#op youre TA but so is this jerkob guy I think Isabella needs to leave you both
softjaspers · 1 year
AITA for wanting my girlfriend to stop talking to her best friend?
I (17M) have this girlfriend (18F), let’s call her Isabella. We’ve been going out for a few months now, honestly when we first met I was kind of…a lunatic (my sisters words not mine). I tried scaring off my now girlfriend because I thought of myself as a freak, the first time she saw my face I looked constipated, which you’d think would be enough to scare off any girl but she’s not like other girls clearly. I call her stupidly stubborn. Anyways, she’s great, smart, pretty, brave, but naive and you’ll see where this comes in.
Isabella has this friend, we will call him jerkob (17M). At first he was an okay guy and looked out for my girlfriend like a good friend would, but lately he has been acting like some toxic alpha male. And he smells SO BAD, almost like a stray dog who hasn’t bathed in years. I’m very sensitive to smells, and it’s entirely disgusting. You’d almost think he WAS a dog. He has no respect for my relationship with my girlfriend, and I know he has feelings for Isabella, you don’t have to read the guys mind to know this it’s written all over him. I’ve tried to tell my girlfriend this, but she insists that he’s a good friend and she needs him. I will admit, we had a rough patch where I left her for a few months to go to Italy with my family (my brother tried to kill her and I threw her at a wall but really it was just a misunderstanding). She was heartbroken, and jerkob was there when I couldn’t be. We’ve got past this now, and we’re happier now that we’re together. I’ve apologized profusely for this and promised her that it wouldn’t happen again, and that I wouldn’t leave her a second time, that I would stay with her for eternity. Jerkob still holds it against me, but he’s really just jealous that he’s not the one in bed with her every night. He tries to claim his body temperature is better for her?? Man, take the hint, she isn’t interested in you, and I find that to be such a disrespectful take on this.
An incident happened recently, he forced my girlfriend to kiss him because if she didn’t he would risk killing himself because he found out that were engaged (a little young, I know, but I love her). And IM the manipulative one? How DARE he treat a woman like that, if he really cared for her he would respect her wishes. I will admit, I’ve been a little crazy too, but not like this. All I did was sabotage her truck so she couldn’t go see him, I thought he was dangerous to her, but at least I apologized for this to her and she understands why I did it and I have no intention of doing it again.
We got into an argument because I really want my girlfriend to cut him off, but she refused. I can’t understand why my girlfriend is choosing him over me, he is so clearly unhinged and needs HELP for his deranged brain. She knows how he feels about her, and even after kissing her without consent she still thinks he is important to her too. Am I the asshole for this? Because I really don’t think I am, I’m only looking out for her.
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