#one of two school readings i missed
maxvchamp · 1 year
things i want to read next year:
i want to die but i want to eat tteokbokki by baek sehee
i’m glad my mom died by jannette mccurdy
heaven by mieko kawakami
all the lovers in the night by mieko kawakami
11.22.63 by stephen king
in the miso soup by ryu murakami
blueberries by ellena savage
last night at the telegraph club by malinda lo
the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald
my year of rest and relaxation by ottessa mosfegh
the unabridged journals of sylvia plath
crying in the bathroom: a memoir by erika l. sanchez
macbeth by william shakespeare
the lesbiana’s guide to catholic school by sonora reyes
babel, or the neccesity of violence: an arcane history of the oxford translators' revolution by r. f. kuang
the unbereable lightness of being by milan kundera
everyone in this room will someday be dead by emily r. austin
all this could be different by sarah thankam matthews
the death of ivan ilyich by leo tolstoj
things i want to REREAD:
catcher in the rye by j.d. sallinger
the secret history by donna tartt
no longer human by osamu dazai
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caterpillarinacave · 22 days
Every person thinks about the battle of Cadair Idris once a day is a statical error. I, CaterpillarInACave, who thinks about it once every 3 to 30 minutes, am an outlier and should not have been counted.
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i work with. the most insufferable man.
#so to start: he's so fucking annoying#and i dont mesnt cringe or weird#i mean this man is incapabke of shutting up about himself#he doesnt have conversations#he just talks at you for upwards of like 20 minutes#WHILE you have fucking work to do#one time i was reading a book with headphones on#massive ones that you cannot miss to be ckear#and he fucking physically taps me to get my attention so he can ask me what im reading#then asks me if ive ever *heard* of kurt vonnegut#like. one of the most famous authors of the 20th century? YEAH#but he just goes on and on for literally 20 minutes abiut his own reading while im just sitting there going uh huh uh huh#hes also casually racist! like i dont think he'd ever say the n word but#likes to say that he used to work in 'inner city schools'#used a blaccent to mock a mother who was upset at him for physically ripping earbuds out of a students ears#referred to his black students as being from the ghetto#was convinced that two of the other teachers are sisters even though they look nothing alike#because they are both black#also seems to be fetishizing peruvian women#like came here specifically to marry a peruvian woman#and i have only known him for a month but i still know all this about him (and more! hes divorced apparently!)#because he is terminally incapable of shutti g the fuck up#but he knows i dont like him 🥰 so he has stopped trying to talk to me at least#i hesr about these things from all the other teachers who are less comfortable being rude to get him to go away#lol
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diamondnokouzai · 6 months
on miss america
hi i'm miss wisconsin and for my talent i'll make this liter of rum disappear!
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can i just teleport to a fictional world and recuperate for two weeks and come back. i think that would fix me
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kingjasnah · 2 years
Reading RoW in one night is actually crazy but also. Hi how did you do that. Do you have any marathon reading tips?
yah firstly to preface: i dont think anyone should be reading rhythm in one night. i needed to for Reasons but besides those there's really no need to do this. also i know ive been saying it was one night but in the spirit of full transparency, i committed a little wage theft and read the first part (pretty much everything that had already been preview released) while still on the clock....last min circumstances (someone got covid) meant i was able to work from home the week it dropped and again. i dont think i could have done this if i had to commute the next morning. in general i am a fast reader and ive done these before but 1200 pgs was still. daunting.
ok so 1) you need good and consistent light. your eyes will be strained enough, dont make things harder for them. 2) a source of caffeine you can drink quickly that wont hurt you later. i drank a lot of very very very cold diet coke cause if i had tried to do it with my beloved filter coffee i would have been physically ill. 3) focus. like in general. i had noise cancelling headphones without playing music until everyone i lived with was asleep and that got me through. 4) you need to trick yourself into caring so so so so so much about what is happening that you force whatever you are reading into becoming a page turner. i could not have read 1200 pages in 8 hours of just anything, but kaladin is my friend and i wanted to see him so.....yeah. if you're last min cramming for school or something this is harder but fr if you straight up psychologically trick urself into caring thats better than caffeine
im actually kinda interested in reading rhythm in smaller doses....i was thinking of doing a big november reread where i would follow that drinking game tor published but like. a couple of chapters a week or smth......idk, for the sake of my liver and the fact that its literally mistborn release month and im ignoring the franchise
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rillette · 2 years
God Hal is so pretty! How did the walking disaster get such lovely look, my friend?
hal used up all his luck being born unfairly pretty, it's why he flops so disastrously every single minute of his life </3
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
Things Songbird is up to this month (oh goodness):
moving (again!) three times in the next three months, from house to new house to student res
Shakespeare (online classes my beloathed)
doing Communication Stuff with a huge number of people
designing save-the-dates, placards, and wedding invitations for my Elinor (the first time I've done this sort of thing. We are also on a tight deadline and I am trying hard to figure out how on earth I can design save-the-dates AND wedding invitations for the first ceremony within the next two weeks while also packing my things and getting ready for VBS)
helping prepare for the wedding (the ceremony on this side of the world is in TWO WEEKS Y'ALL)
finding a DRESS for the wedding??? (the Most stress inducing thing on this list aside from VBS and moving, methinks)
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crescentmp3 · 9 months
hiii! 'tis me.
#i have returned from death (school). limbo‚ even.#i shall not describe it as hell thanks to my lovely Friend (trademark) whom lights up the entire room for me#despite probably darkening it for everyone else due to her apathetic and uncaring nature. oh she's perfect#ahem. not the point. and also very boring to the rest of you who do not know nor care about her#well! the day went fairly great. she (the Friend) seemed to really enjoy my gift and got embarrassed by it‚ which was my intention#she read through the notebook i prepared for her over the summer as a sort of diary directed at her and she really laughed at some parts#she seemed to like the keychain‚ i hope to see her use it#she also really liked the matching-with-mine astronaut that is both an eraser and a pencil sharpener and is already using it#and she ate the two chocolate bars (her favorites) i added into the box as extras.#she was also pretty impressed when i pointed out design choices i made for the inside of the box#so all in all. great day‚ amazing day‚ nearly perfect dare i say. god why does it rhyme. i hate it here#ahem anyway!#we also have new teachers that took the place of the old ones. of course many remain unchanged‚ but it didn't go without any new faces#notably‚ we have a new qur'an teacher‚ a new math teacher and a new literature teacher.#some other teachers were also changed but i have not met them yet so i do not know which#i am especially conflicted with the new literature teacher -#on one hand‚ he's great! very funny‚ very considerate‚ and quite a good teacher from what i've seen.#on the other hand i will also quite miss the old literature teacher.#she was nice! i hope i get to see her around the school#anywwy‚ i will also be missing the old qur'an teacher a lot. she was my favorite‚ and she is very kind-hearted#im fine with the math teacher i suppose. i liked the old one‚ and the new one seems a bit... extra? but i don't feel too strongly on it.#i heard the english teacher we had was replaced and the one we had left the school‚ so that's sad. i really liked her.#🌙rambling
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guess who’s probably gonna get expelled again? me! 🥳
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
Since I'm missing being on my college min worship team right now, here's another funny story. Let me tell you about my friend, let's call her Portia.
So my college min is/was pretty small. Like, 25 people on a good night. So our whole worship band was was this guy I'll call John on the acoustic guitar, by dear friend Portia on the drums, and me singing. Worship rehearsal mostly consisted of John (who was in charge) trying to make sure we all knew what we were doing while Portia did her absolute best to try and make me laugh. I did my best to ignore her, since goofing off during a music rehearsal isn't really in my nature, but I'll admit that I failed more often than not. I've always giggled really easily.
Portia's antics involved everything from imitating a cello or organ line for some of the classic hymns and throwing in various "sing it church" and "this is what we believe" ad libs during the more contemporary ones to singing along in the deepest croaky bass she could manage to straight up poking me with her drumstick from time to time. She also really liked to mess around with the lyrics to the songs.
One week, we were singing "I Surrender All." If you don't know, there's a verse that goes like this:
All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at his feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me, Jesus, take me now.
It's sung very solemnly and sedately. Portia found this hilarious. By and large this isn't a song about death or the second coming, so why is this line here? "Why is it phrased like that?" Portia wanted to know. "Why, midway through this good little Reformed hymn, does this one line suddenly sound like what a fire and brimstone Southern Baptist says when he's about to do something reckless?"
She started messing around and put that verse together with "I'll Fly Away" in sort of a medley singing those lines in this really dark, sort of RP, almost chant-like sort of voice, then switching abruptly to "I'll Fly Away" in her best Southern Baptist voice.
Perfect posture, hands together in a prayer gesture: "Worldly pleasures... ahhhhl for-sah-ken... 🙏 Tehhhk me Jee-sahhs... Tehk me nowww" 🙏
Abruptly starts jumping up and clapping her hands: "Iiiiiiii'll fly away! Oh glory! 👏 Iiiii'll fly away! 👏 (IN THE MORNING) When! I! Die! 👏 Hallelujah!! By and by! 👏 Iiiii'll fly awayyyyy!!! 👏 👏
I'm really not doing the bit justice, it was hilarious. I was laughing uproariously. Even John, who was usually Above Such Things, seemed to be entertained.
So we pull ourselves together, finish rehearsal, and then later on the actual Large Group gathering arrives. "I Surrender All" is like third on the setlist. We sing two perfectly normal hymns ahead of it.
We sing the first verse and chorus of "I Surrender All," and then we get to The Verse. And you guys. I completely lost it.
At first, at the beginning of the verse, it was just a little giggle that could have maybe been ignored, but by the time I got to "Take me Jesus, take me now," I was doubled over laughing, completely unable to sing, red in the face and gasping for air. Next to me, both Portia and John were completely stoic.
And then Portia pokes me with her drumstick.
Now, none of us had ever been disruptive like this during Actual Large Group before, but I guess Portia figured that the situation was already out of control and she might as well make it worse. So yeah, she poked me, and I whipped around still laughing and fell on the floor.
I got up, still laughing, and through my laughter and, by this point, tears, tried to apologize into the microphone.
"I'm... 🤣😂🤣 so sorry.... 🤣🤣 at... 😂😂🤣🤣 rehearsal..." I managed to get out.
"Do you need a minute?" asked our campus minister.
Portia leaned forward over her drum. "Sorry Luke. It was my fault."
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lichensings · 1 year
happy one year birthday to my ocs wrenne and mockingbird. these bitches gay good for them
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hoodieimp · 2 years
Not me finding a new(ish) podcast and Binging it all in one go when I don't even *listen* to podcasts normally--
#dizzyisms#it's Mystery Shack Lookback if you're wondering hdjdjd#the Gravity Falls rewatch/nostalgia time capsule one#found it thru Weirdmageddon's one audio post last night#stayed up till 3:30 AM listening to the Cipher Hunt ep w Alex Hirsch n Jason Ritter(!!!!)#aaand now I've been steadily plowing thru it from the beginning all day#it's genuinely so cool it might even come dangerously close to dredging up my ancient GF special interest#like ngl I wasn't *super* involved in the GF fandom even while the show was On#bc I didn't have cable or Prime or anything (hell I don't think I even had my own debit card back in high school)#so I straight-up missed a bunch of episodes and only saw em thru reaction videos or absorbed the plot via TV Tropes or tunglr posts#but *god* if this isn’t reawakening the same ''!!!!!!'' feeling that reading thru people's theories and stuff back in 2012 did#that same Hype and Monkey Brain satisfaction at ripping into every episode to pick out potential clues and cracking the ciphers#like rn I'm listening to the MSLB ep talking about the First Big Hiatus after Summerween aired + the Rumble's Revenge Flash game#and how this fuckin. Disney Channel tie-in beatemup was where *Bill Cipher's name* was first revealed to us#and hearing Charley (the one host+editor) getting So Fucking Hyped to talk abt Bill is so fun#bc hell yeah that's exactly how *I* felt back when I was first watching!!#now I get to *relive* it vicariously through these two yelling about it!
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surely one of you has read nineteen minutes by jodi picoult... as usual I have THOUGHTS
#the lesson of this book has not aged well#now let me break it down quickly#but major tw if you ever consider reading nineteen minutes its a book with two teenage protagonists but it was written for a mature audience#the book deals with bullying gun violence and abuse and it does depict them quite graphically#so yeah I absolutely would not pick up this book if youre sensitive to that#but anyways the story is about a shooting that happens at a high school and then takes you back to the events that led up to it#as well as the aftermath#and I feel like the idea of Peter's has aged quite poorly#like the book was written in 2007 so the narrative that shooters are the bullied lonely kids who are getting revenge#was very popular in our society but in the year 2023 I think we are (very) slowly realizing that these kids weren’t unpopular nerds#majority of them are incels living in a country that makes it very easy for them to kill people with guns#and the book reallyyyyy misses this mark#like they portray Peter as this kid that was bullied for being sensitive and not a masculine tough guy like the rest of the boys#and its true boys who get bullied generally are bullied for not conforming to masculinity#BUTTT these boys aren’t the ones who go and kill people#its the ones who have deeply entrenched hatred for women and minorities and also happen to be able to use weapons#so yeah if the text was just about a kid who was being bullied and how traumatizing that is then yeah I think it would’ve nailed it#butttt when you try to convince us that this is the profile of a shooter you start to lose#also not nearly enough about gun control was discussed#like the book sends the message that if we’re all nice to each other bad things won’t happen ummmm yeah#but also even if we were all mean to each other we could minimize the amount of casualties by have stricter access to guns#like what people in other countries don’t have mean kids this is a uniquely american problem#anyways these are my grievances
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
Shay, since you're such a big bkg fan, do you have any merch of bkg?? If yes then do you mind telling from where did you get it coz I wanna buy too, and if not then do you plan on buying anytime and what kind??
oh…. 😳😳 well this is embarrassing but i actually umm dont have any bkg merch LMAOOO im a fake fan 😭 idk i just never bothered to buy any pfft
the only merch i DO have for mha is a poster my brother got me for christmas and an uraraka funko pop that my friend got me for my birthday sjzjsjxs. so u can see that i dont rly go out of my way to buy anime merch LOL. i do honestly prefer like. lowkey merch ngl. likeeee i would get these bkg pjs thts similar to his hero costume ig? or ummm this hoodie maybe? idfk 🤷‍♀️ im looking on amazon rn LOL this mug is also cute. never thought abt it too much forgive me nonnie 😭😭
i think i have like, a tokyo ghoul bracelet somewhere tho?? its just kaneki’s mask. and i think a naruto bracelet… and an aot one? idk where they are tho i bought them in middle school and i definitely only wore them once or twice LOL
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beehop · 2 years
i’m just so tired of being tired
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