#one dayyyy
jasmineaoi · 5 months
I have so many imaginations centering og!cale in my mind. There's the;
Belle Au (og!cale being a secret famous singer, and may have talk with roksoo through the app when they're young)
Everyone but og!cale regressor Au (with the climax of teen cale finding out that all of their care are reserve for someone else, oh imagine the angst *evil laughter*)
Rokcale Your Name Au (im just stuck with the ending train scene but make it RokCale)
Also Rokcale Weathering with you(it's the notion of "throw away the world for you" that caught me in a grip, also dont you think that the both of them the type of person to do that; Lcf!cale be choosing to hurt himself over and over for others and og!cale who already forsaken a timeline with his deal)
Uncle Og!cale Au(cale transmigrating into roksoo's uncle's body and using his war veteran skill to FIGHT AGAINST FATE!)
Oldest Og!cale with barrow and roksoo as dongsaengs Au(just cale showering them with so much love that they dont know what to do with it)
That one og!cale saving Krs!cale Au(*cough* by sacrificing himself*cough*)
Modern Au where og!cale being the perfect joker ever, fooling everything and everyone(....and being lonely as hell)
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sleepis4theweak · 9 months
Hey, hey, hey what's your favorite color
Green!! <3
My least favorite is orange
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apexulansis · 3 months
what did you see in zarxa?
The expression on her face was nearly unreadable, but whatever expression it was, it was most definitely displeased. For one to know her enough to know that name was not something she appreciated.
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“Whatever we saw in each other is far from your business.”
Even that felt like too much of an answer; a subtle admission that their brief connection might not have only been to do with matters of a genetically superior partner. Yeskiv felt a pang of unease, but stifled it with a scoff.
“Such things are for me to know. Not others.”
Bonus OOC answer since Yeskiv won't spill: Zarxa was very stoic and generally... Unmoved, which is, coincidentally, what 'Zarxa' actually means (unmoving, specifically). Though Yeskiv was Speaker, it wasn't a status Zarxa cared about (they didn't care about the government At All, actually). The total lack of groveling, the casual dismissal and to some degree, the disdain that came with it, was something Yeskiv found appealing. At the point in her life she met Zarxa, she'd been an established power long enough to be very, very used to just about everyone who spoke to her to be trying to get something out of her, one way or another. Having someone who quite blatantly didn't care, and who also didn't care about power structures of any kind really, was an attractive thing to her. Most of Yeskiv's life has been other people trying to drag her down, dismiss her, or to steal what power she had gained. That, of course, puts a pretty huge buffer in front of any attempts at connection with another kariian. That is not to say she had that intent towards Zarxa at first, although their coupling was the result of a genuine connection. It was a connection she was able to foster as she did not have to really take into consideration the cultural power dynamics between kariians. Ironically, and hypocritically, her two only living children (that she carried), whom she pressures/pressured so much to adhere to kariian social values, only came to be in the first place in a circumstance where she was distanced from that. Zarxa's disregard of usual power structures allowed Yeskiv to feel interested enough in them to actually form a sort of bond. Most of that bond is just natural chemistry; most of the time they spent together was without speaking. When they did converse... It was usually about fungi or fauna... Or about the experience of surviving on one's own on Kariio.
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silvermizuki · 1 year
I want a partner or QPP to go to a field and stargaze with on a balmy night just after it rains. The frogs are out peeping from the warm weather, we’d forget to bring blankets/towels so we’d say fuck it and just take off our jackets or hoodies to rest on.
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totaleclipse573 · 1 month
Have you ever thought of drawing Black Doom the way he looks in canon with Starline?
I HAVEEEEE I just can’t get the look right. It’s so HARD FOR NO REASON 😭😭 Part of the reason he was made Mobian in the first place but it has lore now so it’s okay-
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rxg1nald · 3 months
Ahoy Reggie, this guy has been shirtless all day showing off his scars around the harbor to anyone he runs into!!
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phantomato13 · 7 months
I wish I could dress up this Halloween because I'd totally go as a very basic Phantom - I already have black robes, I could easily buy a mask like his lol. In my dreams tho I'd be the Red Death! But alas, I'm wearing ghost earrings and a mummy Snoopy shirt 😔
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
FOR YOUUU: 💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? 💞what's the most important part of a story for you? 🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
@finitevoid Thank youuuu, Blake!! <3<3
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
It’s definitely surprised me that Wishing (Will Make It So) has performed so well (relative to the size and state of the fandom). I’m, of course, always happy when people enjoy my work, but that particular fic was written with a highly condensed plot just to get it out of my brain without it actually becoming a multi-chapter lmao.
I didn’t think much of anyone would read it since it might come across as “lazy” writing, but… here we are. And it stands as a good reminder to myself that not every idea needs to be crafted with blood, sweat, and tears. My macaroni art is valid too lol.
💞what's the most important part of a story for you?
Hmmm, not sure if I’m interpreting this question correctly, but can I just say character interaction? Because this is something I find is often sacrificed for plot and pacing. And I know some genres, like action, may often necessitate such sacrifices, but idk I’m just infinitely more interested in what goes on between characters.
I think that reflects a lot in my writing because, if you’ve read enough of my work, you’ll probably notice that there’s often not a lot of movement through space or time. I will spend thousands of words exploring a single conversation in a single room between two people.
That’s what’s important to me. That’s what hooks me on stories. The way characters just… interact. And if there’s not enough emphasis on that or if I don’t feel like there’s any real sense of connection between the characters, I’m bored. I’m done. I’ve already stopped reading, bye dajkgdjskg
🤍what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
Oh, that would have to be Stitch the Stars to Hold the Night Sky, which is something I blame myself for because when I re-read it many months after posting, I was like… okay, yeah, great concept, patchy execution lol. I started re-writing it sometime last year, but I got hung up on something halfway through so I decided to shelve it before I tore it apart completely.
As such, the second half of the story has been out of the public eye for quite a while now, but I’ll post a full rewrite eventually and then idk we'll see if that helps at all with its reception ig dajkgjdksg
Fic Writer Asks
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talkfantasytome · 2 years
I was scrolling through the nessian fic tag and stumbled across your Nesta Queen fic snippets (idk how I missed them earlier) and I was wondering if it is an actual complete fic or were those just snippets you wrote up?
Either way the concept of the fic sounds amazing.And the snippets till now have been🔥
Hi! You're so sweet! 💕
That will....one day be a complete fic. Hopefully.
I have about 5-ish chapters written, but it's on hold due to motivation and stuff, and me not wanting to put out 5 chapters of what should be a 20 chapter fic and then make people wait months and months like I'm doing with my CC fic. 😬 I'm not great at long fics, but I keep trying! 😂 And I wanted to share those snippets cause I'm proud of what I've done so far and I love the concept and want to get it out eventually. First - find time and motivation to write in general, then maybe I can get back to writing some of this...at the moment all I do is about one sentence for another fic a day, just to keep my streak up on an app I use. 😂
I do have some stuff I haven't shared though...here's a snippet from a scene I'd known about since I first starting writing the fic:
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The desire to search the room for her, to find her, to see what it was that had drawn her away, to know she was still there and safe — it overwhelmed him. But to do so in a room full of Raskian nobility...he'd never be able to explain it. 
So he focused on the women, hoping it might ease the tension in him to listen to whatever silly story Roslin was sharing. 
He was just forcing a laugh out at a point when she'd started giggling when someone cleared their throat from behind the ladies. 
A pair of blue-grey eyes caught his as he looked toward that sound. 
The courtiers looked back at Nesta and skittered away, curtseying quickly first. Cassian couldn't help but raise his eyes at the reaction, even if his gaze remained on the queen.
She stepped closer to them once the space was cleared. Keeping her chin high, she said, "Need I remind you, gentlemen, that you're here to convince me of the positives of an alliance between Rask and Prythian. Not my courtiers."
It was a reprimand from the queen, and yet Cassian found himself smiling, unashamedly watching her as she strode away and toward her sister.
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lavalamp-juice · 4 months
I've been obsessed with the thought of a pet snail
(just wishful thinking not planning on getting one)
Imagine my horror after watching these cute vids of snails eating cucumbers and carrots
it shows people EATING well seasoned snails
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seriously intense barista porn
When I get around to writing that “QYF and GYJ, notoriously besotted couple, start a campaign to get quiet barista Mo Fan to go home with them, all of which MF finds really bewildering” idea that floats around in the back of my head 😂
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conscious-naivete · 1 year
there’s so many fics i’m like. well i wanna read that but i also want to do the dishes. or fold laundry. if only i could listen to it- this is why i like podfic. and then i get all indignant well!!! this fic should have a podfic!! i should do that!! as if i have time or know how
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dayurno · 7 months
(voice of a man slowly losing his mind) does it ever strike you that the plot of aftg is moved by little acts of kindness kevin offered to people who never had any semblance of it before. loving riko when no one would, befriending jean in the nest and keeping him alive through debilitating amounts of trauma, telling andrew he was worth it in a dingy high school locker room, teaching neil every night even if he knew he was about to die
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marielschism · 2 years
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okayy kitsuragi on the brain
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teethkid67 · 4 months
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aka a valentine for the lovely @itsnotmystic / @corvids-calling - fanart for stars fic of the same name, which you can read here !!! i really enjoyed this concept and wanted to do some art for it :3 hope you like it because i REALLY loved your work & i hope this shows that !!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!
this is also a loose love-letter to the wonderful @arginnit 's crazy background-drawing-ability and style/skill at portraying environments . wadds your stuff is insane and i love it
happy @mcyt-valentines exchange !!!!
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evilvvithin · 9 months
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ETHAN WINTERS' hands appreciation resident evil 7 biohazard
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