#one of her eyes look very goofy and things like her yellow Ante things are pleased wrong on one side
craftiestsloth · 8 months
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A Shiny snivy plush I made 4 years ago.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader, Rafael Casal (as Miles Turner) x Reader
Warnings: MINORS DNI, 18 + , RPF. CURATE YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE IF YOU READ BELOW THE CUT. Cursing, drinking, allusion to smoking weed, fantasy, truth or dare, role play, SMUT, Graphic Depictions of Sex, oral sex (M/F receiving), a lil bit of bondage, established relationship, fantasy play.
A/N:  I have no idea what is for trade in prison; sex packets are a made up joke. And I’m really into 90’s rap this week. Anywho, this fic is in response to the following request:
Anonymous asked:
Rafa!!!!! Maybe a fluffy smut where he’s role playing Miles for you? 👀
“Ok, Dare.”
You steeled yourself from the query from Daveed.
“Which fictional character, real or animated, would you like to bone?”
Everyone burst out laughing.
“Real or ANIMATED????”  
You were cracking up laughing and buzzed, feeling good surrounded by your crew of friends who were family.
“Ok, I will answer both.” 
Rafa cleared his throat and settled back on the couch beside you. 
You sat up straight and he watched the curve of your breasts underneath the Oaklandish tee you stole from him that morning.
“Rafael is getting swole! Don’t worry Rafa. She will still come home to your everyday ass.”
“Shut up, Ant. You always got something to say.” You rolled your eyes.  “Everyday with Rafa is amazing.”
You leaned over and kissed Rafa’s lips, which were in a slight frown.  He didn’t like that word, ‘everyday.’
“You good?” You whispered so only you two could hear.
He smiled at you, “No doubt. Answer the man’s question!” Rafa said a little louder, bravado on fleek.
“ANYWAYYY.”  You shook your head at him as you straightened up.  “Max could get it.”
“Max who?” Jasmine was confused.  Then she realized, then leaned over Ant and Rafa to give you a high five.
“Max Who???” Daveed was curious.
“Goofy’s son. Max.”  
Everyone erupted in laughter again. Daveed got up and took the bottle out of your hand. 
“Enough of this.” 
You battled him, jumping up and swatting around D’s head. You won your drink back and sat down.
“As far as ‘real’ fictional characters…” You took a drink. And smiled. All eyes were on you.
“Miles Turner could rearrange my guts.” 
Anthony groaned. Rafa sat up straight. You took another drink . 
“For Real. Ruffnecks kinda do it for me.”
“Gotta who? Gotta have a what?”  Jazzy started rapping. You replied.
“Gotta what? Yo, gotta get a ruffneck.” 
You two started dancing, rapping and singing with your drinks in your hands.
Gotta what? Yo, gotta get a ruffneck
Gotta what? Yo, gotta get a ruffneck
Gotta what? Yo, gotta get a ruffneck
I need it and I want it so I gotta get a ruffneck!
Rafael pulled you down to sit on his lap and Jasmine kept dancing, right in front of Anthony.
Anthony sucked his teeth, but was smiling at Jazzy’s ass. 
“That’s cheating. I mean. That’s just Rafa. I mean, he bones you on the regular.” 
Ant smacked Jasmine on the bottom and took a drink before she plopped down next to him and he put his arm around her.
“You know it!” Rafa and Anthony toasted. 
“But I ain’t Miles.”  
Rafa took another sip of his Abasolo on the rocks.
“And it’s just a fantasy. Right baby.”  
Rafael rubbed your back giving you a look that made you tremble. Rafa felt your warmth on his lap. He grinned into his drink.
You smiled, trying to keep it light and calm the fuck down. Everyone always made fun of you two smashing in people’s bathrooms.
“You aren’t Miles. I didn’t know you when you were younger....” 
You locked eyes with Rafael, and the green fire there did something to you.  
“I think Rafa is Miles’s wasted potential.”
“Wow. That’s deep,” said Ant from a cloud of smoke.
You and Rafa were locked in an eye embrace as well as a physical one.  When he arched his eyebrow, you had to look away, because you couldn’t take it.  
“Y’all need to use my bathroom?”  More laughter.
You and Rafa both flipped Daveed off. 
“Nah, Diggs.” Rafa stood up with you in his arms.  “We’ll use our own. We out.”  
Your man carried you willingly out of the door.
About two weeks later, you came home with some groceries, you were looking forward to a night in with Rafa.
You’d both been busy and tired lately, only available for maintenance sex. 
Rafa was running around creating all of his creative shit, and you worked in the writers room of a popular series.  Life was hectic.
He was sitting at the kitchen table, hands together on top. 
He was wearing blue scrubs over a white Henley and had his face turned to the side, staring out the window. You noticed that his hair was different.
“Hey, babe. Did you get a haircut? What’s wrong?”
He turned his face toward you and that’s when you noticed two more things. Rafael’s eye was black, and there was a tattoo on his neck.
THAT California tattoo. 
You were very concerned and a little confused. Concern came first in your mind.
“What happened to your eye?”  He gave you a strange look, then he spoke.
“A mutha fucka sneaked me in the yard, that’s what happened!”  
You stood still and had to register what was happening.
Rafa was wearing a grill, and his voice was different, in a lower register  and with a long drawn out, almost southern drawl. 
But it wasn’t southern. It was all Bay.
He stood up and walked toward you, and you noticed that his scrubs had “Prisoner” written in yellow letters down the right leg. 
You suddenly realized what was going on. 
Oh, Shit.
“Baby. You’re a sight for sore eyes.  It’s been a minute.”  
You’d left Rafael in bed this morning.  But it seemed that you came home to Miles.
“Hey,” was all you could say. 
Rafael/Miles gestured for you to come over to the table.  It was then you saw that he was handcuffed. 
A strange feeling came over to you.  He stood up, and you saw that his legs were shackled.  You went close to him and looked at his eye closely.
His face was fine, up close, you could tell it was makeup.
“You been to see Galaxy today?”  
You were peering at his neck and the Bay/California tattoo there.
He screwed up his face.
“Who tha fuck is Rafa? And what the hell you talking ‘bout space for?” 
He peered into your eyes, then looked around furtively.
“Babe. Are you high?”
The drawl was a whisper now.
“These muthafuckas’ll kick you out if they think you got drugs on you.”
You smiled at him, pecked him on the lips and replied. 
“No worries. I’m not high.” You sat down at the kitchen table and ‘Miles’ sat across from you. 
“As for Rafa? He’s this guy I know.  Had a nice… conversation with him the other night.”  
You looked into his eyes to see if he would crack.  But your man was a pro.  
He huffed.  “Psshhht.  You MUST be high talking to another dude. What kinda name is Rafa anyway. Sounds like some hipster trash.”  
He peered at you again, anger radiating off of him.
Damn, he was good.
“Tell me what the fuck you mentioning some other muthafucka to my face while I’m locked up in here! Every day.” 
He pounded his bound fists on the table in front of you and made you jump.  It also made you wet as fuck.
He gestured with both hands (because they were handcuffed) to the nice kitchen that you loved to cook in, but that you were now seeing through his performance as a prison visitation room. 
But you were still shook.
“R, R, Rafael is a beautiful artist. He’s a poet. He’s gentle, and kind. And a wonderful lover.” 
Miles glared at you. You stuttered again.
“I-I imagine.”
He gave you a menacing smile and leaned back in the chair, pushing his crotch up in your direction.  Your eyes were drawn there.
“So you imagining fucking another muthafucka and decide to come visit me and tell me about it?”
You got into it.
“Well….I miss you Miles. But it gets hard. Not being able to be with you.”
He leaned forward, bearing his teeth.
“Don’t fucking tell me about it.  Here I am jacking off with leftover chicken grease from the kitchen at night.  Got my dick smelling like a Popeye’s chicken sandwich in this bitch.”
“Ew,” you said, disgusted, then you started giggling at the joke.
Miles pouted and sat back.
“ ‘S not fucking funny!”  He looked out the window again. 
“I shouldn’t even tell you about the surprise.”
You straightened up.  “What is it babe?”
You put your hand on his and he caressed yours with his thumb.  He looked at you, excited and mischievous now.
“I got us a conjugal visit.”
Your mouth dropped open, fully into it now.
“But I thought that was just for married couples, Miles…”
“I know, I know.” He leaned forward and looked around again.  “But I got me a side hustle.”
He shifted his eyes as he scanned the empty room.
“I make sex packets outta the leftover chicken grease from my job in the kitchen. Make a KILLING in oatmeal cream pies, ramen noodles, cigarettes and other tradeable currency.  I made enough to buy us a conjugal visit, girl.”
He leaned back, very satisfied with himself, his hands now on his lap, rubbing his crotch.  
Your eyes were drawn there again and you found yourself irrationally wondering how big his dick was. He had you caught up in this fantasy.
“Let’s go to the trailer and I’ll make you forget all about this Raja guy.” Miles winked at you.
“It’s…”  You saw the look on his face.  “Nevermind. Let’s go.” 
He stood up again, and shuffled his way to the bathroom, you at a safe distance behind him. 
He entered the bedroom and shuffled to the bed, sitting down on the edge. He gestured you to him and you went and stood before him.
He put his nose in your crotch.
“MMMmmmmm. I missed your smell Baby. It’s been too long. He lifted his hands and put them on the insides of your thighs. He pulled back and looked at you, green eyes staring into brown.
“The guards left the key over there. That is, if you wanna get me out of these.” He nodded toward the 
He trailed his hands up to your pelvis, managing to hook one set of fingers into your waistband and still have another at your apex.
He ran his fingers over your jeans right where it counts. This kind of petting felt good and made you want more. 
You let him play for a little while, but then pushed him back to sit and watch you. 
You peeled down your jeans to reveal a white satin thong. Rafael loved white against your coffee brown skin, but tonight, Miles would benefit. You stood there in your button-down shirt, that was really Rafael’s. 
Miles’s hands went to his crotch again as he eagerly watched.
“You seem to be doing pretty well all hemmed up, but let me see.”
You went to the dresser to retrieve the key, and you did, then turned around and put it in your mouth while you slowly unbuttoned the shirt.
Miles leaned back on the bed and opened his legs as far as the shackles would let them go, licking his lips as you disrobed.
You were wearing a white lace bra, your dark nipples and areola straining through the delicate material.  You were very excited at the entire scenario. 
The fact that Rafa was doing this for you because he remembered what you said on a drunken night weeks ago was the shit.
You dropped to the ground and crawled over to Miles’s feet jutting your ass up in the air as you unlocked the shackles.
You massaged his ankles and trailed your hands up his legs to his crotch, where you rubbed the hardness there.
“It’s been so long that you’ve been locked up, Miles.”
You raised up on your knees, loving the feeling of his eyes sweeping over you.
“I’m gonna give you the world’s best blowjob.”
Miles smiled at you.
“Aw, baby. That’s so cute.”
“I’ll show you cute.”
You were about to give your own performance.
Five minutes later, you were gargling his cock, relaxing your throat and taking him as deep as you could, nose nestled at his base, and gently pulling and kneading his balls.
Someone moaned, and you didn’t know if it was Rafa or Miles.  He bucked his hips up into your mouth while resting his cuffed hands in your hair.
“As much as I would love to … fuck baby… cum down your throat.. I need that… damn where’d you learn to do that?!... I need that pussy.  Unlock the cuffs, baby.”
His cuffed hands were in your hair, alternating between massaging your scalp and pulling your hair the way you loved it. 
The way Rafael invented. 
You smiled around his cock with the knowledge that what you were doing was making him slip out of character.
You pulled your head upward, mouth open, allowing the saliva to trickle out with his dick. 
He looked at you like he couldn’t believe how nasty you were being. He was mesmerized. You looked a mess, eye makeup running, lipstick smudged, spit all over your face. 
Your dream man loved it.
“Am I ‘cute’ now?”
“Fuck no. You’re so goddamn beautiful.”
You smiled and quickly reached behind you and unclasped your bra, taking your breasts in your hands and pushed them up around his dick.
“See, if you unlock these cuffs, I’ll handle things the way they need to be handled.”
You just smiled up at him while you manipulated your breasts around him, knowing that he could not control his hips fucking into your cleavage.
“I got it under control.” You stuck your tongue out to tease his tip as it neared your face, lubricating it with your saliva.
“Fuck, baby.  I wanna fuck you so bad. It’s been so long…”
This entire scene was just about the hottest thing ever. You were breathless, dripping, and quivering with anticipation. But you didn’t want it to end so soon.
“How long ‘xactly?”
“Shit, 5 months of being here and jacking off to memories of you everyday.  I need to see that ass and fuck that pussy, babyyyy. Please.”
Those eyes.
Those words. 
The acting. 
You had to relent.
You reached for the key where you dropped it on the floor and unlocked the cuffs.
“Fucking finally!”  Miles rubbed his wrists as he stood up, stripped his shirts off and his pants the rest of the way.
“On the bed, let me see that ass up.” 
He smacked it about three times each and then rubbed it as you did as you were told. 
Miles trailed his hand from your ass up your spine to your shoulder and then pushed your head down further into the bed.
“That’s a girl.” Your back had that perfect arch.
He got behind you and swiped his hardness up and down your slit, teasing you with the head of his dick.
He grabbed your hand and brought behind your back, and very swiftly the other, and before you knew it, your hands were cuffed behind you, head in the bed and Miles was entering you swiftly.
“Fuuuuck! How does it feel?”
You couldn’t speak. The thrill of Miles’ dick inside you and being cuffed had you ready to cum already.
His stroke game was on point, as if he was fucking you to a brand new rhythm- Allegro. 
Strangely, it was different than Rafa had ever been.
That was blowing your mind.
Miles tugged on the metal restraints and the slight pain in your shoulders and wrists, combined with the thrill of this roleplay, made you release, all over him and the bed.
“Shit girl, you really are glad to see me.” That drawl got you ready to peak again.
“Oh fuck yeah, Miles, oh shit, oh shit.” Your pussy was clamping down on him at the thought of Miles Turner having his way with you.
“Shit, I’m cumming with you, hold up.”  
Rafa tried to slow down, but you did that thing with your pussy and he couldn’t help it.  His hips drove his dick inside you until it pulsed and started to flow, and then he pulled out.
“Turn over baby.”
You leisurely moved to turn over, and he motioned you down to the end of the bed, moving the pillow where he wanted your head.
“I need in between those legs, baby.  I need to see you, I need to surround me with you.”
You positioned yourself at the end of the bed, your braids hanging over the edge.
Miles gave you a forehead kiss as he got between your thighs, and pumped himself a couple of times as he aligned with you.  
He leaned down and pulled at your nipple with his mouth, moaning when you moaned, moving his eyes appreciatively down your body and keeping his eyes where you were about to join.
The look on his face when he entered you was very hot, and you found your pussy squeezing his cock in appreciation. It seemed magically somehow bigger, and all of your senses were alive as he started moving.
“That’s my beautiful baby. You’re so fucking tight. Don’t push me out, let me have the glorious pussy. Damn girl, this pussy, those thighs, your curves, these tits. What did a man like me do to deserve you. You’re such a fucking sweet princess for me…”
You were astounded. Missionary was far from your favorite position because you seldom came that way, but the way Miles was whispering praise in your ear and the total fantasy was getting you there. 
He watched your face and adjusted his pace in response to your cries, and that knowledge made you start to come. When your eyes rolled back in your head, that’s when he knew.
He pulled your hair back and sucked the shit out of your neck as you came, and he released inside you.  You wrapped your legs around him and held him as he shivered with the aftershocks of his orgasm.
Your lover rolled off of you and you snuggled into his arm. He lay there and held you as you tried to process.
“That was… wow.” You weren’t sure who to address, Rafa or Miles. Irrationally you felt you were in love with both.
He just chuckled at you, and gave you another forehead kiss.
“I’m going to enjoy a shower.  Goodbye for a while, baby.”
You grinned. “Bye Miles.”
He pecked you on the lips and you watched him go into the bathroom.
You rolled over on your back and tried to organize your thoughts. How would you write this?
Thoughts of writing this scene chased you into sleep.
You woke up to Rafael, grill and tattoos gone, freshly out of the shower and in a towel, gently trying to pull you from sleep.
You let him get you up and into the bathroom to a hot bath.  You let him tenderly clean you up and then get you out of the tub and dry you off. You were more tired than you thought.
“You hungry?” You walked into the kitchen in a towel behind him.
Rafa had put the groceries up and was holding up takeout menus. He was truly magical. You smiled, nodded and told him what you wanted.
45 minutes later, you were in his softest Oaklandish tee and you were curled up on the couch in the living room together, food containers spead out on the coffee table.
You felt totally in sync with this amazing man.
“I loved tonight.”
He smiled softly back at you.
“Had to give you your fantasy since you help me live mine. Every day.” 
He leaned over and kissed you.  He looked you intensely in the eyes. Those green pools had you trapped.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Rafael.”
Your fantasy had been Miles, but your reality was Rafael. 
And that was fantastic. 
@braidedchallah @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @delaber @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @janthonystan-blog @anh1020 @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes  @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @janthonybitch @einfachniemand @einfachniemand
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not-safe-for-bts · 4 years
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Terms and Conditions of Friendship {JHS} [2]
Part 2 of a looooonggg one-shot, please read the first part here! Also sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors I’m posting before editing today!
Warnings: swearing (it’s me), fuckboy!BTS, sexual tension with like all of the members, a road trip with 7 rowdy men, slight exhibitionism, teensy bit of masturbation, Dom!Hoseok, a very needy, bratty sub!Reader, spanking, oral (m/f receiving), daddy kink (again, it’s me, cmon), overstimulation, squirting, thigh riding, normal(?) riding, unprotected (wrap it up, kids!), just filth
Summary: 13 has always been an unlucky number. Always. It’s just... written into the laws of nature at this point. So it’s no surprise that when you hit the 13th month of your - ahem - dry spell, you do the one thing you swore you’d never do.
“Where did this come from?” You inquire, gesturing to the car. Hoseok has to applaud you. You’re playing your innocent part very well indeed, considering he’s caught you masturbating twice in two days. There’s that sheen in your eyes, a cloud threatening to thunder over your entire face but you’ve kept your composure. He’s actually kind of proud.
“Oh, this thing?” Hoseok snaps the bonnet down and turns to face you. He wipes away the grease on his fingers with a towel, making sure to flex and he suppresses a smirk when you very obviously almost drool at the sight of his arms.
“Well, she’s been here for like two years now. Runs so fucking smoothly. I don’t take her to campus because it’s a pretty decent car and someone in the city would definitely highjack it given the chance.”
“I see. So you leave it here?”
“Guess so. I was actually about to give her a spin. Do you wanna come?” He’s looking down at you, his brown locks falling into his face as he does so. There’s a smile plastered on his face. The one that makes his rosy lips so wide and kissable, and his cheekbones become like 100x more noticeable. His eyes are sparkling with the excitement and how can you say no to such a beautiful face?
Okay. Maybe you should have said no. Turns out that this death trap has a horsepower of over 300 and Hoseok likes to go fast. Really fast. He’s a baby when it comes to rollercoasters. He hates them. He also hates things like boats and he gets a little nervous flying. But driving the deathmobile round right bends at 120- 120MPH?! - is not an issue for him?! Oh dear god you’re going to die horny as fuck and with Hoseok next to you and it’s going to be the most pathetic thing.
“Let’s see how fast we can go here!” It’s a straight road. It’s already hot today because you can see the ripples coming from the ground up made entirely of heat. Hoseok pushes harder on the accelerator and you are praying to every single god to please not die like this. Then you look over at Hoseok and everything just stops. His face is plastered in this big goofy smile. You’ve never seen him so ecstatic in your life. He’s gripping onto the steering wheel to the point his knuckles are turning white and you kind of think that he is a little scared of going this fast. Is he doing this to impress you? You mentally scoff. His arms are flexing with every tug at the wheel and he’s laughing so hard that his eyes are closing and you aren’t sure if he can even see the road. But... your heart falters and just looking at this bubbly, smiley, bundle of absolute happiness is enough for you to feel the adrenaline. Suddenly you’re not so scared because it’s Hoseok and he’s told you a million times that he won’t let anything hurt you. You suspect he had a hand in Jackson’s mysterious fall down two flights of stairs but he never really brought it up after uttering “well he did deserve it”.
You’re laughing now and so is Hosoek and you’re doing 145mph and Jesus Christ this is the most fun you’ve ever had in your life!
You and Hoseok drive around for a couple of hours after this and he slows down a lot. You’re still doing like 70 in 50 areas but it’s not nearly as fast as that straight where you were momentarily convinced that you were going to die. You chat with Hoseok, and he starts asking you about your grandmother.
Despite knowing him closely for so long, this topic never really came up until now. You find yourself pulling at the hem of your play suit (which only reaches your mid-thigh anyway) and unable to look at him.
“Hey,” he takes a hand from the wheel to pull your chin up gently and look at him, “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want.” He released you and the butterflies are bursting in your guts. Can they fuck off already?
“No, no...” you shake your head, “I just don’t tell a lot of people about this aspect of my life... about my parents and stuff.”
“I see..” he hums but he doesn’t press you. Part of you wants to tell him. You don’t know why. But it does so you kind of do.
“I never got along with my mother.” You suddenly pipe up, looking straight ahead. You can’t bear to look at Hoseok right now, “it wasn’t like she ever physically abused me or anything but... I never bonded with her. At all. We never got on. Even when I was small she was kind of vicious towards me and as I grew closer with my dad, the worse she got. But she was always afraid of my grandmother. So I stuck by my grandma... she’s basically taken over as a mother figure in my life since I haven’t spoken to my actual mother since I left to study... she’s done everything for me my whole life, acting as though she was my real mother... even if she isn’t, she’s my whole world I guess...” you’re trailing off and you feel so stupid for opening up to Hoseok.
But Hoseok is driving real slow because he’s paying absolutely no attention to the road right now. He’s looking at you as you screw you hands into fists and look down. You’re blinking and he knows you’re fighting back the tears. He didn’t know... No one would have ever known you had such a detrimental flaw in your upbringing. Despite the shit you’ve clearly been out through by your own mother, you’re still so happy and cheerful, you still lend a hand and act so nicely towards everyone. Hoseok is in shock, he has to admit it.
There’s a sudden urge within him and he kind of wants to kiss you. Maybe it will make you feel a little better. But that’s kind of weird, so he looks straight ahead, too and drives back to the summerhouse in silence.
The whoops of the maknaes fill the air as they all jump into the cool water. Namjoon is sitting at the edge of the water, with his feet dangling in and a book in his hands he’s threatened the boys to leave him alone and he’s been so kind as to sit away from where the three youngest frat members are playing. Yoongi is sitting under a tree, watching the commotion with his head lolling. He’s clearly halfway to sleep. Seokjin is thundering out of the house with a flamingo rubber ring, fluorescent yellow arm bands and blue swimming goggles. He’s charging down the grass and he cries out for the maknaes to move. Taehyung isn’t quite as quick as the other parts of the trio and Seokjin crashes into him. You wince at the sound. You’re sitting on the bench a little way from the water. As nice as it looks, you’re kind of not in the mood to play anymore. Hoseok hasn’t spoken to you since your confession in the car and you’re worried you’ve scared him away.
You listen to the splashes and screams of the members but you’re looking down at the dirt. Some ants are bustling around your feet and there’s a ladybug chilling out on a blade of grass not too far away. The whole bench shifts suddenly and you look up. There’s a glass of lemonade sitting in front of you on the peeling wooden table, which is gaining condensation fast. There’s another one on the other side of the table and Hoseok is sitting opposite you.
“Hi...” he trails off. He feels bad for suddenly clamming up but he gets a little awkward sometimes. He looks at your face and it’s unreadable. In fact, this is the first time he’s not seen that little glint of heat in your eyes. Fuck. This is his fault.
“...hey...” you mumble, “thanks,” you motion to the glass in front of you.
“Look,” he begins and then clears his throat. God it’s hot out here, “about earlier, I’m sorry-“
“Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have said anything-“
“No, I’m the one who asked in the first place. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable and now I’ve been an ass and upset you. I’m sorry.” Jesus Hoseok is looking at you in such a way that makes you want to burst into tears. How do you feel guilty right now?
“Seriously, Hoseok, forget it.” You wave him off.
“I’d like to meet her.” He suddenly muses.
“Your grandma. I gotta thank her for raising such a wonderful person.” There it is again. That genuine smile. Your heart falters yet again.
“Oh...” you whisper softly and a blush blossoms across your cheeks.
“jUNGKOOK-!” Your voice is high pitched and cut off within an instant as your body is flung into cold water. You surface, spluttering for a moment before your eyes lock and a fiery gaze is set on the maknae.
“Swim, Jungkook, Swim!” Jimin calls and Jungkook knows he fucked up. You catch up to Jungkook in almost no time and you’re forcing him under the water until his head squeezes between your legs. You freeze up at the sensation and suddenly you’re being pushed up from below. Jungkook throws you up using his arms and your legs untangle from his neck. You land in the water again and when you surface, your laughing. Jungkook is smirking at you.
“Damn, [First], I didn’t know you were gonna try and suffocate me with your thighs.” You flush.
“Jeez, [First],” Jimin chimes, “wouldn’t you prefer to do that to someone-Oof!” You elbow Jimin hard in the stomach and he doubles over in the water.
“Oh my god who?!” Jin is paddling over, still wearing the rubber ring. He’s discarded the goggles and armbands.
“Jimin!” You whine, “you’re such a loudmouth!”
“Okay but who do you really want to suffocate with your thighs? Is it me because you can totally do that.” Jin waggles his eyebrows and you immediately splash him.
“It’s kind of obvious who.” Namjoon chirps, turning the page on his book.
“Who?” Jungkook, Taehyung and June chorus.
He can’t finish his word because he’s tugged down. The poor book goes flying and luckily lands on the grass but Namjoon is pulled right under the water. The other three burst into laughter and even Yoongi is letting out a chuckle under his tree.
But the damage is done. The boys now know that you have a thing for Hoseok and you don’t know how you’re going to recover. You and Namjoon wrestle under the water for a moment before he finally wind and his arms are wrapped around you. He’s swimming back towards the edge.
“Namjoon let me go!” You laugh.
“You’re not allowed to play in the water anymore.” He huffs.
He looks kind of really hot with wet hair and plump lips and droplets of water moving down towards said lips. You shake your head and then Namjoon is pushing your butt up and out of the water. You squeal at the sensation of his hands on you and you wriggle away from him. Just as you stand and begin running your hands through your sopping hair, Hoseok emerges from the house. He’s in nothing but his swimming trunks and he takes one look at you and almost busts a nut right there. You’re glistening with water droplets, body on full display from the bikini you’re wearing. Seriously, why do you wear such oversized clothes with a body like that?! You are the eighth wonder of the world.
Hoseok is frozen in place as he watches the way your body moves as you pull your hands through your hair to wring it out. Namjoon’s looking over at him with a shit-eating grin and Hoseok has to do something. Anything. Oh god do something, Hoseok!
He’s sprinting towards you and your eyes bulge when you see him. Okay, you do not remember Hoseok’s body being that tones and defined. Shit. He’s hurtling towards you. He’s not stopping.
Why isn’t he stopping?
You go to scream but Hoseok’s arms have wrapped around you and you’re both crashing into the water. It already feels ice cold again and you’re in his arms which feel so hot - a deep contrast to say the least. You both surface and you wipe the water from your face, and then Hoseok’s. You can feel one of his legs pushed between your own and you are certain he can feel your pulse... there. He’s so close... your hands are on his biceps and his hands are on your waist. Your chests are pushed together and he can feel your heart hammering in your chest. Your faces are mere inches apart. His eyes flicker from your lips to your eyes and he’s seriously debating it this time. But he’s in front of all of the boys...
“Hi...” he whispers.
Your eyes are blown wide and you feel his leg move between yours. You whimper at the contact. Oh. Now there’s that look again. Hoseok is trying not to smirk. He’s got you right where he wants you.
“Hoseok, I would prefer it if you didn’t get any jizz in there!” Seokjin calls, “it’s freshwater!”
You push yourself away from Hoseok with some force and he begins to laugh at your embarrassed expression. But you’re all riled up again from being so close to him. You’re going to hell. You’re definitely going to hell.
“-and then the next thing I know, she’s blowing me under the table!” Jungkook reaches the end of his obscene story and you roll your eyes. There’s no way in hell that happened. You just don’t believe him.
There’s a fire crackling in the centre of the circle you guys have made and you’re sitting on the rickety arm of Hoseok’s camping chair and Jimin is on the other side of you in his own chair. There’s a guitar sat next to Jungkook but it’s long abandoned now that he’s started to talk about his many sex adventures with many girls. You have to admit, though, some of the shit that has been coming out of his mouth is kind of turning you on.
The boys, except for Hoseok and Yoongi, begin to debate on the percentage of truth in this story you know it’s closer to like 10 but Jungkook is adamant it is completely accurate. You feel fingers on your sides. Hoseok pulls you down into his lap and nestles into your neck.
“You’re warm.” He hums quietly.
This is weird.
You look around. Jungkook is getting ready to throw hands at Seokjin who is getting worked up about this story definitely being a lie, but also Namjoon who is giving pretty accurate stats on how it definitely isn’t true. Yoongi is somehow dozing off (again) and Jimin and Taehyung are exchanging notes of 20s. No one is paying attention to you or Hosoek.
“It’s the fire.” You whisper. What the hell is going on?
“I really don’t think it is.” He’s gripping your hips pretty tightly now. What is he doing? Is he drunk? You can’t turn to face him because you’re honeslty too scared. If you turn, this won’t actually be happening anymore, or it is and Hoseok is fucking with you and then you’re going to be pissed.
His fingers press in and suddenly, he’s guiding you to move very slowly against his thigh. You bite your lip, a shock of pleasure running up your spine. His lips are hovering over the skin of your neck and you’re already unable to breathe. The material of your romper is thin and after playing in the water, you opted against underwear. It’s almost just like rubbing against his jeans bare. That friction feels so good, though.
“Hoseok...” you mumble, “the boys-“
“-are not looking. Keep going.” He whispers against your skin. You’re growing hot already and Hoseok is moving your hips a little faster now. Your fingers grip into the arms of his chair and you’re so close to whimpering. So close. Already, the pleasure bubbling in your core is sending you feral. The fact that it’s Hoseok isn’t helping at all. The fire is burning and licking the air, but you can’t hear it. In fact, you can’t really hear much except for your breathing. Your burning up.
Hoseok halts your hips when you move a little too quickly and Jimin almost turns back to look at you.
“Go upstairs.” Hoseok whispers and you’re pushed up against your will. The pressure and the friction is gone in an instant and you want to sit back down and come like that, “now.” Hoseok sends a very light spank to your ass and you’re off as if you were some fucking race horse.
You’re stood in the bedroom you and Hosoek have shared over the last few nights. It’s really hot in here tonight and you don’t know if it’s just you or if the weather report was right and a heatwave is beginning. You can hear the boys downstairs laughing again and you know someone else is sharing an equally dirty (and fake) story. The door behind you closed quietly and you jump a little.
Hoseok says nothing as he prowls forward. He’s going to have his way with you tonight. He can’t hold himself back anymore and god knows how you’ve done it for a year. He’s going to help you catch up on what you’ve missed, that’s for sure.
The silence is broken when Hoseok’s lips connect to your neck and you sigh. His arms wrap around your waist and he grinds into you. How is he so hard already?
“You’ve been so bad lately haven’t you?” He hums against your neck, “so, so bad.”
“H-Hoseok...” you gasp when his teeth graze your skin.
You turn in his arms, your own wrapping around his neck as you bring him into a fiery kiss. Your teeth kind of crash together a little bit but neither of you care. Hoseok’s hands move down your waist, giving your ass a good squeeze before he hooks his hands around the back of your thighs and you jump up into him. Your cores press against one another and Hoseok moans at the feeling. You’ve literally never been so far gone like this before in your life and you don’t know why on Earth you decided to 1) let Hosoek make you ride his thigh 2) kiss Hoseok like this.
He takes a few steps back before you’re falling back on to the bed and like your bodies crashing down, the realisation crashes upon you that you’re kissing Hoseok. You pull away. You had always promised yourself not to get involved with the boys. Even if you liked them as much as you like Hoseok.
“What? What’s wrong?” One of his hands is caressing your arm and he sits up beneath you.
“I... we can’t Hoseok...” you sigh before running a hand through your hair.
“What?” He’s kind of shocked. The first offer of sex you’ve had in so long and you’re turning it down...?
“We can’t sleep together. It’s not... I don’t know. It just feels kind of weird and-“
“It doesn’t have to change anything between us.” Ouch. Hoseok winces at his own words. He’s a fucking idiot, “what I mean is-“ he immediately tries to backtrack, “-we can. It doesn’t need to be weird. Think of it as a friend helping out another friend.”
“I didn’t realise I was helping you but-“
“No, you dummy. I’m helping you.” He doesn’t think he needs to spell it out for you but whatever.
“Ok oka-... wait. Wait, wait, wait. How do you know that I need help...?” You furrow your eyebrows and you kind of look really cute. Especially since your hands are pressed against his chest and you’re straddling him and-
“Don’t get mad, okay?” Hoseok sits up more, one arm wrapping around you so that you’re still on him, “back at the house, I kind of overheard you telling Jimin that you haven’t gotten laid in a while.”
“Oh...” fuck. Now you must seem like a loser to him, “well, I was totally bluffing about how long ago it was.”
“Really?” He arches an eyebrow.
“Totally.” You’re nervous he can hear it in your voice, “it’s only been like three... Uh three...-“
“Honeslty, [First].” Hoseok prompts.
“Thirteen months...”
Thirteen months?!
“So that explains you flicking your bean in the bathroom-“
“You heard-?!” You shriek but Hoseok cuts you off.
“-and last night in bed as well-“
“-Hoseok I-“
“-think of this as the terms and conditions of our friendship. You are in need and I am available to help you.” He’s grinning at you, “let me help you, you poor, poor little thing.” He coos and he’s suddenly turned form Hoseok to... you don’t even know who this guy is, “would you like that?”
He pulls your chin towards him and you’re kissing again. It’s feverish and almost as hot as the room itself. Your arms wrap around Hoseok’s neck once more. This is just a friend helping out another friend in need. That’s all it is. His fingers are suddenly pressing against your bundle of nerves and you moan into his mouth. This gives Hoseok the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue in and your tongues fight for a moment. Hoseok wins easily and you’re so compliant for him. You’re so well behaved for him.
It’s another moment or two before you’re grinding against Hoseok’s thigh again. He’s sitting propped up against the headboard, hands gripping your waist as he watches you with hooded eyes. He’s got a pretty good idea of how you’re going to look riding him and he’s growing harder by the second. Your face is buried into his neck, your whispers washing over his skin. He loves it. He loves the way you can’t control yourself. Your hips seem to have a mind of their own and oh-
“Hoseok-!” You gasp and he can feel your cunt suddenly become even wetter.
“Did you just come?” He inquired darkly.
“H-Hobi...” you’re breathing heavily and even though one orgasm has just washed over you, your pussy is contracting and begging for more.
“You naughty little thing.” He tuts, “do it again, but this time,” he slips the stringy straps of your romper down, “let’s switch it up a little.
Hoseok is in nothing but his underwear this time and you are absolutely bare for him. Your back is arched and his lips are playing with your nipples. He occasionally nips, sending a jolt through you and your sleek folds are rubbing against his bare thigh. He’s flexing for you this time and every movement sends a wonderful burn through you. It’s not long before your second orgasm is washing over you.
“Fucking hell, you’re really riled up, aren’t you?”
“Y-yes...” you slump forwards into him, pressing sweet kisses to his neck. Your fingers are aimlessly running up and down his toned front. You like how hard his body is.
“Want me to give a little more help?” You nod and immediately, you’re flipped onto your back. Hoseok is hovering over you and his kisses are on your neck, your shoulders, your collarbones. Little purple blossoms are blooming on your skin and you’re moaning quietly at their creation. Hoseok’s hands are wandering your body. Hoseok can’t quite believe that this is actually happening right now. You’re tugging on his hair as he leaves wet kisses just above your breasts.
“Hoseok...” you sigh, and you’re not sure what you want him to do. You’re body is tingling with the aftermath of two orgasms in a short time, but you’re nowhere near done. Your body is on fire and you’re craving more and more. His tongue rubs down the centre of your body, and he doesn’t stop once he reaches your core. You’re dripping. The sheets below you are already getting damp and Hoseok is in awe at the way your already swollen cunt gleams with your juices. His mouth latches onto your clit and you roll your body up, back arching as a moan rips from your throat. Using one of his arms, Hoseok pins your stomach back down and gets to work.
His tongue is hot and laving over every part of you. His saliva is only adding to the mess you’ve made of yourself and it’s dripping down his chin, coating the tip of his nose. His eyes are swirling dark pools and he’s watching you. Your head is thrown back, mouth ajar but you’re not making much noise. Your chest is rising and falling pretty heavily and he loves the way it makes your tits look. Your hips, though... if you don’t start behaving, he’s going to have to do something. He’s already struggling because of how wet you are but you’re grinding into his face. You’re making it hard for him to catch a breath and fuck, if he wants to spend the rest of his life eating out your pussy, he’s going to need to survive the first time.
“Sweetheart, stop moving,” it’s not a request. It’s a warning. But his tongue feels so good against your throbbing cunt. The way he tugs with his teeth at your clit, or runs the whole tongue down your slit, of when he slides in for a moment, truly eating you out. Your fingers somehow slip into his hair and you’re determined to make him stay there. You want to come on his tongue, “[First],” he warns again and moved his hands so that they’re either side of your hips. He’s really holding you in place but somehow, you’re still able to overpower him.
A sound rebounds - his hand connecting with the skin of your ass that he currently has access to. A noise comes from your mouth and the sting of pain only eggs you on. Hoseok pulls away and sighs. You peer at him. There’s a string of your cum coming from his chin and his nose is glistening under the light. Fucking hell he looks so hot. His own chest is rising and falling. His mouth is open a little and a hint of a smirk play on his lips. But his eyes are dark and you’ve never been look at so intensely before. It’s the same kind of look he wears on stage when he’s worn out from a routine, when he’s still flawlessly keeping in character. He’s looking at you like that and your heart stops.
His fingers pull you towards him and you squeal. His flipping you over and with his left hand, he pins you to the bed. You can feel his legs straddling yours and he’s binding you down with his own body. You try to squirm but it earns a sharp slap to the centre of your ass. You mewl at the contact.
“I fucking,” slap, “told,” slap, “you,” slap, “not to,” slap, “move,” slap. Your ass is heating up and the pain is beginning to sear but it’s sending bolts of heat straight to your core. You can feel yourself dripping between your legs. Hoseok is mad. You don’t know why until, “when daddy tells you what to do, you do it.” 
Oh. Jung Hoseok has a daddy kink. Well if you weren’t turned on before. You definitely are now.
“Come here.” His voice is dark and sultry. It’s dripping with authority. It sends a shiver down your spine. When you sit up, Hoseok has rid himself of his boxers and he’s leaning back again with his legs open. His cock is flat up against his stomach and you choke back a breath. He’s... fucking hell how is he going to fit? For a guy who’s so slim... His dick is long, around 6 inches give or take but his girth... he’s going to split you in half with that thing. You have to be honest, you genuinely didn’t think that Hoseok would have such a huge cock. Normally the size is proportionate to the rest of the body coughjacksoncough and you’ve unfortunately seen certain frat members’ to confirm that this is the case. But Hoseok seems to be an anomaly among all of those proportionate sized penises because he’s a slim guy and he’s fucking hung like a horse.
You already know what he’s expecting from you, and you crawl forwards. You take a better look from up close and you’re not even sure you can fit it in your mouth, never mind anywhere else. There are some thick veins that run up along the shaft and you wonder if they’re sensitive. The crevice at the tip of his dick is also leaking a little precum.
Hoseok’s hand runs through your hair. You peer up at him and shit he could come right now. You look so sweet with a little bit of nerves in your eyes, so close to his throbbing cock. He doesn’t remember feeling like this when other girls are about to suck him off but you are so pretty.
“Come on, pretty girl, don’t make me wait.” He breathes.
You didn’t realise just how much you liked sucking cock until you started sucking Hoseok off. His dick seems to have a one-way channel to his mouth because he’s a mess. He’s groaning and whining and his head is thrown back giving you a great look at his neck and jawline. His hair is slowly becoming more and more disheveled as he repeatedly rolls his head back. Your tongue works over his shaft as you take in as much as you can of him. Your jaw is aching pretty bad and his dick fills up the entirety of your mouth. He’s bucking up and hitting the back of your throat but somehow you don’t gag. He wants to ask why but he kind of doesn’t want to know. Hearing about another guy training you to be a cocksucking goddess would probably turn him off and he doesn’t want that.
His fingers are suddenly curling around the roots of your hair and he’s forcing you down more. You’re beginning to gag now as he starts to fill up your throat and you’re finding it hard to breathe.
“You can take it, you can take it,” he gasps and forced you down even more. A loud groan that he’s sure carries through the closed window and down to alert the others comes from his chest when you swallow around him and he knows he’s going to come if he doesn’t pull out right now. Another groan leaves his lips when he pulls your mouth off with a pop. There’s a string of saliva and your lips are swollen and bruised, “here.”
You move closer to him and he grips the base of your neck and some of your hair. He pulls you in to another kiss and forces his tongue into your mouth. He can taste himself on your lips and on your tongue but that doesn’t stop him from kissing you like it’s the only thing he knows how to do. He can get used to this.
“Come on, baby, are you gonna ride my cock?”
“Would you like me to?” You whisper and press a soft kiss to the shell of his ear, “daddy.” You add.
Now, Hoseok has had girls call him daddy before. He kind of loves it. He loves being in that powerful position, he loves having a sub to dominate. He loves being called daddy. But he doesn’t think he’s loved it anymore than this moment. The word falls from your tongue like it was the word you were born to speak and there’s this beautiful faux innocence in your voice masking (not fully) a filthy playfulness.
“Fuck, baby, come on,” his hands slip to your waist and you position yourself above him.
You know you should probably get a condom but you decide to ruin the moment instead.
“You clean?” You whisper and look at him, “I am.” You announce.
“Me too.” He whines. He needs you. Now.
You sink down on to him. You don’t need any lube. You’re dripping with arousal. The stretch causes a little bit of a burn but it’s nothing you can’t handle. Hoseok fills you up in a way you’ve never been before. You’re deliciously full. You can feel every tremor in his shaft. Hoseok can feel you throbbing around him. You’re squeezing so tight and he thinks he might black out from the pleasure. His fingers grip your waist and you still as he bottoms out by pushing the last little bit of his cock into you. Honeslty, you could stay like this forever - sitting on Hoseok’s cock. It fits you rather nicely. Slowly, you begin to move your hips. A stuttered gasp falls from your lips at the first movement. You don’t know how the fuck you’re going to keep this up bevause Hoseok’s dick feels like it’s made for your pussy.
Hoseok is just sitting there, biting his lip and begging himself not to come too soon. You’re so warm around him and you’re dripping on to his thighs a little. You slowly begin to move and Hoseok moans. You’re squeezing him tight and the friction causes a powerful wave of pleasure to course his body.
“Come on, Princess, don’t keep daddy waiting.”
And you really start to move. You decide you don’t want it slow tonight. You don’t want sensual or anywhere near romantic. No. You want it rough. You want to be unable to walk for weeks. You want Hoseok to rearrange your guts and fuck you into next year. Your hips are fast. Your fingers grip his shoulders as you ride him hard and good. His hands help keep the pace of your movements and you’re both being a little too loud.
Outside, Jimin is graciously taking money from Namjoon, Seokjin and Jungkook. Yoongi and Taehyung are waiting for their share of the money and something about “I told you they’d fuck while we were here” comes from Jimin’s smug little mouth. Your moans and Hoseok’s groans are filling the air and the boys are starting to wonder if you guys are going to stop anytime soon.
Your heart is thundering in your chest, your thighs are burning with you’re movements and your pusy is aching. Your legs are giving in and you stop your movements, panting. Your gleaming with sweat as is Hoseok.
“What’s the matter?” His hands are running over your body again.
“I can’t...” you pant, “I can’t come again... my legs hurt and-“
“-you’re going to come again. You’re going to come until daddy thinks that you’ve had enough.”
Hoseok grips your hips and holds you in place. Without warning, he’s rutting up into you and moans are rolling from your lips. He’s bouncing you on his cock, thrusting his hips up and meeting yours with every movement. He’s pulling out nearly all the way and them pounding back up into you.
You can’t help but cling onto him for dear life. Your body is going haywire with the pleasure. You’re numb all over. Hoseok is groaning and the sound of his thighs hitting yours, the wetness of your pussy around his cock, his balls slapping your ass every time he harshly bottoms out fills the room. Your legs hurt but Hoseok is holding you in place and he bites down as your nails dig into his shoulders.
There’s no need for his fingers on your clit because he moves a little beneath you and then his cock runs against your g-spot. You tense up and a cry comes from you. Hoseok doesn’t stop. In fact, he’s insistent on fucking into your g-spot now. Every harsh and fast thrust up into af least brushes against that sensitive spot and you can’t even feel your orgasm building until it’s upon you. You’re constricting around him, pussy gulping him in but Hoseok doesn’t stop to let you ride it out. No. He keeps going.
He’s grunting hard, the sound turning you on more and your orgasm is almost over but the pleasure is already heightening because of how hard he’s fucking you and how often he’s hitting your g-spot. Then it happens.
“hOSEOK!” He doesn’t even care that you didn’t call him daddy. He doesn’t care that your fingernails probably drew blood. He doesn’t care. Because you’ve just gushed an insane amount of liquid all over his cock and you clenched so hard even he moaned out loud. You just squirted for his cock.
He stop his movements and you fall into him. Your hand are slipping from his shoulders and you’re breathing heavily.
“Did you just...” he pants.
“Yeah...” you can hardly breath. Hoseok is still inside of you and you’re still throbbing but Hoseok hasn’t had his orgasm yet.
“All for my cock? You naughty thing.” He’s smirking. You can hear it in his voice.
You go to protest as he lifts you off of him but the sudden emptiness has you at a loss for words. Your cunt is hot and an absurd amount of your cum and juices begins to quite literally flow out of you. You go to protest as he repositions you so that you’re on your hands and knees but you can’t. You just can’t. You can’t think, your mind has gone blank. You’re a wreck.
Hoseok pushes back in without any warning and you bite your lip. It’s too much. Your stomach is clenching, as if refusing to give you anymore orgasms for the time being but Hoseok has other plans. He smacks your ass again as he begins to fuck you from behind. He loves the way your ass jiggles every time he slams back into you and he loves the way he can watch himself fuck into you like this. He laced his fingers through your hair and keeps hold of you as his pace quickens again. Your stomach is knotting. You can’t come again. You can’t.
“Hobi-“ you breathe but that’s all you can make out.
His fingers come lose from your hair and instead, he attaches them to your bundle of nerves. Oh no.
Your stomach is flipping and you’re squeezing around Hoseok so tight. He’s making every kind of noise you’ve heard him make before when you’ve overheard him bring girls home but now that he’s making them for you (and not to toot your own horn but he sounds like he’s enjoying this more), it’s so much hotter. Your fingers are gripping the sheets and you’re so loud now that the boys definitely know you’re being fucked.
Hoseok is fucking into you so hard. It’s almost an in humane pace in which he pulls out and fills you up and he’s rubbing hard, tough circles on your clit. He’s panting hard and his chest is beginning to hurt but he’s literally never felt this good in his entire life and if he doesn’t fill you up with his come, he’ll definitely die of a broken heart from the regret.
“Hoseok!” His name is like a mantra slipping from your lips and the coil bursts and you come again for him. This one kind of hurts and your eyes sting with tears but Hoseok continues you fuck you through until you’re squirting again and now your body is losing strength and-
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, [First]-!” He groans your name before an animalistic growl comes from deep within him. His pace stutters for a moment. His hot come spurts into you and his pace finally begins to slow until he’s not moving but he’s still inside of you. Your bodies are hot and weak and you almost collapse right there. He’s growing soft again. And he pulls out. He sits back, watching his cum slip from your pussy and he’s proud of himself. Your thighs are soaked with your come and your juices and so are Hoseok’s but neither of you care.
Gently, Hoseok brings you into him and you lie side by side for a quiet moment as you catch your breath. Your body is completely useless now. You look over at Hoseok after another minute passes and he’s rolled into his side, looking at you with a fond expression.
He’s never look at you like that before. He pulls you into a kiss. This one is soft and tender. Both of your lips are swollen and so you think that’s why Hoseok is being gentle with you now. His hands manuver you so that you’re lying on your side and he takes a look over you. Your body is still glistening with sweat, neck and chest littered in marks of his kisses, he peers over and sees bruises forming on your hips and waist and your ass is red raw. Oops.
“You’re so good.” He cooked, bringing you into him. You’re silent. Now that you’ve fucked Hosoek, you’re going to have to find new friends. No one has ever dicked you down that good and now your crush on him has grown again.
Hoseok worries when you don’t respond, but you do pull yourself closer into him. He wraps his arms around you and presses a chaste kiss to the top of your head. He thinks- no, he knows.
“[First],” you peer up at him and now he’s certain, “I love you.”
Your heart stops. Hoseok loves you? Jung Hoseok loves you?
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You whisper. His heart aches a little at your words. You don’t believe him?
“It’s the truth. I mean it.” He moves so that you’re locking eyes, “I know I said that this didn’t have to change anything but... Jesus [First], I don’t think I can live with that.”
“Hoseok,” you breathe, “what are you saying right now?”
“I’m saying, you dummy, that I want you to be mine. Because I love you.”
“I...” holy shit you’re going to cry. You’re actually going to cry. You’ve just fucked your crush of like two and half years and now he’s telling you that he loves you back! What kind of fanfiction is this? “I love you, too, Hoseok.”
He brings you in for another kiss.
“Why aren’t you sitting, [First]?” Taehyung asks innocently. He knows the answer. All six of them staring at you know the answer. Hoseok, sitting next to you, knows the answer.
“I, uh... I’m...”
“So red raw down there you can’t sit for a week?” Jungkook finishes the sentence for you and you immediately go crimson.
“You guys are loud~!” Jimin teases.
“Yeah, please don’t fuck while we are anywhere nearby again.” Seokjin huffs.
“Seriously though,” Jungkook begins, “if you ever get bored of Hoseok, [First], I am very okay with you coming to me instea-“ he’s cut off when Hoseok launches a banana at his head.
“Mine.” Hoseok nuzzles into your side.
“Disgusting.” Jimin turns his nose away.
“So was what they did last night.” Namjoon looks at you both with a glint of micheif in his eyes. You groan and turn into Hoseok, “ah look, an audio preview.”
“Oh fuck off will you?” Hoseok grumbles.
“I’ll fuck off with [Fir-“. That time it is an orange and Jungkook insists for the rest of the day that Hoseok gave him a concussion with fruit.
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thetygre · 6 years
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30 Day Monster Challenge 2 - Day #19: Favorite Minions/Henchmen
1.      Minions (Overlord [Video Game])
There is only one creature we call ‘Minion’ in this house, and it is the Minions from Overlord. (The game, not the anime.) The Minions are the perfect… well, minions. They’re design is mostly goofy, but there’s also something kind of horrible to them; they’re like somebody threw an imp, a spider monkey, and a goblin in a sack and didn’t open it up again until the screaming stopped. Those buggy yellow eyes, the hunched backs, the crooked tails, the shrill voices; this is what pops into my head when I think of what an evil minion is supposed to be like. They are utterly and totally devout to their master; they have one purpose in life, and that is to serve you. They think absolutely nothing of throwing themselves into a forge just to upgrade your weapons or taking on a monster just because you tell them to.
Watching them swarm over a cyclops like a nest of army ants is always fun, but that hivemind mentality shouldn’t be mistaken for a lack of individual. The Minions are kind of precursors to the uruks from Shadow of Mordor; the longer they live and the more fights they survive, the more unique they become. They’re given names and titles, and they start gathering weapons and armor. It’s never made clear what exactly the Minions are in Overlord, but the implication isn’t that an Overlord chooses them; they choose the Overlord. Without the Minions, and Overlord is just some spooky adventurer in a suit of armor. The Minions make the man, and the fact that you need them as much as they need you is a pretty interesting power dynamic.
2.      X-49 (Samurai Jack)
Just… do I really have to say anything? It was one of the best episodes in Samurai Jack, one of the best animated series of all time. And the music and the writing and the cinematography and oh god it’s all coming back at once
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3.      Igor (Young Frankenstein)
There never was an Igor in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein; he’s a fabricated character at least partially concocted from Edgar Allan Poe’s Hop-Frog that somehow wormed himself into horror mythology. And honestly, thank goodness for that or we wouldn’t have had Marty Feldman’s fantastic performance for Young Frankenstein. Feldman looks like he was born for the role; his exophthalmos was a problem he dealt with his entire life, but Igor is just one example of how he incorporated his condition into his comedy personas. Igor is a good comedic counterpart to Gene Wilder’s Frankenstein in a classic double-act kind of way. Where Wilder’s Frankenstein is driven to escape his destiny or conform to it, Feldman’s Igor is committed to his role from the beginning, with no real perspective on it in the grand scheme of things. Igor undercuts Frankenstein’s deliberate melodrama to remind the audience that it’s all a joke.
4.      Kobolds (Dungeons and Dragons)
Kobolds are one of the greatest success stories in tabletop roleplaying monsters. Kobolds have been in Dungeons and Dragons since the beginning, but they spent 1st and 2nd edition as basically another kind of goblin. Outside a few rare exceptions, kobolds were just an adventurer’s in-between step as they transitioned from clearing out rats in cellars to goblins in caves. For 3rd edition, the designers felt they needed to give kobolds something; a hook, a feature, a raison d’etre. So the design team though, “What if the littlest monsters had dreams about being the biggest? What if kobolds thought they were dragons?” The rest is history; kobolds became dragon minions, cultists who firmly believe that they are descended from the great wyrms they worship. Inside ever little kobold beats the heart of a mighty dragon, and their pluck and determination pushes them to reach for heights most humanoid races never even dream of. Kobolds are not only great examples of how to make a monster interesting from a game design perspective, but also of how endearing characters can be when you give them goals.
5.      Pleiades (Overlord [Anime])
It always bothers me when evil overlords leave their castle staff of their minions list. A great villain should have their power displayed in everything around them, from their captains to their cooks. That’s why Ainz Ooal Gown’s Pleiades are so great; the castle maids for an evil fortress, each on is an individual fighter with her own superpowers. Following organization rules, each of the maids is also a monster; werewolves, shapeshifting oozes, a sentient swarm of insects, etc. And that’s the kind of creativity and attention to detail I love to see in an evil overlord’s forces. Look at where there isn’t a superpowered minion, and say, “No, this will not do. More evil.”
6.      Hunchbacks (Castlevania)
I remember that my mind was blown when I finally realized the ‘fleamen’ from Castlevania were supposed to be hunchbacked Igors. While I was kind of disappointed that bizarre insect men hybrids, I am still happy that Castlevania didn’t neglect a favorite horror trope. Castlevania actually has a pretty unique staff; undead maids, zombie butchers, a plague doctor groundskeeper, and skeleton butlers. But it wasn’t until the Lords of Shadow games that the hunchbacks started being explored. One of the good things about Lords of Shadow was the implication that Castlevania itself is alive; the castle has always existed, and can’t even really be fully pulled through to our world. When the castle needs repairs, though, someone to repair it and expand it, it summons the hunchbacks out of nowhere. The hunchbacks are tied to the castle; they’re like cells in its body. They might know more about Castlevania itself than even Dracula, but they aren’t letting on. Their only job is to serve their master, whoever or whatever it might be.
7.      Maleficent’s Goblins (Sleeping Beauty)
Maleficent’s goblins are little bundles of medieval monstrosity with enough character to be charming. They’re like the Minions, where I honestly can’t imagine them existing without a master. It wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out they were just demons conjured up by Maleficent from her firepit. The odds and ends of medieval armor and weaponry on top of their gargoyle aesthetic makes me think of very early Tolkien, like the first covers for The Hobbit and Return of the King. These little guys were the forerunners to orcs, uruk-hai, parademons, and every other evil monster army. Sometimes I still wish we could go back to minions like these.
8.      Lurch (Addams Family)
The quintessential creepy butler. I feel like Lurch parallels Marty Feldman’s Igor in some pretty interesting ways. They’re both essentially half a joke, part of a comedy routine that requires someone else to land the punchline. The difference is that while Igor undermined Frankenstein to lighten the mood, Luch is deadly serious to contrast the Addams’ playfulness. Lurch wasn’t just a straight-man; he was a brick wall that you could throw anything off of. To be honest, I always kind of wondered what exactly Lurch was; I never really thought of him as human. My favorite theories are either that he was a flesh golem (since he was clearly based off Karloff’s Frankenstein), a homunculus grown for the family and passed down through generations, or just some really tall guy in a suit.
9.      Dwergi (Van Helsing)
The Dwergi in Van Helsing have an unnecessarily cool design for what amounts to being Dracula’s grunts. The goggles, spines, and full leather outfits make me think of aliens or something that would be working for Clive Barker’s Cenobites. I can’t help but think of the ‘jawas’ that were through the gate in Phantasm. But I think that I love the Dwergi most as concepts for evil dwarves; ‘dwergi’ most likely derives from ‘dvergar’, a German word for dwarf. There are even evil dwarves in Dungeons and Dragons named duergar and derro. And that connections opens up so many possibilities for me. Imagine a dwarven sub-race mutated to be classical Igor characters, or adventurers encountering derro dressed all in mad scientist gear underground. The Dwergi have hidden depths when you know where to look.
10.   Stormtroopers (Star Wars)
Out of the standard henchmen armies, Stormtroopers are still my favorite. Stormtroopers are up there with Red Shirts in terms of incompetence and mortality rates. Every now and then some random Stormtrooper manages to stand out and look like a badass, but even they usually have a lifespan of however long until the heroes arrive. I’ve heard some people argue that the humanizing elements of Stormtroopers, the way they talk about their day or are just trying to do a job, makes the very Nazi-coded Empire too sympathetic. But I would argue the opposite; the human aspects of the Stormtroopers make it clear how actually farcical the whole Empire is. The Stormtroopers aren’t some elite kill-force, they’re bumbling idiots. Whatever brutal efficiency they’re ascribed usually happens off-screen, and it quickly gets drowned out by the chorus of Wilhelm screams heard while trooper after trooper dies ridiculously. The Stormtroopers make it clear how fascism doesn’t raise the individual up but uses them as a disposable resource. The Stormtroopers as human characters make the Empire look inept, not empowered.
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darkot · 7 years
Today was a good day.
Well... yesterday was a good day. It is currently 9am, the morning after the day I was referring to.
I went up about 100 SR in Overwatch last night. Got on a 4 game win streak, and was really close to a 5th, but we lost our next match after that. But, it didn’t feel as bad as many of the final games of the night have lately. Which is odd, because we DEFINITELY could have tied it.
In that last match, we had a Widowmaker that did not switch until the very end--at which point, it was too late. It was pretty frustrating at the time, because they weren’t doing a whole lot, and they were taking up a DPS role slot. So, most of the damage dealing was left up to me. Not to mention that the enemy team had an absolutely INSANE Widow. I am not even exaggerating that, they might have been the best Widow that I have ever played against. And this guy on our team faced their Widow in a previous match where he was getting destroyed by them, and he STILL didn’t switch! I mean, I get it. He had something to prove. He didn’t want to concede defeat to that enemy Widow by playing something else. But for the love of god, man. Do you want to lose SR??
Despite that disadvantage, we actually did really well. We were playing on Volskaya. Both teams captured both points in their first offence round. We ALMOST managed to capture both points on our second offence round, but just fell a little short of that (we had 2 ticks on the cap, and were really close to a third. But they respawned too fast, and we ran out of time). Then, on that defence round, we almost held them at first point. We stopped about three of their pushes, but they got through on the fourth. So, we were fighting for a tie, but.. I don’t know what happened, really. We just couldn’t hold them off. Our comp just didn’t have the damage to wipe them, which we desperately needed. But, despite that being a disappointing end to the night, it still didn’t feel awful. I was absolutely DESTROYING during that session, and that made me happy.
I got what I believe was my first competitive sextuple kill as Pharah. Here is that, for anyone interested:
(tried to embed the gif in a post, but Tumblr’s stupid)
You have no idea how good it felt to hear the announcer yell “SEXTUPLE KILL!” Technically, that was eight eliminations. And you better believe that got play of the match, with one of them being an environmental! 
Pretty much all of my games yesterday were like that. There was this one Ilios match where I just kept knocking the Reinhardt on the other team into the pit over. And over. And over. He seriously must have been getting sick of me. I did it about four times. Got a quintuple on that match as well. Reinhardt knocked in the pit + Ana & Pharah killed with a single rocket + Soldier 76 and Lucio killed in an ult. Not as impressive as the one above, but it was nice.
I REALLY would have liked for that last match to have been a tie a least. A win preferably, but I would have settled for a tie with our handicap. It doesn’t feel good losing SR because of somebody else. But, all in all, I’m okay with it. 5 wins would have been nice, or 4 wins and 1 tie, but I can say that I was preforming amazingly. Even in that Volskaya match, I was giving them hell while essentially being a solo DPS. I can live with 4 wins and a loss, knowing that I was playing great.
I’m participating in a tournament with the rest of my team this Monday as well! This time, I intend on bringing home the gold! We’ve improved a lot since our last tourney. I think that we still aren’t ready for another “Team Silky”, with three top 500 players. But, barring that, I’m actually really confident that we can win this outright.
So.. yeah, that’s that about Overwatch. But, that wasn’t the only good thing to come from today. FIVE new episodes of Steven Universe were released, and holy fuck were they amazing!
I’m not going to go into too much detail about them, but they were really plot heavy episodes, which I LOVE! Everything was so intriguing. I was on the metaphorical edge of my seat the whole time! Yellow Diamond’s song was incredible, and the art direction was amazing! I loved the tone of the music. It felt reminiscent of old Disney villains, but with a more realistic touch. And something about seeing the scale of Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond moving around while Steven and Greg were hiding was really powerful. Their height felt appropriately intimidating. They are colossal in comparison to the little bundle of preciousness that is Steven. I could easily see that being a video game level, haha. Trying to hide behind pillars whenever Yellow Diamond is looking in your direction. That’d make a great stealth level!
On top of that, episode one of BOTH Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapter and Dragon Ball Super english dubbed came out! The kid inside of me was so excited to see my childhood heroes in action again! While the DBZ Kai episode was meh, the Dragon Ball Super one was surprisingly awesome! 
DBZ Kai’s episode felt very filler-y, even though it sets up a plot point later. It revolves around Gohan going to highschool, trying to limit his powers to blend in with the humans and failing and... well, that’s about it. It wasn’t bad. I laughed at quite a few moments in that episode. I also REALLY liked Videl. I had almost totally forgotten how amazing she was around her introduction. Aside from finding her incredibly cool though, overall it just wasn’t fantastic. It’s just nothing in comparison to the core Majiin Buu arc. I really want it to get on to that whole story ASAP. I’ve been waiting for it since DBZ Kai proper ended with the Cell Saga. I was so disappointed by that! I just hope this doesn’t dwell on the “Great Saiyaman” shit too long. I have never been a fan of that, or Hercule. Some hardcore fans would lynch me for saying that, but I just can not stand the Great Saiyaman’s goofiness or Hercule's arrogance. However, in the Dragon Ball Super episode, I must admit that he’s been redeemed a little in my eyes...
Now, THAT was a good episode. It’s pretty filler-y in its own right. Goku is working as a farmer at ChiChi’s demand that he get a paying job, Goten (ugh) and Trunks are trying to get “toilet water” from a hotspring to give to Videl as a wedding gift now that her and Gohan are married.. Didn’t mind it. I had heard that DBS is very “slice of life” oriented, so I’m a little worried about how I will feel about it in the long run. It was good, but in a similar fashion to the DBZ Kai episode, I really want to get to some core plot and action. However, there WERE two very impressive highlights from this episode.
First, as I had alluded to earlier, Hercule has a moment that actually makes me like him a bit more. I still can’t stand how outrageously pompous he can be, but they follow up on the events of the Buu saga a bit. Hercule (ugh) wins a noble peace prize (uggggh) for saving the planet from an apocalyptic disaster (ugggggggggggh), and is awarded 100,000,000 Zeni (uggggggggggggggggggh), BUT, in the end, he gives the money to Goku (awwwwww). Honestly, it was a pretty touching moment. He admitted that Goku deserved it more because he was the one who actually stopped Buu. Perhaps there is another good moment like this in the Buu Saga that I just don’t remember (I guess we’ll see later into the ongoing Kai episodes!), but this felt like the first humanizing moment that Hercule has had since he was introduced in the Cell Saga. It was nice seeing that, behind that massive ego, he can be humble.
The second highlight outdoes that one, though. And that’s our first taste (pun intended) of Beerus. The tone that they set for him is amazing. At his whim, a planet’s (presumably) greatest chefs gather to cook a feast for him, to appease his appetite for delicious food. He admits that it is pretty delicious, but is displeased with a greasy feeling that one of the dishes leaves in his mouth. And just like that, BOOM, he destroys half of the planet! And that’s what he considers merciful! It was such a strong introduction to a character that is silly but at the same time scary powerful. It was honestly pretty chilling.
I know he’s not a villain in the traditional DBZ villain sense, but it feels like there are more long term goals for him to eventually be Goku’s next big enemy. That is really what I look forward to the most in the Dragon Ball franchise. Every saga ups the ante in incredible ways. Aside from the original Dragon Ball, which was AMAZING in its own right, we start off with a brat of a tyrannical overlord who is feared throughout the entire galaxy, a biomechanical android obsessed with perfection to feed his narcissism, who is created with the cells (ha) of that previous villain PLUS every major protagonist thus far, and then a primordial being who is the embodiment of evil and rage itself! DBZ may be more oriented around action than a complex story, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t have some of the most hype, iconic villains around. And for good reason! Every one sets the bar higher and outdoes the other. They continually create a greater and greater challenge for the main characters to overcome. And now, we have a GOD of nonchalant destruction who is entirely neutral in terms of personal morality. If they do have larger, long term plans for him to be a main villain in the series like I’m thinking, then I’m glad that they’re not jumping into that immediately. I don’t think that the bar can go much higher than a god, but that’s fine. Because if they are setting him up to be a major antagonist at some point, then they made that bar faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar out of Goku’s reach. I believe that even at the point that DBS is at in Japan, Goku isn’t even remotely as strong a Beerus. He can’t hope to defeat him right now. So, they have to continue to appease him. If there is a point where he becomes a serious threat to earth and Goku has to stop him, then that will be much later on. Unless they have no intentions of making him a villain and he is just a main character now, then they are really playing a long con with him. So long in fact, that another main villain appears and is beaten. Who even knows how many more will come before it’s Beerus’ turn? Regardless, I find it brilliant how (in my speculation) a core villain is being kept around for multiple arcs in the story, as a looming threat and ultimate milestone for the protagonists to slowly reach.
On another note, my laptop is totally fucked. While typing all of this, it has been an absolute pain trying to keep it up. Currently, I have a big box on my bed from a heater that my mom got for Christmas, propping up the screen of my laptop. The hinge that keeps the screen anchored to the base is broken. So, now, it doesn’t stay open on its own. Either it falls back all the way, or it will fall closed if I pull it too far forward. On top of this, the screen is horribly cracked, like those Iphones you see that still work despite the glass being broken (the screen was protruding out from the shell of the laptop, so I tried to push it back in. Turns out there was a magnet out of place behind it that was supposed to go in this indent in the shell, but.. well, wasn’t when I tried to push the screen back in. So, the screen pressed against the magnet and now I have five or so long cracks across my screen). It has a LOT of trouble turning on too. Like, I’m scared to turn it off, because every time I turn it back on, it takes about 30 minutes to boot up the OS. It’s also missing 3 keys, the touchpad no longer pushes in (I don’t know what happened to it, but it’s raised now o.O), and it is INSANELY slow.
These are honestly probably the last couple weeks of this laptop’s life. But, that’s understandable. I’ve had it for a little over five years now. It’s had a really good run. What I’m dreading more than its eventual failure however, is getting its replacement.. I’ve had my eyes on Wacom’s “Mobile Studio” since it was revealed late last year, as a replacement for this laptop once it goes, as another portable computer. But, I’ll have to drop about 3 grand to get it. It’s an investment, I know. But I just.. really don’t want to spend that kind of money right now. I’d certainly be drawing more often if I had it. I’d probably be more productive overall, because it would be faster. I could take it around with me. Work from anywhere, unlike with my laptop in its current state of falling apart. I don’t know.. I’ve wanted a mobile tablet for years now. The spiritual ancestor to the Mobile Studio, the “Wacom Companion” was what I had my eyes on since this laptop started showing problem. This has been something a looooooooong time in the making. But, at no point since I wanted the first Wacom Companion in 2013, to now when I want the Mobile Studio in 2017, have I been willing to bite the bullet and pay that $3000 pricetag. It seems my hand is going to be forced soon, however...
Wow.. I’ve been typing for almost two hours. It’s 20 minutes to 11am. I should get some sleep. At this point, it might be a better idea to just stay up through the day and go to bed early tonight. Either way though, I’m ending this here.
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