#or patch it up till it gets ripped open again by a tiny information that makes me check the fandom again
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 23 - Uninvited. Episode 2. --------Congo's point of view----------
Congo: *As I opened the front door, I froze in the doorway for a second or two, before I quickly stepped out into the night air, silently closing the door behind me.*
Robert (Evan's dad): *His voice was a bit uncertain as he spoke* Good evening, Congo. I just dropped by to…. as it is Evan's birthday, I just…. *he held a gift back towards me and cleared his throat* I would like to see my son.
Congo: *I shook my head firmly and spoke to him en a deep neutral voice* I do not think it's such a vice idea Mr. Thompson.
Robert: It is my son, and I would like to see him.
Congo: *I sighed deeply and once again shook my head* I think it's best you leave. Evan has had a rough time. And I am not gonna stand and watch you once again make it even rougher. I suggest you leave before anyone notices you are here. I can't have you contaminating our family again. *I must admit my last words came out colder than I meant to, and I almost regret my tone, till I saw him turn and walk towards the stairs*
Robert: *He turned around slowly and reached a business card towards me* I'm staying at that hotel for then night.
Congo: *I nodded politely, but had no intention of passing that information to Evan, so I just waited at the door, until our late night intruder had left in the taxi he arrived in. As I returned back inside the house there were no sign of the boys, which made me feel relieved. I was sure our late night intruder hadn't gotten past their noses then. I sighed relieved and locked the door behind me, but as I turned around again, I stood face to face with the curious case of Andy Cullman*
Andy: Who was that? *his face was soft and a small smile decorated his full lips*
Congo: *I frowned softly, I hated lying to that boy* It was Evan's father… *my voice was lowered and deep* he wanted to wish Evan a happy birthday… I guess? I told him to leave, although he seemed to come in peace.
Andy: *A deep frown appeared on his face* What's that in your hand? *Before I could get to react he had already grabbed the business card and read it* Right… *As he spun around on his heel I grabbed his shoulder firmly*
Congo: Listen… I can't prevent you from going after him, but I ask you to don't. We both know how that one is going to end up, and frankly it's not so much that you most likely will hit him, even though you know I hate violence, especially when you are involved. But he could press charges, Andy. So could you just please, for once, let it go? It's not gonna patch things up anyway if you start to hand out bruises and broken bones. Things will only get worse. I am fairly sure Evan wouldn't want you to beat up his dad, no matter how much he may deserve it.
Andy: *He frowned softly* I was going to throw the card out and head over to Daniel's… Evan sent me over there for joints 5 minutes ago, but I wanted to check up on you first. Give me a little credit will you? *He smiled softly and ripped the card to tiny pieces* Do me a favor?
Congo: *I smiled softly but couldn't help but feel worried* Sure… what would you like me to do?
Andy: *His voice was almost sugar sweet, which only confirmed my suspicions. He was going to go after Evan's dad, and no matter how much I begged him, I wouldn't be able to change his mind. I could only hope it wouldn't end up in a hospital visit. Again.* Please just sit down with a beer and relax… I will be home again soon, and we can all relax with a nice joint. Hm? How does that sound? It has been months since you last had one with us. I think we could all need a little something tonight to celebrate?
Congo: *I smiled softly, the best I could when I was worried sick, and once again it crossed my mind to fall on my knees and beg him to stay, but when Andy's fists are itching as he calls it, there is no way of talking him out of it. He will find a way. So I guess it was better to let him go tonight, rather than keeping him here, till he one day would drive all the way to Evan's Family's home and cause havoc there. I had to pick one of two evils. And tonight was the lesser bad. So I sighed softly and kissed his forehead, speaking in a calming voice* Just promise me you will return in one piece.
Andy: Aye! I'm not going to the moon.
Congo: *I watched him leave from the hallway window, he was on his bike. And I swear, a tiny piece of my heart left with him.*
-------------Andy's point of view-----------------
*I pet Johnny as we drove down the mountain. It had been a while since I last took him out on a spin. As I ran my fingers over his smooth lines and the flamy paint job on top of the black metal, my memories took me back to my late teen years where I had come across this beauty and bought him instantly. Of course back then my chopper was not in the best condition, parts of him was almost rusted away, other parts were bent out of shape. But a big hand of TLC over that summer made him good as new. I had already been very firm around fixing cars, so the chopper hadn't been much of a challenge for me to take on. It had quickly felt like a family member, hence I even gave him a name. As we curved our way down the mountain I couldn't help but feel at ease with the chilled night air brushing through my mohawk. As I reached the hotel and made my way to the room Evan's dad had checked into, I couldn't help but feel I shouldn't be there. I had lied to Congo to get here, and it made me feel almost hollow inside. Almost, as this burning rage was still stuck in the pit of my stomach. How the hell could this douche think it was okay to show up after the show him and his wife had put on last time they dropped by?! And then on Evan's birthday? How dared he?! He practically tried to take Evan away from me last time. And had not shown a single sign of remorse after that. Actually, the last thing we had heard from those people, were for Evan to never contact them again, that he were no longer their son. Who the fuck says shit like that?!?! I had completely forgotten I had knocked the door as Evan's dad suddenly stood in front of me, he surprised me so much I slammed my fist right into his face as a reaction to the surprise. It didn't even fully sink in until I saw him take two steps backwards and fall on his ass. And just as I heard him moan from pain, I heard a noise behind me and spun around. A lady was peeking out of her door, and the only thing she managed to stutter before she slammed the door was 'I'm calling the cops!' I looked back at Evan's dad, the blood was gushing out of his nose by now, and he was desperately trying to press his shirt sleeve against it to stop the bleeding. No chance that shirt would ever be a shirt again! I could make a run for it. The cops would probably be here soon. Instead I watched myself march into the room, slamming the door behind me, as I grabbed Evan's dad by the collar of his shirt and dragged him up from the floor, quickly dragging him to the bathroom.* Stand still! *My voice was irritated and cold*
Robert: *He sighed from pain and took a few steps back* Please don't hurt me! I came to apologize! I just wanted to see my son… that's all…
Andy: *I frowned softly and shook the wet paper towels in front of him* Wet paper towels? Does this indicate I am going for a second round?
Robert: *He sighed relieved*
Andy: Although you more than fucking deserve it! *My voice was piercing the bathroom, and I didn't pause long till I went on in a not much softer tone* Move your hand. *As he did what I told him, I took a quick look at his nose, gently pressing the paper towels against it* I know it's cold, but try to suck it up… the cold will stop the bleeding. He looked at me a bit hesitating, but didn't say anything. *We stood there quiet a few minutes, and as I slowly removed my hand to see if the bleeding had stopped, he sighed softly from pain* Suck it up will you? It's not even broken. I did a horrible job here really. *He looked at me with a forced smile as maybe he thought I was joking to ease the mood… I wasn't* Alright, the bleeding stopped… *I frowned slightly* so you just suddenly decided butt-fucking a guy wasn't a good enough reason to disown your son, or what? *I didn't get an answer as the doorbell of the room suddenly rang, and I heard a firm voice saying 'POLICE! Open the door!'* Fuck!! *I hissed and ran my fingers through my mohawk looking around the room, contemplating if I should try making a run for it?*
Robert: *He cleared his voice and shook his head* I'll handle it. Stay here.
Andy: *I took a deep shaky breath, and hoped he somehow was telling the truth. Placing my palms on the sink, leaning forwards as I took a few deeper breaths to try to calm myself down. I could hear them speak in the hallway*
Officer: Good evening, Sir. Is this your room?
Robert: Yes, Sir?
Officer: Right. We were informed there were some disturbances here?
Robert: Yes, Sir. That is correct.
Andy: *That fucking lying son of a fucking cock sucking shit faced whore of a….*
Robert: Family disturbances, we apologize. I promise we will keep it down.
Officer: Right. I will have to speak with the second part, if he is still here?
Robert: How come?
Officer: Protocol, Sir. It's past midnight, so it's the law. I understand he is still here, when you ask like that.
Robert: Yes, he is in the bathroom. Right this way…
Andy: *I sighed deeply and bit my underlip, thinking of Evan and Congo. They would kill me!*
Robert: Right in here, Sir… *as he pushed open the door I grind my teeth, and it is not a lie when I say it took everything in me to behave myself!*
Officer: Good evening young man.
Andy: *I glared at him*
Officer: We understand there has been some family disturbances here, this night? I was hoping you could explain to me what happened?
Robert: Is that necessary? It's a private matter.
Officer: Sir, if you will please step back and let me do my job? I need your son to tell me what happened, as we have a 401 on him, saying a person at this hotel saw him attack you. Is that correct? *He looked at me with firm eyes*
Andy: *I hissed softly* He's not my dad!
Officer: *Looked at me even firmer* Oh? Is that right? I were told it was family disturba…
Robert: He is my son in law.
Andy: *My eyes widened. I did not see that one coming!*
Officer: Something tells me that aint the truth, judging by the surprised look on your 'son in laws' face. I need someone to start telling the truth, or you will both be going to the station. Is that clear?
Robert: Look… I am not pressing any charges, it was family disturbances, and I more than asked for it.
Female officer: *A female officer entered the room, I assumed she was the other police man's partner* So, how are we doing?
Officer: Not good so far, I just told them unless someone starts speaking the truth, they will both….
Robert: And I explained I am not pressing any charges, it is a simple family disturbance, we will be quiet now. I more than asked for what came my way, besides nothing really happened.
Officer: Well, just because someone asked for it, doesn't mean the law doesn't apply. It's very simple. You either answer my question, or go with us to the station tonight. Is that understood?
Andy: *I looked at him with unimpressed eyes. If I were going to the station, might as well drag the "old man" with me. And since he didn't seem much for talking, it would be an easy task. No way I would let him get of that easy!*
Robert: Look, I'm not trying to disobey the law, it's just a personal matter. And everything is fine.
Officer: Right *I watched as he reached for his handcuffs, but then to my surprise Evan's dad backed about a meter away*
Robert: Now hold on… my son will never speak with me again if I let Andy go to jail.
Female officer: I suggest you start talking then, and make a damn good case for yourself. You have been warned a fair amount of times, so by now you gotta make a hell of a case for us to not drag your sorry asses to the station. Is that clear?
Robert: *He nodded firmly and lowered his head like a scolded dog* Earlier this summer, my son told his mom and I, that he…. *he sighed deeply and lowered his head further*
Officer: Continue….
Robert: *He opened his mouth but no words came out*
Officer: *Once again reached for the handcuffs and I couldn't help but feel slightly sorry for Evans dad as his face turned pale*
Robert: Wait wait… my son told me he had… involved himself in a relationship…. with… Andy… *he nodded at me without rasing his head, his posture just kept being that of a scolded dog* He… I…. I didn't handle it well, at all. Neither did his mother. We…. we disowned our son. Told him he was no longer welcome in our family. He was no longer our son. Our son had a depression, and we pushed him away. Today is my sons birthday, so I showed up. After weeks of not speaking with him. I showed up to apologize, and give him a birthday gift. I was not surprisingly told to leave. Without seeing my son. So I returned to my hotel room, and not many minutes after arriving, Andy showed up. As I opened the door, I was met with a punch to my nose. That was it. He helped me to the bathroom and cleaned me up. *He pointed at the bloody paper towels on the sink* I am okay…. if anyone got hurt it was Andy and my son. So if anyone should go to the station, it should be me. Just please let Andy go.
Andy: *I looked at him surprised, actually feeling sorry for the guy, as his story seemed legit. He had really come to apologize. Well that did certainly not mean he was forgiven, but it did mean the growing bruise on and around his nose was maybe a tad over the line.*
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colaismywater · 4 years
Can anyone give me the name of a harmless tv show/anime that wasn’t ruined/corrupted yet?
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shining-m00nlight · 3 years
5 times Catelyn didn’t think of Brandon Stark (5)
Everyone thinks she is with Ned because of Brandon but they are wrong. Fifth one is Brandon himself.
Chapter 5: Threir first baby is born. Brandon is a bit of an ass but she wont let that take aware her happiness. Again you don’t necessarily need to read the other chapters first.
When the next contraction hit it hurt more than anything she had ever experienced in her entire life.
"Push" Doctor Luwin yelled while she screamed her lungs out.
"You're doing great, my love." her stupidly calm husband tried to encourage her. It was immensely infuriating that he was this composed while her body was ripping apart.
"Shut up!!! You know what? You can push the next one out! Because I am not  doing this agaaaiin! This is all your fault! You are never touching me again after this." she yelled at him. 
"Breath Catelyn. You need the oxygen." the doctor tried to instruct her.
"Oh you shut your mouth too. I'm pushing a melon out of my vagina while ten people are watching me. I get to yell as much as I want." she now went on to scream at Luwin even though he probably didn't deserve it.
"Do you want me to leave?" Ned asked her with a guilty look on his face.
"Of course not! Don't you dare leave me while I'm giving birth to your huge baby!" she cried out and frantically tried to reach for him. Luckily she found his hands very quickly. She couldn't remember when she had let them go in the first place. 
After the contraction was over she got more frightened than angry. How could he think it was a smart idea to leave her alone right now? No human had ever had such an idiotic thought as this one. He wanted to leave her now! Why would he do that?
"Please Ned, please don't leave me alone. I'm sorry. Please stay with me. Don't leave. It hurts and I can't do this without you." she cried out and tears of pain and exhaustion were running down her face.
Ned leaned over her and pressed his lips to her forehead and pushed her wet hair out of her face, "Don't worry, my love. I won't leave you, ever. Not unless you tell me too. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do anything without you. You are so strong."
"You make me strong!" she whispered right before the next contraction hit again and she had to scream again.
She screamed so loud, she was surprised she couldn't hear glass breaking around her. She squeezed Ned's hands so hard, she was surprised that all his bones were still intact. She pushed so hard, she was surprised she didn't push her guts out alongside  her baby. Everything she did, she did with all the strength she could muster up. She was certain she would soon run out of energy and the will to go on.
She wondered how it was possible for her vagina to stretch open to the amount that was needed for a whole human to fit through there because it felt like it was going to rip apart from the inside. It must have been an hour or so before she got a little break to catch her breath again.
"Catelyn, you're doing an amazing job. It's going really well. The baby starts crowning now. Try to slow down your desire to push and maybe gently try to pant." Luwin ordered her. 
"What?" she asked through gritted teeth. "How does that make any sense? I want this to be over, not slow it down!" 
"Trying to slow down the birth will give your skin time to stretch. It could prevent tearing." One of the midwife's chimed in. Catelyn likely would have snapped at her as well if she wouldn't be distracted by the word tearing. Whoever said births were magical or a miracle had been a lying liar. Giving birth hurt, there were body fluids everywhere and she had had strangers hands on and in her vagina examining her for the last 15 hours.
She needed Ned and searched for his eyes: "I don't think I can do this. It hurts too much. I can't. Please Ned, I can't."
Ned's hands left hers and for a moment she wanted to panic but thankfully his hands were cupping her face a second later.
"Yes you can." He told her: "There is no one as strong as you. No one could bring our child into this world as fantastic as you are doing right now. I believe in you."
"Catelyn it's time to push again." the doctor interrupted Ned. 
And she did. Maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours later she was finally done. She had delivered their baby.
Their baby was here. The baby they had been waiting for, for seven months ever since they found she was pregnant was here. She still couldn't wrap her head around it. After hours of pain, pushing and screaming she got to hold her baby in her arms. He was perfect in every way possible. She couldn't imagine that there ever was a child as beautiful as her baby. She was remotely aware of the fact that someone was pushing down on her stomach probably to get the placenta out but she was too distracted by her son.
Sprawled over her chest he looked tiny. It seemed impossible that this small human being had kicked her from the inside hard enough to be visible on the outside. Neds large hand came into her view carefully stroking over the little patches of red hair on their baby's head. She was sure her husband could hold their child in one hand. It had always amazed her of how much gentleness his hands were capable of despite their roughness. And it had never been as apparent as it was right now.
"He is perfect, Cat" Ned whispered, his voice full of awe. There was no reason for more words. No words could ever describe the feelings both parents felt but they both felt it.
A few hours later the baby had had his first checkup, had been fed for the first time, both Cat and her baby had been cleaned up and Ned and she had decided on the name Robb.
Now the proud newly made parents were sitting on the hospital bed taking turns holding their baby. It was almost addicting and she was certain that she would never be able to get enough of it.
An hour before Ned had called their family and 5 min before had just received a text message that they had arrived. Her father had been there for the first few hours of her hospital stay but they sent him home and told everyone else not to come till the baby was actually there. There had been no reason for any of them to wait over half a day in an uncomfortable hospital waiting room.
A soft knock was at the door. The nurse that had helped her with nursing Robb for the first time stuck her head through the door, "Your family is here Mrs Stark. Would you like to see them?" 
"Yes, let them in please." Cat smiled at her. She was pretty sure she hadn't stopped smiling since the pain of giving birth had passed.
The door opened wide and their family walked in. Immediately the room was full with their fathers, their siblings and her uncle. Everyone marveled at their son and got to hold him. Lyanna declared that their choice in a name was terrible and Brandon looked like he was agreeing but everyone else politely ignored her.
Her father expressed delite in the fact that Robb shared their Tully traits of red hair and blue eyes. For a moment Cat was afraid that Rickard or Ned were disappointed that Robb shared so little of their Stark look but Rickard had just smiled at Hosters words. Ned had outright declared that his son was very lucky that he looked just like his beautiful mother. Her brother had rolled his eyes at it but it filled Cat with waves of happiness. 
They all stayed until Cat started to yawn, exhausted from the long days she had. Robb was already asleep in his crib next to her bed. After that people left one by one until only Rickard and Brandon were still in the room. Richard took Ned by his arm and pulled him out of the room into the hospital corridor. 
Brandon looked down and at the crib, "My brother is right you know? This child is lucky to have your looks and not his sombre face. This way he is way more pleasant to look at."
She frowned, "Don't be like that Brandon. Robb would be just as lucky if he had his fathers face. It is a good face. I should know, I married that face."
Brandon laughed with an ugly smile that was more of a grin on his lips he said, "And you're still happy with that kitty Cat? No regrets? Didn’t wish you were still with me instead of the replacment you found? Didn't think about me or my babies while being pregnant? I'm just saying our kids wouldn't have to worry about inheriting an ugly face."
"How dare you Brandon! How dare you say something like this? Get out! Get out now. For your information I didn't waste one single thought on you the whole 9 months or any months before that. And I don't want to see you here anymore if you insult my husband and my future babies." She told him in a dangerously low tone. She didn't want Ned or his father to hear her but she would not tolerate anyone insulting her husband and ruining any part of their happiness. Not today, not ever.
Brandon left the room after this and went home with his father. Normally she still got on well with Brandon. He had an easy going personality and he was funny but everytime he was reminded of the fact that his little brother ended up with his ex fiance he became an ass and made Ned into the butt of his cruel jokes. It always made her blood boil instantly but she didn't intend to think about it anymore today. Not when there were so many things to be grateful for today.
Fortunately Ned returned to her pretty much the second Brandon went out of the room. She asked what his father had wanted from him and her husband told her his father had just wanted to let him know that he is very proud of Ned. She didn't quite manage to keep the smirk of her face and her eyebrows in place but it was just very like the Starks to keep their feelings and emotional outbursts as private as possible.
Ned climbed into bed with her so he could hold her in his arms. There was no place safer than Ned's arms. The feeling of his chest at her back and his beard on her neck made her float into a deep sleep. A well needed sleep.
No Brandon occupied her mind, only Ned.
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snowmadien · 7 years
The Dragon and His Fairy
Summary: He was the feared Iron dragon who lived alone in his vast kingdom, however when he finds and injured fairy his whole world is thrown into a spin.
Rated T (This might change)
Chapter 4
A Dragon and his Fairy
Levy woke up feeling refreshed, carefully she stretched her arms above her head testing the limit of her injuries. She looked around and found that Gajeel was nowhere to be seen and the cave was silent except for the crackling of the dying fire.
“He must be out,” She thought as she looked next to her and found the chest and boots. Curious she opened it and found the warm, soft fur clothing that seemed to be made just for her size. They slid comfortably over her bandaged wings, giving her room to move freely without feeling constricted. Looking around the room, she saw that there wasn’t much for her to do till then she remembered; She was in a dragon’s cave, and dragon’s had hoards.
“I don’t think he would mind if I looked around. I won’t go far in, in case I get lost.” She told herself when she slipped on the boots. Walking was never something that Levy could ever get used to. Each step felt awkward and strange, in her whole life she did minimal walking. Instead, she would fly everywhere her parents would tell her that she better get used to walking even running as she one day she might lose her wings. But she didn’t listen, and now she was forced to do everything on foot.
The cave never got darker as she went in, glowing stones along the sides lighting the way, revealing other entrances to deeper parts of the cave. She turned into one, and her jaw nearly dropped to the floor; in front of her was a vast ocean of gold. It went so far that she could barely see the end of the cave and every inch was covered in gold. Some piles went so high that she could see that he had used either his paws or tail to break the stalactites that hung from the roof.
“How much treasure does he really have?” she whispered in awe. Every book she had ever read on dragons told of the vasts hoards of treasure, but none had ever described just how much they had.
“But if this is one part of the cave then what else does he have hidden in here?” she asked herself. As she ventured further in, she found rooms filled with food, more gold even knights armor with some having bones on them.
She soon found herself in yet another vast hoard this time it seemed like old items such as tapestries, maps and other things that humans made. This room had piqued her interest as humans were rarely seen in her kingdom, so she had never seen items like this.
Everything was covered in various layers of dust and cobwebs; some had a light coat, others were so thick that the dust had glued itself onto the items. Tugging at one of the scrolls that were lodged under a mountain of items, she set off an avalanche of items causing them to tumble down and pin her to the ground. She coughed from the settling dust and felt the weight from the items crushing her. She felt her wings sting with pain as a set of heavy tapestries held her down
“Oh no, I’m trapped!” She yelled as she struggled to pull herself from the rubble. However, she yelped in pain as she felt a tug on her wings
“Gajeel help!” She screamed, praying that he would find her.
As luck would have it, Gajeel was just returning from a spontaneous raid, hoping that the contents of the latest chest would help entertain the little fairy when boredom would strike.
“Oi Shrimp I’m-” He paused as he looked down at the empty bed.
“Fuck, where the hell did she go!?” He began to panic. He saw that the chest was open and that she had taken some clothes and the boots, but no other sign indicated to where she was. Taking a deep breath, he smelled the air trying to catch her scent. He stopped when he heard a faint noise coming from the part of the cave where he kept his hoard.
“That’s it. I’m tying her down when I find her.” He growled as he stormed into the deeper parts of his cave. When he found her, the look on her face drove any anger that he had out of him.
“I’m sorry,” She muttered as he began to pull the items off her gently.
“No, I left yeah alone and didn’t bother to give yeah something to do.” He gently stated “You just scared me that’s all.” he thought to himself. He hated seeing her helpless, despite the trouble she was causing right now.
Using a claw, he helped her up, before she could take a step he swooped her up in his paw and placed her on his back.
“Hey, I can walk!” She protested as she grabbed onto one of his horns to keep from falling off.
“Gihi, so can I, besides you’re still hurt. Ought to tie yeah to the bed to keep Yeah from running off like that.” He had chuckled before he lumbered back to the main cave.
His scales felt cold against her and didn’t tear her clothing. She could see faint scars along his body from fights. Even parts of his wings had some rips and tears in them.
“So how much treasure do you have?” She asked as they walked back, thinking back to the swarms of items in each cave.
“Well the depends on the cave it’s in. But I’ve got more treasure than I can count, and plus I’ve got a cave full of cursed objects and black books.” He grunted as they reached the main room. He plucked Levy off before she could get down on her own and gingerly placed her in the bed.
“Stay in here. Got it? Lil didn’t patch you up just so you can go running around.” He commanded.
“I didn’t go running around! I just wanted to see if I could find some books.” She retorted and crossed her arms. He raised a brow and brought the chest over to her.
“Then you might want to open this.” He smirked before curling around her.
Slowly she opened the large leather chest and gasped, inside was a stack of old leather books. But they weren’t ordinary books: when she opened the first one she saw that it was a book on solid script magic.
“Where did you find these?” She said in awe as she pulled them out slowly and examined them with great care. He smiled, seeing her face light up with excitement sent a warm feeling through his body, something he had never felt before. Her honey brown eyes lit up with excitement, her lips forming the brightest smile he had ever seen.
“I found them in an abandoned castle on the west side of the forest. You mentioned your magic was solid script so thought you would like some information on your own magic.” He grunted as placed his head on the bed. She didn’t realize that her body had curled up next to him, wanting to be closer to him.
Deep down Gajeel didn’t know if he could do it; If he could show her the human side of him. How he wanted just to hold her in his arms, to have her sit in between his legs and for him to hold her while she read. But it wasn’t time yet. He wanted her trust and acceptance completely first.
Over the next few days, the two began to grow closer to each other. Gajeel would bring her various books he took from the abandoned castles that were scattered around her kingdom. Levy slowly started gaining strength in her legs and soon was able to help cook up tasty meals that she found within the books. When Gajeel was out on patrol, he allowed Levy into a few less dangerous parts of the cave to allow her to explore the vast hidden treasure he had. She’d often come back with hidden books written in foreign languages or scrolls with lost history scrawled in them.
At night he would curl up next to her as she read the various books that he had brought her. Listening to her gentle voice soothe away any troubles or cares that they each had. At times he found himself purring with delight and tried to stop before Levy would notice but she laughed and smiled call him a dragon cat.
“Go put your boots and and follow me outside, there is something I want to show you.” He told her one night as they had finished dinner. Levy grew curious as to what he was going to show her as she eagerly put on her boots and chased after her dragon. Before they left Gajeel grabbed several thick fur blankets and carried them out.
Outside the ground was frosting over and Levy could see her breath on the cold winter night. There wasn’t a single cloud in the starry night sky showing all constellations in the heavens. The cold air filled her lungs and made her feel so alive; in the south, the air never dipped under seventy-five degrees so even in winter nights were warm and pleasant.
He placed the blankets over his forelegs and put the others haphazardly in it, creating a tiny nest for her.
“So what are we doing out here?” She asked as she nestled herself into the warm blankets. She felt his body rumble as he made himself comfortable.
“Just look up at the sky, you’ll see.” He stated as he kept his eyes on the sky. Levy gasped as the night sky exploded with colored lights. Ribbons of green, blue, yellow, orange and white danced along the heavens.
“The northern lights only happen a few times a year.” He explained. Levy’s jaw was dropped. Only in books and pictures had she ever seen the legendary northern lights, never did she think in a million years would she ever see them in person.
“They are beautiful,” She whispered. Tears of joy began to roll down her eyes as she watched the light show.
“Hey, no crying,” He chuckled, as he nudged her with his nose. She looked even happier than the books he had brought her, her face glowed with joy as her eyes didn’t leave the night sky.
“Thank you, my dragon.” She hugged his nose and cried into it. Which caught him off guard as he didn’t know how to respond.
“Levy, there is something else I want to show you.” His tone turned serious as he slowly brought his head up from her arms. She gave him a dubious look before his body turned into a cloud of dust.
Special thanks to @spikerr for betaing this story for me once again!! Go check them out they are amazing!!
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alexdanverslovesyou · 7 years
Chapter 1: Stakeout
2 years later
Reader's P.O.V.
Badoomp. Badoomp. Badoomp. I hear a faint heartbeat getting stronger with every beat. It’s cold and water is dripping from the ceiling. A drop hits me and it splashes into thousands of tiny little droplets falling silently to the ground. Grey walls surround me, all weathered down and destroyed by time and rebuild by nature. A warm light shines through a big hole in the ceiling in front of me. Everything seems far too silent. I take a breath. There are footsteps coming from behind me. A clicking sound coming closer.
One. By. One.
One more step, one more click, one more splash, one more inhale and I turn around.
It feels wrong to look but I can’t do anything, something is pulling me to that sound. A soft hand slides over my right cheek cupping my chin, guiding my head up. I see soft light pink lips spreading into a smile. It’s a woman. Her face comes closer. I inhale sharply and close my eyes slightly. She guides me to lie my body down. Both of my hands are taken into hers and splayed to my sides. The woman is still standing over me while she puts her index finger over her lips telling me to be quiet.
Suddenly a hand from behind my head slides over my lips and presses my mouth shut. The woman turns a glaring light at me and fades into a dark silhouette. The smile in her voice makes me shiver.
“Make sure to strap her in tightly. We don’t want anything to happen to you, do we now?” I try to run, to get loose but my head and arms are held by strong hands keeping me strapped to the surgical chair I am lying on. I try to scream and shout as the woman towers over me with a syringe in her hand but nothing works, I am helpless. My head is turned to the side as the womans hand with the needle comes closer. Badoomp. “This will all be over soon, you’ll see.” Badoomp. The needle pierces my skin. Badoomp!
“NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!” I shoot up screaming my lungs out. Breathing fast and heavy as tears start to fall from my eyes. “STOP!!! Why CAN’t IT STOP!!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME??!!” I scream at nothing, taking my head into my hands pulling at my hair rocking my body. “I can’t take it anymore.. Make IT STOP!!!!” I sob breaking completely down.
I don’t know how much time passed but I calmed down, at least enough to hear a soft scratch and a meowing at my bedroom door.
“Fay” I exhale quietly, wiping my tear stained face and shifting my covers to slip out of bed to open the door. As I kneel down Fay immediately rushes to me and jumps into my arms purring and trying to reassure me. Her soft fur tickles me as she rubs her head lovingly on my neck. That made me giggle a bit. “Hey, it’s okay, Fay. It’s over.” I say as I give her a soft kiss and smile at her. After two years Fay learned to sense my nightmares coming but I never let her sleep in my room, I only let her in after I woke up and calmed myself down again.
“Come back here you street rat!!!” a man shouted. It startled me to no end. Adrenalin hittin me hard and panic rising in me again.
‘I know that voice.. How will I explain to him, how did he even find me..?!’
Shock frozen I stood there like a deer in headlights. Something furry hit my legs and I stared down in fear. It was a small grey kitten she looked at me completely confused till the shouts of the man got louder and a light started flashing in the felines direction.
“There you are!!!” he blared grimly into the night, aimed his slingshot and fired. The small cat regained it's composure faster than I did and charged past me, pulling me out of my state of shock, but it got hit nonetheless. It screeched in pain and dragged itself away from it's torturer.
“Die you piece of sh-!” he shouted in anger as he cocked his sling and fired again.
My body acted before my mind caught up. Shielding the small cat from the projectile as I felt the sharp pain of the stone cutting through my flesh as I tried to muffle my scream of agony. The man suddenly realized he wasn't alone in the alleyway.
“Who in the seven hells–?!” he asked in disbelief. “Wait a minute, how the – ” he came closer and turned me around. I lifted my arms in defence but to no use, he picked me up by the collar of my vest and punched me straight in the face. “Where is the Inertron?!!” He shouted as he threw me back on the ground about to beat the sh*t out of me when I heard him shriek in surprise. The little cat clawed the man’s shank and bit into it hard. Panicked I stumbled to my feet, kneed him in his guts, grabbed the cat and vanished. I heard him scream after me but I couldn’t care less. The only thing that mattered was bringing us to a safe place.
A few blocks later I rounded a corner sharply and the kitten dug its claws deeper into my shirt. I tried to stop but tripped over a stone. I completely forgot about the little cat. Gladly I managed to land on my side keeping the feline safe but hurting me even more. My mouth kept shut to muffle my scream or else I would have been found. There were two or more men following me, I could hear their footsteps getting louder. My heart was pounded so fast. They were so close.
“Where is she?! Damn it!!! That woman should have paid us more!” the man from before, Jonathan, barked. He was standing near the edge as he looked around. A rustle a bit ahead of me made him look down lighting the whole area with his flashlight. I tried to stay absolutely still and prayed that the kitten would do the same. The white light roamed the area and came far too close.
‘I’m done for it..’ I thought as tears started rolling down my face. As the light nearly reached the top of my head a shput in the distance and one of the men calling caught Jonathan's attention. He rushed away and it got silent.
Ten minutes later I felt safe enough to try and move but only to cause the thorns to rip my skin and clothes even more open than they already had. “Fuck…” was all I managed to say. “Fuck, fuCK, FUCK..!” I sobbed. The corner I rounded lead into a pit filled with blackberry bushes and some old junk covering the ground. I was lucky that I didn’t break anything considering the pit was quite deep. As I tried to get rid of some of the thorny vines the kitten started to stir and meow. “Hey, hey, everything’s okay. Wait a sec.” I lifted it with my left hand and placed it away from the thorns slowly freeing myself to get a look at all my wounds.
My whole body was covered in blood and dirt. I had countless little cuts from the thorns, a huge gushing wound on my right knee which I ripped back open when I kneed that sick bastard in his stomach, a throbbing wound on my head and a whole lot of bruises and cuts all over my arms and legs. But I was alive and that was all that mattered. As I lifted my little fellow up I saw a collar lying on the ground, I picked it up and read the initials. “Fay.” the kitten meowed and I smiled. “Do you want me to call you Fay?” the cat meowed again and I pressed it to my chest and gave it a soft kiss.
Ever since that night she stayed with me. It was a long journey to patch her back up but Fay is a fighter. Just like I am. Though some wounds just won’t heal.
Years passed since I was kidnapped and tortured but some of the images are still stuck in my head but there is nothing I can do to change that, except learn to live with them. We went through a lot. The both of us had to run and hide for years and we still do. Jonathan is still on the lookout for us but I keep close watch on him. It was hard to get back to my feet but I wasn't alone anymore. I had Fay and we both managed to get away. I fled to National City to start a new life and so far it worked. I am still working in kind of a shady business but I keep a low profile, I spy undercover for people who pay well, I give them information and they give me money. Nearly all of my orders are about cheating couples or blackmailing companies. It's nothing special but it keeps me and Fay from the street and out of harm's way.
She jumped on my bed and bumped her head against mine and shortly after Fay laid beside me I fell asleep, her purrs reassuring me, telling me that everything was okay.
Bip. Bip. Bip!
I jolted up and groaned. “I need to change that annoying sound.” I said as my hand flew over to the alarm clock beside my bed. Fay stretched beside me and licked my arm. “You agree with me, don’t you?” I say as I pet her and sigh as I rub my face to get some of that leftover sleep out of my system. “Ready for some breakfast?” I ask and Fay jumps up in joy. “Come.” I made my way to my desk and picked up my laptop. Fay and I walked side by side to the kitchen and she started purring loudly.
She mewed excitedly when she heard the rustling of the bag and the soft klincs of the food falling into her bowl. My smile spread even wider when she started chewing pleasantly. I sat down at the dinner table and started sending my recent customer the details about the final details of our meeting in a few days  at a café just outside of National City. When I was done I closed my laptop, picked up Fay’s empty bowl and gave her some fresh water.
“And now some breakfast for me.” I said delightedly as I walked into my bedroom to change my clothes.
´What a bright and sunny day.’ I mused.
I was never too fond of the sun but something changed in me. That night changed me. I never payed much attention to it but I couldn’t deny it. Every time the warmth of the sun hit me I calmed down, got focused, I could feel the people around me radiating something. It was always there but it was strongest in the sunlight. It felt odd but in a good kind of way. Somehow soothing. And today was a particularly sunny day so I wanted to take my sweet time to enjoy it as long as possible, but my stomach decided otherwise. It started growling. ‘Okay, okay! I will hurry and eat something. Happy?’ it replied with another growl and I giggled.
I finally entered my favorite cafeteria – it’s located just about two blocks from my apartment – and decided to get myself a well deserved breakfast since today was the end of a boring case of the betrayal of husband number 5.
Sighing I opened the door. ‘Omg, it smells so good.’ I said as I speed walked to the counter, picked up a plate, filled it with food and payed. There was a free table near the exit with the perfect few over the park.
I sat down and started eating but midway through my meal I noticed someone across from my table watching me. It was a woman probably in her mid twenties? She looked cute but her demeanour changed as soon as she noticed me making eye contact with her. The woman blushed took the last piece of her sandwich and shoved it into her mouth. As she started rummaging through her small bag an ID tag peaked out and I could read the letters D.E.O.
‘That's odd.’ I thought as I pretended to continue to eat my meal.
The womans hand shot to the tag as she looked at me with a shocked and dangerously deadly twinkle in her eyes. That took me by surprise and she took the opportunity to grab her things and exit the cafeteria.
My eyes widened as cold sweat started to build on my forehead. ‘Did he find out where I live..? But I made sure he wouldn’t- ..! Damn it!’ I started to panic. ‘I need to find out who she is and what that D.E.O. is. Especially if it’s a special force of killers! I need to go!’ A loud screech was heard when I stood up and accidently pushed the table away. With a hard push I opened the door and rushed after the stranger without running.
My eyes never left the woman as she tried to lose me in the crowd that started building in the park. As she started running so did I. A few more steps just a bit more. “Hey! Stop!” I nearly caught her but a man bumped into me and I lost my balance.
“Watch where you are going!” the man rudely snapped at me and straightened his blazer. That through me off. For a moment I totally blacked out and gaped at the man with a confused frown, till he huffed and walked past me.
‘Shit!’ I looked around and couldn't find the woman in the crowd anymore. ‘Where did she went?!’ I started running again. ‘She can't be far!’ A few meters from me I found her again, just crossing the street, glancing back at me. My expression hardened as I charged after her managing to catch the green light at the last blink. I was so close to her, I stretched my hand out but missed yet again. She rounded a corner, I followed and got a kick in my stomach. “Argh..” That hurt really badly and my meal decided to greet me once more as I threw up. “I hate throwing up.. Damn it!” It was years since the last time it happened.
Minutes passed and the time it took me to compose myself was more than enough for her to get away. “She is good.. But I am good too.” I walked to a sunny spot, closed my eyes and calmed my pounding heart. ‘I know I can do it.’ All my focus is directed to that somewhat familiar aura of that kick ass lady. I felt her. She ran quite a distance but I am still able to catch up to her. Gladly I knew some short cuts.
As I caught up with her I saw her entering a building. It was a skyscraper with security stationed at the elevators to the upper floors. ‘I can’t go in there.. Damn it!’ I stomped my foot lightly which got me some attention from the guards. I just smiled and nodded a good day at them. Looking quickly at which floor the woman exited the elevator and left the building. As I took the soonest bus back to my apartment to pick up my equipment, camera, night vision goggles, my sketchbook and some snacks for the stake out, and pencils to draw. ‘You never know when creativity hits you.’
Fay meowed. “Sweety, you can’t come with me. It’s just a boring stakeout, I’ll try and be back as soon as possible, okay?”
Alex’s P.O.V.
As she left the elevator to enter the D.E.O. Alex took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “What a way to start the day.” she whispered to herself.
“What?” Kara asked making Alex jump. “Woah, it’s just me Alex. You are quite jumpy today. Did something happen?” she asked with a worried smile.
„What? Oh, ah.. well. Yes and no?” Alex said still shook and confused by the whole situation. “I kicked a stranger today.”
“WHAT?!” Kara shouted and then quickly coughed as everyone was looking at her surprised. She pulled Alex aside, to get them away from prying ears and eyes. Leaving the communication area of the D.E.O. Kara asked again. “What happened? Why did you kick a stranger?” She eyed her sister from head to toe and turned her around. “Are you hurt?”
“I am fine Kara.” Alex laughed to calm her sister down.
“I know you can take care of yourself but I still worry.. Wait a minute. Why are you even here, I thought you were getting the girl?” Kara smiled teasing her sister.
“I am, tonight. We will meet at the bar and play some pool. Gosh, Kara I’m so nervous..!”
“Alex has a girl crush!” Kara said poking and tickling Alex who tried to jump away from her sister but it was in vain.
“Kara stop!” Alex giggled.
“Okay, but only because you have a date tonight.” Kara wiggled her eyebrows and winked at a furiously blushing Alex.
“Kara! I swear I will kick you like that woman from before!” Alex warned still blushing.
“You know it takes more than a kick to knock me down.” the superhero said as she crossed her arms. “Do you know why she followed you?”
“I might have stared at her for a bit too long. Stop looking at me like that!” Alex pointed her finger at Kara’s chest. “Something seemed really familiar about her, and, well, she caught me looking and I sort of, panicked and ran out of the cafeteria and she might have seen my ID in the process.” Alex blurted out balling her hands into fists and awkwardly hitting the wall with one of them. Kara just stared at her in disbelieve. Alex just nodded.
“But, still, why run after you?” Kara paused. “Except she wanted to tell you she likes you.”
“Maybe” Alex said sternly looking at Kara with a If-you-say-one-more-word-I’ll-murder-you look. “she works for CADMUS or some other organization. We need to find out who she is.” Alex sighs. “I will talk to Winn and ask him if he can pull out some of the surveillance footage from the cafeteria and the park and ID her if we get a good look at her.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Kara smiled and bumped Alex’s shoulder lightly. “Promise to take care.”
“Promise.” Alex said as she hugged her sister.
“I have to go now, got another interview with Lena.” Kara turned to walk away but looked back one more time and pointed her finger at Alex. “And, You. Call me if you find something out.” Kara said looking fake mad at her sister but then smiled and went on her way.
Reader's P.O.V.  
I position myself on a nearby skyscraper covered and hidden by pipes on the building’s roof but still having all the important exits in my sight.
Time passed quite slowly so I decided to start drawing, I took out my sketchbook and started sketching the building the woman was working in and the woman herself as best as possible. It was quite fun, even some birds flew by and joined my stakeout. They even stayed for dinner.
‘My little bird army.’ I mused to myself.
It was starting to get dark and harder to draw so I switched to my night vision, so far there wasn’t much to see, all the offices were placed in the back part of the building, occasionally someone would come near the windows and look out but that was it. I sighed and put my sketchbook back into my backpack.
“What are they doing in there?” I groaned and slapped my hands over my face pulling my skin and hands down. “I want action, come on!” that seemed to be the cue for a bird to land on my head that tried to pull out some of my hair. “That’s not what i meant, Ruby!” I grumbled but luckily there was some movement coming from the 18th floor. “Finally!” The lady of my interest came close to the window talking to someone on the phone. A wide smile spread over her face as she ended the call and put on her jacket. “Time to go.” I said as I put all my things in the backpack, giving the birds a bit more food, and rushed down the stairs.
I followed her to a shady looking place where she entered a tiny building. There was nothing special, at least from the outside but there was a faint beat coming from inside. I started to hum to the beat and count the seconds to a minute before I entered as well. It was a bar but as I looked closer I saw them. Aliens, everywhere. Some looked human some definitely did not. My whole body tingled as I felt all the aura’s radiating from them. As a man passed me I shook out of my amazement. ‘I have a mission! Where is she?’ I went to the bar and ordered a drink when I spotted her. She was hugging a woman at the pool table and then she pulled her into a kiss. My eyes shot wide open and I had to smile and blush. ‘That was unexpected.’ I mused but that smile fell nearly instantly after the other woman seemed to reject her. She was really hurt.. I could feel it, the whole room was suddenly filled with her pain.. The agent turned around and left the woman calling after her.
“Alex, don’t go.”
“I‘ll see ya.” Alex said as she stormed out of the bar.
‘Not good..’ I stood up when the woman at the pool table turned to the side, closed her eyes and covered them with her hand as she exhaled deeply and lowered the same hand to her lips.
‘Just don’t rush out’ I really had to hold myself back. The moment I turned my back to the bar, was the moment the woman by the pool table looked up and noticed me. We made eye contact. ‘Damn it! Maybe she thinks I am just looking because of what just happened. Just walk out casually.’ The woman's eyes glared at me suspiciously but gladly she didn’t follow me outside. ‘That would have been quite a disaster.’
Alex was nearly out of my line of sight when I rushed out of the bar. She was walking in quite a quick pace taking the fastest route to the nearby street without running and calling the first cab she spotted. She entered it and drove off and I started to freak out. ‘For g’Ds sake, no. Ah, wait! Where is a cab, cab, cab. CAB!’ I waved at one and jumped immediately inside. “Follow that cab at a distance.” I said as I pointed to the vehicle Alex was occupying. As I leaned back I gave myself a few seconds break. ‘Geeh, this day is turning out to be rather exhausting..’
It took about 10 minutes till the cab in front of us stopped. I told the driver immediately to stop, thanked and paid him as fast as possible. He took the money and stared at me for a few seconds before driving off. I just kept on smiling politely and waved. ‘I get why people think I am strange.’ I exhaled.
Alex’s cab had already left as she was trying to find the right key to open the front door. One turn and it opened. She already vanished into the building when I stood in front of it. I tried the door but it was already locked. ‘Argh. Let’s wake  some people.’ I think while I ring a apartment. An elderly sounding men answers.
“Hi, I am sorry to ring at such a late hour but could you open the door. I left my keys inside.”
“Of course, just a minute.” I heard some shuffling and a beep at the door. “There you go.”
“Thank you!” I say as I enter the building. ‘Now where are the mailboxes?’ about three meters away I spot them. ‘Alex, Ale- no, there you are. Alexandra Danvers apartment 32’ I took notes and walked up the stairs to the third floor where her apartment is located. As I walked closer to the door I heared her sobbing softly.
That made me stop for a minute. ‘Geez..’ I sigh. ‘I really hope you aren’t one of Jonathan‘s henchmen.’ It got quiet inside. ‘My cue to go.’
“I hope you feel better soon.” I whispered before leaving.
What I didn’t know at that moment was, Alex heard me say that. She ripped the door open but I was already gone.
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thudd224-art-old · 5 years
Avidity Adrift Chapter 19
Deluge charged through the narrow corridors of the arenas cells beating every guard that happened upon the thrasher's path. The cacophony of the fish's mad dash echoed throughout the winding halls. Two large sentinels blocked Deluge's access to cell housing Acuity. Having witnessed several of their comrade's limbs torn off, armor crushed to the point of impaling its occupant, and many weapons snapped like twigs the pair made a wise choice and slowly stepped to the side. A simple nod displayed gratitude as Deluge passed by the only survivors of his spree. 
When the nine-foot-four mountain of muscle first attempted to enter the tiny cell a moment of idiocy struck him while trying to cram himself through the ill-proportioned opening. After stepping back and thinking for a few moments Deluge seemed to have an idea. The Titan slowly approached the bars of the cell and felt of them, gently patting them, and gazed rather intently at them. Without warning, the thrasher took hold of the bars with both hands and ripped them from their homes with next to no struggle. After a few moments, the dust had settled and Deluge made his way into the cramped chamber where the expression on the Titans face changed from anger to concern as he gazed in awe at the Valiant 's collection of wounds. Acuity's breathing was so shallow that the fish had almost not noticed it until she deeply inhaled and turned to face him.
"Could you be a little louder, I don't think all of Kiln knows were escaping yet," Joked Acuity.
Deluge shrugged in an ambivalent manner and cocked a scaly eyebrow.
"I'm guessing the plan is going well," she asked rhetorically, to which the Titan gave a nod of affirmation.
"Then shall we go, I'm sure the others are waiting," a heavy cough coated her lips in fresh blood.
Deluge projected the image of a figure walking as he gave her a worried look.
"You'll have to carry me," She said shyly.
After Deluge gathered his friend's equipment he slowly lifted the wounded woman from the stone bunk. As careful as he was there were several injuries that had to be shifted. After several long minutes, the thresher had Acuity held firmly with his left arm. Her size reminded Deluge of how he used to hold the hatching in Garrote. Deep in thought, the mighty Titan stepped out of the small room and stood erect, smashing his head into the eight-foot ceiling hard enough that both guards winced. A low growl and several vivid images of bloody death quickly silenced the two and their snickering. The large angry fish made his way back toward the arena, careful of the cargo in his arm.
 ----- ----- -----
As Maxiss was escorted into the tunnel a strange sight caught his eye. Though highly damaged, Finis was clawing his way out of the rubble. The cat clawed gravel and hissed as   pull himself free from beneath the ruined wall while blood gushed from his tearing flesh. The charred stones were quickly covered in a thick crimson mist as Finis pulled himself towards Maxiss spouting a string of curses that would make a guardsman gasp. Maxiss watched the cat and he felt a confident grin creep across his face and a horrible thought bubbled deep in his mind. It had been so long since the weaver had a worthy opponent, and that was the best fight he'd had in ages. A part of him hoped they would get the chance to test their might once again.
The roar of the arena quickly diminished as Maxiss followed the tunnel into the depths. 
As our trio descended with the liberated miners into the caves they talked whilst tending to their various wounds. After patching up the more life threatening injuries conversation turned to a lighter tone as Maxiss and Deluge shared their stories. The weaver spoke of how Acuity and himself had fought many strong foes whilst in the arena. He over embellished everything from the strange servant to the furry psychopath leaving Acuity to correct what she could. 
As Maxiss drew his tale to a close his attention was drawn to the tunnel walls. The Weaver asked his companion how the prisoners were able to get the surface so flawless and smooth. Deluge responded with an odd series of mental images. The first was a foggy yellow crystal pulsing with life. With each surge of energy earth and stone alike spasmed and swayed. With little warning the vision shifted to a small tree, rapidly growing as the sky flashed blue and black. Once the now mighty oak had reached maturity the image changed again. All color drained away as a shadow wrapped figure with a visible yellow aura came into view. The being writhed in agony as more and more of its body crystallized and fractured. Each segment of the figure’s broken body made its way outward, away from the central mass. 
Maxiss rubbed his eyes as the final projection drew to a close. Deluge's mental projections were unusually draining. The staggering amount of information transferred in only a few moments overwhelmed the Weaver and left him in a trance like state for a few minutes while he gathered his thoughts. Eventually Maxiss turned to the big fish and resumed the conversation.
“First, give a guy a heads up before you try and cram that much in that fast,” Maxiss said with a smirk, “And second, are you saying that not only is the earth surrounding us alive, it was, and kind of still is, sentient.”
The mighty fish responded with but a simple nod.
“Whoa,” Acuity exclaimed, “The very earth itself is on our side.”
“Wait up you three,” called a familiar voice as it quickly approached from behind.
The trio turned to face the brothers Snoh and Ward. The brothers were making their way through the crowd as best as possible, however, thanks to Snoh’s size pressing forward was difficult. On the other hand was Ward, who was having difficulty simply seeing through the crowd. Eventually, when the brothers caught up with Maxiss and co they began to talk with the group.
“We were hoping to meet up with you after your battle, but since your group bounced early we followed you in here,” Ward explained, “We saw how you fought and thought our organization, the Gilded Ladder, could use someone like you. If you are interested we could set up a meeting with our leader Vadovas.”
Maxiss considered his options as he walked. He didn't want to put Acuity in any further danger and chance worsening her wounds. Deluge looked exhausted and wouldn't be much help if trouble did occur. Even if Maxiss could power through his own wounds he was without a viable weapon. Regardless of if these brothers were being honest or not, they were the groups best chance of survival in an unknown city. Maxiss glanced over at the young men and begrudgingly accepted the offer.
“We'll go with you,” Maxiss stated, “however we'll need some help. Once we're out of this tunnel shelter is the first priority. We need to rest and tend to wounds.”
“Not a problem,” responded Ward, “there's an old abandoned house that the Ladder uses occasionally. It's a bit of a walk, but it'll be the safest place to lay low.” 
“Sounds good,” Maxiss said as he looked ahead towards the front of the tunnel, “I think that the opening is close, I can see light ahead.”
“And I think I recognize where we are,” Snoh added, “Well, I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?”
“All right, what's the good news?” Inquired Maxiss.
“We've only got a few miles to go till the safe house,” answered Snoh.
“And the bad news,” Maxiss asked.
“If I'm right, we have to make it past two security checkpoints,” Snoh explained.
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