gestured for Giorno to take a seat with him at the table. Little Giorno climbed up onto the chair and closed his hands on the table as a sign of maturity. 
“Continue.” He stated. Hol shook his head, he could only imagine DIO had held the same poise and commanding tone as a child. 
“Alrightio. Question number 1. You see a 20 dollar bill lying on the ground, what do you do? A. You-“ 
“I turn it into a butterfly and take it home.” Giorno cut off Hol before he could finish the options. 
DIO had created this little “personality quiz” in a multiple choice format so he could accurately measure each of his employees evil potential. But. Hol figured if Gio just wanted to answer freely that was fine. Chaos is always more evil than order he rationalized. 
“Ooookay! Question 2. Someone takes your ice cream. What do you do?” Hol poses the next question to the little boy across the table from him. Giorno’s eyebrows were scrunched tightly together. Clearly he was thinking hard. 
“I'd turn their ice cream into spiders. While they’re yelling and being afraid, which is silly because they’re only tree spiders, I would grab myself  another scoop while no one is looking.” 
“I think your father will approve of that one…” Hol muttered turning to the next question. 
“Ok. Question 3. You see a man clearly from the mafia-“ 
“Oh! I ask him for some more ice cream! He always gets me chocolate and pistachio. Is he with his friends or in the grass again? Doesn’t matter he always gets me ice cream. Change the other answer to ask him for more ice cream.” Giorno prattled on only to confuse Hol Horse more. 
“These are extremely detailed answers but I think your dad should know where you’re coming from?” Hol mumbled as he quickly scribbled down word for word Gio’s answer. 
“Ok. Question 4. You find a packet filled with a mysterious white powder-“ 
“Is it sugar?” Giorno asked very seriously. 
“Uh no I don’t think it’s supposed to be-“
“Is it… drugs?” Giogio’s face grew dark. 
“Uh maybe?” Hol ventured becoming a little frightened of the boy in front of him. “Do you know what drugs are?” 
“Drugs are bad.” 
“Is that your answer?” Hol prodded foolishly. 
“Drugs are bad.” Giorno stated again. 
Interesting stance, Hol Horse thought to himself, especially considering who your father is and how he dresses...
The exchange went on for a few more minutes until Hol flipped the page over and got to the last question. 
“Okay kiddo last one here. Alright, so, someone is begging for your mercy. What do you do?” 
“Hm” Giorno thought to himself for quite a while, “did they offend me?” 
“Uh yeah sure they offended you-“ 
“End them.” Giorno looked back up to Hol excitedly, “So we’re done now?” 
“Uh I guess? But why do you end them?” 
“Because they’re useless.” Giorno said airily as if it was the only natural progression of logic. He hopped down off the chair and went to go play outside again. 
Hol Horse shook his head. This little kid was going to grow up into a charismatic disaster. Just like his father. 
“Wryyyy he scored high on the evilometer! And for such a young age! He’s going to be a great partner in the family business someday!” DIO beamed.
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justsassysworld · 4 years
Five Demons and a Baby Part 2
Five Demons and a Baby Part 2
Word Count:2239
The Conglomerate x Fem!reader
Waking, you know instantly that something's wrong. While the bed at your back is without a doubt the most comfortable surface you've ever laid on, it definitely isn't yours. Also, you feel someone, or something, rubbing all over your stomach.
Groaning, you try to bat at the feeling, but a hand clutches your wrist. You growl and try to use the other hand, but find it similarly detained. Grumbling grumpily, you crack your eyes, shutting them quickly, unable to make sense of what you saw. On one side sits Scarabee, scowling at the other man. The other man who is also holding your hand and dragging a strange wand across your stomach, dragging it over some...goo.
Shaking your head, you try again, slowly blinking your eyes open to see...exactly what you thought you saw. Though you also see their attention caught on a small screen, with an unusual whomping sound coming from it.
You draw in a shocked gasp. That indistinguishable blob is you baby, or is it that other light bit? Well, wherever they are, your baby's in there, heartbeat loud and strong.
“Well, Gio,” Scarabee asks, “what is it?”
Confusion, and drowsiness, has you saying, “It's way too early to tell the sex, we still have months before we can find that out.”
He ignores you, remaining focused on his friend.
His friend, Gio you assume, takes pity on you however. “True enough, it is too early to determine sex, but that is not what we are looking at now.”
“What are you looking at then?”
“He's seein' if the bebe is something you could survive havin', chaton,” Scarabee answers, his warm Cajun twang soothing the fear his words inspire.
Before your panic can start setting in, Gio draws your attention. “Breathe, piccola. Everything I see is completely normal. No Rosemary's baby for you.”
“Really?” you sigh out on a relieved giggle, his joke helping immensely, even with his dry tone. “Can you show me?”
While his dour continence is less than reassuring, he has a quiet confidence that keeps you from panicking. With a small nod, he says, “Of course.”
He drags the wand across your belly before stopping to adjust the ultra sound. Getting it where he wanted, he started pointing out parts of the small body, but your gaze caught and stuck. Carefully leaning forward, you brush your finger over their little face.
“Oh,” you gasp out, tears burning your eyes. “They're real.”
Knowing and seeing are two very different things. You hadn't doubted the multiple pregnancy tests, that much, but to see your baby for the first time is far more emotional than could you have ever expected. Which would explain why you don't notice as the three other men from your apartment enter the room.    
Wanting to see Scarabee's reaction, you're shocked to see the crowd of supposedly evil, dangerous men standing behind him, each staring at the screen in wonder.
You gasp in shock and hear your heartbeat speed up on the monitor. This catches their attention.
Four sets of eyes turn to you, Gio fiddling with the machine.
Your mouth opens and shuts, wanting to say something, but not knowing what. Before you can say anything, Gio's up, handing out what looks like little polaroids. Knowing what you'll see, you watch the men's expressions, curious of their thoughts.
The one in the brown vest and shirt with sleeves rolled up is wearing the largest grin you've ever seen, though his eyes do flash before moving to your not yet showing belly. Next to him the tall one has a small smile, eyes crinkled. You see the twinkle of silver in the smile of the last man standing. Catching you looking, he sends you a wink.
Finally, you turn to Scarabee, his breath coming shallow and quick, eyes glowing, though not in the unnatural way they had the night before. It almost looks like he's about to cry. He closes his eyes before letting out a breath. Opening them again, he catches you staring.
“I gotta do some research, but I'll get you some potions for the two of ya within a week,” he says, standing and moving toward the door.
“Potions?” your voice blends with four others, making you giggle.
A hand rests on your shoulder and you turn your head to see Gio scowling at him. Something about that glare getting to you. Biting your lip, you try to hold in your blush.
Before you can question further, he beats you to the punch. "She is not taking any of your hoodoo nonsense. I will get her set up on some prenatals.”
“Human vitamins?” Scarabee growls in confusion. “I don't think so.”
As those two begin to argue over your head, the man with the bun and the vest motions for you to keep quiet and follow him. Glancing at the bickering pair, you decide to go for it. You throw your legs over the side of the bed and stand. The one who winked at you holds out his hand.
Looking back one more time, you bite your lip. Slowly facing the three strangers, you nod your head and take the offered hand.
He flashes you a brief, blinding smile before yanking you from the room. You race through the hall, before he pulls you into a new room. The others follow at a more sedate pace, the tallest pulling the door closed behind him.
It's a beautiful room, though you as far more focused on the beauty of your companions.
The man holding your hand brings it up to his lips, maintaining eye contact. “Hola, gatita. My name is Escarabajo, you may call me Bajo. I'm sure an enchanting creature such as your self must have an equally enchanting name, would you whisper it in my ear?”
Before you can giggle out your response, one of the others pulls your hand away, stealing a kiss for himself.
“Quite hoggin' her, lover,” he mumbles against your hand. “ the name's Ciarog, or Cia. Do you have a name, or shall I just call ya Heaven?”
You're once again cut off when the last man shakes his head, shoves Cia away and motions for you to have a seat in the luxurious leather chair.
As you settle in, he tells you, “I am Zhuk. I apologize for my comrades actions.”
“It's fine,” you reply, before finally managing to tell them your name, “It's nice to meet you.”
Bajo and Cia take a seat on either side of you, seemingly trying to out flirt each other, and to draw you in. Zhuk shakes his head before settling into a chair across the way. As they start getting louder and more crazy, you bite your lip, fighting your laughter.
Just as your about to break and let out a guffaw, a loud roar shakes the room.
Terror seizes you. You think of standing, but none of the others even react, as if they're used to such disturbances.
The door bangs open, reminding you of last night. Scarabee storms in, Gio close behind.
“Bee, mate,” Cia says without looking up. “We've been gettin' to know your baby mama. D'ya know where we're puttin' her?”
Not liking how he phrased that,implying a lack of autonomy on your part. You're about to let them have it, but they beat you to the punch, each man declaring that he knows best.
Rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you stand, crossing your arms over your chest. Who do these assholes think they are? Deciding what's best for me and my baby. They don't even know me.
You march over to the door, hell bent on finding your shit and getting the hell out of there. Just as you yank the door open, it's slammed shut, shadows encumbering you once again.
Frustrated, you wheel back around to find they've stopped fighting each other and all focused on one thing: you.
Squaring your shoulders, you glare back at them, refusing to be cowed. Even if you are still wearing your pajamas and power is pouring off them in waves. Who cares if the dominant gleam in all their eyes is doing something interesting to your belly, and nipples, and...other parts? You're a strong woman who will stand up for herself, even if your body is begging to curl up in any of their strong arms.
I will not let them win, you tell yourself, even as you catch Cia licking his lips and Bajo flashing his fangs in a uniquely alluring manner.
No surrender, you remind yourself as Zhuk draws in a deep breath, making his already massive chest expand to breath catching results.
No, your inner voice weakly protests as you notice Gio's ringed fingers, his thick, masculine fingers that are clenching against his cane. The things he could do to you with those fingers and that cane.
There is no more protesting voice as you catch sight of Scarabee's rapidly swelling pants, your mind no longer able to comprehend anything else.
As you focused on them, your arms dropped and you took on a glazed expression. Your change in demeanor does not go unnoticed, though you miss their shared wicked glances as they come to a silent agreement.
Scarabee steps forward, breaking through a bit of your stupor. You watch as he prowls toward you, leaving you feeling like a helpless bunny, unable to run from the wolves' awaiting fangs.
His cool fingers dance along your jaw, dragging your gaze up to his mismatched one. “Come sit back down and we'll discuss our plans.”
Unable to resist his his southern charms, you let him lead you over to a small love seat. He helps you settle in, taken the seat next to you while the others find places of their own.
Assured that you're comfortable, and not going anywhere, he begins talking. “Mon petite chaton, I know many things have been changin' for you lately, and that you don't like us forcin' more on you, but with the bebe and yourself at risk, we cannot let you leave here. At least, not without one of us accompanyin' you.”
“We? Us?” you ask. “I can understand you going all domineering, but what does that have to do with the rest of them?”
Chuckling darkly, he grabs your hips and hoists you onto his lap, fingers trapping you on his lap. “Oh cherie, do you not remember the things I said that night? Do you think I don't remember how your pulse jumped and your body clenched when I told you about my friends and how I longed to share you with them? Even now the flavor of your arousal is filling the air.” He pulls you even closer, smirking as your breath comes in pants, your fingers digging into his chest.
“Now that you've seen them, can't you just picture it? One of us inside your tight pussy, another buried deep in your ass, one in your sweet mouth, eating you out, playing with your tits, so many possibilities. Between the five of us we can make all your wildest dreams come true.”
“Ah!” you squeak. You had forgotten how good he was at dirty talk, how hot he had gotten you with just a few simple words. Now you can't stop fantasizing. So many positions, so many combinations, even more if any of them swing towards bi.
“Here's what we're gonna do,” his voice drawing you back to the moment. “You will take the rest of the day to unpack and settle in, then we will each take a day to get to know you, for you to get to know us. Once you get a feel for us individually, we'll spend a day together, all of us. After that you'll have a day to decide.”
“Decide what?”
“What you want us to be. If you can see yourself bein' with us, if you could give yourself to us.”
That is not what you were expecting. Taking a minute to sort your thoughts, you bite your lip and play with his collar. Finally you ask, “And if I decide 'no'?”
Scarabee looks to the others and so do you. You see their answers written in their eyes, letting your mind calm.
“We will respect your wishes, of course.”
You relax, a grateful smile threatening, then he adds, “But you will still be stayin' here.”
“What? Shouldn't I get a say?”
“No!” comes the resounding reply from the whole room.
Arms wrap around you from behind, pulling you up and finding you surrounded on all sides. “I was not kidding, cher. It is far too dangerous out there for you.”
“Don't you mean 'for the baby'?” you snark, hating that they aren't giving a say in your own damn life.
Your head is suddenly yanked back, a firm hand coiled in your hair. “Careful, topolina,” the voice you recognize as Gio's growls in your ear. “We all know you're going through a difficult time, but that does not excuse disrespect.” His breath beats against your cheek. “If I catch you using that tone again, there will be punishment.”
His threat sends an unknown thrill through you, one you will never, ever, ever admit to. So biting your lip to hold back a moan, you simply nod.
“Good girl.”
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finderskeepersff · 4 years
Epilogue. Part 1
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“What about the kids, I can’t do this Sofia. I can’t, you are not thinking right” Cassius said in a panicked tone, he is scared and I understand why “the kids will thank you more, I am taking this into my hands, I am telling you now. I want you gone. Leave, go Cassius. If you don’t go now then you can kiss your life goodbye, I am telling you now Cassius, go!” my voice broke “I don’t want to leave you here, I will wait” I was breaking “no, you need to go! You go and take this opening where you can leave, Kalia has done this so you can go, please just go!” I shouted, I am angry at myself for breaking as the tears escaped, Cassius grabbed my arms and pulled me into him. “This is a nice ass house, don’t you think?” Gio said behind me, he broke my train of thoughts of that night, turning around to him “it is huge but he said freestyle, we know that doesn’t really go well and they always want something else besides what I assume” I ain’t going to do anything, my phone started ringing in my hand “ignore him, I will contact the client and ask again. But I think because he liked the bedroom you did, he said you got taste” looking down at my phone “god” I breathed out “hello” answering the call “hi, is this Mrs Warren?” the lady said down the phone “yes it is” walking away from Gio slowly “this is Mrs Greg from Brandon Hall, Cartier is not well. He wants to go home, he is in reception waiting for you. He is upset” that boy, he was so moody in the morning when I dropped him off, closing my eyes breathing out and I know he ain’t causing me shit right now “ok, I will be coming” I have no choice “bye Mrs Warren” he knew I was working far out today, I told him and I said Cartier don’t think about making me come back because you’re not well, you are well. Locking my phone “Gio, I am so sorry. I wanted to finish off with you, with being your partner in the company, I wanted to do this with you. I will work from home. Cartier is not well, I had feeling he would do this” Gio waved me off “do not say sorry, please don’t! It’s fine, kids come first. Just email me, and enjoy your time away ok” hugging Gio “thank you and take pictures for me of this room, send it me so I can runs some ideas by him, see you soon boo” grabbing my bag from the snooker table to walk out, I am so damn busy with everything, working mother life I guess.
Locking my Bentley door as I made way to the school, a whole hour it has taken me to come back here for this child of mine. All of my kids are in private school, I wanted to make sure they got the best, I didn’t want them to go to regular schools, I wanted the best for them and it does cost but it is so worth it, they get better education and I know they do enjoy it, I know Cartier does but he is playing up, he is doing it on purpose, I know him. Pressing the buzzer and stepping back, I should just teach his ass a lesson and say no and make Josiah pick him up, Josiah would really drill into his mind about being good, maybe I let him off too much “hello Brandon Hall Elementary” the lady said in the intercom “hi, I am here for Cartier Warren, I am his mother” I will judge Cartier once I see him, I need to see his persona “come on in” she unlocked the door, dragging it open and stepping into the school “hello, hi. Cartier’ mother” the receptionist said, where is she saying this from. Looking around me and she came from around the wall “follow me” I hope he hasn’t been naughty instead, following behind the lady, now I am nervous. I get scared to think I am not a good enough mother, or I am just letting them off. I don’t want that either “mommy, mommy, mommy. This is my mommy” the sound of my daughter’ voice screaming “don’t run! Sienna!” looking behind me, her arms attached to my legs “hey baby” looking down at her “mommy, you here!” she looked up at me, Cassius whole face on this girl, Cassius is just staring at me “I am here for your brother baby, what are you doing?” her teacher came rushing over “Sienna, you can’t run away like that. Hi Mrs Warren, we was just going to do story time in the story room, come let’s go to class now” her teacher held her hand out, crouching down “I will be back to pick you up baby, ok” hugging Sienna “I miss you” she gives the best hugs “I miss you too, you go now. Be good” she is so adorable in her uniform, my favourite child “bye mommy!” getting up from my position, the receptionist smiled at me “I guess when you have both kids in the same school it happens” rushing to her.
Do they have my son in a holding cell, what is this “we put him here, he said he was unwell and we thought he could lay down” she opened the door “I will get Mrs Greg for you” she opened the door, side eyeing her as she moved out of the way, walking into the room. Cartier turned in the seat and looked at me with his puppy dog eyes “I will be back” she walked off “Cartier” closing the door behind me “I want to go” he got up from the seat, he is ready to leave “no, you sit there. You’re unwell, what is wrong?” he is a liar, he ain’t ill “I feel sick” he mumbled “where is the sick? If you sick then then there would be actual sick around, I don’t see it? Cartier, look at me” he is lying to me and I don’t want that from him “what?” he dragged his eyes up to me “are you ill?” I asked him “yeah” so he is going to carry on with it “if I ask you again and you lie to me then we going to have problems, are you ill?” he sighed out, he sighed out like he got real problems in life “no” I knew that “why? Cartier you knew this, I said I am busy today, I got a big day today. And then we going away tonight, I am busy but you make it worse for me, because you can’t be bothered to be here. You’re not stupid, you know this” the door opened behind me “Mrs Warren, hello. Cartier how are you feeling?” she asked, I would like to whoop his ass “what has happened to your shoes?” I just seen the mess of them now “yes Mrs Warren, before Cartier said he was not well. We was doing some painting and a student by accident dropped paint on his shoes” I just seen the fucking mess of his shoes and pants “is that child going to buy him new ones, look at the mess of that!” let me calm my ass down “I understand Mrs Warren, can I just speak to you outside” there is more to this story “just wait there” I said to Cartier, walking behind Mrs Greg outside the room, she closed the door “Cartier when he came in, he was sombre. He has been sombre when we started, we started off fine though, I picked up on his mood. We did some arts, he wanted to sit on his own, his friends wanted to be close, Cartier refused and then that happened and Cartier to then tell the boy he would kill them you don’t know me, before it escalated I broke them up and helped Cartier clean his things, then he said he is not well, is everything ok at home?” I had a feeling there was more to this “he misses his dad” I admitted “and I will deal with him” walking around her, I just want to go.
Placing my bag on the back seat before slamming the car door shut, I am very annoyed still. The boy is not even ill and he is sat in my front seat acting butt hurt about his dad. I don’t smoke but recently I started, I am stressed out of my mind and I am trying my best to be good for these kids. I am trying to live a normal life and work, it’s hard to juggle it all. I was going to light one but I just want to go home, dragging open the door to get inside “that paint on your pants better not mark the seats” getting inside the drivers seat “I want to go home” he said, he is so grumpy and he reminds me of Cassius. Sienna got Cassius face but this child got Cassius personality “mhmmm” putting my car engine on “you want to get some frozen yoghurt?” I try and be strict with him “do you want it?” he asked me, I smiled a little “if that means you speak to me?” he nodded his head “then we will go for you” I had to laugh, that is such a Cassius thing to do “ok boss” shaking my head laughing.
Sitting down across from Cartier, a lot as happened and I wish he wasn’t so clever with shit. I married Cassius knowing the life I was getting myself into but it’s still so hard, the life he lived would catch up on him and I have always been so scared of it but it happened and I had to make that decision. Cartier has been struggling with the thought that his dad just walked out on us but I told Cassius to go, either he would have got locked up or killed and I told Cassius to go, I told him to escape so he went. I didn’t ever explain that to any of these kids because the next day the police were at the house, they wanted him and they had the proof, there was no way any of them getting away from this and I didn’t want to test that out either, it was awful. Seeing my husband a wanted man, it hurt me. They knew I was lying but Cassius and I had to split, no speaking, no connection because till this day they still monitor us and I can’t risk losing him to be locked up or even me now, I need to be here for my kids. I don’t know where Cassius is, Kyle also ran with him, and Amira because of the club she had to go. It’s a mess, I never told any of the kids why just because if they get questioned they could say anything but it’s hard on me, he did send a letter to me. Cassius didn’t want to go, it was hard to make him go but I didn’t want him locked up for life, that was it “you look upset” Cartier said while playing with his frozen yoghurt “I am just thinking Cartier, I don’t like to see you upset, you know this” he shrugged, with his stubborn self as always.
That poking the lips out sad face he is doing right now “talk to me, we have” looking down at my rolex “an hour, then we need to go and pick up your little siblings. Talk to me” Cartier slid off the seat, he dragged the chair close to me “what are you doing?” he placed the chair right next to me “before dad left us, he said to always look after you” he climbed onto the seat “you know I don’t need that, I will look after you, not the other way around” I chuckled “but mom, why did dad go? It’s his birthday today, I heard you telling Auntie Mia, that is why I am sad. Why did he leave us, did I make him sad? What is it?” shaking my head “it’s nothing to do with you Cartier, all I want for you is to be good in school, you got football to do. Coach said you are lacking, just because dad is not here that does not mean you do this. You’re nine and you acting like you’re grown, be a child and what you said in school, listen to me” I pointed at him, he was about to speak “you do not ever say that to anybody, I will not have it” Cartier is mean mugging me “I know what dad did mom, kill everybody. They call me young don!” gripping his face “you are not that! Me and Cassius did not put you into private school for you to think that! Your father did not go to your football games every morning for you to be like this, he did not want that! You know that, you listen to me Cartier, you stop it. You are hurting me, those people were stupid” he is hurting me, I don’t want that for my son. Not that life “I just want dad, why did he go mom?” Cartier sobbed, moving my hand away from his face and hugged my son “baby, it’s for the best trust me. It’s me” it breaks my heart to even hear the sound of his cries.
I don’t want to cry but his little face, for him to think it is him when it is not him “it’s his birthday and I want to see him, tell him I will be good” my lower lip quivered, wiping Cartier’ tears with my thumb “he knows” I strained out, moving my hands back from Cartier looking away from him. I did this, I made this decision for Cassius to go and at times I think I did wrong but I didn’t, I would be visiting him in jail or his grave. He had everyone after him, you get too big that is what happens “I love you mom, you’re strong” taking in a deep breath “thank you, we need to go and get your siblings now. Please trust me ok? And when we get home, get your things together, we are going on a family holiday” Cartier moved from the chair and walked to me, hugging him as he held me “it’s ok to cry Cartier, sometimes we all need to cry but I need you to trust me. And trust me when I say your dad loves you, he loves his little dada boy. And if you want to ever cry again, you cry. I am always here for you, just like you are here for me” when I told Cartier and Sienna Cassius left, they was heartbroken but Cartier was angry at first, but then it turned into hurt, now he misses him but Sienna she gets on with it.
Getting out of the car “come on you, I am not leaving you in the car alone” he wants me to go inside and leave him in the car, he is funny “fine” he sighed out, I just love that my kids are in private schooling, I just want the best for them “come on” holding my hand out to Cartier “mom, I’m big now” I laughed “so what, you are my baby. Even though I have your little brother too, but you are my first baby” Cartier held my hand “when are we going to Barbados again? It’s fun there” I chuckled “how do you know we going there?” he is cute “really!?” he spat “yes I am not joking, we going away there. Now you ruined it” walking towards Cassiel preschool class before I get Sienna, Cassius named Cassiel him damn self, I left him to it and this is the name we get but I am happy with it actually, it is different. He just turned four three weeks ago, I seem to have my kids near Cassius birthday which is funny to me but I am done with kids now. All of them under ten is a pain but I love them all so much “are we staying there for long?” Cartier asked “erm, about two weeks, we will back before you go back to school” smiling at some of the parents walking by me, I don’t ever speak to these people.
Cartier ran inside Cassiel’ preschool class “hey! Cartier leave him” these boys, Cartier grabbed Cassiel “mommy!” poking my lips out at him, he just so adorable “Cartier, leave him. Let him come to me” I can tell he is about to cry, Cartier let him go so he can run to me “awww you had a good day baby” catching him as I picked him up “mommy missed you too, big boy” he is heavy “you show mommy the picture you drew” his teacher came over to me “oh wow, Cassiel, you did this” grabbing the picture from the teacher “for me?” I asked, he nodded his head and then he kicked his foot right on my thigh “ouch” moving the paper back seeing Cartier trying to take his shoe off “leave him!” these kids are a pain, Cartier still held onto his foot “mommy! He mean” Cassiel whined out “I know, Cartier will stop it! Seriously” Cartier pouted letting his shoe go “go and get your bag baby” placing Cassiel on the floor “you stay here with me!” I pointed at Cartier, he is being a brat now Cassiel is here “here!” Cassiel ran at me with his bag.
Sienna and Cartier ran ahead but Cassiel held my hand as walked slowly towards the car “you two! Calm down, Cartier. Let Sienna sit in the front, it is her turn now” this is why they are running, for the damn front seat. Sienna and Cartier are like twins to me, they are so damn close and Cartier adores her so much but they do fight a lot “what did I say? I am not going to unlock the door until you let her sit in the front, it is her turn” my poor girl, she has no chance with Cartier “mommy, tell him!” she yelped “I am first born! I am older!” he shouted “and you don’t raise your voice!” I spat “now you listen to me, when I unlock this door, you sit in the back” Cartier didn’t move back, he is adamant in doing this. Moving my hand away from Cassiel “right move” pulling them both away from the door, unlocking the door and opening the door, pushing the seat forward “get in now” grabbing his arm and yanked him forward “don’t piss me off, get in now!” I spat, these kids are so annoying “and you too!” grabbing Sienna “why mom!” she spat “I saw you laughing so that is why, Cassiel will sit in front. None of you kids listen to me, and Cartier. You’re working my last nerve!” pushing the seat back “come here baby” Cassiel is such a good boy “kids huh” looking up at this random guy just smiling with his daughter “hi Cass!” the little girl waved at Cassiel, a small smile played on my lips, the name Cass “hi” Cassiel said to her “I know, just don’t have anymore” I said to him “you got your hands full, anyways Amerie say bye” she waved at Cassiel, look at my baby boy pulling a girl.
Helping Cassiel out of the car “ok kids, we need to get ready and we need to leave to go Barbados” Cartier ran out of the car from the drivers side “Cartier, I am serious. If I see you playing in the games room I will be very angry!” glaring at him but Cartier never listens, Cassiel also ran and then Sienna, they are all going to do the same thing. These kids never listen and then leave all of their bags in the car, reaching into the back seat and grabbing the backpacks “Sofia” moving back away from the car and seeing Omen stood outside the gate “hey” he waved at me lightly, Cassius has some real loyal people and he still remained around for me and the kids, he didn’t get caught up in it all. Closing the car door and walking towards the gate “what are you doing here?” I asked as I got closer “you know me, I am always checking on you and the kids, I sold the diamonds for you. It was hard, I rode all the way to Hollywood and got a good price, where would you like me to put the cash?” when Mitch gave me the diamonds I didn’t know what to do with them and I gave them to Omen, clearly he is better than me “I am going away, keep it with you. Take your cut” Omen but his hand up “no, I did it for you. I am not that, Cassius has helped me a lot, so yeah. I will save it. Hey” Omen waved, looking behind me “mom” Cartier slowly walking over to me “go and get the bags out of the car” Cartier is staring at Omen “have you seen my dad?” frowning at Cartier “what I say? Go and get the bags out of the car” Cartier’ eyes didn’t leave Omen “now!” I spat, Cartier looked at me before he turned away “he’s questioning still?” nodding my head “he is, I stay with my decision. He is only god knows but I stick with it, I didn’t want him dead, I didn’t want him locked up either and soon. We will meet” Omen smiled at me “there is more people in Brooklyn, shit ain’t the same anymore. He was the president of Brooklyn, shit was deep. But I live here now pretty much, last I heard was he gone and then your home got raided and they took you in for questioning” I sighed out heavily “if they find out I have anything to do with him, I will be locked up too. I lied, I don’t regret it though. I helped him, it’s hard and Cartier is taking it bad. He worries me but thanks yeah. I haven’t moved yet soon though” I can’t wait to be with Cassius one day, I hope.
I tell Cartier to bring things inside and he leaves it on the floor “kids!” closing the door behind me “who was that guy? I don’t want another dad mom, I am leaving if you do that” who is this child even mean mugging “Cartier if you are asking me to beat you then keep talking, you and I both know that has already happened. You fix your fucking face too, I am not asking him to be your dad. Go to your room, pack your shit” Cartier turned on the step and stomped back up them “Cassiel, all I need you to do is sit and be good, take your coat off too” I don’t need him under my feet “mom! Tell him, go away!” Sienna shouted, walking up the steps “get off! It’s mine!” I just want a break from these kids and I can’t wait to get this in Barbados, my grandparents take over so I can just relax.
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lunalopierce · 5 years
LA LA BABY| Chaotic Four
WHO:Iris, @oliver-puckerman, @gioharper, @stephaniepills WHAT: The four friends find themselves finally in California where some... things, happen on the first day Feelings emerge, lollipops are taken away, and someone makes another damn sex joke
The plane ride went smoothly, none of any of the four teens luggage had gotten misplaced, and they didn't need to wait too long for the Ubber to head to her apartment. It wasn't anything super fancy but it was the teens home away from home, and it helped that after that one ubber trip they'd be able to use the car her mom left there for her. 
As they pulled up to the building, and got all their stuff out, she pushed through her bag to find her house keys. "You guys all know once we drop this stuff off, we need to go food shopping, cause I don't think i have any food here." She said truthfully, pushing her hair behind her ear looking between the group. "And with it being the four of us, it's probably better for a cosco run and not a target run"
If there was one thing Oliver hated more than anything, it was being on a plane for long periods of time. He had always had a fear that the one time he actually flew anywhere would be the time the plane would malfunction and go down. He knew it was a fear that was likely never to happen, but he couldn't control how far his imagination would take him. Happy when the aircraft finally touched down in LA, Oliver could finally relax a bit more and really let his vacation start. Going down to pick up his bags, the young man laughed with his friends as they made their way through the airport.
Before he knew it the four of them had finally reached Steph's apartment. It had felt like a lifetime has gone by since the last time any of them had come to visit her, but it still gave the feeling of a long lost home. "Yeah, I really wouldn't trust any food that may have been left here before you moved back home.  Though are you sure? Since I'm sure majority of the time we might be eating out. What with sightseeing and Disney. Are we even going to be here often enough to cook ourselves dinner?"
The trip to LA was uneventful - he'd flown to and fro New York a couple of times when he went to Columbia, but he wasn't able to get any sleep the night before their flight.  Though he won't be admitting it out loud any time soon, he was excited. So, he spent  the four-hour flight time dozing off. A groggy Gio wasn't really pleasant company, but by the time they'd arrived at Stephanie's  LA home, he was up and fully awake.
"Costco's much better," Gio agreed as he plopped his bags on the carpet - he never  frequented LA, he never really found amusement parks fun and entertaining, but he'd take every opportunity to go out with his friends before they inevitably part ways. "We should do a bit grocery shopping, y'know - for domesticity, or when Oliver's stomach starts grumbling in the middle of the night," he grinned. Despite his suggestion, however, he sat down on the couch, slumping lazily against the seat.
This was the first time she was going on a trip without her family. Sure had gone to summer camps since she was in elementary school and some of those included sleepaway camps; but those were only a few towns over and not a few states. And surely not more than a few days. This trip meant everything to her. Being the youngest in the group she was scared that when everyone went off to college they’d all lose time for her-- so this was the best way to gather whatever time they had left before that happened. A trip away from drama and a trip away from their parents so they could just be kids and have fun and not worry about anything or anyone. 
Once in Steph’s apartment she dropped her bags along with everyone else's before dropping herself to the floor. Instantly she made herself comfortable, swinging around to lay on the floor, throwing her legs up to rest on the other side of the couch. “Costco is best, we definitely need at least munching food when we’re not eating out or when we want to grab something on the way out. Also drinks.” She nodded, looking up at everyone. “Oh, also, Costco has those taste testing sample people out.”
Stephanie rolled her eyes instantly at Oliver, but laughed "I am not door dashing every night when we're here Oli. And Iris is right free samples for days at Cosco." She put her bag ontop of her suitcase before walking into the kitchen, trying to see what she had left in the cabinets before heading home after her show was unfortunately canceled.  Pulling her phone out of her back pocket she started making a list. "Does anyone have any special request that are must for the next week and a half or are we just gonna be four seventeen and eighteen year olds braving cosco without a list? "
Rolling his eyes at how his friends picked on him, Oliver followed Stephanie into the kitchen, pulling open cabinets as he went. "I think we should plan a few nights out. I have an idea of what I'm going to make you for our date, but I don't have to write that down. Maybe a few pizzas we can bake, stuff Gio and I can barbecue, chips and soda. Other than that im not sure what all we'll want." Finally leaning against the counter, Oliver slung an arm around her shoulders as he watched her write down the things he mentioned.
If Gio had bothered looking back, he would've noticed the dynamic between Stephanie and Oliver changing slightly. "We need to make a grocery list, I think," Gio shrugged, playfully resting his feet across Iris' legs. "It'll be a damn disaster, otherwise. Unless you want to spend half of the day at Costco." Frankly, he wouldn't mind. Costco was magical.
“We’d up buying crap we aren’t going to eat if you don’t make a list.” Iris threw in, knowing the four of them would run around grabbing whatever they wanted and end up spending hundreds of dollars. She sent a glare towards Gio, kicking her legs to annoy him but ultimately didn’t care. She was too comfortable to move. “Oh oh oh! Add candy to that. Specifically lollipops.” She said, reaching into her shorts pocket and yes, pulling out a lollipop, unwrapping it and popping it in her mouth.
As everyone talked, Stephanie was quickly typing the list into her phone, leaning back on the counter, a small smile crossing her lips when Oliver draped his arm over her. "You're saying as if being at costco all day wouldn't be a good time Gio" She said with an eye roll, and typed in Lolipops to the list.
"Iris..I think it might be time we had an intervention about your addiction to lollopops. It's not healthy for someone of your size to consume that much sugar in a day." As he smirked in Iris' general direction, he couldn't help but give Steph a knowing smile as he nodded towards the pair. He couldn't take how adorable they seemed as they flirted with each other. "Do you guys want me to make us french toast before we leave tomorrow?"
"I'll help you," Gio offered, his head lolling back to the edge of the couch to grin at Oliver, "And the Iris and Steph can cook dinner!" It seemed like a fair idea. "I'm kinda craving mac and cheese for dinner tonight. And, hm, a bunch of drinks," he added. "And no lollipops for Iris, nobody wants you to start jumping all over the place 'cause of all the sugar you're consuming."
Iris pulled the lollipop out with a pop, a pout adorning her face. “That’s rude. I have the perfect amount of sugar intake. Just because I’m tinier than all of you and it effects me more, doesn’t mean I have a problem. I can stop whenever I want to.” She shrugged, turning to Gio and pointing the lollipop at him. “You touch this, and you die.” She muttered towards him, a grin still adorning her face. Before calling out to the other two. “Yeah, we can make chicken or something in return.” She shrugged, popping the lollipop back in her mouth.
Stephanie put an x2 next to the lolipops, knowing that just the fact it would piss off the both the boys. "Leave hear alone, we're all gonna end up on a sugar high either now or at disney so y'all need to calm yourself." She pushed up off the counter and walked out to the living room, and looking between the two on the couch. "Do you two wanna stay here and just send myself and oliver to get the stuff?"
Watching as Stephanie wrote down two bags of suckers for his smaller blonde friend, Oliver made a mental note to be sure to take them out of the cart while she wasn't looking. He knew she meant well, but it really wasn't healthy for Iris to have a sucker in her mouth 24/7. "I'll leave her alone the day the two of them finally get together. Then Gio can take over for the both of us, and control his girlfriend. Maybe he can give her something else to suck on." He mentioned as he wiggled his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
Gio let out an undignified squawk at Oliver's sexual innuendo, "Jesus Christ," he choked out, not really knowing whether to laugh or cry. If it had been somebody else, he would've went with it, no doubt, but it was Iris. Iris was different. Gio could feel the heat in his cheeks rising, and he attempted to will it away by sitting up and reaching down to pry the lollipop from Iris' mouth, "Get that shit off,  or else Oliver will start spewing weirder shit!"
She was ready to die. Right then and there, bury her under the sofa, say nice things about her, she wanted to die. Sure, everyone was used to Oliver’s weird perversion to make sexual jokes but this one just felt different. Any moment now her life could fall apart with a few simple words and she wasn’t ready for that. Not yet. She sat up, legs falling to the floor as she peered over at Oliver. “You’re a jackass.” She said, gasping in protest as she felt the candy leave her mouth. “Hey! Give that back! I don’t care what he says, he can go suck a dick for all I care.” She protested, climbing onto the couch and reaching over him to grab at her lollipop.
Stephanie's eyes just widened at Oliver's comment. Yeah she had heard them before but it was never that extreme or about the elephant in the room. She pushed her hair behind her ear just watching everything. "Kay I'll let you two fight over the lolipop and.." she grabbed her bag as she spoke "you two can deal with what just happened with Oliver not having a filter some times." She debated on grabbing Oliver's hand but didn't and just hoped he was gonna follow her.
You would think his friends didn't know he had no filter when it came to this subject. One thing that had yet to change in his growing up was the fact that he used his inexperience in sex as a way to make light of a situation. Truth be told, and he would rather die than let Iris and Gio know, but their threesome had actually been his first time. Maybe it was his defense mechanism, but he did feel bad about what he said when he saw the look on Iris face. "I'm sorry ris. That was uncalled for." Watching as Stephanie left out the front door, Oliver silently followed as he pulled the door closed behind him.
Gio grunted in annoyance, stretching his arm upwards, far away from Iris' reach. "What the hell, get off me," he complained, trying to ignore the way his heart was beating wildly against his chest - Stephanie and Oliver were off somewhere doing god knows what, and they were alone. The asshole part of him thought how hilarious popping the lollipop into his mouth would be (and see the look of infuriation and shock on Iris' face), so he did, a shit-eating grin on his face. "'S mine now."
Iris just glared back at Oliver before putting her focus back on the task at hand. If there was one thing she took seriously, it was her lollipops; she didn’t eat many different kinds of candy, and lollipops were always her go to whenever she wanted something sweet. She shook her head, still trying to reach the lollipop, not hearing the door close behind them. “Dude what the fuck.” She exclaimed, reaching forward and grabbing hold of the stick, mimicking his movements moments prior. “You do know that has my salvia all over it?” Iris questioned, giving it tug , not caring she was all but hovering over him.
Stephanie looked behind her when the door closed seeing Oliver, a small smile crossed her face. "So how long do you think it's gonna  both of them to realize that we're going to the store without them?" She asked grabbing her keys out of the zippered part of bag, and started to walk down the stairs to wear the car was parked.
Patting his pockets to make sure he didn't forget his phone in the kitchen, Oliver glanced over at the redhead. "I doubt they will even notice. I mean did you see them? How can they not see that they are 100% in love with each other." Making his way over to her car, Oliver waited until he heard the beep of her car unlocking before he ran ahead so he was able to open the car door for her. "How long are we going to leave them here? Like are we just going to Costco? Or are we going other places as well"
"Don't care," Gio managed to hiss out, the lollipop still wrenched between his teeth - he wasn't going to lose, it was childish, even for him, but the prideful part of him remained stubborn. "We've done worse," he grinned up at her, eyebrows raising up challengingly. Where did the audacity come from?  He didn't know. Probably their compromising position - which, he didn't mind at all.
Iris rolled her eyes, still determined to get the lollipop; even though it was more so to mess with him and win over him than the lollipop itself. Even out of school, she was still competitive as ever against Gio. No matter how embarrassed she might be at the fact that she was all but straddling him at this point. “Yes, yes. I know. I even know that that was a one time thing and as much fun as it was, not looking to do that again with Oli.” She shrugged, leaving his name out of it. She might try to put on a front with him, but she couldn’t lie to herself.
Stephanie let out a soft laugh. "They are blind if they can see it." She murmured watching him walk in front of her biting the side of her lip. "You know i can get my own door." She teased going over and leaned on the car  looking at him. "I feel like we should just stick with Costco, but we can probably stretch it until they call us and ask where the hell we went"  she shrug a little bit.
Oliver agreed wholeheartedly. He wasn't sure as to why they hadn't just gotten it over with, but if there was anywhere in the world that could spark up a romance, it was Disneyland. "trust me, I know you don't need me to take care of you, but just let me be a gentleman." Oliver complained as  he placed a hand on her waist before closing the space between the two. "Do you have a problem with that?" He asked with a slight smirk gracing his face. "Well I do have our date planned out, but if we did that today, we wouldn't be back until late tonight."
Unfortunately, Gio caught the hint. With Oli?" He asked, pulling the lollipop out and waving it in front of Iris with a teasing smile on his face. Now that the both of them had considerably calmed down, Gio was all-too aware of Iris on his lap, but he made no move to push her away. "Here's your damn lollipop," he passed the candy back to her, "Happy?"
Iris had two choices, to try and correct herself, or just go with it. And considering the compromising position they were in, the fact that she really didn’t care all that much about the candy, and the statement their blonde friend had made earlier, she had a feeling playing it off wouldn’t get past him. “Yes, with Oli.” She grinned, taking the lollipop back from him and popping it in her mouth, halting her fight against him. “Considerably so, yes I am.” She said, pulling the lollipop out. “Though, it’s seemed to have lost it’s flavor.”
Stephanie could feel her cheeks growing redder as Oliver's hands rested on her waist. Why was the smallest thing making her feel like they where kinda perfect in a way. "Fine, i can't say no to that." the redhead whispered rolling her lips between her teeth seeing the smirk play on his face. "No, but we should save that date for a full day in LA."
Watching as she softly chewed on her lip, Oliver felt a sense of pride that he had this sort of reaction on her. "We should really get going, Steph. It's already going to take us a while before we actually make it back here." Nodding in agreement, Oliver waited for her to get in the car before closing it behind her.
Iris' smile was infectious, and Gio found himself returning it with the same calibre. "Just with Oli?" He asked, with a joking lilt to his voice, although there was a little hesitance (hopefulness?) behind his question.  The mere fact that Iris still hasn't made any move to get off his lap was saying a lot. Maybe. "How unfortunate." He licked his lips, "Can't relate, though, my mouth still tastes like strawberry."
“I said what I said.” She shrugged again, twirling the stick between her fingers. She had one every single day, she knew the workings of candy; Iris knew the lollipop didn’t actually lose flavor, she wasn’t stupid, she just wanted to see what his reaction was. A simple test to gauge what her next choice would be. If she was being honest with herself, she was getting tired of the back and forth between them and needed to know if the feelings truly were one sided. She bit her lip, eyes flickering towards his. “Is that so.” She muttered, before mustering up all the Lopez-Pierce courage she could, surging forward and planting her lips on his.
"Fine fine fine." Stephanie muttered getting into the car. She watched him walk around the car to get in himself. She opened google maps and typed into it Costco and set her phone down in the cup holder smiling when he got into the car. "Ready?"
Pulling the seatbelt across him, Oliver only nodded as a signal that he was ready. "So can I ask you something?" Oliver paused as he tried to think of the best way possible to ask this without him seeming like he wasn't happy. "What made you say yes to a date? I thought.." trailing off as he gathered his thoughts, it took him a moment before he actually finished his sentence. "I thought you didn't have feelings for me like that."
Gio freezes - the gears in his brain had stopped for a nanosecond. He certainly hadn't seen this coming; yes, sure, he'd dropped a lot of not-so-subtle hints and openly flirtatious to Iris, but he didn't expect her to... Return it. The moment their lips had touched, and the moment Gio gathered his shit together and kissed her back, the heavy tension in the air had snapped like a rubber band. Gio cupped her cheeks as he deepened the kiss, pulling her flush against him. Oliver and Steph had fucked off somewhere, but were they to suddenly walk in and catch them making out, they would have a lot of explaining to do.
Part of Iris was afraid she just made a huge mistake. Her whole family may be full of confidence but when it came to iris half the time it was pure ‘fuck it all’ mindframe. She knew there was something between the two of them, but she wasn’t sure if the extent of it was just something she made up in her mind. All this was flying through her mind in the seconds before he kissed back, and in that moment a rush of butterflies went right to Iris’ head without mercy. The lollipop fell from her hands, instinctively letting go to bury her fingers in his hair, really not wanting this moment to end.
Once he was buckled, Stephanie started the car backing out of the spot, and started to drive out of the parking lot and getting on the road. She was about to turn up the radio but stopped as he asked that question. “A date. not datING” She said peering over at him hoping that didn’t come off as she wasn’t excited and ready for it,  but talking about the date made her heart race. “I’m an actress, i am good  at showing emotion when I wanna”  she whispered, looking back at the road as she started to change lanes, letting out a small breath. “Like if it wasn’t for the stupid gossip blog, i probably would have just kept pushing my feelings i’ve had aside cause I didn’t want to get between you and your music, or if we /had/ dated before, and i was out here and you saw pictures of me with other guys i wouldn’t want you to think that i was cheating on you. Cause honestly last thing i would do is that to someone I really care about.” The redhead took a few turns as she was talking, and soon they where at Costco. “So, don’t hate me for not telling you.”
Rolling his eyes slightly, Oliver corrected himself "Yes, date but you know what I mean. I know this is us testing out the waters together, but I still wanted to know." If trying to break out in the music industry had taught him anything, it was the fact that tabloids would do anything to get a story--even if they have to make it up in order to do so. "I would still trust you if you told me nothing was going on. You've given me no reason not to trust you. It would be the same thing with me out on the road all of the time. Once we have this album finished, the band and I are planning on going on a small tour. Nothing major..just a few small venues, but you would have to deal with the idea of girls potentially being all over me. I just just hope that if we do end up giving this a real shot, that you would trust me." As the pair pulled into the local Costco, Oliver helped in the task of finding a spot. "I don't hate you. I mean its not like I ever made my feelings known." Looking down one of the lanes, Oliver finally pointed" I see a spot down there."
Gio eventually had to (reluctantly) break the kiss for air. He wrapped his arms around Iris' waist, grinning up at her. "Well," he sucked in a breath, hoping to the gods that he didn't look as nervous as he felt. "That was nice," he said lamely. Way better than their little fling with Oliver. "We should, like, totally do it again."
It was only when he pulled away did Iris realize how on fire her lungs were, that there was this thing called air they needed. “Yeah, really nice.” She responded, not helping the laugh that escaped her, leaning forward once more, pressing a firm kiss to his lips before pulling back again. Her hands fell away from his neck to only let her head fall into them, another laugh escaping from her as everything that just happened in the last few minutes flew through her mind. “I can’t believe I just did that.” She muttered, thanking every god imaginable that not only did he obviously felt the same, but that their friends weren’t around for it.
Stephanie shrugged a little bit. "Well.. you know now." She said softly as she hit the blinker on her car, pulling into the spot. "I'd trust you too, Oli." She turned off her car grabbing her bag and looked over at him. "And you're acting as if I wouldn't end up being a groupie following you guys around" she teased, tossing her keys into her bag getting out of the car, waiting for him. "Look, whatever happens between us, our friendship always comes first, deal?"
The fact that she had always been supportive of his dream really meant the world to him. He wouldn't know what to do if his friends didn't support him, and the fact that the girl he wanted to try and make something with, seemed to always be his biggest fan. "You should know that no matter what, I'll always have VIP passes sitting at the box office for you." Nodding his head as he got out of the car, Oliver could only smile as he made his way over to her side. Wrapping an arm around her as they walked into the store. "Nothing is going to come between us and our friendship, Sunshine. I won't let anything happen."
Gio lets out a soft snort, one hand flying up to stroke Iris' hair; as  amazing as kissing Iris felt, there was an unanswered question hovering in the air, and Gio certainly wasn't going to waste the rest of his summer away being a complete coward. No, he was moving to New York for fuck's sake. "I can't believe you just did that," Gio teased, leaning against her. "So," he started, licking his lips. "Did - uh, did that kiss mean anything, or...?"l
Iris lifted her head solely for the purpose of slapping Gio across the chest. “Don’t forget Gio, you’re the one who reciprocated.” She laughed, shrugging her shoulders. “No, it meant absolutely nothing. I just made up an excuse to kiss you for the hell of it.” She joked, sticking her tongue out at him, a sign she was messing with him. But as quick as she joked, she quickly got serious. “It did. It really did. And yeah you’re going to college in a few months, but doesn’t mean we can’t try, right? I mean, if you’re up for it. Because I am. I mean who knows, if you can deal with dating someone still in high school, we could totally make long distance work.” She said, quickly realizing she was rambling.
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aquariusmattel-blog · 6 years
Say You Love Me - Craquaria
Some Craquaria for your nerves
Hello! I’m new to the rpdr fanfiction scene, and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer! I’ve posted this already, but something fucked up and here we are... 
You can find me on Ao3 as aquariasmattel ;)
Chapter 1: Aquaria
She was new. But Max had heard of her before: “the rising star of New York’s drag scene”. Aquaria. Max didn’t know shit about zodiacs, but the name seemed to suit her quite well.
The local scene had been buzzing about her for months now, rumours flying around, each one as ridiculous as the last. At first Max paid no attention to them, he didn’t know her, so why should he care? It was when a little birdy told him she was the ‘drag-daughter’ of Sharon Needles, that Aquaria finally caught Max’s attention.
At first it pissed him off, how such a young queen was already so well known within the drag community. He had been performing in drag for the last four years, and he was only starting to make an impression now. Aquaria literally posted maybe five pictures on Instagram and everybody was raving about her. Max couldn’t help but feel animosity towards the girl, she has everything he wanted and she got it in a quarter of the time.
He followed her on Instagram, and then on Twitter. With every new update and picture, Max’s interest grew, until it got to the point that he had notifications turned on for when she posted – not that Max would admit to that, because he’s “not creepy in that way”. She was the perfect kind of inspiration he needed to polish his own drag character, Brianna Cracker. Max nearly had a heart attack the day she followed him back.
There was no denying that she was gorgeous. Her make-up was flawless, her lace front was snatched, and her costumes were the most conceptually and visually appealing that Max had ever laid eyes on. It didn’t help that she was also very attractive out of drag either. Each new look that she presented sent a punch straight to Max’s gut. But why? He chalked it up to jealousy, maybe even a little bit of admiration, because what else could it be?
Max new he was fucked when he first saw Aquaria perform live. He was sitting in his local gay club with Chris, his drag mother – lovingly nicknamed Bob, on his first day off in weeks. For once he was glad to sit back and watch the other queens perform instead of being back stage, sweating his make up off, and trying to share a shitty desk fan with three other girls.
Max fiddled with his phone most of the night with a half empty cocktail in hand, not really in the mood to talk, when Bob nudged him. “Hey, did they just say Aquaria? Isn’t that the baby queen you’re obsessed with?”
“I-I am not obsessed with her,” Max stuttered, his cheeks taking on a rosy glow, thank god for bad quality club lighting. “How could I be-”
His words were cut off as his eyes snapped to the stage, the low and melodic sounds of music cut through the club and the lights dimmed. Then she was there, on stage, in all her glory.
She was more beautiful in person, more beautiful that Max could even imagine. Her body swayed and moved in perfect harmony with the music, and her mouth curved around each lyric perfectly, it almost looked as if the voice was coming out of the new queen herself. She looked so young. How old was she? Twenty-two? Twenty-three? She had to be at least twenty-one, she couldn’t have gotten into the club otherwise.
Her number seemed to go on for a lifetime but too quickly all at once. Max wanted it to go on forever. The club around him cheered and hollered, throwing bills at the young queen, whilst Max just sat stoic, his eyes glazed staring at Aquaria. She walked off stage. Max felt a pang in his chest.
“She’s really something, huh?” Bob elbowed Max, breaking him from his dream like trance.
“Wh-what? Oh yeah, yeah. She-she was really good,” Max mumbled, his eyes still glued to the stage.
The night carried on. More and more queens performing and absolutely killing it – it was New York for heavens sake, all the queens were amazing – but Max found himself praying to G-d for Aquaria to come back on stage, just one more number and he would be satisfied. He knocked back drink after drink, silently willing himself to just forget the young queen.
She came out again, her wig a different colour and her outfit showing a little more skin. This number was just as upbeat and entertaining as the last. Max was once again hypnotised. Bob watched Max stare transfixed on Aquaria, a small smile on his face. He knew his friend, far too well for his liking, and he knew that his friend was whipped. This baby-queen had Max wrapped around her dainty finger, and they hadn’t even met yet.
The smile dropped from Bob’s face. This Aquafina-Aqueefna-Aquaria girl, whatever her name was, was going to break Max. Bob didn’t know how he knew, but he just did. He sipped his drink and averted his eyes back to the stage, stewing over how he could protect his friend.
Aquaria’s number ended again, and Max slumped in his seat, another punch to his stomach left him winded almost as she exited the stage and another queen took her place.
“You want another?” Bob asked Max, pointing to Max’s sixth empty glass.
“Jus’ water,” He slurred, the alcohol already affecting his speech. God, he had become such a lightweight. But tonight, was not the night to test his limits. “Don’t worry, I’ll get it.”
Max stumbled from their table in the corner to the bar. His arms caught the bench of the bar before he could fall flat on hiss ass, and he slid into a seat. Minutes passed as Max tried to gain the attention of at least one of the bar tenders, sure it was a little busy, but he had been sitting here for ages and he just want some goddamn water-
A graceful hand landed on Max’s shoulder and a warm body pressed up against his back. “Excuse me,” a soft voice said, all three bartenders looked in their direction. “Can I please have a vodka-raspberry, and my friend will have…?” The voice trailed off. The bartender stared at Max, and it took him a moment to realise that it was him the voice referred to.
“Water-” He croaked out, “just some water, please.”
The body behind him slid into the vacant seat to Max’s left. It took him a few moments to build up the confidence to finally face them, but nothing could have prepared Max for the shock that he felt when he turned and saw Aquaria sitting beside him.
“Hey handsome,” Aquaria drawled, sitting out of drag and staring right into Max’s eyes. He blinked once, twice, three times. Nope, Max wasn’t hallucinating.
“Hi?” Max was surprised at how his voice didn’t break.
“Hi,” Aquaria smiled. Max’s insides melted. “What’s your name?”
Max’s heart dropped. She didn’t recognise him. Sure, Max didn’t post any pictures of himself out of drag on any social media, but people still tended to recognise him. He shouldn’t be surprised though, how could such a goddess like her recognise an average drag queen like himself?
“My name is-” Max started.
“A vodka-raspberry and an ice water,” The bartender cut in. “Can I get you anything else?” The bartender stared at Aquaria like he was hungry, his eyes were heavy with lust. Max wanted to gag.
“No, thank you.” Aquaria answered. Max was surprised to see that her attention had not wavered from him for one second. “It’s hot in here isn’t it? Or am I just imagining it? I feel like I’m drenched in sweat.”
“Yeah, it is a bit hot.” Max muttered, his eyes raking up and down Aquaria’s lean body. She was drenched in sweat, his white shirt clinging to his chest and toned arms. It wasn’t fair, how could he be so absolutely stunning in and out of drag? Aquaria was going to drive Max mad, but he couldn’t find it in himself to look away.
They talked for over an hour, about the queens that performed, about the community, about music, art, books. Max had never felt so comfortable with someone in such a small amount of time. It was nearing two in the morning when the crowd in the bar started to quite down a little bit.
“I know this was so rude of me, but I don’t think we ever caught each other’s names…?” Aquaria said, biting the corner of her lip. Max smiled.
“I’m M-”
“Cracker!” Bob called, stumbling towards the pair.
“Cracker?” Aquaria laughed.
“And you’re Aquaria,” Max said, a grin over taking his face at the rosy glow that blossomed on Aquaria’s cheeks.
“You can call me Giovanni, or just Gio.” Aquaria said, watching her hands as they twisted in her lap.
“Gio… I like it.” Gio’s head whipped up at the sound of Max’s voice caressing his name, his face broke out into a beaming smile.
“Cracker.” Bob had finally reached them. “Cracker, it’s time to go home, woman,” Bob’s words were slurred and slow.
“Okay, I’ll call us a cab,” Max sighed and stood up. Just as he hooked his arm under Bob’s, Bob turned around and faced Aquaria.
“You-” Oh God, “You’re that queen my little Crackerttack is so obsessed with.”
Gio sat shocked staring at Bob while Max flushed a bright red. “I’m not – I’m not obsessed with you, I just follow you on Instagram and twitter, and you’re an amazing make up artist and dancer. And, and-” Max sighed. “I’m going to shut up now.”
Gio laughed a beautiful laugh, and Max fell deeper. “It’s okay, honestly.” Gio twisted in his seat and stood up, standing as close to Max as the space would allow. He leaned down and whispered into his ear, “It was lovely meeting you Crackerttack, au revoir.”
With a wink and a small smile, Giovanni walked away. Max stared after him in a daze, until the dead weigh that was Bob hanging off his arm, called for him to hurry up and move.
As Max got ready for bed that night he knew one thing: he was fucked.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Chicago indoor dining reopens as city, suburban Cook Co. move to Tier 1 CHICAGO (WLS) — From Chicago to Suburban Cook County, many are celebrating the milestone as “a step towards normal” in what has been very abnormal times. Chicago and Cook County were moved Tier 1 mitigations on Saturday, state health officials announced, giving restaurants and bars the all-clear to resume some indoor dining. WATCH: Gov. Pritzker gives latest on vaccines, restrictions, new variant on Jan. 22, 2021 “We have long pushed for the careful resumption of limited indoor dining, and I am thrilled that we have made enough progress in the fight against COVID-19 to reopen our businesses and bring workers back,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot said in a statement Saturday. “As we enter this next phase, I again call on all businesses and residents to make sure we continue moving forward by following the guidelines for safe indoor dining and committing to the safety precautions that helped us flatten the curve a second time.” Rick Bayless, Chicago chef and restauranteur said the reopening will breathe much-needed life to a deflated industry. “I will tell you there were so many people on our staff here that were actually in tears when our first customers came back in,” Bayless said, who is the owner and chef at Frontera Grill. His staff has been tracking regional COVID-19 positivity rates in anticipation of getting customers back indoors. “When the rumors started swirling around our staff that it was going to be able to happen, there was a spike in everybody’s eyes to be able to know that we’re going to be able to do what we do best once again and that’s an exciting thing for us in the hospitality profession,” said Casey Cora, Frontera Grill spokesperson. “We have been busy today. Thank God! It’s a blessing to be back open,” said Peytyn Willborn, owner of Truth Italian Restaurant in the city’s Bronzeville neighborhood. Back in suburban Cook County, business owners rejoiced as they welcomed customers back indoors after the city and suburban Cook County were officially given the go-ahead to move into Tier 1. “As soon as I saw that email, it was a breath of fresh air,” said Chris Manolis, Owner of Blueberry Hill Breakfast Cafe. However, Peytyn Willborn is still cautiously optimistic, knowing with this pandemic anything can change. “We’re keeping our fingers crossed. We don’t want to get too excited because she might shut us back down in a month or two weeks and we’re back to where we started,” said Willborn, the owner of Truth Italian Restaurant in the city’s South Side. Both Chicago and Cook County restaurants and bars are now able to reopen for limited indoor dining as the COVID-19 test positivity rates in Regions 10 and 11 continue trending down. “So we will be able to know tomorrow if they in fact meet their criteria and it’s looking like they will get there. So that announcement will be made tomorrow,” Illinois Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said. Under the Tier 1 restrictions, bars and restaurants can open for indoor dining at 25% capacity or 25 people max per room. Food must be available at all times, but can be provided by outside vendors for those without a food license. Tables must be six feet apart, face coverings required except when actively eating or drinking and establishments must close by 11 p.m. “I think that we should be opening everything back up as soon as it’s possible to do so safely and so I’m happy that we’re on that path,” said Lakeview resident Elan Karoll. The city will be responding to complaints of egregious violations, but anticipates very good compliance from bars and restaurants. “And I think this is why you see the progress in the numbers continuing to go down, because for the most part, people are really trying to do their best to keep, not only their customers, but their families and their employees safe,” Chicago Dept. of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection Commissioner Rosa Escareno said. Lori Lightfoot issued a statement Friday that said: “I am thrilled that Chicago has made sufficient progress in the ongoing fight against the deadly COVID-19 virus to allow indoor service at bars and restaurants in the very near future. This pandemic has been devastating for businesses and their workers, especially for bars and restaurants, and I know that this move will provide much-needed relief at a critical time. Our businesses have stepped up repeatedly to save lives throughout this crisis and I am thrilled that we will soon be ready to take this step to reopen more businesses and get employees back to work. As we prepare for easing of restrictions, I call on all of our businesses and residents to once more commit to what works to fight the spread of COVID-19. Only by wearing masks, maintaining social distance, avoiding large gatherings, following the business regulations and getting the vaccine when it is available, will we be able to continue moving forward in our reopening plan.” SEE ALSO | Chicago COVID-19: City moves into Phase 1B next week, Arwady says Tier 1 mitigation measures currently allow the following: Restaurants and Bars Can reopen indoors at lesser of 25% or 25 people per spaceFood must be available at all times in order to offer indoor service. This means that bars, taverns or breweries without a food license can reopen indoors as long as they partner with a food establishment so that food is available to patrons at all times (e.g., making menus available and allowing delivery, allowing patrons to order from third-party delivery services).Table size limited to no more than four people per indoor table and six people per outdoor tableFace coverings must be worn at all times, except when patrons are seated and actively eating or drinking.Patrons must be seated whenever they are eating or drinkingTables must be six feet apartIndoor service limited to no more than two hoursAll bars and restaurants must close at 11 p.m. Meetings, Social Events and Gatherings Events will be limited to lesser 25 guests or 25% of overall room capacity both indoors and outdoorsIndoor events will be able to serve food or drinks, but indoor service guidelines must be followed:o Face coverings must be worn at all times, except when patrons are seated and actively eating or drinkingo Four people per indoor tableo Patrons must be seated whenever they are eating or drinkingo Tables must be six feet aparto Indoor events must end at 11 p.m.Household gatherings limited to no more than ten people Other Industries Most other industries limited to 40% capacity with 50 people max within a room or spaceIndoor fitness classes can expand to the lesser of 15 people or 40% capacityFace coverings worn at all times, with the exception of limited instances such as for personal services that require their removal “We’re just adding classes exponentially to accommodate the demand, but it’s an exciting time. It brings a tremendous amount of energy back into the locations,” said Gale Landers, founder and CEO of Fitness Formula Clubs. WATCH: Indoor dining returns in Will, Kankakee counties State health officials announced that Illinois Region 7 – Kankakee and Will counties – had moved into Tier 1 mitigation Thursday, allowing indoor restaurant and bar dining service for up to 25 people or 25% capacity per room, whichever is fewer people. Some restaurants, including George’s in Lockport, have been serving customers inside even while it was officially banned by the state. But the team there is still excited by the news and hope it will make more customers feel safe enough to drop in for a bite. Manager Lauren Straub said she was elated to learn that limited indoor dining can resume in Will and Kankakee counties. “People are gonna feel comfortable and, you know, want to come in and they feel safe enough to come in and dine with us,” Straub said. In nearby Romeoville, Gio’s breakfast was still mostly empty after the indoor dining reboot announcement. But manager Giselle Evangelista is thinking her dining room will be an attractive option for people hoping to keep their social distance. “It’s really really big,” Evangelista said. “I feel like people are gonna see that on our Facebook page.” And with more in-person dining, she’s hoping her staff will see more tips – which haven’t been as plentiful with take-out orders. “Since our servers rely on tips, that will help us out a lot more because that’s basically what we live off,” she said. WATCH: Why some restaurants won’t reopen even if restrictions loosen Even when restrictions are lifted in the city, some restaurants still won’t be reopening for now. “25% (capacity) makes us lose money, 50% (capacity) makes us lose money,” said Jodi Fyfe, owner of Eden in the West Loop. But for Chicago restaurants that want to reopen indoor dining, city officials say that may be possible as soon as this weekend if the current trends hold. Copyright © 2021 WLS-TV. All Rights Reserved. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '120854971962341'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Source link #Chicago #chicagobars #chicagoindoordining #chicagorestaurantreopening #chicagorestaurants #City #cook #dining #illinoisindoordining #illinoisrestaurantreopening #indoor #indoordining #indoordininginchicago #indoordiningnearme #isindoordiningallowedinchicago #move #pritzkerupdate #reopens #restaurantsreopen #suburban #Tier
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summonerorthan · 7 years
Something Wrong
“There is something wrong with that family that lives by the stream”A man said to another as they watched from across the flowing water in the small British town as a carriage pulled up and another looked.“What do you mean?”He asked and the second man turned to him. “Well, they are a very well off family, seem genuinely polite but there is something wrong with them.”He said and the other stared at him to elaborate on this further. “Well, the rumors say that if you look at them for a moment their eyes are red like flame but if you look again, you swear you have gone mad because they look normal. Other’s have said that if they walk past a mirror you don't see a reflection of course that's completely impossible.”He said with a soft laugh. The two shared a drink and a chuckle as a young blonde man got out causing them to raise their eyebrow a bit wondering what he was doing there as he walked up, the carriage leaving the young man to walk into the house all on his own. When Dio walked in the house was dark and lit by soft candle light giving it a calm atmosphere. He turned his head side to side taking in the place that was to be his new home, a nice place, good furniture that he could see. Indeed his new family was quite well off but nowhere to be seen? He found that a little odd until an object resting on the wall, a mask with gold leaf engraving that swirled out from it caught his attention and held it. He was fascinated by it while it held his attention until a voice broke his concentration. “Hello.” It said, a soft considerate voice with a soft chuckle in it and he turned to see the owner of said voice spotting a young man about his age it seemed with dark blueish hair dressed in a suit and a kind face. This had to be his step brother come to greet him. Where had he come from though, he did not hear any footsteps or doors opening. He just shook it off and watched the young man come down. “Greetings Dio, I am Jonathan Joestar, but you can call me JoJo everyone else does, father sent me downstairs and I can't begin to tell you how glad I am you are here to join our family. I heard that you hadn't had it so easy before now and that sincerely from the bottom of my heart, I hope you feel at home here.”He said surprising Dio.What? This Jonathan was just ready to accept a total stranger into his household, into his family without so much as a second thought. He scoffed at the very idea of someone being so naive! Yet, here he was standing in front of him with that smile hand extended to accept Dio into his home and his life. Dio smiled, a smile of his own polite but with a sinister undertone, if this Joestar boy was this naive… He just shook his hand with that same smile. “Pleased to meet you Jonathan, you can call me Dio.”He said and Jonathan smiled that sweet smile that was almost sickening he barely bit back his frown. “Well Dio, welcome home. Let me show you around.”He said and lead Dio all around the ground floor where the kitchen, day room, study and everything else was. They ended up back in the main room where they were greeted by a black and white dog that made Jonathan smile. “Hello Danny, this is Dio, he will be living with us from now on.”He said and Danny tilted his head considering Dio for a moment before returning to his playful self and Jonathan laughed. “I see you got Danny’s seal of approval.”He said and turned. “I imagine though you would like to go to your room, maybe even get a bit of rest?”He said and offered that same smile. Dio nodded, for once that was true but as they were halfway up the stairs he turned. “Jonathan, what is that.”He said pointing to the mask that suddenly had his attention, drawing him into its gaze like a black hole would to the stars around it. Jonathan looked up and seemed to stiffen  a bit at it. “That is a family heirloom that has been passed down, though I am not sure how old it is but forget that thing, let's get you to a room.” He said and tugged Dio along until he finally followed. Dio got settled in, it was nice to have a room of decent size and he put his thing away and wasn't sure when he fell asleep, sleeping through the night and even most of the next day waking just in time for dinner, the scent of cooked food hitting his nose and rousing him from sleep. He sat up, saw he was in the same clothes and hastily changed to come downstairs to see dinner being sat at the table with the rest of the family. Jonathan had looked up and smiled to see him. “Dio! Glad you could join us, you slept like a log.”He chuckled teasingly making Dio huff, curse Jonathan and his cheerful nature! He just brushed it off and looked inside, a long table, fine dining room and plates and the rest of the family sitting at the table. A serious but not mean looking man at the head, Jonathan beside him him, Danny placed at his feet and an even younger boy across from Jonathan. “Greetings.”The man at the head of the table said. “It is good to see you are well rested, I am sure you figured it out but I am George Joestar, you already met my oldest and your step brother Jonathan.” He said and as if on cue Jonathan smiled. “And Gio, the youngest.”He said pointing to the smallest who gave a smile. “Please sit down and eat, you must be hungry.”He said and Dio nodded, that was true and the food that had woke him smelled good, it was from a family with money of course it was. Money he wanted, wanted this house and its wealth for himself. To toss the family patriarch out of that chair, out of the window and down to the river. To sit in that chair dare he say it with little Gio and even sweet naive Jonathan under his thumb instead. That would be nice. Dinner started and he took a bite of the cooked steak, it was better than anything he had in such a long time, his thoughts shooting back to before about he wanted all of this for himself, this is the life he deserved and the life he wanted to take. So wrapped up in his thoughts that when he sipped his wine, he almost didn't notice it. Jonathan taking a drink of his, the wine appeared to be darker than his only able to see the shimmering deep red just right in the candle light. What really got his attention is that just for a moment he thought he saw it. A flash of red in those obscenely blue eyes of his and when he pulled back from the wine glass he thought he must have been going crazy. Did this naive stepbrother of his have fangs? Surely not! He looked again and they were gone, no trace of what he just thought he saw. He shook his head to ignore it, he was seeing things. “Dio?” The deep voice of George Joestar asked. “Are you well?” He said and Dio nodded. “Yes, don't worry just shaking off the sleep that is all.” He said causing a look of concern but the other nodded. “Very well, is the food to your liking?”He asked and Dio nodded.  “Yes, it is divine almost.”He gave that deep laugh of his, a sinister laced chuckle. George either noticed and brushed it off or he didn't, either way he nodded. “Good, glad to hear that.” After dinner that night, he spent some time with Gio and even Jonathan in the sitting room with a book, he couldn't help himself staring at his blue haired step sibling wanting to confirm what he saw. To see what he thought he had seen again, those fangs. It all seemed like a hallucination brought on by sleep and waking suddenly but that had seemed all too real. Of course he saw nothing even as Jonathan had gone to put Gio to bed seemingly for the night. The next few weeks had past with Dio trying to do the same, noticing even more things that caused his focus on Jonathan to become more intense. If the fangs were not enough he really thought he had been going crazy when he noted his step brother walking past a reflective surface for a moment and he saw nothing, not even a shadow. Faulty mirror he surmised but deep down he was even more curious now. He spent these weeks doing research on this, the family even that mask that his eyes fell on every time he entered that room or walked up the stairs, sometimes he thought he could hear it whispering. Tonight he had come downstairs early in preparation for dinner hoping to catch a glimpse of what he saw weeks ago when he heard talking from the sitting room and stood behind a wall. George and Jonathan were speaking with young Gio sitting in the seat playing with some of his toys. “Father..” Jonathan said. “I really like Dio, I want him to be apart of this family but..what if this scares him off.” He said and Dio scoffed silently to himself, scare him? What could that naive sibling of his be talking about. Nothing would scare him off his goal of getting rid of George Joestar and inheriting this place! He continued to listen when George Joestar spoke again. “Then it should be up to you to convince him, one way or another if you truly wish that for Dio. It falls on you.” He said. Dio heard a quiet, Yes Father as Jonathan left the room off to the side and now the curiosity was like a raging fire. What the hell was going on in this house, what did Jonathan mean. He would find out it seemed one way or another. The next few weeks past and Dio sank himself into even more research finding the hidden room with books about that alluring mask that sat on the wall.. It was an heirloom alright but not just an ordinary one! Not from what he had read and recently he had stolen it off the wall and taken it for a test, he knew what it was capable of and now he knew what it was Jonathan had feared the most. His adopted family were all monsters claimed by this mask. That is why they had no reflections, that is why he saw Jonathan with fangs the first night. That was no wine in that glass, it had been blood. Jonathan, sweet and naive had feared this would chase Dio away. He couldn't blame him for that but in reality, it was exciting. Just thinking about Jonathan even as a gentle soul as he seemed was a fiend that fed on blood of the humans that were beneath him. He even wondered what it would be like where Jonathan to get a taste of his blood, what would that feel like. The thought only excited him further, he may be a human beneath a creature like Jonathan..but he did not intend to be one for long. Not if what Jonathan had said to his father was true. The long awaited night had come, Jonathan had asked to speak with Dio privately in the sitting room which he all to eagerly agreed to, waiting for Jonathan to enter sitting in the sitting room with the signature candle light that consistently filled he Joestar home. Jonathan had entered to see Dio already sitting there making himself quite comfortable and that smile on his face, a decidedly ghoulish one. “JoJo.”He said and Jonathan blinked. “That's the first time you have called me JoJo since you moved in Dio.”He said and Dio chuckled, ah sweet naive Jonathan...this would be fun. “Well that is what everyone else calls you, and I know you brought me here to talk. I am glad I want to talk to you to.”He said holding up the mask he had taken from the wall and smirked. There it was, Jonathan’s eyes had widened up and he knew he had him. “Tell me Jonathan, what are you. I know you are not a human, nor is George or even little Gio. Is he?”He said and the stunned look on his siblings face was enough to make him smile. “Show me JoJo..” Jonathan stared, Dio was smart, he had worked this all out on his own even figuring out the mask was the source of it all. He could remember it well to this day, a fresh memory putting the mask on, apprehensive, hesitant when he put it up to his face at his father’s behest. The brief seconds of nothing before the loud click as the stone mask revealed its power and digging into his head. A scream both right in his ears and distant, his own scream while humanity was stripped away. When the mask let go he had found himself on the floor,being lifted up off the floor by George Joestar, now able to see his father with the same eyes, eyes of shimmering red. Jonathan took a deep breathe, lowered his head softly as Dio watched with anticipation and his eyes even widened a bit, Jonathan stood in front of him with those red eyes and teeth he had known deep down he had seen that night. “Fascinating, I thought I had been seeing things that night when I came here.”He said and came around closer to Jonathan mask still in hand. “But I wasn't, you had fangs that night as you drank human blood out of that wine glass, how delightfully sinister for a soul as sweet as you.”He said taking a piece of Jonathan’s blue hair in his hand. “Do you regret your immortality JoJo? Is that why you spoke to father that way about convincing me?”He said with a soft laugh. Jonathan seemed shocked, he had overheard them that night. “No, I do not, however I like you far too much, to hear you would come to live with us excited me. Then I began to fear watching you grow old before my eyes, the thought that you would also reject this was a deep fear in the pit of my soul.” Dio smiled a dark smile. “Do you even have a soul anymore?”He said with a light tease, surely Jonathan must have as his reaction to this was mildly offended. “Dio!” He said and Dio laughed. “Relax, I only tease.”He said still holding the mask, this time up closer to his face. “I am fascinated after putting the pieces together JoJo. I want it. I want this, but I want you to tell me you want this to.”He said with a soft laugh. Jonathan was stunned shaking his head snapping out of it. “Yes Dio! I want you to stay with us forever, I do but I did not think it was my place to ask you. To give away your humanity, to give away the warmth of the sun, you can never see the sun again Dio, for you will burn to ash if you do.”He said and Dio laughed again. “Then I will throw away the sun, I reject my humanity JoJo.”He said and pulled the mask on, just like before, there was that silence before the click and the mask sunk itself into Dio leaving Jonathan shocked. Dio had not expected the intense pain that came with it as Jonathan could see him shake but did not scream like he had. After a moment he saw the mask fall off hitting the floor with a clatter and he stared. “Dio?...” Jonathan asked timidly before Dio looked up. He stared at Jonathan with red eyes looking at him and then down to his hands, sharpened nails perfect for cutting flesh and drawing that blood out. Blood he now craved and he looked up with a laugh. “I feel incredible JoJo!” He said still seeing how shocked his sibling was at all of this and laughed coming closer. “How selfish of your little family to keep such a secret from the world or at the very least, me, your brother.”He said and Jonathan was offended. “Oh don't give me that! I wanted to tell you, you clearly overheard my conversation with father! This wasn't something to take lightly Dio, to just..ask you to give up your humanity.” Dio merely laughed at how easy he got a rise out of him and stayed closer. “Oh how sweet you are JoJo, you will need to teach me what it's like, what it's like to feed on the blood of the humans beneath us.”He said coldly, having contempt for them and for ever having been one moments before. “Tell me, do you always drink it out of wine glasses, which I have to say is delightfully ghoulish and I approve of it.”He laughed. “Or do you get to see their faces, feel their fear when you feed. What a thrill that must be, a thrill I must know of JoJo. Take me into the night and teach me.”He said laughing cruelly. Jonathan was still surprised at how easily he accepted this, some of his words chilling him to the bone even but there was a relief that Dio would stay, that he wouldn't be forced to sit there and watch another in this life slowly grow old in front of him. So despite the chilling words, Jonathan grabbed Dio into a hug catching him a bit by surprise. “Of course Dio, I will, come out into the night with me and I will teach you. Father will be happy, Gio to.”He said and Dio laughed, he actually hugged back, oh his sweet step brother, something exciting about that, exciting about going out into the night and finding some human victim to feast from. Exciting about doing this with his stepbrother, yes, his, it was a good feeling to call JoJo, and even little Gio his now. “Oh i'm certain he will.”He said picking up the mask from the floor. “I should return this precious item to the wall where I took it from.”He said running his clawed fingers around it as if it were gold. “You should make sure little Gio is safe before we head out into the night.”He said and Jonathan nodded. “I will, that is a good idea.”He said and with that, Jonathan left and Dio smirked catching sight of him going upstairs and to the left. Dio came out, going upstairs and placed the mask back on the wall between its gold leafing letting his hand linger on it briefly before he went upstairs to the right and entered a side door looking in at the bloody mess of George Joestar. He laughed. “Oh father will be happy indeed.”He cackled seeing the headless Joestar patriarch with a knife buried in his ribcage for good measure and closed the door behind him. He would deal with the consequences later, now that he was in charge of this family, little Gio, to young to understand and his sweet Jonathan under his sway already, he had him wrapped around his fingers so easily. He just laughed at the thought, it was a good thought that the were his now. He just came down the stairs seeing Jonathan waiting for him hand extended to take Dio out into the night closing the door behind him. The same two men working later saw Jonathan Joestar leading Dio by the hand and Dio turned and looked at them fangs and all causing their eyes to go wide and they scrambled away going down the embankment of the stream. Yes, there definitely was something wrong with that family by the stream. Haha! This was fun to write, it was inspired by @Francchi and their piece for JonaDio week! https://francchi.tumblr.com/post/165159617680/djd-week-day-6-family-they-say-theres
I've been wanting to write this for a while, as Francchi’s piece of was def one of my favorites during JonaDio week, the spooky vibe was perfect and embodied everything I love about JJBA and JonaDio. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Also inspired by some great Spooky music
Lose Your Soul-Dead Man's Bones
Bad Blood-Welshly Arms
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hurricane-jenn · 7 years
Bullet Proof- Chapter 3
Hey guys, I’m so so sorry it has taken me this long to post the new chapter.  A lot has been going on in my personal life, mostly really good things, but it as kept me super busy. Again thanks to @jordan202​ for being my beta and for being the best!
Chapter 1 2
It had been two days and despite Henry, Amelia, and Stephanie working round the clock they had still not found an ID for their Jane Doe. Amelia had determined that the woman had drowned but was then pulled out of the water within a few hours of her death. There had been no evidence of foul play, and Amelia and her team were starting to think it was not murder at all. A drowning with no evidence of foul play would usually be deemed a suicide pretty quickly. What was holding the medical examiner and the SPD detectives back was the fact that someone had pulled her out of the water. Why would someone pull her out only to dump her by the docks? Also generally if someone commits suicide by drowning they jump from a bridge or something else of that height, but there were none near the crime scene, and the waters on the day of the death were too calm for her body to have traveled that distance.
Usually at this point in the investigation Amelia and her team stepped back. They had run all the tests and leaned all they could from the body. It was now up to the detectives to learn the rest of the story. However this time Amelia could not let go. She was invested in this case and needed to see it through. This was not something that went unnoticed by her team.
“Sheps, why are you running those prints again?” Henry asked. “I’ve already checked every database we have access to, she’s not in there.”
“There has to be some record of this woman somewhere,” Amelia sighed. 
“This is the United States of America, almost everyone has been finger printed at some point in their life.”
“You’re right about that. You Yankees are crazy,” Henry joked. “Why are you so involved with this case? Does it have to do with a certain red headed detective who keeps calling with updates?”
Despite Amelia having given her report to the detectives, Owen was insistent on keeping her in the loop on the case. Calling daily he filled her in, and often they would bounce ideas off of each other. They were both becoming obviously frustrated with the lack of progress on the case, but the phone calls provided a nice distraction for the two.
“No!” Amelia exclaimed. Realizing how defensive she sounded she attempted to cover. “Something about this case just does not sit right with me. The detectives have run her face through every facial recognition program they have, no hits on there either.”
“It’s almost like she’s a ghost,” Henry concluded.
“Exactly! How is that even possible? It’s like she doesn’t want to be found.”
“I was thinking the same thing,” said a voice from behind Amelia. She spun around to find Owen Hunt standing by the door to her lab.
Amelia’s face flushed. I hope he hasn’t been standing there long!
“Detective Hunt,” she greeted. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Well I was thinking about what you said on the phone last night,” Owen began, causing Henry to raise his eyebrows at Amelia.
“Yeah?” she blushed.
“Well you said how weird it is that there no records of this woman, that got me thinking that maybe someone got rid of them for a reason,” Owen explained. “The only reason I could think of for someone to erase the record of someone is…”
“She’s in witness protection!” Amelia exclaimed, finishing his thought for him.
“Exactly!” Owen smiled, he loved how in sync they were. “Anyways I called down to the Department of Justice and asked about our girl. Those DOJ agents were pretty cagey, but I got them to agree to a meeting. I was thinking, since you have pretty much run every test you can, that maybe you would want to come with me. Do you?”
“Oh Owen I’d love to but unfortunately I’m just on my way out to lunch.” As if on cue the door to the lab opened and in walked a tall, handsome, dark haired man.
“Hey Amy! Ready to go?” he asked. He crossed the lab, wrapped his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the head.
“Hey, yep one sec let me grab my coat.” She glanced at Owen trying to read his expression. He looked hurt. Was he really that upset she couldn’t come with him? Crossing the lab to her office, she left the two men alone.
Owen looked the man up and down. He and Amelia seemed very familiar, this must be the man she’s seeing. Who else would she be having lunch with in the middle of the day.
Extending his hand towards the man he said, “Hi, I’m Owen. I work with Amelia.”
“Hi Owen, nice to meet one of Amy’s colleagues,” the dark haired man replied. “I’m Derek, I’m a medical examiner too.”
“Nice to meet you,” Owen replied. Of course she would be dating another doctor. How could he think someone from her family would be interested in a cop. Admitting defeat he turned towards the door. “Tell Amelia I’ll let her know if this lead pans out.” Derek nodded and Owen exited the lab.
Returning with her jacket Amelia was confused to see Owen had left.
“Your colleague said to tell you he would let you know if this lead pans out,” her brother explained.
“Derek!” Amelia exclaimed. “What did you say to scare him off?”
“Nothing!” Derek defended. “I just introduced myself to him. Why? Do you like him?”
Amelia’s face flushed. She didn’t know how to respond. Did she like him? She wasn’t sure. All she knew was that every time he walked into a room something came over her. She just wanted to spend more time with him, learn everything about him. But he wasn’t available, or so she thought. She had been so sure that he was dating Detective Altman, but every time he stopped by her lab or brought her lunch she started to doubt it more.
“You do like him don’t you,” Derek concluded. “Amy, you moved here for a fresh start not to make the same mistakes you always do. You’re a Shepherd, and that name comes with certain responsibilities, we have a legacy to uphold.”
“Oh Derek shut it with the Shepherd legacy crap,” she seethed. “I get enough of that from Nancy and Kathleen, you’re supposed to be the one on my side. Come one let’s just go to lunch.” And with that they left the lab.
Owen had just gotten out of a very long meeting with the DOJ. Despite being from another law enforcement agency, they stonewalled him the entire time refusing to confirm that the SPDs Jane Doe was one of theirs. The whole thing was a huge waste of his time. It was probably best that Amelia hadn’t come, though it would have been better with her there. It was almost five by the time he was done. He couldn’t be bothered to drag himself back to the office, so he just decided to head home. He felt exhausted and defeated. He was dreading going home and throwing together something to eat, since he doubted Teddy had gone shopping like she promised, so he decided to stop by his favourite restaurant, Gio’s, for takeout. It was a cute little Italian place that usually didn’t do takeout, but Owen had helped the owner out a few years back when they got robbed and now they always keep him well fed. The place was pretty full that night, filled with couples out on date night. He loved how romantic the place was, but he never felt comfortable enough to dine in. He wanted to bring a special woman there, but it just never felt right with the women he’d been with over the past few years. One day he’d find the right one.
As he walked in he was greeted by the owner, “Detective Hunt, welcome back. Are you getting the usual?”
“Yes please Nick,” Owen replied. “We better make that two actually.”
“Ah yes, picking something up for the lady of the house as well?” Nick asked.
“She won’t be home till late tonight, but I’ll leave it in the fridge for her.”
“You’re a good man Owen,” Nick replied. “She’s lucky to have you.” With that Nick went to get Owen’s food and Owen took a seat in one of the chairs near the door. He glanced around at all the couples holding hands, talking so closely, so happy and in love. He wished that he could be one of them someday. Across the restaurant he caught sight of a familiar face. It took a moment for him to figure out who it was, but then it came to him, Derek. The man Amelia was seeing. Oh god Amelia was here. Owen could see Derek holding the hand of his date staring at her lovingly, laughing at something she said. It wasn’t until Owen’s eyes properly focused to the lights that he realized the woman was blonde. It couldn’t possibly be Amelia. Owen was furious, the woman he wished he could bring to a place like this was dating a two timing jerk who brought another woman to a romantic restaurant. Angrily he rose from his seat and crossed the restaurant. Not wanting to make a scene in his friend’s restaurant he tried to get his anger in check. As he approached Derek’s table he saw the man look up, a glimmer of recognition coming across his face.
“Derek,” he grunted.
“Owen nice to see you again,” Derek said smiling at the man. “I see my sister hasn’t kept you too busy with work.”
“Sister?” Owen stammered obviously confused by Derek’s comment.
“Amy, well Amelia as she insists I call her now. My sister.”
Suddenly all the pieces clicked together for Owen. He remembered the conversation he and Teddy had the other week. She had to him that Amelia’s whole family was famous in the forensics world. She has mentioned a brother that was the chief medical examiner; Owen was now sure Teddy had said his name was Derek. He was her brother, not a man she was dating.
“It was nice seeing you Owen,” Derek continued. “But as you can see my wife and I are enjoying dinner. It’s so rare we have a night without the kids.”
“Oh right, sorry to interrupt,” Owen stammered, looking down at the blonde with Derek. His wife, wow how could he have gotten this so wrong. Thank god he didn’t come over here guns blazing. “Have a nice night.”
Owen walked back to the entrance feeling like an idiot. Nick was waiting with his food, and he bid his friend goodbye and left the restaurant.
It was a little after seven and Henry was the only one left in the lab. He was still trying to find and ID for their Jane Doe, to no avail.
He looked up as he heard the door open, smiling as he saw Detective Altman enter.
“Detective, to what do I owe the pleasure at this hour?” he asked winking at her.
“Sorry to interrupt your work Henry, but I was wondering if Doctor Shepherd was here.”
“I think she’s watching her brother’s kids tonight,” Henry replied. “Can I help you with something?”
“I was hoping she knew where my partner was,” Teddy replied. “He told me he was coming by to update her around lunch time, but I have not heard him since. His phone keeps going to voicemail, and he’s not at home either.”
“Oh I’m sorry,” Henry said sympathetically. “You must be worried, not knowing where you boyfriend is.”
“Oh Owen isn’t my boyfriend,” Teddy said surprised by Henry’s comment. “We are just partners, and roommates. I mean he’s one of my closest friends, so yes I’m worried about him, but nothing like that.”
“Ah I see,” Henry replied. “Well I’m sorry I can’t help you. He did come in around lunch but he didn’t stay long. I haven’t seen him since then.”
“I’m sure I’m overreacting. I’m sure his phone is just dead,” Teddy tried to reassure herself. “Tell me something to take my mind off of it. Oh hey, how did your proposal go?”
Knowing this would be a long awkward conversation Henry kicked a rolling stool towards Teddy and grabbed a seat himself as well. “Not too great,” he sighed. “She said no.”
“Oh Henry, I am so sorry,” Teddy said reaching for his hand. “She’s a fool to turn you down.”
Henry smiled and then looked down at her hand on his. Teddy looked down as well; she hadn’t even noticed she did that. Embarrassed she pulled her hand back and smiled sheepishly at him.
“It’s okay, I was proposing for all the wrong reasons,” at her confused expression Henry elaborated. “Don’t get me wrong I liked her, but what I liked more was her citizenship.”
“What?” Teddy asked confused buy his explanation.
“I’m Canadian, and my visa is about to expire,” Henry explained. “I needed to get married to stay here.”
“So you proposed just to stay here?” Teddy questioned, not sure what to think of that.
“I know that makes me sound like a terrible person, but-“
“No I get it.” Teddy cut him off. “You did what you thought you had to.”
“Yeah but in the end it did not work,” Henry sighed.
“So what’s the next step?” Teddy asked. “You must have a plan for how to stay.”
“I honestly don’t know,” Henry replied. “I can’t think of another way to stay, but I can’t imagine leaving either. My whole life is here, I can’t go back and start over.”
“Yeah I understand that. When they wanted to send me back to Iraq I felt similar. I’d done my time and I loved it in a way. But I came home safe, and built a new life for myself, and I couldn’t imagine going back.” Suddenly becoming uncomfortable with how real the conversation was getting she stood up. “Well I better get going, I still need to find out what the heck my partner has gotten himself into.”
“Goodnight Detective Altman,” Henry said.
She smiled at him, “Henry how many times do I have to tell you to call me Teddy.”
“Good night Teddy,” he winked at her.
“Good night Henry,” she smiled at him.
Amelia was just tucking her niece into bed, after what was probably her fifth bed time story. She had gotten Bailey down no problem over and hour ago, but Zola refused to go to sleep. Amelia was such a sucker for her niece; those puppy dog eyes could always talk her into one more story. After she was sure Zola was asleep she went downstairs and started tidying up. She heard a key turn in the lock, and she looked up to greet her brother and his wife.
“Hey Amy, how were they tonight?” Derek asked.
“Angels as always,” Amelia said sarcastically. “How was dinner?”
“It was great. Actually we ran into your friend, the detective. He came over to our table. He seemed pretty surprised I was your brother. I think he thought I was your boyfriend or something.”
“What that’s impossible,” Amelia laughed. “Why would he think that?” It might explain why he acted so weird when Derek showed up, and why he left before she came back.
Saying good night to her brother, Amelia grabbed her bag and headed to her car. As she was getting in she heard the ding of her cellphone. Pulling it out she saw a text from Owen: Break in the case. Meet me at my place to discuss, followed by an address. It was very odd to Amelia, what could be so important that he needed her to come over this late at night, and why to his place and not to his office. It seemed odd to her, but she found that she wanted to see him, and didn’t really care about why he’d texted.
Arriving at the address Owen texted her, Amelia was surprised to see the door open. For a cop he seems to not be concerned about security. She gave a light knock on the door as she pushed it open. Stepping into the apartment she noticed that not a single light was on. Warning bells went off in Amelia’s head. Something didn’t seem right here. Out of the blue Owen invites her over to his place, and now he seems not to be home. Something was definitely wrong here.
She stepped further into his apartment glancing around for any sign of him.  Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind. She tried to scream but a hand covered her mouth. She thrashed against her assailant trying to get free. She felt a prick in her arm and suddenly everything went black.
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ecoorganic · 4 years
Phillies, Yankees playing two after multiple delays
Weather and safety concerns are causing the New York Yankees and Philadelphia Phillies to struggle in an attempt to play four games against each other.
Facing time constraints in a 60-game season, the Yankees and Phillies will play a unique doubleheader Wednesday in Philadelphia.
Neither team confirmed their exact pitching plans, but New York is expected to start J.A. Happ for one of the games while Philadelphia is expected to start Aaron Nola. The next starters in the respective rotations are New York's Jordan Montgomery and Philadelphia's Zack Wheeler.
It will be the first seven-inning doubleheader under the new rules designed to finish games more quickly. The Yankees will be the home team in the opener after Tuesday's originally scheduled game at Yankee Stadium was postponed Monday afternoon due to heavy rains pelting New York.
When the doubleheader gets underway, it will be after five postponements. The teams were originally slated to play a four-game home-and-home series last week but it was postponed after numerous members of the Miami Marlins tested positive for coronavirus after playing their season-opening series in Philadelphia.
"Hey, it's 2020 and playing in this environment, so we have to be able to adapt to it," Yankees manager Aaron Boone said. "I feel like we will be able to, but it obviously creates some challenges. The seven-inning doubleheader situation makes things a bit more manageable. We have all the people in there to kind of get through it and we will embrace the challenge of it all."
The Yankees will be the home team in a road ballpark for the first time since getting a 6-3 win over the Los Angeles Angels on April 15, 1998 at Shea Stadium when a beam fell into the seating area at Yankee Stadium.
After the postponements, the Yankees were able to quickly resume playing while the Phillies were unable to play until Monday when New York hit three homers in a 6-3 win at Yankee Stadium.
The Yankees will take a seven-game winning streak into the doubleheader and their 8-1 start is their best since the 2003 season. DJ LeMahieu, Brett Gardner and Gio Urshela homered, giving the Yankees 20 and matching their highest total through nine games in team history.
Because of the postponements, the Phillies started a stretch of playing 57 games in 56 days Monday. According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the last team to play 57 games in 56 days was the 1998 Yankees, and Philadelphia last did it during the 1983 season.
Besides having games with the Yankees postponed, the Phillies had a weekend series with the Toronto Blue Jays postponed and experienced a 67-minute rain delay Monday before taking a bus back to Philadelphia.
"I think someone on this call could write a pretty good book with some of the stuff we've had to face this year," Phillies manager Joe Girardi said. "You get a rain delay tonight. It's been a strange year, but I really believe our players have adapted to it pretty well. If they continue to do that, good things are going to happen."
Girardi is hoping some good things start to happen to his hitters and relievers. The Phillies are hitting .239 and their relievers are pitching to a 6.75 ERA (11 earned runs, 14 2/3 innings) so far.
Happ will be pitching for the first time since allowing four runs on four hits in four innings of Thursday's 8-6 win at Baltimore while Montgomery will be pitching after allowing one run in 5 2/3 innings in a 5-1 win over Boston on Friday.
Happ is 5-0 with a 1.45 ERA in five career starts against the Phillies while Montgomery has never faced Philadelphia.
Nola is pitching for the first time since July 24 when he allowed four runs on five hits in 5 1/3 innings in a 5-2 loss to Miami.
While Nola has never faced the Yankees, Zack Wheeler is 0-1 with a 7.04 ERA in three career starts against New York and is pitching for the first time since allowing one run in seven innings on July 25 against the Marlins.
--Field Level Media
from Blogger https://ift.tt/3gvNt3x
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lewisbrandon25 · 7 years
Cleveland Browns 2017 Season Breakdown
This year marks my third year of doing one of these breakdowns, the first two years ending with me predicting the Browns to go 7-9, only to have them end up 3-13 and 1-15 respectively. Before the preseason, I was telling everybody I knew I thought the Browns were at best going 2-14 this season, thinking this will be as painful as last year. However, watching this team play in the preseason, they look a lot better than the team a year ago. Again, preseason never means a thing, but it is encouraging to see a defense that can FINALLY tackle, and to see a quarterback who can throw the ball accurately, something this city hasn’t seen since Bernie Kosar, who a lot of people are comparing Deshone Kizer to because of the way Kizer plays inside and outside the pocket. Back in July, if you would have told me that Deshone Kizer would be the Browns staring quarterback opening day, I would have thought you were crazy. It just shows how much Kizer has grown since training camp because believe me; The reason he’s starting is not just because Brock Osweiler is complete trash, the kid possesses starting caliber talent, but he and this new look Browns team will be put to the test early. I like the way this team is going, and the way the front office is running things, cutting Joe Haden was for sure a step in the right direction, showing me this front office wants to win, and that they don’t care how long you’ve been in a orange helmet, they will get the players on this team who can help us win both now, and in the future.  I do think we take a mini jump this year, but I am not setting my expectations too high. The schedule is horrendous, and it starts at home against arch rival Pittsburgh, and their newly acquired corner back Joe Haden.
VS Steelers(September 10th, 2017)
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(Joe Haden signs his new 3 yr/$17m with the Steelers on August 30th after being let go by the Browns the same day.)
Over the last few years, the Steelers-Browns rivalry has missed a little something; hatred. The Steelers lost a lot of old veterans who used to kill the Browns, making this feud a little less hard hitting, and a little bit more boring. This year though, the heat has turned back up with former Brown and pro bowl defensive back Joe Haden joining the Steeler secondary. To make things more interesting, former Steeler Sammie Coates is now on the other side as well, and we will see Coates be matched up with Haden on occasion. I know both players are going to be fired up for this game, but so will other players on both sides. Le’veon Bell returns for the Steelers after sitting out all of training camp with a contract dispute, Antonio Brown looking to prove he’s still the best wide out in pro football, and Browns rookies Jabrill Peppers and Deshone Kizer debut, the tandem seeking to bring a spark to the dawg pound on both sides of the ball. The #1 overall pick Myles Garrett will be out with a sprained ankle, but I do not really think it makes a difference, This Browns defensive line is stacked, and new defensive coordinator Gregg Williams will make sure this team is ready, Williams having a reputation as one of the best coordinators in the game, but also a dirty coach in large part to the bounty gate in 2009 with the eventual Super Bowl 44 champion New Orleans Saints. Bottom line, Williams is a gamer, and in his own words, HE DON’T GIVE A F*CK! This defense will be much improved, but the offense will be worse from last year. Yes, Kizer is at QB, and we have Crowell, and a OL, but we do not have any pass catchers, leading to the Browns downfall in this game. Free agent signing Kenny Britt isn’t very good from what I’ve seen, and Corey Coleman isn’t a #1 WR that can go make plays on every down. After those two, our best wide out may be running back Duke Johnson. The position is so weak that I don’t know how the Browns are going to throw it, and you cannot beat this Steeler team without some kind of offense through the air. I think the game is close, but Pittsburgh will win 27-17, and travel out of First Energy 1-0 while the Browns head to arch rival Baltimore 0-1
@Ravens(September 17th, 2017)
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(Jeremy Maclin, the Ravens new wide receiver, catching a pass during training camp.)
In the offseason, the Kansas City Chiefs surprisingly cut wide out Jeremy Maclin after the 28 year old had 44 catches during 12 games last year for the club. Yes, the production was down, but the Chiefs also had other play makers, especially Tyreke Hill to make plays for them, resulting in Maclin’s role being reduced. The Chiefs I guess felt they did not need Maclin’s services, but the Ravens felt like they did. I wish the Browns could have grabbed Maclin, his game could have opened up a lot for our offense, him instantly becoming the top target. He’s in Maryland though, and the Browns cornerbacks will have to defend him. With that being said, I don’t know how well he will do in this game. The Browns don’t have great DB’s, but the Ravens offense is a mess. Joe Flacco may not even play this game, and even if he does, the Ravens are getting old, and their OL will not be able to meet the penetration of the Browns DL at the point of attack.The Browns also play well in Baltimore, and I think they squick out a victory in this one by a field goal in a defensive battle, evening the Browns record at 1-1, tying the amount of victories this team had a year ago.
@Colts(September 24th, 2017)
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(Colts Quarterback Andrew Luck dropping back to pass during a game.)
I still do not understand how the Colts in three years have gone from a AFC Championship game vs the Patriots, to accusing the Patriots of using deflated balls in that game, to now a complete utter trash bin without any help for their franchise quarterback. Chuck Pagano has overstayed his welcome, and his seat is as hot as ever. This team is a train wreck with a OL who injured their starting Quarterback, a old aged running back, a depleted receiving core like the Browns have, and a old defense. With that being said, if Luck plays this game, the Colts will win since this is a typical game for the Browns to drop; a winnable game on the road. Luck is good enough to take a ok receiving core and torch the Browns below average secondary. Yes, the Browns DL can break through this OL like the Ravens game, but like the Steelers game, the Colts are going to design quick hitters and dissect this secondary apart like only Andrew Luck can. You know former Browns head coach and current Colts Offensive Coordinator Rob “Chud” Chudzinski will be motivated as well to prove to the Browns he did not deserve to get fired after one season. Don’t worry chud, you didn’t! Anyways, if Luck plays Colts win a close one. If he is inactive, whoever the quarterback for the Colts will be, they will get slaughtered and lose to this Browns defense. Andrew: I do think you do play, and you better since the fate of your coach, and your team rests on your young shoulders.
VS Bengals(October 1st, 2017)
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(Bengals wide receiver AJ Green scoring a touchdown vs the Browns)
The 86th edition of the “Battle of Ohio” comes to Cleveland in week 4 when the Bengals come to town for the Browns second home game. The Bengals own the Browns, and I think it continues here. The Bengals did lose pro bowl LT Andrew Whitworth to the Rams, and starting RG Kevin Zeitler to the Browns, but again, the Bengals offense is just too good. AJ Green will dismantle the Browns defensive backs and John Ross with his 4′2 combine speed will only add to the trouble. The Bengals did finish with a 6-9-1 record last season, but they had a lot of injuries including AJ Green, Tyler Eifert, Gio Bernard, and Jeremy Hill. Now with all those toys for Andy Dalton to play with, and you add the addition of Joe Mixon, this Bengals offense is a beast, a beast that is too much for the Browns defense, even a defense run by Gregg Williams can handle. On top of it, Vontaz Burfict returns from his 3 game suspension, and you know he’ll be ready to hit. Don’t be surprised if Kizer is out by the second quarter with a concussion! Last year, I said Hue would be motivated to beat his former team. For Hue, I don’t think it’s about that. For him, it’s about just winning games and getting better. Well, sorry Hue. You are not winning today, and you will fall to a total of 2-18 trough your first 20 games as the Browns head coach as the Bengals win this game 31-14.
VS Jets(October 8th, 2017)
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(Josh McCown making an audible during a Jets preseason game vs the Titans.)
If the Browns don’t win this game, I will go on the biggest rant of all time. This Jets team is the worst team I have ever see. Yes, the Lions did go 0-16, but they had Calvin Johnson. The Jets best player may be their coach, Todd Bowels. I posted a picture of former Browns Quarterback Josh McCown just to show the guy some love, but honestly I feel for him. He is on a team with no talent at any position. Their best wide out is an old Matt Forte with an OL air could blow over with 0mph wind. Their defense was ok up front until they traded Sheldon Richardson to the Seahawks for Jermaine Kerse who in my opinion is a overrated WR with a huge contract. Seattle easily won the trade. They do have #6 overall pick Jamal Adams who I think will be a stud, but not right away, and unfortunately for him, he’s going to have to go through the growing pains of being on a horrible team for it least his first four years in the league. The Browns are rebuilding with young talent, also known as, the right way to rebuild a football team. On the other hand, New York is just signing old veterans with no gas left in the tank. I do believe the Jets go 0-16, but it would be classic Browns to lose this game. DON’T DO IT HUE! This should be a no contest, and we should be getting our first W of the year at First Energy Stadium.
@Texans(October 15th, 2017)
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(Deshaun Watson, the Texans first pick in the 2017 NFL Draft, rolling out of the pocket during the Texans first preseason game vs the Panthers.)
I am so hoping Tom Savage, Bill O’ Brian’s prized possession, gets hurt before this game, so we can get the battle of Deshone vs Deshaun. The Texans and Browns wheeled and dealed with each other this offseason, the Texans dumping Brock Osweiler’s contract to the Browns for a second round pick, and then in the draft, the Browns gave up the #12 pick to Houston in exchange for a 2018 first round pick. After completing the draft day trade, the Texans spent the #12 pick on QB Deshaun Watson out of Clemson, signaling the front office isn’t too high on Savage, and I am saying the front office because clearly the coach prefers Savage, O’ Brian putting Savage in the starting lineup every chance he’s gotten since he was drafted back in 2014. Savage is coming off of a concussion, and let’s see if there’s any rust from not playing any real football since December. The Texans and the Browns are so similar as well in that both teams have a   great defense, both have questions on offense, and both have offensive minded coaches. Houston though, they have a guy by the name of Deandre Hopkins who is a top 5 wide out in the NFL, catching 94 passes last year, averaging 12.4 yards per catch and adding four touchdowns. The dude is a monster, and he will win the battle with whoever is on the outside for Cleveland. Will Fuller IV is out, so that means former Ohio State quarterback Braxton Miller is going to have to step up, along with tight end C.J. Fiedorowicz and running back Lamar Miller. With that being said, Houston has more play makers than the Browns, and while the Browns do have a good pass rush, the Texans have a better one, including J.J. Watt, Jadeveon Clowney, and Whitney Mercilus. Even with a revamped line, I think Kizer will be running for his life this game. No matter who plays QB for Houston, they win.
VS Titans(October 22nd, 2017)
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(Corey Davis getting his hug from Commissioner Goodell after the Titans drafted him with the #5 selection during the 2017 NFL Draft.)
One of the most surprising teams in the league last year was the Titans. With rookie head coach Mike Mularkey, the team’s former OL coach before getting promoted, the team went 9-7, tying with the Texans for first in the AFC South, but missing out on the postseason thanks to tie breakers, and the broken leg to star QB Marcus Mariota. Last year, this team methodically moved the ball down the field, using running backs Demarco Murray, the former Eagle and Cowboy who was traded to Tennessee from Philly, and second round pick Derek Henry. In the passing game, they found a young stud in Rishard Matthews and added to that core in the off season with additions Eric Decker from free agency, and Corey Davis, the fifth pick in the draft. The Titans defense is opportunistic, and is led by former great Steeler defensive coordinator Dick Lebeau. They play bend, but do not break defense, making sure their opponents don’t score touchdowns, helping their offense out in the process. If the Titans stay healthy, and return to last season’s form, they will be in the postseason bracket, and they will beat the Browns in Cleveland, dropping the Browns record to 2-5. I think Gregg Williams’ defense will keep us in it for 3 quarters, but the offense just won’t be able to get enough points on the board.
VS Vikings(October 29th, 2017: LONDON GAME!)
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(Twickenham Stadium, the stadium in London where this game will be played.)
The Browns make their first trip across the pond in late October, facing the Minnesota Vikings. In my estimation, the Vikings will be a bad team this year. They have no play makers on offense but Dalvin Cook and Stephon Diggs, and you can’t win with just speed. Their defense is incredible, but I am not sure that the Vikings players are evening listening to their head coach Mike Zimmer, the Bengals former defensive coordinator, anymore because of what happened during the first half of the week 16 Vikings-Packers game last year when the defense completely ignored Zimmer’s plan. Zimmer’s been through a lot over the last couple of years, including having to have eye surgery that kept him out a week. I believe this is his last year in Minnesota, and the Minnesota ship is sinking with him. Expect this to be Sam “check down Charlie” Bradford’s last year at the helm with Teddy Bridgewater recovering from his torn ACL, and Bradford on the last year of his deal. The Browns on paper match up very well with the Vikings, their defenses and offenses basically cancel out. This is a 50-50 split, a heads-tails type situation where I really don’t know who will win. I do think London is in for a boring defensive game. Since I have to chose a winner, I’ll go Vikings, because the Browns will find a way to disappoint us even at 9:30 in the morning. if my predictions stay accurate, the Browns will head back home for their bye with a 2-6 record. For the Browns, 2-6 through the halfway point is a victory, considering they only had one win all of last year.
@Lions(November 12th, 2017)
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(Mathew Stafford warming up before a Lions game)
Coming off the bye week, the Browns travel to Detroit to take on the the Lions. While the Browns will be rested for this game, the Lions are just too good. If Mathew Stafford did not get his finger injured last year that prevented him from taking under center snaps, the Lions I believe would have won the NFC North for the first time since 1991. Losing Anquan Boldin’s 67 targets and 8 touchdowns hurts, but Lions offensive coordinator Jim Bob Cooter is a mastermind, helping to reshape this Lions offense into something special. I have no clue how Jim Bob is not a NFL head coach. In his first two seasons with this offense, Stafford has thrown for over 4,000 yards each year. Sure, he’s thrown 5,000 yards in a season before but Cooter has helped Stafford turn down the turnovers, Stafford throwing a combined 56 touchdowns and 24 interceptions since Cooter got promoted to offensive coordinator in week 7 of 2015. Marvin Jones and Golden Tate will probably be laughing in the face of the Browns corners, and don’t forget about Zach Zenner, the Lions starting running back who took over late last year. This Lions offense has a lot of peices to cover, and in my opinion, too many for even a crazy Gregg Williams’ defense to cover. Add in the fact Darius Slay will shut down Kenny Britt, and it’s on the road against this good Lions pass rush. I think this will be a “rookie learning” game for Kizer as the Browns get punished in Mo-Town.
VS Jaguars(November 19th, 2017)
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(Blake Bortles dropping back to pass vs the Bucs in week 2 of the preseason)
On paper, this Jaguar team is pretty good, like potential wildcard bound good. They have nice young players like Myles Jack, Jalen Ramsey, Leonard Fournette. and the Allen Brothers. They have a good mix of veterans like A.J. Bouye, Maurice Claiborne, Tashawn Gibson and Malik Jackson. The question for the Jaguars is their quarterback Blake Bortles, the #3 pick in the 2014 draft. Bortles had so much promise coming out of UCF, a lot of experts and myself included compared him to one of great quarterbacks Donovan McNabb. Bortles looked great in 2015, throwing for over 4,420 yards. Then, something happened, and Bortles doesn’t look the same. During the Jaguars second preseason game vs the Bucs, Bortles floated a pass down the right sideline to a wide open Allen Robinson, and he missed him by about ten yards. After the game, Doug Marone, the new Jaguars head coach after being promoted from the OL coach, declared that Chad Henne now had a shot to win the job, and somehow Bortles won it back. I like the direction Tom Coughlin is building this team, but as long as Bortles is under center unless he is fixed, the Jaguars are not going anywhere. The coaching staff sure seems to like him, but the players are looking like they are turning on him. During training camp one day, Bortles missed a wide open Allen Robinson and threw the ball 20 feet out of bounds. Robinson then screamed: “KEEP THAT SH*T IN BOUNDS BRUH!” Last year I predicted the Jaguars as my surprise team of the year. This year, I am predicting the Jaguars to go 5-11, and one of those 11 losses will come here. Gregg Williams is going to blitz Blake Bortles all day, making him feel uncomfortable. Kizer will have a bounce back day, and the Browns will get a nice November victory, heading into Cincinnati 3-7.
@Bengals(November 26th, 2017)
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(Andy Dalton fired up)
The Browns and Bengals battle once again this season in a rematch from week four. If my week four prediction is accurate, the Bengals will be going for the sweep here. I talked about it in the first match up. The Bengals OL is not good, but their offense runs a lot of quick screens, and power inside runs that I don’t think the OL is a big deal against this Browns team. The Browns have a good DL, but it’s strength is with it’s defensive ends and it’s linebackers. I like Cooley, but he can’t do it alone inside the trenches. Shelton will have to have a big game here to give the Browns a chance at getting to the red rifle. The Bengals will rotate their 3 good backs, and use the electrifying John Ross to open up single coverage for A.J. Green who will once again torch this secondary. The Browns do play well in Cincinnati, and just like last year it will be a shootout, and the Bengals will pull away victorious.
@Chargers(December 3rd, 2017)
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The Browns and Chargers start December the way they ended it last year, facing each other, except this time it’s in Los Angeles in that very small stadium. I don’t even have to describe the GIF above. We all know what happened the last time these two teams met. It was Christmas Eve, Santa struck coal into the Chargers players’ stockings, and the Browns won their first and only game of the season after Josh Lambo missed a cheep shot that would have sent this game into overtime. Now, the Chargers play in Los Angeles, they have a new kicker named Younghoe Koe from Korea, they have a new coach named Anthony Lynn, the former Bills OC, and they should have a healthy Keenan Allen. The Chargers will look very different, but the one thing that will remain the same will be Phillip Rivers with the cast of Melvin Gordon, Travis Benjamin, Hunter Henry, and Antonio Gates along with Allen to support him. That is a great offensive combination, and much like the Bengals, it will be too hard to cover. On the road in LA dealing with a time delay, this is a very tough game for the Browns. I say 24-7 Chargers. Up next, it doesn’t get any easier for the Browns as Aaron Rodgers is coming to town!
VS Packers(December 10th, 2017)
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(Aaron Rodgers poised to throw a pass to Jared Cook on 3rd and 20 during the divisional round of last years playoffs vs the Cowboys. One of the most incredible throws/catches in the history of the league.) 
For the first time since 2009 when First Energy Stadium was still called Browns Stadium, the “bad man” enters Cleveland with the Packers on a quest to get back to the super bowl for the first time in seven years when they won it against the Steelers. Gregg Williams is a phenomenal defensive coach, but the Browns have no shot here. The Packers are used to the cold, and Aaron Rodgers can play pitch and catch with Jordy Nelson, Martellus Bennett  and Randall Cobb all day. This game reminds me of the Patriots game last year where we knew we had no shot. Coming into this game, let’s just pray it’s not 31-0 by halftime! Kizer: protect yourself buddy because this day is going to be a long one. If it’s close in the 4th, it will just show the strides the Browns have made this season, but I doubt it will be. For those of you without NFL Sunday Ticket or RedZone, prepare your Xbox One or PS4 for a long day of Madden, because this game will not be interesting from the opening kickoff.
VS Ravens(December 17th, 2017)
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(Ravens new strong safety Tony Jefferson, formally of the Arizona Cardinals.)
The last two times the Browns have played Baltimore in Cleveland, we had the “kick six” and the Browns blew a 21-0 lead. This time, the Browns will finish off the “dirty birds.” As referenced in the first match up 13 weeks prior, the Ravens are getting old and are not the same team they used to be. I’ve thought over the last couple of years that the Browns were the better team. Well this year they show it by sweeping their old selves and sending a big screw you to Art and David Modell up in heaven for moving the team, and then saying “it’s like they never left.” I’ve always hated Baltimore more than Pittsburgh, and I hope we dominate this game. The addition of Tony Jefferson won’t make the biggest difference in the world, and the Browns will be motivated, considering the fact Jefferson took lower money from the Ravens then what the Browns gave him. To me, this is a game Kizer shines since Baltimore’s pass rush will be weakened with the missing links of Elvis Dumerville and Timmy Jernigan. Crowell will eat too. My dad should get a good birthday present, and so should the fans as this game is the home finale, the final home game giving the Browns just another reason to play their hearts out and win this game. 
@Bears(December 24th, 2017)
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(Bears Quarterback Mitch Trubisky holding up his jersey with commissioner Goodell after the Bears moved up in the draft to get what they hope is their franchise quarterback.)
On draft night, the Bears gave up a 2017 3rd round pick, a 2017 4th round pick, and a 2019 3rd round pick all to move up one spot to take quarterback Mitchell Trubisky from North Carolina with the #2 pick. I thought it was a dumb move by the Bears. I don’t love Trubisky. I didn’t think he was worth all that the Bears gave up. If you are the #2 pick and you give up that much for a guy, that guy better be ready opening day. On opening weekend, Mitch will be the backup to Mike Glennon who got paid $16m to go play starter for it least the year. My hope for this game is that it’s snowing, and Mitch starts. Of course, we all know Mitch is from Mentor Ohio, so it would be cool for him to go up against the Browns and show them why he should have been taken over Myles Garrett. The Browns however, want to show they were right by having Kizer beat the Bears. By this point, both squads will be looking towards the draft, but it will be cool to see too young quarterbacks potentially battle it out in a blizzard to see who is superior. Gregg Williams loves rookie QB’s, and you better belief the Browns defense will be bringing some heat. For the first time all year, I believe Kizer has the better wide receiving core on the field with Markus Wheaton the former Steeler, becoming the Bears best wide receiver with Cameron Meredith out for the year. Sure Zach Miller is a good tight end, but he will be blanketed by Kirksey. The Browns in my opinion will improve to 5-10 while the Bears look forward to being in the top 3 of the 2018 draft with the Jets and another horrible team. For the second year in a row, Santa will bring Cleveland a Christmas gift right before the Cavs battle the Warriors.
@Steelers(December 31st, 2017)
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(Steelers star running back Le’veon Bell throwing off Browns defender Jamie Collins during a Steeler-Brown game last season.)
The season finale is once again in Pittsburgh where last year the Browns lost to Landry Jones and the Steelers back ups in overtime. Before this article, I did my NFL 2017 Predictions, and I predicted that the Steelers would win the AFC North and be locked in to the #4 seed before week 17. Let’s hope that’s the case, so then the Steelers can play their reserves again, allowing the Browns to have a better chance at winning. Knowing our luck though, I doubt it will happen. In a meaningless game for the Browns, no matter who plays for the Steelers. they will play their hearts out. I just want to see good effort, and I do think we’ll get effort with Gregg Williams at the helm on defense and Hue Jackson’s motto “We gotta get better” applying to the offense. I’ll pick Pittsburgh though, and that will help our draft position as ultimately the Browns I predict will finish the year a strong 5-11, competing in most games, a 4 game improvement from a year ago.
This Browns team has a lot of promise in the future. If Kizer is who I think he is, the Browns have found themselves a franchise quarterback. Jabrill Peppers looks really good, adding to a defense that will be brutal under Gregg Williams potentially a top 5 defense behind Seattle, Kansas City, Houston, and the LA Rams. Im still not sold on Garrett, but he hopefully can prove me wrong. It’s his effort i’m worried about. I don’t see it constantly. I like David Njoku, but he needs to catch on quick to help this offense because Kenny Britt looks like a waste of money, and Coleman is a #2 WR at best. I really wish we kept Pryor. The OL is solidified besides the RT, but hopefully Shone Coleman can prove he’s a starting right tackle in the National Football League. Overall, this season is about keeping Kizer healthy and growing for the future. The Browns have the 21st hardest schedule this year according to ESPN, tying with the Lions, so 5 wins is a great step in a bright future. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS THINK IN THE COMMENTS!
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